Mine McCauley has been in the home of incumbles here for seven years. Recent- ly the christian alliance became interest- ed in her, and she was removed to the Alliance home. When she had been there several week: Mles McCnuley asked for the united prnyera of those who attend- ed the faith-healin meeting. On the ap- pointed evening I. ey prayed and at the end of the service: she out uSId6 her plea- ter-of-paris jacket and welked. Rinna Hml-. minumlnnn nvnnimr him has [er-ox-pans JIICKUD Illa WI|KUU. Since that miraculous evening she has been able to be out of doors and has walked a block or mob without any great. effort. Arrangements [lave Been Reached Be- tween Government And 0.P.R. VAN(`0U\'Elt, B.C.. June -4.- --The an- nouncement of arrangement reached be- tween the government and the Canadian Pacillc railway meets with general favor. The World asserts it to be to the advan- tage of the province and the dominion, and the line cannot be built too soon. It endorses the concessions of both sides and prediats a period of great activity in south eastern British Columbia. The news would be much more satisfactory were the announcement made that arrangements had been: completed for the carrying of the line to the coast by the Vancouver. Victoria and Eastern railway. Such an intimation would be hailed with delight by all parties. The Ileinze organization is extremely unpopular, and the fear is ex- pressed that if aid is given him it will not result benecially to the coast cities. nuruun u-I-cu u; -x-we-uu,uo_y. ALn.\N\'. June 4 -An extremely singu- lar accident. here last. night caused the in- atanmneous death of two horse: by elec- tricity. While I Waggon of the National express company. drawn by two horses. was turning n corner near the Delaware & Hudson depot. an electric light. pole fell, landing between the horses end not touch- ing them. The live wires. however. fell across the horses nech and killed them instantly. One horse remained in i\ stand- ing position, his head high in the air. until the current was ahuh off. The other horse sunk to his knees and remeined in the rigid state alao until the current. ceased. uu nus uuuau. Av nnu vu--. Loxnox. June 4 -In tho house of bom- monn yesterday John Dillon. chninnan of t.lno Irish parliamentary party. vkod if the government prop` -red to follow the enmplo of all civilised nations, upon oc- nnninnn of arrest nntionnl raioicimz and 53 ; uo., lI`ll| I. otI`aingl:om':.!f:P0- ~W|-I-,,,:;_-_`__ . enmple 0! III clvuwau mluonl, upon oc- cuions of great national rejoicing grunt. amnesty to the Irish treuomfelouy ieoners. The government lender and ml; lord of the treasury, A. J. Balfour, denied the relevancy of the ueetion end doclued that the prisoner: re erred to, in the View of the bone. did not belong to .L- ..l---:l..o:nn of nnlitinel nu-inane:-n, toI5,000. ' Row. R. W. Woodnworth. Woodatook. wu glggtod gtediddnli and Row. J. Hllllilluon ubodht oonhtdteo. W. Ooolcy, ol St. George, lacuna-y ol tbd MEETS WITH esnen/E FAVOR. IUIIB UP VCI Blllnll. Same kmd Gentleman's size 31.25. ll...-but Cur: Thnhrnnna (no. 7K(`. Railway Between Duluth Aml Wlnulpeg Would Open lip A blood Country. \\'i.\':ui-icn, Man.. June 4.~H. V. Win- chell, Minnenpolis, on his waybo Seine river gold elds, 0-aye that if an air line from 'Winnip-g tu l)ulu1.u is buy . ".\. will open up an immense trade in pulpwood and print. paper. Thou- sands of miles of spruce await. the manufacturers, go be laid down at the mills at $2 . per cord. while it. costs three times as much in Wisconsin. Water powers are abundant. One big mill would furnish $200,000 worth of traffic per year to a railway. A railway could also count on $20,000 freight. on sh and a large trade in lumber and ngricullural products from Rainy River: this in addition boall through trallic east and west. ha! pmvmaca not uu,uUU wwlruu inc v in- uorian order of nude, if I number A0! ..a L... -..aI.l Ln -linu In city: fnnm IIIIII wfign ofdct OI lllfg II I IIIIIIIOIT `Bl othan would he Inllinguogivo from 31,000 toC5,000. R... I: W; Wood:-on-LL- fondnla. mo VIOV 0! we uoulu, ulu nu: lllllll` the clnuicution of political prisoners, Lady Abordoon nyn Sir Donald Smith has promised her 8I0.000 hon:-do the Vic- mri... nrdar of nnru. u of METHODIST [court-znaucz. THEY PRAY: sm-: V_VALKS. AIR LINE WOULD `PAY. Do Not Belong To The clan. !,.l_|,,_, .1 IIUII3 CIIU IIGIIUIIKII vlllvuaa 1,ooo Belts--kid, leather and canvas-prices IOC to $x. 7l'\I\ (`Aryan 171.09 I-'nl1!`kPI'(`,hiEf rCCuVBl'6u lK'Uln uCI'l)II)'5HJII urn. is claimed. through the power of Horne: Killed By Electricity. 1 1, _,;___,,_IA. DO ITIUIUU BU lcllll WUIIS UI Iallll A committee was appointed to giutbogul |J ARAERAPljS_V_l|ITLEll ur. Imsws or Inn wunLn.| What Comcs to Us from All Quarters. `I ELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTH S FOUR QUARTERS GIVEN. Llttlo Hutton That lntcnut lvorybodr - Not From All our--Little of Iva )- thlng Iuuv Bond und Bomomboud by The Deal` Public. Mar. glerry del Val loft Ottawa for St. Boniface yesterday. Tim nitv nnnnnil nf Chnlham hns decid- CanVaS--prices 10c [U 111. I00 dozen Fme Handkercluefs opened to-day. Hem-stitched 5c. V Embroidered Corner Handker- chgfs IOC. I$.._L.__3.I-..-J D....A.u- uonnaco yeateraay. The city council of Chutham ed to erect a civic electric light plants. 'l`|m Hnilm Qnnlnn mnnnnu-v nnmminsion passed by the recnsmg. The Berlin National Zoitung says that if Germany suffers by the Canadian t.ari' she must. make reprisnls. A l.nn.rnnr.nIlI hnv mmmitmd suicide Eta and the penmon nus ocen ulnmlaseu. The Winnipeg board of trade has passed It resolution objecting to certain features of the Crow : Neat. Pass railway agita- ment. 1-.....J. 1>....:.... ....... .1;....I.........-I .1. Diana. I unl'oin;~i;;`\ ` d.n.\. x K N`. `\\~ ._K ` `K Hi` Ii! 80 L0 eulcu II UlV|U uluuullu uguu puuuu. The United States monetary commission had an interview no-day with president Feure. of France. li`.v.ny-nnirlnnf. Flnvnlnnrl rlnnlinad tn net. ruure. or nanco. Ex-president Cleveland declined to act. as counsel for Venezuela before the arbi- tration tribunal. rm... n .... .... I......I.......ol-. Im. an-narl tn mmon mnunal. The German bundesl-nth has agreed to the oleomnrgarine and emigration bills as passed by the rechstqz. 'I`Im Harlin National Zoitumr savs she must. make reprlsms. A Len-your-old boy committed suicide Berlin because a smaller piece of cake was iven him than was ivon his siabor. 8 Thu urnliminnrv nbiecbiona to the St-. given mm man given me answer. The preliminary objections Boniface election case have been allowed and the petition has been dismissed. 'lnn Winninocv hnnrd nf trade mused ment. Joseph Racine was discharged at Plums- burg. N.Y.. evidence not having boon pro- duced to hold him for the murder of Simon Mayo. 'l`hA Oluin nnnr-Amn nnurt. has doclnrod $'-..__.......--.-__........_..._.__..-..-.-._ `l`lRB8.| Mayo. The Ohio supreme court. has doclnrod the law unconstitutional which last. winter accepted the Torrens system of recording land titles. rm..- l....:.~.l..o:..- nnnnvv||\lII (hum Tnwn, land mules. The legislative assembly, Cape Town. has unanimously adopted a proponul to contribute towards the maintenance of the imgerial navy. inn (`.hnlnInna|rnrn_ of Siam. arrived ox 0u1p|0_Vm0nc. The Indian situation in Monenm is very grave. Two hundred or more Indians are off the reservntion,and scattered in the bills. Thoir war-whoop can be heard fro- quently, and the dancing continues. Old comer: look for trouble. ML- .......n :0 C` said in warn nnnnh hurl comer: look tor nrouooo. The queen. it. is said. in very much hurt. that Sundu is now so much less carefully observed t. an in early Victor-inn days, and would gladly issue. were aha this. It condemnation of Sunday dinner parties and unsuitable umuaemonts. A; \Y-... \'....I. Dinluguvl (\ `Wu nntnann A Ieepebcq lrom Uuro uye man a smart. skirmish has taken piece between the Anglo-Egyptian column and the derviehee at Merawi. near the fourth cebenct, the most advanced poets occupied by the Don-' gole expedition on the Nile. Captain Pey- ton was severely wounded. Min. n..m.. ()uiI-in. Roman. and Arthur place. Benjamin H. and Pater M. Dorhnd. for- mer] of -Tomato and Onkvillo. pro! in}; far gold on Moimo Wnlunoh. nit. unknowin ly cloned the line into the . Wahntch In in rclerntiou. and while panning gold were surprised by I hand of about Mt. Indian and vonenpNnd,Innr- dated I ocnlpod. The London may Chronioll. oomniub in on" the Uniud Shun hril debate, up it wonld:o`l:rdh||>,lI&d a more strik- ing inohneo ~ pIMIoGIon' II the nu can at coooonh ' _ . nngenax ing Chulalongkorn. of Siam. arrived yesterday in Rome and was met. by king Humbert, whose guau he is. To-dny he will visit. the pope. 'l`hn 'I`ru-nntn Hinhlnnd mam nut in win visit: we pope. The Toronto Highland team will put. their first appearance at the lalingcon mili- t.;\ry tournament no-duy and are expected to make a good showing. Rinhnrd I`.mnkar a bmr horse Americas D0 make goon snowing. Richard Crocker s buy horse won the Riddlestown plate 0! 200 sover- eigns at the third day a racing of the Ep- aom spring meeting to-day. 'I`}m Phurnmvm shin canal commnv had order 01 nurses. The tower of the Dexter, N.Y., aulphilo pulp and paper company s mill, two hun~ dred foot. high, was burned on Wednesday nighc. The loss will be about fty thou- sand dollars and throws a hundred men out- of employment. Thu Indian situation verv wivighcet Sun Umbrellas 50c, 75c Belts and Hand_kerchlefs. ,_;l.__ _.....I accused 0! lorgmg uosu nlcan oonua. no is an posed to have not show 81,250,000 of one lent imitations of Oouu Rica govern- ment issues. A deaputcl` from Cairo says that a smart. nkirmiah has nlnco Inn severely I-onnueu. Mia: Berbhe Quiriu, Boston. and Arthur Buchemn. Montreal, were lint-ried yester- dey in thechurch at Stoke Pogia. in Buck- iughemehire. the eoene of On `a "Elegy in a Country Ghurchyeud." he couple travelled from Atnerine for the sole pur- pose of being wedded in thie hietoriael mum. spnng meeting no-any. The Chlgnecto ship canal company its statutory meeting in London on Wed- nesday. The only business transacted was the re-election of the bond of directors. ta. :5 ..........4...l Ilsa}. nhhn-I-nan nf Hnhn the re-elocuon 0! mo omra or nlmomn. It is reported that alderman of Dublin will elect. John Redmond. Parnollito lender and member of parliament. for \Vntcrlord city, to the oico of lord mayor of Dublin. A ..I-...`..A..L. on Amnvinnn nnnnra fr-nun of Dublin. A dospatch to American papers from London says that the Prince of Wales had knowledge prior to the Jmnoson raid that. it. was to be made, and he did nothing to provent it. \Vil|inm N. Bonn. of Dover. I)el.. is a provent. )0. William N. Bogge, Dover, Del., defaulter to the First . National bank in the sum of $38,000. He made false entries for clie past: ten years, and thus eluded the eye): of the bank examiner. 'I`ha vnlksrand lms annointed a commis- or the bank examiner. The volksraad appointed sion to revise the grondwob or fundamental law of February 131,11, 1358, especinly in regard to thd position of the high court. of nho South Afxican republic. IT`: nu-nrninr Rnnnr Hnnnvml bho South Alncan ropuunc. Ex-premier Senor Uanovns Del Castillo, of Spain. in an interview is quoted as any- ing that not. even the members of the cabinet knew of his intention to resign un- nil his resignation bud been oifocted. '1'}... nmmmnnt. that. tho Snanish govern- ml his resignation [mu ueen ouocwu. The statement. that. the Spanish govern- ment has received A now from the govern- ment. of the United Staten disapproving of tho retention of general Weyler as captain- geneml of Cuba is semi-oicially denied. 'l`Im smvnnth annual meetinrz of the On- general 0! buoa Is saml-0mu|uu_y umucu. Tho saventh annual meeting I .|.| :. "`l\V'P~DI. 5 - ~' ~ vnndiv-`vl p(\(f`b5_i`E\ V closed last. night. A resoiliitioii was pass- ed expressing unqualied disapproval ol the scheme for the founding of in Victorian .\...I... I\` run! an: and unauwaole amuaemonus. As New York. Richard 0. Da Quosnn and his handsome wife were arrested by United Staten ner%`ce agents to-day and accused of forging Costa Rican bonds. He in nnnnnlnd tn hnvn mat lolh 8l.250.000 ` IIIIU ECIIUIIIU IUI bl order of 1I`L.. t-..-n- nf 0 an Llle won: on euaaa-uh Ingiaim ' On nunday. T0llDN'l`0, 0nb.. June 4.---A ivabe oablogram yesterday announced end - den death of Lieub.-(len. Edward Hewett. C.M.G.. governor of the Royal military academy an Wool:-ioh. This intelligence will come with startling force to (lie many friends of Lieut.-Gen. ,o\vett. in this country. friende mad during his long stay here when engaged in the con- etrucbion of the fortication of the own- try. as commending Royal En ineere of Ontario ween ol Toronto and an ounder of the Royal military college at. Kingston. 'l`|m nan: rmmo nt to Mrs. Arthur supposed that aeatn resumed I|'0llI tuis. Col. Edward Osborne Hewett was edu- cated at ..Cheltenhem college and Royal military academy. Woolwich. England. and obtained his eommluie; in the Royal Engineers. as lieutenant, Nth August. 186-} ; captain. lS60 : ma- jor, 187:2 ; lieutenant-colonel. I879 ; colonel..l88l; and was created a com- pnnion of the order of St. Michael and St. George in 1883. Col. Hewett has been largely employed in the designinc and construction of the great land and sea fortications. including the celebmted iron forts of Portsmouth and Dover. He has served in the West Indies. and in South America. He was an instructor at the ltuyal military acsdem_y.Woolwieh; was nominated for employment in the ordnance eurve of Great Britain; and has been en- gag in suporintending the inetruolon of etlioere at the school of military en- gineering, Clnitham. and in organizing the depot e stem at headquarters. He has also at oiated as adjutant and as aide-de-camp, and for eight years has oom- mended com nies of ltoyal Engineers. In 1875 C0. Hewett was appointed com- mandsnt of the proposed mjlitgr college of Canada, at which date neit er stutf, buildings. nor design existed. He had the Hole organization of this institution from its inception to l886.- In I885 he was nominated to the command of the militia and military police force of New Zeulaad. which appointment. however, his duties in Canada prevented his accepting. The `name reason prevented the accep- tance by Col. Hewett of as very high and responsible civil govern- ment appointment. Tlie colonel was married on the 4th of February, 1864. to atherino Mary, daughter ol major Vin- cent Bisooe, Royal Engineers. Seat, Hook- wood, county Surrey. England. In omlininn MA in A mnmhar Of hh Chllfh 311 UY1NGI0H_&_BR`1| the Royal mnllbery college at. lungiwu. The news came r-at to Gnuebb. wife of Mr. Gruetu. of Wyld, Gresetb and Darling, and daughter of the deceased oicer. The cause of the death. albhou h at present. un- known here. in antrnbuted to blood poi- soning. Some time ago Lieut.-Gen. Hewebb met. with an accident which re- suited in a fracture of the leg. and itia supposed thub death resulted from this. (`.nI_ Edward Osborne BICYCLE STOCKINGS for - ' . ~ this Season can . I the In _order to reduce greatest varietyof exclusive large_ stock of the" shows: d o 1 desi ever . 1:7 30w: vheA mg new we `en `Va ideas can be` _apprecIa1.ed thin line at Gxutly, lbestbyapersonalexamma dmedpcu` Fe`.._ . k`; ` ` ` ~ L-._~_&1.`*'~ nn man 0! her mamonu junnee. - ` Rev. 1)r. Cochmne was introduced to tho conference. and in a neat. speech dxpreased the hope Lhut. the day was not far distant. when the Methoiiut. and Proabyberinn churches would be united as one body and one church. UHIIIIIIIIIIOIIBI III III] IIIIIITII-Illll. VVA:mim'roN, Juno 4.-l etor B. Laird. of Lynn. has been appointed commissioner ii of immigration for the ports of Quebec and_ Vfubub Lt.-n:.-, `KA\.~. L. -~Yn(l?:``V`.l`J':.'. ` Halifax. N. 8., with power to act. as immi- grant inspector ntn compensation at 82,200 per annum. wood, county Hurray, nuglanu. In religion he is a member of the Church of England. Col. Hewett : father obtain- ed his commission in 1803, and new pro- longed and very diatin uiahed active service in every quarter of 0. enlobe. Baneued. in Canada throughout the war of 1812, and led the "forlorn hope" in the attack of Olwego in 1814. Two of Col. Ilewewe great uncles were killed at the taking of Quebec, under general Wolfe, in 1759. Deceased was present. for some months with both federal and confederatm armies during the United Suites civil warjand on one occasion had his house shot. under him. showed `their Loyalty. Bmzvrronn, Ont... June 4. -At the Hmnilton conference of the Methodist; church this morning Rev. Dr. Carmen paid a warm tribute to her majesty. When he had concluded the conference members leaped to their feet. and voliuely sang "God Save the Queen." The conference then prepared and passed 3 resolution of congratulation to the queen ou_the occa- sion of her diamond jubilee. ' Dan llr r'.nn||rnnn Illll inhmrlrlnnll L0 lh Onnndlnn Berrlel Next Week. Strawberries from Maryland and Michi- gan to arrive freeh Saturday morning and at '2 p.m., at. Carnovalry'e end will be sold cheap. William Waldorf Astor. Landon, Eng., ve A brilliant reception at his reeidenoe I 9. night. It was a notable gathering of English aristocracy. There were several Americana present. f`.nu-nnnfnrn urn n nnrlr nl. Ban-ineld Americana present. Carpenters are at work at Ban-ioold common to-day erecting the kitchen to be used in connection with the brignde mean. 1 . Devlin. caterer, is supervising the work. I)... 05...]... Damn!` Qgghn-II` -an gloat. work. Rev. Stephen Bond, Boaforth, was elect- ed president. and Rev. (I. F. Snlbon.8t. Thoma. secretary of the London Metho- dint. onnfnlnnnn I IIOKIIII. lUUl'U|.Gl' diam conference. COLORED SHIRTS. The Leading Ho the city for Colored ' . all handsome patterns. Best z,.___ AL- 3335; ""z}I;m"1'n?'.""1eacY:I makers at popular prices. Our display of 0011'` and STOCKINGS AL- LIEUT.-GEN. HEWE"}T DEAD- Cnmmluloner of lmmlgrntlon. r ,, 1 , 1 l|_;-__ I`) I There is one thing we insist u on from our tenmstm-s-cate 0 our customers property. Last week one of our men smashed a men`: fenee-it was careless- ness. We paid for the fence. The teemster is now on tho per- manent retired list. You are guaranteed protection from dam- age toyour property when you buy Ilia: cnm-1n Kin hon, inn. 4th. wnuun Craig. mod 0 by-ve years. F THERE ARE OTHERS W -. unnnnnn. Pmrnu. Dru:-rron um ICIIIALIII-ll Pul- oou utuot. block above old stand. AD. IIQLI-1' THI Lnnnlo UNuunxl|-l60-lac Prinoeol street. Telephone nu. Open De) end Night &_9:..!91i?2!!3F% See our window for :1 few lines and prices, then come inside and sec the full stock. STEAM STEA X. Solo Agents for Bnt.teriok n PM.toI'I!1`.' Ptinoeu In-oat. Uornor E phone oolnmunlontlon. .-_.--_j TIELVIDI 3133.143. Lunmo Uxmllu-Ann um Pxinoeu strut. Oomor Sydnnhun attach. nhono Ullhltl-'1 All} 00. IJIIIIU `II Crai . Funera private. Guaon - At Belleville, on 1397. Iaobell Robinson. belt W. J. Gibson. M.I)., cg: w-nnlln HAT LARGE AN!) OOMIIODIOUS P - mines (sauna with storehouse 401%) Incl occupied by the huolleutcn linrdwnn (`on- pany on Princess Stream. Well ndnptod for wlmlounlo manufacturing or Inn null blui- ness. May he rontoul in wholo orpnrl and will be improved and modorninod for Adult- nblo tenant. Particular! may be Ind (ion the untlerd nml. Pow:-zl 8!. 50!, Arohlkob. Merolmnts nnk Chambers. Miss KEYES. `uni-nnArnn Ln... L--ea-~auu.cu Aum- Lina u.'..*.',i ...\ - ,6: `treated lsltly by the oleore. The celebration committee 0! the boo!!! of education has nohiled manager Aber- nathy, ol the Nth P.W.O.R. bond. that on A ful|_band cannot. be furnished for the ceremonies token port in by the Iohml children. the committee will hlve to locate the services of another bend. It in Me that the Deeeronto bond will he brought. down for the oooaeion. 'l"ha lmnmman fell auite re Ah the brought. down tor we occasion. The bnnmmon fell quito"nbronls the turn events have taken. and it would not take much pertuuion `to keep than from accompanying the fiunnt to Montreal on the ovonin oltho mob in`. They were not conault in the IIIIMIIOI taking the trip. whilotho nnk and It wore. They hud undo u-nngonnnu IO the festival 0! the Quinta Innnicslo. flu which they would have unlined qnih I sum of money but had to cancel thin that the trip wu "sprung" by the ollloqg. The band wu ulno ongugod to play for III school children. and now the hundlnun V have to lose this on ngounout. No wood they fool"oore." ghoy would null |lO- ' for remaining at home innuendo! uh!` the trip. ' .. , .,,A_-L__-___.|_|' v . x-..nn... Qm. Funeral private. A EXPlRlEt`OEl) (IINEIAI. DIIV-A to: annual] inmlly. One who ulna 1" . And: so IInotuan.1uIvdal.n hi A.(}EN'lB--WE WANT KIN AND WOIII I to art. for us in every town nu! vlolultr. aw umula. Good pay. U. B. 3l`UclAl.`!`! 00.. oromo. with both single and double roolnI,w|1 modern ( onvonlouou. at 28 Queen Ella. FOR SALE OR LEASE IAx1:vmw LODGE. HI l`UA'lEI)"J0R 1 Beverly .`-"rout. This oomInodlonl`l0Il- don:-o.ovu-looking the late. but may been renovated throughout. All modern conun- lencea. Possession lminodlahly. AppIyOoA B. Cumuumun, 79 (nu-onoo $5.. Kingston. -2-:: |Si|verP|aled Ware yv-.:_-w - -_ ~v.-.:..._. J D Agents for Pntmrlh. Up 7 Bu. -2 uout west and west windt. pulli- nlly clearing, a little higher tou- nnrnturn. ssc ".:~..:':-ssr. II }_:_._:;`s.`.'::..r."a.:vsV.`; Ila biotin the main. ' on. Hun Ahonnl which you son ~ But at the present time we are offering EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES in this class of goods. FOR SALE OR. LEASE-N0. S) BARBIE 1: rooms and mu: room. R..0. OAITI BoAiuii:'.1i.s ms nu AOOOIIXODATID with both single anal double roomgwlth nmlu-n c onvanlonou. 20 Queen Blunt. ` EN'lB-WE WANT KIN to am. for us in own!) town tn .- .. .r. she won 3 dngpor honey lrl,' Ho vs: 1 o n In y; And, when he in 0d at for hcthnll. S50 nmworod with a notch. T WEATHER PROBAIILITIES.` "THEY HAVE A amavmo. - -FOR SALE on TO LET. BEST QUALITY. 4 P. M. EDITION. C% 001' IAIUHG PUWD -'--- gaolhlhobiulnthomugnnt : 3 it'll: alomn you J . whcIyoIIu ub.ol Sunlight, howihhnuhuobhntoyohrdvn. n . Inndndn have donooo , out vohulltoornut. `,-1.m..v - uwugu ponturo. (Of course) who all -w. u. nnmnun. nu-nunn Ann Ihrnnllnl HENRY BEAM]. nu-nu--nun`: A-I| Inn WANTED. BOARD. Jim 8313." belovodwilo of -_..I t...n.. I... DBIOVUI VIII III Aged forty-In '2x"1;Ei.s...n"s;i&r;.uon. :1 vicinity. IPECIALTY 00-. '5 COAL AND WOOD IIHAWHIHIPS Q STD ii".-Runs. _, -u-nnnunrla QC "U00 llo JVIIIIQ, w. an 'I>IuNca_ss s'r. FROI ev3}.'aI.'{E " T" ' ' A a irt waist opportunity." See Laid- lAw'a advb. \n..|-|.v- q.o.....I.n haw-ruin ndvf._ nnnanta %%*%;*=?%i4'rn YEAR`. Nd lllluy B Iuvuuv wuuuu urw-.-"B lug. Recital by hgrs. Crnmloy n evenimr. law's and V0. Walsh : Saturday bargain advt. proaentq some startling prices. Jnkilnn nnlnhrntion committees meet in council chamber no-mgnu an eignu. Bsturda and Saturday night. big white cotton un at-wear sale at. Taylor's. ..:..I...b, ....o..I. (`Emhu vn. Kinnbon: Iurmnng pnoel. J ubilpe celebration committees in council chamber ob-night at eight. rnltnrnv and nhurdnv niaht. bi! | Saturday. cowm underwear saw an Laymr a. Cricket match, Cadets vs. Kingston ; gueball match, St. Lawrence vs. Athletics, - tn pa`: :1 QEALED TENDERS ADDRERSEI) TO THE \ undersigned. and endorsed Tonalor for Hot. Water Heating Apparatus, Kingston. Ont... will be received until Tlnu-allay, 10th day of June,Hl891, for the construction of a Hot. Water eating Apparatus at the King- ston, Ont. . Custom House. Plans and anenicntlonn can be seen and Plum apenicntlonn form of tender and all necessary infnrnmtlou obtained at this Department. and M. the o,lce of Mr. Arthur EH19, Arolxitnutxiugston ( nt. Una. Persons are notified that tenders will not be coniiilered unless made on the printed him supplied, and signed with their actual ui Mums. nah tender must be accompanied by an no- mmd wit cheque. made Myublo to tho 0: of o Honorable tho I niece: of Pulnlio W`o_I-kt-i,oquai to va [mt cent. of amount of thb tendenwhiuh wil he forfeited if the part 4! line M enter inton contract when calls it n$_o.do no, or if he foil to complete the work Isontruorezl for. If the hamlet be not no- oo ted the cheque will be rem:-nmi` ' ho Us nrtnient does not bind itaell to 30 cent the must or any tender. B mm` F` 1r E ROY E. Department of Public: Works, I Oluuvmslst 1131,1897. 1 _--_ CIHCIS LUC- Fancy Embroidered Border Handl_e_rchiefs 12 I-2c, 15c, 20c. Millmery excellence at small cost is here. ` e I1ARDY S. Newspapers inset-tl_n-; this advert.i.~aement. wlthour. aulahority from the Department. will not. be paid for it. .:_.___. D at the oicu ofthe County Clerk, Court. House. Kingston. 11 to I! u`vlock noun of tho at-h DAY OF` JUN NEXI`, for such 6! the nmlm-mentioned : \mharmen1.ioned I26 tons Furnace Coul to Ive delivered at tln Jail and Court lloure. us may be required, timing the M-son of 18:17. The coal to be well screened and free from dust. And for 51 Cunla of Hon-qlwood. anmurising wteoiied free And for Hardwood, Much. Beech, Hickory and Iron Wnoal, to be sound and nmowl quality. such cord to contain 1224 nnhln feet, and aubjet-0. to the approval of the Chairman of Uoun my Propurtfl Tim umndm he delivered ono- alt` dry. and ADDRERSEI) TO THE n.; \u..;... u....n.... AI\nuiAf.|Iu KinnnO.nI\_ AGENERAI. MEETING OF ALL (`.()MMl'l`- tees wnll be held in the Uounoil Clmmher on FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 4th. at H n'clook. Ever member is requened to at.- t.ond.nnd allc tizem who will volunteer to help the celebration will be welcome. .1. S. SKINNER, Clmirmnn. COUNTY OF FRONTENAF. nn'Al.ln\'1`I'\!hll'.R\-1 WILL RE RECEIVE!) Propurt The wooden be delivered dry, ono~hnlf green woml. Separate tenders will be received for the show. Tho lowest. lander not necessarily M".(`.l*pN!(l. WILLIAM TONER. 1.`. J. WALKER. Chairman Co. Properly. County Clerk. Kingston, Mny 20th. HM. . j-?2 RALED TENDER.-\ FOE s5u()NLrs. 1-Au. vnlno 71.50. eotal$3.Tl.l.50 nl the Kingston, Light. Heat & Power 00.. fdmitenl, henrlnu 55'/n pcr nnnnm payable hull-yearly. lay and November. will be rooolvml by the manager or the Ontario Bonk hero on the limb day of June. Highest condor to take all or a portion. _._. HANQIE UPRIGHT PIANO OI!` FINE tone ood u now, for 0140 cash. Can be soon at am Onion. 'xv.'7r.~`,..;f', _Don't forget it. The big Blouse Waist opening. EVERY LADY ( _ Hupvitecl. IVIZVV Ill\I.6g7aav:nI\-nwu u ruu\-v-\-r- DRESSIAIIING, IN ALL 1'1`.-1 BRANCHES. oxooutod vibh noutnesa and deupatch, st. moderate prices. Special nuontlun given to Ohllclnenholotheu. 815 B, _ '"- '~"- ..1',ovor Earn Piano Wuoroomu. 7 Generous Beqneeu. Ioxmut. June 4.-The estate of the late J. K. R. Moloon. valued at between one and two million dollars. is divided emoug his femily, relatives and friendp, end include those boquenu: To Rev. W. 8. Burma. H.000; taoolm-oh` of the Men. Iieh, 85.000: to Ilontnel general hospital, 310.000 ; to Fraser inetltutp 330.000 ; to Iolll univu-eil5y,`Cl(l0,000 : to Bishop`: nnlhne lannntvilln. IIOJDO: to Mount. III TO TIC uiuuuuu 8!. Joan ; Nldi. Juno 4.-r. Whita- -II . I50 pnlnit. cud Mr. Iorria, tho ulnlqur-jihad. hailed for London today b was Nowlonndhod. Ibo old. way. at guguoauuhgnuode Ini D\Il`LI9 I'\III )l'\LoI..- KALED TENDERS F08 SSBONDQ. PAH. x vnlnn 111.94. totnl I2.7ll.50. Kimraton, liauy mm Book to: wmg Beulnrl To Post Thonulvon by. Band at city park to-night. Hardy`: blouse waist. opening this even- L.UU1V I I U1` 1 l\\llI |uun\- EALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED the County Clerk, Court. nnmm Id inAr.~Al.nn. nn NEW DRESSMAKINO PARLORS. --.n.-.unnAIvvnvn In AYI I'Vl\.1 nlIA\'r\I.IDCl FINE PIANO FUR SALE. Al-IANDSOME UPRIGHT PIANO OF FINE . tuna. good u now. III ) \ HQSIERY T0-MORRO_W. n ~r\ll -.I II--- -...,... JUBILEE CELEBRATION. ~ '_"LocAL MEMOBANDA. Bonus FOR SALE. `isvx II-In-Lvr\1ll)_I Inna an nnuna '0! `lb `lit Jlblloto .4. man` 1..-- A E. 1". E. ROY, ks, } Sootekary. pupiln this IARMISIIEEBNIHE SEILI |BLCKADEMl|S[BERAISE..[ Twenty-tour ours Notice to be Given of Continuation of ostultlee II Armistice Abortlve-Ilussulmun untbrenks Out- come of Anarchy I`:-evnIllng-Pence Be- tween Turkey and Greece More Impor- tant Then Oretnn Future. ArnsNs,June4.-Altlmugh the armistice has been signed in Epirue and Theeeal y a special clause stipulates that a meeting of the Greek. and Turkish delegates shall be held today to settle the details of the armistice on the sea. If there should be a failure to agree in this matter the whole convention will be void. The Turkish delegates demand that all veeeele under the Turkish or any neutral lleg shall be freely admitted to Greek ports, thus practically raising the blockade, and that on the count of Macedonia and Epirus the Greek eet shall bewithdrawn beyond the range of the guns on Turkey's undertaking that neither troops nor contraband of war will be landed. "Fl... I I-nah nnxvnrnmnnf. L0 being ` IIVQIIJII I IV-JIIv-uuuv--- Boys. Ribbed Hose, sizes 5 in to 9 1-2 in. foot, IOC to 15. 1:.-. I-noauv Rihhed Hnsejizes Greek angl Turkish Delegates Med To-day. GREEK GOVERNMENT CLAIMS THERIGHT TOSEARCH. intention to resume hostilities. LONDON. June 4.-Sir Charles Dilke, adva cod liberal member of the Forest divis n of Uleuceetershire. raised the Cretan question in the house of commons to-day by questioning the government on the question. Hon. A. J. Balfour, first lord of the treasury, in reply said the recent Mussel- man outbreaks were the inevitable out- come of the state of anarchy lately pre- vailing in the island of Crete. and. con- sidering the provocations and attacks to which the Mohammedans had been sub- jected, there was reason for congratulation that things were not worse. The house, he added, nee not be pessimistic as the future of Crete e a more dillicult pro- blemtthan the ttlement of the basis of the conditions of peace between Turkey and Greece. Premler Onnovu Wu Bagged `re continue The Government. MADRID. Juno 4.--A cabinet council was held to-day, the queen regent presiding. The retiring premier, Senor Canovas del Castillo, made a long statement regarding Cuba, the Philippine islands, the internal situation and the relations between Spain and the United States. which led to his resignation. Her majesty declared her- self satised with the ex plnnations of Senor (Janovas, and begged him moon- tinue the government until the crisis was solved. u........ n....n.,... nnrwnrrln said the uucon It is said the latter l reparou to apply extensive reforms to Luba through the insbrumenunlity of Marshal Martinez Cum- poa, who, it is believed. will shortly suc- ceed Gen. Weyler as captain-general of I`..l.. (fill U Cu bu. option. announces the` arrest of Stanley. `\oQoymnu,_whooo admitted murdet of aihp harder Hoover precipitated the In- din Inublo them. landed. The Greek government objects being deprived of the right of search. In re- ference to the advice of the powers, how- ever. the cabinet will probably yield. The armistice is bocontinue until the conclusion of these negotiations. In the event that they should prove abortive. either party must give twenty-four hours notice of an hostilities. t...,.mu Juno 4 _Rir Charles Dilke. .._____ THE QUEEN REGENT SATISFIED. tiring premier added than a Bolnmon ul Luu crisis would be diicult. and would depend upon the conference between the queen regent. Marshal Martinez Campos and and Senor Sn Gaeta. the liberal leader. said the latter is Erepnrod to apply nvlnnaivn mfm-ma through D [O 9 1"`, Iwc 1.3:. tv nuns . Ladiep' 151:3: Black Maco Yarn `Hose, sizes 8 1-2. 9, 9 1-2, double heel and toe and long spliced ankle, zoc. I`l..IA.-..n n Tan "nan ennmincc. I."0l'IlIll0 l'0l' llll lngvu u lluipw-u GREAT F.u.I.~1, Mont... June 4.-Old man Vance. aged eei-ent.y-one years. living on Logging Creek, about t.hirt.y~two miles [mm here. who for years has been n pauper, has just received word that. the supreme cour of North Carolina has rendered a decision in a suit. brought by his mother (now dead) years ago. in favor of Mrs. Vance, handing down to him as next; of kin an estate valued at about. fohr million dollars. During a recent illness h was cared for by Miss Alice Croaamnz. the sixteen-year-old daughter of a Montana section boas. Upon receipt of the news he ropoaed marriage to the girl, who accept , and they will be married at once. White Cnpporl At Work. Bmmnmuu. Alt, Juno 4.-Whit.o cap. pen in Lamar county Sundny night. whip- ped two negro woman of bad chnncter within an inch of their lives. Monday night. the hand shot to death I negro nam- ed John Haydon. whom they Iiiatook for nnothor negro who had incuu-ed their dia- plounro. -u- an... an... A -_..Q.aI_ l'IIII tor sunny V-- inun- Blmmw. N. Y.. Juno 4--Rev. J". N. For-burg, putuof Swodiah Evangelical church was unntnd Int night for 1-iding his bike on I volt. Thin morning Inc was laid two dolhn for violating the city odlnanoo by justice Bi}! in tho "Snark: an-ad. . solved. Senor Canovna afterwards Iaid the queen had asked him to telegraph to Maralml Martinez do Campos, asking him to come to Madrid. and that the latter replied that he would arrive here to morrow. The re- premier udnled that solution of tho nrinil wnnld be depend ` ' lg-lawn carry. W mm. out.. .imL-3,y.1.un :. tho m-.:.+oL'..'*=~ - '--:....'**~ .1: Burned To Death. Lnxx, Muse. June 4.-Fivo poraons were fatally burned by in gasoline explosion in the circus bent. of a travelling show. A score were injured. The big tent. was lighted by gasoline lempe. An employee was llings torch with the liquid when the fumes book fire and the ames rprend to the tent. They crept. to the main pole, against; which stood an immense gasoline tank. The tank was overturned. There was 1 wild scramble. Tome and eenu were destroyed. The fire made I big up- roar in the menagerie. . TIC 'I'I1IIl IDIOT nrlwuvvuu WAsnma'nox.'Juno 4.-A telegram ro- ceivod as the Indian human to-my from agent Stouch. ah the Tongue River reser- vninn. Fortune For An Aged Pauper. -- .., . .,____ , nu `FIIOI For Ildll OI A Walk. ,_ `I :9 1..-- A D-.. t Tho Tronblcr An-noted. , ; A A-I-. I-Z uh luut, AV! no 43 Extra heavy nce X3010 20c. 6 to 9 1-2, Ribbed H o;e,sizes |lI|IV!l`I.gu, wulv vuvuu vu uvuv ylu-up n-sb_ tint. Both were Lhllfotiwqhr III! by 107 njnnnnxsllh` - -. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. FRIDAY. mun 4.-1897. Rev. Ir. Bproulo Qppllol tor no-Aam|r IIon-BovonnI Booking Suporannnnuon. O'rrAwA. Juno -|.-~-Ab the Montnal Methodist conference Rev. Mr. Sproule applied to be rutorod to the work of the |ninintrv_ A committee was auuointed EFPIIUII UV 3` ministry. I invespignte. THE nnma mvespignre. Tli names of Alfred Mccunn, George Mcltitcliie and William Adams were re~ ferred to the committee on conference re- lations. The one of Rev. J. H. Ainsworth was referred to the superannuation board, requesting that his claim Ige commuted, the time of -his grant having expired. Tlie case of Rev. W. W. Anglin was taken up, and he was left without, an appointment at his own request. The lnllnwim-r vonmr man warn rannm. [III UWII rllllll. The following young men were recom- mended ee eligible to be received ee pro- bntionere for the ministry --Innc Norman, Francis McGee. Thomas A. Helpenny Morris Lindsey Wright, Albert II. Clelend, John W. Davidson. Archer Booth, Lawr- ence H. Fisher, Alfred Hoffman, Robert 0. Armstrong, R. H. Whireeide. C. L. Bates. and a committee will proceed to select eix. lninntinn um: hnlxnn tn Hun Avnnnrliturn am: A comlmnusu will plucuau bu select; aux. Objection was_baken to the expenditure of $12,000 in three years in the travollin expenses of missionaries in Japan ting China. Rev. Dr. Benson also urged more attention no homo missions. A L I... ...n4h'-an hunt. A\vAr\:u\oU uvith attention no name missions. At the meeting last evening with senator Cox, of Toronto, in the chair a number ol speakers urged o more lib- ernl support of missions. W. H. Lamy. of Invemoss. Qua. drew several comparisons botaen the amount. of money spent on liquor ind tobacco, in Gnniuln, and the amounI:`spent- on missions. He computed that the money spent on these two luxuries nlone was aniciont to send out .`-l'.!,()00 missionaries. He said the tem- pemnco people should drop party politics until the question 0! temperance was set.- tled and there would then be enough to give odequato support to churches and minninnn Thls Though Zolln llocnuley Bad Not. Stirred A Pay For seven Years. Pwrsnuxo, Pa., June 4.-Zclla Mc- Cauley. a young woman who for seven years has not. walked,owing bocurvature of the spine, is walking now rind has com- pletely recovered from her physical ills. all. it. in nlnimad- thromrh the mower of amue, zuc. Children's Tan Hose, seamless, sizes 4 1-2 inch foot to 8 1-2 inch, price Ioc to zoc. . Parasol: and Sun Umbrellas. Children's Parasols 25c to $1. Parasols to match Blouse Waists $1, $1.25, $1.75 and up. Fancy Shade Parasols. `S ecial Rain Umbrellas for La ies, ne fast Black color. steel rod, neat handle and cover,$I.25, tolls up very small. Rama land Gentleman's