urhiiaba cum. 800 !11C9!}`lg"I. As): tor ca_z-luvs. V Inist and dpmand cnnms u.;vn;;; P The only WILHUIIIA m i used. 800 the Gugulno Banning we no oavlna. We tho dulro to call upoohsl Attention to on: stock of Ian`: Nobby _Coats A bountiful Bluo Black Ind Dun: Our- colt. with Volvo: collar. Iuny would my chap 3% 31.60. Our price onlyla. Anothu nnor llnmumo out. Lu: -canon you would pay no! lou Hun O10. Solo who (1.50. W. Ingvn `Inn 1 nnntnlll lnldl FIIVII Cont. We no Ihowlngjoxoollont value in Ladies` Bondy-Undo Oonh. Now dulcm at Rock Bottom Prion. 0:11 9 not [on than ull. sue puns [Lou We hgvo n 3 custom mud. Pun: Oont, whlchvo `conde: without doubt the Boat vsluo In tho dominion: Ont prloo no; it In wall `wont: I15. Olou Prion. Quiet Salon. |Crum'Iey Bros.` |'Room--:o;-.PrbcoosClI'oNItr\Io`ilI! MST $9599!-_-.% Flo-slmile of maul cup of the Vln Harlan! bottle with nignnluve. Be cnrdul to uvotd aub- smug... See xhngllno cork is bmnded um Above. \ Nourishes, strengthens, sustains and refreshes; is very palatable, and may be borne by the most en- feebled stomach; never produces constipation, but, on the contrary, it aids digestion and assimilation, removing fatigue, and im- proving the appetite. Pownn sou ARCHITECTS. mm shunt: nk Building. oornu much and Wellington strata. Phone In. . - `It tones up the stomach, gives healthy, vigorous ac- tion to body and brain. Euriches the blood, steadies the nerves and ciiergizes the whole system. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Grocers. I--- r..n .I...,....;....... .-. .1u~ """ J up .. I)0SE-A wine` glass full lhrcc limes n day. Solo Agontl {or Canada. LAWRENCE A. WILSON A C0,. Montreal. A OLERQYN;AN,'g $ALARV- T" of Marian! hula with ninnuun. cn_reIul_Lo`|vol_lnub- nun ufodacnot no um ran Ohnnooo on Getting 1;. I- \Y-.&a; cum. um bu nnunod (LNG! nation) on IONDAY.Jsguu ml, 100. Inn- ing Clhu on 'l`nudsy.Julnny uh. CRAB. WI.l38ll.n.L. hhdyal. Coats And "When mlguodnnd suffering ftom I uvero cold VIN MARIAN! enabled mm to nlng Cumon." cuvi. Honour Gone. Athens. Jun. tl0.-Tha sleighing excellant _in town nnd surrounding country, causin wood to be hauled in in great quant ties. The high school has a larger number than ever before regintered for the _ensuiug year. The l municipal eleetlor for reeve {missed oft very briskly on he 3rd. Ho 11 parties no lllloetlon rs. tobvb Ova :e|ung-{ Iworked unceiuiugly, and with the uide ' of it few of the grit; kickers the conser- vative` candidate fell short. Mr. Bullis` mngurity over 'l.'. Borne was thirty- lour. lfrlward Moles le t on l*'riilziy to l't`.`:1ln]0 his dentul studies at the dental vullogo, Toronto, utter s ending his `holidays here. An old him mark nnd resident non!` Athens died on \\ o-lnes- ldny in the worsen of Peter Howard who had almost reuehed the age ol ninety yours. l)e('emsml was one -if the early settlers here um] l.lll)ll_ll feeble i}_1__ totnlly blind, retained liis Il('lll8 memory to the last. The funeral took place nt Athens on I-'ridny, 7th innt. l'he Athens _iu|>ilee minstri-ls ])lll`[)()3n- giving their perlornninve in MlllUr_V- town next. week under the uuspir-us of the masonic order of that town. Sim~.m_ Manlmrd left on l~`rid.iy for Toronto to resume his studies ut the conserve- tory oi. musiv. A joint installation oi` ()l'll('t`l'.S(1l' lhaltn end Athens lodm-s l.0.().l"., was held on Wedni-Hiluy even- lll unrl `lll('I' which n. huuquetl` was given at the (`rumble house. J. T . l.mnl> has entered on his old profession n.-4.dentist uuuin, being in vonipruiy with l)r. Lillie. Mnnlvl` Arthur Mt-rrirk in progre.`-ulna favor- ably from pnmunoniu iuid will he nu-nnd in in few days. Miss Lottie Johnston, l\lonltrvn.|, is viuitinpc friends in town. lteviutl services .ire heimr. t'l'lltllll1ll`tl in the M`i`thodiat ohurvh hy the pastor, Rev. J. h`(-amlon. A little e>.i'.iti-Int-nt was caused on Sunday `ulter- noon liy e runaway. l4`. Pierce. pro- prietor of the Gltllllll house, end his wife were .unong the many out driving. l'heir home heroine friyrhlenud hy the noino of ll. (`lllll't'll hell u.n heoume un- lnunn eulilc, running nlmut. :i lllmfk unrl t rowlugr Mr. and Mrs. l"ier('eliolli out. It. r-.ont.inu4-.d its t`Ulll'h0 till it in`- riwd home. The cutter \\'llS il;un,m,:ed mmiulornlily, lmt l'ortun.m-ly the oe- r\11mnt_-4 ol the vultr-I (`R(`.'l|l(`(l ln_jIIr)'. Alina l ur\'ir4, Lyn, was V'l.`~illlllH.' her llI`()- Ilu-r, l)r, I`ur\ i.s'., nnd u few friemlu in town lust \H`(`i .. ililimlord Pin-ree and I6. 'l`.'l_ylor have slztrlerl to lake It mnrne in the-. llrou-k\':llr- l)llblll(`HH t`l|lll'f:`.`i this \\'I`ll{. .\l`i~<.s t_`.umminu. the intent. .ulli- lion to the puhliv 3t'l1(ml Hill, took vlmrpze of her rnmli l.'1.~ \\o'ul(. l). lh-r|n_v.-lIire, lh'oi'l(\'il.:', and M. K. Evel- .i.. i.-....i....-.. l`.urnn|'.x un-rn lll l.n\\n (Illl. II. rnntlllum 1' Lyn \u`v`r. R1 um k. [Tum pub II...-l.... Iuirn nu-nu-I mu. .. l`ll.`lY`1` rlts, Iiu.-`.1m {~'ul\Iluluy. lmrontnlzf l`heodnrn=. Durrnnt, Mmlo the Queen City Thmr Home. I TnlmN'l`H, Jun. l`2`--In has transpired that tho pnronts of Theodore llurrnnt, who was hanged At. San Quentin prmon. Cali- fornia. Frirlny lived in thin city for several your:-, Mrs. llurrunt being n sister or Robert. Hutcbienu, who is omplriyod at Simpson : planing mill on .(9uaen street. Mr. Hutchinnn in married to a winter of Mr. Durrnnb. Old Mr. Durrnntv. grnndfatbarof Theodore. nluo lived in Toronto, but. moved to LoeAngele1I. Cnliiornin. m'amy yams ago. 'Fl.nmlm-n - vmrnnha wnrn mnrriml nboub Unlilornm. mamy ago. Tlmodords parents were married twenty-wvon 5onrs ago. His father was A bugler in the old l0Lh Rnynln, under Col. Bmnell, now the Royal Grenadier:-. He was out on service in tho Fenian raid of '00. and was well liked by him comrades of the old Royals. He was also an Orange Young Briton in tho curly (lays. 'I`hn lumilu livnrl in :1 rnualmsut) C0HAR.R`0 Briton m lino curly unya. The family lived in u rouqhcaut. cott-ago an the 1-oucheaslz corner of Queen And On- tario streets. The father was employed in l{nmilt,on n shoe factory, and was tho rut, man to use the machine that pum roles on boots. Ho was as quiet, nnmuum- ing mnn, indu rioua and ox excellent. char- GC LBI`. Out on The )'rI-.9 Th-on In Mel. Every llmo. Nuw Yank. Jon. IL ~The Hnmld yea- torday mud: `Asa the Arbuakle sugar to linory, Ill Brooklymuppronchos completion the war of the sugar trust eople upon the coffee trade of the Arbuck on grows hot bar. Lu: week the Arbuoklen dispatched an agent; to Europe to contract {or raw sugars and _vest.ordu_v tho Woolaon apioo compcmy-Lhe big cooo acquired by Mr. Ilnvemuyer to carry on the wnr--roduced tho prices of roar-bod colfuo half A cent. a pound. Thin cutliko All others that sruoedod it. who promptly mot. by the Ar uckloa. "Thin brings the price of roasted coffee on whole- nnlo down to eight nnd a half conta apound, M ugainat. fteen cents on Dec. IBM), 1890, when the llnvemoycra ac: uired the Wool- nun plum. and began to hghb. The con- -nmnr nnn nnw bur the unnrecedontod plum. and began to ngnn. 100 Cou- aumer cnn now buy unprecedontod amount of tun pounds of roamed oolleo for one dollar in almost. uny purl; of the United States. where he formerly got. hub four pounds. lrullnnn Inn The Rampage. l)I~:I.I./i.-4, 'l`ex.. Jan. l`2.--A II main! to the News from Oklahoma. 0 .. says : "Therein an uprising: in the Seminole nu- tion, And one hundred armed Indians have killed twontyve citirnna of l`ol.mwntlu- mic county, this territory. The Indians are seeking to M-onge the recent burning of Lincoln Mctlcloey and Palmer Simpl.-on. two Indians of the Seminole tribe. who were accused of murdering and onhruglng Mrs. Loardol, Maud post. office. A spoo- ial treln load of armed citizen: has gone to Marlborough. ton miles lrom Maudmmd ex- citement is higher than over before known in the Indian territory. Brockylllo Timon. Monday before police mnghtuh Du- con. Wmimn J. Hondoreon. the young mm charged with ntenling a bicyclo from 0. Webster, (lnnnnoquo. md nltorwudll dinpming of it in Kingston, wn brou In our. for trial. He ploodod guilty :0 ho charge and.` romsndod to jail for I few days to giv o mngiaunpnn opportunity of making come onquiriu about hi: chur- AIVILIE Bowmnnvllle Shnleunnn. 1 Our former worthy citizen of years ngo, `Thomas H. Johns. formerly with McClnng Bron, has been oloetod an nlderman for tho beautiful cfty of Kingston, holding tno poll in his word. This does not nur- prlao us any being an indication thnb the Hoopla know him, because tho better they now him the more they will appreciate him. unless city life has wrnught. I change in his churcnor. Shake. alderman Johnn. I. KILBOEN l.D. Il.0.P.hB..LA'n!. o lodioal Supotlneon ontllnntou (iono- Boopiul. Ooronar I 2 city and county 5'9... lonnorly ooouplod 1 tbs late Dr. ann- dqn Tolophono No. 84!. If` 59: Bowmnnvllle Shlueunun. t1.n- Inn-um nnrrhu all Brockvlllo LI nhdgu hgfnrl Printers` jnl. A regular odvertiulnenl of. mmchm min in u nlioblo paper Itbottor than ball u down mullet ndmsiuuonu In weaker _- ..... p-'p1T.'I 7711?? -' 1 I V Ououndu hall mllotof prlnh nil- ro_n"cIl tuck willbo nndtd ii iii toning I I `Ink. A -qnuilnr rurv--. poeny: noun: 1 Book: for skating and hockey cheap no bcrnuh_y a. \ ` [ 4,- -_.n_ L-II ..n.. .1 _..l._n. -21: ATHENC .ANNUNO|A+l6N$ oNcE_s.WEB"i`rQ TORONTO. -moxvlns. nun-mu. Solicitor. om no}- . chants nut. Money to loan at 5 and 07.. Youth Pltndul "Guilt!-" A nun or wmoui." l_L jhnko. A71: Johns! ._ KJ|._A__.-um.-. no Iinnlud in-o Oovonhl II! In-' Insight. `DWI Kmns-mu. Jun. Il.--`rho mcfclnnu no not dmppolnud with the expoctod utudy crude for tho monmol Jnnulry. Business bu npn steady ninoo the Iran of the you-. and the oxyecutiom ol the bmlnou men have been fully Qnllud. Loon made genonlly exceed: tbnlrql the correspond mg potlod in 1807. being morn brink. nnd . nhnlinn hntmr urlcoa. .Wh||o no special boo! tongues. we. to we. oncn. Fruit~~~~I)ealer| nd it dlllloulb to to- cum a_ full anpply of California fruit which for some reason is limited in the local market. Price: are : Aprlon $2 50 to $3 is bbl.; `oranges. Va enola, lbc. and `.!Uc. a dozen; California navel-. 30c. to 500. A dozen: Mexicali, 300. to 50:.-. n dozon; Bahama:-, bee. is dozen; Canadian grapes. 30a. in bnnketl; imported grnpen, 200. 1) lb.; (".nlil'nrniu pours. 500. a dozen; lemons, `ZUC; a dozen: bananas, 25c. to 300. A dozen; honey. 100. to 150. A pound; cocnnnuut, be. to 70.. each: figs, 60. to 150. n pound; hickory nuts. 0c. to 100. a quart; illboris. manna, wulnun-. 150. a pound. Cromlwrrw-. 10c. and 1250. a quart; tun- gorinon, 20c. a dozen. i<`...i. Hritiah Columbia salmon. 120. period in l8U7. Doing morn arms. Iuu funding hotter prlcu. W_h||o special nature: are obwrvod. 0 market: om be designated at exlmngfln 3 health ooudi than. The revised pl-:00 mu for t in week furniuh the following gures : u..o_n..-.0 fnrannnrharl. me. to 31m. u furnish the lollowlnpz nguru : Moae--Boof. foroqnnrtou. 94. to 3&0. 1b.: hindqunrters. 4 c. to 00. (3 1b.: onto. Bo. 001250 :1 lb.: lam . yeuntngu. qmsrbore. run m 71:. 4 nhnnn. 60. to 120. DU: 90 IHQU ll Uh] Mo. to 750. A III. 1 VGA`. Dga. to 7o.: chops. 00. w mu. 1: 1b.; veal. tie. to Be. A 1b.; mut- Oonhqunrbora. 00. lo 70. :3 |b.; nuts, 50. to me. 3 lb; pork, x unnoru.7c. bu 30.llb.: cuts, 70. to 125:3. 5 b.: hogs. Bo. to b1,c.; boo! tongues. 200. to 400. ouch. :a*...a....,4I)...Im. nrl in `.!()n to zsue. is uo'I.en; tour cuun, nu. n. In. Vegetables:~-l ot.nt.oo-,45u. to (`:50 a hug; cnbhugeq. 3a. to 50. each: do. `.390. to bile. 3 dozen; swoon potatoes, 2.30. no 500. a por_~.k. ai);) lb-. for '_ ."?c ; tu'r uips. (.`l;ll`)l`0l', muons 60uB puraulpn, Ilc Lo 0. n bushel`; lect.nc,e. I30. 3 bunch; celery. 50.` a hand. or me. A bunch; hut. home tonna- hoen. `.250. lb; pun-lay. Do. u bunv-.h, green miiona. hob house, 5:. n_bunoh: caulillowera. we. to `2.">c. ouch; radusbeu, 53. a bunch. Or). :1 quart. Humor and eggn-~The local market in wollauppliod wlthdairy produce. ulfured at. reasonable price:-. I._\uobat.iuns uro :_ Fresh butter prints ltln. to I80 lb ; roll:-, 150.10 180. a. ll;.; fresh eggs, 200. to `.250. it down; packed. 160. to 18c. a dozen. 1.Im.lr.n-__.(hmr1 Lnhln nnulhrv nd! VI rule `.250. down: pankeu. um. L0 me. as uu-mu. 1v ouIr.r_y--(iuud Lnble poultry on the market. Pricml ran a an lollown : Turk:-ya.Ho to 100. nlb.,0r rmn 75C. to $2 each: goose, 75o. to $1 each; ducks, 00:2. to 7430. a pair: chiclcenn. 50:3. to 750. :1 pair. Flnnr nnd fuod-Bmn. 3|`) to 813 n (on; 7:30. pair: cmcuenu. ouc. no mu. u pun. Flour and fcod-1Imn, $l`.3 oatmeal and rolled oats. $3 00 to 83 80 ll bbl.; shorts, 813310 315 u ton; cornmeal. 81.10 a cwb.; chopu, 8!!) $0816 A ton; hay. $0 to $8 a non: preaaeen to 810; straw. 30c. to 400. n cwt.: flour, Hungarian. pn- bant. $5.40 to $5.00 a bbl.: bakers . strong, 85 to $5.10 A bbl.; family. 86 to 35.75 I bbl. F (}rain-Whaoh remains at the quotation: of lush week. Coarse grains are qnnbod higher with the market brighter. Prices are: Manibobn wheat, No. 1 hard, 980 to $1.01; No. `2,hard, 970. to We; north- ern. 900.; white wlnter.8lc. to 360.; Cann- (lnan. spring. 780. to 800.. a bushel: oats, 240. a bushel; bu'ckwhenb, `80. to 300.; pone-, 45c; rye, 4.'lc.; barley. 230. to 250. Hades and wool--Quomt.iona for this week are : No. 1 hidon. 750. 1- lb.; lamb skins. fresh. No. 1. (me. to leach; calf akin:-, 50a. to 800. each. according to size ; calf dalnins, No. 1 400. ouch. Wool. No. 1 fleece, lllc. to 180. per lb.` Tallow, rendered, lie. so 350. per lb. Mnrketn Eluwhon. - Mu.Nmr..u., Jan. ll,r-Tho butchers turned out; strong and a good buainean was done Although prices were unusually high, the advance being fully hall u cent) per lb. in the price of common cnmtlo above what; woe paid two woolu ago. G. Martel bought. eight. prime steers at 4320. per lb.; pretty good animals cold ll`: {mm 350. to nearly 4 }c., and common dry cows M. from 91a. to .'lc. pol` lb. Nonrly all the good calves wore bought up before reaching` this market and prices continue very nigh. Young calves roll at from $L .N) to $5 ouch. Sheep sold at. from tllc. to 350. per lb.; lambs at from He. 9.0 50. per lb. Mr. Senoonl bought sixteen clioioo lambs to-day nt 50. per lb.. and they amounted to 882 lor the lob. Fat hog: cell at. from 50. to 550. per lb. 'I`nnnv'rn_ Jun. ll.-\`l/hoot. 8`Oo 51.0. ID. 'I`uuo.~:'r0. Jan. ll.-Whocb. white. to Btigc. porbuahel; whoamod, 8350. to 8851:. Bar buahol; whom, goose. 780. to 7850. pol: usholz bm-loy,.'l0c. to 340. per bushel; nun, `.370. to 280. per bushel; ryo. 460. to 46. per buehel; peas. 405:2. to win. per bushel; tmclnrhenb, 3250. ta 34. per bushel: turkey: per lh.8c. I20 00.; duck: pol` yixsir, t6'0c.50tco 7':c.; chiokomlkb pugcpaig : c. o .: use per . . uc.; butter, n rolls. .150. to ma: eggs, bl.9o. ago pobxn dozen; tntoomper g. 0. 00.; no pot nahel, 800. to 900.; onions. mtivn: pot bag. 60. gr 60c'.7: I151 88 o.8`9;M%r ton;rtr\w 6 to .50 rum: I - qunrton. he. ca 70.: Ezef. torequ.nrm`n. per lb.. 40. to 4c.; lamb, cnrcno. par |b.. 8a.; val. carcuo, per 1b.. 7c.; umtbon. nil!` lh 1..., m [Mn 2 drnnaod ham. 0.25 val. 19.. ac.; muwon. pox 1b.. 50, pa 05; drunod hogs. 80.25 to $6 40 per owt. ` The germs of consump- ; tion are cvcrywhcrc. There is no way but to 1 ght them. If there is a history of weak lungs in the family, this ght must be bonstant and vigorous. V unu Vlsunuua. I ; ,%Yogz must strike thc; dis- fciare, or it` will strike you. \ " Q Q `Q - `BA: -t Cuff, Ul It Will uunnu Jvu-u * "At the very first sign of `failing health take Scott's rlimulsion of Cod-liver Oil `with Hypophosphitcs. I '- -3---_ AL- Ln) -anon-9 On London & Luncuhlre Lm Auur. anco Company. xu1...........nonws run...........uo-1 ` Tho non qulnqnonnul dlvmon of prom: will can plan: mm the More of the books on me Dooombot 1897. All thoulolnlng the OOIIDID! before this date u be onutlod to out you I promn. MIN: 5 Cunnln hnn-1, General Agenh. Olaronoo 8 not 1 ; x:giJcs'{1a"1Ia'y'}3vu:o y resist the gegns q}`-consnmp- Ltion, / . . _ ` - - -`A. __ .n'...A._ wnonuc: no pmatlf unuq 5... ..u.... -na-id-t scan 0 nowul. . Ci-`i """"' .3 lmlh XBIIIHIKI - : chops. M lU.i L. 106. quart; aoloct, . qmnt; Ilnntnrl. WOO D'E PIIOEIPIIODINE. who Grout English Remedy. ; ` EM nwbnqu Guamntuod to ` ` promptly, and permanently . cum all forms of Norvovu > ' , ` Woal:Mu.l.VnuoM.b?u-m- # 7 alorrhaa. lmpotmou and all _ \\ \ afoot Alnuo or lroouuu. ` .1 . . ` _ lent Warrmcaooutvluu qr ibbaooo Oplmnor Emmo- 347" W3 A-" loom. wun mu loud to hu- man u, Imanuu. Comumpuun and an early grove. tin boson prolcrlbml over 115 your: In thouundl ot cum; in the only Reuablo and mmul lodmm know. Auk druugm. for Wood`: Phonpllodllu If ho om-rn Inmn worthleu nmdlclno In place 0! thin. ........... urlnn an Inn:-r. nnd we wlllund by rotunn nmdlclno In piano or mu. Incloae prlco In letter. mall. Prloo. ono pnokngo. (I; Ill. 03. OM will puma. um um! cum. Punphleu free to any uldmu The \vood Company. Wlndlor. 0111.. Cunda. M71-lam In lung Muniloy. U1-ugulntm. l.UIIlIIIll. I4lVUl pvvl ulna \.||vIrv 5 any Iluunna Company. `mu o .000. In nddltio so which my pol1o{?>'lm'Igonvo for noun: 3 unlimi- It` {at I all the I hol D om: Pl '1'! luuoa M sonar. poulblo ram. Bdon marina old on giving new bulnouut mm from- UIBJNGI I STBANGI. MGM. an I DAIII n....I.l A..nc Ila- It-no 131 WOOD S NORWAY PINE: II"? Hi It .'!0lam. (1) nv :.'.':'E.:";;i;:,`.:::;::.F"sE'i1P:',.:z. `' '~ 9 u|o|.. .. odlrp c lnneumvoa vim`: ?n\1l?:I`!"M) n)\r\Iu1: M nntl quickly M1 or nnn mrlr 1 Lu Man MI} olory nu. I".'v:v-y||_\u:a|r:'|;'|oI(.IAI\ um. um `ah. `lo; O1.(%n plwk 8|: tnr $11 .rI'm 2: a or `T ale`: uaraozlan talus:-ob on re Mind` All I!` `I . I nIIn`tiKI\||nIv|`u ` your run .e'L..uJ . no ro I mInooi':Lnv 30., r'3.p3.. In.-cannon Maury Wum-. I)ruuu|ul.. |k|NUB l\)N. UN l`. Heals and Soothcs the glelicate tlsxucsff Wall Papers suitable for Kitchens, Dinh g Rooms, Halls, Bath Rooms. Bed: mms, Parlors, Drawing Booms, Oioos. Etc. mnmon Palm Ihop and Room Papa Duo! 0011. mcoox h mom mun not between John Mama. M1100. an Anne! 66.. hon It " Ion ' ~._ houo Ln lot. D4 u lot ma hon. " n I rlnoou. I Ikuu. King and (lore t.. a homo: and ad mum King M. non Gorls. vacant lot. Jul. 5 frame `:0 an (inn 0 Mr:-00.. Holt: my-1 ot.oo l (horn and Bhvt II. x In] Ht... non Gordon l|lt...Iouhlo brush h-nun. I10 Johnston 8!... new home And lot. mm. Cu " Inna home. And 150 other pm Man In our and mull (or uh. to lot or on no.` OARDINBRHS Ilonl_ AIRS . Ill woulnntu It. Kimm- n__.. A- I... -A Ina-nut onion Wm. Allen & son, between Johnston and let! on Gordon sum. _"t~5_ ALLEN'8 SHOE3.- - - - '0I'u IIOW I` 5' N No KREAVESTATE DOWN. DOWN! For Sale or Bxchuxc. Mr!-told In Klngmm by Henry Wndo. W. H Mmml. Umnlut-I. Vnrvv-Ivy ASTHMA, H SOR3 THROAT; INFLUENZA. Md PAIN IN THE CHEST. jut` IASYTOTAKE. Ai` --uvy. v-._. _ ._' ICI WUIII.II1 II; In- long: to loan at lovul -Mon T. McMAI'l0N `a co.. Brod: Stfto Emu: T-3-11 London. Liverpool and Globe Plrc I-4-anon;-A (`Anon nun- `Throat and Lungs. Hodhktioh. Rddnodui. --A 11...! ml Vulcan Koch Btioh. Hut Mari. Pdoht Knivil. Cu-van; Indy. Celluloid and Pmcd 'l`INo md '1`-s Kai I. _A.__ M -h 3.1 rMIl>'qcA|._ Ihcr Ects. Designs. Prices. BCSI. wa `DON'T BRAO _,______ L__t..-__ Al Al.` -15.. ':4%v:.1*1n `rake no othnr. Xl-i l_r&lV - as-xv-t; But V0110 Qho Inaunnoo business of tho olty and vicinity Just mo nun. That In to uy.wo Inn our hue and It In lnorouln . ho nu this you Q. In tho In-gut on rooo Excel- lont oomponlu Low tutu. _ _____..g_._. 1. ---:.-: - {`I. EPABKB, I` 11.3.13 L.D.B.. M.D., DEN- I T191`. 0600. I80} rinoau st . Boul- nno. us llulvonlty Avenue. on houn. I mm. to 6 pm. Bngrdny ovoplpg, a_t,9_ _1_0. THEY CAN'T TALK TO US. saw.-r. 6 I4!9_I!'.8.~_.- - 4- .La. .. -..- -. RI- A-V In-upuv-uni ```.u w .--v --w ug- lovdo ublc buuuu In Klnuton this your. the union 0! Inn to tho concur new wln ndln . LIN on W. J. B W HE. 264 BIIOI treat. mad he him give you the 4_IIlIIIos. Electrician. Golhl can and Blocttlclilltuno and Bllctfb apple lunch. am as umnon an SPEl2|AlT|E8:.- ..:`*.':.`; __.____,,.___ late Noveltues. solicited to do so. Bowu-o oi lmitauong A 01 Same 0o19rVWrapper. NY I. mow. "':.`..`..2'. Sl ElI|AlT|E8:- ..:'*.'*~.:'i".-.`:'.."`-.:.+`-..`.a.*.-. ' IOIIIIMIII hind-wonuuumuaoa co. .- -_____,_ ,, ,_ ONIY '.l'O LOAN IN LARGE OEBMA l.| mum. at low Inn of tntorut, on '_) Cinder Sifters BTEITII ELLIS. ARCHITECT. OFFIEE; Exclusn o 0bambon.0'ord'| Block. 81 Irnnk Htrou . Klmnton. Ont. ___i, B. H. BAISAY DUFF. Ill BLOC ! IT, Tolophono O0. SITEWI . B'1'lILLV|I -. H.115 W.3.' QDOOILIAJOII KLIQINQC 9-rte x- " - MONEY AND BUSINESS- 3. A1,. ncuAIOJ ACCOUNTANT AND REAL 2 mm Ann`. Ron Ind accounts col- Ico . Ilonoy to losn no ownt run. Ollco III Kin: :9... our Wadi: Dtug stou. - -A ___ . ...___...-. Bill I llII.n II uvwvvn-nun, \l8TGNlI8 IN TRUST. OFFICE x in BA- goe Iiu-cot. Aulcnmonm nolloltod 7 "G'()DWINW Ts E:iu=oRIUM. lurks! Inna! SMYTHE I LOSCOMBE. nnnanu-In nv Irnnavr, nlnnma . In I ______`__ AID oucmm M WI. E` 8- DENTINT 33:91, `I;-ton. nmb11.h':d `...{:gr 0. . nmdono. nu mu "6" IY'H L1 Vms l Ilophono I01. Won. noting 0 much! MINI! of the walnut olen`! Quinn: Illunon htimlinnl nlnnau tolnnl onon In: VQIJIICI IlI|Ill`I JIIII.-II uuunuy Iilioduod olnuomi opening Wovutnntonosllhonhuwlo ARCHITECTURAL; Y'8 LIVEBY OPEN DAY AN D NIGHT Ianhnnn Ill. IIAL at: Ann`. Bonn Iocountg gol- -.-_ ---, V .-V _ LIXA NDIB BLANOBABD CHARTERED commune. Books o one .po|tod.aud1t od. ltlbnlsnouu d nuiolal nutuncntn taken. Buulnou con dentin. Add:-gu Kinc- oton Blnlnou Oolluo. ` MEDTCAL. cums. H0533 A. LIVER.Y- ..... .- - . mnwnuzm. AEOBITEUI` mu mnllor. corner of Brook and lung TNBURANCB. DENTAL. Lvoriltylvonnu. Ollco noun. In. on in 3 10. 0. P. lhumsn. .D. ..L .s.. LEGAL won. Eatnbuuhod In 1501. Residence King nine! "~*~J9,.~;.,,, \\ ` j V` *v--........_.V . B"2?i1' Liver , P1115 . \J.I.u. uus, Hutu Munro on a visit to par parents. r`r;1pK mum-, and John Mu _onald`g,_lrove to.BellelIe to-day. Samuel Bryaun, who drove trcm Tyendinugn to, our villa 0 on Sun- dn , bud the minfor`t.un'e o losing a va uuble home In few hours utter reach- ing our village. It. died at |nflu.nmm- (ion, Dr`: Bowlbyf Tweed. being unable 4.. rnndnl` um assistance. ,: I Tyne Talon. 'l`weed, Jun. l0.--Levi Ilruqlshaw opnn-I ed up in the Victorian hate on 'l`hurs- ; dny, having kut perqzissiun from the license lmpeotnr of East Hastings. C. W. Craig, h(H`l'lM.M`. lllll-J been confined 1 t.o'hia roum for n few' days bc-.'m5_z nli ht.- :.. InAlnnnnn1I_ Juhn Quinn. Louis our- t.o'hls for law (myn mung an m- ly lndlnpoaed. John Quinn.J..nuis nequn. and in number of the Culholitx order of Fonsaterb drove to Bell-ville on . Thursday to ntqeml the i/nntullmiun of` `officers Which took place in Lhe murt, there. Robert 1'h.rkcr shot xx Iurgu lynx In n swamp uuhm u. couple of miles of Tweed, one day last week. lhllton illlpplu Rniltnn, Jun. 10.--Excellt-.nt slcighiniz I is enjoyed here and pauplu ure mukimr I gum . use of iti The Mmssm. Smith are in this vlcinily pI`(!H`iI1[.{ hay for lhnse` who have any tq selL_und paying .37 ii! tun for it. Miss Maggie -Mccounell has ` quit. the teaching profcaauinn and is re- niding with hot` parents. An orgin bu-i been purchased {or St. Pntri/k`a,rhurch, and n choir is being organized Willi Miss M. Boyle an orgzmi.-it. M rn. .Iiune\~i O'R.viIly mat with an ut-vim-nt in King- sion on Thursdny Inst. She slipped on the sidewalk (ind ft-.ll. fI`.'u~,l'uI'ing her urm non!` the wrist. Visitors: Mn~'.:-x l~`. Shurlull and A. CHI. (ion. Ml`? nownuyg nvqnu. u. to render any assistance. ,x' - I _ mws FR0l-0l}_HEl(:D01lS WHAT OUR CORRESPONDENT! ._ HAVE TO TELL U8. Onlebroul Ullppluuu. (7olnlru<>kn, Jm|.11.---Mmmru. Kerr und Arnut, Mnpuxwu-, guvv. u LQ!nlpt\l'- unm It~.('t.uru in Hus qhurvh lwrv un New \. .....-'.a nun On in I.'|l`u'|\ ;|IlIl`ll|`I`. :\1Q`.'ir$l".i. IN LARGE Ulslnnun. man. at low In mutant ' 1 and Farm Proporty. - s can on ty ind Oonnty Debentures. A ply to THDILE BIIICI. Ilnnnu Frontenac an and Inn aunt Boohty. Oloo onponlu the Post Ollloo \ y.'u"s ova to u largo uuuu-nv.-. .m-.-mm. (4 I on Jul ljlveurulu huve. :u-urni- `v: t uir rn ( 'I'hursl:L_v evvning, lh 13th inst. A h.md will ho in ul- n~mlnnvo. School um-ting pu.~`..~`..-I nll` quit-Lly. A. (3. Wurnm` w;1.-x o-lm-uul us lru.-4tI't`. Thu lrI1.~4t,t-um hILv.- Tl`-(`lIK:lR(`(l l\Iis.~ Hukur :13 I:-zu-In-I` fur lhu c-nsuimz yo-ur. We mm" have-. u mnrning m:ul .\(`l`\ ire; S. Bull hm: svrurml ilu-. vunlruvl ms muil vnrri:-r, S. Bull hll [\\|r(rl):mm| 1:. new culirr um] musk ox rolu-. Mi-m Bukvr, totwlmr, is on Hm Hivk HI-ll. ll. Sulshurfs family is improving. r urlv l0('[.uru Ill um |;nuI<`n Lu` \';~;u"s to Iurgv i|Ul|`ll\`: (31 ljveuru to In: I 'I ln1r:al:L_\ C.-hnnl numtinw Cnlahonle Cllpplngn (7u|uhngi<-, .Y.m. H).---.-\ hnppy .\'q-w Yam` tollhu Whig." (`hri.~\tm:u-5 puma- ml off plvnsclntly. h't'lmnl upvlwd on Jun. 3l(l with A. . \I4-Nuhh nu prilwipal nml Miss I\':|m I\'I0ff.1H., lhI.nl`rn'w, us un- .-sialunl. Mina lmnu ,1.-unorun. |"Im\`t*l` .`-Hnliun, paid :1 flying visit t0=,frieml~4 hum. '|'. M(`K('rruw, llphin, is vi.~\ilim.: his hrotlmrs, \Vi|li.'un und John Mvl\'ur- row, of Lhis plum-. We are sorry [0 hour that S mu-er Churclt has hrukt-n his nnn.\V`i| mm H.ml-y, em, in on the six-k lint, hut: in imprnving;. J:um~;< Rmidy is ill of inf|zumu:Ll.inn of the lungs. Rm . Mr. Fms, stmlnnl, of Qun-on'n, occupies! !h<-, pulpit in lhe- l l`t-.4- hvterinn church on Sun(lu.y4 Mr. and Mrs. R. Ru|mr`!snn, Hurn.-own. visit- ml Mr. and Mm. John liux. Hl`., oflhm |IhL(`l9. Tlchbornn Trutlnn. 'I`is-hhonm, Jam. l0.--Our [inn xluiglp inp; i.-4 vvearing mmy very (um. I). llm-In has culuhliuluul a brunch slur.- nt Pnrhnm with C. \\'ug(=r us munugnr. A numlwr are drawing 11 quunlilv of wood, lmnb: ", 4-.f(',., to our slntinn. Miss J. lihglihlx pusaml through Inert-. on the 10th to Crow Lnko, uh:-ro she has has-n engaged as Lenclwr for the coming war. A nulnlmr [rum here nth-nded thu {ng- lull church service Sunday waning In Pnlhnm. \fes:+rn. (`.0ldvnsl.uin, visiting thuir sister, Mrs. D. licvht. merchant of this plane, hnvo returned to thnir home. in Montreal. hlisa S. Bridge-n hzm returned hnmn from Kingston. 'l'hn funeral 0! J. Peters pushed through hero on Monday lust at ten n`(-lm-k. J. Shims-_v has returned humc from Nov ur Htuliun. IIIIIIIIKIOII IIGIIHIIIIKII llnrtinglnn, Jun. l0.~~(\ur viii-mw [nu- tury hus chungml hiuuhs, having he--n pun-hnsml from W. H. lteynuldu lay Mr. `hoenix. Verona, who him In-an repair- ing it and getting rt-mly for the vmuing smson. Mrs. J. \V. \\'n.rtmun imil lillla ilnu hmr nturt to-morrnw for Green- wom, B.C. Their numerous frion :4 re- gret, (ht-ir d=p;iruire and l`n|lm.v hem with host. \\irsh1\s for future huppinmss nml lll('\`(`SH in their now home wheru Mr. \\'urt.n1:In hus In-an since Inst spring. About. in W('0k um) Mrs. W. (`nmmn Vnnd diuighlor Dell. "n!ll`iB- ford. Mun., runm to visit, at. her fnther`u nfter an absence of nearly six ynnru. She uonku very highly 0! Mamitnhn. I \f nlmrlum nnnnl Rrxhlullh lust with '_l-';,`.".','.'.}.|}4Wx75'Eyv i{?gi{i}'-3! _1(I'Zu{nno'm.' J, M lwrtum nponl Snblmlh r.r.....I.. in Kinm-unn Mr. and Mrs. J. Rolwrtann Sn.hImlh lust. wun hi:-mls in Kimzsmn. Mr. and Mrs. I.n|m visited frimuls M \Venthrnuk this week. Mr. and Mrs. Nmxlnn (`.ur.-u-ul- In-n are the guests nf lsznc Curscullun this week. John Bol.l.in hns purchased} hventy-five arms of Inn (rum 1`. Drud- lord. Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor and dnughter .\`linnin are with us ugn'm.. uh-ndowor ouhorlnn Glenduwer, Jun. 10.--P`n.(`8 and quint- neas team to he the order of the m_v.l Thu mlld wunthtg of Hm Inst few nnyn' is much commented u on. Indeed it seems as if Jnnunry nd hor'r0\\'ad ul few days from April. "Old Benny Bub. cock, who usod tn reside, here. is` vo-rv ill :1 the home of his adopted nun. I`. llmluur, Sangstr. J. 'l'immnnn.ln in-' lands movimt into his new hnusv nunn.; A number of young people rnntmnplnln ll lrip to N. l.eemnn`a, Smith's I-`nlls. soon. Alnxundor Hoppins and H. Lee- man are absent. working at the ruins no-nr Vcnnnchnr. Visnoru; Misses Edith and Amanda Walker, Holloford. with blends; Mr. and Mrs. A. Kinehun. M Mr. Timmei-mnn`s. (`. Filzg-crnld hm: returned `from l'nvle Rum`: do- mains, where he has been n` some time. The mfllo at T. Hub`-ark`: was 3 nucmu. Min Mnggio Neltay in visit- ing friends It Clnpponn. 'l`. Donahue, Clnppt-nu, in vialung nt J. Dnn0lm\\.`a.? ` School In proarooaing tnvonhly under the mnnucenn-.nt of Miss Ryan. * Mallow town. Jan. ll.-An at cloc- llon Incl. era are nnt settled. Vho will porlorm the duica at township clerk and treasurer or the tuning year! The woatlicr super Inc and. tho! alclghing In excellent. The committee of mnnngcmnnt of our public llbrury received another collection of book: on Thlndny last. A large load of the Son at Tamplrlncc vlniud Olintovru lodgc on Sat nlghb and (ran all ucoounhpnngl. blo tine. `my 0 division to n $& bcrc..0Ir _ on loot with a cue M_ Elliott is - ablo b claw -Bnnluoon -.... 1. 45. um... |..n.-..|:..nn- chin to u Iholll. squat uugunon I'll in IR villogu 9-_'%57ii1fiT tluzton enldlngu _. T..- I l\nr\ n\`\A Inllontown Ilaltorn. ._ `-_ II I- . nou Point: In at: ; - n.....|. An. ll 1- un1\ew pruminrnl mun auhln (}lln;ln(Iqlu" uirl.-3 \\`l`l`l l"inn:1n (`mu:+ hzm hm` pvvning. .-u-ut in Hm z-mum-il. n mu (\lI':`linll ho mm cam-cl hm-n t'!r'.\'lul, hut. his (wwtl |.uli|m-r, ll. -H u um_iuI`I -omulpzetl `I'm: hm! un~l uftm` h ...._...:...r 'm... |.....m. l...u nu` l` |||\ nun... ....... 3.1-2 [DH lIl(J From. or hanulowno Nuns. Fmnl of Lansdmvno, Jam. l0.--'l'bI- tcu mvvting`, held under HIM uuspin-(H 01 the Beth:-I church, us at d(-ci Sll('- (`u:4.~1. The ("lunch was (`l'0\\dt`(I Lu lhv doors and many hu(L to ulnnll durim: the-. ow-xxing. A large number czunw from (`-unnlmqlw. The pro;;rur1n1u-wm. wry lc-npzlhy, Imt tlw st-leutitnm goml. Mnynr HriHnn_ of G:1n.|n<)qIw, (u'<'upiml the chair and several til (}IllL|llU(|llI":4 -.I'4.r\Iiv1nI\` nruln suhlrnnulnl Hm ('l`(I\\'I. the (`ll(l|l' uml several (ll \:IIll.I||m|m- . :ull1*oss(-(l Llm <'rm\'|. (innnnuqm-`.4 \wx'(a nut in full form`. In-on :11-privml ml` hi ()u the nighL nf lhuugzhL tu h.n-~ oppou--nt, Uuvicl Inn: umjurnly nf wv:-n vulw-'. him troutimz, hm. '|`hn- hmme. lmm. of (,`hurh-..-I (`in-In hw In-an pul up for Hm v\inl,vr m .`-5l.emn.r(`~a Buy. Ruin-rl, I.ut.imm` has rvlurnwl from Munilnhn. and lb! .~\tuying wnh hiv. fullwr, llulu-rt` l.u1inu!x', my A pru'l.;, (mm Ctlrmnmlun Hm-nl, 1]. must. mljoy nhlo evmnixm ul. this home of M. Iv.-y, Ivy l.vu.,nn Fniduy (\Vf`nill|{. Mina lC,liI.h ll.-LII is viniling friencls in lbw-kpnrt. Mrs. Elln. Hunt. nnd '|'hnmus MM'.m\\., l.uI'm1's[:sl.1nd. nrc on lhu:`iI'k list. Thu- furnwr is improving quiln rnpiclly nun. , Mrs. l`:uru'k, Ash [H|I|lI(l, is mnfinrwl tn tlw hnuso lhlnu;(b illnvsn. `lh-njunnin l\'iI'l~:n-r nml fzunily um apt-mllng it fr-w (lays at Ihn rivvr. 1 um I) h 1 fullwr {mun IUI H'I I kin !-:1-r :1 Douay : lluy Ihllndu. Sc-nloy'a flay, Jam. l0.-0n Dev. 3131. n mnrurt was given in the ()livnL Mn- thudist churn-h. Thu church was r,'ru\u!- N! to excmxs. A slwlt mldrnaa wan givnn by Rev. T. Brown. A varied and o~xve|lvul programme was nuulurod by the choir of (Drum church, Gununuquu, nnd Llm svholars and friends of the Sun- day school. .1\Iis.-I A. \\'ill'mms, Sonlvym Buy, wuu dose-rvudl olwnrml for her fine rnnderin of he (Thild`s l`rny<-r. A dm-I by . `as neatly and R. ()rm-r was much eniyml by the audience, -51-; was nlao the ;lo of Mrs. Wilson, (mu- ....m..... Tim nlmir wnl nhlv filled in, A 0bunbon.Un' Brook btroa . Kingston. --:: also the solo or Mrs. Wilson. unu- nnnque. The chair was nbly filled hy the offivlunt and energetic superinten- ? dent of the Sumlu ai'||u()|, William Mo- Kinlvy. At the r (mo in large number of New Year`; gifts were dintrihutml nmong the scholars. The proceeds of the concert` will be davoted to the cur- rent expenses of the school. Eclwnnl (`lmpmun and (nmily, Huvelock, viuitail In-lxuivea and niunulu last wank. R-w. "I`. Brown exvlmn ad pulplta with Ru-v. A. G. Robertson, )elln, on Sumlny,who `gave an excnllanl nnd impressive dis- Umurso which wnu well received I) lht` large congregation praaant. . in n regular menling of Amity Division. No. 244. Sons of '1`:-mp:-ranu:e, hnld on Jan. ; 3rd the following officer; were dul in- slnlivd by the D.(`-.W.V'.: \V.l'.. ro. M. Moore; \V.,\.. sister ii. Mchnrmuttz lLS., Bro. A. Liknl`, A.R.S.. sister E. Mnxwell; I-`.S., Bro. I. I-`. (iilherl; tran- surur, Bro. W. Chapman; chnplnin. sister L. Imerann; cor uctor, Bro. ll. Pulnnm; nsaistnnt cnndu yr, sister .\I. Gillwrl: LS. Bro. A . Simp.-so , .3. Hm. I`. .\odds; .Y.I`.\\'._ um. I]. simirh; P.W.l`., Bro. A. Putnam. The Senley-i Bay brass band has engaged Prof. ll. S._ Sheldon an instructor during the wmler. ' l'\I..l I1rIl.`.U J vvnnuo Another Triumph '}'or l(ANLlY'S J CELEB`!-NERVE COMPOUND: Mn. M. Welleco. of H2 Berkeley Toronto. write: on lollowl : l wr' to let on know I have med Celery- mgl blood. I did not: in v whet to take. My deughter mlvued me to pet Honky : Celoty-Nerve Compound en the know of e lady who I'll taking it and it. weedoin laer good. Iieid I wouldtry ll; tookho.v;e 4 tie and it. lnvemzadmlse (really, my y . my con- rloxlou better on eocoont. of Glue nproved condition I my blood. -ouch no Vela. nu Inl--In-of-u-IuI.o.n_-n-n.,xu :_'1'B`E""lII`-lH'I""WH-19'," W`lDNlSD.&`Y`.""cTAN`lIABY 13. ` T898. "EKLT RH:-:u_ CURED. other 'or KANLI`. (Mo Mellon mtmnrmn A` , 1... (ll U-I VI: uv-yup. up. To: nto Newu. ' ' be come of Ippnl-hue delivered judg- uienblu tho hcbion of Rev. Mr. D|W,p'n Aungoun clerg man. again? blue church-\ warden: on c urch In Beleville for the feoovery of oi htcen months stipend duo before and a Let 1894 One of the plan of the defence was the the ohllrchwardenmi all free church. In dietluguiahod from a I .-....... ..I.m-ah, ware not A` corporation. [ 0!: lree church. uuuuguunou mun . "ow church, were not a` corporation. 1' e court. found that this Wu orronoouc. Phe court: also found that the clergyman had no legal claim upon the churolnwa.r- done. not. having a oontraoo or agreement. I but having relied aololy on` the iunomu of nhemhprch for his stipend. "Unless the con regstion man: up the I docionc ." raid uubice Manlennnn, \\llO delivers the judgment, "I am afraid she unlortunrsto clergyman will have b go without his back salary. Hi: appeal is div 1 .-: .....,I 9! In u vuvu . Fall nllppon. See our warm` felt slippers. We \vant. to clear out chase Hues this month. and hava mdrlxed them at cost price. W. J. Dick & Sou : closing up gale. All iron mills ardrunning full time and have orders for months ahead. Bring the Abbott: here. In`: no experiment. WI. IIWLANDQ. Anourrmm uw Appraiser. Ilunotl our WAdo'| Drug Store. Emuuoo on u: shoot. nut to Wine oloe.