K. Uapc. n. nuomnn nus job of lengthening the d." Large qtxancitiea 0! man drawn from Clavton. c.nma1'um ammo: vuswzn us. `| on sun: Tnomuqa. % \ A Ohrluhu laid: Quota tho Doctrinal of I n..1.m_n.u I--Rm `link Work: and Tina l nu: Quota mo uocwnuu u wonum us... than: Ihovu What the lorlpcul-on lIy-`I'lIoIo lutonltad to olvo Ihufnl Ponual. Kxuowrox, March 24.--(To the Editor): The lehtord that have recently Rppouod in the coluntnn of the Wine. {or nnd not christian: science, may pubnpu In our understood, by the many who have read them. afber is careful perusal of the follow- ing extract: from A little leaet. in which a christian womnn ooncrnu-the teachings of God's work and ,n christian Icienoe next i.....|. _M I)UUI-`.l- 1. Chrhbinn lchll--I.Hyl: Tint cpirit created manor to anon-onooul puma? In-an III OTIIDIII murmur II uuvuvuu--n r........ (n-(il5)- . says: "In tho boginning God created tho honvnn and tho earth ' (Gen. (H L n. 2. Chriltian Iclenoo uyl: "Morals no nos Immortal. omud In God : image" (page 33). "Adam in I product of nosin- ing; an unroallsy" `(pure 696). "Your mortal body is n morulbelioIo1dincord "Adam is product or nor.n- z body {nun 206]. ( 996)- p.(f<::l nay: : "So God created mun in His own image" (Gen. i. 27). n n|..m.a.n u-inns nnvl: Jehovsh in I i. 27). 3. Christian science aye: "Jehoveh divine principle, commonly called God (W80 533)- ' God in a : The Word beoemeeeh and tebernaced Among as" (John i. 14, re- viled version). ; mu-m.a.n nnlanoa nvl : "Christ in I. Pretty strong r asons h should trade at e W Y you 5UTHERLAND S. version). 4. Christian science ssys divine principle, noon person; soul out.- sido the body ` `(range 530). God ssys : e book on Him the ssod of Abraham (Heb. ii. 16). A spirit. hath He took mm we soon or Abraham (Heb. 16). I irit. not {huh and boneun yous ohuvo (Luke xxiv. 38). 5, Christian noienoo sun: The Holy 38). 5. Christian nyu: Holy Ghost In divine science ; the development. of eternal lifeilnaoraonal" (page 638). {Ian} Invn - " `hm: H8. UhO IDi|'it Of 0! BLBTIIIII Illvlln twusuuuu \Pwv vu-.,. (lad -uya : `hen He, spirit truth. in come. He will guide you into all truth : for Ho uhnll not. speak ofinnelf ; but wlmbaoevor Ho shall bear. that nlmll Ha s1;>euk : and He will show you thing: to come` [John xvi. 13). n :.....o. withnuf. dasirm that seven come" [John xvi. 133). It. iuuub without. design times is the rsonal pronoun uned in I single verse w are Chrm. is prophuying of the coming n! the Holy Ghost. n. Chmtian ncienco says: The Trini- of Holy (moon. 0. Christian says: ty Hug em heathen god; rather than one great. ehovnh." God says : "There are three that bem- record, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. and these three Are One" (John v. 7. revised veruion.). 7. Christian science an 3-. Sin, sick- ........ .Im.uh inn belief on v. Mather has revised van-non.). ness, deulh, is a belief nnfy. no life to lose (page 25). It. in the sense of sin, not the sinful soul, that is to be lost." (page 34). God news: "The soul that sinneth it I086 (page .11}. (led says: nhn1ldie"(Ezek. xviil. 4.) 8. Christian science says : As long as we believe the soul can sin, we can never underuund the science of being (pegs 38). Error is a false supposition of A false sense" (mge 542). Man cannot de rt from he menu" (page Ml). `od an 5 : There is none righteous. no, not one. For all have sinned" (Rom. Iii. I0. 23). If we any that we have not, uinned. we make Him 5 liur. And His word .1. ....o {n ma II Jnhn i NH. __ jiiu \Ilv s..".'i5.`.1" .`.`3.}" .........""'...." `.~'.":.".': t . Holy Spirit wmnper: "wnu pun. mu he that bolievoth with clip -indel? When-tors. come out from Among them, and beye separate. saith the Lord. and touch not. the unclean thing and I will receive you, and will but Father unto you. and ye nhnll be My mom And dung!)- ters (I I. Cor. vi. I7. 18). Weapon Inna. Wurrmnr. March 94.--We Ind no mail horn from the Nth .nntil the `28rd. That: it had tocomo by nun from Brockvk The B. & \v\ .RR. in compleuly blocked. although they have urge pm of shoul- Iora It dionnt notions on lino. It wl take oonaidonblo mm in (ct tho lino olou. In. Nichol. oA|-dloinutiooaiy ill: no bopu olbor nedvocy. Owen Mania ilnloo low. Mm John B. I000] in urloul ii. I! moo llndu ad. Vakiyli. Frufonhmvzvh oul 3-`IE ' -I'I& Uuhllu XVIII ll an-Ion i . or not at ]:_. aa... .-.........._...".'.".. ........r.*.[ mom with trinnt. (Kev. I. D). Beloved, is your life or our mme M- I.-oeinted in any Irma wmh the word: christian science? owe you realised Llml. you Me yoked with those who do not believe any of the sacred doctrine: that ruqdonr to your heart! Do you appreci- ate tlm your influence In on the side 0! those wfllsktlouuy the existence of A personal (Bod, npo maul devil. nunl jndmnont, und the snowmen! of Christ? Hear the Holy Spirit whisper: "What pnnhl tho Hamilton`: Butternut Pllln Arc llcloul, llld II I Vugotablo. In all discuss in whion purgntlvo rm- dioiuo is called for. Hamilton`! Pills Iuny be used with safety and nbicfnotion. They can be taken alike by the uncut doliouo person or child or by the strong. as they contain neither` miuornlu nor crude or do- lolorioua nubotancoa: their use may be long continued without the pooniblllvy, I gnlivntion or any of the ill result; no fn~ quomly amending the use of ills oon uining those substances. unllooni Pill: no gala. Inn and mild. V06 Dmmnt. taming uuoso announces. I`1l|lIlIO0l|'I Pills no safe. mild. pt pmmpx Sold lg druvdnm and dealer: in modi- ninn nn nu I 1 (Inna. At nd"OV'I drill UL I6. Christian science can : "Atone- ment. in not blood. It: stands for mortality (|isnppo4uiII_ , for Jesus donbhleu life, which [la In t. for an emrnplo. and ransom: from sin all who follow it." (page 528). u.-ul nnvn ~ \\'iI.hnnt. tho nheddimr 0! Sold fllxfllh Illa GXIOII Ill EUII` oino. no pt I a done. At. Ilodloyh drug ulna` cu. w. n. IIIGOIIDIII mom with grippol ddell Tailoring G0. Obltfldcwchyllottl. sinned. make mm a imr. nuu Jun mm. is not. in us (I. Jnhn i. 10). _ i,,_`:M{,`_'"`L`?f}S"`.?',T&T$a e: in an . .. ..n..~.on, for there is no death" (page 63l). Uod an n : The last. enemy ' ' in death" ( . Cor. xv. 26). "Sin bringeth forth denth (James i. 15). He mwd death" (Heb ii. 9). "Who delivered us from so rent, a. death" (I! Cor. i~ 10). I0. ` `hriutian science says: "Material body and material man are delusions" (puszo 27!. i\lzm,er is that of which im- mortal mind taken no 00 niumce. that which mort-nl mind sees, fee I, henrmeetea mid small: only in belief. The only {new are npiribe" (page 542). had save : "That which has been is not a locality" (page 44). (End anyn : I go to prepare A place for you" (John xiv, I). 13. Clnriahinn nuance says: "No finn| judgment nwniu mortals (page 44). . Hod nnyn : "W0 must all appear bo- fure the judgment. seat. of Christ." ([1. Cor. v. I0; Rm-. ix. 8 :Aot.a xvii. 3|). H. Chriatimx science says : "Angels are Euro choughta-Anob mouongerl (page on) .m. tin, 70:. Let` us 1-uhst.it.uto pure thoughu" for nngol. Hml hath nont. pure thou has nnd hut h shut. the lions` months (Dnuio VI. 2:2). Pure thoughts. by night. 0 nod the prison doors. and brought. them orbh (Act: V. I9. ). Bless the Lord. ye pure thoughts, (Inn excel in strength, than do Hi: com- uumdmonu-. hearkonin unto the voice of Hi: Word" (Pun. oiii. ;Rev. Iii. 5 ; Pro. m. 11.12; Heb. i.'M;I. Kings xix. 5). I5 Ch:-int.inn science an : "There in xvi. ll. I2; Heb. L11: 1. lungs XIX. 0). I5. Christian science say: but. one way no heeven--hermony" (page 299). um! mu-n - I An) the umv" (John xiv. fmm Inn All who lollow II. (page 025;. Hod says : Without. the shedding 0! blood there in no remission" (Heb ix 2% ; x. I9.). Washed us in Hi: own blood" (Rev. i. 5). R..lm-ml in vnnrlifn nr vnur name us- spirits" 342). God says now. and that which is to be hath already been, and (-`od requireth than which is driven away" (Ecclem, iii. 15. margin). This text. nrovea that soienbo benohu bio or on mble oi nnnluuamon. ll. Christian science an a 2 "An death nds mortal man, no ahal he be after death until probation nlfecba the noodful change" (puge 44). um! mvs : "The Son of Man has power change" (page H). (Bod says power on earth to for we sins." No power in hell to forgive Liam" (Men. ix. 6). The lien.-at. nnd the false prophets are. and shall be, tormented day and night, forever and forever"lRe\-. xx. I0). I-I (`Du-i-Mun nninnoa M1: 2 Heaven in forever"1| IU). ` I2. Christian acionw says : Heaven is locality" 44). (and nnvn no uremro place driven away" (|`2cclos., III. In. margin). This text. `wove: that not. one a ement of number is deItruct.i- bio mble of nnnilmilation. I I I` n-iatinn nniannn nnvl - "An death GENDRON :uz). Hod nay: 2 H. u mun-.uv , -.. m nrnonal" (p 1:. ...;n gum ."Tho I. -will l\ "I am the way" (John xiv. P33! 038). ,bho ide Von V "A `ZDTAY. `mnon '26. 1896 . A nLL,woKn'&MIsHAP. _| the baths! in Infant--l`ntunnl Iooloty [ banana. _ mu snnu. Much 25.- -A letter In. been received from June: Fleming. now in Cali- foiniu. Ho loft. Soto two weeks ago in the 1 5...... Al (mm-nvlnu hla Innlth and we trust. I loinia. no Ion. note we ween [[0 m we ho of Improving his health to our good tidings from him. 8. K. Tug- woll Amended tho moetin 0! the mud IA;-Inn nl SlnIu|f.K||iI1| Ain oronbo. In. well Abandon mo moeun 0: ma runu on 0! Solootlhnightain oronbo. pm. 0 own in attending the grand council of Ohoaon Friends in Toronto this week. Min Bulnn Tu all and Thomas Ball- Ihuv were mar ed in Toronto on the 12th. The bride In I tanner renidenm of thin place, when the hu many friends who wish her much In pinau. Rev. Mr. Cumberland. 11 with t. o ippe lately. it some bocmr. I2-.. My Tia an Inn bumbn the nick list. I . Why They Trade At % much hm pineal. tsev. Mr. uumoenana. fippo Rev. Mr. Ti a has beonon the tow days. he Foliok is getting better. Mr. and Mn. Wm. Montgomery and John Montgomery have returned home after e week : View to Mend: In Deuronto. Mlu Stall: Moutny he: returned from Kin I- ton. Mn. E. Stevenson he been qu to m for some t e, but in now much better. A to many are complain- s... cm: e IHDDO and bad colds. hottor. A 0 oom tag with o grippo Mn. Patterson remqyod tn Bull: `great complain- Mrs. rem ed Stella lest week. Shrhes ren her [arm on shares to D. MoCe.,rthy, lately from Portsmouth. '1`. Emery, manager and part owner of Stella cheese leotory, ha: moved to the villa lrom Berrieeld. Mr. .\lc(lratten has t eoontraot to build a new house on `the point. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Russell, Wolfe Island, a lit` two days, last week. at Mr. MoDona d s. D. Stevenson spent Sunday here. Mr. Smyth is at Mr. Polley s. The ice-houses ere nearly all lled. An auction sale was held, eater- dsy, at John Taylor's. A num r of fine horses and cows were sold very cheap. Alexander Spears paid a visit to his sister at (lanenoque and returned last week. Mr. Brown, while out drivin latol , had quite an enrerience, caused y a (ighted pipe be h purln his pocket. He did not realize that his clothing was on fire un- til two ooate. a vest. and two shirts lnad been burned through. The infant daugh- tnr of John Gibson died on Friday lust. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kirk, Kin ston, are visitln their Stella. friends. . Cousins is also ere. One of Mr. Preston s horses tell inboewell last evening. It was got out uafel ,and was little t e worse of its cold but . ____._-..__ -.u -un- An lnoondlnry It Work at 0duu~Doath of I Vonorublo Lady. Onl.-43;, March 24.-On Sunday evening hut, about eleven dclock. re destroyed the house known as the Graham property. Quohin road, now owned by John McDon- nld of thin place. The house was unoccu- nied and was used for scoring ruin. Mr. McDonald had about one hun red bushels ,.: M... an H... hnuln no 0.hAt.in1n All were lld and used tor scoring ruin. lVl r. hundgred ` of cute in the house at the time. All were ` consumed. Itle thought. to b0 the work , of incendierism. The insurance will cover the loss of house. On Wednesdn lam, Mrs. William Hillier, near Odeueu. ied at the ripe old age of ninety-ve years. Her funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Seccombe, on Friday, at the house of her son, Robert. with whom she lived. The body was then placed in the vault, ut Mill Haven. The Odessa bakery hue once more chun ed hands. Robb. Bennett buy- in (In. Belfoub. re. Bennett, visitin Sister Wiseman M, the Hotel Die 5 _ V-' J-~~ hm, - r :1 le'\\' days; I uIl"lll6l - Ill Frankie Carina is still villa. Inn mm W "'7'! . LANAII. Inch 25-Min Bertha DI-yr dnlo. viniting Iriondn in Almonh. hu rc- tnrnodlsono. TBOL A. D. 0. hold I nrynoon-til concurs ban on Tnndny nnninn. Tho road: In this vicinity are in um-I huovcru van, The now aw umu Tuodny. Juno Only. 1 vi in to st 1. So . V.-. J..- ----__ The] Loom Tholr WI]. Bimronn Mn.i.~a. March `23.-Th8 lakes are in splendid condition for trnvellin on. consequently business is quite brisii in our village. John Brady mid Jnmea Foley became lost on Buck Lake, lust Thursday night, while returning home from Kingston. After wandering about for several hours they tied their horses in the lee of mi islnnd. built. n re nnd ro~ mnined there until daylight Friday morn` ing. when to their horror they discover ed they had camped within in few rods of open water. They arrived home Ill. eleven o'clock with very aharpuppotites, not having had anything to out since noon Thursday. John Woodman nearly lost n cow last. Saturday. She wandered out on Noon lake and on to bad ice Allll broke throu h. She wan in the water nb0ut'l.\\'0 houinwhofore rescued. Thomnn Pritchnrd, nocond eldest son of Charles I`ritclmi1`I, in ill with inammation of the lungs but in improvinir. Tott Bros. are busy in their grist mil grinding over 400 ushela of custom grain some days. Mr. and Mrs. F. Surplia and son. Liundowne. linve return- ed nfter spending I few days here with friends. They got good `shoes. They are sure to fit. The pay less for them hon nolsowhero. Hlnlln IJOIHII ntulllno Sul'1'll l.::n.~i. March 25.--Some spring harbinger: have in. in an nppehrnnoe. healiie loot. ll vn unble cow. E. B. Jack- son in building a kitchen to his new rosi- donce. Mrs. Henry has returned home. Misses Snruh nnd Julia Ferguson ontoruin. ed nmny young friends last. evening. A pleasant. evening wua npont. in dancing at J. B. 0ownn'u. on Tuesday Int. After a ndlng the winter months hem Henry . nchon left. for Winnipeg. Mum. on Mon day last Miss Alberta Cownn is viuiting In (hnunoque. at Harrison Covnn`s. Mrs. B. B. Jackson in slowly recovering from I had full on the ice, received while hung in out clothes. Mrs. Alex. Slicer In con nascent. Muster Fred Lnthnm in in covering from I had cold. Will Turner in home for A time. Mrs. Smnuel Clark is re- oovoring from 3 serious illness. Tho nt- Iaondnnco M. the day school in not large on account. oi aioknens-. union uuuy Iulluyua UNION VALLII . March 23.-~MAny poo- lo no conned mtheir hovnoavibh grippe. hoventhorof to-dny in like spring but the road: an in I very budoonditionowing to the I-ooont worm. Miss My `o loader. Molnhooh Mills, visiting frion n in this xjginity, Inn nturnod home. Mum: H. Ha. omthodok list. in nonvnlobcont. J. , xjginity, lnl nmrnea name. muwr u. He. on, t_h/eejek nonvelebcent. Cobey in moving from Lake ucreet. to `his non-in-luv'a.Joeeph Leeder. in It memo. [bill with feeling of much we nonnce thedeeth ol Mien Eve lhckl on Much link. A short mm :30 Eve contacted I seven cold which brought. on innmlnnlion oi the leap. She we: e favorites with vnnm! And old. Her fnnerel took place on oi the Iunf. ans VII I mvunw vnw ng and place {$5. and but remains plaeod in [Am-downo malt. Our young friend was in thociglr houV.h yur3l_hor ago. I Annnh MC. nrynoouuhl oonoon has `uncanny ovoni . Throndoiu vicinity uuin nvctynsduhhonuoount o! tho norm onldhy. Tbowoollonmillhu stopped um-llouovcnl Inch, Thomwnw unill .g..e..-no-ark an'l`uudu. Janoactuhr. lust .- rn row (mye; Iduurmm` . Frankie very low. Rev. Mr. Colemnn. Ueaeronto, mime charge of the service in St. Albunhn church on Friday evening. Mrs. Anson Sborms fell on the ice last. week and has been conned to the house ever since. Miss Meachnm in convaleaoiu. Minn Blanche Hoglo. who has guns to lath to attend school, will be very much missed by her many young friends. William honor is moving from his farm to the house lormerly occupied by W. Wood- mil`. ' Btrlokon Onol to be soon lcvorywlnare - 'l`hlI Form of Llvlng Death Cured hy Dodd'l Kidney Pllln. The most. startling example of human hel leagues: in tho paralytic. he victim excites your commisemtion. but. recent: your pity. Ho 01 the lniod hand ntily pressing the benum side is to be seen everywhere um an rvuu I I\l\lIll over yet. curt nus cure it. Not zonemlly recognized as a kidney disease, it. succumb: co kidnev t.rent.inouL. Did you ever know of a cum? Just, think a moment ! If on do it. must. have been tho work of Dod `I Kidney Pills, for no other medicine -...... ".9 ......ul we go. The most convincing proof that this pitiuble condition is the oumome of kid- vgen diuouae in the fact that 1)odd`a Kidney ` u nurnil. 1-ryv v v Rb-~bf' Wall Paper DESTROYED av ne. PARALYSIS CURABLE. Ullon Valley Volloyn. u . . . _.. |.l.......|. MI LI ',,wm`*s mt TlD[NCS;Ti)3l5AY| ` .__-.n. \. HERE IS IN SHORT ORB FOR "WHIG" READERS. \ `lelegnphlc Tidings From all Peru 0! the Globe. Condensed and Auortod for lull Reading - A Glance (lives You the Ifnntn. Robert Anderlon, n `well-known capitalist of Monmeol, in dead. Fun I\'.- Dn|'na`AnJ `Mn... \'....l. I... kann DI Mollll, II 030- Rev. D'r. Rainaford. New York, hll been elected president: of the New York cricket asnociaoion. 'l'|.n I4`n..I:.Ir. ..I>......I.-... ..l ................... asnaclamon. The Enlish chambers of commerce reso utions in favor of penny polhge throughout the empire. It has heed decided to or-act. A Gnome Wall% %l5aper King OF CANADA. 5 Johan Bvordru . it in thought. lnndod all the on from alilu at Pom. Rico, and at tho 0 mo I110 otnndod was on her way to nnozhdr port In bclfut to loud AI-turn cargo. Mrs. Minnie O'Neil. Albnnv. N.Y.. I rem:-n Minnie O'Neil. Albany, N.Y., committed suicide Sunday. She was made desperate because her little once were on!- fering from hunger end Ihe could do no- thing for them. The Canadian and American oommniel l mrougnouc me empire. decided to erect Geor 0 Eliot memorial library at the novelist: native town. Nuneaton, in Wnrwiokuhiro. Egplnnd. L- -n-. 'l`..Iy.... ..-_.l..... n I. LI...-u-|n mung xor mom. Canadian And American companion holding the charters for the bridge over the St. Lawrence at. Brookville have amal mnbed under the name of the Rrnn villa h Hm lnumnnna In-irlaa nnm. puny. . A rather amusing law suit took place at the Euex nuilu, arising out. 01 I miutnko by which the out of plulntdl brewory up- rured in defendant : advutisomenb. he parties settled altar the one wnl partly tried. Insneotor Do Barrv. Bulfnlo. N.Y.. sent. puruy moo. Inspector Barry, Buklo. N.Y., home It Cunadim na mod Bartlett Day. He came from Choapaide,0nt.., under contract to work for a. farmer. at Frnnklinville. for $15 per month. Inspootor De Barry inter- oepoed the man on his urivnl and sent him back to Canada. At [kn l".nnmmr. mu-Ann mnrlnnr. Lnnalnn, men to uanaua. At. the Convent. garden market. London, 603 cases of Navel oranges, from the state of Washington. were sold. The parcel: ranged from oi My to 176 oranges no the case and renli from thirteen shillings to eighteen shillings per one. Carifornin needing oranges bought twelve shilling: A case. 0350 l`he Prince of Wales it in very good liunlth. but he has a touch of rheumatism now rind then. It. is whispered the prince is taking a remedy Queen Victoria die- covored some years ago. What. its in- giedienbs are is a royal secret. bub there is a ne patent medicine speculation wrapped mi in it. up In IL. The late Richard Smith. hype founder, Pliiiudel hiu. lefb the sum of $500,000 in his will En the emction of I memoiiui Arch in nccurdmice with n. swcinl design, and $750,000 more for the eswbiishnient. of u children's ilayground and gyimmaiuni, with il fuml from the reaidunry estate to maintain in. Man Tlunihnu linnnln (`gnaw Inn: nhinf maintain lb. ' Hen. Thomas Lincoln Case . lube chief of engineers, U4S.A. died at: t. ie new Con- gressional librnr .Wnahingbon, About three o'clock on Wetrnoedny, probably of heart disease. He was in his room in the new building and was seized with 3 pain in his heart. He was laid upon a lounge and died Almost. illablllltly. Stephen Butts, of Windsor, has A bul- , ; I5I'l|ti`\;'i. hl"\}n[ii`R'+.."Y0R`ii'.~4 `ii ' , M I01. ill ins UUuJ J\'.Jv":\b.' us let 1 ng, Ilia u-ifnha an-nlunnrinn nf Hm nhm-ninn is { Plans and ma umplon of Wall I Inhublo (or (mention tho roomug III not to amend (mention the privon pot lhl| lO roll. I saw your mlvorthw saga! In (mention the uownpapnr.) not mean . I Ind taken nulnomus remedies noon)- monned for my ullliccion. but obuinorl no reof. I heard ot nmuhblo cures olfact- od bv Donn`: Kidney Pills. uul ptoound I box {mm Noland : drug store. Fmm tho commoncentnt. I upononood a guns to- Iiol. Had it notboonforthopillnl min not huvoboen nbh togotont ofthoionu in the neon: nova` wuthor. Id g-. Iu\- nivtu man-nnl ago And inn. olppullbe union. and 1 became very wean mud disvonruged. Miller's Compmmd Iron Pulls made me all ri ht; I feel well and strung." For sulo by .. C. Mitchell. Tlmt. Lired. lumruid foelimz nnd dull work. Ererybodv also sleeps but he has to work. All `kinds of weather nd: him at his post, and he nufforu ofmn from the re- sult ofexpoquro. This takes the form in most cases of kidno trouble. Ifiulngr on-uuhlu n nah: thn onliuu nuninm most or nuno nrouono. I Kidney t.roub|e n ect.a_t.he entim nystem. Can it be cured? I).-A u-Inn Jnannh \\:'Anu>nnnr u-uh-\I\. unu n. no curoa 3 Read what Joseph W goner. watch- man at the opera homo. innton. 0nt.. has to my 0! his experience. Ha is woll~ known in Kingston u a reputable citizen, who well nmombenu the pnlmy dnyn of Sir John MM:donn|d'I time. In speaking to dour repn-onntivo Mr. Waggoner nu : HI Inn-n Mann trnnhln villi Lining: nnln. nld "I hue been troubled with kidney oom- plaint {:17 great. mnny your. and onorod oxtmme Agony At timenfroun pain in the hawk. .\I_)' rest wu continually broken at night. by I froquonl. desire to urinate. and I had to gel. up no ofhn that I could not slap "I Incl {Jinn nuinnrnuc nanmrlhn unam- IVHIIICIII I \4IlI'II Ikltriillllr (iurenin twen\._v-four houm. This is the Leumnony of tens of thousands who have used it. } ut,mun's nuts speedily, without pain. and removes come in twenty-four hours. Sold at. Medley`: drug store. Benjamin Scott, Van Horn. 0nt.. says: My heart, caused me guest. uneasiness, m ' npputibe fnilod. and I became wen Mud dinvnnrmted. Millur'2I l.`0mu(mnd Younnmo............. -` P.0. ddrou . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tlulllnull No C. B. Scantlebury. Box 530. Bcllovlm. Out. You will [08 bountiful am In book: 1 nturn mull ; Iluo our bank on. " How pt-I. Want! Oxpross ohm on on and munutoo utlnflmm on in OVOII DIDOOI or your money back. Ialonnou. Cln. Ind Dom. Eu-nun Con Moth Extermisgators strung. I-or mm by n. u. muoneu. Thut. tired. lam uid feeling houdnuhe is very rrisagreenblo. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pulls before mtiring, md you will nd relief. Thuy never fail to do mmd. A night-wntchmnn hu uncomfortable work. Ia`:-an-ulu-u-In `Inn -luau. hull. he Mn: In lot. pl.-.~\ e.` HIE lelb lung. His wife : explanation of the shooting is Lhul. Mr. Bum: is a aomunmbulint. that he nroae in the night. took the revolver out. of his trunk and intlicbed the wound upon himself after returning to bed. never wak- ing ur until nfber the shot was fired Hm nv n Mnmuine in the first of the mg u )llllLIl muerme anon met (4 ey a Magazine is the first of the monthlies to devote in number to the large and growing section of the public which rides the wheel. The April issue contains illustrated nrticlea, eeaays and stories, dealing with the bicycle. A wheeling song, composed by Roberta Coverloy an suited Lethe use of amateur choruses. in given. McClure'a Mmmzine sustain: it: nnecial lnellb. The male! M. M. Dupu and Royere. fuunorly oiciuls of the Paris detective service. clmrxed with selling professional secrets and with failing to arrest. Emile Arton, in connection with the Panama fmuds, when the latter was in Venice. in defiance of orders to take him into cus- tody. ended in the acquittal of both de- fendmita. An-.:nnn|In. A6` linnAln'n ouuu-6-Lin nnrl IHOIT Innrrmge. "The Old Olympic Games." which are to be revived on 11 scale of inberliiutionnl impurt.m1Ce at. Athens next. month. will be rlenoribod by Profe or Allan Mnrqunnd, of l'rin<`et,on. in tho juril Century. The nrt,isL(`usmim1o furnish a the finest r storin- or |'run<`ewn, In mo A rn uamury. une nrt,isLL`usmigno Limua of (`lnsnioul smnea yet uttetnpbed. These include the contents of the Stadium ~--boxing and the warriors` mcer--t,he chm rint mvos of tho luippodromo, the orowning uf the victor, uml his appearance in the temple of '/.ous. n..4 \VATGHLMKNT what 01 the Night? given. Magazine special claim of timeliness. The April number line an excellent. portrait. of Professor llontgen, whom the German emperor has made ll baron for his marvelous discovery of the cathode raya. The rst account is givonol Ronbgen, as seen in hinlubora- Iory in the actual conduct. of his experi- Inmit.-1. lenmtnts. An account of Lincoln's courtship and mnrriugo. bnmsd on the testimony of in- t.inn\t,e friends. given in McC|ure'I Mnguv zine disprovea ll story, accepted by some of the best. biogrnpheru. that Lincoln once subbcvcd the lady who nfcorwudn became iin wife to the humiliation of ..|\.n..vinn- hiunnnlf milhnut um:-ninn nr zsoyoiotz DGCIIVHB HIE VVIIO [0 WHO I'|ll|llH\UOl ubsenbing himself. without. warnin explanation, on an ocouion nppoiutoc! their Innrringe. "The Old Olvmnic Games." I . he ntr. thought, dad the ammo from allfu at. Porto Eamnwu unaor me name ox we : ville 0. Sb. lawronoo bridge oom- w"WH|_G'v' QEADERS. for ICH LORMO DYN E- From W. Venulinn Pettlarew. M.l).. formerly Lecturer at St. George`: 0' mu-""v Hospital, London--l have no houitutlon in stating that I have never met with any medicine so efcuoiuun an un Anti-npuumodin and Sedutiva. I have used it in (`on- uumption. Astlnnn, Dinrrham, and other diseases ; and nmfaerfeotlynaned with the remit." "Earl lluuuellc-nmmu1_1h:ag9 t_z_)_ the (foliage o{_Phys_lo _nnn _thn he rN'nJIi\'m'i n d upamh wnwu ...., ....,.......V W .,...`..., .. .... . ,__.__V V V am rfecflysaned Earl ltu-sell (`0lT|lIl\llH(3Il0d to Colla e of Physio ans that rm-uivmi denpamh from Hnr Mnjnuy`.-s (`onnul at Mnnllla to the 0 act that. cholera has been racing fuurfully. and that tho only nlnncmr of an service wnu Cm.ununYNI.-1~`ee Lnnvet 1.-at Dmmnlwr, mu. CAl'Tl0 ~-l1EWARE OF PIRACY AND IMI'l`K l`l()NH. (`.\1"I`ID.\'~Vice-ChtuwellorHlr W. Pluto Wood stated that DR. J, (`:0l.l.l lIm\\'NF.wL| undoulntwlly the: inventor of CIIl.0|mm'Nl-:; that the whole story of the defendant Pruenmn \\"|.~4 lulllmrulely untrue. whlvh ho rourood to say had been sworn tu..-See Time-4, July 18, INN. .. . . ... ,,. 4| , .__-_:. |:rHE ADVENT 01:. ouaxml. up j Ilwllyi VD utfy u-I yourself any substi?(xte' or itgitation 6: `the or- Vnn and genuine `beauty. durability. successful operation and heating 75 & 77 PRINCESS STREET. - KINGSTOICIONT. % %*; Copland r \ w` ."'_.' v `.r V `. . V 11 .1 _.' .1, `Y . ` V , _. .\ is " ' V.._ (_ _ >_. I . . I .. ,. '_, , - `v IL - - . _. -...I . ,_ . , V`. ) \ `g A _\ 7` - mgw Spring Goods for Eisfc} @ IWEDNESDAY NEXT We will then exhibit the Finest Selection of Mil- linery in the City of Kingston. N0 cards. I We are in a better position than ever to supply the Steamboat trade with 2 `:0 'r. If you have not our prices and samples gei them, it may save you money. STEAM PACK|NGS; I\I'\'I"I`I'\ VVII II`\J IIIl\\l Steam Pipes and Fittings. l:ngineers' Tools. Pipe and Boiler Coverings. Machine Oils. &c . &c. Klan be trqg to 1 In 6'!` 5 /V\cKELVEYv& BIRCH RICHMOND & C0 S. '3"*"d~ Mlincryncning . II Utnnu RICHMOND 6: co. 3o dozen New 4-button Kid Gloves. best quality. :5 dozen New 7-stud Lacing Kid Gloves, best quality. New Block Kid Gloves, White and Colored Stitching. low prit `New Mousquituro Kid Gloves. Block end Colored, low prices._ 50 dos. Neivest Silk Pgrasols. 75, $1.00, $1.35, 81.50. 82' oo. Lots Newest Ftench Dresooo. $3.50: good value for 86.00.. DR. J~.m_c-<)L.|..|_s Bowmr-rs \III- R; MORAE :1 CO Agtm. K'~1otorn. L _ Pure Gold Flavoring Extracts are as good as Pure Gold Baking Powder. ' E3 !:.!,-.!9.I.T BR9.-,s_ n` E``* \\\ \ _TEA1`1BOAT SUPPL|E_S Hhulo mlvom I Mn ouunmo........ THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE Inn at In. 1911., 2.1. ML, 4:1,! Browne : (7l1lnro<|yne" 4 7| Brock Street. Kingston. EASTER ALL GRCJC E R8. -vn-9. "EOTTON WASTE. R. W\ALDRON ' l I d : la't):`ol;?:nit"roAIz:tehly1`1_:own Dr Ooughn, Consumption oactunllflxeoknnnd nests than too often {Hal 4 dlnonou: lphthorln, evor.Croup.Aa-ue. get: like to charm ln Dlnrl-luau and la the only spec) o ln Oholon and Dyaautery. effentuall outs almrt all attacks of Epllepsy. Hy- uterln, Pu pltntlon and tlpnsmn. ` in the only pulllntlvo ln Neurnlala. Rl:eumM.lsm (,|o\1t.Cnu<-er. Toothncho, lllonlngltla. om. .. mu! us. each. None in genuine wlthnut, (Ix lh Unvernmmn Stamp. ()verwlu-lmin To be sold thlu spring I is} our goods. Wherevera F`Pui1cnLn Our Bgsg goas it pleases anti brir-1g/s others to buy. If you have never uscd it, ask your neigh- bor her opinion. 3 Rl1nee1l.n!.. Bloomsbury, Loud Salesman nuns... WIPING RAUS. AND THE FOE- LOWING DAYS. Iulon, Eng `nnmd `A ' ey tment . If: i . 33111-1 :19 umplon of Wall rlllltublo (mention rooms) SUTHEBLAN[l'S.| WI nope lnlto prepu mnu mr pnmuu. Winter good: My for th Bnmmor. H`: Clllor to pnvonc moth: from Attacking your Fund Woollen Goods than to kill them Ihouvndn. lurnuln tn gun um bnnlneu this Haring. MEDICAL HALL. vlll In ohorda glut '1'-`.'. 3o'|?>".`""%`."'-1-l"' me ,_ _ ooowoo In unohon own. loo " worl .' ` *" v .. has on so: . Irlllll to In oulo. twolvo llnu LIN`: Iona : Inch. . ford . . ?:, %aa. one lnumon. Ch, I Anhfhoa on uid Ponolnll. Anlolu 0'16! ton: .oto.. up word in daily Luna; m1nl- San mm 3 . ' ' El `36100: loo. lino; nduod nu gm" w on I luplu Hun some t sooomvillhly '0" 5.... AD M... um Inn. Ilnimum Iv'g an owl ant: `to 6 ha UIII I71. Inna wow, Uwu-vv ..-- or Duiho. one cw}: out no. IMO. \ and fot II . 0%.. lo. mini- NDD M10950. ` __ kw` __` M 1'; ' "W 'l'6'o.'"`" "_ " 7' ' "..ir:,'s::..u... ..._.`,... fkvo or onoontrum or our lot! hum llmm olItl |0uL)r`|(IIoMoo. D. M. mu. '0' n to I {Ion tum:}o: nnrmnI1o.In|o9nqom9'!'- W.` oi on otrnhtoutor gar 500 lines. -lnlmuna o A or I n . ` 0:::noo lo: n:'poomod won: xnsdngo; .lon,{0.u. Ilonnpronn nlonnmmonllu `I no! ` 0 Incl} vnntodl, or Illa. I0-lam 9"`; __ .... ._ -- --.n.a... In-can mucus - `Cl 1- w:r..,.. ..::::-2m .:: `:::".:: no or lgonlon. Al 3 were no on to 0 approval of O 0 nu 173.... {or MIVIIO onto and subscrip- tl as .uT.' and payable 1: ulunoo. H of nalnoo neod nuoohtlonu or nodules will lul nominally nnpomlblo for ordnn slug gin. >44, __..._..... ...n-on . _...- nu WIEILY an WHIO a van. to column. I: publish ovary Thu n mom- I an a you. 11 paid In aduneo; or. twin .1 -J9"lQ!!-4,~#__ _. . . .. . ,. __ u...._ "Ii"sEii2w ll bu ma I - and Th` :10 :`$YU1|D1Oll`.in a?i.vung:: . o no. Act: odtot 1 (H: b Q-Yb Ohmchr Oon .I.?.t`:D'ld..>`_:y.ll`:h q.xzd`:sho:p '_LGaiTid So}. 0 pupa in om Oman hr I work; gum lmprov;oa.i%:I'If1 Ihouvndn. I|I'ol*dIl to sum the in will all lath Pnpor M. be u pm-kne--tho pllu kotolon has been loo. gloin and Omuphnr at uuuul prlnun. THE_ DAILY WI-ll(.. THE RIGHT KIND F JUDGE. Yesterday's papers gave two ornrt inel- dents of more than usual interest. One was local arid to the ell'eot that a judge checked the examination of a witness and intimated that the eifeet oi it was, to his mind, the very reverse oi what was intended. The result was a very much disturbed individual who wanted to have explanations with his lordship, did not get them at the time, and encounter- ed him later only to be refused the intep- view which he desired. It must be said that it is a somewhat new proceeding for a witness to call_ a justice down. in any capacity, on or oil` the bench, and the re- sult of this experiment. the only one lo- cally recorded. will not warrant a repeti- tion oi it. The second incident is that reported from Waterbury, Cenu., where Judge Cowell ned one Russell U75 and costs for selling liquor on Sunday. The defendant did not like the sentence. and following the judge to his room, undertook to threaten him. Judge Cowell is a man of muscle, and, turning suddenly on the disturber, "grub- hed him by the neek, lilting him from the floor, and carrying him names the room. threw him into the lobby of the city hall." What happened then is not etated,but it is safe to say that the judge was` allowed to put on his coat and retire fromiliejg;-;_ "` ""`h`"` '.y ceremony. ocular judges are a power in and. A man who has to `deal out justice, even-handed, is expected to be cool-headed, firm and cour- ssgeous. and in the presence of the nloials who represent the majesty of the law they can generally aiford to be so. The situation somewhat changed, how- ever, when n judge is privately called upon todefend himself. and can do so in the Cowell position. It's an interesting bit of IIIC `III. . winmr - wmu a uoolunnmln ovor1'l'hIu hn all not. Mid luau unnonnounonto no II "c"*""r'..'.;.. ..*.:!a::2-..:::.".-.r'.':.'.-.r=.::-.:;..-:1: ~n:. " 3 can ullowod two cm :3. .. =..e.*- . .. %'.'.':.'. .`:'.2,.,.. UIIIQUIIVUII Ill II-nun. I III!- ii shunt. andin taking action vhiohhn ht! Ole ootol dhunditl glgdr English Inhaudor. Ir. Bnyud oan.1 n1,u- IIIIIILBII It look: all! hoicgoingto hoklhbolalnd no hit hunt to his J-kunmdiomu. "J.'2c"`o.....-."'":'.u'.CZ 0| 3 II will nliovo dlgou. (hi you and "Ill- % "runs ...`.""...... .- lou- cyuuoviupu W I` - W Wu.` K what the opnlouo! the cabinet and not 0! the country. Mr. Bnyud was un- doibildly indinonot in stacking par notion. upon which opinions dllbr. but hvugdonoootho npnblicnn high mm -nan nun hullnmuno. in 'n\AiInl- A Inn Zuuj wuuv our two sq:-uuu-u nu.-u um um uni} Inn indiuonuc in "asking I hm -L...Alg -..I L- A-5}..- nnllnn -Lin}. I... DIN Illi UIIIU puvuv IIFIIIIIII ulu_v ull-IIKU. during Iboli go of the pruidonb. and), with II thoci `ho hut to do with the logo` lokliu M tho ' . and lint u pro-idont. olooud It I dl I time. may surround hinul! with Aonblnol 0! his own choosing, And and touch wllhlho loulstun. and hL.A IA. n-hgQ-than -nI n-n-nus. In pnoo uunuowna can u! 00K Ullll Oluuplmu H0|m's'iA __ Ill UIII 'vvUIIIIuvuI w,uq! ryuvv-tun nun;-U tho lino that public opinion may ohnngo. 1...]..- AL. Ill` Al-g Al ALA n-n-bl;-.| gnu] rI`WI- But. seriously speaking. are not the judges eotnetimee unnecessarily severe upon the witnesses and counsel? And if they no provoked into laying unkind things why should they not make amends theleforf They are r nfellible. They have (I great. deal to try l;hOlI` patience, but. they urenot alone in thin regard. Wic- neeeee especially, in the hnwde of court. end oouneel. ere enpooielly entitled to the utmolc consideration. Lilli. um I rnnvnl nu n uguunu n nu. The censure passed upon Mr. Bnyard. the American ambassador to England, by the United States senate. has not diunayotl him in the least. Wichtho warning of the legislature yet before him~wit.h the language of the otcinl document. vividly before him, for it took some time to transmit it when it. was pnssed-Mr. Rm- nrd amended the Anniversary dinner of the London General Pension society. and. re- Ipondlng for Our kin beyond the sen." made en eloquent. defence of hi: right to the use of free lpoech. D-:....:.... A- eh- .:...:I.-Mu nl AL. .......I.. uuu uuo U| uvu -yuvuu. Referring to the uimilnrity 0! the people on both side: of the Atlnumc-`in Grout Britain end the United Sbnt.en-in thought, in runner. in customs. in tsetse. he said he gloried in the privilege 0! every free- mtn to Ipeak the sentiments of hi: heart. at home And Abroad. He rejoiced In the -yutaoln of government that hnd been origi. nneed in the mother country and ghnt hul hnnn nan-ind hmmnd the um. and II-E I `4|IV IIIUVIIUI VVHIIUII IIIIIA vllt h boon carried beyond the son. and tho fact. that every American could "3; According to his oonlolonoe." When the limo came vlnt A man dnmd not spank the thoujlm swelling within hlmlor tho public good. God help the country. In oonoluaionr. Bayard mid: `Ilonlnllu that which shall hoop both ...u_|-l- -an-Ina. nnnnnoln -uni nunggnal- IIZVIII ||-U UIIDI WIIIVII UI|Q|| uvwv Ilvllll oountriee moving onwerde and upwerde lntheoeuee of oivlllntlon. and we will never euppreee the truth (or fem of evil eoneeqnencee. We will oellit. whether we live or whether we luwo to die." -eL.. :, en, Ia,_._._.II_ _..|.I:,, -...n _.___m IIVU VI wuvlollvu wv In-no Iv uivu `nut in It. Bayard`: public and unam- in reply in thy republican congress whioh panned to outigcto him for his roilootion upon choir local policy. in an anomaly AU Qhn nnunoulnnnl hhlnluz v.\iIn unsung wulllfl Kl IQUIPVI Illlll III: Illl IUIIUIIUIVII of the govurumom `my v.\iII uorou uh. u... $5.0. nnhlln nnlnlnn Inn: ah.-nag ' 'lIDW.J. ll. run JOE! OFIOBD Prop! Auhunt `IIIIIIOII Innnur. I'.lo-P-IDIII -nnlnn `L o - . ' ""t'.""" "' - -r----v - - a1._,.'3'J:r:'::a%. `.".`. .`.`:`.'.3t.."..'a.i :`.t n or anything baond actual mum fox ' '30 E "O 8:3. 690:0: 1?: profuutonug: IIIIIC OI IIIII W hat Inch. loIII. \lI'IqIu|n. y ua_n.IIIqtou.I-an-I. ,- _, -, Burl A1~iNeUNcaseN1f. MR. BAYARI) NOT DISMAYEI). |l n DUI nn. :1 pun u: lllvnuuu, um... .. ... r . fsi-w mu. .a ll nd Th no "Op" 1' par Orbem Dicor. i'."%?,.,.,_'"-~" Of re`-=.-.-.- em: :1 ::." ....1`. ... 3: t` u '_ 7 solid 5'23 635?}. . Ityllnh Ana on DIIIIOI. Proprlo B. PENSE, tor I111 116?. ho no u- 0! verbal o 2 I one of tho but Job Itylhh And uhup u IS ! an $0 Inlto prom:-Alonu (or pllckln Chum: maul: Anni for '3. PENSE, Proptlotor nnor. `T HAFFCY"8'LO9KI co-momma." II. Pu:-Ink : Dov I ll'l~]--I'Il"DO|`I on up Iowa. ' , -U'Ct Gunny`: Locnylu-oh 24.-Grippe ll , very prevalent here. Fnrmen ereen gm In the summer`: on ly o ce. re. . Littlejohn is able to out altar Ieveril weekdillneee. June: Mlhono in workingln the out it Newboro. A r been been in our neighborhood. Robb. Little ohn in viribing friend: at Bed- ford Illa. He leaves next week for Chantry to take the position of oheeeemeluer {or the coming eeeeon. Min Bare Do le is vieibing her cousin, Min Minnie .Murphy.Foetervllle. A number from here attended A party et. Dennil Kel- ly : on St. Pel.rlok r night. Mrs. M. L. Doyle, viuitin friends eh Foabervillqhu returned. llluorlg Aliclr MoAuley. Railoon;Joeenl| Mui.in,Cuehendell; Mine . urrhy and Min Minnie hko; Mr. And Mn. William -Turner, nou- lord; Mn. Juno: Burns. Bodford Mills; Charla Parker. BmlIh'I Fnlll; Mlu Kirk- lnnd. California. and Mr. and Min Chap- mnn, Bodford Milli. Jnman Gaming in! ronhd I {Inn neu- lntonulng noun From `rhouand Inland Purl` THOUSAND Iuunn PAILK, March 23.-A heavy snow storm; on Wednooday and Thursday lash lled roads and delayod traic._ U. 0.PIerco and family have re- moved from Cla ton, N.Y., and taken ssession of the `ine View house. Art. nider hm: returned to the park from Rochester, N.Y. Capt. H. Robbin: hna mmnlnmd the inb lemzthenimt .Inl0on;dooo n Nl.I|`0llI,\.4I|IIIUuuIu; Auluu Minnio E. why Murray, Foster lo1JamoI Bulgor. South Mr. And Mn. William -Turner, Bod- nmh M1-n.JA|nnl Burns. Bedlord Mllll. Jemen Gorellne Harlem end has lately moved there. Mr. Kerr : farm bu been rented `I? Mr. Hutch- ingu, of Eiiieville. George err contem- plates establishing A brunch cheese leotory at Singleton Corners. Quilting been on the order of the day. Hey is very muroe in this locality and command: 1 high price. Mine Clam Simmons in visiting friends at Newboro. Mn. W. H. Flemin has re- turned nfter visiting lriende in To edo end Philipsville. A wedding in the near future. YIIIIIPBV future. IVOOIIBHIBT, 1`. I. completed the "li`lvincr Cloud` Drink compleuu me J00 UK wngununuuu uuu Flying Cloud." lumber have been drawn Clayton. N.Y., for Jervis new house, to be built on Well`: Island, near Alexandria Buy. By order of the boerd of health trustee E. C. Lewis has caused the school to be closed on account of scarlet fever. Amos Ellis returned on Saturday from Wolfe Island, where he has been visiting friends. accompanied by his brother Scott. Judge Kenned 'snew noht is plunked u . She is designe aftert e handsome yacht Capt. Visgnr. A.('). Duolon & Son, of Alexandria Bay, are the designers. Capt. Josh Nunn, of Thousand Island Park, will commnnd her. She will be elegantly fit- ted out as soon as nnvi Lion opem. Itie very doubtful ifany o the boats of the white squadron will commence on April the let. nnnn: AT zusunn PI A llunnwly Aooldont--Bow. stat-no Tlghe Ill. Ill. F.MImAI.n,Murch `2-1.--Owlng to the nucl- den changes in the weather many are eul- fering from severe colds. Rev. Stoarne Tigzhe ban for several days been dangerous- l{v ill. and could not attend to his Qastornl utiee last. Sunday. Miss Anne Vntaon is dnnerouely ill with the gri me. For severe week: our school attenc nnco hm- been below the worn a as I result of sick nesa. While John ll ohlullin was return ing from Bath, on Tuesday eveplng. W-` .` horse became unmfxleable and rum`! W"" injuring Mr. M`. ullin'ver"y sev:;::3 ;` gh."lt 6lh' I":l.IJ0`TH.i.lr__(T`l;l4.l:'nd0d the open *"'T...','...**::.*..":.:.":. :2" Won Powonn. `hey a mIh. `nun IQVO : r...a. n........".n'n..`.'.-" at '3. J. Winn, quit 0P.R,Qo u ol- Ia.nnoo I IIIVB OVOI LIIQIIIVICOV. U.--a 8nnDieo.Cnl..nyu: "Shilolfo onurrh tunodyis the tint Incdioino I have em- Ioundunowoulddolmtny mod." Prion M JIITUIIV OI IOQII. Wm manna ...'.:.:.'::-'..`.. ---?:--3---u_: Id 1 mum: inrm >1-IAFFI;,YA'8 LOOK! onnommu. A STELLA guoxzn-a,,wsHAP. I. Pun-Ink`: DIV I'sny--lnrnon 9.... `I MM! him unmy geable ru-n"LW"""" ,, . , ` away. unurin ulhn ver vemly -.....,__ , Mm mme island attended the open .0 . meeting of Tuesday evening. At the Bath races, last. week, the island wns represented in the named race of ei hbeen horeea, oz Uipsy Uirl and Island lrince. which orsee took first and sec- ond places, making as good time as the three minute mce. Since then Mr. Marshall. the owner of Uipny Girl. and C. H. Howard, owner of Inland Prince. have received tempting offers for bheee animals, but. refuse to NHL with them. Island Prince, sired by Hoxlen Prince. also owned by C. H. Howard, in expeemd to become quite speedy. Owing to inclement. wenblier the meetings of the E.M.I.S. have been discontinued for a 5:...` llnrrowunilth Happenings. llxnnowsnini, Mulch 25.~l). Kidney hns returned lrom En land and waned up n tailor shop in his ol stand. in. Red- mond has sold his village property to W. hawker, who will move in the village. Mr. Redmond talks of gain to the states. lilies Jackson has gone to t e Parry Sound district with in our land of potatoes. inr- chused in this vicin uy by Mr. Cougfilin. Special meetings are being held in the Mo- thodist chuich thia week. The ynung peuxlds society of christian endeavor met nt . J. Sproule`s on Tuesday evening Meetings for rnyer and bible study will be held on Fl`i(l\ evening at Mrs. l'nr- kins`. Mrs. l nr inn has returned from Kingston, where she was with her son, (I. Pnrkins. very ill for home time. Mrs. W. Uuees is home from Kin ston. She win- detained eovernl dnyn by t I0 Itorm. Minn Mngnie Hnmilton hiu censed to be one of our villagers. She will live near Murvnle thin yenr. Mrs Watson and daughter, nf Carleton l`lnoe?`u visiting at W. J. Lyme . un_un_ I-|_...s um-n.- vv IIIIF Illuuu IVII un WoL.rI l.~u.ANn. March 24.--'I`he winter seem: to any. Some predict that we will have crooning to the city uncil theend of April. The crowing was never better this wintnr thnn it. in at irocenb. The addition to l). l)awuon'a rositienoeia rapidly nonrim: completion. Frank Russell is about. once more. (lrippo Ieimd him, an it. has many others in our village. R. MoKny,L. Arm~ strong and Miss Armutron ITO vi:-itin re- lative: in Lliin vicinity. Farmers are uay drawing lumber. from town. for summer mo. Ice boats are out gain, but the fun in not Ito koon an it wimbocauseof the now on tho ice. (lmnt pro nrntiona are being nude for parties nftar em. Li voly time.- nro ex end. The aub'ect for debate nc the chi . this week. in " olvod mhnt. mr Hnnul Iliinnltihn ha natkl-A hv -u-kin-.|.i.u. I0 CIIID. nms WOOK, ll "IVOIOIVQYI K-VIII tionnl diionltih be settled by arbitration rather than war." - Plumle . mu enu. un weuneeoey not were men at her residence hen. the. Luke Cunning- ham. at the adnnced we of upwerde m ninety care. Sbew tenderly cued for in her eolining earn her eon James. to whoee one e dou tleee owned her prolonged dnye. Burley & Edward ban-o eold their leeee of the Bey View hotel to Mr. Thompeon. of Nnpnnee. Court Co lumbue.C.0.I'., held an open meeting in thetown hell on Honda evening. ll`. K. Baker occupied the chair. and introduced the epeeke of the evening. Ernest (inr- tung. diegot orgnnlner. end Milee S. of Nepenee. The grippe in etill epidemic here. And reigns u e relent- jge deepot. _ IIIIII l'IrIuI In Bun. Much 25.-Our villngo has al- wnya been famed u I health report. and for the longlvity of in inhabiunu. the aim- lioity 0! rnrnl lilo tnd tho vigomun brnv n utmonpbon oonduoinu renal towumln thuond. On Wodnotdny not. t. on dial Lt. hnr ramdunm Inn. Mn. Links Cunnlnu. AN ELEGANT YACHT. em: AT EMEi{ALD. yd Qshh lullwqy. Inn... II--go... LEI