now .I3'PAlR I `1.1Q1 .10 II Ill UCIIQIE Jinn` 1|-nun Tull WI: nhuy liiuuunhl. Being uenustq-lglnc OK we Ithaca: in vm on is. Mathew: thy olden in arm demand at dinnar punish 0.0 " when h|n"nio homel," us he called them. were nut being held. on oneoooulon lip. and Mn. Ilnthuwu Inna annual in dinner when A iuddon call 01 am out buaineu obliged him toiotego the oxrncled pleasure and true! a chart dictum: in en the coun- try intend. Thus was no min a to send an amuse, no it wu duoidod that Airs. Muh- owl Ihonid go by herself an: I make all noodful apologies for her hu`ah'|nd'u detec- tion. She went -and found in: host and heaven much dinoppoinuod at her oomiug nlone. Howcva they undo the but of it. and the hootesq aid. Wail, Ghoougln we on vorynon-y norm no Mr. lnlzhowu. it in torynnaoo mini there will no no vacant chair. for: cousin of my huahnndh bu , just arrived unexpectedly in-om Scotland. who wiligil this plane, though he cannot. charm In with brilliant or nverutdon." Tho ooudn. Ir. Dnitoel, Inn inuodnood to Mrs. Mathew: and took her down to (Mint. In taut, houallmod quits Imhoeu wiuh in and to load that Ilia In: a mu- riod comma. to tint Ibo his quite Annoy- ed at his manner. An. din:-nun. why-mhn mniimnnn ammo An Old Olnteau. Above 3 gutowny in nhigh purl; wnil hung a runny chain, and i-his being pulled uaunainbdl to give forth -1; I-mpululn-nl sound. A Inrprilod gal-dauer, after u long : delay, lots the carriage In. which tuiiud up through It tangled ' thicket oi vegntmiuu till it stopped bofonuz handsome porrou. The rooms were of uapruporcion. you the sun- iight. nu-amusing by him gwnil wlndnws and the glorious prospect of river und vnlluy did not drive away It chilly feeling, which would have boon more nppl'oprilmu to u via- it to A-mausoleum on n Nuvumhar oven- lng. ?Up stairs there was A aumaly chum- ber~I5lt.h wold engraving on the wall rep- raantiug i:ho_ birth of the Duu do Bor- deaux, and on I guoridou wood a {mind ziuouognph. signed, "Phuippe Comte do nrin," In one oorner was a bale of The (into! to de France. and whllo we were woudurlug why for months Ilhe wrapper: of that ru- Ipoetuble Roynllut. organ haul not boon bru- ken end why they had been brought; on 11 bedroom. the gaunt. wlte ol the Q.'|I'(l8ll(Vl', polmlng to the due: laden lmldnquln. cranked, "Lo llt ou madame la Inurqulnu eat morte." Then we roougnlzed the pro- vnlllug odorol dlslnfootannt. and we umlmx mood the row ol` metllelne lmmes on the parquet. and the unoponnd lnwspupurn and all the tars! -. W0 od from mlmt`. haunted ohuwnu down to the Lolru. rolling tnwnrd Snumur beneath aeky ul bluu.-Hluok- wood`: Mnguzlno. Inc muunarn. . "Why, it has been In style these hun- dreds of nut. Everybody knows whnc a'l`urklnh lady ought to wear. There can't. be my trouble." " Ya: aha nnvn lab: hloomnn are all rlaht. ldtonleoulnnll. Wol(-I don't nuke I pruhtlee of borrow- Intu-onblo. but-- All Pnlt.--Don't mnntlnn It. nld fallow. Ill ITO D10, DUF-' ua Polb-Don't mention It, old fellow, you're qnltu welcome to m1ue.-Vom _ I11 II uuuulva I BAn7-WIuG gulwulhu you ludln tow Iut owning! } wmy (us.mnny)-wuuc `you no pluud coadnow is usually upokono! hy nnnln cl nnltnn an hlnld nunn.-Bm- Iotnaw ll unruly Ivulonox ny ptoplool onltun a bland uuu_u.-Bot In em; O IE IIII IIIIIIIOX. Ahu dunner, whalth Apmlcmon oune inmahodrnwlng non. Jl Bnltecl imme- dhtdylnnda l'orNlI.LI]|thmn. Ahdy who was dmns hedh her was Ihory called away to the plum and Mr. Bulteol some the vmanoonn-. has neoouun uod hh omborralng ntbllima mill at last the poor lady could ondun It no longur. Rush- Innnarou mo room. lb called but host : arm and untreated him to protect her. He oppoandgreuuly nhookod. And In the hear- . Inc of All bh guests called the culprit. up ' -Innnolnnllu. Laotian vet-v much unsun- ; mg or Au nu (luau-I uunuu um uu lPl'llI up tonpolpzlw. Looking very asham- ul. In cloned the man. She juat glanced `t at. him, then looked uppoyllns at her hunt. "hook at him nnII'n."'n|d the boat. and TOVES nut own pulses. The dam! prlnoo was. therefore. brought. all the my hmk'hou1 Formosa to Tokyo as A live man. '1`hIs'generalurdm-announc- lug his depm-nun In the troops under his command in `Formosa bore his slguzmu-u, ox-what pumortod to be uunh. 'l`hn Anni: (at war Hunt. ham his nurmm to IIYIIODOK Turin. ' In ni Yes; the up tho bloomers are all right, but what Ibo want: In the bicycle that goes with thun."-Wuhlnwn Sm. . an mm, men iooxou appealing nu not noun. hook at him ngdu,"'Iaid this boat, the did In. La, on his: knee: belong her, but wishan air at anything buuuontriiiuu, hi: eyes npuklizj with mun-uncut, knult. not huuband. & had feigned tho uull into the country and arrangud the whole air with aha inst. who in his Irurn umdu his wife boliova than the Itranyr was his ooudu. Mathews wished to prove what. he mail so xnuuuallh Ieatut-as and his mice as to deceive won his wins, and he cu:-~ minly auoooedoI.-'1`emplu Bax-.- [Hull 01 EUYIIIUIII. Jnpanuso oourt. etiquette 1-uqnims Hun. no publication or omolnl 1nt.hnnt.1m of tho danth of a member at the reigning family shall be made until after 5120 vaolubrnunon of oormlu mortuary ceremonies in his or her own palace. Thu dam! m-Inna wan. ' In-mmht. 1 |)l'WVHII|A PUWOYVMI M-I DU Illlll. The not of Wu that. bore his ourpau to tho Jnpiause naval arsenal and mmporc of Yohailika ew no emblem at mourning M. its `masthead; meals were survod in Lina on whom the dead prince lay, nnd llm military and naval daily ropm-Ln \wru muaio in his due! earl uvery morning and evening, just 5; were he nlivo. ()n arrival at. Yoiumukn bu wns dlsu)n~ IITUIIIJU DHIL Arriving at Tokyo, he was couveyad not to n hem-so. but to an ordinary nuulm, mun,- ml In which he was driven to his pnlulm, and Ir. wan only on the following day that the public and otolal nnnounommm of Mn domino mu made. - Boston (ilolm. evening, man as were no nuvo On arrival it Yoktmuku barked and 1-eoelved`wIvh naval and mill- t-nry hunors as H` ho had boon nllm, nud his oorpnu, urtuyud in the uullurm of Hunt nml"'shnl, was mated In a snlun om-x-lugu on the railroad, his stn taklng their places around him. A no-(ulna nu." Tnbnn kn nuns: nniltvnurnll nut "$lWV-jiupnmlih I&OnnuX.n-hlnrxu-Is j 6 & ~`m..Ljjlh;.A_ { rnlnmr; VFIIIITMEAT Cll0Pl l:RS sI.76 2591!; _; .1 , NOTIJEAD UNTIL BURIED. '2' ewe. -----q-_--p-. I0l|'|h I AL_.._I.L _ H!' BJI:J.ARY 911. 1893 _' T I III Iunmng full: Iovlty. In _ mm pwuhgw .3`: ;?.7.': ..'x'..:.1'"""""_!.i.';'.1.*:.`..".';' w-uni-o .. -- - . Jana 'c`d`W~$ _ H , """"""""- mum nhwuhooa-I-I-A Yo!-vron-low-no MIC Aha lib aoodlhookdim adult- '7 man. hII't|bIII'.IIO!OW'ld .35., mg $3.1] 8'-' Ii:-nah. mulull. Moo? _ ...:?*......""~.._..':;:.::.-.:.*'.s':.:"* s;._......-...... . A __ 1'wT`:r|'?Uap`:| wurywauunn-woo; uougayu J-W|lm.I:-.o00- -3090 09` unyuunuulnur ogohuuonunh ~ n v ..".".:.".`.'.'i.';"""'-` ....$"*? ~ ' `______.___` - ' _wansn...a.u;,uuus.a..%' um only when Iholnmnotlvo moment has nun vnylo the an oonlcloul Attitude hnnhomod mun lotulnom oftutnnor: to: analysis onho" non cpontnnony. Unb `LT... 1. wwueswu u ungm. our In noonuay-. In 1860. In going down tum the Plant vnllqy from O'Fnllon blula the writer. with the natural oyo. plainly saw the gar- rlsou ag M. Fore Koaruoy. The distance In and to he an miles.-Exchange. I Juli. ooulun'I an mm [of me money." The old man got angry, and calling his youngor son to him said: "Now, Jim. ` don'n non a tool like your brother, but go and Ink `the senator to pay me what he owes me, and don't you come back with- out the money. Do you hear!" All rlnht. fnthm. Vnn nun nnnn nn I RANGES,EATER& com.-on. Iusxrrsns 3. L. 3. LOUCKB. ' nib-dc n-J` QIAIIII Iljl um In-ougnu noel we nmo rdporuu Ink. The old man was now thoroughly angry and dlnguntod. no bad hluho:-no brought and sworn am he would you back his money or dlo In the Attempt. The MY! uh! nothing. Toward Iundnwu their lntllur rode lohunly back, his {:60 banning with lhlu. Tin bovn hang}: in Innnnlghn nn thn IIA. usumng vmn qlpuu. Th boys begun to apooulnte on the re- am. and Jim said, "Well. well, and we let the old man outwit us"- WA. flthnll Vnll uni inn. nun`-u All your - may more mm: In one Imus. No, my soul. I wu wrong. and you were right. You no. the manor II n In- no pinched just now, and an be In: mighty clover and Mon to no I thought I would lend him Moonon. Ho I all right, hon."--Ncw York Sun. WOIIIG 10110 llllll IDUJDM hon."--New York Sun. KIUIMJU uuu UUWI UNI |II| OK I IPIITOWY I huvo noon um nuuilo of luonedulltzy on him moon of friends while ruining thin in- oldunt. of swing noannou bull in in ight. I ruply I know it in true, bu Idoom it possible only to ulonu observers, I Ilzrung eye and fnvornbln utmosplwrlo conditions. I doubt. it it. in possible in the hazy atmos- phere of the coast. Ab Mobile I vntohd for nine days. buz saw none. A0 AI-kannu Post I now several. The lahtorf honey boos far above the tops of won: but box I troquounly observed. Sherman`: corps (H- the march mu join Grant at Port Gibson wiimmsuunl n lmlhha. star at nnnndnv. one mm-on nu )0llI urrano It rorn t wlbuesaud is bright. our It noondny-. 1860. uolmr down into hhn mrmor Dill] groan B03111!!! OI U10 I6DllKr0l'. The senator had borrowed tr-om him the sum of 0600. As the farmer was not In mad he never asked the senator to pay the dub! until hard time: came, two years lat er. Thu mmlnn uf mmm-nnu wnn nvm-. Ind runurnou H0016 HO l'0p0l'IE(l ll XOIIOWIZ " Rather. he treated me so -'--- nloo them I just. couldn't ask him for the money." not nnzrv. onllhm Mn new H10 010 mun OIIUWII lII"-" Wall. lather, you got your money, did you?" they broke forth In brash. Na mv nnnn I in unnna nu! Can we max-on. wax nu ungnu. We but-led Mm nun the fatal was than caused the nouldeuu. and a you latter I furulihod a detail to oxhume MI body, that It mlght be lald bouldo 111! km 50 his norbhurn home on the bank: of who beau- tlful Knnknkoo. Thu nhuuh nl Hula wnunn nnltlhun `uni hgn t. _nhosx{or_ an new by Intrul `Du fa%fo.- '8 `a/A Rs. _.&n-nhl.Iujnon..1- * IIIIUI AMIIKIIKUI. The death of thin youugmoldior aver bu awelnl lnbanm for me. Why nhould It ntrlkohlm nml leuvn mo? Dld she (nun decree in, ur want it for wine wluo purpoae 0! Mm who nnmbou the hum: of our heads and now: the full of I Ipnrrowf huvo noun um nuua of lum-edulltzv an --unuw. -ln\n nan. -wv nu..- Ganeral Matt. Ransom In ntanolnntfbg mun. Near hi: oountrg seat In Northamp- ton county, In North Jnrullno, there ouoe llvodone Neighbor B1-ownya wull to-do tax-mor and grout ndxmmt of the senator. 'l`lm umntnr hnd hm`!-nwurl fr-nm Mm aha l':ll8 sounwr Wll IIOIDO 0!) ll VIIUJIEIOD. Tho old man called bls oldest son to him one day and mid. "Saddle your horse and go over and ask the Ienamr If he wouldn't he so kind as to pay me now, belu as] l need the money." .43.: ()f! want aha vmmnv man, I-`In wnl pa. 1 D00 [I10 HIOHBY." s`.,= | or: went the young man. He was re- onlved graciously hy the senator. So effu- aim was General Ransom than when Jack returned home he reported an fllowaz lfnnhnr. ha tnntnd man an nlm than yunui lu nuvnuoe or we gun wppneu over. The nohivity of the human mind in phe- nomenal. In the noxtlfovi second: I lived an experience seldom given to mormniu. The gun, tree and myself were in direct line. The shah `before obum-noted by the tree. had been snliiuiemiy elevated to so over, butvrheu nod ? would the obstruc- tim lower in elevation and plunge to inoo our ne)` Wimb is that Iseei Ibis coming Iurnighv it moi Like a bee in ice iiigho I see it. ' What. will it do-uuke 0!! an arm or n log? Will I go home to wife and babies on Qtutciieg or will they bury me on yonder slope? There was a whirl of its and pol- sibilinias about this We and (me next: runh~ ing through my brain. Why now turn over, dodge it. jump up--nnythin to get: out of range oi coming death? Was I doomed to be A witness of every detail of my own death? The mind outrun. the Ipeed of the cannon beii a thousand times. but there was not. time no telegraph the danger to the dull muscles for action. In tho lliilirif. of hhin nmnlni nnnfnninn Ullf I00 loll!) uu-u IIIIIIUIX K0!` KIIUII. In the midst of this mental oonfunlon there came as heavy spnt, n tremor of the around. it sprinkling of something warm In my face, and I Jumped to my feet un- harmed. to look down on the mangled form and tum: struck withdoath of the young oommdo at my side. whose lelt aide bnd been carried away by B Ilx pound shot. Observing that hit llpl moved. I knelt down and heard the faint words, twice repeawd. "mother-water." And the soul oi` Cnrpornlllird. A good soldier. A oiuun hum-tmi buy, with whom for neu-ly`a you I had touched uibowu in line And on the march, Look in lllxht. Wu lmrlml him nun! than (Mal tun tzhni. UUDD llpll HIT WIIIIUI cums, CWO yearn HIV or. The session of congress was over, lull the counter was home on on vacation. rm... nm ....... ...n..a M. .13.... ..... +,. M... Ky regiment sres attached to Sutltlfs hlgsde,` Blair's dlvlslon or Grant's arm! at Vloksburg. We had made our ssssult. of Key 10 and were now relormln; out. llues Ind preparing for another enault on` their works. V Two days had lapsed end we were reed: for our task. On the 99d we were orde to oooupy one of those waves of hllls th oez-ed such excellent opportunltles I the delense of Vloksburg. The crest Wes aheutloo erds In advance of our artillery line srnd a us In equal distance from the Oonfaderate lntrenohments. We advanced In good order and reached the crust with slight: loss upd lay down to ewaltorders for the nu! eesault. As we lay npmrour "basis casing upward we looked lutb In ltnllen sk`y, oloudless and serene. Itwss . ltyploal "sunny south!` day. warm.Awlth- out dlsoomfort, the an balmy and In- ;g1-nnt; nota lent stirred; all nature seemed to he peacefully restlug. ln strong contrast to the roar of war that now wee rendlng this peaceful vale. only to be eqneled by heaven's thundering guns when theiterln klng ls abroad in his power. Belmr Ioaatad mldsvav between out an- OI VIDEO! 0!` (IQKXV. . Our nvurb, however, was noon rudely nonmd by n thud and a mu. cloud 0! dunb but A (aw font. dnwn than Ml] foam uuuuau uy a man no 5 IIIDIO noun 0: dust but A low foot down the hill from where we lay. Oornoeretiveiy eefe from the enemy`: are, our blue linen in plain eight of our gunner-I. we conded in the oorrectnoea of their aim. But here come: a shot from our uune-Wat.ex-house ! bai- tory-9Iungln into our line. Colonel Hogs sent: an ordu-Ly, aoquninoing the gun- ners with their carelessness. An thn nhnh had ntnunlr Inn-. A fan loaf. win. was vou cu- ............... n...~..:'. Kidnev Pills to cure any HUI ! Wlllll UIIUIF OIIUIXHIIHII. As the shots had lunch but a few loot below when I lay It ls noodles: to my I watched the further rlng of that gun wlth interest. Ten minutes nlnmed, and shot: passed safely over. I wuslylng ret In; on my left elbow. Corporal Bird, A manly soldier, lay upon his back 01030 to lay side. 1 was wauohlng than `gum. A wlxlte put! of smoke, and Instantly the top of a tree standing In a hollowtboul 100 yards In advance of who gun toppled over. natlvlmv of the human mind In nhn- pnumupnwalw count of vlonory or debut. Our nvnht hnwm [mg I! nnrouu In nu Being Ioonind midway between our ar- tillery and that of the enemy. with the mar of the gun: on either side, nnd mu- ing; our-unnlna shot sud uhoill hurtling over our heads, made our position I bell of demoniaoal sounds, but no promoted that we cu-aiuuy liuenod to the roar; and philonaphioamv contemplated Ihnohnnoa vioaorv or datum. o_.. Jim hrought book the I-oportu Pnk. The old mm In: no`! uhnmnnhlv A`.NARnyV ESCAPE.` I U10 money. ID 70 D33?" Au right. father. You can count on Iholillllnlpoulgog. DIII nknn uh- Q-nu-u.I . . _ . . _ __. n A FASCINATING MAN. llnrpton lethal. Slum-run. Feb. l9.-D`o|-the lull two weeks terribly rou h weetbet has heen the order of the day en the night too. I) bu been next. to impossible to drive nuphon the roads. which novere only puiible. Food with mnnylu gem eeent. Net.- withawxding stock erb pa ling well but prices on low. TM: in y owing lathe wentol fIOI~M\d tho` pne- pecla ol the cheese Industry not goodueyeer I `IMOOIIII-MIC! -~ the number of III 10!: oowifnr the W eeeeon will be I (II I .' TMmlm` u:%h much when hrmonukennn nude-norelleu OI tlueevenuofpu Melanie at yore. Thleleenlyullehellllle. o- om W. Iloauorenl. uwcldul. In N 1 urslaownuutnn. In-ply. `E nnvilln. I&& WJVIII: uww W0 guuranlcc Dr-d Kidne any use of Bright's I `sense. Din (cs. Lumbago, Drops . R (:\uu.1 . lilmll Dlsensc. Female Troubrra. impure ' I"Uf money refunded Sold by nlldeal M i-\ medlclnc or by mail tocllpl oi nriuzu. .-cc. pen `max. an Six boxes $2.,-A nn 1 A :i TH :21. (`(`,.. Toronto. II N l E nlvillo. of Lent. Bovonl room: nave noon noon within the past few dtyl. Saturday A couple of these fonbhond harbinger: 0! spring were rched on brass awaiting the cessation o the norm. The owner: 0! [An lghhhhnnu fnnfnrv-Imvn hum nlvinn nmnn` mm Brlotl. Buwnws MILLS. Feb. l7.--We wire vianpd lust week by the houwluh snow storm ol thin season. The rondnn almost completely blocked up. Tho uhovol bri- ude could ovorywhoro ba noon on top: of uildinga. The storm nu cuud again, but. bu boon followed by my dold weather. Sport: an new about over. as we luv: once more untamed into the uuon . of Lent. Sovonl robin: have boon noon within hhn nan}. 'lIII div]. lllldf I it. n gonenu ropqmng. Our school run cloned lat. wank. owing to lllnou of our teacher, but snare plouod to hear the I: able ho ho ouo again. Grlppo is quite provolone nmmunr ndhbl Owing to the heavy won om-In W was unable to make hr daily ips. Wnln In A Imltnmo vintoor to GI! ||%l unable to man nor anuy mpg. TIC Wine in a welcome vidoor our these long winter evenings. Anon 61:: many paper: entering our ooo also am taken the load. common or one norm. 1110 Owner! ox Loo Iaiwohoooe fuowryhavo been giving it. general ropqiring. Our vrock. owing when anomor storm would come. . The tea-moetingnvhioh was to have boom held Thuradny evening of hot wuel. bid to be postponed on sccounb of _tho uveto storm. and now it is announced behold on Tuesday, 25th inst. Rev. Mr. Moudihh. Verona. in to preach tiers next. Sabbath nt- hernoon. Thoma: Brsdford. Chu-lol FRO` Verona. II In pt-Mon nere nonannnnun u- ternoon. Thoma: `Brsdford, A nnnn .....I Al-u-nun gr-A nan-uinn an UBTIIOOII. '1 nonml DI'I(lIDI'Clg UIIITIX l|'X' man and A. Abrunn are onrrying on quite n Bnninou ahnnoylng on whnb was formerlytho Whmy unto. About two weeks a John Dnwkor had noaunou succeufu ly removed (mm his eye. Two gentleman friend: from Nnncnoo successfully removed mom on Two gentlemen Nnpenoe are visiting at Thou. Leonard's; Mn. T. Guess, E13 burg. at M. Clokefe; W. Amey. King ton, at I. Cereonllen ex Mien ltiie Judge, Godfrey. at T. Bi worth ; Mrs. Dool h returned lxome. church chair in ni improved by the addition of Mr. and re. Eben Revrll. Mn. 8. chok- son in on the nick lieu. A piano he: been put into C. J. Wood's parlor. on trial. Rheum ` ` (gran ulseust, l`LIIIun: Troub :8. M: n - -or - edit.-inc maon max. $2.30 DB. L. A. SF--II'i'H 2:. C0,. -_.__._.__.____ me A. a 2'. run. nave nm a canon: ulna, nonrhoro, during the ?` week or ten days. Oned hot wart dy ran into I mow bmk in umpual out. And tabs on- gine ran '00` the "flinch and the `snow laugh was oomplooly deatroyod. A large oroa of men was onngod, Ind they won onfy flit during one day. It has not boon pouiblrtn run the tminn on time, for the road would only be nlooly nhovollod out when another storm would Tho tgnmunnoinn whlnh um: On Mnvl hlnh`, out. Eli wilueleevee um: week tor `L0- ronto to attend the grand lodge of Work- men. Tenders are out for the return of the old established 8mlt,h's Fella stage line. The new system aeemato dlepleue more than the plo of Newborn. It In said the cash 0 the `mail service in now over ve times what. it reviounly wu and not; as labiefmtory. 1?. number of the carriers did not work no half price the system would raise A rebellion in some sections where economical government is favored. The Klntou C Pomhrnko Inllwny I-Inc Kept Open Under Dllcnllloh I HA|l l`lN(I [`U'N. Feb. 20.--The oclnln of slug ll L D DD luv: In-1| A 13:11:: Lima l'lA|l'l`lN(ITU'N. 1'00. 'Al.--100 UIBOIIII DI the K. & P. RR. have had is curious Limo. nhnr In-nu tlurina Hm I-nit. watch or Inn lIIutlna"h Going 0n-0IIeeI-e e! the Agni _ cultural Ioolety. Nirweono. Feb. 18.--'I'he B. t. W. exi res: wee not in Beturdey evening until ` even o'clock end everyone had to welt their mail until Monday. Thenie I live! time in the canal juet now. Then in I gong of ebout thirty men in the out op-= posiio the warehouse clearing the mud [ON the rock. Another gun in at work It the. rock neer the loch. '1` drilling in done by hand and the bllute are net all after the men quit work et noon and eix o'clock. Some huge rocks have been thrown fully` twenty rode on either Iideof the embank- ment. The aeu At the loch iein cherge` ` of Geor he cy. H. A. Lnyng hoe ; charge 0 the gang clearing the mud. ice and snow from the rocks near the bridge. The work ie not too hard but the extreme: ` cold weather telle badly on eome at the` 1 men. Ae noon on the eteel arrive: another} rock gen will be put on near the were ` house. eame receive 82.50 pr dey end. - laborers $1.26. The thermometer regieteb ed 38 below zero on Tneeda . 6 e.m.. gt!` . inside an hour bed dro ` to 40`. ' o wonderwu men eereem . . The Nlnv-II: .e-(uhu AI-rilmrtl umiahv uusnuw -u uvun The North roaby ugriolltunl moiety has roorguniwd {or IBM: Dr. Pmlmu, president; R. W. beach, vioo-president; J. T. Oallnvher. ummnr; J. R. Koirr. boo- rotary; 0. Admin, Wm. `Crozier. H. Cart , J. W . Proiton. J. H. Butler. J. ,\. S aver, . Hutchlngn, J. E. Green mdf James Ry n, directors. Ibis oponed toi ereoo new building: and gone ly Improve the grounds. J. A. Shaver. uuouor. In making his mundo. A numhor of ladle- were busy all Tuesday at Mrs. Buns : ra- ` aidence mulsin clothing for the hull] of the late W. . Moore, rooental burned out. Eli Wilueloavou this won (or To- .-Amn In nnmml Hm nrnnrl Indus nf Work- SNOW l;`L-C_)-UGH DESTROYED. OANAL. um um qua: uuou. BAW 0l'l [0I t YAl.D-0onnr Ontario and at stunts. ,_, ,,,_. ,1 I` A Egg`-n ng gauuujuuu .. .. .. lnuoulttlthunaol lauuouuq `II A} "clllldhl Mule I'll Il'i`.".` +9949 nm-rs non rulpnmiill "Tho Mun : College .louI'ul."_ __ Mule nu nl new bustnoucot IIIOIITOII swnmon an nnulol. Mun, w. J. um Spook! Ann. nu loud mu: onm-no `Bank. a [BRITISH `IE Jobbing % Degartm Fe |nnur`u`1"d. Lama mufiiia \ W I.0DWl'I.`$C'I- ` . -4ngI\IvII-lI I. 5 an now umuhlb nnnun with oublo oommuniootlon and can. wink: hmnonmn of mint! donou. n.- vlu-us. nuvv nus-nnnuu unnuum oublo on I d tampons ti doc Em- tllul noonon FIN g o! 1 , hndquu-ton the DH you IIV1 3 uxumuod In In mm `non mad f":E`1"E5?`WI'a` "'"".' P0 3 n . into Orul`.:O. su.?m'K1q3 "'n'. no I n 31:1 tn`: % .'.. 2 .3:*:-A-.v_.':2'-.33.: i-:5-. `C 0 A U 150! and IOGII I5l'Ill'! |s`.-.=3..::'. v'=`w%:-lag-`g 40.. One. Arunn luul uh Ollulhnn ow II`! B D3 hi I 0 ms Ilnny An: ooloo plan: at In: Batu I lid 0 II I an o oloo D.1lhI.0lml:I':l {l_:'n0Il vn.r.nA.mmwnr'nnm Lonagu, l.lvorpot.;l Lia CM. Fire Imurnco Coqlpany. ...`x`.'.,3I.'.':3f`,`. %'R`a:5".t.`3.``:l.'I.2 ' London Jr. Lanoaohlro Llfo AI- aurnnoo Company. Pun-noun A ouunull Oouun mu ..."`"' -~ ' +5 `2.'..'.`.`.:"&`.2':R.".... mu RATES OF PASSAGE. 0 bin us :1 rd: nooayd1n""&::n.'""" or.l.oo| Ion .|`lI:dullI,:l.lbOl` of DIlIOIIl`n| I to room.... Htaond Onbln. ON; 056 ninth. Ta or from lvorpool. Glucow. I! don, Lonwo rrv and Qnunuo A 1` I 1 llnaarr rm": 1'. II J P mldgnluwo. --d--:j.:1 =; .....-:.': '.':.-..F::...,,~-*2-L N0. 0 . . 0. 5 . No.18 Kix. 0." HI! ` No.I 0 19 . . N . . Ttstnhliol I um I run 1151 . oimpt ondny. All other tn n t. Bnnduy. `Eur unkgtn. And Pullman nooonmodnlon. 9 '| `P91 "9 '"'(3"ff'f"H"'& 00., (Rnaoalnol-I to Brook I Dootld _ IQUIIIUSTIZ" hdzgcdonlll.-,Tl!0Heu11I|q. Aya- Iectuunodyiorbiulnes, Nwugbnw neI.`BndTuhhthcMout,OnhIl1'II3I !`inntluSlde."l`()RPIDl.lVE3. `hf Rqnhhthollovdl. PudyVcguhbh. gnnlllll. lmallbolo L(;rDtt,lR\ak`IK.l. sud .h'|`Dpu wk on gages M I 0" 3ohnn$ox':|tr:::.I1lIl I`0|1- ' 11:15 . .-F . B ;:5;?% :.r-35.. a:7s5.: .'s?>"Z-.-.`.'7":"r:'?; ll 9 ac. Puui, wsnnnm. vumonm. cm. Portiand Ind Sun Fnnoi 0. Moo '1 m.-Lo Hor Nu G. Lako.oouoot- ln V: th O.P`B. ant and out. ull nnrtloulnl II I. h I`. Int! 0. P. I. [Of UIIIWOI `DOII. OOIIOOU OI . III ll1.-L0 I ..I u. unnd plrtloullrl I. h I`. 0. Ticket oloo. Ontario ntroot. U` lY'IN\lIAV B W IlII1IlI_ (`II Id"VVI-IAWI I\l1IId9I Ivory an for In vggno Inn!-ha without ` Anna. ' ' Bertha reserved In ndvnnoaf 7 '. Tourl Inll round trip tloou ton I'M . Toma. oxloo and at Pucl 0 Count no to I IIIIUI DIIIUU` U] U`. (DNWAY. Ant. Gen. 1` ALLAN LINE KnT(;I0N"& Psmniife Canada P`:-gig: Rdllihyl - ------- --.\-_`- Willhc n on c`a.1a..'h"ri-1` Bertha r:n.orv;' m G . , Tourlpt trip lkun. I.` ' `CI TSJTCT uiauvjc 00.0 On!!! ,~ I110 Q. --zuj-T- Weekly Tourgileoplng Cir IAEII AND CITY P TY II I out poulbla pen. on now! Vina buslnou no nun gill ITILANHII h annual 'I|Hil1-1 GOING EAST. o. 2 Exp.....i:m mm. o. I ....I:| pin. TRAINS uuvn xmoamu. n.-J.:`ox.2;"r`:'3. T" l`x'.'b{'o%T3a B shill d ov r ' `to polilez h.1':!lg::1*f.E:v';`.!`$:|hElIi`.&O 3% Ann )' cm '1 n1:'muoc.h I polio: holdori Iain fir ololti IO unnu- of all the It khol Ecgouulbia onE.owhh"'o.: win buslnou no To from lvorpool. ulucow. Burnt. In I m'AL:l"m;.( ."\i7E5*'f"I'5'A`Es' _______ __ _ _-A_._, L__n Steer-age Tn on Iran: LII:-pm-unl lllnnnnu II-Iinn I. .E.ElE@:RN_!A. BERMUDA. B unw 'luLl-Aln n-nun!` IIDBOIIO OOIIIEEIHQIIIOII. I I-8 8-A-/IF"? 4| COMPANV! onllllnyuunatllljt wu 3. w. mm ;. con? 9.... Age. on. mnr. rmvg /hggg . i UVSURANCE. J\r\I-to bu txr- (Buooouon to Brook 0 tooth.) -DEALEB.S IN-- 4 --n` `W000 AND COAL. MEDICAI .._....-....__.-ur-' Of All ' _ `-Kinds mm CRIMINAL LAWYER Au moduent Defense of That 3 Much Abused Practitioner. ` Contact Johnson Ognnlden the cum; ' at [cm crllulnll lnyyor nauwr lump nu nu ol tho--0IvIl`l?r|oIMuuan` Atnnoeatmoununfwst. Leanna ` 1| tllluano-1nbdxn99y0z.'n0rCharle6P--.; J uyablo and oloquant_1k~. E round-r1.hoqr1mlnl lawyer, ol which 0.110 9 Ioaoondeummon: . . mm nnmdlon that exist: in the mind: 9 In I `oondenmmon: Tho plnjudlun mind: J at many iaulnq: the orlnnlnaldawycr arises out of the character and methods of nume- mdlvldual practitioners uud as nppcublec '_ to the criminal luv or-thoorlnnnal lawyer : an 3 ohm of the loyal {onion ha unrea- Imbblo and unjust!-` earl! nozbnnoh = In any of the great pldulhnw, I! honestly- pt'rsund,- but is respectable, and Inwhtoh. ; honanhb d unotlon can bo attuned. 2 Still, the I do not desire to draw my invldloul comparison, it. seems to mo thorn 4. mm. nnmn for moiudloe against the .. Manna: . Yard No. 1-Onnrlo attest. " I-0lneuoo uh-not vhnrl. " 8--St~. Lawrence wharf. ghlql ooo-St.. Lnwronoo whul. llnnoh o -60 . Klngrlnml mu-once nhoda. oppo- u; Nrltl` ouon Ho 1 "".ton. I ,ro|np an II noto n . own .11 and don: a"r'1 nu .una33"a. '1 olwhono oomlnuniou on . . 9 ca .unr'7 x. l!"AnlDAhl\l lnvldloun comparison, It seems to mo mum in more nusou for prejudice Against , o1vM than thocrimlnnl lawyer. The olvtl. 3 lawyer today ghts for dollars and com, ` and while the right: of property may be: ; VIP) looted the rights of Individual liberty- uamuoh more no. The result of oolvll.` lqwinlt hm little to do, an a rule, with then happlnon, welfare and boo of otunuy. 1110 manual not-lmlnnl one mqybrlng` dinner upon not only the accused. but min, lug:-udauon and disgrace upon all those connected with mm. min... Am A Hmmxl. number of born ` There are 5 limited. uumuer or born criminals. They are rarely the subject of defense by the criminal lawyer. There is little in their lives or their being upon which to base a notions! defense. They are when are called protesdonuls. or ubnox-~ molly crimlml; but. it you wlll examine the records of the erlmlnal churn, out of It hundred men charged with crime, you will not nd a tenth of this character. 'l`I1n maul nf hnmnnitv Ollllfld And tenth of this character. Tho mama of humanity cluu-ged with crimes aulnlt the state belong to a differ- ent order of men. The bulk at the crimi- nal olaues are those who come within the - rule of their not being a simple uffulr of yielding toan evil impulse or nvloloua Iv! nn_\un vlnnlluun . . nu... Il\fA . -passion which might be ovurooruo were mdlmu-y mm-01 exorcism}. And whnb mun of full life nmlpuaa-dull has not yielded touuuvll hnpulsr.` And pnnlon mulf I elllargutlnlncluuxulnuttlmt~rhnhu11(-l-- nun. The npoaueauf liberty, the name; uf (`mo spoouh, tho voturles of sclenx re combatants ngnlnat bigotry. lntoh ...w, Illwory and ignorance, have boon, at one time or nnothur, olmased ms urlmluuln. `I-Inunllhulu Innn nnlnn mmnm'nhln time or nnomor, nlzmsea urluuuum. Hamilton made aomu momorablo do- fennea in criminal cases, but none nfrordod him such an opportunity for brilllnnta of- forls as might; lmvo ansuul ml the failure of the Rcvulutiunuyy cause mul tho vlmuing indictment of Washington for troauun. In defense of criminals, tlw/refute. the great- est forensic onrts have boon made nml the ltrougoat bulwnrka to protect pl-rsonnl rights nnd libortloa have lwon oroot:-4|. A galaxy of great. names runs through my mind. Acmsu tho wntm-, By-uuglmm, Mank- intoah. Grulmu, O'Connell, mphmm, Era- kino md n host. of others.` Smmgo to lay, in this connuutlon. hhnu the luv: nmnod, in his (X)]8l)l`tIi.0(l defense of llatiluld, 1-lunged with choosing at King Umrgo, advanced and nuntamed I more humane doctrine to protect. the insane t-hnn tmlny promiiu in ourown at-utu. And lunur own lmiovod land the oriminnl bar has honn honured by men of like renown. Tlwpnlitionl npeochoo of Bownrd today remain on the shuli un- road, when every student. of law and nd~ mix-or of eloquence pursnm with plunnuro his magnicent dofouno oi` Iho poor negro murderer Fromnnn, after his rescue from tho mob, andllmt dofoum Ilnp much nbusod plea of inuniw. Webster's speech in the Knapp murder case In inure Iroquentiy qnotod than any of his others. Chants : name in still the moat illustrious fur (omn- ulu eloquence in Boston. The anmu may be ankle! Brady in New York, Story in Ohicpgo, Pnul Brown in Philnol his. Thu wo have Prontlu, hinmhai, G mu, Illa. Stanton, Wright and A host. of aha: Our country pnncnta a galaxy of lphmlid criminal lawyers. And now int us oonuidor and answer the UGIITI OP ACCUSED PII3038. um unmmul lawyers. question often _nakod um criminal lawyer, How mn you innit! your eortn In net- to cave um. Agnln. than Ian prejudice against the orhnlnnl lawyor boonusouf an opinion of the public that so many nrlmlnnlu go free. This In beonuw In 99 cum out of 100 the public, upoclally In oltlm. takes it. an mom than prim fnolo evidence that, an woma- on moan: gum. Tho mom-od gets no sympathy In that direction. HI: prlnolpnl t$end..ln his uwnm-. . Tho ma-nnnnn than in melt. humus tnanwu nu uwrnuy. The newspaper: [Iva In most hummus Only tho IIINI one. because the account: In the no publlnhod Immediately upon ooournnoo ol the not the pa-ty In mound of. and necessarily when bruin- upon Iloooourunoool Inolonanepu-ty ll mound of, necessarily pram- dioe, passion. curiosity sud rumor an rife in oonnoot-ion with it. No paluuting or bttonnniing cirenmaunoos are sought for. T50 headlines, An Atrucloua Murder," Imprint on the brain coils of the render an impression no marked and usually an in- oihoenbio an the gures on a newly oolnod diver dollar. And herein iadnnu uncon- nciounlv I can injunins. and. runner, basin originates that so frequently eno- noouu opinion of so many criminal: who bl mind. coil: (in. qucmon anon _naKoII um nrumnu mwyur, How can you justify your drum: get- tlngn man charged with A orlmlnnl ot- funso {me when you pructioallyimow he is guilty?" How can A doctor justify him- self In uwlng n potlont. nflllowd wmn I deadly disease "when he knows that the Inn In a bad and dtmgomun olmrmtor and mu do owl] 1! ho lives? His profession In to life. Each: than in; nnnllullrm nmnlnnf. the A jivi I7:-. In-.nno||_1ou a my mum nun! aid `hbv-"wily svlnn rooonnunj home of his oxp1olu. Vhy. uly hm night ho put uvgnl burghgn to night." caml ,Io > "0b.yu.lndnd.ond yet In In really Inclined Io Into light of Is! He ! holl- yon know, but very resourceful." "Wonho burglars ban?" naked tho uhhni -dnnnlv lnnnnad In the maul. | "WI?! III! Dnlplrl nvnr" Mum IIII ' III, Doollgtls 01? led Mm." `3P`i'..`. . 3'.i..`.`:`.."i`. .-`A-I in dz-mu than nuu'?Y' "I ION Illoln nnlluucu nun." "Amup dun than -cu??? Ml: mu uhhl shou,nuuuuIn- din of lino lnlnumn." "Bow hunt nun about no that!" llNo_`Il ' . ` "Butdoounu, Ind azuolnx-V" ` blouuuunountohoohudtoh. Ho`: -Hall inch houlol" "Do loan to h nu, bI,ohuh|oIolIIuuhuwhI ulnnnhni" - 7 . ".:not `~ , IQ: undid In` mono oonnoomd with mm. 1 l1mlted~ ..umu....1. 'l`hmr am mmlv subject , Ex.;..'p-ngnuna-utuoougn. ..| many In G. 'I'llaII'll0Nl N0. 188. -`1\t\rI-- 4 rlllld lillorl pun awuuunu. A qunntity of good pinno humiwus. nob u wool and copper win ins, bridge [inn hhmuou. Iorovvn. hob. pedals. uctionbunkob. pitta. felt. pioca, am. can formula vorv ohnn. Annlv through -...-a...-..n , Aroluluko lunch tdhandjqlk Iov In um-`owl: nun`-4 nun u" nan. Amhduko Franny Fordlnnndgl Aim who will probably oooup th in: ` nay round the W . principally in numb (I sport. He in about to publish a book duulblng his adventures. entitled My'1'ripA1-ound the World." The fol- ` lowing intetutinaponuguurotnken from ' his duacrlpiiion of hisniz elephant hunt In India: "At 4 n 61ook. in the slim-noon woosughb up with two orlserelephnnta, thanks to the untiring Born of the natives. Again I Iuooeodod in approaching the nnimull, but when I was Just about facing one of then my companion: on me to tollnw another lheotlon. In it happened that 1 ning nmnmdnnhutwho. with nonm- gnutbg neouon; Tnlll ll lllppllll HID- ggun. gpggmggphnnpwhqwhh .~1ll..4-.. a. __ nnuy. On tho island of Jamaica them was once A meeting between a Bouwh captain and A noted Creole dueilat, named Henri d`ii`.g- viiio. Tho captain had gone ashore and was dining at n has] in Kiuauton, whom on not inn-equontiyhapponod the company indulged mthor more freely in drinks than was wise in those qunrmlmuno dayl. All went well until Captain Stewart was re- quoatod by I)'Egvllln to sing a long in Guoilc. Now. although Lt Sootohmnn, Stovmrt claimed he know no Guoiio. but, the Cmolo huing persistent, rather than givn offense the captain mug Auld Lang Sync" and supposed that the compromise was satisfactory. The oompauy broke up and Cnptuln Stewart returned to his ship, acourupaniml by a friend. On thoir way i I back tho triond mentioned D'lCgvilin's rap- utation M a bully and uxprossed his opin- V ion that ho had (ioliburutoly sought a qunr- ! i ml for the purpose of engaging the captain , in a. dual. Captain Stewart then said: ` `i`lmm in no more hm-rihln nrnntim of How 5 `Baotou Cnptnin Ocwod I Noun-iolu K I I In (11101. uupwlu HDGWIITD $110!] lllul ` There is no more horrible practice of our time. Once und once only have I fought a duel. That was when I when young man. and fog the sake of a lady for whose hand my dearest friend and I won suitors. I killed him. Since I saw him lying dead at. my foot I have never known a happy drw. I thought tonight that; (am had overtaken me, and I should be chai- lengod to give up my life for an oenso more triviul than that forwhioh I tookthe lilo of my friend." ~ 'l'hnt. niahh l)'Envilla sent nohnilenm action bmskou. plweo. Ion. ptoca, em. #3.. {oracle very cheap. Apply through no. < , > mp): rear Wwuul mo Imam nun no usu risking 8 shot. ,"WMlsI otoodthoro gunning mytneo one at tho_ ahlhrls scanned uponjs puns ofury wood, whereumu the nearest elephant looked up, then turned oompletdy around and started toward us. As soon as I could ' see his eyes I tired, and a second later the huge colossus fall with s dull thud. As has was nearing the ground two more shots, nrod by my oompanlons, struck him In the hand. undo roaring and trumpumg. It was an ammng moment for all of us. We all felt that we had had a hair- breadth escape. A second : delay, one {also stop and who monstrous elephant would hzwo annihilated the belated traveler. Hnntnln Dh-in, thnnvh nn nrxmu-lnnnnd lmvo nnmnuaiaa mo Deulmu traveler. "Captain Ph-lo. though an experienced hunmnnn. was much astonished at. the no- tlgn of the animal. He said nut. is hap- nnnnd vnrv nnldmn In India that an ulav 61 n or me nnuuru. no Hana uni. Ira nap- ponod very seldom In India that an phnnt unwind in man before he had been actually wounded. 'l`hu Animal I uhoh was found dead: the ` lcmnuy wouuaeu. Tlla animal I show was found dead; the bullet from un lurml caliber r|e(un Aus- 1 trlun Army Ila) had ponut-mood to the brain through his eye. Another bullet had struck in the root. of his trunk, 1) third was Onnnnl tn Innn: nlnnnml his tlulnnt IUPIIOK Ill ")0 T001201 Ill! ll'|ll1K, B I5 I found to have planned his throat. Hanan : nuns:-nu pnumvooun drugstore. __- 7____ ____ 7-1. pm jun am. Crawford. We awed there waiting for the smoke to clear away when allldanly the second elo- `phant chargvd upon us. At a distance of 67 feet I saw him appoaoh, trunk high in the Air, mouth open, two giglntio tucks threabeningly thrush forward. Myself and companions had Just time `to jump aside, thou the huge bulk rushed by, trampling down bushes and trees-15 lbur footed tor- nado roaring and trumpaing. If. mm nn mnnimm Iuo ox n-mnu. " ; Thu night l)'Egvlllo sent A challenge nbmrd the ship. The captain tried to ex- phln to D'Egvi)le'n messenger that. no 01- , ,~-. .2. I Al I AT CLOSE QUARTIRB. tense had been inmnded mil to point out the absurdity of a duel I'M` such a cause, and at last. atly remand to accept the 3 challenge. A few days afterward Captain : Bwwarb met D'Egviilo, and, anniynt. have been foreseen. was instantly nailed on oowu-d," and what wu wm-sowuntruok some: the two with a hm-newhip. . This was more than the Boomhmun mull stand, I0 he sent the fnouago D'l1`.gv|llo so much desired, and at the time nppuinmd took two of his sailors with him no the l'Id1I- voua. The man oarrled n picknx nndal nnndn UUGWIPI? OHIGTUI Inlll (0 I113 I KHIVO HUI` niently deep to receive two bodice and. I to D'Egvilie's astonishment, insulted that ! thq should both stand in this grave hold- ing a pistol in one hand and in the other the diagonal ooruern of a handim-chief which. stretched mm, would rqulate tin distance. The Creole, time cornered, had no choice but to aooept. the oonditionn. The two men stepped down into the grave, and Captain Bmwnrt. rmly grasped the hnndkurohiut, saying, The world will be well rid of II nooundrel, and alto of a min- erable man." The wound: drew lots for the word of oomnmnd. Meanwhile D'Eg- vilie fumbled with his corner of the hand- kerchief, dropped it. and picked I up again. His (mm was as while an the Man of linen. Komnmx, uroppou Hi Ann pwxeu 5 up nan: . His face was an white plea linen and baton the word Fix-ol" had panoeti um Mn: n! the man whom dutv it Its: to and bosom um woru"nx-or` uau puoeu thollpu of the man dutylt wave [In it ho tell forward In A dead hint. Gnnmln Smwan. looked down on mm for O moment. then. vnm 5 noon 0: nuguu. kicked him. Icrnmblod out of the gun Jud made his wqy back in m. ship. wuouuun mm IN mm HA In`. ' yurjjw) - * IN A TIIHT PLACI. wan collecting his din- nar from the mac, us as both tumod ..4. mm. mumnin man than was no use I `I70 15 H0 [911 ICYPWRICI In I CIGQQ IIIIIE. Captain Stewart for mouums, then. with a look of dlngnn. Halmd him. mumbled of nave IIAIIFIILG IIF IIAIII/3 f an... '"m..."' '53. .....u..uo... uni Iouwol uppouu. youow skin? Ihlloh vihlinrhu nnnitivoouro. Wnddn rpaae. Stewart ordered them to dig a grave aut- lnlnntlv dean tn mnnlva two hndlnl and, A ROYAL :I,.emAirr HUNTER. ----A--.--H :.'-m:r.:'..:"':.:'..'.:;. ?.:".:"w':i'.'-I ` non. coai`2:wooa1 DUELISTS IN A GRAVE. made him rion. Though Jerry was not one oi.` the 1840 Argonauts," he went to the Paeiiie ooast early in 1850, taking all the money he had an the world with him. First he went into the gold he oould lng home, and failing in thin be washed sand in the San Joaquin valley until his money was all gone, when he tried to hire out so he might at least earn his grub. With our selling at 0200 a barrel and sugar 88 a pound he could nd nobody willing to board him for what he could do, so, borrowing enough money from an aequaintanoeto pay his tare home, he started back for the iathmus, with a poor opinion 01` California and a worse opinion of himself. Except that two or him and were made sad when they learned he had nothing worth stealing. the home- ward trip was as dull as a minority party's canons, until the steamer dritted into a hurricane oi! Cape Hatteras. Jerry, who has been to sea mnsideruhly einoe then and has also aotedas moderator in a meet- ing of two warring ohnroh motione-to any nothing oi inning once been chosen stakehoidpr in asprintlng match--Jerry says this was the most tangled and intri- cate windstorm he ever pneeed thlough. The rst thing the sea did was to smash every boat on the steamer, and then it be- gan to pound upon the hatches and com- psnionway Hire the alarm at the inner gate in a Good l`emplars' lodge. By this time `the returning gold hunters were thinking about the vanity of riches in general and the great weight of com in particular, and began to-unhuekle and throw away -their wealth lnden helte. While other paseengeus were dividing their time between profanit- ty and prayer Jerry was reoklesely oolleot- ing thevtmaeuree of this earth which his companions hurled at his feet. carrying them all to the engineer, who ohanued to be a friend of his, and was willing to di- vide the net earnings or the venture. For 36 hours ihe sea dnneed to the ddling of the winds, and the passengers repaired : their morals as best they could, and that p i the sun oame out Just as they were 01! ti! ` ` Jersey coast. allowing the weary steamer r` to reach New York in safety. 'l"lmnnh nnnrlv nil the nnneanxmrn were the mines expecting to get in a week all '_ three failures like himself tried to rob l ' I DIIHIVBD, EHO BOW OWDB B Illll VIIIBKO. ' I'll bet I plug of tobaooo at good u ' you over smoked," Inn Jerry, "that. more ' 1 Ila ! another man In the world who went no Camornln and book In as week: and h undo 080.000 while he was uwuy." ' I Turn: who bun than oar nnvnr dlmntn = name uw.uw wnuo no man nway." ' Thole who hour the oer never dispno him, hoping to hear more about that porn- oun voyage from Human to New York. It In neodlq-..-an to any that all strangers who Indulge In such hopes are nun to go away happolutod. Jerry is modem :5 well u Moh.-SnmvIII Harbor (Me.) Cor. New / York Sun. " -0 Tllii LVBW IOFK Ill IIUl'z_V. Though nearly all the passengers were ltudylng the ohurt of the hereafter, there `were still a few who did not neglect the `present, and among them were two or `three who had seen Jerry collecting the belts, and who came to him when danger had passed (lmnnnding their wealth. The `old man says that what he told the com- plaiunnta wus not a lie. but he admits `that it had a similar effect, and in spite of this aseurouoe that he did not have their t gold they treated him so rudely and watched him so closely that he was faiu to send to the New York police for otiioial escort through that oity, a service they rendered for pay. In a little hotel down by Bowling Green Jerry and the engineer di- Uidod their gains. and found that each one ' had Just 189 pounds of gold. On the boat I, on route for Boston Jerry was assailed by claimants for his wealth, so he had to pay heavily for protection. From Boston he sailed the tho Penobscot river on s coaster. thinking it safer than to go by steamboat. and on arriving opposite Bucksport was set ashore to find two men waiting at the hotel to kidnap him. But he dodged them all by hiring every horse and vigor~ one man in the village for an escort. and thus protected went on to Sullivan. whore be buried 107 pounds of gold in a clump of bushes back from the shore. For ve years he did not dare to look at his trees- ure. Finally be dug it up a little at s time. and put all he had into vessel prop- erty, which was paying well at the time. After the war the shipping business do- clined so that he oould not make his prop- erty pay running expenses, and the panic of 1873 left him with but a small fortune. If he had bought Bar Harbor real estate. he would have been a millionaire now. As it was, he -purchased shore property in Sullivan, and now small village. I'll bet a nlun of tnhnnnn as good as mun eeenr some within range. ` The old man in short, etoui end orid. Hie breath goee and oomee in littlejuete. like a tanning will that hue loot every other cog, and when excited his heart ut- ter: ineide hie ribe llke a wlld bird in a case; but in epite 01. those phniual detect: and In eplhe oi the 71 yeare that he has eeen horn and buried, he work: every day .in the winter for 010 a week and oollecte the rent on 14 summer oottegee which he has put up einoe 1880. Residents who know him, and have known him for deoadee. eey he is worth 060,000, which cum I: probably 60 per cent larger then hie entnel aeaete and neerl loopcr cent greater than `the valuation erry can be induced to place on his real eetate when eeeeeeore are around. Rich or poor, he never ceceee to lament the waeto of the fortune he made coming home from Panama, und novnr dlvulaee how much property he own: to- ` dny. lest he should be brought to account for the audacious Ipeoulhtion that met made him rich. Pllu-nu-In In-vv man went nun nf hhn 1349 /fl0lI.-5|lUI` lurk Bu. nl-In 0|-nwlunl comps:-no Ill Wm: ` Other Bnlon of ls!-I90. Of the pope : utatoamnnship and Latin- lty tho world know: much nnd in ours to hear momo-mom pcbapqhareoftur, when nnother nnd`n nmnllu mm nbnll all In the `man: Inna-u-`n nhnln Mn: 5.. lug n-nnAf..l\lI1|n CJOHIOI IIIIIH IlIllC' IIIIH IDIII III III VIII! grant `a choir. For he [an grealr-popu Thomlrzonol boon Maoqnul lnoolleolnslly for I long Ilmo, not nhnll we presently coo Mn match sum. The on of individuall- tlu has not gone by. as some pretend. We of middle :5: have nopn. In out me- tllm. Covtinr. Loulu Napoleon, Garibaldi, Dlnnoll. Blnmuok, boo xm nd the young emperor of Germany. With the pollmod. in some ny-bofon hohnd llvod IN: Mo. few will danyihaoot 3}! than I pops possum In many I- Iho mall evenly bnlnnond and stub- nnno dllpooltlon. Thgt he! alone highly he the Judgmut of the olcuhd hln,_|n Italy : hnllonud ndhtoly all: my death at Vio- Innnul. sinus-u,tbon ho chitin. the of Iln holv Rnmnn (hlhnn and IIQ WC` IIIQUI. 0. J. A. ondrfn Ooo. 5 a.`u?.';.g'u 31:3,-_{_9__,-__-3--4 ' :- aullpd. In his own manner, as. anywho hotgho pen. And. hone!-than all the. .3 unsightly Ihnplo am! honest O Chrmhn `an an eve tough: a gun: hulk for M: lth : nuke. Straight mlndod. honest and Ilmplo In 1:. you tun. undvo and uobxy cannons, tartlucoh nonobmoy In Mun whonnno enact: the Vllllty 0! Nu own oop IlI|0.~ \ audwho. onto! nan qnlnnnhou iatlnunqunndun devalue! than who love him. vgn I unto 1&0 004-! uuuunhnunlho 0 at. And it ; ; `.'* $;I':a'-1' V `nnlonnomnnprzcurnyunuuoou-' r!-on llunlrod nndonnronnbd Ooldlit-|0onI*.|o0owII9l lnlno--Ann: Ioflloll AINISIIII JO!!! In lith- II nqniru I diplomatic no of language and 0 van power at pannnnion to induce old Jon-y Haven of Sullivan Fany to dis-: olono how he wont to Oaliiomln in I850, lulled 0 otlrn money, borrowed cash so take himuelf homo, and .then made I {or- cuno when within two days jonmy oi Nqw York. This it not booanio J any love: monqy ovd'munh-io: be upon nearly all hounds heinlo he Iieadlod down-but for tho boiler union that hofian the original owner: of ill: wealth may you tarry thin side of tin grave and come down out to claim their own. The:-aiore Jerry in wary whan uppnuaohad on Iihl Iubjeot. and Jin- bio to unh and y away long bolero any truth seeks: new within ` This old man in short. about and Al on cunu. man no canal, an no land of tho holy Roman Catholic and apowollo church, unison leader as any when: our any bu wlaldod power; an Ikillpd. It! his lnnnnu-,nI.anywho hnluln-the nan. lld. hnhm-than All Inn. :1 F H! rouno Fr In A TERRIBLE GAL: orr cars r-mrrenas. ".iE'1mY%s1roii'ii3NE. LEO IS A GREQT POPE. llubar Pulls : Twenty Milo nldo Win: a -Jlpluou .|"rlnoo'I Corpus. Among the queorest. {eaturea 0! court, -etlquatta 0! the old world are those in (u)n~ rneuuon with royal and lmpurlnl duunha. `This is vividly brought. homo to one by tho grim circumstances Iurmundlng Mm demise of the Japanoso imperial prince and uld marshal, Kltuhlrnknwu. who succumbed to lever while In umumumd of` the mlkado`l army or occupation in mm in [and of Formosa. Jnnanuao etiquette 1-uonkms l M Dingo. : ItlIoh'nc-cu-rh {:51 in "I I:.vo;rr won mean good.` 000. Wnddrnglhn. ` 0 nuw vvnuu-n nu u-uu In-lvu-u "Your hlghnmn." exclaimed the grand vlzler M be rushed lnto tho royal pronunco and [lung hlmnult uh hln n0\'0ru|gI1'sfcuL. "AI-lno." was we gruclouu runpum-m. You needn't prostmu yourself. " I can't. help It. Tlala ls u case of nerv- oun prontrutlon. Zobulde--" "Yea, thoqnnon of tho lmrem-" In only rampage. Hhe la louklm; fur troublo with n murchllglw and n unbllllg gun, your uuqjony. she lay tluu, ulllmt.-4 slxolltxontod wlth mare oonultlorntlun shu'll fnuko your mummy : brow n ouullmle for nwupoo And turn tho puluoe lucus allu- ootdant ox-lnuon wlldernuu." "Whlli'l It. All About?" Thu oonmmo you sent. her from thcmll e:-'1." Win: It ha: ha-nan In ntuln thnnu hnn. In. Buburb-I thought you aid It was the little Uiifnoxt door who won muting all the noise?) mm JohnuIo-So tum, mg I van Moths; warm: 3 suck.--Londou `[1:- am 0' IVIIY IDXITII FTIOI. V OOBBESPONDENCI: 0FI'I0l-0ornor On- trio and Omen struts. nnma nnrm n. vAnn..nnnu onurio