~ Strachan's : Hardware! unoni). l$owInAn villo. no-5):-addont -- . Bonlmin ( bury department), {labo- BURNED JUARICO. -._ ` M nun-qt rluliuoru. HA1-'A$AV, lob. 22.--Tlu Bpuinln consul. ulsnio Dom ha nooudud in ob- I. ICOXI1-U. (E |::.:*'*'*"'" nvutuuuu -can--s n-`II-Uuu III! anus OI. LAWl.lN!l. Kyl, Fob. 22.-Ao invin- tion, to Iddreu the luv nudenu ol the auto university. has been declined by Chauncey M. Dopow. [He said tint tho reuoninthntutlbo bculty had rnfugod Col. RoI)OI't'G. lnnnoll not-minim: on lhftuod Benin lngonoll Ida nu og_ Lnwnnuvr Kw" lab. 00 A- .~__;., uuugnwr. ` Sir Mackenzie Bowel] arcigpd in town this morning to attend the fuiel. He will return t60t.tuvn to-night. A Iennle Inner. DA.'RVlLl.I, N. \'., I-`eb. 22.-Mr|. Velou- tine Kurtz. of South. Deneville, bu now nbetained from food for I riod ol thirt. - ve dnye. and luring got I ongno hr wit - out oolhpeo is tryin to outdo all record: in go lucin line. 5 k h o! r self-in ictaed he er neoglbot-I` en- deavored to dissuade her from berntempt. but now are urging her to break all world : records. She is very weak and conned to hei bed. - ' or the limb two weeks. manner or Lady Van Horne. writs of 0.P.R. pneaident,diod at her son-in-low a residence, Shorbrooke street, todny, a seventy earn. General debility wd ol caused nor death. Mrs. Hard belo to the western states. where she leaves son: and duughtenl. Sir Mnnhmrin Rn-.lI ....:....I -'.. ------ HOBAT S I State at the Province. FRI\`.DIlH("l'().V, N.B., Feb. 2`2.-Tho pub- lic ll` zounta of New Brunswick for the year endin Oct. Rlsh show the revenue to have been 7,437, and the ordinary ox- penditure $684,634. New Brunswick hm: boon uddin to in: taxation, nnd i_n the twelve mongin under review collected I27,- 755 from insurance, banking and other companiemnnd 89,729 b an inhorihnco tax. The grout debt 0 ch province is $2,912,986, and the net debt ($821,412, or 87.50 5 had. Death or Ign. nna. MONTIIAL, Fob. `22.--Mrs. Hard. the mother of Lady Van Horne. pmsidenhdiod son-in.lnw . p--`A-am Reunited After Thirty-Four You-e. SANnt'sK\', Feb. 2`2.--Mns. E. H. Bowne, of Hartford. Conn.. has just been reunited with her husband after is so ration of tliirty-four yeere. In 1862 r. Bowne went to the war, leaving hie bride 0! three months at her home here. At the end of the war Mr. Bowne. who bed never written home, did not return. Hie vile geve him up for dead end soon removed to Hart- ford. Some time ego ehe leerned thet E. H. Bowno had obtained epeneion. Correepondence with the peneion bnreen resulted in locating the peneioner, end Mrs. Bowne errived here A dey or two ago. The meeting was e happy one end the reunited couple are now domiciled in in this city. - A urnvo umnaer. Mu.vraR.u., Feb. 2:!.--Father Lacombe'a `.1 threatening letter to Mr. Inurier is likely , to prove as damaging to the cause for which he in laboring as Bishop (lravel'a boast of inuencing the judgment of the rivy council. Both parties leel that he as committed a grave blunder. Qtxnm`, Feb. 22.-Prominent liberals of Quebec held a meeting at Senator Pelle- tier'a residence. last night, to discuss the stand taken by the Roman Catholic church in the remedial order and it wan agreed to interview his grace Mgr. Begin, Adminis- trator of the diocese, auto t a proposed .` nmndument which the epiecopeoy was . about to issue for the guidance of Catholics v on the Manitoba achoolqueation and on 1 the remedial law especially. His grace in reported to have declared to a rominent politician that the episcopacy di not con- I template any such measures. ' _____j_. l ' DAILY ueinomscrauon Ill 1'n1ladeiphis.:.__ Hearty greetings to our Amerian kins- men who are oolebratin Washington's birthday. We join wit you in doing honor to your national hero by advocating fraternal union through a permanent cpurt I of arbitration: for the peaceful and lxbnor- able adjustment of all differences arising in the English-speaking fn.mil_v." yours very Lruly, (inovxn CLEVELAND." Lox nos, Feb. 22.-The An lo-American arbitration committee sent. t 6 following cnblegrxun to the chairman of arbitration devnomstration in Philadeiph5s.:.__ Hearcv szreetimzs our Amariabm Irina. puwn. The subject should be discussed with a clear perception of all the features belong- ing to it. and in a spirit of patriotism as well as love for mankind. Hoping the con- ference you contemplate may result in stimulating n sentiment in favor of just and fair arbitration among nations, I am, ynurs truly, Gnovxn CLEVELAND." Lo.\`nn.~'. Feb. 22.-T'hn AnoIn.A......-.'..... retary. 1!. salt! : "My dear Sir,-I shall be nimble to at- tend the conference to be held to marrow in the interest of the international arbitra- tion at the city of Phile,de'phia. It should be entirely unnecessary for me to assure those who advocate this cause of my hearty sympathy with any movement that tends to the establishment of peaceful agencies for the adjustment of international dis- putes. "Thn nnhinnt. nlu-mm ha A...........I ...:u.. .. or uuuressea were made. President Cleveland : letter was received with much applause. It was dated at the executive mansion. Washington. Feb 2lst., and was addressed to Herbert. Welch, sec- retary. It said "Mv danr Flip _l .)...n L... ......m.. .. H. % Th '98 modoh have u*rl;od und to convince ong Clltolnon mo_n_ full] 0! the exceptions! conreren was held in the headquarters of the Univ ` sal Peace society by prominent advocates of arbitration for the purpose of discussing the feasibility of the creation ole court of arbitration for the peaceful adjustment of the diiculties that may arise between the United States and Great Britain." Judge William N. Ash- man presided and many were presen t. Letters were read from president Cleve- man preamea and president land and secretaries Smith and Morton and postmaster-general Wilson and a number of addresses made. Prnnidnnt. {`.|mml..nA'. Inn. ....... _..A-:..--I In Fnvor of Just and Fair Arlpltntlon Among Nnlonn. PHILADELPHIA. Pm, Fob. 22.-'l`o-day n conferen held in the headquarters ` nociotv bv nromimmr. wu no POM)" a grand total 0! 1 r. Blnko s fee and exponua I5 ` nmounbod to 2,100, or 810,500. Iuyne In which no nu pad the compli- cated details of then itrstion And the do- torminod mmner in which ho hu kept eounaolto the point and pushed ahead with the hotkin . HI: um-d, New Zahnd ptpora state, in who! in hvor of the govern- ment. Mr. Blake holds that the company is not entitled to any damugea In respect to mum? and timber reserves; that the seizure o the line by the government Wu justified, the compsnyhmixng been guilty of unreasonable dolay. and that there mu luulneu, nun compcnymvxng been Qlliltay of dola , also I wilful brow 0! contract on the part of the company. Each part. pay! its own legal costs. and the costs 0 umpirngo are divided. The costs of both parties are ex- tod to reach grand total of 100,000. : fee and axmnnn u nmnim nlnle went to Arnltrata. It was a claim by the Midland nilwoy . oompcny of New Zeoland against the Ney . I nd governmentfor l.584.000 damogdo ly eight million dollars) for breach of act and wrongful seizure of the line. . In the tint I00, when it was decided to ' orbit:-ate tho iuputa. Sir Brnoe Burnlido, ox-chief, notloo om. Ion, no chosen to not no or tutor for t oompony. and Sir Charles Lilloy, ox-chief jutloo of Queens- land, in I oimilnr on ty for the coloing. At an early o o the ' lugs to two V arbitrate come to I deadlock over the queotion of jnrildiotlon. and they retired from the cue. Mr. Blah thereupon decided to go on with it alone. He made I ver marked impreuion on tho public. oayoa ow Zealnnd paper, on ac- count of the clear-headed, buoineu-like , otyle in which ho ho: pad the compli- clejtnila itnt_ion_ the Ontario : II-Pnn1u Inlod In Favor of th Government. Against 3 Bunny- Qnuhlngn lull`; for lastly llggt Ill- llon Dollnn-o End to to It Alone. Tononrro, Feb. 2'2.-Now Zooluud ' u just to hnnd ivo the result of the _ ul railway cue t are which Hon. Edward Blake went. to ubilaratn. If. um. . nlnhm 1... 9.. M:.n....: ...n....- THEFAMOUSNEW ZEALAND CASE WHICH HE WENT TO BETTLE. ]. anwmm sgAm nncmmg 370W BL/NDIVESS. ____., , .__.__.__. CLEVELAND'8 MESSAO E. -.nw,wv. umpire anauantulluluou and Uorlntt new ooonthofonnocwould lung -out strum hatch in II Puo.lor while coma III Iuhur knock-out "3 Cum: blow." Ibo lb! . .5000- I I I IIHDI, M SOUR STOMACH. FLA-TULENCY. IIEARTBUDN -ml . 1"" ,,_`_ mmaesnou - --v rum. `I'll A I'll! I.AX_I'I.I. -"Vi . " _K.DuC. con ..a_._..._.- I ul-non-.110. u.-uu-mu J. Human, found ilt ollinvin oonndlhodooth ollmiy l,unIoglqh girl,wu..n. toneedIounyurutnItaunriaon.. on sunny nan. III nngulp girl, val I ltoncodtounyurlinauloprbon. op _Jn.oI loot: Tonono. I-`ob. .--The body of Jnmeo Soon, {or many years" one of the loading ` nail dry goods merchants 0! this citymbo recently cold out hi: buaineu on King among band in Ricardo nvinc,w- d.|',I A ` . t. nppooodtarbe I cyan dn has boon suf- uringlrola oolhning of the brain for some tilno. um: um 04 won. una nmve Into town and "eat em_ I: " to I largo party in a popular saloon, n tried to run the pines, And had to be arrested to keep quiet. -yruu rue: II A lDI'l'I)I'- Myrtia Peek, I daring hornewomnn. who bu Von exhtbitiona here. is in trouble at her iohigan home. Miu Peek, or my rho is known at home as Mrs. Frank Hoffman, was arrested` in Mendon I few (la 5 I510, charged with being disorderly andvpcid n ne and 37 coats. She dmve into town "cat. em on" to I Inr-nun mu. .'.. . nuugnn, eons:-ea. _ Arti|lorioa-W. London. god; J. Duly, point.:S. Grimlhnw, cover- int; F. Lig. hon, W. Irvin, wings; W. Weddell, W. Souls. centres. TAYLOR S New store: mm; W. morn-land. covor- int; J. upre. J. Laird, wings; R. bhown, R. Hlllignn, centres. Art.illnrinn--W, lAAlInn "m-ml. I l\.|.. - nuuuuy vonuu. This morning the Brooks defeated the Artilloriea by a score 017 to 0, thereby winning the two matches by nix points. Tbohnnowora: - Brooku--J. Devlin, goal; J. Quiglo , 'nt.; W. McPu-land. cover-Point; 3' uure.J. bird. winol: R,1.h.~.-.. n Mitchell Advoonte. Jnmee Jones mn down to Kingston, last. week, to transact some business with Jim. Sheen, n convict in the penitentiary, who, it will be remembered, we: sent down for ve years for sheep stealing. Mr. Jones enjoyed his trip, but he ea 3 he was sorry to nd Sheen very much c god for the worse. Hi: {we in swollen end he com- ieinn of being much ti ou bled from a sore ac-k end leg, and feared that he would not live out his sentence. The report in circu- lntion eome time ego that he tried to escape. r and in doing so met with an accident. is without I particle of truth. A Vlllt to Kingston Penitentiary. Mitchell Advocnu. Jnmnn Jnnnn I-an Ann.` 9.. l.':.......s.... I "increasing. Those w Hamilton spectator. From the provincial treasurers annual budget it appears than Ontario is the aobereet. of all the provinces, and that drunkennoesia steadily on the decrease inbhie province. Everybody who is old enough mcompuro nooiul conditions as they are now with what. they were twenty or even ten years ago known that temper- ance sentiment: and Eracticeldnre rapidly 0 won attempt to coerce people, by means of prohibitory leginlntion, t.o:atpE drinking strong liquors, only Interfere wit the steady reformntory pforell and are not the wisest. friends fl. 0 temperance cause. Socul revolu- tion: cannot. be wrought suddenly. Deseronto Tribune. . James Booth, one of the oldest residents of the town, died at the residence of his son-in-law, George D. Smith, on Feb. 17th, sfterashort illness. Deceased was born in Uurteen, County of Kilkenny, Ireland, in June i812 and came to this country in [839 settling in St. Catherines where he ~oon afterwards took a smell contract on the Welland canal. During the stirring years of the rebellion of l837-8 he saw Active work in a troop of cavalry, and frequently carried despatches toChippewa, dtc. In 1853 he moved to Napanee and resided in that town and in Richmond until about eight ears ago when he moved to Deaeronto. e was married in N37 to Elizabeth Flewelling who came from the same place in Ireland and by whom he had nine children. four sons and five daughters, all of whom, except John the eldest are still living. His wife died twenty-six years ago. The following are his surviving children: Thomas and Henry in St. Catherines; James R. in Deser- onto;Mrs. George Mable. Thorold; Mrs. John Russell. Richmond: Mrs. George D. Smith and Mrs. Alonzo Youn , Deserunto; and Mrs. F. Sanford, Bellevilib. Deceased was a member of the Methodist church and a staunch conservative in politics. under no clause of the treaty. President l)ioz has taken the ground all along that the Mexican law did not cover prize ght- ing; this endeavor was merel to prevent the fight out of consideration or the Unit- ( ed states. Corbett Is Still In It. Cll.[( MI(), Feb. 22.--J. J. Corbett, who styles himself Champion of the World," ` wires Fitzsimmons: I will meet you in ` (fhicago any day between March lst and 15th. and will make a match for money or simply for a purse, the fight to take place anyw iere on earth. You will never be considered champion until you put me out of the way." Corbett intends to go abroad the coming spring. He will start about the latter purt of May for Paris. From there he will visit Ausuia. William A. Brady, his manager. said that Corbett may visit Eng- land and see Jackson personall and try to arran a match with Peter. (gzorbett may visit hina, Alricaand other countries be- fore his return. Brady will join Corbettat Johannesburg. The pair expect to be away a couple of years. The Fall 0! Peter Jackson. Ni-zw Yank, Feb. 22.-The greatest colored ghter that. ever livnd ;. M... i.. IIYOWIII Ill 1 Hamilton the umvinnin ome Safely out of Two 0olllslone-Bm-s` Horse Hart. The spirited team attached to the A battery sleigh bolted on Brock street at noon to-day, and the driver lost control of them for a time. They dashed down Brock street: at a furious co, and in turning sharply on to We] ington street, nt the corner of Brook and Wellington, slewerl" the heavy slei h round with terric force. Rees mi k sleigh was being driven past the crossing at the time. nnd one of the horses attached to it was struck on the breast. by the rear end of the battery vehicle,causing an apparently deep wound. The second team took {right and they also bolted but were stopped ere they had one far. The battery horses continued t eir mad gallop, and came into collision with Lemon} grocery sleigh, knocking a piece otf the rear end of it. They were nally captured belore they had done any further damage. `In! LIIO Doseronto Tribune. Jmnan Rnnlhh nn GBHIOOK. Harry Leggebt, Deeeronto. has secured a potibion in the government printing bureau, Ottawa. Mr. Pooler, formerly of `peaeronto, is aforemnn there. New Belts, Belt Buck1es,White Cotton Underwear, &c., at mrs. 1.. mono, nee Mica Hope Booth, aotreu, formerly of Newburgh, was mur- nied in New York to J. A. Bain Earl, Kin- derhook. I-I'm.-.-nI.........Ln h-_-____.. I I rromouen ox the electric railway be- tween Perth and Lnnark intend asking Perth council to submit a by-law for $5,- 000. nonornry. Deaeronto town council takes over the mechanic : institute and converts it into 3 free library. It in reported that Lord and l;dy Aber- deen pur vllitin various county fairs durin t. a coming 11. M. Dlfoe. Cotnnu Junr-t.inn in nnur .. uvvu an VI-IUIII VIII IVUI UUUUU, IHIFU during gs . Dnloe, Cobeau Junction, is now in relieving Agent of LheG.T.R. and will make hesdqunrtera at Nnpanee. Promoter! of the electric main 5... muuc. Cape Vincent s ice yacht club consists of uixsy-nix member: of which forty-nine are honorary. DODGPOIHD town nnunnil tnhnn nvnr Hun _&)_. Nun of the Dlurlcl Oondonnod from u Whig Ixelnntu. Capt. David 0`Hugo.n is landloxtd of the Wollnnd home, St. Osthnnos. Min DEVI. Nnnnnun ha. Innnnul in wolunu noun, an. Usmnnnoa. Min Davy, Nnpanoo, has located in Yarker for the purpose of teaching music. I"...-... \7:........u- z... ..-..I.; _I._L .__.z_._ ,; non. u. r. reuoner and non. uoo. Irving at tho Windsor. wheres compromise was 1` upon between men and wife. 0 mtureof the oompromiaa was that they should separate, and Mrs. Odell ehould keep three children, and Mr. Odell one. wounutn . mr. Uaou turned up In Manta NIL an by Ipocial n poiutmont met Hon. L. P. Pollotlor and Eon. Goo. Irving compromise ---v v--:--- -av saw Ilvvu VI HUI IIIHIIVCI I right, and per union to D06 or four children. Mu. ollpppeulod the one, and one year later this decision was mvarsed, and labor on in the superior court so Ottawa, the divorce. committee dooidod in favor of restoring to Mn. Odell choright to no hot children, and I motion wu oonou-lug Mr. Odollfur con- tunpo of court. tax the reason chsthe wu Iuppoood to be In Dakota, and thou ronowod divorce proooodlggs. However, Wodnudn Mr. Odell turned In Montr ml. by special nnnointmant mat. `I5 51:1; Intales. See our Spe- ciul for 50. BATTERY HORSES RUN AWAY. nonwoen n. Uaell Ind nu wile, tormorly Mia Gregory, daughter of A. Gregory, nuporintondonb o! immigration, so Quo- boc. Before Sir A.` T. Cuaulc, two years I , Mn. Odollroceivod jud ment. shut. to would be deprived of or marital Aoohor Mu. all nnnnnlau-I thnmn unusual`. Iulnu vnu an-no With `lino 0IIldnn-Ee Wm: One. Moxrna, Feb. 22,-A ronnnoio dlvocise court cue. which took in initiative two year: Ago in the city of Quebec, culminating at the Windsor Hotel, on Wedneodn . It wun mubinl trouble between H. doll and his wife, formerly GHROPY. danuhter Grenrorv. JUU. Mrs. L. Gibbs, Mica Hope Booth, uctreu, formerly Newburah. was mar. s.vrunnl.u'. FEBRUARY .22, 1896 lllclldllu Odd! Will Putt-ll With fhnnn lIlhn-_II- win. 11.. Ieaaqunrtera at. Nnpanee. electric railway be- `ween nlkina Poe; In A Terror. :. D_.|. - A-...'.... L-__-._-_, Growth In Tomgonnoc. n Hnontnmr THE DISTRICT DASH E8. Hosiery. Dl_..l. . `....l.....-. A Ilookoy Conan. ..-uh... 5|... D_._|._ .1- The Late JIIIIQI Booth. in '1-.n...... T%E: .RhXgov I8 x.n.c. 3 ` n zlvbo inn.-lino mm for dhtnou um axing. `cnnn 'rnn nl-u IAFIEBWNERI nan. mr nnrpoov. w-day. Thomu Wright returned this morning. from: business trip t!}_|;ough the western part of the province. v , u ur. .1. 5. nubbou. general eld agent. of the American Red Crnu society. and Ernest Manon the intotpruter attached to Miss Clara Barton`: party, expected to I start for Hnrpoov. to-day. `nuns L/lllrl barwna Hupoov. to-day. Wrinhs mourn: _.___.___j_.___ The funeral of chains H. A. Muse , Toronto. book phoe this nfuornoon. T e 600 employees of the company met. at two o'clock and marched to the Mebropolimn church. where the funeral service was con- ducted. .. nu-....... Illa Mental Lnpeoillnvel lln. Bnnsenua, Feb. `22.-'l`he trial of Print. Charles of Loo-Let-et~Corawurem, 1 member 0! one of the most distinguished families of Belgium, upon chnrree of extensive and protrncted ewindling operetione through- out Europe. ended today, the jury acquit- ting the prisoner. The defence not up A plea of mental weakness, which the jury sustained. Th verdict, in view 0! the evidence ngnin the prisoner, created A grant sensation. Cprsetsj. Y A Daughter Burned To Donth. O.-m.u\'A, Feb. 2`2.-The residence of Mrs. Bier, near here, was destroyed by fire last night. and her ten-year-old daughter was burned to death. Mrs. Biei-and a Boarder mined Harris escaped in their ni ht clothes. but; were severely burned. lnrris ran half a mile in his bare feet to obtain help and then fninied from exhaustion: mul his injuries. The ther- mometer was below zero at the time. uuul OI IIIO nluoy Tum. Ormwa. Feb. 22. -The total expense 0! the Bi:-ley team was 526 103. Id. The total value 0! cash prizes won was 768 12s. 3d. Of this 181 10:. `2d. was undivided, that is taken by the individual members who won cermiinprizoe. and 335 In. 8d. was evenly divided amongst. the twenty members composing the team, making 16 1593. Id. each.` The 250, queen'a prize, won by I'm. Hnyhurst, was not. divided. uuuwvuu. Dr. J. B. Hubboll, general eld be nooietv. and man we nerce Dlnck tighter has retired from the ring. All the great white fighters in this country were afraid of Jackson, and they cannot deny it. He was the only black man that caused the white man to lmw the color line in pugilism, a line that was heretofore unknown in the history of fiatiana. Jackson is livinga life of ease in London, and has the entry to all the nth. letic clubs of the metropolis of the world. He received a Feneion from the leading sporting men 0 London, which enables him ' I reee in the hei$hth of fashion and d . the costliest of wine. Ill! run III l`UIUl' I'BC`I0n colored ghter that ever lived in now in London. Corbebt.Fit.zsimmonIvta|., will breathes sigh of reliet when they hear that the erce black ghter has rink. arrest. whim ahuu-. rump: [or Lne ngnz take place Corbett intnndn In Lrn nhrnml vim m.....'.... uvruuu ul sun III II,- I (Iu.1(\uo, rimpl ght. nnywllere never be Nothlnx Can Be Done. CITY or ME.\'[C(), Feb. 2`2.--Oiciuls of the department of foreign rela tiona say, regarding yesterday : prize ht, that no- thing can be done to punis the pea le concerned, my they merely violated in at waspmcticallyonlyapoliceregulation. The (`I156 in not an extraditnble one as it comes under that ght- ght nu In. 1 am not expect to get this chance to put it on Peter so soon. I rather ex- pected to use it about the third round." Did he punch hard 1 Yes, I got one in the face with his left that was a stunner, but as it was onl in my face it did not have any serious 0 ect. Peter is a good, hard, game ghter. and I am sorry he made such aJ)oor showing. I did not nd him any hm or to whip than he was when I whipped him before. It was said, I hear, that I was nearlv faggod out. This is a rent mistake. There was no time that I id not have supreme oeu- fidenco in my ability to whip my antagon- ist. He has improved some in cleverness, but he has not got rid of his slowness. and a man must bequick as well as clever in a prize ring. Whnt Flt: End To Buy. Nnw Yonx, Feb. 22.-A special to the Herald from Langtry, Texas. says after the battle Fitzsimmons acknowledged he was dazed from the effects of Masher : blows. He caught me twice under the heart with his left, said Fitz, and then gave me one on the neck with his right. I was a little dazed by the Inst blow, but recovered quickly and was ready in live seconds. Peter led at me with his right, but I duck- edit. He then came for my ribs with his left. I ste pod back and before h6 recovered himself I led put out my ri ht squarely on the left point of his jaw. t was what I was waiting for. Lucky blow Y No. I was layin for it and got itjustes I want- ed it. I di not expect to get this chance put mthar mt. TAYLOR S. mne over A minute. Both men were condent when they on- tered thering, Fituimmone so much so that he seemed a trie oereleee. Mnher seemed a little nervoue and enxioul. Fitzaimmone took the ive from the cell of time. and loroed nher toward hie (Mnhe:-'3) corners. Then Msher made A stand, led. fell Ihort and clinched. Mlher led twice alter they had been broken awey b the referee, lending light] on the 0 eat. Fituimrnou smiled as he ended the blows. Two clinches lollowed. then Fitzsimmone led with his left. landing lightly. He quickly followed with e short half-arm swing with his right, lending upon . Mnher`e left jaw point. The lriahmnn fell upon his back. his head hitting the oor with a thump. his eyee rolled glauily and the light was over. There were four clinchee and no more than hell e dozen ex- changes. THE GREAT mo nng wu mnrna on and the pnmnin- ulca for the fight 60:11 lobed. Then. after : few movements b V 0 glndhtotl, Fitz- Iimmonl knookod or out with 5 ti ht hand hook on the jaw. The ght In a trie over 3 minute. nth lnnn -IQI`Q nnng-.6 `.1.-- AI... ._ menus roaonoa here an 3:40 o'elock.omtrul time. A slight rain was faldng. The men were unmoleatod on the way. The fight occurred within 300 yards of the Americcn side, when the river us this point which in quite narrow. On the run Fibuimmom and ` Mnhor occupied adjoining ours. The were up Ioon aftermight. oclook and too exorcioo. `Q. -3: Anna; Hon- .C:.- 0...- ..'..I...I. ..L-- exorcuo. _\ It was came time sitar four o'clock when the ring marked at! and the pmhnin- light omnlotod. Than. nfhr rmT.T"i.i "i>'..5 `J13. ..'I;ug':ii.?.`.'.a 2iIZ':' friends reached here at 3:46 o elock.oontnl slinht Ina fnl.ina. Thu man `rho Putty Travelled In to the ling-Ila.- 'l'ho Oonnlot Wu Bpoodlly Ended by 1 Rlght llnndor I`:-on lrIn-0orboc` In Anxlonl Io Inter the butt Aglln. LANGTRY. Texan, Fob. 2l.--'1`he train from El Paao with the pugililu and their 3:45 o ulock.m:atrnI lrurzsmmous Knocxso ourl mm (g-:5/A~ MINUTE] Coat of the Bllloy Tum. w.4 Pain 90 _"l"l.- s..;..n -_. smmmv NIGHT. (IHANHER VERY QUICKLY. ::..-.2.-.-:..:."'.:.:a-....."`*:.' not lnnorpontfla the anal ol the IHVPOIOII :..':.2t.:..':.:.. .."o".'.-.'.1*:.:r :r.-.':1-_~:.- :;.:.jg.;;...'::'%.: Diana: M 5'.` .3; d-.n;:-w Inn 1 ..?.`:s3` c at "nu |_{|1|_o__I3d gglyglcogsmog-tuna hr nu. .. 53:. lb. Fauna Ben-Ion. no. lupberrioa preserved. 7-lb. polls 350.; nweot oranges 12. doun, tomato cataup 00. J. (Jrnv_vford. Nickle f `mod unokod gluaesic. the pair Lt E. C. Mitchell's. nuuen man I! he was In dnnger of arrest he had better stay in his house. Mr. Terrell than informed the ports that he would not.` allow Mr. Knapp to be zriod in the manner pro b the Turkish authorities. ali Rn um Puhn. the grand vizier, mnwered that he could not stop the course of justice. There is some talk of an Am- erlcnn commiuion going be Conauutinople to examine into the Affair. m cunuplrncy. no colegrnpnod to A. W. Terrell. the American minister at Constantinople, making him what he should do. Mr. Tenell replied, telling him not to obey the summons and added that if he in dnnger of atav house. Mr, Tnrmll Special Bargains in Remnants of Prints =0" and Staples. fp. J. WALSH l The Case of Rev. George P. Knnpp, An Armonlnn lllulonnry. l Lonos, Feb. 22.--R.ev. George P. ' Knapp. one of the American missionaries at Biblis, is accused by the pone of hav- ing encouraged eoditious movementeamon the Armenian: and will go to Conetant no lo for trial. Tho charges are undoubt- ed y made for the purpoee of forcing Mr. Knapxto leave the oountry. Mr. Hum- eon, riblsli consul st Bitlie, reported that the charges were nbaurd, but nevertheless Mr. Knapp was summoned before the criminal court to Answer a clmrge of conspiracy. He telegraphed Terrell. Amer-imn fIsXTuRDAv ` LE88 LA BO-R cnaaun ouronr. ` Sunlight Soap and no keopinguhoirhomoo clan. bright. and cheurfnl with vary lil- Ilo hbor. To all who no this world-baled map it man: Isoa uwelluinovorythl olaol.` he old-luhionod noun` ma old-fuhionod dmdging nil days are nob good enough for u` . oy to-dub pooplo. No no I using L0` using `Make Up Your Mind. Be-Up-To-Date Overstockings. Wool Hosiery, Boys Un- derwear. Men's Underwear. Gents Flannel and Top Shirts. Prints. Dress Goods. all at sacrifice prices. (GREAT FIRE SALE J. HENDERSO-N'& Co. 86 Princess Street. \NAl...,SH S SATURDAY `,,_,, ,.V...............-....-..-....`3C This music cannot be boughtvholoanle for ten times the price we are oorlnf M M. We cannot send this music on approval. neither can we exchun 0 It. We` I be plnud to ueml to any addrou on receipt of price. with 30. mldluonal for poi l| 0. _ ARE USED. FOR SALE AT . . . . . . .. McLEOD S Drug Store. ACCUSED OF SEDITION. !DnAN M %ki`bntv`+`":"[Ls ....v...-uuu-a us AuI.l.llllUD nappy I Scores of people here in lgngston testify to the relief obtained by the use of A fteen years record of successful cures makes thousands of families happy ! Hnnrm: nf nnnnln 1.....- .'.. rz:.......4.... ;.....-:.. ;. u.- Inmws KIDNEY PILLS !D0AWN S KIDNEY PILLS They are enemiee\ to Kidney trouble, and weak Ineys or pain]: in the back cannot continue when algpvvu u ` H ;%pBecHm.xa nnu ulc muau, uncut: away uuuer tn: price l'8.yS. Selections from the popular Op_eras_, Waltzes, Gal- lops, Marches, instrumental Music, all kinds. Also good Songs. These are done up in lots of IO Good Songs for . . . - - - . - - - - - - - --I00 IO Piano Pieces for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l0c A (I 1-I\I-so - --- - - Thousands of sheets full size, high grade Music. J. 8. 7. } Pieces Best Music Published _ 6, 5, for; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nnnnln .....-um I... 5.....- |_L,u.__:, 1,, . .. .. . - LAST SATURDAY BUT oNE oI= THE I60 Princess Street TO THE RESCUEIT Snow's falling and so have been the prices of our Music. The snow melts away under the sunshine and the music melts away under the price rays. Thousands of sheets full :izp hick nrnrln Mnnin IT'S A COTE DAY 2 . sn-whurt your eyes? Does the sun shining on the You cannot be too careful of your eyes. Present neglect may lead to after regrets. A pair of colored'or smoked glasses worn on these bright winter days may save you many times their cost, and will cer- tainly add to your comfort. We sell smoked and tinted glasses at from 2 5c. up. case PIPES mm 50 Up .D!`_\I`_'_% EGAN __..___.__:..______.___. IIALL ma TALK IN `ma wonw _ ,, _-_... ---an-Ir ` Im A .nu.slM. um "I ' nhhod In Antique Ont "nish. Outon on ovary piano vim: no V la`-1.5:`: d;:zlonh:nd out door. I , -__....- -..- uuuvur DI Ida `I... oly` nhnpod mnhhoal Annna n.L 'a_a.:. n : I Yonrlnhrucnnd oun no mutual. Thou um sold [or nus; we win all thou: whil- choy Inc for $l2 CASH. u a snap on some BEDr58M sumas. nu. n. uuisu. Ilnnnger. ' N.B.-Wo also earn A stock of sum Iunlo. Vlollnn. Banjos, Gnnn, Ru-monlou. Strings. ha. - - BRANCH WAREIIOOM. 2l7 Prln WK. H. GIBSON. Knnnqar. _K.B.-Wo on" A nu... Blak xvlasgmere Hose, Special, 3?- _ ___ ----u\I-4 0 3-4! Oh I Dnuo I 00 an late '35:; |nd"dr:gr`u 0: "'33.'.'`L.. al---- A -~ 7 - ' HARR|_s9N c9'v mu not ocuvluonliocilohlyu 3, Ilhlolou BARGAINS. :16 gown Fumlfure & Udrtakig. Is the only Piano manu- factured in Canada com- bining in its constriiction all the s'en`tial'features of a rst-class instrumiit. It is the only Canadian Piano that fearlessly courts com- parison, with the best Ame- rican anizl Edropepn makes. SEE HERB! )___ ... V W0 got. 0 map on I'?f\l\nn --' Bettergoods, 75c, $I.o0,"$I.25. D. W. KARN & C0. Woodstock. Ont. unvvm . % Prlncoss street. Innuar. .2252 88 & 90 Princess Street. -----. V"; vlorrm A? _ OUINIA I ran` .1301 saw GOODS AT Hockey Sticks . sArERs COAL-OIL HEATERS E. B. LOUCKS. MEDICAL HALL. OI All Kinds uuuuuu I, LII , Inn 0000 I pointed senator. tianatod that . R. Devlin. M. P. for Otuu oonnt. , will be the libs-alonndldsto lortlao now 0! Nlplui as the gomnl elections. Ind that L. .Chun- pagan, of Ottawa, will run for the county of Wright, At. preoont pan of Ottawa ooun . Rog Fntlut l4oo|nbe'I letter to Mr. Lurlor foundita II Into print tlmm In nnohlatfnlha-in ontrenlnnd I From: - `Canadian journalist. _ Sir Rinlnni nu-9.-inln. -|II .n....a .L- unocauon to Mount. Elgin on 27th inst. ' 'I'ho0nnndim Pncic railway oompnny huugnodto construct cholonuul and Othu nilwny, and duri the oomi manner will build twontr no milve o the road. from Print Fortune to Alport. lard HIIHO, oldut an of the veruor- ncncnl. will aha-av mm Ilnil ....n.... uannaun 1am-nnuu. Sir BiolnrdOu-t ' he will mend the Annual and o! the ntlI0xford reform association :6 cunt. Elgin PIHIII llnllnnnv me uanaaa Uaaebte to-day contains the following notice of appointment: John Sinclair, Eeq., late captain Och lrieh Lan- cers toxbe governor-general e"eecretery, Vice Arthur J. L. Gordon, C.W.G.. re- signed." The Toronto Star correspondent tele- raphe that it is understood that forty Eoman Catholic liberal members of the common: are preparing amemcriel to the bishops. asking who allowed to vote on the Manitoba school question according to their own judgment. They desire Catholic schools, but are not yet decided that the remedial bill in a prudent. maaanm. Mr. Foster haa made another move. It is not announced that he will run for St. John Cit inaoead of York. Mr. nKnnn -Im ngginuma L;- ---A :_ i I . STOVES cent; or In oxpe . The export: lor January totalled SH,- l"26.634, an increase of 83,3-t2.`2l8,o{ whih $2,654,000 was coin exported. The im- ports _!or the month n-hows an increase of 82.74l,38l, while the duty collected in Caneda inoroeeed` $663,702. In round gures the export: for the seven months of current. scal year have increued by 02,- :59,000, the im rte b 85.260,000.nnd who dut. oolloo by 3], 50,000. The nude Geaette to-day following nnoointmenc: John uuuu DIE mauoa DI X0l'I. Mr. oKoon, who naignod his test in lrrlhmont to nuke room for Sin` Charles: II Jaubeonnpointodoenntor. tiananddnt ,R n..n.. u u c..- wnw were Issued by the department of n iculbure, the fees thereon amounting to 8g,223, giving is total revenue from pu- Ienlse of over 880,000, Against. $0,000 in 1893. Of the total number granted ` 707 were for Canadian inventions, 1,980 for Aiherican. The patent. brunch ol the de- partment. last year oollecbod 848,350 in ex- cess of :11 expenses. export; [or Jmmrv fnlnlhvl nu. unurlei Lupper In the representation of Ce Breton. Sir Charles, by the way, id not make his appearance in the house to-dn . much he the dim pointment of Mr. Mc ullen, who had get ered eome interesting historical {oops with reference no the Tapper family. which he wished to deliver in his presence. During 1895 nn lnwnr than R 51117 n... UGIIVGT In [III During 1895 no fewer than 3,387 pa- tents issued by the department of agriculture. the Amounhimr tn won. The house resumed the course of the long-drawn-out budget dobnte. The rat speaker was upon the government aside. Mr. Mcbougnll, who has the distinction of being senior to Sir Charles Tupper in the representation Cape Charles. hv Hm Tho Government and Oppolltlon lake An Agreement. O'rl'AwA, Fob. `2l.-Mr. Foster in the house this afternoon movod that the reme- dial bill be taken up. and the debate on it nude continuous from Tuesday, March 3rd. until it wu disposed of. This was named to bv Mr. [Amrim-_ who unnu ID mnpoaea or. Agreed to by Mr. Laurier, who suggested that Monday alone be reserved f0IJ)Vn% members. Pnnlnr ..-mu! on H... Inc..- ............. ann. `um, 1590. The consensus of opinion among the unionist members of the imperial house of commons rding the plan for the settle- ment of the enezuelan dispute is that the r proposal to appoint a joint Anglo-Am erloan commission is hardly neceaaar in face 0! the present position of affairs. hey think the matter will be amicably adjusted by direct negotintions between Great Britain and Venezeula. XVHITOWU. The Inods Mercury says the an 9- ment of William Waldorf Astor tody Randolph Churchill, formerly Miss Jennie Jerome, of New York, will shortly be an- nounced. Mn. Astor died Dec. 22nd, 1894, and Lord Randolph Churchill died Jan. 24th, 1895. Th- l\A ..... .. .1 ,....'..:.... ....-..._ AL- |?KiETL75 em roran moeoow. he United States secretary ol the treasury will establish gas buoys on the St. Lawrence river. at Charity Shoal, Feather Head Shoal, Rock Island Point, near Sister`: Island Light; Sunken Rook, Bay State Shoals and one It. the Lower Narrows. Th. I..A. u........... -...... n._ ..__-.__ come qum nuna. The marquis Yemegelza, eld marshal and inspector-genorel of the Japanese Army, has been doei shed an the represen- tative of Ja net t. e coronnbion of the emnnrm-at. nanny noon. The session of tube Voneznolnn congress a nod yeabordny. Gen. Veluni mu 0 oson president of the Innate and the bones elected Gen. Modesto Gallegos " E';,``.Z"" `mi b hi .1 r J d r: recon y on n o u glaohlot. Aylmor, who went to Purine: ow weohngawoonnult npooinliata About his eyosifhhtatnlao that his honor has be- he come qu lind. The mu-ania Ynmunln. nld mm-nlml H1. The Nstal Timon state: that the South African n bllo will him in Indepen- dence on ob. 27th, t e aeqnth Anniver- can`? of the detest of British forces by the rs. or we Usnumu noun or commons. Tact: no unnton inlwuhlngbon w:o t. n b 0 puugoo! relo uhioncurging t o rooognition of tho Cuban inlu nu as bolllgonnu. will cause: war wit. Spain. The Rt. Hon. Joseph Chnrnbulnin.` soo- rotory of state for the colonies, hunc- otpud an invitation to attend: dinner to gaginn by the Cumin club on Mu-ch ARRANGEMENT FOR DEBATE. rum-noro. Jana MoDougsll a 00., wholonlo wool- cn and trimmln merchants. Montreal, hnuni ed. heir liabilities are placed at l . '1`. fun. Unwin, . London publisher, will lune for tho "Story of Nations" eerie: I story of Canada by J. 0. Bourlnot, clerk of the Csnudinu home of 'n..... .... .......... 4.. m..m....o.... uyluu - nvaw members. l 1'. Footer Agreed to the latter sugges- n. IMO lXO0I'.l'0l1B0 I0 GIVICIO l al.IO GIO- ooooond form: new one with I see st. Pain:-hnnn A are nno 0! anAucpun'n"ren- 0Ill"WIll$'dI {ow day: Ago at: book Inloin London for 171 noord co. Then 1:: move nmongna Aug _oI `L- .u_-__- _n IlL_,A;_ A. .u_ax_ 3'7"? $75 Tweddell Tailoring G0. OIO Door Below City Hotel. .____.___:__ year. g The snow bioohdo in wuurn and nortbarn Ontario in the wont. experienced losrgoaru. 0 Punch unto bu rooodod from in position, the dud-look is out And the do- puniu an tlmphant. A nu-to of 8hAkupou-o'IPeri- olu"wuIo 1 {av do" no sin book mom London nor tun noora gnu. loans of the diooooo of Tomato Go divide the dio- nnnnnnrl Cnvvnn nn- nng uith a AAA :0 'fllf|Dl8 Il 0lI'| EHO UIIIWG EEK I0 I Rome non July wxll belu-got than last you-. Sir Domld Smith left Winnipeg (or home luevoning. HQ. II. D. Bu-tor, Folhris, Ohio, com- mitted untold: to-day. ` Pilwrluucu from the Uniud Stabs to Rome non Julv mil ha lurker than I I uwmo" humans. % lolngnphlo `lldlnn lion all fun: of no lnln. Dondnnnnd and Aunnnd for I111 Hm: rr is M snpurr onosa ron g,wnArsIn1:_r_1g[ncs NEAY ------aurv nnrvpuo dtgtolt to . flu: :.n._u` hun- In-no. INS Q t - BoI|Ihi,oommu:dcr-in-511.0`! troops now ope:-uin I canola thud Mu-sisal`; _,, vvvvvu soomu-y ":C.w.w.eo't'.', an Mon. Th '08 lI f|VOd out mon one tlonnl ulna npronntod In tho KAJESTI st in p VI would ndvlu than to look elsewhere I Cor vhf thoroughly examined on! wheel`. u an In I won nun o! them returning to pnrolnu. Fourth vice-praIidont-Miu Ninn Bhorin (aocinl dnpartmont), Nnpnnoo. Fifth vice-pnsidontr-8. T. Bu'tlot.t(jun- ior depart I), Cdbou `nae uonfuo oiecra. BxI.ucvn.L:, Fob. 2l.--The convention of Epvvorth Lager: and Christian En- deavour: ol the y of Quinta Methodist confonnoo conolndod last night. II was I most Iuooonful nlnir and Inn I ly nt- tondod. The Addresses were exhi naming and helpful. The oioaro-elect. are : Puaidont.-J. J. Barnard. Whitby. Fiat vice-president.--D. S. ouck (C.E. dog:;::ont), Pinion. - d vioo-president--Mias Jones (min ' 1! meat). Bo `ll . an amendment. concurred in and carried. Sir Ollvor Mount. informed Mr. Cnwford tint. the member: of the government did not know who the shareholders of the Georgian Bay ship canal company wore it prelont. uuceu snout. onevchird. Mr. Mnrtor enquired how much the pro- vision: and clothing of each of the prison- ers to the Central prison cost per our. Hon;,.Mr. Gibson aid it would utterly impouible to give acme of the information) naked for. I! the dates in each year were changed to the 30th of Sepcomber, which is the date for stock-taking. it would then be pooaible. This was put. in the form of an amendment. concurred Mount. infnrmnd M. n.-..,:.....a Nut `. 1.. 11.. anonan ma ward boundaries. The municipal ooere will hold oice for one you, and the membership will be re- duced About onevthird. Mr. Mn-nu -r.n..:...a pm... .....-L -L- W mom being 0! importance. A new civic bill was introduced by J. R. Stratton. It provides that any city or town may by A vote decide to reduce the number .0! members of the council and abolish than ward boundaries. Thu mum'm'n-I nmmn _:Il |...|..I ..x.n__ L, rayon -uvunveu a nuue triumph [pr Mr. aroourt ; yesterday he argued that one of Col. Matheeon s contentions regarding the administration of the succession duties in Ontario was founded on a mi apprehension of the British act, and to- day the colonel frankly admitted that he had been mistaken. and that the provincial treasure:-`I contention was correct. A number of bills were introduced. some of them being of importance. cl, .. - vvnlun wu removealrom the order paper naper involved little triumph {pr Mr. (ful. Math;-nn . ~...o-....'.._.. _- unr At Greatly Reduced Prlccs. ANumber of Qnentlonl Aulwered by the Government. Tonoxro, Feb. `2l.--There was in rathe. thin attendance of members oo-day, and but. little was done. It. was private mem- bers day, and the order paper was cleared of a number of questions and motions, am! the house adjourned. One of the motion: which was removed from the order pgper triumph fdr to warn. Extras issued Thursday night caused ex- ? oitement by a report that Antonio Maceo, durin the ghting around Jairuco, had been iilled by a fragment of a shell. At the palace, yesterday, it was evidence that the report was not given credence. An of- ficial statement was given out to the effect that the local command of the civil guard, at Catalina, had reported _that a easant near Catalina had eeen part of mods command in retreat after the fight. and that they appeared much disheartened, and said that Macoe was among those kill- ed by the artiller fire. The report is gin en out at the pa ace for what it is worth, but is not generally credited. The report that Gomez is again wounded is oicially discredited. acmve service, ma decided not to return to Spain, and was tted to-day as second in command to iout.-Gen. Pnndo, in San- ta Clara. 'I`.rOrn- 1'-ang "`L..-..,l.... _:_L; .. , , I MOI]. ` Major~(}en. Luque, having so far recover- ed from his wound an to be able to resume active service, he decided Smin. and wan lrnznttnrl m.d..y .. ..........: uevoa me nameless and checked the tires. Since Mdceo evncnntod Pinnr Del Rio province scattered bands of irregular guer- rillu, or bush-whackera, are reported to have set. fire to several tobacco elds and burned several big tobacco houses as differ- ent point: in the province. Planters are appealing to the government for protec- tion. \J..:..... u... I ......- l.-_:" _, r u 1uwu-uovernmonl ma Alked. HAVANA, Feb. 22.-(}omez and Macao, Cuban insurgent leaders, have had several conicte this week. The Spanish forces dispersed the rebels Tuesday night. Ju- nrico was invaded, and while being dis- lod ed the rebels burned twenty houses, inc uding the jail. The S nieh troupe re- lieved the homeieea and o eoked the res. Sinnn Mn`:-An nvnnnnfnd Dim. 11.! m- The Cuban Insurgent: Wore Driven Out 0! A `l`nw-n_nnv-I-nnugno Ana A.|.-.I uurmng to her home. On Monday last there died at. the resi- dence of hi: -` brother-in-lnw, Edward Grooms. Richmond, William Wager. aged twenty-four years. Deceased had been ailing for a couple of ears of consumption. Heleavee I wife on one child. who have the sympathy of the communit. . The fun- ernl took place on Wednesday not and was largeiy attended. The burial service was conducted in the Church of England by the Rev. A. Jarvis. E1500! JOIIDIIDD, UBHK turning to her home. On Mnndnv Inn. u un- . ll. 1-. nouns! arnred m town luau Eidny. and ha: been conned to the house since with an attack of wnllitis. Mn. William Johnston, of Orangoville, Ipending 0. week with Mrs. Thomas Johna- oon. left, yeacerda , to spend a week with Peter Johnswn. amdon East. before re- 1', --vv jf WI`: ..-... _ "Ivan Anna. 1.-uunnu uvu :51}, left? to W1 Johnston, East, before : turnimv tn h.-tr hnmn ma muwr in man mamuuon. The piece in nicely printed and in oopyri hbod. The title page is in two colon, win I splendid hull-tone engnvih ~ the composer, for whom we predict a right future in musical circles. Cn- A. F. Holmes arrived in town lull idnv, and Inn hngn nnnnml on H... ceeeml coma: in we basement. or me church on Thnredny evening lab. The mme wuone of the been this lesson. _pro- ceed: amounted to 816, which to- wards the improvement fund of thee nrch. Mice Rooe Buckworth, of Belleville, visit- ing her eieter, Mn. Dr. Ming. for the last month, returned to her home yesterday. Cherlee Parrott, in Rochester, N .Y., for the last six months, returned home on Thnudey lut. W. W. Cliff, editor oi the Central Csmdinn, Carleton Place. and Mice Fruer, of the some plnoe.nrrIved in town yeeterdny on I vieit to his brother, George A. Cli', Domld sreet. W. 0. Stevens, eon of ex-mayor Stevens, attend- ing the Toronto conservatory of music, in the composer of a new piece at music tor the {mo forte entitled "The J ollity March." and which he has dedicated to his mentor in that inabitucion. The piece nicely printed coon-izhbed. runmo were taken by student: of the col- ulnnituaa. who delighted tho and!- onoo. Tho India aid of the Pmabyurhn ohumh hold mother (the third) var uno- ouuful social in the basement. of who arch nn Thnnu-law gunning Int. 'l'hncu-no-gm..- mm or mm mraxo ugly. or London, wno sang in her usual ne style and mu heartily onoorod. The other sin or: of the ovonin Ion Mr. Jewell. Min idaggb Coxnllan Min Nollie Herring. whouro always lnvoritu ibh Nu nee sudienoeu. Mia Lilliun Allen an Mia: Maggie .Tem letou gave A oouplo of very fine re- citat on: etch and were deservedly on- ` cored. The other number! of the pro- taltitubo. dolinhhd tho III- `Ihl Young Iolll VII` Till! 'l`|l&t&- Death o! 0 You: Inn. Nnntn, Feb. 22.-s\Th0 collegiate in- etltute opnoert on Tueedey evening Int wen a decided evooeu. The beeutllnl u- eemhly hell wee well lled with an Ippl`O' cinhlile audience. The programme coneletr ed entirely 9! home belent with the excep- tion 0! Mine Birdie Duly. of London, who l Iamr ne etvle and` was ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Iolcudlnnflnop. Von. Ink 90_..A A... Idxrazs an-rsanmuznrsy; $7 5 MAJESHC. $75