Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1901, p. 6

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1 Ipouigyt lnuniop. `in: Audio`: amuse. `to v Jun mu. having M` at hand In attendant. V at Ghycnn. 15. civ5r BUY IT. up Innvo lnr that ii .;' "You, air," rapligd other, who was I run of mm; mm. "u, then. you see. I cuuid-awn: minute 1.59 Mg fur the Imuvu I" . ` i M nujouty was hllnl Glued M Il1onadyumwe:,nni,h_ludin tic` ihu. - . _ 1 King onnxnan P V An Illllling um-y in join` the rounds. `His nujusy wu paying bridge tbs other day with an intilnnlaa friend, tn Wham In `Aid, in 'd|B wit?!) ul the` guns: "I . you've mistaken ap lmave fur ch. .3 "Viva nv " -nnllgd -lIao n.L.. Iluu-ml: n-unma. OOIIIIO, ll :8 anti-zr to" {ch how to do it unwell . But John Wesley did not convert Ohounondn of the todglhelt drnrncnm in Emzlnnd h.v wading to thorn {mm I manuscript. ' llnmllv-on Tine-. There can h$rIly be too much pre- ralo ntuu'_v. in searching. arrang- ing um berrumng familiar with facts and argmm-ms. bun. U-.-on lwinq done. the speaker will, in our opinion, `pru- duce the host .-eet if be neither reads nor recilc.,.|uI select: his language as ho giaan along. cutting out, ampli- fying or emphasizing u (lie impun- nuce of a point nr tin attitude 0} the Indiana: rcquima. Of (:0I.l1'I0, it in ilf in' `NH hnn Ln (In `1 nllnun nmglzum urwnsnlp. _ Two II|vp0u|.- from the police magis- u'nte a cnnvivtions were first. heard. That of Rob--rt Rmoovenr, grocer. was ruincrvod, and that `of B. W. Fulger. who when not present, was adjourned to chombcrs. . any x -44 llnmt--on Times. l`h:-m mu Isl: County Court Cases. The county mun. and court. of gene- ral lesniuns <-yn-nu] this aI'ternoun at one o'clock, judge Wilkisou pnaxiding. T50 f0" urnnd jluy was o|.n.pan- nellodz Michael Grady, L. J. Hen- derson, Janmuu Johnston, W. T. Blin- nns, I". (I. Dunlnp, Oliver Chown, Kinguton; J. Armstrong and R. E. Draper, I'iualmrg; John Foley. H1-\\c Island; S. Kt.-nmrdy and W. J. Sprolc. Ilodforrl; W. Pillar and G. W. Smith. Kinglatun um-mxhip. Irma cnnviu-linnn ucnm rm. lmnrzl. cou. On Snhlnluy, while on her trip from Gannnoque lu Brockvillo, the steam- er Victoria broke` her rudder, whs,-n uhrwat. of llaggm-I.` island The tuddcr was Inst in 100 feet. of water. The steam:-r managed to reach Rock- port. A now rudder was made at (}nuanoq_uc. Ior 1 mean. The tug I-Edmund and light. barga- urriverl at the furry wharf from Pres- com. (in Q-'ln-u.l.n. ..-I.:I.. nun In.- 0.4.. f.-..... city [rum rlvcr points. To-night the: steamer India and con- aort. clears {rum Garden Island for Two Harbors. Lake Supcrinr. The ettoanier Calvin and consort will clear for Toledo. 'l`L;. dun. l.`.l......_.-I -...l li..l.o Ln...-n. anal ugv an vvuu. The smamer America left. ` usrnoon for .'\|u.xandrla Bay. ` raw she brings an excursion city {rum river points. '|`n-niuhl. the` Hammer India a [TIDE Dlflllg OH` ()I IUWXI. Ilv WIS QIU` cided that the whole police fonce con- tinue on `duty to~nighl., the day men remaining an the streets until midnight Special constables will also nnsln.',_ the regular. police force. The wmpaipy will also provide speci- nl oonstubea to guard the line and protoct the men at work. - All the Police Force to Be on ` Duty. General manager Fnlger, superinten- tendent. Nickle and F. Simmons called 1 on the chief of police this morning with reference to securing police pro- tection for the street railway men tonight. It Wu thnngvht. advisable to call A special meeting of the police commissioners to com-iclc-r `tho eitun~ tion. Coneoquentlv. the commissioners mot at noon, only mayor Kent and magistrate Dull am-nding, judge Price being out of town. It. was de- cided 4:....- .. .A..... a.~.-..:...I.a oi... Burglux Corps Enxollod. Bloemfontein, June l0.-A number of {Arman near Hlmsnxfuntein have been organized inn :1 mrps and sworn in. Among its nu-mhoru um some hard ghters fur the old l"l`('e State. iuchlding n 1*-mpl-: Mr. Ste_vn'a most. durim; nu-ate. OI l'Y`Ql0rIC, June Ill, 55 IOIIOWHI Commandant Van Kncsburg and his command have surrendered at Piet ersburgyono hundred men have come in and othen are fuuwiug." -j__ London, June ll.-Lord Kitcl;-aner raporta to the war ntce, under dam of Pmtorih, June lllh, follows: -4r`........-....|-..u v.... u....`l...... ....I M. A '0)!-Known London, June l|.--Brigadier~guncrhl B Gray Dixon. who was in com-` men at Vlehfomein, only'woht out to South Atria in I-`ehruary, having previoudy been colonel commanding the Benriek-on-Tweed district, `He entered the army in N54, being go nned to the King's Own Scottish bordemn, and has mean a great. deal of warfare during his active cu-oer ol thiI't'y:Ih.r His experience! in- clude the Afklun wlir, in 1978-50. Su- ekinr expedition, ma, Chitral relic! Ixpedition of 1895, and the Tire}: Qunpqign of I807-SN. "He has received several` Inials, and been mentioned often in dupalchos. For his services In the Ciitrnl war he was created A C.B.. and VIII rewarded for his work in the Th-All expedition by being made an aide-do-camp to the queen and n colonel.` ' ln|!I'lIlI'IllI It I10 Au. The old-II. who had exhausted his ready many, an almost boars- brohn. Hanna .:..nae.: out 6! the war title! (and with in fun back to IWIIWEGOWA . 1&3 vii it went to Plymouth to zdoomo {tout the second son. Yanc- y morning": newspaper II I an to his hdlboli. and among 5:` am- lltioo In and that his son. Pan. Brown, ad nu, had duo died of moninglth at Au. Thu nId'nn.n. who had nxhnunmd `i Sorrow. I lr-Scrgt. _&-own. nl "illllilicr, ht. Ilkngoou Quads, was uin-'4:-9-0 on '1-`uauduy. `Ho through tho Indian mu- tiny. ant! vol aptunsd and torture] at Civmpou. Bu had two sons ` at the front. on: ol-whom died that weak: TO PROTECT THE Tho Fdrm 0! Delivery. .0. Tinn- L Commando Surrendorm. I 1 I/-.,1 Marina Notes. '- .vs r;vv '7 'l;Ul.Sc:4 . thin af- ] 1 j_|Al'l`Bl.). I u~u1ur~ to the vy-cu. anuuuv unxocto The open home directnru mot hut inning to oonnidor lenders for the count tinn ol the Grand opera `house, at adjourned the meeting for 0 Inch. as the directors am not I" ,1 Sb city. Tho louder: am in 910139! Not who animated com, and the lime- _lon no son com-iderhig the matter. dridiln Iuientint 2" ` '$uI. can-. " -. , "Ch my door daughter. you should jrlghuadnndrunly-ontho hI"uY0|lklnOvnn.nn- "316 ulInnI."_ ucilodly ucluilnol lb HMhgM-of is; "Q: lly pot. 1`s.hn it`! - ` H 1063] OPIFOHC-' `A man killed A dog belonging to dnocher man. The son of the man whose dog wnp killed proceeded to whip the man who killed the dog of the man be war: non of. The man who was son of the man whose dog was killed was arrexlcd on complaint of the man who was aaaaulted_ by tho,- son of the man whom log the man who was assaulted had killed." \()l'(".' I She was quarrel.-xonm, vicious in diFpu.'4iliun, murderous in thrurnn aguimzl. the plainti and his parents, hgntwrical and unfav-nr$blo in mm- per, crazy in her acticmng, and by her olllluelcss And un rovolwd boisternn.-u mama, scrntrminq. nllooimg and other wild conduct, by day and night. an intull-rablc nuinuncu to all her ueigh~ burs." Rural Reporting. A rural correspondent of the Ports- mouth, New Harnpslm, Times sent to his purer `this inwlligiblo account uf A Inca episode: `"A man Ixlnrl n c-Inn |anI....n-L... 4.. New York World. The following allegation for divorce against. a wife: by the supreme court of W not to sum: any legal groun um-o : xnur naval! `Inc one meal Your hubby? Funcying snnwdzin-g. The virtue you nmst desire` The vice tn which you are I iont? A --In-out Ivinn I nu: vlcc U) wmcn ient-? All except lying. Your favorite motto Be strong. IIlmK`$.il-_V What. 4 Vanilv. 00 uunng 300111.. And the topics you dislike most? M own thoughts. `What you like most in woman? Wo- manlincss. What do ynu dislike must in wo- man. Un.wumunlinc. What, do you like nmst in man. .lulou(u 3. .n(k`st._v. \|IL..o .l ... . wnritc amusement? Sleeping. What. do you dislike most`! Any kind of work. |:..... .34.. 0.. luau on work. Favorite tupica nf conversation? Whatever my companion happens to be talking about. And the tonic vnn nlialil.-n mm 9 nnrwry . uavm. The character ynu must. dislike? H1/self. Favorite kind of literature? l h_vsi- cal science. l a.voritu author? Spennor. "l<`avm~iu.- ul'Lisl.? Lconunlu da ma. Favorite campus-.-rf Beethoven. , Fawn-ite dramatic pct-Mrmanco `P A [n\ntomine. Favorite kind of :=ccncry'.` Wide ats or open emu. Favorite occupation? Doing noth- mg. uru unarucu.-rusuu : Who is your fnvuritc character in hlswry? David. TIMI nhnrna-hr vnn numt, .li.a|il.rn1 Charles Kins1ey a Preferences. Charles Kinsley was oucu asked to run-nu] his prul'cruncL-s in u buuk of literary Lmtngrrqu'n=, un<| his replica, lled in with u ch4u'Luing l'runkuc.,s, nu: uharucu.-risliu um... ;- lOI'Onl0, (JUL, dune II."`l0 engu- toenlh annual cnnvcntinn of the Am- erican national association of masters of dancing, is in progress hero. This is the first time the asooiulinn has met. in Canada and the convention promises to be largely attended. So far about forty members from many points are in the city. The convention will fast. all week. I . I . LU com]. A." George Thomas J ing; the ternoon. ve and 1 Ill!-IIIJUII. IHUHL` CICUKDU WCTBI F113` aident, James ()'(`unm_-ll, lru-clucu.-(I); Oil City, I'enn.; vicu.--prunidenua, Em, J. P. Cunlnn, Sioux City, Iowa; no- AI W. Holmes, Toronto; third, Mulberry. Chicagn; fourth, L. Wilsnn, Cheyenne, Wyom-, incr- Hm fth in On he I-It-vlml this aim "iGuijL were |l!..llI|l u. punslmluy m rucuvury. The international association of ma- chinists, this morning. elected the leading oicers, [or a two year term. Formerly there was only om vice- pluaident, but ve am now in hnld ni- m As An nxmntive under the new con- Tutomo, Jug ll.-ln the Iovinrdist oonlemnee to-day them was an inter- eating debate on the nuntenlution fund, lot the increue, of the Hilario: of poorly paid tors. llrof. Wallace, at name len 9. , contrutul the puni- tion of the foebytcrinn minister with their minimum salary 0! new and u manure, and the Ictluxliata. Cheater Iauey aid--thevvhhurch mun never rent. content. until 5 like minimum was reached Ioaleillodist. pnlorn. lt Mu! admitted that the minion wurk of the Presbyterian: was more eectivu in the home eld, because one minister cov- ered mute wrritury. Hon. A. S. Hardy passed a good night. and his cunditinn wan slightly improved. At one o'cloch. to-(lay, the favorable symptoms cantinucd and tliero iu..alill possibility of recovery. 'l'1|n inlprnntinnnl ununcinlinn of um- 1'lunisu0hnuol'otthoIocov- cry or Eon. A. s. nu-ay- Tlpn International Auochtion ol Hlahinhtq In Elected 0!- mm! A an IIIIISIERSI TEE IITIODISTS HUB!` D0 III!!! HIIEAITEI. n:-u----:--- obon. Home Dylxoctoru. n nlunon I......... .l:.._,,. :7)\li7P"6! 5'? 75 ` '3" "No Ground For 2 V4. -I W..-I.I sunuhlno ahead," . ' Out. of the soul-mating Gloom ol u night. ....-. -u -nu -r-: sun: hit: in some out 7 s I. ruoL"lloU.::*| `F. L3. to burn. In The Only Way. llonur some memory Livhuz ur da-ml, Living `(or d: Fulluw nmnu p .You believe I Look lur the-l lvw bclon you old I and III; 8: P :vn,:lIThl ...Iu::.. Live lot none Sons object In vinw, Dvd baton you ` alnhitinn? To die. ideal? The idea]. 1 inc. V (`I0 you dislike ` mus. Duncan In Session. nto, 0nt., Jung ll.-'l`l nnnu-I ........ nu .... ..f 0 J Illlu IF [U INS l'lCUI-(Kl IIIB Cl` , also an executive board of I a wcretury-trcnsun:r. II. V` IIHIIH, lzuQl_Vl'lIuU, IIyUl1l* I fifth in to be vlccled this af- nI..n -..n ..u.......o.'.y.. I-.....-.l -J sxecuuve unuer ~ Thune elected ...... l|'l `....n..Il I1-ad, a path I to ho right; 0- Iwpg: bringing su uvuua vu . June ll.-'l`ho eigh- wn-nlinn of tho Am- to ngm; ' 2 bringing GPO IIUW 2 under I l.......-l ntinn in a bill . was held Wushingttbn I ground for di- ' Divorce. or proverb T 8? Truth. = most len- know [,1] 1}: can Thonu on Toronto phopln Ihu havo I-can complain. cured by my wonderful rclnmlyz A Boon to Sulferera is aking Al ' I1:-An I vrng -ennane-m. cum lot Cauu-th. The Great. "won- at in in a turn: ol cunru powdet and In uned in any ordinary clay pipe and does not irmrfen with my budneu occupation. I will guurnntu to gun the worst Luna 1.! (`unrrh in Iran than [our month: it direc- tium an closely fnllowed. also I giarnnme to can all lonm ol Asthma, Broclutin. Tun- eilitia, Lnrgn Uvclnl. Ha -Fave: and Ch-ur All Mr Paungu in the end, Stop Drop pin: in tho Throat and Hawking and Spit.- cinu on the nmou. Do sun with all ihul. t`0V.!nn button in the Earn, QIFO mluranme to cum Denim.-u, Kl padnnu will lollaw my directions, without us: ol Surgical imu-Ir manta. mm 1; cmssns Denies that then is any guru: in Cctarrh and than my nnmdy for Cotnrrh in them-l,v Great. "Wou- ovr in powdet T. N. Arnold, The `Great Wonder, .- -.-u- an -uuuv-nun an 1.2: " Great Name. 1`. N. Arnold, of Toronto, bu emtuufly got. a wonderlul cure lor catarrh.` uthma. 7sE:11 size; Large Slfos . yucca ulu nuuulncu. UOITXI See an: it is bnhdod: TWO zlualitic-I. $1.00, 81.15. N.C. ; TAI LOR'KUT iii National Corset Mfg. 00., Ouoboo ind Tomato. ABUNDANT TESTIMONY. W- It gins 0. (nodal urn to ' the back nndhipn` jlmpporu, "` "" "' "' "`_.".`?f".'. "- . .=' ."'-::'7-3'". I- ....... |:_- .- J0N-LA_|_DLAW&SON We have already sold a lanjge number, but did `not advertise them before, as they were generally sold just as soon as received and we could `always sell more than we could get. However a new lot has just been opened ; enough for at least one week, and we would LIKE YOU TO SEE THEM; Our word for it: -We will not ask you to buy, only come and see. These will be a genuine surprise to you after seeing them, when_ the price is mentioned, namely &i5~"=Y:J:-.. VII in cilullaiinn on '00:: ` tilt `circa vmuld ' _ ' to-Inow. It won` We have just received a new lot of the ALEXANDRA ______.j. j) Vjiil 69anq 7| Brockstufoot. i1i1?Ii2Fn7IitiEs's fnEi.'x|uEmi. M Black Taffeta Silk Waists. nen_ Co.-roe. Zjj T ` 5- TAlLOR'KU'I um |I'uvI|' VI sun In I-IUV l""" .' cared for and PI craved _m "" ;' notion. hand 0! minis e?-vs *0 `.' any niuiltu to death. 1*... maul 1' plain, us an ICELAND --~v . --F .--V. punuqlfcod if not propry for rioauvod vm cnntamh n-tinn 1-.....) .p ...:..x.. '.... m lfo - vwwug -vu. w---' --- away hips-0111! In fIlhion I latest canal ducts. The "`N.C. TAILOR-KUT count with tho atrght out .- _ _-_._._- \ ` :5 ` '~i~".:- .3, ,_ "`3.i'T?!'!%.F_.39`!`!%7 You" Can Save At Leat $2. urnv-Lvl-v rooonunond It to nlnpn for dung wt-nknnu. an it has rovod benecial (0 mr . Th.-ac an on! a aw ol A M. numlv-I I otlwr mung: J pcoplmwho ve he-~n "Ml pl-wlv cumd by Na wonderful rv-mrdv. Null pic but -out to any addnen for 25 c-nil Hampln Box Doglnou. 81 per box. T N Am- n`d. 71 Adelnldl N01. cut. Toronto. Deafnenl remedy. $1 maple. (`gin-rla cured, u. Bunpln box, am. Dulneln mind, .10. Bunplp bof Ionqy rdllldod H Hall Co nun. am) cum: u my woods:-(nu nmcdy; Phil. Danton. 435 sum not dealneu,mn- pletely cund; . I. lorriu, 85 Bpnuinn Mr nun, bu upined ch loan d anal! and mm; W. G. Ilimun, I2 Bddiin street; Com Inig- ly curnd 0! decimal; B. 8. Nevollin. it. u.A., IR! Baldwin nan. sand 0! q|-"HI! sore throat. dbl being in nvernl hmviwiv the dinena-e oollld I070! bi brolan up unulhl tried my remedy. which and mm in a night: another Itnlfitbll out in W. Turn- er'n daughter. oil can 0! ago, her thrust hainw almost on and when medical aid could nut nulst bar And recommended mn- alln to he cut own. I and their girl MW three yo.-an gnlu-lug, with my wonderlll aura. an-I vl and to any add:-on a sump but. of this wonduflll Inudlcino lor Lhu nun 0! 25 mm. ` u! 25 C. s. w. soon, conductor chriuinnchnrel choir. Nowmnrket, wrltu: "I have found '- Amo|d'I Nmed I van Vnllllhln rum-nun for ophomin, on ofvoloo and would var! II in nlmnn for throal I I. Hnbl. IHQOC Mun nit. ouredd nlthlna: I. IOGIIIIIA, 1118 Celina: um-2; alun named b wonderful y; lllltl Int. drnlneuwnp " Straight Front. Cr` . $7.50 as` s_x2.oo. $13.00 to $23.00. $4.50jEa.ch. Refrigerator. und vn I "'5 W375 ~You_",won;, one. Tackle. C I uv------- umlrao. J u-`nu ' '3 In look. in South Afritu," of Q1681 ! univer- lmm the Landon .'Ruu_ may M. R. Ug~ van , will: II III M000. `JIIIOQEIVI. loft this nunoon lat Toronto on givnu In-inou. Altai .: J, ll-Lhnn A 1.. IL. IOTOIIIO OII [I1VIlI Dlllllll. AkbruuG.J.UuhhniI_z u u n. w-any. ' A unprlu executor wu lnviloii to spot by (deals 0! L. lwl.pn to death. 11. mu;-9?? and -u um. u :L.`s.u.. `.71; In Inn "ALB. .n.........n... Iuul would IQ: litllrl to work to- Hnttriohit nu nuidby shnnion an-, would hue the line uur nu-lI_uIllI Ia Illrrlul OI II] E you I wanna, wing has gum shay vi ol the oompiaimnro inch! to Qllllllmh nn an lnvan. wq man you uu_u-u ooxnpunnnnu unity to `potato on ll inven- Iunllxon of ti. trades and labor u ' H I: wound to . - ..uu. ""' :2" x..a.."""i'.s':"`.u. u-.....a.`,`, efeni . at 8 o'clck. _ Nlll. Rum (`Arman `FZIIII. U1 avulllliti. '1`hi-'('lheIdI.r' .) " ' u. street lotbodiu `L`.T."r3f. fr? volley, ul Victoria univemisy; will ad- giruu a nun meptinc of the Methodist: "I m`||_.`NC$ Of ID Forward mission n III`, `ltlnn null In l\h'l|:'mnna-I I... In ` Inputs ox use rorwuja mu-nun no 9. `Solo: will be nmdered by In. Evans, Ira. Stricwing, Min Builie undliu caonm min In Iuunu ex- ol Ii: position on his present. withou'n. taunting` into debt, darn} , i not to in integrity, at least to in ilulepolldenea. It appears in now going to be held out to Inn in Enginnd, an a prize, a. judicill committee of the 'I,- with I ulu-y df 825,- And I poerngu. Is it like- oonm-ry and the colony such Inna ` in `cans of our military hem-puruion he can he 0 perfectly in~ In my question between the ` dupendent utive of Cnnad' : interest? :5. an npending onnuallnl; 4 I Btitil constitution. ihilo tha man who doe: work in danger-ounly un- . demdd. sum on tho deadwood of the ' 1 I Km. CU kw.` km`: Tllic morning James Bu-ry, Ivo L. A. Cohen. 8. Kirk, J. D. Anderson, and J. Tattle, dalegateu from Derry Ihdgo, No.. I, left to nitend the grand lodp convention of thq 'l`ne.mio0 Boys, at HIl'l'0Vll)itII.' Harry An- gmvo, district dlputy grand master, went out this voning. The grand Iodu aoat: will In elected urnight. l1|lI ll Into IX INIIOYXI Ind NIIPO I8 atoms that in not infected. ooh are c|onod on Account of An opidunio ol.ume:'|:n::'|:::I`aleni. in Iqrrickvillo. The number of cue: run llf into (50 hundreds and tharois ' V nioun dust in not infnelml IIUIIIIV-CI" (III I :13. t is impossible tint Ihould most the Iocid ex- ol lain nonition on hi: nrenem. ln. un.w lo lulu: Illll). yearling, C8 to 3.50: spring lambs. 03.50 to II: suntan. I5 tn I18): veal. choice. donn, I to 1:43.; pontoon, par nag, : applet. choice, per hbl., ; hgd, forequnrtera, 84.50 to _- , nu-ten. Q to I10; . emu-Ln. In I'7.MD: hon`. med- F5 to War; Ipnng llmnl. $3.01! to U; mutton. C8 to $.50; veal, choice, mm In sum, ' mmsg llLl.El5;l Hath Dun. ban of porlinmam. would dons better if, beiore in- tbeir own uiu-ion, they had ul the "man: nlnhter on I II have caning` (Heir Inlcri , c`t.I.hctdthc' molzhternnu in footing. A In-n-nino -luualal man` AL. nnninl nu. In nu-Im-Q. com-ur, c nonoIdlNuwYo:k.oomnI:l.:n n: Mk. V) 1110.; Wheat, lprlng, um. up '4'|c.; pan, $0.; barley, (26. to Mc.; . 51.-.; oats. 35. hay, ice, per ton, 319 012.50; hay, mixed, per ton, C10 6 Ill; Itmw, per! ton, $. Ch 39; dreaod hogs. 88.75 to .U butter, in lb. rolls, lc. to ma; butter, cmnmery, _l8c. to 2lc~.; ohiun. per `All , Me. to 900.; chic- kanl. Bring. I to I135; eggs. per damn, km 140.: potatoes, bag, Inn in 2 Annlnn. chains. nnr hhI.. corn. `Tunmm, June I0.---Wb4-ct. white, 7110.; what, ml, 7| |c.: wheat, goose, Mo. to 66; wheat, spring, 700. to 1142.: nan. Hm: bnrhv. 422: . Mc.: no. to 8!. pal` III. `III! II I Dl dmsnd for an ' mochrnualy glint! in tho veal wot, pad price! I-Inpd from H to I`) each. while A _ young sold at from to out. Shipper: paid 3{o. par for good, large ulwqn, and the tier: paid from (He. to 41:. per lb; ~ Lunhc Iuld at from II u...n.nL 1.35 ml: nth-1 2.n.f'." `{.."3'J.' half-{cud boat: at In map If. -ha` (Kn thin III : H)! II IIUIII Iv. up an. [DUI nu, nu: - {man 3c. to . lb., and ,thin M from T:.w3.pu-.'l ianbridk rhmuad fur nnvlhinn mo(hr|mIv nnod Ionuul. Juno )0. - `Then were ` about '00 bad of Inmshonn` cattle. vunudtl!) uhoupandhmbn Ioculuuthocnptondnbub Enuhuwenou} name was not GI Id I1 `I00! Ia. to Me. 1b., nd ail d5[o.'pcrl'K..,"lotg.au- um garner} Uourtu`, twenty no nu old`, New Yuri. complaint t t rhudnnilullnnuriodpn Iuyltll D min: woman. mm In. nu... WC'ln-Va!-twat-u. luau mnlul-pus-nnuin an an .nhov|Iut_oholIpcoau. Ilt-U 3.,` -I -'7--It-UV. Otmvl. nuua-ugouucunuuu` Iuu-no In-in rm. ~ - 7-4-- ...:...u.-..I A-nnrlngnl -uh nohptu to (fund Lodge. I'M: mnrnimr Jnlnt-I Hm-rv hm Iollllc IIIIIUPI H03 I$.'.I'Il0l'0 Iboennodnnthhomt-hennlad. looting oi Iothodlota. m : l'"I|nar`n'u| nunninn in I I... name. In numeivxuo. -.J.I-._l_ -I _._-_-I-_ EA __ _ , I'M Ironic ! BiIiFy'.' lInln'n&hBm|. L2. '7 ll? `LII : 000! men- lo ILBO: lamb. yagrling, 5- ant-inc Inanhn, EHO tn `. lVIIy`lVO pruno ouuo `lb. Pratt good i I . ..._ .. 5.3. .. n..?"n'.'.'.7. Ullloll, Soenuny. I 3;; 1113331, IIITIVUI II I-D0 Tie fnnarnl oc.m'1ses~:nu-Jam; took 1:! thin aflcrnoon from tho m- Ink ` Iy,!'or:Ado ' ' Ilnneupnlio, .1 n.-1. s.\up.m, 'od that n tor`nI:o wmehrl'many budi to-day" t Adrian," Ii . It in ma: known or was any km. N _l{h.;`_r_.,/I _:'$.-.i'._`J KQ Lively low. Atlanta, On, June 1l.--A I in! from Unnililla, 03., says: "A ivoly bdctlo ooournd nut Gmvanin; yester- `clny. haven a charm "Ind his pone And A despot-Ado, wkiolg mult- al in tho [ling of Home V2131, the negro the grohabh foul wound- ing of Job mu. 0! mo, cu- nvyux vlluorl. `nu: any ed as a general holiday, IIIWIXI ted wit I... L. Liven Wen Lost. Poft Royal, Pe., June ll.-By the explotion of gull: shaft No. 2, ol the Pittoburg coal and coke company ! `mine. at six o'clock last night, seven men are supposed to have been killed and thirty miners antombed. Smoke rose fmnrthe mouth of the nhaft in volumee during the nlght. ' The entire population of the town remained up I" night it the mine eagerly pvuitingeome new from those thought to be either buried. under ,tone of slate or slowly waiting either death from ames or relief from the outrido. In an attempt to rescue the man known to be in the mine other lives may have been lost. nun correspondent says that William C. Whitney, New York, who leased Volodyovnky, the English Derby win- ner, from lady Linux. is extremely an- xious to buy the colt and has offerecl har 875.000 in cash, besides the M5.- 000 which mpnasbnfs 825,000 for the rental for the year, and 820,000, uno- half of the Derby winnings. or lady Manx : share, in case the horse won. Mr. Whitney? lasso of the horse lo:-.1 not expire until the fall of I902. Every offer made by Mr. Whitney up In date, for the purchase of the cult, lady Manx `has refuaed. ------ Tho Derby Winner is Sought Alto} By Whitney. New York, 'N.Y., Ju-no H.-A Lon- don correspondent. that William C. W'||iI.mn.v_ New Vnrlr whn I.u....\.I _--.. u`... v we guy-nut] Wlu Hub The Selection. Ottawa, June 11,- The minialer of militia has decided to select the eorpo who are to take part in the proposed eld day in Toronto, on the occasion of the visit of the duke and duchm-nu of Cornwall and York, from the corps who make the but thawing at camn this year. The dietent infantry bri- gadu"will'15respai.'!Il1i`Eimd in cerunoniel nxeveunmtt, lpllricularly the march put. `whilein comp, and when `Gen. .0 Grndy-Hdly makes hie "tour of l ion he `will note the regiment: at make the amurtest turn-out in the eld. Those that win the greatest commendation from the general will figure in `the great field day before royglty. I noors ron FIELD 114?. low Gen. 0 Gudy-Haly W111 `Ail Th: Qnlgauinn !'hroo- Won Killod And Eight ` Wounded In Battle. Constantinople, June IL-19. is re- rted Turkish troops aided by Kurds Eve fought a bottle with a {once of Armenians at Portak mu` Mush in Northqn Kurdistan. The Armenian: ad iroe killed, eight wounded. The Tutk _v plundered everything they oo `nd. `fut 00 plll `ind. /Arnnnunn `Thrown Into Prison. Comitantinopie, June IL--Suvem._v Armniana, who oniigrated to Russia during the Armenian atrocities in I896 recently n.-turned to Van, in Asia Minor. Here they wore arrested and sent back. _The Rum-inn authorities refused Co pass them ncruss therma- ticr and the Turks whu were convoy- ing them to Russia, tbrw. them into pnlon, there to muusin indenitely. HUI 3%? III `XCVVZX attu- Anu Intro to 1':-into Lib-Gun Qtiutioli to 30 summon Lu boon given out at the White lloum :, l rugrut. that the ll ;- tion 01": third Mm: huh` been in e. doubt. Jhether I am called upon to give It lac-lieu. But there are now questions 0! this gravest im Irtanoo baton CHI ldlnilmu-uion the country and their `nu consideration should not be puju iced in the public mind by even a Iuapieiun of the thought. if 0 third term. in view. thoniore, of the reiteration of the nug- genion ui it, I will my now once for All, upuauing 3 long willed convic- ion; that I not only am nut and will not...|go I candidate for 3 third term. ambition in-to `nerve through my ae- eomi term to the acceptance 0! my countlaynwn whom generous condence I- I0- eeply recinte and then with- dmu..Jo my uty in the ranks of pri- v'a_ta citiIaI_nhip.-Wi|li.am McKinley." \ j lulungdvton. Jnne lI.'--'I`he {wllowing but would not nmem a nomination ` for, Jt `if it were oenderod. My only . Iii A`-Inhluon. It to luobuhlll Oonipbto In Sooond Tn Ann`. 1!... `.6`D` On. Sol-:6; lam mu?j_:mm mm] wouqn nor Aocnr nonun- 1,110! ii` urnnxn. Me?'ueJuu Iimea run the` nu}; louse. has-r wrrn nnmurs.

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