Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jun 1896, p. 3

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Sold in Kingnton by E. 0. Mitchell, I24 Prlnoona Stunt. ..g--. Get your eye on our sign, there's prot for you un- derneath it. DUN LOP uminimylpthipg_Eu. {LISTEN 1 FURNITURE wuuuu-uv ~:~...,._..._, V PIACTICALLY CANADIAN COIIPANY WITH 8 IT!!! Sncmurv. Ruorvau are deposited annual!` at 00.0517: and now Amount to one mI|lim.: nllnrn. tun, lower thnn the majority n! olcon Inny and 01101430 plans of lnnunume ollarsd KILLS & Gl'N'NIN(H All Sale Aqontl. Klnnmn and Dim-lot. .__.?.-------?__-__- IIIGIIIIIIVU nyvnuyuuul . Fund: over $52,000,000. in addition tn which the polivy holders have for uovuriry tho unlimi- ted Ihility of all the nnmkimluiaru. FARM ANI) CITY PH.()PlCR.'i`Y imuurool It lowest. possible mum. Bo!-ire renewing old or giving now business not ration from S'l`RA.N(lE 5; i-l l`H.AN(}E. Agents. W. J. FAIR R 1 I A t-. Kl St 9. IIndof0nuIio `on n` N n_:_. Lond6hVd*Lvi.vtincaeHlr L|feW.2\.a: eurance Company. n................ . nnunnu Pmuuuv Wrru ___ __'.__:_:----- London. Llverpool and Globe Flrc Insurance Company. .. . _,,_......n...mn 1.. ..,I.nH.u. on wlulnh H. BRAME S ______________ Fire Insurance. l LEAVES KlN(l.`%1`()N~ (Mum E-m~ fnas-lay-a. M 5 p.m. (lulu; We-ot-I"rl at 10 p.m. I"ARF.H:-Hnmilton M ;'\. return ll 5!: To rnntn *4 (II\. n-turn 27 50- Mnnlnml N11) menu 07 M. llvarthn and meal: lnulmled both ways JAH. H\\'Il"I` & 00.. '1`. IIANLEY 8.: .`&()NH. I|'runht Auunhu. l'u~u~mrer .~\xanhn London Auurnnco Corporation W. H. (IODWIN. A(H('.N'|` ::_._?. Iuupnuuu umnnuuuuu-uuu. JAMES SWIFT 8 COMPANY HQI\lI.I . Yard No. 1-Ontario nu-not. " I-(nuance name vhul. " 3-85. lawronoo wind. 0! oh . Lunonco whnrf. Brunch 2. Inc and Clarence struts. oppo- INC Brltlnh Amoriunn Hotel. Kingnton. _ __ ooo-Oor. King Prompt and nthlnotory dollnry I npoclnlcy all under oovor um! well uroonod. To photo communication. - - ____ _.-..._ - .._.-_ .-...\ .?.__-j..: IILIPIOII I0. III. -ut\`\XI-I WliOLIIl.Al.l AND llE'l'Alh-BB8'l IN THE MARKET. |C08i-W5:-uiood I Itlollliio .&*:pn_euun.n-ownuo-anal __._._.._' .-__IIl.l, A 1-1-1: in 0' I'll! DXOIIPTIOI. (X) OI 0l'0l-0onut On- ulo stitch. nun ollmn A vAn.n..au-up onuu C 0 A Dyspepsia and Indigestion, common diseases, but hard to cure with ordinary remedies, yield readily to Manley : Celery-Nerve Compound. V. II. Iultlngh-.396 King at. ICC. llenmel. 0-1.. un:-"| wet (mailed with Dyepepuin and Inllnutlu lot 1 long (Inc. and could get no relief until I tried Mauleymcelery-Nerve Compound. which cured -e. and I cum: enlt too highly In in pain." I A PRIMER OF QUERIES WITH 0. K. ANSWERS APPENDED. Denition of Free Trude---What Pro- tection Involve:--Raltriciion 0! Ex- nhnngeo-- Hum natures in Cullldll. Q. What II n tarir A. Atari! inn tax impoeed on com- modities imported from foreign oountriee. Q. What is a tax? A. A tux is the portion of property or product which the Govcrmnont taken (by compulsion) from every <-iti'I,en--not II pauper--for ')ubH0 pllrpostm . What are public purposes, in the sense of this denition. A. A denition given by the Supreme HZ IVUO I. "6"o'rH "a_ 39., p-__ ........ A- -_.n. you want the Cheapest and Best . (1-V . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 17. 1896 _'I_rgJsu,RAx}:cE. Strreat. corner nf Sydonhnm Hiram Kingston. __._..__:_-j_.. Little Liver Pills, 0! All Descrip- tlons, emu rlam mnen. Extremely pretty Wash Crepons, llght. and dark colors. Dress and Blouse Prlncu. new goods, Rn Lin 1f\n I ) 1 `)'~ How to |Keep Cgol .. .'>C. uc, AUG. 14 A-AU. 1i`u.ncy Chambmya and Muulms, now- euc designs. P1a1n.F`ancy and Black Alpaca Dress (Innrh: (luum [nan-I l<=I2t,4_rf`_e_r~:A~:nt_$_I30>'-I Japans, Varnish, MONTREAL. The oldaat and largest manulac- Iurora of Varnlah In Canada. Paints, hams MANUPG no.1 H35 the Newest and Cheapest Millinery in the city. Call and see our stock. lmose wno mm: seen "me ` lladics Stcarns Blcyclc THESE BRIBK LI LE PILLS ..p -IAUIU unuv In Aunuvn nnnu: ll I155` frll hli ln- I I--v All IIAOYLV UN 1 II ILWAVI NIIDID Ill ALI. can or ONITIPATION. SICK Humour. Bnuouo Arucn no DVIPIPIIA. Iou: tvmvmmu A-r inc. A uox. Door: Mtolomu: com-Auvp lnonuuvou. TOIOITO. ONT. STEAMER NQRTAH KING DI}: Ul vnu-ugu. E. B. LOUCKS -A|-:1 ln ITIEIT. JAs._.__g:I_33_1;N & co.| @e|eh?5iU|iV"itifi [eel Sm: -Uloves and Mitts at IOWDHL Hg-` W ear our soc bummer L;oruen., The latest kn Blouse Waists, Dresden IV\/I Dlrxlvu Y (nan {0BART S I Cor. Princess and Division Sts. ROCHESTER ROUTE 16 to 30 Nazareth Street. Buy It In the Pl-'0tt10lt Wheel In town. Gnu nnd see It. Flushed In Black or Or-mac. '5 I-03 n-\.rav----- IAIDWAII. IIHO ITIIIT. hit Ilhnhll-Iltulv tall Have wound tho/Agency ol the Of; THE bORNEF;. CARS PASS THE DOOR. TADIES 1 MEDICAL HALL. the Mllllner Rsgvary Sunday at 7 pm. from Kin Con 19 0 enter umlve-ell day-c from Purl. one 3!. I:l)p.m. 'i`nko~H.T.R. train Inuvlmx King- ston li:uIn.n1. I-`ur Alunmlrlu Buy, Sundays. 0 DJ!` |-DEAT or Amp RESIDENT. ...1,-._ THE OPENING GAME OF BASE BALL IN ODESSA. Mr. Hnwloy at Rut After I Long Llfo-`rho Ladle: Who This Whirl: on the Bike- -:-s.- l,..o-.v N--n About Porwnl - A 'l'l|Q IAIIQII. now: nuvuu -u.-v..- ._ Clergymun Ill. Onrzsu, June l(i.-Quit.e n large crowd saw the baseball season opened here on Suturdny aiternoon. The juniors have started the game this year and played their much deferred game with the Sydenhum juniors. The game was rather too one- sided to be very exciting. but the plny was at times most interesting. Seven innings and a half were played. the visitors heving the extra time at bat, and the score show- ed thirty complete circuits of the bags for the home team, while the visitors were mnking the trip ten times. The Syclen- hem boys showed lack of practice, and their elding was pretty loose. They say they prefer to play footbnll. Fillion we: hit pretty hard, but struck out seven men, the some number falling n victim to Bar- ry s curves. The latter pitched his first game and showed that he was the kind of stuff good pitchers are made of. The game we: umpired by W. McMullen,of Hydenhem, who wus quite impartial, but showed lack of familiarity with the rules of the game. The teams were as follows : Sydenhum--McRory, 2 b.; A. Riley. 0.; W. Ennis, c. f. ; J. Graham. in-.; ll. Boyce. I. f.; F. Fillion, p.; H. Woodrulf, I b.; W. Ruttun. 3 b.; J. McMullun, r. f. 0d88lill--(i. Barry, p.; l). Lnidley, l b.; '(`.. Young, (2.; 1'}. Clone, `.2 h.: (`. \V..n. an: (L H. Amov. l. f.; Lnidley, C1 lfJLIn`.O Mr. Huwley wu IL very unru- working man, und was always honorable in ull Inn (lenliugs. In his early years he wnmngrenclluuter Lunl Lmpper, and was thoroughly acquainted wiLh the buck country. His lntbor your: were quiet. and peaceful. and he died with many friends nndnot. an enemy in the world. Foranumber of years he was superin- om..I....o nf Hm walks in the village, f.; H. Lee, 3 b.; J. Clnanlsey, r. 1. One of Erm-.slLown`s olden-at reaixlentn passed uwny here on Tlnlrsdny night lust, in the person of Jason Hawley. Mr. II..we_y was in his seventy-alxt.h year, und wm-1 born nbout two miles from this village. on the Quobin mud. Helms never lived outside of the township. During his Huwley lumi- ..... ....... "ml mu ulwnvu mg the Inst vear nu zsuuvncu uruomplniniugly from on Huunnvh and gangrene in his family he expressed his die and then quietly sank iu mnurnml l)v n wlfv. three unzomplniningly lrom cancer ul um one foot. To willingness to lhenqnietly to sleep. H0 in mourned by ions ulltl three llnnghteru, and Lwu lmlf~ln'nLl|ern-n. Billings (Jordon, of Odessa, and John Gordon, of Purluun, who were here to uttend the funeral. Mrs. Jones, one of the dnugh. Lem, vumo from Rome, l\'.\'., to attend the the funeral, which was held on Sunday mornin , at the Brick church, contluvted by the av. Mr. Seccombe. A large num. bur puid theirlast. respects to the dead. The ralnams were interred ut. Wilton. \lnnnunr Rnroule in trving to arrange a mwrreu uh n "W... Manager Sproule trying arrange game with a baseball team from Kingston tn take place here on Saturday nexb. As in mmrvthinu else Odessa is not. ac all be- For a number he superm- tendont of the walks village. and alwa 8 attended promptly to his work. gar a few years Mr. Huwley wus never well. and uur. ing the Inst vear he sulfured greatly, but unzomnlniniugly cancer of the Q I I In I I ha! I\l LEAVES FOR l |(TTON WEEK IMYR at I2!) p.m.. Tu-~Iny-I and Tlmr-Inyn (min; to Bollovllln, For further IflI(`lllI|'H to 'I'H(l-L HAN]. .Y,.l. I . (ll R?<|l.EIVE J. swurr a. 00.. u. M.m1.1mnsl.mvrc. in _--__ WI run I poseible. The b0 bonrdwnlkn on Main and Centre streets are nnderguin much needed I6- mir. Tho superinben ont of stroeba, W. iii. (Jordon, in doing lll8 job. i\Iux Lnpum, in working `It n new sawing machine in \'\'riglit.'u fncbory yesterday. lmd his linnd (`might in tho suw run! two of his ngers clipped. He will be laid up from work for n {ow days. Robert Snidei left. ycntardny on liisminunl smiling trip. He will visit the Ridonu lnkos Lhiu FOILBOII. Herbert m....i. until win. a iminfulaccidenton Sutur- lnkos Lhu-z neruuru (`lurk mot. with n pninfulaccidenton dny whilonbtending a hay vresa. His n- ger was badly smashed um! mnyhnve to be v\nIpubM.e(l. Mrs. Bmdeufs parrot. is very vnhmble bird. succumbed to the grippe Mrs. mden s pnrrou. u xu-_y this morning. Service at St. Albun`n olniircii on Sundny evening hml to be dis- continued owing to the sudden illness of Rev. Mr. Dvbb while conducting it. H5i2sE CRUELTY. I"uuh|on lo lnllun. Nicking" horsen was described by the witness in in case heard before the Wake- Iinld Hing.) magistrates ml it matter of fashion," but it appears to be something more than Lhnt..Ni1-king is A process sup- plemental to what. is known NI docking," and in intemled be cause horses mile. or rather the stumps thereof which remain after docking. to "stand oub smart, erect iuul perky enough to make them look fashionable." l.. Hm mm: III mmniion four animals In the case in quotation were stated to have been out on straw while one of the defendsnta made four large wounds or incisions in the muscles under the tails of each. The animals were then placed in stalls padded on each side with bugs or sucks 0! straw to revent them from lying down, while their tail: were phuted with straw. and I1 rope ettached to this was carried up to the ceilin end pea- nml over in pnlly. A three or our pound woiglit. win: then suspended from the other end of the rope. with the object of holding the tails of the horneu erect or perpendicu- lnr. The horses were to be ke t in this posi- tion (or three weeks; but ortnnately the moiet lor the prevention 0! crueltywo snimn s heard of the set. One witness de- clared thin. the legs of the horses thst have been nicked have swollen in one week to large aim. On the question 0! eruelty, ex its were as usual celled upon both mi; but the Wnlieeld magistrates found the defendants uilty. and inflicted in each CIUO in fine of . with 127 in costs. The New York Tribune oondemns in the strongest terms the ellect ol tight checkreins. For years the car and omni- bus horses in New York city. nlthou h hard worked on hardest pavements, rare y become still forward because their heads nre free. while country livery horses, though trsvelling on soft rosds with tight check-reinll. are Almost sure to become mougn (rival choclbreina, ati} DDIIHIIIOII IIOIVIIIIIIJI. The e es of chriatinn endeavours no turning In Ouwn. when Arrangement: are being nde [or the tint. dominion C. E. oouvon ion, October 6-9. Upwu-da hi I ma .a.|...o..-m haomble there from oouvonlion, October 6-9. Upwu-an pl 1.500 del but-1?l'uoomble allgu-too the dominion. The beat: k- art In Cnnudn and UnitedVB_h_toI wi I ud- PICTON ANITBELLEVILLE. r\`I`l'I IIITI'\I'\ ' all guts of dominion. The noun: :- Unibodtnton drou the convention. Achoir of 100 or I50 voices will lend the singing. One of the lecture: will be an excursion to Ayl- mor. birthplooo of Root. lhnoen E. Clark, 1). D.. toundol-\l the C. E. movement. 1-5.- .........m.inn nnlnn will be rodnnd U. u The ....m lomul Mn: .1 \l _..._--:.?.:.-_. For the ahotnnoh. liver and kidneys. n....-. n... ..m. Aha. Alanna`: drug founder`! the U. 15`. movement. Ioonnntion color: will mm. NM. Mm-ry Iv`-nouzll For Ir....I.Inn In lnlI|nl. Dominion Oonnutlon. "N -1 -L_:.g:-.. "ml... , la`. l_3l0\\(`, 2: 0.; \ . 1\vnoy,l. Lnidley, h a J. (7lmd.ev. f. ailing son. rows wmn mgnn The Htandnrd Baton Governing the Iaml Ila-Inntn_ Montrcai and Rochester Tran- - " " ` slt Company. wow the incomin of a great qunnuuy 01 garden truck. law pou have boon olforod for sale but. only in limited ( uantitieu. An a rule the ricea all throng the murliob are low ans the general condition is weak. Tlie prices recorded this week are as here DIVBII 1 gwon: Grain - No tluccuutione have altered prices from those luv; quoted and they re- mnin thus: Mnnimbu wheat, No. 1, `Ho. a bushel; No. 2 hard. 680. to 090.; No. 1 Northern, 670. to 680.; whim wintor. 7%.; pou. 470.; rye, 400.; barley. 30. to 3%.; cuts. 230.; buckwheat, 30c. to 33. Hay, looIe.$l2 tq $13 a ton; pressed, $15 to ll A non. IIAIIOII. KI.~'u.~4'mN, June Hi. ---The only thing that characterized the: mnrlu.-t Inst. woe the of great qunntiby of mardnn mrnni. aw man . .... ,... given : Grail $16 1 Don. Vogeublea-'I`here is a slight drop in the price of potatoes. caused by the ndvent. of a supply of the new commodity. They now sell at, from 200. to `Z50. a bag. Other prices are: New southern cabbage. from 109. to 200.; celery, I00. bunch; leuuce. 3c. to 50. A bunch: rndiehes, 30; a bunch;pnraley and watercreas,5c. a bunch; spinach, three for l0c.; cucumbers, 10. each: tomatoes, 15. 00 `.250. per lb.; mint, 2c. 3 bunch: green onions, 50. A bunch; rhubarb, 30. to bc. a bunch; new potatoes, 60c. a Each; new boats and carrots. I00. .. I... hit` Duwur ullu uKKu-r Av:-u v5 :1 IV V .... .. ful at. from 90. to He. per omen. Fronh butter runs in price from I40. to ['70. as lb. Flnur and foe:l--~Familv our.8`. |5n8`2.30: in price from He. 00 Inc. In. Flour and foed--~Family our,S`. bakers`. patent, 82.10 to 82.20; bakers`, strong, $l.9L') to $2.05; cornmeal, $1.10 per cwt.; oatmeal and rolled oats. $3.50 )er bbl.; chops, $19 to $2l; shorts. $17 to I83 ton; bran, SM to 8|? :1 ton. Mont. -l riceu us here quoted will be found correct. for mlnlnrxlities in this mm`- ket: Beef, foroqunrl,ers,4o. t.ol$c.; hind- qnarberu, 60. to 750.; cu't.u. 50. to l2o.; pork, by the quarter. ($0. to 7a.: cubs. 7c. to I00. ; spring lamb, from 75C. to Sl `Z5 quarter; lumb, quarters, So. to 90.: cuts, tie. to l'. c.; mutton, quarters, 70. to 80.: cuts, We. to |Uc.; vonl, hindqunrters, `lye. to 40. a pound: forequmt-era, lgo. to `.20.; beef Lollguon, *.. \Jc. to 400. each. | nulI.I'v ~l'ri(`e:4 um-hanged. Turkevs, UUC. u Keck; uww uvnua uuu u-uv....r. .v.,. n bunc . Butter and eggs-Freeh eg a are plenti- I.uo.mr rum in nrina from pair. Fruit Prices in this vm\rl are at. u atuuxtlutill. Rama nu quuted by dealers an as hele given : Apples, $2.25 to 331: bar- rel, nnd from 40C. to 75c. n bag; (`umber- rieu, 10c. u quart: nlrnv berries, Me. 1: box; Valencia nrungea. `.350. u down; lemons. I50. (.0 `-.?U<:. 1: dozen: pineapple.-A, 1250. each; bmmnan, 2||c. u down; honey. SC. to I50. u lb.; California nnvel oranges, 300. 00 50c. 11 dozcgn-, whim cherries. I00. a qt..; Nu! aha.-.-inn Illn n mt one an-rm I! dun in Iunvnnl. Iloturnlnc IPHVOA In Iunclhn FIHMYH, !o'ulocI p.In.. nml leave: for Chulotlo via hyvol uinte and Inn: Cnnnl BATTI- DA I0 NlNU.nl:I1. For tlekolu Mu! other lnlormuion apply to w u mum l. 00.. Anna. beef '..'Uc. no me. each. l oul|.ry ~l'rice24 um-hanged. Turkeys, from 05a. to $1.25 each, or from Pic. to I00. :1 lb. : duokn. 400. to 700. 11 pair; fowls, 400. to 60. u pair: nnd chickens. 600. to 700. a pair. mo. no ~ :. Uulifornir dozen; whi< red cherries. Ilk`. a 4 l4`ink4l`nuI lllll` In red cherries. IU(`. (lb. , Fish~(`,on| and luuldock. 70. per lb.; perch, `Z00. a dozen; pike. e. per lb.; Bri- tish Columbia salmon, I50. to I70. a|b.; mackerel, lfw. perlb.; whiteuh nmlcrout, I00. per lb.; bluenh, l`.2r`. per lb; At.- lantiv I-vnlmon. `._ 0n. per lb. `Ina llluo nlllrlnn. John MOKny& Son. ll Brook Itreela, (telephone 4!-G9,) dealers in hides, etc., report that prices as quoted last week remain good for the present: No. . hon` 1.3.1.... A n. - Na. -2. Ilv. 1b.: No. remmn ; 1 beef hi( I) 0.. ll. 3, tie. lb.: mltskmn, Jiuc. [.0 mm. enun, according to quality: culls, half price; horse hides, 3| to $1.51); sheep skim-, 300. to SI; hunb skins, I012. to 200. each. ()om{)eLition last week brought, the price of woo in the local market up to twenty .m..n. .. nrulnll In Naw York. Michigan. of wool In the local lnHl`l(Bh no uwemy cents a pound. In New York, Michigan, lown and other suites the price in not, ubove thirteen cents. while in some places it is quoted as low ll eight. cents. The hilih price here vmmoc Inst, mid farmers wou (i do well to avail t.hemeol\'on of the present mung. (Ionrm-, clonnli wnslietl wool in in u ,, I , rlllrlll". demuu: Nllrloll Iuuuwuurn. '1`u|uw'ru, June I6.-Whent., while, per bunhol, 72C. to 7`2c.; wheat, red, rbushel. Tlc.-. wheat, oose, per bunml, `.3(:.; perm, por bunhe , 5l,Ic.: barley. 3lc.:ryo. mgc; outs, `23`_,c.: hay. $|2..'n0t.o 314.50; hay, loose, 30; eggs. ngw laid. 9.`c. butter, in one pnund rolls, l`..`c. to I30. ; bnt.t.or, tubs. (lniry, llc.;1-hickena. per pair, 300. to 40; ducks, per pair, 501:. to 70Lx;Lurko_ys, Me. to He. ; geese, Sc. to (Sc. per lh.; potatoes, per ha , `. 5c.; dressed hogs. $5.25 cu $5.50; bee , hind- quurters. $4.50 to $7.50: beef. forequurters. $3 to $4.50; veul, $3 to $H')U: lamb, yeurliugs, 8. ) to $7 ; lumb. spring, 32 $0 $3.64). M.m-mv.u.. June |li.~Trmle in cattle in lvln.\"rmcAi.. in rather slow with )l`lC85 of good cubcle about the some as on 'l' ursday last, but the half- letted rrussors" were rather lower in price. T iere was u better demand for shipping cattle. and a few were bought, at about ilfo. per lb . but. more would be paid for prime largo steers. The beat. butchers cattle sold at a limo over 35 per lb., retty good stock in, from '.. .Yc. to 3l<-,. per b., and Lhe common rough aback an from `Mo. to `. .'f(:. per lb. (Jnlvee sold fairly well at. from $1.50 to $6 for common to good voalu. and a few extra onoa sold ion con- siderable more. Mr. Barnes. of Aborcorn. . sold the best cnlf offered here for some time for $l`.!.50, Mr. Bourrsaa being the buyer. Sheep are very dull of eale.nnd bring 30. per lb.-. lmnbu sell at from $2 to 9. little ovoi-`8.'%.50 each. FM, hogs are In......- in nu-inn unrl mall Hf. nhnut. D8!` str.ALExAN!>RIAl little ovor`$:5.:>U eacn. mu, nogu are lower in price, and sell an, about. 3'\ c. per lb. Small pugs sell at. from 3| to 82 each. There were two small sized, pretty good looking miloh vows sold here today for 834 for the pair; an unusually low figure for Ian:-ll oowa. At St. Unbriel cow market. last Friday. there were 44 milcln cows ollerod for sale. of which nbout half were sold at. prices ranging from 82!) no 340 nnnh, :1 eat! h. An Ideal 5l_I|]\`I`l_\`-I` _e_s_t_lgQ Place. The Fame?! fsina Banks] lal PUIII I . ncnu my run. In mun: nspovts the man ntrnotivo Sum- mer Elonort In gunndu. lull!` ruohod our Grand Trunk .|llwny- or nusmor to Ploton. On the Lake horo. n the union county o! Ontario. never too warm. with superb lmthmu. looul shing. driving and hlnycllna. The hotel in oommodlonn And via: an moderate. Familiar mu nouuro the um u cottngo 1! application be mndo in good neuron. . __ ______ _ WNION YOU .0 HUGH LII uln- T0 `ll AFTER THI OLOTNIC HAVI IIIN UAONlDp Oil III! II IIOURID IV UOIHC . . . . 7 PRODUCE AND PRICES. -r 1- 1- WEST POINT. NEAR PICTON. . mu... uaunm-tn thn mod. nttrnotivo S` Ileotrlc Lsghtod. Bcoun oated. [guns Craig & Co`: Whn! IONDAYEI at I u'o|ool gun. for Iontroul and Iva porn. uhootlu M. Lawton--a Ilnpiulu, mm: nu over inn n-hull IPf|V_On> IUl_u9_p f_Il_l_)AYl, x, 4!. ID.; No. L , .m. 10.: No. mlfskinn, two. to non. end?! A ......l;ou. nun hnlf twinn- Lhnn In mo Imuy. llunumlty ls Lhu pocullnr uhnractelbllo of grunt. minds. ` 1.4.... .....n In nmn-nmlul hut. the i :1 yaur. . null-restmlnt. self-control. m~)fdlm:|plluu, thunu constitute M1I`lU- cut:-(I will. I u.. 1.. 4.... -\..\..o on nun... nnni. -nhnnv lIlIllIlllt_\', HIM! \lI.n'huunu, Ivvucuu nu ju-u\'nIIly Hglms. ` lduns urn ofmlmus shy of the oloufub nuuru of words. We have more ludolunco In the mind than In tho body. 1I.........Iuu In elm nmmllnr nhru-nntnltln nun_mn l`u(m m nus, nu. lncnllmvt. In tho simple power nnlllor to all nutlou or UOHHHIIOLIOD. ' Ila. nluynun val-dnnnlnd Tho habit of looking at. ihe bright side of things is worth more than a uholnd n Innu- Cl|\.|'(l WIII. Life in too short to nurse one`: ml!!!- Hurry across thu lowlands that you III! spend nwru tlnm uu the mountain bl Nu hlulmr maumnt. in dun thu nail` m-.onom_v. I think it is somewhere written ll tho virtue: of mothers uhnll oouuiodll be viuimi on their children an wen u the slna of the fathom. llpull 111011) WIIIIU UH IHU IIIUUUWIIH "5 l No higher mnpnnt. he duo the grlitv Inventor nrdlHon\'vmI` than to the wall!!! who hm mastered the solenoo of dollt-W ......n.uu- ....A_ 3.` to all nunou consu-uouon. Lenny hm; almost. always wlndom Ind juulno on its side. When the famous Frnnoh author T|l00' phllo Guunur, ubuub the middle d "19 pruuum. oumury, wrutn his well HOW" wurk, Mllu. do Mnupln," and call!!! N ` I-A ln..o...-|n..I Run-u V` e|..._. um... mnnv lllll (`AFIFNVI 'lIU UHHIYKUII I-IIU 'V"lIW' mine of thn narrative and declared II "10 fucu uf the author`: protustatlonl and 31 used the wnnl tn ndd to tho vol-lnlml1d" 0! a wry ruunstlu and cluvor story. .-...|............. |..u...n....n.... |......I.....|nmd l'\'Ul`I\, .uuu. nu mun]-nu, nun ulu-II -- "A Hlnmrlcnl Story." than were many nhln crmm who dnnbtud the hIIboIhIIl" ..,u.. . ..n .5... ........-u.... .....| 4.. _ ._..n I. ah: or runnshlu nuu cmvor story. :`yuln-mquum luvustlgnmun has devt|Pd the (not. that Gautier not only loll "*5 truth Ila in his rmmulmblo harol bu` thut. tho llouun In the work won 1113 mm as nmnpnrod with the oomn|"`h`t!- which ho H0 nhly rooordml. Luulsn du Muupln, dnughwr of 00"" ammo Huurl du .\IuupIu, was born IP10` anly, Frnnou, In mu aprlng M1000 3'" mutlmr dlml when the child won I 30" I... ..I.I and any Mun .u_.... . ....|.._-.I 4-nun uluuuur umu nuuu vuu vnuu WII I ""` wuukn nlll, um! an horonsulevelopodllum who.-m nocmnrlnltlm, It shown In'|h' dnyn. wuuld plnoo mm In charge ol III gum-dlxms. ~u.....u vu....mo.. a.. u......... 5-: hum gul\l'\IIl|llI|. Hunrl. Vlnomte do hlnupln. had N0 aanldlurlundor Louis XIII and I3 " menu-d Hy his sovereign an an AM: I10"- A fall from his horse lnjurod IIII hwd Iorcod him to mm-e from (boom-\'Io|Ih yet In the prime of me. He wu lad`! 50 when he married. II1l...-. `I... nI.I .;.l.II.- Al ______ _,I 54 ll Answer `Illa. Cm ion nd I one of Bright`! of tho idnm. Dhbota. Urinary ' oomplninta 8 in onnbll. HIM 3"" tan has not. or ounnot ours? 1"" noighborl it they onn. Wllcll U lllrfluu. Wham the old aoldlor dlaooverod It '5' to have an helr, he became wlld wt *1?` light. He would ngt. admit the mdiillty lms It oould be othor than 3 by, and monchu before the event. he nun!` `M ohlld Loull. After I ancestor who rm! dlutlnotlun dbrlng sh: I-elgn 0! Shell! Louln XI. mL_ _LlI'.I g...__-J ....n A. L , . .` -_LnIII uu. , uvuuuu. nu; u - KIIK|" Iron PHII Iuhnd mo hliltll ntzlntigol tnuontroun an . B 530033 Hill.` simply I|'dL z novor ammo no _. ;E.o.x:mn.. " - :33 Rlvor and 0137-81. Lawfonco Inn-on--cnlnoo |- cool latltudoo. n_.|_` n-.._. I... an ul!IIDlII" \\'ur has its laws as wull as peace. And he that llvos to live forever I Ft-urn (lying. Whom chum Is no hope there can I un|.m\~nv- The ohlfd turned out to be 1 [I1-KVIOI the mother named Louise, but In -3110? would not hour to It. He Iwon `M " doomn. as the nurse. at the Ind ` oven at Ma wife, doom-In; they 0? an-odlntonoonIpInoqIodoodvol"d IEUII Al. | ll grunt. mums. Mun muy ho ungrateful, but. the nu-nun mum In nut. nu Mr. mo. hIvdl!a.J(o()qpi' -1! lo-. Inn: "Millet-`n an-mind vor. nor In tho oaprlng of n sympiet `.1, 4-y. nlllt)`, Hku durkuoss. reveal: the null` Huhh: MULTUM IN PARVO. THE BETTER WAY. F33?` .`.',`2'="57i'`u f.i`."f mu1Ens| "I'll UNI INN 3.0- "wlII'IIIu| um . cum-u uchu. -mono bolls, um .11 media eoqlonu. A Mnmctus. `sum wnnmu, CONTAINH Hops, uchu, Man- drake, Dandelion, And the Pumst and Best Medical Qualities 0! all others. llutels H op Bitters, 685 Broad wu y NE W YORK. `o All Diseases otche Stomm-h, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kid- neys and Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessm-ss, especially Fe m u I 0 Com- plaints. mu Do plld mr I case It Wm not can or be , or for anytmng lmpuna orllu us found therein. Vq/n,Vrvv 3-: `ya u_._. Will be paid tor a case It will not can help. anything- H Association 0! Arnhltot-tn). AIHYH AND APP AISER. 0|oeI--H1 Brook : I Klnumn. ne. I. NEWLANDH, AR.0|H'l`E(`-'l' AND App:-slur. comer of Hnwk and K in: cinch ovor Wade : Dru; 1-Itnre, Entrnnz-u on King -Ems. nut to WBIO oloo. IUNABD OLEIENTH. l..D.S. DEN'l`lH !` dlnctly o omits the Po.m)t1im.\v..I11n.. ton Itnot in `non. Entnhllnlmnl In ln.'T. `{I`c`1o"phnnnNo.83. R9uldonoe.)lM King nlra-M I . DOMTNION 1896 DAY 1896 I chant: Bank Bulhlhuz. mrnu Wollllxgton treat. l'hunI9 H12. I ll. SPARKI9. !'D.B.$ h.D.S., M,I),, HEN- . TIST4 OM00, HIUQ ..*lnaeus utroet. Real- dance. I Uniu-yr-My AV8n\)u. (Mime hour. I Am. to 0 n.m. huturdny evening, K to m. Ohvu I o"g.m. Tnlophono . C. P. Sherman, li.l>..\` . Luhtnnt. J 8.B.lM}LNN ACXDUNTANT AND REAL a Entoto Ann`. Bantu nnd ntwoumu nul- buud. Money to loan at lowest. rates. Urhva NI King at... ovn Wade : Drug Stu:-o.~ ___.._.._j_?______ M mum. at row non of lnmrm un (`-My nnd Farm Proporty. bonus grmmui on (my nd Oonnty Dobontnru. Apply tn I`u-mm mos. Manner Frontenac Lmul Mnl lnum. mint Society. Oloo opposite the I tmt(HH(`o. g Slfint `fox. B;RRl}ERs,' 5101.101. ton ., uric Chambers. I E. H. lv11u:.Q.O. H. I, lm-N. iivubn. ' G. .Il.AoooIum.x.. 0.0. E0. w.n1n.1. 9.8. AND n.v.n.:<. In. d liuldenommb Prlllnorm -In-M. pm! an com I om froo. Tolapbona 514. nnuwh oloo--Bllzby'o Llvory. Brock street. F *.- "BM"; `hie onwo. am. Everything li|WS#lEiV\t.Even the Price I .n'.oIIti I hln lo .hd.I7 . II Illd nd Juno. OH: and Inc August. and .P``.:`. Son. 218.. mu at 0nu.Pono.8unnu- }i:a' - J I. - . . , , , , Only 106 opontlvo put: us against mm In other main. uuuu - _.....__. up-luvovv - - 7 tab cheaper than say other nt-clan.-I Type- wrlhv. For full lnlornulnn mm M. Tssllngslnn Business College 5 gou-ding and Day School for Young Lullol. "Oloooburn." Kingston. Inn ml of University (irndunuun. ...|-uu -u-n vl -.u........., .........-....... :'l)._.I'l'll|.l 0 M80 ulnboroth. AL A 0 [Ivan to ntndoma put:-flu: onmlnauonn. The rening In- 33:. 9 homo oolnbinod with high mom-Al `union. nInn1'xm-1 1 2. $0: hull. l'.Iq.. nu. Bo'o.? , ,, u___ __.u p-.. ` ned hon duh ol oninnoo. `I'll luuuu. u-nun nun .. ... UIIRI .. An-nun in. 300.. A.o.6.. land. Mata noolvod at my time and (on :m1*m%.t'::r:::.':..-vv*' W W- $1,000 IN G011]! .4 _-lJ `nu. Q Ann`: [1 null POWER It HON. A|lC||l l`I~Z(`KI`s'. rurlmr hm Wollllxnton '"id'luii'.I` ' -dnuuu -c. a ' uopo'o:o1:h::. `sou. x.s..'1Iu.:c , .k.1 .0nI I '9' '1' 3" lust III): of tho nuon in loam: and do-Ion "'"'W..*:'.l"'.....-':.';gl;?:'*'~ a ounu. -rung: Aoxxcv. nnton. On. 0i`L%%Tf% coMM11_Q_q_ go. K`L!.2L uI`I|DII I llnvllunug HJPFALO. N.Y. Stocks, Bonds. Grain and Pro- visions bought and sold for cash or on small margins. lunch omen. KINGSTON. ONT. r. nix.-.#az2m..: 2.-M '--M -TAKE 110 SUBSTITUTE. KRTHUR ELLIS (Member nf of I MONEY `I0 ' mum. 1 130. w. 1.1. v.82 nfv.n..<. J mnunnnd Pr|nnorm_;4I __ I M.I)., DEN- Iu OM00. 1801 BAN|(`B'R_S-7{ il}0KERS. IIIIIIALD. N.V. `(Daugherty " ' Typvriter . nnnlnd Lnm ALPP`._}=.!NE Luna. "Ul0IoDu.rn." may-son. .. ..l`ull Ital of University LL Tllll n Sounboroth. IOIAL _ 0_ glvgg _ntl_|doI}tn ARCH_l;E7CTU'./\L. T Hqgsa l=I_VERY. V-ETBRAIVNYARY. . - ELI. FAllH.l\`.Ll.. llAl{ll.l.\"l'Is'.R.H, n. L. 88 Cl.AllliN(3lc 1-vrmuc-r. EDucA1*|o._ FlNA N}:1A`Cf _D|_':_xiiTT1Vs.L. Ladlw College- Ii?ne!isM_39n1a!9M00- Kgll. E O IMHO` `I353 ! ,, n 4.._ `I010- .-fa nm0IrQTkRr:'r. TNT: I Ind livery nubloln thaully I IN LARGE OR HMALI. sun lnwrent. (`My MALI. ) \ u-Ina jvv-7- 7 ___, , hon Iron I nu-pool. Gun II Iahhoal. on u 4 Jun Jun. . .m Juml p.u II in mm ...... ..l $...lJ .05.: II II 4 ..I.ln .05.: ing ll Il)..|lJ||nIp.. ~ nlbll-Analn-on . [- ..--:t:a'a:':'.: .a.'.\:.` _ "* HAMILTON & HONTREAL LINE. IVIIVIIVII \l Vllbll IV 1 you: w lhlllng Through the Iluy of Qulnle. FARE no `ONE-THIRD Inn-or-cl-Ibo: ll cool uns-u. ,'|`IlI hm Iron 8.3. "0|IP|l|" u`. -|_a.|. 11.51. -I-trio hnlh. nml TRAINS LEAVE KIN()S'l`ON. .. .. Ir... l\OOnu:A Ilnntnml (.1 L;",'[5' ASTINGLE FARE DAILY LINE. ..n... 1.... I ll` l"\l`IJ IJI`-Dal-Ia V STR. HERO n nuvnnu uII`I.`I( I TlME- TABLE. uwr HOD Numlnyn. Tuln leaving 12:25 noon arriven ln (ltnuvn ht 5:9-l Ill . IIIIII trnln Imwlna M 1:06 5 m. has '-IIPOIIIlsllulperluUHnWlI.l I'l\'llu(at1l:15lI`m. For llnlotn. Pullman at-ronlmmlulon and --_---gu----.-- ME:DIcAI;`C I Mu! mm: mlormnnon mm; In W. U. CEMQ l. 00.. Anna. -j- and 11 run nlnlly. Nu bulnlly All other trn.h1-nluily except ~BETWF.EN- x. be} a eoforh. n-AL; I rill lmno Kimut minu Eu-tn! .'-N r tort. no Ioliuvu anal nal Jnnl, h llyullulllyglpun Iulwtnuuunnuv--w --w-uu--'-- 'gjw--unvv'-vv-unu--. I-0 ` l"l`I \ J lo. I | I!` Qllf Iullutuon In ooI"Ih "i '&*-.E".*"*t"' .: llbonan compound In '5-.""-'1"1"3|'K ` Ala dcdllollholi` Ihbhlpniu dcvllnltlonr donltlon Court was an follows: For the purpose of can-ylng on the Government In all m machinery and oporatrlonn." Q. What: Is free trade? A. Free trade in the right. of evory man to freely exchange the prod_m-.t,s of Mn lnbor and wrvloes In such away an menu: In him most advnnmgooumnulwjont. only to such ro- strlctlons M the State may llml msceasnry to make !ur the purpose of row-nuo or for annlmry or lnoml omn-xltlnrntlnna. (`on vernoly. It In tho denial of llm right of a tree govnrnnmnt. to nrbltrnrlly take from any person any portion M the product. ol hls labor for the bonollt. of sqmeother man who ha? not. earned or p-ml for lt. Dollnltlon 0! Free Trnule. Illrvl)-Ill`!J;-Ijr|uUHnwn.nrr|\'im(af1P:15n`m. Minor lnfornmon I|vIplntAnNI BY at SONS 5%.. Trunk (`-In Pa.-mmmer Depot. Foot of ' llollllluun ul 3- rrr I I-ur. The following denltlun off:-on trade and protection appuarnd In tho Philadel- phlll Amorlonn, of August . 7th, 11-DH, n reprcsentxmm protm-,t.lnnh-It pnper:-" Thu mrm Free l`mdu, although 111110 I (llamas- od. In seldom rightly Nuned. It. does not mean the abolition " uuntmn houses. N0! does It mean the substitution nfdlroct tot Indirect mxntion, an R (ow Amurlonn dis- ..u..|... n' ha unhnnl lmvn nunnosed. It texntion, row Anmrlonn (un- ci 1 ll of he RCil00i huvn supposed. m1 m4 such an ndjustmem of taxes on im- ports as will cause no diversion of capital from any uhnnnei int0'whluh it would otherwise ew. into any channel opened or favored by the leginlution which unmet: the customs. A t-(mntry mny collect its entire revenue by dutleu on imports. and yet be an entirely Free l`rndn country. er long unit does not lay those duties in such a way In to lend anyone to undertake any employment or mnke any inveutment he would avoid in the ubnenno of such duties. Thus. the mxamnm (lut-lea levied hv ing- lnnd-with A very (aw ex(1epti0nn-tu'e not inconsistent with her proiession of being a country thnthelioven in Free 'i`rMle. 'i`hey either nre duties on articles not produced in England, or they urn exactly equivalent to the excise duties levied on the name article: if mnde at home. They do not. lend anyone to put his money into the home proddction 01 an nrticle, because they do not diecriminnte in i'm'ur of the home pro- ducer. II. is therefore no conoesni to th<~pmtuctiv:-principle when the Demo- -..n.. nlnlfnrln unvpl that `since the the prot,uctiv:- prlnulplu wnun um llI9uIu- cmtin piutfnrm says ioumlutinn of the government. custom llouamintiu I-ll10\`tVflll'l1lli8(l_ll8 main source of l`0\'ulllI(l,' and that `this nystem mush continua.` A pmtmtive (lllK._V,0H the ntnor hand. has for its ohjovt. tn Minot the (liver- aion u! n part. of the capital and lnbnr of this pvupiu nut ui` t.iu- t-lmnnnin in which it would run ()lll0l`Wll-W, into nhzmnnis favor- ed nr (`mated by inw." Q, What in 1 l`0N`.('tl1)ll A. Prntouttinn, on lhl! ground of Advan- tages. umrttinp dimutly ur inuidonwlly, ndvnonto-a anti xi:-tannin tho imposition of taxes on imp0rt..~4 fur utimr purposes than whom of revenue. Tim pr-rtuc-t.ivn system is opposed to the revenue hyilt-UH] hoomtsa the Government collects rmwuw on what. comes in, while prntmtinn in nonurmi only to thaoxtnnt. to whinh onnnnmlitio-.~4 are kept. out (.1. What. in the Man undu-rlyiug om-it? A. Froo trade umuum-u that. ii pmnie like those of Cnnmln might im iafttnthmn- wives to tlucldu wimt in to thnlr nwn ud- vnntmm; Prntootinn nnmttws t.imt parlia- nuant. can better timxitiu wimt lmsilws.-I the pt-nplu shall (in than t-impmpin thmm-vulva-s. Q. Whnt H u turi fur ruwlnm only? A. A tariff for ruvnnuu uni_v" in mm no frnnmi t.imt uli thn uuw-I wluinh tho pnnple pny. tiw linvnrmnent shall r1\cui\'t-. (J. What. in mount, by aturilf fur rvvomu Hm linvnrmnenu nnan rucmvt-. Q. by with incidonml prot.aut.iun Y" A. Tho mljunmm-nt of u mri fur ro- vunue in such :1 wuy mo in unni wlmt II t.m'mo1iinnidmm\i prnu-uiium" In iuuzml on tho HlIp|>(n!ltI0lI Hunt Ivy urrnnginu u H(`llll of duties R0 In0dI~ratu~ ma unly In rvut.ri<'I and not, provom` impurmLinm4,it. in possible to Fi0(`.lll'0 aumviont revc-nuv fol` Hm Suite, and M thu namu timn .~alimuinto innmsmio mnnufunturern by incrnuning thv price of onmpm.itivo foreign pr'Kluvi`.a. O in this double nbirwt 1-nnahl--, of At- nmrmmu 0| prlcn, l [H80 pnlu ny mm mnuun upon All domestic prodlmht that um sold nml vonsumnd in conuwtitlnn with the foreign article. A turi for 1-evnnuw an ad- jnnwd an tonffnrd incidental pmtmllon. ll rhvrnfom n nyutmni which roquirmi iho x-.on- .~umnra. who nrv llm puonk-, mpuy numh in nrdnr that the State may !'0(`1'|\`l` little. Winn PI-nu-ctlnn luvolvn. Q. What, in the hlglu-all right of proper- ti ty? A. The right. to {M-ly u-xchnngn it for (what property. Q. How do you prove this? A. If All exchange of property were for- hidden, each individual would he I Robinson Crusoe on his uninhabited i land. He would have to live on indivldlmily produced or ooil would be deprived nfmll hone in of on- opurullon with his foilowniun, d of all the ndvnningoa of pi-u(i\Iv`t{o I1 fhnt. mum from divornlty of skill? ivorsity of nnturni olrulinzntnnotvs. In o absence of nll trou- tlom of axoimnge l iwoon man nmi num. .-iullinnlnu wuuhi ll! inmouihlu-: nnd to wcuvn ' mrm I-0 nu-urlm vxmiulim-ur A. ll. invulnbly nmm1ni.u in ihn snmn thing. whc-lhur wu nmkv tho int:-rvhnngo of omnmudiiias costly and dilcult hy in (exposing dun:-ru. nwiunpa, uni. Iu'ounI.bnd road: or band: of mb :1 bi-twain produoon and nnnlnmorn, nr whatnot-.for the bunoi. ai mnno privnw in- tqouq Ihnhnvodono nothing in me:-ii. it, we` lmpollo A toll onjlm oomniodiiivn irnnnpon-ted. and mil in n mi-iii. In both omen than in a greater c-Nun and an In- unwed coat Nqnlred to proilum ggiven |`@llN.l|| ld n diminution of tho nhnndnnou 0! the mine: which minister in every- body : nooanlii-lam oomfori and hnppinou. A twenty percent. duty in like a had road; at ftypm cam... like I broad, imp And rapid river. without any nropur inoiiitiu hr no-ing. I Invoniy-fivu por cam. like A vamp anking Inch 5 river on both nidoo; while A hundred pa oont. duty, much u in iavied ypon kerosene oil, In an I hand ol mhhon. who strip the mm-ohnnl of nearly I he ponnninaqnnd nuke him not in mm mum: that he compo: with his life. Q. How do: a tariff. enacted. lot so- anlioul "pt-otcotlon," lnvuivo the principle of ninety? - A Anv nntnm of law which donlel to uunnmnr A. l'n:lnuhtedly; hut In in Man nun of the lumen. vastly of nll nu-(hodn of rnlulng ruvomm. For whlln rnvu-nun to the :-mm l\(\(\l`ll0H unly from the tax luvlod on what In imported, another tax, Mining from an |lm|`l'l\Hu of prion, in M30 pnld hy the nntlon mum all nlnmmann YIl'0dIl(`.h-I Lhnt sold onnlpotltlvo foreign pr4ull1vr.n. Q. In th|n double nbjrwt 1-npahlu-, mlnnmnt A l'n.l..nl.nu|lu- lnuf ll In nlm: nun nf lllllll 0| EXOIIRIIRO IWl\|3Il lllllll [Hill I t`|V|Hu|Nu|1Wulllll xx lmpossihln-; unx the ls-arm In whl wnllnpedo or nhul tho frooulmn 9 hnnge-l.u., vunmm Yntormurm ' 0 that l(|llIlVlll`l'1Vt'Wl puo the d upmunt of rlv|Il1.M.|un. Q. In It. then Intent. nnd rosulr of u " motive" [arm to restrict vxnhnnm~s.` A In Inn-ulnlulv -nununu on Hm : '1`: _-'_::xrw-u... x1NcsIoN_&_ :EMBROKE| - A. Any cynom of an Individual the rlght truly no uohnngo the product: of Mn Inhunhy dcolnrlng that A, A mun. may Irnalu on oqnnl arms with B, nnotha-r nIIImn. but shall not under equally Im-mahlo olromnnunou Undo VIII: (7. who Ilvcn In another coun- try. rum:-ms In client the prlnclplo ot nlavaty. I-`or hum nlnwry and the mm- clal nurlotlun ot uohnngm deny Io the Imllvklunleha right to Into the product! 0! hln labor noooullng to M: own pIellIII\_ol' whunqy any to Mm no bu advant- un In other words the pnoth-AI work- Ilcol lunch the Iyuun of human Ihnry ml Ibmhm of protontlon In to daprlvo Iho Indl unl o! I pncon ol the milk of Mn labor. wlthont naklng In return any ' dlnot ounponntlon. Launch. :1 lxahnnlun. Iulwl cunvcunnun. uukuoa tsxlangu. Q. wnunho -r.nm:uuuncnll7w0 futlhywuuouoplgp to Sui`! `N W ioouolhu-Tow Notably! Arum` am _.no. Ia-minimum TARIFF REFORM. ground ho ar rumcnlvn ~ n unnnnudltlu.-4 A. You-. The plan for slavery uuet-mu that the system was molly for the good of chealm'e.<,nuul that nny deprivation unclut- od by vthem for the good of Ioo|e&y-- nwunmg t-he manta-I-would be fully cmnpenantod to them, through m'oI-nl din- olplino, It not In this world, unrtnlnly In the world to come-. It made the slave- nwners, who omwwd the laws. the solo Judges of the question. ' 0, Have not the lame umumenm om- jmlge or me quvauun. Q. Have lame arguments pluyetlfor the restriction of exchange!- .i.e.. indirect or luture indivi-hull or social benec as B juuioation for present. per- nonnl restriction or injm-y--been always mm! to junily every encroachment by de- spotic govommenta on tlio freedom of the imii vid uni? A Vn:- nml nunmiuliv in warrant of vld uni? A. Yes; and especially in State persecution {or here:-1y or unbolloho! enforced cunforllilty with State religions; of abridging the liberty of speech and of the press and of restricting the right. of nuflmgv. In short, the nastriction of {mu- dom of exuhnngu for tho purpoae 0|` nulr serving prlvntu inherent, in one of {lime new on the part of the State which Mo ut- terly nnmgnnlatio to tho prim-iplou of (mo govurmnum; uml which, I! fully curried ol. \Vu|lld lm nlmnlutuly tluatrlwtivo of it. M......nu-In.--m In (fnmuhl. Out. Wlllu ma nInuuuu~:_; um-u uulnvv un Iv- Mununfm-lllren In (fnmuhl. It In nnld by the supporters of the N. P.. that the nmnufuutm-lug lnduntrleu worn lnnguluhlnu lu Unnuda before the N. P. value Into uxlswncu. The tollowlng table wlll (llapruve this uuntontlon: Now. we have uslwu uomlderabla trouble this uontonuon: N ow, we to go ovur twenty-nine of tho principal induatriw-1 of tho province of Ontario. and to Mom gain thu number oi men employed in each of thum in the years 1871, 188! nml irliil respectively. to me if them was it grouter lnlmr mnrket upon to the pooplu of the oountry undvr tho Nntiunul Policy than during the puriotl lmtwwn 1871 and I881. Evorybmly will you that we have no- looiml the moat impurtnnt ones. In three pamilul columns we give thu numb:-r nf persona umployml: `(HI l'0II'l VVIIFII Illll. ii. is gutting no be pretty imni to catch puupionn tmnspire" and "purspin-," hul timru um u few ntin-r puzties left in the div tiomu-_v. with little jll('1m(`lIi4 und good iiIi|nI(\ln"tI an mun ought to got a few imia cm. of the Linn-is wurds, iuniucntod, lurid and ranking. Auk i\illl0I-ll. uuyinxly what "(inn-'i(`.l'l\i(` Inurmn. nmi im will any: Why, uhuppad up iutn iltmiu hits, nitrou- dmi." He will in n.-iimli.-Aiimi In know HIM ii: umunn nmhing of tho kimi. Anything timclcontml i~ thurou,;hiy drlud. The way it hm: comma to moan rinoppwi up" is worth noting. 'i`imru an-ea uniy two or thrue Linings in ('()ilIllitil (`ii use to which the munn is nppiiod, uuuh nnuinniomtod oodiiah and (ioaiot-utyml um-unnub. 'I`iu-so nru nhmd- iud, but (hut \\'m~` dnnv in uni:-r tiunt they might, im wuii tii'ii`(i. it is unuium to try to uatoii n Lmln simi:u' on thin, heonlu-In he known the origin of tin~ wnnl. Lurixi in cm- otimr wurui limt the Luiin scholar is likely to know. but. must oi the rust of mankind has t.hu nulinn Limi. it tiowrilnon snnwtiling :...nn....nu wvl .m.I vnilnw. uinrimr. low Canada Pac_I;lc Railways inmvlmcly \\'Ill 1`: p \'nu l'|1 \`nu I '1 (Alvin ll (.'uLt. I'm'mrnes. 1`). Flour and grin mill! . . . . . . .. . 1!! (HI roh'ueria~'. . .1 I 1 rr..n..... ,. .......1,.. Hl8lH.!_ . . , . . , . A 19 Clxuvw fm-Lorie: 20 Engine building. `ll Car Ind looomu tive works- ` . ._ '31! Glass works, . . .. m n..:..o x- urnrniuh nullnn umt. H uoaormon 1-mmuunnn Irrllllxmtly rod and vollnw, glaring, and \ulgurl_v mnoanllunnl. M u lurid malo- dnunn. The Mm llnzu lhnru In to the firm thu mom Iurld In tho nunllngmtlun. Thu .I..n And mm nml uullnn nnd dark lurk! in tho nunllngmnun. Im- more dull and onhl and uullun And tho Hulxsot In the morn lurid It Is. Lnrid In tho color of smoke. gxlmntly, gruylnh-_vc~l< lnw. Lurld nnum um thuem olmkvd with smoke. Hut poupln who rum! nhout "lnrltl nnmma" think nhnut the brightness nml not of Ihn nunuku. Hunco tho ml-mnauftho word. Whnn It mum: to making the hntlu -uhnlur in ma likely to he zmrnytumnylxxly. It-:jm:' Why. making means somuthluu ppl lg, or that hm: mnlntum oozlng from t ul usury with some foul nuhsumoe, wok- lng with lth. Uh. thnt`u mzy. Auk such n cnndunt mm what In meant Du: ` "J No Home did llMh or fair blue reek Rosu up to show mu his plow. No is stumpml luy Lhznt. How could Jean Ingrluw will onythlng "nllppury with foul moisturo" fair and bluo and expect it to show In-r whom Mr first lovn-, her last low and lrwo with tho lruo, truo hoort." ohodo.` When ono known that "rock" moons unoko. than it in plain enough. Then one soon timl. Auid Rookie" d0oun`l. moon that Edlnhoro` in much A slimy, sticky place run it In It smoky town. If a horse's nnku took with lnlonturu. R In boonuao tho Mr is frosty nml tho pnrlplrntlon ntrmnna. y good rights orlnp In a word which in min-oppliod. though the diction- ory has onpilulntoul mcommon unqinluml of ntlcltlng up for tho old I-dot meaning of tho wonl. II. in obvunl to be able to apply tho mum Mijmllvo to hair and an cookie. A nom'o'a wool in orllp; .-to In A at. brittle oooklo crisp. Really the word meom "nnrlv " \\'nvan um urhm: lc-ttuoe In urlsn when It curl: up, out n mmnn Isv nova-r <-rlap." no matter how much the seed vmalognas may my an A nuke whloh in firm, and snaps: into hluin crlar, hut that H n nuoondnry manning. Tho truuhlenlmm. the word In that. If you (01! Ihu waiter a "chap" your hrenlhuu luwun, manning tn hnva It only nllghtly oonkml. junt onough to curl It up. ha fewhoa It In you trial to math In lint, hrown uhlpa chm. um bl-lulu vnmuzh, hut nu far from helm ur|np" In the right mmnlng of the word. onnkio crisp. umlly Ino wuru munm "curly." \r\'nvea are crisp; lvttlloe urlap when It curl: but mdlnh is new-r H...-1.... " nu mnnm haw much the r Name of Iudn.-atry` I INTI. H91. VI-"I IIUI II- Diabouu. Bright : Diuouo. Kidney. Uri- nary or Liver complaint: cannot be con- tnctnd by you or your busily il Hop Bit.- un an and. and it you nlroody have nnv oltahooodlacnal I-lop Bltuu in thi only mndinlnn that will nndtivnlv cur: won. -tannin-r~4 of Hui: Hlw wil Dally tex--n-pt Monthly-I. goi (ohm VV:-mt nt :1 1 III olwoooatocuu nop mum-u In me only modiclno that will tivoly euro you. Don : I thin, don't. got some pun`- od up nu that will only harm you. TIRE: Juno Ounpholhoal-nu d Wdlnnmu' uudununklllldqulwnynhuonhmd 3 good that 0! ha on and uncut. on nlnln wing and rhlnnin All ahnnn F pnuion cl `riu, norvouunou undo. rd. walnut. mu : Compound Iron lhnros nuucumhodonu Qlioonu. Sold by E. C. Mitchell. I nunt. .\ \'u.ruI lI upm` munm turx-rs DANGEROUS WORDS- DISH. ufnc uurw .. Ill. 817; I A mu 1,974 1,922 1,252 HI I) 597 244 STEAMER HAMILTON 12.`: the FRAUD of the day. See you get Carter's. Ask 0; Carter's, Insist and demand CARTEITS Little x The only perfect lsubstitution Liver P111. Take no other, Even if 5 solicited to do so. Bewarg ptvtrnltauons of Same Color Wrapper. WEATHER % CLOTHING I The thermometer tells no lie. Men`s All-Wool Halifax Tweed Suits, $4.68. Men's Light Weight Serge Suits, $3.95. Men's Florida Cloth Coats and Vests, $2.00. Men's Black Alpaca Coats, $1.25. . Ilnmlllnn. Toronto. Kln Itm|."I000 Illldl. Rnpldu uf the I. Imwrouco and Montreal.

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