-hw HI I9 l|lU3|=D6QiU\lU uull, w Iorm` I punmmm fun-I, the inure: ofwl-ich, M 2 per cent: month. in to be nppliad no 35' Nrtblhlnuux at ngeuciu in Europe an! the Uuitod'SL~uus, `um priming and 0-rcuhnion uf |m:`n;|l|lulA uunlninimr run.- Iuiu ulnar , musing l.n;1u13L'J.re: umluns I0] _ ""5 rope with lbezr Ihrewd upponenln, or to " H` V Ohlin )"-Isl-iv: from the laws, hum left the `E 3" `country. Wxtlsin A day or two, then: Inn? 33": - been :5 prupsut .:mm. to ancqnngu m- ;;,,g,,,,,, Imgrammu L ~.~uuuuba..-n....duiauruueJ -mo 1. me no to tub-3I:tib\'!Il0J0 each, up form ; (.`-omit] nnruumnm f.m.I u inhannu nI`wI.i.-I. . (`nun-r 1 A J:-"net my-in-d lu 1h`aD.i;y If!!! days. siucmdalad at Sun Frnnubeo, Im rim fol- ` `lowing inf:-=hh'.m to _op' ,0!" the latent I ` dudgn tv ln&'1rn1;:i.;ru'.ion: Wu nra' r'|_u'$eJ by I hit of Ilmril and` uup:`i::a:i- pin] up:-culjion, and wtrupt }u-giklntors, ' n Lo plot into urh ulh:r.a',h~mds, n-gm-d " In-I-I OF-' 0 imerod-' (J-1+e:ouul-y. or {No I _ riglsuof its people; `Hf-Vile mj`-u~I'bo- '4 ring to mimic mums 1-i` ul;uiu p-:.~`;;i.m_,g "till ' Iicfild it-I:' 5--IE1-1h | 7 am Mon. It ioishol, Wat v'i'oll1:rd~s of` I the origi ml setgtm or Unluforuia, In their 5 ah-to-mllutu. whu lawn been burn here. have bean-uriudlrd out of their property; and many, Ila-ling thgmsulvea umtble lo l0l)G llh lhezr ihrnlhl nnlunnnnln nu In! `- I -- _ llnmnx ll1`I.x.:I.-"I'M public vi1l ba glad to` luara that Hr. Eiiiul his n:-Bu"! the uuring Inilin `which were burnt sumo limo ugu gt \lati!cl.:o._ 'l'vu_) run ul 3101121 mu mm in full opomliuu, and the uh;-In is nearly uiwhed. v """'*!'Cl'C'@"'"- `nu nuhor-Jrh Ingpluor GIIIIMI nu to Iiilfrom on Duunhy far. 115: mlulun. in rigud la maulm of a- `nuaa. we believe. has hunnnlinly succar ful. ..--.i1's...___. ' - "`.":CO30>-~- ' 'NlVW'iiI?7if"0W5`-. -"-31IV"O- ` cggo Fgqn. oftha 2nd, '3: the first cargo; zmgzgilulor fhoni n 3:-vogo_. l0.000`L cum - ' ` .-9' ` par Illinois Oamnl itajlrond. 40;] in J Qicoioaioc u11'n.-Aeomignnrnill lee wine in urivm. Froight ma. ' * ' J ,' uuufupuper puyliphod in _ G?gbg emww],! Ill; uenco_1fuTigumnano pdvertiging ` `was . re. Amwicn. I N5'I`W8e(5l;1`iFE`I3dA:NEV-I- ..u. -. wuauuug Ill: uucu \umuI. W'""'" ""5"! from Uuiulmzu The City M! d""'`" `M W" ' ' . I will sail to day or tel muumv fur ~d"""":"_' I deltirmti-m,` un!-:4 Unpuicn 1).: ` "" r-"'- nhaulduksalikngtuberuuul ,` " II ml` for the French trumporl a--r- ""` _ _ :1 l`ri1.uo|`.-. L. which luv u vs-n.l n-Ltplud. The 5 -- 'l'u:'o.1Lu"IsI UK 10 _ _ .__. nil told. I-'1 " ._ ._._ 3...- ., ,._____ 73 `- New Your lluukcu. I20 Na-w Ymlt, August Imh- - -Mar|u.-I easzrr fur Pots. Pglrlaz 25] Prison in nu u I LI u a hull weelluloan. Iquuu-IuIoI.nnIundod.lI Ianunfala IIl;IllrtWwlIll0Dl.. the on r `nu F with lhoJ:|;:zuqh I will huh! I: Huh . DH-"I.lIf ml impurln Sale-5 7.204 F . 1*-2 , August RCO. I- I.L uuuclu. uh \..I.I Inu- ` Unphum ML-\\v'hn. ml} 0 win 1, ppm J um l'uvo.nt.nyus'.ur- ; :k. baun-J fur Lm ' ed on her w.:_v `lu Hm in manlu.-.l by and ails bu::u!Il'ul- , I I Ions.- Eundouhti I an huh ` fullbhn, !` as Purl: R-1r'\I'.NIt \'};k.uano1 Geno :9; Stud, Auburn.- . I89 c--:- 1 - mu rvlummw pnon noonanm-n sun. IV IXIII IILDKHI. nun woun mu. Il_Y BONDAGE AND M`! FEI')()M. nu n---..._.1... _...__. , rlluar. ru-moan omen. 'l'um:-Under |b. all; over 15. 4 four Inouthtf audit, by lrlniulwing good-Om gcbvud noun. . ,,. ' fhruur pdiculrl Ole UIIII. Sale I ll oc1o-I. , . ' * ` IANBE UNTON. Alhllf 1` u LI 1 l\J H D|..L4l), On Wcdnradny. Ma I515 of Augmf, THE uoclt. inum an IIIIIJII I Cat- tinge. Waggon Ind liaigh Factury, eunlining cl` Sprung Wu; out. Market 41.1.. with vmud Ind irun ulna. nuns, Cuuaro, Smith`! mall; also. I largo Muck nfneunm cd hunlcr. on an premium occupied by Mr. I PMILP. Prime: OHIGI. 'l'nnnus_l1-ml... `In ...L. -_-.. In {use AND 1'9 cumunn. -a-vana ZVUDG CI WELT` III: 400 pp. II II. / .\l[I-.l.ER,OB"l`ON I IL'Ll.l(J D..u: u 99; 3.3).. ; 5ITl-Pri':u nmuunting ..... "$30,000 ON LY TEN THU U.`5.\ N D .\'lJM|i Ella`! ' 'l'ickol_.I $6-H|lvea I8 .'z0--Qunr- um SI 25. 1 SAMUEI. HWAN. A mini). .:..I \I--..-.-. .KinplaI.`1aIy #3. I800. "_He`u;x; me for my Cnnu !"' -j- socrunax MILITARY ACA-DE)IY Lo1"r'anY- 1 . Grand rlolumo for Sc-ptcmlnr. _ cm -s v. I To 5: d-`cum Scplwiber HM. l8.'o5.-m-+/It City qf .1Iuulg:umr_y. when l'n:u ' dmdumr 1 lo um, torinuu-r_v.&..&a. In ndalitinn tuIl:e1r regular ilnporuliuna of Staple Dru. they are ulsu rr*cehin;:. dirort from ma anurcea -if pruducuon and manuuf-u-tum, _lup;'lIl'I rof Tuolh. Ilai-r a_u.l Nail lllfllllli, llumles. Curlua. Mnrlura. Hpnnaus. Fmml: and English l url'um-ry. Lur-in`: Ellrlcls. and many nth!-r mtir-lcs `mull; mu 3-94 in, Dnunnsu-T uuuks, I ulucln tho>y_ are also enabled Lu ualllzr on the mus} arlv3'Iu_l:qI-tnul term. ,7 (lftllatl. I'll er in m-rum nr Ev mail will mop nv|v_ -uuucrmu. _ Qrdvrn. mar in pg-non or Hy mail. will motive prumpI.`auenu'un. I89-ly A Juilq tilb 938pig.% , ....._.. `Q Augull 10Lh.-Mr Re nnldn. llrockville; or C Whili. R-vme; T { Manon. Adams: 9| IE Salubury. Admin : ll Gi1'wn. 1"uI1un;! J D 0 Ketehnnn and Lady, Iilmkfurd ; A 5 "j Ks.-Vnuerlry and J T Allan, Cohuug; A A " Hahoncii. Walertnwn ; Geu Nielsen. Holle- J` `i'J-I` Cnlemun, Lynn; Rev 5 S Nelle-A. n (.`roh!Irg,Mro Nelle: and Man Womi. d...; A ._ . (Hunerun. Hvckvifloz J W (Junk. \\'ial::unu.l I l-"3"|". MFG NCHPI Ina MR3 W019. Gin; .1 ' .' (`nmerum Brnckvifle; W L`-oak, \\`ial::mI~ _, ` burgh; I .CIrn|n.Matnlda: Mr Ind Mrs J DEA Bo" um! Bu I`) M Brcdy. Prelsoutt; I Mini E Tulsur. Mm F M Lot: and Mr U ' ` B Skinner. Cups Vincent. ) ` |$fl'IIH'.uK`laR. '3 I Drugs, Pamla. Oils. Dyes. Pc.-r_/'umery. 41., I70 Wu.:.nnI S'r_n1'. N:-ar Yunx. NVPTE llll atlnlion uf Um Irade Lu their large lad ntiid nook on` Drugs, Pnmta. 031:, l`or:`num-_v. &., aka` In nrMiLinn tu`Tlmi:- numlu. I-.......-a....... '5 I August Ith.-Jurlfn Glnis.` Hull:-Ville; '-C llotchvu. New Ynrk; A Duridoou, Cut;-an landing; Juhn Jollilmnntn-ul ; .\!l'ruul Wvlamn. Tumntn; Juhn llnrvuy. "'-Poll Hope; 1 Gunhe, do: .[ W lluwu. 1,. Munm.-2|; Mr and Mr: '1` W Wound. New In York; Mr L (`omumline, Builo; W L { l"uh. Nnv Ymk; W Mubmlwu, U(:a\'\`a; ,. MrSmiI.h.do. o N o 1- 1 a 3: . To All -whom it may Come.-;'n. 1* [WILL nu} recognize my receipt II .:. uqr mo mm-ml WIIIO. nnadiuvly. Kipanuu, Aujnal NM. [856- L1! vwvguvu _3: `VIN be thahihuled act-unlmg to the M- mnmn !\hnnimn.| H...r.....-I main 1.: Ly Aullwuly qf My Smlcqfdlslmnam .--u-uh ! "'_.-...._.A. a muvm A1: `ran naman Annuxcu ` n(v'!`[.. I ' ggzn. .1 _7. .3 -g - ` ` Pei Sahuope: Ko$'1_gn9.-CYcv!and- 53*} _ Am , __j _A` Gebrgop H0 if}.;.;...Z2!.' \v"!%wd scnn,-- so [rind- uuuu. Jami Slur & Sun. hnrtlli 28 loidtmulu N Wnrnor; W grind-' mun. J W Hm: I1: 98 barrel: Saar. ,u5a-mania I _ cum, and non ;iadnuna.Ownon.,N.uuud. _ Per mar Unllrinhovhct r-37 bar- .la!I~|"Iql. I3 -Hunk-, I9 hum-1: Ip- plu, fhnnu Johnson; 10 rd!!! . Swill! Gt Cu; `:00 bags gum nuul.J Caldwell; I ha: bouts, . S Plmul. ' ' " Par Summer Nayiar, Cups `Vincents-5 Into. ml: and I hukels fruit. S 5lc.'\'ei.ll : I bake: and 1 box. W Harrinnlung I package bnnnknll H Stephens; I parli- nge mu-kt, Lanch 5: (lo; 1 `ml: gnods. J HuuiIun_I;- I viliie .gaoclu. A _UnI`- 1 fun]. ' i; Per AUCTION SALE, Il`..I..-.)... :1. IL; -r 1- V Per Sczhnunrr Omr Pnln. Rum! Em-- ga;->:e- `man: 2"; Steamer hapinr. Capo Vincent-lo luulmlnpuuhn. Llxalsel ne appbtl.` ; m|...ihnnn. l_nn|n...I'a'n-IA. I AHIQVALS AT _lRONS' HUTI-IL. .n- mg muyvllncenl nrmrue! l.I7`And eumut Prize is drawn LI each s'm~.r. paid when due wm.huuJ.'de- lull ! A - . 8CHXEFF.ELL`,.BB.0TI{lll8 &: 1:0, WIT or three lntolfl `ant |.1dl;n Vuxiurn far the Human Vmc. Apply im- dimly. er` 5;-bonnet B-Ind _E_In-_- 3 m......'.... mmm. Cam \'moem-|< T. . l .. ...,.. 1'01 IIIIIII Whig. rwtl QC _-% , r Sh-wan"! Cle land-l lot lfurcsiisalq ltd Q in use. 1 i\'ickul- `- mmnau plltikei. I IKIIEI mus apppn; r Sumner Briunuia. CIpe `Y'i7neeI:l-2 lurgou in l.oIv.. ,:Au:n lI.l:._,_u. r rm-Imcr my mun, ug ,l`uu.-iginud _ _. r Sun;-net Clara ` , In '1 spin..- ..-A _lInAL in I... IIIIDIII-lcl incubus. I M m . lllustruod. sin: 31 3: .. ._.a. mu. .,\ rsiniucr Bay Su, tlikurgh-'-T Fnu-Iialn for] IDOIIIII dIl0' ma. Qlmnl Ammul hi, unlvu uv n _- nu LU 030,000 33 .|...a..`t......4 ..... ..L.... . FIUDI: HIVAIV. Agent lll Mlnager. M-imgu-nory. Ala- ..l.00o aro.. jK`nITT" Uuv IIG. - B00 Ara. I00 nus.` All a u. -.r. _..v,.-. "-1 turns ur-ms p.u.'rw. urnlun, Auolbnaer. I '9 [.l.Iri.l.\`. \ Publiahen. rl In! (in... ` .3'I.5-"o-g !. mm "in 2,000 3.000 `B".|-.3`; :1 ml. - A nun}. I P001 d'~Pr?IIear-l;r_-.-ll: ~ `. _ dulrtr-'I . ' ` v r a::`:;..:`.....su .;..;.x-~ ya Fri-udu ml Ibo1`nulJiz 90" Muunity. tfmlqjnumovm Luedl` `rumsnud mam" ` T-he -W" Haul. RRIiI`l_]~&1u vdcueiol the]? Hon. lain l(urby`.`I|uu H155! '``:u`:i - .5. ngyuou u an!ennnmont'of TrII'" uzl naaidou, at 1. ll-_....._n.L.I _u|. `L. pa-up Lost 0' II? lllldl, IHXQIIH D3. Thunnlugumw, bate!` Wind `H13, . .. _ .`Gooa sublii; and Shaun. JOHN n1LI.m'. ? ` pn:-ca. - ki` S-um: 'l'iv.-In-ts` amnot trnnsfmbll MN :2; than Huqly.` Kinualon. Annual U.... !7"55. 185 `i town: :uTw.mnu N a ham; Hu,dw4n. |-:..umun-I: nne sequined with huinou. WM? lwrim n guol ind. Indnuh himul!` unfil- AIMIIII Bot M7. Pool 0500. Kinxotnn. `Angus In. I655. A V , v on-u ,;'.;;.. :` - W J j ` C 1 Ir - LRIDI F().llD 111!` e fully lnnnnurl Q - In his moulds`: the Pululic.II::1.M WI supply u Bub: fem: Monday In W Ilav. :1 10. Id.. and-on Saturday: an`! " ll 3 l. during the pruenlpd Iwoluilowinl n_n-rvths. ' IT` Tdfri- r rcuTiBulII. gentlemen lur- Inl "emn 'l`icIu-hind viumng the Bun- Wthuut them`, are expected In pay Ibellwl Ilnn. - h'i::_g1\t"uI, Qslhhy, 1855. I ' ' "' ' V V ` I I ' "` , lIIdlim)_ nl-i-_-Ea may be um ulvllined nt ho Namek Of dyrin nmcu hmm. Amucu Urncn. hIrI.`l' r1: l-er. lb! no-u vy cuyuw-I Kingston. August 91):, IE5! 'u'|"Il'|\4"n '.l'w-1 !ll!'t'|iI:.1 wiil ha rquin.-J. In [-9 bound In the sum of 15 `qfbl to; the dt-.- p4=rfoImau :- F 1' 3-1.`-mun-.t, shone bong: 'vl-9, sign Lure must Lu nlligud lo llw Tu" . I def: -' ` I 1'H.' ATLANTIC HOTLI. , BY JOHAHIILLOY. ;uvu'u)u:_-_-_ u the Unnlsun n T 'l IIUV. .. - ` Two suns-in will be rI;qu:iml ti: kg buuud in the mm of 25 fa-.'h., fvr thu.I~.a pqrfurnranvca nf tnia u`nntrct_ ab :9 In: R :c bi;Im(W`3l1!L3:1l l.'u nlxcd to *lhu'l'z- .L.... den 'II.. -Sweeping Chimney .Fiuan5n the; (.`m. can u!V Khrgntun. and its delmndeucim. n. pa.-r ue. Tan nnmian Ii" In u~n;n'pmI 9).}. ' . `HI: 2.`: _ ma. 4. (.4 Wnkhing ml It-paeizing BIIIA-.'k w uh},n'IiI `-"I'l1dig "l`. fI- ' Txid am`-.=liva wi!I _ bu`'ro_ap{reJ, to [- lmum} in ie :uun`hf`i250"v.'n6h, M 1*.` dm pcrTonn:mce of_lls1t U-mtmct. Illu- lmnu Ii;-J aigumtureu "must be uiml to 1: 4'.-den. ~" ' ~ \'-nP G i t B Q. t h s. I ` 'J?` .. E T I`:-J"::`_'1'.'.n.;'."'.?,.'.";: ~.vuu.- .,,vuu uu usual '1 HALE!) TEN _ RSJII dupmte. (1 L |.nmIe,) IoI`:|I|O..IllidIIltIn:oIl.i.tIc-(J at mu-a. wall be ma-iud by lb`: res;-mt. Ulliuwu uf HI!` Hnjalyh Urdu.-mce _lL~;\d Qtmrlirva, M-uilrm-i,"lIi3il no -1: M.....I,.m oI.- Gnu. .a....+.o' -54..."... ....: `J I\'1`\ll \[-W I Muuduyl llllllgx 3" lJ5l9n ` And I hereby on-juia the High Ihili any Cuuanbk of the nail City. tn Km; Uenlruy `my Dun nr'Bilc1I fuund runuin; _hn: l'nmunI_eq dyujng `the Lune sh orddlad fur lhF1iK`tp,h hp! in. Chan Colnhethor Muzalu.-`cl. ` ' llllunn nnrlnr emu kn-.`OK4` lid. 1.. uuI|uuL'u,u|- guuzzlltll. ` I ._ Uuren under my baud.'%o 935th day July, J555. . .o_. .s. a11.nI:uLE1-:v E. - 'II.-... tn ` _ '1 here ts-nines u-iil be fun! period 4 m.-u- ye -Ir. cwtnvm-nc:n-g the Is! o-I0.-I _. .. _ and. u...A.....i.... Apprentice -anted. _ LNS An|:;nItIi`c:oWmhd to we Tw- I ll ` _ 0 "w;:.r.'i':'Lu `A33 7 `Wcllipm alto`- _`$_____________._._ finunun lnnuno OH: {I51 I97 ; iiux aF_xmus'rojt-. J uuu`,m.ann _ * T - J. M u'EanIgg:fy ll-"Q thin day pinned In my hands` g ., J04-n.nnd that I"lI`l' MID all M, Agent`. to vcnw puymun $ All venous indebted an nhon. _' H` " u[IQ%D&l -" *:.':.:,."....% -:".........' - all may omce .Nu..Ia, Lu.L,.. ings, |m.l_-make p.,.. .... .0 cull. - TITDMAS v Kincsrnn. My em. ass. "`' .`.I; HAT dlb\'u1fgBi . } tukinlggjfua } Ii-it thin luv nlmvul liftmv In-"la g. , T`. Sindee. U` `.5 DIV !!! ! Gndiag. Tina P-an V man` at K . 9 T3 ` `I1?-`ol II:"`iuHI to wgin I I ` rhll-"|'F PPYi_.M_ For K011 &J: nu-unnuu uunneu ol umn. g .e ' reIniM'| to 115:! v i ,Ivl.a is mpalgle GT _fIl1ngL!'oh um. .9` I01! -Ciuf Paprur inscfliqnl.` -_._ 111-`em:r* ia`a`I1!Fy"" T .5 \}lT ,, U1! 1115.5 7 3 A, Ilualtlo Pro .rl ` 1 _ V1,! of Picwb, I of Pnncu Nun}, u.. mcron ITIAI 1 With the Wharf and State Holt`: H], CH IMO of Qrjndins 91-5. Win) em '9 QFJ-nu-4p f Tiwuumd [Indie 5 6 uin` ' ' .--.v- zlw WI '1 5""? [Wu-uuund lluahs 0 "Grain. * -Th: mean` ailrwntnr. .n I ~ " Wtiin OI` , MR. TH05. :KBmV'I Piqlon. 2_2I:%' Jill)`, 18-S5. *_...__.: . _-.v-.---o ' n '3 V. I I _ ` , up-v IUIUII IC` ; '7:;c. 1: 9, ram `; J. as "If :- `H _v 5.0?` o!U:lr 555, um] mling 30th S1-pkembu-I 17611 SAL 2'1) . `HAT Vllunhln ] r|{nAr1luE_..E NOTICE. `HIST (I I3 HE A, NON NO Cf r (`Ix ~n~sn.u--u..s . uu IJII nu-Jen : uluurulce I -I-`iifi. a ', the 20th day'bf-'Augn.<:, was "Rf. 1 ` ` tf1`~~:,-YEA`, an I any other inbr- i-:!a uuvoaiu . cln 5' zdm Ofce,` Tngrton. ` AI |\I\Ill'I l||Al`l-I-MI I uf King UVI , 18.55. I IIESIIEI. _ JOIINMILIIH. ` ` I.` .. ..._=. Nuris-H. Mn milk. `.4. f'u'.'.'.u..."" :.' |lIg-nn. nah- nu R a,-.a.| 4. L! Pilhlllld ['l 5Vi|`l mgaluu, Ind ill depri- .;.;.':r-:.*..-*..-:". I I I oamnu. J 1.- `(Ema-mu-aI.na.d.u Djll Ch` QI.L-nal llll . 9.32.` "a..."::.}`: M Ilka. "I4 Itkr. uin L: an`) in. cm... 1| : vnugnru rlawnu. ;.. f';un'l;aq:::.::: E I-`op-'|ovsJ Ibo! iug how it pays *3` 1' `mm. hm. `hm 0IfI_lI|I to known to ho mulnrk-ably nch _ Mu.1&`]'.`*'& Kw ill W350!` Fllll Fflllc H NI-Illh-.'y pour :- ." . -mu Ihutdd il (III lllpwlant at In than my other` . M; : `.5. {n aw u` Milli] law: an. \r'_Ij-all] pr.-ui-e rim ",5" an A. 301* `Q '. `hi uuhhnaupof Fair for thu ucnrity i! .r. bid;-u. .5 - Md: Ipllm Ira, but how cuuid it be 1 ounce offglilgll hr . M A , 1.`"`*......:..I*``"'~ ='- - he s':`:.`'.';:`*:`'.-.' :" 1.'`.'; ' ,K, '~ u w u .` , 1 P8 u u M ind It any Eu.`-'-I W -ill, tho Ufuuxlians jnnlortlihonnonns-In an Ouuu.- 5"` W "`~" *5 *` '3! 0` Wit ` 5 Mn. ug ag. uhvm` ,._ Vlgll haul; of thnbar, n M! trwu ` 'a*.:=....~'.:-:':..-:.~.:-. *?::... ...... I.`-3:"-"3. -"L-'&`1.!:i`.7:..: .?.I.': ..':.:i: * audit of Rowena It. I P III E - l*"M|l'l-Ildocl Ifildill |IlIm.1h:u I g,..g_ up no u_u.( .3 N `M ,. ,_v tiauluulrudy imiuo-d nu: moral; in In: In cam. oflhuoldion um. . 3-": M I-vxoy-~_dov_-_f-rd.,m. ea. mm *4, lggbmgnguugqggg . `III dun: lahlr to Income u I anal music can numhcm 5304490! l'1J-WI" 13.0 Ifg-do. Inn` at uiuuo-duidun Eiuhlz 3.l`hy,only nnw.:: 2!? m...' In. u r."".' " :'.'.'..':..--*'.!.'.:u:."*.:::."a:.':.`.'...':':.;`: %..`2 .'."..". .`:-.".A'."3;.'%"_.%.....' `H211:-.:'::? `ti on :loei-!:":u:::;u.unu:;:;' Ural uwu-IJIJIDIII EM I ZN `nun slauthoy cnnbdp. by turns: its 1!. Gilli.` Ilmofon, ant wound not 50 pnhudve of mania; quite on Tm _ out an when bunoum \ _ which jn I.-nus. ounoduuuinoiuunaruu. Nom- up uu bonprdod uahbll. ab: in Iuonuuy dun can law. db. in bidlnd ntlnly at the mine of fgmlgn flougiucncofttnncalp of-chad 115173 fining u;M'tl ll`. (.._ug`}". nun dune-no ` - `I ` . Ildyh i nun olrhh A ' V li_I?t!:i"f:Jo Im bun ann- -....;.'***%"n::.*.;:';."=.-. **-1.:: " V ` ., DION! \ V huulql-an. dd ` vvg . Inaiduhu but am of. ~ duping. lhdnthu In-nl.louyn ` I-Ii |Ii'OIyMoIi*Io In dump ` , ly lcloiut I. wigh'pa. hu- * Vplalhywuf the launch umd T _suh-rnnlog art. _ unt} Izoi.If|lI mu... `. in-ram - __ `-Iillllh Thatch ho almdy Iqnn an the continual. llltot Iluight or mo: viola dun. -_ ring` Ihaucillybnndynlbndoklquui iuhmfdhtriount luau. Thu nnlli an . mllin dhlhgypmhhb-K _ voitbaquumthoammofprhu no Iill rule up and down; though In no of 5 nlonlhl. nap! In-let onepl `undo: uuuondjnuq citcawunoou, um lluetu.I- IIO an rim may are ya! likuly to lano- ; lit During tho lam days ul'Juno,1Id _% in Ibo only put ofnhit month, we won a bland um: very llul weather ; under 3 I'm inuence of whioh our crap: I ah: ra- .. . but Irilhhl the hut few d: I 1!: any rains have fnun, Iccmnpnuiad y . whit winch, and the} Inn baton Ayn E lhu lam -Uulnuuusbinuoou murna. tho I: inf may pro of ni-ltblo " omujuonoe. Mulilnilt-atrur :35]: !:om 5. about _ amino:-using. bath of nine um!` our. (the femur from the Delhi: and `Mr `I :1 dilnrnngun, Ind tho lmler (`hit-I1] from -H : Spin) oontury to expecutsuno. u an In , quantum at uni Ihi]'}rI:n port: do mg: M auoll mgun to: p t; and in 141.14 1.. I to I in, our brldrfuoch . Iqillo In inn uutiblc; forth Hill 0' *7 :- cnnlunno hop pa with tlndcuuul, N rmdg dour-lnhouo ho!-I chub W m III [hi All huh: Kt in-III-3 .d I 9 I I I I 0 ti 0 I Z in U ft :11 In P E II` U1 th . - c ~ I.` I uio \' It r r **""'; ..::'.'.:.. ,.....1:...' r-* ` ia- ' unusual. IIIIIIIII (III `llul. jvlmt lm` ` and in data! an no! avg iNqIndlu:nn`en.*q_nf3; I wanna. manual of which tsmhurnt.` ......-""".':'.:'.:.:::.':`.:::."....""'"' T at-begun In am... In: diniuu VA 07 I15: mm. u. an as vi` July \bo_ _ h. u_I,I rrmru II}! In Iillnll aeuauuou iiodiul Mantel by new twang- unhuuu a wink if an Inky. nu: Ilunli. - uvem Bl nun uictuurnt; ' 1 3..-'. =IttuUnoc um 1:31. 1. up a nunltll `*`"lI`IJI.lll.h|3 ugh. ism? ` ma.:5%ww=== . _ Itizlgidon ayuul as ch futon ueupox ' hlmb nu 0-sauna. I ` OIIIITIOII nu 9-: Au 1)! Aunt. I 10uniuhb. that on the i7Lh d|.thn num- ` .jidnknfI&l.nInam and II- |:u' LI-IlI|III}:i Iuuqunulnuaneuuym * Ivar, rental which vmrburnti ` nh.ih-=$hu.l.l..... uni at 1.1. uIo:co.ol`pnmu uni hr in army at- Illillihldtj 1 RIIIiII_Iil' " ihlihwli ham.-y.L if l'y-iI IO. fugue: I~AIl?ID Ibiun. eunuiniug 1.5;: nix njhulu of uutry. qitl F??? El VIC! 1 lupin: onlrrlcn nu us an or mm. * lnhui llunauhyuibo fun ` Goniwm. i7lh' nu. tine mm- I loo 9&1 'jA.nunu-u-nu nun-um: 'llh -I-Inn: on. CL -. 7 The rim-0 up no Gain deudunnt in-indium uninhl in nan: ruin... `lqv r: . _. mm. 1.1; 3.` an 2:! 1 ' sdnu ll "'-.T';......n..... ..i..T.;...;:"y ~ 1- I * 11.3..-nqn.d...uun.(.uua.:i VII Ia|L`f- Dllbic. Fritz. July 9?, III]. ADO! Ill hlnnulond in the vipim ``_ ' "`"' ` _ I but unit. II III I-arly hour on ' '- "*|Wd yet mored-nnu Squire gum , 5.4 gm, .,.h,,',,,,,.I ,,,_ cuuld ne'u,bc!a--ru the aura mum-antic. 1...; n. ` on Shana: and eloewhuo. '4' " "' ' M ~'*l'W*' luhc n:.I<'t~Ied `.55. ..,....,,u, .~,,,uc i,,_ u hun_ by s -rm ..r the mid _1-mung mm ` gt u. gig`-...._ .]1.,.""' 0 the mm:-ohm-hood. To av; to um "um" I ~ (I3 lb nah nffug avg" ..m.u,` he QIIIIIOII MN In use his mamoMn.4.- MI]. Ill yd (Q. 15],,` . Amwd II HO! pnnemm In! preunu-d [ha _y_|-it it iunehl mun. ll lobe`: and inquired if the man: 1:- Fl W `II that I O Q 3 . iodiuho :.Ilir;`n"I.'h:`.l llnoourd nl Ihll , MIMIC. ` the that L`! NI! 0! 3---s -um` an Inn Is _ , ` M :::'x.'.`:.."....'.':" .i1.`%.`:'.:.:`.*r:.:':`.';`:.::' Ii I9? '0" auua."unuuu.q.r - 7 `Kt vllufl. aunily'pnui'- gt` M` lulu; rjnlil p'Il1iIlI'aiIg uut o`mdr- . I .t0,rKB&!I nth iuprocnunun I Il HQ ItMi._- Jluhod. haul] if laldhooulpouhc whloin ch very act I mun-gab. hit fur am. he noun-`e. fr Jlllltiilllll wall cl -ud ncncfuunho ': (. 9 "_ uf-0 kw him: royr--nah". Mlcr I has obuition of Mn inplllon. ". IIIIIIIIO. Iru-uhund by n llln namnd ! III Shire:-nure1i.noolvuA us our infnmmu yj `jg 3; nl IIIIIIBILIIIIIOIIMIIII . by I an 3:304 rriro rcuroi. resolved as (In: ilxl-cunt . I Wlthnn (upland 5, 5|... 3,, lull: uo. wpon I resort In Ihc In N urnnoh -II uvuu nrrrulgiu um! I] IHI. and mo W is can ushl, -- Win! 3 who of- hysneh Exhibitions 1" lc-tn find in this depcmnunt I pminent nnwar.-- Bandits in known `bu taken it-:,00-I ` fun` In: mum] to nature In crulizablvs dilplly hem of Ivor pwifua.-1.3.3:: I ul comic in any Inc on. Her Wheat, Dem, ' Pen. and Donna. M. uualty n-mugs] in I-Iphldkl. (hut ivny bu! rn In-.-1+ .o.n"ng bail puuhndd oumgul -I'1.h1+;\u'}-I-00) II! hill to hull; ho bk. uf I.` liau " 0119 ii |'.Ipu<!|`,n.`a AMI ulna! '6-11.3.1, -12l'0 o than it nqtaa `(mm ma S.n.-._ .1.-I Mo Vi In Alan. Sc,-Ihu. um] oliu-r L` .`g.9- `holu. which Europa hu noryot lo.1r|wd ` IO! M lllhe. Tncra is ll wry err !::n'JlI 1 , but of Clnlinn nunuhulmo. ` 150 ` C 'III If the Ooundinn ` III V Ill tho nolahlo unnu- Iunu-Iuh zluouhq. oozoouu can he ` " OK!!!` the inn hkf:I:d nrnon El. 'C30'Il|*lIl -nr it. an: bhwovrt at the public I I I I I I I` 1' I 5 "I1 "'* . . . . I nu! ma, .;:d(:1::.hdluu:xn| hm-,).u ,_ __ _YO|I 0 an I I0 ' `Gift Lu ugh ago. `1.`ha'g.out An- pou. than I wilderness of o'1,*1|_--I cm:-a billing] bone: is n -w mature in`- Itnolin loll! of Ibo 3.1!-ildtiou-lIml III hunt with all manner ofengine-.-s and II wtinfmnchinory. from all part-I ' `uhhfm-dd: onhlnu and larger mice. lieu of Hips-roll,` specimen: of the Grain.-x Ind othu nntnhl product: 4:! many hands In hen nrmngol ulclwby ui In. And the ` ullliol il Olll li&'. mill at uni In at`. ` i F `ud:8-vinnhw mimic. lid in grexm dlilib HI! male lay Gawada it Ild Ill d lhhibhi-m. ruin his Mu Ruhr Tums. aimed mu lily. we `-r v 11:! blu 5|. m... In l...n;.| JL.1.... \ 1. '. - 4 '_"" . . Hana GrnlJ.hu.muu*ne-l fa-um Indy I; III! input was . - In ouncluia. no 1 III hi Ihouuululhj III! hue .-nan ml`: which an alwauf no Hudson`: B41 -fopnny. lhuqhl that rule! uxumlgd am im. _ have non for any yuan put ouMt.-ole. - `I *0 -Inll! III ltllnl uo culolcnl--J udpvupuuu. and that me put scum has bu pnullnw healthy can-q. ul` chal- lhli aunaunaul an an u I`: Buy I,`,nvn- E11`: uIumm.Ium.um um Hank. st- tio on ma: cums. Ind 5:. Pul'q[M:'n- unit] on lbtlr ouutheu r.-mum. ` _ _ , ---0~9-_--- 1 Ind hp hum Ills! oluvplinnu _,1IvrwmnI`fmrn ' ` ` man. have been urihrly ill #0`! CW Thtbictnf um 0X.u:J|'i0ll. it hp lllhlig. w"vn'n!t diet loamy 1 ` ' 1. no`: u onmian Ei\I|l I|I_l. Mr Jnhn l r.In|:lmnJ bl-iv` Ouiptabus no Iginornhlg perish I. in` Hblai` IVUI7 inrrmaliun [wr--curable mpuiug .2. nu ma. 1: is Iluu In he hupd tint they any aumolhl In rahanmz. .- who ` Sag my run HIM .`\men.:aa 1'}:- linl. u Dr. Kama. `which Wu don. puehod in neural: of Sir Imus Pruuhnn. and scanning will so much nmuuny 1: mm- lllitmglut um Irhulo_ civilhud wmld. Tho depanuro of ill Expodihun mm. Uni-at Slut Lnkgtul pm. I hwlr xunduuvuua. htinyotbnn lm'rdof; lM In ma ro~ , QIWII lmflllurit had been for game various pom, u hesmu mm; = waiinivgd. in mph who 1.. .e:u"\ their `I0! Mfirflhl upuing u'l'Iu navi- . mm. Iwrgrcuun la Bantu um dly. Ihod In run lusn. Andor. amount. of the u-It-m Bay Cum. IIIIII` linlhman being `ou|t|,IiI ue ' In-twang III DIIU lIU"T"I III `y'al- llmtlcxnan being gnu of Hon. John Slnwucmf Qnibos WIIHH" rod uulnrl. fur slug An-lie Inn II_rpmm_ nputy. ' W . jun: um-tho Uwlhnl sum cation lnfII't1\.m:-1: Lina luv! Iv- _ _ 9 ps_ `don! pl luu um] gziiiiiiy ii Scion: uiau I '9: WWW "".i'?' "0 uh-0`: Blomnmouc up illlhc _ , `UIICJQN IQJ juici- uunimuy tum lnnlauaulu-ncnuneuuna tunings-, thqro _Il mu rqanrlll ` In Eh! Illa! Oiiapeodilg 90 II ' punch nstot to the y V Volahilts-in. the Inn pinned y tl Inn is than um hnfonile plain. We my Iowan: the Human : iluy happily` ' I an lo on ahd III- ` Inna in no my sp|au1Ld i.. mm om. ` Lnlnnuo, VIM: are ucIuv'ne!yTlmmad as ` Iitlhihd anus` n -la M` the Ir-mu-u line. WII liflrl In llw Expedition: to uni Aru- II 003. In learn dnu um arrangement: ; I hl'i.~ tI Icomdnnuo with Hlrunorgu .`iuup- , - *&*imrunat.--fr-rvn-int! fmm 1.1mm` i W? hat. luvh In-on mrir-Mn nu- ._.._ - ogoa-.- clnaln ll Ila Frunnlxlliltloa. C "' jg wunwwu; uvultqull-9: -F natignmsas "W """` 5- `"""| *`|Fl'U"`!*'?` . T IIIHQIINQ, tin -' E %_ "J! A ....';,.... .* ,...*.zr.:..'::::*~..:,', `obhl HI `RH; ` . I ' I i - Iulh;' In ill. - I`-*-|'-`H-I-3-`rah 1065- tool as mu -.auo"ma..`.u. .J.'.'.u.[ _ ;:f(IO.lI.i`.-9:I.":.'1IkI:n`h.lNII0I 3:7 '_";.'.`_ "' "" *"' `""[" `"" ""5 :3: Imam; y lilfuc wynnduiau. and am. In ehewlum on the mbrnlc yiuumulnd A units` M g Eloewinul. I : null!!! Nil. 1' runny JIIIIIIIIII. 7 An hour Ifwrwanl Squire Brndsher and Mn uolinuc mm to onme. A ccurdingly the brldn llnlily ItMI'|_I`d u now lu the Squire. inlhmi him than the nu no longer Min Flint} I-II Mu. l"unky Julnnan. and that In Ind not tnuhh Mnnnlf any lumber ` glut bu. `LA -ma-l-|..J ..-. :____'J__n._. an n mumlng. Ur. John`-n.` tun nunumr w` angry:-1 I.--. mu mo. uul lhl fru Hill NI! Inauagra u! love be Funky and IIIO boiahgnmn, \\ poll II lln appointed hum. '|'| rim won pmonnod and Mn: ` hulls Mm. Funky Johnna. An hour ntumnnnl S:....;... ll mg. was wmml mlrr man`. | I III: than Into infno, ul'le'rnnon. lining nn time on IPITO, he put of undcr`\ hip and upur In lvlaxhomugh, uh: cw-unty mu :2: ha Income. Ind u lhu uuw umnanl napmd If n aunt: to abut; for u pnsuu.-- The umm. look can nut to inn`-mu II-e minute: that it turn his mum wanted u it}! Inmhuhnvulv um um, :4` u sxicrn wnro n-..-._n., - .. .. % auu rmnty. an n-ply. nulhmllod him In any to Mr. Jubuoou, um if he wuullgua randy to nut ha: nnunmo the n II morn- ing. the w I him`. ' 1 II Inn in fun :l`un"rnnnn ll .-im- = munyinmm tr-Squire Brnduhor. she u--nld do no. ` -um nervous to hold I pen. mrnua w ml weudnag--Julnnwla war only 57-Mi-I Franky`; 150 anally. They laud luau ehildten lugslhu ; and while Hwy were lmlll quill? u-mg they luld fund. Ha was not Iuunec that she and the .` uira ohcmld Imrry. Uu Frixhy. evening. the day hufure ma upccled wed hag. sensing I neigh- 591' pining III! Insulin. III hailed Min. Tim ` `neighbor I`-nund Johnson very much -excised Md diuunhud. Johnson Iuled to him that n In ounld ant hour this thought of M in Fun- ky`: marrying sauna Bmluhur. tmd lhal. lu- mute] lnm mun Lu Mia Franky at nmu And say In Inc: In: him that if ulna prtflnue-f he neighbor inainusd an hi! \vul.ng in hot I Inter Io llu'g,e[ur-1.. olfming In dr- linr il. " Nn.,"nayc loo. " I mu entirely I You must go [Ill dolnvir the manage " Fm unlod and to `rm! to Hit: Frnnliy I we!- ddncmehrge lluchiu m-mango of"!-n-c. Mm Pranlry. in n-ply. nulhmlaod him any Julumm. um ii` In w.n.lI.m.- (NIX. ' ` The dluzhturl of Mr. Samuel Jolunsmu, annthr I|'IIkIIr'll' cl` llvu naighhorhoml. tn-nu anriud In u \i t!HiI[--Jullnbllll nuly I-`nnkv'a_ nu euoxlv. Thaw E men. an Clarkwilh Tohno mm 1 3 On radars will mnvmber that now: that since in stand that iv. wan very usual I; for lldkl in `uuumte coils!`--r breach at'm.u-- H riago pron-Bu. hm. that an innumu uf Inch h an nut, in which the uomlcmnn was the ,p|uilI- ` , ml`, h|~l fulluuwntlnin the anus of nut "hurr- , vmiun ur nmlmg. The uMowingl'um may ' Ind Inluhh n du-nmurmenl : - Squire Juhn lirndsher. ul' Porsun Cuun'_v, C... haul bun I wiqlawcr fun only 3 _la,w Au also luu In!` his gunner. ha - repud with the guwmnt.-I louv- Iq `uuon.aud naturally fall imn ` mo mm on 1; . M... Funky Lea. ur ' tho heiglulwthaud. by may of diopcllimg his gluon. P in nut in human lI'J:ll'I fur rzwo canal uwoulsjelel. int Irann un- lul mul Ulrubhinx luu-u,'un sum.-ratu nuuunlly and uuimtuoly. without becoming Okungijuuphld. out up Oh: ulher. The thought an int. `porhnpu. entered the brsin J _ Iiuillut. Twain the-nnn.| was `hm- gOU!]- aC'h5I. winh an nuns: utraotinna, ' (fur, mind yma. IIII wn only 61.) ope:-.~n`cJ like uugio upm the Irdent mlllrn of the W Squire. nlm, thaugh: his uvenlietlu year, \ wu t-juvnnaud by the lusmnniun ur Mia: .l"Iinly'o mule. Ha shire!-no. fuuml nu ` liony in uniting up his rninulwamrry ` her nf he:cuu|d. 'llu proposed--Ihc nee-pr Id. The mowing 0|" Suurdqp. HIE lllh uf July. jut puunl ndclov.-It. nu lined upua fur lhu luarriugs. Tho Squir [ro- Nrud his linuu, plld ug agya pm.-a fur at.` in rim: of the upeoud iccuoiun to my wualth. anlpluyml u puma, rigged hima:-11' otfin a unit 9-I lilack. and nude every niher imxginzbla pr_t-Iiminary arrangement for the ow.-muuny which In: In cnn-un.ua.I.o Ina hllu. 'l`|.. .l-..-|.a.... -1 II. n____ I I` n , . ' lllfl-I DDIIFU. - 'l In stringent eiroliamhnol uunn-voted with thin film! fual trnnnctih n in, that no steps have yetbooan ulnm by the prnp 2: an. thutillea Io dhcm-rr the perpetrator: .f the dated. All um pu:icmnmIt.v whnm wu : p -!m Ihout the mutter. km.-vv n'nIhin,; wh mm cl-out it. Wu enquire-I u] the wuclman. Hudann, If my ati-pshad bvrn u.en,In nugxks tlw mm:-r known, wlmn ha said 15;: he had aieh Mr. N:-ing ull .'\lnM.y Inoming`: arms In natunmnt of the tuna- ielmdnlhulIhinfufPulicre- This neg!--ca. In uxtremnly di-unuuful. wlmnvar may be to blame fax: it. We hope, however. nu: nu ltepl mil now mnzun uulaken to fem.-I . out me xumy union. Hhnlq nut yes luau llourlaiucvl wlm mu mpn ll ling. met. with no liml -.1 fat, or how 4 I body hubocn diapoud nf.--Ilobe. A I -*---do-&o--~ Enrnuuuy Ihnipgo. : Iqglgunnrwc. wlunu quota "Eda: n-that mm` rim. om (II their Ihuldcrs clone to it Sttvchyit fill down (run the board `hn tlll IN! WIN; White a mum! rink wu le. `Arm thin thnww.-lauuan law nu mum ; H! In mates. lhn on the gumiun Mn. var- `rial any the holy, one were a check Inn. ia TfaTlFa2~`r'i`a :7t`B-.-i.-'1; "Sci? -1}}?-s -J. mil III` revpeouhlo nppuirlnvaa Ila mu a.`umL |n.|1.nnncn', 3 light culugud veal Ind po- Ii-hel bcmli. 'I`I.. .o-..m..| ..:...;....|....... ...............l and Summx-r I mime. The ,x;ur_.1uu-i _ 920 u: is years at mg-e. wars '1; hla:k euu ` `(IT `LI llfvdu H - -Y I "ll (NU-I "77 PIICC . lhn mug-1n_:u;i In : a : an.` my w.m:l1.-mu nu `thin.-d I'M Ms me. IIe`IlI1mgv1_l nu ma inside Lin? M::<-.- ml draw mu his pm-I. ' when M thru-at-and VI dhnut the am am; IMO approached in H9. In: no clmely Ughhd. long to his awn ac- `ooh!-.): V IiJ'I1I,( dare lo In-an um .hI Uni `-ff '1" JR VII`! bl . TI! `bu-ly was mm mrrus-I ` ` diva} ii_mco.Smax., lmuhlu Qua: u 7' . uxfm fm-than ll:|[IIl' II: .1. mu ' to 16%!` m-i|`u,-r bullet nor I 3519*` IINI IP ll lllv | . am; but as -.Im:' 7 the lublna Inn Ind ' no-tiudy ufwrwhs pan is oumpnny w-ch ' . , _,..,,!! .94-J_|!'V':5s,<-U9_ ' |~ - Hto VH3! S-mli in? - {n Ma Nita: 'l'ru|cupod J an the hm man. wen the stranger in man an] If: an: immnlu`-.InIp uni mfg... n.- -7 Ir IllII"'f'l ' mick. _lIo wu imma.li:uel_v not nfmn Iv tlzslhisut that (rates. (IN and wit Idol!) III tfnunllnlllll Wu 1-xulot.--hi: > opp. Human. ,, I509 Iotguovl-out mmdmbut an on cum frcm. Tine Iulvnkmu .95-u 135: may 3: a rim: uma. ma llwl--a . rook ad. ` In,n_:!I 61' `$1: sec-.ns un twnew in! half. j y ufb-: ow:-wvr. n pvt-4-I ralurnod i 531% `n iar'u.uH--J!-v1`: Whit)`-3 thev placed 'hiae~J hr mu 111.: Ha` nunrunnal In u-ul zr who had been u mean whu nu! n bowrau lacs 3, rum It then The nurnqc Inn Franky Lu HZ. flour hnbe!_. India: In! run 19 I-uh-` Indian . lfudnal Id! lo: . ,'l'|imp 3,11 mr wunc. Law an fur mum! anal` ' wurlvze-t rmer. SJ 95.000 hush. \\'um- i ` am mixed mm as H7`. I ` I`IIanu:t withuut impununl change. Sash-3' l'auvm-an-Pork in Mr demand .nm|| LRDIJ hbln at 819163! I I935 for new mom $9.25 fur old um-in-Il0.6.` I 16.75 fur Ilnime--8I7.Ma ITJS for ,. rim! men; hm" in mmleuh nquoah not selling ll I5: I? for Ohin--II Q Ma lot Sula. Chant lull C a He. , ungu. n. _ IKIIJ rtln `.1 -----D0900---~` :1 Tm: CITY ur 'l'uuu.v1'o" mm Har.~z- - . m-:n:n."--'lha Ram-r uf_t|u=:o two rinse s2a- 3V"-3" `"1 .1 win, bum. by llvygsa Urutnern. um C-.l Inn` L01-_ n wt. and cununuunled by Unptam Mu: W?-n. _ In-eno tun}: mlnmuge ufn fuv mm w1nI,pprend ' I ' her smile, and chart.--I frmn l`mu.:ta your-` _g;,',: : my morning tn` 7 q'u.-wk. .!f,11.,,.1gu., dun, Ilnmllflg M Q14: umuun L-.unpleu' not cmgu. She 030 H menu bofucu thc u'x:u1 ` ly in the wider S m hm! uu l).urJ ubum, Imuug M|r,Inicenl lull" I cup. oousuliug of black \\';uuuI. r'~"""' P"? lmulmr Umulmsu. `l'````"'-'; ` furuntx" ~d'""""'_' the Man P`"" ``r- ------- liq-Iva-2: nhayld why a lit ng lu her and l """ " I .. Kluasros mun? E1` PRICES. -.__-- nun IIIII UIIIZI lJ|-'I|\Il, [III IJTIIIIIIIU Ind uf pamplnlau containing awry uufmmali-an uunuaruiug California. 't|w .p:m-n of iubur, tlm cunning ofmupl -y Inll. in .l nhl , Another pm-iuu: tuhuma of lun-`I unrmpulmt-I um uity speculntorp. to revive Liam drooping hr- tuunu. Tuey want sullleri and telmuu, no doubt; the owner uf ten lent-e:I wnuu `elm-p l4l.m to work his ranch. the -Iau-J- lord I-Iuli I tenant. Hula draima est-l llu-y om! Nomlho n.cln an thaw: Wu hue more mercauu, farmers and mo- chani:-.-I than the vmuu of the country du- umnd; the only club: of imluigra ltd wha nrmpmszblyjustitied in coming new, in the very pauruu; men. who have been an- customecl to haw] work, chunp living, and l\lB|l xmoci:mon' nu um mm of nuciel] uauully Ml?-ruin. `These can pcrlucpu get. along conumzmlly. Du: in-uvan Imp mo ,uI1lhll;ll!ic youth, OI lllltllc d.e.-un.-r';' w_m cornea luau now, wrlh u bchef in iohilus'u's usnrunoo. Linn than in nu Inch ......l .. 5...] L_|... ...n :...a ._.| n,_. |.._|-_ nluunusll I nuurunuo. l.In|L were In Inch vmrd In full !-l1e mil, indeed. be lucky, If lie in net diinpp--int I1. ' .3 nu: umuu ucuuuuu-m, ull!"li UIPLIIII U-3 nhauld urngu,-v her n}, for L; " U:l_\' ol '1`uro.xLu" Is l 24 luau all h