omoo. vvo nenovo an pnoonu were u not aufoionb supervision exercised, as pointed out by our oontom ry, and thnmon lroquont visit: in: non ohonldbe undo to the nun! nntit.u- ciom. now-any a youn oonpu. uoorge Ic- Iallnn and Emma y. eighteen und fhpon you: of Ago nlpoobivol . ntubmptod Io ship out and got married. he! emig- od I but livq-yuan with I flit dnvonnnd no nap on: no you named. The livcrylonn About noon any that uhrtod for Pmnoon on tut. uni-yuan mu: run dnvonnud any started for Pruoon inhonding to and that and have the I: dent in the Istut Anorionn style. Euv. of Platoon. in notind to be a mono n no man Anononn unyno. Hanoi Puuoou,vunoti8odtobo on the lookout-ondwoo to thoolbndor -Innmunnn -iljln -u-gal. 4.! LI. ..nI`..un nun nunury. `no um lnhdvoohhyoulglnn. ILI occupant-s. The early efforts. too, of the Spanish government not producing peace or con- quest, is change of commanders was made, and Gen. Weyler, the new captain-gene ral, has inaugurated a reign unparalleled, it is eaid. for its brutality. Prisoners have been shociingly treated. Under these circumstances the United States senate may feel that it is warranted in interfering mildly. by way of objection to current events. of Lhe appeal to the Spanish government for a change of policy. of sympathy with the oppressed. But it is a question if it has gone the right way about the busineu. and will not beembroilod in serious trouble by its imprudenoe. nc pic or Hll! country. mi the official report of the inspector of ponitentinrioa, just laid before parlia- ment, we find that of the total number of convicts confined in our various peniten- tiarios, more than one-half are Cntholir-_ A state of things which we very much regret, nevertlioleaa. we feel that those unfortu- naws should have some protection by wuy of representation on the executive. We have been told mom than once during this put year that there how been an interfer- ence with the special religious needs of the Catholic convicts. in fact we defy contradic- tion of this statement. We have pointed out rooontly that mom: of known hoatilit to our people ave been promoted wit I undue haste to po.~itions of authority in some 0! the ponitontlariea over the headi- nf dnnnrvina and nxnnrlannod nlmn some or me pemtennunee me noun- of deeervin and experienood olcers who ere Oet oiioe. We would even go liirther and state there is reason to believe that undue ndventege wee given in on im- portant buuineu trensection with one of those institutions wherein the "other fellow" gate pointer which nnnbled him to get there over his Catholic competitor. If. on inted out by the Record, it in n owl principle of government in Unnuln. to`b"rovide for npreeentetion of the Cetho lie portion of the population in thocnhinet. whz not extend or At least restore thin rig t to representation on the penitentiary Drench of the nhlio service b piecing on the board one ning the requ eite unlit]- oetion end ex rienoeto worthily ill the office. We lieve at preeent there in sunerrieion examined. An mono-on -pouoc. lcigptvulo Advumo. pl. 0 u um-dny oon . c- v. oinlwerecne and STAMPS Ian : no occasion lor I uuwu un lulu! On prlnoiplee which international law will recognize, nations are allowed to in- terfere where their Iubjeota, in disturbed territory, are in danger, where the in- tereata of their subject: are not respect- ed, where the inhumanity of the domi- nant power is such as to appeal to the humanity of a holy alliance. In Cuba there has been a great deal done by the Spaniards which cannot be condoned The insurrection in feet in the outcome of a form of government out of joint with the times, and the war has been the contin- gent of blind adherence to A policy wholly unsuited to the island and the condition of its occupant-e. rm... ....-I.. ..l`m-on Inn nf tha Slnnnish II : II HOD IUIIKBU. A writer for the American preu he: re- cently pointed out. that the purpose ol the Monroe doctrine originally was twofold. (I) it, aimed no the non-colonization of Ameri- can ten-ivory after 1823 by foreign powers on the ground that there was no more ter- ritory to discover. explore or colonize; and (2) in aimed at the non-intervention of for- eign powers when these undertook, as Spain did in Mexico, to eupprean the republican form ol government. and establish in in piece the momrohical. The United States. under Grant, at the close of the American war, nndertoolr to enforce the Monroe doctrine in that case. and the quiet. wichdrewel oi ohe Spanish troope left. no oooulon for 5 club of arms. ` I\ _,L,:_1-.. ...L:..L. :..o-.....+:nnn1 law Plan For Reprenentutlon. Kmoswox, Feb. 29.~-(To the Editor) :' Your fairness be nll classes tolls me you will give plnce no the subjoined appeal for an unrepresented clusa, made by the Camr- dian\.~.'. me conwrvnuvo party, in us no unfriendly eprit that we join our contemporaries on behalf of the CllLll()lll) population of this dominion in culling upon some of our rerroaentativo men in parliament: to bring i. ll! nmttor under the notice of the government. in such a manner as will ensure A remedy of such a gross in- justice at the earliest possible moment. Wlmwver else may have been the faults of the old nhieft.nin," he certainly never left; vvnuwvor else may nave Deon Lno mums 0! his government open to bhecharge of into! eranco by excluding our people from their fair share of prominent. positions in the oivil mrvico. let, alone as in the cum in nur snare or promvnem. positions In Lno service, mine question their total removal from the exe- cutive of this most. impormnbbrnnch of the pllbiI0 service. which above all. should be free from the mint. or suspicion of bigotry or injustice. We re-ooho the powerful ut- torunoo of the Record and True Witness that tlnip polm of exclusion is also one of contempt. for t. e sentiments of the Catho- lic noonlo of this count:-v. We reproduce to-day nn Article from the Catholic Record entitled. l onitentinry Administration too Exclusivel l roteaA tunt." Last week we iuhiialiod nn editorial from the Montreal rue Witness on the same uubjeot. Our l.ondoncun- temporary 3) ha for united effort on the part of `Ii ml in well as conserva- tivejournnlnin urging this importnnt mat- ter on the nttentlon of the government. Although it in well known that we are not in accord with the general policy of the conaervntivo party, it in in no unfriendlv anrit that we ioin conwmpt. tor me senurnen pic country. rom at n....:oA..oi...-1... :..-o l.:. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. done. Joan Onom. : lutiulyo 3': 1bAIL.Y 7'n3`1'rIsn w.1IIG."runsnAY. MARCH 3. 1395 I. FIHIIUIBHL UGUIITIDY [Ur lllllll IUIIHH .' "It is unnecessary to go on criticizing 'I`he bill means friction at every point. It may be shed whether in better bill could not be drum. I doubt it. The sub ject of education is by our constitution. entrusted to the people of each province The wisdom of the arrangement is shown by the fact. that there nrepeculinritiea in the system or in the iulinlnistmtion of every province. even the territories having A dillerent system from that of my 0! the seven province: The peculiarities ere due to the historical development and the stated conditions of the dilferent eeo tione of the country, but notwithstand- ing the Apparent. variety. we have nub- ntentiel unity and peace as well u I rauonnblo decree of *ucation1l uro- |'FcI10N AT EVERY P9lNT.[ I8 niiggencea uy an unu nugauou : "Aguin. if the trustees of 3 school din. trict require a loan far &he purpose of building or for nny other purpose, and the lienumnnt-uovornorein~counci declines to saiiotioii the loan, his oxcellency the gov- oruor-geneml-in-council is to have the power. (Jnu the Brimish North America not by any stretch of meaning be made to oover thin crnnuferonoo of rower. Besides, whnt, means are provided or informing his excellenoy n ndvisors as so whether there In nuifioient security for such loans ? "It. is unneneaurv cm on critinizino nunuu unity nnu weu no reeeqiablo degree `educational pro- greee. This happy condition hoe been u-- ~~rived at by truntin the good sense and the good feeling of t e people immediately concerned. Change: are mode from time to time in every rovince according ee they are needed. II)-lard and fun. linen are nowhere more unsuitable than in connec- tion with educational rowth. Coercion from without in elwnye ion: to free men nnd never so odionn as when edrniniltered by people who do not understand the ulinr conditions of the one, end who would etoutly reful-e to take the medicine` which they propose to force upon others An` full Um no themeelvee. .ven nt the leaf. hour, I would {sin hope that the goxernment will fnnkly re- cognlee that it is attempting the impossi- ble. The lonner it Doreeveree on the auntr . "Ila is bill would sonic the quubion. mon might. be induced 00 give it. u grudg- ing mppora. But olouly it will not. I Ioothut. umhbishop Iangovin in Already nying that ho ho for more in the lu- huro. He will more and nood it soon. Catholics muot now no um. u the Hon. Mr. Fielding put it : `One point eonoodod by the govornnhont. of Munitaohu will be worth more to them than hall-Irdalon nan-ninnnl hi tho nlnininn ' ...;;:`r::' '.*::.'m."a2" ss-?"- = `::':.::.'.'.'.'."`:~:.'.;.`:'. ;....." "'2: '*.::::r:: l'"i' i. "' ' N" d "'7 acdomuad Ink for old nnd younzg under gm `h nu" .'o H N .11 ulrcunuulou. Bold by all design in at thiucricnl qnoh In tho ed. . our nation and omplro, Canada night "dun `. Phn'dm`"' can vniolnghongllovu-at - 150.. pg... no fut ' ! ""`"'~ " Md` ""':"pu':"" nu-v...-3-"::'T| nu blomuuooold--ii:-N--o-to ta-'IlJtb|oUnr wuohcnuudoom .'.:..".:u.m:"..'.'-='""` "'"'%:"".::'-"...."'.'.".:."'.':*..'.':*'~ """*'. PRINCIPAL GRANTS VIEWS ON THE REMEDIAL BILL: llopu the Government Wlll Innkly lie. I oognllo It [I Attomptlng the Impossible ,-Boom For LItlgstIon-WInt lhoukl Ila nnnn. u locus. or to be lost. or do- ntroyed, when it cost: so little to have them hound lend them to O. H. OTTO. 151 Vvalllnnon Itroohund he will put. them Into 5 shagao con- lvl nlont. tot refs:-once and ornamental 0 your nu. bu. "(no longer In per-ovens on present course we wonrfor it. and the oountr "No. in hill -nnh-I until. tho nnnnbjnn worm more no mom mu: pl-olnind by the dominion.` "Tho government would "'1'!!! government: voulu no A man thing it it. called in followers uopthc and nnnounmdiu decision to begin again on the basin of Accepting the ptopouln ol Hnnitoba. "hnnlrl MA nnnnnn-tn:-I frnln Dancing In. IUDUIVII EDIT. Kmosrou, March 2.-Lut week your correspondent requested an interview with Princi 1 Grant. of Queen's, ngu-ding the remedf: bill. now before the house 0! com- mons. He asked for A few day: to care- fully read the manure. This mm-nina Dr. Grant`. kindlv lave rully read me This morning Dr. Grant kindl gave his opinion of the bill in the {o lowing bnnnn: norms: The proposed nemodhl bill. In In 0 in- wgll Adapted to lorftntn ovrozygno, t. us on: 5 mole 1'. com- blnu the pgtoo-3:00 o! 5 ng-oonclnuod. Donnybrook botweon the province and the dominion, with a bamneoide but for the Mnniboba Roman Oabholio minority. There must be dozens of men in Rlurlismont. who, aft/or 8 litole reeobion, w see how It In aura on Iran`: 'I"Iun kill nut: all Olin nnwnra nary expense. "Tho exocutivo olcer of the board is the superintendent, and he must have a good snlnry. He has all the work to do, and u nliicult country to travel over. Without this initiative nothing can be done. But his salary and the salaries of the local inspectors and the expenses of normal school and other hi her training, as well as more than lull t e salaries ol the teachers, are all to be paid out 0! a fundto be voted by the legiulature of Manitoba. Yr annnrln like n hnrrn Inlrn n` nnnv-an Manmona. IL sounds like a huge joke. Of course Manitoba will not vote one dollar. The elliciency of the schools is to he determin- ed by the inspectors appointed by the lieu- tenant-govern0r~in-council, end every school is to be deemed oioienb till an in- npecbor reports it ineicienb. As no in apecbors will be appointed we shall have l)othebnyn` Hall over again, if we have nnthing. oduubt. the bill save that env sum ll . e doubt. says any gr.mbe(l by blue legislature of Manitoba for the separate schools shall be placed to the credit, of the board: but there is not a pre- tence that the dominion government has the power to force nny such grant. The consbimninnnl quesbion is shirked. If the Roman Catholics are tlmnkl-ul for such a bill. the fox must, have been thankful for the dinnorto which the sbork invited luinn mm. However, let us suppose that the board does meet in the street or elsewhere, and ndannuperintendent who will work for love and put his shoulder to the wheel to set the machinery in operation. He or- ganizos a few school districts and gets trustees nppointed. These cell on the muni(`ipul council to levy ` separate school taxes; the municipality obeys. What. then? Section 92 of the British North America not. enumerating the exclusive powers of provincial legislatures. sub-neetion two, is as follows: `Direct taxation within the province in order to the raisin `of u re- venue for provincial purposes; T is surely deprivee the dominion government of the power to authorize the collection of such taxation. HT}... nnunrli.-.l lnnialntinn up-nuirlarl in 20th Century . Shoe? saxamon. The remedial legislation, provided in subsection four. of section ninetwthree. permits the dominion government to apply dominion funds for blue purpose;' but. in view of nrevious decisions of the nrivv (lOlllll0ll lllnll lUl' I/H8 PIIFPOBG; Duh Ill` view previous of the rivy council, which have jealously guard pro- \'in(`inl riqhta. it is diicult. to believe that. council, wnicn mive jealously gunmen rights, it; gives them power (.0 interfere with the fumlnmenmil principle of the constitution in order to carry out, their peculiar ideas of remedial legislation. Hlmnlrl n mnnininnlihv l'.rv the nxnnri. OI l`0n|8()llIl l8lFlliLlOll. Hlmuld n municipality try the experi- ment, in will nd it-elf in liti ntion pretty soon. Should it refuse, and ce board un- (lormko the work insboml. the litigation: will nmno 4: little sooner. mm... min .1... u........ mu... wm nnuo sooner. Tho bill proposes that Roman Catho- lion, nusonnad for the sup norm of sectarian schools, nrofrbo be exempt. rom cushion for puhlic schools. The British North Ameri can not given no power to the dominion government, to make such oxemptiona. If it, Ines, why not oxompt the Mennonites, 5 who came to Manitoba under promise of the moat. fnvorod moo treatment, and the Anglwunu, who had more schools in I874) than the Roman Catholics, And people who hnvn no children, and corporations? Than thn nrnvinnn would hava varv few now cmmren, nnn corpomuonar Then the province would have very few pooplo lult. to tax. Of 1|-xcenalty the pro- vinvo must proceed against. any mun who refused to pay n provincial bu. What. u \-orimhle Luculluc bun net. to the lnwyera is suggested by all this Itigabion ! "Amnin. lnnuooc. "Should it; onpportorl from Quolno n- . bol. who could the do? Bin put [Am-iar in never to do Va-v an/or mole raneouon, vnu loo now In In re to work. The bill puts all the powers 0 She provincial government) into the hands ofn. board of educntlon, which is respon- sible to no one. Tn nnmmnl. mmk nnwnrq tn ninn anntln. ublo to To entrust such powers to nine gentle- men. of whom nothing in uired but they shall be nominaily Roman at!-olice, iuo contrary to the whole spirit of our con- stitution that one is tempted to think that the measure must. have been drawn up b the innocent Father Lacombe. " hen. however. we look a little deep- "w nen, nowever, I00: name (leop- er, these extravagant were are lean to be a pure deluslon. he machinery look: wonderfully complete. It. in Ipread out. over fort pages ot type, but there in not I pound o steam to run it. Not a cent. is provided, oven, to enable the board to hire a room to meebin, or to pay its neces- \M.ALI.,r-_:N &SON `u uuuu ununm-no uuuuu uclvv vvvu u--.u.. lpub hen, however, deep- Ir. them axtrnvmrnnt. nawarn are lean to manna ny we aovmmon: government do bravo ulna vonthu growing worse unun ts lnemniy Urufglb` udvieed me to use l)odd's Kicney `ill:-. Teams of urine showed Diabetes and I re lined my danger. I had found it. im- possible when tired to stand upright. and at. such times wen drawn down sideways. In all I have used about one dozen boxes. and em now hearty and healthy as ever in my life. VI`-an--I --n Tnnlnn Ircvalylll Iuplvl. TBIVIILYAN, March '.!.--The snow hm: die-appeared considerably the hut. few days. so much so the hills are showing their heads. We have the crow with us again and we up r to be well leased. but next summer wuen the corn 3 eproutiug and .L.. nu... kn:-vinl tn thin the: rnwn its will died on Feb. zucu. Wm. Hnllidn iq moving on his ranch rented from lg Avory. John Flood in busy at present. drawing stone and sand. He intends moving his barn on A will this spring. There no law farmers in this section but drew a load of hay from some ` place to nuke them remember tho winter of 1896. Matrix Wright. and Leader re- ourod thoir sup ly u! ioo for the season. The Inter ow over the ice the last. day of cutting. (homo B. Looder in bunilv onrlzod Rot- eiigutlon, atulence. sour atoImch.orncu- tion of from tho| have their origin n o ditotdotod oondition of tho liver. No remedy an equal Hamilton : Pill: of Mmdnko and Bnttaornut for the "cane! I" diuuou o! the liver, stomach and howoll. They no vogoublo. mild in young nodiolno. Poison : drug non. urvnsml, UaI.. ran. zz.-1 caxem-moo she blrtlxdcyd of The gather of Hi: oun to: b atteni , ugueu, one oho rettlat ywoddingivo have had in Riversi o ainoel came over four years a 0. This wedding is one in which Igingatoniona will feel intereatad, the oon- traoting rtioo being Robert. 5 nor. non of illiam Snoonor of Glen urnie. Mr. llhlpmun. of Uwon Suund -Seven Yeuru` Acute Suu-Ing--D|nboteI Cured by Dodd'l Kidney Pllll. Owns Scum). March 2. (SpecinI).- Mr. Shipman tells his story in the hope that helnny benefit others. nnd any: ; As the result ofn tumble when a boy winch injured my back. I have been troubled with weak kidneys nll my life. For the put. year I have been a great, sufferer. growing until friendl dru gist. Kicney gill:-. , end no be well ieuoa. our. man the crow begin: to thin the rows we will then think be is against. us. Rev. Father Kelly is again on the mend; we hope he will soon be able (.0 look after his parishion- ers. James Herhisomof Jun` town, died on Feb. 260.11 afterelingeringillnou. The ro~ mains were placed in the Brockville come- tary. We hnve to chronicle the death of our esteemed neighbor, in the person of Mrs. James A. Ferguson, Cnintown, who died Feb. 29th. `Nun lhllirhv in mnvina nn his ranch -----??_._._..__-__.?._._ YOU CANNOT AFFORD (0 allow your Pa porn and Hnnuuines to Us around be lost. do- llttln married conmuon. After two weeks honeymoon at Cnronndo the happy couple will be found at, hmne at their dainty renidance, Orange Avenue.'ru (lommn Ron-+2. 52.`."'a bod b I ` I-go. ex-in uniyonngod t.- cin out mntnrinl for rum clung K319 bui dings on his new farm. Arthur Slack. from Long Paint, paid us I vinit. on Sun- day. K0 was the guest. of Jose h Leedor. Our achogl in giving good utilaction un- dot the munnomono of Mien Jennie Pnze. Our acnogl ll giving good uuuncuon un- der mungemono Pn e. Elgin. The zrnateu have thrown out. t. a old bunk-book beeches and replncod them with now ones. I credit on the section and I onmfort. to the ohildnn. In-Ilka`: Butternut VIII: l`-or Dylpopoln. (Inn - Ila... I-llRII'l Iluiturllui run: III! uy-Ir-you-a one a D000. It in too often forgottan that impaired in: Ul'BOI all|gJI|`I/I06 Doing nooerl: D ner. non 8 nor And no how of the aura. Gage of River- side. armor] of Kingston. and Miss Henrietta W alto, I pretty and talented vounnladv from Manchester. Enzland. uennelvu wnnme, prewy and menus young lady Mgnohooter, England. The bndegroom is one of Riverside ma n-om mononeswr, Aunglnnu. bridegroom : most. hifghlg octoomedjyoun mun, presi- dent o i. 6 Christian Eu eavor Union here and one of whom Kingston may justly be proud. Bio dainty bridoio one of the now giihd Indy violininu of Southern Clliicuin, hnving oolnplohd hot mulionl education in Oopenhn , Denmark, some two you: ago. whit or the had gone to nurse a dying niltaor who was an artist: or grab sbilie and promise. Tho w ding ceromonv took place in I ulna miniature or an. nnarovn onurou. kingston. The iiower committee of the Christian Endeavor society, of which, both the bride and bridegroom are mem- bers, decorated cheohurch in a. moat. arcin- tic manner. Palms. and ivy and foliage plants interspersed with cailu lilies and white oornetlonu lent n fairy-like aspect to the noene. A. Minn Willis Lavina urhn nrnniml nf. me An Min Lillie Irving. who presided at. the organ. played the wedding march in a fine style. the bride entered the church loanin on the urn: oi Robert Gage, who, as thezbrlde in an orphan. noted an father, Mr. Whalte having ggiied over A year a o leaving his two daughters. the bri e, and her youn er ulster Miss Tonia, strung- ere end loney in a strange lnnd~bub, club llxpow forever pastes they have by this marriage entered the large family circle of the Gages. Irvinge and Smart: of Riverside. rm... L..m. . ..,..l........ ..r ...L.a.. .:u.- mm. mvernlue. The bride : costume of white silk with bridal vellof tulle was exquisite both in its style and its simplicity-her only orna- ments were natural` orange blossoms. William Irvin noted u been man and Min Tonia W nine, younger sister of the bride, did duty for her 5isber.~-Miss Tunis Wheitn in also an artist bein both a nainhuu and u-n.minin.. and tin: m ".14: fnmi. IXIE '1)lIIOIIIl'I." nu-3-In-. Full Itn of University Graduates IPHXIAL ATTENTION given to utudantl Inpuin for nxnmlnntlom. Tho rening in- Iunoc o homo oomblnod with high mental nfiusxou. DEPARTMENT lulu char 0 I u: Faun. In. In. Bao., A.c. .. y are 0| nigmy artistic tastes. After the wedding march the choir sang abeautiful marriage hymn which some- what lengthened the. we Canadian, too brief service. However. the hands were joined and the ring placed in position and the words "I pronounce you man and wife were the oloeeto this brief service just as wear more len thy and solemn one fit home. In the a eence of our pastor, Mr. Hartley. who is spending a winter in the east the service was performed by Dr. Avery.of Vinton, Iowa, who exchnnged pulpits with Mr. Hartley for the winter. After the church ceremony the bridal party and guests adjourned to the resi- dence of Robert Ga re, where the reception and ban uet was eld us Mr. and Mrs. Gage di the kind offices of father and mother to the bride. Mr. Uuge in his usual happy style, when warmly welcom- ing the bride`s sister into their family circle, turned to me snyin : "I gave the bride away and now Imve both the bride and sister as new mom H of the family circle. Isnot thisa p fof the ednge-there is ugiving which doth not imgoverish Y" A In-Illa`; Ix:-Annnin nnnnninlllr Olinnn weir. no mus mmnmoui now: wim iw mu rooms. its court. containing the mreel, specimens of the botanical world, its din- ing hnllof 10.000 square feet..-it,s ball- room ol H.000 square feet) with raised dnia and orchestra. gallery from whence the sweet strains of music are disonuraml during each meal so that one eats inunirml< ly-wit,li its gmnd outlook over the blue Pacic and its rooms-~not.ably the Wliioe (`,humber--dreams of beauty. An onion 3 mrtv nf relatives and friends k7number--aroems or beauty. As quite a party of relatives nccompnnied Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spnoner 0 the train, showers of rice deluged them as they ate ped aboard the train. One gentlemen. w 0 had but lum- ly gone through in like experience him- self supplied us all liberally from A carriage rug in which he seemed to hnve an unlimited sup ly concealed--ao, these little tell-tale w ice seeds dotted the iceetumea of bride and groom in such quantities, that the monotony of the way -to San Diego could be relievegly,by (llllgelllw ly picking away these eigna ol their newly married condition. A n... o....-. ..mnl...' }.n..m,-mnnn uf {`.mmn...ln "nu wocuung ceremony won: plllc m Calvary Preabyterian church. which in l gun a miniature of St. Andrew : church. I-u--tun Th. own. nnmmhtgn nf oh. |m0Vensn.' he bride'spreeenLn, especially thoae from England and Denmark, were very numerous and elegant. An-.. .. ,1..n..1..c..1 .......,n.... .....1 .,...:..1 numerous unn eiegnnc. After ndeli htful reception and social time at Mr. luge`s the happy couple. accompanied by numbers of the relatives and friends, draws to Santa Fe station to take the train at 4.10 p.m. for Sun Die 0, and the far famed Coronado Hote- which, the writer having lntel vinited it can vouch for the fact that ii anything can divert the happy couple from the contemplation of themselveait will be -1 visit to this mnmmoth hotel with its 750 .....-.....z. N. .m....i .mnn.i..:.... elm I-nrnni vvnmw no 11150 aruar. Dem com a {winter and musician and the w 1010 fami- of highly artistic tastes. After the weddimz march the sum`: In.-"Iu- C-vulu I-ll on nuguuu ----w AI All American LIB!`- mvmm, 0.1.. Feb. 22.-.1 celeb:-uted -Jun hIr| .hIAv nl Thu Father of Hi: luff I u"IIlx IIIXK WIIU W5! III H|'ItIIIl VI grub ding ceremony place `.:\lwu-v Pranbvtm-inn church. which HE STOOD AT THE ALTAR. land. onto noalvod at any um; and fun from duo of oncnnoo. do:-carton In connection with Coll e. for term: `nd proupoottu Ipply to WBNWALL, .A..Pr1nolpnl. RIGHT IN oun Mu5sT. TI-evelyun `lfoplu. . .-. |A.....l. I) ,"l`Iu. __l _..l \IVI\' - .-- =..=.. .... b;"-.l:.B.`VbVlc7|.udV in the recent severe wenuner. "I am now sixty years of age and lino! taking Donn`: Kidney Pills my kidneyo. nrimuy and blndder hmublegnre ng gone. nnd I am (ling well and able to work with perfect. out.` I oen II p noun -. ly nnd have no bother now. Y , n can any that I henrtilv recommend l em to \ Anyone with kidnfy or bladder trouble " .-n . 'n,_ n nn_n_-A some or THE ARTICLES 1N THE vncmrrv NEWSPAPERS. a mujonty ol seventy-three. ` Willie McLaron, son of Mrs. J. B. Mcharen, met with n fatal accident while jumping off :1 freight: train near his home at Uurunm, Minn. His mother is n daugh- _~Qor of Heor e Gray, Bathurst. Anftxmo inueub town meecimr it was um: Nawsgffgr l)ISIRlCT.-| The Nays Put Into condensed llnpo-flu Iploodol Thlt Orootdlhlk II the Oil!!- trv and Heroaboute-A Oolumn of later onlnl ltenn. Francis McCambridge. Belleville. died Sunday aged forty-four years of 0. Mr. Douglwrbv, Oshawa, bu n ap- pointed local manager of the Rnbhbun Co., (lanauoquo. Wm. Airth was elected to till 3 vacancy created by the real nation of John Smith. a councillor of Ron row. nun..- n, w R ALI... A. 0,. u........ months ago, has reoovu-od. Minnie Brown. yonngul dlnhtat 0' Charles Brown, Brookville, diodv of pnou monla, aged eighteen curl. The steamer Jeanie in in being tted out. and will be out on the Clavt.on-Alex- captain. Mrs. T. A. Howe, aged seventy, mother of T. A. Percy, North Fredoncksburgh, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Thomns Pricu, at Wnco. Texas, on l3Lh Feb. Docun.-wed was a daughter 0! the late Stephen Rubhn. Adolphusvown. and re- Inuvud from this county about twenty )eura ago, rounding [Ill/Lel|` with her son. Mrn_ George W. Percy, ochester, N.\'. She lmd gone south bu spend the winter with her duughwr. Inc. To articular: call M. the College oioe or In! 0 to J. B. MCKAY. Prlnvlpnl. H1053: CHBOU OI HIGHS CTOIIDIO. Kidney croublo I echo the entire ayamm. Can it be cured? pond Irhnf. Jmmnh VVm.monar. vnt.nh~ Can It be cured 1 - Read whnt Joseph W goner. mnn nkthe opera house, inuston, Ont., has to any of his experience. H019 well- known in King-eton an n reputable oitinon, who well remember: the pnlmy days of Sir John Mncdonnld s time. In speaking to our I-opmsent.-u.ive Mr. Wncgoner id : --I L...-n haan trnnhlnd with kidnnv nom- said "I hnve been troubled with kidney oom- plaint for n great many yours, and suffered extra ngony at times from pnin in the back. My rent, was continually broken at night. by a frequent dqairo to nrimto. and I had to get up so qlten that I could not sleep. I luul Lnhm numnrnnn mmndiu unnam- 8 C0llllClIlOl` OI HGIHTOW. Estate of W. 3 Abbott & 00.. Gunn- oque. is paying udividond of so; por cunt. after all oxponaeu no mot. Levin Ranannn. Cum Vlnnont. who had 1ne uwnmer JOGIIB bun ll Doing uwou and be put on the Clayt.ou-Alex- andriu Bay route on April In . Mrs. Jane Dale. Tvendin . wu buried anurm my route on Apru u Dale, T ondinnz-3. w Sandal, in the byterian urying grouu . She was ninety-two years of B o. _ Mrs. E. C. Cook, Gananoque, who all Timothy Uhzrey. Tyendlnnga. The United States government has :1 am awarded Capt. Gus. Hincklog. Cape V invent, the contract for placing t e buoys in Luke Ontario and the St. Lawrence river for 1896. Min!` II Flm-Ian r-lnnahuar nf Juhn ment. of Lhe liver. At the bye-election, held in the town- ships of Kaladnr, An lanes and Eiing- ham, on Thursday, uniol Dafoe was elecbed ll! councillor over Wm. Hicks with majority of seventy-three. McLnron. lnml, 11 large lumber yuru unu. Ill [)II'Lll!Sl'- any with hm futher-in-law, operates the (.'ILIzens' bunk. A lucrmmu club has been formod M.'l`wood with the mo lolluwmg sol. of ofcern: Rov. .1` 1 . Flaming, honorary president; E. R. lluyck, president ; Thomas Mcnnn, rth nee-pre-mhmt.; Goo. Eucerbrouk. second viva pl`6sIl(l0llL; Dr. Polnoroy, manager; J. F. Me-Uowun, cnptnin; W. B. Huyck, macro!nry-creusuxicr; H. S. Wilson, eld captain. Howe. aged seventy, Ill LINN Wily convinced. _:...-. $UTHERLAND S.! inc. Tolonhono 1514 M701]. Btook street. A night-wnt.c|unan hu uncomfortable work. F.\-erybo else sleeps but he ban to work. All kinds of weather find: him nt his post, and he suffers often from the ro~ suit of expoauro. This takes the form in most. of kidne trouble. Ital... m..I.I.. . mm mm antire nvnmm. not sleep. I had taken numerous remedies recom- mended for my nliction. but obtained no re'ief. . I heard of remarkable cureoe`ec- ed 1) Donn`: Kidney Pills, and procured e box mm McLeod`: drug store. `From the` commencement. I experienced A green ze- licf. Had it not been for the pills I would, not have been able to get out of the house in the watcher. III .... mu. .:-on Ivnnrn nl um and ninm amt nu no mot. Rauauan, Capo Vlnoont, I tumor romovod from MI nook about two Minnie Brawn. vonnaoal dnnnhtar ground. Bile ninety-two or who down collar :1 week ago, died on Sr turday without. having regained conscious- H038. A. Burm, Deeoronto, bu nished A handsome life size but of Sir John Mac- donald for W. G. Egar. Ibis 0! butternut wood. ' wooa. Capt. Johnston will expend 01,000 on the steamer N ightingalo before the open- ing of navigation. A new boilpr willbe put. in. James Stokes. Dosoronba, was married, Friday, to Mrs. Simmons, dau hter of Mr. and Mrs. Louoka, widow of ute Charla Simmons. M.-n ihknna In-HA nl Jnhn llihhnnl, iI`.. to Pembroke for Inbermenb. Mrs. P. A. Shannon died at her home in Tyendinagn on Sunday Instr. Mrs. Shannon, t.h1r!.y-six years of 0, win I daughter 0! Timothy O`Lnrey. yendinnga. The States zrovernmenb rivet lor 1896. Miss C. H. Hodge, daughter of John Hodge, Belleville, died Sunday at Victoria houpical, Montreal. ufber an illness of about two years with heart disease and enlarge- of Llie liver. Ar thn hvn_nlnnt.inn lualtl in hh town- exhnur.-Mon nnd exposure. The body of the Into Joseph Rume ar- rived M, (hmnuoquo on Saturday from Michigan nud was Luken Lo Lho residence of hm brother, (jhriannpher Ruttle, South Luke. Fuuorul Tuesday. Mr. Ruttlo went to Mivhigun some yours ago where he prospered. Tho eleven-veur-old daughter of Mrs. IAIII nuvuuuuuuun nu vuuuu - The npplimtion of Nervi|ine-nerve in euro ~- which possesses such marvel oua power mar all nexve min, goes greatly Lo prove that it can. ervilino acts on _ the nerves. soothes them, drives ptin out`, and in chm wny gives relief. `Fry in and be convinced. cu m. cholout Stock. Plant Looking. .Mldo to order in Black And all shades of Tan. Summons. Mrs. Gibbons, wife of John Gibbons. Inn. merchant, Renfrew. died on Tuesday 5 her u long illness. The remains were conveyed Pembroke for int.ermont.. M... D A m.......n.. Jiml at hnr hnmn in _~gor or ueor e uray, oumun-u.. At. Cupo inc-out town meeting ununimously adopted to put in two public watering fountains, one at each end of the village, and to extend the road ab lighthouse around to Wileon s Buy. On Sunduv. Feb. 16th. at. Osceola, the lighthouse around W lleon buy. Sunday, 16th, soeoln, union in wedlock : bonds of amuel J. De- roclie, Renfrew, nnd Miss Matilda Page, llroiuloy. occurred. The bridegroom was aukfmrbed by Wm. Egan, Renfrew. rs. Hill, Picton, sustained a and afflic- tion in the death of her fourteen-year-old son. The lad was at Sunday school. and was slightly ill when he returned home. The case developed into pneumonia and on Tuesday he died. Uordon Wnrdbrouqh fell down the ele- Tuesday he (ll6d. \`\'nrdbrouglx vaturm hibsou & Ln'|dluw a shore. Belle- vulle. He c-ubredcsfracture of the knee cup and was otherwise bruised and shock- ed. He saved himself somewhat. by grasp- ing the cable us he fell. l.......a Mulnlm RI-nnlcvilln wan fnund the cable he fell. James Malohe, Brockvillo. was found died on the railway Lmck, -near Morris- town, N.\'., on Sunday. He mm a printer and wnamnking his way from Wnt.ert,own, N.\'., to his home. Death resulted from exhmusbion und The bmlv of the Joseph prospered. eleven-your-old daughter Richard Hurry, Admnsbon, is seriously ill, suffering from diabetes. Mrs. Barry lost her husband when both were in their prime. Lust; winner she fell out, of her cutter and got. her lug broken. and now her daughter is Mllictod. {` I` \A'nml \/Vnlnlnn Inwn, in at. Toledo nlictod. C. C. Wood, Weldon, Iowa, is at Toledo Lo \'iBIL his mothoruud brother. Mr. Wood has gxown wenlhhy niuce rattling in Iowa Llnrty yours ago. He owns L000 Acres of land, huge lumber yurd and. in partner- .hu. with fubher-in-law. operates WATGHMAN, what 01 tnemgnt? 3 hil-Inn II In ma YOGIIPIIII` "Om III` 5-, mist thou be our npodoneod nn'o`:3'a'1y I in hit pawn:-that tony (con owing toi I-oodlnndwooghor. Tho nck moon the `A mnmlwith Llnnxnnnonnl Mn w.n...J The Kingston Business Bnllegs Illll `$1.1. III IIOI `BO mun ' Inondvith thou olMrI._WsIhr Wichon, who in mill or if IAEGWIIJI `X01 I bu! sum or romouu: Inuncr unsung: on Sunday: but been ly amended. A ' load of young pooplo ve down an Mnjor; Kni M`: to attend the parlor `tooth and Al it oooiully And mncinlly. Henry` ` Hu-poll und wife have returned from m -pi-it In thongs}. 1?... "P nah... ngirl. nut to the sun. xwv. an be endured morochnd h. lnn In And I-nf.nfnn: `Z. VIUIII Ill lIlUTCUu lVUVo In lIU|II$ -Ulul ' morochndahiilon Sunday ' (sing to and returning In hi: appoint unit nnodoneod In one an i Iunlyuun any:-`Io ' Bxmxnxnl, Much 2.-For the am. on , Bnturdny. the mud wu openod lot II-no[ from Mr. Achi:-'0 to Cahnqui. Owing to 1 had sum of mu-lnnnd rubber nantlnpr from Mr. Auurl loo Uluraqul. uwlng no bod unto ol rondonod washer nootlugr nn Snndn-I Inn bun Ioorlv ' nrpoll ma vue nan ruurnoa mom a visit to the cut. Rev. Mr. Holmes uidl Inn Anal-canal nnn|uJ\nI-tlnhin an nnilnu ugh, I [Newest SW liresses `%Et }%WaI5dr0n`s. Puc1'Iou.Lv A Cuunun Conn-nu Wn-n Bnrmul Slmnnrrv. II-_-_--- -_..I--....M-4| AnIunA"U -6 l'M6n-n 75 & 77 PRINCESS STREET, Issues Policies on every plan of insurance including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits, De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any other company.` I00 Wellirgton street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Companv. The Newest and the Best Makes. [The People's Lile Insurance 00., Toronto. House =13 Furnishings THE ART GARLAND cannot. be surpassecf in beauty. durability, successful operation and heating [MCKELVEY & ;31RCH ` . ` power. RICHMOND 8: CO. R. MORAE .2 co.. Agra" K?~1qaton. UIITIHII BKUIIIITY. lhurvu II 0,dop0.-sited nnmnll It Ottawa and now Amount to one mlinz. l ollnn. Iota [own than the majority uf olco Inn: sud oholoo plnm of lmurnuon ou- .1 urv I .3 n. l1lV\l\lI'\fllll All New French Dre's Patterns, $3.5o,$4.oo, $4.50, $5 oo. New Black Crepo Dresses, $3.50, $3.75. $4.50, $6.00. French All-Wool ostumelotln, 5oc; 6oc, 75c. 300 pieces Newes Prints, fast colors, 8c, 9c, me. New Towellings; Sheetings and Pillow Cottons cheap. The Risk PURE AND SURE. jj Pure (io_l_d `. _. ELUQIT 1-3RQ_e - Brussels Carpets from 800. A I500 Worth Lnnwnj. nmullnu IA flnlnnn up-. {Pure Gold Flavorl Extracts are just as good as Pure Go dlaklng Powder. Inn-nldolul-cm ...- n.....L 0 _l`..- 0.1 .--uuu -.-.- 'v...r_.-J . Find: our , In addition to which mwllo bolt on have (or ucmurlty the unlimi- I (ll of all the Itookholulon. FARM ND UITY l ll0Pli'.B'l`Y lnmrod M. lovnt noulblo nun. Bdore rouowlnl old or 69 & 71 BROCK STREET. KINGSTON. of buying cheap goods is part of the cost. Every time on spoil a cake with cheap, puck- cry, alumy akmg Powder it costs you time and money. You would be better oin.the ehd if you used only Baking Powder on which you could always rely. Such a brand is >Th_ BesAt_S_e|e<;tiqn in__the city`, ----AND Bakihg Powder. t.hono.on "\` rd gr _tr-t autumn rmn ' " % PALMo -`x :"|'T`.3-i .5 EXCELEl19Ap `n all)? IT . ` -00 -'- cmmscs rut ll . H ` 51.5.: ml"! % SCALP. neuma g"3 id: THE ommzss mo um I - r so=v~- tho. _ , - R. VVALDRON Leads the market today; it is in use all over the country, and has never failed to give satisfaction. leadership Means Superiority. AND ll0Pli'.B'l`V lnnnrod lovut poulblo rouowlnu glvtng new bunlneu not run from RTRANGIC & STRANGE. Azanh. HappyThought ooooooooooooo nuuv Par '25? ART GARLAND fin` D/mo P\UW~;l h` Gzunzmsn l\- . --- 'I-, _ A _ .THE. KINGSTON. 0NT. Hllit Ci W. J. FAIR 9 1 l uduonuuuhum` ` Tailor-Made . . Shoe Evening London. Liverpool and Globe Fire Insurance Company. mum. nun: um lII'\ an In -.d.llol.\n on -hlnh C-a'l'I-;-P_l'uU7Ji7o'r'|gy` Axonnu. (`)i!loo.h`gu{3, . o . . 5 In 3 v . ahkpfgato IIg.mS. A. Ayn-3:3, L.D.S.. Fire Insurance. London Auurlnco Corpontlon w n unnwm. mum London 6:. Lanoushlre Life As- surance Company. __ __ _ .. . A ...-.... n._......... in... -I.`-Ugly.` Au vnuu uu----v- A lamina IIC Day Iehool for You: ladies. "oluoburl." Klll-Om null .o...n nr lfnlvnrnltv Gmduntas TJW ms` .90;L.t,!_G.E _AIn_-Q. A. .- `gum boclnu THURSDAY. JANUARY IND. _._, ODONNELL a IAREELL, BABEISTEB8. Solicitors. 13%.. M Dunno: FM-um. _ I. WE HAVE THEM BOTH. f BKBBY. no BROOK STREET. '1'!!! Mn` k sad Hun nnbloln the city. o_. m. ._-.._._._..__.... ___ _ )0 II & 80N,A1i5I{I'l'lO'l`S AND BUILD- , Iliwnntvoyorn. OfBoo-Wolunton Strut. .. .... ....--. I. N WLANDS, LEOHI'I'EO I' AND Appr I , corner of Brook And Kin; ...;- .... .A-v- nm. tnra Enmnnan on I0. W. BELL. VETERINARY SURGEON .- Doctor Dental uruary. Dlnpounnry uni mldonoa. 815 Prhnoouu street. Commits on: no. Ilrnnch o|ue$-Bl by`: Von. nusm7=Iss Po1rma1TsT .. I I).I).S. I'..D.8.. K.D. DEN- '1-xr.`W&.. no noon I nu.` lut- il, LII Unlvoulty Avonnu. 00 boats, In, to o p.m,. Bsuuginy gvgpl_u_1q_, {tag go. p_g-armour :_vcr Bear of a ARCHITECTURAL. Auwws us: 16` DATE. :-` Hons: Iltvaizir. As he ooneont beverage in to mailitnin constant health. ` HILLS? CUNNINGHAM Hole Axcnh. K naumn and Dlntrlot. .4 V"E:Du`rE[A`rIT6N`A'LI.` VETERINARY. W nunneu ([0! fl!!! IPOITI STRANGE O S1'RA.N(}E.A(ontI. PAIR nnnlgl Luann Kin: Htrant. '_|_='1NANcIAC `l'l*Vl_S.U>l?A"l\i(>iE;. "DENTAL. 1...`: pm... V. nu... u u V - V u -- IILIB? CUNNINGHAM Knonh. Dhtrlo ARCHITECT AND Apprl nor, corner than over Wsdo'| Dru; Elton. Entrance on (In; Janet. nut to W ulo oloo. (Kombar of the Ontario rmqr P Amhimm. _ B.`MCKAY. 'I'.I30I` hluotu). ABJOHI `. 0 can-81 Brook Street. 'l`loI.oI E um` etc. Be III: I. Wine 0 oo. RUBBER STAMPS 01" all kinds. Self-lnken. Llnou Marlon. Damn. Souls. Stencils. Bnnk. Ticket & Oioo Stampn, etc. Repair: promptly Classes I I BI II.I`Ulln| MUIIWII I Aunt. KIM Strut uu :3 ulrl 0 E 5.1:. uooun? AOOOUNTANT um um. Ill 4 mum Anni Rant: Ind Account: 001- . lonoytolonn ah I wont run. Oloo nu it... over Wadi`: my Store. .__.. . .rnuo.nnn snoesl |r'\no'I1i{o'-To'i:"t"-Fl 7` 7" dr uinnnhoouru for ginnuhuiod. Ivloufor proludnnul. u "4. nnonnalnunh on sub- no no . 100% to I r A . Oontroot IdVll'lIPI sllownd we Mun? hi wrk; on I use a Inn a pad or. ubh rwll not um- : blo for un ncnndln of tubal o I`! rlttan Mono she be sand on 3 no for lnurtlon. All advo ham uh no snoct to tho lDpl'OVI1 o! tho publln gr. 1 char 0: for ndvortlulnontn and mbaorir an: III no and mvnbh ln sdvlnoo. I E Olrl--;`I-AI. h , 'l`nDu.1` gglll Wgzt: b`l'1IKout';:7` 0..-tmnox. urnnn. 9- Iain ndvunoo; otherwise .51) will In olurud. ADVIIT . Hut lnuronlvo Hnu nd over. 11:`. po!.1`ino. Bub oonuont vo lmu-Mon \ . Once a wool ve um: and 'o\vox. loo. " Twice 3 won . " no. Thuo tlmun week, " luuuromomn by A solid noslo. t olvo llnol tojhe lnoh. , _ - Mr. Ohcplcuu in again Ipokon of I moouuor In Mr. Ouimot A: mini r of public work; while Moan. Poliotior and Flynn, of the Quoboo govcmnont. an looked upon an likoiy to replace Caron and Dujudina in the fodonl cabinet. Then in oouzuhiug like this Moot. Mr. Chnpluu having found it oonvcniont to meat. Sir Chuly `Puppy: in Ilontnnl on Bnhmdq und lundny for: unit of doop Iplritntl tanning. Tho one unlikoly hntun About Ihonhlr in tho nlcnnoo to Caron : ro- unnonk Ho in not an olthorotiring Inhul Onlbovholotheroiungnudulto onpgothopoliuoiuuthuodnyo. macho onxtotyb ontbo oonurntivo aide. An XL}: C idnlnnnn AL. DIIJICI 1 VII iv UTIDIIVU UIUC- QII Otuvnoornupoudon plosunotho - vptlnpu-Oyudylugddrynt. vbllotho llbunlpnnylullalvoundjnhllnno. And am . about an Ilodnon um. charge for I uottuloe. Contract: for I u Mod space are made for Ion term: for maroon lo nnnounnolnontu. but not of bol wan , fgr nlo, to-lot.DIf*F ltrlhlpl`, Mn on or nu in! b0 034 5-fl nnnonnovmont of or mun sown! 0? Ilillllnludntl mnoufor mohulnnul. aivuevlvu :1 Vin va I :1 vv n. The air of Ottewa is full of political rumors. Some of them are reasonable, some of them are the result. of idle gossip. First. it. is announced that there is to be a complete cabinet. reconstruction. Sir Mackenzie Bowel! and Sir Chnrlae have lied an underetanding, and it ie under- stood that the premier has changed hle mind about holding the fort. Alter think- ing the matter over he he decided the: at his time of me e eeuon of rest abroed, at. the country : oxponee, would be very re- lreehing, endeolie has consented to be- come the high commiuionor and make way for Tupper, the Fifoh Bah ol the government. It was mind that Sir Adolphe Caron had his eye on the London ooe. but he is overehadowed by hie super- ier in year: and preeuge. Th... :9. I. l..o_h...o.A nus H... M. n.I- up: an I-nun -nu yyv-nu`:- Then it. (I intimated that Hon. Mr. Duly In to resign hi: place to Hon. Mr. Kirkpa- riolx. Mr. Duly (who cannot. be ro-oioctad In Hnnllobu) taking the dice of lieuten- ant-govornor o! Onurio. Such A deal going through Mr. Kirkpatrick would pro- bably not I not in Kingston sad the con- tnnc with him And llr. Brmou. n oppon- enu would be H mm M anybody could Wpor f uuno lnuu on ma or."1{n ubaut 1711 ram - sngoet opp:-onto! Mom In no and pcynbh Ooon of unlnuor rated uuoolnuonn or Ioolotlon will be hol pononnlly ruponulblo for on-don they give. -. -._..- -.., V _, .._:_____._____.______._.. AOPHEBBON an HOOPER. AUDITORS, Aooountnntn and Estate Agents. Fire. Ind Aooldaut Innumnoo. Mono to loan II ovum |-Mu. Bblluenco Itroet. lngnton. B. luwlunsou. 13.. J. Hoorn. Tli IJ-Wllillhx ll pnnulnou on -uu- dn. i nnfurodnyn M. 01 A your in Ad vnnoo ; O1. other-win. Atuohod to the DIDOP in one of the but Job Otou In Oonndn; rapid. stylish and oneap work ; nine lmprovod 1nln5 uremia. DW. . B. P NEE, JOHN OFTOED. Prnprlotor mm W: m 5171351 WIIIG s pun. uoolumnn. npublhhod ovary Thu: a mom- ln at on you, if pnldln udvnnoo; at urwlno 01 r on. 73%. K1-WEEKLY In pnblhhod on Mon- on Thundnyl MIVIDOO; , Hui nun n uuna anon. The present year is remarkable as being not only leap year, but the laet leap year we llllll have for eight years. By the Gregorian rule, which came into use in A large portion of weetern Europe in I582, but we: not introduced into England until 1752. a leap year in dropped at the end of three centuries out of four ; all those, in fact, of which the century number is not devieible by four, or the year number by 400. So that 2000 will be a leap year. 1900 will not, and after the present year there will not bee leap year until 1904. Since the Gregorian reckoning was intro- duced intolingland this has only happened once, i800 being by the rule an excepted year. and no leap year taking place from 1796 (the year of Napoleon`a first great campaign in Italy) to 1804 (the year in which he assumed the imperial title). The Runeiane have never adopted the change of style of the calendar, and after 1900 their dates will differ one day more from ours than they do now, since they will have a February 29th in that year and we shall not. Persons born on that day in the present year will not have a birthday. in all countries where the Gregorian reek- oniug is followed, until they are eight years old. V . nyvnn t'1r\r\ n I1:-evvtvrxlv :1 IV nun uvnuuvs nan. The Herald having announced that Sir Charles Tupper had gone to Montreal to ask Donald Mecmester, Q.C. , to accept the candidature for St. Lawrence division_ Mr. Mncmsster sees the wisdom of making an explanation. He says Sir Charles Tup- por will in no way interfere with the rights ol the electors in each division to select their own candidate lt is," he odds, for the people of each dlvisiontonnme theonndidsteand select whom they please. \Vhy is he so anxious about the mutter? The people ol Montreal Centre not so long since gave the government In most ellectunl snub for undertaking to run them und their business. Sir Mackenzie Bowell under- took to select ll candidate, and after many interviews induced l)r. Hlngston to run as the government supporter for the vacancy crested by Mr. Curran : appointment to the bench. The result was that many conservatives. nngered because 0! this and other nrbritnry actions 1:` oh. lrnunrnlnnnf. m...-.lo..A -...l VI VIIIB llll\-I IIVHVI I'll III I'll, -\]I/IU of the government, revolted and helped Mr. MoShnne. the liberal candi- date. to defeat Dr. Hingnton. Donald Muc- muter has not been blind to that ioeson_ He has been talked of as a candidate for the St. Lawrence division, nnd he seen clearly thnt. accepted ll candidate here. with the understanding that he is the gov- ernment`: man Friday. moans disappoint- ment and defeat. Hence his repudiation of ii rumor connecting Sir Clmrioe Tapper`: visit to Montreal with his nomination. and hence the indirect but none the lens em- phatic declaration that in the future poli- tical affairs oi Montreal, especially in the ohoioe oi candidates, the govermnont must keep hands oil". THE DAILY AVVHIG. Mr.-Ohnplcuu nu an M: nut-...A .- ....:..x .. ANNOU NGBMEN T. TVHY NOT A LEAP YEAR? 1 L1,, RUMORS l'9M OTTAWA. A .i.. At n.....,- :- :..n P\` ..- ___.___.___._______._. ONIY TO LOAN IN LARGE UR SMALL mum. at low nun 01 interest. on City And um Property. Loom Iruntea on (my 5nd cy Dobontnros. A ply to olu DIIOOI. unnnr Frontenso am In nvut aunt Boohty. onus. opposite tho Po: Oloo. "OPV" P" Orbem Dioor. IN 0 ED Prop! Auk Ant nulnou Manager. Tllalfllllll nlngaa 1.5-; . _ . H A WISE CORRECTION. n,, III, , and Found 1 3. per word 1: ho. B . PENSE , Proprietor nan. The etete depertment oi the United Stone government he all the excitement on hand which Mr. Olney end hie neo- cietee can desire. The action of the eon- ete in receiving {or coneideretion a motion concerning Cube.end eepeoiell y the re-colo- sunz vs. THE UNITED swarm nimtion of the ineurgente, hne eroued ` the vver feeling oi Spain, end now its peo- ple talk of epilling their blood in defence of their righte end honor. \ The United Stetee government ie ex- erienoing the denger of en unwise dis- play of the jing-o epirit. The Cleveland `ineeeage on the Venezuelan queetlon wee an ill-ndvieed enlr, the reeult of o mnn.- ueuelly cautious. sedate and Aeeneible, V eittlng down, end, without full conden- tlun om: eote. loditlnge very etrong etetement. The Monroe doctrine wee ellowed tobe e hobo: in the boundary dlepuu, though elnoe Clevelend he had hie my other: who know more nhout ancient hletory then he doee fell toeee where the Monroe doctrine comes in. : Now, in this Ouben elnbroglio, the Monroe doctrine ie enpposed to be in peril. How, it is not etnted. . ,,,.-.,_ r,_ ..L- n__-..z_-... ....-.. In. M. no Iooloub-and woo to thoollumor vhooomu within reach of bio units 0. The (minor bonded Iho nhornoon min or Proaoots also. and the Inuit cocoon! ro- ooivod but night was that the couple had boon ndbyihopoliooat Ill-I. Dun- I|n I nndn. Tho hm: woman in I Iuwulhnuln. Oucoupon 0 than may yoon his n.........."" *::"'........' .. ... .:'.-:3 : "l.hno no. .uuduoodlou t." Hi ohm have boon ulhd, I olII=vIn ICON damn. |:-";...':_-_ .. __ ""~s-'::~ uunmm srmuss wmasl