Dlwuuod niche Won-lingual : looting Intent: Aftunoon. J. Perry, of Brookvillo. formerly of Kingobon. occupied the chair at the work- inrnon'a Ineecing yesterday. In opening tho musing, he touched on different quen- cionn 0! inherent to who mombon. Ho op- the passage of an alien labor luv In I. J. R. Domldlon rend I per ow'"CApl~ tn! ond`Lobor." Capital. 9 aid in work done, labor In work yet. to do. Then is no oonlot bobweon capitol And hbor. though there oortnlnla. in rivalry in the \ form of ntriku. ow. horo in no cure for ` the improvidenb mm oxoopt brin ing him {not to {toe with the (ruin of hit an rovi- donoo. Reform: In the interests the I lnborlnl olou have of km mu. 5.... - e . . It would take eyeer. on perliunenb le , now proneeelng. oopue the remedial bill I with in hundred odd oleueee. Io bekee Sir Oherlennd hie friend: the hell of eeoh 3 eeeeion` to eoold end bell the country whee they think of eeoh other. Meanwhile the . eenehore ere enj:ylng.theh; Eater elaep. On Saturday the ooneervetivee around town were lnoeneely lntereeoed In A rumor oo the elfeot bheb Mr". Lem-fer hnd roelgned I `the leederehlp of the opposition. end that 1 eome forty of Me party bed bolted. lo we: ` eome houre before it dawned on one mind: of the egiheced once that eome one wee l tooling them. i 4\.-.-A. ..._ _ __i .. nu wuu-rvuwvu IIIUIIIIJIII, Bpfoilh Ind i Mojwl. hm boon nu: on at an con- ` uriztbivo party within a not by Tapper. Who'll I30 NM nut! 0 0 0 Tho opposition in tho ioginisturo of On- iuu-io duirod it to be put on rooord i>hab_ it wu u urionu olonoo for my mombor so nooopo in ofloo oi omoiumono. But It in all right: in: Mr. Hunt to Aooopt appoint- Inono to tin auto. 0! ammo u iittio in- conlinhnoy iih.6ht.don'e.oouno. U U I ' The `tomato Tologmga who 5 oboe at bhonow Iauumuuoppuluon In onmo In that words: "About u wont: Mm ` can In said on. P. Whitney. 0.0.. lulm duriu nu ugsamm ohm in but been u lrludoowgoodonuonnd Ihunony at no ~`oorponu.lnbu:m.. uuuvnunu &VV'L'lI- Tllogvntnmon` `bongo qulhs rt In the l'I:DIdlIl:dOO_`.I.'V5llI Olson Wu not I Intuit of it who would oxuhhulu mun- Ing of ulna bar. It In: put In no the lnlhnoo of Mr. Inn, oouqul for oho ml- norlt), but why.no 01:0 oogld any. - 95' `MI IP[I'0VI]' All '7,1nMlor, !'"*.lI'h-rote .. terminate: or an Oharlu mpg, ,u..;.3 5! hi: uuuhu an ch. n-um.) A.|'.... 1.-- guy 7 Km by;-U!_n:a:'d:n"m the undid do'hoo."hu P-U-Muaounmuo. an IE`! ..4I IQQQ |n.u... TIN noun-ntln incubus, Spa-oulo ma KONIHI. IIAVI hnnn maul nun 4.0 IL- ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . -u EDITORIAL NOTIB. nal- ....lA- - A l:DI:`lII|(!l|I: I Ronny no ham to 0.3. w goon labor very Ionnonu as loan 35. Punch. Mrs. John Imditoh. Hnwloy. did on man yunngo can dnwlqnonb Bbohdon dnurlnndn. nkohtnllonnua. N whodhdnbonuyungo. nu. IIIKVC III on IIIVIIIG IQ mu; `WC!- `yr- bon Cameron. Almonb. ha been awarded the contract of building the mi Mutiny block. Ronfnv. Ir. Onuonn tn the oontnctot for the petition at tho ollou in Alnonu, (XI-lbton Piano and M`: hllo. Michal llulvihlll. Ilount BI. nu-can 0d50l"I00d.I !l an: Ill ol Inlnnnction on lungs. Honuihod NonlIIn,y.bnI was In and Iuhnn still. as. body ruch- odlhn wonsnndnyonlh vqy for in- human! as Mount St. Patrick. him John Hilllhnh In-I... .n..a .. uruvu, or mg Illllld cook Inch mu. unpu-.nu `mu Bun uhlnmdlonlod 189%: d I Mr. Grant was an invalid for Ml: Iva \ my yours. 1 nwly EV!) yous. An old end much respected reeident. Rioheui Shire. Enherpriee. penned ewq on Much 251.11. Deceeeed Ives ebonl ninety- one yoere old end hed lived there About seventy-ve yeen. On Mondey evening Albert II. Beet. North Elmsle , wee umced in me:-tinge to Mine Edith ilbum. of the tune place. The bride in e deughter ol the late Mr. Kilbnrn. North Elmelg. Mn. Catherine E. H ueeaelice of Henry Hen. died u-oh 89th. eyed eoven -ei In. yeere. The deoueed hell been H! or many yen: with hetdeugtter. III. II Item Amy. 0! Irneeuoevn menu.- The funenl ol the late Nellnnlel \ Greevee, of Big Island. Ioel Inch Hie pnenheoemefmn ewem 1 .14.. ....I -nI.J -._ xx- :-|_...n 2- -M-E ., :l'ho_O_o:n:r ;o:s-mo:-o. ,: cor. Polnqu and Wclllngtnn su. Iuul uny I010-bodied men for Aluh to work a gold Hold. The upodibion will be away two yous. md much rnlnnnhul ....:.a-... In mo country. Word was roceivod on Honda ol Mn death in Wnoortown of the wife o Charla Pony. formerly of N: nee. Dooouod was I since:-~in~lnv of to. John O. Huff- man. Nannnu. mun. NI nu. James uggnn. formerly o! Prinoo Ed- wml count , in: unused from Denver with sixty I lo-bodied for Aluh mid eld. The uman.a.... .m 5.. enuon ago. W. R. Acton and A. N. (`Art 0. Oman- oqne, have the noted pacing Iullion. Korn Kraokor. which the pm-ohuod (or 81,- 500. This In one of I. o uent bred hone: in the country. in mnaivu! nn Mnmhu .0 AL- Mru.`A|enndor McDono|l. Sand Point, dlod Int. week. She was ninety years of age and the widow of I lumbermnn. who was prominent on the Bonnoohoron gon- enlion W. R. Acton and A N rank. n......, (aI`BIl. On the complaint of the Burton. of Horton. Harry Endy Wu 0 with having stolen five dollars. Nothing really to prove bhe guilt. of tho wound was ahown. Mu. Al...-....I-- u-n__-n law I n v - [or one nuuonburg railway am also ordond. The denbh occurred on Wodnuduy ol Archibald McFnr||no.I ivo hrmor of Bromley townnhip. e caves A widow, sister of tho Into Duncan Molncyro, Mon- tron]. Ill marriage no Mm Mame Collins. The Donoronoo on work: an rushing forvnrd four out for the Comvull olootrio railway. A passenger comb and box our: for the Tilnonburg railway also ordond. on Wldnnninv nl months in the Central prison. Roddio Johnnuomleading noprnno linger in the Mothodisb church choir, Bath. van on Wodnoadny evening of Ian week united in muringo to Miu Mattie Collins. Dooomnho our war}: An nnhhm oumoa nun summer. Henry Fu unon. Lnnad ' ne. taken alok Inst Sum oy within inumon of the bowola, in dud. l mu at church Im Fridn evenin . Hugh lclh . Lndowne, ill for nom- tlmo, dlod lub onda . Ho land oho con: tract for building 0. o town hall. Lum- downe. A few years ago. Paul Dun. Doserouto. wu fnuntl auiltm uulrne, l row Dun, Dosorouto. was found uiltay of neglect and non-sup rt. of his wi 0 last. week. -And nod 850m sentenced to three Rnddia Jnhnnrnn lam-lino lnnl-nnn gin...- uy mr. uunmn . Mn. John am boll. Admubon. died Tuooduy. after u ingot-lug illnou. Mr. Campbell In a hrothor 01 James and P. J. Cn:ae_bel|. Ronlrow. I-tnl-nu Dink... I.-- .._._- L- OIL vu---ruuu an n nuunult ul |lIl|'|$ IIKI I . :0. Cnm bell. Ro rt. Clnpp. Pioton. hu no to To- ronto tn take part. In the bud ding of the new boat to replace the steamer Clboln, buxned'luh Anrv l`nu-n-.-u. I ....-.l.`_.4- A-|_,_ ngou wonuy-nvo. Postmaster Dunning hu moved into Mn. Grlmnhush house. Capo Vincent. L. T. Kelsey will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Dunmn Mn. Jnhn Jlnuhnll AA-n.-hn. Jig.) uu o. .1. u. wmon. Uonuidorutlon 89,000. n Friday Dr. Johnston, Bur:-in`: Rn- pldn. removed Gwo humor: from thq nook ofuiu Barrett. The oporttion wu ano- couful. Min l(-n- A..- -.l-A-.. -1 AL, 1'-V COBIIIII Mu; Km. Orr. mm ol the Rev. Robert. Orr. Buchbu . and I member of the Pom: Iohool n . died lub wool. aged twonby-vo. Pnatmntnr Dunning In: many! inn. score operated Dy A. name; On Saturday I forty hone-power boiler. woi hing three honu. wu urobu-od for uuool the Perth cannlnsfmwry. The Brownvillo Steamboat . bu mid toE'i.`B3;."..o: Port|'1'can'n'I't-; fxtrory. has sold the ueamor Ptutlmo be I`. L. Hall and Cu 0. J. (3. Wilton. Consideration 89,000. Fridnv Johnamn. Burl-itt'n R.. Wu :1 pointed health oloor. ' J. urohill will in future be Androm- \'illo I pocmnober, having bought out. the store operated `by A. Barrio; Sabunlnv A lnrtv hnrnnmmnr hallow- mvor, MIOIL, on Monday. The Cape Yinoono bond of health elect- ed L. T. Kelley president. Dr. M_uuon pointed health officer. umhill will in fnhnrn In `nI`|w`-n, munwon, uonuon. um. Mylo Parka. Iponding three month: with frlondn in Lonnox. lulu for hi: homo. Belle River, Mich, Monday. Gun Yinoono bond (1! health nlnnt. II solo to no out again. Wm. Stud. Hon-on`: Mllll. ha purcha- od rough-coated Booeoh oolliu from Robb. MoEwon. London. Ont. Mvlo Pm-kn. lnnndincr Mu-an m.-...u.. ...m. n. u. Almon, serious! injured about Muroh 20bh,by Ill stuck rom I orou cow. is able to be out again. Stud. Hon-on`: Mills. bu numhn. an ougum mumon. Honry Poo, pmidonb 0! Cape Vinoonb, In In favor o! I good, old-luhlonod fourth of J ulv celebration. I 0! |::.'3..g::...,.:..::t* H, A Ill-nu. -.- ummro rum. The new Pinknoy oothfw only this spring will (load Cog: Vinounb. v A "nA:IAn- I.) D mi):;l dmV:'sndowsun. I well-to-do unl- donoof Bldnoy. dlod luo I`:-ldny.uod Ila]- sign . . sum. one of the wealthy hum ol Loodn, will take up hln noldonoo in Smlwo Falls. Thu nnw Dining. Mun... ;. L. L..xn VI III. It in said that`: branch of the Salvation army will be oltablllhnd in AI-nprlor ghlu spring. Funk Vamlyok. nu: 3591:. Ian I cow that last. wook gun birth to 3 call migh- I H4 `Ibo. ulrl `fa-ul-_..L-.. - .-4|l A~ -L -- "'i;.. omnuon wan. Oonuoon. and on Thursday um . mm m pow su- nogo. _ ` . "'E'.' Boyd bu bought L1. nmhsuu In- tmooo on the govormnont look at Androm- V U: Tho AmnInq7VMn -00o.Iondlth. 50' villa. Th In gono no Unloago. Himn Knob. room` Bhollold. -an to- malm In I crmosl co Mon. Jana Muddon. Nnpnnoo, In nlowly to- H : blood a . ;; .::...'."v,.;'t.`... ......- *".;...:'.s. ............. . V0 . . 3:3 soon`:-. N. bu lodgod an Inn !romJ|n.l MA Hut. J. .'r.,y:o:u.uomo |ln;|Oo.)ond r. w. Mm-rlnlun pmuuunh more: 'ofbom"1oa'"gu of mo but H II l ll luvltcd gnpnnoo on he l!th_olJnly an-h `A. W. Ga-b gond to Ohl . ob, joiolu. Pioton, ..; T v "-`I . vtosun-wuzmrnnno. no am In nu can-nu IlIIO-Ih. npuoa-anon:-I-an in can con- muauuiuuuaqa;-mum oulu hun- ' Tho Mot:-lotvlll hamoompany Inn on- dlnu . i 2' ;Insmm%wmmw.j [arms or me 4umpI.u 1m. ID V IIIOIIIU. Lev. A. Maodoruld. B.A.. Nnp: dal|lllhBl' lnhnd n IIAIM far A uh Ii~'r"'i 001 Isl LI: DBIODIINOII. ' Alliuon, Iovioull injured 0bh.h.V mm A nmu nnw, be hallo -Improve KIIIIIX Nduhninn MA`. I III Ciro var oouphint. biliononou, etc. Thou lulu urine from torpldisyor in- nntlonoholh-cnundnbould hnnmmnn. -,-,, In-Illfllllllnillholld BINDE- III `III IJIO -fI Kylllo Ioutreol Herold. Mon; Monhteelen will mourn the death 0! Mrs. Moylon. mother of Mien Ada Hoy- len. which took plooe Thuredny efwmoon. Mn. Moylnn come here from Kinptm about twenty years and soon booume identied on a eontro to singer of much merit with Christ Church end afterward: with St. George`: Showman well-known member of the Philhumonic nooioty end her services wore oft given in the oouee of charity. She won e woman who we: loved hy All end during her two eon illneu eeeepeedherlot with Chri ofortltndu. like Ioylu he followed in tho olhu-uothoundto huthe pet y ol hnndrode ol deer ' In e. the uddut hcnvenont of hp wanna -mm... man an osnu. You can grab the genuine Dodd'n Kidney Pill: from any drugglat or dealer in Can- ada at 500. A box. or by mail from the Dodd'I Modlolno 00.. Toronto. Ont. - .9 . ammo. m unu"5om.. 31.25.` upon you! Never loo Anyone nnuado you to buy I mbuituoo or lmltut on of the real Article you mad. THO canning ll` huh nnin rmm Ohm you noon. The genuine no uh up in round, ab wooden boxes. white ectoring on blue lube! with red bend. Va an. nn H.` .......:..- n...u-- Ir:.|.._.. lllIll'.1I|'0 WIOIII. Who in defrauded und who pocket: the procoodn when I counterfeit com in passed you .` Never In nnvona nnrlumln Inn In L... uun. ll Dodd'I Kidney Pills were not indeed "the boot in the world." no one would imitate them. Hun In pI.l_...l..I .....l _L.. ___L_4_ .n Tho Unpunllolod lneoou of Dodurn Kidney PIIII Ixcltu tho luv} and (head of Un- norupuloun llnltnol-I. A kidney trontmonb in pill form was un- known ungil Dodd'a Kidney Pills oamo into Ina. over. mu n juulonoully administered diet of hrgndy and Anita good on brought. the Iibtla lady throu h the crucial penod, and she In in oxoolont. health to-day. Luv Sslurday shay had but weighed for the second time, nnd she cippd the scales :5 GM pound: and I quarter. One of her lumda rich the ngers spread out will not cover I half dollar piooo. r IIOIIIIN New Yonx, April4.-A very emellepeci- men of humenlt in baby Frenoee Donelly. daughter of Al rt Donelly of 722 Col- vumbue-evenue. `Frenoee at the time of her birth. a little over two months ego. weighed just two pounde. She hed made her edvent very much sooner than hed been expected, and when the ntmndin phyeioien looked at the mite he expnseees the conviction that eho would die within the week. But this the baby ntoedfaetly relueed todo. and now ee her third month on eerth in begun it looks ee if she hed ut o dying indenitely. So oertain di it seem that I child of her emnll proportion: could no survive that the doctor didn't even thin it worth while to have her put "in en inouhetor. Conetentettentiou. how- ever. end judiciously edminietemd diet brendv seed the hrnuohl: 9.1.. oermy ID Jollllily With me post mum-. the do rhmenb would pay it. r. Henlip gave the boys I talk upon t.ho'uriounou oi their offence. nndallowod them he go with the understanding um i! they conduct ehomoolvu properly noth- ing further will be done 00 sham. Va A MITE OFA BABY. Ilor lnnd II No lllggor Thu: n Illvor Half Dnllnr. Iwuvi nu can run: nungmuluvu Iu ullul WWII BIII be I u in his judgment. would be but. a for Find Brennan, whoa prompt. and honest notion had brought. the whole matter to light, be In: onmlod to some rmion in the way of O reward. And If ohe Mute would x the amount. and ool-my It oimly with the poet. master, the delnrbmenb on it. Tho of Llfo. by W. H ulloch.75o. ..:-.s'.:~. bv "T,5J" ."'}":.' c%'n.3"B%`}..f Genen ue Reporter. On T uredey, Mr. Meoerow. deputy inepeotor. interviewed the boye oonoerned in the letter eteeling mutter. Then the lot were taken before the iioemegietrete. when Mr. Meoerow eei thet while a eerioue oifenee bed been committed, and one that ehould be merked by eome pun- iehment. etlll on eooount oi the youth of the oendere he did not feel like preeeing the oherge. lnvolvln eeit did e eentenoe of live yeere in t e penitentiery. He would let the matter drop, in no fer en the t ooe depertment wee concerned end one it to the megintrete to deal with the Brennan. when nmmnt. and Tho Nlno Your Old Lulu Wore Wnnod and `Hun Roland. (`ll-tnvnnnnn l?-......o-.. vnonea oumue or Ontario. Howie lb possible for Rev. Mr. Houston to undertake to slender `the schools or the characters of any section of the Te 0! Oncerio upon such statistics. Efeooenows thni. his comparisons are unfounded and his inferences false just as well u we'know lb. ..--v uuu-J In vuu uullvluui Ill WI! nln Ion P"`|' belomr to Ontario. F L00 ou_r meme friends, of one Jo- nomimtxon or Another. in she provinog look to their own'c1-odlt in rupees to this branch of the Iubjoob. We have so had the lat: oonoornlng one Catholic oonvioon. Of the 173 In the inlmuhlon only ninety- vo um-rbornin Onurio. the remdndor coming from other province. or from f"`In oountriu. 0! recent: nrrlvalu Iovon waron prohondod, trigd gnu con. viohod ouhi 0 of 0nt.u-In. 'I'voro:'\";'):-.ofl`:,;'ndo`al, I 0 of Ontario. Hath M nnulkl. `our 1:. mlnmmon, and Nov. Mr. Houston cannot be umwqpo of the dooopuon he has recon- od to when he unumu um all tho eon- vict: are from Ontario. We have on talk plainly touch I Prion. Tho inlpoohorn report contains no Mn whatever to show how many 0! the can on in tho Kingston lhnbinr belonlrto pa our m.o.... m....c. A ....- J. ` nor the oduoooiona v.rI uznzo uu|um to use` luv. Mr. Houn- nuru uumn nootnypnnom In donolnlnulon. {\?.:-ulho. u Rov. Mr. Hounton much Java done, that who- ovor the nppaunt bearing of tho gure: III ho. thoy cannot be otherwise than on- M minlondl . Neither the Protestant nor tho Ontholzfo Yopulnolon of Ontario advantages 0! author. can bulnudon-ad u n the romrnl of the Kin ton ponlbont nry. Ibis n dominion lnlb button, and Rev. Mr. Houston unum-0 tho daonnunn In I... ........... . `u'$""".'." d7?}:m'no M n to 0 v or v. r. on: n onoo non wft.h who how. The blue bobk about that In 10959110 total number 0! con- ..'-`.;..`.\."":"7`a'.$.'.`.o.; .`a`.`;f.'..T'.`..' a`1'7'xS'. ...'.3.' ll WI J5 uofduln to use Rav. Mr. Houn- Ion'I NI! 0! ulnmnv using: no an-o.lm., m. no Ina noon our Ination and our nonl, Mid ale: to mothorualnndor in w ohho.pchnpu,l `nuibwlllno bo Ioouyfornnooxpono n. no toll: on Plthzobgrn am.` 0:213`? may Oaicholn u Corinna n ngnonpon (son It . 0! oogno In known that Hall Itomout {a O dolbonto doooptlon. W0 will ROD Altar RAIL Mr Imnfnn m::p&If3g.'u Baseball Guido. m9L`.1a 8l'3'.'.a?.'z'."o`i'.2`E`.' "" mun Mon In nu plocod hlmulf in. 3'33}; both our nutlatla and nmnnonll. And mm to Annhhnr-.nInnJu 4.. o'.'i.".:.'.?.`:" '23 " '.fxo"` i'a2..".?2 roliohn 0 In bu pk.-ad M It Ho .33`; 3'3 om nuunum ....am:... Houston, hunhlbhl-II, 3 an ".:'.2.-.:.: - than annual uMm_Mu,T Roy. H K . appou-L no In; from I I nroLho doom Inn I.-. .. ....I Ll. on mow. _, Incl-one loplrblo wc % no 0Eb':!Jh%' um ion (of of our nmnrh ol I not on the nbjooo ol the religion: denomination: :.:*...:..'r. `?.'."';?.:`...'.F.`."-...:...*`:.'- 35:; hfgnmtrgl M . '`IlIIono!:::huo I.onu.w.hl huunkuhc. RI-Inna-ml: -.- L `Ibo Into In Ioylnn. Hamid. BE NOT DECEIVED. -_:..__jj._. THE BOYS DISMISSED. }. V E63041; APRIL I uuu uuuvuully IWIJIIIIIIIIICI Donn : Kidnc Pillno an al- licted with `duty tmmfh mime ban n mu-vollonue- . .1." "1 9" y . a no: u: uuun I maney l'|ll3. "They helped me from the slut. and I continued taking them and now I am happy to any [um cogn- pletely cued. I rest ooundlytnt night and have no trouble in III`-_ inning. The tired fooling has lied and _I am ulnyo lady to at up at the sound of the nlnm.and I ` an choctfull noomuend `_.`5'..'.}. *_'._`*::-:r::~.-_': ca alntcu IuUvc- I18 ll]: 1 "I have suffered from violent ~ pain in my back for the last three years and have had ditculty in urinating; nfter doing a day's work I felt so dragged out that I oould_n'tn!eepor rest. and in the , motmngl could eceroely nip. 1 have tried many Iemodf; lot kidney trouble but got no relief till I went to McLeod`: ud got 1 box of Donn`: Kidney Pills. "Thaw helnul ma frnnu oh. no. nu. Ullllll W. urowlcy, [IO Ordnance SL. Kinggnon. nt.. was engaged in this occ ion fur some time and the results werg as stated above. He says: "I have g..n`m.a (mm uinlmno Pretty hard work. A lot of stooping to do. That is hard on the back. Causas a strain. The strain weakens the kidneys. The kidneys cannot do their work. II.` .I,, , A Q I D II ,. _.__ .____.__.._.._...._;_._:. [WlTEe|inj1n Um. Jmh... ..I.}.'13,Sa"?.E..".."' J2." &'&"'o e"'i.':' psper came to PM lphh and vainly nt- Ionxptodjo no Holmes. I khin as Nic9_ psper name no rmuuaolpl I umpuum A Pure Unadnltel-etod Yen. PKILADILPKXA. Pm. April 6.-A Aenea- tionel New York peper publiehed yeet.er- dey,-under a Philadelphia date. an alleged onnleeeion o!H. H. Holmea. In the eoory Holmes was pictured on oonfeeeing to the murder of twenty people and the manner of their deetha were oimumetentially given. The story isn "fake pure and aim le. About the only foundation it. bee in 0 in that about a week ego. one of the young women employed a n the eta!` of thin nsoer oeme to PM Inhia and rain]: .3. nu. um; I! 4! sample or their talk. Bus l .P.A. or no P.P.A., we Imow 0! over thirty Bell vows lub oloocion who no Dawson man now, md this without an in- uence being used, oxoopo the sin: of 0 air ovm pu-ty.--Juo. C. Du. on even near me nrucu. One man of the crowd told the other day that there were 2.700 P. P.A. votes in this county. And the conservative undi- dntao in the next election would t, them all. This in a sample of their half P.P.A. P.P.A.. n Irnnu nl oormr men is worn than wutod. AI than people, when they learn the truth, believe nothing with the pny stamp can ponnibly be even the truth. On: Innn nl Hug mun-I A-|-I 1|-- -H--- urllgnn Ina Blmplo. The men, as I rule, on no diagunhd with the present. government that bho come any and talk the mutter over wit. outsiders. so thnt. the work of the hole and men is wutod. noonlo. thov learn an t.|-nhh L..n..,. muuc mu! rt or me programme In left out. and .1 . mount. national policy, straight and simple. men. rule. Am mrli.m..A.A v-\- .u_, V-nu-u um uuuu, UUU-, WIBIIOIIIE one aims of the precenb government u to provincial riue and Curran bridgoa, Toy cunnlgoto. he now pure is to botho NJ . party. and in some S`... the NJ . party was called the new Prouuhnb party, thatiaif the subject being put. throlgh hapfonod to be an Ornngomnn; if n ` thol c this n;-t of the left .`. national nolinv, YUI RI Kidney trouble follows. Mr. Charles W. Crowley, no lralnnnr-n Q0 lfinonnn n... orgnmng I ew Pu-ty. Nnwnmmu, April 3.-( l`o the Editor): Some of the very seelous have been trying awfully haul for a few days beck to out- Tupper the great I himself. When they found an ultra Protestant oonservetive re- ceiving his idea not from reeding but from what he heard of the talk reviiling ell over at the present time, on Ives like- ly to vote es he felt. notes hewes told. the said oonservntive wu taken, on invitetion, to a little store occupied ever evening by A crowd of swallow everyt ing" conser- vatives and party heelers looking for gov- ernment pap. and was there informed that A new conservative party was being form- ed, whose object was to carry out all the old party platform of trede. etc., without nrnulnni-I -inks- .._.I l'L..__-_ L,`-.1 In I qvouiu nice to an: the worhi men of Kingston what they expect to get tom the lawyers and others that addreee them on the labor question. In the first leoe the eocinl queetion is all wrong. fnnyone robe the lawyer or workmen he in put in rieon, well fed. well clothed, well cared or and very little to do for it. Why do not those lawmakers that tell the work- men whet to do make laws that the honeet toiler may be better oil` then the oriminel, or at least eo he oen live as his Creator in- tended he should. I have atudied the workman : condition and nd that the nation and community thet treate him `best are the moat .proeperoue. The only way for the worklngman to better hi: eon- ditionie tooombine to help one enother eqeinet all wrong: and not have any but genuine workmen in the ranlu. thee in, men that work with their hand: as well an their brein-thg\t is a worhin man. not a 1 money lender.--Youre reepect ully. W. H. Boone. a Kingetonian. The labor Quutlon. WA'rn:n1'owN, N.Y., April 3.--(To the Editor): I no articles in the Wine at times about the workingmon meetings. I .\would like to all: the work! of Kingston thaw axmnn on me. ....... n.. ponenr. (II more no one). will save his dopoaio.--Pn'I-snvnu. I V " wee lured that once . Inent .... rvul -.n-v unulolllll ll GIG 0| IIIO DOD certioetee the patrons could deeln. It Ielely elected they would to ct their preoentlone ol indepen- dence. ow to he felr who do the farm- ere of Fronteneo went? The ohle! Argu- egeinet former repmeentetlvee wee that they were city lewyere" end votee pert every time. Now they have no can dete I loading former. who. for you: before the petrone oeme into existence we: identified with for-mere lnetltutee and other ueocletionr of lermcre' lntereot. lree to give an Independent vote on every question and known to have principle enough to give ouch e vote when required. True it in e diuppolntrnent bonuchine pnliticiene, heving upset their I and union on some remarked, "hot pertlee combine to knock out them trone." Mr. Rogers will he the next mem r for Iron- tenac. The writer hu eoneidereble know- ledge of the leelin in Frontenac end! venture to prediott at Mr. Roger-I op- ponent(il there be one). will do well to von'ture proV!iV3t.W|`:11n_t-bi|:.wl3.'<>'E:n"".c':u.p: one). well to dononit..--Pn-I-nnmm_ wuuur nnurmanlnu nun II`. Hnyoool Illl Ihown too much Indopondnnoo nluoo hlo oloooion. The criticism to one 0! tho but patron: could chain, In ......u nIIIwu' uurmlmuj. uuokl Ilr. Rpgou and Mr. lhyoook. ndun':I no reuonu, only who they Inhoool pony tin. which. In the opinion of your oar- rupondono. in I polioloul crime. In mm Mr. Roger: u I former conuruoln. and uohouonbnly to oboo Mr. Hnyoook a former rolornonund than Mr. Hnyoooi Lu spawn hoof Indonondnnoo nlnm Mn ----2 `rho county llooilon. Omlnmu. April 3.--('l`o tho Editor) : -Tho moor In ur lane 0! bin in hut, Ilgnod Elector ilonnlolold). ulooklng Ilr. nnd_ Mg. Hnyoook. ndnnou no ---- u-v unullwul llwl IIW 0| "rank Urban 1'` 8-1! odldyuy to. whom By anunri above you 11 obllgo.-J. 0. , Nowbnrlh. nun and llmpm on Ilutoheh. to In An- wand in unit oornlpondouoo column. and no uuwon-to bhoqvioouonahw boon rooolvod up co tho pruono m-Mn : To the `Mall and Empire. omin- Xlndly nnnm tho following uutlom In your column and mm 5 but won two gonblomon have x ' ` your column: ant . In-Did I II : .-wuuyuoononu Vhwuwnlor or-Inputs: qulllonlol uuullolr lot I Inc `fling-orgullllg 0 law any I: Addlnnu. The {allowing look: was com to` the nun and Empln ho ur- Wgd ornlnondonnn nnlmnn J` WlT OFOQM u_u}oA1noncl nu \IAnu-u an n... `bu v Ahudiiu `you 7376;. "W in: w . cg"! .ON VARIOUI` I r ` (uymwhco whoa! `III lb" van CH -mnnh I issues Policies on every. plan of insurance. including Ordinary Life. Limited Paymont Life Endowmont. with or without profits. Do- Yorrod Premium. Annuity Bonds at = lower rates than my othor company. QAA |ll,n|I _. !N `I'M Inna`: but sud Isms produc- tion to one: In public In no In: or ]TnqPeop[e _l.1lo Insurance 6o.,1bmnta I00 Welllr-.lt'on7atroo` - Hid Offloo of the Company. \. :-.+-:- . . ' V- ` x In . ` n. at ` ~. *.:.'- x` . _ . 7, \ V 5:, . .4 .` . ,3 ., ,. , > N . . . , .. . .- e R.` .7 . _ ` . \ L \. _,. x.` `L -` -`.`. ` |`: .v , -. - ` . I ' ' \ l!`R(3N!'O.('-.u-~,\.{j:, 0 down New 4-button Kit} Glows. but qunlity`. :5 doun New -and Inch; Kid Gloves. but qulity. . ., New Black ' Glovu,`Whlto`ud Colond smchinc. low-prion. NowllonoqIiunKidCglovu,BIIchInd cabv.-d.Ionric--- so doc. nu-at sin: Punch.` 75:. Once. OLQE-99. Moo /v\cKEyL.\/Ev Q9; BIRCI 7| Brock Street. Kingston. - yr" -_.-- Wlofs Phupbodlno In sold by rupomlbl A READY MIXED PAINTS, GLASS. PUTTY, BRUSHES,- . A PAINT OILS AND VARNISHES In good assortment, at bbttom prices. Tj w` R. NloRAB 4 co.. Am... % W00d $ |Il03D|l0dln6.- 7: cm-t1s'~:Ia`:Ia I-`anedy. Inhoruulco! over as your tuning nmu-uuh otouuwith unknown drugguntu no lutwohavodlnoonnu an munnrdyndmumuko oomblnnuonthntwillonotnpromponndpormnnantomohdllunlol Sand Dvbilitr. Abuse or Fmvun, Nu-r-an Wnhou, Abba-bu. Hub! W ,E.u~ouJI~ U00 of Opium, 11:64:70, or Alahlic Slfaulnnlc, All cl which soon lend to hunky. consumption and an curlygnvo. Wood`: X'hocphodlnohnnbeenmoduuounumnybyh\ndrod|o ouculnuonud Alma-um ha-\.|4.. ..... as.-. 3.-.: L..- _-.-.n 3- A- ___.. ., u ,, . __ _ __ _ _ ___,"'.__,`_',,. _..- ..----. ..".....w ...-u-nu}. dmgguntuulutmhandhoovcqltho oombuuuon uni. will onotnprompo and ponmnant OIIIOII Ill Iunlol And Phoaphodlnohuheenunodtuouumlybymndndlof Almost hopoku-cnuIthMhAd been truudbytmnouhhntdpbyw ouu-ouuthuwuoonthovergooldap'ntrndlIinny-ounulhnnn touorInovorungnvo-butwnh the ooulnund ud ponovu-Inguoot Wwdhmmphomnqthnunnlhnhdhuuvuupwdh nondeonnnlyvt;orudhuIth-nodu-younoednat_gIQul~~noII|- an-wlwhn glvonyou upu Inounhb-un romedyhlow wnlalnyont I-uch.byIuunyououhoruuondool1!oolu|NhIunI Puonononuhcsslzdxp-ohcnsoshynulhudmd-an an-mglnqdcgnmu-(awn. hmphhbuhuyutu. m Wand nlvunnnu \llI-An`; Ann A-A-.n_ ..AsA mun oE.. Upholsterer and Fumlturo Manufacturer. 263-265 PRINCESS ST., - KINGSTON. ONT. HNHITE LEAD, Havin purchased one of the most modern carpet cleaning ma- chines, wit a capacity of 1,500 yards at day, we are prepared by this process to thoroughly clean carpets from all impurities, and restore the back, front and nap to its natural color and brightness. This pro- cess is now universally recognized by all the leading carpet cleaning establishments both in Europe and the United States, on account of- the good results obtained. By this process the coarsest cocoa mat- ting to the finest velvet carpet can be cleaned without injury to the goods. Vacuum Carb; Cleaning Works. RICHFIOND & co. Dress Patterns, Silks, ,&w .x-M1611 %bu'n-damn":-o light- . nnednnd life is easier. `Try a Twi.n\BaI of CLIPSE and y'ou.will prove it. Your grocer cells it. ' IIIXX TLIII AIR A ll `- f_ajer Kid @1035 4 And the newest materials for Blouse Waietu AT THE CARPET HOUSE OF. . .. PHTNTS 1 1 bows I-ltnlounudugotwall -...,..-.-,.u;-nuun_wc-rr. nun-IIIIID-IIECLI The Wood company. Windsor. OM-. Oannll. nu; DRY COLORS, 'CVVb E." "i)ii."(iL"i3Ec;aN MARSHALL, The noveltie of the at-albn, in all the new shades. Also the latest in Paraaoli, Umbrellas, Sunuhldea. with handles confined to ournelven JOHN nvwu a co.. nuumcunu; Ecli,bse%. % Soap How he rollr life ' A no merry 3133!; (nice. So with T consumers of irounuuxuhnm ; 31'}. _.-.__`,. _-v- :v 02 rmucus 31'. ::: ` Kfffd. if DODDSH :2!ldny;P1VIA1s Yon: um nu be I 1" ` m ", ::a'on: `o:'..3",.'.} a:`|': .13. .3D0hl- I o whofo W. add -mu .5... m... I4u.Ll.A nu..- 50' ?4NAD?* M` 1*` 1:! Ian. on unluly within II` noun. no Min I has on numb on . ; The Stemnz Qualities of IN cannot to udonotunnhd. `:- 3.-`.7E:".'I`3-`5..-`::TI:`:s`--"""=`** SILVER 8!. CO. I no BnIAn:\--- -: Wall P_qpe1-A; "'!h-.. 9 " I 0 '3 .:&::rx:::.:*. ylnum on nnlontood or you llot tl m'_.'.: ..' . -:.`..%'::.::.'::*:: , ., .u.V `our photo! hud- soaks] -6.-B Scantlebury, V 9.0.. In no. 3'....?*.`..'&'f:.~.*.!" w'-- Bldod by pf the Kidneys. isNature's`~`wa`yu it. and the Ivlr :_mVfor a loud Enqug momlon . u uvullslvvuty, (0 fect J 9- S ,..Blcycles if. to: vent an old .. . u 3' "s'Em' & Q `-?O.::\.:. 'Q'C.`II '10: I loan at In-' pIu."'" nontlon obonl tho price: #7 and tho I one you pgponnu. wlmo 1 .Kins' .udh gun:-':|dnIhlhIIonnunIIIiht lo hi din unplug dnophryb I IIIpIIv.|ItbuH|O.wi|l ultima- pidllo lllqnnnt an anal ~jI&m&nnLn.'-...`_&.a.n_.. I tlo oouunntivo pony. Panning tho ugunuth uldin conclusion. "I hav- 'ndnnd|hh-.....b.|. ..._L... n-- In- uooutldlni -_ ....1_. __ .5 -.---u-- --um unollnlon. "1 holndilolanoruhlo nauborhr human:-ln.......a.. L-A L. n... uuutvuuIIIIIl|UIDD Iannorlor North Inuoulollhopuu. huh Maul! bu unuulndln `.a.....n...... .g.. ...u .- uuunuu nun In his management o1 aain. Ilnl he won not an to load tho home. The runoubnnoo 0! that remark ouuod Sir Olm-la to auto I ery space}: on the coin; pnouding Good Friday. Iuwhlohhoudd that nonnn could read Inothorontol tho ply. batsman. he nkhoonldnnd hiunlfont. And hotn- douhdihnlr. Iodlllid dono thin 51 upulhllng Nun huh ot Iholmnno. loam. Ihuduul 8|: Ohrlu. tho ldouuupuoooulo puny. Than who don? Hulk! no! tutor bin question. Nib Indnuhd Ila Ir. lloiill had ` hhnlbeoo hon Ir. locusky. "who loryouolu boon Ibo avowed onony of I mum-nn nun. n.......c-.. nu . cw-nun. U0 uuv nanny Illllloriunol Vhloh hld Ithndcd him in hit In In mm. in M 1.... n- L-..__ ....-. -uuuu null) -r. umoul gave him. incidentally. in the Nmodlal dobtlo. ro- lon-Ing to the many mhforounu which had lldl him in Mn n.u..-----s -I--In I""'J` I Dr. Bpmulo got: routing I for days ago, and war pnotiotlly hold that sh puny could gohtlong without him in the fntun. and trim the doctor add in nply would nah any thoughttul louder puns. and should have mule Sir Charles Tapper punt In his and career. BM ho roman- lnndnnhot than Mr. MoNoiIl him. Innhlgnlglln :.. ck- _.----ALI I - - nunu uua Ul lrllh I'AN'I`Y. Sir Charla Tapper in chewing what rm wont be in when. without my coro- Inonyoroonoulucion with hi: colleagues, he proceeds to and members one of the nu. IIIIWIIIIII Ill owner 00I'Ill(IOI`lDl0|'|l. " In Ontario the attention ha been con- ooninhd upon Mr. Gage`: propoul for I oonlnlnphivoi holplul. In which it in pro- poood no not only luoluh who pnuiontc but undorhh aha euro of them. This scheme. and the lohomo that has just. been put. into operation at Alunodn. will be watched with [tub interest. on upon the aueoou of both ngront. dul depends. Both nim nt [root things. but 0! we mm the Alameda dopnrturo in tho greater and more impor- tant in the wldonuo of it: uoope and un- Julnou. ...... ... an-uuun. nun. II one noum om- ways. the vellum of the community otmnlgho all other oonnidonbiona. " In nnlnnln AL- -u-_u__ L, , I V ueuveuvlu So it in important to note thet Alnmede, Celiiornie, ie the ret community to make an ettempt to ieolete thoee euiiering with the dreed dieeeee. The council hee peered en ordinenoe requiring phyeioiune to re- port petiente ill with ooneumption. in order that they may be ieoleted. Room ieoletion ie mount, the iunlly being required to give the petient A room to hiuiseli. and to ob- serve eneh rulee ee regards eenitetion u In; the dieeeee to othere. The heelth boeni." eeye Information. in urging the ordinance upon the council. pointed out thet ooneumption is oontegioue. end thet meny oi the oeeee which ere eeoribed to hereditery teint. ere due to prolong- ed content with those" oiling with phthieie. One eifect oi the enioree: meat oi the ordinance will he that meroiiully oonoeeling the fact oi the dia- eeeeirom petiente oenrnolongor be preo- tieed in Alnnede. But. ee the health oili- XIZII, Iihn bulk... .0 el. ..___...r ' will minimise the denger oi oommunioet- ` F P I i an nanny VI UUAVBUIIILIUIV. Modical men an `of the opinion that con- aumpoion la tranqmitood from one scan- othor by conbaco, by branching in the gonna of diacaao aricinglrom the lpaotum. and that m-a in more in thin than in the alleged tranamiaaion of the diacaco ohropgh family connection. Hcrodioy docs oounb, and count tor a groan deal. in that aomo arc oonatitublonally aubjcob ho tho diacaac and have in them ocndcnoica towards it. ban the up:-cad oi oonamapbion in so be hand mom {mm the point of contact than hcndioy. ` an In I...-..-a-_a a- _-A- an.-. an_,,, 1, THE DAILY\WHIG.l %w- -3` * "` I '0! on: |nd.|nhnoI-lp- E I: uoohvuii nu r 0 0 . . win`. rponslblo ml wuxmr anTmn 0 In pun uoon mapnbluhoa ovonglu n no ' 1% I nu. It paid in odvnob; OIKOPW no- % Y in palm od on Mon- n 5001 a you n sdunoo; ti o 33. n.`s1".'1`..':5"3`c`.` "' .. 523 form 'un II p _ <. mm ononm :gw', :1:1o'-. .1 j READ OUT OF` THE PARTY. I (`Jun-I.. 'I`u-um... X- -|._--1 - | M `` '`````"&`.` 3; _m_ 3,. .'..'.m..:?'m....; ,.__ _A Ilukjoru unoulod noun nomad; for ' a `run 3:." . 1:` Y b at: I` ` mu ":'un :65 *4'-!m'3n%o".`. .mwllrb`o-3hnpd. _. .. AlWII`l'|CIIlI`I. for Member; fohimgston 5'-'5" B.M. BRITTON; ,3: " i2T.'. .;`."s. ;%Hals and Caps] SPREAD OF CON8 PTION. l..Il..I _-_ __.`_n AL- ,_._;,,, Milli. loltlal 0|` 0 ' nwbxrd ism `."`.'."`."-.3 ..-.=.'._::.9-.:*::,'.:e:?..".".:.& If . Il?I:I ._ - _----nu -vn VD! up-I uuuun uuunuuuau For Non. . IIIoi:!:Io aids Inn h'.?I``3.T:"'."E'.~,gg:." :`;`.:.' In turn o_r " PW!` par Orbs? \_I)I;o;ar. ._..--up u-out Iuuwll III \uoocnplhunIhs.udu ANNOUNCEMENT. :0, 3 o `two ohan: =.. :l.*:'. .?:."." .;-`.*.5'a;.. .2: _. vv . .. .. . .. Juan `ulna; lunstntim `IILIIIOIII. 1 Inn . . . u MEASTER `vdaauun mm mm .u;naRLANois -4 1_-III: Illnpuunduhn Iodl AL.L._.. "`1;""I `:`3';.. IIIIIP. `I. was to uungpnuqhggq Nhilh-hcxumuunh longing: cannot: on a ho ailing doin the tint oronutnutou-running Intolhoooulr mxmxgdlu hoould nuolou._opn- oppino gun I dlnorhtion on single dominion gonrmionl Ian nonr I ya; lo: than-0 0! sh -nriin-n-n , ,, 7..-. ---w wvlvlll Ill UlVIlIC' (ion in to effect an ulunllty. W. Cu-n lo olnlmod that hbor creates the value of _o\nd. Lsnd in capital. Free About to land will not romod working- men ! Ella.-lor A man an be van I thon- nndncruof||nd.And Hnhu nomoney the land will ho nucleus to him. T. wflhl ldvmnlgcl -bums... ---l--V-- cnuI'1Jn-| olIO good old Gntlaolio church- book tho money from that who scooped it in. Then ION no "King Bonn" in those due thunk God. The doctrine that Aid. Cumin onunolnod ah the council meeting roooutly. thus chilled workmen nhould bo poicl the highs Inga in n cursed doctrine. Tho blur: of civilian- an oqu icy. Cu-nocio oltimod am 1.... ........ H00- Dr. Aykroyd aid the troublu today i- omuod by bad 1 Items of had tenure. and had system: of name. M. S. Burnon aid the reader of the paper had mndo home of the xotcouont. aulomqgu thn our loll from u nun`: lipu. ho statement club existing nondi- tiom an the but tho world in: over soon In one of then. Tho nun who called the middle tn: "the dark Ages." Wu the biggoao list the world over aw. The ohuroh-6ho good old Catholic money than ihn Innnn-J rv. umnn and ruin the won-kin; man nun nl -mu-I. guru the $0!` pmducer. B. W. olger add the cheirmen had named rio remedy for meny ill: he enumer- ated. He, the epeeker, held that supply in much greener then demand. end the unom o fufnt-K`: no om-n money. problem. ed. and who rode wish them. 0 granoqnution of to-dn . How not how to spend 0. is the If n purohuor out: down the good: he purchases he only in- rpmducor. mr um ch. ..|..:........ n....a met. nu the whole country for ite' eld. Oomreniee paopoeing to etert buoineu ehou d be required to thaw that they have the neoeenry oepihi. Oo operation. wher- ever given I {sir trial. he been I eucceee. Labor is leetly helpleu without laepltel: the work ugmen is to blame for his own miefortunee; Itrilxee are often. not always. wrong; the welking delegete in to blnme for much of the trouble among laboring men. The ohuirunn eeid co-operttlon benets only those who pu-tioipete in it, but does not give work toe single extre men. The uneragloed. and whet min t enreetaueetion of In-dnv, un- snow onus any fovornmonb will onnotgood lawn if pup y npproaohod. The union I can the hnnoru but lghbl . but who in the rth rank of grumb an, alloy nroo nnlxin into patron and other noolooo. 0 ml govorn- mont ahoold have control 0! everything thnt. has the whole its Companies paonollnn nu-I: hmin... moo no was with one (ruin his Tm`:-on tl laboring of Into your: bet numerous and bonoolnl, and go 1 show that vornmonb will onnot 8` lab: quuon the hrm-n hum ..-.