Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jan 1896, p. 2

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THE CR}:-xls AT OTTAWA. ANNOUNCEMENT. "Opfer per Orbem l):'ror. TELIIPIIUNED. nun um..- - _ OBI`! YIAII. II-rrmt llhnn I. n .. -~..u-uuu --uwvnu uyllllllll VI A Do-dn . Corns u-o cured wit. three 3 plioutiono of Miller : Bun-Cure Corn Save. 150: hot Rqld only no W-uiq' drnrv lane a . It in roportod at LA Gun ra Lint. I mil- wlion dollars has been mi in N... V.-`.1. firm :3. mil: mi in New York for the Venetuehn ouupo. Mnvnr Woht nu. 1.:-A-l..s _-'. ..__.| tor the V enozuohn I Mayor Wright says hi! dolenhwub cnnud by, wonhor Ind women. Good` nI, d`yo DO: aIuI),UUI! to pay the necessary ex nv-ea. In the election: of I99! SH` Charles Tupp-vr uinhuhut nll the connorvntivou wen loyal men, snd all the trniloru were in the gut. camp. It would be inurootin to have Sir Mu-Ronnie Bowollh opinion 0 that doclnntion no-dug. AL..- (`Arum an. nun-`J ...`s -__|:,_.:,_ , also been called I4) the senate. The United States congreu hue referred to the committee on foreign nffnirl 1 pro- noeibinn for the organization of [.he state of awnii with the consent of the people thereof. It cnrriee an nppropriuion of $100,000 to the __ electron: Fire Insurance. ......... nu uuHI\A uuv uu unuuvuu vu um cum- mona. Was the senate appointment. held out to him as nn inducement. ban.-untest. Montreal Centre? If an 3 big slice can be cut. o'\Sir Willinugs dignity. 0 0 9 I1 C It is surprising that Sir William Hinge- bon would accept. appoinmnent. to the senate when he could not be elected to the com- .... .- \I',... .| _ H - Many yeah: ago the city offered to abolish the market tolls if the tolls on the county roads were nboliahed. And the offer was not, accepted. It is the dub, of the county council to buy out the toll tea and then make a. deal with the city. falk meanwhile is all moonshine. O . U The government) at Ottawn cannot be pntchod up, so long an the remedial order in a bone of contention. The French con- sermtivee have held I oaucna and demand ed remedial school legislation, and they want nothing else. So it is a case of going to the country in any case. 3 U U ` - I _ On dit. that the government has ordered Sir Charles Tupper, to return to his post in London. It is remarhable how convenient. was Sir Charles visit to OL- tawa when the cabinet crisis orscuxrred. Of course Sir Hxbbort. didn't; tellhim what was going on. . . . I Afher Sir John Macdonald the deluge," said a speaker at, a conservative caucus in Kiugsion some years ago. How prophe- tic seems his utterance E ` ` ` 0 0 Q EDITORIAL NOTES. The call of Senator Carling to the senate mains that he dn b face the electors in I London again. 9 o . oa-nry nnlrl hn Enhance...- '-nu: DAILY an-rr1s1=1" WHIG.V THURSDAY, JANUAR/Y `j-- :` arm to the Ifrurnpoan market. Emloynir wag" on I/ho` programme for an nddrua, but M-kevl to be excused. How ever. be gun an outline of how hi: milk oonlo urn fed dnrin the winter. Qua an fed. together wit. fodder corn, IHLII ` good mulu. He thought tho olnrnctor For rnmpt. senlcmmnt. of lawns and qun (Able anlinu with pullnybuldorn this r-ompany ut_5_1'uin g_|)j_vuI_lal__ lnpar, which Wl road by secretary itchio. Ho predicwtl ll nmlrcily of horses in About ve ygarn. Over foin`-fths of the horses livingin Ontario Inst. Ho item- ber, will notbo alive by May next. This will be mainly due pothe cheap and poor con- dition of the horse: in thin localit . and to the scarcity of fodder und hay. {larrlly I day punen that he in not ofl`?od one or-_ more horses, free, for use in the college` ln hon years the number of horses in On- urio will docteuo fifty per cent. In I395 there were H.000 horses shipped from On- tario to the !i`rurnpoan market. - E.`\ 0Vnil' wui on him nnnurnrnmn In. an end. `rho ammnls give better results. Prof. Ball. of the veterinary college, was not able be be present. but left In short. Ragnar, which road by predicted nrmrcitv horses on an averuge per new 1,`./rwo uusneln. The nexcin vnlue is the illl])l`U\'ell mum- moth long red,yielding 1,258.7 bushels per uure. The improved short while (rnrrnt was reoolmnended for nultivmiou They] grow r-:|mrt..'thick um! um readily remo ed I from the earth. Carrots. when user! us furl Jar An nnf uhnt 9L... ....II~..b`.......u ......n... 5.. circumierepco as desired. Eight. varieties of mungels were explain- ed as to their effectiveness for growth. The improved mnminobh sawing he-(led the list as giving the best results, yielding on an averuge l,`2R4.6 bushels. Tim nmn an vn`nA .'. um . ...l..I I A New Departure. 5 Lei-ture on the Proper I (looking of Ment-lt. Was Ahly l reiu-nt- ' ed-Tho Canadian Dairy luduetry Must Advi|n('e- l`hn Other Addresses. The Frontenac farmers institute opened session in the court house at hulf-past one o'clock yesterday ufternnon, 1`). Milton pro- siding. Owing to there being no morning session two lectured were declared off. The first subject taken up was the "Cultivation of Corn and Field Roots, by (J. A. Zuvitz, H-.S.A., ().A.C , (lnelph. The speaker used charts for the better explanation of his lecture. One chnrt showed the differ- ent varieties of fodder corn, twenty-uine experiments. The diererit varieties, their value an fodder. for ensllnege urposee, etc., were fully gone into and plfnined. Many present asked questions which were carefully considered and nnswen. ed. The chest pest and most effec- tive style of silo was explained its here given. A hole about ll foot deep is sunk whereit is wanted to construct the silo. Plunks are cut the desired length, anyone l set of two inch planks eight feet long. und another set of planks sixteen feet in length. Theeenre put, together ulternntely until the circle is completed. The planks are then bound together with iron hoops, brought tight by bolts. This would give u silo twenty-four feet high and as large in circumference desired. n`.;..i.: .,..`ra.i,;... ..r .......,...i. .......,. .,....i..:.. nus FAIim:Rs IN SESSION: FRONTENAC FARMERS` INSTI- TUTE HOLDS A MEETING. It is reported At. New York that the mar- ringe 0! Oliver H. I . Belmontnnd Mrs, W . K. Vanderbilt. will be celabrnt.ed_ at the residence of the latter at Madison nvonuo Ind 82nd ct.root.,on Jan. 28th. `-*:"'f Al I! By Mnglr. This is always the case when Norvilino in npplivd to any kind of pain; it. is sure to disappear M if by magic. Stronger, more ponotrntimz, and quicker in nction than any other remedy in the world : pain mm- not stay where it in used. It in just. the thing to have m the house to meet u sud. don Itmck of illneua. V II, In prnoublo llmt. Am. J. [L \/Vnlkolln WI be the leader of the cont-orvntive wing in the Council fnr D196. It, in probublo that the mnynrulhy candi- rluteu nnxt, ye? will be Ald. J. B. Wulkem nml AM. Hehnn. The ghp will be It 8l(`0 one. ' - - ,,,,...., Itaudn unrivullml Wm. ll,(`.lnrk. Pra.-nidor_1t- Jnmes F Dudley Vine-PreulIuut.; Wm Hnrain . 2-lary; III () Wo`eh And 17'. W. Jenneun. nshmtnt No:-.re~ nr on. . (hm-ar.on N:-wn It, in prnbublo tlmt. AM. J. H V\'nlkom nll hr` Lhn lnmlnr nf Hm r`nnlArl'nHnrn urunn The Annual Gathering In the Y. M. C. A LIIM. Night Large-Iy Attended. The nnnunl meeting of the Kingston bible society was held lnnt.,night in the \'.i\l (`..-L, Dr. E. H. Hmythe, Q C.. proei (lent, presiding. "The hull was tilled to its complete limit, and many could not gain admittance unit were obliged to miss the proceedin 5. In his address the president, thanked t a members of the society for havingglected him to so honorable a posi- tion. 0 was leasedyto be in member of the society, wliiich was doing goo work. The local society, he said, was ii iuted with the UpporCimadn bible soeiet , the niune of which he thought sbouhi be changed to Dhe Ontario bible society. This, in turn, is onnectod with the British and foreign bible society, founded in lFl0~i. It was ill] honor to be connected with such a society, which hml seen no nnmy years but hail not wunkened with age. Tliis society lind trunslnteii the lnble into 3129 ditl'erent him run as and lnul Iuisvil for the s iread of gostpelgovcr t"..". 1y,(lUH sterling. Tihe local society wns orgnnr/.ed in I84]. In that year the totnl amount rui.~ in the pro- vince by the ditlerent Dram-hes of the upper Cniimla bible society, was 83.1572. .usti veur the sum wns $.'lli,(NlU. The best your the society hns hntl wins in 1393. when 8~il,- UOO was ruisml. The amount u hicli King- ston cuntributeti I'1u wins the modest im of $80. This your it is about $100. A new scheme him been adopted Wiill'i| the speaker said he hoped would prove more effective in raising money than here- :3 1 tufore, iunnuly, the collection of t money l y the christian endeavor V, i -uwieiif~r4 of the (ill`l`f`l|i. 4-lmn-lmn f mm (lepul ID yielded best results. 1 A vole of thanks was _n1u`ved by I). I Rogers, sec.-ondezl by J. ' Knight, 1 {tendered the speakers. Other admires were to have been made, but the lawn of the hour would not pennit. 1 of the food should be studied from ground. This should be well looked I and wol|ou|l.ivut,ed. Corn should not planted deeper than two inches. that depth it. yielded beat rmaults. thank: wnn nm`vml In: I) e:aLEfs`6c zTE`?v MEETING. HIIIUH nlllg a ed In<:\I'n n\1\I~n HIRIIII, [I "U addreaxes no lateness n the after \nf ho . n. und mun... ume we Ieatlerauipol the commons. In this connection I may say that I am informed on excellent. nutlierity that Lieut.-Gov. Chnpleuu has been approached by frientlu with reference to his enterin a 'l`upperB0well administration. and lzmn mid that, while it. would not be convenient for him tdlenve S )encerwnod at prei-ent, he would be most nppy be enter such a niinistry ufter the close of the present nes- uiun of purliiunent; and, that in the event. of thq government. being defeated in its at tempt to mu-ry romet iul legislntinn. he would at once join the rlefeutetl ministry uml lend the purty in Quebec on to \'icLOI'_v M, the irenernl Plnnlinn THE ETNA INSURANCE CU. u A n1"lM\nn nnuu ul um senate. wmle SH (`hnrlen will run f- 1' his old cozmtituelncy of Cutnberhwd nnd take the leaclemhipof the I nmv Huv n...o I urn crane pnnolple of which It is the exponent. From sources other than Sir Charles or the Ereruior, I lourn that at the interview IB axis of an agreement was very neurlfv 1 r uched, and Llmtlgnxbters are now in su ' . :1 condition that tlibre is reason to belidvo Lluu, the present state of ulfaira many, in the course of a day or two, he ended by Sir (`hnrleu Tuppor being valled on to form a ministry, of which Sir llluckenzie Bowe-"l Will be a member pnd retain the leadership of the" senate. while Sir (`lmrlen will comatituennv of ttuunhm-lama ......| mm on ienuere-mp may in all probubilit be one of suspended judgment. for u snort time renmrks the Mail 0 rrea mlont. Thnt Sir Charles is the ohoic I he aevon set-oding ministers there cun be no manner nf doubt wlmbever. He is h')wo\'er, not. necking an honor which is coupled with so great. responsibility. If he is in\'it.ed by Sir Mnukeiuie to undertake the Luck of forming a government he will mot shrink from the duty, {or Sir Chnrlen Jngthrough and through the firm friend of the consor- vative caune.and a firm believer in the trade principle of which is the Charles or \ .-:.:- ` It Sir Chnrlel (ion the Premiership Ho wm Keep Slr Mu-konzlejn the Cnblnot -L|out..-Guvfchuplanu May Also `Palm 3 Hand In It. O'm'..\\\'.\, Juvi:"8.--The attitude of the members of parliulnent, towards the ques- tion of lendereship in all probubilit be suspended iudument. for u n mrl. Tum wlmcro TAKE in HE TELLS OF A RECENT CHAT WITH SIR MACKENZIE. `\ 9. 196 M: will mnl on -ppnuat on. true In- ?l"'RBETOBAL!)HADI. In urmul now In re: nlr upon 5 1 air mud to- O . 330 5. TTARTELESS An 1; u)AT1.'\'(l. L k'.EB!cmE ran it,` ..'r-.`-yrlllr. F`uHn$ ' r .`.u;;_ mrkxvn of mun-u m- Lirer (Imu- dlnhn :.:. .-1..-.n.m cmm, V . l,mI-urn ofl rm-I ;`!'`4-rllonl. 1 \vn nnnl unnum- Issues Policies on every pln` of insurance. including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bands at lower rates than any other company. ' IOO Wellington street. Ottawa. Headhoffiyce r of the Company. " MCKEWEY & BIRCH. _ "The People s LHeIi1~si1i:iIic&FCi).[7JTi)ri)Lnt6f COME EARLY. Rlenmown & cc. R|CHMOND & CO S. Wednesday, Jan. 8 BARGAIN DAY DHLORODYNE. Flue |!;J\UR\NCE Ngrlc-.; London. Liverpool and Globe Fir Insurance Company Fnndu nvnr My mnum In ...|.uo.'.... Urx ...|.4... OUTSIDE wnnppmx: of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL VVORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors Worcester 2 I Crosse 8:. Blackwell. Lt l,on:'.0:l ; and Export Ollmen generally. ` RETAIL zvnvwnsnc. __.._.___.... . 4 _. ..._..__ AGENTS: J. LEA ANII mums * DR. JfopL.s aaw~ E-s; % E\/EE'~?`a/ THlN(J AT COST. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE `ll~":r1l~!|r;u1i` ~l lw Hm prufmaiun to M l||nv"::`a-1)! Woll- \`nluulvl- runu~\l_v L'\l!l' IH.-4L'u\'0 ;-I-l|i\;l|'|Il|I>Wll for (`n-m(la~:, L`nn~ ` 1`Wl\lI|_\'<"lI'I k~4IllIIl}$:.lfI*~Y~4 Hunw hmofluxlfall (HM-1l~w4. Hiplnlu-x'iu. (-I`. (`ruu]>. Aguu. & .`lm in IV1'nrrl1I\unn-I i~4 1111- amlyuxlnol Mn 1 l|_\'.-unH~r_\' 1-11-v'Iu|:\lI"lI' -ulw -.lmrv nll nllnx-In -at I-Ipiln-p.-.y, Hy- -.tc-vm. Iutionuu~lSpu~|n~ ` i~< thv unly "l|iI||hi':'(Il*h`i)I1 ,`\':-nrn|;(in. |1l`llllH|(l`4n) Hm|L (`nnwu , any M:-nimzill-` uh` BARGAIN DAY ON . M. Douglua & Cu ` THE CARPET HOUSE OF We carry a large zu_1(`1 varied stock of `these, suitable for Residence, llotcl or Public Institution. For partlmxlara cull M the College nirb or write to J H MCKAV I'rimunnI Toilet Papers & l+`ixtures 71 BRUEK STREET. KINGSTON `nd 'l,'Iquhur IN BLUE /NA D/AGONALLY /403088 THE nrt. (`I L`o.. Montreal. Hliott Br0s.. THE ART GARLAND I) ,\'n `Mu-I --... I|l"lt '1 In: An I F1y;_n:ug,swu nuwuuss Lullugu ., .-H, nlmrnlion .75ii}, (`Inn Ono Dnor Below Clty Hotcl. THE MUSICAL DEPARTMENT is ll'1(`lll||' e . ARTHIIE Flsmzn. Esq`. Mus` Bum, A.C.( .` land. 9 uulantu received at any cimv and fees shamed from data of entrance. Kindergarten in r-(mnection with Collmze, Fur terms and Drohhutll.-I apply to MR5. [1 you want the Cheapest and Best` Evening The uln-mm In \VumI Pnrving nuvl Modal` in (`llnfv under MR \VAlNWRl(}HT will formec on Hm! duh- (`HAW E. W'H.ENSHAI._L. Pri Hr I nu `Term Ivaginn 'I`Hl'R.\'I)AY, .lANl'ARY 2N1- UIM. ' SCHOOL dE:X?7 MGSITON `mums _:oLu;rF'._, A an:-(I up an I)`: -a-Ilnn M--. V-__ Bond themfo C. H. () l"|`(), I51 Wellington In-oot.nnd e will put. them into a shape con- venient [or reference and ornamental to your library. v ---'.-u -nu-aux--v A Boarding and Day II:-llool for Young Iaullol ClooobIrn." Kingston. Full staff of l'nivurnity (iradlintps SPECIAL AT'f'ENTl()N nivun tn ..vn.Inno.. H M , at n Jl B U I "1 l U ll dk:f. & (`3H;`con`Stn:*IxI:; em-. R.a'Am!rI prompt done. Jonnorronn, wmu () ce. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to atmienho gropnrln for uxamlnntions The remnqin- uonoe 0 home combined with high menus! 'l'gux_ing. `..-- --.-.- u-vv-xnnnv HA llTl"()B.I). CONN. Cllh Capital . . . . . . . . . . ` . .1 4,: Total Agnew 10.1 W I. NEWLAND8. AECHP Appraiser, corner of Broul if-root: over Wade's Drug Store. , Aging 3 meet. next to Wino nfce. STAMPS IIIIOIHJB 0! IIOIDO oommueu WILD Illl) mental 'nmin . glUSICAl. e Mus ., lnnlnnd. u1nu.n nuum (memner or the Ontario Association of ohmom. AR.CHI I`E(l'I` A AND APl'RAlSE&. 6fHeeu--8l Brook Street. KIngIhm.(_)11t. ONEY T0 LOAN TN l.All.(iE UK SMALL anmn. at low rates of interest on City and Farm Pr arty. honnu gmntea nn (`Jty and County hentnreu, A ply to Tnouns Dumas, Kannger Frontenac man and lnvut- ynon Society. (mice opposite the Post Olce. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS AND BUILD- ING Survayors. O1oa-Well1naton Street, Kingston. sorffncurrncm Klnnton. AOPHERQO & HOOPER, AUDX IY)K-`Ll Accountants and Estate Agents. Fire. to and Accident Inaurnnco. Mona to loan 1| lowest rates. 95 Clarenca strum, ingnton. B. IACNIEKSON. R J. Hoorn. _..._...___. """""""`"` J I.U@ANN ANT AND REAL o to Agonk mi and nooountn col- lggtod. _,At9_uey to loan at 6, M and 6 per cent 'med`le1i1Tailprin 00.1 uo nut. Anni. Bantu nooolininzuol-` ted. Atoneyto M6 6 par 00, 832 King IL, over a a : Drug Eton. F A. BIBBY, m naoox HTRL-zip. THE: n losdln bank and liverynmblein theulty. Tolophono o. m. _ ___....__._.____ I Telephone Ann R I. ARKB, D.D.s. L.m-a., 51.11., DEN- o '1' .1`. Office, I30 lirinuau 981 -Iczot. Rani- llluoo, 138 University Avenue. no houu. 8 mm. to Ghgm. Saturday evening, 8 to 10 - - -I s. A. Aykmyd. DJ.) 1..n.s.; um. ACDONNELL & FA .`-bah--itors, I-ltn., Kin tan. ` H. B . MAc|mNm:LL. 0 A. nmnv, nxiocx '.~mn: 1`. THE loading` Tohnhonn n in, 14 dlnotl: Olivouite _sh'1>[{.E (fieo Welllf non um: xxgrcola. ambushed in 1 Ialxhono No. ldonoa. nu Kin; nree LE AID CLEME'l?B. LD.8 DENTIST N . dlnotly the Pouttmzco Well! :99 1tuoGl_K1g1jutqn. . .____.___.__..._j.._j.. ARTHUR ELLIS (Member of the Ontario AR.CHI'I`E(l'I` Q11) AI- l'[j.AlSE&. leeu--8l Street. _ , ,y,,,____. HONEY T0 _|_I_1mI. interest. City vTit1`s1NF.ss POINTERS. In Suits And Overcoats Made to Fit. KILLS & Cl'NNl Hols Aunnv.c.Kin1-mun I `+.;u;;sm. umunnv 2nd. `n pounl 11.7! y ll'H.. mmnl. unnlnmnno r ,C- r`7Ipmgnl.L. 0 ;fi9rt, too, ARCHITECTURAL. AR.CHI'I'E()'I` AND. npmiaer. Brock and Kinu "ET: (PTA TKI ON A]: INSURANCE not plan: or nmuurnnce offs: KILLS & CVNNINUHAM Kanntu. Kin:-nun And Illnfrln "5hB E1 EV ER T n data of 101: s pronpeutlls apply MR5. l.`M.A.P1-inoipnl JAMES HWIFT. Agent, B. MCKAY. l'ri|1v1pnI. .--.j__--_-:_:-- _I~TAI-- Classes I loose. or to he lmt or de- stroyed. when it costs so little (.0 have them hound l`T0. Walllnzton YOU CANNOT AFFORI) to allow your Papers and Mazszlnau m H: nmunul YOU to your Pnnern tle 21?: TBBER. STAMPS 01'` kinds. Self-Inksrn, zen Markers. Ihuers. ulu. stencils. Bunk. [ITEOT wk King Entrance on y. IALL. rim-iuul mfrenl ts. ` " l Train 1L'.e}'IEiu"r:n"};-56 ,...;.. for Trad. Nnpnnoo mrallhml pomta. R. kwllun. Inn: 9. P. I-1. cg. ggqnph ot- Vdictation of the kicker: and of the Mnnw uuvla Iuua ul uuv vinlluu utuoe.-3 OI Llllllgs. Their course is wicked in the extreme. It is wicked because they should huvo sooner shown their hand. According to their own admiaeirne they know as much about the aituation months ago as they `know now. They certainly know as much about it before the opening of the houno,. and that they elw Sir Mackenzie to prepare his programme. gave their aseont toit, and allowed the house to open only to oovupire against him, nook his I: ilitical life. and attempt to take it at the most un- expected moment. in a chapter of history disgraceful in the extreme. It is the m ore disgraceful because, quoting the language of Mr. Foster in the common: ,in defence of the deeertion of bin leade r. theI'3 `es no disagreement between the boltere and the premier. "upon any queetion of public policy.trade or constitu- tional." The only kick is against the old man," the` premier. and if he accepts the treal Gazette. (strangely unkind since Mr. WhitA'e appointment) he can do the one thing that may save the situation, and, by an act of ellf-abnegation, make it poeeible for another to put forth the effort. for which he ie held incapable." In other words, the premier is expected to commit V `Iitieal euicide, and the eooner the better ll: the put . Ien't that m i 5 ., `. 10. .....u -um -mu uvur ugmn, tum Lhut time. they have urged hum to abranglhepni his cabinet without avail. And they reason that all this, if true, jlmLi_es them In preciputing a crisis to the and than some daelopment. will occur leliling up to their idea of the eternal tness of things. Tllnirr-ninrnnin I'inl(nr' in H... ..-A....._... Vlcyol onlnto Iallwny. loaves Kin ton 8:30 P. Pvaod. Nnnnnan An all I~..I ....... . ..., ....,.u.. unuu null mu uoumllulllg HM (lo cupimlinll, .VI'h0 have nlrondy wnmuletl him by their rlh-nmhblng nbr, Ill juntnpamhn of their oifence, the or pluuacion that Sir Mackenvjo is not equnl L0 the dem-unln of the hour. that they had misgivings in regard to his abnlity to lend the government when he was cnllovl to tho premiership. that over and over ngmn, than Lima than Imun ...m..l l\;.... p.. .n Knoll unnw Luu cuunuenve III of their follows. The c0n.~apirM`y sir .\vfnckenzie Howell is whout n The seven men who are deumudln London Auurn nco Corporation III N unlulrlu Al1l.l'\!'l| s.v.uu-. J . An evirlenm than a final crush in in. hunt] in nordetl in the large number of nppnint vuenl.-1 thut are being made. At every Feu- .-ainn of the goxernment. or what. l(3nI. \in:< of it, nicon of high und low degree nre bu- ing lled. The scam in the tionnLe_ mvne of them vn.va'nb- for two or three _\'0m'N, have been nuuignerl to defentorl nnndiduten for who vmmnonz-u and oi:-nlininberu-I offin- nuuv\IuI.uI||UIlv IIUIII uuuuwu, IH blll ll Mackenzie Howell. despairing of success in his attempt to roccnnlruict the cabinet, in rli-Ipnse to resign; and that his halting colleagues, anxious lest he .-hould not re- commend one of them to form ll govern- ment. wentin ll body to Lord Aberdeen yesterday, and had a long interview with him. It is incredible that they made any suggestions to his excellency in regard to Sir _i\Ia.c!len7.ie's auccessor, but they no HI`-`L5 .-. I. ..,.....~:.... _ permitted, to powe an patriots who can be depended upon to bleed and die for their nu f......,. ...'..,...... 4.... V... country. wouiu, no (much, have round the chief ruler of that nntediluvinn day umuaing himself with some prehistoric form of the game in which ship's bower anchors play un important part. But the waters of the flood were rising all the time. This is from the chief organ of the gov- ernment in Quebec, the Montreal Gazette. nml it is Huggestive. Sir Mackenzie iau coolhencled irmn, but he has his worriea betimes, and that he has had more than his share (luring the past week is quite evident. The seeiiiingly annoyed thnthe \vu.z-1 nut fuuml in se<-luA sion, in B4\(,:k(`l()Lll Llfl ashes, mourning over the ingratitude of his party. He hiul been doing in power of thinking. but lun- ingz concluded that the Crisis was not his doing, he sat tloiirn to pass away an hour pleaazintlv with friends while the r~onspim- torn ntorrnerl and sweuted in an iuljoining chnmber. Sir Mackenzie is not the most brilliant man in parliament, hm. him a lot of ght in him. and he is not indisponed to let Mr. Foster. Dr. Montague, or any other man take him by the throat. Gazette in um II` No TAKING LIFE EASY. A correspondent who went, to see Sir Mnckel uie Bowel] on Monday night found him an ying a quiet. game of euchre. A correspondent, gain about in Noah's time would, doubt, nave found the chief rnlnr nf Ohnf nnrnnliluuuh... I-In ....-...... .... "H! M H 15 ymu-,'H paid In udvnnca; otherwise $1.51) Ear mu. TH S MI-WEEKLY in published nn Mun- duyu and Thursdays at 01 a year in sdvanue; ubnotherwine. Attached to the nnnar in tune M than hunt Jnh ' V ' V the paper In one of the best Job Oiueu in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap work; nine improved println presses. vEDW. .B. PENSE, JOHN OF` URI) Proprietor Assistant uslnens Manager. .-nu \_/I The only thing I nnnn ..nm.u...A 6'... Jun: THE WEEKLY Bm`ISH WHIH 8 pages, 64 columns, is publiuhed ovary Thuraclaly morn- I Inn at 2'] ymu-,'l{ paid tn on erwl-an *1;`*. _2er. X9!!!- Iocietleu will In; 1131} for ordup they give` London 8:. Lancashlre Life As- surance Company. `Pluc'ncu.x.r A Cuuruu Cnnruu Wrrn Bnmnu Sum7ur1'v. 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