Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 May 1898, p. 1

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% - THE DAILY BRETESH ;o':x':':o';x': "i'. .I... :;.i;'." by Ohu-Ion mull uo his nu] RIIIIIIIIIII. And. it An, I IOKI Illa llllpcflll BUVUFKIIDUIIIII. Sir Louis Davies. miniuhor of mnrine, in- troduced 5 bill to provide than in one when government wharveo makes amnli rounrn to the dopartmenb if. any louo them tzotbo municipality in which they are. on the buiu of the avenge mum mt-aivod dm-inc lm (hum OOIIUKU III lklllglll Ull. The minister of milibis paid e tribune to the services snd ability of the major- gener end at the some time nested than the reletions between himseli end the oioer were of the most: sgreeshle chnrscter. Sir Charles was hoilin over with anger when he arose I eecon bime. end his feelings found their mosh vene- moue expression in the declnntion that he hnd no re-.-pooh for e end because 3 red cosh was on hie back. This display of bem- per Ins incideno to the ccnsideretion 01 s rnobion no great the ofiicer in commend of the Csnedlsn militis s yearly ellownnoe oi 82,000 in Addition to his celery 0! 84,000. which was pub through the committee scene. This increased compenntion in proposed in coneequence of correspondence than he! blien piece between the domin- ion nud imperisl governments. Rir Lnnin nnvins. minisrnr nf mm-inn. in. .l T ll: oherlea Tapper undo I fresh Vletlm. I Major-General unseolgne. OTTAWA, May 5 --Violence of language when Bur Charles Tapper hes the oor is so com on that the house usually refuses to allow melt any other manifestation than one 0! tolerant amusement. but it was stsrtled to-day when the aged baronet launched a tirade oi abuse at the head of major general Gasooignp. who has resigned his position as the otlioer commanding the Canadian rnilitin. The oposition leader charged that this ocer Id disgraced the position that be had been called upon to ll, that he had involved himself in a moat discre- ditahle conflict with the militia of Halifax, who had caused him a great humiliatiomand that in his courts in regard to Lieot.-Col. Stnathy, Montreal. he had violated every military rule. I, The prime minister, while nohdofoudiag the actions of the major- eneral. deplored the atteck which has a made n n a British oioer,end attri- buted it to n esire on the part of Sir Charles to indnlgea personal spine. The allusion had reference to the fact that n n the recommendation of major-geneaa Gas- eoin e, Gen. Cameron, the son-in-law of Sir herles Tup r. was removed from the post of comman ant oi the Royal military college at Kingston. The mininmr nf miliitin maid A In-ihnm to NO REGARD FOR A GAD. PITH OF THE NEWS. I-sum tun-my. II..:-A LA-._A__A wnai-bolunnuawlnoo. lAnnt1>.viaPurio.Iny6.-IHnnlIogod tbsnhopvcnnonu ol Oahu undhno Ricolnnngublul tho Ilunh Q01` Iohrclunding dllnihd Slam troops in then` lnlnndo. Two ironchdo. in union: audthnottunopu-In will luvs 0adi:fortIviIIIouotboYankuI!ron tho Plnilippinoonnd than houhnl Odi- bninnmvh _v_ Nbt in years have Kingston ladies had such an op- portunity to possess themselves of ne new stylish materials at low prices. Many lines half price. Many lines one-third 01}. Many lines one.fourth off. Every line reduced. lb lotto vita-halo club (hp $UW$ doeliudlonuvvu nu UNIS lllxlll il$__ WDOII dintnrbmeu an oocund. Rioting con- ' sinus At the Iuport town ol Gijou. pro- vinooolViodo. Admin! Onnnn. wboin Ionic command to-not-row of tho Bpo ninh nnrvo tqudton 3| Cadiz, will Iloiu bio ngon board the liutlnhip Pbloyo. Bic uppoinluoutbu and much unio- fnntinn Amnnn tho nmnnl man at nd- Iippllfu IIK FUE-| Ii IIIDOIIIT ID. opening 0! the Cuban pnrlinlnnnt. and the noon rqnnt ngnod the war nnonrou bill. be onbinot uhorvudn hold another Inui- ing and delilnntod upon tho nancial dtnntion and tho Inounxu hkon nun. nnnfn-nnlnlo I4 nngngung _... L nun prwruuu. an pliant: angina ucunul the var situation nod nnnonuood the solo arrival no Porto Rico of tho Spaninh tunn- Atlnntic company : manor Allonoo XIII, having on bond. in in aid. roinforoomcnu of troops 3nd 1 very nimble cugo, iocindin Ammunition and -nnnlinn 1%` nnnminr A nnnnnnnml uh; eo;.Es7TJh:';y: o3 'w'EsIi ' S 'q'u.'.'n""rl' gont ptuid . the premier Sngun dened thn war nitnnhion And nnnnnnnnd than ugh IIJIIH ISUIILIIIIIIIOI` When he had nished reading his Ipoooh captain (antral Blnnco chanted, "Vwa Eppnnin," which was roeponded to with ontbnaium. The captain-gooonl than doclnnd the Cuban oonnrou open and Idlniniutorod the oath to the dopntios Ho ukod all of then if they swore to nlwoyo dolond Spain and vs: nnunrod with I opontanoouu "Yes!" Lane to the palace tho captain-general. Iron: a balcony. witnessed a march pan of the troop. Ho Ill choorod all the way to and from the hall of congress. LIIOIIO XIII Iauohu I 0l'tO lloo. lhnun. In; 5, (3 p.In.)-AI I cablnu council wdg, out which the quota ro- nnnn. nnnnid _ tho nmminr Rnnnnn dnnnrl WUIU WWII Ill) UIIII RJII. "All the new luv: mueh heput. in force on July let. Preference ehould be given to the measures providlng for public ne- curiny. And the mumennnce ol. the muon- ul honor ol Speln. the only country which our protect the development of-thie colony end being then she forma- tion of I great country united to the old Ceetilhnn union. and an the eeme bime be the modinbor in the new world between both continente." `AIL..- L- L....I _.'-L..l _...l:_. L:. ._.---L 9 -l . IW IIOIIIIIIIINUIL "Bolero such an outrage Bpuninrdu sud Cubans mun: unite to dofond who lather- lnnd and tho roooncilintion will be ull the mom noted in view ol the manual cir- onmnunoon in tho one. The dependence 0! Spain and ol the autonomy 0! Cuba all huvo Sponinl: blood in thonr nine; they were born on this Ioil. AAA II `L- ..-_ l-_.- _..-A. L- ..... 1- 1.-.. Blouse Waists. ll OOIDFWDIU Wllll DIDIUIIII IIUIIUI. "On the petition at his holineee bhe pope and the Enropeen powere hoetilitiee were responded in order to career: for peace, when. ignoring ell thin. the resident of the Uni- ted Suehee declared t u the enoonomone form of government hed turned out to be e leilnre when perliemenh hed not even ee- eembled. end the pntriote of the United Steven were excited by the decleretion whet Spqpierde o: |:.eed the Ileilne eaneleuro- 1 emu . co the niee Ei .".;'!f... ..`.'.......`.?.'1'L".u...... .u... hdhteo in taking up can to impooo Ito domination. nu uuon Ivwlvuu pup. -guy-Q3-uup-I SD41`... __-L -- -..L_... .._l-_AI- `-4! _-._ 4 by! and an gonnrou hoe `ninja E. .25`... .".'.'..s.. q..,... 3......" .u.-. hdhhn in taking no Arm: In imnann q-uw. .*:.-:.~.-..-:-.-'...~.:.':.-.'-.'.-..-*-.........-*--'- :_.n.-.L. k_.AL......_.I......__.-l._.._ [DU Ullll DUIIE. W U Iunuwwu free oi dubioo the `ho|p unb from America, sent for the purpoao of increuing the existing discord. In short. no- thing bu been left undone which might satisfy tho upinmionn of the pooplo 1! compatible with notional honor. "On tho nnhininn nl hi: hnlinnn hhn nnnn H0]. IIIIIJIIIUDI IIJU plIlII- "Spein bee given the inleude ell ehein euthorieed to do for the purpose of restor- ing peeoe end without my oonditlone. The eutouomlet form of government eetehliuhod ie ee emple en the of the Britieh ooloniee. end Bpeln bu deolered thet it will be mede more Ample still if zuoh e oouree le judged to be neoessery by the members of this con- groue. Rigid ouetome end other rulee were abolished in order to help the reconoen- tredoe, the victims of the ht rueteined by the United State. e edmltted fun :1! duhine the `hnIn eAnh from Amnrim. PKBVEIJF III ITOKII Dflgllls Ialllll IDUIIII. "If the deolanuiona of the Unload States had bean alnooro bar um ought. tobo saluting today him In!) On n parliamonb. instead of threatening the lives 0! in mom- terdand proving horooll I0 {also to her policy. ambitions and plans. "Snain baa wivan the inlanda All aha in no Unlted em. [I Not enmro or new ' (lune world now Be saluting the llret onben PurIIe:nenI-upnIn line Given, `the lelena All line In Authorised 'l'o- ; Ignoring the Iulpenelon ot lloetllltlee. the unused utetee Declared wet. [ HAVANA, May 4-(Deleyed in trene-I mieeion.) The speech of Oept.-Gen. I Blenco en the opening to day of the ret congress of Cuba elected inder the nu- tonoinoue form of government.ln aubatence ' wee ee follows: _ "I teke greet pleasure in seeing the re- reeentetivee of this ielend united ere for the that time. In spite ol the fact thet the United States has tried to impede the re-oeteblialunent of pence, Spain has fullled promise: ol introducing relorme in Cube and wee ep- proeching e reconciliation and the ending ol the war. but the United Btetee, though apeeking of page end autonomy. tried to prevent In from bringing them about. "U Hm rlnnlnruhinnn nl tha United Inna cuvnnumm THERE VIC LIHVU uuusuv 0 waswuv \IL ova: Iv savvy`: to replenish this department. All orders can be lled promptly. Prices very much cut down. Styles and quality held up to our high standard. `At the Opening of the first: | Cuban Congress. I A8 AMPLE As THAT or am-' `rams commas. fl3EN.BLA![]_ _SSPEEEH; muouuuouon. .I .j.1. .I..I.!_.4I A- _. ;t[:, i;:ln:i'i:1vr|n;:nit-ion':I;<'; The pvoniot announced Ibo n! Dtrliunant. naval man of Spain. pu b- -ham f6.L1VlNGSTON&BBO&| l.S_l=1L1JfS| It `rZlC f `rTUi UK TC W Tub Lnnuvo Brnmoquinlno `mulch All d`:-Kugglnnnmndmonouy gut Mlntocaru. brgs SeVlli_ng Jana Rad. I.P.P., Addington. eon- Jtinnu to improve. but slowly. Zl wt. nlluulru grlmllllll uglr III! II. 23 lbs. Auk-inn gnnnlstod near to: 81. 26 lbs. light yellow an ' Ii ('1. 27_lbo. btown up: 81 at Icku I Bros, Golden Lion. mwv.:a Perfumes um Jo: 20. and 25 per homo lot 10.; Hardy : my New cola-y. osnliowcr. ouounban, boots, crest. spinach, upnngnu. Bonnndn onion: And Florida Iolnntool cabhugo no Cnuovuifo. 1 To cure a Collin One Day T-in lgvnllwn Rnunmnnlnlnn lhhlnnn A II gruunu. um wnon mo pun-nou-In rename the idoqtiosl opoo when tho unable had boon Insdo at tho previous lnnonl. the Itrickon husband stood in from oi than baring the rennin: of his Into lnmonhd til: And girl. tnnllv. hang, lfjdi " Exchange. A lady died, and while else pell-heerere were conveying her to her Int rem ple by some lnilhlp they mumbled end to the oorpoe. The oonceeeiou bron he I deoeeeed beck to life end ebe liv eix r eeven yeen end died egeln. On the my o the gnve they pueed over the eelne around. And when hhn nAILhnuurn I-nnnhnd wits and laid. Study. 5010. 0"!-" noon. Flnn Pouvr, May 6. - Shomhup Dovom. Tbonpoon hm. Iron Nowoonlo. inwards, 2:45 min. Btounuhip lnomoro. Johnston lino. lrom Nowoutlo. inwards. on 5:20 mm. ' Superior `ligms L uodfnrg Band on Board. Mounnn. May 6.-A|lnn n ntoumhip Puinnu lrom Liverpool puood Fnmo Point. inwards. M. 6:20 am. Fridny. AII.|.n | nmnmnhin nnrlhnnnninn. Iith l'I.I|IIU' IIIWITUIQ -II U23 all. lrlullo Minn : steamship Oonhngoninn. with Dan Uodlroyhn band on bond. uilod from I Liverpool tor Montreal yolurdny liter- Exchange. A lndv di IIIII. fliily FIJI IQUFICIOI. 0|) lllfly. :3: 1455.10: Liverpool. on mm for In- Unihd Batu nvonu onllor Oahu arrived down who HVII` `bio nothing from Inks Michigan.` and that cooling at onoo proceeded to non. Sho wu non more ohm two hours in port and in in O hurry to join tho Uuiud Shula vqudron. DUUTIIIIIIIII I UUWIIIIUII. WIUII "I IDIIIIIIU. was gone through with. Two follow-worh `man of Slornaman a In Buffalo. W. R. , Martin and T. Mobodo, toaclod no the . aimilatiby oi the illnou which had atriohcn I down both hnabanda. Juno Deva . Buf- falo agent: of the Metropolitan Ll ointm- _ I anoo company. depoaod ohab Mn. Burna- man had asked him to hop tho fact about: the 81,000 policy noon-eh from her family. Charla: R. Rnhnru. -hon nn||nd_ ax. -1: want --van -u-DIV-In Mom-nun. Mny 6.-Counu Polo Y. Bor- nobo. Into Spanish miniuor an Wuhlogtonn who will arrive in 5110 city thin ovonmg from Toronto, bu intimotod his lnoontion 0! lling Iron Ionulul by tho Dominion llno. probably the IAN-odor. on Bnorduy. Ihv MLh..Ino Uvnpnnnl. on man. has Mn. `to Shut 0|! Allone. Mon-mun. May 6.-Oenndien nilweyo ere interested in the notion of the legielr buro oi the none of Vermont in peuing e bill yeoberduy. forhiddinl Illen ool or- tione controlling Vermont rnitwuye. he bill hu you no put the tonne but um II looked on n e mere mower ol form. It is understood that one bill dooo not propouo to inoerlere wiuh exmiug eons of con- hnote bub provenlee any uquieuioue by ouheiden in the future. The emotion of euoh I low is undoubtedly nimed no Cone- dien nilwuyo which have oonneotioue with or control lines In that etebe. Osman andrnlslen tfunhauq Dlvpoanl of Tho Ind Lolnltora. Haunx. N 8.. May 6 -Groao mystery aurrounda the lntanblona '01 lo war ofoo in regard to the/2nd Loinutara, who om- barkod on the troop ahip Dllvara ban iaao evening Do aail for Jamaica thin morning and were aubooqontly ordard by cable `to be held for further instruction. I0 is ro- porbod today that the chi will sail thin afternoon under aoalod o on, bub it in non yovknown poaibivoly that thin in the can. A upon in circulation in that in YlOW of bha poaaibilil of aorioua broublo between England and ranco the battalion will be taken to Sb. John a. Nd.. when no Briuiah rogimonb ia abahionod. CI `Hun-.-u II... I E|..-I. -_J-_. I10 Dllll IIDUIID II IDIIJIDDUII. Haunx. .3., Ma{ 0.-Froah onion for she eroopohip DI van and tho 2nd Loinahora came from London bhia aatnoon and they will proceed to Jamaica at line intended. Ncvcr was a Gigantic Sale such as Hardy's Firc Sale is proving so well prepared to serve the crowd. 21 lbs Bhndnrd gnnulntd sugar for 81. 23 lb. Anltrhn nnnnlntnd man for I], I U0 U9 I0 ION) IIIIII. ' Charla R. Modliootb, locul mono of the above company. wh'on plnood in the box told of the Interview: ho Ind with the pri- I sonar in Bunlo. D II (SIX. VI DOD IIICC DOW III WII IIIIV I f men in her husband : circumstance! held ` three ineurenoe poliolee. all in dilferenb oompeniee. Mu. Sernemen raid that Ibe Ind been left in the lurch when her u-no huubend bed died end the did not propane no be no lefb eunf. 1 (`.5--Inn ' unnnlnnlb Iaun-I naught A` h|\A In. Itnllnun Did Not to In Ian I In tho Llrol A E OAYUGA. 01'. Buy. 6 --(lth I sin crowded. Luo evening the reading at n. Btornomnnh depooiulon. onion in Bnnlo. 4 In none lhrnnuh -ith. Tun hllni.Im-E. Ialll .l.UUU p0|lCy UNI? "Om DUI llllllly. Charles R. Roberta. when oullod. ox- nlninnd luau ha Iago! vnnnnnnvnntl In nhtnin unnuuu rs. nouoru. wncn uuuou. Ix- plninod how he hsd lnnnoeuvrod to obtain Information for his com my in regard to thin cue. When nk how it won thou 1 ---n in I.-. |....L-...l|. ..l.......-L._... |.-IuI {.."g'rI'v'J Tu2;";I.L"e'J"'ovZr" 1'8"." 35 mod. and when tho poll-Donors ruohod x idanhinnl unnh than than nmnmhln Ind and the place to buy them is at ' your is the time to buy SPECIAL ron SATURDAY.| `rue omruaa `nun. lo `tool In oi-nun. 'ro lull from Ioltronl. 7.1- n n .I\| Grown Undo: Glut. W1-n(1.% ` An big nvod no small In Invond. In In-[0 boll pdoo; hundreds to about ll Nut Nnoyoo no adoring coon: try I an cl Conn : Porlocslon. You an [Q10 :5 Edda ; Pinupplu 2 lot 250. at Walks : Accldcnl Icmln Wort-cu 800 But `l`r"'.T` Ilolr Duel. Wlunanu. Pa. Icy 6-10 It ` Holuud aim of tho Dclowuc, Incin- wcnnc & Wcctcn company at DI Jamal Ncuchu. Btcphcn Jcolhl John Titan won killed Ia of` I. Tho Inca won repairing tho lining ot the ohalo about half way down. Some hccvy tinhcu wctc lacing , when the ropc which vuctuclntllo clippcd clcodthctlnhcn Muck I50 I- forn Ipon which wctknco won dcmoliching is sad ptcclpihtiaj `III! In hhobottonolthochnmc (INOIOOC `W hat Th: In-Milan -can Innoolhlu mun, wunuowomwlnunlltml uuunqq any hot. Thobodlcnnnborribly III- l|Vl!J -lUl'LVU Ul IIXVU WV-ILV or older ones If Itlll young In Iplt. undoubted ~hnrncter,good talkers. bltlolll and Indunzrlouu, can llnd emplo ant In A good cause, with 340 per month And uuvl uecurding to nblllly. luv. '1'. S. huuourr, l'Onl0- . GREAT 0ROWl)S 01*` BUYERS! ANTED-MEN AND WOMEN WHO OAR work hard lalkln and wri M in non daily on six 12; awn . and gl_,I_l 90139 With ii (161! "Wii. Addrl HIV YD Co., Toronto. - V1 bright men mr Vtoltlnn or pormnncntly to solicit for "Cnnndn: An Enoyoloptodin of the country," In nvo roynl quarto volutnu. No dellverln ' mmmlubon Id weekly. Till l.mscm'r.I`vn|.1nnmaCo.. roam. AHOUSEMAID. APPLY A1` oxonwrr romnanoeu to Ins. lloxrrunnnlrg, King Street. ' WANTEILYOUN0 MEN AND WOKIN I ` l:ndm!| }`;t.2uIdt~|l1 A2l|`1:n|'-rclvu1.`u l{(rhl2!n`nnI.nI |'|I'I`.I`t`I|n nun: nmmo noon man: A!!! ' T Luvnxm: um. nmxvnmune. wANTEI)-'l'EACHER8 AND (7I'HlB bright for permnmntly In nnllnn fnr "f`.AnndA- An lnnnvvnlnnavlln nl lF1Ts"i*`rInT7oo'aE's"z""'6o Telephone communion Ion. T. P. HARRISON GOMPA IYvnlA-Cuban: nntl Ila-ml.-Inn-an Z An 1.. J. - llliul-\L\-L9\l&` EIMII-rJ` Undertaker: and lmhulmorl. Q and Princes: street. 'PhonoI:-WuotooIIl. ] muldonoe.01. Open dny And night. \ 8-nru:xsox-Ah Portsmouth. lay Rh. ms. Eunbouh ompbou. the Inland dnughtar of Bunnol and Annie Bhphtno oon. ngod owo month. Funeral privsto. l'on.naovI--Ih Kingston. Iii Bib. 'IdInrd Ru-rinnmn lnrhnnnt -pad` I mrliss 1:. Jon 1. BOY WANTED. `APPLY AT JOKE ` LAW ct BUN B. |STEACY& STEAGY; -.:--_: B. 5. ooannrr. _ . FUNERAL mnwron. an Famous It Kingston, successor to W. M. Dnnnln. -uTj:j L L\.IlVllIlIdl/ -IIlLI4\.Il\\J 40c. soc. 75. 81- WALKING HATS 25, goc, 75, $1. $r-25- ` UNTRIMMED HATS in` all tllp |\ newest shepee. . NEW WINGS and FLOWERS just arrived. ~ \ A large variety of CHILDREN'S ' HATS in all the neweil shapes. - I\AI'I'f.`l`l l`IYIlIll I\ IILHWB _...I BABYEE-"s'uMMER HATS and DQMM l.'a"I"Q AJKIIJIIQMI SUV IVICVIIB` BON N ETS. Inspection invited. TRIMMED SAILORS 25c, 35c. Ann nnn nun I New Goods Opening out Dally. "It It`: a Good Thing we lino It." STEACY .S NEW MIIUNEHY DEPARTMENT ROOMB AND BOARD. 20! WILIJLI 31.. ollukn. with all modemnopounm "reunion um I: we pun u..g-_ .;-'__ .4... -__ _- Toupny min no no nunacd with yourpuunu-cl service. but no Dunn we Iudvoyouulllbuurnumnuon. 0.10 K Cl` Qillllv. `GOOD COOK. APPLY IN THE EVINIIG. mwr7:m to Mu-a. Llssun. Goorn Strpot. `GENERAL SERVANT IMMEDIATE Apply to Man was CARBON, Prtnoeul __.___.__:___._____... -.-nu` nun 31:31-1 IADIRO UNDIITAKII All!) I 1 145 Princess at Oornor E Palanhona communion Inn. I UI'l'1JIIl" lI'I I `ldnrd Bmin -.... -_'.I In .. I UITXJII I'`' In QIWI Bu-ringtou I`: nun and 10 udnlhl. Pnnngl nolmh THREE KILLED IN A MINI. :1 man av-av. ll Lnmxo IIxnn'rAxln-l6-II 1 81. Telephone nu. Open Day en I0 LI. - llodcnho vlndl. Mr. H I Ocean and an. Lswnnolvnlloyg a mu. higher touponlun. ANTEIFYUIYNO MEN yt mnhmd -hnnnmrjnnd Ln` Direct Importer-I 0! Dry Good: and Mllllncry. _ _. _-- WEATHER PROIAIILINII 4 P. M. EDITION. HENRY BRAIN. WY-an--- A --n a scan 3: TO LET. WANTED! J A8. REID, | I1`-o;-n- . --- I o75'rn% YEAR. :40. 106. I-illi Sale for Cash ` lcuclvvoyuun nus uuuu -.1 `wmiave bought 7 CASES 13"1IVE'\7s7'GooDs -_I-_:_|. LI..'_ .I...\n-6.~.Anl- AI]:-nu-1-IA.-n non ha Rllnd de};artzx;;:t had practically little if any dam- The reserve stock was totally destroyed. 119, I-_ - |___-_..|_A. F7 IVAGITQ f\I} RTEIIT l"(\f\I'\Q 60 Salespeople to Serve Customers. ----- -- ---` _-_.-_ --v--cw: V: C PIIIANIUTLY I'll)! PACI. EEK on AI-no without our. null: or lay! .':-........- W. .::.'.:r':~:.'r.:"....-~ , Tlurya-I Edy. ' VIII nun-a upprneauuugm. yon] honoutodcoolbnloleuz _ cIInIoIL "'1 " --.g_.., , .-. . ' FOR sun cnaavro MAKE 20071". A claim walnut to: Ann f\YI\tA\l aging. . : vs` macs-on w--nor`: av nu-snug -urvs In TRIO HIGH mas _[NDl.\.N GAME. 1 trlohlgh clan um um enuod Whine Polish hutuna. I mo In In clan Pyle Game lin- uungnlnlowhne Pullotusunll wum Roomnoc uutoai. Call or write ntoncuo (`. lmu. Drlv-in Park Kohl. Williams- I `T I I\J&-u BB ADIOURXIID IBKTING 0! THE uh:-nbon at uuhnlflie LI rm ha hold n no Llhrnrv nan-an nn DHIIAY Tux Amuvnxlzn Ilslrnxn or hold . bury noon: on ".;':'.':':":. """" o'.".'? l\'I3lF0.MA!' Id . ltso-lock. n I unnnnlv I n'nvuown Dlsgurlng llalr llcmovodl Iubnnnnll-hjv IUIIAII -Anb 1--p-no A-. FIIKDIRICK LEDUC. drowned on Sunday not-nl . Iny In othbestecrnnr Perri near Ibo Na 0! Home 'hlnnd. lnlbrlnnuon Id h- at once ooovuyed to the cm:-tor Police. Klnlnon. -V DAVIKVII. CH `'13 II DIl'I'RI K- II. J. ICDOWAIL. I IIOIJTIR. Pculnhm. human. TRANSFER OF LICENSE. HEREBY N0fl'll"\' ALI. CONCERN!-ID thus I have n plied to the Llaenu Oolnmun ulononofmln c I) to allow to llcoma to be Irnnsll-rntl lolncoh N. Helmet, am orlivnnh Hula. `N.\'., and that lhoy have decided to mcotlocomldet the tune on Thund . 1901 Inn. 8 o oIock.ln the Pollen Court `mom, Ci v Baud! Klngnlolmrag lay. '11. J. HCCONNELI. -`gr n--:uu\... LIBBIIAI. REWARD WILL Bl: 0l\'FN tor the woos oi tbebonty of the LATE FREDERICK IYC. drowned morning. Inc. Peruh. X ouanuuunuu taxman Xj-.j'C. _ n__-_ nnn.A n__ A - RB WARD. IAI nanrgnn curvy: nu- NoTncr-:- LIA\IYIIWI`I\ IlF?I\I(! G. P. R. LKDUC. rwuuuu sutu--an nuoti-obgivoiu Wnnhinj Alia-I I A-Al. llluly lI.-`l.DpIIll| W. UQIII of the :60! gonad Gonna in thought to luv: boon tutu: pmooor by tho Spnnilgjo in Banhclaro ptovnnon while going to do- livct to the oonnmdci-in~chiol of the Cu- ban any an important diopnch from thin country. About a not agoenplnin Smith Tailor! Ionppcu-st tho plunonlhocnban cont than it won pnvionoly ngnd any the sun zngbou ol the United sum uvy that brought him to Cuba ohould go to new Iain and bring him back vush guitar-1 Gonna`: anoint. Ochc June to ad Iain Inn ptondolno nnil. Captain Smith `dud Gena ly in thorn. Tho old GI (and hips `In on hit -Mu nnn nl Ilia [nvnrih n TIOTQIN %IW IXUIIT 3311 I WIC- pothnl mission. lhvnntodnnAnionu thoroughly aequinudwith tho bet: 0! thus: incuhto day in tho Unihd Rm1u:nnnl1$hn-dnrnhlinhnohg Non Yotk'KanldvIichIcoIuIlyinju- rioIIIoOho0IInuIiu Iholluldundauho --Q Qi-n In ni-n innnnoinnt hula-ugh;-. 8. nmhnl niaian. Kn Dunn! nn Annrimn '09 VIUKZ I'lFI III CHIC IKDIIHI III 51 inlnndn, nlthq have any. Thou rights would include oodi unions. lieu at non-tgngoo on cannot: use: and claim 0! that oatnrc. Bpnin cannot givo to In my more lhnn Ihmpvnn. WIDE OI llIlllIlI- Nlw Yonx, May 6. -Frodon`ok R (Jon- dort. tho olnmonb lawyer and jurist. who ropnunud one Umud Sum in tho Bohring on commission, in so inn:-view, no hit view: of the dinpooicion of the hilippina as follows : The United Smoohu the ri ha niche: to hold the Philippines (or i omnity or to keep than nluogochorupunof ho: uni . just an Gonnany hook Alamo-[Armin in 0 Fun- co~Pnauisu war. We any hoop pontoo- nion 0! then until honcilitien no ended ind bk-.. oL-:_ J2.-u\_:b&n-5 -.'II D.` n_- 4.! LL- IIWI 0| IBDUIII Dill IIUIUIIIIIEI II'U UIICIGI IIIU than their diopo-icion will be once! the fnnmn in tin: unkinu nl nnnng KIIQII 3n.lI' CIIWIWUU WIII X 00.01 In. factors in tho making 0! peace. "W0 would, oi course. have to ntpoot the nntnd right: of mint nnainnn in tin `WI WIJIIIU, OI CUIIIQ. IIIYB (O W` Ihovutodrightn of other union: in nu inInndn_ nlthav barn nnv. Tho-n right: can--u ICC an 51-3: I- I vuvvtuill. Lennon, May 5.-Tho nbvonco of non Iron commodore Danny cameos a great: deal of npocnlaoion. the balance of opinion inclining no the View thno while in no dnn- gu-. he but non boon ablo to get: eaotnnl ion of Mnnilln. Nlw Ymut. Mn: 8 -I`rndnn`nk R nan. ,+1%\v l1%%?l_!;"'_""?"5> _3'pecials. INC!` 3171 I IWIDI IIUIIII. Tho Iona` n omhodoioo sud legntioon have roooi notication from the state dopnrunouu than any cipher oablou thoy moy dooiro to and no their consuls no H-- uun, Porto Rico, or other Spooinh`pouoo- uiono will not be intorruptaod or oonoorod. Bill uugunl Ipwimg puopau on Donn lluol of tho via. The Paris report that the United Bhm'hu promiaod to ooponn the Canary inland: And cede than to Great Britain, in ohnrscteriud no the auto department and I) loading diplo- mats n purely fanciful. be into dopam- moot given I Ipooial doninl. Thu Inrnion nmhninn And Inontinnn {Cu DIKKo LII DTIILIIH IIITUUTI IDITI DINI- bm-y I a h in rocoiv with nhintnonion no snot r ovidenoo ol hho oordialioy bo- bwoon the United Stntu and Great Britain. Ah the nuns time it it mated with the grub- uo poaicivoneu in has no no time taken oth- oinl fotm in the way of no understanding ofnu kind. In in nudod as none hholou hol nl. liowovot. in ohgding toward: lul- lcr oo-o hion and ` oympnthy between the Eng inh npooling pooplo on both side: nf ab. -11. Thu; Purim rnnnrlz than thn WIUT WIIIIU DPIIII llllll nuu KUYIKI I00. Ah the aevenl Joreign heedquerhere yesterday the speech of lord Belinbury be- fore the Primroee olnb wee regarded ee deeply eignicenh in then in we: the rth expression from 3 high oiciel rouroe clear- ly Indicating bhe aympebhy of the British ministry in the nreoenb couree of the Uni- ted Scenes. In British unrnere lord Beha- |n.-u - .-5...}. in ILl|A;l1 -lo|u nnni-I--uh... epoulu new or uuugr . The government in fully prepered for any pouible movement on the pert 0! Spain : Cape Verde fleet. It would pne- ter to have the enemy turn up et Porto Rico. for two object: could be ecoomp|ieb- ed; the deetruction of the Spenieh eet end the capture of thet ielend. Prominent oioiele eeid then no treaty of peace wee wanted while Bpein still held Porto Rico. Ah hhn navnnl Ionian hnndnnnrhnrn III` "II UUPITVIIIUIIII UK KICK W) OIII upon the oounbry ID In-go for 3.500 on- ginoon. They will be provided for in I special Act: of oougrou. Thu nnvm-nvnnnn in lnllv nronu-ad for onpmn um: In I|uIn[_ TAIAA. !`lA.,lny 6.-0uphnin W. nish J (Lo nn of annual Damn: in lhnnaln Q4. IIIIICCT DI VIII SIIIIIUIUII IC Mllllllu Preaidenb McKinley has nob doniboiy decided when he will nuign mnjor gone nl Fiizhugh Lee, former oon|ul- men! in Cubs. In in known. however. t to the ultimaco deatimhion 0! gancrnl Loo will be the Philippines or Cuba. when he will be pub in command of aha sway of occupa- tion nnd undo military vernor. I"hA Inr dnnnrhmanh nu donidnd tn mll WHILE PORTO RICO STILL BE- LONG8 TO SPAIN. lvernnlng le Propel-ed to lees the Bpeuleh Oepe Verde squdron-l.ord llellebnrre Popnlu lpeeoh lhowe Whore the Bri- Ileh e ..hlneI'e lnnpethy le-when General Lee mu AOll[IIOd-UI|tOd Item will 0011 For 500 lnglneere. Wgsnrrwrox, Mey 6.--Secreter Long eeid hen night: then he bed reoe ved no word from oommodore Dewey. He eddod, however. the he tell: no up reheneion over this look of good news. nee, in the reb place. reports were not expected with the cable from Meuille cut, end further- more no feere were entertained ee to com- modore Dewey : ability to rnuinlaein hie poriuion. There wee no doubts, the secre- tery eeid. then eomrnodore Dewey'e oeo had enuihilebed the Spanish fleet. and with this much ecoompliehed Dewey wee meeter of the -aimebion etc Menille. I)..-.:4l....e. ll..II:..I..-u I.-. nah AAne\:|Alwe Here is -a rare chance to furnish `up with stylish seaeonable goods at saving gures. Not a speck of wet-Collars at nearly half. Shirts at one fourth to half off. Underwear one-fourth to one_- third o. Braces, Socks and Handkerchiefs at quick buying prices. Extra help for Saturday. Received at Washington But No fear Felt. |m1 mus mam warm-zni lrmwmm FRIIM mawm non.-t-snowman:-u _.j_ i-_L :n__ A 1;". p 711 runs: an vv--u-u-uu v. -av -.-I u - v V guru- ion The In: dopnrbmonn u decided no call man than nmanhrv uh In-an far 3.54!) an. 'l'hIn|u no In not In Pououlon. , nu - an n TKING}_TON. ONTARIO. FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1898. This big department was extra well stocked at the time of the fire. Many lines only out of the cases. Lots at less than half, lots at half, lots at one-third OE. All reduced one-fourth or more. ~ zrhg cl Gioondilldwq and 3 123 nuluouud. wad].-I In I:uIuT:0 no unrnoll. they In no` vmv y uoggchg, Nnthnnitl T. biting, `god pi;ty-fop IOIPI. I V Otly gcntlomnu of Berkley, Cllifllnit. and for three years a laminar ruidcnl u d pr xpony ovnu in Shorllrooko. Qua, died lug 5th at tho holpihl in am any. Bo bad jut Inivod from California nnd wn pnpuing for ulondvo building opontiono on bin ptopuny than gun he was ntiokun down. _ CHINA EMBRACE! BRITAIN. only '13 1'50 can-an I-pin n lur Ilia ZIIIIICI OUIIBOW |l0IIIC- Tho eutorprining township council of Cundon.K:nt. oounty.Onnrio.lud upon in hands on oldmdinnn um and an oldmd inrm vounn an opposite code 0! the town- Ihip. `They concocted I uchono whereby charity might be and and go! the old eonploto comma to be turned. They livivw haonilv Manchu. '.`::`"c ,.... ncia rilpo. for! -31 i tho Canadian cuatocna nu-v`i::.y diid at Water- villo, N. 8.. aged Ionty-aix. For a num- hnr M `Dunn ha DA] nhinl nlnoh in an. v-nu, nn_. u., usuu II1vuu|y'Il1. I0! I l.'IIlllI' bet 0! yuan he was chic! cloth in the Mont:-an canton homo. TL- -..p..n-a-iu.- A..__-L:_ --.__-:I -1 T Ifll IIINI lull` CDC 0! AU`I.l'. Patrick Noleon, ox-roadmunr of the G.T.R. no Hunilt.on,*now of the '.l`..H. & B. In: pruontod with I to: unieo. of 8140 ulna, by his tonne: unployoon on Sntngduy. fl-Anni. nltll. hr (man.-in incl-A in th- Me_p s_Furnihings._ ulna In (on! IOI Ill- ` W. '1`. Hot-ridge. putol-of 80. Andrew : church. Oahu, intend: leaving on Juno 1 Ink. for a trip to Great Britain. Ho will be than nnul the and of Auguo. Patrick NQIQOII. ox-mndmnmr nl hhn uuu wpuvv vi nun -vruIn' rnpuri IIIII III!` Lnlcot Dupnlohol. R. 0. Rapid. tn Ottawa contrnohor. ha- donuod 81,000 to St. Luke : ho-pnul. Rntilh landlord: n-n 9.I| [III Ill} .1.- UUIIIBGI Qllll I-0 DI. LHIDVI DWPIKI. Bntinh landlords own 20,000,000 sons 0! land in Alnoricu. ma non Inger than lrohnd. LA-.. _A__I :_ .._..l .x_ LL- _,, _ ,,n \. , o LIIIIIIIL More Itool in and in the mum! cure of pens thtn in all the uvotd md 3 {oo- Lorios in the world. " III III l..l-_.'.I..- ...-A-_ -1 cl. A_.I_._n- The premier declined to waiver of! bend without: notice I queetion by Dr. Roddick, Monbreehn to whether the government bed reopened negotiations with the gov- ernment oi Newfoundlend with 1 view of bringing khan oolony into the dominion conledention. In Igloo ol `rho .0I'I||lI[ Pnoon and me I.-I-nl I bnnngnnhpn ZVHIIII T UH" quoudonil ` `|hC'Bw odooiion will uh plnou. Sir Willrid ad In Mm inltoad of holdinr obi: byq-elcotiou now on lion four your: bid in would be bet.- ter to dolor in until it cm bake plnao upon modern line. but: this proposition did nob new with (war on the opposition side of the bone. Th- n._-:-_ .I--I:....a L. _..-_-- -1!` L-..) ll UIIITIX IEIIIXII 00 IIII UIIIIIIUIIT UIl'uI- nel Renpollo, end. it no. In in authorised. The prime minister replned : "The vern- Ineoh never had any knowledge of in leo- m and does not know 0! in existence not 0! in gcmineneu. Tbepteuietprocnlotleoglve Birclndee on load: to the` aunt onll >Ih`a'Bumn nlnngnn will Sir Wilfrid Lunrier wee naked by Mr. McDongn1|.0ape Breton. if the govern- ment bee en knowledge 0! eleom written Lu DR;-In noun 5;. he ; gaming-.. g.-J.` ITU, DI} lvll UIIIU U1 `U6 IVIFIBO mm received during tho three previous years. Sir Loni: brought in n so- oond bill to prevent: the dumping 0! tubes. bnllub and materials which will sink t. 1 the bottom in nsvignblunhorl loan shun twelve [whom deed. Both bills were read I ti:-an time. G:_ 7ll-hI Y._-l-_ --- --L..I L- II- HARDY&cd

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