- 17mu1utou strut Turnbull, Unnvilloz A. 5. u. wuunm- N Ion. Kin ; .0. Wlndol, Ponizpool. i D.8o.- v. A. A. Mollonzie, M. .. 85. l Hbnnlunnn NI R Ste honn. N.B. .D.-J. A. Clnxton, B.A., Invon ; K. J. Mobonnld, B.A., Big Harbor. N. . Tnnnmurl-E. 0. Carrie. Bonn: K. J. THOSE WHO WERE SUOOEBSFUL mu VR-def " over Juan HM .?___1`___ TIED UP AT THE CANAL. QAT THEREGE-V-4'; I an. unusual Illl noon mm: I tiuqlldhin donhvu nuanc- III. InwunnnoMlnhhJolai.L Arum. nlul -unit-Incl Ilia: Hannah `KI1~Ies'ro1~I,5 ozwxmm. The First Jew Tramp. A Hebrew tramp sought. shelter at the police station on Saturday night. This was the first occasion, in the recollection of the policemen, on which a Jew tramp has been sheltered. The man stated that he had walked from Toronto. where he had been in partnership with a fellow- countryman, who had robbed him of $25 worth of peddler s goods and had "shipped out. He said he had come to Kingston. in the belief that he would nd friends enough among the Hebrews of Lhis city. to set him up in business again. He came originally from London, Out. E I "C DU|\I`4 [U \1I\\J VV lllllo One lp lication is sufficient to pro uce a dose croppy ` swnrd. Grows in wet or dry ` i weather in any soil or in any ; location, for $1.00. 25 a pound, 5 I Duoronto Oddfellown Attend. A special train reached the city at noon yesterday fromDeeeronto, carrying a party of Deeeronbo and Camden East. citizens to attend thefunerelof the late James Mc- Gill, of this city. The party consisted of: C. A. Millener, W. J. Melle , A. H. Mc- Lnughey, W. Mitchell, D. Elliott, E. A. Rixen. A. S. Valleau, R. Harvey, J. H. Hempbon,J. M. Poitrea, D. W. Clow, F. S. Hull. '1`. A. Numith. H. C, Numith, Hampton). M. I'oIt.rea, U. W. UIOW, r. S. Hull. Numibh. W. Irvine, T. W. Rowland, John Bolmel, C. Ta lor. John Hotaon. '1`. Gaultz. G. Egar. .A. Parnlmm, of Deoerontao. and O. E. Bickwoll. W. H. Milan . Camden East. The visitors put up :1: take British- American and started on the return trip at 6 p. m. ._::__.. nun n- I ..-`.0 Irhln wnnln, Wlll no LBIIUII IIIII nut-n. Howard S. Folger. general manager of the Thounand Island Steamboat Co.. has received offers for the Thousand Island hotel, at Alexandria Bay, from ex-ma or Inglehart, Watertown, N. Y.; Charles Crosamnn, roprietor of the Cronman house, and mm Mr. Winter, for several {earn past manager of the Thousand Island ouse. Mr. Folger states that the quee- tion of who will et the leaee of the hotel will be deeid some time this week. There is no question that the house will be opened. after having been ut in rst~claes condition. The lessee wil be some re- liable buaineu mun, who ran run the house to advantage. The FIIIOIII aorvlto. The last. and rises over a verv respected and dearly loved friend. the late James Mcfnill. Auditor for the Rathbun company for the put. nine ours. k=-.place yester- day nlbernoon. he 0 follow! 0! King- atoq turned out. Deceased in a Free- maeon. nmember of Crui lodge, Desor- onto,u\d was elected war on at. the lust. election of ocera, but. through illneaa had never occupied the chair. Several visitors were members of the Deseronbo lodge of naalnllnwu Thu Rathbun comnunv sent. members 01 we uoseronw louge ox Oddfellows. The Rathbun company I beautiful oral oering in the form of an anchor. and the staff ol the enoral oico. Dueronto. also sent. I wrect . The fune- nl left. his father : reuidonoo at 3 p.m. to Cntaraqui cemeterfl and the remains were t. . placed in the nu `. lop! solely Away. A Wino reporter called upon C. H. Cor- I both to-day and found himin the garden in rear of his residence united in A grown no costume conslatngof n onnvu and lent or imlmt tiahtlv buttoned un. 3 wide brim- O0Ilallll`|0 OOIISIM ngor ll (XIIIVII Inu IQ.'IIl.llU' jacket tightlv u ewide med ntrnw hat. over VINO? hung in veil which enveloped hie head and face end a peir of long leather geuntlehe. The re- rter we: invited to draw neer, but. u r. Corbett had several bee-hivee open in eelroh of eqneen bee. the reporter thoilghc discretion the better t. o! valor and "kept. hle dletenoe." innlly the neon wee oeptared, her wing: clip on the hives oloeed up. after. whic the eeribe drewe long breeth ol relief. Although eoouatomed so the hum of buaineee he did nm In. lhn hnn nf In mnnv ham. lulu yvuuv Iwuvnuu V ........ .._, _ . . _ . _ . . . .- bore of the police force( ueetionod, and he give: his authority for t e statement that the records do not show. nor does Any member of the force remember I single one of drinkin , nor of drunkonneu on the rt of the 0 al militar osdete. It won d be perfooty impoeai lo that my cadet should be intoxicated on the street: of the city without) the circumstance com- ing to the knowledge of the police. nootutomou I30 line num ox ouamx not like aha buzz of so many boos. tum fol 1896. 00 Elton. Ottawa eld buttery. who now rally the rank of mnjot, comes to ` 'l otcdePont. bu-nolu to hkouoonrooin- n discipline. Halo: Sherwood. Ottnwu. roooivod tn OBIIIC All Optlglllp 104 Strut. Hallo No. 50. on-xx nvllnr nvnumd. from "A" uuory. ua. Liont. Glronud. Royal E_ IIOOl'l,. and n (admin 0! the Ron] Inili ool in on ol four Bo Enginur can lot luvioo In All Allolanl nuustcuu. Auctioneer Mills on Saturday last sold for nfew cents. e bedstead. said to have been made in 1773, and that was used by Lord Bydenhnm when Kingston was the seat of government. When, in 1841, the seat of government wee changed, this ar- ticle of (urmture was presented to a citizen. It wee made of solid "live oak; the ride pieoee were ei ht inches wide b five inches thick, and t 0 onto messur ve inches by six inches, yeight lost in length. _?_n____ nu-.. -- -..-.|.|- I-hlnnnn Illlury NM A member of tho Kinglton eld buttoty is entitled to I place in the Sbooburynou fol 1896. (um. l:`..u-m muw. ald button. n discipline. Ilnjor Sherwood. invitation fa the Bid but. to spend 24%|: llny hero. They go no Punbroko. In in sad the brigade major! will spin lay hero. They no runnrou. It in Ind brigade major: Wmlill bonppoinud. Thule once: were I inh- od by Gan. Herbert. Gunmr 1'. Ba`! Inn boon given his dio- from "A buttery. C.A. Lint. (Sh-onud. Ron] 19`. ll ""n'.".'n`;'i`a'.L"..`.?a`'.?"n's-5'-7';f'.E 0awuIloip-R. IL hi-or. On. ' '.l`ha&. hdfunlclil. Janus hrtdl. I.0.l`|l!u|.u|lInvunn.' ~ ., olohonillo curtain: from 12.20 to uu per pair. You can buy almost avoryhlnn your house nine ex 0 a stove or - stead at R. o!'lul'a ir}at.onv Carpet. Warehouse. E. }y1tfr_qL_1ELI. an-5 Ian. Ioro Invoruhlo Evldonoo. Lt.-Col. Duff, police m iacrato. has had the police records examine , and we mem- aivnn hi: nuthoritv loo our Variety. We are showing fty dioronb style: in curtain muslin: and locus, in cream or white. Forty different patterns in curtain dumuk and Iain. coverings, ran ng in prlooh-om20o.toI5per ard. 7 in olohonillo curtain: from .26 to 81 par uumnun nllu Inn uuvvuu-5:, nu-In uu. 7% rt olohonillo 2.26 mlr. You buy nvoryuhmg IIO V! II Illililxiiua It is understood tht the ondet eergeent who we: put under arrest the other even- ing. for being intoxicated. hue been muti- utad. The reports I: have been our- rsnt to the elect thet than one cadet wee nnplionted. cm. are e-nfgentod. In the one that did occur. d Ioipline was strictly maintained. CIBBU II ; IV _ Will Do launched '|'o.IIoIlIw. Thonaw barge built bytho Iona-ul tumpofhtlon company the whats: in their Ihlpysrd will be Inn on Tua- I afternoon at 4:80 o clock. She is con- .l min` In awnal-kl A van u-nnnlv Imllh Dali. UIIO Kill it'll and Lake Superior. m lot now It In: Itoln. Arthur Field: deohree tlll he never knew or thought: that the out purohuod vfrom Burn: wu Itnlen.. and eoneeqnently did not inform the polioe, ee ulred by the terms 0! hie licence. He thin l.hO wu unjuetly ned end I meeting will " be held eo-night in regard to the rubber. -urn -um ;-eu -nu .-.----._ _.- de 4:8-vdclook. ie-<;o}i- I! by ex he I veryltronil built boot. She ll crude between and Iglm ung:-inr. nc-5"... Iuolnuovu-nrnnnorounuannnns. `fwd-8L?. JoIn Quinn. `Invcru. 3.33. I! . Ooulhtgrf. C. 3::-ton. IonnIIp- vans. Isl-IdI.Kn.I.Kl|.nndI. Hm A Pccrlcss wlu '13.-Lanna rm: Week. ,,,,,u n m_I.___ ........_....I .......... crrv mo Vucmmr. All Anolant Bedstnd. -_ u_L..-..l-.. W lo Wu In tlutod. _.A--.I LL_L LL- 4.1!-I. MON D.A,..Y nvnnme. APRIL 27f i896. 1}! PERSONAL MENTION. Iy missed. Rev. D. Y. Rona. Cannin ton, has re- caivod two calls, one to Sc. eor re, Ont, the other to Newnnrkot. The cal 5 will be disposed of on May 7th. 1.. W. Brock. who some time two fell Movement! of the Pooplo-Whn They Qra Snylng and Dolng. Hon. Senaborsullivnn arrived home from Ottawa lut. ni ht. H. B. Wrig b. Standard bunk. spent part of Saturday and Sunday in (Immuno- que. A. Church. visiting hero for the past to-day. H. S. Downs. of New York, reached the city hot evening and will remain here Ievernl days. Mr. and Mrs. Revner lefh last ninlht by Kooheaoer, N. 1. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Griith, Brockville. are visiting friends in the city and will re- main for connvocntion. kl... klnllillnn Jnhnnfnn Ifrnnf. will The SURE to GROW kind. I\_. -.....I-..a.:.... 2.. ....K1-Z-nA nexb month to vlau`. relatives mare. W. Wales. Deserouto, has secured a situ- ation in Kin atnn. He was a member of the Citizens` nd there, and will be great.- Iy missed. Cannington, disposed or on may (an. L. W. Brock. ago and broke 3 tendon in his leg, was able to beout, of bed on Saturday for the first time since the accident occurred. new I Ilnnlain Mr: Mnnla nnd Inn her tsrockvule nnmence. Dr. Pyno, of Toronto, registrar to the Ontario medical council; Dr. Grnaoett, of Toronto; Dr. Acheson, of Cult. and Dr. Trust, of Snrnia. arrived in the city to conduct. the on] ouminntion preaoribed by the Ontario medical council. Dr. Gru- -nH. in in ohnv-an eroue and more man one maunlnu mu Econ already broken by them this season. Two Chinamen hired a livery horse to go for a drive, but the animal was too spirited for them and the decided to walk. The horse mood u rinceee as far on Gordon street and he again at a terric rate. How thev managed to own upsetting the rig was Tittle short of won erful. All entitled to ticket: for admittance to rig lime anon ox wonuermn. convocation Wednesday afternoon. must, apply in person to the regisbrer on Wed- needay morning at ten o'clock. Each graduate will receive two tickets, each member of the council one only. and each lady student. one only for herself. Church, visiting at week, returned to his home in Paken am to-day. H. S. Downs. York. several day. Mr. and Rayner ni ht by the oh`. North King to visit Dr. Um nm at Rooheaoer. N .Y. 12..., `\r and Mn rimhh, RI-rmlxvilla mmn tor convocnuon. Mrs. McMillan. Johnston street, will leave shortly for California. where she will make her home for the future. DAD! H R Fnttnn pram-nff. and R.9\' make her home tor the lucura. Rev. B. B. Patton, Prescott. and Rev. R. W. Samwell. Wales, sail for England next, month to visit. relatives bhpre. W Wnlau Ila-nrnutn has nnnnrnd n-itn. time since the accident occurred. Rev. J. Mnckie. Mrs. Mack. and son, the Misses Walsh, Revs. J. Short and R. J. Bnmforth leave on Thursday for the old country. Inilin on Fridny from Montreal. Miss (lertru 9 Bomb. elocunionist. will 360.00 country. mum nmny Irom monu-om. Mina Gertru Belzzh. elocunionist, take part. in an enberminment. in the opera house. Brockvillo. next week. Mina Patch in A favorite recitor ln Kingston. and no doubt will fully sustain her reputation with her Brockville Audience. l\.- Dunn nf Tnnnnln I-nalntrnr In tho! by me unumo me can is in charge. I800 worth of stock has been aunacrmeu. Saturdav afternoon It bicyclist, scorch- in down princess street, collided with the do very wagon of J. Elliott, butcher. His mnghino was smapbed. The dashboard of the w on was broken; the bicyclist struck it with is head. liimmllno. mmnlnin hinarlv of tum rum. it with his htd. Bicycllsu complain bimerly of two rubs, one on Union street. near the street; car 'unotion, and one on King street, opposite urney tower. They are deep and. dan- moua and than one machine has n uh-nadir I-mnlmn hv thnm thin mason. Curried OI By Oongogtlon or clan Lungs- A Well-Kiev: Plunhurgwr. Puhrick McCullum. Pitt.ebnrg,diod Satur- day. the result of oongution of the lun . Ho wu hirly well xooovorod from the E uric: received by the stuck undo on hin; an Ann-rv hull (sud which nnlmnl also I7_y`a.n angry nuu (sun vmon ammo: Mao rod hi: brother Alexander w the death) t out too quickly. In hi: weakened con tion he ought. A cold, which settled on his Inn and terminated bully. n......'-.. aixv-thno vans of mo ma Inn and aormmnwu uuuy. Dooouosuwu aixy-threo years 5% god wu born on the farm on which Jinn` 'I'Kn Ilnnllnm hrnthnl-I nnmnd I.) Unonloouolnuluonn. wuo usury- goodn manhunt at _lonh-ml. The uigtuinndonnnioooulidodnthotno. Bio ducts in I distriot`|oItotIo oonntyol I`:-vontmno. _ 5' The hnonl soot puns ha o'clock thinner-ui and was haul) attended. Tlutoico mnno Iuadndguintb on Saturday mornin will be repaired by p.m.. Gordon nu-on 'p.m. The shaft. that bx-0% so the cotton mill Tuosdly morning. w n work will be re- oommenood. Tall -.o..Nn I And Na. 2. Bath Rmd. "We open to-day another shipment of those `beautiful Ladies Wheels at $60.00. Every up-to-date re airc- ment is on them. `ully uaranteed in every respect. oodness and durability in nu-Hbnn nn Qln-Ir nnnnarnnnn sold for 3730 to J. wauer. The little daughter of W. Norrie. corner Colbome and Clergy ehreeta, while playing in the yu-d In rear of the house on Satur- dl found an English penny dated 1775. my Allen arrived in the city from London on Snturdn in charge of a sheriff`: olcer. He woe to on to the penitentiary where he will erend two years for bone to Ileeling and the . W, (Jninn sand. at the workimzmen`e violets no reportnd to be plentiful. The ad'ourned moetin of the yaait. club will be old at. the Hgtel Frontenac bo~ morrow night. The committee appointm. " to canvas: for stock will report. Over $800 worth of stock ha: been subscribed. ntnil-(`Av Anrnnnn ll biGV(!ll8t4. ma born on me rum on wnlon no diod. Th Mocnllurn brothon owned the Inn. lawn in u nnnnhv and warn 1-nrv (x. ZIVDC .\II|II'II DIVIHUTI OWIIX 5110 but {Arm in the count. and were vary Iuooenful in their undortc ings. Doceued was once elootAd' deputy-roevo in the to: ship council, ad ultbou ln reputed ` nrgod to stand agnin or oloction. Just. an often nfnood. At. last ch:-on times howuoifend the liberal nomi- nation for the county. but each time to- 'ooud tlnollet. It in almost out-uin that In livod lab would have ngtin received uh: nomination from tho mrh of which had In mod is would huo ngun reoonvou the nolninntionlromtbo putty of howu I launch supports-. Ho wun won info:-mod Inn, Inning road and travelled exandnlr No one known the ulontol hi; Bland: ' and generosity in roliarina nod. eqmre lot Ila. Wm. Swain. ret-clue piano buner, lam Wormwith & 00. Leave order: at Hobart : drug atore. - Peterboro ha a new society pa 1- called Saturday Afrarnoon. It in we] printed, nicely illustrated and cleverly wrltton. Tb Iteemer North King Ieils for Roche- atet ev Sande gt. 5 p.m., via Port. Hope on. Hun oy, agent. In... Innvnn M n{`.nmmnn u livnrv oommenood. Toll gat.a'No. 1 and No. 2, Bath Road. won sold by auction on Friday. No. 1 Wu sold for 0476 to D. Vanordenand No.2 sold for $725 to J. Waller. 'l`hg liml. A-nahnr A! W. Narrin. corner ueenng and men. W. Quinn embed. at the workingmon`e meeting yeeterdey. that the factories of Kingston are full of boys and girl: can to twelve years of , notwithstanding the law prohibiting I; 0 same. A cannon has been given the St. Regia 600 lbs, was sent: from nmgabon. Quite 9. number of young people trumped out into the country. yeaterday, in agnrch of wild spring owers. In some cues beautiful bouquets were secured. Wild The ndimu-nod meatimr vmlt. rouonng nun. He leaves two than-andtwo ' In On nioooiolu. Dluohn. wile o(ndry- nmmln manhunt nl. Hank-Q]. Tho two \lU\lUIIUD3 EIIU UUIGUIIII I6 written on their appearance. Gentleman's I896 Wheel at same price. Fleet," $75. Warwicka," $85 and $100. `rho Iploo of Ivory Du ulo-WIn' Ihu Iocpln An 'I'nl_kIng About--lotlnn Io- oopu an Atlantic: 0! `thou Whonn `Inux Noun. J. Milk, auctioneer. cold I hone by pub- lic ` motion on Sobnrdny on,t.he unrlaot square for 013. Swain. piano bunor. aul . Tnoc. nnnloy, agent. '1` 0 bus leaves McCammon | livery every day for G: uj cemetery at. 1:30 Gordon street "p.m. The shaft. that bro 0 law prombmng the A cannon given tribe, Cornwall Island. for saluting pur- poses on the Queen : birthday and other great occasions. The un. which weighs 600 lbs, sent: from ingamn. Onim n nnmhar nf vnumr Deonle brambed PNCAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR _ BUSY REPORTER8. mcmms or um um. men noowou ny me name: mum on mm ran bull (sud which and death) PATRICK M'CALLUM DEAD. ` Dlrcetore Not Dleooureged Though They Have Had Inch to Try Them. The ennuel meeting of the Kingston amateur athletic eeeooiatlon wee held this morning. The financial statement ehowed receipt: of over 8300 for matches leeb year, and hint the ueocietion would hnve peid ice way but for the building of the bicycle track, which was an unfortunate invest.- ment, since no revenue whatever was re- ceived from it. It wee reported Llmt with the filling up` of one corner of the round level with the mat of the ed the second neet ground in `T ,;._ io would then be completed. Not.- `Mihelannding the discouragement offered lchie ueocial.ion-like evervthimr else in your were : President. E. J. dent, Dr. Clarke; se( treasurer, Allan Ch C. L. Curtis, W. B.| and H. Richardson. cell and will oeoiaolpnneu tor ms conuuuu. After gettin over the fence he made his way along oung street, up Division street to Johnston. out Johnston to Vic- toria street and thence to Gardinefn bunh, north of the fair grounds. There he re- mained until darkness settled down, when he cre t to the home of his father, who revei ed upon his son to return to the Jlll and finish his term, having now only nix weeks to serve. It is claimed he was prompted to bolt by another prisoner. Au"-.vE'F|'6N Hiya. . J<" _._nn_. uroppea amu. Deceased was one of the most known incidents of the oounty. ` about tiny-ve years of a e, wna Millhnvon. and pructi medici Oriana for thirbv venru nut. He w Uaeeaa lor ranlrby genre pun. no waea brother of J. K. oath, of Odessa, And uncle (.00. Booth, C.!:`.., of thin city. For some years past he oonduotod A drug store in the villuge in connotation with his pmfeenion. Mrs. Booth, A son, Clement, and a daughter, Agathn, all of whom are well known in Kingston. survive him. Deceased was Amembor of the Church of England, and I life-long conservative. VIIOIUI VIII \!IIII!II'Is The Kingston cricket club held its or- nnimtion meeting on Saturday, when Dr. lurks was elected resident; F. C. Ire- land, vice-president; . Glidden, secrehry and treasurer; and Russell Fletcher. ss- sistant-secretury. The executive commit- tee elected is composed of Messrs. D. Mc- Intyre, S. Robertson. Ferguson end (lul- lowsy. Several matters were discussed, among others s chsllengs from the Non- tresl cricket club. The members decided thst the will play Montreal provided that teem wi I come to this city for the Instch. The matter wss left in the hands ol the executive committee for Arrangement. Should the match eventuste it will be played at an early date. sent. enclosure. luarl screen win in mm out in a few days and sales of property will probably take place. The association de- tenninea to proeecube the parties who are continually trespassing upon the ground and will ask the police magisnmte to pass a severe exemplary sentence. The directors elected for who enauimr severe exemplar; The directors : President. Q IIIVC EIIIIIGII UP- Seturdsy night About ten o'clock the prisoner Devine, who successfully elud the wstchfulness of turnkey Counter and escaped from the yard at the jail in the morning. returned to the institution. so- compsnied by his father. and gave himself upto the governor expressing contrition for his rash set and romising to behsve himself in future. e was returned to his cell end will bedisoiplined for his conduct. Affair aattinn over the fence he 113-: on ur. xnuuuu Dr. Booth, of Odessa, while taking I walk on his farm. near that village, this mornin ' , was stricken with apoplexy and rlrnn dead. "Wllllalndlg VH8 (]I00lll'IgBln9llli OIIOFBE this uaociai.ion--like everything Kingston which does not meet rnt ex- cation|-t.he directors are hopeful of ing clear of debt in A low years. Among the new plans is the erection o!acare- taker : house u n the ground: and the selling of 3 num r of lots outside the" re- cent. onclosum. Earl street. will `be id an! in a (nu Java and nnlnn nf nrnnartv will I400: VII HUI` n unnu- Tho police` hnvo boon notiod to hoe 5 nhnrp watch for I bicycle that In: no on from Roohenor. N.Y.. hunch. II can nnnrp wnton xor moyou was stolen from Rochester. N.Y., lutwgok. be rocognniod from thin description: Fae- mrv number. INO: Rochester wheel: model J. CUNNINGHAWS. King St. `Have you seen our Ox at rm?` and $1.50? They are "realy t a best values we h ever shown HAINES & LOGKETT be recognueu mm mm aeeonpuon: no- tary number. BNO: wheel; j'B .l_896:Q. &J._Gin3: Beyer _ndd_le; _nm_a to numoor.uw;nooncnawnou;mouoI "B .l896;G. &J. tires: Sager ddle; runs horn handles. E. B. Louoh thinks he luv the when! and rider late Saturday night. The rider claimed to hnvc bought. it. it Wnuttown. Leulio Hughes thinks he nwthowhcol uad rider on the road leading toward: Nqnnoo y this mom- Mr. and In. Bniloy, mnrriod Int Mon- dny night. rounrnod from Montreal this nhonoon` ulcer nponding the week in that city. when It. Bajloy Ill called to At.- and a mating oi the custom towmhi' driving club, when 50 In: had on Ipplitr lion infarnnnnuouohhr of thon- VVILI DC DWIIPII Ill- Wmzurm, April 27.-~Hugh John ,'Mac- donnld, conservative candidate for Winni- . left yesbordq for Ottawa. Hi: friends on state that 0 will be aworn in u I member o! the new dominion cabinet while at Ottawa. -pup nun GHVIII` OIIID, WK!` X IIII IIIII III IpPlI- tion infornponuouohhr oiocy'u tabla and stock. Ho Ian boon ap- noincod tn the position. which Inc will uh IIVII Ill un I yuuv -U uunvuzuu nu 0 pointed position. over shout Ihoniddloolsophmhtr. Ir. Bniloy bu voriod lot the Iodoty fat ZVCIIVXII. nun Iv Iovonyou-I. HARDY & C0-, Princess St. A.Awn$IK,III1I I-.C` Int.oIh,ol" "hat-k1,. on that wheola for Nopsnog They lrdohd Wodpukmmanm p. but nocgooo non\Qn yudn a: plan: when Hr.\ RoNnnon'I Um adorn. Invuinpodhloto repair iuianuoauysopxoou-d. no tin at tho party took 0.50 dinhld Iikoin tow -..I I-m.aI.tn.uuIi|na-nu basin; pnrsuro tor nomo. _ Barr Corby onto: that he will not con- toab out Hubi ngaln. His modloal men strictly (orbi his entering politics for a time. uclljnl Inn A: nu-uuu. 0'n-Awi, April 27.-'l'here in `very lit!-ls. doubt that Sir Mlokenzie Bowel] will re- sign this afternoon. He has gone to Ri- doau Hell and it in said Man he will bender his resignation to Lord Aberdeen before re- turning. R. wad-:;: J. noun-on,~j A.Abomo\h,|ndbupiml lo-' 1..u..n._..r- "ham:-v.. on uni: member tor Albert: II no no mun oouoowr for the Yukon district, with headquarters at`Fort Cndnhy on the Yukon river. A. H. O'Brien. nonhow of Col. O BI-ion. at`Fort Cndnhy the Yukon river. A. O'Brien, nephew BI-inn, M.P., bu been I intod uointant luv olork LG Ottawa. he position is worth About 02,000 I you And tho appointment in mud: hv tho nnnnknr. noun 33,000 I you Ana is made by the Iponkor. Ir.-in understood that I il made by the speaker. It is understood than R. C. DoIroohGI'I_ pt-Ivan secretary to Mr. Ouiunw. hu boar} appointed` assistant Ieonury of public works. ' Th. Wnnnnr-(I -Ian" nnnlnnfnd MI`. IA- slxtrr-wmnn nun.--1~zo. 99.) Rivioro, chairman of the debuts: commu- too of we house of commons, with I hand- some tnvolling bag on the eve of his do- pnrturo for homo. Han-v Gorbv ...:.._. Ruth John Inodonnld Llkoly to be In tho lhhlnat. IITIUUI Onnu, A rll27.-D. W. Davis. ex- momber for Al rh in to b0 and: collector C.-an QR. Vnbnn nliatplnl. with hnntlnllllglll workl. The Hnnurd on presented Mr. Ln- Rivioro, clnirmnn of the debate: commu- un :11 than Imn-A nl nnmmonn. with SIIR MACKENZIE GOES OUT. vvu-nu. THE ANN Von. nnu ` for thin - II` I 1 Ihslgm rm Altonoon. vi A-...:l o-r _Jn..;.. :.`...`. no-o Inn -1130 `ll-Ip. A u.. n;n.. ...-_:..a |-. uincam Iiilnrhldwiull HID M INUAL MEET 1 unauwmx; u. p. nlsruf, . B. Cu-ruthers, W. Nick 0 Inn B. Penna; vice-presi- s; secretary, J. S. Skinner; x Chadwick: J. C. Hsrdv. secremry, J. :9. mnnner; x Chadwick; J. Hard , R (`.nn~nI.hArn 7 Ninh A Ty BOHIBHCO. ensuing a widely- wunty. He was born It medicine at mt A: man an aoeepn manner. or moomuem, mu uncl- msn. only (laughter, Lin] and Jot-eph.aona of the deceased. and T eodoro his only brother. to mourn his loss. Mr. Brown was var muoh endured ton lu-go ciiule of frion 3. "nn1nnn'|1;n|\ nim Ant` -vnhilinn -nrl or monae. .He was of high aim and ambition And for years represented mmy of the inaur~ anoe companies of Canada. He died happy and trnemng. He fell ulee , no hides the worm within in narrow oe I, but bursts its chryaalis, beautifully. shining. Then `oz. 558500, rest, gnndeur, lory. all`: well. If e unenl wu held an t. e famil resi- dence. Wellington. on Thursdny. tom the church to the family plot. will be me guest 0! n-ox. Mcxuugnwn. So far no appointment has been undo to fill the vacancy in St. Andrew : church durin the absence of the pastor. Beveiel euitele persons are under consideration and the appointment will be made thin week. The ennuni meeting of the forei n mie- eione of the Anglican church will e held in St. Paul : church to-morrow. Report: H} Momherfor Kingxlohn |` 3. M. BRIITON. Ja n will be iven. ev. John nokimiliivemd his fnrewell nermon at St. Andrew : church lut oven- ing, Eareparntory to leaving on I three mont, trip in Scotland. Appropriate music was rendered by the` choir. Ah -the morning service Mrs. Oalfee song "There Is a Green Hill Far Awav. and in the mm xmm mrnner euuerm . no we: mm in Pioton on Sept. 24t.h. 18 7, and was the son of the late Thomas M. Brown and Deborah Bowel-men. The father of the deceased was a U. E. Loyelisb. Mr. Brown was a broad minded men. Person- ally he was a fail type of man always genial and kind, a friend to old and young, rich and poor. The need one who came under his eye never fail to receive aub- etential encou menu. Alnhou h in lull fellowship wit. the society 0 friends. Mr. Brown never fully out Mide hie friend~ phi for other religious denominetione. e leaves a beloved wife. Mn. Sueenneh am IOI` onner religious aenommamonu. e leaves beloved wife, Br-own.(noe Baker) he dau hue:-of tholnto Joseph Baker. of Ioome d, Ida Brick- mm. onlv dnuahtnr. Linlv Jot-eDh.aona A bright. Boston newspaper clsims um its advertising oolumns `ward of!` business desth"-wlni}i is merely another way of saying that publicity operates es s life in- sursnce t.o busin . I! it be I wise policy to insure s shock sgainsb ro it. is sure! equslly ss wise a policy to givqthe stoo that measure of protection sgsinst moths which a libohl spplication of printers ink affords. ' Ind:-. I`:n--ni-- nl(\OO;uo- in ngrinnnlv nnorul. Jud Foul-nior.of0thwn. is seriously ill wit engine pectoril, And the doctors four he wil not recover. Au-aluiegne I`.lIin I-09 in (Inc Cnr I-Itnnrt none or me Angucnn onuron vun no new in St. : Report: from the three branches will be introduc- ed and an address on the mission work in Jagan will be iven. ... La... ....|.a.,|lu......a M. cm.-.11 morning service Lure. uauaa sang "Anon; Is Omen Away, evening. He Shall Feed His Flock. The choir rendered God Be With You Till We Meet Again." Pleton Gazette. Death has again entered the home and taken Lherefrm Jonabhnn T. Brown, one of our most eabemed and beloved citizena. About eight days ago Mr. Brown was mk- en with grippe. Deceased was a great sufferer up to Tueadn when death released him from further on erin He born in v:..o.... .... um 04.}. In 7 ....a u... ml... mu` no vnu not Architect Ellis loft to-day for Wutport on bucincu in connection with the croo- tion of I new church there. POSlTlVELY,.you Info the Best sum lads It you buy tlngln at c. %uvmq1on a my ! nn._A n_4n.n_no 1 Lawn Grass ; 0onIIrnntIq:_n_I It. James`. The rite of conrmetion vvu edminiI- tered in St. Junee church yesterday morning b hll rece the nmhbilho of Ontario. VI. anon Spencer end In. Lewin euicted the clergy ol the pariah. Twenty-ninepe s were presented by the incumbent. wenty of whom were females and nine melee. Ten were ndultc. After the laying on of hands his grace nddreued the newly `conrmed and the congregation at large. Us- on the former he impreeced t e dutiec of reading the biblel and church his ry and so becogin intel igent chris- tiaii: and members 0 their church, of] reverent and regular use of all the means of grace. and of engaging in some form of work for the advancement oi the cause of God. The holy communion WE! then ad- ministered, end nearly one hundred (in- cluding nll the newly conrmed) received. The hymns were reverently and impressive- ly rendered by the choir. In exceuence. uring the absence of John Raynor, organist, G. E. Hague presided very ao- oeptably at. the organ during service in St. James church last; evening. n Dan I "F H --rirluu nAnr|nnfA:I James cnurcn use even: . Rev. W. T. Herridge,ng.l)., conducted the ser I00 in Chalmers church yesterday morning. During his sun in the city he will be the guest of Prof. cNnughton. So fur no annointment. been Church Pnrogrnphn. The Salvation army band aernadod the patients in the gerferal hospital yeutardny afternoon. The band is eteadily improv- ingin excellence. nu-inn thn n"|-nnnn nf Jnhn ngvnnr, 0!! M10 dwelt b the Oddfellowf order in relieving dretreee cering for the widow end the fatherleee, eto., and also on the inuence of the good enm le net. For their deeds in this direction t ey were deeerving el ell oommendetion. Then the brethren were green and how they could extend the lphete of thgir work, and increase their undul- neee. Both eluerohho 2'-_tion were ex- amined and diuneeed enrleeeflnd im- partially, and the sermon Wu very much enjoyed by those to whom it was eddreee- ton mnguon eeeemolea so me uealeuowt bnildi yeeherdey afternoon end Inerohed to the `net. Con tionel church, where Rev. A. W. Riomn delivered en elo- uent. end epproprmo ennivereery eermon. the pneeher took en in text Mathew v.. 46. "For it ve love` In em which love vou. The pnaoner too: up next nnwnow v.. 40. "For yo lovd you, wind reward have yo? Do nonvon the publlonna so 1" For long time the speaker dwolb the grant. food done 5 hr the Oddhllowf reliovimr ' UBUIUZQ About 200 mom` 4 r gho loonl lodge: of Oddbllown with rant; from oun- ton Kingston uumblod at 550 Oddlollowu bnildinn vutnrdu _._.j_ ODDFELLOW8 HEAR AN IMPRES- SIVE ADDRESS ` AN`. ANNIVERSLRY SERl0N.| [PW T- Zvuvwu Ivulihlu-hlcwiulldnn I n n In n u I I in A. "0 Dlullfuvllu III u- IIIII cougncutlonnl ohunh-oonIrnnuon |n It. J:-ou'-IIotu I`:-on ch Vulou nu.--.54. iltl. ' PRICE TWO GENTS FOB. CITY AND 00'UN'l'.IY. salary or oommlnlon, to ull ohlnu. App1yco.r.x.u.moy.uunc. in up mu strut ' or .1 uun.m' lo: TWO 81087 BRICK XOUSI. 8170 the notpl aide olooboao mom and Dunn,-. ll , all ANTED41`RUSTWOR'l`HY tnvolln Ounda. Sal: ponnu. Rah:-euoo. Prolldon. olzo. Hi '> HEJXIISES ON UIEI known :3 Kelvin : oluadl J . 8. Kelvin. as Clnnnoo -moo. -.._ .__, - . __,,__ _, Two nmcx nouns Nun. nu E Pu-k. with all mam Intro Apply to Flux SHAW". 115 Bocot I . , :_:_ . (Without 3 Put) ....,., V\I -_._._. ...__.. ..-, _ non nous): NO. as UIII now ooonpioti by In. lion ht lay. Apply to J. B. Otlllrj. ,., -- _..~... .__. -7 nmnnun" 1-ossnssxox TWO Ill . ~**.`.:'.-:.-~*'- ':;:-'.'"...,'*.:-:.'.-'4 Noll!` mom . Blur. ink Square`. emm""?Fco3pmuu '_'f AN'l'ED--OLD sums to '10 co II old. For mun: I to K. ` 1.own,40 Adolnido strut. on-onto. wANTED--A GOOD UJOK '10 3`? one who leave: to be married - mh. Good wages puid. out 51 mun servant he 1.. Addrou by 3th: VI1 refuonuc. Mu. ulrson. Vulloy I PQ ll rent. A but I01 A(ency.8 ng street. FIICIG BOOKS. ON FIRST 0" HAY. oonvonlant location in the buntnouuutn of the city. 64 Brook strut. T- Tm:,aIlI :1 J. Inlvltl. ESIDENOE N0. 8, VAUGHN TH now ooouplod by lnrtnohnn. nlon lay Int. Apply at Wmo ofloo. JOHN H. MILLS sues. AUCTION sA|..|_: .. ____.._.. - .... -_-- nu.-- 2 NEW HOUSE ON MJPBID W. will: all tho modem lmpngvundlh. p to Glam: Nnwulno. Prilout nan. um-ran. w` the Tuuum-I0N--In South Froderiohbn April Qlnt, wife of Mr. Thgmpuon, I son. Fmzznl.--At. Toronto. on April Mat. III! wife of A. B. Friuall. railway. Jp clerk. of a non. s" :4 HINHTRIDUI--AI`a Duaronto, April IYII. wife of F. J. Honltridgo. of I Ion. ` MoAI'u:v-At Lonodnlo. April 23rd. W119 of James: MnAulnv. of Alan. ' acquaintances nru rsupocuuuy Invlwu to stand. _ On.-ixn-In Kingston. April 26th, Phoh Worden. beloved wife of Horace Qtlu. in the 67th year of her age. Funeral from 335 Princess strut. '1' afternoon at 2:30 o clook. Friend; acquaintances are respectfully inviho ho attend. MCCALLUM - In t-ownuhi of Plthlmlj. April 25th. Patriot M llum,o|dO I!!! of the late John MoC|llum. _ , - The funeral took place from his I500 dence to St. Mnr `I olhhodrll, Hill morning, where 3 no emn roqnim Inn was chanted. IMnnI rnnl nnnarn nlnnnn IUIIIW`. onancea. (Montreal papers please oop_v).' Br:u.-In Kinglbon, on April 24th. IO. Robert Bell, in his 78%}: you`. m:I.x.-1n mn awn, on apru um. luv. you`. The funeral will balm place from MI I130 ralidance. 176 Univenitw nnmn. on "LDC HIHBFEI Wlll NIKE [MIX ITOIII IIIIIIW residence. 176 Univerait. Avonuo. on Tuesday lb 3 o'clock. riondn nnd Io- qualnbnnoes are respectfully invited to attend. Gama-At Deneronto. April 19th. Hu- garot, wife of William Green. god II VOIPI. STAK Lows. 40 strut. AN'I`ED--A GOOD COOK `I0 II wuss mid. ousns IN ALL nu !-s or `rm: 011'! 10 rent. A 1: at Ic0ANN S Bod IIIIIQ Anoncy. 832 IJIIIJI G1. in ow--In Kingston, on Sunday `IQ! iblln, Martha Annatron , bolovoa WHO of Robert. Glasgow, Ar: 57 yours. The funonl will take pace {rum IMHO residence, 390 Montreal street, 3.0-inc- rnw ('I`m\ndnv\ nt. 2230 nm. Friondlul C, we sell although Ready to Wear" has all the excellences of good tailoring, and so far as good t is concerned ours surpasses many of the best efforts of the merchant tailor. Common Cloth- ing would be a mis"t" at this house. Against it we post, "No admittance. CAnn.0I.L-R.ooI:ns-In Tamworth, on . 99ml Rinlmnl f`.nr-rnll t.nMiu Mu-I A wu.m"Ia Mse is As this is undoubtedly, hair Dress Goods season, `hdlu who want want and swnntaci TION in this class of goods, see they get the RIGHT uAi;.; ever reliable Mohair . Al _ Brilliantine is sold by us from 1. Wear guaranged. Sicililnl I! do not keep r the reason _ they will slip or pull, the weft " - ing double thickness of the warp, l'con_equently can not wear. I-Tn-3`-ah: hln Mnka;ra..nAun- In [we to $1.75 Per Yj - D IICI9`. 0!` KAY. A I VAUGHN ` ooouulod b"lErmI BU I-IVE!` \lIl Combined with u very nourlohl Wine and II ally rrulnod II i digenad by the molt dolluto. , . OHILDIIN TAKI I1 IIADILV-. VlOI\l'LlY--AI'a lnlll. llpfll of James McAuloy. of uuon. reamenoe, aw Monnreal aoreow, no-nor row (Tuesday) at 2:30 p.m. Friend! d acquaintances are respectfully lnvi to Attend. We keep none but the best makes. Quality guaranteed. I-_lo DAIIUVIII nnnluu rnnuuuunu Jholh to II. union of Kingston vpitgiu Clo lllurul autumn In in j `, _\|0|Ia\l!honnuI. udhqno I In an loving Ionlollll . VIII (bl-Ion}: Wood lun- Iuturpogtp Iuoouhauuhunuu Ila 0 `#09!!! as thuuhc Illhuul You .I-Burton-.vIosIlvuk au- 'vmuoumun-uu um gulp.` nlteahru lhuohlblo 4. Pdvnpoluddllotlioos wuiduduoslnulhlht JAlIl.0l.L-K.0()lR8-ln 'umworr.n, on A 22nd, Richard Carroll t.oMiu May Jun Rogorl, both of Sholold. "1'i;N_Ei1 A'17i51'1i1_6Es"vv`Ax'1'lD `-4! n.uwY's. . ' JHUl\U "UIB!_I!_:\?!!."5 Nvnslc. APPLY IN xvnxum `no In. K Howun S. Fowln. u Wont stud. T WEATHER PROBAIILITTI Fcirandwu-In. . '.-` "13" M nlodby0.% Otovl. lluhonaltvii uugctiuclltly bllll UUL Vvcllu Fbireliible Mohajru;o_t;u,,g_9` VII III OI Cod Llvou-m9_l'l vary no For Dcllcate Chlldrcn, Invalid: and the Aged. JACKSON'8 m I ncllunclllll lllllll 0AJ$__*f!.<`. _*_`-'- Ponuuu the full medicinal val u of For Sale by I DI-ujlllbl. : TO BE LET. WANTED. FREY l"'l:wlIl0l K) msa."n'{. no: fti -IjO- I.3I"0C. 1- VESDAY APRIL $1`! AT THE RESI- donoo o! In. umuhn, DI Johnnon thus. the fol owing 2-1-lelnumnn Piano. almost new). In Cu-pots. Radium. omo Husl Eton. Bun Luck Burn. Bodrooln solo a .IutcruocI.l:nonnlon `Pablo HM nk lumber Bots, Rockers. Clutdnn. Poln. dunno nun... Sewing I.- ohlno. Hunting bump. and mun other ur- tlolu. Plsno will be sold at 1 0'0 och. 8:10 at 10:30. JOHN H. HILLS. Auotlonoor. ONE PRICE STORE. 123 Princess 81.. North Side - Kingston ...._.._:__?7,, , , A IOUSI WITH SEVEN BOOKS, IN GOOD looalll at 3 nodonto rout. go! 56 I`:::).A`un'u I. El'l`A'l'l Anlnov. is... I . ;"f-.*: 3.1 '..-. R. lV\cF`aul DIRECT IIIPORTER OF English and American Car- pets, 01] Cloths. Mattlngs, &c., &c. . R. McFAUL,] Fweed Effects, double width, zoc; has: really 50 cent look, for zoc. - oc for` ne Scotch Tweed E ectl, double-fold,4o shading: to pick from-5oc the yard. $33.50 for a Dress of 7 yards. Black Alplcal, 25 to 01.00. Henrietta, all shades and black, 25 to $1.00. are at their very best to-day. Haven't had a better assortment since the opening. All the looked for kinds are here. We make them, make them to your own fit, of your own choosing. Make them that they t alnd hangright till worn out. Price as little as ready-made. woon_wpguuN6.} KINGSTON CARPET WAREHOUSE mm Rana. .-'l`ho Indopnndonb Onlud lodges Nnpouo. N I All H. No. I19. Indod Iuwi; ."3`-f"T-."', nun n.no.nx.nuunuou-urvnoo randy: thnoa`o|ocI.h Ibokuurn otlodh chub. About out hndnd nnhnvcnpn-ant. luv. Dr. noun. -M-nnhnlnlnluhnandtnnnodn 11 X Jlj I.-II. TX QIIEI `K Inullullydunuuulwithlovuuud Imh II: but updt . _n.a....m.:..:._.num{-um": with modest prices. Germany, France and Britain contribute to this display. of Pretty Dress Stuffs at easy prices. Counters and tables piled full of them. There isn't I skim ed assortment in the whole colection. Take time to look when you come, even if you do_barely `skim over_the list we print. Coats and Capes In M is what you want when you buy your shoes. _... - -_..... 7/1 Famous Dress V Department The Clothing DR. R. H. ABBOTT. so Wllllna not. Tollpht ooua WW; tlil. V 1 HARD Y S ."o'IT6irI|,Lowo' SERVICE. j ' `wanna 'ro`n`:'N-r.` :'.`.".`:I.".i`*ll.` 3"5'.o$l3'3`'>?my on -on 'P_'.'.u.!.-. um. many . 1 Onpomo city Hotel. lr Ocean Travel x\ nouihrnl It you tutu u.'.".'.': I-M` and burn- MARKET S;)l_JAl;B.- W I0 IRE IMPROVE- : with rd. at no Bunk strut. Juno. FOR SALEE I). 301 ii D. Toloph one 517. --.13 memorial union. The fuculeios got to work At four o'clock this afternoon to pass judgment on the porn submitted by those tryin the pun examinations. The results will posted [n- mm-mw nftarnoon. Shanon Bound Down cannot Get Through Ilofuro To-morrow. The nuaambarge Bothnin cleared for To- ronto t.o.d ny. The aohr. Annie Minnee cleared for Os- weo to-da to load coal for Anglin it Co. he ctr. ylea will clear to-morrow fol Windsor to loud stave: for Duluth, Minn. Th--4 in nan: Huh-tpgn (not, tan innhnn nf Windsor to loud stave: tor uulum, nnnn. There is now thirboon feet. ten inches of water in the Welland canal and iv. in still rining. The atr. C. J. Fillmore cleared lrom Iauen. Th) water lq Buffalo harbor is very low. Nearly nll boats entering wish cnrgoes run aground. Oadensbum DON: wu opened Friday to load coal. The Iohr. Fleotwing. Cu wt. M. Show, clears to-dn for Charlotte. .Y., to loud` nasal lnr C `I. E Pn OIXFI D0-(ll IO!` U III coal for 81! ft t Co. TL: nnhr H W lhv (Dilly W mun purl: III ulu IJIIEIII` uuauurvi at noon : university. T a hull memorial tablet. to the memory of the late Dr. Willinmaon will be unveiled in convocation hall tomorrow. AI. lnltng-L tun n'nlnnI: f.n.mnrrnI1 lm in convoonmon mu no-marrow. Al. halt-put two o'clock too-Inorrow the vnlodiotory addresses will be delivered in uonvocntlon hull. nncl the portnlu of the late Dn. Saunders and Fenwick will be "unveiled. that with the Williamson memorial tab at. "I"hn On:-nlminn ant tn work A}. four n nlnnI: axnmnnamona. 1 no n to-marrow Afternoon. rmng. Chicago, Saturday, for this port grain laden. 'l`|u umnr In n..m.In lmrhnr in van: lnw. .`3mdM. L rg rt. opened l-`riday one u who the ctr. IE2! cleared for Charlotte loud 0051. mm. ...|.. IrI..o.wina (`....r. M Rh. botween um; port ma Mann-cu. The sloop burn D.. with 2,500 bushel: of buckwheat from Nnpcnee. arrived at Riohndlon & Sons elevator this morn- VVIIII luv Isnulul aru- Six ladies raduate at Queen's university thisweek. his A nee J. Griith,daughter of Rev. Dr. Urilt , Brockville, secures an M.A. She has proved herself to be an ad- mirable student. Her musical ability is known to hundreds who have frequented Sydenham street Methodist church. Her cousin, Miss Edna Griith. Sydenhem, hes secured her B.A. Miss Jennie Oarswell is a daughter 0! one of Renfrew s wealthy citi- eens, the head of the rm ofCarewelI&Mnc- kay. lumbermen. Miss Fowlds. Hastings, comes from one of the best homes in that village, her father being a major. Miss Susan C. Polson is a sister of ex-mayor Polson, of this city, and one of the former teachers on the public school staff. Miss Bertha Neilson is the daughter of a lead- ing Wiltonite. Queen's authorities, early in her existence, decided as against other coll that brains should be its standard; t ere should be no distinction between petticoets and trousers. There are some things in this world that are just as queer as they can be, but they are not half as queer as some other things, and the queerest of all is that any oce- dsmio degree should depend on trousers and pettiooatn. For-tv-eix ner cent.. or about twent,v~ve coal tor swim. a U0. The Iohr. S. H. Dunn. Cnpt. Dix, Ielvol chin nernoon for Tolodo, 0., to load tim- ber for Garden Island. Rnilmn (nuns:-Mn Thnmuurun innnantall bar [or uuruon luanu. Boiler inaisoctor Thompson inspected Wilson Bros. Ivonmyacht. the Vonturn at the cotton mill dock to~da{.! T` ,- ushr Pilnt, frnm unsung, in dim cue oouon mill (100! In-(15% T` 3 nchr. Pilot, from npnnoo, is die` ohm-gin 2.500 bushels of buckwheat at Web: nor. &Sona elew\t.or." TL- up I1--nilonn will Innvn Qnturrlnv In . . ` `ho IN`. North King cleared for Port. Hops. has evening, to resume her daily tripohzoowoon that port. nd Charlotte. she with l plum `at. Thu llfll`. Go`: bnrI`I`Dotchoour in in at noon`: um year were unsuooeuxu. C noellor Fleming arrived from Ottawa today to take part in the closing exercises noon`: '1'` an hrun mnmorinl tablet. to mamorv NICDIITIEH C DOB! OIOVIIDOI. The ctr. Hnmilton will leave Saturday next for Hamilton to resume her rouus between that port and Montreal. Tho nloon burn D.. 2.500 and pomooau. Forty-six r cent... twenty-ve persona. of one who wrote on the sums. at noon`: this unsuccessful. (`I noellor Flemimr any human noon no-any. - :..u"'.3`h'.. .....n ..._: hm. a.`..1`.'"..7.'.. shot on-Iuondug clad-tri but no Irnttion of the rumor an be obuinod. u7..`..'.1'I':n."" """ '"""""' whim .A.-H. S. Borgnnquot. Adnuton; B. d`'` A. Blown. lhlohburgs W. Bryce. Keane; P"~ 0. D. Oonpboll Dunvqunghdonnio Oar "h woll.Rcnl|-ow; W.H.Orgm, rloton Place; W. P. Fletcher. `.`3ow'mu-hot; Tho:-one Fowldo. Hutingt; F. P. am... am; 11. w. Goddeo, Deul-onto; W-N` woll.RcnlI'ow; W.l:l. Urp,m,uu-Mon ruoo; J. Gilllnn, Bowmanville ; Edna Griith, Bydenham; Toahi Ikohnm. Takvn. Jmnn : R. M. Irvine. Riverside. Perfection? urmnn, byaenmm; `roam menus. Tokyo, Japan ; Irving. Riverside, Cal. ; W. Irwin. Liaoowel ; C. P. Johns, Kinnntnnx W . M. Knnnnwin. Shelborno: UM. W. Irwin. mawweu U. r. aonns, Kingston; W. M. Knnnnwin, Shelborno; J. 8. Millnr, Bri hton ; J. D. Millnr, New Westminster, 8%. ; M. C. Mills, Linda ; J. B. MoDougnll. Blskone ;J. A. Me n- tooh, Vancouver, B.C.; . G. McLean, Am rior; Bertha Noilson, Wilton; E. Nor h, Young`: Point ; Susan 8. Poison, Kin ton ; E. Rnyoide, South Lonuuter ; A. lg.-Spoonor, labimor; E. J. Stewart, Renfrow ; W. M. Whybe, Pnkenham ; W. Young, Kingston. xo Dunc. . sucmum. ufol-norruidou IN did in Donvmcolondo, Apll Dnouuudhdlnooillfou-A kn: umudbh nunoll Inn Iunnsn dual-ohloh Kuhn. Nnpunt. nwidov Ioltnvuswo Iou.WIl~ K. J. uouonua, u.A., my name 11.5. Toutnmuu-E. Carrie. Bonyn; Mcbomld, B.A.. Big Harbor. N.S.: A. J. Mouullen. B.A.. Oownlz 0. G. Young, B. A.. Ocrlov. This list will be supplement- ed when. tho oxtan ynuml onminuion I`! no all in. uohburg; Bryon. boll Du Oua- ..|I_n0.:.i-. HIM: `I'M crunch; clan cow: 0! rmy. `IIIIO-III 104% CI Eli I4IlI-lUI 50 Doguof-.v~ no A9ponl.oIod-A for at tho 0:30 am won flicked. ,"`\ Sub (fund in list of graduuwl in\arta and ivinity from Quinn : university, pound Bnturdn night M.A.-J. 0. town, Willimubown: J. R. . Conn, Ottawa; A. E. DIL, Kin ton; Agnes J. Griihh, Brookvil ;R. bi- son. Sand Bay; R. 0. Hiloook. Kin n; R. D. Mansion, Glen Tny; J. R. ooro, Brookvillo; W. B. Munro, Almontoz 0. B. Mclnnan, Vnnhiook Hill; F. Plnyhir, Piaf Mr; A. `M. Robertson, Nowburgh; J. . 1.'urnbulI,On.n% llo; A. R. 8. William- . ".'.- ..`"'_'.`."".,` . .'.i`. 1:'1`.l:. .t}E. F . .'f B0.-NoOV. A I) _.'l A I [15 mm mm wnmian IN 7| . +:;; In 01%`? IIIIIIY Tllmlll NI .1-nuns Cnnhn In `h nlllill hf nll