Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jun 1898, p. 5

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Ki-sswn I-Iiivs ow A-an-in nu-nun. ngnnn-an... -- l l|H.iB CUIIHIIIICH ungrny. 1 "i guess. since \\'u`m cnughb, we might out well give the sump nway," ono of tho trnmpa said, with A grin. You see, we oumo mm` tho hill from tho Pmmuy. nml. not cnrln to walk mm-o'n is nowasnry. we got on to the grail: of (lnpmin the trains and haggngin in ihv and of tho division. I: was on great annp. but '0 spoilt. it now. Every hobo on tho rond know about this cm)` mm-k. We kep' n lump than in the bushes ospoclnl for the occasion." \\'nlI Pun linonnul " I)n}.nn nxmnolrnal uguuu uuu gnuuo nunwr uruen.-u. In an Instant ouh omne thought and up wont mhmo palm of hands. The huntura found thmnsulvoa gazing at a mo of dirty, ` grlnnlng trumps. Sn \-nu rn thn uhnclzllunf. hnn Imnn xvnll.-. ufllllllll brulllpu. So you're tho uhoslzthat hna boon walk- lng hem all those years?" Puma naked In dlnguat. N \\'n nnvsnn -nhl nun Inn: hn nI\.\.I '9 p\b\A 1 Il|B\\'Ul'UlI. "Well. what In lulnma have you been nggln trnlna hem for ten years, then?" Puma continued nngrlly. "I nnmm nhmn nvn'n| nnnnlnt. non uulnlm Jump on. Paton saw through the whole scheme In a wound. Circling around. he algnnlod to his companions to close In. mm In an short time they had the man wlth the lantern Iurmundod. ||"IVL...._ n... _.u.- \......|_ .....I _I._... ___.__ uulguu. '0 nova: and we was Inswurod. |I\\'.\|| --Innl In I.I_-.... I IUTITDHIIUGCI. Throw up your hands and show your llghtl" the ghost. humor ordeml. In an Inntnnn nut. nmnn thnlluhh -sul nn uuuuugnl. ' Wu 5 dead easy thing." the that voice \ went on. "Blow the light out nnd throw It In that clump of bushes before you jump on." pntnn nus O.|n~nnnk Han nyknln -nknnnn In IIULll' ` 'l`boro3v Iiie no for n time. but no lush i three young i`u own volnnceerod so uooom- ` puny him. in was arranged to start on the following evening. and at then nppoincud eimo the about hunter; mus. At the NM- row: Puma distributed hi: men along tho aoounomod menu of tho ghost'I pornmlm- intiom and awnltod I-osum. Crouchod in I clump of bunhoa. huhlllllelf lay for huuru undisturbed except by the) lolillll of panning thighs trains. Shortly boioru the time for the midnight express he board at whispered couvormtion oi! to his left. ul.l...... ...... ....L `L- |_..s....... h.A_nn __..._ CUIIVUFIHEIOII Ull 50 [Ill H5. Have you got the lantern. Paco?" some one nnkod. UV...` II- ..........a ....A.... ......n...n urn. -_; .3311! III! W-"'"s.'.','::;t;_`.`..,:..:.l:....: .:`.'"""` UIIU KIIIUU. Yop, " a second voloe repllod, " I've got her Ht. but1`|l keep her hid till 1 see the headlight." It's A rlnnnl an-xv Old:-up " Mun u-A uni... I10 UFUBUHUKI lll ISUIIUIIIU 50 WHO EIIHK. ` "Any of you follow! like to go ghost huntln some night?" Everybody lookud Inter-outed, and :0 last one young follow domundod: "Wall. where`: your ghout`.P" "What's the matter with who Bnld Englo ghost?" ho naked. Some of tho crowd uhlverod. bun Paton went on: There's (1 uhlnlng mark for a good ghost humor. I don`t. helluva In thin fool tnlk of doml wnmhmun onmln lmok. Thmz Bnld Enulo jxhosu in 5 pure fuko. nnd I'm goln nftor him. I nood about throo good man. We'll go to tho Narrows to lay for Mr. Ghonr. Wo`d butter ouch have a nun. too. In mum of nooldonta. Any of you follow: go nlonn?" 'I`|\nIuu1nn -"nnnn fnn n lhnn Inch nl In-Q D0 IIIIXI WIDUOW. Whit. hang It all-" oxohumd the Inn Ihn In: an nnnnnn-I "ll -nmnn an nhnunrl UUDIU ruusn. Pnbea had long modltntetl an attack on tho Bald Eagle ghost, nnd one nlght ufmr hls trnln hud boun dulnyud nu hour by the light his msulutlon reached the point of notion. Going down to tho vlllnge scum. ho broached his snhmno to the gang. "Ant nf vnn fnllnmn In: tn un nrhnnr. \\ IIUIU II) KULIUIVIHIJ II[l|)\`I|l'UU- Skeptical suporlnnomluntu lay In wulb ` for the ghost. Extra wnmhmun wuro our played to patrol the district. but to no uvnll. In was no fool ghmnt. It know Its business. However, It reckoned xivlthout Juno Paces. r)..A.... I....I I,..... ......tIL..A...I _.. ..LL....I. p|LIUI1 IIIILI l|H\VUlUUll|U- Sauna yours nan, old rnllmud men say, the lhnld Englo ghost wus born. The mid- nluhc oxprou was bowling ulong through A gap In the mountains when suddenly. dund ahead. a rod llghu timed out on the truck. The engineer, sucmtlng dunger. ro- vurnud the onulno and stoppud the mm. but I search fullml to show why the truln hud been agged. Tho trnln atmuued (MY llnnlly. A month or so Inter the express was again agged by the light. but, us before, no cause could be assigned for the procncdlng. A (tortilla the ulglml was soon at lrrugulnr intorvnlu, ulwnya tn the lonely gup. Trnlmnun uh length begun to enter- tain a aupurstltlous {our for the ma light. and In time It. boonmo gonornny known us Ithn uhnnf._ " (Hal hmuln nf. Hm In-nhn IIIHI Ill HHIU ll: UUUIIIIIU gl`HUl'l.|Hy KHUVVH [I3 tho ghost. ()lxl hands at the brake wheol bulIo\'o(l It. to be thn splrlbuf 11 trunk wnbclnnun who had been klllud as the upon whom It gonorully nppmred. Hknnnnl nlnmrlnmlulnntn Inv In nznlr. uuuv. \ OrdInnr|ly\thPro is nothing extraordi- nnry nhoun :1 red light, but when the red Hahn u|)pt~urn on n mllrunpl thnt is u dif- ferent mnntur. llml the Unit! Englo ghost. bvoncontunlz to exercise its funotlonuln thu fxmmoaa of the xnountnlnt-1,111 nll prolmbillty It would have continued to unjny its lnoorpomnl uxisbonco lmle1lnltu- ly. But. the Huhlldnglo splrlb was unrea- wnnhlo. It. lnslstml on making 11 spectacle of molt just whore It was most out of place nnd nnwolcomo. ' .h'nInn vnnrn nnn nlnl rnllrnnnl Illnxli llnlf Ibla not often that n nlnocoenbh cen- tury ghost can live for years on Its reputa- tion nndld the Bald Eagle ghost of the Bench Crook rnllrond. Almost everybody In this suumlun hm lmnrd of the Duld Enulo ghueb. It was noun or yuur nhuomd night pr-uwlora Inhnhnlnu n tumhlo down coun- try house. '1`p6"1!uld Euglo 311010 was un up to date Qplrlt. It was almply n ma A coon and Harry Trick 0! the llohon `nun Wu Discovered Anal Ended by In Umnponmloul lullrond Man and 'l'hI-on Oumpnnlonl. VIolorIn............ Vlnmmvnr... .. . l-In-uu.lo.... Tumnnn . . . . . . . Purtlnml, um. . . Hun I-`mnuntm, Cal.` HI. Paul........ Mlnnnunullu . IT HAUNTED THE BEECH CREEK ROAD FOR TEN YEARS. AWRED L1kuu'1` GHE)S l`.\ not Nooerrs .n |_._ mm DAILY wme. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1898. no about. one zrno non nmncumo um annual: skin dinuu which duty all mums uutmont--oven tho but medical` skill- In ndilycuned in Dr. Chan`: Ointment. MRS. J08. ggnntu. hoklhepu`u wit. u Ethol. 8.. was troubled with Konunot tho Haul sud Facofot shout I put. um! mu Mil! UUIRI [MIDI ll UUIIHIUUIWIDIII lllllu "I have n brother who in in hunlnau where as hoard is oi` no particular bonoilt. and yet he in hoamicxi like u piml. H0 is taken for n doctor every day. One any inst. summer when he was walking on tho Wt-st Sido n woman rusiuul out of n house and insisted on his coming in to son hvr imshuml, wlmm she thought. dying. The other morning ho was cmnimz down town in in North Smio ntroot our when n mmmn naked tho oomluvtnrr how aim ahouhl an M St. l.uko`a hn.~pHII|. Thu vomiuctur muid not toil hvr. hut. he looked around the var mu! pivkmi out my hrothor nmi nah! try him, `i)uvmr. what at-rout is St. Lukn`s honplinl om` \\`lu~no\'or ho noon to A drug store tho vim-ks cull him `Don and aim him a |)ru{ossl0mIl clismnut. I won! in with him om` (lay, and tho clerk was talking to n roul Iinvior nhout some now and po\\'orfl|l mmilvinu. Ho turned to my brother and said. `Doctor. what hna been your vxps-rinlwo with thrt'jkixilpoksP' Binmod it my brother did not put on n |i|`0fI.\x~3B|0l1i\l\`n|(`l)nlid talk for nvominutoc ` about tiiemodioino, and he didn't know whether it was inkon in cumulus or to be rnbbori on tho scnlpl"-Ui1iongo Chnmicic HEAD n M88 DP 881138 Illlu I ylll lilihUl'l]8y \V|lD ll DUHTHIUII. "to have your whlnkora." This was Inld to a mood who was anppllod wlth abun- dnnts whiskers. "Now, you nanolork hnvo no motor that hnlr on your-fnoe--lt might ho honor It you dld not have ls at all- whllo horo mu 1, who need In In my bugl- noas and yet cnnnoe mlao A board to one my me. It moms no me that tho perm pltn olmuhmon or hnlr In lnndeqnnto to the needs of tho nntlon. I have novor had the allahtuat use for a razor In all my llfo. and yot such [I heard no your: would be worth at lonsb [(5.000 n your to mo an a lawyer. stronger: hoaltotu to omploy an anon-may In an lnnportsnnts ouso ll ho hna no& I board. Of course thoro no exceptions to thla rule, but It gonornlly holds good jnau tho mine. If n mun la portly nnd has a good address, It does not no much manor; bnh. making the average lnwyor or profonalunnl mun, tho [word out: n oonaldornhlo llgum. "I Ilnvun hrnlhnr Ilihfl In In Inlnlnnnn Ban. Hhnrtmut, (`lmnpmut nml On! Direct Rnulu In Inn (`A NANA N NUlI'l`lI- EH1`, BIUTIRII (`UM `M HI A and um YUKUN (6Ul.I| Fl l.`l.l):4. No lmlloun trannmra or nnntmns tmublen. Flue (toluunlst nleopern. rmen Tnuriul. alum]:- arn and I-`lrnl-( `hum -Sleeper: almclxml to A I Puoltlu Uocual. lrmma. CUT RATES. Vlnlnnln Treated by Dtlferont Docton. Ionnllluu Thou who Nut! Thom Moot Can`! lulu Them. "I would give the your: or myllfe." laid a young attorney who is boardlona. "tn hnvn vnnr whlnlnu-I " This urn: nnhi UOULDNT G0 NEAR THE STOVE. I[J|`l||\ Fllllulbll [R,'|`H'UlvIyo When the nmvs muno to tho wnr depart- ment. the otlwr day that Lluubennnt Rowan haul after A lmzamhms vnyuge In on open bunt rvm-luwl Nu.~usau. N. 1 ., there was a gx-numl but; quiet n-jnlulng, for the men who sent) him won glml In find they had llludu such a judicious selection. UlU'l`l|ll OI lHllIHIl'y llll(ll`I||l|UUll. For nomo go-urn he served on the western frontlur, mu! ho hum lxmn in (lulm mu] knows the country. Friends know him (LI. 5 trunk and conlml compnnlun. 'l`huugh jolly with his imlnlntm, he In aoluewhnt mserved nnmng strungm-I. Slx yearn ngu he was ounplnymi In the Intercontinental mllwny survey In Central Ameriun, under Cnptnln 1\lucmnh, whom he learned to spunk Spanish perfnct.l_v. \\'|\nn Hm nmvn runnn tn Mun `mun rlnmu-L 1.1m:n:x..\"r Ammnw s`. how/m. A teenth lnrmnry In tho fnllmvlng your. Slum then he has bow-n mnnllmlly ntmvhm! to the Inner rvulluvnt, though during thr. [mm the yours he hm: been on duty in thc bumuu of xnllltnry information. will` Inlll \ llllI`I '\l\ llI`\7l\l` nll Ihn nvnnhn-n Tln noel intnchblo 4 ILL. Jig...` unlulnlu al-01- no Du-lug Liontonnnc who carried 0 Manage Into the Hurt oi Cubs. Lientennnc Andrew S. Rowan. the man who at the bidding or the war department ` landed on the Cuban ahom, made his way : for miles through a hostile country and penetrated to the camp of tho insurgents. where he arranged with the Cuban iuadern for tho co-operation oi the patriot forces with tho army of invasion. is I Inodual. nnunuming oloer who has acquitted him- self well in his (int war nuignmeniz. His mission demanded pluck, courage. nyao ity and namL '.l`hv.-40 are the qualities an American soldier usually DOIHOSCUB. and Lieutenant Rowan has shown himuii well equipped with all of chum. Rnwnn wnn burn in Vin-uinln in mm Wl`ll cqulppcu VVll:l| IIII UK UIIUIH. Rnwnn was born in Virginia in 1800 and was appointed from West Virginia nu umdun in 1877. His resent) residence in near Clmrluswn. W. :5 ' Ho was i`lMil|- utml from the Military Iwuduiny in INS! uml was counnisniomvd M nuuund lieuten- unn in tho l"lftounci\ infantry. Ho \\`il.l made (lrst llcutumnntznf the Ninth lnfmmgy in 1890 and was Lmnsim-mu to the Nine- Vlolorh. . Vlnnmnm iooxalunral CUIRD BY DB. CHASE. urmfvwor wlsxsns. A PLUCKY OFFICER. .t.':.:":! and dis '. :`.'..'_"... ..(.., IIIII IIOI IIIIII I III IXIIIIIIIIIIIDI. IIIIIII I Hdlnon vs-Mal. um out would Mrs E llml mc"-Nw York Oonhuohl Ad- In-nulls`: WIIFQI. ' them! `you and not oymputhlu with me as :11." grwnnvd can of the uplllm and hnndngvt "Dr. Scwbonel aid that It I had not such I Inc constitution. bulls up hr Mailman that that am unnhl hm "Fm tony." hound. "that yon'n bull: bruiuad unor that nut: tall. but you know I ulwqyn warms! you quad riding a wlmel. " ` ' uI.'..|_..l Q... ......n ....A .._......Lu._ ..nL r- ` """""` I Kmgston & Pgmlnjqke And Canadian Pacific Rallynys. ' ll'l8lI(l IIIIUI. The Ills mun. thlnklng ho was being made fun of. was equal to the amnion sud responded. with n twinkle In an an: IF: nnl vnrnllf. II`: lbs hulk! 0| mnnn nun rwpunueu. Wllll I IWIIIIII III III 2].! "In no: yonlll. It`: the bum: 0| mun Inn."--London Antwan. -v.---- on: -nu vvwt-Iv-2 some time ago 5 friond of mine sol I ourioun prawns from I nan captain. in WM A line specimen ot the bird which sailors can the "laughing iacknn." nmi he was not a little proud of It A: ho was carrying it home he Ii|0|i\ bnwny hinh nnvvy. who stopped and naked him: "Phwns kind of n burn! in that P" "That's an innghinu Janina." apinimd my friend ninliy. ......a. 9.... -1 ....._ ..,....| .. .., A.__,.__ --IIIII|l- noun \l- on`: nu.-uwun-c "It moms to mo. " sold a mun who hm occasion to no nbout. town a good deal. "that them In no part of tho olty In which ono mny not name ncmaa lost halrplna. Ono may see them lying on thogslulcwulk In Fifth Menus and in remote nldo attwta alike. The lira: ltllpnmslun that one gun from these avut-tnntd hnlrplna In of tho common mm of the hulrpiu. Tho common kinda of hnlrplna such an um noon lying about In this numnur must bu made and sold In tong The non lmpmulon (`mm thmu thul n Innn guts. nn_v\\`uy, must be 0! tho number that A woman carries in her huh`. for, though he soon so nmuy lmlrplm scattered about. ho doesn't meet womnn with thelr lmlr hnuglng lonco Tholt` him` In tnatoned wlth so many that tho: don`! min on. "--.\`ew York Sun. IIIIUI `ll.'U\'|llI,'\l- On onllnnr ooculonn oven nwnlthy Chlnlnnnn wll alt down to IOIIIO anoh Illn- plo him. Iervcd lndoed on ll Mblo lmtud of on` the ground. but Tn almost oqually olmplo style. It In only when a banquet ll uubamutcd for the ununl meal that win; In treated serlonnlyna a am am. In a man- nor worthy ltm lmportnnco to the hunnn ruuo. Then tho guest: wlll naemblo a- twuen D and C p. Ill. and will mnnln nmullly at. the table until any hour from 10 [L m. toxnldnlght. Plpou are llchmd between the courses. and n whlff or Iwo of light mbncno smoke In Inhaled lmo the lungs. whllo wlthln any reach of tho ta- blo, If tho tuanvlty In as all on as grand svnle. thu (lunfonlng nnlln M n thontrlcnl performance nnlltlllllns almost wlmoul In- tcrmlaslun.--l\'uw York Lullgur. ITO lllVlll'llIU|] man. Hull 5 down coollel wlll squat round a bucket of Itomulng rlon and from four to six small mvory dlahou ut ntewod cabbage. unlom. wrap: of mu pork. cheap llah. no. They llll tlmlr bowl: as dlnonuun from the bucket. They help thoumslvu dlnuruetly with their chopstick: from the various rol- llhnn pruvhled. nn nnllnnrv nnnnnlnnn nu-an A unnglun EUTICIII CUl'llIllll|]. Tho pennant am down to dinner cooked by tho hnml of his wife or daughter-lm law. In largo oatnbnhmoutn the ooulu no lnvnrlnbly men. Ihnlf I nlnnnn nnnllnn bl" nnnnt nnnnnl - UIIIHUTA Chlnone trndltlon polntn no a data come thousands of yours huforo the Chrluthm cm at which an lnaplrml ruler of old llrnl muugho munklnd tho npplkmtlon of the to food. But. without wishing to ho Irrever- ont. we thlnk It dulmblo to conne our hn'oaMgnt.|onn to period: of greater hin- torlcnl cm-minty. 'I`hn nnnunnl ml}: nnvn On lllnnnn nnnkn v---no-v \Ivv-I:l I The Chinese am a nation of cooks. There In scarcely an Individual In their van oemmunlty who In no! more or loss competent to cook himself A rupnotnble dinner. n|.a....... a....nu.... ....u..s- L- - .1-.- _.....- no. 2 Iuxlru-as 2:35 mm. No. II I-1xpreuul:20a.n1 6 ` l'2:(t'n p.m. " .3 " '2:`J-'nu.m " 4 1:05 p.m. H " 0:10 nun " ll " 0:45;) In. " 7 " l2:.`L'5 p.m NM. 1 '2 Sum! 4 dully. " l " 1:05 p.m Nn. Min Iyvxcu-pt Mmulny. ll) 1\llxmlu:wp.m All ntlmrtrulnn clnll{ oxonpt. Humlny. For llckou-I. ruuurvnt on 01' Home In Hleemrn. Aduraity `rented to tho Fall the Great- neu ot (ionernl Washington. Novor did adiointor indood iimi him- self in greater sirnitu. in all dirovtiona ho had buvll nonding for men. iiy ox. .~y method ho sonullt to hold thoso ho had. You as {out as ho gnthorod in new troops otiiors loft him. for tho hano of short on- llstmonts poisoned ovvryihing. lie was not only fighting a civil war. but ho had to muko his army as ho fought. and own for that ho had only those shifting sands to build on. i`hoy oomo." ho wrote of tho militia. "you onnnot toil vqhon and not you cannot toll whoro. consume your provlnions. waste your storms and loavo you at last ata oritirai momont." lie was as near dosporation as ho ovor came in his life. \\'o oan road it all now in his lottors, but he showed nothing of it to his men. Solmylor. uiwoya faithful. soul him sumo troops. Sullivan. loo. came with thoso that Loo had tried to load, and than it was found that the torms or those wry troops were oxpiring and that by the now your ho would ho loft with only 1,000. ni- though at tho momont ho had botwoon h,l)iNI and 0,000 mon still with him and in outlying dotncinnonin. Opposed to him woro tho llritinh, U(),iii)0 strong. with hood- qnortors in New York. and strong divi- sions oantonod in the New Jorsoy towns. (lutmnnhorod six to ono. ill provided in ovory way and with a dlusoivlng army, it wana torrihio situation to race and oon- qnor. lint Washington rose to tho hoight of the oocauion. Undor tho strain his full groatnoas omno out--no more yioiding to oounoils now. no more modoat nuhmisuion of his own opinion to that of others. A lonsor man. knowing that tho British had auspondod oporntions. would havo drawn his army togother and triod to houso and rooruit it through the winter. Washing- ton. with his ilrm grmnoi all the mili- tary and political con itions. knew that ho ought to light and dotorminod to do no. --Tim Story of tho Revolution." by Sen- ator U. 0. Lodge. in Sorihnom. fwoedlo Dun sud `Bandit Ibo. Ilnlrplnl Been on the Bldownlk. i;,_....,.,.,.n.,nn ._ _ or bosom {rumbles like I ower By ION winds nhnkc-n In Ha bower. And hlnahun play about her race Like roses In n BIL-aunt place. And rupturouu h-dn pipe to the wlnd. "'.l`hnrv a noun so sweet. as ltonullnd." _f`Iun-Inn Lnulnrl In Avunualnun (luau: In fnamon like u man arrayed. To hide tho beauty 0! the maid she woo-,-s Orlanduhl words of him. , Hhu 4-harms Ina nmlla. rho drink: MI [In And move: the nwollmg hp: 0! Pan 'i`u pipe the lows of mum and man. Pipe little bird. no hlpe. plpo. pipe. Fnlr Bmmlllld for love In ripe. no make the wood`: ot Arden I-In; mm love note: awn-m an ower: in spring. l'ur `mam the m`oeu\\`0ud ms: the Ilghn. And love thouulm bluuouu In her eyes. EQUAL TO ALL OCCASIONS. Lul'8 l|Ul|0 BWBGIE Ill ICOHIIIIIIU. " --Chm-lea [muted In American Queen. Inn! to the Oneal A1,... .A, __ o._n... n A . ._. IO$ALlND IN ,ARDEN.~ .u-. vu--.._y r.\l;I`pL mununy. In nllxml llllopdll tlckou-1, space Hleeporl, lpply to _ J. P. llANI.F`.\ , AGENT. City Puuunger Station, Corner Johnston Ind Ontario Btrueu-I. ._:___.___._._._._:.._._.__ Oillnolo Cookery. I\A|u|0|ly'I&&O phduhunpuunt. x .. ,1 _aa._..:;;: mun Inc Inns.` (knlnmm Journal. l\.4_._- l\._A.-_l_.KA pg; L. '.-.g S_o11o1ted :3 do so. Bowen at untunuona of Same Color Wrapper. Liver Pm Take no oumr. I U HUN um. P I"u<]l_..l)H will no ncccununmlnted in Minute I-`RE . (',lH.0NIHTHl.F2EPEll.H nu mr Iu Uhlcugu or Ht. Paul where nlmnur Sleepers can be had (.0 the mcihu Gout. Illu Tina run: is u an. n... } exams The onLy porfoct See you got Camera `Ask for Cutors. Insist and demand 69 and 7| Brook Street. Substitution A Good Ascot-trn_en_t M`?_KFLV_E"% & %B`.3C"%`=' ---@----~ HAINBS & LOCKBTT. . - - SOLE LOCAL AOBNT3. in FRAUD :1 Has any . (DOING I~Z;\M l". N0. 2 l'}xl)rt-as `2:`J.": " l2:(|.'n mm. New Ma;moAoq; -..,.3`2_xs-f_ea._"i:h;..zs23:r;gs;*!;; ._p .L__ ;.__- Llttll Liver Pills Ice-Cream F`ree`iers.{ Wire for Window Screens. Law Mowers. Garden Hose, Water Coolers. L lggfrlgerators. Prices Right. The popihrityol` the rnoqurunru Um` rofcoynia. ' _ vvvv `W .._ I NEW ILLUSTRATED NAGQ-`r? 3 ZINE no o5enl_o. ` - AlNSLlE'S mucazmn sch.-E HALF HOUR scum. ` . 3 ETC.. .nwnImg through prl m-I ml (`umullmn ulllvu uml * Ulla uumll. l`nuI,.\ Inm-noun. nml lmkous. 0 ` [HIRE ()()l.UN1.~l l` Hl.El<)['ElLH n thrm Iwlmhoutvhuu u, I'urLlmnl, M4-., Mag- mm |1d K`nromnm\ lnnlpo-g, I('\`HI Kl mum ovary TIlOM|l\_y at lzlu pm. mu] \VuI1c.~ul1|y at 2: I5 nan. human I`: for the KLUNDYKE AND _YU KUN OLD l"IELl)H WI ll u(`,(`.(\lnInmlntml . ' * . uvrunu-iduiis'~" v`mnbuwn.~Jonnstou SJ`. IAILIXK T1 ] wmn WORLD to cum. [ COSMOPOLITAN lo 00.!- ' ARGOSY xo cum. I PURITAN to cum. STRAND no cents. x.amss- noun JOURNAL: 34 AA-ml- F. NISBE'!."$% MAGAZMES I; .' `._, lI."my friohd. ll orhl 0 result: oi you? I'll! , R mmn r.-nan n ~ JUNE; We have them in different sizes and at prices to suit. Elliott Bros. F Reirigerators. 7? PRINCPSS ST. llla 3 Ii) II-IIL YU OI. will lllthmw .(Yl)(.ONIHTHl.ICEPEllH ln(1l|lnmmnr I-IL Pnnl uvluu-n ..|...n.... t.n.......... Kingston. gxpotly Lne auune us omur linen. ` . Hmnlrno n mxnnnuxonrn-wucar lnwmt Hnlnu Ilnul mm \|....o n......u.... :- .l'`|wunm Ull ' % 061%; thromth -.nnLVIrnu at uni! nulnnnlillr-WEST. Inwwt lmleu lion, and .\lnut, Popular Rout:-. .I`|wM|Im l.lu'muz I prl ('-HIUH Ullqqxu and NI. Puul. .\ Inn<'not.u_ mul lmkum. I Ptwum or Farm; of mu (irnml Trunk Rm!- Q Flys om ht-two:-n polnu-. both UJUA L and I UUHII Inoluclimg `arm; to ALAHKA. `LUNh|I\'l3, TH I-I l`AL'l M17 COAB1`, \VINNl- E0 and the NI)l{ l`ll-WlCH'l`. M wall nu HT. PAUl.nn4l nll nth:-r emu uumlvo points, um lxlotly the ouwr Ines. i.l'...-..._._._ _ _._- - ~ - i .-.._.._. .. GRD~TR l*'1\r-aufuus In-two:-n I Farm: LUNl)I|\'I{}, TH I`/\L`l|`I( In c-.nnn(~mlv0 Ixlntlv Hm nunnn nu nb I...u- In..- RamLal sTe a 9) I R It comes onlyuin sealed packages. 0 uwuouuuwsa uo unvu uu um nwlux: U01!!!- muew mu: TABLE MAY mu. unnun In .\ um TRAVELLING-BAY` RAIL. _._........_._::...___- A; niancnm. c.A:. 1.3. ncny. mum. hum-._ -n'nos'ron nusmass couaoa _ I ' ' wens ` is for those who wantgood ten.` It is not expensive because its great strength necessitates the use of less weight. 1 ' C O C V IIJBUIIL wu-n Inllml ll) l\lI polutl UJVITBD 8 T41 T38. -nu. I'\nI-.4 u|....._n.._ rt... , ,_,-. db`A`v5#pu drink Tea? -Wei-eliyw lwcazhsh you `have become accustomed to drinking some discolored water with a bitter taste, or do you drink it for its dainty avor, fragrhnt aroma, and the delightfully refreshing sensation it produces? If you relish a cup of really high grade tea, try one package of Ram Lnil s Pure Indian Tea. It costs more than much that is offered, but its worth more. It will brew more liquor and the quality will be better. .-..._..._...s :.._ EDUCATIONAL n fIeld,HnrHbn|. Won-on nce. Roman and the R` J Hum ' O Indlvtdul Innncuou. . Ibr mu I It 001 `I V` `V Sl llglll S0!/TH. ruw-$l-I twain-ll)! W er Palace Hlvopln1 (`urn between 0 PE \'lN(`-ENT AN ) NEW YORK. For luwmt mu.-n. utno limit in] Rumble In- mrumuon apply In I-`RED. A. I-`ul.Gl'-IR. City Ticket Ag?! R. W. O0. RR. lbol. Block SI... lugnton. mm 1m1'rmu`1m.D 0.!-.A. nw. auatk. synouu. N.Y. Du. uusmn nut SJ! 1'. I>"5.Il|. unnm w|r.nT. Nu. :H-1xpreuu1:20a.n1 'nu.m 1 HONDA . JAN. and Evenlx 3`x FE`. {9mn ....'..`&.:f:.".a'-1".:" . _*-3 ze. ?-:=""z-.'a=.===-= ='-----== 3:: get Ohlltslctlhtg` an ill . 3:. . XQX-Q11 L.L_n.2$ Q`; --CU I17--III -UUIW` (0nmmonc|ng ls! May). Weekly Klncntcn & Rochester. N. Y. Ru. "North Ring" Iwwon Rumlrwn :85 pm. Right rauervnl mvlmngM||m- wlfhout nmlco. lb mm I m II II ind gr-alghlmnrppliy GlE : manor. ST-..L'J!9ET}!.4K'N"| I Dally Service on the Picturesque Bay 0! Quinta. Datum dnn M 8 EM. (Sundays oxcepudi hr Heron an wn porn. n'l`md Trsln nnlsatnl In B31-II`l'e n:{i.beoeIloI;1o. ` an 7' llllil. nu IIHIIII III loll` *3 .""-5? wmsr; ~ "' u .Alhan .N Y k.l`hll Iol hln. n. .` glgantrm. \I!|?IVlKl3lrI lull UTO P CIIIYCVII J. P. ll.\.\'IJ-IY. or 0. F. (Ill-|iER8LIl's`.\'E. 'l`In|n~l. Auenln. Klngnlnn, om. `twin screw Iron wllll `lt-vlrlv lights. 0| Inmk-m an Quebec Steamship 00., Limited. RIVER AND GULF ST. LAWRENCE I`Ul bluncln lIl||l I:\'uI y ll 1. I`. HANLEY. Aonxr. (I nuul 'l`I'uI Montreal and Liverpool. calling at Rlmouum and Moving. Fmm Muntneul H n.m. Quelwv n p.lIl. Pnrln|o|u.. . . . . . . .Mny II May um `Carlin lnlan . ....Muy 2| May -am llnllmrn um . . . . . . .` May 28 1\ln_\"BlII Numldhn . . . . . . . . ..Juma I Junn llh Flrnt nnlm1.$5'.!..";0 auul upwnnln: `and vubln Liverpool Iherry nml lumdmn, $.`H; auul by Purl nlnn nr (`u'IlmrnIun, $:m.`:.x Ht:-wnun! mm. and $`.l:I.. uI by I`ur|rhm mul vnllmrnlan. New York In Ulmmnv, Mun nllun, lmh .\lu\', mlnn $Il$. `D0 nut. 1-all M lnmnnkl Incl Muvllle. For tickets and every Iumrmuuon npply to J. I`. HARLEY. Anlsn-, _-.._--_'v.. Ina.`-anvv\rlC gap.--quay From Montreal. Blenmer. From Quebec. Jum'vIt.lu, 9n.m... I-k-0lnnmn.. .hnnoMh. 0 run Juno nth. lhun. .\'urk.~ `..Inm- lllh, up.m June lNll\.|HI.lII..Duln|n|un ...lunul-uh,t\ pan .||lllB mm. H mm. Luhrmlur. ...l unu 2`alh.1|p.m July 2IuI,1|u..m...\'mu:m|ver. July '.'ml,up.m July mu, 1m..u ...H\`olm\mn...Ju|y mu, Iip.m Prom Liverpool. Htenmer. From Boston May 18th.... Cunudu.....luue2uu.7::I)a.In Flrnt. Cab|n-$50 and upwards single; 3105 and upwunln return. Hocond Cnbln-334 to $42.50 single; 3% !!! to .'I8.l0 retu rn. I~5Uearng:- 1:) Liverpool Lamduuderry, London, almuw, u,uevsmmwn, beum. mm to saw). I-hi!) suloonl, uleotrlu llghmnpuolonn pro- mnmulu nnlx n. GI ueennufl Bellini. ` 5010 w. '`I:|v1v|'%z\l(u)nI, ylnzatrlu llggpmltnnfnr momulu eoku. . I n n__n__ - -. nn.., .. nlvulluu uvV|l!o ' I. D. llnnloy. J. D. olldonloon. Agent. 0.7.3.. tutlou I2(`.lnrence 84. D. 'l;(l!`Ll7,AN_CE I 00.. Genera} Agonu. Mon- : . ALLAN LINEI 'IV\rnuto emu) pun. ` ' ' ' Pull sarueulun M. R. Q I`. and C.P.R. Ticket Imoo. ulu-In Itnok _ I`. OUNWAY. B. W. FOUGER. Auk. (hm. PIAAQL uon. Manager. LIVERPOOL SERVICE DIRECT. m._..__ 11,... urux - a nu Hnlnu I Holux V Ix\lLEH': -1 TI)runl.n, rl, lmn. } Dun1inionIii11e_S_teamships| L.`.T3 HFBQ- _ Botxvoon llnmllmn, 'I`m`ulllu, I.~4ln`n1n.H.npllsnt'll|o sl. Luwn Lrm . HAMILTON AND MONTREAL LINE. armmma "HAMILTON" .l. I`. H `\N l.F.Y, I'n.~mvngur Auunt. ______...:.__. n'\ I\ I II | IS A` II I`I|\.\. .``|'l1'llII"_\', \ I-`or lick:-Lumnl Ill\l1'l`0I)III! n nlv to I . I n IIn\vI|:~n> __ .. .\ -........... !FI'olM`&'.0ntarlo Navigation company.` I me some LINE or AMERICA. (`rn day), JDZGIO Steamer wlll leave Kingston daily, Snoop! Run-I36-K ll mu. m. and '2::I)p.m. mum-e In; an (`ape namn with mum: to Ali point; In the ILUIUVKII EFIEAIIVRVD '37:-"'iiT.' iii}; 33;" As.` rul. IA-uvv lihngulnn : - VI!` :1..|.... I.`...n ll l l|ll(l I I |l K HI-Il.llFlL J. P. OILIII-:ll!s\l.li}li1Vl. Amun`, 42 (llama TI:AVEI..LING-BY BOAT. TORONTO-MONTRHIA L LINE. .nng . 4 l'hnlv-'I'l'F`.HD/\\' IL! z \\'L'ut-|lUll.\ Y uh I -ll:\mIllm, .~3I..'0. I I, h-ul,nrn,.7:7..'0; Mm lhlrilxx Iunl Ynnlu 1 EY. Aonxr. Trunk Slntlun. IIIBIIIJI I`IVI!H A pa-.-n. -lmmIum, 10, rmnrn, $?4..'nll. , h-utnrn. .7:7.- Mnnlrs-ul .}| I`? H(`l H\.\l\l|II Mvnlu Illchuhul both unu HATIIICI jn1II'\\'eHf ul :1 I1;:.rum- mu l-`mn . I-k-outnmn. . . Jumn .\ urk.~ `..Inm-l .l)um|n|un ...l\mul- ...l.uhrmIur...Junu 2 \'um-nuver. '. ..Hvol..~mmn. . July 3 Htnnnmnr lnu git` Paul..|.I..... um-npo I . . . . _ Duluth mm` Wuul. u rcrlur. llonu-an Pnurlmm . . . . ` . . . . 150. 'l`or0uto.... Spevlal low um to other polnuou nppllnm um. I 'I`ralnu leave Klnptnn H mm, lI::l) mm., and D p.m. spa.-mnl mcluvml mm: to Wmnlpog, vln Owen Buunul and l.n|n- Iunuw. Pu-uonfn-,rn Imvln Klngnton ll man mm. ur- glvn In 0 lawnnl 4: mm: Potorbom 4:10 n.m.: .;.*s.%%%-%-%.{-;.%.%.;.%.;;[n%...-- nlnulrln luallu nn.l ull J .\.*k .~4WIl1` .\~ ('L)., I-`rulgm Agent. I mm'.noa nmu. : p.m. I.-nlly, (u-xvupt Mon- -- _r_......p.-v ...l\mu l-uh, tt ...lunu . ..Ju|y .lnnn`2mI,7::lnn.m . M uy H! in l\ln_\ mil II .1 mm .|- . u...| ....I.|.. ` l(Im_v rvm-u uml n_v 1,000 mm! .\l(m- _ $3.50. I1`- rwlllllil -IIII Inllll" l`l'|I|l`u Puuon nu rm p.m.; p.m.: Imuto Ihnrumtlurl A I`. C.P.R. Ticket III! nll wnIb-An you not hand will at:-Inlm ` lhrnuwumuaxulhcuhn tnmy pynn'upntIonoolbnvo|tunlahuII unnnshlngtonhnmunluowunblng huh IIIII -IH Jun-L nun: molt. lunch Jtpurlnl way, nan; ll nu." IIIIIIIIIII Ina mun who wan to nnmoed. "It sum to nhuurd. you know! My experience In that I dog will attach himself to you It u him any ptmoonuon."-chIcno ` Olllll Horn`: an Article about enlnlnz I doc. [I Mod the manwho had been reading the pa . "Iraq: tho lint thing to do In to munch the dog to you." _ Thonupon the man laughed sumo mom Well. what 0! It!" pordsted thoman It Ibo mm window. ` \\`k- L...` It -II II -_..I_In...I bk- an.-- III uivvjryt Hlnughod loud uni long an In put aside the paper. \\'hAl`n tho mnO.lnI"'nAEn1I n man ulna mo paper "\\`bat`n ch; mnttntP"ukod the man who In club); at the nutwlndow of tho club. u n.'._I- -.. .'.n.|- 4....` ...n..n..- _ .a__ . U\l?|l|l'l Ul[l.KJlllI lU|' (H0 UUUBSIOH. " Well. I'm jlggerod." I mmnrked. If that nln I tho coolest of norm I not henni. Now look hro. that lamp and 3|; and if I ever hem` of is hm-o [host wnlkln n'In thero'l| boa hobo walk- In In his future homo before his time. an and spread the now: that the Bald Eagle ghoqt In dead. On. I any. for we're coin to shoot after we count 60!" But Isnlu.`-.4 lint`. nlgluul AL- A.._..._- I) IIIIIN IKIOP W0 COKHII DUI" But before Paton nished tlgo trumps had dlnppoarod. and tho Bald Eagle ghost ham`! walked dnco.-A|Ioonn (Pm) Lot- to: In New York Sun. l!ome,Watartown as gdanshurg By nun .--.....

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