Iwcnvrltunoul ' . n::.ur;r tux. sun!!!" fwnls. BATAUIIDAY, JANUAil1 Euuly Il (Iona, while {and in every form diitnllod me, andl became so natural: that am: unusunl noise would 'diItl$od und I became so netvoul that any unusual ovaeomomo. Iu'iodIevenlnurtno(medi- .emu.' but non: neumd do . I nn. wait On I holpod Inc It t.,=uuv. alter a auuuul time loci. iti. He then changed} the nndicinu, Inn with no both: re- ...|o.. .un'u. chi.-Aim A clenrvmnn who _einu.|mt.nonuneumdtodo_an.V __- Iruextwaittosdoct-tr."_H`:8 u. =uaor| a.....p'dI...:m;M He then changed 1 thonnsdiclm, mnwnnnouwuf W` gun. -Abot thirtime A clergymnn 3.11.1 ugdjo .ho1uo' pdviaedme to 4.... In Willi.-nu Pink Pi; I out A box u:d'tIna them, but. may ma non nlurially bandit me. I had now been tune wash Mia and was x-ling de- nparnua. A friend nmngly advised me to to I homitnl fur tliaatxrrnt. and 1 jnnsuaboutiaqdedtodoaowhen lndjusuaboutoauaeuwnoaowuen nn`u~_rw` leu-ningl had mkenhut. one but ` If tho---pills luggested that I nlmnhl is-v ing hoxm mats before triv- ulled uszmnouao aunaeamc uu trylh`. Willlllnl Pink Hllp. I A nndhad them, but they `d not. n-in-inllu honal. nu; I` Inn] cidodmo nglune puts ngaun. 1 gotthlnagmu wheuusadl was mien n bit. imnmud. Could cab light. mien srouna um uunppunau, 1 was fully as as bulura the tint. atr tuckolh ppe,mynervesyn_nznoolid uovvar. and -I knew: um. wai would givonrangn mmv Imucleo. So. haci- ghout Ii: mmu_u.`T w_ait tnwurk-ngqin urdhnvonothadnsick city since. (he dozen buns William l irk.l_ i_|l.I Inga-I nun ff!-ml `III ma lullnr lwnltlf 1 - any ti ...`.`. at 50 mp Odin Ill KIIKI ll IIIIITIBUDDI. daanson, aanlmon luuluan, V nym in the nu del- ootdo in and: is mnrvelloua. 1.. ram -L- ....-... ....... on ..o.l.l:.l._ III - 'm` eiactric lamps lied by chees- tuhlinhmeuta aallmg ' to nunberad 413,897'in 1317, "and 50 .722 In 1900. The largest establishment in Csmdn in- 1900 was the Boys! elogtric light cmnpnny, of Neutral, snpplymg 78,762 incnndeuunm lamps md,l,805 `um. 11.. mm. lnrounh in the Toronto lixzht und it 0: electnc to t`with Inn 621 am. - hno rapid stride: in the loch-icity for lighting, " 41 lamps in 1900, 955 In - Queho ' its mploym-mt. of `bloat-do, lump 1|-on l85,89`2 hmpa in . ms, . of I WW0. oum. . _3 following j ` Injured u_ _` _uuu. Ne-am. J... 11 . Q. Al-Hm. Ivnenllodkamou mfwllfl ml-him-n` n.l4n-1 unn- Light I Jnlnuntuu Toronto light _ ying 75,(_XD incandescent ill) uc. V1,uuo am. 0 in the my T0 3\n.l|:l. A nouns Wanhbum, Jan. l7.-Jno'oph_Hit.cl1-, cock ia'all smiles: the bnv weighed su- venteen pounds at hinh. Nested` John- ny Weir hu i-uumuod to college. Willun (Helm und family hue" had an attack of ' but are getting better. J. Weir as u no laid up. amen N luny and Pat .:..1. u..I.'mmu are home L.-um the uhun~ ` {I Has Jame: AI luny um! um rick LlcKcrm_v are home ly. Joseph Andaman is visiting at his brother`: here. Ilia: Mary Cu: is ill, William Murpll intends putting up 3 new house in t spring; he has the ma- tnriul at! on hand. A new unuua zuuu.u.,. Fernioigh, Jun. ' l6.-l". Loeumn ha returned with his young bride. A big I'll "on sun given thum. F. Gordian has 11-lurnml from Mnnitnn af- tc.-r,. u _vt:u~'s absence. He in- Pmvls `going Huck soon. 1). Lyon In-..< gone to the Univ.-d h'mtes.- l rc.'pun\- Lions are living made for building I: chose fun-tarp at Dav_v's Cnrnurs. Miss E. Godldn, on the sick list. is mcuwn 3- \ v--rv a-ninmbio cvoninc_v \-ms E. Uodlnn. the SICK nsL. 15 mum.-, ing. A V1-r_v owning \-ms: spent at W. Gtwdis` ma \\glm~sdu_v. \ isitura: Miss | Keller, Pin-tam, at In. I`. Kellzu"s; Mr. And Mrs. Tup- ping, Anluch, at. Mm J. I\IcKinn Mr. undlrs. Dulmngn at J. A. God- ILin's: 1). Keller at. J. Uodkin'a; Still- man Bslchin at ll. Dm_v's; W. McKin~ --m -6 I Rrnw'n'n. E. Martin is all Bnlchxin ll. Umy s; W. mcmn~ mm at L. Brown's. E. smilrs; its a hay. _'-__j.. Purchased A Farm . (`Adar Valk-._v. Jan. 20.-Our school re opened with Miss K. Plunken, }:Il;.v,in, "mi teacher, John Rogers has the cun- tmct. of put.ting_- in thy: snhu-[house wood at $2 :I cord. W. J. Newum has pur chased F. llu|ey s fzu'm und will take ......_...c.:.,.. 19.4. In-L Miss H. Rugvrs chased F. llule_v lurm mm x . ' I-`eh. lst. Miss H. mturmad to Ottawu aftvr spew returnui alter apenumg n jvtvk at he. .h0rm-. hero. Mr. and `Wm A. }]`lWl0y\I{l3lMrnal to Mcwill. Midn. after a $isit, of four weeks at his sis~ ter'sr.' Mn. '1-`. Rogers. A. J. lbogcm made a business trip to Kingston lust week. D. R. and W. ltogem spent. Sun~ day: at Lombardy. Miss Katie Haley is visiting in Forlar. J. Rogers spent Snndnv at, C. Hamilton's, Elgin. A few fmm here will attend the wedding nf W. I nIr~.......-.. nnrl Mica l)nnm.'nn on the "on I-'1-h. lst. Miss 11. lmgvm spending n I...~..L nl K4. hurnn lmro. TR. from here \\'lH attend the wcuumg m Iv. J. O'Connor and Miss Donovan on 22nd. IL Willis math: a trip to l 'rI!.1 with a. load of phospluxm this wvok. Viiurrs at 1}. Injvpxurmnd sister; Mel coluhe; Miss Maggie Hart and Mrs. While, Berth; Miss Mary Rape and Mrs. Brennan, Toledo; C. Hamilton and J. ' II-`nun: IIIOCI Inn: All new auu-(.> nndlliu Mary B: Price went. on Tues- dii"f.6 visit. Hnrtington and Kingston. 8. Abbott amended the dnir_vmon s con`- venhion at Smith's Falls. The Orange- men held their annual district. movting at J. W. Laidley n recently. llvv. J. Barnes`. B.A., attended the fnmornl _.on Sunday uftemmn at, Wngarville, uf "J. Sills, accidentally shot on 'l`lnn'mln_v, while out hunting. He lemma n wifnnml family of small childrvn. The fun- eral of Mrs, George Drew, r-r.. Long lqke, occurred on Sunday. uml wnn hrgely attpndorl. An aged lluslulml an-l A large family mourn her death. Miss May Almnilvmck, Flintrui. wuxrnml home on 'I`1u-srlny, nftvr xisitimg he-r aunt, Mrs. H. B. Sn.uml-r.\-nn.`_ Mlmrge Mc(`allnIn, Tweed, win here mi 'l'u l'~. putting up n munlrcr of innnmn-ants in the cemetery. "A pleasant r~:.I-ial owning was spent at the pnrsmingv on l"ridny. W. Coulter is mnvingr from his ll()IIs=t`nII Main street, to the farm ]:IIrr:l1nsc {mm A. Card. who is going \-.c.4t in the apring. C. l . Mills will oacupy W. Uofultefs gonse. Anclrvw (iihlx: wus mk- .... an mhiln in New Ynrk state. Ills nifu Hountain Grove, Jun. l7.- Mrs. llfr l'U|(!00 brennan, ' y, Elgm. 9 .i_etcV. , 1'20! TEE COUITSYBIDE. TV - V To Build A Homo; `--- 1"l,-,.Ina'-uh it; putting manner 0! !nnIuInrauu-' an P. on ill while in New \'m-k lie was called to attend him, and un Wetl- noadny news of his death I'c:w'ctl the family.` He was in the prime ui life. Xi:--:-: UIIDDBII lt`Lu;u.u.u;ga havvonv-r . The amunl numbing wus held at Cen- trvville on Jan. 9th. Tin-re was in good nlu-m|am.'o of mnmb;-rs. Charles Wholnn pI\si(la,l. Messrs. Prim amt. J, I r(`|`Jrt`dx0l| the sum M the<~s. nlunwinn n halnnw. Oicz-rs for the I'l|`IJr(tSd:0lI the stat nl me umuwcus. showi n ycnr :n%`It>si(|ent.T:C}Qrl:~s \\`hohm: \iu% pmsident, C. D. Wagii`; sncn~tnry-treaa- nu-r. J. B. )\-yluswnrth: tlirurtnm, A. N. Lnpnm, E. W. Inchln.-ml. A. Walk:-r. F. P. Johnston, J(|S\'|lh1\lU'\ \V. -I. Ndiill, R. Nugm'1L. W. A. Pom-r, P. Vumlewntc,-r: mulih-rs, A. V. Price and June: Reid. Thu qillli/1i()I`l of fmbting up |\ pt-nmmmt building fur mhihitinn pm-poses was climnnsod but no drnito m-lion mknn. A Innvms.-r Hun intnxlmwl cliaxnmscd hut clrluulo urlion mknn. IA ptqms.-r intnxlntwl by Mr. Reid. M.l".l'.. to a{t('nJ the me " nf the sncioty to pnrmma n-. niing anywhere `in Ontario brought. rm _n lively dhouniion. The resolution was punod, no one voting against it. SIUCCCIIE FUIIQILIIJICIIVIII In quoting nf hinhnsp Hills visit to Athain an e mm Sunk, the lppumr up: In the cu-ning his lon|ahip.con- dvlccurl an impmtixivc service in Christ. vlntrdl and at in! cum;-In`:-inn received very gnu`-ioutllv :"l'u1m mnnluor 0! his puu-ishiunm MM the unmqnmkx gene- ndiy. 'AdHr'(-Illeu nl wclmmo wm pro- Itui to him by the vilhgc oon;_r_x.-iluul `bv Hm. mun Vc'nghT`nu"'15ehn|f of hue. tn i\|iich,.he aide in lhhthnm dug. India at the ohhna, III lmdi '0 nchohrlf dil~ court nu! his uligniful, kindly m|_nnet nits: hrdnhhv inunnqdd A. and Ill: cent: up I ; gngantmu,` sn:;4::;:mn_dmnr` ' UNI} IIUQRQ1 A . Vilit n Admin in lung romniyn '3 aniw.`\mu Lininu-ntiu-the 1himmtknown,nrIn diidiauf ' --A34- Jan-nm`Ahnnn 1-` ..'."'""3....'L'iu. gin. rhenlinviun and hvhttlu 2%., at Nadir chug III:-I-an ail-w. IIIHOP. ninth: uni: Iurd {HUI I'll: 3UDDIIIu,I I. 1` _ yqu ask for MON SOON be sure you get it. grade, it is_th`c most delicious tea you can buy. ` . Cnmden Agdmnturgi Society. PPL- _........l uunnnn nu; I11-Ill nf. (`n `anion him Linhm-mt. is -an moot 'mL&h nnnlnnnu-I. A Now Choose Factory. L... H: _l-` Innnnnx pied whuein New York(.> I-.. I`? ll.-n IF A Pleasant komnmbuneb. A E I:.I.,-. \l:Il.. ..X...1 19. i.0i8U'MPTl 0N `THESE 1=.oUi2RI~:MEp1Es Rap:-aunt 3 NOW stem of treatment for the weal: nndgor those suffering from Consumption. wasting diseases or inammatory conditions of nose, throat and lungs. Um... to-nnltlnnnh 3: Inna. ` YOU h3\'0 IIIPIQII lulu nluyvu The matmeng is free. Ymx only to write to olfxtnin it. Its eic y isexplainetl as simply as I possible cm ~ B the new system Revised by DR. T. SLOOUM, the g'ret. specialist in pulmonlryandndrod ilolaes. 311320 requirements of the sick body are supplied by the Four remedies consti- tuting his Special Treatment known as The Slocum System. Whatever your disuse one or more of these four prepqntions will be of benefit. to you. A .........1:.... on 4}... nnnn nf vnnr case. nencun to you. ~ According to the needs of your case, fully ox lainod in the '1`mat.iso given . free wit the {mo medicine. you may make one, or any two, or three, or 111 foul`, in combination. -_-_- 1. ...'-.&-In 3! Han nimnin 111 Iolll`, In 00!llU|ulsuuu. . A cure is certain if the simple dixjections are followed. nu - -.... ......m:.ll-v ntlnnfu] dnjecnons xouowou. The Remodiu urn espgcinlly ndsptod for those who sulfur from weak lungs, coughs. sore throat, bmnchitispatlrrh, CONSUMPTION, and other pulmun ary troubles. ,5. `Duo Okay an-A shun (sf umntlm-fnl "`9- ,2 0! we Izroume. uuu nun. luunvn; ....... But tl_1ey are alga of wonderful iptes. but cures. 050! `"1 W0 bbmldin 0` W03 Thofonr preparations formupunoply syntonu in mitysng the wood. (.1 1|. - ad` 1 1; at m3k'n9 9.I "1 Ni 30 ver I';:a:egit m':1g3'mn?;.`gacl:sy9c`>1?\.. aw ` BIG, 2|-IAROE PGFQ TRZATRRENT. You or your sick friends on hove e FREE course of '.'lfrentment. 81 pl] `Tan '1`. A. 81.000: Cannon. Co., Limited, 179 King Btreet eat Toronto. givin poet, oice end express oce address, end the` free medicine (The Slocum re) irill be promptly sent. * > ' When writin for them elwe a mention this paper. Persons in Ognede. eeein S ocu1n a free oor in American papers, wil plane send for Iuilie to the _ or-onto laboratories. 51 __._i__._._..- _...........__._.....~.___ ._._z ._..__._.._...._.._...._...._.._..._.._...-._._.... {sonmmcaes `.V , _ -Thengltandhopanndarethsne: a_f_ tint moncycuuecura.`prhII_e _` . {avorlte.So1da1lov:tCInIdt,tt Gxncetsgclnbs and Hotels. Those who -are accustomed busing iniiibrted Englinhnules will n`d`i't _pe:fact1y nlhhctpxymd atamnclilawgrpdci. " r'__` . ]ALME_S M_5:PARLAND. Agent. lhggton. D . ' . M 9s3 ll`adetr'scratc| ` . _;'.. weak ulloyi people, nvgomus healthy constitutions. tn... 1....:. at nm amm 8v-stem healthy conamzuuona. The basis of the entire System is 3 esh-building, nerve and tissuo-renew- int; T00`- c~....... :......1:A ,1 -ink mrson needs none to cnelr xnenus. The second article is a. `I o_nIo. It Is for weak, thin. dispontxc. n01"v'95 ' people, for those who ave` nouppetmb. who need bracing up. . m|__..___..!.. 4-1". nn`Ir Hm 'F`.mu]nion ing I006. Evorv invalid and sick piex-son needs su~engt.'h. This food gives It. 11...... ........1. ...+ nu. anmninu nvstem 8H``l\g|'an. `1 I125 XOOQ K1 vun Av. Many people got the comphto system for the sake of the Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, which they themselves need. and giro away the ot'her'throe tions to their friends. uvn _ _,_._J __.:..I.. .1- .. TnnIn_ It is wno ncea Draulug up. Thousands take only the I and the Tonic. . nu - .1 -, 1 __-__..-L2-.. 2- -- a and me '.I.'on1c. . ., The third reparation is an antiseptic Balm or Jul . It cures oatIrrh- helps 31 irritation of the nose. throat and mucous membranes. It givos Immediate I-ollsf. rm....-.......1= nf nnr mndern nod the gives IIIIIIIGIIIIIIII I'IIII1u- Thousands of our readers nolod Oxojall Cure for Catarrh without any of the other articles. nu . .-__._u. ...u..I.. :. .. lvnnninru 01 me omor nrucxes. The fourth article is an Expootoh ant, Cough And Cold Cure. Can positively be relied upon. I: absolutely safe for children. goes In tho very root of the trouble. and not. merely allev- am. 3.... (arm n mmnnh Emulsion It 615 10? min; but tuptund It nid Prof. .Pupiq yum- ouly mulch 4 _ eomtmetmn d V llnul. give *'_'_*, pi-oeanvci -1. u . on; own Band Zn.-uzz ` York and Chicago. `nu- hnibltbu! ill` pan `, set 0` . . ~aI.:l1IIJ,mu on own mm mm: M130 I-.i_lnn no` law! cit-` ,_w ting- isavould entiuy ', 3. gyuid 5! ,to inert. glm in- , H whid: fans the huh cl mam. `it, in man, mum 1.. _ ~. Lpummd the Inlcphou _ York urlchitago. The` ; 5f % my Snt'l re to A At: lattil. E _ I Illdlo Iolvo VII to V_ . V :3` no that a mango . ` ttI4_clurly"u1d lipid- =~'ladlnvqOdFlthc onus: um; the _ "at" _ auwaudtlegolsrt`; r > .. am. am hm`. K" .-Jy""K`I`T'X""IR lllg uni. _tuIy F| 2&1! 1 v `I `WI 97*?! _ :`:g`.X! ll%_,T uuuu mu. 7.... --. ': II ; iatflor > ltttlll hnvk ml the hunt you free. * .. "nu. . d that gioomol or- A -- ' hu- _ v i..f.:`l'.`..`.;h`-'.`. ".-`:" tar ii-in tho 3-K ol spoon?` Ii-xi-nu and Iwvounau van iii gow written on ditty In 3 nuanl. 3.... uh ;u'u-no-xy nu cm:-d 1;. A _ irlth his elbow on "T 7 .?l5'`,'8 5|! 110' mu "9 C In._ In lull to` RI uided -IA _14; "_'_`P:" '""`" _;-up-W --~ -- - And E in and old -Putin `l`Imo-tIuy `otha-`I hand. T :*..~.`:'*..';-:.-.::..:-'.:.`:.:: -~ W jg ..._._ .3. map 1.1- scvtbi nu IN OLFII? `~ will in .n........., _ Old `a'th`1;|':m than nun` 1 , - on-out non. `- ' -1.: loan. V ......."*T-'**-..'m-.:":T*-L , Oarull and ~ This in an Rage : `put. Bncdh. 3 mil toil um! di , lei-din; 6`:-I tun-0.1:; ...a"$..mi'u`... by and and using, _ ` all it 3 and no In . ._ 1 nd hm sud mule ng: ind IIHICIII Ind tcgndlpq. Wtlung` I A0d_ its XVI VIII`! 7 IIIIIM. ucuuu-- ---v cl ngui am-.:r..:3::t" .un. up-nu-. -,. -1, . -ok ` In you any use hmudvunnorw pun But It`: :3 nuts inc: home omun run. 'd.|::h$.:i:v:~. thou light ot our ~l|h'1 -thou jay at our audio I f And how that on our on north- E `_ on. jtuc-nois. f~'::: am: :3 ..n: ~ I `Ch I .0. thI_ll!u0 Yarn. mud our entity Ml ulna-2 Doctor`: brought. you IJIII it tin. '5 bond to and _ (hngnry hu` cogno uv G38 to In?! . N -+.::.s.:a*..*::. .:.*.:`:g?.':.~ min uh mi orgm` s. ol Tweed dtwehyciktziyavel-|"|"yann,` was a .. -`."I.-.l'M%y mid -&"..."] ..?.'`..22'n`} '11.`; vu-vw .._.. .' - 7 , ; Low: in bag: In royal throng. U30. hf` _:_jllulHI.&I..i. l'.E)1hoPst`hI`.IpodIi0II" I k 73]! ` A... .1 .111.` n {com _I_n:oAL V-ad `m`:*a`:'r...;.....- W" 1 man: -1-Iva-W` -n ` ::?i.._ 4 I" that and a nu. gnu tltysu to:-Inc uay| ! at sinned out unfl AA FIIYMQ