`PHI PIOPLI WILL BPIAK OUT. On Beturdey nlghe Ian. G. E. Poeeer. llnenoe mlnleher ln the `rapper oehlnee, went to Tomneo end epolne ee e meee meet- lng ol the eleotore In the lneereet of Emer- eon Ooeheworwe oendldeture. And hle wee the dreedlul experlenoe. No public men ever goeeuoh e heekllng. No repre- `eentetlve ole government wee ever celled eo eherply ho eooounb lor hie pereonel de- leete. end no one could mleteke the un- popnlerluy of the eeuee he eepoueed. ' Ooeleworeh enlaegonlxed hle oonetltuenle on lahe I-emedlel hlll, end ehe preee voloed publlo eenelvnenb when llreeld laheb he hed. by hle eotlon ln perllelnenh. preotloelly re- el:-ed hlmeell. There wee. lb vyee geneal- ly deolel-ed. no hope of hle re-eleoolon. Btlll he got the petty ineohlne, under gov- ernment dlreotlon, ee work, end ee e re- eule he wee nolnlnelaed eh the petty con- venblon. n... -. -._-- ....u:- ....:..l.... l....|. .|.-... 1.. Ilulllbtouyouuonpubllo mum mpuuu to any Mm ehoddbohuhoon. Inna-M1 mun-mud. am In whnllv. an M ~CunuIuwu. new 1| wnuIq.w III-Hy nearly, repreeente en tnveetneut a! bee- rowed moneylor the benet of the peoplgl Doee the ooneervetlve nenduiete In King- ston endoreethe record of the govetmnent Inthelnetllvefortenyoelef iioeeheeey the peeple e money he been honeetly epentf Doee he endoree Tapper end hle pm;-remme now no fully ee on the night he eooepted the nomination ol hie party 1 It In time he wee eeylng eomethlng to In- dioete whet he te thinking nbeut. V V '-II '- Z`--Iv. `. Look Inn 5 pnwnbnhrh window and bl ! to M I hlnorv ho Illa VIHOIII nrllnlnn BOG h'lilw0Olll' OI UIIOXO. Who hm nbjumd MI nliglonnnd his son? WIHXIMOII Dlloldllla I-----.-- _L ll._ X II1-...I mill-|:.I,Aur|or. AN EXOEPTIONAL SALE. DAILY nn1'hIn`wma. wmmjnsnar. MAY 27. 1993 \.4lIll( nusscu, gun. The School S stem of Ontario, by Hon. 0. Ross, $1.00. Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac, by Eugene Field, $1.25. Your Money or Your Life, by Edith Carpenter, $1,000 prize stor , $1.25. The stery ofjeremiah Terrace, by Dic Donovan, $1.25. mm annouon no mo noon: puny Ina ggzod their nupporo to Illuull And . llbonl cnndldahn. Thoy um Robert Iloulo . Du-Omanth. Iunnhov tunr, bond the Dominion point loompmy. JohnWnlhr.l')u%moulh.nolb chum Dr. mlbh. Dartmouth; O. '1`. ' Burns. Hnlihx. unnhotnnrol ulna nun- ing noymmaaaumsu:-.uuuu. lllr Oliver Iowa Mid Uh Innnl may vlllnlvolhmoounltramnrunnnb Indl 'l*I||II I.I" ID 31 III XIII ltbdruhohu Ohoihlllsagwlo 11 ID HI` I f` :::'.`:'."" """ `E ...'2.":.'."...".'|:*....L".: I Get the Blast Shoes Q lorthc Least Money our in one noun on commons. Sir Henri G. Joly do Lotbinioro. writes chub he is ncoustomod to uh I lit.- tle wine. and would not be in fnvor of prohibition until he bocamo a facial ub- ouinor. Hohvoru n plebiscite and the Abolibion oi tho but at Obuwn. provided nmngementu could be undo whoroby Jiwr could be served at mull. nnrllnh nun!` hm vnnrl Olin nu-vu-5 Al ploolnolw mu uno mo cloung or me on. Messrs. Robots Mushy nnd G. A. Doom-Ion. Q.0.. and Dr. Bovorinbnolnpollo. no ogrond to hlbmon, but in fun: of I plo com An tho cloning of the bout: of oommonn bu`. Th hrlnkln Anal I I`!-L4 Rnlnnn u-A nnun x, any tn.--'rno Um-omc llnhon lnurvlowo `with four humor I Anna`:-nnl Inna nlnn `mun nnllnlu nan IIIIIC IHROIVIOWO VIII! mur l0l'II' ICIII oonnrnuvu who have publlol unnou choir ndhoolon to bho llborl party Ind nhdnd their nunnorh to llunll umoac nnrroa lrom ncung Mon nlgou street. from Prinoou to Earl mm . on no- oounb o! the disgraceful mm of the road. A ehorouuhlv Iuooouful blovolo race rroopoot. park. H. 0. Weeks, Oshawa, won tho hull- mllo moo (In huh). o n to Onhnvu `o - oiluta only, his but tmo being 1:90. Bounull. Toronto, won the one-mile two (in haste}. boat. time,.2:44,And the (ivo- mlle moo, best, time l6:49. Klnglbon `oy- ollau did not attend the meet. I1... 1. M. ..o.... tum. . nnrmnn nmuh. ones: and non nuwna mo moon. Hero in an extract from a sermon proaolr ed to bloycliaoe ab Columbul Ohlo : The road may be narrow. but `S In ntralght, gnd thouah the world mnv mnmr the hack: roan be out. In ll nu-augno, and thou h the world may author the backs of sin an IQ broken glau ol unbollof, the patient soul may go through withouh a puncture. But. romombor, you cannot win by a spurt, There are no scorihera in heaven. Ar. :1 Inna.-19:! 1:! Oh: (In;-n nltv nnnnnll ven." M. n moebirig of the Othuu city council, Thursday nlg`hl2. a resolution to tax blc - clog nd u no the speed At which whoo 1 may be rl don through the oisy, was In- troduood. A commmno mu nnnolnbd to may DO TIGQOH W'||'0Il[ll DTII OW]. WI! in` troduced. nppoiniod draft. regulncionn, each club being invited to send two representatives bo confer with the oommibtae. When the mporb in pre- sented the queniion of A tax will be not.- tied. TL. |nAI\nAlI In whinh Hun Io\l\lIlll\AlI in nnr. 5UIEREND $ uou. The manner in which the noon-cher in cor- rnlled at Buffeloin uni ue. but It the Ieme time the evidence obte ned is oh ohereoter thnt admite of no doubt. A etretoh of roadway is measured. end at each end is stationed A police constable Armed with em watches. When a rider etrikee one en of the course the oonetnble at the other end in eignelled and maps hie wetoh on the oifender. Hit in found the rider has exceeded the limit at which bioyclee are allowed to be ridden. he in nrteeted. jll H0!` 0001!] DO Nl`\'O(l RD Inll. '. Roddink want; to and the N rt 0! the prohibition commtulon bofon 0 do- oldoato favor prohihitory logillnuon. Ho would fnvor referring the quublon to I plebiscite nnd tho the cloning of the bu. Mmhv 0. on. Dr. Ohrlnclo sad 8. Flnhor, Bromo. no Insight progalbmonhu. no 32. About bwent -llvo blcycllnee from Mon- treal came u from Prescott on the Em In Ham, on man . They were reoeved b the local whee men and well entertain- whlle In the clay. -Wheelmen say there ll An opening In the city for an enterprising non who will open not A repair eho ut a pleoe where wheel: on be left to cleaned up and oiled in return for a mall lee. Thu Khuvnlmn hlnvnln nluh I15" Hnvn A and once: In mourn tor lllllll too. The Kmgobon bicycle club will hnve I run t.o(1ollinoBny to-morrow night. luvln the club room at seven o`olock prompb. lawn social will be In progress It. the and o! the run and thin the whoellmon will "take in." IIl ll.ucnh.H' m.-IO.-. Innh-I um: nlln-v o n. "Blcyohnt." wrim: Would you IIIOV me to call attention to ob. lube of some of the road: In the ole . Blcyolmo are nlmnnr. barred from rl Ina Alomr Bnaol. oounu or cno magraceruu warp or we row. ehorou hly Iuooouful bicycle meet was he d at Oshawa on Monda . 25th Inst... the report. of the result 0! wh oh wu roooived here by the chairman of the racing board to-day. The moot. wan hold on the new quarber-mile cinder track in Prospect. park. H. O. Wealu. Oshawa. tho noon-um nnenr VIOWI on me qnomon or pmhlblbion. the hklnglo! a plebiscite and the Abolition oft-ho r In the house of commons, Ottawa. , Thu mnvnr nf Mnntmnl R Wilnnn - commons, uwuva. The mayor of Montreal, R. Wilson Smith. in a pond to prohlbmon. Ho flavor: I plob mm and the Abolition of tho bar In the houno of commons. m. u.....a n .m.. .a. r-n.:..:-.... un: now \.-u uvuvuuvu vu vuw man u uuuuv aim. B|cv;ol`|'Ieo "8 almost barred lrom Alon Bigot. street. from Prhmau to Enrl mu . on TICICLED In Regard to The Iubjoet of PI-oh|bItlon IIIII IIIII-Ill|oII of I Ploblmlto. MON1'RlIA|., May 28.-The dominion ni- iianoe recently sent out oirouiere to A number of candidates in tho oonltituoncies in and around Montreel and eleewhere. to ascertain their views on the qneetion of nmhibition. tekinn of niebimite one nuol may y :3 rognmng um um. Montreal's big: ole {ax by-law wanb Into force on the 530:. Inst. All bloyolu must fag A oorporstlon bag. The Lnnusl an I . (IHVIIII |'I nuoomnlon. ' Ielno imod that ii In tho Igouml who witnessed the horn mu. onday. had paid their ontrnnoo foo. tho drivln purl: Iuooiation would have been I more shad. Nothing came from E. P. Bnnnigufl Informal provost against Bab Uphnm in Mondny a groan race. He inlet! to com- ply with the rules rogardin entering a protoat in writing. oonooquono y who judges could not. take action. In `u Bloyolo Balm. "Wind for sale" in the uproulvo ldvor- Mooment. of an American who keep: I big hand pump to inntp rnumnuo olru. Boorohoro no onrlo In Now York on n tn-A-nu at - sung 1.0 noun -1 Illl mnnnh I1 nanu no mmw mumnuo mu. `I hrouury at. a rate of mar y I600 month y. the ue: they renting that Ium. Montreal : ol x In.-on An oh- on. (not. All Llnunlnn -an-I Gllflfl I300 OIIUUIDEHUIIIII. A moobln of horumon nnd other: In- terested In one racing, at the Onmpboll homo. Napnnoo, on Mondny. Juno In [or the put of lonning I circuit. 8. dark- nou vi sound Ind npruonb Cow-aqul drlvlmr nu-I: nnoolnhlon. DOC Wlll IIWGIIO Illll driving rk nnoolnolon. .IHa_9 imo(_l _bp|t._ll I ms Ar [AN UNFINISHED not wAc"`oou.| .-__ __.-_._.___~....- OLUDID ONWUIIDIY. AIOSIIIIOIIOIOQOIIIOIDI WIIIOOGII ll JI|r-`lIn IIBOIII WI! IOU `Odo ll Wlmlh-Win In luv A-gnu may- o|!uo-A In to Oomu lay. `FLA unlnlnlngd nnunlnn 31: an-can THE N '*av".'.11r'..:'.-r:q;.:.*:..:: I urucc lnnuqock M on `itch: oo. Ihovola or Gshlon 1'ooln of \ llII`lO`q\|Il`IO|` IIIIIO IIKII, UH olllllld II Gaul-nq I dd I k yodcrdo 'olhr- noon. '1'ho u-Ln'u."nn haw ` the TDD mo: ma :1 navy noun no monolmvynln, dnnmoxudowu not I0 good u on day pl-on Mil. mothor but hide: the an [hood Mon- dn. wu noounn do Inhh aha nnmwhloh mount an annual Inc one pan non- dny. wan to Inloh aha nouvhloh wu w_9n by u Flynn Prescott. taking two nu-ulghb to. Ncfllo M. 3.. A. Madden, Na 00. goo uoondlnon .* And Swindle. A. oDon|ld, Smith : Isl , third money. The Inc nnnd honowu riddcn law]. D. Paulo in Monday : but, And I) . J. Morgan. V.8.. In yam- dnv I 6. Thu ns hub vn mad: In w. .1. not-gun. v.a.. In um- DL-b. The Gm but was m ndo In And dnivil I. , and bho uoond in 1.80. Tknon trill hdimrnn lung: halt! ham ghnnh [.20. mo om oooona In 1.3. Than will bo;hoI-no not: hold hcn about tho middle otJuly. Th will be run at! during the olmuluohodu mootlmr other: uhrooquurur mllo huu, Gnu:-mu! drlvlnn nnrk ndndnanlhr- IIIIX IIII fl IIIIK I11 WT IKIIIJIIIUUII II cacu-nq"1aus rk yaurdo'ulur- huvy noonn huvv nlnhnd oh: him mad: Ill ..._._-. Iloullugoo an Llhonl map, , Hnun x, Mny 20.--'!'ho Oluonlolho-E llhu lnhnlown "with four lnnnnr WHERE CAN DIDAT; STAN D. ID111-UWTII-Cw! 'l:;: u Inllhod running ilaarogr-qua :-`t.9r.v|llo host}. gmrifdog A; _,.,A_,. . . , .., A the `trouble: In 0:00. >` IlA- X , ALA... 'I I'|IHOI-|I|lIlIlII||II DIE'lIIl-"* W Nib can Nllounou. Iold u `ulngotuto. ' Ian. on A Duo. `no line stimulating pl-opinion of Ilnnlloonh Plllo of Mnndnko and Bathr- nub_ nah thorn tho non oonnln nu! ma randy hr Nllounul than out be ' mu. 1 you Inc Inn at to Dillon 5 no In dlnohd. um- um Plllaot landnh and Butternut- Aknu nmnno ll In 3:. Hllnnnnnng Ink! ........ ....... .... ..... ........l iuEt".1."'s'.'.'."u :..a.." "'s'.".."J. olnc lotion opponmon won In M: own nun u n no- rm. inn: 5.: puma: 0 "ho Oonln. whom Mr. duo not luooIhonulouIdwh0nAd.IAvory.I0 In aid. will be Howard Iopnvont I`. n; umnlnou return- od.uIdnlno|nIav'hvIIon\ho load- on lnvoolonud syonnfnd aluminiu- n G-of lawn: mud lolloy Io oppou _ HIV. WHERE I ICII-ol Ivyw nnuuu uouuy Inc Dr. Guy. In-mun`: Ihudslo Plus Olin Innu- nnnl. OIIADQQ. -I'e III'I`I"I VFTIIIBQ Qunnc. Mgy 98.~-ln order to prevent. Mr. laurler from being elected by encla- meelon. ohe Bleu leeden have pemmded e mnell end elmoeb unknown ehoe memnlnc~ tnrer nemed bolero. of Quebec But. no mele e be! end e victim of hlmeell by ellowlng hllneell to be pee in nomlneolon e lush the llberel lender in um dlvlelon. poor fellow will not gebone hundred votee ell hold. ll be in not le l|Od out of eheleld bebteoln'\?ubl\e the eouenellve pl-vole In over clneoouky gm llbetel leeder le geo- mo Ilnnrll pllnlurln. mr. lama nu hlthorto been I Itron oonoorvntivu. but he ooooptn tul roorm, no coor- oion of Mnnltoln, and other plank: of the liberal polloy. `Hi: abandonment of the toy cause la n orunhln blow. and he in oortuln to debut Dr. oldon. who la now 5 straight govornment oandldnto. From Gloucester county it is learned that the llbornl convontlon on Friday nominated 0. Turpon, hitherto I oonoorvntlvo, Ind that put `I `ltrongut apuker in the county. r. Turqoon ncooptod tho liberal nomination. and doolnrod he could not fol- low tho Tuppor policy. nnd would loynlly support Mr. Lnurlor. He ln oondont ol carrying the county. e ccmxorteme eeeurence or uou'e revor, no Seeeed peecefully ewey on 30th Agii. n 8rd Mey the buriei tool: plece. he eervicee.both et the reve end in thechurch were conducted by v. J. R. Sereon, end were deeply intereeting. The local lodge of the Orenge lreternity,ol which deoeeeed was en old end szreetly reepected member, led the lunerei proeeeeion from the bully reeidence. end rneny membere oi neighbor- ing lodgee were else in ettandenoe. The eervlce wee withdrewn at the Methodiet church, end eleo thet oi the Preebyterien church. at Reldville. end the concourse wee ea in thet perbepe leee then one- heli fountllecoommodetion in the church ediilce. Thue enother oi Temworth e pro- mlnent end ree ted citieene hee been re- moved,end, wh le hie loee will long be felt. Jemee Bhielde piece will, with much dith- culty. be lled. The late Ire. Iellenolenhurnle. It in with regret we record the deeth oi Mre. John Kelley, on Wedneedey, 20th, at the femlly reeldenoe in Glenburnie. De- oeeeed wee born at 8mith'e Fell: in I839. her meiden name being Elizabeth Gee n. At the ego oi twenty-live ehe wee un ted in merriege to her now eorrowing huebnnd, end removed with him to Pelmoreton. After living there about twenty-ve years they came to Gienburnie, where the lest eix ure 0! her life were spent. The eur- viv ng member: of her iemiiy ere: A eon end e deughter merriod III Dakota, in deughter merried in Perth, end two sons end three deughiere living et home. Mre. Kellev wee e women of unusual anu tnroe uaugnoora nvmg an nome. Kelley way a loroe ol character and exeoutlve ablllty, and won the oonlldenoe and roe rent of all wlth whom she had to do. 0 than whose prlvllege it was to know the bonny and purity ol her home llle, she way an examplenxld an lnnplratlon for good. For ton eelu she fought bravely and tlently lor llle, tanderl nursed by her avotod hulband and oh ldren. No- thlng that the moat akllful care, or thought- lul aaotlon could nuuront wan left un- Wllllg Hill : DIIO IIIOIQ Illlll OOPS, OI` IJIOUBHB lul neotion could mug out. done unt. completely ex nuetod by dleeue. the ( tly penned away from her life of ualu noon to one where there shall be no more deeth. 'l`|m lnnn-nl nu-ulna: nn I1`:-hlnv mm-ulna. anon. The lunonl services on Friday mornlnf. no the Ouahondnll church. were ullnr y touching nnd im naive. and t. a sincere grief manifested y all roam. bore cutl- mony to their love An sympathy. She Iloopn In St. Mary`: cemetery. Inny Oonurntlvou In Now llrunuvlok Jolnlng Ir. Lnurlor. Momrnm, N. B.. Mny 20.- Political ohnngon Aron mu-kod In Woetmorolnnd count no elsewhere. One of then kera at 4:! nl meeting at Butternut ri In on Frldu nhrht wu ax-Ald. Harvav At In- IV E IIDUTII IHOQMHS ll : UHIIKTHHD rluln UH Fridnyni ht ex-Aid. Harvey Ion, ol oncmn, who stated that up to and including the lust. pgneral election he had vohed conaorvlstdvo, us the corruption in ublic administration. and the accumu- lnhllig evidences of him In lure of tlnennbion- el policy had cnunod him to adopt the liberal poliog under Mr. l.ourier'I loodernhip. l r. Atkinson was the mm who successfully organ- iwed this end of the county when Jouinh Wood. now eombor. defeated the late Sir Albon Smith in 13240. Ex-Aid. Ayor. for man` can put. a com-ervativo. hudjoinod the ienl partyh` hsving no con dance in Sir Charles in per. W. B. Fow- oetb, one of the `lending {nrmeru in Bwkville parish, and I well-known writer on agricultural matters. a mum who helon to 3 strong connervnnive funily, on who he nover about u liber- al vote, has nloo publiol jo net! the liber- nl party. lnthe adjoin ng county of Al- bert. however. the Iurprllo was announced Int night: chub Alex. Rogers. who was nominated by the libernln, decllnod tho nominntion In {war 0! Dr. Lewis. M.l .l`.. who run: on an independeno. but accepts the libornl platform. Mr. Lewis hu l.lt.hori.o Ibronn coneervntivu. OONIERVATIVES FOR LAURIER. WHY 7 ~..r 'ruI;EA`rI uni nnmoa. .,_.._..___..__.___.._.__ I-uumnnwm numnmc :4 flll. mu pnm'""'s "J" u I we- long nprm npttlfo loloidoool oh; oonvnblvo nu-by In Bhclold. Ho wu ma vi regarded n we leader or one QnQ'vnbll?e`_ pu-by unlvereell eeteerned u amen. end we: mood for ntegrlty In ell the relation: of Me. For menyoieen b he was an olohl member the ngllour church; he Always evlnoed e generous dlupoemon towards other rellgloue oommunltiee. HI: 33' `1u"6. `"`o'm`3 J"?.s ':"`:"' we . In en, 17 I In at - uv urmr Itrvmr nn nrou-en - llldl III I d y `l.edIl| 'l`lu|hJunu I'|uOidI, of '1`nnwoI-:4 wahornln Na tow ofcnmdon. van on ol I family at n no ohlldnn. HI: nuanbwcn from tho north ol Inland. "'u'.'u'}'.z'.'c'.r7.'.i."'on.. north 0! Inland. no 0! ch brothers (Jamal, Clarion Ind unnnom. mmnnd h Tnmummh mum 'I.'ll|'X 0! FBI DI'G'IlIII'I WIIIIC, Ulll IBCI Sampson). remand to Tamworth nanny you-I n. andrcddod than continuum! n all Im Jllnlunnght when 1 ha from u Imolhla loutlnz in Tam- IXPI T; IBIIOFC OOIIDIIIHOUII mo whoa; tho molhu [outing worbhmomo bet:-bwo you: no. he no worumomo mu-owo years ago. no in the carriage lminou. u build- crun gonornldnlor. Altar hnvingboon one an I number oi the municipal ooun- nll, wuapmlnbd Iownuhip cloth. and iilod than 00 for ninoubn yuan conu- oaiivdy. He then urvod iho munici- Iibyu nova for oivo yours. bub, nim- . II I O Oh it In rat. mod to hi Id M myu nova tor we nun, um ta. he returned to his oid position oltcwnnhi cloth. And hold it durinf 1894 Ill 1895. Mr. Bhloldl I vnlltook I pmninont part In politics; I In `cu lone nnrdad :1 oh ludor ol bhn uumu, uuuaon, wno noon ny nun unw- lully durln hil twin; and pmbruud Ill- nan. Mr. mom.` Ian. Hlnul begun with n-Inna. which dovolonod lnbo nmumonh THMATEST BO0KSl ur. anmar um mnou nognn mm grlrpo, do olopod pmumonh an ran Into npl oonaumptlon. Ho hon his Illnou with ohrmhn formudn, and. In comfortable auunnoo of God : hvor, he nnlnn nnmulnllv AIIIII rm 30th Anvil. mu mm um mm on nu Locum; In `ram- wot-NI, nomo hwy-bwo cannot! onninn Inmnon. Ir. l.|ur|or`I Oppolut. .. L1-.. on I- 4.]... Q1; nbdmqnho. :I..I qy.-8up.PoIhI0r.Itothor smupnn .vJwu.nR0u." CURE rsvnmr mm W mm. `:2: : Colors Fut. - Sati|ctin :':':"'~,_,.`u..,...p.... For Men,_ Women. Do and gt 5* E ' !ih.Io-\B3?5 / 9 ' ` V I'-I- II---U5 CW. Whore Norvlllno-nerve pain our-0-4 uiod. Composed of the moat wort pain aubdulng nmodlu known. orvll 0 never full: to (V0 prompt valid In r u- mnmm, non in, cramps. pain in the back and min. And the hon of pa nful nffootlom. lntal-mi or Ixurnnl. A ling from Inammatory notion. Unoqu for all norvo palm. n 1. . - n _n ,, 11.: _, _ union m o drug coon. Ibo. Stephen. 3. Soldier of the Cross. by Florence M. Kingsley. 50c. ` An Unsatisfactory Lover, by the Duchess, 50c. The Return of the Native, by Thos. Hang , 75c. A Lady in lack, by Florence Wu nlnn nu- -YOU ` ur, no may no um-on n um: mono mm- nou T For lnnhnoo. 0 they really under- stand why oh: Sb. Ohsrlu brunch railway. contacted for $600,000. cont. bolono all ma done, Ul.729.000 Y Or why Mr. H: gut. expended 8210.000 (or work never 0 cred. not noouury. and not done T There I: tn olootlon fund-A non-untion an-hlndldnonhouwhonlsnohclli luv the from pslmthoowho now Mn mhnduhnmauwhhnwuupd [Complaints through tbanuohbwon-'.. tmmundnthg-lpotbludund knnghvndlunu/bylhonnolbonnh lung uothoonuwhouqhhnlnulhlh -Wlnunotqolnnhpoplounolurwul naunpuuugsmnunxnmynln oual\hnslhro\luInnnNhI.lOh uidnnlnlhunb CURE ull'll0(.l I70 unteno. . Are things better here? Woree, ii that be iblo. I eee the litioel horizon etu ded with iniquitieu tel ee pine tree. I eulemnly believe the taxation oi the peo- ple in double whet it should be. owing to vvaete. oxtrovegenoe And corruption. What public works for yeere put heve not ooet double. treble. or even ilve tlmee the contract price! I will not trouble you with 5 Met, but if en other country under the Inn oen ehow eo look e record. I ehould like to be told where that country ie. I mervol at the petienco of thin long-enduring peoplmeyetelntioelly robbed before their very eyee. But the nueetion nrieee. have thev one 7 ooxoro men` question nrinu. have they 0 on T Or, do they no throu In this wlokod unl- lnnhnm. o thaw mdlv under- nox--urea no man we bellob box. Where doee that come from! Aelx the public oontrnobor. Ask the Soulemne oennl. the Curl-en bridge. the hngevln block end other monument: of reeoellty. Corruption money come: not down from heaven. nor chrough rllemenb, nor from hhe puree of oendi em, but from the evening rntepeyer himeell. When he no- oepbe A bribe he le boufhb by Me own mone , and reform of pub to wrong: In reu- de Impoeelble. And I0 the wheel woe: around. And the ll IllIII'I' I1 IIIIDWHUIIO C.u.n>o.~4u. Onm, May 21|.-hut. night-. about nix o'clock. I young mm named Whnloy, about Ilxhou can old. Mn younger brother And I Ind mm were rotmrnina home from wnorlnn choir horse: nmoner end nueu were returning home from webering their when the nnimele plunged into the waiver. which in about fourteen feet deep. The hired men being bhe only one of the party that oould ewlm, the younger Whnloy ui. hie arm: around his nook and wee en nhme. bub the other dinppeued im - dintoly. Hie bod wee recovered ebou twenty minutoe ef r. maoou I mndnnoo to uwomont. il ilmolw ain't t.lito:du;l'nlItraMon olldo- mnon annual n on: nboo uh noboriou:l`y bad, bunglln , blundorlngpnd unoondu V0 to tmml rub on. Then nndn bhouund minor in qultlu which came under my obnorvntlon. and of which the eastern elector it entirely lqnornnnt, acion- od mo of tory government my on I re- turnod no Ontario. A.-. o.M...... 1....-. 1.-.... m... u n.-." not noouury, and non donor olootlon fund-: corruption box---uud to Imuh the ballot box. 'hnrn drug that noun. lnnml Lula tkn fl huuy Ill ulnun, ll Llvluluui Warden, 50c. The C0 sford Mystery, by W. Clark ussell.5oc. Th- Cohan] Quntnrn nf mntnr:n umblo olocwr mm be com "Aooruoon am if ; in the ot.hor,t.hnt. no mun bu (on M the Oatholiou md the French more oroo y than himself Y It. won't do. The vu-nor can do nothing uvo what his min Iton advino: and each miuilhor Ihnroo ronponnlbility with ml! of his collonguoc. His only hope of escape is resignation. Did Mr. Hag- "Aria ruigu over Shortin ? Did he follow i. no example of Mr. Wnllnoo in the school buuinou P Kidney Pill: am proud to tho people that lumydhuuluonnhlo. Ugh; Ila original Kldnoy nnady In Iona. the nmun chm: luv. main. and lb: {uni Ihn Iljlnll lllllliy lvluuq II pun Ivnu. -v cum shay have math. And In but they hno uulnod hno oponod the my hr 3 boat at imitation: and Inhtllnhu. but Mthouwholnvohunonndol (IOPOG IIIIPWIIDIG the wheel goo: around. And the cry 0! hard times" goes up from: bounce- oua poll I And In I luv wookn we shall no the honest voter uubmllllvoly and mookl dragging Mn chain: to the poll for frooh lnlu and rlveu I I`m- mm. . .......o... "I . nnnlnnn I... Ireen umu nnu rweu I For over a querior oi a century has South Lnnnrlt delighted bo honor in pre- sent member. The county in ennily planed. In all that. time what has been done for it P A ditch! Some brilliant men have gone forth lrorlnl oldMLannrk; are they Ill m; away? an r. H Art n monopo 0 her ability 3 Can 11:`: min then flootlvwin nlleir And other shady code of the poor cabinet. of which. he is a member? limo .~m....t uni" 1.. ohm nl Hm nmnm oamnen or Ivmcn. no as member: What. account. will he give of the rent: bolt which was to win lnudlbe. but nw forth hluoee instead 3 l ow ehell he wuh his hand: of the Shortlu lnlqulhy end the Iohool nnlr ! I n the one one the poor ulllble elocmr w ill be told Aberdeen did 5": ln thn nunr that nn lnnn LA: lnnalsl. lhn nuno wnon ono nuulon mlghb hovo ouood to ouprrooo lo. Thlol know, in common with I I pooplo `nu. I know on In . I know that In 1801 _tbo domlnlon'o o lo! oouroo of ro- vonuo from wild land: was cub oil` for All thno. In ordor to love II-om dofooo tho ohon mlniohor 0! tho Interior tho Hon. Edgor Dowdnoy. Thlo moon: `mndrodo ol Ghou- undo of oddltlonol Mxotlon onnnolly lor- ovor; it moon: that tho oootorn mum to now ylng for tho wootorn mon o pro-om blon. En annnlo o! tho nouono eon n no rooord ol brlbory omoo glgontlo a ooolo or In oo doopiooblo o oouoo. _; Umow shun eh. nlno tn! 9).. .a....a..a.... In no auptonblo I now that the otoo ol the dominion Ian I oommiunonor ooau well up to I hun- dred bhounnd for nnnnm, and (I u I. nnnnnnnrv an Mu. ...|...I L- - ...- ........ Ioonnhooonnnont-lo0ouIIol'|lF II] llllhlllhllllllmd About -1: In loath; Ibo Jul;-on Int Wm: CHINE. TOUCH. fllul UDIIIIAD. '1'lI0 dominion government will moot MI 1116 in Jun. and I! guund Inupaulty oul for utrltnolon. tbs untonoo cannot In Ion than capital. In record It not A +"'.i'.`J..".:1`.`. .'-'."....'.:'.'.f'.*.".":. :`..':.!.'.'.. ~.';.':': HOWFT mumouainou rnulitiiu. Tho Bukuohovan nbolliou wu plo- vohd b I pig-Budd amp who will hold! 6 air oondonou out not hnvo Irina out of I Ii 0 and vigilant ad- miniltntiom an out Onmdc eight mil- lion: when om million might lave ood quppruo know. common unlu uuollllllu MIl1|I|`|I, IIICI II noouuary an thc H whool to I wnggon, Indeed hlndnnoo co uotlomont. lInmIr Inlulx um ..lmln(.s...Mm. -0 An, nlv. aoma luv. A'.A.. mu ml IPIOTOR ma oucunou. mu-mm modlntuo pl Anni It I-Au "r Basalt In 6 lb. packages. M914` inm noon. l'II'II UUIIICI. The dominion govofrnman `mdml Juno. And It Inallh-Anal 4.........n. =- mm ggaecmuon. KIDNEY 'D"5T\W" A Young Incl Drowned. n... u... on I .. F. NISBET S| * "'i'" -"...'r;.. .': 'z::..; 0'39 of in : dubh 1%", In ponlyul: lotu- rludtho pulnynndoonvu on. PILLS iln Onlnoc Iuy k7-...lIl..- nu--. -`-1. [ST ockings ThatTvE2:T- Issues Policies on every plan of lnauranoo. Including` Ordlnary Llfo. Llmltod Paymont Llfe Endowment. with or without profits, Do- forrod Premium. Annuity Bonds at lowor ratoo than any other company. I00 Wellington atroot. Ottawa. I-load Offioo ` of tho Company. `rho Loading Undomnr and Furniture Donor. 254 and 286 PRINCBSI STREET. KING Q ECIR llg-----n |TnQ Peopje s Lilo Insuranee0o.,Toi1int/04 W0 no not umnu ohup good: by my mum. bu: (003 good: at low price! M the nu thoy no going we will dour than noxtwook. Bond on Bedroom Bots. luguhapod gnu. 016.60. Solid Oak Sideboards. 012.80. Bond on Luther Bout Dunn. 01.76 oh. an polished Oak. 1% We Have Struck a New Schcmc! JAMES RElD S, E; shown in Kingston. Ice Cream Freezers Water Coolers and Oil Stoves Gives great satisfaction, as it restores the natural color and bright- ness without injuring the most delicate carpets. Any carpets cleaned and laid by us will be disinfected without extra charge. Carpets called for, cleaned. delivered, at 3g n yard. and Balmoral Carpets. MCKELVEY &B_l_BCH OUR NEW Carpet Cleaning Machinery F. c. MARSHALL, lalmmal and Tapeslty Camels. RICHMOND 8: CO. Wood`: Phuphodlno In sold by rupuulblo wholudo and null [Hulda llth Dicks. @A ' Tho corner Bookstore. _....v . ..-"..--------. - -7 In thonnmol over In yum nuuug thouundn olouuuvllh all how drugs. Inn At Inc we hnva dlnoonmd um truoumody ud mmncnhc f oomblmuon that will aoat A pmmpo and permanent can In all dunno! Suva! Dobilffy, Abuu or Krrnmn. Nrn-on Wnllou. khahns. Nah! Wow-y. Emaw the of Opdm. bamn, or Alnh .'idnuIum. I of whluh noon loud to lnunlcy. Consumption Md 5| oulygnvo. Wood`o IM-N Tlln - Phouphodlno bu been mod IucoIntnlLy by hundndlol can umaunoa almost hopolcu-ou0II.hsIhd boon trusted by the moon hlumd physi- ohu-oua that wsnon the verge of dapur and lnannIt.y-ouuuhuvnn Ioucrlncovpr tho [nvo-but with the continued and partnering moot Wood`: Phonphodlno. Ihcu out: that land been (in: up todlo. VIC tutored eo manly vigor and lnuIth-I\ondu- you and not dpob-Ion at who bu given you upu lnounb|o-tho remedy It now within your reach. by Itnmoyouou borutorod ton moot unotulnonudhpptlnl. Puoqono nah. Ilulxpuokltil. 85: bnuntmocpougo. 0Itvo IIfInu,adr,fn4nImv.I!o`IN. Pcmphlotfrootonnylddli. Oh- Mhugd annnnnu \IllnuInnI_ l'|nQ-_ nnnaln `If . .. , _-.;-.g_; g--- Wood's | lIosp|I0d|n6.- no em: sum Iemedy. known shot iuhm. Tbbomv, Alevhdidnuluuu. All us] A.___A4l L- _....n A_I4_A`4I _|....a They are the most artistic patterns ever 263-265 PRINCESS ST., Ten bales of new designs in Tapestry C: Delicate or Nrvous women Should brink 'reuey's. In I..4l DAAHAOI On -p-nova ch-Ir In-savanna. REFRIGERATORS ! 35. 40. 45. 50. 60 to 900. Ivvufwwir, Invluirvnwvu w awn -uuyu-u llvv up can; -Inn: ` The Wood company. Windsor, om., cannon. 69 d 71 BROOK STREET. KINGSTON. G30 Illlu II III)! IVOII n as I that rick; Inca! "3911: run noon this nu wmu on Io! occur |ll,}o now ll sin 71 `lnmlnoln lnnlnr . laln 33". "P" f. 1." 2.` "`?"` am: or mom all pay or nou umun nma Mu wan annex.- ruwuuunu 6->-I -.- --`- u. -.--.--u.. Older leiven contain strong acid: that are not found in thou we use. Are not injurious to nerve: qr nomnch because curly pickings only are used in blending. nu-.. 1.34.. ........x.. -......... -..u- n... __ ..-. 4-.......| AVUI vvuv Iv vnnnvnn w-vvu-w u-u- In Ind rum: to pruorvo tholr Immune. Mn. loo. coo. You. on u. WITH OR WITHOUT BORDERS. TELEPHONE 312. PRICES : KINGSTON. ONT. xuuiosmn. om. half I chums. I! on believe V I'l.I::.; column: who we could dd I! at we no: you um: 1:11 oxpooo I It Ra. o! In. ` o \u to me an to tho tut- nnd o no t a truth of onrudvortho menu tho tout,In to write 3 pontnlco `l'I...... Wall Paper I'D I I I I I I I I I ....King *,0P CANADA. . na|_Lnv|LLa. our. 1 km: for Iunplu of Wsll PIDOI. ` ouhut mm. :,a ` ` Plans and mo um 13: of Wall j Pupu mlmblo for (mom on hon whno V room: you wish to pot and about ` the price: you [Any 1.), __ , rlpu nmmmo ror (monuon non wnn the on want. i.) It Mk I use About 5 ml nt1-nnult. II [at and books of bunt lnl um- 37. my 01%;: churn: on ordon Pnpon for nldonno-uohnrohn 0!- lloou. Lodge Roman. Publlo Ill! Hotolmcoreu. Gun. Game In and an In if ponlbla. ` 0. B. SCANTLIIBURY. Bollovlllo. Ont. ABIIIIETIIY I C0 8. Tncsdayald Wcdncsdr latmlly Ixpoot Us IBT POINT. HIM! PICTON. _ --_.. ......A_ AL- .._-A -14.. -An_. n.. - -vv-v--"-p---v-u-u--uu-u-.vv~- `inn 0: nonouw. tn-man. :----:1 Up to n.i.`EcI.{..'r._ an an and mu. Of course can get alon without us. but we thin you'll f d acquaintance. with us protable. -4000 both! to: You than on - ` olu. o'vo told you often 0301:; anon, ymnn, vgg eon) go Come in and see our Shoes. Because we lead in Low Prices. Ia.-a:.:;.-A-.v..:c.:a.'.a-.:-' I In G M I Igcvltxn. 01"! J3: n oht; o It nu with I no In. o'vc anon; I oo umnn could do I You bellow hg an ant cum nu-In In nu-unl 40 do both! for than an` 11 WITH uvnvru. BHLLBVILL3. ONT. I M-..;-:~'- HOE. E sTW`|_|_m ms ! -us--u unu-uuwuuyuuuucuuy llqubofhllnqulnabuoh! _ up 'DlI0 do with g H Md It in a gun ilulilovbihikusdooonooungo `hppnrlulh-ndpolqyol pnnldnfio qunlulllhuunupou uohnuolllib .nn..g.n...n..n.., WHO CAN ENDORSE IT? The Mont:-ul Bur nppurod, until ro- oontly. to In very dodrosu 0! having Cunn- dhn shin ndminlotoud by a clan gov- ornmont. and no at dllbnnu umu it roIor~ rod to Idlno ol the Incident; at Otuwn in lormlof disapproval. Buclnbhrly I0 atoms to have rooovond in hosting 5: I mpporur o! the govern- Inonl and I oondonor o! In mandala. This is the only Infuonoo one undnw Iran: the ` mick in the Blur : iuuo ol Monday. In which M makes very llghc of who public ; dobt. undo! the hot that the present. gov- omlncnlnlootodon thoplodguol Ito nom- bun Io ndnoolb. hon uddod tho:-coo some ouo.ooo.ooo. ' ` 1`|Io8IIr.daIlI with` the Mk: of a union. onllnuonuon to my not um, Ihodobtlaonlyoqnnllotm pl!` haul of the popululon (Including Ibo babies). and lInAAhLnInnnAuIn'nnnAhuL....l.I` uI- yup---nun uuvuvll-lull. Ill! IllUl$]. Illll an the may In : not to be paid 50-4 or tomorrow. but at an in- dolunodohmlhoonlyhnrdsn of It nunwluh hing that put cont./'But Ilouounh |oIl!,(I)0.000 3 your. and In mu-ly out-Nu! 0! his total oxpondiwro d (hands. lacy the contort of tho Inga `acrobat or nunuhotum onc- lld cl vhouupondllun wont nnnnully In Iuh. with Ibo ptonpooun dopnuod Iiullnnluurltndtludoh pylu-gar, IhH_UhUN_dIN Wald `Ii lulu Inn Inlhnnln. h h an... 1...- I-IIjTI@-lIIIlG~lDI0l|' duo Ihlhrlhull vbnd Am of AL. '&..LIl- .l-LA ._nL III, nun all. I! nvnu u nuke prodigionu efforts. -He boosted. in his letter to John Adnme, of Winnipeg, l tailor, partner and npplioant. for the tim- ber limit, elm he wu boo emu-b tor Leid- luv. chub he wu plouod he did not get. the start of this ohildx" hue Mr. Ryhert only auooeeded. he oisimed. by the In- lluenoe he lied poreonnliy and the inuence he exerted through policlonl Meade, and among sheen he included the mom of Sir John Muodonnld and Sir Charles Tapper. 0111. J. Keodomld it we: declared that he had nothing to do with the trnnmotiou. lllgll in An. lm. Oh. nnlgnu limit um- IIU Iluu IIVIIIIIII. vu uu Inuu vuu uuulllusvuluu. Well, in due time the timber limit was bnnllorrod to Adams. but not until he ind undo nn agrootnonb so pay Mr. Rykon one-hail of the proceeds oi the sale oftimbor t.horoon,nlbar doduotping all ex- ponnl and chuga in connection thoro- wihh. And whnb was the result? The limit VIII purchased by one Sands for 0200.000, and of this sum 374.200 wont ioochu-lie' Rykori. ML- -n....I_l'Inn-.5 ....4.. IL- ...............- UV vuuuuv nu nun v. The loandnlgburnt. upon lho commons, through the publloation o! certain lowers In the Globo. It wont. to o oommltteo. And the ovldonoo was so damaging that tho report could not. be othorwlso thin ngnlnlt Mr. Rykarb. And its adoption could not end otherwise than lu hi: expulsion. Ho Antlolpnud the mclon ot the house, rose In hlnplnoo, olforod on unnoooptiblo apology for hi: ollonoo. then picked up his hot and went out Into the cold and dark- neu o! night. 0:10 into 5 dlqr-we which oan never be condoned. A,__I |__:-_,._. .L-.___,r,,_, .:.n , ,, ll Ilwvvn Irv Uvuuvuvuu And hols now the nominee of the conser- vative party in Wollnnd. tho choice by a convention of an eligible pol-non in lun- cuin the pump of Tuppor And hi: lnrnily. So in u Tuppor in oonoornod the neloction in All riglmbut it in one the people will ropudiuu with n vigour and doollivonoaa which cannot be miaundorutood. [DIN 0! It, 1`: shout I IUI'I: Illll IIII luuulu-n u-nu Iv- In due time Mr. Rykort, or Charlie an be wu commonly called. got to Ottawa an I member of the commons, and then be- gun hi: career of Ionndul. The govern- ment which he supported wu in power, ._..I 1.. A..- 41...- AL- us}... I... In! nu IIIBIW Wnluu no luypurvuu was In yuvun, and in due time the hen he had on" hntohod out his scheme for the acquire- mont 0! I timber limit ob or near the Cyprus Hill. in the norhh-wont torriturioo. The limit won I gm o! the government to n Iupporfar, and It wu only made After I dupe!-Ito struggle, because one Laidlnw, of Hamilton, was other it. or A portion of It, and Mr. Rykort. had to _.-|.- _...Il..l.u.- -3`.-on ,,U.. |un.A..I _..._._....__.__._.j__-__...._ _._., __.._ RYKERT REVIVED. Among She shady event: of this po- mlcel campaign In the reeurreouon of John Charles Rykert. of timber limit ` fume. Mr. Rykert wu formerly e member 0! thelegleleture 0! Ontario, end by ree- eon of Me pebty proceeding: wee einaled on for dlehinotlon by the oerboonlet of Grip. Who abet oen remember the plo- buree of Ontario : quertebbe oen forgot. the piotnreeque gure of liable Oherlle Ry- Inert end hie mueleel mingle. THE` l)AI{._Y _wH1G.| OLIII onu lu. ' ' ` ` N 01 In o2a'2":'. o`.`.1'i1.'.'.p'a.`:'.3u`3{.'2.'.m f.:..2p worhgnlno Improved . I :o1monon.n. ` hopnmir. `FRI llbw Y n pubunua on lon- 5:?h1ml 01,: you In ndvunoo ; `Amen no... :."oi`:13:P:E'Ja}:13?.'u2L:R`:t2B JOE)! 0 All mNou_Ng_amI%N'I'. --opmfpifoiol. mm. The Fame}: fsina Banks :70 -I;.'l7_D'a7l'li'n'c'vn_Eo-o' fbiorwlu `w mm I - 01`:o :ou n?l:un:o'; . .`. `.4 1-1. !:..1....." '"". ':'.`.:`.{`x`.' tundly. W will be u od to show lone noek lulu ou, (halo `Pol: II)!>dQol 1pl_nn. 3l_ no9._ I 1119;; umun uumun. noun won an Mm- mo\' of onoo uhllhl and industrious u-nmfonoholu the onvlngolbho Jgotium the drln gout. Thinmdtud nuolnno Iupoohr person. 0 - mcnlouthdr . doouonthdr 30%. I wealthy In their budncu. borln menthol:-work. Ilnmnn nnng Yang 1 wuuny Incmnlnu Inolr want. noon :l0:\h0il'l:I. Input-:,non'o.d 3003! 0 . ` on ` dluuom:a d up by Monti? to haunt at Iakohunt lanlnrmn. land hr Inll nu-nuhln an-no-ulna u I0 llji II IAIOIIIIQ lllll. Bond for M1 pu-tloulnn consuming tho drink than and In Inwun to the 3::-ngcr. Inldaunt oullu-inn. ville. l'lVI I0 "III I "'{$`.u.`."x ., noon Inn pnwnn-our : window md try hluory to the various urhlclon than dloplnlyod. A upnnp unomnonb. from ohood hmy sign ring of the bmhn t|ovnnn.tot.ho ml] and hun- mu 1:! one: nhlllnl And lnnnh-Inna wno nu ma ponmou emu or me urnnge and Mu-onio lodza of Ontario. when those more never to fnvor n Romm Catholic? Wlllrld Luurlor. Who when the holy service: on Sundn n Pmhnhnt nhnrohu ) wno to non um noly In Band Protestant churches 2 Wil d LIIIHOI`. when 4-Inning: vunnnr milk all ll vv umu um-nor. Who duh-as war wish all the auger- nou of MI sou . and. who In ordor to ur- rivo ate this result. bu `nbnyotlhln oo- rolhlonlnm UIUU WIII UV Ivuvyvvu. And so Coeteworth mutt go. even though George Euiie Footer gnve him A eplendid oertilicAte cl olm-Aoter. By the wAy whAt ie it to be A etAlwert conserva- tive nowu.dAye? To be A mun without voice or ideA or opinion, but A machine who will do V/hot he is told. Such is Coetlworth of Enet Toronto and the peo- ple line no use for him. His experience in A Ieuon to the conservative candidate hero who hAe undertaken to make the electors swallow the remedial bill and in nding that he cannot do it. %STRA6|lAN'S : ONOODOH. nemely. U000 ! l\l0llOy I'llll, Ill` obtaining greet celebrity throughout the province. The eppeerence of the tem- moniele of Dre. Roee end McCormick eut- ing the bcnete which they hed recnell derived from their nee wee conni ered euii - cient sign of the merite of the remedy. and the other intereeting end wonderful ceeee which heve eince been chronicled he: ceunod the epecic to have en exceptional enle. moo Y Wilirld Lnurior. Who has deniod to the bishop: bho right of commanding in mothers oi con- noionoo? Wilfrid Lnurier. Who onmoinio the country and modo oudnoiounliea. toying thobil the govern- monb presented I remedial bill he would vote for in Wilfrid IAuri0r. Who in the political chief of the Orange loduu Ontorlo. when pang tor yeeru. omember oi e ooneervetive govern- ment was ever received in Eut Toronto on wee Hon. 0. E. Foeter on Beta:-day night. It me not because of the unporulerity oi the minieter. but on Account o the peei- tion of the government on the remedial bill. Mr. Foeter e elfort wu e megnioent one. He preeented the one for the minia- try In e menner that commended the re- eneot of hie opnonente. but he felled to man oolnlnlnaou mo re- Ipoob 0 ponanta, uotlaly t.hom- or the onnnob be planned. They demand A nor 1100 for the misrepre- sentation of the oonmbuonoy and nothing else will be Accepted." " A...l -.. nntpmnnlk nun-0. on Avon M. John II Inch interacted In the Re- cent lledlml Discovery. 81'. Jpnm, N.B., May 2li.-'l`he mnn OM00 of marvellous restoration in health from various forms oi kidney trouble which have been oonntunnly nppearin in the daily press of the dominion have or some time awakened the liveliest inherent here. and the named b which the cum were eifocted, nnme y. d : Kidney Pills. rue obtninimr in-out celebritv Lhrounhout the poncenr wuree me rouowIng:- As the campaign get: hotter in Quebec. the wilder become: the denunciation of Mr. Leurier u I traitor. Here he epoch men brick from the Courier de Cher|o~ voix, which bishop Lebreot ue recommend- ed in the ieiehful when he orbode thcm to read L'EIeoteur of Quebec. Wlm hu nhiunvl his mliainn and hi.` Tho leuonto be loomed from the liberal- oonurvotlvo mun mootln at the pavilion, on Boburdo nl ho, to tho llmonon Conu- worhh shou d w tbdruv from oh. context. He is oortaln of dolooo. Tho oonoorvntlvo party ln Em Toronto wn rent in twain over the nomlnnblon 0! Mr. Coouworth, ond his porulnbonco in running will widen the breach In the guru so am. so will never be healed. T o fooling ngnlnnt the mnohlno onndldotao It not. an ovnnuoonh nonhimonb shah can be alloyed by npponlu to party holly. The ntnln put upon the port llm of the rank and lointoo - rubbo borne. nnd the result. nlrudy u been to onup the bond: uh hove hold hundred: of electors to the oonurvnlve port for yearn. e mombor [overn- IIGIIIIII Illl -r- I4III'IUI'. The '1`oront.o Globe : Montreal corros- pondont wired the !ollnwing:- onmntinn not: Quebec. IUI'IZII$-UIIIII-"I10 om. nn.-wua an {nonmetal oluyul emu onlob. nmuonn nun. who. um. in. Villa. VUKIDIUII. But) oh once public opinion hook ehepe in the cell of another convention at which the nomination won tendered ho John Rou Robertson, end hie return is predicted by an overwhelming mejoriby. The effect of Security : meehing-i.he rout Coeuworth end Footer and oil who were euocinted with him received--hu Iuggeeted this con- did expreuion of opinion from the Toronto New which is supporting the Tupper ticket : nun _ u._--_ A- L- I--__-.I l..-_ LL-IiL..-.I_ Hotel A Aberdeen. 81 . JOHN. Ill IIIURSIICI.