um] Wlll g!) [1616 sanctified ac_rv.ic9. T31? ` GREAT L fWiNS * (l'lll'_y. Lll.8 in the day the prospects becnme I ' lmuch brighter lo: the acquisition by the '1L'.niLed Saute: of two exceptinimlly line *,warships, unmaly. Llie urn)-mrerl cruiser Sm M irzino, luluiigimg no the Argentine -republii:. mid the battleship Haneral U'Hi;:gine, belonging to Chili. The liupe ' of getting these ship: had been Rlllllb ' given up, but ccsblemsuna received Satur- 1 day from coimnnnder llrownson. now in Europa. made the oucluok more encourag- ing. L7, to the clo!o of ollico hours an ` ncual purchmehad not been concluded. bu: H highollivinl summed up Llio EIl.u`l' tiun by saying Llnt. Llie negotiations were gobmng "very hot." The San Martino wna originally built; for the Italian iznvornnwnt llllll was then known as the \'are'/4. but. since her purchase by the Argentine ro- pnblic she has been re uame.l. First Uoucurt lln-lxl On Unlurnlay--.n Dum- ` plate hut-mu -' i`:\`l`\ ~'v:|l III II\:- "\\|II,!" lull '.\-n-. I:||...| In: \.Inr.l... ..l'|.......-. II... Ull Ullllll [N'lHlA- Another interesting arrival of the day was constructor Hoover, the technical ex- port sent to Hwana to identify the twist- ed plates in the Maine wreckngo with n I view to learning whether the explo-aion j was of internal or external origin. Mr. 4 Hoover also maintained silence concerning ' ,the wreck. Ho made no report to the new.- ` rptnry of the navy as ho was sent to H4- ` l mna to learn facts and then embody it in gteabimmy before the naval court: of on- umirv 0 3 Inn. 3..-".;r's"zt The (`np|tal-Nn In. mm-,' Report Yet. \V.\HillN1T()N,MIfOh `-31-T59 l|'|`iV' 0' several survivors of the Msinlld '9 extended conference with pru"" M9" Kinleysnd secretary Long furnisu:" I0 most interesting feature in Saturday's 110 velopments on the Spanish situation. Three oilicers oi the_,Muine. _Lieut. (L F. W. Holman`. Lieut. (ioorge P. Blow. and Lieut. A. W. Catlin. of the marine corps. accompanied by boat-swain Larkins. came on unexpectedly from Key Wont. It was said their visit; wtis purely voluntaryon their part. as they are now on waiting orders and are tree to go where they please. The long conferences at the navy depart- ment and later at the White house led to much conjecture, it being asserted UHI0 Lieut. Blow brought with him the report of the court of enquiry. or at least: the general conclusions reached by that court. It can be stated positive- ly. however. from an authorstive source that the oilicers did not bring with them the report either ns a whole or its general conclusions. It is stated with equal positivenees and au, oritatively that they do not know what t 0 action of the court of enquiry is and therefore they are not in a position to convey any information to the president or the secretary of the navy on than point. I Aiinthnrinhnrnntiiirr nrrivnl nf Hm vlnu ivasans PROBABLY mfncmsso A Piaivi ;sr.<.`c "<$L'LJ 5 -I-`r.ou_t In cinnrbni. n-| n___L .u - ,Lnamm 439999999993. 4`. Q 4'3; Wall E Tl:-` tun-.19 Tvm Ii-li'~`u~ zin'II urn` IIIIIIIIII HIYUU I10-3. UIIKUO ~ Tuned: . Pout Sidoy, on old xolidont 0! I the town: ip ol Hunilton did, and bin Ion . wont to Cbbontg no tolqnaph demand : brother Willing`, who hvod at Bolton goon, Announcing tho and news. Ho tho monengn to tho Iclognph nporntot. who Ilnln intoly handed him back ono junk. I6- chind from Bobcnygoon. nddroaod to Point Side . of Plninvlllo, nnnonncing Wu!- M Hun`: done`. The nimu-koblo occurrence` of two htothon dying nhnoot nu the some mrnoand the eolegr mo Announcing ouch" `faith (Imam croo: on `tho wins, `in something that nroly; if over W , ' had/lo Unn'l'or Is._ "5001 d I50;ood mamdid mm hit; n both 1' ho. , '39- Alum: `IMU _ bvuorn n dlvur hiptt. -um`. CYIIIIIII OXCUFIIOHC. The `rontomc gun club hold its regula- woally shoot. thin afternoon Ab Cunru ui rlrii-mg pad. The club Anticipate! ho d- ing niuccouful content. on Good Fridny. 0.1 the morning of this day sparrows and pvgoonfvill be need. and during the shor- noon r-lay birds will ho was at. Thu Bollo- villo man club but nccopmd m invitation ' to bake put in the contest. A What In Tnnlplrlng In the sporting Ann A: Report: 00. Queen`: lootball club will likely hue I truner noxusouon. The need of such n mun is bzginninxz to bo folk. Comm ore 1-`rank St.rnn`o'a yachts .\'orm\ is undergoing o\'tonaivoropu'r!. Her interior in being overhauled with I viow of honor cabin nccommodntion for cruiain excursions. Tn. `.....n-..-.. .-.._ ..I..|. |.-u :.- ...A..u-- 5118-120 Princess Street. ' "'i\"`1'.'1'-:"I:1'\'I:1 know that Dress Goods (li_<.pI;1_\'5 arc complctest now--nt the beginning of the sc;1son. You can sit down comfortably and view the collection--t;1kc an hour to do it and you only skim_ over the good tluingqs. ,l`\".\~-I` `.'...,y.-\|vAu;...~.. .-.. Starr & Sgtplie, lliven to those who expect large things from this store. The display this week includes a vast collection of Un- trimmed llats and the Trimmings for them, and a tempting collection of Trimmed llats at modest prices- for many occasions when the wearing of an elaborate l1at would be in really poor taste. This feature of the business is new, at least newly well done. A welcome to all is extenrlecl to again view this second display, undoubtedly the finest Millinery display Kingston ever saw and only to be equalled by our own displays of the future, w - c . . . . . . , . . _ _ _ , V 'Last iWeek`s Millinery Exhibit at Revelation. A The lackstone cigar Factor}; ll`/\"L'l"l'-l"l'%-1-,-I A - Nearest Agencies--l). W. DOWN.` Y. THE KENNEDY SPORTING PARAGRAPHS. `troubles Hour Como Illgiy. ..l-- D.n-- 9:)-.. -._ -|.| -..;.I- FORMERLY RICHMOND & 00.. '. DOWN A Brockville, C0 , Limited,Montreal. ll` I Hit H|'8Nl`Rlm-`.It. As n.-mu (nvn-2+ r": Illonllon, nnnutnd Ly .3;-;. mo 3 0 MT. Io Ihlaulnngnrnnt bunch of 0-` 9 b'!`l`|. with clnml nanny- ' 3` ` V" Fhlp advertising run. I rvsulln. III!-n rum hnvo no lk-nlull Hun-0 haw nmndr bun *" ' "UV-`up ,:IvU I 1|": HI'aHt1unr~:u. n.-m.`u | T his pt-nonnlnuonllon, u_.u: lrlnnno-I nhndr In ou.|.. n._._,,_.,,,. . See-- that each Cigar has a` Red Ribbon in the end, printed "BLACKSTCJNE" on It. None genuine without this trade mark. mwml an-mmnmdmion and the chars.-l'er --I` ' llw 1- pplk-uni. tine-ihini of mi! whole number mum hv rmidc-ma in the division. Two bondnmen am aired in each can. u-Imus nun:--o am in be vt-n ontho lpplich Hull. llv nnlar nl um I |..4...... aI..___-I--lA----- l'NU.\'l.\l(|. 'l`hu-w nnl. now llrvnuml hnvqm 'Io with Iln-lruppllvmlnn um-rllncnlo Ilgnurl Iy unm- jnrlly ollhv ululy quullod elonulrn lbr IN` 0 H1- mrlo Imglulnlumufthu nllrdlvhdon, In whl-`In llnvlr pnnp-nun! In In llornnxl pnmllr.-I ur" muuml. testifying to their nultnbllltf nncl '_ : e Imvmlm-rnmnmdmlon chain r mvlk-unq. me-third tho ! whole nnmlu-r ,u - , [`lI0~J~: yx:=uIINu I.n:1-:.~{:-5195-1-n_ 5:-:14. _l`' |""' "WWII "I0 yur commencing Int ` "-` "-"- `"" ""l|I|hxl lo mule npplhxnllun um.mnr mthe lnnpcctnr. at an om:-o. In Hu- 'l;"' L\]m!(:_|ngs. not Inter than In APHII. nnl. mun Ilnnnun-I 1...- 9.. l\..I_ ...n|. _.---..-u:-7 4" llbiconse nisiriot or Kiggscqn, llull. ' '7 W" _""""" My order or the LI:-em-9 Commlnlonors. W. n.lDDl:N. KI---Im. mm .\lnn~h. ma. "W "'"""" : {T-u diwnathunInno_ - if I-I - 10 min. vorunlng mien. I Inlodng mo In-at kid stance. Home J. MParlan`d, c. B. SCANILBBURY`. HWNTM. N |\.\"'H3. BH.I.H\ |I.|.|`I. Undovtaklu and Furniture. T T'l-IE designs of our spring wall papers are beautiful, and the ` E colorings exquisite. The ' 3 effects they produce up~ ` .\on the wall have licenl .\studied with intelligent ' .\ sympathy, and the long- l - felt-wants"ofa few years l -. ago have been provided : I V -l for with cultivated taste. . A judicious employment . of any of our papers- leavcslittlc to be done in a room. A few orn;:-`- ments, according to the taste or wealth of the`- occupant, are all that - are necessary to contri- bute to its beauty and"i comfort. Our papers \'| thoroughly represent the standard of the prev1nl- ing taste in Interior De- corations. I l I l l BLAGKSTUNE CIGAR, nu III 11.1. I! I I.IlI I-1|. Ill-II1I'aI lhl-I'.. A .1 Wall-Paper King 'U'IK]IIT_Fj||I'1il Into ouuncaunhinnmnnuhg. 0 I-` l`. '-.o" I). I, The_Best on the Market. 90063500 MONTREAL- Paper. The Parlor Cabinets.` NEW IDEAS. Olnllqro Incl (`n.urx\-`s Lurk, Much is. Once man the inlay Inna ol opting an banishing I50 now. luving tho rude in 3 bad ong- hr Italic. 8 making in not the ordot ollboihy. ohnvohad lovolywnp wnlhor lot thdput. no Inch. Many of our ptonioiog youths inland curling nu !- ing in I `hIiI'::k3.'. Merle. Litthjoho. dsopromy \ I w an. it slowly recovering. J. NooInn.vioiIins_bi;hI'o:bor. hulurnod homo. W. ll. 1 lino Bothhin pig tho ount day. The -----MANUFACTURED BY--- =THE= 'Distributing Agcnt for Kingston. 1'. Delay Allan. Ila; cl thin city. bu `bin cppdnhdnn odilol-hloontribntot And in-nnmnmlnnnnl hL.l'!L-inn... ....... ...`.--.., ..... ., ........., ...,....... Then in out future of thin boinun that igchocrinz to Canadian. 10 in tho mi- tndo oftho Cuudian uxmbonnon on tho question. Tboyuo Inching the (ovum- I in its ` pnvinciul rognlnionr, glad thy In doiq thi with I full coiuions notofybutiiooochwill In Tho dam in hqinning to pinch. but in is on l'nc|o Ssuhhat _..L--__ I anouuutuynnuonol jibition at Abirnilhyi. -_.-- -- ...v 7...`... u u---uvu-s \lI uullllo (:1-salad that the (fanadiuna will be nllattad by the rogulscionl, in tho immedi- nso diotnrbnnco `of nude. (tau Ccnndiun millmon are rotting any in the conscious- nou tlintthey have the boat ol the dour. I "You must remember." any: ono. "it vyill hurt Ontuio if some nrnngouggno in non uncured. Your Actual market for pinoia in tho Unitod Stuns. There in no other country when item be sold." BM the liniud Staten cumoo go; in supply of logo ouuido o( Cundn. Thb Michigan mill; Inn. ufueb` their own: pine no out. boon cumin; Onhrixflogt, and tho unnusl ' turn our bu been 8-I0,nI`~0.m)0. Thin titular induouy will be mind. up one. 1'5... ;. ..... ..o..... ..c n.:. L.f-:_... nu. v-. v. vs-v -nuuuqlvuuuo The government : line of defence wna that it moved in defence of Canadian in- terest: so soon no poaaibie. In response to the Canadian fooling. that while the Am- erican Alien Inn were so exacting and no o'v.\nrivo, Canadian labour in the lumber campsshmld be prohoctodpcbion was taken and in n nntiainctory way. The rot-ponno to the further fooling. tint Canadian logo I should be converted into (Tnnndinn lumber, ` wu tho logialntion which goes into effect. ` on April lab. Ind which. according to one I account, I Into one, will touch the .\mori- I ctnu to the extent of millions of dolls I3.`-\L-A sL..L AL- :\__..I:, -I- _.... ..-.y .-...-..n A-|lIl,IAA- During the election the c/onservntivoe chugod that the Ontario crown lands regu- luiom were such that the provincial tim- ber landa were being denuded in ths inter- o of tho Amen-icuna. E II -I'I 5. 13? E TDICCIII `IQ Iolllkbtl. TI! K in intlilg up Haul authors: will soon In `In. Yioilon: In . Hnnnnd W. rawhoz Ilia Kan: Kumd . ;Ir. and In. '1`. Joya. Joyuvi .- ...v--~- -vu. muvun The` patron is the only one left out. of the reckoning. The coneervntivos cannot claim him. They could not think ill. enough, of the pltmms, gqd did what: thoy oouldtoilez-troy the orgnnwntion. They cnnnot demand the allegiance of Mr. 'l`ackor.and oven if they do they must. stay in the cold shades of the opposition yet. awhile. p-III C:-Ix Thokhnqtylpolomuuu nowouor Iibilillnl Akrnnlhik ' L .vv. 4: uA\)lIl|lJ vA\JL\Jl\vl The llahteiiug unction was laid to Lheir souls by some conservatives than the vic- lory in Russell was at least) a mural one. But even that comfort is denied them. The majority for the liberal candidate is not cut: down: ihisincreesed. And with this ex- perience fall away, and with at terrible crash. Col. MaLhieson s castles in the eir_ He had appropriated. as a supporter of the conservative side. Mr. Evnntmrel, of l res- cott. end the speaker in the lush assembly, end Mr. Eventurel showed his sympa- thy with the opposition by lighting in all he could in the Russell campaign. Col. Methieson had, likewise. appropriated as a conservative Mr. Beauty, of Parry Sound. who owes the party no- thing but opposition in return ler the ellorts it made to keep him nub of pnrlia- mentz. Suppose he is elected speaker - (`inch is not improbablewwhat will the Whitney faction do 1' He is an indo- l pendent, and in the cheir. as presiding ollicer. Mr. Bostty will be in` a position to please both sides. l ;yu__., A.,A_,, ,-,.| _ u ll WHAT IS THIC MATTEI . A deapatch to the Mail gives the outline of a speech nude by Mr. Roblin. the leader of the opposition" in the Manitoba assembly mid dealing with railway mat- ters. \Vau Hugh John Macdonald not elected to this position 1` Was. he not induced to leave the commona- or to cease longing for a return to it-in order to reorganize the party in Manitoba and get itinto a lighting condition? So rumour had it. He was out last year among the electors, tuning them up. and giving them an idea of what he could do with their help. He ventured into Ontario, during the late elections, and into one or two constituencies which went grit. Since then he has not been heard from. Where is he What: is the matter with him`: Why should he be ignored " THE DAILY WHIG.` THE LLTMLIEIR b.l..:\;},,l-IT. rincr thn Alnnfinu hkn cu-u\-...... NOT A 1u0aACTI6om'. - u,.4., "Opifar par Orbmo Dinar." ol|IIC|riIInn u-rw an Ion. nndynnl 2| : \\ _ l'.[-'Qf . Tho mayor of Totootoon Saturdsy 113- `V Malcolm Melton: coivod I la er from Bu-and Ncllvov. 01- ! Inlsmd Ina blown lgingeogi, tbggizy up pggea olgiu-"` _ Co cnpnvo ufuthu mt hull-mono ulluusnaoo'n__ run acme lot 83!). an "Our Lady ol the Snnahlno. thgful of hidnprae W C anidmtnmcr nnnul, whotthnunn d :i.: V ` Io dohnd Canada `on dohhl Itobw 3 but climun by Rmlud Ki `op. The ` I`. Whiunnh, \\` eianuuthn will holorvu.d_ IoeoIn~ Ill. _ H _ _ G I __ , pl; no ountuny. The uuhluorn olthonuon oueung. hdnnghv ninhn A u-nI.L-- -u-um wing one or no but in the domin- ibn. Oi couno it in the boot. to my rate the most Inoeaofnl. but how often oimilnr unlnuni things an aid. Thom no way for airy ochoolo in Cumin. To tell an institution that: it isoooof tbobgoa is min. bu! -it is a very couudim ny I Sing. f I as II IIO IIOOI. 1 Torouho Fnnninkg, intending `to be com- : plimontu-y. upon 9 0! Kingston dairy school being out of the but in the coma: in innh. 5.... .. -..- .... 'v-vvs- I"lUCI:llV|l l\U_)`Il UIDICIIII l l'I-4 Vanna bsdkho otlicore oi the \\'.Bu.t;., 1 a A.I.l... lovillo. A ooimnir omuIy,< 1896. . - IIICIIIIIIIIC BOIIVIIIII. . ' V When the Royal Lhnudinn Dragoons ; visited Bellevillo in July, 1896, tboci-' cots of the .\\'. battalion decnded to pro. l sent them with A nouvenir of the vusit-. It consists of I Ioving cup mounted on .1 black ebony stand and a very handsome I silver enlver. On - one ride of the cup In 1 engraved XV. Hm.. A.l.L, to R.l).D.. I between crossed ponnenlt. On the oppo~ { uite side in the gure of an otlicer between I ` c`l'0QOdlV0l'dI` The solver is handsomely [ J I 1 I i I I ennved.theinocriau'o being l`roeeub-' 1 ed'toA tqnedron y Cenadinn Dn- jfxn bv IQ (If hn \\' Duo. ieral, Edward Bloke. for example ltlr. Tiledstone i-aid years ago that whenever any .ol the colonies deeireda coloniet as governor enerel she could have one. Let Cunat a pet. the example by asking for one of her own sons. Dletlnrtlon Wlth A Dllferernre. l`:t:rlli\ HlI`\'l:li When a man leaves our party and goes to the other ride he is a traitor. and we always felt there wee a subtle eomething wrongabout him. But whenamauleuvesthe i I ther aide and comes over to us then he in a man ofgreat moral courage. and we al- ways felt that he had sterling stuff in l lil Amalnet King:-ton`a lntereata. The Montreal Star reporte Lhut the di. "{ rectors of the Richelieu company are to m~ '1' . terviow the minister at Ottawa in regard "' to chenge in conetiriz regulations. Surely : it is not with 3 view of preventing Amon- cao steamers. who take on excur:-ion par- ties at Preecott. Brock ville and ports down i the river and bring them to King-tun, ,, u making a call on the American aide among ` H.- the Thousand lelanda. This proh bitinu `on has been urged heretofore by portion not ;.;~ \\.i I\ II in gintereetedinthie city. and if it. is being .\ii 'aQain attempted a delegation should go to `ll Ottawa to protect against it. This city .""` him. 4 A llantlaome Bonvenlrt the cm- pre 'coneiete ' i engraved. the inecrigtjo l`reeeut-' Od't0A eunadron ea r5....I;.... n.; l l aiou on harvest: a larger honetit from excur- - fl" parties than any other point "ll the river. and if A ete:im- V. or taking on paeeengere at the Z river pointe on the (`median aide could` ' not touch on the United State side among the Thousand Islands, and then come '1 through with her penengorw to Kmgeton, 1 mp excursion parties would remain among the on Thouraftdl-lands. Thus the city would gm, lose the benet of atratlic long enjoyed. grg and which will continue to increane it nr`l- go ireree coaeting regulations do not prevent to , it. Watch the men who are working against mg K ingeton. s an I . lNInnlI|.~|I.II|x\-'1` Why not: gob n lsnadiun goverm)r-gon- ,ornl, .o( desired A ; \xIp:InI"' I'.\;|I'!`~~. Her (`harles Tuppor says he would rather be leader of the cnnsorvntivo opposition uhnn prime minister of Canada. We are glad to learn that the old bmonet is content with his pro-enb position. and it is our heartfelt wish that: he may long continue no om.-um` it. uvun xlulu vu nun too occupy it. \\em-I'l>\\'IIHl:lmI:n':l. Jn()anadn chev use the c3h" on hus- bands who do not support their families and beat. their wives. Tim!) is A more ef- |foct.nal mmedy than giving them n soft time in j`lil and is loss oxpon.aivc to the nnunicipmiby. Ilumlllnn ll-`rnl-I. Those nauons that nro spending millions on warships are of course uddmg immense- ly to their oating debts. |nII-IIIuuIwI'III olillolllloll owlrnd but u my night. A quilting ` in no In & Bianca` on Thuruuy um mil Inn .` -.......... -av u-uuuuu-J uyyucuu. "1 Col. Hughes is evidently on his mottlo. He came from the far west with the con- viction that railway communication had to be secured with tho Yakon without delay. in the interest: of Canadian Info and grade. ' and he has not changed under thevapour- inga" of the conservative politicians and press. He has a mind of his own and no is not afraid to oxpresa it. -..- ...-...-.....- .. ............ ...... ...u yuyun. The word to the party and Sir Clmrlcs Tuppor is significant. It. is than he must lot, the party formulate its policy rather than by "mere political montebanks, more soldiers of fortune in politics. Further. no doee.not. teliuvo in opposition without. reason, that is factions opposition, such as has been oercd to the Yukon bill. Sir Charles approved of this railway scheme boforo ho was bulldozpd into abandonuig in. Col. Hughes endorses it now, in the interest of Canada, of Canadian trade and commerce. Because a measure is propor- ed by tho government \\ hich follows conser- vative principles throughout: is no reason why it. should be luc`.iously,upposod." I I. Dnl u....l.....'. .....-.: . A- Li. ._._A .1, - ._..yu. ---V vnnilvlu Jvulluhln nuu PUIIUIUIHIIB. But Col. Hughes is not content with ex~ posing the failings of the opposition leader. ` Ho stands to give him 11 kindly but serious warning. It is first of a personnl charnc- \ tor. and to the elfect that he will not fol- low Sir Charles Tupper on remedial, Yukon. or any other bills. "If," he writes, in- dividuals hero and there are to rgn or mis- lond the party. and if the rule that the ones making the loudest yell and display- ing the heaviest headlines are to be follow- ed on issues presenting themselves then the party will be smashed to pieces. An- other shot at Mcl.3nn. and a protest against the dictations of himself and his paper. "Wu: nun-.I In` bl`- .....4.. ......| u.-_. 1u.,,I,, I -0..- u. vudv "an iv u-nu u-no -zvu-vu. Indeed. according to Col. Hughes,the3 perty on the Yukon question stood com- 1 mitted "by the vopourings of a paper and e politician supposed to be keen not so` much for the welfare of the nation as to de- pose the opposition leader, and for selfish I ends." What paper is referred to '.' The ` Toronto World. What politician? Wil- liam Mchenn, M.P., who may be consider 'l eda very presumptuous young man. but who. with the aid of a few others, mode it aohob for Sir Charles Tuppor that he abandoned his opinions on the Yukon question and adopted theirs. He did this after pursuing. no Col. Hughes alleges! "a policy which for once completely cup- tured the erratic journals and politicians. I Hut (`cal Ll'....L.... .'.. ....L ......L-. L ...'.L _., A WARNING mom HUGHES. Col. Hughes, of Lindsay, end one of the conserwative members who could not fol- low his leader on the Yukon question. has something to say in` justicstion of his course in his paper, the Wsrder. During the lost (our years the party has, he says, ` presented a sad spectacle owing to the conduct of some of ite leaders. Sir John Macdonald used to consult his followers. in the commons and in the senate. and sometimes the representative men outside of parliament. but, in the present in- stance the grand old conservative party, the people s. the nation's party. nds it.- self committed to a policy on the Yukon bill and various other measures without the previous consent even of the members of parliament, much less the leaders,out- side of the home and the senate. I,,I,,u u I! . vi a .- THE NEWS OF THE DISTRICT.- --...'..j_ SPICE or THE ARTICLES in THE VIOINITY Nzwspavanr. I'M '0'! Put Into condensed zIupe-'nu lnlsouos that Ounce run In the cou- erv and llennbonts--A Oolnsnn ot Inter- ostlnl Items. The stall` in the Rithhun company's ma- chine shops" are very busy at present. '\. 15- D. 0 Flvnn. Mndoc. shows a postal 1 card on which 2,100 words are written. The Deseronto car works are turning ` out n ne electric wood car for Vancouver. `: B. C. 3 Apoliceman has been found necessary ' for Shawville and constquently Robert Hobbs has been up inted. T119 Old MW-mull which stood nt Shan- nonville for over fty years. succumbed to ` the Wind last we: k and is now a complete , wreck. ' ML- L....s-:__r .1 n,,n, I an n.ToT: ion. 3-}TJ3u nnn AC I`n....n- ._ BA- Painful To The Individual, `nu-n Hi nun!-.\.I Ivarybody In Sullalh.-I. I.` \ nu... . Why Not. We Au]: 2' \ `lhoy Wlll Do It,` llnr-:I.I ____ - :-.-v---l- HUI. I-`l'l{.\'l`l`lYIH-I. .A\m-rimn nmkr. JIN In Ihlu wen-R. I-`nucy Plmlrx. Hmu-am. l|t\'nn.~. I-:tv..ull gnlcl llnhh. Nwtlwvuu In our wlmlmv I~ZxuInlnmuul |w|muut-In. \\'a- un` nlxtuyw on lhv Mon mrlluexwwmt mm.-. \`nur~'. II II Tho BOOK. Ez I"'TEMs. mm ADAILYO wme, Mbxmr. MARCH 21. 1993. -ullklrull nu`:-ouutu! Inna lnlll on oue ! down during the uotm Iliio lhcgio Carin bu been added to the ital hhdauho ln|`r opccinliugt. ` * 'l'hhoooor Pilot in ubipgon I load 0 `"1. wusu.m.,wou. g.n..a, in angry ' "an. A. min. Alley; i0n'ut,>i"nry an. I (`icy engineer Rolgor inn several photo- lgnpha of the Rienu-sit-on olavntor founda- tion. taken an ditto:-ant times during the conru of in auction. | Thu nlnnn kl..l.... l...._ I..- D-nL .x:_ J Coming In cannula. I `w Clarence Macks], the young Now York fgillionnin, bu pllnnrd n pleasure mp tu Cantdn. and will probably leave for the : noh with B puny of Iriomis to-lay. In the party will be Mien Knherino liner. his ' ancee, V Miudhhy Hoolot. Minn \'ir;.:inin v I-`sir nndhliu Daisy beitor. all of whom have millions to their credit. 1 CUIITX OI I" DYING}. 1 The eloop hhdcnp leaves for Bub this evening with I cargo 0! Hour comignod by W. Poton. " ' Mclbodcfe wind mill`on Wolle Illld Ell h'nQn A-n (Inn-inn OLA -o--.. :.',\'\nI,um' ul apaln. ! It us mrchor said that tho n'er was m- I jecbecl, time the Cuban: (ind not honor nn armistice to which there ware no party and than they aei/ad gzcntrnl Pundo to hold 1 Ma ho.-tngo. The m-urgent anmies me] iatlondt`/.\`0u! and are prepared to preea I 1 the mmpaign even In the very gates of ' Havana. ll pulpuau U1 p:Im\'Brll)L' Will. we Imurgonte, offering them autonomy on a broad ha.-ip, blue Cub-ms to pay an nnum_\l tribute uf $`. ,tllH,|)uU to Spain. It mrumr nnirl um um ..n`.., TM; _HARR1ON co. W5?! L\lL'l|.' The story here is Llvat Panda, already whipped, declared an nrminlice for the purpose of prnlnvernngr wit]. the in~urgonta, 0frt)riIlL' them nnrnnnmv an n In-and Im...;- i By the \ lrt.arIonI Onlmnsulllu Offer of Autnnomy Rejerted. I hm Wizvr, March `.'l.--'I'ha report. to` thoeliccti than the insurgents have cap ' cured the Spanish general Pnndo is con- firmed from many sources. Cubans are; jubilant over the capture and believe it is the beginning of the end of Spanish re- sistance. Pumlo started out no conducts, the campaign and pacify the eastern` provinces of Cuba. taking with him nll nvnilnble forces. H9 wns igu0mi- niou-ly defeated in every on;_-agomonh, and was about to rotrorib to H:u.~u;u when he was t.\ acn.- "l"I..\ 15...... LA..- 1. -l -- V` ` gill` l1XlllIlCl'g10H. A clioeru board was crg:\ni7.ed M. Kampa- \'i|iuun'I`hurr-day. The uilicers are: L. l'.1t.ton. president: I-T Scott, vico-pret-i dent; Albeit Aloxunritr, t:ocroLiuytrcu- aurer und 5. J. l\lcL3iou fl committee to draft ii codoof by-laws It will meet; every Wednesday during the roman, (`Clll moncing on April each. Ono indixiriuul in Vorpliinck Point, N.\'.. holda tho position nl juiiico of the police. chiofoi police and detccmvo, in iidriiniou to which he in proprietor of Hm opera house. Recently he mi:-I-ed SUN) worth of stage properties fiom tho theatre and upon investigation nan detective. ho fixed the their upun acunal boat) captain. As chief of police he laid the matter before him-olf in justice, and in that capacity issued an warrant. Becoming once more the detective. ho arrested his man and re- covered his Slim as proprietor of the opera house. SPANISH -d"r4r3_ rA1_T CA PTURED nnwrvsrxvllle. um largo uump an the mouth nf Lho tunnel has now been broken in`o. Thm coal is being used enmoly for panhan- ger train crginox. A IIlmn..n Iwnnwl Irnn .......n.'-mzl no `l .-..`.-.s Halli] UUHIUU UUUUDIUI.` UUUy "H0 lllnl)". (foal is getting no.-uco at. all the (,' I` `.{ rtatnonu up nolth and {er 1-ounednya I; `ah regular shipments have been made {mm Hrnclx ville. The large (lump no the mouth the hull]!!! hm: nnw hvnn hrnhnn {nun I unu wulut. In xorcy yours. A shocking accident occurred Friday evening to Miss Jane Lewis, daughter of Willialn Lewis, fifth concession of Thur- low. Whilo lighting u fire her (hers ho- cmno iunubed and before help came she was badly burned about the body and limb-<. in naming an-urn 1.!` all Hm l` I` `I |.`UIa 3 I The trotting horse Medoc Bog lmll been . sold by George Paul. Tweed, to W. Egan. , proprietor of the Shade hotel. Ottawa. l i Over $200 was paid for the imiiml. J l William Blackburn. Smith's Falls, lost an eye recently by the bursting of a calm I met, which allowed his eye to slowly on.) away. leaving a completely empty socket. , J. K. Rnnhanlnr Raul :-Aw, has merln n epwmuzu will 00 InVl6(l. One thousand residents of .Imenllo, (_'Inrketownun EdiIxbur,u;, mmll vil- lages in the immediate vicinity of Ottawa. urn practically homcleen in consequence of 1: Hood in tho Ridouu river. The (had 13 the worst in forty yours. hockilur nr-r~i`h=nh n(`r~uruarI Vrialnv 1 llylllg I A big celebration will bo held in I I Smith's Falls on July l`. :.h by the 0mpge- 1 i men of the surrounding d|.'tri::'.. IL is; ('ululuted to make ii. the biggest. celebra- Lnon ever held. and several prumincnt. speakers will bo invited. (lnn nI.n.........a ....:.4..... ..s 1,........n.\ This one is rounil in shape. glass on all sides and top. made in maliognny. hand painted decorations. glass shelves, gold nished. brass trim- mings. This one is intended for centre of parlor. We also lave some line styles ifor ahuguiiug against wall, full glass fronts ; fume` designs. in cither the new Vornio-.Inrtin Gold nish or in solid mahogany. l:l|l.I\ Ia`I'l!\'l`I`llIl|.` \ .....|.. i...: a vacuum mouse in me HHIARO. 1 The steamer liaeeronbo wm the first vos- I ` eel to reach Pmhon harbor last spring. ar- ' riving infram Deseronuo on the Sch of Ap- ril. The previous your the same vessel nr- rived II) from the same pom. on the lah of ' April. x A hiu mlnk...:,... mm |.,. 1...1.| ;.. I `UI we n.-preaenumve In we IOCIII nous-e. There is a 9Cll'0|b_\ of dwelling houses lll Marumra and Llm erection of a number of buildings is ll1\'3ly to tnlw place in the spring. There is nm at the present) time a vacant house in the xilluge. 1 Thu Alonmnr II..m.u-nnln Inna Han n-at Una I I away. mavmg compleneny empuy socket. J. K. Rochester, Raufrew. has made a political map 0! the province of ()nbario, } nlgowing each constituency with the name fox its representative in the local hous-e. Thnrn in n a:-..-.\.., n6` dmnllinn. hnunnn ... -juujut I (Jon- | Rnthbun company : * Flynn, I Tim `)lAr-nntn ...... um.-I... ...... o.....I..... *3-. n. o. oonrun. n-mu. New l&|a\qnu'_ I 1:.` Klatr S- Rqvu Heath." V _ :lIn1A'lI MI` _wv-vuuul rIll`\I ~\\'r'm\ fur .~'.`\m]\lQ'.<, NNIIIIIOUIIIH and 35:: tee. , s.. _ ._ -_-__rr V`l'vi|n r...- .-.. INDIGESTION and % % CONSTIPATIQN. UUDIITIIKC | no $250.1; I S: l\~lIN, 05].. Much `_'I During the ' lul. twenty-four hour: the dllnngo by Iron "bu been serious. Al: Suiaoou Valley it in .'eatimnt at $l50_00|0. uugd in Vacs Vnlloy .553-2'. 1. - | ' All!) rovlntlon l'oronnIl|rl. The Bellevillo ()ntnrm, in A pynop-is of 1 nermvm on dancing preached in that city Ion \Vodnoodny night by evangelist lim- ton. rennrt-4 him as haying : "Women cutting on` the topa of their dronen to to dance: and cnttin:_ oil` the bottoms go "bicycling. and I don`: know whnro they WI" go next." This is men talk fur a carving.