Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jun 1896, p. 4

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DAY AND {QSAVTURDAY } NIGHT ;Ju;- -.9`,-.., . 33:` .'- tr," ggmlns In Men's Filshings | I Telegraphic Tidings I!-om all warn of the Globe. Condensed nnd Auortod for Buy Bonding -- A Glnnoo Give: You the I -nmn. lfnou. The car ls ill with juundioo. James J. Corbett and Thomas Shurkey will meet in B nish fight. for 8lU,000 a side. A -n-n -unnnnml to haFrnnk Bllflll. A man. suppooed to boFnnk Burns, from Toronto, was ill] near Aylmer by A train. Teeeier a big planing ill! at Penetan- guiahene were totally (I yecl by re on lmndnv mornimr. Ailwulun .. ...a r._.. guiahene tota hursdny mornin Jude Fitzsrera c Thursday morninf. Judge Fitzgera d. Port Arthur, will be married as Fredericton. N.B., on June .'i0t.h, to Miss Wetmoro. um-u Di:-Ha nf Mnrmv townahiu. will .'l1)t.h, to Miss Wecmoro. Henry Pickle, of Murray township, spend three yearsjn Kingston penitentiary for disgraceful conduct. Word has been received of the death by for disgraceful conduct. Word by drowning in Agassiz, B.C., of John Sa- bistan, formerly of Toronto. Tim fIininl_(}M.ahta. London. announces \ Ork. James Shaw, lor many years postmaster, Smith : Falls, is dead. ed sevent -two yams. He wxuaa son of he Hon. amen Shaw. M... W A R Knmr Carleton Plnoe.hn.a Mrs. W. A. B. Knox,.Carlebon Place, has received tidin a of the death of her father, Hector Mao enzie, of Petrolin. aged aixt -lune years. - ri. John Teskev. (`arleton Place, died In. unurcn was non-guinea in man, our. was given a new trial and ultimebely got. a. verdict. for 87-50. He appealed to the divisional court. to increase the verdict, mid the judgment. delivered yesterday nwnrde him 3.'i,.'iU0 Ilnd all costs of the long litigation. euddlu down In a big]. easy Immmol the uncle zephyrn low all the :1: war on of the day to foreiazn shnre~4 Illa luau. unvnn uni-v Attrpu-H\-9 hath Perhaps you hnvo read our advertise- ment. in the papers for the put. two weeks in regard to our great ulo. Lot: of shrewd bayou-a hnvo come in, enminod the goods, found they were `not an we said, and got mad at 01160. born`: plenty loft. now. but Wu onlv I unmtion of dun. not. waeh. mad at `unto : plenty Ion. now. only question of day. not. weeks. when they will be gone. Hndnft. you bet- trnll and 960 QM many hrplnl; '4 brand [I ll. IL. -1-!` -on IL. -um`; Inaulnn l1|umI.H|\n-u U . '(';:"nnd no the 9. London Ohoutsbov u0nurlo Put. curds}, Juno rm. Ad- bistan, tonnerl y 01 Ioronw. The OtIioia.l,.UM.obt.e, London, that Herbert William Broadley has been appointed 1-onsni of Great Brimin at New \ ork. nppoln Yam. Bixgf rs. John Teskey, suddenly last Wednesday of rose cancer. For over it. ears she was-\ oonsistanl: member of t o ethodiat church. Minnnaan F.ncrIinhmnn waranrreutad with territory. W. H. Hudson, Rocklyn. Out., hue skipped on account. of nwfulaccusncioma made against, him. (iodson was highly eabeemei , and was connected with the masonic and Orange orders. _ Ildwnril Hmith. nuariliat. of -Denver. has Origin 0! tire unknown. The Royal Clay manufacturing com- pany, l'hrichs\"ille, Ohio. mid to be open.- Ling Lhe largest sewer pipe worksin the would, has assigned. Too much stock and IL lack of orders, with pressing liubilitiea, are Elven as the causes of the collapse. rr .. u...n.h mmnmr l.umarne. while iven the or me collapse. T a British I-steamer Lucerne, loading at Liverpool for an eastbound voy- age, was discovered to be on fire at, mid- night and was scuttled and sunk to pre- vent. her mum destruction. The re is supposed to have been caused by the ex- plosion of a lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. not: legally max-` ploaion of lamp. legally ried. have been living in Toronto. Ernest. has recently when up with a younger wo- man,whom he says he has married, leaving the first woman in desbitution with six children. She is in poor health and her case is most pitiable. Nova Hnnhiu Methodist conference is in W0l'l'l8i 0! mm; any In xoremn .\l|\uv'< We have uomu very nttrm-ti-9 po\t.V.arn.~a this four. Prices from . )U(' up to >'5`UUI',N("lI. _. When you are out looking for Sporting Goods just drop in here. is most pitiaole. Nova Scotiu conferenceie session in Halifax. There has been an in- crease of 700 in membership during the past year. There are more candidates for the ministry than there are appointments for them. Rev. John Johnson, of New- port, N.S.. was elected president. Senator Gommn, Baltimore. Md., will positively not go to (`hicngo for the na- tionnl convention. He does not think there is nnym-ham-e at this late hour to stem the free silver tide, but believes that a free silver candidate will be nominated. He says Boies will probably be chosen. Mm. Snicer. Went Oxford. 0nt.. was ar- past It has been ("lll`I'8I 1L gossip tnar. ritz- hugh. m~'.-tintuiit to the general manager of thetl. T. uyntenl, was shortly to be up- pointed master of transportation for lines east of Toronto. This morning, however. the rumor had not only gained conniler- able strength, but many other possible chan as were freely (liar-ussed. It is be- lieves by many that Mr. Cotter, of lho Wabash system, will be made master of trans rortation for linen west of Toronto, and t int :1 Mr. Logan will succeed to Mr. Fit1.hugh n )0ll.l0ll. By far the most startling of t ie Iumorv is one Whl(`ll )l`0- [)ll8(.`lU. the resignation, by July lat, 0} J. M. Riddell. usuintunt Puperintendent, Mon- treul, who, it in mid, will be followed in the near future by Messrs. Tillin, Webster uml Morris, rlistriz-t superintendents at T0- ronto uml elnewliere. Many other changes are zliscuanell. mm. In the growth of Sundn school work Ummdn makes an elegant :4 lowing. Dur ing the past, three years the increases in !.he, and Newfoundland have been iI1nchoolal,. 0;'>, in officers and teachms 8,066, in scholars, 67.674. The totals for (humdu me nchool 9,440, olhcers aml teachers, 79,Ht5l, so olnrn, 66-').7H. '1'... ........A |nOAI.| `nr elm l7n.m.l Hf.nOnn lcnghmd Is sovereign There Yet. I.o\'imv_ June `26.-The (llobe, in an article upon the Venezuelan situation, ex~ presses belief that Richard Olney, secretary of state of the United States, has alread) communicuted with the government at (famous, urging the release of surveyor Harrison arrested while constructing a road in disputed territory of Huiana. H Har- rison is not released, the Ulobe adds, Great Britain will be oompolled to exact retirees by other methods. The paper in- sists that pendin s re-adjustment of the bounduries_ En and is sovereignjn the territory eaato the Schombu In line and declares that it would be a pro ound mis- take even to seem to abandon a single inch thereof. The Doctor 00: 05.500. TnH.u\'1`u, June `2Ii.~The divisional court has iven jud ment in the old suit, brought bf r. ('hurc , of Ottawa, agaimt the any 0` Ottawa, for damages for injuries aus- mined by falling `out. of his earrings. The action ha; been in pr rose aincel893. Dr. Church non-sun at first. but was niunn n nnu: trial nnrl nH.|'|-nntnlv (int. n I"0IIl?O IJOIIPC I'II-II-'- E. Murphy. on I charge of having been drunk, was ned 83 and costs with the option of taking a month in jail. The chm-on of nnnlt. nraferred bv W. option 0! taking month In Jail. The charge of noault. preferred by J. Martin ugninot. Alexander Murphy. of Elginburg. wu withdrnwn, defendant hav- inqisottlod the matter out. of court-. Au... -..- ..L........a -m. 1....a.... ....A n. Amer was cunrgea wlnn mvmg noon obooono and only imulting language on the street. he case was nduournod until the 24th inst. '- member of the Methodist church. Nineteen Englishmen werqarreated Mr. Harrison, civil engineer. and are now` in Eldorado station, on the Cuynno river,for their attempt to build a road in Venezuelan tnrritorv. vuuu Inuvvn territory. W. H. in Ann xu men Iramon; mun mum-:4 Io( frame. We an clearing them out M (30-41, masonic and Urange orders. lidwnrd Sxuit.h,)f)ugiliat, -Depver, $1,000 posted at ew York to fight Cor bett for the championship of theworld, un- der the London prize ring rules, with ham knuckles. He also wants to meet Shnrkey. rm... Hn...- milln hnlnnoina to J. and U. knucklen. He also wants to meet. zsnaruey. The Hour mills belonging[,to J. and O. H. Mooney, of Alexandria. Ont., were totally destroyed by re at an early hour this morning. Lose between $25,000 and $.`lU.lN)0; partially covered by insurance. Origin of fire unknown. The Rnvul Olav manufacturing He Hones will probably De Cnosen. Mrs. Spicer, Oxford, rested for threatening in murder her chi!` dron and crying to end her own life. She and her husband had quarrolled, an1think- ing he did not cure for her she seized ar- senic and would huvedoue the rash deed hnd not. her husband promptly interfered. HLRLBH, [GI TIIOTIGH `UNI pr0\ |lI(?0l", (0 D0 lecwd during the next three years to amount, of $35,.'vUS. John Wunnnmal l'hilmlolphin, personally subscribed mm Lonohers, N,Is0I,'sono1nrn, oo.),1 H. The grand totals for the l7ml.evl States and Canada nre: Schools. 142,089. oicerhnnd teachers, l,476,-`M9, scholars, I l,556,806. uruuu nnunn muuu-gum X\lox'rIu;.u., June `.16. --For some time it. has been current gossip that Fitz- Inmh n.-.aiur.nnt. in Hm crnnaml nmmmer of settled the manor out. on court-. . Alder charged with having need em and nronlv imulcinu hmzuuro The Very latest loin crowded Into um I-guano! Inca. I `I'll VOI7 law" now: unnuwu uuv -.- I-alloolof Spoon. There in talk of a new ljberal paper for. Ottnwn. n,..|...+. nuwmm. whim. lormerlv of Pic- I Ottawa. ` Robert Dru oath White. formerly toxz. died in mronto on Tuesday, In-win Foul. aha natrm murdomr of Elsie UST A LITTLEBETTER .. . . . THAN THE BEST ATIT:N'S I$3g died. in Tnront-0 'I`uendny. ' Irwin Ford. the negro murdomr Kroglo, I sixteen-your-old white girl, was hanged in Washington to-day. -Goldie & McCullough company today far the Ca;-novsky wood rncnory. There no thmo vacancies in the senate --tawo of them caused by the resignation of Mean An era and Deejnrdins. Pitta man mm hnnn aivan emnlovment hanged Washington to-day. -Goldie McCullough company took orders for several modern machines far the Ca;-novuky wood factory. ` Thurs are thus Mean An and ueqnrmna. Fifty men ave been given em loyment. in the locomotive workewinoe K` It is hoped that a. new era in dawning for the industry. -9. H. Janos is talked of as a likely suc- ueaday: the industry. '5. H. Jane: likely cessor to Hon. G. A. Kirkpatrick at. `gov- ernment house. Mr. Kirkpuu-iok n term is up in A til next. Josep Jamioeon has been appointed by agent. A private dance will be held tonight. at Channel grove. The atr. America will take 9. party of young people over from the city at eight. o'clock and return with them at midnight. Ev-mnvor Gilrov. of New York.hna been I of the commission. The London Times says that the dis pie 3 by the Canadians at the fire tourna- ' nen't were well received, their edroitneee with the extension ladder escape being eeciall noticeable. r. (: adetone, in a letter to A London paper, said nq one used Ian uage lmlf strong enough against the Tur ish nnltnu and his agents for the inhuman treatment of Armenian subjects. _ 'l`hmmua Hurrin. book-keeoer for J.,E. A til next. Josep the master plumbers of this city to repre gent them at the convention of master Iumbers to be held in Montfenl on July ...I 2nd. R.ocheswr-Norl,h King sails direct Sun- day : 7 p.m.. week days from Port. Hope, take 8:40 n.m. (:`..T.R.. train. For Alex- andria Bay, Sundays, 9 a.m. Hnniey, private at} midnight. Ex-mayor Gilroy, appointed on thegreater New York commis- sion to succeed controller ` Finch. Gen. Benjamin F. Tracey was elected president of the commission. I 'l`l.-lnn:Inn Timon nnvn that the dirt We make to order a Fine French Cal! Boot at $5.00. T"";`.i`u`, \N.ALLEN &SON uA__ .1 1:41;... In... of Armenian subjects. Thomas Harris, book-keeper J. E. Seagram, Waterloo. 0115., was feund dead in his bed on Thursday. The det-eased was nixty-ve years of age and his death was caused by heart failure. David Arnold and an unknown woman Changes In the Human Brain. The wonderful changes which the hu- man brain undergoes from the moment when it first appears in the embryo until it becomes the perfected laboratory of thought characteristic to the matured hu- man being has been commented upon by several of the leading writers on biology, physiology, etc. During these successive changes, or. rnther, transformations from the lower to the higher sphere, the human brain not only takes upon itself the gen- eral shape and form of the brains of vari- ous representatives of the lower classes of animals. but appears to have the same structural constituents, at least toa oer- tsin degree. Thus it has been found that the original germ of the brain as it appears in the human embryo has the exact out- lines of a serpent's thought fuctory. After that the changes which take place while the brain is assuming the various shapes which it must undergo before it becomes perfect give it a decided resemblance to the brains of fishes. birds and mamInlfer- ous animals. u.h.'. "'l`hnnnhr.n nn tho i -its-unt.nru of animals. Rein`: `1`hought.a _0n the Structure of the Human Bruin" and Wilson : Anni.- omy of the Human Body" both Inenliun that quest trnnntornintions, my dues niso Hugh Miller in his famous work. Tusti~ many of the Rocks." Miller puts it. in this wny: it has long been known that this human brain is built up by n wumlorfui process. during which it assumes in luc- oouion the form of the brain 0! n serpent, I till). I bird and lmltiy. boioro in BSHUIIIUI cho ohnncteriulo human (mm, It. taken upon itceli tho outline of n malumifuroun quu|rupod'I bnin." Hanna the 1-unmrk tnnko by scientic writers that man is the lam wui of all animals. "-53. luiu Hu public. _ Tho Berlin` mom! Zoitutig noortu 1.}: Indian Vet . Pmnhn ullnlll caused by nearv mnure. David were found dead in a room in 11 house of ill-repute in Wilkeabarre, l'u. They had been suffocated by gas. Amold was 11 mine laborer. His wife lives in Wales. .H- n rnnnfinn nf Nnw Fnnrlnnrl vnnnnfnn. mine laborer. rue wue lives In nulore. At a meeting of New England mnnufac~ tururs, in Bosbomil. was stated Llmt. .3,0lm_- 001) cotton spindles in New England would probably be idle during July and August, in order that the surplus stocks might, be exhausted. I-`unpntlnrr nnw hnrnnlnn nl nur nrrnnf. exnauawu. Every day new bargains at our great sale. This morning we received a job lot ofyoutha suits which were wold by the manufacturer at $5. By taking the lot. we are able to sell them for the very low price of $4, Grand Union. This mnrnnry mu hlnnhnu ffv.l.wn as a result 0! ma aeveiopmeim. (lodey`s Magazine for July begins the l.`l3rd volume of the well-known publica- tion and is A good specimen of the pioneer in its modern form. It. has improved greztliy during the past year and now holds a g place among the popular illustrated magazines. Sundnv about noon the big steamer Sundav about noon big Euradic,!beariiig the Toronto bicyclists to the annual meet of the C. `V. A., nt Que- bec, will touch at this poi The visitors will bemot at the wharf 3' the members of the local club, and v urtod around the city. It is expecto` uuny hundred wheel- men will be in the city for a couple of hours. uuy unwnuuuu, uuu m .u......., ..m.,,,...... Shu purmltr: huruuif no asnurtiun or profor- eucea. If tho young mun in his mighti- mmn cimusos to mnkn n rumurk, shu sniilus; it hu quustlonn, she uhukeu her hand or alghsu nmno.-syiluhiu; if he wishus to sit down. she sits down; if he dusims in khan her, she lot:-i hursulf bu kissed. She! nccupls everything as from in god. Thur. thu ayu.-4 of tho duit-y may not be otiuudud who is guwnml in but host. Hnlf hur hum! is our ered with woolly curls, prutoctud from the breezes nnd thn fog by the net of come; omtml mahlun. Her aring inst, covurud with cheap ower, is airiiy pinnud on tho neckwurd siupu of her hand. With no un- qnutryutlmr than this piumingnf her pet- uou duos she nttempt to pic-use her future lord. u lmmloahiu 4 lm vnnn anm-ma Hm woman`: JOHN HENDEB30N&00~l 0! -`,5-1_. l-`rand union. This morning 600 blankets, fty-two round tents and three large nmrquectea were ship (I from the government stores here to lleville. for use of the .'u7Lh Peterboro Ran era on the occasion of their visit there on uly lst. It. in axnanhad bv Wnahinomn olliciulu vum more July ISL. It is ex ted by Washington that the Venezuelan ditculty, the arretst of Britisbere, will be settled within a few days. and they I88 no reason why the boundary question should be complicnveu result of it: development. Hndnv`n Mmmzine for Julv begins -.-yum. -uu n....-... ...-..n.. Ono day in (Ihuring (7ros.~a station, London," says ll wonmn recently returned from aoonsidurnhle stay in who English motrnpulin. "I nutloud four young mun walking up tmd duwu timplntiurxn, muck- ing and twirling thuir czmuu. Prunumiy from a third class unrriugo of un inomning train stuppuii four good luuklng girls, weighed down with simwi.-I, lunch ilxmkuu and vniirwn. lly tim men, who had ovi- duntly lmon waiting for limm, thvy wan- curtiinlly grelalml. but not nviiuvuti of their luggugu. 2-in fur an my eyes uuuid fuliuw their prugrn.-en. Innw the girls still drug- ging their Iminngingn, uml Lho mun twirl- ing thuir canon. Tim lnniulnnt ah-ikinulv llinslrnin-z Hm duy I [: nnnun mm. lnovlmhly the man soorna the woman's Intellectual llfu. An English samlemeuc worker suld to me, whsu I romunnt.1'ut,eul at his having n Sunday aftyarlmon mootlng (or men only: `It I snld bring your wlvee nnd daughters, the men would not oome. is would be lmposnlbla for me to convlnoe them than`: the mam prescuceol the women need not make our nwotlng only t. for M'boa.' "--New Ybrk Times. lug mun l`hn mcldunt an-lklngly 1llustrmu~< tho anltlulu taken Luwunl women by ];ll}(.-Il)- mun of Hm pmplu nml Um luwur middle class. Engllnh wumun of no cluss have as nearly from! l.lm1m<(-lvo.-a from Hm In-lp of Lhu mun um Lhu Anmrlcuna. The lnwur UMIHFUH have not lmgun UllIl|l](`.I]H|KiIIll. The uuw goapul has nun yut. Imun pruuulmd unto thum. -"l`hu unhnuln nf nu "`.lIID'h.`h n|rl luwnrd '1 her Lnlllul ` Indhnno Vn WOMEN AND MEN IN ENGLAND. ml. `The attitude of an Eugiir-`in girl toward r `young man is of nu iniq-riurtmvunl :1 purlur. Wimn walking with him Sun- y ufburnuun, she is humbly 1-ucnptivo. .. mu-vnII.~ hm-unif nn n-aunt-l.Inn or nrnfnr- :c IlHng' from Bicycle Business !| GENERAL PARAG RAI-';H8. (H H lHIl'l'll)r Lll\VlU'(l El xlklng h1mh'un- ; n ` If I... nnlnlunu in all ' mn EllKH.~Ih- no . cl... |...l-. nl uuasuus c0RRE'1D"| Uuaaaaiuo | Addington. Bell, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Algomn, (election J une 30th) . . . . . . . . Bothwoll, Clancy. U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brant, South, Henry. C . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brockville,Wood, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bruno. North, McNioll. C. . .` . . . . . . .. Bruce, Eut. Cu ill, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . , Bruce, Wall). To mic. P . . . . . . . . . . .. Cnrdwell, Stubbe. Ind . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Carleton, Hodgin-, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cornwall and tormont. Bergin, 0.. n..mI.u Rmlar. C ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. UP TO THE HOUR OF GOING ` PRESS. Cornwall and awrtnont. nergun, u.. Dundns, Broder, C . . . . . .. Durham, East, Craig, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . Durham, West, Beith, L . . . . . . . . . .. Elgin, East, Ingram, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elgin, West, Casey, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Essex, North, Moth-ogor, I. . . . . . . . . .. Essex, South, Cowun, L . . . . . . . . . . .. Frontenac, R0 ers, 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ilengnrry, Mc .ennsn, (1 . . . . . . . . . . .. Grenville, Reid, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Grey, East. S roule, C . . . . . . . . . . . .. Grey, North, lurk, L . . . . . . . . . _ . . . , Grey, South. Landerkin, L . . . . . . . . . . Haldimund and Monclx, Montague, C. Hnlton, Henderson, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wood, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hmmlton ` } McPherson, 1. . . . . . . . . . . Hastings, East, Hurley, L . . . . . . . _ Hastings, North, Carseallen, C . . t . .. I-Iastings,West, Corby, U . . . . . . . . . . . . Huron, East, McDonald, L . . . C . . . _, Huron, South,McMillnn, L . . . . . . . . .. Huron,West. Cameron, L . . . . . . . . . . . . Kent, Campbell, L t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kingston, Britten, L . . . . . . . , . , , ,. . Lambton. East, Fraser, I. . . . . . . . . . ._ Lambton, West, Lister. L. . . . . . . . .. Lsnark. North, Rosamond,` C . . . . . . . . Lansrk. South, Hag t. G. ., . . . . . , ,_ Leeds and Grenvill orth, Frost, L. Leeds. South, Taynr, C . . . . . . . . . . .. Lennox, VVilson, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lincoln and Niagara, Gibson. L. . . . London, Beattis, (I . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. u;.I,u...... |.'....o 1: rnnnr, (`. new I) Albert. Lewis, Ind. Carleton, Hall, (`AV n uv II nvuu. Annapolis, Mills. (,' ....` Antignnish, lW(?[8Ml('. I... Colchoater. Dimock. C. . . _ Cumberland, Logan, L. . . Cape Breton, Tupper, C ` Cape Breton. Mchougall. Digby, (Jopp, L . . . . . . . . . . Huyaborongh, Fraser. I... Halifax. Borden. C . . . . . .. Hulifnx, Russel, L. . . .. Hunts, Haley. L . . . . . . . Inverness, M:-Lennnn. L.. Kinga, Borden, I. . . . . . . .. Lunenburg. Knulbnch, (`, Pictou. Tupper, (7 . . . . . ` . Pit-rnu, Hell. (3 , . A, , London, tseatme, K; . .. Middlesox, East, Hilmour. C. ....... Middlenex, North, Ratz, l . . . . . . . . .. Middleaex, South, Mcuugan, I . . . . . .. Middlesex, West, Calvert, l, . . . . . . . . Muskokn, McCorxnack, C . . . . . . . . . . . Nipissing. Klock, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Norfolk, North, Charlton, L . . . . . .. Norfolk, South, Tisdale, (T . . . . . . . . . Northumberlund, East, Cochrune, C. Northurnberlnnd, West, (lulllet, 1`. . . Ontario. North, Graham, P . , . . . . . Ontario, South. Burnett, l. . . . . . . . . . Ontario, West. Edgar. L . . . . . . . . . . . Ottuwn, Hutchinson, l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 rm... . unIm~..un I . 1 . . `Azbargam lot Tues, 2 for 25. J.`MeAn's Outing Shirts, 35c and Uttuwn, nutcnunaon, I. .. Ottawa, Beloourt, L . . . . . . . . . .. Oxford, North, Sutherland, L. . . Oxford, South, Cartwright, L. . . . Peel, Featherawn, L . . . . . . . . . .. Perth, North, Mnclmren, (`. . . .. Perth, South, Erb, L . . . . . . . . . . . Peterboro, East, Lang, L . . . . .. Pete: boro, West, Kendry, U. . . . Prescott. l'r0ulx, L . . . . . . . . . . .. Prince Edward. Pettit, P. . . . . Renfrew, North, Muckie, L . . . . .. Renfrew, South, Ferguson, C. . . Russell, Edwards, L . . . . . . . . . .. Simcoo, East, Bennett, (J . . . . . . , . Simcoe North, McCarthy, Ind. Simcoe, South, Tyrwllitt, C. .. Toronto, Centre, Louut, I . . . . .. Toronto, East. Robertson, Ind. Toronto, West : (6l"l:|:.'LC: Yictorin North, Hu hes, C . . . . . . Victoria South, Me ugh, L. . . .. Waterloo, North, Seagram, C. Waterloo, South, Livingston, L. Welland, McCleary. C . . . . . . . .. Wellington, Centre, Semple, L. Wellington, North, McMullen, I Wellington, South, Kloe far, (I. Wentworth, N. & Brant, omervil Wentworth, South Bum, L. . . .. York, East, Frnnkland, L... . York North. Mulock, L . . . . . . . York, West, Wallace, Ind. . . . . uUIR'l'- Argenteuil. (}hrist,ie, I. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. T3 Bngot, Dupont, (I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. um- Beauharnois, Bergeron, I` . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 Belleclmsse, Talbot, L . . . . . . . . . . . ` . .. 300 Betbhier, Benusoliel, I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . am Bonaventure. Fauvel, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3|`: Benuce_ Hodbout, I. . . . . . . . . . . . ` ` . .. Ii: Brome, Fisher. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `_ T.' (7hnmbIy and Vercheren, Heotfrion, I... 300 Hmmplnin, Mnrcotte, (I . ` . . . . . . . . . .. 424 ' (lhurlevoie, An ere, L . . . . . . .. . . . . . . H6 Uhntemnglmy. rown. L . . . . . . ` . ` . . . 340 (`hicoutimi and Snguenny, Smart}, 1.. I500 (`/om xbon, Pope, (` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H 500 Dore eater. Morin. (` . . ` . , , . . . . . . .. 224 Drummond and Arthnbm-uka, |.uver~ noun I LOVIN, 1-un_\'. 1. . . . . . . L . . . . . . . .. .... 1.- L'lslot, Dechene. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. N Lotbiniore, Rinfret, L . . . . . . . _ 4l .... 4.30 Mniasonneuve, Prefonuxine, (7. .. ....H."r_ Mnakinonge, Legrin, L . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150 Megantic. Turcohw, L . . . . . . . . . . . .. 500 .\lisainsquoi,Meigs. L . . L . . . . . L . . . . . .. IIT Monbmngny, (ihoquetw, L . . . . . . . . . .. 300 1 Montmorency, Cnsgrain, C . . . . . . . . . . . 50 1\l0nt.renl,SL. Anwino l)is.,Ro(ldick. C. 167 Montreal, St. James` l)is.,l)emm`is. L.|34M Mont1`enl,Sb. Lawrence 1)is..l'onny, L. 717 Montreal, St. Mary's I)ia., Dupre. L. .136! Montreal, St. Anne I)is., Quinn. (2. ._ 135 1 I I lVl0nLcalm. l)uqn.a. C . . . . . . . . . L . . . . .. 989 Nicolet, Lednc, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ _ Pontiac, Poupore. C, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 l'ort.neuf, Joly, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I38 1.)uebec(`enLre, Lnngelier, L . . . , . .. . 307 Quebec l'I:mt;, Luurier. 1.. . A . . . . . . . . .`_".5U Quebec Went, Dobell. Ind . . . . .. . . . . `.3413 Quebec county, Fit7.p:mriok. L . . . . . .. RIM Riolunond and Wolfe, Stemmn, L. . . . , `.21). : Riq-helieu, Brunenu,..' . . . . . . . . . . . Rlmouakl, Fmet, I::h:M'l I 4 .', . Rouville, Brodeur, .. -. . Sb. Hyncinthe. Bernierf3 ""`E a" '2 -.. . , St. Johns nud Iberville, Bcf""' "EM. V... Sheffuld. Pnrmnlee. L . . . . . . .'P`"` ~ L . . . . Shorbrooke. Ives, C . . . . . . . . . .'."?) Vh . . _ Stansbend, Moore, (J. .. . . . . . . . . hU|}\,_ Soulangea, Bourbonnnis, L L . . . . . H8611" _ Temiscouata, Pouliot, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . "CWM Terrebonne, Uhnuvin, (3. . . . . . . . . . . .. `1UW` Three Rivers-Sc. Maurice, Caron, C. .. Mi Two Mountain, Ethier, L. 4 . . .... .. T`| Vnudreuil. Harwnod. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 300 'right, Devlin, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . L . ,, `_".!.'w Ynmnslm, Mignoault. L . . . . . . . . . .. . 43:! Pncnou, rsell. U . . . . . .. ._.. Richmond. Gillies, (7 . . . . . . . . . Shelburne and Queerw. Forbeu. Victoria. Bethune. (I . . . . . . . . . . Ynrmouch, Flint`, L . . . . . . . . . . Hrummonu mm nrumuurmu, u.uvcu~ gno. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hmzpe, Lemieux, I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Huntington. Scriver. L . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . Hochelaga. Madore, I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Jacques Cartier. Monk, (3 . . . . . . . . . . .. Joliebte, Bazinct, L . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , Kmnounulka, (tnrroll, L. . . .. . . . . . . .. Lnbelle. Bournasn, L . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. l.nml, Fortier, I. . . . . . . ` . . . . ` . . . . .. Lupmirie and Nnpierville. Mouette, L l.'Ar~noInpt.ion, (:nut.hier, I. . . . . . ,. Inviu Hnnv. L . . x.ruurIIt.Laoo..4.-u,u:i::'.u.I; -QAAAQAAAAAAAAAA. ~_ ' `hie . _iBLOOD MAKER RBLIEVBS ` wuqlxnua IV BRINGING THE BLOOD nu: 1'0 5 IIBALTIIV nun , u , Bell, U. .....l flill: , N. oz branmaom . . L. 1, L. H . k..,...... . r0 4 '"` P J VV ALSH . VOVI DIUGODT POI IT. . . Iuu SUI Dluuu Wcnkqgu ol tln Hurt llynurln Ioonlunnnn Quebec-. ,:;.o.'.. I mar, \ , . . . . . . lomervil|e.l.. I ow 196 .l000 `IRII _ J25 Ill Ulll `. E18 `I574 IKAK .llll . 300 240 .1617 [l-) .' VYTTCUIIIIX "$.13" WW Ibo wcnkuocuo pm-nun no that: ...'.:`--...-W-::::;.:,.;::.v.:;:;-2-.;.*-.-:1-a II nah! euro. 95` ' . . "fj;.UndershIrts, a. special lot, 20c. 1% ' Underwear cheap. F . W ashzonable Collars, 2 for 25c. Lg; Men's Braces, 15c, zoc, 25c. v.U'nlaundried Shirts, special, 4 . an.) .1830 . 773 ` 469 1'1 . N ` 658 . 41215 I59 WJBI 479' mn: "" I 1.59. 1": nru 117 mm V :00 . 640 on: 2.5` mol 579 I ) I -...,..,......... ..,- .._ and tempting, mull 5-, atnntly surrounded. .-_r1:, tainment. was u Fl 7-_o Daughters of Rebekk f 310 ""- '50 Canadian Fun [00 At the regular n : 341; Court Macdonald. 1` H7 der of Foresters, in '_ ,0, Oddfellows mm, H: 945 otcers was held mu ; ,9 J.l'.C.R.,C. '1`. Dicl 44 nebt; V.C.R., F. M. av. A.Thomnson: F.S.. ,... .7 L .'s Tan Socks, 15c, 20c, 25c. Fagt. Black Socks, 15c, 20c, -1- I90 09`. . .)Uu 3| 7 oar. t 20. ) 429 I I3 `Ill! ncwnr. 'Iutnn6 80 ` iNm,L |'.`.wL m. 56 '_'Ni 260 Ag 01:1 384 `ll 9 mm Charlotte, Ga fllnnngnsnn ll Gannon . C . . . . . ._. . . . . Gloucoatnr, Blnnc ard. C . . . . . . . . . . Kent. Mclnerney. C . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kings. Domville, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norlmmberland. Robinson, C. . . . Reecigoucho, McA|list.or. C . . . . . .. Sunbury and Queens, King, I.. . . . . St. John City. Ellis, L . . . . . . . . . . .. St. John City & county, Tuvkur, |., Victoria. Coucignn. C . . . . . . . . . . . . Weatmorelaud, Robinl4on,L . . . . . . . . York. Foster, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . : lungs, Ur. mcmtyre. 1.... Prince. Eat. You L. . . . . ' Prince. West. uckett, I Queen :-, East. Martin, 0.. |Queen'.-I. West. Davies, I... rrlnrv nuw-ru I Kings, Dr. Mclntyre, L. Prince. East. Yoo. '-g:*'--......-`=~:: J'.:':Z'.`i;:E?V. and woman. note:-nae lost 1. IIIQ A II h up an . lilllllbouua 3 Bmndon. McCarthy. lnd. . .. , Liagnr. Richardson, I. . . . . I1 -Mu uebte, Roche, U . . . . . .. Mac ounld. Boyd, 0 . . . . . . . .. Pxovenclner. LaRi\'iere. C. . .. Selkirk. McDonald, L . . . . .. Winnipeg 1 `ity. Mncdonald, C, AVIII'I:ll' vv v-u. I :2: u an" Alberta, Oliver. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . Asainaboiu, East. Douglas. 1`. Assinaboiu, West, Davin, C. . Sas|mt.(`hew:\n, Laurier, L. .. . Brltluh Columbia. Burmrd, B.(`.., Maxwell, L. . . .. New \\'estminst.er. Morrison. l.. Vancouver, Mclnnes, L . . . . . . .. Victoria, Prior, (' . . . . . . . . . . . .. \'ic'boria, Earle, (J . . . . . . . . . . . . Yale and Uarribon, Boston-k, l.. . Ernest ululng. Aged Ten Years. llllulux halt Nlgllt. Albert A. Uisaing. who resides at the corner of Montreal and Stephen streets, called at the police station at ten o'clock lantnight toenquire whether or not the police had met his adopted son, Hriient (lisaing. who, he slid, had been lost sinve six dclovk in the evening. The lad is about ten years old and had been on Barrieeld common looking for some cattle. At the hour mentioned he was seen on Cataraqui bridge by the toll gate keeper, who advised him to 0 home, and who says the little fellow ollmyed. and started cityward. That was the last seen of him. The father is a coal oil dealer, and said he was not afraid that the boy was lost, as he is well acquainted with the streets ol the city, having accompanied his adopted father on his daily drives, delivering oil to customers, for the past eighteen months. The lad was in his shirt sleeve.-4, more ii light cloth cap, dark l(lIlCl(8l`l)0(`ll6l`, and was barefooted. I/(Invert llllu I` vnuvnu. There was a fairly large attendance in the city hall last evening, at the straw- berry feetivul and concert given by Louise lodge. lluughtera of Rebekl-rah. Mayor Elliott prenided, and opened the concert. programme with a few Appropriate words. The literary pirogmmme was as follows : Piano solo, Harvey; song, Mr. Cook; reading. Miss H. Petch; piano dust, the Misses Hu hes; son , Mrs. Stillwell; piano 3010, Miss lgilgate: uildrens, R. Meek; song, Mr. Malcolm; piano 3010, Mrs. Carnovsky. The refreshments provided were seasonnble nml the tables were con- Altogether the enter success of whinh the Rebekkuh may be proud. Parasols and Umbrellas. Gents Underwear. . Ladies and ,Children's Vests. Corsets and Gloves. Mohairs and Light Dress Goods. Prints and Washing Dress Goods." Linens and Sheetings and hundreds of Fancy. Articles at reduced prices. Come early for first twoice. hulluuluu ruruluurn uuuwuau meeting, lust. night. of No. Ml, lrumdinn Or- in their lodge room in the annual election of otlicers and resulted as follows : J.l'.C.H., C. Dickson; (`.R.. J. C. Ben~ u\nII- V!` II II` M \NillinInnnn- l{ H (3 neLL; V.U.K., 1`. M. VVlllIamEOl): n..n., \/. A. Thompson: F.S., W. 1*`. \Vebst,er:tre1\~ surer, H. H. Ileggeuz clmplnin, I`). Pigion; S.\V., Sergt.-Major Morgans; J.W., W. J. Thompson; S.B.. S. F. Reid; .!.H., E. B. Ryder: physician, Dr. bed. The court. is in 11 very Hourie-hing (`0l|li.i()IL and in rapidly extemling its inuence, uiul increasing its membership, For depression of 3 iriba, nen and general weakness. iller H (Em Iron Pilh are u sure cure. MI (lune:-I L` u .m n,.. I: :' vu:...Imn AVEJUPAMER CLEARING SALE W i 51 PILLS. Thoy will rutli both physics! and mental. . C RING WOMEN Till): Ihn Dnnknn-an nu-nun uh Ihnlu Begins To-morrow at 9 o clock and continues one month. mu mm sum (`urn Kohl by E. (`. Mit.(-Jmll. ONE MORE BOY LOST. commniku. `neon; \ .n.. .1 Williamson: w 1.` \`4 nhn Iarnovsk) ioasonnble vhirh proud. Bl !- . mdinn a lection 4 follows: J. : 11.5., C. rater: brew ;J.H., )od. 10HC8, l'V0ll.'ilI8H fmnpounnl '1 (`Nth-A. I 50 Odd Jobs of mural decorations, interior and exterior. painting, &c., are given as prompt and careful attention :15largercon- tracts. [.et"us beautify your home at a reasonable cost. ROBINSON BROS. I'ni||N~r~4.I)e(`ornY0rx1.(llr|Ail=rH. to, 275 -7 BAOOT ST. MAJESTIC How to Keep Cool . . CRUHLEY BROS. ac, ac. mu, :4 I-/41.`. Fancy Chambrays and Muallnn, new- est designs. Dl:(n Wnnrxr and Hlnnk AIhH.{`.2L Dre:-m {'1'} 3?} C1`? 'i- 1 `C-'.'~ C+}C~-C-I-C+}C+}` L-X-A-\CIJ9L-`QJL-x-X-X-m --*s ek->219:-,xo)go)\y est designs. Plain, Fancy and Black Alpaca. Dress unnrlu L-rem-Jmx-myg BUR P. P. A. Fancy & Gerwral Confectloner K IN'(l HT. PHUNH 31.0. oc.~ ,- Sweaters for Boys and Men, PEACHES 43,832 PLUMS APRICOTS Fresh from that glorious cli- mate of California. ,,.........,,, .- M attention at I ,.-' ON THE CORNER. R. H. TOYE. , every good thing about w_. Ft )! New Goods go to -7-- -__- 88 &'90 Princess Street. -nd -nnrjnal 1 Man of Golda: Boom! I->Al :<>red Laundried Shirts with 5 Cdllars and pair of Cuffs, 89c L 0 one door below Clty Hotel. TAYLOB S Ij Inxullna l nhnlhmnllln Raw nnrlnh u hln ggavy Cotton Socks, 3 for 25. ;f_Fine Laundried Shirt for jXIWOlI.I C WEAK iin"":'"ri' I IX nll lnnrln-On-an n-II!-I I nonna mm In] being tted 1 all. made to Than nun. ITIIHC I0 ()l'(IQl . Then you vuntr Hm bent. quality sud utyla than can he had for the Imonnt 0! money you have to spend. Ind right here oomes our hold on thrifty and or-onomicnl men. fur we hnvo a lawn stock and 3 nmnnsr antler. V 311!` III G I` I OIQ min-Inc {mm mound worry. Queues. or toll-nbuu. D 1.. will noun 3 "KI Il Ill II III P `WU IIIW` l'l|II'l$ HllK9" mpnseolhilltyuf any man I propurly on-9|! with: n nnlnr ICIIUKIE W UV BOOTS Low Price Store n. 'r|I\ n_|_n-ng Rhvnnf loop nu! John Bull`! Treasury In oven-Ilovvlug-'l`he luvutlnontu not in Dulrnble 3: the lnglllh Donlro---'l'no Yearly Accumula- tlonl--0|n|d| In: like some of It. Nlw Yonx, June 20.~'l`ho Journal pub- lishes the following special cable deapowh from London this morning: While the wool. ol the United States is crying for free silver, England to-dn la suorin from a glut. of money. The nks are fu l, chok- ed with idlo mom for which is in impos- sible to nd any Investment that would evonpn tbooont. of the brokers commis- sion. nhonomennlly cheap in money in UIIIIU I'll I-lllll GIIJ Islvvuvuqv-.-1 v----- v v - - -a sion. phenomenally cheap money London to-do that it is possible to bor- row, practlcaly, an unlimited amount at the rate of twent -ve cents a day for over 5,000. T are is now on depoaitjn the Ink of England alone. more than "250,000,000 more money than was lying there nine months ago, and the amount on deposit has been steadily mounting up during that period, and is still increas- in . gfhere was in the bank last Thursday l4.000.000 of public deposits, that is government money. The usual amount thus on do it is from 5,000,000 to .1324,- 000,000. his money is largely made up of funds set aside for the redemption of consolsand of funds depdsited in the post office savings bank, for which investment is desired. But there is now no desirable investment to be found, and console have no so high that the government will not uy them. Private and joint stock banks have 50,500,000 on deposit in the Bank of England, which is l2,000,000 more than was so deposited last October, and .l7,000,000 more than at this time two years ago. The Bank of Enland's own reserve [LOADS or msny mm, _cuno. 8: HY:-tnguela. 7. Nations 0--At Chi ' I7; Pitu- bu . 10. At isvillo,-3; Innd. 8. At Kenton, 0; Brooklyn, 5. AQ 80. Louis, 8;Cincinnu1', 5. -IOIIO$`IIo Qvnrurmwn. Juno `l6.-Tbo Ounsrd dauurcunpaoia which nailed {mm New York. June Nth, arrived hon At 7:19 debut this morning. having undo the pump in five dun. utunln.,.honn and uke:-no ninnhn. Th Omnmniu took AND IT LIES IDLE IN BANKS FOR INVESTMENT. Armenia. The correspondent hu kkoivod the fol- lowing statement from Capt. Vinlur: "1 have witneued hideous enormities. Ar~ moninn girls and women were ublicly sold at auction. A mother throw or two daughters incoa well before my oyeeto an them from the Turks. Evidence: of Tnrkinh olliclnl oom icity have been ob- tained by me. The oroign press should be uhnmod to rennin indilforonb." Capt. Vinlu doplol-on the humiliating rule no- coptod by Frnnco. The porn continues to hang Armenians publicly. in -two five dayl, manta. The (km on!!! |lH'0Ml'll hot ,, nuuon an cntwu-d nunlco. dual, noun and in record VI houtn Hammovk. Whmtn niver th on ludown M1,.` Immmm-k, - ow mu-e.~ can an of mm Jan: tn Tm-inn England : fund. ten days ago, was 1 1,500,000 more than it nmnunted to nine months ago, and the stock of gold and bullion on hand was man than 132,000,000 in excess of the amount on hand lut October. Thin nnmliojnn nl Affnlrn in the Rank of There IFI thrown on me marten nere every year about l20,000.000 seekin invent- menb. This vast sum of mouey( ` .000,- OUO) represents the annual surplus cash sc- cumulated in the country. saved from its income, and is altogether apart from the income reinvested In home industries. I am told that undoubtedly the whole of last year's accumulation. and much more, remains idle in the hands of its owners. Iinanfinfnnfnrw finnnninl r-nntiitinnn in leaning law men to oeneve man it uoee. Nextcomes the question whether, sup- po-ing they have lost their seat, the two senators can again be reappointed by the resent government, before it reeignii? he precedent of the Mackenzie govern- ment. by whom several nominations of rliflerent kinds wen: made, after their defeat in parliament, and before they resigned, is invoked for the ailirma- tive, while others any that there in a difference between the two cause, for while the Mackenzie administratio had been in power for A conuidomble ti o, with the support of the house. the Tu ier cabinet hus bad no actuslexistenee, having never met parliament and being new eet aside by the people. There may be in this some interesting point for the governor-general to decide. amount. hand Iut Uotober. This condition of ailra in the Bank of England is a fair sample of the Hitunbioll throughout. the country. Everywhere there is a great. glut. of idle money, for which no satisfactory use can be found. There is thrown the market. here every nnnr chant. (`I90 {M11000 unkinv invent- mense volume across we Auanuc. In the past. two months about $50,000,- 000 hss been invested in En land in vari- ous cycle and cycle supp y companies. The greatest. of these companies is one or szanizetl solely to manufacture and market rubber tires. Of course this $54).()()u,0m is but. a drop in the bucket. taken irovn the whole amount of idle money, but. it, largely rep`resenl .s the smnll investor, and, there fore], in that way means very much. Shiall companies have been organized to umluan a propnemry emu. Breweries, bukeliea, dry goods stores and shops of all kinds ure being incorpor- ahod. and the shares of those which at- bmct the public, are snapped up instant- I . y lTnfort,uImt.e|v there in danger that this A lothor Illlod Her Dnuglhtoru |n Rave Thnun .'rnln 'I`nrI:. IIIBIII ITUIII IIIKIII New \'un.K, June `:6.--A special to the Herald from Constantinople says : An- other an imr outbreak occurred at Vnn, on \ odn ny. and 400 were killed. The Pet-signs no promotii the disturb- uncut and fomonting the It throughout Armenia. Th; any-v-guru-untlnn 0 has Ai vnrl OLA `nl . remains Idle In me nanus or its owners. Unsatisfactory financial conditions in various parts of the world where British capital has been invested have stopped fur- ther investment in these directions, and hays also caused a coniderable withdrawal of the capital put out. The troubles in the Transvaal last year brought a great deal of money back to England, as also the many and various trouble in South Ameri- can nonntries. can countries. The British capitalist is distrustful of American investment, and this, probably, is the most important factor of all in cans- ing the present phenomenal glut of money here. Not only is money not bein invest- ed in the United States, but the withdraw- nl of uapital from there has been exceed- ingly heavy within the past nine months and particularly since the lirst of the year. It the financial nolicv and a omceful " Acomplote line (if Fishing Tackle a ghsnd. -- and particularly since we ursr. or me your. If-the nancial policy peaceful foreign policy in the United States were positively settled, very much, if not prac- tically all of this vast amount of money lying idle in England would How in im- volume the Atlantic. In tho nnef. hun rnnntlun nhnnf. 150 (IV) . lord, in mm. much. Siuall companies organized e ploit, all kinds of patents, and the Intent. lpa of companies are seekin capital, nnd Glazing it ready. to boom c esale of pn- teut medicines and health foods. A few days ngou company was incorporated to build and carry on 11 music hall, and per- haps the oddest. company ofull is to es- tublieh proprietary club. Breweries. bukeliea. drv goods l l l7nfort.unat.ely danger new speculative fever will have n dismz~ Lroux-I ending for many investors. Many of the do'1.ens of new little companii->4 un- doubbedly haven substantial foundation, but] um bold chub there are many ocliera that cannot fail to experience utter vol- lapee in nlonger or shorter period, afwr the first payment on the shares his been made. Undoubtedly the large capitalists are looking anxiously. many hopefully, to II satisfactory settlement. of the mone- tary and common cial conditions in the l'n- itod States. the only r'uli0;|l relief now discernible for the great glut, ulidle nmney in England. ...-. _..-.. A . -..q.. a. : ul uuv can-no MIIVTRI-'.\I., June '18. --(}an Messrs. An- era and Iieajardins return to the senate Y n the first place. the question comes up whether a senator's candidature for the commons, ipeo fm-to, disqimlies him and vacate: his seat, in the upper house `I The abolition of thedouble mandate leads some lending law to believe that it does. Next comes the (mention whether. sun- Dld Their Cnndltlnnure Dinqunly 'I`lmm Ir... um aunt. - _, _ , Yolurdsrc Oahu. Euurn o-At Scrnnuon. 8: To- nnnln 0 Al, nnlunnlnp Q0 PI-nvirlnnnn. 3. No Waun Iludloino note In nhsoly u lil- W n at at THE UNSPEAKABLE wax. CAN THEY GO BA-CK 7 form. not ``revolution,' the Moneury Times says, to-day : The safest thing to do is to refer back to his correspondence with Mr. Bertram, and we have, in fact. very little elee to aruide us, end this. perhaps. fairl lead: to the conclusion that the uty on materials which manufacturers work up would be reduced when not made free. The story that Sir Richard Cartwright will not be made minister of nance is doubt- ful. Sir Richard is by far the moat ca - ble men for that poet in his party, and his silence during the electoral content is as I guarantee that he hes aoce ted the modi- cation of the tariff policy w ich helped the part to win. ho tone of Sir Richard Cartwright at $65.00. Twgqell Taiming En. nnr helnw Cllv Hotel. ` AIIOII II. Tonorrro, J une 2.--CoInmenting on the probable tzari licy of Mr. Launer, md on wluat he pro abiy means by tariff re- '`revolution, the Monetary thing 'l`i.-gnu nnvn fn.nv : paw-an vu vnsv ........ r--.-_, ._ ,, _ _ Montreal, on Thursday, was reassuring to interests which may not deem themselves menaoed by his past utterances. He (lis- clsimed the idea of a revolutionary policy, leaving the inference that the tariff wou cl be touched with a gentle hand. On the oth- or hand the eluted hope expressed by the resniblicans at Washington over the politi- on changes here implied that they expect a trade policy in their favor carried out. It behooves the victorious party in Canada to let it be known that discrimination against Great Britain has no place in their pro- gramme. Tny.lor, Pstro hu nturnod to Bnlhbury. br living nliovod Gho Janis, Motion :0 OM-lvvnuw ch tit had dolomi- ` (Doe: out Next Week. 0'l"I'A\\`A, June 26.--Ex~I-ienator (iueore- ment has been appointed poet. muiter at. Sore]. L. J. Forget, president of the On- tario & Richelieu navigation company. was appointed some days ago to the vacant eenatorahip. Itin exuecned that Sir Charles Tupper Ion mug mun no on with the robbery. -.__.._; AA nu. Bmonnnn, June 20. - Wodnesdny Iltcnoon while fishing in Wat l4ko, Cor- neliul Brant`: bout wu upon and he wna drowned. Hit body wu found Inter in the afternoon. Mr. Bnntwu an Indian. who Ind lived in thin county (or many years. lorco bu round the nuuoon on nonm- o killin the famous chic! Solembo and redo! non: Iogothorwitlx 250 of tbcir hllnvu-I. Ulnhli am II now SIC. than at In Ioguncwlu 200 or w MW. Unhli nation my - , L,, ,.A __..| A- n-n_|.... senaborahip. his expected Tupper will reaignenrly in the week. There in to be 8 meeting of the ministers this after- I nnnn Mun. Don Convict Garb. BF.H.l.lV, June `26.-The supreme court 0! the empire, sibtin at Leipai , hm: re- jected the nppenl of aron Von ummer- atein, formerly leader of the conservatives in the reirhstag and editor-in-chief of tho Krc-uz '/.eil.ung from the senbenve imposed upon him by the Berlin court upon his con- viction of forgery on April `_".Znd lust. The senwnve of the court. was that he be im- prisoned for three years at hard labor, that he forfeit. his civil rights for ve yeurs mid tlmthe pny !\ ne of I200 marks. Hnrnn Von Hummer!-iLein'n mistrem-,Floln Built to ordcr. of 1.1500 marks. Bnron Hlnss. informed Lhe police of his where- nboutn from time to time because he Ilid not, Luke her with him instead of his family. lolllll. blleruusy suuuicu-. MuI'.\'T (,`|n;~n.`u:\, June 2!}. - Ruin is much needed in this dist.rit't. Mll-it-l l\luy lmwling is (`on\'nle.~4cenL. W. Koonun IH conned to his mom with a severe ncuu-k of gxippe. Quite A large number from here will attend 'll8 lizltters-ten bmid }'llCl|l(`. l repm'aLions are being made for Rev. Fr. Kehoe'rI picnir`. H. Sharp hm-\ made quite an improvement. on his dwelling, having aivnn it. A fresh coat, of paint. Mrs. Howun VVIIII ` rUTIII-I.IUIIIr Kllllll I,- (li..\~:n\v, June '.3">.4Tll8 Presbyterian r-onvention, which has been sitting in this city since J_une l7t.h, unanimously passed a resolution to-day to petition both the governmenta of I lreat. Britain and the United Rtutea for the establishment of is permanent board of nrbitrntion to settle disputes which arise between two nation:-. The delegates Lotlie comenbion wens en~ Lertninod by the Glasgow university this afnernoon. The convention will c0nr`lu(l8 its session this evening. "III 'I0 `I116 IIQIIETII. Ln.\'no.\', June `26.~(leor e Mcbomuld, aged twenty-one. And A exander Mc- Donsld, aged twenty-three. sons of respeo table pnrenu, charged with placing spikes on the (l.T.R. track at Thomdale on J una l0bh Int, loaded guilty and were ten- tonood to fact: months in the central nri -an I" ""' " . 0oI|I Not Contact lllll. Prrnlono, June %.--R. R. Hamilton, arrested in Brockvillo, oh: with rob- hing the mail: It the C. P. . station on Bept. 24th. 189`, via discharged by police angina-utn Dumble. The ovidoneo pre- Gitolx failed to connect the no- on with than robborv. Will A Qllllrloli vlusuryo Bmmwno, June 28. -- Ccpt. bin `I iorcehu round the Manhole at Holin- n-- Lillian u. Cannons: ALIA! Ellnlnho and noon. Bell's majority is 159 with one place to hear from. __. ._.._._ ..... .-..-.-.- An Old Colored man`: ruuununr uu-ur- lulled Hy II Falling Tree. Wwiison, 0nt.. Julie `.lG.--John Butler, ll old colored man, living out in the elds for seine time, made Mayor Mason's brick. elds his headquarters recently. He built are night after night at the root of l\ lnrge tree. and lay ona carpet beside the blaze. The tire ate into the tree until the trunk was burned almost through, and about three o clock Thursday morning ll swan? wind made it full. It fell across the o d man's chest. and crushed his life out in an instant. An Aluhnmaxegro Lynrhed. hI()\`TI:0\I|-1N.\`, Ala.. June `. 6.--A mob lynched nnother ne ro in Lowndes county Tuesday night. Tie negro. Bill West- moreland, had killed :1 well-to~do farmer. John Gilchrist, who lived near Fort De- posit. Posses were at once organized. On Monday and Tuesday every business house in the county was closed and almost-every citizen, rich or r, black or white, joined in the chase. uet-- day night A one-le ged negro named Green met Westmorelnn on a railroad track, ar- rested him and started for Fort Deposit. They were met by armed men, who drag- ged the prisoner into the woods and hang ed him. Five hundred shots were red in- to his body. ._; -u-..... no vlu...-.-. Arreuou lwu Ill nuunu. M.\RM(IHA, Ont., June `2ti.~About two o clock n.m., three burglars entered 1'. Hubbell n store nnd blew open the safe getting about 350. The explosion was so great that it broke the front windows nnd the sash. Vrl... nnnn um.-A nnan nnmino nut and ware the Pilll. The men were seen coming out and followed to the Central Ontario junction, where they boarded the express going west. A message was sent to the chief of police of Peterboro. who arrested two of the men. the third making his escape. ISAAC BOYD, 354 King St. improvement. nmuweinng, nnvnig given it. A fresh paint. in building an addition to her house. Visitors : Mrs. Murphy, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Martin. (Iushendnll; Roi-11 Granger, Sydonham: Joseph Reid, Brockville. Joe-. Black wan home on Sunday. While ('. Hnwkey was building a wire fenve he cut his hand severely, which in now (hung nicely. Off For Blnley. Mn.\riu-:,u., Jun: `.. 6.-The member? of the Canadian Bieley beam arrived in town to-day and were inspected at the Victoria Ries armoury this afternoon subsequent- ly proceeding on board the royal mail str. Parisian which sail: at daybreak to-morrow morning. The Victoria are to parade at their armoury this evening and proceed to the pier to serenade the team which is under the command of the colonel of the Victoria Ries, (`ol. Starks. ll `Ill!!! I'D!` rnnuo vl vvulvlu Lu.\il>0V. June `3.'l.-At. Aberystwith t.hiu afternoon the Prince of Wales was instal- led. with great ceremony, into the oice of chancellor of the lately established univer- nity of Wales, to which he was elecbetl e yenrago. The degree of doctor of music was conferred b the univereitx upon the Princess of We es and that of doctor of letters" upon Mr. Gladstone. s... n-_ u-u__ n__....| p"iO0n_ '.LAUR|ER'8 T:ARIl-`F POLICY. cnusuao HIS c7-TEST. Inn A Clorlou Victory. -. `I.__. no l'I-..A `1`lIE`DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. JUNE_26,.1896 lwnm THIi)lNCS mm, HERE IT IS IN SHORT ORDER FOR "WHIG" READERS. Summer is Incomplete

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