\`\ ` D` lanthanum ; OTTOT: -qv-nu-:uuunvII\N-IIo~ .UIU'O the I: luv day: vim the --Th W.C. .L'.hv-oorgnuixxhhnd of lop. with Ilia Shvut no ptnidont -Mn. lurhn|unurm'dlIonviti\ing~l:i1udo a: 0hu\hndWultun-'ho in t can otllduu Gordy no hrioll Ir .- . Ir. Kelly hnmignu ill with qliuy. no it db to in outoguinh-Vht ` lhv. H . Hun. ....-..- .'.'a'.`.2."'..'.`a""u`.`.. M... a. lady. llinliuhooh. aw. J. span _5.. lI.umo\\xuml. Juno 2|.--llin Incl GI-Iva eobhnud but littnonlh birthday by cnhttainiug n nnnlntof irl triads.- Ou undo onmng Him Dealer ram _` IoGorxoKonnody. inclim mu ruggvu canon ;oeutuoy.--~nIIoo It'll Slmmon in with no ngsin. SM Inc hen cponding town this in tho cm-.-l{ Bhur gothiahand nvcnly cuts and inlaid np --In ll. Donnldmn in visiting lnondo has aunuq u-omng.-n. a mum. at. an the hospital. ntumod home on Thnndqy. -A large number from Inn hook I uirb to the rqgotl chub: ;oet.otdny.-Mico Iii!` Slnnnnn in with an Annin. Shun inn hum III IXVZ IKVUII I0!` UIDIIIIWIL .7. l\ H. Hon. B A.. vlll tub up the work . how. He will In heartily welcomed. Ilia r.-tnnnon hon will in preached nan` Sands; ovoning.-hlrn. 8 Allan. in (ht hannihl rnhnnarl Mun: nn 1`I|nl-min I}o\u.n.-us`s Mn.Ls.,` Juno 2l.-Mnny furmtra hunt henna hiymnling.--\V. J. Donaldson villopend this week with hu- man in Canonto.--The annual picnic hbld in Battle`: grove on the 16th inch. was mnsidonod tins and all returned Renaud.- Quito A number went to Clyde in Int mg to `hear Row. L Wight : [unwell mrmon. We n-greh to pun wih him. as he has not only pmvtd himeelf to In a clever pastor but u holping brother to all. Holonvu today for Gannifton. Row. A H. Hot` n A . Dill lnin nn ILA wool unrn nnu Inwnua puuung In A lll0.-Iiov. W. Womo preached hi: farewell mmon I-no Sunday somoon.--\'milon: Mn. Young. Bnrrioold. at '1`. Hnwhyhz Mr. and Mrn.J Curran. Kingston, an '1`. Or- rel- n; Mr. and him. In Oran`. Wilmu, no .I. Corruthors`: and Mr. md Mrs Lonny. Kingnton. ab J. Wnrmn\n e. Ul.EN\'.\l.|. Juno `ll --'l`ho I-`nee Metho- dirto have cloned bhmr mooning: unhl ulcer camp muting no Verona. which com- moncu to dny.-Tbings no wry quiet. mound the Glen now; our soldier boys luv! all gone t.ocImp.--Mr. (ilusolord and Mr. Uroamor had quite I number n! sheep dostmyod by dogs In: woek.-.\lro. G. K. Binniugton and Mice Mildred Or:-er am still on the: nick luau.-Edith Biuningbon in home ngnin altar pending a for months at. Chooton-illo.-J. Gibeon la nmodelinp his barn and intends putting in A a't|o.-Rev. W. Vanna nnnohml hi: hrmunll nmrmm. Ax.1'm~nrn. Juno `.!l.-0.1 Thurndny huh wool: lime Ethel Nari: run one to olmno one 0! tho horn: when in kicked bot, mak- ing a serious mark on the limo girl`: lam just below her on. She was given medi. cal aid and in doing nicely.---Ohulu Mur- phy. dronr in doin I inching buninnu in this vicinity and 0 nwheIe.~- -J. Jnohnnu Elliobb paid a ying vinib hon: lush week. ~'l`bomna Mamou. carpenter, has nished moving George Fourmer`n hornq embio. Tho job Inn is hard one but it improves the nppouxmco of his buildings very much. -'l`ho social Friday evening wns eomo~ who dull.--\'mitore: Mr. And Airs. Wal- roth and Mr. and Mn. J. J. Mo:-mvr. Mnberiy, Mr. and Mrs. Badenr, Bediotd. Iluuti." uunmu -nu ulv Eds 1`. manner will leave Klnrmn daily, nxu-pt Hnndvlnnt 5 L. m. and 2:1! Rm. oonnuo mg at up cent. with mans up all pmutc in me l7,A0l'l'rn am .1 -rnv n Wm.-u.n;\', Juno `..`t)--[`. J. Wenaley is building A blnckamiuh ahop for his own uso.--Our oheeoo factory. which was so bnchnrd for u wlnlo this spring, in now prngranamg unly. There have been an high an wonhy-nix hundred pounds of umlk pub in norm nnorninge.--Alfred Mc- Dougall. chum maker. has purchased a bicycle from .A. H. Woneloy.-\Vo um grateful to loam thuo our roads, in ouch n deplorubln condition. `are to ho repau-ed this summer -VIev'tora: Mien Cauduoo Penuook, Emlo Hill. at: Mrs. A. J. Wemley'e; Mrs. Home \Vood;uu"'Mra. Francis Muldoon`:-; Mm E. Boboo. uh Edwin Wem|oy o. l`Rnm*oN\'.\1.E. June 22 --Schocl soohiona No. 16 and 16 mbeud holdmg I union pic- nicon McNm_co n grove bho`.Mahinuc.-\'nai- corn: Mrs. J. W. Oliver. Niagara; Mr. and Mm Gibbons, Ronfmw; and Mien I`.-rkua. Lsnurk -J. Maofarlane, Carlo- ton Plgoo high school. is home for vacu- niun.-R. A. Richard is emcbing I ne poultry hours.--During tho severe tlmn der aborm on Sunday we homo of J. lilmr was ntruok by lightning. bun lurtun.-uely little damage was douo.-Iuhn Ruthwell mm eroobod a very tine barn, the dimen- sions being aixly by aoventy tech. W nxrorz. Juno 23 -~Rov. W. and Mrs. Coombolefo Tuesday for their new au- iion nu Woolur. Many irionda ro~ grab their departure. Mr. Coombo`I place will be lled by Rev. Rowo --A number of our boys are with Cu 0. Clyde, blending cmnp no Barrioel .-Mueea Bell and Milhgam. Nowhurgh high oohool. spent: Saturday mud Hunday with Miss Mom l otera.-Miun McU.nnmon loin for her homein Kingnbon Wodnonday.--H. Mill! .-md wife nmvod homo Wednesday. They were accompanied by their daughter. Bou- lah.oi Demlllladiea college. 80. Untim- rinoe. Ont. A.~1smt.nn.\'m, Juno 2'3 -Tbo rain wu I very welcome vinibon-.--A {ow attended the oemmnlnl uh Bush on the l5a;hInnt--Aboutw 300 peoplo wuo an R. W. Aylqnworwa on Friday night: an the lawn social and a very plenum: time was spent; proceeds, 58 - Mre. Loughlin has returned from epnnding a week In Brookvillo.--Vinicoro: Mn. Wilson and family no Mn-. Fnlon e;Jolm Ayleaworob, Selby. ab Uoorgo Hamm'o; Mrs. Young, Ulenvalo. Mre. McCoy, Kingston, no J. TbomPaon n-: MrI._ Turner, at R. W. Aglouvorths. Murwrax. June `.20 -- I`ho weather can- binues cool And |howory.--Road work and berry picking are tho orders of tho dn .- Visiiorn : Mrs. Hail, Manitoba, and run. Oloworth, Chicago. are visiting their air- ter, Mrs. J. A. Bell : Min Noiion and brother, Wilton, no J. S. Fraliofn on Sun- dry. MHAT OUR INDUSTRIOUB STAFF OP~O0Ri8PONDENT8M"-WRITI. . 31$ ` rho lupin: nu Nut `nut Oonoofn tho lonldnuu I ma lldlund murm- Lltuo looapn lotloo. And -Inch Loca- my on: Find Iohynthlng of [nun-on. Pumr Row, Juno 91.--Farmer: hnvo cdmmmood haying. but the rooonb ruin will mun in hard no one {or bho qumby In roao.-Miu Bpoonor. Gjcnburnlo. in m ting Mu. Druper.--5lu. Amen Baxter is vlpitmg friends in Bollovillo. mcsrom msnucr Nonasf) DALLY Vwme.` THURSDAY. am :23, 1898. ` ,_ I'`/ `I'll. 'U.)r1 kl. Hnrtmnl. Wnrcoaur. Provi- ancu. lhnmn Ind the I` L 3 Z` Bmou'i~In.n. Juno 3;` -`L`l\o carting ol My will In human this weak. but will to an madman h:rvF't;d-\5 hih ddgng throng ieplaeoon `qyovcnin ro- dorick Enroll`: hon: hocuho and in uyiug to couuol the mind the NI , Pakonham. Monday owning a lanwoll lnxsnmx xx. Juno `2.---Lush Monday evening Miss Lillie Monllomsocond daugh- mr ol Mrs. Thomas Gilherh. died suddenly ah ha!` homo hero of hoarb hiluro. Al- though she had not been vary robust for the past you or so her condition was not considered daugoroua. She was lying down for a met when she passed into the sleep that: knows no awakanlng. Her moohar and sister were with hot. but they did not know nl her doath until they spoke and received no anawar. She was is bright. inualligeub, amiable young lady. and her suddon and is doopl ~ rcgrattod by all who know hot. The lnnoral takes place this aliernoon from Sh. .lohn`s church to Willow Bank cometary. lhnanoquss --The contents of the patrons` aiora hum were lnmsforrod to Bmckville lash wook. -Mn. J. l) W. Darling loft last week for a trip no the Pacic uoosa --'l`ho coating capacity of the Methodist church was tax- od to in utmost Sunday". waning to ac- commodate who largo number who amum hlod to hear Row. W. E. Rqynolds fart- wcll cannon. as ho loans to-morrovr for auppor was bold in tho panonaga, when Mm Reynoldvsunda school class pra- somad hat with a han somo rocking chair. Mr. and Mr.-. Reynolds leave a Inst of warm triande who heartily wish than all Ens win their farm houe.-.\lias.voa ibhio and Magic Shun an viaitiog lrianda in Iroquois ---Miss Jcnnva Graham ' and Nita Eln Kirker arrived homo from ` Rochostar. N.\'.. last Sunday for a short ' vacation.--hlra. A. kl. Dixon is visiting ` friaod in nuiomnwn. n Mom-r.ux (louvre. June 2`.!.--An inter- esting responsive service was held by the li2.L.U E. on Sunday nigho, led by Mm Regen. The topic was. "Losrona 1-`mm the Lives of liliuiounrioa."-'l`ho people of Mountain Grove circnie ununimouely wel- come Rev. W. '1`. Wickett and im wiie beck lur the fourth year. They attended cuuleieuce at Lindnq endopcme few days vieituig iriende at Little Brir..\in.-l\loun- thin Grove and Olden Sunday schools will unitlme piouieon July lab in e grove near the village. --'1`ho new Methodist church at Wogeraville in. nearly completed. -CherIee (louyuu. Michigan. Inca been the guest of his daughter, Mrs. E. Dyan, tor ' some woeks.--.\lrn.. hlareh. C.nnpoelli`ord. recently visited her son, W. [-2. Menh.~- Mrs. George Urmier. who has aulfered eome JOIN with rhounntiam. in now very ill.- Willinm Johnston in building I new drive- llOll80--w)0|Ill Godfrey met with an Adven- ture the other night which might have proved more serious. While returning home from the village one dark night on honebnck some muim struck hie home A blow withecluh which knocked the enimnl down. thmwing the I`ld0l` to the ground. It is supposed that the miecroeut meant to knock the mm down and escape with the home. The nllliir has created quite II ren- eation. and the rutlian in thought to be still lurking about the neighborhood. uu |IIlIII wleauu cu! EHO was I} Illlwllul worker in church and Sunday school.- Tha lhosbytorian picnic held in Bunnie : grove was A grant: ruccosa nancially, and ul,h9l`wl0. The baseball match resulted In It vicbory for Poland. lluring the pro- grou ol the game lv`. Paul, catcher for P0- mnd, had the misfortune to break one of me ngers. Somc of uur ball pllyoru wont: m Poland plonw to-day to annual. than: -n choir nmbch with Lannrk.-- Lorne Burnhmn. Sharbob L\kv, spent mvoraldnynin our midst luau wook. As Mr. Burnham in n reb clues muaimnu ho is always wclcoma.-~Mnso Minnie Donaldson. l.)utl'unn. in visiting friends at the Mills.-- .\liae Shannon lma mimnerl homo uftnc `pending the winter in liiugecon --A base bull team has been orguxxned at Wilbur. ~-J1`. S Muller and V\. Ferguson epenu Sunday nu Wilbur.~-\'nm.or: Rev. J. Uumie and A. Duncan and family. Mc- l.\mn'a Depot. um um Iron Clay house: Mn. J. A. Mobougall. Mm-inippi. an '1`. l4eo p: Dr. J. M. Mocartor, Flower Sbatlon. and Mnsa Anlno Dunn, lknlnnd. i PLEAH.\i\'1` V,u.I.m'. Juno :2 --\dr. and Mn. 1!. Dixon were oullod to no bur rather. Alexander Muuohon. who man with on uocldenb whilo roturnln from ozunp mooolng on Sunday night. 0 {oil irom'hio wnggun and rocolved I eovoro out on his hand. There one hopes of his ro- oovery.--Freo;Molbodirhn on holding` a comp mooning in Hughes bush, non Vor mm. In oilorda o grunt: attraction for the youth of who eurronnding country. ond uho hum of [no vehicles has been heard uni-ll lime in tho niuhli for liho pub week. Many are ilooking to the grounds, bringing with tliom tome, stools and urhiolea Adapt.- ed to promote comiorb when taking on out- ingin bho bnah.---Mra. M. Myers, Hannibal, N.Y., and Mn. Thomas Watson book A crip north to viaib !l'iond1.--A {ow merry loom pauod through on b`.nr.urduy to hold picnic on: poino on Naponco nvor. Al- Lhough the day was cool they report: as plouanno bimo -~Roborh ii nrr, Bodford. and orido pound through on Tlmn-day of Iona week to Hun-owunihh and other point sailing on friends. Congratulations. LAVAW. Juno 22 --~Three weddings lash woolx. lhberb Ferguson. Snow Rood. succooded in winning one of our Iairoeo maidens, Mica Maggie Thomas. Bho will be greatly missed no she was a fuibliful |\`(ll|lI\|` in nhurnh lllll .'~2un:I.np .n|.m\I n-my oh. lnmmor.--Mu. Brodon II vary ill. Mrs. Unorgo Ham. her doughtor. living in Mexico. was expected to day to be no her bodaid -.-Mr. und Mrs, pack- worthy. Mulwnu me. have anivod hero to spend the summer wnn her mother. "Mn. N. Hicks. Mr. and mu Having NIPIIIOO. won guano: no Mn. Taolnu harps a In: SIMII; dIy.-Mr. ind Mu. Wilgmo. Kulndhr, !pnb Inn week at: In 8 l`bh m--Dr. Soorms. Hamilton. spam; I to d: a lzhla week an Amen Quorum.---Vwilllam `ypoto. \Vnmnown. N.Y.. II a ndlmuftw wionku ~ u-uh Month in thin. pnao.--Mm Lyonn, Ilurownmibh. in the gpuo at um I LowlI.--Dr. M chum upon!) I oouplo o dnya no-South mob thin week with his daughter. Mn. N. Donyu. - Mum- Evmuo Sawyer and Dub! Prods Dwyu nrrivod Tlmndny from muth Finch to nM\ybh0enn1mor.--Mu. 1'. Mn. Hnnrnn "Ann I`... .l......LA.... and Min; Hula an-ah: ".9. IA`; N`A:un-.;1 |.r..nlI n. It. nulnx I mt , rd brinlrimr Cheaper than Lemons. r. 0 u ' `. r..M (nun umcn Ulruli IIQI Pronpl nlic! in sick Inuduoho. dizziness. mu.-on. comtipulion. pain in tho side. In- nnttod to thou using Oahu-'0 Limo nu. ouuao... Small pm. sun deco. Sud! pill. Pconhnntxh. Puniuennn. - ~ -- ~~-~ --~ -~-- A--~ ~-~~~--~~ - ---v- "`-~"~ ~~-------- `t:~,-.----- Thc most \\`lxniesome of Summer Drinks. _ ` vvuuulu run uuwn. nu pula m a box for 25 rents. Tho Dr. Hall Medicine 00.. New York. Sold only at Wade`; Drug Store. Dollar; 0`! mmullnn salon. LONINW, Juno `:3 -A dospatch to the Chmniclo from Brussels pays thamll. Ri- vior, profmssor ot international law at tho Brunch uninnity. bu boon nppminted arbitrator in the maths: of Gnu Briuinh claim for indomnily again Russia for the Ishtar : alleged illegal stature of Omudim union. ` ____. [B H Al lIl|lM|Hl`lI`) um F-July I9. Itoturnlng nntll lop! I. (A1 RN! or B8. Alhoru.) nllgnrtlculnn M K. I 1'. ma o.P'.n. Ticket nurlo Ilnol. I`. NWAY. I. . E GAOIIL (Ion. Pan A31. olngr. mu ml mmnocn. Tho Indy cums for n huh nupply and said she wanted them for other nerwun aulfonra when system: had become run down. 50 pills in box for 25 mum. Th. Hr. n.n n...a:..;..- m. vc-.. VIII -`III. Sholooked uplondid who was lately A pullid wreck. "Climax" Iron Tonic Pill: did the buuinocn. The Indy for nmply she umnmd lhnnn tn. Forty Pu-none me or Poleon. A.\"r\\I~;Rl`. June 93 -- Forty pereone, mostly children, died in the hoepiul here from poieoning. They no ice In than was sold from e barrow on the I roete and shortly eftennrd showed eymptoms oi poisoning. Their lips awolled and they ruifemd acute pain in the month. They w are moved to the hoepital. where every- thing possible was done to new their lives without enil. The physicians think they were pmbably poiooned by nice 00 lead. The vendor of the ice chum. an Indian woman. hen been erreeted. ' P nnlllllll-ll II III III llllllll. l)n.\muu, Juno lH.-(I`o the Editor) : I am not a public oriciu preunning to not up Is ncmidnrd for the actions of mimkiud. but for the mornl well being of our com- munity 1 do not hes-itnte to ruin-o hund- mid voice in denouncing` thoee lhlmza de- grading mid doinornlining. On :1 Sabbath owiiiiig mm long past, while church ser- vice rm in pmxmse, e iarty of young mo- plo loin thovillsgonnd drove ton hourso our miles ` dielimt to hold A party and llence. The ret put of the ovoning won 2 b in playing inner. em. and the recon part in deuc 03;. ll peo- ple wieh for parties let them heve pertiee, `llly want no dance we shall not quer rel nbout the right or wrong. but let them chooee one of the six deye or night; of the week for lunch indulgencee and not so due- orete the Sabbath in to use it an A "day of " delight." From thoee Ieee ol` ro- ligioue ohlugetione we can xpeet little.hut from there who have been better taught we look for more. Surely it must have been clue either to ignorance of the lawn of God rrgmrdlng the Sehboth or to utter cere- leaen I! end dieregnni for the demende of those sure. If the letter we can do noth- ing but pity. If the former we would in- etruch. A regnrd for the holy Babbntli was one ol the ntron est and more impor- tant laws given by e Almighty to His people. the Jews. and for tho eeeminglv o-mall olfeneeol gal hering stick: on Sabbath niuth was at one time inllioted (Number: \\ ., 3*. :15). Christi while on earth taught oho obaervonce of tho Sabbath and while He showed that works of mercy Mid necee- nty were in keeping with that holy law He never allowed in to he need he e day of pleasure and delight -Gmm Oiumn. \ DELTA, June 22 --Aliliougli the oeter- l piller peel: bee done e green deal of he-rm io lrulu trees there will seem: be be plenby uiidemaged.---Piirtlee wishing to enjoy the memory of our beiiuiiilul lake will be pleated to leern then A rondwey has been mcurod leading from the villege down to the lake ll.l0l`0. Severe] picnics heve been held on the grounde already this spring. Oiie picnic hold on the llbh inee. wee un- der the uurpicee ol the -Clioeon Frlende. . The dny e"eiijJymeiii2 wee eoinewheb mar- red by the min and to the lrioiide of two members of the order in wee perticulerly end. an in was to be A day of porting and lnrewolle. one of them being men on i.lie eve of leaving I)elbn lor ycere. Mre.` N. Town and her iiieter, Min Elise Wells. daughter of R. H. Wells, started for Sym- oueo. N.\'.. where Mrs. Town will re- main. Mine Welle will visit: her sieter. Mice Andreee, there. and then proceed to Winnipeg. Men.. where eiie will uieol: her manned hurbnnd. be married. end go to Dauphin. Miiii.. to re- eido. Her nuineroue lrlende wieh her every blei-elng in her far away liomo.-G. Wrighb, heriieee maker, line gone to Lynd- liiireii lo belie up the business in hie line in the ehop of the late 0. Smiih.--Our bakery in iii-pended lor the preeonb.~'I`ho ten- iiory in being put in reiidinoee for bualiioes t.hiesiimmer.~A picnic was hold on Se- turilny. in which farewell iiddreiiree were given no A. E. Ilicock. who leave: for Nebriislm this week. Hie wile mid lami- lv remiiin here for the pro-enh -.\lre. J. Bvllanue and children (lawn) me viiiiting iii. J. Flyiiii`ii.~~.l. llii gm-by, ill for e Ion time. in very low.~All ine Lillie Ciumiic. ii with cwhuid fever. ie regiiiniiighoiilth very l`lUW|Y ---\'ir-i'i.<')rs : Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Donald. Siiiid lliy ; llliee E. O'Cenii0i' and 1". O`Cunnnr. Long Point. : Mr. and Mii-. James Mcliounld mid Bniilield Mclhimld. Molcoiiibe : Mine M. MCKlMl iiml Mien L. Lyon. Newborn, mul othere -J. hilcuiiiine mid 0. File paid ii llying vieib here on Sen- ila_\'. ed` by: the eteemer Ne:-oh King eh Piobon e ruby ooneletlng cl whiny-eeven bin ollee I` on Rohheeter. They proceeded name- diehely to the Sendbnukn where they were ilowd by e number of wheelamon from man. Alter eoj mug ohe scenery of tb.ie_ phenomenel piece they returned to Pioton; vie Bloomeld. in the elm-noon. The petty carried A hauler. one tandem end` rovornl nheinleee hioyo|ee.-Oemeno vrelhe ere being leid In the villege.-Mre. Eln Verney nee em-ed home from en extend- ed trip to Cumorule end she Peoic ooeeb. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Hnlrlrnth I Day of llellght. nnvn 1...... In HIV- .|._ r [lot '03 _____.,pt` ', _(,`onn Ag: -...I......I.>) _._L , nommemwna (lgdansburg By | nvn nnnn um um...`- LjME FRUIT` BcsunyouukfotthVcgennine"Ionu/ant. imt stoxniqiuiiiiuiufc6I.3f'icminon. uuimd. 69 and 71 Brock Street. A Good Ascot-tn1_er1_t - on! autumn H \\`HhuII)`IIImll1'lIn- .~uIn|I!lnn. \slImm, "I-2.-tr! |(u~4~'vll mu MCKELVEY & BIRC;i~, \ll`l||\l`l`!HI I)` llIIlI`m\, \\ Hnlxl In IMHIIN ul | "Dr. J. (`nllln |tm\\'n-\` Inmn` :\vv-nnlnurnw um onmnm. An 1:: `All ml! or NH. Alberta.) (boll July It! 1 I Rail) Banning null lam. ll 00 Jun N Allmlmsvn.) (R 0:001 -July (A mm II! mmuw nu In. 1511.. 2x. INL. In. ML, uu-I Iln. mm. Nmw In pzvluilno \v'Ill'u'i~'II"I`l'f(; \-mdl H`. Imm-n-~'.~` 1 'hImml_\ nu on llm (m\'m`|nuwIn Hlmnp. UvI`r\\'lIvluI||u5 Mollloll 'l\\I`.|' um` aw:--\n\p:nu`\v~ mu-In |mH.]u~. ' some .\I.\M'r'.u"rmum-J. '1`. luvlcm-our. in uruxt lmuuvll ut.. Illoon\abur3'. London. Run. Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors Worcester: crose & Blackwell. Ltd.. London ; and Export Ollmen generally. 1.. .. ----.. _.--u-s----- AGENTS : J. M. Doglu & Co. and C. E. Ooluon & Bon. Manual. , ouvrunm wnxppnn I _ o/`every Bottle of the ORIGINAL nIpI `III.-.I--_I- L_. A`. _ IL, _ ,, (r -_ - --......u avuua uIIJ ._. nrrau. IV/mvwnmz. Price 8!, 6 for $5. All dcalets or addrcsl ....._._..._..... .__... r. J. coL.Lx Bii6WNE's `THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE CHLORODYNE 3?...5Iii'I.`.`.'.i"3-.!R}J1'.1$ !3.1TI.'?` ?T".`'\`-.\- n`i."o..'.\`..!IT" "" |l.:rIUl:::_=Iunhcretllllilunvn For (`0mllm.L\ma1uIlPUOn. C HLORODYN E .325:3?!";`2}}1}`[3M213':.3f.'l9L5'.7."l~.i [?f`A`23oT "`"' CHLORODYNE :`.`.`-`i`..".'?i{.1}.f`.32:`.E:!I.'.`:,-l31:`.E: ;f."`"""" " CHLORODYNE .'I3.`~i.'.`,"i3L%'..`.`$3f(E!`ZIl1.2z'.'u.`:I.'.`.L" ' """'" ""' CHLORODYNE .'?.':.'.::.`:ft`:!.':.`.'.::;:'...12.f.t::'.:1`:::::?.:3""`"'"" Fmm \\'. \`-snlln.-I I lln.~|\|l:\|. l.nmIm-~"l - IL IN` NH-Ill-~nvInu.~4 us ml z` Ill, lnlnrrlnu-u, nlul Mlwr .|l vnnllnlllllmnwl In Hm mu IIOME SEEKERS 50 DAY IXCURSIONS TO THE (HNADIAN NORIHWESI Hlnrnl ('llI.ulml1 `, \\'l|l:`l| Iw wnrv! N In. HIL. 2\ ML, In. l'h|m'u1l\ nu" Lawn Mowers. Garden Hose, ` ` _ Water Coolers; ` Refrigerators. I ce-Cream Freezers. J ' ' Wire for Window Screens. In tho only |u\||lnl|\'v In Nuurlll In. nhoumuunm. UNI`. (`I\Iu`vI`. '|`nuuuu~Iw. Hunlng tlu,c-to. \ l`v!Huww. M.I\.. Ihrnuuly lmvtunror at Bl. Gmrgvn . hm-u nu luwnnllnn In ulmlmx llml I have Iwvur mm 'm`|nu.~4 /\m|-.~1m.~ uml Hnlnl|\'v. Il|l|\`!`IIllHI It. in (`mi- mu, ntlwr uI|r~:~u.-.:-~<; um! um |n*l`|\*1`l|_\` mllhllml with lluv rvmllt." Ivnlwl tn thn Full:-nu` ul` I'Iu\-.~k-Inns Hm! Iw rw-~|\'ml as nluu (ch mnn lnnlllu In IIu- vnwl mm. --hula-ru lmu lw1\|\ mum mum: y.utl that r\'|v-- xms l`|n.uxmn\ .\`|~:,--Hoo l.um~N. Isl IM`\`l`lIl per. I864. ` I`lI\.\~Ilr\I' \n|' an.` nu: u-v nun mum.-u...... Ir \\ . rmzv \\ mu nmla-I Ilml Int. J. (`)l.I.lr| mumm: was un- un\'.\`r:: nun Ihu wllulv .~mr_\~ nu` mu l~t'vmlum- I`n-1-mun was `vnvcl In any Iuul lwvn uwurn lu.--h`w l`|uu\u.JuI_\' mm. 1864. L. ML, pzv'nu|m- wlllumt tho \\'0l(II .-" 'l\\I`.|- JUICE Better tl1an`Spirlts. -1`-'-"rice: Right. ucooen't`Iwm0'ldot Sloan`: ldlths gyms: y nnyonrutln coin! nno,ulc-on-u yhoulhlavodoulhlgaq PM Mn il all` out. to I15 tluouh an coon an pouiblc Ind 0|, 5our'I`onioiuahingeono runrhblooutu inumdnoondlhioplao. lthaowtuthg \hepIacoo!B.B.undo\hoIIodidIut J. 0. Del`. otlhnlviols. VII`: WIll"oI do 0m`<`lnn|ly (`hl`|`k.*l mnl urrunlu lhono (no 011011 -4 allumm-.~z : lilplnllwrlu. I"|`\`l`|`. Umup. Aano. , nvls llkv nvlmrm In Dlurrlnwu and lame only Ipool- v lu l`lmlvru mul lI_vu-mm)". ; om~vluullv (`Ills nhnrl nll uiluoks of Epilepsy. K) - v nlvrlu, Papltullun uml Hpmunu. SLO;\N .\' INDIANTTOYIE Sfiki-RS .*.".';'.".'2':".%V.`.1i` U ?$-'..I?3'.`.`-'.:`.;a; f~:'::.`.:::.`m<-t-3 $30 [\"u|rklnu:li.`.I. c.'u}.`.`F,'..."..'T $35 NORTNWESF k'fi`.`..!2..t.'.;.'.'.:.` $40 (MIT! Juno MI. Rolnrnang unm Ann. 111 (A run on: I3) I 1: SAUCE . Iwvrur. aulow uoupnxlonaaaol . mho. Biliouo Diu~rIm~c and all Liver Dieordon. Drnggioh km! value and renounced it Cum Biliounou. Juanita! Bowols. Ssllow Oonplo`xioo,| IOIII. Biliom Dinrrlmsn and IN BLUE INK \ DMGONALLY ACROSS THE :._;::.:':m.:-.:::< Kingstn. nun-mar wm Iuvo Klmmon daily, on m. lm up UJVI 1'30 8 To! TBS. "8$f}` 3`z'~`::'%:`vr"'f*~'x'!":3':`x39.r`(' :{$':. Ihr Innnnl mo... um.` sum... ..\.| .._n..m.. . " ---um: Kmaston & Pembroke And Canadian Pacific Railways. a. r. u.-uwunv , l\Ul'|jLV'l', (.`ll.y Punonger Hmllon, (`nrm-r Juhnnlou Ind Unmrln I-ureeln. a v. ms. nu moon IL, lunpubn. `mm Bl"1'l`F.RF`ll\`.l.l\ o.m.. KW. a much. aymu-a. mt. _ n--. ..-u.. ---up-- uu_uu noun ` (NHNO KANT. mum \\'l'.H1`. N0. 2 Expmu.-n 2:26 n.m. Nu. II l'2xpmsn l:`J)a.m " INK`) p.m. ' " I5 ' - nu.m " -I " um um. " l.'l " Hun " ll " :4! p m. "` 7 " l1:.I6 p.m NM 1 2 .`lI\mI I llully. " l " Ink ) p.m No. bdotfly excnpt Mummy. HI .\l|xwl (H5 p.m All other lrulmulnll '1-.u-opt Hunu|u_y. r tlckeun, rcsuruu. an an` npacu In sleepers, I Y 10 . \JIVIII"\I" llfl lo lor U|0l\b0\'0 mum! trlp llchuho wlll he in- nm-d at run. mu-an um us Irupo. good going June?|0lhnr.lul_v Int, vu III mr I-In nlvuvln uluntlnmtlnu um Iumr mun .|uI_) `Jul. and u Mn: ulna I-`urn mm mm rhu-:0. g-nul mum; Juno llmll or July Int. vullul mr l`('lllI`l| lunnlmg dunllnallull not Iulvr Hum July Hh. Illll 'I`I|Al:I Illnn a nun an`; unwnmva Iv llmlluulu IIIIII Ilhllltll Mum. Undo r the null )lcen 01` Ht. Murv'u ()hur(-,h, fond gmlmzhy l .l\ . tntlnn Jmm `Jim, nnd nll I-mun illllll` `Mm, valid for I"l`{lll'll not huer I.h.u.n juun mun. ,zomumInghyl .1\l. Junn nli alum tluu Juno 2Inh. DOMINION DAY. Ilvn-lI.....|....... ......._| 4-1.. u-u...n_. ._un . __ .,, Pxglmd tho N,|l{'I`ll-Wlu`H'I` M welluu HT. l ' hnml nll other conlroullve polula, are exactly the name an other Ines. Irlnlvlnmn an Inlmnun Inn nu-nmu .. ~.. vaumuy lall IIIIIIU Ill IILIIUT UHF- IEXOIIIB 0.` `I0 IONTIIICAI. MD ltlTl'M 88.50. "nth r Hm nunnlmu an` H! \'uru7.: n|......|. Ffior WI LL RUN A cqasanjs inure. uul -......_ ___...._..,_...-...- ..-..._.._. ..-..-. ._. 7~"I`RAVEALLINO-BY mm, .o._..._.__.. . _..._....._._.. -a,....-_.__._ ullIn|4IUIN'II"1l'|"`r|'l"l|"`l|' Im. NEW TIME TABLE MAY |5th. ` HI|lNu\\'l'..u1`_ K` mg PTT7 C V U `I-0. ARI) Ill. Ill. LISIII. Dlrcct Short Line R to Niagara Falls, THE 5531` THTAE SCOTLAND ynegns, mm (pmau " 1. .`l nml uully. Sale by J. S. nenoensom. gquesron. uemmu llI`\1~l Mirrors, oulv High link Dal Iinluiefkbluvlng Room lmnlnumlvabmuulg Wovm Win-Haring umn-e.-. wllh table I LI. N ICI Gran Ind \Vnn|. `I ROYAL GORDON BLEND. RICH. MELLOLN. SOFT. Iv, vv null! II|(I\!l.l SOUTH. .I.A In-._;.\...n no. '18` Y k.l`h|ltdl nu. :lwnaI:lvt'1 q!::a mm the` p CIIIVIVII J. I`. HANLEV, AGENT, *1-llnllnn. (`nrm-r lnlnunnn mm` H nwnm Rnclwaler, In 0, 1` m-ulaml, (`mom- Imtl. 8!. [null And the Inna |N.Dl7NGJ llolnrnlmx. Renlnu .. . .. I-hmvom AT R l\.TU RN I-`A RES pnlr. K and Vhlln Funnel Inn Dasha! . , " The King of Scotcih v\&;}{iskiesT L?/ y , 'I-aancwiro7Er` ""` O ,_._.`1:';?;.f*.;`ji;.'$`Sf.L.:. ciiifhnuj %T:i.E(so',l an Inn 3.. sum. p_._{_.`_ M [ uonnnunnmgp mshm "Nhrm Kmg" l\\r(`h:\rloun-. NA`. (mm or R0- chmu-r.) Humh\_\`-3Ir..\'nrI|\ Kin " lomvn M lnmm. tor lhounnml I-Imuh nd lexnmlriu Ilu. I'`Igh'In\:`:vI`\l to q~Iu|I:g\` 1 lnu- u`1i|ll\0Il|ln)tIc& sr rt r nmnnnl on truth and might Ipply N H. H. GlI.DKlul.V:: \ mum. :--.- -`Tun-IIICIIUT (f`ommom~|mz 7:h Junv). Tn-Weoklv Ktngutcn & Rochester. N Y. Illr. "North lung" la-mm Sumluyn M M3 to. Mr. "llom ll`\ Y`! T\It`nh\}*~z nu-l Tlumulnys Its pm. mmn(~ming M llrhzlnnn wllh Sir. "Nhrm King" TU?! menu! minim. Then-Is at-tum In I! hr at ownlhfs eltbnainmtm. m``:"e`2Z~$o`lc`1.."' ?m 3.3mm" "`"`a'.:`i$ "James RElD S. Zhuluhloo cull l3 A. CR`! -IEI ZII:C\ l8IR$lO"`_ nnnuundniuhnnnnncnnnn-.3 I` IN" 1" l`\V`IIII'II F IIKTVIIUUHK nII-I IIU Ullu-I` ` ml suclinm mpnvdun ` only unt uutoem Inch! bnnlnrr. hnloonohntvl-one STR-.;'_N9if:H{%KI~o"| Dally Service on the Plctnrooquo Bay of Quinta. noun dull at 8 l'..\l. (Buudnn oxcoplml) mr Plomn um wnv ports. On hxaulnn. '|`lmmlayn and Bnlunlnnu In lhr Plomn um! wnv ..::::.\.`.`r:mm...2\:':1:`:` * oommrl. .\l{1`IIlY|t .\lll-1R.\'. H-wmtary, Quebw. Mpr NI`kI`l.\' rm-I nlnln-rumm nmxly In J. I`. ll.\Nl.I~l\',nr 1`. I-`. ull.Dl-2RHl.BEV'F.. `Hoke! Aunts, lilmzslun. UM. .. .. . .. . --.--u-..., I \lL PRO`! MONI`R\l. on IIINIDAYI M L` Inn. Mh an-I amn Juuv; uh and mu Julv; l.-Al. uh llllll `.`!|'h .\nnzu.~I' mr I`iMuu. N..`\, vnllln M Qnwlm` I`.-uh--r l`nh\l,Hnxp\\ Wu---. NVllI\lI\I?I .IlIIr*, l`.I~.l.: (`I1-mun-~tu\\~n, hi-`..l.: umrgmuwn, I`. B`. I., and I-murl-4, I`. IN. 'l`Iu- nu-wt mm or the swwm [or mum nu-I nommrl. -u--an IIIVU vvur Ola |-NIINIEIVVC Hl'.\l.\lKl{ CI(l'ISF..'4 I.\'('Ik|I. l..\TlTUI\K3 Twin Screw Iron 5.5. "Campana." with e|wh`lc H|.[l|?.\_ N:-vlrh` luelln, mul all mmlern mmlnrls, llpeolal RIO ht-In um monlh. lhucr value Ian mung`. (mnluml Dalmom Bulb. with um (iermuu Bn\\\~l Mirrors, 1 1| - Hlllgh r1n`s'ui` mum. Rnnm Quebec Steamship 80., Limited. RIVER AND GULF ST. LAWRENCE HI`\l\IInl`nI~I-ru nu-..... I .-...-.... Montreal and Llvmpool. calling at Rlmouakl and Movmo. Fmm Monln-ul 0 mm. Quebec 6 [\.m. l'r\r|n|u\n....... ....lnnul.i .luIwl.\HI1 (`nrt-hng|n|nn . . ..l um 2:3 J uuo `list It l`nlll`urnIm| . . . . . . .lunu:l) .lum- mun Flnxt vnhln, $52.?!) nml upwnnl-' `zml vnbln. l.l\1-rpoul, Ilerry mu! lnmlnn, saw '>. Hlevmgu lit!) New York to ulusgmv. .\lnngnllnu, . mu `7. nnbm 316. `Do not null at Rlmmnnkl and .\`0V"l& Fur uckeus and uv mrormnuou apply to J. I`. IlANI.EY, .-`\0I 1*. urnml Trunk Bunion. J. P. GILDERSLEEVE. Amurr. All Cluenon stunt. .3-.J 5539-Z ?'\n' .. n......a-.. - vs ru IICIIIV . In To VIIIIUTBIVUV`, Ag1ml.,(l.'l`.lL Htnuon 42Clnmnoo BL Ii. 'l`\)R.R.-\NCE & C0.. General Axvnu, Mon- YUN . A __.._-._vv-4 |.ln1AvvA\JAI LIAJILJIULI Fmm Mnnlrml. Hlonlm-r. From Qunlwv. June am, 9u.m ..|.ul>rndnr. ...luun 'I ~1lu,6|v.vu .lu|y `2IuI_`!Iu.m ..\'mu'uu\'vr. July `.!uxI,Ilp.Iu July mh, uu.u\ \ an-u. July 10Il\,I% p.n| .luIylmh. !Du.m. Nnrluslnlro. .lul_vlIHh.1l p.m July 'J.ml,'Jn.n1 .l>uuIn|u;}|. ...IuIy ::mI,up.vn .lIIl_\':Mh,!H\.Iu . .l.uhm:|u .luI\-:t-ulna; p.m I-`mm Liverpool. Ht:-run r. Frmn Hmmm Juuv huh. (tuna n...luno:mtI\,5::mpm JuIuv:t0Ih. .Nuu' Euglunul July I Ilh. 6 p.m First. uuhln-350 uml upwunln ulugle; sun and upwunlu reunrn. I~k~-oml (`uhln-$.`M to $42.50 Ilngle; 306.75 In 78.40 return. I-Au-1-rug-~ 10 Liverpool [nmlnnde . Imnlon, Glmgnw, Quuunutown, haelnuul. 51!. to $':\m. MI: uhlp mjsluolll, eleetrlo Ilghtmaptolonx mo ulnuqnw, Quuenntoivn, lwlmnl. $23.55 33 siir M 1 nhl mtloonl, |1gm.n.npnolonxpro- menndu ovkn. I. D. llanloy. J. D. olldorsleovo. Amml. ll,'!`,lL Iv`-nnllnn Aoru............ as ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL SERVICE DIRECT. JUNE SALE.I I Dominion Iiiyteamshipsl cw: -.-... _ .v--wg nu - v '."? ....'.;`.'..;3:.~:~4r-=`$`..*i{`..`i J. I`. H.\`N[.l')\'. l'w`Iz;:\:r Agul ..._..__....._..__ ._ -_--.__.-. ..----.-.-- vn nmxvrwm llnmllum. 'r\n-mln, Klluzntnll l_I)00 hllllilthl,n.|l|)lllfHDl'lh0 HI. l.awrv|muunl Mon- lren . l.m\wn Klmnatnn :- (lnlng I-2m4L--'l`Ul M5 p.m. Hnlmt \Vv.wt-lRll).\\' M. II) p.m. lAlH`;!.-\:-lluml|tun, $`.2.:'pi), mturn. $.'.I\(). ` 'l`urnnlu, .{;'.!.f;U. ra-Iurn. 71: Mmm-mu. .:2..'uI_ M- HAMILTON AND IAONTREAL LINE. arm AMER "HAMILTON" n,.., , -v-uvn -V-unwu nnvurnu LIAIV un- ('0.\I.\lENI`INH TUl*24l)AY, JUN!-I lrrn. Mvunwrnwlll lmvu hvrv llully, l`.\(`!` I Mun- tluy. (mum Eunl I:.`ll) u m. (lulng\ (M 3:00 p.m. gt? w:::.:'::..':'.| ' a7Ei?Wf -~ ' me SCENIC uneor AMERICA. 1 1 RAVEl..LlNG--E TORONTO-MONTREAL LIN E. .-nn.n-.... . . ........ vnrls V uV\IElV'l' AND NEW `IUIKK. For lowest rate-. ume tables and nunble In- fonnntlon Apply to rnnn A. lntnwn mu. -n..s.a 1..-. n u: Lumlwn, mlurn. 1t.'.I\(). ra-Iurn, $5; Monlrmu, .=`.7..'II, ivriln-< mul .\lvul.~4 lm'luh`\l both .___. . -..-- _....v.-gr.-I ~1h,0 um .\'mn`uu\'vr. `.. mI,Ilp.m mlm .lul_vlI:(h.1lp.m .lMmIn|n ....luI_v .lul\-:1-uh. 11 mn JAN. H\\'lF'l`.t- ('()., ln-lulu Agvnt. g mun-. Btnot. vunu .l uno ml in iln - 13...! ....|.u .. -mm, Mh.1lp.vn tnlln. 0 mu nu uuuuuu apply u) run. A. mm Cl `Hotel I n. W. O Q lihxa Brook Btrlginpum. mm mr1'rr.nnm.n