Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jun 1897, p. 7

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Or any city in the world and ask for , , - In .......... ....-,.. -----~- -~- -. were open. "I do not run the candy stores, and so An -.irl'I.lr I nlanr-. - "1 (10 OD run IIIU III on. anid'Mr. Folgor. Rfr Wnlanr laid Lhlt on." end Ml . longer. Mr. Folger eaid what the Klngemn nil- wey compeny hed,tbe right. of operation on Sunday, end the queelzion was whether en injunction should be greutod to prevent. cere running altogether. 0-Vmi` have run dn Sundav Y" asked Ml`. running nuogotnor. "Your have run dn Sunday ? Hardy. . "Dune to take the Free Methodists to n liardy. "Once to take camp meeting, answered Mr. Foiger. Another time for the Catholics. and a third time to take visitors to see a parade out of the city." M ' "People who are interested in this good work of Sabbath observance are fined for their interest of moralit ", said Mr. Mac- donnell, who contended ivr the Lord's day alliance that they were forced to bear all the expense of enforcing the law. M. nmau nhiected to this and Mr. Mac- all the ox emorcmg we unv. Mr. Hardy objected to donnell retracted it. u- 1u....a,.......n ..:a Hunt this wan as donnell rehracbea lb. Mr. Macdonnell said that this was as much A question for governments to mean as was prohibition. Tobacco llonrt. G1:.\'1'1.EMmN.-My heart troubled me with violent palpitation, shortness of breath and aleeplessness. This was caus- od, my physician advised me. by excessive use of tobacco. Since taking Milburn s Heart and Nerve Pills the distressing symptoms have entirely disappeared. They have" cured me, and I am thankful to tea- tify to their good effects; Signed. W. J. Jonson . St. Thomas. Ont. Swiftfs old and reliable insurance agency does the business, pays losses .rompt.ly, and adjust: them fair and honest y. :__ lgurxun 15 nutsnnl ulvnu {nus un or authoricy of Orders in Council, Tm. BEE BERTHS as hereunder mentioned in the xnnmonun AInnMA nmi RAINV In no form you have such magnicent spam boon ntalnod. Tho oonfimny has n I load!!! ponltlon far an mum`! Jnsnln to -0t.nl.AlI oonimuytflonn to ho `:ddrr:uo3 e$w. J. I118. nlpootor. Kingston. 1). P." ARISTROIIG, W. J. um, rnuvrus nereunuer menuoneu m we NIPISSING, ALGOMA and RAINY RIVER DISTRICTS, viz :--tho Township: of RATHIHIN, KELLY, I).wIs. the North Half of Smunmo und that: puts of HAN MBR South of Lhe V'zc1mu.1.1o:~' Rn/rm, all in the I)i|t.rict of Nlrm-uN(;: the Township of Comrm AI)lIlT10NAI.tIlld certain small areas on the SPANISH and Bxsconsxuwwatera in the District of Amonu ; and Bertha 30 1nd 37, sale of 1892. I) 3, D 4. D 5, D 6. on MANITOU Luna, and certaimsmnll scattered areas in the District of RMNY Rlvnn will be offered for Sale by Public Auction, at the Department. of Crown Lands, Toronto. at. the hour of ONE o clock n.m. . on WED- uvnna V oh- U111!-l'T'I`.1`.l\"l`l-I an nf _'\-J" J--IIVQJH ` AUCT|0NSI\LE OF TIMBER BERTHS at. mo mar 01 U1V.l'4n CIOCK [LII]. ml vv nu- NESDAY, the EIUHTEENTI-I day of AUGUST next. Sheets containing Conditions and Terms of Sale, with information as to Areas. Lots and Concessions comprised innach Berth, will be furnished on application, personally or by letter, to the Department of Crown Land!-. or to the Crown Timber Offices at O1-uwA and Rn Pox-r,mz. v. LIA: \VA.I InI\IQV' Commissioner of Crown Lands. N. B.-No unauthorized publication of this advertisement. will be paid for. ..__.__.._.__.___.z Tender for Supplying Coal for the Domlnion Buildings. 15th July. ' S1-euivsntinnncnn he l8(`.I| and forms of 1(-.n- | rler obtuinml, on and nfter I`hur-oduy, I-uh Juno iusmut. at this utcv, where all necessary in- formation cun be had on application. m....:..... ...:n ..no I... hnr\.:L'nDn:. nulnna nlnnhn l0|'nl8U0ll mun nu ulvl on nppuuvuauu. Tenders will not be honai-leged unless nuuh: on thu form r-uppliud mul .-ugued with the actual signatures of tenderoru. I.-....|. o.....l.... -nugl kn nnnnrnv-Anlml luv an (\.(`IuIH nlnllturas ul usuuuruns. Each Oemier must be at-comwmienl by an gaoepteri lmnkohuquu equal In five per cent. of tun Amount. of the temiet. made pay- able in may order of the Honourable the Minister ofl uh1io Works, which will be forfeireuiif the ptiydonlinn to enter into a contract when called upnn to do an, or if he fail to complete the work contruntexi (or. If the (em or be not accepted the cheque will be returned. _ ml... n..... I-Cw-`nun. will an`! In: hnnyul tn An:-ant will he received at this olcc until Thursday, S1-euiventionncnn Paynneo to polkrholdon lnorouod 0150,- GJOM, or our us per cent. reuu-neu. The Dopnrtmom. will ndt be bound to Accept the lowest or`n.nEfenc(iior. y or or ' E. F. 1:. Hour. Eocretsry. Department of Public Works, Otuwn. 23rd June, 1897. Nawspupars inserting thin dv Ma -mhnf. without Authority in-om th pa tmont will not be paid for it. EALED TEXDER3. ADDBESSIDTO THE L undors-iknod. endorsed " Tdhrlorn for works." will he rot:-ived M. thln Depnrtmevvt untilNOON Ol"HA'l`Un|IAY, July .1rd. fur ud- ditiona to the Dairy School Building, King- ston. . - n.______: n_-..xn..-u...... ..... I`- .45.-. anal > QKALED TENDERS. ADUBESSIDTO THE 5 `it--.5- yr _nn L- ...._ 1--.! 16 old. `\nn1I-IJIIQIII. BEOII. Pllmsnnd Specications can be neon and forms of vendor procured M. the office of Ir. Wm. Bewlundn. Architont. Kingston. Each tender to ho nooompnnlod by an nocoptod bank choqno. pnyahlo to the undersigned, for the not rent. on the amount of under. no choqucl of she Inouocoutnl, parties tendering will be returned when tho contrast bu bun entorod into. The hon: do I`?I9Il'B,.l of two nu-O. an mud. uoamnnnv use under. TIM WK. HABTY, .. Oonmlsslonor Public Works. Dobcrtmont of Public Works, Ontsrio, \ {Inn 8561:, IBM. _ lj U -m mc Amw/u) unmxd or nu: sr T` Lawrence River ucuaulvosc coupon ,( ,uu.od1vi|lbuholdu.tIo0l|eo (the Kingston . th e I 3:K"J'&:u:n9 3333: .o..n'sl;'ok A-2: (Ill-KC VIII 0! IIDIII I " HIV Ullluu In uuv -u-- n ,Kh::uton.0n0. on the tint lon- uly(-lnli 5th),l ,- _t_0 o'clock mm . upon at oloctl 3 dlnoton and Iunnl bminou. . . onto of two 3 on Imut uoomonny use under. 0:31: or any under not nooouurlly nu- oa . ' EALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE 5 undersigned, and endorsed an-an Anht._xu{mom- 1-----_----uuwuua----.~.:- IIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT -.. ....r|.n..lrn nf {\-.-Inn: in Pnnnnil, TIM. Jun mt, -iv. Dm-AImnnN'r or Onowx Luvs, (Woods and Forest Branch), Toronto, Juno 2nd, 1897. To coNfiiX6ToRs.` __1g_919lcE. n.---uoan r\- I SHIV \ Em! I`. I But. and I run] I nln tint` J. M. GIBSON, 5L5<:1IiaIc:ry.r_:rbcl .~Fu1mt;in or ' ,. which sustains all animal life. _ It is the source W bubbling spirit of joy_li: young manhood. It is the vitall elez_i1ent"l1llf7 I Akgeps up the nerve force in old men to a old'"a"% '*z\Vlten the body is charged wima; the vital" ppwers varie strng. Con `deuce cigllcs from the eye and the slap is rm. Without it--w7vvll, l:1n>{'wv if`i ll!` - :\i'c you weak, gloomy, wanting physicafand brain; l'orc'e?' If y5u~am men. weak `you'sl1ould begin at once using this famous ap[')lianAce=fo!" weal: emimweliantef . 7 ~ , _g_~. 3` This appliance is the result of twenty years at close stugly, opu- tains all the recent improvements known to science. xlt is, fact. a perfect battery made in the form of a belt, to be wo?non the`body'while the patient rests. ` ' ` " ` ` 1 4 ARE vou NOTIIRED or usnsss oUi;in? No do{1ht you have tried medicines and failed. Why not tf'.{TI~. turc's Own Remedy in this simple but thoroughly scientic way%i"fu3A" proved Elcctric Suspensory Free with all Bells. M 1 Fell From The Bkngllehed out 0; The Blver. E. B. Collins. of Collins Lending. be- tween Thousand Island Perk and Alex- andria Bey, just across from Peel doolr, witneeeed the rare night of a falling meteor in August 1880, which lended in the St. Lawrence river, in about seven feet of water. It was red as fire, end when it struck, the water seemed to boil for 1 few seconds. Mr. Collins paid` no attention to the meteor until lest full. when the Inter wae very low. Then visiting the place, he succeeded in raising it. The whole piece ' weighs 130 pounds. but eeverel piece! bev- inx been broken n' leaves the chunk weighing ninety-eix pounds. A sample has been sent to Cornell university for -....l.--:- 1 The electric current from this belt is felt as soon as it touches tle body. This is warrax1te(l under a. forfeit of $5,000. It can",b'ere'g1ilgted to a1._v power required, while the belt is on the body, and is worn while you sleep without the slightest trouble. ` 1 un` Hill IIUUII analysis. J. J. Bnnntty. Inlpotor For the Itndnrd Lilo Insurance 00. It Potbrborongh, cured of muscular lhounotlnn by '1`Iu_ Grout south American llhoulncla to -1: Turn: the lldnlght OI lulorllgn. to Sudan} Brighton: 0! ood Balth- Thou An Ills Words. Iwaa a grant Iuemr from muscular" rheumatism in my arm; so much so chat for days no 1 time I could not shop. I -nllmd the oor in min the tractor out of we: announced tint the BI. .1AWl'I)G qu- etnction company of New York had awarded to tbeeoornpeny A contact for if- teen 5,000 power gene:-store. which eretnbe erected at their pleat 16 Xu- '"~. .`1.a`-`......""*"`'.`:.`.f. .?"..'o."'a'.:; t . re nut , . m . eoenngileo ` 1|: `BI. Luv , eeeupeny. . formed I? Yuk Vb tob hII'l;'l5I ` :no:-aux-.'m.-nu" '._u\ e....'I.an&enig' " . for days at mm I coma now group. 1 walked the that in pain grunt put the night. I procurod I bottle of South Amexfigun Rhenmntio Cure and found 31-on nliof am a few data. It : 3 un auto. and I heartily rooommond it. Bold II W. H. Modoly. . M . V . ,7 ' young, Inlddkwmetl or olrtmnn` manual , / / / Ilw ullghu-at -wonknomv nlmukl V It It /, //, / know oxuctly where he. atgndlu : flu unt ~ /I . //A/ / xv / / true. sealed, by mull. npon`requ_It._, 3` . DR. ASA_NDEN, :55 St..Ja: nes sttf, To nun roworof 15; qt. uwnnog. P1 mum. "Juno 5.--At Sh annual meeting of tho Wutlnghoon oolnptn y II was mnonnood that tho it. I -5:-than nnlnlmtli 0' N : V 1n|3l:'t`lx.o.\':"oc6`;non`t.ha yon: Inui. mm poynlu men !or `in. K ""` `_J V 6 AN INSURANGE MAN'S STORY. A METEOR IN THE WATER. IT cumzs vou WHILE YOU SLEEP. Three Classes of} I. the am of u .unac';*unug-utqluontet ....u....... I hnvn um Iunul. aaelnllvalrtor la the title or I .nII'.`nInqIIII_qI;I`~r.,vII-I volume I have just Jogmg, oxqlyllvalrtor men. It gives us plnI|'.|'iIii|z|"6`tI_i6s'-blluctl followlug youthful |qQ.|qqngtlon,A,g$l1i;t excesses. Is Seminal-Wonk inf` ` `gnci. Drain: and Losses, Vnrlco _e andJ'_AtfopIy or uudm'oIopment.-350385111 IW`Vo`*LA ' Imgo, Lame Back. ldnem roubles. .. nnd nolntn out an 0! `SIM I!l_f9`.q![9__J1t TH GENDRON '97 at $83. " '96 It 375. / " _ RACER It $90. In-Iylunll-D -g :44: non w 3 It given In plllijunjuuyu u_qu-;un:u- |qg\|gqnp,tlon,_,' '_ `nigpr `gncy. v_nr_lco _e andvjgitfoply uudm'oIopment.- n:0iBhQI]lIItl'liiHL` M150, [fame Btack. ldnemd rougleu. n t on ll 0 - Ill `. n3mep\"v1"rnour :I3{U&_ on....iu';. (`lNI;2:|.ItnIao g|vea:.adtr 'htul.nId _ I`: I _ our , won I `. .2! mu-.-rztoynnlrn Iu.the?I'o (can:-.'.'f'*W3}`3y Imgo, [fame Htack. xuuney; ghrruutllcn. cw.-. nnd po mm an home \VIT}l0U'I` 0R-':`%E&- vmms. It also glveslttr htul.nId, / I my thirty yearn, wondq I nqqmt. It my File-ctrlo Bolts |tItheno m,aIt`l. V V olctmnlr tumor Ila frvu. sealed. by null]. D0n`rE4`|IUt.-. 3, ms Wonderful { Statment. He Says: "I owelly zcomplete _' cure enuxely to may Celery. ~A LONG |=> om*r A \. "'\U`(n ' ` aE%s%1D`rs;rr.% Mr. N. Sioatd, of ~14! Po|nt.- district oz Monhrul. .%..`IuvoanSnuA1Iy;oonnds t. 0 use I no :-.('.!d3 pou . Ea aperlangpd i;u and ulyth-gtving _vlr_f.u_o|_. 330,1: ytlijltlro II the hon am it puma` bin rlbio condition-ol 'snnkIuI|'in_l`nnlct|n and plead him onillo 1 "MI|lItC-` sud. ItrcuLh._,BiI trlthhl _ Iuhunout. raggjdjp lain. ['g$`l ;n`I;u u|&h phy. uioiuna in My . pwnlnougu mo-pm: in ~ ` d an: lei" tnnndalgci-qt lnnnqunwqupvuu in ogubhut: "cqnpauunu .2'Zi;1;:'.gf'..:;.i'.;z in rckihicnl ooudmoo. uQIu._nuv my nnd geckos uhty onnAIoIi_i:.50:,lou:ndin PuinoICO|OI ] Compaq ` nut: and the experience on t `lflplonllndu of and plgglo point to 'Pnlal I'Oul- 2: ;-`. .'!.";; ...k:;.':'.'A'4m3!":` /V -- KAu:|< I! ;_v I! , It W4} ' , 9` lam nish to 110 found on! o: (hndrnn. (`mtnlnnnan than on Annie: '----------s--as Inna lull Alluluuun n gs `lvuv vvg 1 . mm mm; on the (had . Catal the ` ti . GoIn;:lnItook 0"::`l1l.d.fiOl ouogt hog`: count. nu; to my w)m1...oo'ix `um loo. J. moons. . a---- n - -4u-Q- A n -n-nn- AnAmsf_emeEI_3 Been] 60% iL0d(;)l\,3 * To V;D(1blih. To Brn. To Paris. `ToN%ew_York. fo Boston,1 . nsuuuiuu-..................IWO' lldl . of hu.. Llnvnnn wnhr. lino! the int`. nun of'l'lar and yam In \ tutu hm Mid thcoxtnot ; ntir u thoronucnly mind and lmmodiatoly hot- tlo II lholj st-In or 3|u,oo1-king and t 1113 Iqotku anomaly. Place tho bastion n 3 man oat Mr non:-M hours mull tho gut cgzwotl nlllnldnt to Inch the con nu o vuoonluhon II in: calls: or other IOOIIIIOO. COAL` Woo. |l|lHY.? .- T . .3 3.-- g..- ~I(El.'}P IN Sl6tl_j`._L lI'|__-___ _ _ . Agata, 1nouuod:OIl5.815.l8..or our 9 per nan Q. wvc -cg: Co av, Pno:o. Prompt Dollvory; lquu-0 - DoglI_n. BOOTH & co. -... l\.L..A- _..A E.4A-`L up; <;?w|_,u_sso's = `l`he .Alhcr.li1;9;l;t_SoavCo.ln's.`, ' . I `llqmreah. . K)! .. I\&n\-- 31 fnu'Ix6no| ........... ham. chasm`: Yeast. . . . . .0110 Paul to one one . . ....tvo~ ndn onoln. ounoo two nnlllnn -inouovpu hum `lulu .I D---up-L CA and you will nd them. .Thei: reputation is world wide, and the) can only be procured in Kingston ,_.__ . -1. 3- , V.:.._`__ JOINT. ll IORTIIAL IIIIIK. _ . }*iav%cu.:s. ____ -1 -I 1 u--wan-'7, . 'P0IlI 133 no gweai CHAS GYDB Agent. IONTBIA thin the I 5561. IONTBIAH At an and on um. oompma;w'nh inn 0! 1'uo.'uhovu tho lollowtu runln : Inventor. .,.1_mu`:xixeant'mnm:eu:\ there 5-. am - 1nX0w!.ol,*whntgwoal.1qd1u- r lwkl-4..Ttey comm mainly An low. . isgqu-oghonldend uo,n lII;!m' evening. with Inc oucnwaluggwhtelt are miudqhlgh In `- jhoneok, taming V nhnpnd openings In I from. 4 It `mud be admitted shat white Ihdtdcrliook whim atiIlu!Sdor the out- nn`u**o_ r-ta`1hee. ` Then mm are wlda o...a`1msa.'i`.-`..;;...u..- 5.`. nAh-I01 .1. nm lc9p:sr_xxnt. `Frau um-. -A ,4 friijan eovnni gcgpggkggixt. 119:. `Pull ..r ` ` . i( nK'..I.J_.4._-._ ..._;'..'_"..u` a.\.`.- A- _4_'n.. - um..ua._ `-~'c.~.V;....a arm. gm... n':lnp'- 862:0 lnllont nature: at an r. L;-179,; ' U;IlQ`llI`!N. Juan turn: my yvnuv `_ ` , " 'f`nn'n-owing to`; paint at the `jivfllf e. \vh`are'*a inn-ow but, vmh a .'!7," .l_d lfuifkio, unlike: the ootnm. 1'h0,_ im 'to'j_le:p' Ipdeiul wmbfnro .:'.fIl !:!I`d`e_"nll` thtrwny up. or ' avo throo 6kIr_ti,Lnd are made to set out as widely u"f10s'1blo wont `the aid of hoops. l`herD"ute ' may nleeven made with n pu in 15- dbubto ofoven "triple (mp at the top, "ind these are short. Thu "rest of the ale:-vo (I of) lace. `gawred all the length of tho (rm. Somdtihnoa tulle in used, and sunk mull also. `Same hnvo gntherod black law the Whole l'on`gh nf the ntpj`__z,5nd lining in loudly. bud-`at-o`!}n1.Ih_ed 42% the wrm with villa or black ofwhltn Inca. Down the "me: and Im:e~i- mum n ui dawn mo comer `rum top to bottom onn nds nm-rn`w`uh1r- -Inga or`:-uchlugs 0' I Lmk silk mull, not -much over half an huh wide. Some-, ....|.. 5.-.... fzlnran rnlvu nl !.'l'I'V nnrrnw lmy stu and inttiood-with narrow velvet ribbon, the edges being nished with biuok Lace friiis. o......I.a.... no 1...... m-Iain:-u omninn ma tn mus. Speaking of lace edgings reminds me to mention the new trimmings for the edges of the smur_ne.r gowns. The omhroidcries and inoes are very narrow, and so arranged ihut part of the design hungs below the edge of the part where the trimming is Ippiiod. There are some designs where there are fancy wheels set upon cords. each wheel about an inch in diameter, though :hey are sometimes more. On the cord between the schools there is a loaf design. rm trimming is sewed so that the cord lies directly on the edge of the goods and unit the wheel shows heiow. Some designs have trefoil leaves showing below the adge and some are sirnpi zigzngged along. This int is something i he the old serpen- tine braid, only the points have piooI sdgu. This is a cheap but yvonderfuiiy .-ootive trimming nnd is employed on xlmost nny gown but silk, on the edges of my ounoes and all waist nnd sleeve trimming, also the now, wide iichn sashes. These are made four yards long and half . umnrl mltln Tluw are doubled in th Tlie`Nt5rthiAmerican % l;"ife Assurance %Cb`s 4Position These made tour yams lung uuu Alan 1 yard wide. They are doubled the xenter and brought tothe throat, and there ` nnly one point in mstcncd, leaving the rest *0 full in mmxml folds us the sash is drawn around under the arms to the back. where it is held with n bpekle pin. Silk gowns may huh this kind of n ehu cash in silk, mull or crepe line where lightness is de- sirable. The orgnndio and other thin rtun may have it made or batlste. The latte of the dreesmnker would suggest the proper comixlmtion. mm. ..m lnnhlnnnd nvnlot hole embroid~ ; t_)l`0pl' comlumluun. l The old Inhloned eyelet hole embx-oid~ Sr: in embhg thenovelties, nnd wherever this all be appropriately employed for V trimniing the summer gowns it is and will be." 1 new one blue and white organ- ile dram where the ` dounces were ulter- niltely of orgnndie and hose embroidered bands, set on in Bounces. It looked` quaint enough. The soft and delicate thin bungee ere trimmer: often with the` wheel _or tre- -'oil work mentioned above, and quite an `often they have nevarnl narrow bins ruf- iilngg, each wiged with hall` inch valen- aimnofpernn um-eight. Vnlenelenncs is all) uni! on elm ne lawns. Some-of the ba- regeu are shown in regular shepherd plaid in dellnhi onlol-3., There is I peculiar `fllbdci !hese bnrcgee` that reminds min in dlvnny eoitnemol nehiid`s face, andII'-lute very appropriate dresses (or you_ `people. Some are printed in Ihndbivy " gnu. other: are plain, and the mihn non nlnhlnl, IHIOD (`VET nun. an IIUII wuw. uuun, .gp1_n, have three rows of very narrow uopqd bovfahf blntrvelvet`;-Ibbon from zpl b otQum,"with forget bows llko ro- ' ten the over the wt-ms. There is A grant king for nu:-raw black velvet ribbon on hnming, um! H; is zmpllcd ma Hut hund.-a, ups, rosettes, and pnrtlculnrly in it llkod 1 lntticed vmrl; ovnr pulngs of crepe H2490 -nthcr chm u:;d no whhu stuff. It is no put" ovrr y.-21:3 pink, bluv, green or :nnn,nn(H;1 c-.'f<'r'ri\L= o\`('ry\\'h<-re. I}H-- llcs um 1;1~-.d- m nufT.-d Lulie or other Illlunwy uralglln hit an pluidod. ......._ ah. 0 iii pmdou. Among the thin gowns for nummn I maul Ohltolhy for strap to date grand- .gnoIhur, '*`l`ho undndnu was of |)llrpl9 . V I `chanting Ingestion, laid on at Jon the bononwuv tlxother ll Wu an itch `um! I MI! wldo. mm. `cwholo oucudnalwuot bhck chun- llly ptlund qn full. and having mum- .-unn.dh.nowu width! the lace down ally pthopd Inn. on nm-mg nlu cau- ' spin 9: (`gnnowu wigltlot down VII IIIIIUI mm cull- thhwu come that huntroublod with ;~."`5L .':`?`{t ff ` 9'; f uhwadmvuum ' Qsumuina manna 4 mm: of: delicate like-pale at the neck. i Inna! lll-wg'e`t!Irnl! of mm that milk. \-:1d'laM`,th,e outer ones were of the black lace Ind liowinpvcrylbnso to the wrists. Lace gowns always are elegant, -and been trimming it always approprb - `It:-and hooonhm " - - '.l`ben'-Inga may nylhh -am shown at one. hdune. `lino thin was 0! cot-ywlch l.I.-I- -...n.ma. .g..|....I .nk,. 'mm.nkh-t house. "rm II!!! was on IBI1`I'"~`-I black and/whit amped sk.- 'l1ho-skirt and n draped um-h bolt ware sawed hath- am:- Thu Inn wnx made him. with `WU "D! steacy &~8teac'y. and draped mm hols wqre uweu upI|u- .u;' The iseiuvnt-made bias, line of narrow niik ying; nlpg the ends of the wide how, which was p need upon the tight side.` "l`bo -stock was made oi` the Itl'ipd pilk hid` in (01115. and had a large bow mntcbin that on the bell set at the right side. `he waist was of whine satin. overlaid with hldck dhnntiiiy, with "tines ` of very` mm-ow gmxaring of black silk mull. _'1'heo lines reached fro ncokoo belt all zirbund. The nieevebw of has over Van'tinf1-om top t_o bottom. with sh: iinon _o_t 'Iluf[oi`ing`in the lame style. A dpnhio ch ' wtuaimndo to the sleeves of no- oorciiun uitod silkmuil. The pm-nnoi win of black mm, with white crepe lisao mf- es and '_i0 hut wus of black and white ltrn . with black ostrich tips and white pconics M 'tr'imming. It was called a mugpio costume, and it was very stylish as well ms handsome. 1 _...o nk rm-um-. tn mnntlnvl nnothor wall handsome. Imus: not forget: to mention another new idea, and this was (I oklrt half fuIi~oi iiounncs. -The ukiro wan hum up iiko nth"-M em. hm. on each side there were iivn wide mmcoa, imvimr the trans breadth and bank am: free uuti plain. liinch onnoe was udgmi with a narrow knife piniting oi blawk uaifem. Tho gown itself was of a- urod sumh. it was very odd. Anoi:hm\ di-out nf iigm-rd indin had five ounceo of hinok niik muslin. ouch three inches wide, with a narrow adgo oi iuiled silk muslin. Thu.-In ounuua were brought down to the foot of the (rum. breadth scam in iron: and up to the wui-0 hi the buck, nearly cover- ing tho sides with dlngolml iiouncing. There was a horthn M the waist with three ovorinpping mines of the black silk mull. -'J.`horo was n much belt of wide biuck moire ` riblmn. Ruiun of uli kinds nnd ouncon of XI kinds are most decidedly in vogue now. yet they are no: at. an obligatory. witm-an Inme very handsome new designs .umi impurtntimm for sunnnor costumes. 'i`hnw- mm mo nown of white mohair. ` .und lmpurmrmns [or sunmnvr t'u!~u.unu:n. ; '1`heru\\'m1uno gown mite The skirt wuss-|:L 1-`.IhnnH) over the hips 1 and not an wry Vida at tho bottom. 'l'hox'o vms nu m::P.\:~n1dr`rml dvsign of vim: in shad:-11 greens nll m-nnnd the skirt. near tho bottom nnd again at tho top. Thero ` wasnlso a small, trailing pnttr-rn down the i'l('0\`t`R nml around the shoulders. ` On the shonldrxs and down tho onto)` senm there was n doubled fall of whitn silk mnslin and II iichn scnrf, like that de- scribed nbove,o with the `now lace. And there was n dainty visiting gown of blur and whim fi',xnn~ tncta, the skirt nnirixnmod nnd the waist dl`f|p0(l to the loft side under s crnslml rnillo bow of the sums. The only gm-nitnre was what was n(!hlt`V(`(l by aovoml rows of at valen- cionnvs insertion on the neck and on the left shoulder bludc in the back, for the bncl; had :1 dingonnldmpory of the silk from the top of tho right shoulder to the left side. Tho rout of tho buck was of the silk set on straight, with the lace lnid lengthwise. It was stylish," but not particularly pretty. Hui`. than: was a crown both stylish and ` particularly prr-my. But there was gown both stylish pretty. and dressy altogether. It was in- tended for afternoon we-nr"for corupzmy." ` Tho gown was of corded silk of `a deep indigzo blue The skirt was plnin all around and opened in front over in pulling of white tulle over a polo blue foundation of tailors. This pulling was crossed back and forth with hi.-uck velvet ribbon, and down euoh side wasu row of the heavy new medallion into in ooru. The narrow I lmlf belt was covered with it-. The wulst , was of the pale blue tuilom gathered very full bath in front uml back. There was a Swiss girdle oi the dark silk. edged with lace and crosoed both front and hook by the velvet ribbon and edged with the loco. There were brour-lies in front, and these ended on tho shoulders. Tho sleeves and the stock onrried out the design of the triihming null amide it perfect. In the book of the shock there were velvet ribbon loops and lube rosettes. No fiouuoes wore needed on `his dross. A rem plaid lrlnh poplllofn young lady :1 her leonnwno oom`plo_te also without the `llounal. The skirt and uileoves were of tho plaid. The blouse basque was 0 pule pink silk mun- "lil. `glthglred extrem ly full and halted `in no that there nhowcd a rufe below tho belt. This belt. by the way, was of rush green and white louisine ribbon. Ii: was wide and gathered and mod in a lu-go l In the book. Tlmre was another douhl howl} without end: at the left side in from: of 'eln#=misc.= Thrpiwfot `Miler ms: of the` pink silk null. The sleeve; had little draperies (low the outside of the nrm- the of them, .h held by nwhite linen button. There were two rows of very narrow black velvet ribbon sewed across the front and book in Iigmg lines. This Inna very elfectivwond the whole co.-utunae was girlish and (kinky. ;MA'l`l LEROY. ` ` rliodu who In wank, nervous and ulooplulgnd who `S Gold hands and feet. hdnodoctliioawollpotqon. Cir- i'.'-"nnruuoq-uiu |hodrau|dkn,n2 Z1\ nod nl-"n dunnnlh Ad I A cube this any will a lion than ;n17;)loyod by the " n-sum . Railway company qf New York city are now rt-calving an extra compensation of 25 cents 9196: because no oomplslnt splint `them was made by ` oltbr puneugan or omoeu during tt.-3 --nu-9. ~ loboch Colnplalnod 0! `I'll _. 45-- mm uunnn an-nnlnvnd hi Ouh lnoonu lnorouud ooo.hoo.u.aq bvorlo you cant. New lunod lnonod uumowo. 4.. an... II who nu-at employed Maya mnmnv of " , % G. SA'rUBDAY. JUNE 26.`1e97.p sense. just as the mrus uo. ~ My other trailer was Pedro. Pedro : mother was a woman or Tamaullpas. His lather was a Kickapoo. The Tnmanlipan is I mixture of the original Aztec, the ' If:-unawoy `slave and the domineering Sp|n- ` _ `_1gg The result is about what you would get from an emulsion of Medford rum, nitroglycerin, arsenic and wolf : blood. I came upon Pedro in this way: mumnnnhnnn. the North Cuolinion- n',".1-`nacho lone 'lillNI`WlI _-u___-.- 31-. `lnlnal, tin IJJII G` 920330. THE MAN 0; mxp nAc_:s` "AND, DYNAMIC ct-gAn_Ac'rsRIs`ncs. v mom. HO wan DEV!!! Very pleniuun, nu- ` lug, likojhe enck Ihot, two:-k of God. I have known". but two. One was-an Amer- idm named Smith. * It was said of him . that he would Iwlngtrom hi: cuddle in the blankets ofmoonleu nights, and by feeling a bush tell within a half mile of when he stood in all the wide an-ouch of-country beuween Bar 0 much in the Panhandle and Holy-Mary-at-the-Salk -liarphee, = just above Brownsville. .01 Ieourne Smith did not feel any bushes. He had the lease at place, no any wild animal bu ii, and he found his way by I lixth the birds do. M. new trailer : Savo In the wildest parts of thanow hum won, the tniloxgor tracker, In no ........ `Ila -an never very nlentlfnl. he- fna won, the annex-,ur lll.'lIlSl', II no mm. 11 never my plentiful s..- |cI.-g.\..":n'm-Ir shot. awn!-k~of`Go i. Pedro In unis way: Shannonhoulo, the North` long limbed, iooae jointed, awkward, pow- erful and brave Shannonhouso-nnd I left Laredo of an afternoon. and. tiding north- ward 80 miles, by sunseaamped upon the Arroyo Bianca, where there was A little sheep tainted water and less grass, At 10 o'clock next morning we reached the S305 much, an estate of 60,000 acres, which grow only bx-onohoa, ionghorns, cactus, mesquite, Mexican babies and thorns. Wu mmnd in toward the ranchhouse for AVIW IIIIUIHCOVU III 0! 070! 18 pi: cant. which the yellow naxors can uy nu pcu names. Plninly something had happened. The open space infroni: of the adobe house was filled with excited men. Among them stood Sanchez. the owner, giving rapid commands. Between soft Spanish oaths, ripped out as violently as if they meant something, he exphined. One of his men had been sent; out that morning to drive ups herd of thirty odd stock horses, or those used in working come. He had gone to their rungs. They were not there, but. in their stead was a broad trail loading away from the Sues neigh- borhood. Snnchcz was then making up his party of pursuit. He would take 15 ' man nhmn there could not be less than n Mexican Dames anu mo:-us. We turned In toward a cup of coffee and the little light cake: which the yellow bakers call by 20 pet ........ vnunlu mmathimz hannened. his party or pursuxn. nu wuunu mm m men, since there half dozen driving tho stolen stock. They would not maku any `speed with less. Would we joln? Surely we would. Where was Pedro? Ln. nnlnn nn wall mmml:ed-n1o|-a than 6 Pedro? He came up well mounted-more feet tall; meager almost to ghsstlinesa; his naturally dark skin burned almost to African blucnmess; his eyes small, deep set and close together; his nose uquiline; his lips thin and compressed; his snaky black hair fell upon his shoulders; his manner had the repressed gravity of his Indian race. Around him, where it clung in some mysterious manner, was I5 gaudy blanket. It had no fastening that I could see. Un- der his right knee nestled `the usual win- chester, evidently a capable and danger- ous man. All ready?" asked Sanchez. Come on. It was as wild a troop as ever swept over a Tartar steppe. The swartby faces were set, and the eyes glit- tered angrily. A whisper ran irom man to man as they cluttered on-"King Feeshl" Fisher was a noted despersdo who'1ived on the Nuoocs river. He had killed some of them and robbed them ....i.... nu". .-mm Thaw were satisfied that killed or morn anu ronuuu mum more than once. They were satlsed the lust theft was hls work. Moreover, the horses, 32 in all, were the best on the ranch, especially broken and trained. Full 80 mllcs to the norbhwm-d run that trall, but when they struck it they struck ll: as the eagle strlkea home-ward to her nest upon the crap; when the-wn_1y is far and the sun ls low and talent: are heavy. It was as broad and plain use country road. More than 160 hoof: had made It :0. arm... mm`-n nnlnn fault. mid Pedro, road. More than let} noots nau Iunuu In av. They were going fast, said We were riding at the sharp, steady trot that the ranch horse develops. Mlle after mlle was put behind us. We can't. aord to go more slowly," said Sanchez in cour- teous explanation. They have had more than 12 hours start. It you some up ` with them. wI1at;then?" I ndred. Ah|" he said. We had ridden 80 miles, and the . dark was coming down when the broad truil disappeared. It was wiped out as a hwy swabs a wet sponge across a slate. We will eat," said Sanchez. "The moon will be up soon." One of the men had shot; a pecoary. Another had a small pack- age of salt in a pocket of his saddle. We roasted and ate the wild hog without bread. --rm... .....u la nnnn " said Pedro. because lIIIlUIII!Il--.n-. -_..._, .._- _...V.`. ,, 4 l!lnIolloVor:IInvo TULIBIICII llllu DUO Luv 1 The trail is gone, they have scattered fur " ten .. moon streaming over all thn wide country, Pedro rode, now leanlx "at over his horse's shoulders. He u l following a single track. The gait was ninst walk. The character of the country had changed. it had become rocky and hilly, but was still bare. So we rode and rode. Sud- denly lwforo us ngnln stretched the wide road made by the fugitives. A sibilnnt hiss of aatisfuction greeted it. Now trot, uhill and down, while loose pebbles clat- tered from under the horses hoofs. Once a startled hcrd of nntelopo bounded almost from beneath our feet and scurried away. Dawn found us steadily riding. A cup of coffee and two hours soddeu sleep, then the relentless pursuit. Again the trnil vanished, and again Pedro, costing about like I! hound, signaled Sanchez to come on. Three miles n-`ther, and the single track disnppvnrrd. Instead, crossing it almost at right angles. wasn trail wider evcn than that which left the ranch. P('dl`0 was at fault heron half hour, hunting like 3 sleuth for his sign." They ham run will battle across the trail," explained Sanchez. 1-4.. olnnh nfmrnnnn A heavy cloud of Once more in the saddle. with the white ` Late than oiuemoon a heavy smoke rose on the far horizon. Pedro smiled for the time time. That is their lasc trick," he said in his pntols. "They .._. 1.......|.u. 9-In an-all hnhlnd them In the -PD CORSETS trlok," be sum in ms pntols. Lucy um: burning the grass hohlnd them hope that the nahes will cover the trull." The sun hung like a red ball when wo had crossed the burned bolt and saw In Ire distance the chamrrnl and tree: that mnrked` the Nneoes river. They have beaten us tn cover and will scatter the horses in the brush," and Saucbes. We will have to viork them out an-wo onn. " Wat morning at braaktut. on the bank oi the stream King Fisher rode up alone and unarmed. Woman wlthh than mile: of his ranch. lxpruslng um-prim that ' any of the sac: horses should have stayed to far.~he volunteered to helpnd thorn. Bunches declined hln asjlstumoo. Pedro lnokedu mm onddld `not nynword. Etghtcenot thehorueswen found. The llr. Agnew: Ullluuvuu I'UuaVa In 0513 any and cutuhtul. Luuirhoum. ucald had, omens. bu-Mn ilb, mourn. blotch and-Alla-a olthoki his I. |_ I. _ uehlng. Bush; _Il|I| Dluuoc Onion {lot - II. M. ` . :.:"' `::..:*::..'"* ..... I I `in ' hug!!! t 0! [III lI|I. l`.| I lli ltk -` ' A T _ ' I `nix;-" I sold by . K. odhy. J Irvw-sq Dr. Agnw o ainunont relieves in up Inn and n-.hnn..nIh.chnun. malt `d utetno mm 1103 wmuuuu Iucau. I gone," said Pedro, scattered the horses. No mat- PARTIES Tut mam ;.f* r6riY.~' `Pu.-t l, Luv And `ll-glllottou moouuul By nnv Hn._ . Toronto SMI . Wham urn: .T"r"`.':.3'.'I' we :......'..: hoodobnta bo- Jou Hon. A. 8. Hardy Fciday .n ..... .lI .hnm..Sm...hn mu- hm- gou non. A. u. uaroy J.-1-.mo.y nu-uwu. It wunll nbunt.~SnuaMJ 011'! W0. Ind hath aid win upreounod. Bosuuookl Ago n deputation. of dnynllilnoo nnnnln Ind A nrinh auuon lltll Hon- Tohl an-mm in droolnounud $1,714,135, or our 10 par cont. Roam Fund inonuod 019d.'I00.(I!.or over lo per cont.

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