Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Mar 1896, p. 2

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`%w.hy They Trade Tt. l tonne lodge. There were four chnrmrod banks doing business in the city, numel , Commeroisl Bank of Cnnstla. corner of ing and Wi|~ limn streets, Hon J. Hnmiltompresident: Bank of British North Americn,cit build` ingn, manager, Samuel Tuyior; snk of Up r Cunndu, Kin street. cashier, W (i. nds: Bank of nutreal. King and William streets, Andrew Drummond. man rigor. Besides these there was the Trust and Loan company, King street, with F. A. durpernnd R. S. Atohoson. commis- ninuers, and the Kingston Permanent Buildin society. King street. opposite the jail, witi Thomas Kirkpatrick, president. l`wentyneven life nnd ns inaurnnce ooml'iuiies were doing business in the nllv. A Oontlnnltlol of Oh! lnturutlltbuurtp-e clean at Shannon lld In PIIOOI on that `l`Ino- A 00-lllol 0! `lion IIIII 'l'lIn0I Wlth tho taunt. Subjoinod in the conclusion 0! I think of Kingston and suburbs gleaned from I dhootorv oomnilod fortv Venn mo: dlreotnry compiled tony earl : Kingston was reprelentyed lnm Illa tive council 0! Ceuudn. which ueemb ed at Toronto, by Hon. J. Hnmlleon. In the legislative meembly. of Oemcln, Kin ban was repreeented y Hon. John A. no- donnld. He was no utoorne - nerelfor Upper Cenndn. Sir Edmund I horeul wen governor-Irenerel. The county of Upper ucnmu. an mamuna vvu-or nna wu governor-general. oounby Frontenac nu re mounted lnrfbhologlnlbv the uulnbly by onry Bnnigh. In aha unlw! ooumiu 0! 1'l`ronbIno. the uumbly by Henry Bmlgh. In the Wmnbnw. Dunno: and Addlngtaon bhdnvin y. three pooh-aoat. Including tho my ID. Tho.oouncIl for tho unmd counties con- alwod of Mason roovu and 0| bode ly- nova. with D. Roblin. M.P. .. Nnbo. |'$I --u-(hm This nnuntv nlnlnln ware: V0l`k9I`l In ID! l'&l'IIl. 10 VII Ihll than the aociobi issued, from Jan Inn in .1`... 7:. mm! an hlhlu out . rlix (liptilleriea and breweries were doing is good business. "all munulitoouring pale ale of a superior quality, being in good de- mand for the American market." Ten foundries gave employment to a large number of wnrlgmon. Some of these fouli- rlric in ma ufturod out nulls, bolts. new we. for a nod agricultural implements. Where the ntmet cur bnrna are now located was once the \'ict/)rin iron works. and the directory luv: this to say of it: A. W. (`Jiewitt & Co.. corner of King and Wil~ "mm streets, nre employed in miumf:tcLur- in: bar iron from ocrnp, also iron axle and other mu-rings material. The use l.- MM) tons of ncmp anuuully and I. tons of cool to work thnl. up. The lreepn vea- nel enuugual in cho coal tru oull season from (llevolnnvl. employ sixty men, the wages pnitl every two weeks amounting to l75. The firm can nmke three tons of mu .-had iron re.ul_v for rnurlmt each day, also one ton of axles, for which the demand In grout. principally west. The demand has been no great; this ueamn for theme articlo< that they had to enlarge their pre- vniaes anrl rulal more machinery." The un- uunl outlay of the Kingston foundry wna entivnnted nt l`.000. Tim .mm...l...nuuul rmuln lnarIina'int.n Anrl |Loon u an TABCIENT m THE KINCIITON ounsoronv or ` ox mnguon una mourns gluuncu: directory oompilod forty yuan 1?: ropruonhd in 5 cl Ll..- nuuuuull nl gnng 1-Blah an-and w m I I\IIV\0IJ$9 VII`-Iilnlg I. 3. sun, Inn... xmomox estimated l`A.UUU. The unnond-unused roads leading'into and tom the country were as follows : The NA penee road, owned by the count ; ve toll gates yieldin enincome of El, 19 I0: Kingston and erth road, intended to unite Kingston and Perth. to open u the townuhi .of Loughboro end Bedfo and to uffor Access to the ferment of Burgeee and North Crouhy to the Kingston market. It is fty miles in length. in as yet. unn~ iehed, a sum l`2.l)0|) being required to make up the estimated one! It is owned principally by the citr of Kingston. The neeent ve ates vied an income of 382. imntnn am Phiflin:-ville road. intended vield income 01 382. inimon an Phiilip:-ville road. to brim: the farmers nf Norah Deeds md Lnnndowno and South Crosby to Kingston and no open up norbhern porn 0! Piueburg It is owned principally by che city of Kin - mm, and the five giwea yield nnnunl 450. Kingemn And (inn-snoq-no roed is owned by I joint. amok company, Hie city 0! Kingston having amok to the mnounl ol 5,000. Causrlqui bridge in perv/olita pro- perty. The six toll gates bring in I re- venue annually of l.40| . Kingston and Scorringwn road has been completed in venrn and the two genes rent. for I total of 513 K-iii;-ton and Beth road, And the Kings-mn md Sydenhnm road pay six per cent. on their 00. The Kingston and Portland road in not. eh nished. It leads to Smith's Full and pike`e Corners. The nniuid counties ol I`npnIemio. Lair 0! non. Ia.IUu;pIuuctoI In-ma arrival. DC; Ion! infill. EILMQ; alnon. LI77; unmhur 9! Bridal olcuud. I88; Iona India. MJII; laud nun. LR Total unit nd uul . In-Gibb. I Smith's Full and Splits Uornorl. The united l`nnIomo. nox and Arldinglon contain l.386.M0 none; usoeeood ulna. I.840.N0; dob:- turea now ouuundi ". 181.0(1): county debt. uclunlvo of `do ntntu. 92.(lX). which incluon Kingston and Nnponoo muo- ndnminod road. purchased frotnthogovurn- menu. In`--A-.:m. nlnnmnrn -with A ICQHLP U1; qunynve veeeeln Ina nergu, win: I see:-ed burden o! ll.7l9 tone. and vs ued es 403,300. plied Klnueeon her- bor end represented elmoet the entire navel inhereeu of those days. The lerceez oteunerin the list. we: the Enron. 425 tone, :velued at 133.0%. end coined by Holcomb C lieedereon. The ` eehoonere here the Plvmonth. Milo Ouden Island, valued LI l5.(l'l). ovmedbyReeBv-one 00.; Queen lakes built et nneree Be . vnlu M.(lX). end owned by J. anon. mom. Fortyono postman with A ngidond burden of 8.408 Lona. and valued cl 839.~ 000; Qixtyvo vouch and burger, with I runnmrul burdah o! ll.7l9 tom. ed. oil: um burden. 113.019; n 5. 0; non. l3,H; nunbnt ol"Bl'lthI ..u.....1. an. Inn: r....a.... nun. n*|l!'| lflz IIIIHK N BT51 3"` olund.OO|;Ionnbutdon.I18.0lI; "3' 0! 18.080; mutate! Bobl ' u-I-had. Eh loin Lurks. ICLIIII . rorrrv Y. AH.-A;l'()`. `l'lI(y got shoes. `lhoylro sun to fit. The `pay less to: them Inn Mn olsowhoro. IDITUII UI IJU; nnn-. u In--vu -. 874,499 berrel1`ogfaoet.e; 6l",298 bnrrele of buckwheat end and: of tobacco in the new year. M b e and of en exhau- tlve report of the produce at the united eonntlee lor the `ea-1060 lrbhie eleueea "We my safely ' ncure no enters the: one ol the reuone glveh for the removal of the new of government. vi:., the: the eur- ronndlng oounbr would not. roduoo In- cient. for the me nunenoe of c e inoreued population. he: no eupporlere now. at lean, and lead: us to doubt. it in ever had." 'l`|.. Onfml imnnru far the veer 1856 were and lead: no donor. H II: ovor mm. The mom! inn no for the your 1856 were 592,075 16: l . The duty on this Amount 0! im rim wu 28,384 I50 6d. In mm mm nnnnlntion of Klmnbon wu Church of Bootlnnu. 1.505; woman unno- Ilo, 8.9|6:Froo church, 946: other Presby- tcriann, 096; Wealoynn Methodists. l.l75; Episcopal Mouhodluu. 35; other Metho- discs. 00; Ba men. 135; Luthernn, 29; Congregntlomisto, I63; Quakers.2: Unl- vorulilta, 27; do creed, 800; other oroodl. 289: total. 13.689. The total po ulution of the unibod oountlu, Including nglton, was 56,859. I`|\--an warn fnrtv vlnnunl in th MHZ!` _ V Halon. 37.796: non.9.9I0p `- I_uq*=" humor: olurod. II1; ton: M. 907791; mon. 0,080: nemhor of ` van`: arrived. 00: ton: burden. 0.7 gluon, I0; numborohmull eluted. Oowomburdon. 9,750: men, 880. Tobi nnmborof ford n IPHVIII and dopdrtnru. 7013110611 (Iona gun-don. 554.048; total num- b Cf IIDII. NJW. 'l`Im unltnrl nnunal hld an IIOGOOOCI hot at Imam. The united` oountlot hsd_nn value at 1,438,600. The bovmahlp ol .Imut.t.own had the highest. rating` nume- ly. 280,000. Tho lowest Inn olphun- town, with 7,500. Kingston township numbed second hi but with 27.000. In oh. unlbd counts: for the your 1856 when was made 1.026.661 pound: of humor und oniy 129.837 pound: ol dhoou. ` Tho uniud oountiu yiclded 190.685 bnrroln ol whgnta 48,00! barrels of barley; 160,490 barrel: ol rye; 232,113 barrels of pen: 1,- burl-cl of mm n.....|.-h.u. And nonndl of tobacco ol im run 225.3 we on. In 850 the pnlationof Klngnon dlvidod M folowa: Episcopalian, 4,010: Church of Scotland. 1.858; Romnn Catho- n.. n tllumn uhumh. 946: other Prenbv- 66,869. There were forty villa in the united counties. This inolud seven! that are now in Leeds county. Oftho mcmbnnu than in bunineu low in Leeds 0! the merohsnts are slive today. '1`. L. Snook was one of the pushing lawyers of the day. Chown & Cunningham were in business on Bngot street. '1`. Conley, teilor, kept store st 24 Wellln ton street. P. Curtis wee 1: boot end s oe merchant at 42 Princess street. Dillon`: shoe house was then in existence. R. J. Cartwright cm agent for the Edinbur In life essurenoe company, and Thomas Br? s looked after the in- terest. locally. 0 310 Lonon fire and life nssursnoeoompeny. Neil McNeil was In the solumhinaobnslness at the ssme old eten . W. blnson kept a paint shop at No. 10 Princess street. W. Allen made boots and shoes where he is at present located. R. MoCnmmon was then the William street baker. n. 14`, I n.n~|snr nrlifnr and nrnnrialnr William ncreet. baker. Dr. E. J Barker. editor and proprietor of the Bnrriau Wino, was awarded 1215 by the rumours of the provincial exhibi- tion. he d in 1856, for the beat ngrioulturul essay on the oounbiea oi Frontenac, Len- nox and Addin ton. E. R. Weleh won I! diploma and 12 for the beer. specimen in stone, and Neil McNeil won 2 105. for the beanlot. ol plumber`: work at the same ex- hibicion. "`I|n nrnal nnnnnnrnnnf. n! In Illlild hibition. The gross assessment 0! the united counties for the your 1856 was 32,778 9!. (id. To this amount the city contributed 300. It cost the united counties 40 10s. in bounties for wolf skins in the year lbibil. and the administration of justice cost, in f.he same year, 1,907 12:. lid. The pro- vincial show received aid to the extent of 700 The new court house .And jail, built in that year, cost 8,359 fie. 7d. The old court house property was sold for 4,- 000, runs 8: wonsrens (hnunoquo Domm-I Over A mu For Koap 0! n Tnwnllnnn. UV I 'IOWlIIlIIIllo Among the inmates of the house 0! in- duatry here for is long time mt. has been in man named Luacombe. w 0 belongs to (lunnnoque. and whom it was necessary several times no tend to the general how pital for treatment. Dr. Kilbcrn arranged with the house of industry for the recep- tion and treatment. of the pat.ient.. and the hon ital uuuhoribiee locked to the director: of I. re house of industry for payment. of his bill. the directors expecting to be recuuted by the Oenanoque council. One such ill was irl by the diI'ecl.nrs to the hospital and y the town of (lannnoque to the directors. an..:........ Inn? .-.m~mo.Iu mnr. tn nnmmn. direct-ore. Chnirnnin Dull` recently sent. to Gnnnno~ que 1 bill for 849 50. for Ln9comhc'e keep. at IL60 per week. since July lat. I895. The bill included the amount, charged by the hoepit-nl for I `entment on in Inner occa- unon than the one referred to nboa-e. and which the directors purpoeed paying. The Giumnoque councillors thought the hill too high, and councillor Sheppard, some time ago, came here to investigate. He claims that Lunnombe wine in he-pital during A considerable portion of the time since July Int. 1805, and who council de- murred over paving the hill on that ground, overlooking the fact, shut. the general hospital halt a the house of indul- try directors renponnihle for the coat of the p.~u.ient.'e treebmem. They were perfectly well aware of the arrangements in that re- gnrd, Lieut-.Col. Dull rnyn. and there in no reason for any trouble over the bill. The account. hon been referred to the chnirmnn of Lhe executive commiwee of the Gnnane que council. __. ._...._... .-\.-..u--an I lllWIl' r nun--. T. L. Snook has received A letter from his youn t. dnughwr, resident. of Homo- nu. Bout, om California, R part. of which II worded M follown : INN: hnun had In l|nHu*hM||l winlnr, hut. worded rollowa "We have had 11 delightful winter, but Wednesday morning we viewed the moat. benutilul and wonderful winter night. im- AKlflIbl6. Our shade trees. orange treen. bushes and hedge: have been beautifully green. and when we arose on the morning of whiuh I spoke. we saw the lovely ver- dnre just. crowned and epengled with nnnw. Old Kins: Sol beamed beniqneutlv dnre juh CTOWHOG IIIIG lwlglfl Wlln snow. Old King bonignnutly on the Tretty lnndacnpo and over and be- yond nl this glistenin fruhnonn, were soon the foothills wit. mow-Lrinnmecl dram-on. Then above were the mountain: wrupc In Inowy vootmonta forming A strik- ing picture with 3 book round of our love- ! Iounhern lky. Mrs. illor invutignhod 0. 0 garden after noon. but found the deli- oubo shoots of the fuuohiu. eto.. unhnrmod. The strawberry and blackberry bushes huvo boon gnon all winter, and now the blossoms no out. Our orange crop wu n docldod nuooou; no front. injund the fruit. And owin to Honda`: oondiuon pricu more : one gontlomnn owning ten acres sold his fruit. on the trees for $3.000." uj-:- Ilnnnlou front on the Irult Two: And Inn-up Plank: Itrlokou Ones to be soon Eu-rywhon - tlln Porn 01' Living Death cured by I)odd'| Ildnoy mm. The moat. Ihrtlirig -onmplo of humnn ho] cannon in the paralytic. he victim exciton you: comminerntion, but roooncn your pihy. Ha of the nnlniod hnnd nbilv mudnn but recent: pay. He oi the hind nbily passing the banana aide in no he noon overywhqrv an Dn __,".' fa we '1` 0 i i '1 " psmmo ::due::';:f_35 ' 9" no dinuoiu 9" '`" ' nu ant.` UIIOQ VJIICDO1 NM .enu-dly tgoogn_iu_o_d n all..- Bargains Iploylpoooorllll. Briton BILL. Inch Bl.-Rondn mont- 1, am bhohd. mu Olin llunoll in vloitingdhorbtothch. Egotlnn Rnnuell. Kathy. In. Bonjnnin Allison nu =`r|doI pushed . cDuh-n . - n. WoIIOI'lhnIiKor0oI|diIn:( _..x..... -nhnilnl M. hmnnnhh nuon. Iggurquli '- "' """'._,,,.:| | anal! :F;m hat on `gl "`,,,..;.;..sn..uoaby `*1 "W" ' m. K1! ,0! BY lllvw III I uvuw. u-nu nknlnomont! Mljlon do It Inuit hvo boon the work of -. ma... Pills. fnr no othor medicine THINK THE BILL TOO HIGH. .9-...-I.-.::::-.*-*-'-*-"'| A DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY. * ndolnnnutnvc uoonmowon ol '3 Kldm Pills, for no othoc . union _ V ' U PARALYSIS OURABLE. `` recognised u a kidney ,, it uuccmnlnbo iiginev treatment. you ovu know 0! a man! Just .--um-ant! lII'IWIIl' IUHII IuI- an an I'l'vI.Womdontu My Lb`. Mink hrutllnum o.-Ioldgv an nnmndl` nl r. `mam 23. '"""` -Knot am `this an .9-`:.no outcome ol lid- uio not that Dodd'n Kidney ` Wnhr lllhl! Charged Ilnylo [had In Iopllu A|IuIlo--A_'l`otpodo Ooblo `Plant `And! Ib-.s..-A 81-: W-L Anal-uh A- aiimcurgxl A smeon `r LKO or In cum-'0 but. we Poeauomma. ---. .__-_.-. _ -7- --- -_--- _ Would ru-one: mi Yotk~AgnIut Au II` All lovlu-A Doc Quickly lllhd. omewboro Edison road that thlt comb nbmon at work on nbulldlng when there woxo u lot. of electric wire: oven-hand were u or aoveraly uhuukod. The stream from on oftlm mm 0! bone hlo one of the wires. The hnovy "oun-um. lonkud 1|-om who when and ran down whuonam, Incoh- lng the non]: man. I r...|.m Ihnnnhl at uhn Inlays" mu. Ill III noun llllll. "1 man thoughts! than Intern," MI- oon and to one In am. "no roman with n Induction `con and` A on. In worked nil right. That was no low of the out." wk... Imlum hnnnn M Mal about no- Ilia oat. " when Edison bqnn to think shout ap- pliances uwfui in war, ho iimughm at that stream 0! wow. Thu dimouicy or throw- ing as In-run 0! water any. considerable dinizanoo preclude: the pouibllity of it: use in n meunl of attack, but for deionuivo purposes, Edilon van, in In absolute ngnlnst oortain forms of attack. He bu doviaod I uid which. beoauno oi I an uunv vnu cl swan nun nu can 0 oNI1'InvIou.~~ lien on. UOUI A1'1AcnI`., an IPIPIIA. log Ivtnvwnzn 41 (lo. 0'0 AIOI. DOD IDIOINI COMPANY. Ploouunou. vouontvo 0&1.` . _ ngnlnst oortam forms or nmwl. Ho whloh, In greater vIsooa1t.y,.@: ho propelled In A solid nu-sun through 3 nonlo I much greater distance than water. Snnnone you won deteudlnn an en- IPQBQI IIIIIIHOO lvllll WIWP. Suppose you defending tranchment, broutworh-nny con 0! i'ortiiIontionn-agninut nohnrso. You take plot of little nouleu. throwlng strum: less than half an Inch in diameter. 1 can throw much a stream with n uid of my own preparation at lcut 000 foot. I wouldn't mind in front of it at 1.000 feet. You can charge that uid with 6.000 voltn, and it will kill on the instant oi` contact. A one horsepower. engine will tux-uiuh All the powur hooded. It takes power to produce nmporngu. but it`: vult- ago that kills. and that is ounily produced. `The boilur and dynmuu could he luguod around lun ono hurno wugou. All you need booklet is a powerful pump. Tukg ha]! :1 dozen nozzluu, nrruugod on nwivoli-1, and tho uttaoklng i'orco uuuldn't got near your fortioutiom. It would be pcrfooxly may to plane the dynamo mid nmohinory undo:-ground. whurc nrtillory couldn't ponulbly lujuro them. Why, that thing in nbuoluto." `*Vnu nnnnpnntlv hnvn nn dnnln what. nln IHUXIID IADWHFU EH8 UOHILIE H8 Ilui "Rlgged 3 weight up there. We know how (net ll weight. falls hy the uhnplu nt- t.rnot,lon of gravity. We put an brass scale beside the wulghtz. The burning on of the current. that killed who dog reluuwd the wulght and It begun to fall. Hlumlng uff the current arreamd the weight ngnln. The current was turned on and of! as quickly us pusnlhlu. The dog wma dead and the weight`. had fallen two unu-hundrotnhu of an inch. It took it, one wn~tlm\Isandth of is second to do that-. That`: the Mum It took to kill the dog. " Than Mr mdlnnn mllmd nlmutz Mm nr0~ IV COOK [I0 Klll EH9 OK. Then Mr. Edlson talked about: the pro~ lmotlun of hm-burs by burpodooe. It. would be vary slmplu, he sum, to nonstruoh tor- pedo dolumms for New York, or any other harbor, for that matter. lt can he done qulckly and at llbnlo oust. Accurate nnd onrutnl surveys of all the llnportnnb har- bors on the Atlnntlo and Panllln pnuboardn are ln the ponsosalon of the government. engineers. Thoy lmow tho depth ul water, the loontlon of burn and the olnu-Iwour of the botbmn. Tnklng New York harbor an an lllnubrntlon. ho aulul: H.-luunnun \-nn nlrutnh am nndlnnn nnhln I'll`-II`In'I l'OrI'| HJIIUIVIIIY Curgain twenty-four hours. This is the t.en,t.in'mny of tens of thousands who have used it. Putnam ! act: speedily, without pain, and remove: coma in twenty-four hours. Sold at. Modloy a drug store. .. . n . n -1,," n-. -,_-. ..v...... .. . . . _ V . . . . _ I 7 ,,_,H ,, Benjamin 800%. Van Horn. Ont... says: My heart. unused mo guano unouinun, m uppetitolnllod. until became very won and discouraged. Miller : Com und Iron Pills made me all ri ht: If wall and strong." For sale by . C. Mitchell. ILDIOIUMQ. You apparently hue no doubt whal- evor about the killing properties at elm- brlolty," said The Sun man. V "Kill? Whv. I klllnd A dmr nun ham In Uflly," mm 1118 nun llllll. "Kill? Why, I killed 8 dog out hero in one ban-thousandth part of a second. " How did you uwnsure lhe Linus?" Edison lnughod. Then, with a Jerk of his thumb toward cine ooiiiug he mid: "Rinmad A wniuhf. nu hhnru. Wu kunlv llluubmuon. no emu: Suppose you nretoil an endless cable from lioekmvuy over mwnrd Long Branch. Put ii. farmer out. ii that doesn't. keep the enemy`: nhips far enough away. Make it from Fire Island to Spring Lake ii newe- snry. sink this oahlu to the bottom and work it. nrouud wheels Just; an the bridge euhiu is worked. so tvhntv it can he moved forward and lmok. Ilinuinm it. so that it can be ehnrged with aleotvriulty. Then at- tuoh torpedoes to it. every 900 foot or so, an near together as is naoouary to make the thing sure Ind euutlve. These mrpedoea will stand on end in the water and can he built. so thut. they will rise to the surface he soon he they ism freed from the unhlu. The pressure of the water on the diaphragm keeps the circuit broken. When the tar- pedo in relmmsd from the enhio it rises to the mrfune. AI in rhea the prosnuro on the dinphrngm decreases. It the torpedo rhea under A ship. the force of the impact not: it. u and blow: the ship out n! water. Bub If it lnlums the ship in goes 0!! when in rm-(when the surface, heennne, the pressure on the diaphragm being removed. the (air cult. would he oomplnted Just an if by im- part. Now. bv hnvimx is loun strlml of those part. Now. by hovlng long sum; torpedoes on n movnblo cable, lt would be poullble to Mt any amp that trled to get In. The oporntor of tho cable, at M: In- loud obuor\ul.ury, wawhon the nblpu onl- oulato tbulr poaltlon with Me range finder. He knows where his torpedoea am, and M the propor tlmo ho puubou tho button and lrooq two or tbroo of them. The result la tho dostruotlon of tho nhlp. If It should he thought posslble {or n nhlp to get by one snob onble lt would be easy enough to hnvo mom than one. The oomt would be llnod wnh mom, and tho protootlon of the olty would boubeoluto. 'I`orpedo oatoh- ere would not bo 1-ootlvo agalnnt such a defense, boonune If they began gnppllng for the cable the nut touch of their grap- pling Irons would notify the operator. All ho would lmvo to do would be to free a ouuplo of lorpndoou. That would be tho end of tho torpedo oatoher. It wouldn't be nooossnry to hit Mm with ono of thom. They wnuld bo sum to oxplodo aolnewhero nnar mm, and ho couldn't stand the con- ouulou."-.l\ ew York Sun. ' ma : `b8!F':;PaP* Kldney Pllls Kldnoy Plllo ARE THE BEST Kidney Plllo .. Remem bar .. DOAN S .D_.Q.AN S DOAN S ' DOAN S JOHN TAYLOR &. CO., Manufacturers, 'lor-onto. I! You `n-um: or npsmma ` whnco. unh 0loo,Lodu | In.Pnbl1o 311. Hotel or Stan We are in a better position than ever to supply the Steamboat trade with VIII II1\a IIII&- Steam Pipes and Fittings. Engineers Tools.- Pipe and Boiler Coverings. Machine Oils. &c.. &c. If you have not our prices and samples get them, it may save you money. STEAM PACKINGS. l\I\'I"l' McI 59 BIRCI I 4 uuuuw-.. -u_` A V L - ' *. pland Brew 3 . W A3; I V my `.5 OR0 |TnoPooolo s Lllo Inoooonoo 60., Toronto. issues Policies on every plan of insurance including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at low v rates than any other company. I00 Wellington street. Ottawa. i_Head];0ffoce of the Company. ,4 _,_ ___: An Ilolr to o Poo:-ago Ilooonoo o Homo Ilulo Comlldnto. Nnw Ynnx, .\i.irch 23. ---A special ooblo from hondon says :-8omowho0. of o ionisation was caused Among both pnrbioo in parliament. bv tho onnouncomont that Jnmoo Bnrio Rooho hod boon ohooon the home rule cnndidoto for Killornoy. in But. Kotry. His brothor, Boron Formoy, to whom ho in tho hoir ump- i.ive.ia nlrongl conoorvotlvo, oo oo boon hi: ontiro to i .ond when olootodnho in ounw , urko Roche will be tho only heir o in tho Irish home rule party, ton onnoy. it in aid. oonnouurvivo mondghohunoolilldroti. Jomon Burke Rooho morriod hnn , dmghhr oi Front Warhol Now Yor . md. on tho dootholtho pcooonb boron. the older 0! hot hondoomo twin oono boouno hoir oppuont. lotho title. Bho M Sunken d {E312-.'a:: vmrgrco .eomn..;-am ogo. on tho ground: of hot lmobondh 2::`u:7"?m`uJ`na1?`.?.: o no can ootnbliohi tho oi uni no ..,. .i....'`.'.'. ......-.:'*'.*...|:':.. ........"':f_.: 2:.".".:..:.'2.: ..`....'. ..".`.".;. .'.'.."`...?as..... id in British lovfund tho Iuhond con uh tho ohildron vhooovor ehoy on found within Britioli juriodiosion. Until hio oondiduay. 3\`I`rlo 3:0? III `I: ouopoc I oi notiono oo I ago. ho nut Iiovodgnotl llolllol OH I aw-lav:-1:32 :.".E _.;'."':.":'. .2.` [New Spring Goods or Eastcggg .._;. _.. . _. :.._ __ ..,., __\ Hutton eho room: you think of nmrhu. about who price 1 >u_vu_n_Q %%&/% Wood's I h0spIl0dln6.- no Gm: Ev-:1-"sh I-`waxy. In the repult. or over 30 your: crating thousand: 0! one: with all known drugs. until At. lut. we have discovered tho true romody and trou.mnnb--A nomblnuon um will aoat. I prompt sod pormnnut. out In all lug-not Sumo! Ikbilily. Atom or Enmua, Nm-mu Wralnni, Snlubu, Moth! H'orv;y, [J.u':un'1.-4 (_/n of Opium, Tockcru, or Altodolk Stlumlamh, III of which soon land to Inunlty. consumption and II cu-ly gt-no. Wood`: 3""" T""" - Phoaphodlno bu been used oncouarully by hundruh of dam tint loomed I "W" '|'`"'[- | bu been used Iucounruuy ny nununu m almost. hopuluu--cuu {but had been ttutpd by the moot blamed phynb c|uu --cg|ea um: were on the verge of dnlpalr And lnu.n1t,y-ouao that vruo town-In; over the gnvo--but with the oontlnued And porluvorlnc IIIOOI Wood`: Phonphodlne. these one: that had been [Inn up tn db. wen . rectum! to manly vigor Ind hulth-lbular you and not dupur--no mu- ur who hu given you up u lncurnblo--the remedy In now within your reach. by In use you can be restored to I mo of mnfulnou and hnppuuu. Price. one package. :1; us puuugu. tax by mail me of W|N\K- Om will}/mu, rlrfuuranlml In: an. Pumphlot fro! to Any nddnau. Th- \lh\AA n-n nnnu Illrulnnr. nil! .- OIHIIII. 4 Wood`: Phocphodlno In sold by rupomlblo wholesale and null druqglua In tho Doqlnlou. Q1. 30 dozen New 4-button Kid Gloves, best quality. 25 dozen New 7-stud Lacing Kid Gloves, best quality. New Black Kid Gloves. White and Colored Stitching. low prices. New Mousquitare kid Gloves, Black and Colored, low prices. 50 doz. Newest Silk Parasols, 75c, $l.oo, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. Lots Newest French Dresses, 33 50; good value for $6.00. ' R0 3 Coco Am-no K.`1.tOl1u Tuklnl. AN IRISH SENSATION. think of Dating. n run my and when you aw 1 In "ad." You will not by return mull luau In-plo books ol oholoownll Parr It tho Iowul rlou known to ha Ovnndhn tn . Ihd our booklet How so Pnpor." um wnnanoo * ' m 211 vrincm stmt. WK. I. CTN. Klnagu. I _Wn Alln nnrn n dank of Rhut Innlo. .TEAnB9AT SUPP!-iE will flrdu, urfuuruma-a Io (Irv. ruulyluluu uuv w nu; u-uu-v-. l Tho Wood company. Windsor, one-, Onnada. 7! Brock Street. Kingston. llvvu V I Ilvwrn-vu---vu the thousand: with wo lug-not Weaken . Toatru, or Altololk which hundruh um nnnnl mu. had by f-i---j| "c`:'5+'fbN WASTE. IIDIFII R. UUALDRON %TweddeTa1IorIng% Go. on out Below city now. I585 W_'%$_T.|.C.- $85 *""7'A.)-Iu-' __ ~ - v --otj-o--"--6-"' Illlnlmt and: wheel on Market. 'I`Ll-Ag-lo mg--n nnnnnf-auburn 1: II!` Aron: In In hu-to ll odour ;-n:.::n:oa ..u'.z`I'.'.u?... or you money back. Iohrnou, Gun. and Dom. Ixprou Don Ilrnol `nu vnuo. __ IIU'II -I VI _C IIIIUVI VII IVICI IIWIO Thirty-on non Innnfsot to of Fire A I Ind 4 n nnnulucnro o Bloynl . wit nguou on nouns. in fur not I ANN: one of tho label Grade hula on the nut. `ii secured if on we for :11 laundry and ouuhpld pur- poses . Eclipse ~ It cleans without destroy- ing nmd costs you no more than `a heavily ruined and strong nlk?lied a9p\ ' 3.'.'.'6'.'.'o nZuZ'J'E:I,"n'a% c.o.' I E . [ Get it l gm}! m\'A;lI3ING mus. ++++++-H--++ L TLIJO `aw-u-our-r --J , i no; 130. Bomvlno. on tiiiirn Pianos] Write a Postal to (3.8. Scantlebury. -_, inn Egllgullln (`all Kingi . or ~C'ANAD.A.'~" I. 01$! . lllllfll`. -jW0 `.150 carry I nook of Rhoot Ilunlo. `kl nlon. Gulun. Enrmonlnn. xx. \ M\\\\ v" F t I -1111 --u--.- D. W.?(RElN & co. Lllggntnalp IIQO OLD ITANB m._. .. SIlTHEHLAN 3.| ll` cloth now and lay it I.-..a.a- _ V.,!1I|Loy_z`. I-I IIIIIIIV 1 I Woodatock. Ont. CI III-ll-no will III!!! .:.::.':* ...,.:.-.-....'1.-.-.;..'.'?.".".`-'"i" ..*-'*-..........:`..'r..."-'-?..:.""`. "-'-"a-4.-.v-'.v'--- swat Ivolinonand ova, loo. " ` 0'00 . " Io. `Plano than I In on g. M _ u ` I I locum. Emu A solid mic. two vo Ina llrthjfaarlcn or Death. on lnumon. two human: no. unto. Loot. sud found Pononuln. Aruolon for on) , $0.. 1:. ll! word In doll! lulu: Inni- msn N am. lb. _ ""o`S' 7" V "W _ V ` ".";..u rtfgou mo. uno: MIN ff." when Q lupin] Ih Iolncnt Icoompbn. '1 or on contact: for our (son linu. Ilnimm 1::-.::>:' Id Iv-co -'0 `Md ' Ion um-to norunt ounnonnocImnu.l>I1 not of In ran for solo. *1-P""' ' man lnu/ o: In'|I1IIl 50 "`'` "`' gpnlnonnufon um o! oiIp).r.I:Ifl:|r':':3".':"fgn'| l o In no wind. I ' ?3m....o. or lino! nlmounoonontn an unh- an`. `:7. ouluiiuii GEE-Jlpioo} fin prom-lon-1. tmunnoo upon no ht M Iilllu . Contact two ohll out " f:g'm =.::~ :m";:s..f.:` :2 H agctlom ul :0 'fI'o:d :1: `iii to otl Mon. All ndvo lumonh on nwmvnl 01 sh publm: I. an 0. he 3 , chain {or udvuttpqmntp Ind Inboorlp ` 75 W00 -E3 VVV pwo V V V ' lnh . "'.Ir` .:.m.':&;g:::.2::a.::m., I II an Inn and pays!) 0 n Adunoo. 60!! 9! min rated nuoohtlonu or ` oo m:mInW lab; pononnlly rolponlihls -run wnuxm mT'mn wmu a pain. at column. In publhhod ovtn Thuntls mona- :I It ll 0 nut. 11 paid In Mivnnoo; oc on-who . r r. -WIIILY u pnblhho on Mon- dlgn ll. undnnszn a you In ndunoo; 01 0 Mac ' bu J 1) Oman In` 0.1.3`. It1:ll`:::"hA.n1d uthogp work; nine Improved `rm 5 DW. .'n. r"n:"r':sn. mm: orronn. Proprietor An pronounced by eminent munloluu w Oxompuly the hlzhoat otuzdsrd of an In Plano nunutuoture. _ --. .._-a . 4-A "Ian: uxu lllll tan: K During the closing hour: of the debate on the school question the member for Kingston addressed the house, and in s lively sud enberbsining manner. His con- stituents have. naturally enough. been nnxious to see first what. he said, end lm Globe and Mail, giving the tnlfm reports` 3!` eh .proee9d_i_ngs _,of `parliament, have been consulted in `vain. Both these greet. journsls have disposed of Mr. Meteslfda oration In s lsuv lines. v.. nu .|.| ..u THF` DAMIZLY WHIG. . HOW THE VOTE STOOD. The Hslnilton Spectator hes analyzed the vote out upon the remedial bill so as in show how it. stood by provinces. Ac- cording to its gures l05 conservatives and fty-seven liberals supported the coer- cion of Manitoba, while seventy-three lib- erele, eighteen conservatives and three in- dependence opposed it. These. in provin oinl lines, srrenged themselves M follows : For. Against 0nhnrio..............l............ all 52 un un-u vvunuu-un- The Spectator, noticing the declaration of the government. thnt. it is ging to push the measure uoeniah, remarks: The member: are Already committed for or Against. the principle 0! coercion, and the third reading can neither change that hot. nor the opinion their oonuituerlta have formed of them because of their vote. The deed ducks are deed--thlrd reading or no third reading. ll`-um... An lnn.-`ti-I nan...-uneiun {mu-nnl Ontulo ( uoboo . . OVI Nova och. . . Now Br mwlok hhnltobn . . . . .. Prince Edward hlnn .. Brlthsh Oolumbh . . . . . .. Northwut torrltorlu .. Au we Onterio wu atrongly egeinet coercion. Quebec gave I Innjority of three in favor of the coercion of Manitoba, while New Brunswick and Non Sootie went strongly for it. With the exception of one Mani tohe member (Martin). every vote west of Ontario went withtbe government. but," aye the Spectator, It is nonsense to sup- pooe the! that represent: the sentiment of the people of Mnnitoln, the territories and British Columbia." nu _ .n-z,__.1_ J,_|,__.:-_. From an inuential conservative journal thin is moot Iignioant. lungunge. u-v.- v\rI\ nun 1-univ- unnunvu -u :- nwvv uuwu. It. is learned, however, that he laid all the blame lor the school trouble on Mr. Martin. He was the min later of oduoatlon ` In Mr. (lreen way`: government when the school law 0! I890 was passed. and auocoodod so well in l no work bhn. it has stood cbo coat. ol an appeal to the Iupreme court. and the privy council. But. ln Mr. Memalfoh esti- mation he made all the trouble at. Winni- peg, and now he ha been brannlntod (001. town to make All the trouble he can there. And he in again succeeding. He has im- .........a -..-.. an m.u..-nmmr. with H... Allu no It Duilll auuvuwu-I-5. nu: uuu un- premd oven the government with the ides that. it has gone too far in proposing to legiolntao {or I system of schools nocdealt with or own dreamt. of by the privy council, and this if the rune linl bill, as iu oundn. won psuod, in coal! not be on forced. Such is the man, who. in the first plwo. Mr. Mewallo has on the brain. to tho dotrimom 0! his slumber and peace of mind. ' 1-. I, u.._,_.n _|_- .1.-. u_- ----._,: _._.: REMGVAI. `SALE It. in loomed. Also, that the ucond and great feature of Mr. Motoalfeh speech was his loudutlon of Sir Charles Tuppor, whom he ngnrdo no one 0! the grcnwot men on mp of tho ouch. The many nice things he said about his lender have not boon ro- ootdod In the journals of the day. bub they have. no doubt. boon imprinud in Sir Charles memory. and will ho plouontly rooallad in other days Aeoordinqw our member Sir Chm-loo wu oxpnuly called from England "to .olnIp '|.h 53.3. lntn Oh` Iiwnr nl tho nu-ll. wnu U-ylzq u-uwu uw-u nun--nu vv stick his Imfe into the liver of the gr! puny. and -an he expects tho griumhon Sir Olnrlu bu boon removed from ro- glonc Nnutrinl to region: oolonunl to any of him. Oh ho won I grant otuumn, ho us I lovely nun." L L. ---Iulml .-An hm: IIn\A him: Inn}. .....::......'"' ..-'..;;.'."' W" " Thoprolnhod Sat Glut-|on'l`upp6rwu shtunoonu tholqond nndlngol tho `hlllruovotu-nnplnnnuwonld bounds bro couhnnoohotnunbo lndcnl and Ohlnnilobn govoenuum, ma mum IIIIUIII Ind Iudly boon ruolud when '$fC|tIII waned tho bout togoinvo Inynvcniadd gh oonhnnoound cl IhIou tddnnutohmonnIapond- lq&|qo&IiouhtApouo|'ulIoulo *p&q%m.bI|,kI0tohh wlqpolluy, Inpaudsnu. wn: - Ivvvl unnu- Bo ho Intblod Anny for nomo Hue jun prlot to tho nomad rosding of the bill. lint what In aid that oould help men to voh inlollkclly nobody ha been tblo to nd tum " II: AAnnIIA'l nnnnnluan AI` nnt da- I|lWIl`UIlI\ IIIIIIIIII Int vvcu uviv vv -nun out. Mr. Iuoulwu spade: an not do- uknod to put Into hiuory. ` A-U nuns: In-uuvuu-w U1! -mg,-J -uw -...- Kyua pap-u. indiouto em on. govern- mmhpurniag 3 out-ion count In as _....n...;..._..n:.n.an ;`,,.=':-..e~:v.u':'zEv?n':3.`*'E.~.;-:.. .. I! II! DOM-All III XIII- W7`. THE TROUBLE bBBPEN8. .'l`Io hllar particular to hnd.by the do ---I Q...`-. hulhntg QLAQ AKA mnunpn. ' ' IDWJIB. PENBII. 071031) Auhunt an Inn. n ---Iugunuup _ Miovo Us Stand: No Compot- Inn Gin:-J: ,........p -1 no Dinar.- {CC C... ...n".'...T.'.'i."...'.I Kn Lag:-and In In-2.81:: IL; - - .7 5. WHAT DID HE SAY! u IIIIIIII BIIIIIIOII IIIII1 -rilalrloxln and-an,. . . . -11-u-o `III `III Inn-an Wnm In I! 3.`? 1.3 -.i`.'?.'.'"a!2 -win` I1:tg>:` up n- 0 V I o W be nllood on I v ngnm `ncao I:unt am. In nanom- mun" "?' o'7s'.'Ta."o'.T;.`.'a'n'.".'E':.."n".'.'7c';."I."`: tho homo. Thy do not `hollow Nut Blr Donald Smith proooodod to uni Manitoba government without the full lmoivlodgo and oououwol the govornmout, and they .54..` On 4).. m.....m..... Inn..- In on Prtty strong to n I: Ihonldtndoal no W y_you 5UTH ERLAND $. rrontenncs Defeat Unurlos. A keenly contested hockey match was witnessed in the Kingston skating rink, Saturday night, between the Frontenacs and Onterios. Although junior teemi- their playing was by no means tone. The forwards of both teams rlormed some brilliant feats. During t e first hell it was dilcult to pronounce on the euperior ity of one team over another. so closely did they play and hold each other down. Only one point was scored in the first half, mid it was tallied in favor of the Ontario:-. Half the second part of the mstch mu played before the Frontenucs tied the o-core, and when once they started mulling points they did not cease until they had scored ve us against their opponents one The Onterioe seemed to hsve plnved out in the second half. while the Frontenucn showed the benet of closer training. The rnnml wnm 2 Dual 10-0: IIuU'\lvIIuuIIuU, -nu nun object to also government lbtblnz to go shroud that the Invitation to I conference was she naggutlan of the govcmor-gene ml, I5 that I! nothhg mm 0! it they ......m ........u.o. n. mu... an questions nnoula no line rollowmg: 1. Whether the Mid bill is oonnhitutinnnl an.| within the power of pnrlinmonh boon- nci. by reason of the hot that ii fallmm carry the romodiql order into oiloce to me full extent of the Illd order 3 2. And. lnumuoh an it acted: thoro- uiroment of the aid order, Autumn to `slogan the powcrc vested in the provincial Ioginlntion to levy I dlrcoiz ux within who province; 8. And propouo toininroforo with the law oi the provinoo which ulru the payment of tan in Iupporh ol 0 public schools; 4. Propococ to vans in the governor- Fenercl-in-oounoll the authority nppori.nin- ng to the lieutenant-governor over the province. in whom the oxoouhlva govern ment. over the province in vetoed by the Manitoba not, A WhnO.hAr this nnrlinmanh. in fum- Manibobe not, 5. Whether thin parliament, In ing a luv lor the due execution of the educational code of the mid um. has Iver on reserve to iteel! the authority to urbher legislate regpooting the uid matt.or.nnd. 61 Whnthnr Anv not. which thil unlin- or repeauum: u_y nu. This amendment is going to hang re. In introducing it Sir Hibbert Tupper end Mr. -Dickey raised several points of order which w'e over-ruled, showing their zeal in seeking to burk it. and their incapacity to fight 03' Mr. McCarthy. An exciting week`: debate is promised. the war going merrily on At the capital while the repre- sentetivee of the government present the nlive branch to Mr. Greenwey at Winnipe and nah what he can do to ease them 0 their diatreeeee. nu, -v vn-v u Mvvlll-' u-an V: In view oould repudiate its mum. Bo the government et Owen In get.- ting deeper and deeper Into trouble, end. .....l.u- Oh. nnlrlgnng II. n th-eklnn nlrl Illlfl In IIII uvw uuu uvu I Iuvv uvunuw -nu p I under the guidance (3! I dotlqg old mun, in becoming hopoleuly involved. The last .l:m....h- IL I... on lnn._t.hn tllmnnlhu nni UIUUIIIIII Ilvyulwxnl nuvvnvwun nu: -:-v difculoy It has mfaoo-tho dioulby now before lb--i|' the motion ol Mr. McCarthy, in unoudmono to Sir Charla 'I`uppor'I motion that tho houu go into oomnmoo on tho MIL which!-all on Iollowu ..m;_. 11- n....|... A. ...g .....n. I`... ah. 0|) FIJI Ulll. Wlllulrrxlu It uuuvwun "That Mr. Speaker dc not now leave the choir. but that it be declared elm before prooeedin: further with the consideration of the bill. entitlod the remedial not 0! Manitoba. the important end dioult ueetione of law eriling in relation thereto 5 mid be submitted to the eupreme court '0! Canada for in: opinion. among which questions should be the following: mid matt.or.nnd. 6. Whether snyjot which parlia- ment may a in` lrrovocnblo. amendablo or repealsb 9 by it. 'l*l.:- amnnmnnt in nninu tn hnna Gm, IIIIOVU U3 Dlllul nu \IUllI|lU|' Ina Stock. Bolow Us Lle No Competlng Drlces. V Can Thou Thing: no? I . C. MoCullgh has had uroat, dilculty in looking up" the one against. John .\lnuDonell, who received his preliminary heariu before police magistrate Dull" on Sun: ay moming, nnd ha deserves credit, for thomnnnerln which he has Accom- pliahod the tank. It in alleged that Mac Douell has for aevernl years been carrying an nunh lmrrihln niumuu an that. will: Uonell has lor several been cnrrylnu on such horrible offences as that which he now stands charged. P. C. Mc (Iullugh states than one room in the house in which the prinoner has lived, was He! apart in n playroom, and that MAcDonel| united the unnua ting children in E0 play in it. Que ome girls in court as n witnee-a. received It toy boat from the prisoner. in an inducement to her to viuiv the place. He frequently played the ddle" for children, ' and at other timeo- cooked tnffy and called them in "to pull it. " The evidence In. nrinoner n trial will l'lIIlIllIl)ll'l uuiuwulll. rlul nrv In-clan!-. Illld and Vegetable. In all diseases in which A pnrgubivo me- dicine is called for, Hamilton`: Pills may be used with safety and sntisfactioii. They can be when alilio by the most. dehcntu person or child or by the strong. as they contain nsihhsr ruinonls nor crude or de- leterious substances: their use may be lung continued without the possibility ol snlivntion or Any 0! the ill results so fre- quently amending t-ho use of ills con- mining mhoso substances. smll.-.on n Pills us safe. sure and mild. yet. prompt. Sold b drugigisba and dealers in medi- cine. no pi In close. A0 Medley : drug store. Be le Benelble end Obllglihg. A number 0! the commercinl travellers. staying at the British-American howl. did not, on account ol delay caused by the big snow eumn. receive their mail matter for three days until lent. evening. Had it not been for the courtesy opoeb olce inspec- tor Merrick. they would not have received it. then. and seven] of them would have been compelled to leeve the city without it. all endeevore eo obtain is proving unauooenelul until an eppeel wee made to the inspector, who et. once gave orders the! the matter eddueeeed no the British American be delivered. cooked Inny and called mom II! it. The evidence at prisoner be full and complete. Intorod Into Pnnnonhlp. John_ Foley, employed an foreman for the gnnolithio compsny during the construe Lion of the Articial none walks hero. in parmonhip with I mnnnnlnod MoDougs|l. ulgdor the Itylo of Mcl)ou ll & Foley, has entered Into business. Tgo rm has re- ceived the contact for laying gnnolithiv wnlh st Ottlwn. The competition result. ad in hrimrimv down the urine not foot for III.'O--ClCI uUvII'l-UIII uunurulo Altar conferring with reveal of the auirornoru of thqdniry nobool. Prol. James .u., o! the Guelph Agricultural college. docidod to upon an tho Ontario govom aunt in [nor 0! tho gontnugnt mung oontml ol I.::.lun:tit:lIlon. Bo will hand I an in; be onlu-pd, l Minna work be him up in the unnum- mmthgmdhhql tho school In nndoun Tho upon an - mu. ol the Y.l.0.. has nodm 1'31! Ioloodon iocnomou. Ht. Holman`: on- `I inxnnguonhuhuuolouohnmtnn an to ash, in v0 Ilubonhould hko a nu living caning Iunnanud Ibnuing-tinouAy.|tnppun.boIpcnt hlhhdv. In __ -_ - N In D mg GOWII WW PIWX WI [XI "Jr the walks utonohulf. If it. is decided taoconnruct my mom Incl: puomonu horqtho new Inn will Rondo: Got the anti, We will commence with Bar- gains. We will continue with Bargains We will end with Bargains. All the leading and representa- tive Ilylu in IIIII st UIIIIWI. `(no oomponmon noun,- od in bri ing down oho price per foot m nonltruof. nnv more Inch nnvomonta The lipui M Y.I.0',' In lnndnn inunnnmn. J.Haau... \"-`*3 . . . . ..E 0' J. IDDOVI I/`refereed t (9 match. % 100063 I] m Hr. IlnIInn'| ruin imrmr mm-Ian. wane; 'noNp}Lig. OITAIIIOII .KHln. ~ .ch|:WII. \\a\d`d.h11. < `mg 9.. mhokotruu. R. Mur hy. 0'8: on. nteh. ease and about twenty laymen. St. George's society oioere were: President. J. B. Merhe; vioe-presidents. Dr. H. Yates and W. Rudson; treasurer. S. Muokleeton;eeoretery, R. M. Horsey; St. Andrew`: society; President, Ken neth McKenzie; vine-presidents, John Car rutheril. Thomne Drummond; treeeurer, G. L. Mownt; secretary, Jemee Mobeod; marshal, J. J. Whitehead; ohnplelne. Rev. James Williamson. D.D.. Rev. D. B. Pearce; phyeicinnn. 0. 8. Strange. M.D , File Fowler. M.D.: bard. Evan McCall. St. Patrick : societ : President, James O`Rielly; vice-preai ent. Daniel Maoiirow; correeonding eeuretury. D. C. Hickey; re- cording secretary. J. Comerford; treasurer, J. Fnrroll ; grand marehel, H. Cummine: olmpleine. Reve.. P. Dolliird, H. Bvizpini-. Free Masons, St. John : lodge: Jnhn Kerr; P M., J. Fortier; J. W , Rowan; J, W. , John Sutherland; secretary, I). Fowler; treasurer. J. Wright; B.D., E. W. Palmer; J.D.. E. Frneer; 1.0., John Dobba; tyler, H. A. Gibeon. The Oddfellows, Kingston lodge. met in I hall, at the corner of Be 0t and Johnston streets. every alternate ondey, and m- inercinl lod e met every alternate ed- nosdny. T iere were three diviaion- 0 -the` Sons of Temperance in the city It the time. (leorge Brown was district master of the Loyal Orange society. and John Flimignii wne mneter of the county of Fron- tenac lodge. There were doinl .M ,- FURNITURE. JAS. R E I D an kw do`:-`tutu trad run- 254 8 156 PRINCESS STREET. - n nin Z__....- ll"|ln'lI \N

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