Un sung oulmon wan cons to mgn pnuun. In a mining lutinq from III a clown no It: o'clock with C few nun -.Il........_.-A hp ukuhnmm, an unlu- `Km US withi uiinntu adjournment for niuohmonu. the order uu vmrv nnnlv nlnnnul all. The tnri. ;'{o"v3}'EI;nun' 7 oIounod"""'_o'I'r'.""1`Eo' ESE. the in nvonuo bill. the Inter- nnlgnln I an rnnnhuh hf . Kh @llI vlunultlotnulunul. Punt", Otlnhun. Juno ll. - Nou- &n-nA I-Alan rli JAQ M Wk11~Ies1'?>1. o1'r.5m1 MONDAY. JUNE 21; met. MONK. FBI 0l\ICI' OE TIIO tlti. HI IA lnhnn. OIIIIIA yuan. ivui an gun'- hl-ah-an Jul-llnn. IDI} Din ? Iuu uviwl '-U unva- , this afternoon at lliobul ax:-1 I.lmoo n|ook. M`, In. ` nloohd lo: some years with ' jmotor nay. a din- ouo. of an apical cord. Ho :3`: M. In in a long time` against 11 I `Inga: 0 on signs of dluoII|ion.`n?\(rIh0n through 0:- lnuulon sndyithout an rial pound p_uog!u_ll_y gig; Dr. V. Eu nun auondod G_et nl an %'""iJ'63}'1. BRIGHT. CLEAN IIUIIRUU IIIILVAIIIIRV . Mr. Flanagan bdrn on Sopbombor 23rd, 1823. at Elphln. counby Ronoommon, Inland. the no.1 Lnugnlin Flnn An and Margaret Mu Bin {abhor dl while be me roan`. \ wu woll oduonud. In 18 I he onijlltod to Canada. and ur- vod in Kingdom about: 3 with that Lord Rvrlnnhnm. A KI Ink] Inll` he Infd men In mnguoq noun I won uwr uuru Bydonlnm. A` 90! Inch labor ho bho omoe of chain Sturo. barriuor-uh luv And uglmu at the county. At. that time the city And uunty Innconbinod Vlor Hntio purpolu. l'Inn:|nnAI| l Indunlrv and mm II I rogmnuon Mr. Fhmng purpouw. MI ! Indunlr and tube ponmun uttruoud Fnnou Mnnnlng Hill. another hwyu -mnknn I-`An Al (I out of tho forcmont 1:41.: ll : lnrlmsul Mr. no mm. and on u III Juno. won, I aw ds 1 bolero the utono at zho pupllo bn ldingn wu "ho ontorld upon toho dlmhu-on n! M: in dnhl. nnumngu wu . nu onun di that d at . 'X':'.`.'."a:_ urn :.:f...l'a Tn. ulaonarca on ma war uumaa. Altar Mr. Hill ignad bha cit clari- ahl afar. Flanagan auooaadall, '1` la waa II . I I Tho inoor on of Kl ton aa a city oeoutrad in` 840. and Mr. lanazan. pra- vioualy (on tho wt of April. 1846) mada olark. waa oonlmav; in that poaltion in ac- oordanoa with aha ptovlalona ol Baldwln'a naw municipal act. Ha aarvad hack: all mayora which Kl avar IE1. aava ona. aha lata Ir. Oaaa dy. In I _laia portrait. painted by that oxoallangggtlaag Mr. Bavryar. an aha oallandaxpa aha oitlaana (anal-ally, waa pwaaantad * in. Ha guhla 1 phadmao baanra. and lnndai la a--aha ohairnanot alt! .u7n"a.5'.'-{$15! VII lIl`_9VII' IIII,IIlUI'IllUU III Ullw nut; lull. In 1805 hi: worth and hie eervicoe were nppreoiewl at their true nine by hi: fol- low oitiaene. and ntteoted by their presen- tetion to him of o puree oonhoinin $500. '1`heoity'olerk vane mnn-ied in 848 to Kory Bu-oh. eecbnd den later of Dr. Boyd. 0! the R0 :1 navy. O! in u eleven children nine ore iving. Hie eldest eon. e most promising young man. died in New York at the age of nineteen, and Although that event happened yeore ego, Mr. Flnnegen neverjoeoeod to lament in. I. ...Il..l..-. LI: Winn-nan nan 1 l`h\lnP9l`. W. (3 \,|uw'v. _ 0- cl Ulvunqug 85 VIII` am lune-AI 3 8; `re- nnlo. I0; hound _ yuan. 0; Ta- nnin. 7. AI Ram, 43 Bnlulo. lo. M Wilhnhu-I0. 3% Provident. 0- AI BuIIhn.|:B::|.?'|H; Oilillllll IND. -nnnnhnn IA) u"...a...."'I':.'3l. ..'JJ',"`..'!.'.l'a'.'I5I"u'." an an grunt 0| uo.ouotu- as JAS. swj1=I& c0.| IINIO IIIIII OI IIIIIII]. III lnllllciu nu . tuartuo transfer 1`. l'Iandgcn`n an-aiolu to him. and 8 Id! June. 1848, as few (`nun kahuna Oh: I! nhnnn hf hhl nnnllu novorjoueod to lamanb In. In religion M r. Flnnugan wu 3 devoted. Catholic; in politics I retired oonuorv cive; in general. 3 public mm of ne ad- drou.- No mm hand ouch knowlodge of municipal mutton. nnd wish! he was at- toncivo and courteous. And the beau-ideal ..t _ .....L|:.. nllhdgl An - nit.-an ha mg: A tonuvo Ana oourwouu. tau ans noun-Iuunu of I public oloinl. AI 3 oiomon\ho was I model. clnugco no sold to no ooncomplnod on tho Grand Trunk. \.. Tonomo, Juno 2l.-Bcrno And Lowlo. wholculo olothiorn. of London. on rmn- ciolly ombarrnccd. and have called a mating of their crcditorc. The men oral oatlmuood at. 838.000 and licblliucr to 832.000. The qmbu-ruuncnh in nouibutod to bad debts. the loco from which lost your clone amounted to 8l2.000. Tho principol creditors are the cotton and woolen mills an Montrocl ond Englluh dam. The Mcrchontc bank In also inur- ..n..I ......l.I-...LIn A 04- anus: non lhn Itugmu ol sw.u:u.d ` in are rumon mportua o n on tho Grand Trunk niln g; Gonu-cl ouporintaondont 1100:: an. it I said. hnhouu to Income gen mnaungor of the Contra! Vcmoul nllvmy. which iu couuollod by one G.'l`.R. If he Iota shin appointment it is understood uupoI-iImnd- on E. E. litnhngh. oi Tomato. will no- oood him, sad the Ir. Flnhugh will in `Inn in wounded by_Gcm-go 0. Jonas. nnhhnl angst-lntondonl at Inndon. HIL- I`! I) uni -hank n nnfnh-nonnn $3. run 0.. will am | nfrignnboc ur- viong on-rypcodnch from Owen Sound and induct so llonuul. connecting at that point: with the uhnmuhip on-vice. jXIIIlIIU-UI:uuIin;o National Ian: -- M New York. 8: Clcvghndr-4v--A-AL Pmuol h. 4; as Innis, II. AtBIlIinonI; lulu . 7. M Wuhinmon. laglauhvillo. AI ton.7:Ohiono. _3. AI Brootlya.l:CIn- nlnnnnl ll scnzmon coAL| Ilrlnl. The meronnnu uni II III!) unwr- onhd oomidorably. A for year: ago the Gun uhowod I sat an o! $54500 uplnu lisbilihlu of 820. ML... ... I-nunnlln nl hum-n-Q.nn!. nlnnann III I Plll JIOHAIL rL AuAam nun. Inmun lwncuu Innulu lII|llllI' um, nocher hwyutilnpd .. nuhlio of i day. HQ induced Mr. m....mm u-nnlu r. l'I.nn'nn`n nhioln CALLED THE OHEDITORS. :' \ nronalh rmxatuu. u__-...... L... L..'.... .... H. our . are on: n hiohpaou-0; onbgtmg r. nxpu aim In nlunlvlnvnslnu Cornovskv Company. London llasl Rcverf But So' Crowded Before. I` lsmms mwcnumsten. (Intuit lumbar of lndlvlllnnlu In Inui- out Ana the In: In: Ihnnoon-0.11. Dunn `rhlula Jnblloo noun mdlollou mud` lnhllno-Popular 0|-no Insults In Awtdl word coIngo-OIun lot loo! lnonnoun. ~ Loxnox. Juno~2l.-'l`ho jubilee in now In complete pououion at London and It! inhabitant; `Phone for Whom bho wholo nbjeoh ha Income 3 nlghwm and 3 horror Inn token ll In: and the million: I: i i t I h lth oh .-:. 11:3: .!."...i....'. mhux or ER}: no `sout- THING APPALLING. dlourodltoblo for 1 beginning. "It in all vory rldlouloua if you liko to take it than V: . but ll you llho to take it the other to . t in very mblimo. Go Into the smoke-no lod book Itrootu. o` tho lluo of route. There you will nd in cm houno I poor little union `jock making it: on- dounwl hood out o the top corner of a broken window. Nut door to tho royal ntondu-cl in A ohoap hnnd og, Ind out `again in n homo-undo V.R. You hood atho jublloo dooorotl;nho`iu the `lingo youotugpptool oh ormoonng n M CNII-','1 hon xply llttlo ll and rod lottoru no tho hoy `noto to It ull.'.Lon- don] lo oottllugl down to pl: . but all through the gum the never rgots hor lovo md rovorouoo for tho mother who lu- Iplroo it. _ Tho nonuln` cum in runltimz in owlul who remein ere In mu Iylnptlmy ween one 0 oeoeeion. The inux oi vleieore rom the provlnoee end ehroed now enounte to e mighty inveeion. London _hee never been no orowded before. ' The etreeoe were never eo oongeesed eeve once, end an: wee tour yeere ego on the ooouion oithe duke of York : wedding. Theee numbere will he veetly en Inented to znorrow, end it ie elmoeo e pe ling to oontempletn the eitoetlon oh uhilee cley which will pneeno the greeteeo egreo- tion of hmnen helnge within the emelleeh eree the run ever looked down upon. The everege etren r herdly known in whet eplriu oo rege London ehtemphe eh fete umkin . It probably depende upon hie dlrpoeit on. when view he will ilnelly uh; [III uulpualuuu. wunu nun nu vuu nun... hate. G. W. Stevens, for lnulanoo. finds it both ridlculoun and aublimo. Mr. Steven: writes to the Mail : "London laa (mat big baby. lo`: mothor queen haa givan it a new say. which It calla bha diamond jobl- loa. London. abrango child. liaa ullad out all in little wooden boxoa and rich and pilad them up all over the noun of the houaaa and made little bows. rooahtoa and an-aamaro out of tho hit: of mill`. and picked up onda of wire and bio: of glaau homo: and twlatod than into aura. crowns and wraatlia. In Pioadilly in haa mod in mi. anger: at drawing rose: and thin a to put on manta, and shay coma out Inuo like obhar habiaa' lint atbampu. In one place in avan aaaayad amap of England. and the result looka lika a badly battered coal aoimla. The country nub hits is spelled "Holland." But ioianob an a. .n vnrv ridlnulmn it van Ilka apirea Ito." The popular craze resulting producta -of won! coinage. Here are um- laa: jub|lated" in police court alang for runk and diaordorlyg jubi|oua." au1l'et- ing too much to celebrate; "jubllitiea." an nouto form of the dlaeue; lubilioant. a jubilee r; ' `jubilettl. jab lee confetti," etc.. The charge: for food for the jubilee are likely to be enormous. The 3|-eateaterero, a week 0 charged fifteen to twenty dol- lara per ead for large parties. Many intluee t fortnight related to take freah onlere. hone who have delayed in making ar- mn emente are novnluolry to get it for $25 per ead. One man baa paid $2,080 for a room on Jamee atreet. Vllbll refreehmante. tor a party of ten. Another has paid 85,- 000 for a room. breakfut and lunch for a party of twenty. Annhhnr intenatimr feature 0! the feed- perty of twenty. Another interoeting feetnro in of tho multitude ep re in the proe oh for 1 e hire of spoons. in we and forte. which has reached dollars for e unrter olndonn. Agregartla vohiolen.itio reedyin: ihle to reech the city and the weetend eeply. The nnde round railroad ie overcrowded night end ey. The ooupe oompnniee' im- mense ttock of oerriogee of ell deecriptione ll entirely on et the n dey without to the tenoe. The livery etnhe keepere have oontrnoted their vehicleeelroedfo the utmoet limit of their reeonroee. he lowest oherge for tnhin n petty to its deetlnotion in twenty- uix do Inn with e very doubtful ohenoe of bringing it book a in. The current prioee ::\;:eeetetthee nightettho opereie ' AUCTION BALE PIGDOIVII tho Vmlco ot . Inn-hunnnth I01 I I l .195. li II. IlO0!'I'I unnpu. I4>`i:on, Junie Ivioburiu bu- pn oolohnt on u ooyat . u wuhoitinglm ootiru oanur. 1:1?!` thutlur at hot faith. whilu throughout London, the united kingdom and thou- pin, In 0 hulhutlnl church or ohupol of tho unto iuhod Ohuroh 0! England. won hoid union uinlnr eothouo at 88. Gaming : nlnnnl wlndlk Chili `I2 El- fn""f' "'"' c'.'.':n.'.'.a"'u.'{'?:.. .m HIE" ll I Int. 0! Wilbur. In- tlnlruunutnluohh Iutohhooloir I'll on hold IOHIOII IIIIIII Iouulu II no. 0006305 ohpol. Windsor. whtnhor nu- jooty Hm dovotionund ond nohnn my ag. 8'lfho umonnoonouo can I. Gums`: chapel III.'VllOIlIdf0l'$hOIOIIl'I:f.:b .._- Q---lIn A-In -ungnnnld QM jlhlh to on van " ..'.1.`.'.,"`? " ""...."'.'i.'.""'J';.s"' mpndvo I unless my gr twin the chiral inrm`- -5. _ I- 0--5 `I QLA nnnnnnnnlnn 1, It to. 0:236`: onpa. -. I-..` QI (L.-`- `M Fudcriok ol canny. was In den I50 I 0' Oil . .:.e.u.'?..=::...:I (hnnA"::IK3VQl`v [uuuuoonu an an an up q\Iun.wl|l|othodIkool I." In; his Window uniform. ` N n lnrlott. Tho oclnu gtonpull `sh I in :`.".`s`, :i`u1-Q5: var nun Amiunq then won tit duolnu '53 In M. Prlnoo llonry cl Paul: and the tines: Rom-3. Prlnoo Ohrhunln and and Prlnocu Ohrhlinlgwltll Shdroblltlr u.a....... ll... 4.! Rnnnhu-n. u G TNT I'lIlll"g I IIIIIIU \'\IIuvun-u- vu-- 3'33 cu-mnu..wnh wdrohlldza Prinoou Henry of Batunborg. tho 0 Dub Borgia: and gum! dnohll. HARDY S. - .'l`he Oeeple Iel-Iled. The n; men Leonerd Dm-y whovee oheruerlry and Hunt. at lshekletoo peultuuery. with the eednobion the daughter of the lebteneud whowee er- reemd end lodged in the county jell e lev deya ego. pending Iriel of the an eh `blue cumin: eeeeion oi the eeelee count. he: put en en to the froheblllhy o! e M-lelh um-rylna the alt The it were men! in the omoe of governor be on Beaur- deyleeb b Rev. J. K. Ioorine. in the nmennnn if the IOVIHIOI`. lb dOD\|\! d. I. HIV. do IL. -QHXIIIU. III FIE prooonoo ol tho govornor. dopsm ohorl`. oounsy olork. D. J. Walton county uouunr. Thoma Vnnlnvon. and 3 mm- bor oi oohon. Mm tho common; the your nu no on an lihorhy. uad tho Anna A I-A|LAl' II" Qlldfjll. IFIIIII IIOIII |Il'IIu(. J. Short. who in olm "with having oo- ounltod John Roma. 0 omwor who his nomo up mild rpolloo court this morning. Tho polioo lnvo noorhlnod that ho wont to Monhroolwioh thoubh. and his `onto wu odjournod until Thundoy H0! , Aloxondol Jackson wn'o charged with having boon drunk. Ho londod gulls and no dlunlnod. thin be n; his u-I0 - C-an` fonoo. An uuulh one involving n canola!- I domuuo lnlollclty war dlmluod. A doman Mcolvoy pruldod. IJXIII DI UIIIX Stu-com Yoobol-do morning the spin-io of Jonoo Bnulond. hon-loo otroot. took In ight. Dooooaod hon boon ill tor ovor o you tutor- ing from chronic ribonlbio. ond Mo dooth Ind boon oxpoct tor oomo oimo. Ho woo o prinuor by undo. and won in tho omploy of tho Wnm for oovorol yooro. boin o quiet. ond otoody workman. I-no no . wlfo. ono brothor. one! four oiotou mourn hiolou. Dev.-oooodwoobaxn n,No uoo. -...I .... ....A A-mat-.'-lnlnmmoi-o on four II uni. uuwuwuwgu nu... ...;.u- ..... And Va 3 Iwonty myqni-n on tour month. he funeral at on place from his Into nuidonoo. 110 Charles` nu-ooh. mo-mom ...._ -..uminu .0. Onn n nIn\. you con 0 walked cl! eogothop. III}! nllaonoo. I [U Unu'Iu_ I` row morning at an o'clock. A lornor llnuuuun uuu. Tin nuolnl at Jun: lulu}, of Coho- oonk. I formor mldonu of thin city. were brought homo from but village nunod. on Bmminy [or into:-monb. Dooouod was s mnohinm, and won. tome yous ago. on- ployod lb tho locolnotivo works. Later in an: in the employ of the Comm Buy nnlnn nnnmnnv. an mlalnnioll omrinoor. nmng com y. u moontmou ongmwr. lilo was 5 w clover. hie wile hnvin died ....... A... cup. Ann 'l`Im nonnln If] no %,y.'=a':..'.'.`.`-...-.-.-:'-..:-:....% b L ` JDll1!!.\l1u.s. lhq|Iu.JhnIIl.|l}. mu launch. The print uuylou In tho public uolaoolu who oumtod nonunion 39- all: than that to-do! won: Bcnlon. ird oln:- 1. Florence Brysnl. depot oohool: 2. Rita Ashley. Onunqul Iohool: 3. Florence Williams. nninr fnnl-M1 nllIl--L Bhlfl). meal: 3. Florence Wullunl. Sonior fourth cluo--l. Ella Sharp. Louis: nohooh 2. Loulu Snag; Oontnl school; 3, A Bu-Nah Subjoool in Bonn. A British Subjoot I Will D103" nuns un- Iona:-n |DyUll Ill out Ivuvulvuuvw vunuwu nun`. -- remng meohenioel engineer. `He eye: A u down. hie hevinn {Ii VIII I wnuawvu. - . - ...-.. mo 00 lib; `oo\;l'om`ud no grail? n I rme. Mona asthma. in in the o t'y to umond tho tunonl Io 0109:-nqul mmntnn thin aim:-noon. EDI OW] W Ilnwllu Du! nun oomotcry this nfw-noon. H DIVI IIIII known. Two ll !!! IIIUIIII. The vow-um` unooluion tumotl out in I Iondld foroo to Mad tho jnbiloo III - voo M 86. And Iv`: yawn]: . sixty- yo_mom!>on bolng _n ljn_o_. At_ 9 but! won I!) 50. Ann wl yuuwunn Olav - vo mombon In line. At 0 bond of the column lnuolll (kph. Taylor sud Mr. Auolahino. both cl whomnn vobornno of the Ionian mid of 1831-88. the ant named being our ninety and Mr. Anoin- tino eighty-night your: old. ' roinomu A luunll. The Oontonu-y Mothodlnd I-oh. Point St. Charles. Que. undond fmfinwoll n- oophion uo Rev. D. 0. Snndonon on the occnion of his luvin (or 5 now old at labor. Sovonlvulucbo noonu won nntod to Mu-.. Mn. an Min Nollio n- dunno. und all won wiahod mucus in tho (mun, Iolld lo: IOIIIIIL Tho R.M.0. ondou luv: for llontrul this owning no son o olook. Llout.-Ool. Xiuon. the oomuundnn nds his slim to fully occupied in oonnootion with the N- oon! onnlnntlono. otc.. tho he will he nnnblo to go. Lions lanolin will bqjn nhnlran hf hhl IQIIIIK. 5wE HAVE IT. to In: boon: condom mull loved to I-cumin up moi. Think u_ good cum England in asking I with pm. Ides. nolonlf` an umnnnl (J Ihn Ill bl. cum Enghnd II noun; mu 0 on noooun! ol the labor bcuowod. la mmcsmu annul Io to go. mun Ilnlb | chug: of tho endow. TM unmmotn IIOIIIII "lilnplll auto" loans Kin Ion 8:30 am. for Brookvlllo and I-3. culling at Clayton ouch way. 50 cum. . " |Neckwear..I NOW `IV ZUITVIW Tho mmmoth clamor "Empho Shh" --.... Tl--.5`; lhl A In, Car nlniinl Cheap. A wmdgw full of them for. % 25 CENTS at ` ' A Iotnor Ilniltoglnl D0- ,,,,.___ .1 c__.'. n.-.-1 -1 1 DRY Wll! mu tgr gnu. Dunn of Juno: Inlncl. ,.,_A._a_._. AL- -_:..u. -0 DONIQII '9! mm In LII nos. horny hm.` lln hu-In an-nah. M-mob Iona OOIIIO `la-Du. . ,,,L_ 1- -L_4__.I ._nI.V Two `(Cd Vototnll. p..._ __I _-_...l-lI..n Ann to-nonow III I`!!! nlvlu Tho oonplo . Mann Moil.` Is yountime t9 bu) cnAu_gn's ; mean 81`. 5 I"T'C}IlIIIc ` . T WILL 3'10`; Elm wk H n% 1au3?.'%i'i':-nun: P u. ':.".&..:.` (II A _ In |.?II-O f _E3w.`.,`.".:.-.':':.r:.... Ell B. IILIA BR|T|S}j_EMPlRE.' For sixty r its out Grecian: Queen has he d rst place in the eeections of her eub'ectI. Ola? T d . one and el Kingston` war tgitg in celebrating Her DIAMOND IUBILEE. \lIg `noun anlillflr` `HI fh `: uuuuunu gu uuuau. We have secured for the ocot-U sion I thousand ` F`1-30.5] ot alt` ;isas-.-:Ar-h;ch~wo`V;t!`or`|t very low prices. We have lino opened nut W. I. unuuuuu. . Ionian. hu- otu man. not sum! . in. sun. .35. when in Red. White and Blun it qc. Also the naw jubilee Buntill with the Quanta : monogram. in different colors. at 6c per yard. ISTEAGYJQSTEACY. sohwood. 5Il-l0 l`omn-0n Juno 90th. to Mr. and III. Howard B. Folgor ulnuglnu. A-rxmn-Au Ynhor. I] am. to Ir. and Mn. 3`. J. Atkiuc. C duughar. Oouvn-r-M Duo:-onto. J to och. VHO ol J. I`. Oonmo. of I Ion. `Gnnu-M Duoronto. Juno `uh. wilt at Willlun linublqohlon. Bun-n--M Poruuouth. on June Nth. 1807. to Mr. And In. H. Bulblll Wxcxnu-Bcnnulonx -- At Roblln. on June nu: Thoma Wiohlom Io Illa Raohulc :3. '~ l`vm.In--BAnu NI--AI lloniull on June 1761: b R. Rahal ` Inns no brldn.) tour nonuu. . ' W lunch! from lmlnh nIldonoo.ll0 GIIIII moot. Tuudsy. the 82nd. 30 an ml. to Onhnqnl moiety. I`:-fonds III! II- qualsdunou tn nopoollly lnvllod to 0 . Hlguivngr-i-`Mo; (lauuuil; :olfoH|.w"I|h I3 | I I * A1.uaon--5 0|. on }u;::`rldbh.-Jollph A Ilhu... L-mllunr A, Ilnnnvm Rnnlnmln` All] AL_c.JonnsI0! Bm~unn'--In Bubl|nd.uIIOd annoy-eight yqqm 0. - - {our man I In cod In In I - :.l'bo l::'puovo'3.utnd nod:u3u.`: :.`:l'...`.3':""` "*"`w..`.:'... ..:." ..'.`.'.` W . - lorohnn O unborn. m1=:coLns'rUos..,x _ `O1-D Cl;-`1-l$.IlI.131:01Il8[T " %c0uruuxs.T Forcntlcnaauam ` .3! `:" .`.. .` . ."!.':.* `q?.: f." "`."" o :- ontrfnl `ooh? 0 ilndn vlllh M3?) rowan ad by returning mum ollltl. , -cu.` ' G T? are: `P ...*....".2.':.:,. E I I V ..........3 in ma huoxlmcn mum HAT LARGE All CIDIIODIO IIIIIQI mxm wl ntonho ooonplod 1 \ho Iollontc \ L . I va`:')n":7$ --~ on `: ?:-=.-m ............. ...... ...I"$ Slabs. 1 I Indling Wood. pufon Pi-In It Ill all In who 0310 an new IIIOI` an Inn. my ranted whole organ vlllho lnpuovultnd uoduul for nblo mans. Pu-uoulnu an All _A an If qnslllod. on I M - :a....3`x:.-.5.` `I; iood.:I`|`ua:.kuhudln; to at n W . '0 no 0 Ir. um - .'.1.` . ``'``` 3.. u ' zmm Juhlloo. .611!!! Ill W demand. =:- for 0- - - 1 ..' Juhllu. Oil!!! In no II to to 33'- ;.".":(:3$I':...i a.u." T We uh, aha um-tmcntdf g? IIDIII ovoulu. A"?.9. .<*=~:.:.s'-..s*.'*'.:.e..'.2. " to In. Ouuox. uncut Inc . It : scarce. _._7V__ , Solo Ann: for But halal : nuunnu. III four month. 'An-Q$A' C-nan `uh lUUlo I30 I dnughtcr. \I.l.Iaon-M Bochol. Juno Ilunyaqnpn Allioon. bmtlnr ot loan. Bonjunlnnd Romy Allison. aged 00 pan. wumun PnouIu.mu.% Tnun. 1&0. 144. vm=....'%.:**.'.s:' ;.2 9:. ` ah. . II I mm; _d.1un ML :`?`A.3'.%u3'n.`%aaIR` $ ER SALE OR TO LIT. OD (X)0K.. 5:14! '10 I |:):II'llol.|D ($1000.: 4 En. EDITION- 1 .':s;':.'s.`:...'.`.'""'*"`......,..;.;' 9.9. `'".*9.3 --u-u--.--..-~-n----a-- W. ll. DIHIIAI. n-an-an A-n &lhAl.II WANTED. Mon 1'ria., ,- nngl. A- L031? EH -- .: .::-..".:.'::'. ' .::.:.~;-n.~:~ _;z | I of 01': nbhou ol OIIIIOI throughout 1'. u -ulon {or 8 central on to M H`!!! . 0 0 ntlon In to_ not thou lonlvy And duo- [oy Ilonmud I`: Il.llIlIIIIVillI {gage I.|:n:cr- - In on 1' u- EWO `n nign. ohm" IO!!! 0 .llnnton on 3 noold to none In I air nnumuntn and , tau 0 unity. Am! Cho and of Jun int. he- nok. fun no `man; :5 gozhu-um as :1 tgsnni: or no 9 rs o to on o n` C vnlnlnlI_ I hnnlu inviu III 0 UIOIII of lini- . -ran-ouz_u-I-um. Bud 'l`ayloI'| um. Qulnndnll and Gluubilmh picnic Wod- 1.3 'p>rog:-sumo at 153,-. event: on mun I. ` - - w.....`f'_.""* ' "" " - hummus: vlovu. Brook amt! In hall a ~ . ' luau: lupin ltgto in U no. lconhvllhungl Ogdcnnburg Tuudqy :30 M:.|umu- Jun: sum for Gun "ovary I and Thunday at 6 I.II|. Jame; can (In. , gaunt. i 3 hdum utbjoot I will- dhs'_' What Ouuditn dun ulna to tovtho slum historic words 1 End. UICIIIII III I wuun 9:80 o'clock. I'll` |udl0o. Brook Imuonu-on sunny uonnm plu- nlo. Ohnundl Gnu. Jnblloo Day. June !'onl!_`n wharf uhlnnd ---- _.I III. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN." I037. DMMOIDJUBILEE. I097. SIX `PH _IVlI_8AI.Y OPT!!! Moon: on of or In Q1 Oh. Qu n to the throlu com! nd by Ru :- Qgfyzu uubhotlo! ag __ _- -- -...... ......hm hm g manor: IIOIMIIC II IDIIIICIVIII I I III I1IIInwr- nuonnl pct! 11:10:? How la- an t : WM l8:l.. at spars la` the Govcrum of man for much lo rnion thro out the Do- minion. khlbl lnvlu the than oton to o urn tho aid ' 56-4 -0 In-g Innnn won in IIIIIIIVI IIII Illll 22nd of June Imunt An mm non an r .1 I {.u?ua um :53 :5 o1'J3n'u'3'1f1 ob'33v"o' In uuoh. . (Sluts!) .7. S. BKINNIR. Mayor. -'-v:;:.<:'.=.'~.-.-.<:::.:.'*-"~ and that mun mull II The latter Oarrlon I -...a::-.-..*.=:.':.-.-'.-1: I'\Ih)I \II I Iva Iwvunv-u -1537. Quaws JUBILEB. .397. AY. `rill min INS'1`.. ll 0 Till Mt Aanlvornry o! the tolgu of or lost Gr`o!ouI um! tho Qnocn. the Poul Once w ho ooon `n the followi honn: 0 Guam l voumnd `chad lath: M {mm 1:!) to n mm. and or I conven- DOST IOEFICE NOTICE. oma sionn mu. 3: % .cn.oInn.u.oAv. - ta8oiwuo`ro: -11 in ` attblo omithd from their list an , rough OPEN THIS EVEN- IN G.'ut`l1 9p.m. Dooonto to-mob = xvii. Flags Ind Ohinuo Iamtornn no A__snm sun. '1'hhE;voningwoorupooinl in- duoomut in our Furnishing deput- INC. W0 will glvu Boar! (pick of the nhmln diu AIPAII Rh`!-I. in In to. `NW3 3%.. Ptonunncuutlnvatnutsoduy ATARI`?!- -" 2.g==*::......- E " .`.3:'.'.8'auF3l'$ 33'?` ' about bmlho uolooou n-ut3u_1-u5'.'y. um lnlmlll. - inn uo.nn"'. 3':-cum` .. v-u vvuu -u-v-vw-- -nu -_---- Oo|\ owl 01oo,ooo to pnbllnh. Ooihlno nnrly In fun-page cc. vhu 0! Mn viou. by the nu muun vs plotnn I reproduced NI 3--no tunonn pa nun. Agents no uk- lng from time to smut: on-don pot in. `nu book In no bountiful that whoa noble no la In; from Iran 0 smut: ordon put an. Tho book huobosntlfulo I no lo spit nix C It ' I`! OLA! A`? an 10- !` BOUGHT MY IYIH." an out. Cloud mo in! `rock : work with the book." an uarhor. me high undo an or wrong 0 good nu-uh uunding on. noun agency ion 5: moo." an 0 odhov. "II 00! soon be Incdo ukln an In It." Also a mum: woman of too: .`o.u-ln to: I:`." Also 0 Inn tgomounun 1;! noun on o dhtlonmmu sllthulst no CID I I n In an ear- nnomllnn wit` mun. d:.:n.o (`alt fult p_si- II lial noon in mule tslln quan- TOY E S "-'31-inn-u-. 'l`llE LIGHT 01" THE W0llLll,4 I 0|! OUR SAVIOUR IN ART." III 0 ouoloyln ol IIII turl on I 1`. `thin. \ IIUVOIO Ill Chill` IIIIIO drill! d a.`.`.`.`.. `#3:. ...~ emf- II. blhhlr. I'll [Inhi- 'WWwBJEEI CENTS PER BOX. DIX` IIIV DIIIVDI Postman !. Post Ooo. Ilnnton. Juno mt. mm. NEW DRBSSKAIINO PARLORS. -gun.-nnnntnn-. on Al I. I1 nnniivnnu PUBLIC HOLIDAY. ICI5 `T, ` `n I. "3: onto: Am. % All of 9 55010 n!-oluo. LOCAL TMIMOIANDAL ICC?! uuv -y-w` 87! FRINCBIS, 81`. dot-ulon JIM now. my {man 1. . gnu. 35'.` 2c".'.`ss`Z Hm. .'1I0llHlOlIIIi"InII.. 3!}! \u u 10. 1?" 5 a:a ::o'5 on W Wodiioldai Morning `BOARD. :31 Latin loan will In not men u.n..snd at tho Inning. - 1 . '1' f" "52 W O ~uLu ' ?.n'o- BARS Illnl wank`: work with Elloma Brown I Strawberries : qnolca : We'll take or- ,ders fqr ypur .preservmg sup- pply, to be lled now or later on. 3.1?.'i.'.'a'i"n'u?.?.' and CHEAP. In nIm~:nm;nn_e Illl`-.lE.| Tic Riyal mm... come sun under Review. IVVIWIIIIIVIII DWI`; nun III IV Md) Vitp over Shirt we sell to- nlgit. "NoInItG'olwIn Mho. tics of .12. cu.` :- ..._ ....4. - Al. `Bun lmc lnumun mums same. no mgaoaouul I-"nun Ian--wmhn GIIIOII. l.l'.. (Mn: Fontor 3 Damn; Dowa-lolnnun 40303110 to aunt- hpltnl lulu Onnwa`. Juno 8l.-'.l`h-onghoul `Inn wank tho bout 0! common` worked with -nggh In-4|-nntnn n` an FMHAE n`lhh Ah!!! ` IXPORT oui {nu Loos. PULP; wooo AND ones. walk no noun 0! common won-nu vnn ruojndnmy ind on Friday M In nhouu It Incubus land on homo. uch In-I uni oath am y oruln wrongs of ioaunnn. but ouuldo Bit Charla I per. who spoke oxhuminly on the ...|.x..n -gnulll Inl-Jinnah -AA hlnn in pomnoouu shown unto NI. Ionlw pun nun nwondorful putty to dispose of I vutdcsl of legislation in 5 mnnrhbly Ihort aim. ' 1...; _...I. 0).. nplnmlnn nnmmismn nun- I UIIIIIIIII. IIIII OIIIIIIII nu" unnruo guppor, uubjoob. vary mm int-on-no wu taken in this nhhnr hmkmnd thong. IIIDJIOD. Viryuwu Inr-urwu wu uuuu_ nu thin nth: hncknoyod theme. The rumor `in current here that the un- ntowill throw out non: of tho govornmqnb hm. uul an Inn lung inn dun to coma. IBOWIII throw out Iollln or sun guvurnmuuv bllln and on lot long day: to come. This aounds like I hit on 0. and put ox- ..A-l-- L-n alum-n Q 10. .||Q manta nan.` ""x'.'.';a""u th pri l i Inc 0 nt. an comm om pau- cd I I-ccoluhion grunting tho members 0! chagrin gsllory lather trunks. which I tow Ollll later In: concurred in by the common: without comment. Thin place: the gcntlcmouo! the pun. on the cum footing an tho M P's inloluulcnohcr brunh are conccrucd. IIIL- HILL In-up-st. -g- OLA |>.nAnhI-h.|| brunt: oonoornoa. Tho lbh imuno In: tho wonky-fth onnivonu of the Governor-General : Foot Guudo. uring this quortor of I oonbur the rogimont ho! had six oommonding o - Icon. The lino (Liouo.-Col. '1`. Ron) ro- mninogl in hi: position for twolvo yours and some months. Retiring in 1885. ho wan followed in ouoooosion h Lioub.-Colo. J. P. Moophoroon. Tilhon, '1` d, `roller and tho prooont oommondor. Llano.-Col. Hodglno. tho ovongo poriod in oommond in ouch ouoboi something over two yarn . In will than noon that tho honor and lory of oommondl "Tho Gouda has o Into boon wld 1! mod. Tho par iomont building: no boing nlnhnmhli dnnnnhd with olootrio lihb Wgvlll Ihrt odr Summer Dru: E 3:10. Juli 10.000 yards _ Gool we nut to clear out ` ` room for 10.000 lull New Goodu. up to an-ivo wry noon. Wu`n putting prices the mttlint will tell them uiok. We `t hlk coat or discount. ut straight low prioo--lower .1-hm you`l} (quoted on new goods` nnywhoro --..:. In \ tho Iloulo. 01-rnu. Juno l9.-Jnm pnviouu to sin adjournment ml chin morning Mr. Field- Jlncbhnabhdhp. N" $1: a on . -. oral. . 3o'nI-nor-gonon hlupovnno Input. on ninn. Dontln ninu. nnmoo. r. balnm. co- -r':'.'a". `3.13 $7.`. '2'`.`s."'.'f..""..{.3 `3-""'2l`. ha ho 0 th noon to - ;'...:': won;orf'uTosnuoIbv.to di:poIop.:f Tho parliament nunalngu In oung olabomh dooorutod with electric ligho dovlou o grout beauty for to-on-row aims nlo. governor on! in oxpoouod tou- rivo to-dn and open top no parlia- mnnh min In nlmrnl no in nlnon IIIIIIII IJIIUIU I-IU lilnnun no any u-u-un- river. The aeaalon mayond any day afar Wad- noaday nan, but our boat political pro- phm an nnabla to apoak with oartainty an to uhia much-longad-for want. and among Iha disturbing tumor: in one than Mr. Davin wil! ahory return to Ottawa. dung. Mr. He gerh euggeeted that the gov- ernment e ould have gone to the eastern townehip henk. which held the bonde of the reilwey compeny end a ohe roed by peyikng the oompeny e inde eedneee to the hen ` " Mr. Mollullen gave Mr. Hugger!) a ter- `rihle dreeeing down (or melxin the eug- geetlon thee the government uy up the morhcegeeof reilwey oompeniee. end then mm round and oloee them up. He hed never heard each en extreordmery ente- enh mede by A member of the houee. end he would not follow my governmenb the: would try to do enyt.hingLot the hind. M . IA ted the!) II. MS. Gimntmn wood hill! hour to Ill! rivet: . n'.'f1 .7.7}'ng3'.?s`.. .T'I'pru"7.."EI7sLT.`I-To'17f or. helm and hemlock logo and pul -wood on ma duty nob oxoeoding 3 per 1.000 Inouuro. On uiolol an export duty not oxooodiug 10. per pound.on(l upon ooppor on oxport duty not oxoooding two oonu por pound. On loud ores. and on ailvor metal other than nickel or load. on export duty not exceeding (moon por cent. on the nice o! aid om. On load ores. ond on land ond silver ores on import. due on load in bars or in the form of pig 1 . an guano. II. 0.5. in-onnrh (`nhv nn land mm. nolcmurl Iwllou lot pour in nar- row 8l5.(I)0.m0 to m oi tho utiu doblnd oupu worhmndnbill bylnllu lculouubllnhnontof I ldlwqyluhnneh ol the cod.- nnulnnn lhlhhlnj HIIILQ "............"" 3 :3`. !."`...&'. .7".a"'u.'i?u 3.`. {Cw V M I I rest on lb LI nl-ll. . Queotion the quality of .....I1nL Q-iQlnn 4.4` 5 loan In DIN or In we turn: 0! pug NIH. sn noun of the import duty on load con- tained in load one. or in load and silver out. an export duty on the load contained In the om: no exported t.o Ln amount per pound uivnlont no such oxoono. The w ole fonnoon in tho house of com- Ill! IIIIIINI IIVIQIIII mu. IIII Auwn oolooiol uungonun bill`. tho cold not-ogoogroouon rooo n goo rogue!- iogox dohioo, tho potroloon impou- Iioo mud oovorol Iolnor Inooouroo woro ood ooot up to tho oooooo. Tho!) I to vido for tho oouolrootion of IIIIQO o No roilwqy woo lotto. doood nod pol uh oonnluoo. I! oioudo for third I Ioudoy. `Pk. nnlu `awn boil: :1! holnn an only oI:r.nIIIu IIo;r nII.:I'I cannons npplunn - anus. tho nilwqy boon nnolnoo, It. now otion for hot- n. In In: :l"r|n `Kantian :u:ub;s. u"l|:.u'ulook. can In-n-n-in gnnnnhul vllhlh uu Univ v.---. `iv v.. - -_ ._.. _______ Luinlont The V ole foronoon Inonn today was devoted to R diuouuion on the bill for the oxramion of the Inbr- ooloninl railway. which VII up lot 1 third reading. Mr, Wnlanrh nnmrmhd that hl I107- no Iuppouou mo am. Mr. us Mr. Gibson dovotnd I good half hour Mr. Footer. allowing how tho ox-nance miniooor spool tho Io: rt of his time in uttering moon onions on. inotood of duh-Mno and dinnnuimr Dublin nntton II In llllj DIIII lnllnlllilnnu, Inuwuu on dobnung and dincu-ingngublio may ought to ho diaon . On Sunni buuino-I was done at high nnnnnnnn A In I nllljno Innnn from `CUE Uavan v-V \| ---u-- u '_ A wlipt you get ? ` Why `not put all doubt -_!.I-