Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1896, p. 4

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Get your eye on our sign, there's profit for you an- derneath it. to this he also aoonneu no answer. The mootin was a great nuccou and highly favor: lo 00 patron candidate Rogers. -..-.. An... n -nun-r nun Lmra puma had nevor accom- pllnhod anything. In almost the Inna breath he stated talllt next. tothe premier of (iron Britain the most popular. eminent. and inuential Itntoamnn in Eng- land ll Jooeph Chamberlain. H0 in leader 0! the third party and is advocating pro- lonnbiol trade in the British empire. The Tanker attempted to create men of Itrnw b showing how the "lroitrade polio " the patrons would be disastrous to t. oountr. Regarding the school question he uni the but may to some the mutant was to send man to nnrlinmenl. to xoree me om um-ougn one name. Alex. Cameron spoke briey, ennounoin himsel! e uupgorter of the patron cand - data. C. 1!`. union. in A few words. nup- mm the remarks 0! the a ken in be- ol the eoneervetive can idem. J. L. H: cook. M.P.P.. explained the aim: end 0 jeota of the independent. party. expoeing the corn: tion that had taken place It Ottawn. ens critizing the extrava- gence of the coat of government. He nak- ed cendidate Smith to define Ma poaiuon on the Manitoba nohoolquestion, but.Mr. Smith declined to do no. He was asked if his position was as defined by Dr. Herald. but this he also declined to MIIWGI`. 'rI.. vnnnlinn um. a crank. mmnnnn and question no mo me new no Bowls ma mutter was to send men to parliament. lorco cho bill through the home. woke briov. announcing IJQXIVIIIVI UIICIIIIIO KIIIIZ Kl IIIIIIIU III Poomon. Thero Ivu A good euondenoe no the meeting in the town hall. Portsmouth. lut owning In the interest. 0! petron and! don ha. The ohnir wu occupied by Goorgo ft, jr. Mr. rs VIII the Brut. speaker. Ho dened h I paolblon on hho ood ( ueatlon u hvoring I rm` for revenue on y. On the nation 0 Manitoba school he declar- ed h mull opposed to lb. but. we: In favor of having the quemon settled bf peaceful oy. mum. No ooeroion wen hlnngol ll-alum` nuhl. lnlln-md - In-5-H` An. nuonl lot A conservative. than . it In: t. 0 party which broughl phone. the confederation oi the provinou into: dominion. It was very remarkable ihnt Mr. Smith did not refer tn the romodinl bill in any mnnnor. Dr. Hamid looks I luv words in bohnll Mar In the romodlnl bill In spoke a few words of tho OODIOPVIMVO osndldubo In the coun- t. Ho objected to the non: because 0. av formed I thi unrtv. and formed I thin third purolu had nllnhod nnvthinu. In BK. 110 00]El'0(.| I'D "IO oy Ooluon-nun Ondldno Iuuou to Donna HI: Dnnltlnn nounou mum oouuorvulvo H01 WEATHER CLOTHING .0 OOH Al 0 U-ll)(`,. CAuI-unmmun. June 9. -- R25 boxes ..s.:.- ..-... s.,....4..u nu ...... ...|.a ... lnl. Icullphlhnu. Jnmvovnu. N.Y.. Jun II.-luvun ha and in Rabi. lib n-val-n. IL: WI * hum: h1Io-At Wllkubum 10. ll. Bill: I In 7. n :6:R:o::.:B.. um .g._,| _. 5 M. . ha. I. Almllln. In CInnnLnL I II l|C'I- IIIIU UXUIUII BUVUIUU I) [IV-VV nuns. hln al (homo Beam) followed. an briey a mnn hlnnoll ll tho candidate of 1 AMtE1 |NO AT Ponrsuobrn. THEY couu: TRU-S`T HIM. MADE Tuv or FAWKES. d For Their AM They Como to Innu- onn D-I-nu, r"r"' MURDERED HIS WIFE. (CI. 7! .JI `.L|`I |I.|: 2.29.5. Aswulhgun. ll. .t.ron| P`"')'v DVBI` nouns: I000!!!- The thermometer tells no lie. Ruolntlona In-ought llefnre the Oongl-on of Commercial llocllea. l.uxnoV. Juno l`.--At the congress of the chambers of commerce in l'0!0l\llJ0lI wna endorsed declaring `the expediency ol the commercial law oi the whole British om- piie bein 00(llllOd. The imperial goverw ment willgbe nailed to inane a commission. It wan agreed that the law telntin to billa ol exchange should be made uni orm in the British empire. also that uniformity with the law: oi continental powere should, wherever practicable. be eatablinhed inter- nationally; that the reply letter card (unml by France and Ceylon for inlnnd corres- pondence) be adopted by the llritieh im- rial mtal service an a means ol lacilium ing an increasing intemourno throu hunt the Britiah empire: that the reply otter card bemade applicable to international communication. m. .1)... I.nhhnnh_ Rm-t... M.P_. in ha- communtocuon. Sir John Lubbock Bart... M.|'.. in be- hull of the London ohmhr ol oommoroo. moved the following resolution in regard to Arbitration tor ntaornationnl dinpuwn: ||'I`|.-t in 9.1.. nnininn nl thin nnmrrnnn lm Arbitration l0I' muornauonu anapuwn : "That. in thou inion 01 this congroaa the pnuont. gigantic oxpondibun on miliurv pnpanhonn imposes an intolornblo bur- den on rational rovenuu und in immense nddition to human labor: um. the settlement 0! Inhnumounl dH`l'or- mu... 5... In-nu nf Anna in bar- IOIDIOIIIODIG OI IIIIJI Iuuawum umvl - once: by lows of arms in bar- bcroun and unworthy of civilized nu- uono. md that. dionnoea or diopuhn Mining between dlbront. govornmonh. which cnnnoc ho adjusted by diplomatic noncy,nhouldu hr u pouiblo be re- lotrod to urbbtntion." INA. ..u.I.n.lnn "o-Ila! lnr An nnlmnhrl lured urbunuon." This noolntlon "called for an nnimntotl dlncuuion. lb wu anally umndod lag striking out n|| the that put. ending wit. that word "NnI.|nn|. and the omdrdod form urging suggesting nrbllnuon when no-ibh. podblo. Tho fourth and End sitting wu hold to-day. Tho oong'uIn.by 5 nnnnhnoun vote. veil solution: proposed thoydnoy III Iolhourno chnnhon 0'b 00II|lnOl'@. requesting nil. ovmon Io ollnlnuo chum: from M Minding. virtually con- Inou that remove uhl owners from nll mum . In . onus ol hilun. haunt: to aboli- oohh chain from hill: at lullng. n can . wand ullngton oonlunnoo. n um} um W 01 lovnc ol Ilghsdnu upon _,_ . has been appointed president OI mm mm- ring non commission which will go to Ahm- kan watora to make an exhaustive at.ud_\' of the sealing question. He will have no uuociantou on the commission hr. Stemnger and l)r. Lucu, of the Smihlmolnun im-t.i~ tuna Cultured Women tube. The trial of I)r. Jnmeaon and his fellow olliceru, for their pnrtinipntion in tho Trans- \-ml mid last. December, wmn resumed in the Bow St. lice court. London. this morning. Sir .dwnrd Clarke. counsel for Jmnomn. intimated that he would submit. that the court had not. jurindivtion under the foreign enlistment not. which the de- fendnntn were accused of hnving violated. T|:in mnrnina A hnrrnl of nil in the `MM?- lendnntn accused or nnving vnoinwu. This morning ll barrel of oil in ment, in n bnkery owned by K. Hariaclie, at 8.`! Spring Harden nve., Allegheny, l'n.. exploded and scattered Homes in ovury direction. Mrs. (lurische, aged seventy- lour, leaped from the window nnd was killed innuaintly. A rnnjchild. aged llvo yours, was found dent in his crib. l.ot.l.ie. aged five years. wan badly burned run! will probably die. -5 I . Au n .nneI\n|l|`r\I protection. An east-bound Chicago & Northern Paci- c suburban train at Oak Park struck u wnggon containing four men hut evening. One was killed. Frank Woodn, foreman for the Chicago Telephone Co., another eeri- ously injured and the remaining two were bndl bruised. Join H. Moore. one of Winnipeg's most prominent citizens was nrrented yesterday or theft. IL is nlleged that he did not properly account for monies collected from properties which he was xnnnaging for Hon. Stratford Tollemach. London, lung. The amount of shortage is 80.000. Tim Wm-tminamr (lrmette nubliehen n of shortage is 80.000. The Westminster publishes news Agency dos tch from Bombay. say- ingibis mportmrubhore thgt the British warship Bonaventure. while making u pus:-age from Colombo. Ceylon. to l`ondi~ cherr . capital of the French ser.t|eInents in In( in. lost. seventy men by sun stroke. l)r. David Starr Jordan. resident. of the Stanford nnivorsit. , San runoisno, Cu|., has been nppointe president of the Beh- rimy nan nnmmisaion no Jan lac. HIUU. T. O. Currie, grand vice-president. of the mtrona 0! industry and patron candidate In West. Middlooex. has retired [mm the contest. The Contact is now between W. S. Calvert. liberal, and Dr. Rooms. Tun perite. At Mnuowah the prosecuting oicor in ten years. At the meeting of Toronto Anglivnn synod. yesterday. a motion by Principal Sheraton, to send a mean (9 of rooting to the Presbyterian nnaom Iv, wixing it. godagoad, created considerable opposition nd nally had to be withdrawn. Thn Rmninh nuvernmont luu decided to and finally had to be witnnrnwn. The S niah government criminal y proeecuto Hen. Borrero. who recently wrote an insulting letter to (ion. Martinez Campos, which resulted in the sending of a challenge by the latter, Bor- rero having refused to retract the letter. Ramrrimr to Mr. Chamberlniifn speech re-oloctod. The michsmg commission to which WM referred the civil code bill have concluded their consideration of the measure and have mpoood that It. go into operation on Jan st. I000. '1` n I`...-pi. nnmnl vinn.nram'dont. of the perite. prosecuting the cloning of his case a uinat. (Ian. Mura- Lieri in the court-Innrbin of that oicer, oaterday demanded that Hen. Bnmtieri imprisoned in a fortress for a periotl of At moetimr Anglican The Wheel of Socie is `the. . .- Cleveland. having refused retract one letter. Referring speech before the chambers of commerce conven- tion, Mr. Asquith any! that it is evident hnFland is on the threshold of n bitter tar lfconmet. and that the liberal pnrty will tight to the death against any form of protection. Chicago Hetberthe, the late French amuunnuor. The Spanish prison; at Couba are filled with riuonon to their utmoot. capacity. and a l the prisoners departed from Cuba will heroalter be sent. to the Island of For- nando Po. ` D:.i-.... .|..nina r-inl: nnwn. Inn linbiH- was made inurotan waters. Denpnwhoa from Madrid abate that the banker: 0! Paris and Amatordum have de~ olined to advance any further loam: to Spain before next. November. The emnoror Rave an audience to the. before next. November. I emperor ave the marquis De Noail en the new French um- bauedor to Germany, who succeed: M. Helberttae, the lace French embaenndor. mu. Hmnluh m-ham: M. (`.nut.n are filled nando Po. Ridenu skating rink, Ottawa. ha liabili- ties of 817,200, assets. 3`.!0.70|. Expendi- ture during the year. $4,907. cash balance on hand, 87.183 The board of directors wan re-olocted. 'n.- ...:..|..e..... mmmiusnn m which Fltlu Tho nc union of the fby-fourth con- grou oi the Unltod Staten cloud yester- dnv. inshnd of I minister. Boron Von Ioonlnudl. Auurinn oomul at Now York, on luvo 0! chance will nah return to Na post, owing to ill-heulth. unldwln Smith has declined the donut Na pout, owing to nu-neuzn. Goldwln Smith dogma of LL.D.. which the sonata of the uni- vonity 0! Toronto proposed to confer on him. Report: have been received at Canon. Crete, that the Turks have plllngod and burned twenty hamlet: in thointorior of the Inland. rn.- Mnnrn (`.vnln Cm. of South Milwau- the Inland. The Moore Cycle Co., of South kee. manulnotunrs 0! bit: else. has as. si nod. Aueta 8213,0003 inbllitiea con- al crab]; leu. 'I`I.. m-In hum cnimd n (lraek vennol aidornbl lens. The urkn hnvc seized a (Break conveying munitions of war and provision: Ito the imur once In Crete. The seizure made in rotan waters. H.-nnnslmn {mm Madrid IIAM that. the LISTEN ! k HERE IT IS IN SHORT ORDER FOR 1-onounpmo -unnu rm: nu rum 0! the Globe. condensed and Auortod for In: n....n... _ A ulnnoo (Ilvu You the d` ` ~-\ {W10 Austrian raproaomutlve in Watch- ington will honoolorth be an nmbuudor inlhud of minister. mm vnn lannhnrdl. ""1 ""'_'_____________`_ TO HAVE UNIFORMITY. "WHIO" READERS. mrn. mu )1). Mrs. unmon, mum Itoueruon. Mina l\nt.hleon O'Hoirno, dnughtnr of W. M. 0'BoIrno. of the Stratford Beacon, and gmnldaug||t.cr of I). H. Warner. Nnpnuoe. pmaenbed ol basket. of owers to the Hon. Wilfrid Lnurier at the rulorm danmntrnuou on Tuesday lMt,nt. Shratforgl, nml received the cuabomary mlubatlovi. to-(lay, with drunkonne-I. wan discharged. Charles Fiddlor was x-I-urged with im- modemto drlvl in A public park. The rhnrgo was with ru/ on payment. by do- fandnnt. of the cook. wan lined II and costs. A oung womnn. on n nimilnr charge. wu d umiuod. 1.... Iu`l.|...- nknnvnal will: Im\-Inn omnlnd dlumiuod. John I-`Inhonehnrged with having crowed : dllturhunoo on the street, by swearing. n wu-nut. wu tuned for Ms nu-tut. Inrod In London. Rev. Dr. Dnnioll, poster ol the First. Mothodint. church. London. was msrrhd. Thursday Altai-noon, us the noldonoo of the bridohlnnnu. to Miss Annie. oldest: daughter 0 Goon-go W. (laden. mnnupr ol tho Auor light oompsny. London. and lorlmrl with Mmnoo st Minna. Kings- um. v. Dr. lhndcnon tied the hunt. This lot bought ..`. bargain and worth 81.25. Our rice, 89c. A Bargain Lot Rib ons. aoc yard, worth 4oc. W. inuina innnaclinn of tha lorlmrl with Ilmnoo C nlmnol. lungs- tou. v. Dr. Bundonon the inns. thobrldunnld but Minn [Ann (laden and the n r. Wllkinnon. Bu. Dr. Dan oln and hi: bride Ioltln tho oven- Ing to: an unborn tour. locbholdnnmnhu slvnyn boon thovotybancgln vnohlm that we nhowshovotyhutnluolnthoollpoolno mdnnforymnull. laIlI'o'I o'i'nnduo6- ton nndotvou 3| Ipuh prions. Bo `bony bhdhdbhzkodhnhou. In uullcndvotyhtpnius. Phin ootlonbouln dl um: and nnrkotlvwy low. New cumin. and hat ollk ubh noun jut urivul at B. I cl : King- nnhouo. Ilnncntpt IUITI Illllllo N.\l'A\RK. June 12. ~v'l`ho grim ronpor death has again visited uu mul unmoved ()uI.hnrine. lhu beloved wlfe 0! J. F. Smith. Her lunch occurred on Thurmlny nnrnoon at four o'clock utter uonrly lnulwen yearn of n||lYeI'im(, whit-h she hora withnhriuchm patience. She: was n devout. member of the \Vont,orn Methodist church. llor maiulon nnmo wnu (lutlmrine Anderson. (hm hl.oroH.holMe J. I . An- derson. She onvos. beside n hu-bnml, four children to mourn n devoted wife and tender mochor. Also cwo sisters, Mrs. Thoman (libbanl and Min: Lucy Andor- son. She wan in her fort.y~ft.h your. Thn funnrnl will Luke ulnna on Sumlnv afternoon (.0 the Nnpnnoo nolnemor . I Miss Delia linckworth, of Bel evillo, In \-initimr her air-her, Mrs. Dr. King, John unmet. Minn Edith Henry and Edith llinch have been nuocensful in their year`: exnmimnbiona at. Toronbo univernH.y. Amongst. Lhme in nttendnuce M. the Brethren oonv -ntion this week M. Murvnlo. am T. A. Hurfmnn, Hr-. Bowen. Mrs. E. E. Lockwood. Mm. Webster. Mr. Euefer. Mrn. (flu M rs. Hnrdon, Min Itobommn. Min lxnhhlmn O'Hoirno. dnuuhmr of W. uunrroln Among Neighbors. Fred Collier. chnrgotl in the polive court. to-day, with drunkonnc--. discharged. x-Immod wlth (`huge vmnunuvn fondant, of the cook. A ..L....... n ......Ic I lonunm., OI we costs A charge of umult. bymwy ng mm. al- leged to have hem. commit. on W. llurboh. was Invutignml. and qlelendnnt nod II and cook. - A Innnu umm-n mu :1 nimilnr nhnrnm Tholollovi lothopunounololtho Kingston anygslnlulathllhanln mu witllydonhuunh It and W.lout- z 0.30: I-;n lunu. \ hut do the business men of the coun- try think of Sir Charles Tnpper for having unduly prolonged the electoral munpeign in order that he, his son. his sonin-law. and hi: non`: partner may draw two full monthn`ulary from the public tree- Iur . ( heeee factory inspector (I. H. Hensley reported to the Frontenac cheese board at its meetinn; on Thu In that he hnd in- spected (liltlidge. . Lawrence, Wolfe lslnnd, Ontario. Silver Springs and Byden- hmn factory mlplieamnl found the milk in ood condition. hia mornin the Granite bueebnll rluh left for Bellevi e to play in nmtch with the club there. The (lrnniten team was (`om- sed thnn : Elliott. 0.: Hnllivnn. ).: iontgmnery. let b.; liehnney. `2nd L; Smith. .'lnl lx.; l*`it1.gernld. lIl.: Robinson, l.f.: Em.-ton. e.l'.: lllc(}nig, r.f` 5'10 '55 III HOT l0l'I:y`HalI Tho funeral will take plnce on I afternoon Lo the Nnpnneo nomator Minn Dalia l)m\kvmrt.h. nl Hal a yara, worm 40c. We invite inspection of the many bargains in Dry Good: we are now offering an upncotn and nnerrlon an uurnovuy r. Miss A. O'Donnell, visiting her parents here for the pant. three weeks, will return to Rochester, N.\`., Snmlnxy night. to ro- aume her duties in St. Mnry`u hon-piml. The gmaa in the city park in being out. Thin m-umlnr rnnnrf. nnvm` Innlxnd mnm green and the newer: me Ill mu moom. The names of John Corbett. and Jamel- Knnpp were added to the list of directors of the county of Frontenac farmers` insti- tute. 'I`h_v represent Kingston township. The French [zuardship started for Yalovn, on the sen of Marmom.yeaterduy,with 875. 000 with which tc my the rnnnom of two French women, w )0 were recently cap- tured near that place by brignndn. Tho information uiven tho Wum to the burofl HIM, place Dy Drlgnnun. The information given effect, mm the installation of J. H. Met- culfena warden 0! the penit.ent.|nry took place yesterday was incorrect. Mr. Met- onlfe expects to be installed this afternoon. The London. Emrhmd. Smtiat remarks American. 1 The Mm-ylobone orinket. warn bent. the Australian eleven by an imling und el h- toen runa. The IIIIO was begun yoatergny and nished bo- ay. ` Ynntardnv nromotion exnmhatfonn in the delay In the taking 0! mo vow. New potatoes 50. I quart. Home grown boots. cucumbers, tomatoes. parsley. wator crosn, California peaches, plumn, apricots and cherries at (lurnovaky-. O'Donnell. vimtimz lmronta aume her uuuea III M. Mary 9 noapmu. This popular resort never looked more beautiful than at present. Everything la and the ower: in lull bloom. onue axpenuu no no manuea mun Mwrnoon. The London. England. tlmt n-imte advices received show no roum for vundence that Sir Charles upper can hold on to power. The Stu- Lint. is one of the beat lnlormed papers in I-In lund. \ II... An OLA knuinnuu Iunn nf Hun nnun_ I `I'll You IAIOII luv: unnvuuu _- ...- lnnlloot or lines. Blouse walla 890. Haniyl. Saturday. Miu Nellie Guy, Kingston In visiting Mn. Milne. Bollovillo. Arthur B. Abemobhy, Now York, In I visitor to tho city to-da . The Bollovllle buebnfl club hu Imported A new catcher numod M0000. Bnguenay ulmon, hnllbut. sunk loo. a lb. nt. Osmovokyh sh mnrkou. Dalton McCarthy uddrouod 5 large muting at Deoeronto yutordny. _ Hr. Jnhh In dafondnnc in In |oMon..u Brookvlllo. At Tohenn. Mohammad Ali Mira, oldest. Ion of the Ihuh, wu proclaimed hoir-np- parent to-(Inf. A. E. M. nacomho. real unto agent. sold 3 house and lot. on Ordnance street. to James (Mlle: is. 'n.. .1. 3 n (`.,-xlvin and mnnorba. and nmanou no-uay. \'onl.erday promotion exnmhntlonn the public school: were commenced. They will mntlnuo until nished. which will be on or about the 2lnt. lnat. \\'.\..|.n-- ln Hmlnnlmnn null nnla rin Expert Cyclists about me zm. man. Workers in Sydenhmn and Ontario wards in the interest. of the reform mandi- date will meet. tonight at the gonoral com mitten room, Princess ntroot. lo in .H1l lwn wnnlan tn nlnntinn alnv lnibtoe l'I`lll0ell HIPOOI7. It in still two wool to election (lay. Business has still u fortnight to at mine. Tup5)0l' is the man who Ill reaponaib e fol` the ( einy in the taking of the vote. Nmv nammes 50. (mart. mown `I'll! You nun own crowded Ink tho lnuunn Inloo. moounu Deooronto yuwrnny. Dr. Jobb ls defendant Action, Bollovillo, similar to that made here. 'l`n.:hv Amhhinlmn Clnrv blessed the similar that made here. To-dny Archbishop Clear :ow win` orso. Vlncentdo nul houplbul, Ilnnloul n HOW Wln 0| Broolxvll 0. A Tainan rive tn-mon-ow. H. H. Pannoll left. for Toronto this morn- ing, to write at the examination for the degree of Phm. B. 1.. ..I.~..-m mm-|-an nf llntnrnuni ward de.roe ol l'hm. n. he rotorm workers of Untnrm ui ward will meet. to-night: At the corner 0 Rlduuu and Burrmk nrooto. M. am! Mr. (Inn:-on W, I-`lmnn and Kingston and Murvalo. Seventy-nine copies of the Railway (la- zona have been preoonwl $0 the public li~ brnry by Mm. R. 0. Carter. I E. M. Wvckoff and wife. of Brooklvn. ' brnry by Mn. N. U. Unrmr. E. M. W clmtf wife. Brooklyn, N.\'.. ure {II the city today. They are "doing" the St. Lawmnce. A private picnic was held at Kingston Mill: ho-day. It. was conducted by `the Mine! Macdonald, Willllmaville. Min Lnum I) Wnrdan. Mrn. Indn Fu. x2}c Prints for 8c. ` Better cal! early fore thug lots are sold as on wine but gains last but 9. than 3 ` \../ Mme: Macaomua, wunnmavule. Min Laura I). Warden, Mrs. Ind: Fu- gebte and Min Gladys Fugette. of Shelby- vllle, 'I`ann., are guests at. the British American. Th. Mnrulnhnnn nrlnlnnl. IAAH1 hunt. Hm I Jnvnoaullloa ie. The ctr. L D. Calvin and oonaorba. Anhlnnd to Garden Inland, timber, w|ll ar- ming hm-un-t-nu: and Burrmk -mow. Mr.nnd Mrs. (leorgo W. Shane and daughter. Brookvilla, visit lrienda In Kingston and M urvalo. Eavantv-nine comes Rnilwnv THE NAPANEE TIDINGS. Punnnlthiunv l.I|.._l_g In AK` -u-n-g_nAl In her rorny~nn.n Sumlny inmnoo omnatorv. he ouuouol nu nun:-- `That : Ibo W? with All of `on. TM! growl on prlnulp o. aha can : uh || 'I"ho non nuntmnor hupponul to be In A rlum homo. A motharlv-looking old y coma to the door In nunwur to the driver`: ring, and nutm- "Vlhn ha been the mnhr with my In-Ivor`: I-Inn, nu num- hu boon mnhr my `Iceman than Ian tow dun? to down`! noon: to up to tho qunmy of am you lots whnn I trust txqpau so nude with you. Why. I nun`: as-in saving on my muting. If ls dooowo you honor soon I nhnll have to n It or noun on 0139." \lhmn hhn n Imp hm! rannmnd in: can Men's Colored Print Shirts % D UN LOP ""1W!9*!1i!!AAJ'3"- NIW COMMODITY PIDDLID ON THE ITRIITB LIKE MILK. lhll hIVO I0 I II 01 IDIIIO OI! Il." sun the Ivor nu rammed MI son he ohlohlol and QM:-- "I`hAl n (Ln nnv vnlh All nf `am. That Vs:-Ion llun Io wmon tho lloulod Light nlng May ho Put--A Potent Annoy In tho llonoohold--`rho Icloou-Io Mon Icon to In :1 Common an the Mllkmnu. New York, May 14.-`Do you want my olootrioluy to-day, mtnmr This In I quuulon put to may Now Ya-kart nowndnyn; and when the reply In In the uvlvo, oho amount: naked for I: At once nuppllod from wngonn, much as milk in dollvorod. mm mint. 1: In cllnnod out of lame milk I: douvoroa. Not uh It In cI|`pod at large forty-quut mm wit 0 manure, not dog: It oomo in quu-t. homo: labeled "no ululou-nI1on."but It in [N0 up In up Idol of snorted Illa. from Iona u man an alumna boxed no others an Inn n nodes when fountain oylindm. Tho bnsdo In nnuuod cleotrlolty to boom- ng, the vendors my, and also oloou-lolly .___....- mun nnnn ha nu nnnumnn n nlnhl ll! 0! nlluru-u nu-. uvnn -u-u - mined ing, wngonn will soon be in common n Ii 0 u the milk wngom. Unlike nrik, though. It. ummot. ho wahnd, much to tho utiulnmiun of tho oonnunwru; whq, novcrtholou, mu mnuugo to find enough $0 kluk nhnni. Thu hnllncll ol podliinu oioobrir-iiy im-4 izhrivou no up- idiy that i|1l`\u|i'iy humirodu of buainu house: and private mnideuooa no i'ur~ ninhod daily with nuh,-ions mooin power to noon thuir variunu ruquiromuita. rm... nnall nf nluuhrlult-V ll mnilold. II|ll:-- "That man wouldn`b tumble home full on Mm. If he! doonw up puny noon Im'Il bo nag]:-and dnv. " thuir variunu ruqulromnuu. The need of Oluutrlult-y mlliloid. Tho prominent of many iiotoio. showers. Ind own thu auporinu-ntmm of ublio buildings mi it. munh uhonpor. D ough porhupu u imlv morn Inthononno. so use this ouuuuii lightning rubhor than to maintain an oltnuivo doom-io plum. For who um: ransom. owner! of private rui- donou puntimw tho mwdfui Iupply from the iliuomnc vendor: mind so grow in: the bullnuu grnwn mm the nhnmi duior who iirsc minuughb of pedliing D puwur in this Iuunuur uuw lms uighueu routmi whivh hu nuppiic-I from as Inuny wugmnn. izmii moruixm the oinhtnen wngou bloyollnu. Many u rider hm: boon and born as pounlblo n|gh|'n sojourn In in IN\- Ion house when M: llght hm: nuddnnly gone out by coming nurmun an blnyolu non whnro hum-In for xvhool.-n are kapt In nook. Than bicycle buumrlun an gon- onlly ohnrgod wloh nlnobrlolty nuflulom. to golwrum I brlght llghl. for u perlnd n! Nulvo hours. and manly ovary blnyolo acorn now know; a large supply of nmnll bntterlm In amok. 'FI\n \-ulnar um-nolv nmnnhul nhn I-1|. bnmerm In noon. The writer rooomly moo ml aha lul- taou of one M the oloutru nldora In go over oho route with hlm. Tholr Ilrlt noop wu M. n pumlnem. dom.|nt.'| nub lhhmom up mwu. l`ullng in mm of elon- triony nbouh the Inn of an plm poll from 5 tank In who wugnn. the driver Moved tho omw, Tho proprmor at onus oom- uunoml n vigor-mu "lllck" hoonunolm ht` been nuglmwed Iu um pnwloun day`: nupply. The driver an nuthm mu he Md returned to his seat. w non ho Il|1|:- II'l`k-Q nun: n-nnlr|n`r. tnrnlrln If A Each morning olghtnen an lundnd wm: t-hulr aroma. and Iw Inn; on Iholr vm-Inn: ways. At enoh pltoo of dollvuy the driver 3:-up: I an - Islam the mount requlnd and dcpm It on t a scoop or In me an wuy, when he ndu nn umpzy jun`. hhe cantons of which were mod the dny boforr. this he thrown mm the wagon and drive: 0']: to the next uusmmnor. Ln... mu lmtnhur Hm lnhr and our Low Price Store the uusuunmr. Llkn the butcher, the baker and our dlutlck make-r, mo e-lwtrlo Inn in sub- jeowl to all kinda: of l(-olnnu for his rolnluuuan lu dvlivvry of goodn, I rambl- nou whluh ha nenriy alwnyn Imnjtllry on the part of mu pnlrunl. some women who buy muh day nlmub lb one-dnoonlh hnrsa-puwu-r mm full of thn olnotrlo uid with whluh so wurk their sowing mu uhluoa or rock tholr Imhlu no 11001;, Iro- qus-ncly complain that yuwrdn `I nup- ply wA\9..not nu much an that 0 we (lay berm-9. formwttlnu than may sewed longor, yo-mvrdny, ur that. their dn-llng wan mnrv tlmn usually run and wnkaful. nml rvqulrod mom rooklng nccnrdln y. Women do not mm (.0 realize that e co- trlclmy. llhu everything also. has no llmll, and than they mm not. make four hours` worth of uleotrlnhy (In for olght houm The smaller lmmsrlon am nonlly purohuad by those In charge n Intim- tlonl; otlmru n-qnlru n lmuoory that In sully ornn-purmble. Ordm-s for am; that own be carried |u the vent, pocket an the- quoncly received, and am oftvu used by vaudeville porfurnmru nn the um of varloly ulwnwrn to enhnuco a spectacular clout. Prnfnulmml mu nlno nd vulouu man for hlmm |u tlwlr nmoel. and then are In wngmu cnorrlng exnlunlvely to lnwyoru, duo:-on. donmta and the like. mum. nnnnoot than nnnnhlo banter llwyoru, (mot-orl. uunnlw nun me mu-. DIIMIM unnnoot pnnnhlo lu with small motor: whluh furulnh the mnln powvrrfbr nuclnlueu uud ln clean- lng and for clrllllng lmlun In tho molars of uclr puhrolm. Tm-_v an Also unod by dentist: for gunoratlrq the small llgbma ulod In oxnmlnlug '4IlI. Surgeons um mull bnttorlen whluh vhuy oar:-y about In their canon of uurgluul In-srumenu to ski thorn lu perfurmlng dullmw opera- tlnnn, iii sumo every on-run, Juno 1| - no 5 guns: nun undue u . ` s .a .00 an 1 :'..-:: *..".*':l'v.`".".% ~..`.'g-':= rm; u`...-.. sub to "an `ouhuo ` ' nu ' ohlo Inmnma. sons lllv I`ollt|t-0| nngnphn. The otlioinl nnminnoml took place in Nipinnin ontenlny. uuditluwoa being Jul. (fomnoe. I ml. and J. I}. Klook. consor- wuivo. AI-.. Mnnhnunln Inn hnnn rnnrnnnnljd nu wuivo. Alex. Mackenzie ha: been ropronontod M .-mm bonide the publlo chest. with cahoo- gun n h lmvul, guarding H. from Mend nnd foe. If the aivbnm of Tu nginr was drnwn he would roprolontot with n --Iimmin" in mm Imnd mu! I dark lantern think to cuunnoflm them. They undo the uoluolllnclomn on tho oat: mod no Ibo AI-Ion bull. 'l`hoy furnished the pawn! than llghood the lump: placed In Mm loll- mrv at the Gould "Wedding M M. 'l`homu `Uhurnh. I`hn_v make the nhonngrnnh e talk. tho (`hrhmmu woo upnr In and Q, mncunmtlu phmon play. 'l`ho_v nuwe the cy- nllnt from taking homlunu. um! uh II ru- oent pnnulo of the nmmu M Troy a hut . wry plm-ml in the engine, with` win-n running nlunn the rope: Ivy whhvh it wu pullvd, Imhtml lmnpn that pm-kh-(I In tho hilt-I nl` thu pnrtlulgmntn. Iilnvry num- mor shows un Juoremu In the number of plt-Mum lmmohu that no propelled by mo-Ann of c-Eeucriclty, Mid many earrings- makers now pluco one lu ovary vohlolo which they make. rm... lmt.t.m'lmI no routed M: nrlodn low on the park, and we nuumrnaan nnu lo:-lml u 1 about fort dollars` worth of his material <-anaehecoolined to y look- age. ` lie said nothing except a ow "oun-~ wonln." and went to Maura. Btrou h 6: Brooks. at Clayton. who du llvate the order and these oodu Ingerao loaded up- on the scow "Fllying Cloud," which on a two-mile an hour gait sailed lei- surely into the dock on Saturday, where lngersoll atood ready to re- ceive his property. and had a team on hand to carry the lumber to his building. Here was at once a crisis. Mr. Newton, for the trustees. forbade the goods in he landed unless loekage was paid, and in- geraoll told the acow s mew to go ahead and unload. A fight was imminent, the occasion was grave, tempers ran high, lists were nearly in collision. But when l loft lngursoll had landed and gone away with one wagon load and had returned for another, when the St. Lawrence cant o her linen. and the writer went away from vthnt scene of strife, feeling aomethin like that dear old lady whose huaban was tunsling with a bear, and was u )bl'Illll0(l for not interfering. " Well. s a said, with much oolnposnre, "I've seen flghta where I had a choice which licked, but in this onol dldn t care which come out ahead." l....nunll'- nnnlnnllnn in ha-n.fnlrl. and ahead." lngenIoll'n oontentlon in two-fold, and he mny be right. In the ll:-at place he oontenda that in all the lenses in:-ued by the nuoointion there In in (`lanes which ex- empte lrom uny doolmge or entrant-e fee ull mnterlnl coming to the pork for pur- poses of improvement. in the second place. the (lock of the association is be- yond low-water mark. and therefore upon the property of the people of the United States, and that the park authorities are themselves treapaaeero. hnving no ri ht to impose docknge upon in citinen`a gong: un- lm-n they(the association) ahnll Ilratpro- cmo n license or permit to build the dock. lt in understood that auchn license has never been granted. though the associa- tion did procum from the state legislation nn nnnntnnent uivlnu them "control" Prominent Hen tinn did lrom um sham Iogn-Inmon nn onnomnent giving (whntovor that mny menu over the waters of the river for at certain: istmnoo {mm the sham. If this be no. that law of the la in- lnturv in no more worth of oonnldemt on thnn if not ennctod. he waters of the St. Lawrence river. thank God. belong to the people of thin country, and only at law of oongrea-A can give any person or ~orporu- Lion "vontrol" over them. More. then in cho fonmlntion 0! n llrnb (`Inna lnwuuil`. In on-oll hns grit` nnd much nym mthy at. no nanooiution In still` necked um; pouealea money. he law up- ponrn to be with Ingersoll, he pmnont. nuwm` in wH.h the nnnouinLionv-but why mmwn unnu-nu. ()1'r\\\`.\, Juno IL . Your mrrenpomlenl was informed on good nut.horit.y Lhnl, when Hir (`hm-lea Tupper senhfnr Tnylor Mc- \'eity before the government cnndidntea were nmninuted hero, the premier I\!lH3(l him fore pledge to nuppol-L the govern ment. on all questions. includln the re- metlinl bill. Bl!` (`hnrlen hint that ll would not Inntmor very mnohnn towlmt vourso Mo\'e|ty took on the bill nn,erol- action, vrovhling he would agree to nup- port it Just. now, an it. was Impossible to run him ocherwino. ' owing to the large Frenolx nml (Inlholh vote in Otutwn. um... 'I`..nn.u~ unnI.mI wan Mt\\'nll`\"|l pun-uecl afterwards. In Toronto purl llumilton the oomorvm tive oandidnboa were allowed by Tupper to go no they plum-e. "bum" they must, nup- mrt the govornnnenl. oxfmrwunls. ()t,t.awn In dilToroni.l_\' niwatexl and n d|H'ereM.u-nurse wnn l`(`(l`liH\d. Eh. I` m.-In. nnrl his nrnnn urn nnw nu". rm mrm. Sir (`. mrlon nnd his organ am now mil- inu Mv\'oity mu nluupport n tough: Incl hoodlump. drnwn ho woulll be roprononuu wuu u "jimmio" in one hand and lurk On the othor. __ tlwy make. Tho lmttmrlun are prlodu 1-nough to plum them within the reach` of newly nll uluuu. A nu-mnllun wu mun-ed as few your! arm by the dlnuuvory of an arm mom. u u ouau'h1unn`n hluh hut at 5:: Shop!- hend Ilny mm track, by man at which Mm owner of the turnout. ll middle-up! mum and lmndnummduhllg young waln- un. were enabled dny arm thy to lend nvwn of the ram: autumn the gmundu M n tlnw when the track munngomonh won data; all In their power to keep that re- nulr of mu moo from belng made known In t.Iw my pool ronmn. It won this din- mwery whluh npauml the oyn 0! It llllll one man to the punnlbla unun to which e9|e0tl'lr|l_V may he put. Imd now no In runplug n Imrvc-as ut money by poddllng thu rm-uh. of mm mm In the form of mm- ned uh-um`lolt.y. MUST l HE MAN PAY DOOKAGE -._._. Trouble llotwoon n Builder Amt Tho Trun- \\'utnruwn I-Itnmlnral. The writer was In wlmeu ol quite .1 little episodo" upon the dock at Thousand 1:- land park on Sglturdny. It seems that. n builder thou: od n resident. an welI,nnmed lngernoll, hm] landed on the dock u lot 0! lumber for use in improving IOIIIO property the: park, nnd the nuthorimen hml lm-lml un fortv be with lngersoll, me pmnont. power why Lhuy wunbml to lock up lngernoll'n I-ennml lot of lumber when they already luul forty dnllm-u worth to relnburue themselves fur the nu) lollurninvolved. (lepouent with now. but leaves it for Will Room), the Clay- ton lawyer. to Hmluub. .j.__:.j_.-. -...-.-n-nan. -u-A4-\-ruza New Printg Frenolx nml (Inllnolh vote In Umtwn. Whnt, Tupper wunhod wnn hnc\'oity'n plml 0. none to koe) himself solid with the cmreh. Tho " uh" poliry couhl be p\ll M|81| afterwards. and -j_ A l'hnne or Inn (?hnnwN\ I` llovonlul In the an nun.` Pnnlnnl. Iollllll. P?'oD|oI IAI ` ` on-run. u , nnh'n 1:11.00 And n:n .33.`a`."" ooMMmom'C IONTIQIAL I`I'00I IAIIITI. All. 0' _,~.. vv ....... .... TU PPER8' TACTICS. an Pmlllo Ionwu. . .-.u...... ll. PIODIIOI I In-in 1| -Ilo I In and no u :1. mm to 0.00: I 140. 10c. - _ t lggc piecea White Spot Mualina, 8c, 10, 1259, 17c o . 200 New Shirt Waiata in White and Colora. 60c, 69c. 75 93.90 3130- . Cream Frined Paranoia. 750 and 90. Black F1-med Paraaola. 75c. 90c. 81.00 lit.` Hoaiery. Silk Mitta. Belta and Belt` Buc. lea chea Special aale of Men'a Underwear and Regatta Sh rta. Ladies Bleached and Unbleached Vents, with long sleeves. short sleeve: and ole`eveleu, 5e. 6e. 8c. 9C. 1.00. l2;c to 25c., Health Brand Summer Wool Vesta. 76c. 809. 900- 200 piece: New Wuh Dreu Goods in all the latent style: and shade: for Blouse! and Dreueo, 10. l2c. 146. 15c. inn _1-_-_ `links- aunt Mnnlhlll Rn `I'M! cam EXCITE- METJN KINSTUN dnr. Princess and Division Sin. I have lust secured um aervtoon of Mr. '1`. J. Walter, a first-clnaa cutter. tormer- ly with Queen at Rowan. Toronto, nnd. can warrant a _ur(ecH1c In all branches! of Tailoring. Mu mu Hnn n! ma latent nnttarna and J\'j`A.-x.4\ For one party. so. ladies. get ready for the celebration by hav- Ingyourwashingdone early. Wide \ Awake Soap will assist you. as It does the work quicker and better than any soap in the market. |Cutting Remarks] {Saturday Bargains If you have not tried it yet. get a bar from your grocer to-mor- row. [WidcAwakcSoap| -. __-.-Vy V Bonight at I 8c Prints Jar 5c. ` Ioc Prints for ya. Ram-_r mall enrlvfhafore th vvuv---`cu V-__ . . . _ -- _ , mnmlod nimvlnlly lv Hm wmlmrn fur Hml! trmle. l`|1 n In Hm input lmlhm ouul (`-uylun bleml ever uprml In Omxmln. They have more special features, all of which are mlvnnmgenus. than any other hicycle, and the quality of workmanship and Inaterml being gnnmnlceai, we know that we can convince the most skeptical that uur $75 is equal tn any $xo0 value. TWEDDELL Tailoring Co. 000006 "o-woo-to-o-c-9` +o+o'-n-oo-as <+o+o4+oc~{6 JAS.ml3.__gP-`_EN & co. MAJESTIC MAJESTIC MAJESTIC mm: _ amt: BICYCLES. Khunvun. .|u` wm be the Great Day of i won't rot clothes. \l I I I n In! if I. I v vv lluve am-ul-ml the Agency 0! Hm VICTORY \AIAL.SH S one noon BELOW cmr HOTEL. 5c :1 Bar Shut Your _-_----A oml me how yum would llhmto an through the world with A blu-k wll lmfmv them. l`Imm In what will lutmu-n If Hm` Imml M- t.em.lm an-I yuu urn nouloounu Hum We luv mmlo n uhuly M the am we IImr- nuglnly unulnr-ahuul Mn wmulq-rful and nlulh-to Inoulmnlvmn. We know that. Mm wrnlmgluuom will ruin the ~lM---that Mm rllhl mwn will nl.ro|mt.ho~n It. We M the rlgln. glmuwn. ` U:-ull-ul.n' prnnvrlpllunu 1-nrofully llllml. J55-__ .'. "'_P |HOBART S I `Nil VVI :--:---w 31 l|l\0(3Il ITRICIGT. (Lalo Foreman Gas Works) Plumbing. Steam and (la: Flttlng. I... II... uI..u~.... llm. |o`lnIurnn The Leading ndertuker and Fur- nltuto nnumcturer. -.. . ..... nnnnnnec e-1-nun-r 88 an 90 Princess Btu-cot. HIIUTC KID UXDUELI Nil . 254 8: 256 PRINCESS STREET. !X0@.KU@X1@7@)(3\5\3KIK'I\iK9,\!'@l! |7u`lmu mhhlml prunmolx Mtolulo-I hu 'l`lI.KI3IIl|H I! III. mllul prulnplu` nurluunu In I`II.NI IION N IIVI. MEDICAL HALL. Y am and M! King St. Ilonth Shin. -;__ TAYLLOR S Has the Newest and Cheapest Millinery in the city. Calland see our stock. A [ >'c`;(u{s'iii\ss ma noon. nnv --1.2:-nvv-. 86 Prlnooua Street. Sizes 14}. 15 80$` 15}- L ADIESI whoea knowledge 1 wt: In and experience In M nun: e them com atom ud on ro- nounoe (go `'0 SWELL SPECIAL" the most aatmeotory mount on the market. Hnve 4 smootx Are enthualntlo In its prune. It enhances the gmoetulneu 0! than own attitude. urns tunic Wham nnnqygc Xl Vnlhblo Anlnulu lurnod to main In 5 New York Iublo. Nlw You. Juno l2.-Tho Amos-lean luau exchange building on BI-ouzlwny. ho- Intn 50th and GI struck. in: tong`? i by rolut mjhk TQM bul wlloocn an nlln i nn .u.u..".'$..... u..a.' ..1'."..au. oonllinod Ndlionu. More than lull of thin author were killed including the In- ln tho building will In About MlX). Tho loan on tho lurk in enti- 6! {mm 075%) to I|(X),0(X). TICK -I] ll WOI. N! You. Juno ll.-JuIu Croollnnn, rennupnndont. hohuloolan Cb: &u. bvoniar Ju......1 w..'|:., 3.. vlrcnrttlpnndontwhohuno have Cuba noll by order oloononl Woylor. up It thclowillbouwu mus n. llonnshnAn.mu.n....|..n||.. ..... 1`! .--II (DI I VVUIPQIIOWI IICIIIICIII Ill Delta. DIMA. June ll.-Rlchnrd Wood, lately enined for inannity, wu found drowned in lower Beverley lnke this mormng. He was committed to the Brookviiie jail on Feb. lath u hein _e person poeeeeeed of uneound mind. (her being enmined he wesnob pronounced a tit subject. Ior alum- tio nylon end was discharged on llzh Ilnnh. Wood was fty-all you! of nae. H0 VII born at or near Delte end nlwnye lived in that vicinity. For mnny you-I, Ill complny with his brother. heoerried on en extensive hueineee u e oenlo deeler end wee widely known. For the pub ten years he hellived eretired lilo. A wife md dnunlho nnrvlvn . um. nnoau remaou no augn tho mom. to abstain from interfer- Oncl n politics And wu banished for life. He Ihrtod for Cape Town last. night. Hammond, Phillipa And Fnrrnr lelt in the Iltaemoon for Johunnooburg. Priooa in Johannesburg have linen glucly. no nullvotl Ant daufltu survive. 5-.`73'&: nnogu ann nnmmona. were pun, yester- dnynud Phillipe, Fnrrur and Hammond ligned I document pledging thelnnelvee to ebehln from interference in Trnnevnnl polia. After which their buniehment. wu annulled. Col. Rhodes refused to sign the Ilreement. to abstain from interfer- And In I Result of n crlmlnnl Operation -A Physlelnn Iulnlnoned. Nlw Yonu, June l2.-Miss Lenore Cou- sins, en Ictress. died last night in A board- ing house st No. 44. West `17th street. kept by Mrs. George Wickes. An auto y mede by a coroner : physician. shows t at deeth was due to a criminal operation. Mrs. Anne 2`. R. Stevens. a physician. who ettelilld Miss Cousins before her death. willhsnmmoned beloreooroner Hoeber end ( nedionod reverding her connection with the Qe. M s: Cousins was thirty-two eel! Old and Wu born at West Newton. ssnvhere her parents reside. She wu on It the Nth street theatre as one of tb ordh unrtette up to the time of her kth. wo ears: 0 Miss Cousins pley with the bin ood Co.. acting the put of Allen Dale. Ool. Ihodou llofnud to Refrain from P0- lltlool lnurhrouco. Pllmnu, June l2.-Tho nes of 26.- 000nnh impoood upon the Johannesburg ntonn commltwe letulera, Phillips, Fnrrnr, Rhau and Hnmmond. were pmd, yester- dunmd Phillina. Fnrrnr and Hammond possible for the country no nooepc owner the lam of Woyler or the may of war whio in bringing us to Ann hilahion with great velocity. The Booordn Run ol In Contain In Amt:-|- lh. III: SAN Fmucnu-0, CnI., Juno I2.-intent ndviou from Australia report that at the cycle meeting held at Melbourne the ruc- ing mu exceptionally good. In the twenty- ilvo mile Victorian olumpionahi Mcbean Won by Iix inches lrom Martin. t no \mori- can in l:ll:.'H `. -Mm. The half mile Mndlcag was won by A. H. Clinton, thirty ynrds. in l:0l min., Martin not be- ingplsood. he match originally made between ll...-pin um) um nlA"inn nntnr-lav mm: (In. in plsooa. `be Martin end the stallion Oetariey was de- clared off. Martin being debarred by the league oi Viotorinn wheelmon from contact.- ing. Harris, the English champion. rode one heat Against Outerley and was decisive- I beaten In 2:29 2-5. min. Tom Hegnrty, l. e champion feather weight. who will violin America to meet. Dixon has been forced to declare his match oil" with Teddy O'Neill through aiclmoaa. and in now in the hnmihl. Mon. Sonar Baguio vary well any: our arm: . Ire not to be folded before the prospect. ol onorlnonn ncriooo. And the prognosti- ononl 01 We ler Inoreuo the point 01 gnvlty, when I; in thought. there will be much more than 500,000,000 pastas spent. much than 500,000,000 pooeua lponu annually. and many more than l5.000 Bpnnludn Inoriood. How, and by whom. ll gnnrnntood the attainment of this force It wont]-lour month: from this lube, and ll bhn purposes of tho general are not. at.- tamod what. shall we be galnlng and whnt. no we to do then? u'I'I.. nnlmml mnvantlonn will noon to do men ! The political conventions will noon moohln the United Sum and they will fun the flames ngtinlt Spain. Honor man; will do well to nhn another con- Men's Florida Cloth Coats and Vents. $2.00. [tn the lumen ngunu npun. aonor will do well plan lliob before the clnunrn. boonuo it. ig im- poulble for the country to ooepc either Elam I I. lmlnoinu us in Ann hilnhinn with U'1VcII| an houpml. Illowlng Iron: lloy Won: Aavlool Huron: any a sensation has been mupuhhon by an odltorhl on the situa- tion In the Dlnm Dol Colnmoroln. the loud- lnn nnnnn at Rn:-nailing. Omaha of the Iiiw (III Iullunll nu wuuun nu.-was Itltomont that tho wnr In nnmnll oooun Bpsln 6(Xl.0(l)000 cu and 15,113 Ioldloro, but tint t. ooniot. mny and in two yuan. "Tho m-want in not what, the liberal in "Tho grnvat. chic! any, but what ho withholds." any: She pspor. "He knows tho war will never tamlnnta, oxoopt. in the loan 0! Cuba. The bnuuly 01 Cuba will not. have resources to oovu the oxnondiwroo, nor hu shut ol bnuuzyol Cuba will not. nave resources to oovnr oxpondisuru, Spain. The powers of consumption are drlod up, And ngrloultunl Industries. and bunlncu wholly ruined. We hnvo to La- cho ooonomlo oatutro mo, ooloual as It I, and admit both Bpo n and Cub: are mined. and this oatutropho in duo to the Iwpldltloa that followed the Ian revolu- tion. (Purity, when in II mougnr. more wm on much nnnnnllu and mnnv more Ill! uowmoi THE PLANS or " WIYLER. tlon In the Dlnm Dol Uommorola. tho Iona- inc popor of Bu-oolom. Ooplu of the pups: which ruched Hanna nan boon III by Cope.-Gen. Woylor. Tho II to! the odloorinl II Sonar Squash Annual! ling)... mn MIMI`!!! noun: an MJXS oplu qt Ila Pol-lodlonl Inp- _ In Inna --'l`Io cntutroplu in to Ila ltupulltloo that rollovod lo Inn lovohuou. Nil! Yo:.x,Juno I8.--'l`ho Honld hu llllyulnn {mm Kav Woltax Adviool Mung Dulnntlou ol 3 Invasion: 5` Men's Black Alpaca Coats, $1.25. RICHARD WOOD DROWN ED. NWI; Honld Ibwing tron: Key In: In A BIG L088 OF STOCK. eANE1?Eb FOR LIFE. AN ACTRESS DIES. MAKING BIG TIME. Thon In Iuu. man In... I I 1-..... mmmmmm r rIlIJIIrI l\'lllCllllUIlo Tulwsm. Ont... June l2.-At. the police court this moming Patrick Terry and James Clarke. two youn men. wow ch: with the murdero Joe Martin, the one mun M. the Woodbine. on April `.!8t.h tut. They pleaded "not guilty." and At. the request. of crown-attorney Curry were runnndod till the lush. Mlnllln-up I`:-nnnr nnnthnr vnunn mun wan Ion: I520 u. we. mm: 200 as u 1.1- In. Woonnonx. June I0.-Sovon factories offered 709 boxes cheese. Sales: I38 nt, 3 I5-I00 0-3| It 610. Dnvruu Jun: III _At. thn nhnnnn hnnnl An1sniIIi,`}i.e` .1.` met remenueu nu ma mm. Mathew l'ruer.enot.hor youn men.wu charged with being en woeeeory fore the feet. He Also wee I-amended, but wee ul- lowed out. meanwhile, on his own bail. The fecte leeding up to the tint and in- dictment at those three men on the ohe ol murder. were developed during t no ._....-- - l.........e nnklnl. mp-n .uu.nl...~I..I Inn. mounont 0! mean ulna me on: 3: coroner : inquoltmhlch wu ooncludod lul. night. The verdict. returned by the jury urn "wilful murder." Inonngnu nu: ma u-nun:-non. mun nnour coup. without uourl mybooc . Jack -=......~'.w -- :-..`:'-2:." `. t n . o i In . wunnlnonncntly Arnntcd mu I? rzono Irom one. to um. was oneroa. Piunuouo. Ont... June 9.---Thoro were 2.592 choose boordod. The greslar part nold st. (inc. Four smaller factories ualusod to sell M. 0 9-100. n.................... In... 0 ,,u)1\ hmm. Uuu-nn.1.mun. June 9. am now: white were boarded. All were told an [al- lown: 625 M. (No. nnd 200 at 6 I3-I6. Wmms-roux. June I0.-Savan fnnmrien 010-100.. on on me. PIUIDN, Juno l0.-At the cheese board to-do 706 colored and 265 whim were boon ed. Salon 0! 850 at 7 L160. l.......... 1..-- In i'l`|.. ns IJIQQQQ oouueu. anon or am; on. mac. LI.~unu\', June l0.-'l`ho tint choose bond of the lhlon I,0-O0 colored and T0 whiu boarded. 69:2. for colored and 03:`. for whim. was-bound up:-an on tho umupouo 1'! Ohio RR. was hold up bocwoon Cotton Hill llld Kuuvnh Fully, At. I2:4!'6 o'clock thin morning. by blunt men who. after n that ght with tho tninmon. nude thoir canons. without nnurlnn my boon. Junk gnu map I. sum ol nu mnond. mun noun nurguerutn olthu . uonovinjnilhoro. UIIIUUU lvlnrnusl. lrmnn.-am.|.. Juno 9. - 0'erin n L85`: boxer: anion. 60 II. 6 9-100. :lUH. ll-lUc.; 695, Bio. ;`299. U I3-Hlc. : I17. 6,7.c. Bll.l.IVlI.l.E. June 0. - Forty factories oorod 2.950 whine Mid I35 colored. Bales: from No. to 6&0. offered. pm-I-Inunun Ont. Jmm 0 .~TIuu-A warn Men's All-Wool Halifax Tweed Suite, $4.68. Atnlu llold Up. Ioxmounnv, W. \'n.. Juno l2.-- l`he volt-bound tho Chunpulxoci Ohio wu hold nu urn r TIIIIIII 'l`mu)N'rn, June l2.-h`.dwnrd Hrihl and Louis W. Hawkoeworbh, charged with felee pretenoel and conspiring to defraud Shedrnch and Druucilla Fawkes out of valuable securities and reel entate amount- ing to 040.000. whose one he: been in pro- reI|__hnIore jud e Mohougall for some Ayn having been ound guilty. were sen- tenced this morningto live earls` imprison- ment. each. The sentence, Iowever, in not wake etfoct. uncil the question ofn re- serve cue has been ergued. night. `rue VIHIIOI nu "willnl flofrnolnonunllu. `Thohdlhnhdthlnghox mane club." nyuib Bur. Andyoc n|lons- Iulihhuhlud In In dtlouuidn 0! tin ' oltho Ori . ...."`.......a""`:...':':":";.".".;.':I......, ...".'. Iuptovcunn of the cult. '1` Eu U: pain` no Ib"}our.nndl:$: lb midhrlildun. Bntltllnow nu uoohouondqmdtho Logan mu hppu-Iuodolu. greu I ueenn reemy. Sir I)onald A. Sniith sooomled the resolu- tion. The ooloniel, he eaid, felt. that Mr. Chamberlain waa e friend whom the could trust. Sir Donald aug eebed that. t. 0 next. oongreaa oi the chum run of commerce of the em me be held in Cnnudn. I I the con- gzu e ould be held there and Mr. Chom- Iain attended in sittings he would meet wibli a teloome in Canada such on was only given to statesmen: who live in the hearts oi the people. . .--u--a-- . nan-a aanr-F IUIIIIIIII IWUWIIL I|'II'IIIlIl'h Blllll III!` (Ill-BI They lied (jun-relled. ToIwN1`n, June 12. -Samuei Rowett shot his wife about noon to-day. at 270 Victoria street. where they resided. Rowett is e Inborer and went out to work this morning, while his wife was etnrtin off to do a day`! washing. He came beef before she had left the house and they uerrelled over some domeetic diicliity. e went out a second time mid returned about noon with It pistol, renewed the qunrrel and shot hie wife in the left arm and I nin. on she turned. shot her in the back. nturing the Ipine. She wee removed to the oepitnl and her recovery in doubt- ful. Rowntt ran out on the street after the shooting and has not been caught yet. II-CK III IJ-Illlio Lamnox. June l2.--The agenda of the oongreae having been gone through with, thuecompleting the bueineeaol the session, Sir Albert Kaye Rollitt, president of the London chambenohnirunnn of the congress. moved a roeolution thanking the Hon. Joe. Chamberlain for his services. Mr. Chum` berlnin, he said, had thrown himself heart And soul into the work of making the con- useful reality. Sir Donnld Bniith llljl jg U QUI- II |:-3:-. 42.... .. ...'.-. EEK. I01 lauhvllh. I. An lulu. Men's Light Weight Serge Suits, $3.95.

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