gen. ' Refunnl to recognize the fact that vlmlun inmlru 1'mll)()Ii!IibiLV. Mid M301] cHVnnsTt`AI;"r)u-f;r3. our 0! ouunnn: Christ in nl|.' nllown : JOHN SMITH KINGSTON. ONTARIO. V the pwuxro on which y gloriml. 0 men Him 9 that the " "|"|.n lifn u u Lhysel! leaned. uh Cm in%My Hod and Father wnne I am: . `hen Rev. J. Cerruthere. M.A., at- klne lecturer in olooutlon, offered prayer and roml the gospel story of the death of Lazarus. afterwards rooeeding to give an nddreen an ideal men ineu. This nublect had seemed to him appropriate on account of the fact that thle eeuion the univereit hed loet, by denth,three a lendld typeeo man- hood. A meeeege he oome to the faculty nl erte In the deeth of vice-principal Wllllemeon, and to the general body of the etnidentn in the deeth of the well-ho ` loved James Stewart; and now to the laoulty of medicine in the removal of the hyeiclen and professor. Dr. Fenwick. inch of these men had exemplied noble traits of character. m.....;.... ..m., In hinmrv the weaker A Icrvloe In Ilemory of Dr. Fcnwlck llold Yutordn}. Instead of the usual Sunday afternoon "t.alk, a service in memory of the law Dr. K. N. Fonwick was held at Queen : uni- versity yutordnyjftemoon. Convocation hull WM crovvdpd. The ` 1*T(.. v -- A Knock Out Blow} yoIt.ordny_afternoon. Convocation otudontu, who were present In lofoe, coau- glad the middle seat: in ghe body of the all, nnd their usual plsoe ln the Ilery was fglven up to tho public. An 0 cienb doub e qunrtetme of Itudenta. solechd from the univoralty glee clubto lend the singing on Sunday afternoons, ulciated yutol-day in this clpacity for the that time. led by W. (L Bast. W. (I. But. The professor: of all the lacultioa had been asked to take seat: on the plnbform, and they in proces- nion. wearing cap. gown and hood. from the senate` room to the hall. As they entered the choir ohnnusd the hymn begin- in My Hod and Fstphor While I Stra ." `hen Rev. character. Turning now to history the speaker showed that the Roman ideal of manhood had been valor and obedience; the Ureek, culture and the Hebrew, ri hteousness. Only the last hnd meintainet itseif,nnd even it had been given A broader scope and an higher meaning by the One who said Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ve shell in no wise enter the kin dom 0! heaven. Christ must reign int e very perIonslity-thir-4 is the first of essentials. Miss Agnes (lriith sang an arrange- ment of Nearer my Hod to Thee." with vocal accompaniment by the choir. Than Prinoinal (irant. in n. brief but im- vocal accompaniment by we cneir. Then Principal prennive edtlreaa, dwelt upon the law of emcriee ml the deepest law of the universe. The leaders of the race were often its mar- tyrs too. Thoae who could not nnderntiuul how it could be that one mun should (lie for others. or One for the race. were the nnrroweet of individualiete. It had been again and ngnin thnt when the head of some concrete evil wan to he erushed the very part that was instrumental in the c-runliiug received its tleath-wound. So it was that the race progressed. One grain of truth is worth a thousand liven." Prayer was ollered by the principal {or the bereaved fmmly zunl for that other physician (Dr. Saunders) whose illness hm.- ureuaed such wide-spread nympnthy. Ir. um-i umnmm-inte that with mind, It was nnproprinoe directed to t ne nlictod near uh hand the congregation should be led to consider the nutferings of fellow olwistiumi in other huuln. Rev. Robert. Chambers in one of u .......x,... ..4' .....m....m. nr (J|mnn's who are eton relief iuml. Till He Come" wen sung end the nor- vico closed with the benediction. lu pmnoliing before u very lingo eougro gntion in St. (ieor;zo`s oathetlml last even- ing upon the Trtumitoriuoan of Life". lleun Smith empliiwimil the fuct thut thou h life is transitory yet thut it is real and t in! work (lone here in work for Hod nml that the very uhortneuu ruul uncertain- ty of life HlIOUl(l but more u to incromwed enruoutnesir nml diligent-e. Work here in u'ork,whioh Hod would huve done and :hioh lle nooepta, llllll "of no dopmtmout in it more true," ruiid the preuchor, "tlmn of that of the noble profession of which our ilopnrtoil brother Wllrl no ili:-tingninlietl an ornament. For they who on. I" upon the gentle nrtnf heulinu with M l 0 motive uctuully enter upon work which ml Him- self oumo into this worlil to eilovt. He came to be the Saviour of the l)0(l_V urn well run the Redeemer of tlienoul. llo (`nmo to uuike mun : lot hnppior in this world. as well no to secure his iuilvntiou in the next. nnil surely we min unv of our brother`: work that it we: boneuent. onnohlinu on we think of piiiu nml nutlurin alleviated uml liven preserved. Surely tie world is the better for his work. uiul though the ngent in foe, yet the work remains I18 all true wor must remain nn it in this thong it which is to drive nwuy the gloom mul (l0I[ll\ll` that is sure to come us we ilwell upon the (:hnnge_ the (loony, the lleeting nntune of all around u." lmuln. Rev. Robert. Umunoers In one on u number of gmrlunwn of Queen's working in Armenia. lle lmd sent the principal an appeal to the (`anutlinn people mlnel the starving and homeless Christ inn:-no Llmt. oppressed land. This appeal wpin read and Llmue present were reminded . .- H n ..._.. z. .. .......... .-.6 Il\n Klmr. L0 he! the starving tum nomenunu ululm. wun read Lhnt (3. H. Huuo in tremmrer of the Klug- ( . relief fun --'I`.lI II. Damn" wnn tum: nnd the Two I9:-ya l laa1|o>1I>(')-n|~|VtVyVtn Btenllng Bales nl lluy. Police nmginbrnbo l)u'hnn mcovorud from his I`:-(rem. -indiapouition and presided in court. this morning. There wns quite a lengthy link. of drunks on tho tlovkut, and two boyn were charged with having stolen n halo of hay from u (LT. ll. our on Sutur- dn' night. *homnu Carroll. ohnrryd with drunken- nom-. , was ned 8| mu costs. with tho dn' nnglit. l`homnu ( lined `oats. ohnnca of spending ben (lays in jail. Put- rick Burns wma reoemly discharged from custody, nfwr serving eix months. He Egniletl uuiltv. when vlmrged with having in ulrnnk. but said it, was ll Ion time since he hurl been drunk before. I e was ned 821) And costs. with the option of pay- ing up or going tojail for six -months. and R warrant, was tuned but will not be exe outed during his good behnvinr. Lnwranne Mann. ohnmed with drunken- 40 Dalr tor Blak a'}\;1V|`Vvl\|te. 50c Dalr tor Tan. outed durmg his good behuvmr. Lawrence Mann, charged nona. was ned $3 and nuns and was given the nltorlmtwo of gain to jail for one month. I-2. |)myLon. or I similar of fame, mm puniahotl by the infliction of In similar sentence. 1-...-. u..|.uu- mnul Iuunlrn nml .l:.|m similar James Bulger. ngod twelve. and Jbllll ` |'ui-tell. nged fourteen. were ohn with hm-in broken the heels on the oor of I Hrnn: Trunk railway cnr and atolen A hole nf hny on the night of the Isth mat. They both plemlodguilty. and were remanded until to-inormw. The car in question stood on the track at the foot of Johnston street. end the boys broke open the door end wok the hey, which they placed on A hnnd~aleigh and hauled awn . They are known to have etnlen neveru bales. A portion of which they sold for 50. in halo. On Sntur-iuy night they were detected y the (i.T.R. night watchmen juut us they had loaded one bale on their nieigh and were taking 5 second from the our. Seeing that they were observed they left their booty. together with the hllld-IlQiKh. and took to their heels. They were traced by the trech of the sleigh runners. made on e urlevioua trip. and were erreeted by P.C. mnnn end taken tothe etetion. where wovioua trip. nnd arrested by l .L. moon And taken nation. they confessed that they were guilty Illd gave the nundof the person whom thy sold mrb 0! the hay. I .C.`%loCullongg H0] O0I|l%ll,6nII unoy Wen: guulq lun- nune of khwbom theg pert ol hey. P.C. nCulloug dieenveted o\_qmntlt._v ol loose he . which had been beled. lying in a lube on the premises occupied by the [menu 0! one of the ledn. The Wertlnguen were Net `there. The penonnol of the Irorkingnw.-n`: (3) meeting V lanky afternoon wee Inede up than : W0 ehoemehen, two hnrnene nel- ere. one dentist. one epeeuhtor. one re tired rnennhcturet. two Inuliete. S pedlare. the young clerks. one path! . ` onehnyc. one nhnehee Inbetemfeer echool boys. one m dealer. one clothing nerehent. three men and one menu. 0! thiennnber about ten could he called actual won-kingtnen. n the wed in weepi- ed. men the soil with their bends hr their 4 livelihood. The chi cl. wellinllen wno `Io Win Oliewunlnhnns IN CONVOGATION HALL. BROKETNT6 A CAR. ___} `MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY .27. 1896. 7, `nu Ipnob of `Ivory nay Lm-wIui the Pcoplo An Talking Abont-NoIlpIn II- oopu nu Amnuon of Thou who An ` Tnklnl Kohl. George Pnrroat, of Nnpnnee. was In the chi; to-day. ` I gin fdnnie Ball returned from Belleville ; an aim nu set. at. Miss Weller, welnngwn street. Liout. 13103:, of Lannrk, comes to King- ston this week to work with Lho Salvation arm I! Miral W2-1tc'rs.| People oi good mate u "uaoroma" [Or their teeth. Do you 2 :or sale by E. C. Mitchell. Thu Minna: nut: and Mnmin Rlmnnhnn Mitchell. I The Mluea Rose and Mamie Slmnahun left town to-duy on n virit, to friends in lnnanoque. A" eld battery paraded ulomz the girincipal streets this morning in charge of a'or Drury. rs. John McKellnr. Ingernoll. is vii-iL ing her daughter, Mrs. A. Mc(}n.rLer. Uni- veraity avenue. Abrnhnm Shaw Was in Brockville on Fri- varsity Abraham Shaw day and installed the oicera of Sussex chap- |ber"_R.A.M.. No. 59. lnuitntinna urn nuf. for the wnddimt of n PARAGHAPH8 PICKED up av oun ausv REPORTEH8. Mill Annie Dill FUWJFIIUII uum uvuuvuw : on Snburdny. _ Band at the Royal rink to-night. Good ioe. Admiuion I00. 1 T. Nolan, Camden, N.Y., is visiting friends in Kingston. Wamnoldn tutolou preparation of Cod friends in Kingston. Wampoldn preparation Liver Oll M MoLood s. My-4 Tami: nf Nfnnnnnn in vinitzimr Liver Uil M Mobootrs. Mri. Lewis. of Nnpanee. is visiting friend: and relatives in the city. Miss Lillian Hall, Nneanee. gives an ......-.. ....h.l an nI..... N f.n.n|oht., Miu Lillian Hall, Na nee, gives an an recital in Olean. N. .. to-m ht. or I rfeot. t. order the Bpecin by Cor- at Mm Weller n, Wellington street. Linulh. Rlnna. of Lannrk. Kim!- -vvu yum uvun ..v 7...... .._-.. -..- ........_.,,, IPIILII. ' is: M. Duncan, of this city, has been visiting her Toronto friends for the past week. Shmrlnu gm-I tn-rlnv urnm imnnv and week. Sunda* and today were sunny and wnrm. he January that seems to be up- (In III. Sold by all rollnhlo Grnoon. Hotoln, Dl'\l[- glut. 080.. Bull nunn L '0 Lnnnhn, Hnnllnnl. 'ber'_K.A.M.. No. 09. Invitations are out for the wedding prominent municalman to one of Nsumneda leading young ladies. | Tom zmmm sought. the shelter of the leading ladlea. Ten cramps sought. ( police station on Saturday night. (M were sheltered last, night. l`um mu-lnndn nf nnr In-nm Hm I sheltered lust, nuzhc. Two car loads of our from the north- west burrito:-ies have arrived at the (I. l .R. freight sheds for nlocal morchnnn. Dr. J. H. Bell has returned to the city freight shedn tor a local morcnnnn. city from Phnladelphin. Pm, where he lmd gone to see his Hater (Mrs. Jolmatom who is ill. l\ nnnn warn nntinnnhlv nlantlful hnc mm (Mrs. Jonnaoom wno us Ill. Drunken men were noticeably vlentiful on Ontario street. on Saturtlay nig 1L after seven o'clock, and four of them were nr~ rested. TI... Ia`.-rmommn nnnntv nnunnil will hnhl rested. The Frontenac county counnil will hold its first session bo-morrow ul'ternoon. John Fisher, reeve of Portsmouth, will likely be elected warden. Tim mhlnnnnu nf Ibrn Rinmuon nnd \\'il- elected warden. The addresses of lira. Simpson son and the workingmmfs meeting report will be found on page two. Vary reudublc M'bi('leIi on all pages. ` At. Llm meetinu of the Frontemxc liberal M'bi('leIi all At. the meetin mlnoeintion, on aburdny, n voteof Umnkn was tendered to the members of l'nr!lMml and Loughborn young man's liberal club for their atmndnnco and aaaintmmo at the moetin . 41 .H.m.o.inn vnnnnn nmnd nnnntitn. but Iul wwu nuuvllull--vv ...... ........ ....... _ .., (3 digestion moans good appetite, but wlxnllstho use without. good teeth? Use Odoromn for your teeth. It. not only pro- veutn docny but pm:-ervon them permu- nunt.l_v. For mlo by H. (7. Mitchell. .1 I. Hnvnnnk arm, bank from West nunt.l_v. For mlo by In. L`. MILCIIBII. J. l.. Hnyoock got Wellington on Sunda morning. He was very proud over the action of Mr. 'I`ur~kor, Lino patron candidate. by a good nmjority. He says Frontenac is solid {or the patrons nbout next May. Anntlmr lmnoreut medanl content will be BANKHUPT STllEK\ about May. Another l)eInoreut hohl in (lunnnoque shnrbly. The ulrmu tlonietn who have nlrasdy wi mednls nre : Mina Jennie lhwis. Mina (lrnce l)urlin;z. Mlss Mabel (lmcoy. Miss (lertrude Pouch, Miss Ethel Acton. Minn Alive Grunt nml Minn Loonu Elliott. The "Porn " Newman who died of coast fever in . outh Africa turns out to he Uocil l lM.L Newman. grudlmterl at King ton in lli. He was nppoinwtl u nnptnin of No. ll company of the hixtln Funilim~n in June. 189; . AL the time nf his gI1ulun- lion ho WM tho younuont member of hid <-lm-H. Highunuss wna celebrnmed in .`lt.. l\lnr_v`n t-nthedrnl e.-borday by tho Rm . Fr. O'Brien. he sermon wnn preaclnud by the Rev. Fr. (`ollinn from Matthew nu, I-IR. The subject treated was the leprosy of sin. The choir remlerod the Chrinmnua Inns:-I. A beautiful composition, nml nun-,: inn highly creditable manner. The solos of Miss Lyons, Minn (`orri an nml Winn Whulan were e'ect,i\'o. lr. Brvnmfa \|A1`.\nOA l`..l..l:_ In-nu n -nlnurlial nwnrf. In beuumul coxnpomunn, nnu nun-,; Adesto Fldelia," was un 1-p|endid ofTort.. In the evening the singing of tho Tnmtum Ery at the benediction wnn goml. Mr` Tulmmum unaintod with his \ iolin. (Brent . Britain and the Ul|lt6(I nmws. The consensus of opinion nooma to be that ood relations between Hi-out Brimin and t. 0 United Sultan are in the highest. inloroata of mankind, and that it in the duty of all true Ciumdiana to do eveiyv thing in chair power to promote suwh relations. l|...`..... n.l 11.... wn'un- "I hm-n livnd Eunolnlal to the Woll-Iiolng 0! Mankind -I r|nnlpnI Gram : \ Ia-wu. The London Advertiser naked dintmgu inched (`umulinns to give briey their \'.iewn on the im rumce of u Aot.t.lemenL, along nlnriutinn ineo, of the differelncos botwgun Britain and the United Htntos. "Pl... ........-...... nl nnininn umlnn tn Im relntiolis. I'riucipal (Inuit. writes: "I huvo lived for yours in (iron. Britain. nnd cun testify that there is no feeling them towards the l7nit.od States but goodwill and faith in the future of the republic. A aiibauuitiul proof of that in the enormous umoum. of money which the people of Britain inn-out in the sums, wherons France. A very rich country. invents I mean trie. and Hermnny still less. --n.. pl... mlmr hum! I have fmmmnt.l\' htull. union the second mongn nu nun an unity (:1 expansion. `hot to have mainly touootoinlhn we llbou bhmolou in, the IIIINOT u htha vote. Ilnn Canundn VII inndod in I812. lllmd ISM. When our hand: no oldn. and our hum pun. nun pray. uids? lldlhorigl. \ INCIDENTS or mi mw. tom ted to dolpsir. " ur duty. however. in plain. Without hrfoiting our own calf-respect, we must nu. Avntv onnmtnnitv of nmmotimr nood- lorfeiting cell-respect, must. take every opportunity of mating good- will on earth. and eepeoialv between the motherland and the oldest (laughter. bet. in try to huoen the good time coming. Every lhreetol wet, and still mom, ac luel wet. deler it indenitely. I! either ' iotod won on the other vnr would..l)e no remedy. wish I could Iey i.rut.hfully,l.hen in no "him of war between Britain and the taken. at how oui that he slid. when the retro! Approve! that `reeled Mr. Clevelnndi med )3 ml ringi in our ears! True. 3: eenee zfche people of this United EA_A.4 :. ...... -....oa.... in." On o.i.. THERE IS, I_JNDOU_BTEDLY, A DL_.. that llr.UIevoInna'I mu: It I :3 -9% 3 the Shh: to nov|nuI1.ingiuoll.~0n tho nut ooouion action n|{.Tpohib|y. be kind. hofonthonecond 1. ugh huhnd {An opportunity oxptuoion , ,._-,n__ A- M- g- :_ |L.A _-. .L..ll L. -. In us. People oi good mm "0doroma for `hair vou or by F'ROM.O`|;E FRIENDLIVNESS. ` \..I.. Dunn `nly two There in I movement, on room III we rm- tish royal goo rnphical society to lend an ex vedibion In 1. e Antarctic ocean. hero is a bill before the New York leg- islature bo pay the alderman 0! N ew York City $3,000 instead of 82.000 a your. [mum Mumhv. Toronto. convicted of M- to his room by n sovore Attack ot grlppe.` y On Saturday the Brock: defeated the II. : [Crystals at hockey by 1 score of 2 too. I 1 The bve-election for the vacancy in thd ` night. Chalmers church will be crowded next Thursday ovoning. Come early and Iecure :1 wood sent. V-, power com Two oar ( | nu` uluvvvvn uolnw. I of coal oil arrived at the CJ`. R. freight. shod: from 80. Thoma: for a city businou man. Jnmn in nlacimr orders -for ten warships IV I N9: Tun ANNMI. rzn-mm or 1-me umuue. holchn 0! Tim Uqlvln (`nmpnny ylmnllodr. will In holnl an Inn nhm of tho (`mm In` on 2? on lam-I. on -rrnunnn mu *1: kn`. . lllh). M nno n -~lnuk pm.` ANTHONY MALONE. Sovntnn. threo yours at Kingston pemwnuary. The physicians in attendance on Dr. Saunders report a very slight. improvement, in the patient`: condition this morning. I A uroiect in now beimz aeriou sly consid- I the patient`: condition this morning. groject being sly ered ythe German omperonuid his cabinet providing for n formidable increase of the HIIVV. ' ._.__T. , the Very lalon Nun crowded Into the lnnllpot 0! Space. Philharmonic pnebice taillight, in city hall at 7:30. L Hurrah for the Royal rink to-night. A bi crowd expected. `hull mhnrnl of Philharmonic tonight big. crowd expected. iunl rehosrul urnight D in city hall, at 7:30 aha-r . Ciw solicitor D. M. lalntyre in conned I hall, 7:30 aha!" ` City olnt re new 0! grlppe.` on Hnturdnv E iCryatnla hockey by ol 2 wv. The bye-election vaonnc the 1 commons, for Charlovoix, takes pace to A... - 'da . ' - - {armies having soak held for them {or the Albani conceljt will please call and get Lhnm, I a $ood seat. ., . A. Folger ha: been up intad manag- ing director of the electric lght. heat and l)0WOl' (JOIDXHV. Japan lacing and plants or two dookyardu with builders on the Tvne and Clyde. There in movement, foot in the Bri- .:.|. ........I .......mnl.innl uu-inmv m lend IHIHIIIUII, (`UIIUIILIUII un uuu uuuun am. up wards. Thelnst oicinl report, of the Harman colonies shows that the emigration to the x-olouien in falling o, and the trade steadily deorenaing. The ft.ial.h nnniversnrv of the uppenr- Inn-umlvn to Dlphlhorh Anor I`wnwWooh' ` Illuon. Min Sunn H boon. I nurso-in~tn\in- I at the gomru hospital. died in that im umnn nn Sntunhv ovoninl lufhr an ill` decrenamg. The ftieth anniversary uppenr- unce of the London l)ail ' News was cele brnted last Tuendny. C mrlea Dickens was its first editor. 'l`l.n mm. in Hm mnrtnlln tnwnrn urn he` its first editor. The gun: in the mnrbello towers are be` ing placed in position, and the towers Lhetnselveu are to be put in n abate of re- pair forthwith. Mr. l`lllIR noon to Toronto and Hamilton pair forthwith. goes Llll week to look over the nolmoln thew nnrl secure t.he'-latest, hints in regard to school construction. A knnf Mn .-on mnmhm-n nf Hm lnnnl lmlua there of the dmmct rouge. Everyone who attencled the concert, in (llmlnnern Inst Thursday was delighted. 'I'hur-day, 30th, it will be repeuwd. Silver colleolinn of ten cents and upwards. It Inn haul} rlnnihnlv HOLLIS!` thllt I0 them. , T. McCruokon, Imnager of the Toronto land and investment corporation, died luau night. Chalmers City $3,000 inswnd ox $2.000 your. Isaac Murphy. Toronto, auulting Sarah Padley, was sentenced to three Kingston penit,ont.iary. The nhnicians nnvy. A rnt,~clMa concert in (flmlmert- church next Thursday evening. eight sharp. Ad- mmnon, oollecuon or ten canes and up-` ..,..m-I= school uonsbructI'on. About thirty members of the lonul lodge of Sons of Temperance will go to Lynn!- hun-L. tomorrow, to utteml the meeting : |.m.n nf Olxn Illa} r-int. lnllurn IIIITFL. to-mormw, D0 IILDOII there of the district lodge. Fvnrunnn who nhtnmled colleolinn of ten nenba and upwuruu. It. hm beam denitely mottled the remain: of Prinve Henry 1 Bntbeliber are Lobe buried in Wippinghnm churcx be- nentlu the royal pew, in accor anve with his will. ` M.`.... Mnulm. nu-.-Juan from M utmnl this (clan and nym nu .-I anpnuurwur vdopl nho was cod nndor the treat- nnnl nnnronvinto to that dinuo. A_l lnuv nu Miss Moylan arrives from M itrenl chin ufusrimon and will be present. at the lilml rohenrzml of the Phillmrmouic this evening. Hour her in city hall to-morrow owning. `.330. and 350. For the limit. time the Fmnbor-A1u*ho rn. Lhe highest of the Bernese Alps, has been climbed in winter. Prof. Fischer, with the guitlo Almer. accomplished the feat. in con- ple of woek-3 mgr). l".Ll\rin Atlumn. non of James Atlmn, has ple of woek-3 hocm appointed chief tmde inntrumor in the penitentiary. Helm: been employotl in the institution for nomo Lime. nml suc- voodn his father. Prof. Ruinkins. since 19473 bishop of the Herinnn old Cutholica. died recencl_\' ut. Bonn. Tilltho protest. of Lhefourtoen pm- fom-orn ngninr-It the mticun decree! he hnd been professor of theology at Broaluu. Hr. Hnnkmcnroner, of Blenheim, hold nu inquest on the bod ` of V'\ illium (`am- ornn, of Hnrwich. he evidence wunh Ln nub:-t.nnLint.e the theor' of Koliberute nuividu. The jury rendere an open ver- dict. 0 Ac sh Dnnl RM-nu nn Hntnrdnv J. K. mile Hkutuuzrnce In Lnlrng-uxrqe nnnuwn uud ve seconds, the uatont. time re- corded in u. 0ompet,i!.|on M, Lhnt, din On I uwa (Alum. The soprano nulos of the \Vomun of Rum- nriu are peculiarly mlnptnd mbiiun Mc- (?nrtno_y`u voice and It 10 and she has her work well in hand. ear hor tomorrow evening. city hall. Tickeu-, `. 5u. nnd Il.">c. Rnv l)r_ Rvvlnnnn. in Queen street dict. At St. Paul. Minn., on Saturday. J. K. Mnnlloch, of Winnipeg, won the the Lou- mile ukutiupzrnce in thirt. -thrqe minutes "ml vn nmnnda. {nstoat ex-emng. curry nan. ncxeu-, '.'a)(:. nun .u.-u. Rev. llr. Ryclnnnn, Queen .\le!.h0 last. night. pronchedn -.-ormnn memorial of the late Rev. William Hriulen. n Methodist. minister for forty yonr:I._ The lessons 0! his life were aptly nut, put. Ludy Aberdeen has consented to do her utmost. to nrmnge for an Irish display at. the British empire exposition, to be held in Montreal this summer, and it is probable there will be u representation of (in Irish auntie. r I-..;....... f`.I:rinH-n who want. tn Osborne castle. Princess Christian, who went, to Osborne house to condolo with Princess Benbrico in her bereavement. is excited with fear for the safety of her son, Prince Chris-tiau Vic- tnr, who accompanied the Ashantoe expe- ditiou. n 1: D.-.l.I.'.. lnnnr nf mm nnnnArvnti\'an ditiou. R. I . Roblin, leader of the conservntliven in the Manitoba legislature. wna tendered n banquet on Thursday night. in Wood- lands, the con-Lituoncy that gave him In handsome majority at the roent provincinl elections. A nnnuinun 1-rnnlx nnmnd "Rillv" Blnck. Vdopll nho pluootl Ilntlor inc snu- monc appropriate IIIIII durinxlho long unuulo with dad: Itwucboug Nho om would noovor. L-QII1 hump not to Inroalind, I`iQIl`!!{ A notorious crook named "Billy" Black. was arrested in Hamilton on Saturday nftnrnoon. Blnok is vmntpd on char of robbing the poet oice at Clnrkaburg. Jrey county, and there are churgea against him at other places. "4: R. H.." Soolev`a Bnv. Inks : la the other places. H. R. H.." Stanley`: Ba . Prince of Wales the Queen 9 oldest child 3'` No ; the Princes: Royal, Empress Freder- ick of Germany, VII the nk. born. She wee born Nov. Slut. 1840; the Prince of Wales, Nov. 9th, l84l. M... .cu..m.a. um mnthar of the \`nllov- Wale-. Nov. mm, nun. Mrs. Show-Lin. the mother of the Valley- tiold murderer. will remru home this week. Shortis. who in now doing oar- pentorn` "work in _St.. Vincent. do Paul ponibentinry. is 1 model prisoner. and given the gnol oiciuls no trouble whut B\'El'. ` ever. Mina Beckett. of St.n'ord\'ille, has been purchasing u stock of goods from London merchant; without meena t.o__ y for it, and it. in said she pretended lb ave money in n Detroit: bank. She bl! lled in epue time recently by getting married And as- an mug. 1-npm. Frederick. eldest aiughm ol theqneen. and mother ol Empemr Wil- liam. will attend the funerel of Prince Honrv. In court. circles the view is held that laer visit an Englnnd will be used to bring About I reconciliation with Emperor Willmm. I.`-.'..I.:.J. st... in: hm. hidden fnewell 'ilHnm. l-`riodrich Hugo In: just. hidden (unwell to the nu? at Berlin, on we ftieth anni- versary of mu nt. I nnoo. Ila acted in New York in I I at. the (krnnnin .u...o... ...... pl... limp, uhnn Nanandor will Ineot 8|-nuom tn In sum- naln some time thin week. Th winnor of the Ayr-Toronlao Inshdllo-dny will be pitud :z=-`....,.."" ";".::.:.':."* 3:. "far ......"'..`.: an . . w m be burnt: Oogouh and Quack. gill uh nlun in Frnrnnln. place in `Toronto. An I result of the trip of tho Quinn : town the inunu in ehognnb In Bnlunon bu been greatly and. and tho so of (Int on . tho on On cartel} mg muboKhpconq- York Hill at the Hermann theatre. now the Stu. when Nenondor tried to auto German plqyu pay on Upper Du-nnnln-I1 van Ungou Torontc. Ann result I lo|`|0(I [40 III Brrctd VIE. Z: n:v'vuv-cu wuwu-v-. --._ .....--- En: Iehonlnyosrnndrhnll ago and out ndthocnuunohho Inland lot but Inna by hot. kindly GENEQAL PARAGRAPH8. 7 .' will sumo-a in the Juni- - 9:... slut. u-ah `FLA iinnnr of The Llmentonen Won Easily From the Ca- letu-A Hockey Leugue. The exhibition of hockey put up by the Limeetones and R. M. C. cadets Ill their match, on Saturday ni ht, on the drill shed rink. was above the average. The cadets demonstrated the fact that they can turn out a better hockey team than in loot- I ball at ' egntion. However, they were not swift emiugh for the civilians and nutferetl defeat, which is humiliating to every sol (her. They nncopteil the matter good- nntuie(lly,nn(l nt. the lone of the game gave three henrty cheers lor the victors. There wns n lnir nttendanee of spectators. lndien lorming n lur e percentage. At 8:31) o'clock the tennis ined up on the ice in these positions : (`Amrrn _ Ll.\l|-`.Kr I New, Large and Well Selected Stock at Reduced Prices. IHE-BU|l|]|N[i AN" HEMHVMA SME (Eu-hat Rntlilniii. The Limentones rushed into the cmlet.a' wrricoiy, and in half: minute Sut.herhuul scored. On this rush he lodged C! )lendi(l- ly and mmlen very pretty shot. `or the next six nnuuws tho play was well within the <-mints lines. but occmuinnully \Vilby or Bennett would rush it down to the other end of the rink. but voulql not. keep it. thaw. the defence being too strong. At the end of the time embed nhove Hnmilton took it from Bennett , rushed up. passed overLo(,IunnIu2lmIn, who sent the puck through the goal, nearing the second point. for Hm oit,v (mun. Five minutes Litter the goal, ncoring the l|8C()Il(I point. for the city Sutherlouid performed in similar trick. jmsn. ing to llurty, who ncoreil the third goal with one of his liglitnin vlike .~liol.eI. The boys from over the iridge found that the play when ver_\' much against them and {or six minutes fnught in hard battle, keeping the pluy well nwny from their own ntron hnltl. Wilby distinguiihed himself by l\ rillinut llllll, some clever dodging and it clean shot thr-nigh the l.imestonen' gum], making the score 3 to I at the -10:90 ` of half time. u'|..... ..l..u u'n-I rnuumml the cadetu > When pluy wnu resumed the rm-hod into the Limestouen quarters, but ` .\lr-lmwull roliovod. Bennett and Wilby Imulo some good cmnbinution plny. getting ' tho pm-k (`luur of the Limostonea defence, I Hammett shut it through the Hag:-\ in three Ininulon. For the next four minutes the (`mlotn did well, rushing and getting in good team work, but. the tron zlefenve of their opponents proved too mm` for them- nnd Hnrty. onruhutln, scored the fourth god! for the Stones-.' A minute Inter . uthorlumi mluletl nnuthcr. and Ben- holl. m|\'uI|<'n the mdetn` score to three in two minutes. After some more general akirminhing Low carried the ,puck ,ul0ng. mlrning it on the wny and nanse.l it behind Humiell. A half minute nlor he did the name trivk and made the more 7-3. In on few minutes the timekeep- ern rang the bell nnd tho gnnm was over. The '-ndeta nhw A fnirlv good gnunc. paws | the bull nnd tho uvur. ; The play fnirly nod giunc. well. rush in ii (`0lYHl18lI(ll\b0 manner. but [:0 to pieces when they got into the terri- tory of their opponents. -A little more practice with outside teams mid they will But up ll strong grime. In Wilby and onnet they have It strong pair of wins. (`nntlie. at point. plnyn a sure prime. I8 felIll|iIl(l8l' are all right but want. Kirnutico. N For the Limestionen Sutherland p nyed all iirnund the remainder of the team, al- thou h Hnrty worked hard. MoDow|ll mid Iumilton inndo in strong defence. Au :1 rnfm-an I. Nnwhuids lled the bill \ SIXTY-THIRD YEAR .-NO. 22. numilton Imldo detonce. | As :1 referee L. Nowhunds filled to porlection. His decisions were quite aocepunblo. mmrnl and Mrs. Cameron were among aoceptunblo. General amon the Ipocbaturs. M were also quite a few 0 the professors. The sympathy of the nudi` (moo was with the vollegiunn. Local Locum Bu-Inn. A meeting of the executive vommittoe. appointed Lo draw up n schedule of games for the local hockey longue. was held on Saturday night. In the nbsence of E. 0. Strange, George Low presided. The clubs represented were : Viotnrhu-. N. Mitchell; ' Limestoneo, H. Low; R. M.C.. Cadet. Wills ; Rockwoodu. J. I). Shea: Crescenta. .. Newlnnds. Queen`: [I did not. sand I: re- prenent.M.ive. neither dixl the Grnnitaoll. be- cnuse senior team men could not. be play- ed. The following schedule was approved n` kn Hus n.~.mmiHno- on. `me Iouowmg Ilnneuunv wan up-y-v-vu of by the (`ommimoo : First round. groupl--Limonbonel. a bye. (lroup ll ~Ro<-kwood vu-. R.M.U., Feb. In and 8th. Group lIl-\ ict.orin vn. Creooonta, Jun. 30th and Feb. 6th. It 0.... (Iain: urn uni. nvlillbh IO If those damn are not available the matches muat, If pocuiblo, beplnyod earlier. Round second. the semi nuln, Ind the nal will be nrrnnged later. 2EA1:_ SALE Gentleman's mo rnmmng Goodsj Now In your ttmdeo noun tho very boat launch good: 3% 1}- 1.90 u down. `worth 82.50. Boat uoowtlnont of `H00 In the any. live for 01.00. worth 500 Otncnd oxulunoolggrgoodlnnd ~ ,7 ",4 __.--_ n-4..-n._ In View lproaunu. dinuuo eluinuono nonvio- llogohoon ouhnd tho nunu` lyou-undrinll n-nhcuuanoltho ml and in J-|.V!!"*STI rm! I Greater Bargains than ever will be offered. Everything in our THE HOCKEY coufesr. 18311] HALF PRICE is about what we ask for mahy kinds. including LONG EVENING GLOVES. As next week will wind up our .1. REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH ONLY. Flake Post Haste To see the Bargains we are ooring in Ladies Kid Gloves nnnnx nnnnn, Lnnmo lnllilH!'l`AlIll Arm Ell|ALlF.'I|--Nh Prlncomu unset. Corner Sydonhnm utreotl Tel: phone communication. ya I unions 0! lxncon nun with late bully in nov'IMn[. Hot hlluuul brotknvvnpnnot um ugoolhu-Oath. Duoundvm-ghoul n-an-.nmnn`vnnoluI. nnlluunur BIRTHS. - TI|um~su.\'--At. Dosoronbo. Jan. lmh. wife of Robert Thompson. of n daughter. S'rRu'mN-M. Deaeronto. Jan. `lint, wife of Walter Strntton. of A son. Rmn-ln Pir-Lon, Jan. `2lal.. wife of Ruuel Reid, of A ulaughcer. (`mun |c--AL Nnpnnee. Jan. 23rd. wife 0 A. C. Clarke. of n son. KNAI l -~llI Richmond, Jun. 23rd. wife of Overtou Knapp. of daughter. w. ll. unnnn.-uv, - Fvnn.u. Dnutc-mn AND Elnu.uI:n-:m1 Pam. noun strut, block Above old stand. .1 An. n.n.ua_ Tm: luunmn llNInm'rA|u:n-2M-2.'w1 } rllI('enn utrest. Tolephone141A. Open Daynnd Night. Ullallu H\H'l`lL-At Prinyer. Jun. 18th. Caroline Soles, widow of thelnh; Bo_nj_n_r_nin Smith. aged 73 years. ` `J mil 4 -u--.-.-\ Illl IIIII. l),u.~zum-Cxuumclu --At Picton, Jan. lmh, Mn-.. lnnun l`|mp'vuha-vn (lrannhnnh tn AGENTS FOR. CITY AND COUNTRY. ON salary or nommlslnmto ull Sewing ML- ohlnon. Apply toJ.L|iIhley.aont. "I8 Prin- can street. DESIRABLE BUSINESS STAND, NEXT to tho new Willa oloo In to lot with possession lmmodlntal . dent moderate. Application Inny be ma can the promhu. . , HE VALUABLE SHOP AND PREMISES. 299 And I8! Prlnuon street. at present oo- ouniod by 0. D Ohown. u been I stove and ' VALUABLE SHOP AND runnusxs. oupiod by Hun hnrdvuro house for our twenty yearn. Ap- ply to J. P. GlLnIlIaI.llvII,Ol|ronoo street. Chnmhorlnln Bo-echoes The Nobln V no C-In-In! II-lnnll. ` AsmNu_0ii `TI()UEItl;IiXN"(}4'G_ IIIIB. MOGICN. 3] First ntrvut. HAT DWELLING.` WITH EXTENSION and modern lm rovemonts. Intel noon- nlsd by Mr. G. A. R0 lnoou. corner Jo nylon HAT DWEl4LlNU,' wrrn lli)Ll`n.1VD1Un pled by )lnoon. Halon sud Barrio an-cots. Stable _on>t.h_a pro_r_nlun. |)-le Vy fr. (5. lldblnoon. Johnston on tha promlun. Immodlnte Ponoulon. Apply toJom4 lumps. I [I0 Clarence strut. ' -:-::-- lBLO0D TH|CKER THAN WATER. 0I'BOII|I .0l' `VIIIYDII. I.uNm_m, Jan. 27.~Tho Ri ht. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain. secretary 0 sum for the colonies, delivered 3 speech no Bir- min ham Saturday night. He congratu- Int mhn nnuntrv unun huimz In. the head ham Saturday night. he congratu- In the country u n huing of its affairs Lord ' Iiabury. those judg- e mom. and resolution had placed him t. ........ oi.-.9. nrnnn I-iumnmn ntatennen. and resolution mm piaceu mm mm var first nmong European Refyerring to the (luiona boundary dispute. Mr. Ohnmberlnin said it. had been trivial until it. was suddenly elevnted to grnve im- gortnnce b the interveiibion of the United ta tee. T are seemed tolie some miup~ .._.|.-...:.... .... hon. aid. The amnion :prehenuinn on both sides. '1ne 0 IDIOII seemed to have prevailed in *Englnn thnt. American statesmen wiahod to pick n ur- ml. while the Americana seemed to we thought. shut. the British impu ned the doctrine which they rightly had oug held to be the most important. to their own security. They also seemed to have thou ht. the British were disposed to deal in nnreh and arbitrary manner with n uneller auto. He believed that American pie. and ell chn. in bash in the United um. would ngard with horror an endless wnr with their own blood and kindred. He eleo believed tint. president. Cleveland, whose eozuninbanoehe land the honor of muting w ile he was in Ameriu, and who 1.-.: . :..i. u.nm_nt.ion for ntnizhtforwnrd. mnkin while he in Amernce, Ana wno had e i In re Letion for uni htforwnrd, honoreb dee ing,would never eoeive and drive the two kindred netiom no strife. On the other hand. the Americans could bone- nured lrom tbontbornncee of Inrd Seliebury end Arthur Balfour. t. rlt. lord of the treuury. that Great. in had no desire ' .,""*':.'; ..'" E;.......m "r y w ulna ,n`g u y . All ti-etwuneoeeeerytoneule etmuble wee man the end fuller know eenvhile he would meeho from cl hie been Senwor Woleowe noble blood II thicker then water." words. nudeluere.) `rbenvouldelwnyehe the nnumnnudevuv Briton. The two ne- States. There seemed to my some m:up~ prohonuinn both sides. The union ' named prevailed `Englnn Fine mind moderately cold ).u.~unn-UluumcIur--At.I'1ct.on, Jan. mun, Mary Jane Chambers, Greenbush. to Albert, S. l)ainnr Milford. AuEN1`s_1-rbn mlnrr nommlulnmto 1 PRICE Tab CENTS .' mum mm niraxmcas s{'i~fui,"i1r.'x7r new oloo. LARGE FRONT ROOM TO LET, WITH Ilonnl. Apply to 2118 Queen street. - WEATHER PREDBABILITIES. e by JAB. B. MnLE0l). Drugglst. Prim-as: Htreot , K inpzutou. ---:.-_jjjj-. HENRY BRAKE, gnu-um Ann: A an ll`.nn WANTED. """...H'f:':3.`E..'. Rn. chow-_ Inc"E5iEd6hi'"'}ings RATTENBURYS I: the general houpmu. men in man: In- tutbon op Saturday ovoninf Ix of two weeks. Enoty two weeks iv on Snlunlny nur-=- llogoboon I'll I on and `nym .-I diphthorbdo- walnut nhn I'll nod I. u. MITCHELL, - Gnemlst and opuomn u an nnlnnn-an I`I'III`li`. I`. OUR SHOES FIT "NURSE Hbdabdi DEKE` -2)th Centt;ry Shoes. His Skih - o ,n_.n_.n_.n..A..l..J..I..l..I..l. |\I4 nu. vu-r\:vu----, Protection against Rheu- matism in drinking 3 1 u 0 t\ ,,I,, _._ IAIIIIJ -IILI mucus.- -K-++++++4-~-+-I"!-4'4-'I'+++++ u .|||I (Mill!) R (1).. Anna. Icmrul. NOTICE`? uh ml xurrruuu nu Tlll .. . FITS A MAN IVY!---nu: -|'+'l-'l"l--0!--I--l~4-O-++l-++ SHOE] u `GNU TV. > In rulind. nlnimn nun may. win. The warm sort, 16c, 20c and up. _A job lot odwd sorts and sizes, were 38c to 65, slightly mussed, your pick of the pile, 25c. Big Heavy Ribbed Overstockings, 20c and up. K of snow and ice is here now, and _, -u...1.:.._ ,...,: (Ladles Vests| No w s a Good Time To buy :1 jacket. The $7 to $10 kind for from $4 to $5.75, or if you prefer it our special to order $8 kind for $5.95, or the $9 line at $6.75. Choice of a ne lot durable Tweeds or any shade good Beaver. IIIIILUI FULIIIIIJ `VIII IIlIIVIu-'v - ....... . . . _ "J renpevta. The nttouzlnm-0 wnn the largest this your, the proceedmgn wuro interemng and the enthusiasm Wm: nuwkml. | ruai~ dent Furrell fulfilled l.l|0(lllll0II of the chair and the business was Lrnnnnut.el in prompt time. The report of (he Journal null for tho -Inning your I|ll0W6(l n bnlunne of 3H above All expendituren, nml thin npoulun well for Um xmmngement. The genuml oovnx-orrubcntntnitbeo reported its expendi- cure: in full. and reoommomlml not holtliug the event, this M-Mon which rut-nmmomhr tinn was ntlnpmcl. A. ll. l"0r(l, the nouretmnry nl tho Mhletic committee. rominod his ro mrt, for the next meetin . u., ..- ..t .. ...I..l..nnn utnl-n munmlwil. I UK HIIUW Illkl ILK; Ia lI\aI\ nun, ....`- it suggests warm clothing and overwrappings. Our. Cost Sale _ ...-......o..niou on nrnrnrp. NEXT T0 4 THAT COMES I |:..........,,,..-.,,-. _, is your opportunity to procure such things cheap. ,1" VVc're opening New Spring ds-I Cains, Oil Cloths, Art ' ds, ` ons. I I HARDY -,9 I Il||"l IllII'lI oueefvs n. \}"s:' l`(..|auO.u, II: I`! The Meeting Of Hm Alum Mnlor Sm-lmy Wan Qune Into-rmntlnx. Hnturdnynxiglnfn meeting of the Mun nutter:-0cIet_y wun int.uI'on-Ling from many 4-... |.~........n c..Io:ll...I Huullllinn M the ulmix Kingston nrinfsifca Rink The Real Winter \ `V one PRICE srons. 123 Prlnooss St., North Side - K1: HOCKEY MONDAY EVENING. J-\N. 27th ....n u..- R<\l\(`I`l Burton; minister of |>llbll(` works, Hon. Willinni .\lnil}itt; mini-tor of mil- wnyn nnil onnnln. Hon. J. ll. Conn; minis- ler of lrmlu nnil wnninome, llun. ('. I". lznoll: minister of interior, llon. -lllllml W. i\lcInionh: iniiiismr of uinrino nnd sheries. llnn. Hoorgo Lowe; minister of nfiiunlturo. Hun. A. J. .\lc.\'vill; niinnater o militia, Hon. W. B. Munro: posunnz-icr gonoml. Sir John 'l`n'lor; secretary of sum, llon. (Soon; a E. lydo; cmnptrollor of customs, Hon. J. S. llnvi.-; comptroller of inlnml mvonue. Hon. J. A. Fruor; poli- ciborgoneml. Hon. Riclnml J. Clark. The ollioers of the house are: (ilork. A. J. Meikoljohn: nergeniitat-Armn, S. .\.Woodn; nllemnn usher of the bliwk roil, . R. Ingram: nnd clmplnin. the Rev. Dr. Joimon Anthony. The I och from the thmne is mainly mmnrlr N rle for in Attitude on the Mnnitobn nohnol question to which it stands Blrl\llKly[)l(`1l|{` ed. It foroahndows legislation: incmn-ing the number of repien-emetiveu to tho home from the northwest, on tho qllolioli of Chineno iinmigrntion. for tho ho-uer nnn~ ing of the nulitin, And the vxtoiicliug of trade relation: with (Iran llriuxin und other countries. Tho loyal opposition will be led by H. R. llrnim. who will he nhly nupgiortod by J. M. Fnrrall. H. H. Horsey. A. .. Ron and others. Nu-\i. Hotnrxluy by J. M. Farrell. H. H. Horsey. A. uurxlu nlglnl. the reply will be mm-oil nndalobu . ; iTI`_.`_`_`. - -- SUi'l_`Tf1_E RL._N D 5 Plro M a New llrlek Inn Iuopo-ally Mnnod from I Ill:-vo. At twenty Ininuton to two this morning. re broke out In I new brick houue on Union street, ovmed by Walter Giddings. plutonr. And before the blue mun got. under eomtol by tho remen. it had done coIu\idu'nhIo dlunngn. The lmuno was un noon ind. hmling been completed only: luv ya ago. and itin supposed Hm: the blah ogiginnmd from the Iiroin I -mm nlnmrl in the buildirmxm 'rlr\' the Dinner. blah ogignnued lrom use nroln I Iwvo lnoorl in the build `fin pinnmr. he nmon worked in uni subdued the lama In short older. but not before the iuworior of the utrnctnn hadboon onliroly ....u.aI |IllOl |OI l ,......a. doknt-0 `In no Q:oon. bho uchbhhop of Ontario on, China, anti. fnllowi_ meo- ollylnpnlhy tot queen u Prin- Benlrico . "Tho uchbithop Oi (liI|'i0.|9V-FOPOMIII 0! (Kinds. Iondon houngoof found ...._Lu- In vnur -mint! and moon \\1$|lI\"'-\-----.-----------~- ,, ,, - to your ujuty 'Prinocu in you bonnvomont." \ Hot nplid as follows: "The `anon and neon Bclttioo Iifeonly about Ms Inch-nonatu i will hurt to Will be glvn that Cough or Gold by a timely use of ._...__._:._._._._:_ QUEEN'S COLLEGE NOTES. no Iallll |Iv'IIJ -u. uu A union s*r?a:s1-"aLAz:. "l\)`i'('f'fbn|As n we r-mm tho leurl oh nu ful- yr of thutnro, I justice. Hir public works, :..A..- nl nnl . iii: on ...u. n- Kingston |HOWSHALL1 cLbm1=v con? THE GREAT IUBINESS OF A _.._.._u. .. .. . u MAGIC COUGH CURE. The Addresses of non. Ilessre. ufrubo. un- lnrd and Campbell In Portdmonth -A Ohristlen lhonld Be 1 Icons of Light Rendering ltsdlsnt the Psthwsy or I Life. On Sunday Mr. Llrubb, with his com- Ecomions. essrs. Millard and Cam bell, gun a t ree-duys mission in St. ohn's `church. Portsmouth. Morning and even- ing attentive congregations listened `to most impressive sermons delivered by the missioner. In the afternoon at the chil- dren's service Mr. Millard gave convino-4 lug proof of that power which has made him so successful in this importantbrench of church work. Bright, energetic and active, armed with a fund of anecdote and reminiscence. filled with a sincere desire to help the children, he engages and nus- tains their attention while instilling into their minds the great principles ol the gospel of Jesus, the Son of Uod. Six feet our inches in height. Mr. Gruhb presents in splendid piclure of powerful physical munhood,4while or few minutes spent in listening to his earnest words, impresses one with the fact that not only in physical pro- rtlons, but also in spiritual attainments. oes he tower head and shoulders" above his follows. In the morning the text was selected from Daniel v., the words bein And the God in whose hand thy breati is and whose are all thy wuys hast thou not glorified." After VIV dly picturing the delivery of (iml's judgment upon Belshuz- mr the drunken king, the preacher pro- ceeded to up ly the principles contained in the text to t econdltion of uilairs in the church at the present dn . declaring in the words of a writer of the net century, "The christinns of this age pray like christinns but live like lieuthens." mm... ........o nf a christian mini is but live like lieuthens. ' "The grant business 0! n christian the glory of (lod. How shall I glorify (lod? should be the thought. and nnpulue 31' LL. um. Hgfnro wn mm alnrilv (lml we , ' Oil? should be the thought nnu nnpunae A: me not geyg,-9 we alnrily in um .u H niunt underatand what in the glory of God. Just an the glory of the sun in the power of radiating light and heat bringing life and be.mt_v into the earth, so the glory of God shines forth in Eternal Son, "the light of the W0 d." Hod is glorified. therelore, when each believer becomes by union with Chriut a locus of light render- ing rndinnt and beautiful the pathway of lile. From Belulmmir we may obtain to the instruction and warning. Notice in his case the things which did not tend in the glor 0.` Hod. In the prophet: indict- ment t ere are many very ordinary clnirgen. I. recognize recognize we met nnru knowledge incurs reaponuibilit , U Melnlnr/.mr hum. nor, humble thine heart though thou knowant nll this." " -l`ri(le. "But, hunt, lifted ul; thyself l .. 5|... lnnl nf lunnvnn " " Bl0(l. . 1'. -l'rme. "hut, nmvt. mum ur u:_y=-an nguiunl, the Lord of human." leaned." snyw Jesus. nm the your in spirit. for their : in the kingdom 0 heaven." 3! _s-l.mrilmm_ "Thev have brought the the kingdom of heaven. ' .'l.-Hncril_ugo, "They brou ht. vessels of Ilia house before then run thou, and thy lords, thy wivon and thy concu- bineas have drunk wine in them." To-dny, by rliu-honoring their bodies men dele the temple! 0! the Holy (ihont, and commit uanin the sin of aattrilege in the night of (Sod. The members of my body um L0~dny ( the vmnseln of the human 0 Rod. . I.1...| "Thnu haul. nmiaod the vmnseln of the human 01 had. 4. -ldolut.ry. "Thou lmnl. nmiaod Gods of silver and gold, of runs, iron, wood nnd stone." "(`0\'oLous_no1-s which is idolatry" in tho denition given by St. Paul. "Little children keep your-uslvon from idols in the Inousnge given by the nged John. the lust livi 1g npoatlo. Turning 00 the brigh side of the picture we mview the various occunionu lllllg W bllu Uligiw I-iuu lll mu; 'm........ we review Jesus declared Himself to be When certain Greeks desired to (fhriat snid, "The hour is come Son of man nhnuld be gloried." The life of the glory of Hod begins in us when the l0lIl ones, `'0 Hod let me see thy glory in the fnvenf Joann (`,hriut." When Judiu had left the supper table mid the trainer- npirit hnd gone lorth into the night, Jenun mid. "Now i< the Son of innn glorified mid (kid is glorified in Him." Ulirist can never be gloried while trench- ery and divided nlleginnee lurks within the cnmp. When the murderer went out Jenna wnn glorified. Before his death Christ told hi: disciples \\ hutaoe\'er ye shall m-ik in My mime thnt will l do, that the Father may be gloried in the Sun." The num who prey: best remlern the grenter glory unto God. Again (led in gloritlod in n life which yiel.li4 the pencouble fruit of iigliteuiiuiiosn for Herein in My I-`ntlier gloried that yo hear much fruit." Huvh n life can be attained unly by the power of the Holy Spirit whom the Fiitlier will send in M nnnie Ile almll l,0l|(`l| you nll things [incl hringull things to your mmem lirnmze wlmtuver l hnve said mine _\ in." l`I... I111. cm Hm nvnlllll mrnmii win The wxt. for the evening nermon selm-Lo(l from the third clmpwr of (`alm- ninn.-, unrt. nf Um olox-cnt.h vorso. "(`hyinI. is All mu in nll." The Inim-ioner dwelt with grout. form) und power upon the lullnwing at.nt,eInoIIt.n, I-nggm-ted luv the text : Christ in II the ninner needs Mr the gmrdou 0! his .....- Tl... \rnnlu nf Inninll urn '.\u we lnke I hrnmze wlmwver 1 nnva -mu ulwu _uu.. the needs [or the gunman 0| ma inns. Thu wonln of lminh are sheep have gone uamiy; we lmvn I urnod over one to his own way, niul the Loril hnth hiid on Him the il\ll uit_v oi us all." We need to enter nil the rat "all" of thin. qiiobatioii and rome out in tho second. (Ihrint in nil we need for purity. The heart. mind And motive mual. be pure. "Bleuotl nre the rum in heart. for they Ihnll we Hod." lhriat in all A man Imodn for power. All wor." Ho m In, in given unto M0 in ionvon And onrth." "But ye shall receive power other that the Holy Hhr-at is come upon you." Christ is all we neud for daily provision He in the bearer of our tem- poral ~ needs. He cnxeful for nothing . and the peace of Hod whivh Fora. severe oold there's nothing to aqua! |b-so uava everyone that has used It. Won't you add your testimony? He in the bearer olnur mm- poralhoodn. peace `sun :-orh I understanding shall koe) your mnrt..~4 and minds through Christ . onus." |.unLl_v. Christ. in all we need for paradise. in the hour of donthnnd in the lay of judg -M... ur`h.-in in .II " In:x-Inyor Wright`: Friend. An article nppocrn in n llobmil. jnurnul houdetl as follow: .lnl-IN SMITH Can J. Smith noise the prin? - -. -..___- !And Wen` Born in ';Ypui|anti" in I340. loo: `rho Imp:-uvo-I-nt. Rev. Dr. Wilton referred. M. Hydonhqm street church last evening. to Kingntonin old-time hon-o urn, and mud Kingshoniunn have muon an be proud of their street railway non-icc now. He told of boarding one o! the old hon-o can to go to Portu- mmnh in the old dnyn. and mid he had to get 001' live time botvoon the ci'l.y..nnd the ponitontinry. to help the boy driver start the mr. , ._ .;_ nu... If You Had Red Hair l'pon \'nur Hand, \'uu Are the Chlp ;Vhnnt- Heir.-I Are in Luck. The Brawn! Ihlxulnn II III Olly. Pnvont. of the New York Clothing Soon. Brock wrest. having givon I In Ohio: lot spring impoluuioua, which will reach hone non month. has decided to Inch: I031 roductiou in all that! Inonutoi not clout lbuyu-Ito purl: fnolyandtoomblohim no uuhroom for him coming good; He mean: business. TIC rljlvri -IIuu-In Tomnlo Stu. lay It vmhounhonlighhot feuo!oon- uadiuionmndit ukould nnbthocloqy ohh ptorinoo blush. thutho onnption of ohureho hon taxation uualu mom .LIthnnlNhohu-rootnlundopolv evil, inuonoa of Ontario can nanlo -uulhhuinnn "l\oodon Runyon,>|ho Auurbmn unbu- ndcnl Durlln. did of hurt Minn thin homing.