Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jun 1897, p. 5

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'.'.'.-`;?;`.i n. ` an ' um. . ~-st " ._ t-.%=wnlf3??33. ab 7. . mu.-lulu. n. mud in win ouvfoonngf 0 ' wn dl_:_l1L6t$od_ gondltlon A W).amvns,'Juo and hep: T. Philinn III 23.--Tho tug Binm have our Bnudgy. JXXIIVIUU In . ' to d I I1 and. minus. n.fuP.n|nl&|honn I`. wono -......' ""111 3:; _ "i'u'so.a`:g":nL iilr in nnunq;n tlloiennpnnnl. nx...Ir-u. uh... In vidMnnJIiAl'EII in V, _..;_.. ,__._.- In ahabugnq qt rmghkuiaio. N.r;. z:'..':'" .........' "`.':."""""........"':."...P?!' B. [ 3a'.'.7:"..3.`usT.`.."7"a-u:.'.'.'Q. ,...a_ v -1.... II...-hul A-gm -ng.nnuu` L Vllllflll ll'CI|D~nI|u_wun nu-'3 pluo. guvudawwauund. `.Y_|I`_`il_|tI'IpO 98 Inland`: drug an-nuunuunuaq. . .._._. .Q._.._ n. 11.- 4.... I 11 Ill illinlunipnau. Giant: in vidnguzfrloddu ip, Ganadg Pgcmc Railways F9BiP9'7*F?N%*Y-'97 any 11] I- nili I snails. no-arse-91!-n[ -mi p.Ia.t.- gvrp---u- , .Buu~IIItn`It. Junu'_cnhoOu|.b 'n.`roneo.unn.. _; ' , ' A tuna-aj of Dr. Stock; Hammond.` llato omnniat of St. Juan oaqhodrol. Look phoa on Fri lguto from thohb rppidoneu. -526 Sher nxno ret. Ike briql norvico unread in the cnthodn`) by bishop Sullivan at Hired oblock. Six main-` hem of the about acted as ll-begun. pad the up-vieo at the `utbe_ wai chm-pl. the. binding making an address aftgr bl}: mhn `lmaon. Ana!` the ..'.`..i!'..'.. .. W`. , 11 `WW ` ., ` ME; `Z}"2`:'.`. .~:...J'.T `}'3?'.ei?`."'.-M"??? the remains were tnlen for burial toss. James` cocoon-y, Icnblo-noun ohm-ing beonrcooivod from the parent: 0 the do- oouad auctioning the into:-mont than-0. _ nmmn Human : uddnuluted about oouud uncuomng we mwrmonu nuuu. Bilhs Sullivan's uddrgu luted twontrr vs minutes.` It boid 01- a warm potions! nction and rupees for tho do- oeusodu A unnvand profound admiration fdfhim us Imllician. He mentioned how L- .1.......I'. mminnl nnniua. had downloa- row` him muuomn. no rnenwunuu u_uw the deoeuegfe muaicel geoiuehnd develop- ed r/so only an ego, that when he was buholeven you're of age he had noted no the orgeniet-of 3 church. No better orgeniub bod ever been heard in Sh. Jaoxee athe- drel. and his loan would be inypauhle, for hin repomon was more than continental. '1'b,obishop't uoiatenta were the Rev. R. Admoh bndthe Rev. W. C. Wolliu. The cathedral-wu-crowded. nod almost every member of St..Jemea choir was .inItl'snd- woe. end repreeenhetivea wen. recent `from ovary musical association :in e city. Mr. Muegreve presided at the, organ and among those noticed were MeG!!`I., W. E. Hulnm, Fred.-Warrington,.F. H. Torrin - ton. W. A. Sherwood, Mrs. cuuhaford, Btellman. Col. Grnsaett. Albert Nord- heimor, Dr. Crawford Soadding, Dr. J. J. Moolereu, the Rev. H. Softloy. John Fie- ken, S. G. Wood, R. B. Somarville and many others. - TM-, Rmnkrnmmond was introduced to others. Dr. Btoclrs-Hammond to Kingston by Mrs. Cornwall as the director of music in Kingston ladies college. Dr. Stocks-Hammond came to Toronto from St. Peter's church, Reading, Pa., where he had been two years. He was, how- ever, an Englishman. and was for eight years .' pupil of Frederick Atkinson, or- ganist of the far-famed Norwich cathedral. His knowledge of the voice was ained under the tuition of Carlo lnsuti. Dr. Hammond was for some years organist and choirmnster of St. Bar- nabas church, the fashionable place of worship in Bradford. Eng., where he con- ducted the Bradford harmonic society and the Bradford orchestra, which had a na- tional reputation and made tours to all arts of England. Among his pupils was ohu Coats the well known English baritone. who paid avieit. to America with The Artist's Model. After settling down here Dr. Hammond continued for some time to visit the United States to conduct musi- cal societies in Pennsylvania. He was Jeanof the musical faculty of the Penn- sylvania Chautauqua. His chief attain- ments . however, weie as a solo organist. In England he gave solo recitals in the People's palace, London, at the Paris ex- position, and at the sheries exhibition, London. He was the composer of about 170 dilferent compositions, sacred and secular. He was a high author- :A.. ...s 5'-LA In-ninintr and dBVB!OD- secular. 110 A mgr: nuuuurw ity on the training and develof d .ment of boys voices. He he a degree of licentiate of the London col- lege of music. and was one of its examiners, and was a doctor of music in the Ameri~ can univereit. of church musicians. He was also a fellow of music of Victoria col- lege of mueic,_,,_London. and a bronze medalist as a baritone sin r of the Lon- don academy ol music. r. Hammond stood very high in the masonic order. He was a thirt.y~eecond degree mason of the Philadelphia oonolatory, and had composed no reral masonic pieces. To Thglemorv 0!.-(_):bot. HALIFAX, N. 8., June 24 --Six thoue~ and school childr n this morning marched to the exhibjtio building and weread- dressed by lord Aberdeen, admiral Era- kine, rincipal Grant! of Queen : college, Dov nnlrnnn and alderman A. W. Ped- kine, rincipal uranu otqueexxs courage, Rev. . Dobson and nldarman den. Afterwards thejubilea munbain in the public garden was unveiled by the countess of Aberdeen. rm... ......-.....-...,manm-nl thin nfmrnnnn un- IIlIK_DIlVIll(`_9 l\,UIl Iauuuyu --gt Wftu-mm-ur-* nu. II -cm-. ` Iinwtolou: so own:-uh: -----_.-.---,-------.:-..-__---.-- countess or Anerueen. Tho governor-general this afternoon un- veiled the tablet. erected in the provincial corridor tothe memory of Sebaecian Cabot. The exercises were witnessed by a large gathering of people. The 400 men from the agship Crescent formed a guard of honor, accompanied by the ship : band nnd drawing four guns. they marched through the streets from the dockynrd arriving at. the building at three o'clock. .____?.._._?_._ Ammr. Bxsmw. Lynden P. 0.. says: My husband was bad with rheumatism; he took the first box of Millor s Compound Iron Pills with great. benefit; and the eecond box has nearly cured him. For sale by E. C. Mitchell. ----------49-___-._--__--_____-r_-___--_-_. A Bellevllle Boy haean Experience-Mrs. E. George, Bellevme. 0nt., Tells the Story of the Rescue of Her son Fred From the Clutches of Kidney Disease. Says Mrs. George, My son Fred, now thirteen years of age. has been troubled with his kidneys for some time. Pains'1n the back were frequent and severe, and he also had urinary difficulties. He was very much broken up in health, and despite the use of a large amount of doctors medicine he was unable to obtain relief. I have started to give him Donn : Kid- , ,_ _-._ sL_L :s :. annulus `man IDQGIOIHO D6 WEB uuuunu nu uuwuu nu-non. ney Pills. and can any that it is truly won- derful how muchho has been helped by their use. Hoia now rosy and vigorous, and seems to be getting better all the Li-A tine." Mrs. George was quite enthusiastic in her praise of the new kidney conqueror. and wished every one to know wins 3 re- markable remedy for all kidney troubles Donn : Pills Are. .. . . The specic And direc 4| /cbion of Donn`s Kidney Pills on.t.he Idneys always rs- stores them to 3 healthy Action, thus our- ing all diseases arising from disorder of the kidneys. bladder or urinary orgsns. Bnchche. headache. dizzinensjdiubetes, Bri ht.'s disease, gravel. etc.. all yield rec Ely to Donn : Pills. Price fifty cents per box or six boxes for 82 50 at: all drug-' gists. Z...'.."....;.'...".."."}2...'J..'..'. 23.}. . qggu-..p. Icutbvloltgntcuubtcl ulna. I'.II.IUlINco..1otI9b. N Lu. Ling men fnil. A , , ro'i-iii_i -l;EO.-P"LE. .4 __ g_.__n_A_ Ln.` 4.4;...-_-Q4- ...._.._____.. .E? ED, ` -:-.a_.-__ _...._,_.. Buolotlu Attend Church-Oored I Be. ward--Collar Bone Broken. Yorker, June 28.--In Newburgh,Cum- den East. an'l Yarker. jubilee services were held on Sunday, participated in by the Orange-mean . Prentice Boys, Unit- ed Workman. Chosen Friends. Fores- ters, both Canadian and Independent, Oddfellows and Masons. In the morn- ing Ynrker I`/and drove to Camden East nnd headed the procession to the Enq- lish church. where services were um- ,a..,.a...| hv Rev. Mr. Woodcock. The; where SGFVIUPS were um- ducted by Rev. Mr. The serv. ices were impressive and at the con- clusion the audience heartily snnq;Go1 Save the Queen." The same routine was followed in Newburgh and Yarker. The churches were not large enough for the oocussion. .Mr. and Mrs. Mules, of Ann- prior, span! a few days in Yzxrker. mt their dau.g1nter`s, Mrs. A. W. Benja- III;V\ YARKER DEFEATED NEWBURGH. ----'-:- mm. Mm. \V. Atkins, of Ottawa. spent :1 day with us. The .\'a.pzms-e river com- pany offer a. reward of $200 for informw- tian that will lead to the arrest of the guilty one who attempted to blow out the stop log dam; at Petworth. The Fifth lake dam was also blown up. Peter Vunluvan has just heard the result of his suit in. Canton, N.J. This .,..:+ um. hmn mimxon for nboutayear, of III: sun. in. Uauion, n.u. Jul: suit has been going on nbouta ear, and has had three hearings. eter came out ahead as usual. We have just learned of the death of the wife of sheriff Stuart. of Toledo. Ohio. She is a. sister of William and Allison Martin, I of this place. M. Jackson, of Tweed. has had his tentfiiched here for a. week, takinnz photos. lawn parties are all the go. Yarker band is kept busy iLtte-nd- ing to the calls upon them. The Ro- man Catholic picnic was a success this year. The drawing card was the base . .. . ,1, L-._........ \'.\-`raw untl NAW- Catholic pl(`nlC was a auutuaa tuna . ball match between Yurker und New- bungh. Newhurgh came up \g',th_ __the determination lo win the-$10 aud ,were' sure of it. But fate was against them. It was a. splendid game of ball. Score thirteen to eleven. Ynrker having an innings to spare. \Vt-at and Freeman's livery is doing a. nice trade. A new Waggon will he got. up by them for ex- cursion parties. There will be a large turn out to Wntertown on the twelfth of July, from the mumies.. Mnnt`a|II l<`nnwm|( (`nnnnllv .Sl8.I't(`(` 1'01` from the mumies.. Monday Fenwirk Connolly Kingston on his bicycle. He got about four miles on his way when he was thrown off, breaking his collar bone. Frank Somerville gave us a, call. He came out. on his wheel from Kingston. Edward Mndrligun l\xLd`tl1e misfortune to have his finger smashed by asledge glancing while he was driving spikes on the Bay of Quinta railroad. William Silver is also incu.pecit.n.ted from work by having his thumb shaved by a rung shaver in Wrights far/`tory. Yarker band unites -with Sydenha.m hand on the twenty.-ninth inst... at Syden- hum hand social, Mnce`s Point. S. S. Guess left us a sum le of hiu fine rye, over seven feet. hi}: . There is taller rye, but no finer ield in the county. Rev. Mr. Cunum farewells here next Qnnnv A allcuulllllu rllilllu. Bnttersea.,'June 22.-"I'he annual picnic of the hand. recently held in L. Vu.n|uv- ven`.s grove, passed off quite successful- ly. The literary part of the programme however, was, as usual, quite short of what the hills promised. Addresses were given by the chairman. l)r.Sand.5, and J. MoGra.w. The selections given by the hand were welrrendered. Of the sporting events advertised to take place the football match only occurred. This was contested by & picked team from Sunbury. ' lnverary. and. Lulimer. against some of the home team, assisted by severe) players from Seeley s Bay. The former aggregation easily demon- stralteid their superiority by piling up five goals to their opponent _goose egg." After the match the pic ic folks returned to the grove. where dancing commenced -a.l:out six o`clock and con- tinued until midnight. An orchestra from the city furnished the music. 1...: Rnhlmth. mecial jubilee services IVBV. 1111' Sunday. wug -|u. nniurn Anunuu -u -v........-u 5Eu%xs'3W A ' Q-Q` gains`-n n'r_n"'au win: um mm. from the city lurnisnea the music. Lest Sabbath, special jubilee were held in the Methodist church. The pulpit and alter were beautifully adorn- eq with flowers, while on the table in the centrestood a large picture at her majeusty. In the evening, Rev. Mr. Pletts took as his subject, The Life and Reign of Our Queen." from which he drew some grand lessons, both of u. t.em;p0ra.l ind spiritual character. To- day Mr. Pletts took his departure for the city, from whence he will start on his trip to the mother land. t_o see his pnrt*n=t.s.. Before leaving . he was pre- sented with a purse of money_over and above his salary. His many friends wish him bon voyage, and a pleasant, time during his ten weeks` absence. Rev. J. H. Miller, late of Pittsburg, has been secured to reside during Mr. Plette"ebeence. idenble dissatis- fnetian is felt unonq some of the rate- pnyen on need division number twenty- ni became of the councillor!` action in a win I number to do their eta- tute lube;-._ on private roads, than re-. ducing the amount of labor to be ex- pcntlgdnon the public road by about .CAS1`OR|A r.g-gnmtpgndghghh. A Snccoufol Plcnlo. -1,,__ on `VIV1... ...... Latest Improvements. 3 :_ _ _ ._ ,l_ - e . Asbestos lined, Flush Tops, Pilot Burrjers. See them. E:5B.LoUcKs $7.00 will buy a Reigorator. sivzne 43 x. ' ' inches. A . A.` ` 4. _\ Xiardwood natural niqh, _ . ; _ '. ` A-Lined with fine antiglllnniud ' H _ _ Ice has: run size oftop. A, % ` ., L F This is a snap price. wlfyon require 1 !'{o_frigc\/tg`Iog"ut if , F " ' ' ' 4` A . 3: ! 1,`}P:"5.q.:. : Sole Kmgsgon Agents. HAINEs an es 74: 71 s'r.._ 335 King Sltlrevetj. Prices frol`*n"S"O'c up 1=`A1\ A()U!S ' o til 1`-GLASS FARE AND ONE- "l"r!1` J. ol.n uno nth and July ht. Bum-n bl!!! `tdohu to Oainidinis Rorth- Wut. }`l:`_n.oo . Jql:,Ihh And puma. {tickets good El` Wmwlohu Ooinid Int": Nor thwout. Juno (rickets turn lull 0 Irilg. 1 . LIGO 1'. 33 us nnunrnv, ' ~l. Wgiolll. Rm-"iifw D0; D0 I . . For Sue or Exchange. Lot bdtwion Johnston and lot! on Gordon nmmuxm. , lot Buwuu Jonnnon um sun can uvnu g mkn bun. .....-5' : **'--' E"-'.r mu _x':;_.;-_;--~ *~`;":`E::`:'~ *9 mean. (horn and 08117614 a~ uuwpvluuvu uluugw cu-- -v-,w-- v --- mu :1 his buolhoh a ?'.'3v7'1'-'3-`sosM nos. mu. 1:`: . frnnhoho. n Ilnntlnr nonnnrlhnlnnlli All IOIDH cAL1'_A'm) SEE wood swam A| ..|_.EN S SHOES. . .. `$3 M: in 9- ` flck s Art storc. `J}`\ %.'~ REEDEN &"E`6i m.1=nghauua_innuvn-care , .` .` -.`.'. .: 'I`>v~ .` ,- -5 ,- ' - A. .. hub-K :. can , .-,:_ vwm.v='1men 3. `Son, cum. look. am; will lung b ` .IihI.III imloootloutot Io- nllnllonnroshn whuuuu \;D9| Ihh an opposition insult. ni6qpitots,)o g_h.ooo.,l\:.'4qu__ l`_'JII IlwIII|V-vuu.--- - . - - "vim Hiio` Iatim Tickets `st following min: .. 4' V , , _ A `Icing cl inoauciuu.` I at , . .1{3'. .'r :u'nodlbI_ L .1-;'-.-.-::'[,-g{Ig!,i_n nu , non dllfup 1: L pl! 2: "-"*- ~.;-a,;;W;`z.%:-..~.:.-`iz:' ul . .451! 2:30 .51.. o$:::l'z`v .:: -'.';'.`. laognt ylth train: to` pqlntn In` tho U_m1m:o ' wurras. `WAdIIi!`PnI.uIIuvIhr0n*n behuln nnnu tnnnunm Ann NEW YORK. H; '3?7"lfV!Ef"S| . 1;: '{Ixp::.1:.:g:: `~ 4' ~*'~" `A no oa.`u'.as .'m Mun loo. 1. I I nlzthlrnn Gall . No.5 ll ' . cm s d 1 $3-"i.'?3.y."`1m leasing : ?I=.(I:)..n1.o;a , z:*"**-'-::.=+$.':;:.?';s:.':%..:;::'..`."e,; . N... 2"" f".'?`i . ' " mt -n.ox.ns mum mm on. __._'_0l_I: "T . .-33' .4." x .1: 1.2.6. an In. an.` __-__- .... ':mM!.r Jnrino-n*I.II - 5-`-.-1.a1-1;.-n-, um-W-=`.. - -n Inuit. undue '21`. I. `.0. AID .:. II` -u u`| IlIDU-Hn . W W `Niagara Falls. onmm. Boohutor. u-I-Irl Iigollnnl , Wan IV WI 3 $3: uy ' Lou. ;!voho-Mr. % 1* '*`m:.'.la.'`2;.:E~`:'.`. .`'* . W -IT VlCW'.'l ' `F! 5'" `(L01 in- n:an"1. ho. l|.;nund' {'13. M v . llinsna` Una Vnrk. `VIIHA UL; u old. Hartford. Worcubi, Pro- ionoo. Bowen and tho `VV,.JI.'vl` Hm dl ` ' " - g . lr4:';:?&cl?:It):: aid tho pa . 4`-u-nu-Ia-I-r .-'.:T`.ii.`a .-a..-.=".L"f i'53o'BY '?K3u"i'lbT Qua. A . ' . Qndltqvolml Thc,% '. ifglu and counts [ICE . Bcst.| CKDIUI oxoopt Sunday _` 300$-19,91 .""i"K'1n 5. Q!lfIz\lOIDuto0:.- nu uuuui vauuuu nu... luv! ' ' 40 p.m.n:n c':.m"r::3l H L.`' oijnuuu. Roaxron. Juno 22.---'l`ko simian North Kingnnd Islander made their am calls hnonnnday lub.--llu. M. Sumnn in vinmn ha-duuglltor, Din. II. J. Bugnell, r_, N Y,-n-aw. P. Dgilqyju nsmnodL B!!! V . .4 7 tronrnuooti-mo. where ho was monqsng . _..nh..*.~ J` an mnnm` nnunail.--John % `"co.a'ii~zAnn.`.'sanTgE~T-- I';ho,V..Pi- mn- h_qIucia.jp`uHng`.hus.1' at-duo ovoning.--Wo no ohnvo,a uohl-_i_gn tho ncu"futuro.-Mr. Oreonnir huferoaud 1` .-0. L00 (1 (`I G. L030]- ' :-nwnkxwthn nnuiflvnmy`-n"!'L$fn. tin puuu. ulpwuv nuuun r now `run -u-. -. J t ' . um-o` `. .hu`a'2%-.'1'h[ winner Eulotqn. of gun` . hloI.:r_R . ` M-gdo` -. n. to m '0' vfllolllla E` A- W DTQUII III!!!`--`-III-I wuunuv -V-UV!`-yvwu tot jghis -wuok.-Bav, E. _ kin hi: iarqwoll sermon Bun- : .'l _-rI`.'. awmsu was in Kjngqton I` t`y`In`ab`to no hi: mother. The min In mC`(A .-Anni Anrlofn Knr whim tn III: 1 `$213? .j=LiuDUifnno"s' smi qrgonnesponnems wgmz. . lhglvdh tug wool: not among: an M an-n. .1 in. manual -indtrInI-- Motlllljillo gunaa during nor vmnu w mus place `regret to hear of her lllneos.-Mr. and Mn. Arlph Church spent Sunday last` at W oo!or.--Mh'.'Wi1|inm Welhaqkn eon- Mnnnn nn'A sink. ' Dlsuoxn. June zz.--u.ev. mr. mcu uhod his hi-dwoll sermon lus Sgbbatb. 0 Iowa for his new eld of labor this -..L u......- 0...... L... nmtnndad hing 'i7~'3'aa" t7sT{&'32'i'i'.1q.2l."f'ri7;":{E.?" gills gdncd during hr min to th s nlnnn w-mum to hear of illneos.-Mr. ` 0 ~ .'`.".}.`1` ."2r.::'1r. um. I rm o! unn- W-wvv- -v v-- ` In uooonmoduion and III VVTIIY-"*allI'l. tinnu quite tick. and Im hrowou sermon lllibqliulsu. M week.--Some from here attended the R0 'mn Ontholii anio at Varty Lxko and re: port. I goid t me.--'l`hoao from here who a t.he4,jnbiIoo-salmon at Camden M on Snhddy lnuh'w1-omuch, based.-- iuitora -' and Mrs. Pen 0. Prince Edwin -d county. at their daughbo. Mrs. Mulhnll. Switzer; Mr. Bell. Michigan. Lt his uncle's. A. P. Bell; Mrs. Alvin Swit- -.... I)..|.-..-pagan at has lnnf.hnr'l, MPH. Boll; Mrs. Alvin Swin- zor, Bobouygeon, at her mother's, Mrs. Eniory. Vronwr, J uno 2l.-A number from here attended theioo cream Ioeial at Wil lest woek.--Our miniet.er,Rev. W. Cootnbe. bu returned for anobher yoer.-MiueI E. and R. Storms attended the Wilton Sun- day school picnic Inn Saturday.--Miu H. A. Gqndr spent Btturday in Nopanee.- Miuee .V and E. Johnsbon. Kingston. and Mines R. Shibley and L. Pnrrotb, Wilton, were guontl 0! Mine 8. Pan-on lat we ek,-E. A., Wright rides a new bike.-0ur -ho`o1 closes next week for the holidays.---Mr. end Mrr. Ward. Heming- Mn, ueviniting Ah 8. G. IIayle s. whim Conxnns, J une 2`2.-'l.`ho young poo Ia oi Sweet : Corners and vicinity hold 9 plponia at Qhprloaton on Saturday gnu ro- sang a good m.--f1`lio.|_no hold us sa. bu : oliiirchbn Monday for the purpose of cleaning Gui) the church and oomat-ary wnp dog.-id aucceu.-Mra. 8. Middleton has returned from vliiting friends in uncle Sam`: domain:-.--Charloa Snider. Cloyne, in viaitin bio daughter. Mn. A. 8. Mninae. --Mu. opliia Struthoru, who has beon quite ill for I long time, is confined to her bodn _` in.-Miu Annie Church and Miss Blnn o Gnlway hue gone to Kingston to visit friends. Employ. June 2l.-Mu-. J. 0. Rogers, very ill, in rocovoring.--Mrs. J. Madden in normally ill.-._-Ioxmo on boast of two -lidy 1n'aiI carrii-9.-- ho number of pupil: in the public school lnving increased this spring the tnuteu have been obliged to ongao I second teacher in the person of 'r_. , Euinn_._.Miu Nancv 'BoLtin in cup: 0 neconu winner "I um punsuu ul '1`,- .I`. Ewing.--Miu Nanc "Batting "v`h,i_O3`Iig at 14. Kiah'a.-Miaa ' n his re- turnbd homo after spending a couple of months in Fermoy.-8.. Lee had a bee raining I burn has week. Forty-two men wage presents-F. Anderson paid A ying visit to P. Quigloy a last Saturday oven- ing.---A wedding is talked of in the near I|lI|l| 0s Enuns1-rowny_8'rA-rIox.Jund2l.-A nup- bbr 6! ferlnere ere busy drawing onto to the ntation.--EImer Army and bride have re- tnvned lrom their trip and settled in our midet.---Mrl. Hartman hes fully recovered from her recent illneez-.-The lawn eooinl at Robert Gilbert : was a great euceeu. -The union ot Eionioe. excursions and city visi- torl in at uid.--Mre. Doyle he returned from visiting friends in' Odotll.-MI`. end Mn. F. Biokllbll celled on friends here last week.--Ernee_t Ame: he; returned from hie eeetern tri taking in the oemp M; King- ston eIIu'.-- rl. Timmermen in around pey- ing her ferewell_ visit to friend: prior to her departure for the eat. Kaumn. J no 22 --Samples of mino- rtln are to be loci: In an windows of near- ly ovbryhouso.-Cadmm Bron. have struck it very rich as proepoeu show at ptoaonh. _..`Tha road from tho Pooblco mine In the B VII ! non proepoeu EIJOW no prasdnu. --Th: road from |tho_ Pooblon GP. R. tmck in nearing completion.-We uu, loud to hour Rev. Charles Adams bu goofreturnod` to thin circuit. ugnin.~-~ :1 ha... wumum am Oh: nnlhlt. in the Cl!!! 0!: oxoopti OI hll bOOl1`I 8IllI'l'IOG 150 mil olrcnw Ignu|.~-~ K. Dafoo. Flimon. lli tho ulpit in the abaonoool Mr. Adams Inn undny week. -A-,nnI_nbor of our young boys man at the home 0! James Baihgnte on Sunday, and Alrrld I god time ottln maple mgnu-.--Mrs. , Gnnvnn nnnn bl! hunbmd with D I`. unnynn pflllwil DUI` llllIll.Iuu wuvu I ; " II the 12th im.--A party of 3:2: ':);|o no going Jones {sky to gm `ho, qqoodc duunond Jubilee. --ThIy nntielime 3 good tinge. _ few -4153800 - ONO" din. Nignnoo. and lo Anoin- ting nlnnvtlg nmnh Snndnv with Mini LnIIs!...ll!Ihguns auuay moon lulu a union i at Mung : Ppiut, 8 danhm. but turd. `Thom wut maul nnuntd Making. but notwithstanding uvoryplcnnnallimowucpon god .I [OW VEKQ -Lluusuu 0130 tino, Glenvtlo, 1 nt Sunday with Miss "Guru-udoilllh.- ho umlbou of the rile uudqtion opens tin 22nd having: Ihool-in: Inntch. Ira Dnvison nishod but lulu vqiuh Jol_m.llym9n mound.-V-l'. Card. Nnpnucd. in onanving on 6 number of Vnonpmoutaiu} y eelnnton-y.-l_ . L Too- 2:405 :.s..a., us. . hi! to Yum I Itock W-.v.*. 3?`-9 L o Srptnybwuxntio "oldllu-n" Id min`. A gaunt III found. oligcorn OI%IIN'lI `Ill! 11! uunuu. soooinnn: Ictulsuiiqrt. pvuidcnt; Inna land Burnt. I`. P. Johnston and Bdguoan Vuihtvoa. dimeus. And Yanhlvu Iniiuuns Tho argln _ guhocuu nywuplaoadut Innnll Ionltv-n nor XIII I. IHIIII. IIICI [|UI'lll" an, .. w,_n',_ ilaon q.---The Push hriun uni Ilntlnndint Sundnv Iohoolc d I V 1.21/iutaiuvrnvl. Jib: s:.?_J.uu. ii; 1. . tho 'a-r=I' Dzsuoxn. Juno 22.--Rev. Mr. In-A-nd ll Xfln 3' '1 "Jam" ""35.-Iii:" "L7.Is'io 'u';".'r.'i1n'aE. Gunynn hot nnafnnn an 12th imt.--A may , Inna`. II ""'I "W P'l"""'"'5' "ax .s.:~.:.--;r..**:~ -2 A ` I on ..}n;.:A..s`.s `:5 Hum ; ymsnn Svdmhm. OIIIOIII taken. ..l.I`_s. I ,hnrb.wuoarg`o,ii' very will. and ....`.. 1.4.... has an thn urrianlhurnl musty ! I crdwd uIum_ MI. V`I1l%ll-`y`I"lnr`Ir unnua .`wm:h.:l' `J company}; htho ncipul % ,_,;.,,;,,':':;!,':;.n'.;4z:`;.,;.,..... ` nirlio,.{'io I963! Ikbilh Idixt 7" oid hhnwoadd in iiuuyng the modal *~' %v~2*:v :`.."?.;:.'%` - , - ` " ~. 00. gabimo Tinhosof Ave-as: % ?ouMsbv-xvi-=ez%a;re;':-s7 :'? u1and`o"I'rnh `re " -1 "'- 55": ghts."- -bin. Bufd. 6743400 5 we :6 lsoqhr 6 Y`fliC'hOl'_ dlnghi`-Q ~`G-1'"W'N!i , ` I 7 luugox, g.-4Pioplc`huo lubtd pungigagmg pouwou Ind can and I do noir` mzimo me--ty preparation- lnn Lniino_ -- Aloxnndor Martin.` 50' Moivnx June 21.~-'R.ev. Mr. Pope V proobodha larniwell urmqn at each of tholppolntmontu on Sunday. Rev. Mr. horey. ol Adolphuatown, will Vtakehis hoe horo.--Chu-lea Willard has moved rom_ our `village up to near Napanoe. This will necessitate another oloiotion as he wu roovp of thy villoge.--E. Kayla: in ...n:.... H. mm. nn m-an tmd in) in m-onar fnnjod pfcwn-or not mpouy nun; uuuu uthodl.-`-J. J._0 RoiIly*'mmo homo on Fri- dny hon: Othvu.` `to Ipqnd hi: -limmor vacuidn.-`-3 . L. -lIcAnloy`ia hsvln tome rupiirn dond on-`MI house by '1`. J. ylton; --A ..--bu dam` some? noodtul repairs V in griveyurd on-Bitu}-dd was well Amended. --`A party" at younc To nu from this vicinity opens nn onjgytbio evening at T. -0 Con- nor : on thol2t.h. \ . . . ` $1-J VJ J--IuL' . ""." "'*`f .'.*`.3;.:.'`.`.`. .".:.$". a .`i'" ` A `hl E` gr} nvmcaarr '".L.*:-.~'.1!'5!%}..E .?5na~ :-v . . ounce n 0 3 `hunt with tininn totsll nolntn 11$ D. I15 no1n_nnI.~mg um ncouuvy propnruuuuu for ing. Alexander Martin, Cut ' all, Ipontrtha ltd: w1|h A.lo;sndeI`- `K131561161. ---SoIuo'f on; football unbhnniuu ummn`-A nun bd.wun~ Bydonham ,I3ly. ---Bailout lolvlul Inmuuuuu ; Bydonhun am! pure: 1" [wry-`-Ahllfoh picnic to "bu tmdi .-oumim `~ih' -Anggut is talked ul:ou_Ia.-.-"rho mien : diamond jubilogwu ukbratod in our uohdol d'n.l`tldo,y and s frnmod picture or her majesty hung in the -A|\mil__'..I_ J. 0 R.oi1lv*mmo homo he NOV; 0! my vluugu.--xu. nuqum .- gebtinq his race co'urse`t.t.ed ilpin to :- rhnpe for the season : ego:-t.-- er ey Vehslyck and his newly we ded bride are com'fort'eb_ly settled in their `new home.- The funeral of the ve-year-old boy of Fred Perry was conducted if: the White church on Wednesday last. The little fellow died quite suddenlv. being stricken with inammation oi the bowels. The bereaved parenbs have the sympathy of all.-Visit.ora: R. Gibson and wife, of Pittshur , at his father s, R. Gibson: the Misses mibh, of Nepanee. at E. M. . Q.-...ie1.`a S rnit.h s. C/vmnaovi, June `.23. - The Epworth league gave ii sociiil evening to `their lriends on Friday last. A very pleasant. time was s nt..-The Revs. Orser and Shell preae ed their farewell sermons on Sunday last; Rev. Mr. `Orser loin yester- day for his home -The Rev. Mr. Robeson will move into the parsonage to day.--J. L. Nicol and wife lire spending I few days on their island down the Rideuu.--Miss Scott. Perth, who but been visiting at Mrs. Shower-t. s, left for her home Co-dsy.-Mrs. His cock has returned from A short visit. to s nee.-A number of improvements have con made in the cemecery-orna- inontel VMB8 and fount.ains.~-'l`he' ladies aid society of this place presented Mrs. Stewart with it very handsdne chair as a slight token of their appreciation of her ` services as president of their society dur- ing .bhe past. two years as well as an ex- pression of t e high oeteein in which she is held by :1 . _ PLIIVNA. June 2|.-Crops are looking well, especially the grain. Grain and chi`)- nnks are tormenting the farmers grant carr ing of!` their newly planted com.-- testers attended Holy Trinity church Sunday afternoon to hear a zenersl thenksgivinq service by Rev. Mr. Rowland in commemoration of the eixtieth anniversary of the accession of queen Vic- torle to the throne of Green Brlteln.--Msl- ville Card ielmproving the appearance of his house by a fresh coat of puint.--Rov. Mr. Wag; preached his farewell sermon last Sunday. He will leave for Camden East on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Higgs takes charge of this mission for the coming year. -A. W. `Wood. son and dsnghter, have re- turned home after visiting relatives ut Delta. - Visitors : Mrs. Hicks, M ra. Adams, of Griith; Hugh Wilson, of El- phin. at George Wilson s; Dr. Elkington, at Mr. 0aler`s; J. Watt and wife, of Om- poh, at R. Watt s. Emntnnna. June 22.--Mr. Counter : union jack is gaily fluttering in the breeze. Some of "our cihizene are doing the queen's jubilee in Kinganhn. others have gone sh- ing at -Loboro Lake, whilea reeerve few ere pursuing the even tenor of their daily vI.oil.-Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Graham have returned from their wedding tour end taken up houee keeping and the former hes resumed hie duties as teacher of our eehool. A. Creneton was left in charge during the teacher : absence, but his wife started 3 lime kindergarten that required hie pretence eh home. So by the teacher becoming e happy benedici and the imp - l_v I happy father the scholars enjoyed a ppy helide .---John L. Pope has learned to ride the bi e-~Mine E. Spooner enter. tained about thirty of her young friends one evening lest week.--Fmnk Letherland in In London, En land. with the Canadian jubilee t.roops-- there of our citizen sol- dier! ale in camp at Berrieeld. Vhile Col. Hunter iein commend of the queen : bon- re eh Kepler. Bun. June 22.--Rev. Dr. Tucker de- livered his farewell address to his congre- gation on Sunday evening and it bei ng` in- bilee Sabbath the church was te.st.elully decorated with liege, hunting and owers. It. is eeie to any that the doctor ie the moat eloquent end vigdroue epeeker with which we have been lnvoi-ed `in ineny year: end his closing dleoourec was no'etoepbion to the rule. Choosing es his text -Rouene xm,-l, he exorteii ell hie hearers to be loyal enbjeobe of her mejeet but my chris- tian` oieixenrto renderlll ue reepeeh end homege to ell-in euthorit over them. for `there is no power but of ed. The doctor end family Ian on Monday evening. 1' eleemer Alennclrie, for Monti-eel end Ea new osmm et Simon eftef having received ". Inn. -in-.5." lnnm hie em-r'hvinw nnnnla. V oatcmu it suntan uwr ugunng rvoclvtu I hon vovugc from his uorrbwing 'ople. --Rev. Btiirno Tngho. M.A., of Ste In. de- Iivorodnaonnon in St. John : church to `t.lit1aul|od'go_ol A.0.U.W.-Mrs. sm. "lingnndlllu Stirling, of Iluiiilooh, are IBVIIIO 000-tIgo.-~JoIepIi (hrdnor 1 inutnnuw note and dwol!ing.-Adu:;V .::|:lluhonl:u ygtmndfuhtriptoHon- Ilnnnglnd preached in-Ila nd Hill ` "on '. TM voobn mill in not 'unl0t|hInmaqumoutol I`. nnxmn (him. TKEDHII i 0Al"ll_V1lVUl.iN'L' any mpvv tuna. .V0.Il'?\lu.tllno MCI sntl nluhlo Iiii" fl. `w I . . (stun: mrnn nn~m\nn,IrIlr.n,

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