AJubilee holarship Will be lnuodhy the KINGSTON nl".~`lNERH (X)LLBGE. Klngaiton. This nrluolnrship wlll um-Itlo tholnolch-r"to rem-lw {run tuition inr- ing the month of .huu~ in Hm Business or the Shortlmml department, Appllnnion nhouhl he mmlo without Iln'lll\` Or any city in the world and ask for. P n? CORSEIS {Go to London '1`mde for MEN ONLY, py uu. bANlH'.N n r.:.r.L uux, ur.1.1. it '11! renew .he vigor in the \\ o:\kvna-(1 parts and restore mnnhrmv]. We (Ir-sire ru~'p<>clul- ly to see or hear from those who huvo not tuund relief from xnv>d1(`inr~s4 and other treatment. Dr. San rnodival work. Three Classes of l\h-n"--pnc}(gc editinn FREE upnn nppHcntlnn-ex- plains the nmrvollrms sxwcess of elec- Irlclty In these cases. Address DR. SANDEN. 156 ST. JAMES ST.. MONTREAL, QUEBEC. In men has drained the swoetnoss from millions of lives. It unllts men for business or pleasure. and nmkos llfe loathsome to those who suffer from IL. If you would be strong In mlncl and body; It you would throw on` the fet- IL-rs of \Vl`L*ll`hctln('SS cauxswl by the mistakes of your llfo, let us explain to you how It can be done in Nature's own way-h_v properly npplled }~2X.I'2C- Tl{lCl'l`Y. This is lhv 1-ssv,-nce of vital Force. and whon Infused Into the hotly In-I11 ) L`A\YI\l.`Y\T'Q L`? lF{"II?1{` lH:`Y.'T` '1 ICIKTXI I. IIHS IN llll` l`{`t7 ,'llL't! U]. \'lUlI DR. SANI)l'IN'S I`7LEC'I`RIC BELT. "1~1m]n fm` MICN UNLY. it \\'Ill ronmv Innlluul unu xlu uuluu. For six year! I subred from cancer and [got no relief until I used Burdock Blood Bitters. I used seven bottles fnithfullg when the cancer gradually dried up and nally disappeared. I am now emirel} welland rejoice that by using B.B.B. 1 have escaped death either from the sur- |ro0n e knife or from the cancer it,nolf.-- Signed, Illus. Ex.i7..\ J. Trrmnu, 1 zn-is, Ont. Wood Yard. James Campbell, corner of Wellington and Barrack atroota, always has on hand 3 00d stock of best; maple, cut and uncut y slabs, ins and codru-blocks. All cheap for cash. Elfelephono. H0. Eckford s neab sweet pens, twelve dif- ferent. varieties. mixed, l5c. 11 qunrtcr ofu pound. E. ',,. Mitchell. I III!` vur `Hut till Irxxi-xv 7 CXHJLIGE. Kingapon. This dur- the Iopnrtmom. Applipstion -h-My toolmun `ha mlvlnuge which the Juhilc-1: scholar-uhl Honda. Oolloms ine-(`,orm:r Prlmwu And Quinn. For 1. .\lH|`\llllIl' And it |>InS.\()lns in lnvn or :4 And the grave ('lu5(`s over the 31 p:1:=.l, The vurtuin falls on the show, .n..o Gill .ln..oI. win. H .i....~n 9 ~~:ran%.An;xmy% 'nia.~'n*Bn'snA*r;1u:ur' 13, [::m.. If we scaifer turns The-n nuthinzz in If we lruxnpla an )1 Then it fulluws 1 L`..- .......~....~-.. ill 1 And (`very day .-mos i Hui thu1mrvv; 15% For the. .~'m*(l springs . Ell ill. UIIKUIII [)lL7Klng IIHU -'S8.l'K SIlU.'H' in_u'. \\ ilrio`s keepers repurt that he has m:Iiutuin`d nmre than ordinary chm-rfulness, and has nude no com- pluint in regard to his 1rv:Ltnwn1. He has not spe4n:t n single day in the hm- pitnl, and has nut once required medi- cal lrouunent. /`N UVI'l' IIII1 llllll?` VVl' And there in) : c-ve-n doubt But wt-`ll rmp just An We Now. It. has been so soon since the world he- :v:|v\ NH. \'4> n1uLlo-r whM`(- we Till thv gates of [he 1 term! in. \\`o shall reap just, ID!` lll-lLI'y Ol nezmlng PTISOH. _ He has been shown no special favors hut the fact. that no single complaint has yet been recorded against him ac- counts for his being favored recen1il_\' with the light work of repairing and keeping in order the bindings and cov- ers of Lihlcs, prayer hooks and hymn hunks. with which each convict is sup- . plied. This special duty has nut, how- ever, freed him ultogethcr from the ur- (limry routine, and when tl1er&A-were no looks to repair, he 11223 becn engag- ed at Ollklllll picking and sack stitch- inu: .'ilrIo`.cx Innmmra rnnnrt tlml Iw SOIQOIINBI ilfordn. ` Oolhge fne-(`,ornnr Princess and Spit-n~` ham 8tmtn.0dll ello\\'a' Block. _ __ .__4.... A And no Th rmm \ ,a.. ire?!) Kept, cleanly snaven 101' u. yuan`. 'l`he first six months of his imprison- tent. was terrible, and was spent in treadmill work in Wundsworth nrison. Eighteen mocnths ugo he mus taken 10 Reading prison. where he is still con-, fined, `and where he in known as B 24, which designation he wears on his arm. Here his work was first scrubbing corri- dors and polishing brass knobs and steel railings. after which he was put at sewing coal sacks, which is the particu- lar industry of Reading prison. . Ho ha.-4 he-an shnwn nu suit-viail favors soon `lo lo noluud--Illa Good Physical 0onaltIon-PI-ovlona Boron: Unu-no. London. Ma 12.-Oacnr Wilde will be liberated ram. Reading prison a week from next. Wednesday. his two years `sentence expiring on that day, The orlmw-for which he was convicted is among the few for which there is no remission for good behavior. Wilde has not only regained lost weight. but is actually fourteen pounds heavier than when he entered prison. His com- plexion ls clear and healthy. and the prison physician` says the convicat is in perfect physical condition. - His person- a! appearance has undergone many changes, but curiously enoughin viuw of all the indignities to which he was suhjectrd, his hair was allowed to grow, and now hangs in heavy luxuriant tresses upon his shoulders. His face. has lrdvn kept cleanly shaven for 0. your. 'l`hn fir-qf xiv mnnfhn nf hit: imnrisinn- vcry J '0 shu gull. And it ` or xh~.- ` Waste` of Vital Force To Glasgow. To Dublin. To Berlin. To Paris. To New York. To Boston. lrlillll IJIIIH UH! lo.-uh rings lust, `null romp just I . '10 nmltvr what we intend, mrzls of Infe wnll he given HI` `hi I'f!Il'9 \.\.'l>' (7!) Limestone Business College. n!-, Jnhnntnn And (mini Q0: /nI\nnnlO_ Q4 Cancer Cam Bu Cured. r n- I 1 will he so on to the end; world \\':m huilt on :1. 1.` osoam ymns \n. nu. nu. ..` rnule we go. n`! uvun Hu- H`iIl'l\' : that u t ruvol t` 111:1)` )..`,U, future we've on- its hurv.-.t time, mwur nhv szum-; up In the \\':u`m xhzuno; wvr sl|:ulu\\'ul I In` Hnuvv, 1t down at UM- \\'}1.'Ll` we sow. Pall stuff o! University graduates. Huston In Ilnthomntlou and French. Tho renement and oulhuo of homo combined with the high- on mental training. -nnln `I1.-...om-.. In .I..... rs. nL....n.. w h.'yt, we Sow. \\' h fl` '6 SOVV . P go. the :sh:1d(m' ('V"!`_V Flll", zu-cw; will we rmp; la in lofty prids-, we mu-xl \H`t`-p. (`I on the heels ur run, certain `I! 'V9V9 mslonsns um mru.nmz.s or canons. .. "1. ..H *"- s`.1::2:~ ::. :::.'~ I 555: uuottlfnnd act; 8 : OOIIIOII OIL O IOJ IIIOI ntbjlhot but ; Ind, lanolin!-hour. BOAT BUILDING` ' BOAT LIVERY. 1 Bowman Q Rickey, Cataraqul Bridge. sIt(`!NERS B<? 3%. C0- COAL L ` INHY `P CII lllllllrltl IIIIIIIIIII. lulu Department in churn of Stock: Hammond, Erq..Mus.Dpc. , - \ Trinity Term bopn Am-ll Ii/tn. For tonal. om. owl! to / llIl}!nlliAI.l'.. an A \ J. eieizsom. Iirock St. KEEP _IN SIGHT fThe Cheapness } Of Geodness Is our hefty" _argument. Meat excellence in the high- est degree is to be found in our Hams. Bacons, Q@@@@@@@[ f\ MERCHANT TA|L6n, l)_l_...._.. ....-.-GL3.` -n..n_ I'l:._..A 6@@@@@@@@@5| 75 & 77 DRINCESS STREET. Dr. J. Ul)'ll,~4 llrnv-'I)u)'s (lllurml no" on Hm unvumnmenr. Mann] TentinmnyIlrt-nn1]uIni(~:(`nvh hot? n. SOLE MANIJI-'AC'[`l`lU-.`I:-J. I`. L)AVE.\'l'0R I`. 33 Grunt Russell st , THE ANTELOPE BIGYCLE --u-1\;a- jg`; `apV-u In Union with The London college of ullc. (England). GHLORODYNEJ OBSERVE TH/1 T~ THE SIGNATURE LEA AN PEHBINS M. Sold in lmlv (1 31'. J. (')'H.~4 Urn an? i nxnnv n u-I-nnnu` Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors Worcester ; Crosse 8x Blackwell, Ltd., London; and Export Oilmen generally. Princess :t.. Sunny Slde,nenr Bazot. and prr_`.'pared table Idelivcacies such as Pork and Blood Sau- sage, jcllicd Tongue, etc. I/iiaia 'it"i?s'p'eFre{s6r1. Ts};- amine i FEE-.!9IT BR_Q:i A good. serviceable Bicycle Suit made to order for $8.50. Whcclmcn. .l'Alll any 011'! ru.u1'n'.uTY Insured gt lowut poulblo mu. Boforo renewing old or giving now hnnlnoncut tutu from wnunnn 1. m-nnmn A...... Cor. Ontuio and West Streets. - AGENTS : J. M. Douglas & Co. and Urquhart & Co., Montreal. OUTSIDE WRAPPER .- of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL YYORCESTERSHIRE Good Quality. Low Prices. Prompt Delivery. Squarb Dealing. ~ DR. J. COLLIS BROUVNE S .7.-MEVIBFHT VII. II n: RETAIL Evanvwuanz. 'Pnomz 133 FOR Contains all the latest improve- ments and composed of the best fittings manufactured-- Perry. You have only to take a trial op the_`fAN>'l:_EZ_l_OPE_ to be con- |CHLORODYNEf }CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE: CHLORODYNE ~CHLORODYNE: 'CHLORODYNEi Kiigston Ladies 0olIege "Closeburn/ KINGSTON, ONT. In nlnn xllln Th; In-ualn-n lVnII--- -`O THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE I at In. 1} 24. 911.. 4.4. lhl.,unl11:4.m\ ovum`.-a (`hlumd no" the (Inner minim: mwh hut? n wo0n.4 ; elTm~tunlly run short nll nimrku of Epilepsy, Hy` ' sterin. Pulpitutinn and Spuhms. ; arts likr: II. clmrm in Dinrrhmn and is the only spec! ' n in ('hulam und lFy.~entory. is Hm best rams-Iy known for Coughs, Gensumptiau Brulxclxith, Astlllllil. is admitted by the prnfeaainn to he the most wom- derful tlhd vxtluuhlu remedy over disc-ovarod. e!Tm.\t1mlly4-lm--ks and arrests fhose too often fbll diR(`l\n6S: Dipl:t,horh\. I-`ovor, Cruup. Aqua. Il>Ill III bnch. l(}-r1-(_). Oor Btgo.::`ngu`.u IBOOKBINDINGI III CIIIIIII UI Dll IIIIU IDUCIHUIUUTI. FARM AND CITY P PEETY Insured gt fore Ilvhn now hnninonnut um h-om Carpets Cleaned. Altered. nmuiea and Laid. F. C- Marshall. .i:'.':.`.`;`:.'.?`..:.'.".~.... Tnlophom In Steam Carpet Kirkpatrick s Art St0rc.j {CALL AND SEE Wood Frame Comet ADAMS GINGER BEER. RECIPE. IN BLUE INK D/AGONALLY ACROSS THE Rhlou easier. look-a hotter. will ntaml more and (-03%. less for re- pnirs than any uthor wheel at any price. Don't tnke an opposition donlox-'s account of it but see it for yourself. Our fine line of Wheels and get on: prices for COMETS, KENSINUTONS and SELBYI5. Our Cleaningj Works. Godwin's Insurance Emporium Removed to Anchor Bulfdlngs. over Express Omoe. comer King and Brook streets. CI` HUI Dill] IIUW DID IWPUIICI` 3 III)-`O-dI`O dd`... \ We would like you 00100! at `mu Snails: Wu: plouuo to show them. for ls`:-Pups: that mil null: and int!) dooonto CHAS. GYDE Agent. M()N'l`lHCA .< m-Imine withnu? Hm wnrdg. up. Ovurwhulming Medical Illoomubury. London ,Eng KINGSTON. om PRINTED .' Hshlllg MONTHE AL More uses of nick headuche. biliousneu. conscipnbion, can be cured in less time. with less medicine. and for less money. by using Carl.r a Little Livor Pill: thnn by any other mount. We Are Paying Speolll Atbontion to our ludiau low shoe depart.- ment. and are positive we can give you the beat; aoaortmont. and lowest prices of any home in the trade. A. Abernathy, 127 Princess street. A Volvo From 'Il`d:I!. GlL'.\`Tl.lC.\llE.`l.~--I lnwo used I{nqynrd'a Yellow Oil for the past. ten ears, and find it a splendid remedy for ca nc, neuralgia. bronchitis, croup. pains in the back. ulcerated and sore throat. nprnlna. chil- blaina.etc., in fact we use it. for almost every pain and it. always relieves quick! . I can safely say I know of no other rerzggf of the sort. hhna can equal it. We al aya keep a good stock in the bouao.-MIs. J. I. .\l.\n Virden, Mun. .\u\\' lnorv Is no urn-n and shameful result. hum! hzul Iona` sincu d um of lmtiunul .~tulli! tori`-nl disarm-0 fullv. I \\i1h smnclh_ing of 11. standing. IIVIN IIUW IDIIIIIIIIIIIE IDYICI lI'0In 1 name: In snuxen. mun. ` w. J. rm 1.: 9. xx Stunt nnuzonuuohf "' "' Hv hns n'>l lmnrd the ril_\".~a fur, |n'~i. vuivvs vull; Ye-I nm :1 I ird in nod or fit-ltl .\0sl.~\ lnmx from his km-n (rnzn (`un- (`vuI9(l-- I10 knows und loves them all. the My all:-r rm-~|\'1ns{ 11. We do not know that tho original draught of the treaty multl have re- ceived the necesszlry two-thirds votn-. We inclim- to :1 c0nlr:n'_v opinion. But if son)? who hnusl of their support of the mutilated trmuv had shown the ammo zeul fur the instrument. in its virilv form`, if thoy hzul nh`_\'(~,d the wi of their most nronlirwnt consti- tuvnls in~m~:ul of scolding lhvm forthrlr iI1lP.l'f(`X`t!I]Ct` they wnuld .-xluml In-Hm` por.~mI1:|l|_y hafore-. the world, nml the` vounlry might. haw n sturdy rm-nrd 11) full hack upun in mitigution nf its {nil- urv in 'rn|u`:u'e this [!!`l`.'ll oppnrhlnilv. Now thorn` i.-x no d(*fvn<`.o for thn pitiuhhx ....,| u|\..m..r..l rnunll Au Inn-4 hm-n said. lnmlmn 01 Ivmpvr. ll slum-:4 uuuwu Imdy has olorlc-(I to lake a much mort- fulnl respmlsaihility Hum though it lx.-ul pusseal llm truzny with ils o_ye.s shul the My ufh-r I`v("i\'in${ it. \\'u (In urn Lvntnv lhzll lhl` nriainnl The llepiblloau Iupportod Tho Trout:-A Pow lo Votu would Inn lob: Iumolont o carry-Would Inn land Tho lento II-om Rononnclng Armin- Hon. ' `Boston Transcript. After In-inzr tied In fha torture staka `Boston Trunsor ipt. After lieing tied to the torture for 1!. number of weeks. where it mix made n. tixrget for the tomalmwki of sen Itozi 1| braves, the arbitration tre-'ity. or rather its nerveless, meuningles.-s.nnd amorphous relmnunt, has received its coup do grace. Very few will mourn now. The mischief was done sometime ago. The l`L`(`klHSS muiilu.t ion which tho measure underwent de rived it of its value, and it has only man living at IL (or dying rate ever since. Lot it be uiil tend:-rlv luvny. Three months ago it. was the hope of the country. Now it is simrpl' the vundeumution of the solute. nnti through that l-`ody :1 re- pro:~1(:l| to the American nation. ("Plug flutterin utospact which \\e enjoye o littinar liieilwu great, English-lpeaking nations of the world to higher levels of intm-national relationship and through tham influtxncinig the rest. of the world to depend less upon the rule of mi`-{N nml more upon that of reason and jus- ll(`t`, is lost for some time to come, _hut by no 11194118 forever. '.l`ha principle which was vitnlizod by the trextty still -:.,..., :.. um Mnurla nr thn no-nnln whore .\`\\' Iungmmt. llM`_V (`Hum nut nun- su\'c~ much, it is trtm, hut might have- snvnl the s1`n'llt` frt-In rm10um`i|u.r own tho print-iplu of nrhitmtitrn. The Nvw York 'l`rih\u1s*`s dt`!i|)ill('h(`: h`fn1'v th-I vntt` \V.'l.H` tnkvn. suid the ulnvnthnmtt.-x "xwro solvly intvndvd to prvserve with studied ustmntutiun thv. .~thmhm' whih` sut-ritiving the .-tu|>s.t:u1('1- of thu instru- mvnt." 'l`h(\_\' cert.-uinly sun-(`N-(It-I ml- Iniruhly. But the Hmlw :1uthnrit_v mhls Hunt the .~;(=n:1ts~ "`|..`iSlHl|l`(1, untl l:iSull|"(i cm`1`vt'tIy that if uuy hurm shuuhl vultw to tho munlry hy ro:t.~mn of.-am-I1 u tro.-xt_v, hhtnry would hold re-.~qmn.~zihlv the svnwtt-. which mna-sintml to tho r;\ti~ fi<`:Iliun of tho lbzllllill. It pur.~xuo.d its \\:1_\', tlwrutbrv, (|lli(l|_\', with tliunity, Ii-stvnintr to tho un.~0|i(`itvd mlvive so freely offered on \`Vl`I`_Y 51:10 with pn- tinnvo nml wilhuut tho .-slisrhlest voi- hihitiun of tmmwr. It strikvs usthut |....au `ma nlm-tr-(I tn Ink? a much IXHLKINIIII. is uvubn `pun Inlrun hml oppmt-I II |)I`t':IuS(` ll \\'uum nv un- t':iir In other lrttious tn releauw lnglaintl from npprt-litmsiuns of war un this shit` of tho .\tl:mti<`. for five yo-turn to t-umu, and hilt! the sunm Tt`:l..`t()ll*i of apposi- tiun did not obtain in two different t-uses. they ull Hh()\\`l`(l the folly and in- zincerity of they instzixm-,5 Q{iVt`ll. '|'hrt=u or four mul`(` Votv.-1 uuulti huvv givvn thu rwltlisitu t\w-thirds, and there wvru ll'lHrl`- than th.-it numlwr uh- nriit .-ind llll`]):|i[`(`ti, one of them from Ne`\\- l*.'ngl2md. Tilt.`_V t`()llI(l not havi- .1... ....:....:nl.. no` ...).i--utinn 'l`hn `.\'-w lill|`.'(`. l)()(l_V can reach tt. 'l`h*.\ quvstion of responsibility is (1 rather mixed onu. The r=pul)lir`;ini of the svn.t.to present und voting, support- od tho treaty in its final form, with the exm-.[Jti:>x1 of the two senators from l vm1~`ylv:mi,t. Pmtruse miuxht have supposed that he wins the heritor of the (.`:ameroni.tn jungoism and therefore was hound to oppose anything that savored m ir|>vulIinn_~1u tn tvinurlmul. while (Juuv lmuml to nn)'lllln, L[ Hun suvunvu of lri-`lldlinoss tn lnglund, while Quay dnuhtlesa lmd soxne unfu.lh0n1:11_)|u 111:).- son of his 0vs"n. Mormm of Aluhmnrx, in the final hlust upon his strident horn hm! oppmt-I it In-muse it \\'uul<| he un- fair In mlmr n-nlinn In rnh\:L-{P l`:l1L!l:|lH] ngiih it ~11-nu-um... .. [A sum AT m:s1mAI1?mT% umrso suns SEMI smoro mwe: AGTED-DIS AOFULLY. which vitallzod by the lrexny sun Five~a in the hearts of the peoplg \\`l1qre no slupid. selfish und uuputnuuc legis- luliw body reach It. 'l`h4-, nuwxlinn nf rnsD0nsi|)illlV II I W! IKE. Inn ll XII` 0"C' ` tions with to diet are follow- ,".Tl| Maker" V TORBLIEVB YOU. Ask . dnzzui-Uqtlt. _ 0.9. -c`na_I.I$-oliionl}. I: you IIEI run uovm, Try a honldof --"ma nmob MAKER" . . . his ngruttouic, mMfthedinc- with to diet In ..I to 1'5` nlmn In [IF vouR___....* T 1 HEART FLUTTERS At ch`: slightest exertion, Ifyour I like bepoor,` Ifyoufee rundown, Tnnhnlldnl |UHL': Ur lUI' IL (Ii ho lhul huy at. ~idont or king. _.l<' rn nlr King. --Frunk I uln:Im. `n(`.(\ mr HI!` pnnuvlv . As has lmon said, died, but the final lil i:'.-ml inn nml sonn- upnn llw munlry .~ahm'k, nul\\ilh- pa---u -u-v wvuuyuu, o Fluids over m,ooo.ooo. In addition to which tho polio! holdon luwo for security the unlimi- ad nbili y of All the stockholder-I. UAIIII ANTI T'l'V DDDDFDVPV I-.-n_.J -4 xswifl flight l('|i'hl. .` n \'0` and Development Co., ltd. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS I ,, ,4`: an. T, 3., L. an/van .00., Lynn.- (NIMI Llfo Ddlhl. BL" ` ` Pinoat of Wood Workiilc.` Bu and Oiiloo Fittings. Mantels. Wardrobes. Tohlel. Etc. Custom sawing. Pinning. Turning. Bush and Door Work. Everything in Wood Work. V Furniture Renovated and Uphoinhod. Camovsky Company; oumuo swam. in order to `place their work within the reach of all, have decided to re- duce the prico of Cabinet Photographs "for a short. time" to $2 I DOICII. ymassns. snmnom nms leducliun in Price OF PHOTOGRAPHS. ' ma now amount. to one million dollars. Baton lower thnn the majority or once: Inn: Ind oholoo plans of insurance oend. IITLLH L lY\l'HT\ll1Il All Sold ln:Klngnton and ovorywhoro In On- ndn by all nmpounullo dzngulatn. from Lhemaoule." Peter Vunnllon. L Amnble. Quebec. had the oczomn for three yours. Ho aria d three doctors, but received no benefit. box of Dr. Chute`: oinununt. null uh at h- DI.-n-H PHI: nun-all him mnnnlmnlt- On! Bomod: Which has Neill ~lIlIOd- run: and `hand olmnun. Because oghor nllogod nudist Ln!` , V norofuln. oollmatio grnptlona. Ion _ . chang. black hqndo,~u|_o rlnum-Ind In dluua really have |D|'(f\'0i *-7`no_olo,. L d`on n oon um Dr. Chan`: Oinl b. 4I| has never been known to fun; or. `Sn- _., u-_u__.._ u.-....._-..- u-......|....- n... g:o.t: :';n cum? stance. Noloon 8immonu.Hoyoubnr,0nt.. writes: . \ In! ......I Thu (`Jun-A : ()|nO.mAnf. fnr hnh. it : ` ""f"0od Dr. Chase : Ointment for Itch- ing Pilon. and can rooommond it highly. Since using in I have had pa-loch {random from Lheiliaouno. Dnlnr Vnnnlinn, '. AlnlhlQ. OIIQIJIB- will swear to mono moral. Chase : Ointment may be had from an dealer or nrom the manulnoturora. Edmmh non. Baton & Co.. 45 Lombard urooh. To- ......u. Doing an nnntn, is by far the Des! aounr neulclue xnuvm --sold 1) druggists, one Dollar per box. No. for a ecialcaaea--10 degree: stronger-so1d ydruggiata. One box. Three Dolhm; two boxu, Five mum. mu. . l\l' NA. 9 mailed on medal at of Dr. Uhuom olnununr. auu mreroonnu Dr. Chue o Pills cured him com lotoiy, Largo lotion covered his log: and dy.bub the Ointment noon removed them. He will to thoao facts. r\|.......!. f\inOunAnf mnu ha Ind fl-nun IIID Mother`: reatoat remedy for nought. colds. brono ial and lung aootionn in Dr. Chase : Syrup of Linseed and 'l`urpon~ mine. The medicinal taste is wholly din-. guiaed, making it pleasant to take. Largo hnmln `)5 nanta. Cook s Cotton Root Compound 1. oh. rn-\`I! nnfn rolinhln PIAOHOALLI A Ouuuauu Oolnrl Wm Bnmm SIOUIPPY. OI uotdopoultod sun 1! It Ottnu nu amount. to mm on ollan. the mnim-itv of niloan "` IIUIJY K17! Urn` VJ lurvuo ` In prepared intwodcgreea of atren th. N o. for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known ._-mm hv dmmriats. Der box; Three Dollarl; two boxes, nvc uoulru. No. 1, or No. 2, mailed on tcceipt at price and two 3-cent stumps. Tho 0 K0 ..:.':'.::::..*- .... Date! on \.;u., 10 Au ronto. Price 60 cents. u IEUU, IIIDIIII` bottle 25 cents. ` __:-_..._---_ Dodd s Kidney Pills ` Always cure Nervous Dlseasel. lnomrs mum PILLS I have been troubled with Ner- vousness for some time; could get no relief. One day I was reading of the wonderful cures Dodd's Kidney Pills had done, and concluded to try them. I have used two boxes and I ngn completely cured. I can highly recommend them. I remain, yours, etc., D.` J. KENNY, D-.. I\..-.._|.. Ll.-.L.-.l _ Nervousness o ALI.`-HA1 I. Pro. Quee n"::.I-iotcl, Mt. Forest, Ont. . `Emu 09% E London, Liverpool and Globe Fire Insurance Company. mlnn nun. IKI (IV! (VII tn nploiltlnn On -I.ln|. llll Ill I\UVI Vinuyvunnn Is the on! safe, reliablo monthly m icine on which r_ ladies can depend in the your and lime of seal. `In nunmltlnl` `I1 ftnlhlifl Msniimn; ouuo iv an nu. u-vvrunvanv-VI`. |vl.I.r.' Ir ll.` alelnbor College Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. 011100.19 Montreal street. Talo- phono M5. London a Lancuahlre Life As- surance Company. Duo-noun` ouuuauu Szcnnm. lln lemon suporlntendant Kingston Gono- ul Bn-apical. Coronal: for city Ind country Sun formerly oooupiod by the late DI`. Bann- don Telephone No. 34!. - ?9_3_ ;BAloo`t:-lcluha Q)- % aualutnssupplhun - mI'i*.. _` .. v.. ` ..`....-. ...\v..\...- nIav\ -. J. 3. ugxn, `Quinn! Accountant. Pm 30:3 ,_ Avenuu. n?Q`l0O'ht0ll: 3. . turd: vo . N ' . 0 ....-2: -..c~ .lIn ?. Dillon. ll); Prlnoou street. Eml- I -III . .P.BhoI-min. D. . ..L.D.S.. A, AYKBOYD, D.D.B.. I4.D.8. Dentist o Oloo over Holman : Hodltxnnl Hull. corner Princou and B: at Stunts K {anon Tole- phono 510. But once. 115 York 8 root. W 1:. ulwunm. 1:11: Appynlnr. corner 0 I struts, over W560`: Bio: (in; mutant. next: to ma om ETHUB IIJJ8 (Member of the Ontario Auoohst n `I Ahluotn?. mcmrxor s AND APP Brook Stunt. Kingston, . 'J%)UN'l'AN AND nu one] account: no- 3: . lonono `M; lowut neon. Oioo |I.,o1.[ '1 Drugstore. our 1-0 new when on sum. . : me. e #14-;*.#-:-..:. ,:.,:... ....:.a 2: 81:: MONEY MAN IN uu nuns, at low mate: of 1 and nu Prolllh. bonus and t1 Do ' I. A Buaondunbni tonul WEB 8 ' 'ABDH1 l`EO'l`B KEE- w.a:'..-:'.:,'..`:*.,':':.."`.::.*.:; **= * --1 ` lo. Commluionlt : 3110 for n -In 3 V` Elton to Ion ut'o|:`~4 .4-Aloha: ldlntlullr t W3!11E$?" v4-7'5`~=7'4""*r%=2'= 1'. McM{\H0N & co., l__.4-_ 'l|.n..AQL..i 1-] n-__.-____ v\___ LEJNABD OLEIENTS, L.D.S. DENTIHT an-no man P mod w nu ma ntngz %mg:r.on. ,En:hl1nhn?f in`, 1:35 , vwuv-uv -vnn-vvv VVAJUVI J n to cum; st. lit at V '(?n3x.odPn1.).llnt|ton. S r(i?;zmI)ar; he`- xa April 1. Lowut. nun. out oated touch- 5 R. B. BAHSAY DUFF. I06 BAGOT 8'1`. Toloohone D. 1 I1. mccuvmon. m.o., cn.. ' -Ink;-n nnllnnn DI;-glnlnn- and LI........... mg-;,..; swnu. pnpensl . H. RAISE Tolophone A. AYKBOYD, D.D.B.. L.D.B. Dentist Oman over Hobart : Hndlnnl Hall. nnrmn REMOVAL. WELLIIV Princess). OUNNIN HAM I010 Aunt. ton an District. I-IIIO I-II-u\I\l wnmnmevron sfamm (NEAR Telephone. 437. _'!.E'.`_A'iFZ_3-_ ARCHITECTURAL. -EBu6A'r|oNAL. lILBOEN K.D. 11.0.1 . & 93.. LATE o-I Sumrlntancfent Kingston Gono- nltsl. Coroner city country Hmisn L1vI*:TzIi\r.T %h- i 0051 cho'P3.'t'()"tilo. wanna" Ivltoon. Established` in 186. 9.507. Buldonoot lung street ` An not only new but 1l~0lun- ` nn_Qn.4InA-Anal-an ` M251;-sea-cl-*-' E N ANcIAL.- nut yllllb Ul ll.|I|.ll IllUli mus: Kdog g CUNNINGHAM Monti. neon and Diner 0 DENTAL. DR. BEGG. .T1\YlVI"N' 'l`R ` LEGAL , 1* D.8. L.D.S.. 11).. DEN- Io. my . lnoou street. Raoul- Inity Oioo hours. . LBBISTER. I tnlo :11: Q inrllnnuv to la]: I131 inn. ll.A.. `\ Prlncxpnl. STREET (NEAJ Telephone, . ... Illusion dnl nooufnor Duvet . mn.nnox.t BLGUISTIIEE J1'.l'EUl' ANB Irook and King :0. lntunoo on no. ' n. 1. pm. Ill!` ln0(Ill`I', SIIINMDZ I) IHO (KNIT. The children. off to ac ool. The 3 randsire, groping in the barn For some forgotten tool An glad with fladnona of the spring. That bnbblu iglxt and free. Whdin I-um. on" many glancing wing, Builrin the mu) tree. Old mac trot. tuh-, sturdy true. ; -W'lm'o topdoqt memory weaves Anal d wnmg bands:-nos up tricrntnhnvou. _ `-..x . l`K`Sl(lIV [HE (IUOTS '0l'lI S[{`{) IL g[`UVI`S, And close against. the eaves. Where later buds the dour while rose, lt. Iiffs its fragrant shenvos. And out across the grassy lawn, And throughfhe low-coiled rooms. Drift: hnur by hour f_'rom dusk till morn Breath of the lilac plumes. Old Illac hush, falr sturdy tree, That close against the oaves, Bceide the farmhouse threshold lifts Its fmgrzmt. plumy sheaves. The 'mother. standing h the door. Th: nhildrnn. of! in us no]. Jun.-rs. "Hold up your right hand!" com- manded the giu-lg;-. I can't sir, said the witness. Cnn`tl \\'h1Lt do you mean by that?" roared the judge. "I was shot, in that arm." said the witness, in a `tune of n.pu|ug_v. Then hold up your left hundl called the judge. , "I can't, for I was shot in that arm. too, explained the witnass, still more maulrlv, ' "H (HI, I lll"(`|I|l`9! (`IIPCI Inf` Jllflgf`, glaring st:-rnly at the afflicted \\`itnt`ss. "Well, I tell you what, you hold up one: of your legs. and. I'll let. it. go at lhul! No man mm be sworn in this court unless he holds up something! Illa Rubatlluto. An :unu.~ing. if . np()vl1ry- plml. ll]-ll:Il](`t` of llw nuuuwr in wllivh :1newly:-nppuinu-d _ju in n wo.~:tvrn shun of Amurim vnfnn-<- the rulvs nf hie mm \'uurl. \\.`l.~} one rvlmlml lny :1 r9k~l(lt`nl M the lown in \\`hi('h llw invi- dvn! ls` will to lxuve m-4-urrml. A \\'iln9.~n-1 u:I..~4 v.-lllml wlm had been In the civil war nnd rvceivml m:In_v in- inn-ha. launv I lulu`:-n Harper`.-z Bazaar. Beside the door's worn stop it grows, And nlnnn nnninat Ihn nnvnn. noun uncommon In now`- onaualng your attention. We hunt to re-emphasise ant our Illfy .s't`r\n`(*. The ro..~utore Viscount died in and \ms s11cco?odml hy his mn \\'il ninlh \'i.scounl, who died in ISM, ing .1. son. .l:unes, ton`! h Vi.~u'0unt, is also heir to llw mrldoul of I as his venerahlr kIn:.u1un has nu vivmg: mule i. Ul l lllllvllllllgll. Junlt-s, fourth earl. was lord t`h:1nt'ol- tor of Scotland, and follmved the fur- tunes of James VIL, who created him duke of Perth, K. G. He died at St. Germaine in 1716, and was interreLl tn the Scottish college at Paris. His eldest, son James opposed the union, was nut" in 1715 and followed prinm (`harhu-x to the field of Cullmten, for which he w.-is nttztim-d. Hut thv title was restored hy urt. of p:1r|i.iment in 1953. James. second son of Dnvid Lord Irummontl, was (`rented in ltiltt, lord I\ uderty, of Eu.st0r Cmixzhtun, hy Jxuutxs VI; hut (in the (l(`1I.ih uf thu third peer tho tight (i(`V'l)l`v't`(l on his nephew, Viscount. HI rut h.-I lhm. Th!` first nr [ha Int;-r funxilv \\ 1|u trnn- uupnuw, \ mcoum. mruln.-mun. The first of the Ian-r fumily \\ 2L`i pron- Prul \V'iHi:nn Drumllmnd, of Crumlix, who had :1. Smbtish cumnmml :11. the Imltln of \Vnrve-ster, und in lli.`~'li us r2Iix'ed tn the pmlrnge as \ isvnunl H'.r:t(h- nllun, uflvr in long military exile Ill Ru.~4.~i:a. (`In 0|; .l.\..;l. ..r L:. ..._..._..I,\.... 4|... U1 rmupnuugu. :1 `Ha nlrlnul nun Tuna um um vmrony ny xoru-uure. It was ten your-5 utter M-stuwc= upon the first lord Drummund, who, though ennuhled by James hml _juim=ul thv insur- gents. It xjennuined in the l)rummund or Perth family 130 years, when in U530 John. second earl of Perth, sold it In. William, earl of Mentiuth." Ju.xm~s. fourth lord I)rum`muml. was (`roan-I eurl of Perth in ltitl. Juhn. the spmnd` curl, \v.'1s taken prisoner at the battle of Philiphuugh. Jun):-s fmn-Ha our-I u'na Inn] uh-unnnl_ UUIII Ul IHH }I.I_l('leHT r1l(`9. How the I):-ummond.~a parted \s it In tho lnnds of Drymrn has been forgotten, .-mys Ninlnm. Bulfrone haul hevll he- stuwed upon Thomas. a younger hm! hvr of the chief, who gmvu the p:1lrun:u.5n of H19 churvh then (0 I119 ahh<=_y of In- chuffry, before 1305. Thu Imrony of l)ruu1mund, which still goes by llnt name, had In-fore H88 holmlgod to Hm first earl of Lennpx, and when this nuhlmmn had. in 1489, nth.-uxpted I0 I`t`\/ll_l,9 t_lm deulh of .l:um-as l[I. he lost Hm hnrony by forfeiture. It VI/lI.S fen vnnr-; ufwr In-~`xln\\'mllIv1nn Suntan`: Pilllwqeqndluoonltipnhion. I'|Cl`|V(`;(l .II'UILl. Hllu L'\3l'lvlllU unuua Ill Perthshire. _ H14 grandson, Sir John, married Mary M(vntit'e_\:, who brought, him Cargill, Stnl)hn.l| and other laces. He had :1. litter feud with the (`ntiet.l1.~< of Rus- kin, in'whlch his kinsumn, Bryce Drum- mund was slain in 1330. and in pul`~;u- um-P of which he mu: nu-11.~'.o(l of hnvin`: aluin three of the ;\Ivntin-,ths, in mnxp:-n- S:Itl:m for whit-h he was compelled tn resign Rosvneuth. Aftnr this lu`1'c`tix`(` to hh Izul '3 seat, in Htohhall. Their daughter nnnhellu l)ecum6 quevn of Robert Ill. Near the seat of lord (`.\nl_v1`, in Mul- hil, still stumls the ruins of the strong- hold of the ancient `-H....- H... n..'.......m...1........on.I..:n..1... tor, me l0!`(l mgn utewaru. Two of his grandsons became the pris- oners of Edward 1.. and Hm eldest, Sir John, `bud under compulsion, to s\\'0:Ir faulty to the latter, and serve in his` army nguinst France; but his eldest. son, Fir Malcolm Drummond. who murriod a daughter of Gruluun of l\'inmr(Iim~, \vu:s loyal to Bruce, and after Bannuckhurn received from him certain lands In Dn..at..h7.-n soemded. There is every prolmllillty that. at. the early stage of Llu-11' history the Drum- momls lmd reucheul opulence and influ- ence, as Malcolm Beg, so called from his low stature, sixth of the family. married Ada, da. hter of Malduin. vnrl of Lennox, hy Bea rix. daughter 01' \\`ul- ter, the lord high steward. 'I`\vn nf Illa urn ndnrmn hmmme 1)ris'- Their fndlllonul on-lgla lo` from the King of nuagu-y-'l`ho Dtunnondo at Ann El!!! ltuco llooohou that Inuence- lketql of now The land: and rum P!I,ud.' Various genealogists state that the ' traditional origin of the Drummonds ls tnkqn from Maurice, sun of George, a younger sun of Andrew. king of Hun- gary; who is said to haw. accompanied dgar Atheling, the rightful heir to the English throne, but the ship in -which the" latter with his mother Agatha and his sisters Margaret mud Christian. were embarked in to sail hack to Hungary, was overtaken by a. storm and wrecked at. the place on the Forth now called St. Margarqt's_Ho)e, in hon- or of the eldest princess, who` l)0('lll`1`- the queen of Malcolm III., from whom Maurice obtained a grant of the land-s of Urummonri. or Urymex. in Slirlinv - shire, the estate from whence his family took their muna. 11.....- n/I...-mu-at anvn T)nn:rl.-nr.- cmvr-, took their Queen Margaret, says Douglas, gave him one of her maids of honor `in mar- rixge, and that from their son Mulvolm. all the Urumrnonds in Scotlauld are de- soemded. TI-n-u in nvnrv nrnhnhinflr ihr at. 9119 omclfn 0F CLAN DRUMMONl).I {Histonv or ml: cum fnnczn powu ~-1-Ho one the judge, ted nu nrn in Ihi: -u Ill um: 11 \\'illi:xm ll*:|\` ...\..no -1.. wlu, ....n I. `Steay 8:. 4Stea.E:y:Ll and you ijvill find them. Their repqption is world wide, and they can only be procured in Kingston f-_.._ un- DOUGLA8 DAVIDSON. - Principal.