2 KINGSTON AGENTS f>F~f3t% .4 3 4 4` - 0 3 OOOOOQQOOOOOOOOQOOOOO HIBlLL! % No, you will not 9 hzuns n Hutu RH I . ?h D O6 J... Black all Wool I Ienrietta, very ne twill, 60c and 75c, worth 90c and $1 yard. Black and Navy Serges, for seaside, riverside and general outing purposes, rough nish or ne twill, four special lines at 25c, 40c, 50c and 65c yard. The values cannot be eq alled. All Wool Heat er mixed Cheviots, makes a hand- some travelling or street Dress, regular 75c, for 50c yd. New Plaid Dress Goods for 25c yard. Rain Proof Cravenettes, 54 in. wide, colors Black and Navy, regular $1.25, for $1 yard. Silk VVrap Black Check Lustres for Waists and Skirts, 42 in., 75c yard. Starr & Sutclie, Fifteen only, Misses Tweed Waterproofs, re- gular value $1.25 to $1.75, Wednesday 75c each. 5 Boxes Articial Flowers, regu-lar value 500, Wednesday 25c each. Here is a Dress Goods Bargain. 54 in. Black and Navy Cravenette Cloth, rain proof, regular price $1.25, for $1 yard. 54 in. Dress Tweeds, just the thing for a Bicycle Skirt or a knock about Skirt, regular value 75c, for 40c yard. T3l_-l_-1I1lr_,I tr ' .. F - `H 1 :OOOOOOO6O9O: Here Is An Otfcring For A Wcdncsday Morning. H. A. LOZIER & C0., Toronto Junctloo. HMS I\l'Il`Rlx.`KNT.\`l`l\` I-2- Sealed Lead Packets only. The Saddest Ignorance You ll Save Coal in the world is not -to know the pleasure dexived from drinking . . . "SAI.AllA" PORMBRLY RICHMOND (I 00. H8 and I20 Princess Street; |VIJ' Jun Will IIUL have :1 HIGH BIL if your painting, paper hanging, glazing. etc. was attended to by our "expert workmen." We are content with small prots. ROBINSON BROS TO_YE S, KING ST. Season islm-3. Onyorbzud. cukegpastryuud fruit fut your outing from SIN\N\ONS BROS.. 3 A Wnll Paprr Bpeclllllll. BAUUT Camp and Picnic QEYLON TEX Never in bulk. Bicycles. n-out Iullilllplllll Tomcnolreuou. For whenoilgetloul Dauphin, Anghgunitin ltmnhlubogm' . Whuahullnnov lnoonclnionny. Tolhouwho lnvouul Thilaimplclnyf Iftromworryundbolluc Youvoulillhehhlzl W509 5'!"'C' - BuynnB.8D. uuuu IIIII IIIX III A {set which nppuls Tn lnnn nl`-..u... IJIVU BIINKI Ill`! 1.. And the wise noknowlodgo?` They no the boot. The bdls new: twist. Wedge or break. Which cannot I laid Of that "other Into." The bearings no dust-proof- Ihlll nnnn n Inn.-nn Of bicycles built From spring to full. The Evuns & Dodge Is the poor of All. The Lpoint bearing: Have stood the teat. I-..I ll... ._Z..- --L...-_.I.J .uv uuullusa ulu ullas-IJIWI Oiled but once u seuon. K furl Dinh illlnln E. & D. Each Range is 4 gumm- tecd and your satisfaction in They are delightfully eco- Jnomicnl coal burners sud yet give a powerful but, which in easily and quickly regulated. Their ovens are roomy. well ventilated and liented in-r..~u.\' throughout by mcuus of a patent ue not found in other stoves. I.`-_l. h-_._. ' ".4- Duchess of xford. By using 5 And That Means Honey 250, 800. 400, 500, 600 I.n.n.IIIu'L 77 Princess Street. IIIIIIJJ CV9` more rrful Id n,`I.A_) _ `I at the Clearing Out of the Taylor Stock many lines of wanted goods at prices much below ordinary values. CLBVEl.AND`S THE -S-U~CCBSS OF '98. THE KENNEDY co., Lim;ted,Montreal. Window and Door Set-eens The White Mountainaniltlibi ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. From one to ten quarts. J. I1. SUTHERLAND, Kingston, Ont. sL()AN`s51;.*p[AN romd ailont impress ' nllmr Y.n.li.-m` -` ----` --- ` I2. piud` `with It: Radial Cancun.` ` my iuquuonw-uh II with tha- wenbllogovuonntgughcluah adurbunycn in.-uh! 30%-as video and Uiuahnviu I Ijlttk ting pinup: "-r-u--nun Acct! UCGT (II Philiutingthouondhadcnd and dia- udnou tin country could ufud. Ya thinvu Ianinglythorining olthochpin . Iiouituuionupnunt in vary not win. Inl|nin|hllo|lh0ouorra.livcI (tho pun-at p-sy).u..\'.ao-1 Lil- uhtuully ulidwitlthcouurvuivu). nd llnsouiul Duncan: Inn Inland tcvuolulu. Rctouolulmappanto huutloquilvubdon. Bataan uddiuu-Iiogluunuhvolaun J...) I. 5L. I5.L._:--_ -. -.- --,_... The uoeial democrats lava roprosound soother native and narrative political about Thain bu bun I checkered outer; They alwn_uncogn"xed the our pal-or. and paid him ullogiumo. but they huidocuinu I-hichvon sham! by the diuoonhnu ingcuonl. In 1878 a mans ovucunnthon. In than you two :0- nnpuinnmado uponiho lifoolunum pact. and. any being Nunod for it, ltgim luion vuputod. ouccuoivoly. undiot the purpose! uppnniug the puny. Tlaoir nntinn Inn forbidden and their pupa: utoppodforatins. Bnlintholut Rdahhg they land shout forty nnlnhn. uadinlhoconutryahoun nillionol: .i--..sL` II`... -._m_- --: .. _.... ............... The politioel history of Gernieny he been remarkable. After the empire wee formed the Centriste become e veriehle power. It repreeented the intereete of the Roman C-etholioe whore dieehilitiee begun with the repudiation ol pepel rnpromeoy. even in church Inettere. followed by I ueriee ol evente which aimed at rnehing the church eecondery to theetete in ell thinge; The etrnggle between then begun in 1371, Int the Oenttietehed e greet lender in Herr \\ indhoret. end in him the government hen been defeeted in ite plene. When he died in 1891 the Oentriete bed been brought eluioet heck to the poeition they formerly married. ELLIOTT ]E3ROS.,] -.-7-- wvv tr--s----. wu uvrcvvvuh The Relchamg in compoeed of about four hundred members, and in is a mark of the peculiar divi-ion among the people than in nearly half 0! the oombimonoioa when an cblon bu boon hold A aooond ballot. will lnvebo behkon. Upon it: depends the future policy of the country so In an an is framed and diroctod by the people`: chamber. Alrosdy than no ovidoncaa (hub the portion will be more than ovor nu vuisnouvith each other. more numomua und so mote ooufuning. 'I'|.- ....l:s:..I L:-.-_... -2 n___.___ L_- GERMAN ELECTIONS. In Germany every member of the Reich- tng mun ropruono the mnjorihy in hit con- stituency. Ho may. in ouo day : polling. goun I load of his opponents. but than is not: niciont. Ho must have oxprowod in his behalf tho voice of n mujority of Lhooe I): presume: to nproeenh. ML- D_h.L.s... .'- -......_-_-.I -2 -|_-_,. 1-, , w-w v--1: v-1-J uuavuun MGVVIUI UIUlUIUU| In in hoped nbe warning of the minister will have in effect: in Kingston. for here lliora has been boo much home work. and no (at no poaaible it should be nbmdonod. Without it who scholars can get over the pmcribod course when obey are sixteen years. and um way is wint bho education department: oxpecu. --------- vu Irv unnwusllvus The difficulty arisen just) here. than the home work in nob oftentimes 3 review of the work of we day. bub now work which (IXOB bho energies oi the pupil:-, absorbing ciao time bhoy should have {or exercise. l.z_L-..__.I .|.- ____,_- ,n .- The second point referred to by the min- ister has to do with the home work of the pupil. He wonte it to be distinctly under- etood that the depertment is not to be held responsible for any oompleinte under this heed. He does not sey thet there ehould not be home teete. thet the teecher should not exercise eny discretion upon this met- ter. but it muet be with the consent of pnrente or guerdiens. Note Mr. Rees ex- nct words : "A teecher hed e right to in- sist upon reesoneble epplicetion end dili- gence in the school-room during the five hours prescribed by the less, but the teecher e euthority to eeeign home leuone could only be exercised in concurrence with the implied wish 0! the perents. He did not, however, wieh to infer thet he thought home leuone were not ueelul. He thought. however. thet problems too diicult for e child to eolve without eselstenee. or. in feet. the solution of my question not with- in eeey reeoh of the child's etteinmeute, ehould not be eesigned." M Th- .e:m....n.. ..r... 1...; L-_- AI , . .| , -`ruin wvuunv-UIVII _.,.. . , First he he declu-ed that the deput- ment is not held responsible ior over-study, for the desire to rush the pupil: through the oleuee. A certain course of studies ll prescribed. but not the time in whiah these studies ere to be porformed. "The pre- eumption of the luv." he remsrhe, "in that the public school oourle should be com- pleted beiore the pupil reeohee the age cf sixteen, thus giving two "years for esch form. In Kingston there are five (rode: -the Kindergarten. the Penn I and II, the two division: oi the Second boohtwo di- visions of the Third hook. end the two di- vieioneo! the Fourth book. A pupil enter- ing the Kindergarten at ve yesre. snd spending one you in the severel gredes,will be fourteen when he oompletes the course, or two yearn sooner than the lminietor eaye he should be oxpeoted to do it. Oi ooureo the promotion of the pupil cannot be pre- vented if he in pushing end the parent do- elree it. But the question in, Whet in beet lor the majority 3 Are they over- worked? an 1V\lAIII ALI uuiluvhh The minister ol oduonblon bu delivered hlmull of some vary Itrong and pertinent , nonllmonbc on two phases 0! public and I high school education. l||_-n L- I.-- _I--|__-.I AL_L Ll- .I,,,,,. `THE DAILY WE`-IIG. "pmr par Orbuu Dian. A WORD IN SEASON. uauu Ia uumuumqz mauuou 19 Anon: n Lmuoa` Ulovolaud-tho ailont of individual merit and complctsnoas not found in any other Ladies` Bicycle. Itjluululti Illa Ij ol 3.. ` liollcvu-ythn This Inilnl 1- Lunuullnuloetrll unpainted.- cluolhbccn-diuhcou In auniuod I might position in tho Bcilioh match. In uddiliontuufuu uiaoviupthl the kudolnniouundhonSl.N)0,(l'0inlm h&\lKl).!ll). it cimllo GI-oI:u|`Jou1ul oflaudonunuiagthut "vials the lull` inpl-in oneantimnul and lriah he:-u hnhuIvyInvy.Gnnndin lamp 1 only: Ihllng` ` area. I I ;mij|nnn\-ad n-nil :1 V An old sud well known lunar ol Lynd- Innt, William l`ony.dio an Sunday at tho no pl` uoveoty yum Ho loan: a large family. ` ` Juno! Onawonn. Btockvnllo. round dnnlyufhtntuumg Iaonoluon church on Study nighgunl in I for Inmates hit wife ioundhiun dud. Hun di:-can In tho ans. Donated to u tnnllor torGiluou & 00.. Iihy~lou- yon ologe. andluvunvihandtwodnghun. IIKT U 16. Enact)-.u.villionniro vignette munr fqcturur. but given '5!!!) to who remen 0! Clayton music: in the purchase! our unihnno. An `LI --.I .-.II I._-_. L__.._ -5 I A 1 Insuuuun, w Illclxlll LII. nallIDly,lOlll'2I. Rev. A. L. Adan in leaving Adolplnnt turn. his wife`: health in men um! he find! it meant: to not a chuugo of clu- Int} nuu. us pupuunr u. Ln. omplo Blujor J. E. Hullivroll. Ith lntulion. has been cfforod the command of the 49th btttalion. no uucceod OIL Hamlzlymmrcd. RBI . L Adm]: in Ion:-inn Adnlnlm-. Run of the Dlnukvt Oundonood from the Whlfn IKIPUOIIC. T. A. Coda. Pttth. has pnmhucd a clean yacht in Hamilton. He will use if on due Ridonu lakes. . Alien Annie Ballot. Brockvillo. In nnitod in munagoon Ilondny to Joseph ROM. In G.T.R. hlIi:tpu?.puE.r Hlimzrftnlim V v~ -yr ; 1"-"`F1"-6% There is something xliatiuouyo about In Ladies` Clovolnud-tho ildhidllll merit. and colnnlctnnmut nnl. fnnml in ...... UIIPEIUII. One of the first bille to be detected wee one penned on the boy employed at John Cee_y e on Delhounie eneen. Mr. Cue)- wee out Setutdey evening when e Itreugor oemo in end medo e fteen cenb purchase. in peymenb for which he preeented e ten duller note. The boy (eve the men 89 S5 ohengo.ee the bill appeared to be perfectly genome. The young fellow utetea then the manager hed in big roll ol hills much uneller then then which wee given to him. He . deecri the men ee low nixed. tether etono. ith e Keir moustache. He woxe e ` cola white hen. mnulhnhnln hnuhsmndum hm: nuuuu. Two bills were detected by tho cnhior It the bank Nntionnlo to day. And word mu immediately sent to all the banking concern: in the city with the mule that n cunaidcnblo number of the bills Item rounded up. In tact neatly ovary bnnk baa eomo of tho lunged bill: in It! pom] oesaion. I of Napanae. E. H. Bainoafforgod. Tim nriea which no lettered "A"Iun from 46,001 to 47,00|. and no lithograph- od with the picture of the pmidenb. Mr. Austin. "I"..... I.:|l- _.__. .1 ..... -1 LA .1 I - \I\Hl II I` I` II'\` I ll'B.`|. The perpetrator of tho big robbery of the Dominion bank in Nnpnnoe luau fall. or some 0! his confoderntoa. no in Ottawa. Part of tho epoiln secured in me robbery woo one thousand unsigned ton dolinr notes on the Dominion bank. During tho put. for days quxto a number of them biiin have boou circulded in Onhun with the signature 0! the manager 0! the bank of Napanee. E. Bainoa. forged. us latter-nd "A"..m ` Melon Domlnlon Bunk nun From J an Now In Dunn. ()[ln\vn I`w-cu |'n~.\.-u Inc! A`!!! ()uuw:\ Fl?!` l'rosa. Il\L,,, . . Now the Duko of Connnught in mention- ed Illvtl-0 who is likely to be made governor-general of Camdo. Bub the queen is pictured an anxious to gob Wolaoley to Canada in order that the duke may be made commander of the army. Which would we like! Both no favorites in Canadn, having non-ed bore and begun their active service hare. The Preebytoriona are nob going to be outdone by the Methodist: in tboir twentieth century scheme. 80 they, too. are going to raise umillion dollar fund. It can be done. The people have the money. bubto gob it from them will exhnuab the ingenuity and patience of the churches. -~.--- The World says Sir John Mncdonald was glad to have ohe help of A campaigner lIkO Mr. Term. but: in was nob his policy be give him 3 high place in the party. Which im- plies bhab all Sir John`: colleagues were angelic in their purity. "Send us another ten thousand. Luau time of calling." CLEVELA ND BIC VCLES. ' $55.00. $70.00. $80.4 MODEL 44 $100. 30 INCH WHEELS. ; WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. AGENTS EVERYWHERE . Is the may nob going to be represented by A live men at bhe municipal convention in Datrollal Several hundred cities will be represented by over two thoueend dele- gates. end their dieeuseione mueo be very eduoeeive. Kingston ebould profit. by the meeting if properly represented. Should divorced persona romnrry 1' Why not! If they can be repnnood by law they cnn be married by law. and the con- science than approve: of tho one willnp- provo of the other. This is one reecbion growing out of the discussion in Toronto : synod meeting. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPES. Tho Toronto Sm. re the Kingston cloc- blon cue. inbimnton than Dr. Smytlxo may nolvknow where ho is no." and chub the Now: "dooan t: know what: in going on in in own oonlmuoncy." Which affront they will. of course. resent. .....-.. unit an: mung ruleu Winn amno Wil- doth. no for as tho government is concern- ed. And the time is coming, in near st hand. when he munb change his motion. Public opinion will be relpectod. -. ..-.u-- u an upuuuenul vu vunmngenoy. To be can the emperor will not be long embetreucd. He lne the power to cell the Reicheteg together, end to dluniee it. It oho election bee not eeoured e workable ohember he cen dleeolvo it. end give the people e ohenoo to try egoin. And they mey not then enlb him my better. The fact le the tide le running against him and Ne military idea of thinge. Hie divine prebomions do nob mako the mouse {eel ' aim uboy ere being ruled with divine wie- dnln, an Inn nu oi..- ._....--_._.-_n. 2, -- which so on ml]. and a common or umll- I or patio: in I opooulativo oonblngonoy. TD `)3 III!` hg Qtllllnlun -III `.1. L- I--- ,__j. WATI: YOUR $lO NOTES. DISTRICT DISHES. wuzuuzn I'hlK& 91': um. i | NIP.` You cm: buy new fresh Navy and Black Sorgos worth 850 for 250. M in. Navy and Black Sol-gen worth -100 for 80. 46 in. " " " 500 for 400. 50 in. " " " 650 for 500. You can buy Black Brocade Silks worth $1 for 750` Blnoli Pooudo Boio Silks worth $1.40 for 81. Block Bongaliuo Silks worth $1.85 for $1. You can buy oxtm how Table Linens at 250 and 350 yard. You can buy Towels on Towolling at It big saving on regular voluoa. You can buy 81.25 Shirt Waists for 760. and 760 Shirt Wniata for 60. -` You on: buy llibbonu. Lnooa, Edgings, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery. Gloves and Underwear ut a big suing. It will pay to investigate prices during the cloning up of tho Jun Provision on-nay. (kind). vilhun 1 hi dtlgun `n Lllnhlo d Iuuuxs ljuly Iris . . M nlidinmluwardduu ` ` 5.3., monmui-nu uL`.Ihm.L..n lA..b:_..-..l` u can an uncanny one-on uul Brwhilloi-Itbvon park pncliugnhh-., lisbnut Yuuday B`?! I hut. .._J___ 9 Oropo Loan Inn -2.: An llroilng lion!-Iouvo--'I`Io Vlnlton Hand. . |hi|ipps\`i|lt\, Juno $1. - "Hm Into 5 mi-is ln;bkt`l!| thrl:nI`tm*rs` lnmnrte ru-- ja-in-. l`hen- is nut much sprung mu su\\n_ hut \\lmt tin-r-\ l\_ :5 making fun.-, I-all he-.1! and rye are Iuukimx \n~Il. Ry. us gt-ttinc n lrwn~m|uus ._:rm\th. hum six tn :\-wn I":-M high. (in ur- - mum of pour svnl or line lat:-tu\.'x< of the | N`N`~lilIIl):ID."t("t!S ul` mrn urv:\gurli.1| ~ fnilunn .\ pond m:m_\` pix-\~~~_ln.ui In lm rt-.pl:mIml and some, unrr nnplzunlimt. I xwrr plnualml up and t|\\lI In millet. `l`he- nppk tree uurm has ulu-stru_\--d :\ gwnl many orvlnards, in-n.u~ling them cut . met; k.-cl. Thvy \\rrt- new-r ammn tn r In so dostructiw In Him! \'iriuiI_v Iwlarr. 'l`he\r` is a fun-st \u-rm dvrstn-_\ ing the mzuples. thus, lmamuula, In fact m-mt n[ the tnmaot is In-:ul_\` slrlppo-I ul its fulinm-. lxw-nty-&~\*u _)r.trs mgn \\c` hni the snare pest; I` ma thuugln nt that tune it would he the` rm-ans r-I killing lhd` limiter, but it and nut. TI)!` Texan fly is with us again torturing the mt~ tlv. Sonw cmxs h.n` ht:-ken thv-ir hudrs m a number at planlx mm their burns. fighting the fines. \\uIIi.1m T.u~k\lwrr_\-I is umptoring his nuhunldings and Inrns. |.\`1mtz-I Bury and sun, \\'haI\-3. had th runtuu-t. II I}... ...._. L-.. pr- ._ ,_ n g . - (I IN. This is part of lhn story told hy `Hm ynunsr man whn us n-m- laid up -u `hi~` mnllwr`.-a hnum suflo-rim: from tho c~fI'o'ls M the rmful I'.\`|)fl'N`ll(\l he en- ulllrwl. - lug:-I n1`l`. , ~ Thu :~_\-st!-:11 purslm-l lo_\ the mm- lraclms :|pp(`.'ll`.~ In he in gm lurk all Ilm n.-\m`_\' paid in tin` \\urknwn in \\.'l(`F. E\nr|Iit:.nt privvs wrv vhnrpwl fur vwrythimz supplio-ul; 1': rl_\; (`!`lll.\` for .1 pi!-1*0uf . x`ifl_\ Nnl for .'\ dish tmu-I. $2.30 fur .1 pair uf m`:`r- :\ lls." 'I`I [H gn-I a man In (`nnw lmme lnnl llwy \\nu|l not givo it In um. I svnl airlo- gmph lllP\`\"|`.N` to my mnllwr and slu- \\u< vnlnpvllonl In |\.\_\' 5:30 in iwnmz nw hx-um, (mo nf m_\' `un1p:miuns is still in Ihn huspilnl suffmim: hum rlu-um. li\Il) as thv roamlt uf uur lvrlihl-* nx-nlk lug.-llm: I Thu gI~L-inns .\.. .~.. TAYLOR & co. STOCK. I |ll]l`S IK` KN h.l(l on and 0\' having fl I:\'u-ul. U I ..~.... III` III III!` mu`, \\'hlt`h Hm flnur In `L .\4|n lxlnvlc. twu dnj I got 8 tin in .mv- u~| ..... ......n.x ||\I||l nuuvxul, IIIIl\\Il|I.\li|ll\l' I ink that in Turnntn no haul be-on pm~ misml {roe transportation. 'J'lii:-1 sum \\'.'L\` tn be (lmtuctvtl [mm uur p-iy. We nwknned that. \\`i'h this and nthor ox- p(`llM\ we niight wurk fur three Illtiltilla, and tlwn nut have .1 cont com- ing to us, sn thrro nf us ||I'l`i(l\`(l to go lmvk. '0 wcnh to (`uni (`reek and trim! lAll.\'ll(`C(`,\`.'lflt_V tn QM wurk in the miuos. For the first t\\'t~nt;,'-two hours go new willmut fumt. We cnllvd ut \"uIinus (`-Uni), but thry refusml tu gin- u.~: any despite the t'uvt [tint the lhl`- nmnwtcr ro-gistewml {arty dogrv.-s ho- luw 7010. Two miles uutsitto .\[vl.en'i I multl st.anl the strain no lunnvr and hrnku duwn with black fever in tho lugs, caused by tr.-tmpiug through slush nnd snow uithnut fund. My two vnnp-Ininm (`$|lTi|d mt` inlu Mela-nd. xvlwro I was six d.-t_v;. lying on tmro Iimnhts in .1 box cur, deprived of the use of mv limlm uhirh hm! ...r.....n PHILIPPEVILLQ P HILOSOPHY. ua Talon! rporonto Laborer which Al- most lollpuu Ilbu-Inn 0ruelty-0on- tractors to Blame-o II Now at Home After Au Awful ltxporlonoo. Toronto, June 21. -- Herbert James Avery of 37;. Well:-sly street, a young fellow of twenty`-foul`. u. nutive ol Novn Svuliu, has given information of ust'1rt- ling nature to are News as to the man- ml` in which men nre In-iug oppressed in order to build the now L`row's Nest rni lwny. ` 1\'f\'Q4\]f nntl `HI nlhnr I\\nn fan... 'I`.. U RH` um! I shhuu `WALKING TO CIVILIZATION THEY FAINT FROM EXHAUSTION. [swan ALL mam IN sunw.l `Dreadful Experience of Crow's Nest Laborers. You Can Buy {mus mun roam unllllll r.urI1'1l me Inln mo 0 six`(l:\_v;a is of my limbs, \\hi<`h haul ll I was lying in the Inn :':1 lays lmfurol smr II dovlur. . snmmshnt bottvr I worked n n tho _\'.IrI. \\'e slnpl In II which Ind smh \\i.l cmvk: 'lnur that tho .Inm' would R he :1 font lhivk in tho mun Lu! tn slm-p with all our vlt ll I`\'{`ll lhvn m.u|ql nut kuvp - g fl`W|ll(`lIll_\` In gvl up and r Inn si1`k tn if nrivn it yum: I '0 I .'I\\` (1001 it \\'m `cl. '0 :l Sm h \\i.lu wn it w-p w 1-n k nlr I-\ ma ...\ shuul ; .-nu '\n\ns tune! it and trim! 1- hmm` but they um. Quill In i|r|n.u ..... .......x- mm Hing. ur vlnlhu--4 uni: u- . I~--\ IH HIII1` lurnozl : var {nr 2 After `(I A lit- hm u.-bu in Illll, mil: K|j.Jj$I.1 `. Nearest Agencies--D. W. DOWN EY, Brockvillo, nun:-n woo.--....-_ -