Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 May 1897, p. 1

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`rubs; I1. JOHNS. lWlL|.NOIASKFllR|l|il.PI been or me nouer to Cl! [or mouuielon. Regarding Crete. the premier eeid there in eome indeliniteneee in the present etete of thinge. The (ireok government does not oonoeivo it will be oomietent with it: poeitlon to prorniee an immediate and denite withdrawal of the Greek troops ` from Crete; but the premier understood. though the government had not any om- eiel infonnetion on the euhjeot thus the Greek government in repered to any it will withdraw the ireek troops from Crete in the not very dietent future. Qontinuing the merquie of Seliebury remlgod : "I em eorry to any thetee we stand Beams 1 do not think thie tenur- nnoe ie entirelv eetiefaotory to the were. II nnmnvnr Imam nnlw In Annnnr r nnr. is omirelv satisfactory to the "However. `I have onlytaonnawor r our- eolvosx And our instructions hnvo been to join in my procedure for the purpose of entering upon modintion which in accept- able to the others. In our view. the main _`:..A 2. $4 -..-4-} go; Can an nl\In;k'n IL: A`. Th Position of the Greek Gov- veramcnt. `rho Powon All-only Abroad Upon the Oondmou ot Pono-\Vlnt lnnlnmru Promlor laid In tho Home of common: -'l`I|o Recall of Iona from Oroto no- colnd Winn Boulgntlon. Puua. May l0.-A semi-otiicinl corn- muniouhion was published this niurnoon saying blue impression provniln tint the rs - cone nogotiubiona bowun Greece and Tur- key will not In ntundod by great diioul- tiu and will noon lnvo 5 utiniuobory iuuo. The were. in in amad, have nlrond y ........ ...._.u... tkgmnglu-n nnnn nnndlnnl powers no meuieto wwn lurley. The marquis of Salisbury. in reply said that it he answered in the n live it would be strictly correct-. yet Inc a reply might. be mialoading. The Greek govern- mem, the premier explained. had not ask- ed for mediation. but melnbere oi then government ex;-nu in desire for mediu- bion. The Greek government u A whole, the premier added. did not intend to the bow of his belief to at for mediation. n-.......u..... n...s.. oh- .-.......i..- uh! oh... IPARIIIIIJLAR as In rmm.| THE POWERS VANXIOUS TO AR- REST BLOOD SHEDDING. 'l'b0 In In nmwu, nave nlnnuuy up; among themselves upon condition: olpuco. Germany : houintion WI! due (50 the lace blur. the (lrook govornmonb in a circular to in re rooenutlvoa no use court: of the powers, dud nob lormnll adhere to Cntnn autonomy as domain ed by the poworm (lrooco subsequently guvo the IIOCOINIPY uasumncosln min reapoctunl the German minister at. )\t.hons has been in. ntrucbed bo supporb the ellbrtc of the powers to conclude peace. A-rmmu. Mnur ll. ---The Turkish ltd- wmu uen. amononexu unguue. The govornmeno has eddreeeed 3 re- quesbbo the powers to allow their ed- mirele in Cretan veteran) permit the Greek warehi (.0 embark troops that have been Noe led. The government. ox- pluine the root]! nu due to the urgent: need of men for the deance of Theeeely. The report. than the crown rinoees in gomg to Berlin in not conrm . ' A ..|-......o..|. SM.` \'nln -nun Hum an Hun Illll tion. A|I uerlm ll non connrmea. A despatoh from Volo an I that an the result of the prool-umtion o Edhem Pubs promising to protect the inhnbitmits, and to use only one battalion an the occupying Iowa. on condition that the Greek eet be wlthdnwn, the (Brook admiral has been ordered to leave forthwith. Volo ha been occupied by A Turkish force of 6,000. hmnnu, MAI! II _Tha on] of Kimber- been occupieu by n 1 urllan Korea In u,Uuu. L0.\'n0N, Mey lI.~The our! of Kimber- lev. the liberal leader in the house of lords. es'led whether Greece had announced her wlllingneee to withdrew her troops from Crete, end whether she had requested the to mediate with Turkey. Ths mnrnuil of Snlinburv. renlv conclude Awmmu, May vancopoaba have reached Skirmotai mu! Turks am moving forward in comidernble force from Pharaaln on the l)omokos-Al- myroalino with the view of cutting o Gen. Smolonehi. According to a doe- gntch. in is reported at Domokon than the In-Inn hnvn nlrnndv coma `Hm OOHCIOC }I\`uon. In I! reporwu In umuunuu uluu uuu urlla have already come into with (Jon. Smolenoki'n brigade. 'l`hA any-at-nvnnnh MAI I ra. Iuaounxt. In ll.-Aumnuiuuio lb...-Inna. hob alga: h-v In unk KINGSTON. 0N'l`ABI(). TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 11. 1897. , "' 'J.'a."or".':.`."I I-y ht-uppuling Ilil I ` luohnn unsung. * Xuiugl Inga--Al Wuhi I8: Iulliion. :1 As mung. 2. As lauinillo. 9: New Yul.` 3- RIGID? .3: Gudnuli. 7. AISI. IAIK1: '5 ~ hm-P At Qlhnd. iylnoklyu. ....Ll\Pbnnh&Q Is Wxil Wool double fold Serge 20 from 25. 42 inch Brilliant Btoches zoc from 30. _ _ 44 inch Heavy Tweed Sumng '25:: from 4oc. An in:-In (`nclnrnn Twaeds QQC lhnoorunllocund. lbrdx can-lmlhrod fnmemcor and uotnonl until! mod Burdock. Blood` Biuon. l and town hula faithful vhoulho uncut udnlly driui up v as 1`.':.`."~.'..."..,.... ..... { ~'n``i lnvollnpd dash duh: t.':uu.o nr nods labor from tho sneer` innit.- III`. $5II IIIIIK Hf` UK XI pan`: nign-I Ilnq Run: J. Tnrvnnn. Pu-in. Supply or unln. Nwr You. May ll.--The statement of the vioiblo Iupply at grain in won and aoat, an compulod by tho New York ro- doco oxclnngo in an follows: Wheat. 1,- 889,000 buohols. docnuo. 2.550.000; com. 115.001.!!!) buaholr. doenuo. 1.930.000; onu l0.806,0u0 buahola. daemon. 337.0110: rye, 8.l53.000 butlnll. docnuo. (2.000: bzrlloy, 1,589,000 buohola. doonuo. 705.- an Govern meut Thanked. Puus. May ll.--Crdinnl Richard. the archbishop of Penn, has written to presi- dent Fnnre. thanking the government for `having taken part in the funeral ceremony on Saturday hurt at the cathedral of Notre Demo. where a requiem was celebrated for the repose of the souls of the victims of the hunr calamity, and exprening condence that the oeremon will mark an epoch by the union of all renchmen in their dem- tion to their countr , and that henceforth there will he no iseensiona to separate French hurts united in grief. 1--- uul uv yin-III; uvu-nun 1-uujwuiv-I. l`.uus, May |l.-An nnouylnouu donor has aonh Ihoum of 3'a',-`>00 no the com- unituo of management of tho charity bunr in the Rue Join Goujon. which III the mom of Int took`: torrihlo tragedy from in. Thin amount-. with the I 0! the tint. day : ale. l,&)0. equnla the full ranging. nf nhn haunt nf IRHI uni tbs 0| IO III` III_V'l !IlU. J.l,Gll. Eqlllll IO full toooiph of tho bunt of I896 and the conuituo in than ombld to mesh diatri- bntiou an bofon. ' vuuvuu wunwuvu -uuulnvil Puus, May II.--Tho ring and stable: of the circus Moliere were burned Int night. uromun and I policeman being oorionaly injuuvd. M. Cuimir Perior wise to have pnnidod at the opening of I chur- imy {gain the circus yumrduy. but the function was pootponod in com.-cquonco of the horrible calamity at. the Ohltity haunt int Tuoodny. . Two (ilrle Bulhmned. Nnw YORK, May |l.-Misa Frenois Por- ter. forty years old. and her sister, Mina Sarah J. Porter. thirt.y~one years old. were found suffocated by gee in their room this morning an 246 Ween Fourteenth etmet, New York. The circumstance: attending no deaths are ver pathetic. es the younger mister arrived in ew York lut. night from Philndelphie. on her way home to Ireland to pey her aged mother a visit. lngllllnnn sud Ilulonury Du-ouod In the loan log luluulu. Aswan, Oregon. May ll.--According lo rivnu advices received here F. M. B. Llc menburg, a young Englinhmsu who ar- rived in thin city about two you: :90 and left. a you later. bu mot a horrible tau ut. the bounds of cannibals in the South San Ialnnda. Ho and another man were cup- hunod. kiod and can by the tribe: of the ialanda. 'll-LL...|....-an up-nt .N....6I- C-Arm Ln, 100 Pu Cont. Bauer. Milburn'a Heart. and Nerve Pills are cur- ing heart: and nerve troubles in every oitv, town and village in Ccsnada. Mrs. `. Abbe . Toronto, nya: "Milburn'u Hurt. and one Pull: cured In hnaband who I.-.-I 6-- Llh.... ..-..... ...I -...A _:sl. ......|. 15:: Iron: quc. 40 inch Costume Tweed: 35 from 50. Late Dress Trlmmlnos. Wu Not Damaged. Munmslwlua. Ont... May ll.-Tho utr. Ocean no nxmuud Sunday nighu at. the bud of Morrioburg canal. Sho mm on her way to Montreal. The tug Raocinnld pulled her olfyootnrdoy nhornoon. Tho bomb wu not damaged. 'I`|m Oman an: animal .0. Hm-numll hv lm I ll. UDUIH WII IGIIDQ IF KKIIIWIII Dy mu government oicera for non-aet.t.|omoub of u bin of dnmugu for 86.000 for banking the lock game on the onnal bhoro last. oummer. Auhiafnouory settlement Wu made and the boat. mloaaed. L00 [0 nrnvou on nnogmunu no 2.1.) pm. in majesty, accompanied by I large and brilliant auib. made a hour of the exposi- tion and men with u sympnthotic recep- tion from the crowds assembled in the main hall and gardens. The common of opening the exposition. poatponod mm Suturdny till today on account of the tra- gic death of Duchess D'A|oncon. was most imposing. The weather was tins and in ovary way suited for the occasion. IIIU LVUTVB l'lIII UIITUU In IIIUUGIIU WHO had for tlltaon yearn aulorod with weak norm caused by heart trouble; He wna nubjocbto in: in his head. dizziness. hinting: ll, Ilooplouueao, etc. He is now free rom thou troubles and feels I00 per cent. boner clan wton he began using bhl pills." Illlllll. Lichtenburg went. directly from AI- horin, together wibh a former minion- Ary when nnmoio unknown. to trade witix the natives of the Santa Cruz Inlnndo, which have a population of about 30.000. The former miuionu-y hadtrndod with them before. and hav- ing been among them in hit religion: ooracity onto:-tuned no fun for tho nn am: of himself and his commnion. 0. C15 UDUCTCIIIIUU U IUITU I01" I'll!) aa eby of himself and his companion. The men procured traders oubllte and net Iail from Australia for the ielande. The uetivee. who are weld to be more ferooioua than any of the African tribes. oapburod end held them for some time. Lazar obey were killed and eaten. The story gained circulation through a ln\lf~oivilir.ed native. who witnessed the awful feast. Lichten- burg belonged 00 D\ prominent. London family. ..__,, , ,a.._._ ..,, ,,, _,. 1 Ixpoeltlou Opened. BIu'ssm.~}, May 1l.-The Bruuele expo- aition wen formally opened er. two o'clock yesterday after noon in the presence of the xninietoru. blxo diplonumo corps und the civil and military nuthoritiee. Immense crowds were present. M. De Mob. president of the executive committee. and M. Nyuena. minister of public works, mndo apeeohoa. The inaugural coutnbu was sung by A choir of l,RUO voioon. King hogpold arrived on cheground at 2.4.`: p.m. I e mnianhv nnnnmmmiul hi: I Inron mid IOU ullnnuuu. The Ocean wu mined at Gm-nwnll by the mu-nrnmnnh nllinan fur nnn.nnt.t.Inn\nuh nf I GIN to charm Buur Iannnnuul. I|.-.. ll._ I| A._ -_-..___.,, 1-- Gimps, gold and colo;s, 5c, 8c. 10, me, to match every shade. EATEN BY OANNWALS. Amid tho hub d houuolnning tint don`: uqloot putting your fun any un- *..::x.':.:=--'*_......-.-...--.::~:.-..-:.:-.......'- -" ordIu:ouo.u Hop blunt`! Invw IIIII In a can when I can is poniblo. W0 know oL:. ~x"lny|AnRot xoecunuy "l`oloouounu-otihonhoohouwonll, buttlnptiouuo oolow "thoyanousul night at Ahornulyi. ll? Pdnonnnlnit. -?`ITlI 'lind\yuilk~dnluI will 5. the um um. mumuuuuuuu-=4: _.II...sL...g2.I- Dauphin-Lnn CA3-mx. N.\'., ag &-l.000 Inge chouooold MM c.. I win: l0ic.. 500 who bnttor I50. Ounxxsnnm, N.\'.. May 8.-565 hon: otehuoooondtnu today. Snold at 101:. to Bnokvillo bayou. To worry about any lint. ltdncy or urinu trouble. uepnoiully Bright`: diauo on! an op Biunn nonr fuilrot - nnla -plum. A than in nnnilnh. wl knot ' rluuu anus n-an u-v-u S.\u1'm'n.u:, Ont. Muy II. -A serious re occurred to St. Anna. 0 villus throo miles at. of this place luv. night. 0 float and grlating mill owneioy 8. Morley and o tad by Mr. Kain being dootroyod. I`. Haifa loan will lnbl not exceed 8200. Mr. Morley`: out wil be nearly 87.000. No incunnoo was on-rind by either. lone Of Scotland Ieetlng. M. a hueineae meeting of the Sons of Scotland last night the question of ad- mitting ladies to the order wee discussed and favorably commented on. A notice of motion for their adlniseion will be sent. to the grand secretary. It was decided to hold the annual picnic on dominion day at Brophy'a point. The report. of the meeting of the grand camp was received. 10, above the order to bein a vor 'proe- peroua condition, both nnmericaly and nancially. A large eurplue ie in the grand treaaury. R. J. Molloeall has been elected l).l).li.C. for the Bay of Quinte district. He will prove a \-cry eicienl of- Age- Iellng Arrangements For the coming Ineloel leetlvnl. A special meeting of the Nth l'.W 0.1%. band wae held last evening to arrange for the coming leetiralol the Central Ontario musioel union. The delegates to the re- eeeeeanvention at Napanee reported pm- grees. their report being adopuid. It was decided to have the festival on June 22nd a mammoth allair. All the bands in the union will assemble on tho rnnrhet square at one o'clock. will there he brigaded and will march to the grounds when the festival is to take place. here the pm- griunme arnuiged previous y will he ren- dered by the combined bunde. It is in- tended to have on the programme the very llnoet and choicest selections obtainable. That part of the arrangements has been left with bandmaeter Carey. During the afternoon field sports and games will take place. for which good priaes will be olfered. ' o curry out arrangements a number of committees were drafted. including print- ing, nance, reception. programme. sports, etc. Besides the bands in the union it is expected hands from Preecott. Broclxville. (lananoqne. Perth. Ogdensburg. Alexandria Bay. Ca Vincent. Lawville. De uville, Clayton. 'atertown. Oewego and rthage will be in the city. All these bands will bring in oxcnreionistc. The festival will be conducted by the Central Ontario musi- cal union. under the auspices of the l-lth n xv n I) lnml port GIILIQG on pulp-W000 Inn plna mg:-. J oannie Young, the Baroneaa Von Tnrkhoim," ulna that stop: be taken to effect the extradition of her husband and compel hia return to California. when in is alleged hooommitbed the crimeaof blgalny. perjury and conspiracy. l l . W.O. R. band. mu union. uuuur [NEWS F THE WIIRIJI. )'onwr(h\y. The British lolumbin government. has forwarded to the federal authorities a atrong prone`. uguinab any changoin the sealing mgulntions to impose furchor re- striations. mu... ..-L .-.....o:..\ .6 nm inlnilnn nrnnnm ubnomona. The first portion of the jubiloo proces- sion in London on June 22nd :will consist. of the ooloniul remieru escorted by the re- presentatives o the colonial corps. Canada wxll take the lend. nu- \n....._....I ..:a.. .......u.:I Inn uninrl HARDY S. mil takes me lead. The Montreal city council ban voted $10,000 towards the ox ponaon of the queen`: jubilee celebration. and 83,000 towurdn enborboiniug the members of the Btibiah medical association. 1.. ....I.. 5- 9:. (Sh.-Ina 'I"nnnnr in Mm medical association. In reply to Sir Chnrloa Tupper in the house of commons. Sir Richard Cartwright. promised an early statement of the govern- ment`: policy with regnrd to imposing ex- port duties pulp-wood and pine logs. Jnnnnia Youmr. what Comes to Us from `MI Quarters. - lrnnncnnrns wmman up. 1 1 ELEGRAM8 FROM THE EARTD-|'8 FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. tho OWII and Imlmlry nutnormou. The synod of Toronto and Kingston of the Presbyterian church in Canada opened its conference on Uhriubion Life and Work" in St. Andrew's church. Lindsay. yonwx-(lay. 'l`ha nrimh Cnlumbin uovornmonb Llttlo [luau `nu: Inn-on Inl7body-- mm. tron All om---um. of lun- thlnl luuv Bond and Bomonborodhy The Door Public. The Roman Catholics :1`! Montreal are signing n tition ukinxt. opo momen- igoihgr. 03:1`, founder of the 055.: of So. u Ice. l1:|I:_... 1....:-.. . A..- ...... AM Inn` at Qt. ul W illinm Jordan. 3 ve-you-wold lad of St. Thomas. run I rust mil into his lmeo A week I and on uhurdny nigho he died from loo -jaw an n ruult. Th: nnnnn I-an-nntnf Rnnin hnn nnthorilnd trom loot-jaw roum. The queen regent. of Spain has I|ll .l)0I`iIOd the raising of an eight million pound loan to moon the coat. of military operations in Cuba and bhe Philippine Islands. 'l"Im Rn-unnln aunnniminn nu farmnllv Cuba and one rmnpplno manna. The Bruuola exposition vvu formally opened yeaterduy by the king in the pres- onoo of the miniewrn. diplomatic corps and tho civil and military authorities. Tlnn nunn nf 'I`m-nntn nnd Killtn Bat value in the city or money back without a whim- . 'TW|LL BE A BIG AFFAIR. Flour Illl Burned. DIIIZIIQII. rnlmn livcr ..LI- -gnnauinlln RI choouanht >1- |c Lmnssmn & BRILI Equal to custom made. Come in and Ice them. ` l The latest made from very light Scotch and English Twcegs? Our suits were made up fot wear. com- fort and good a penance. Knick- erboclters. Pat Pockets. double seat with cops to match with each suit.at ~ T ' SAY. DO YOU INTI A BICYCLE SUIT my Plne mu Wood Also. WHETSUWEN. ATTENTION ! JUST A MINUTE. uung over o`.'U,UUU per your. The militie depertmenb in receiving numeroue complaints. end there in e large emount of grumbling among the oflioere ol the force at the delay they experience in Ring their commieeione signed. It is earned the the department he: done all that it - could possibly do to secure the ai neture of the commissions, which ave long eince been sent. to his excellency for el`nnture. A high olciel. on bein naked. and eome of the eovumieelona bed n month: emit- ing signature. and the: now there no over four hundred in hie exoellency'r ooe. Thie preeeee very heavily on the big mill- tery centres. It is rumored the! the gov- ernor~genenl n null in over-worked. The qnoon arrived in London yontordny In order to hold I during-mom Io-day in Buckingxm palace. ull Illlllll Mr. Mulock enuwered :-The attention of the department has not been called to the article in queetiou. nor have I myeelf seen it. nor bu-e I the slightest idea of what it contains. I have inquired of the secretary, Mr. beeueur. who inform: me that the department he: never yet. eup- roeted any foreign newspaper coming to ` mdn simply because It might contain an attack upon any members of the loyal funily. The CIDNII Tldlngu. Ryan & Shields. of Toronto. have got. the contract. for carrying mails from Ashcroft to Baku-villa. in Caribou. B.C.. for home- thing over $10,000 per your. Thu militin (long:-hnnnh in rnnnivinn llll P(XIIaIOI'I. EB Lila` "Ill IE ITIKIIQL Mr. Moinnee asked: ~Hae the gov- vernment reoeiveei any oommunioetion from the imperial authoritieo aaiing it the Canadian government intended to accept the proviaionsoi the treaty late- ly entered into between Great Britain and.Japan! If no, what was the gov- ernment : reply to Iuoh communion- tion? Has the government taken. or is it the intention of the government to take. any action under the aid treaty. or other- wise, which would interiere with the v-i ht of Canada to prohibit, restrict or otherwise dealwith Japeneeoimmi ratio ? Mr I.anrlnr..\'an_ Inn in run-or-n. NIF. I.JllI'lUl"`lX. VVIIIII UIIU KUTUITP mont cune into oioe they found a com- umuicetion from the imperial nutheriuee aiing the Cenndien government to uccept e trout between Great Britein and Japan. which ed been before the (overnnent for ove: l\ r. The question we: consider- ed. em the government made on newer thnt they would not be bound by the Jup- eneee treaty. Mr, Milln, nf Annnnnlin in than nhmnnn IB$ NUDE]. Mr. Mills. of Anna lie. in the absence of Mr. Maclonn. nuke :--Hu the attention or the poatmusber-general boon called to u scurrilous attack on her most. gracious mujuty the queen in the New York Sun on Monday last. and whether it is the in- boubion of the postlnutaryenornl to allow thus journal to circulutothrough the Cam- dian mails! LI- \l..I..-I. -.__...__..I. `FL- -AL-..ll-._ atten or Inter-eet In The lone 0! Com. mom Yelteldly. I O'rrAwA. May l0.--Another complaint nbout the diemieeel of a pmtunater ngeln occupied the greater part of the afterimon in the house. Mr. Mille (Annapolis) wee eggrleved that the government had seen fit to cancel the uppointmenl ol H. A. Weatae poetmaeter at Annapolis Royal. which had been made on his recom- mendation by the late government some days utter itrdeleut at the polls. Mr. Mille had urged the appointment in A telegram in which he also tendered the gelgnetion of the former incumbent. A. Ln-LH,t. nnntlilwhannl nn Mar Yuan hnin me on men. I n Nply to Dr. Mncdonnld tho prime minister nid that the report. of the com- mittee appointed to investigate the nlfnire of the Kingnoon penitentiary is now engag- ing the attention of the minister of jun- tice. Io is expected that it will be brought. down an an only date. Rnnluinu In Mr. Mnlnnrv. the noun. cnnwronws 3: IKKIUHIUUF IIVIII, IUl`l\)- IIIU HPPUIIIUHIUIIU had been cancelled. There were no charges ngeinet him. and no investigation held. Mr. Gould a up intnnent. had been cancelled than his retgrceuor in olco. W. J. Gage. who had unjustly diamiuod in November, 1893. could be tutored to his position. Mr. Gage had been restored. Mr. Mnlnmun nkad: Hn the nav- reu nluon 01 one l0l'llIIl' Incumneno. A. W. I-bite. conditional on Mr. Ween being hie eucceuer. The member for Annupoiin dieelniued my knowledge 0! enylshing but In eboolute reoi nation. however, uni he painted with rig beoue pride to the feet when his party having then been de- feated, ho bud nob nought the pooh for I coneervntivo. bub lied nomineted a good liberal. `The virtue of thin action was nomewhnu lee: apparent. however, when Mr. Mulock ehowod that while Mr. Went might: dilegroe with Mr. Mille on tho mutter of politiu, ho Wu no one with thni. gentlemen hr being 3 son-in;lnw of A W ('!m~hiM. trim fm-mar nmhmntar. COW I0 an Ulfly 113(00- Replying to Mr. McCloary. the posh- mntar-gonemi said that R. T. Gould was appointed poetmnater at Bartonvillo on December 17th, 1893. The appointment hnd Innn nnnnallnd. Than warn no mu. gonuemnn In Doing I s0n'In;Iuw 01 A. W. Corbit-t, the format postmaster. whose 1 uuliod resignation brought: the one wit. in the provinions of tho oriminul nnrln. come. The primo miniober announced that dur- ing the parliamentary recon the govern- ment. will investigate tho claims of the Northwest mounted police for recognition for services rendered (luring tho mbollian. thoolailnn of (`he half-broods for further scrip. and all claims arising outol tho trou- ble of I355. I'.. ......I.. L.` 1).. l.I.....l.-.....|.l 6|... nu-R-no Clothiers and Fnrnlslers. u-unncavnn. iLTJ.'aTp.L23';&.`i'3Fs3i': """ " '" Mr. Luu-ior-Yoc. ban 0 gown- nnnt. nnmn into ninn thaw fnnnd 3 mm. 36 5. 87. 87-50. 08 `and Q9. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. A-_.-_ 39"5T!` "30- 0UH'MIXEl1W. 3: u lkht und`plu`;n u the drigi nag now. open neoumond tolhoscwho not the but thaf .ugonq_yu|puchuc. Decorated by me. with no artistic um and puucuu for which are ndud. cumin pmum. % I: BUIFAID, N.Y., Mu; ll.-llri. OHIOA. Stcmnnnn will not ho Able to oollool X dnotolurfmnbhocltnhot htlhlllg. when the in mound of killing for the his of his lifo innnnoo. Bum no :30 alt obhinod tron Pour llonin and Ike Brotherhood of Ou-puma and Johan` a verdict 0! 8200 by default. the Oil) hdu the burial bonds tho but Iuhuul. b homing up assoc-my Int tin htothctlllll got the judgment I0 uido. IIBIIOIIRII XII! KWIOU NIT III PI" tho limo follow on top 0! the on $5 craft. While this In: going on Igolt Mathrl. who was in the crowd M II! water odfo. nuddonly Ml forwud on No fun than . Ilia lush In Ausrihntl In at. WITDTW g NNIIICIIIJ IUH IOTWIIVI III In two do: . His death In ucrihod to It- oitomonl owned by watching the ungl of the drowning boy. Q III IIIU I II: Cannon. )4: ll.--A liar doublo fatality oecu lat own if bdon lulu- tired: of apoohhou in wall: prk. Wlnlo hosting on lake Michigan Halibut Roche and bin ton-your-old nephew. Bury Flynn. attempted to oxchnngo Ink. The boat was ovcrcurnod and drowned. nlbhnnnl. Dunk` tuning on Io. nnIh- B813 '3n'a'S:~3'r'Tuo'd7 Ki'l'i:o'o"'&'Fo7wu'J although Rocha twice nuoooodoli In pnllll tlm litn follow an tnn nl u nnnnhl OI IIIIII IUIUIKII IIITIU5 M `II. 1"` Lane Exprou comment: n n the unava- ublo coral weather ME . and uldu "In Frmoo the when I inking mu. headway, the weather in distinct uncon- iul. Frau in Nounuudy and dually no been fl$l]|lCt\ In Go:-mun! tho III"- aon in aummobhko. Tho Apci mm [all has been ample and nutlilo bu grown npidly. In Anatyic wlnlb II enunc- ly forward. Indy and Spain an both R- pooting good what. Thonftolllil ol Ibo winter-sown what in Pol: . RIIIII` Bon- Innin And Bulgaria upponrl to In In I) up to the average. `rho opting cowl In Rustin are In mum in the (IMO! I "district; north. but the umal on: ha been sown in then Ind MIIIICL and of barley in the nout.h-\\oIL \` . . A H0110 LOOKLI IN THE luy. Iultlalu U. I. H." I luhl phuluou inddo. A HIHIBN given for its rohmu to thin 01! ROI IR. (l UNN`8 PBIIIHKS. A IJGET Rod Uoloud Oovr. Suitably low l.A|n`0A|rr\vIl(IIl1`. ' 0 A5. nasty, '1 `LI Ulnn ` ...;.1. u`'. .'i,`:. ......:.'.`5'.'.`."n`:.".". ...5 10 T01 L: In 351331115` Unonuxn um l:uuI.I'nI. Prinoou Hunt. Phon`o-WuuoolIu. I0; Iuldbloog Ill. Lowu pr 00:. hunmu uluuun Prlnoun that. 00:: phonn communion Fmm nu. (auNN'aPnku1aIs; A LIGEB Bunshly Luw nAn~r\vmnIrr. W a Zn ll-IIELVLV-IV` lmnul. Dtutrmn an Inn: out not. block above old sum ` VIBY LARGE GOLD KING . WAD P ml up on tho street on Bundny and can reolnlmoml M. tho Waco Olloo. TA".'$i):.m`_".<) T1'i}?>1-.I;x1~a -ran om: shy. U. I "hL|_|m.y:l.onoono. nml m...e..~... m..m.. A s.ulI:A am 1.. ISTEAGWSTEACY. Good fair length and quality. 40c pair. A scotch Lace Cui"tains Nottingham Lace Curtains 81-50. 81-75. 82-00. $2.50. $3.00. Swiss Effect Curtains, Lock sti_tch edge, QL75 (0 $5.00 pan`. Real Swiss Curtains $6. $7. $8. 3'0. $12- 5331: Curtain Materials $1.75 for Half. Cord. {Lace Curtais, '{............" "".'..:.-.n-T" "."'_ I1: T Bantam ; Pillgnooqunl hr ooadlpqon. Best [iroduciions of Eutoptlll` `rho Weather In lumps. Immon. Mny IL-11: in Inch :1 than fnmlnn mu-int In-dun | ' Upper BI. Iawfonua:-Fair uni Ilfl. `------away u man do). . ml nn nn Hm utmat mu .------- -- ---wry. 1.oxnon.'1'.y wool! rxn the foreign market today `L at an Rxnmn nnnnnnnn anon u unfunn- wannsn PROIAIlI.I`l'l_II. RINIY DELHI. unmu Uuun-nun an ha man: utmost. (hing) Rvdnlllsnn hlephouo A 5oc. Goc, 750. 900. 31-00 $5.25. In Swiss Lace and dainty Muslins, hnndaomest and` cheapest em shown here. mic to 60c yard. All our Curtains are imported direct from the makers. consequent- iy you'll iind our prices right. 4 P. M. LmD1'rIo1~'I.% L Juulcuont lot AIIII. _ `Y9 \l_._II Il_L A Double Inll. II... II I I 'l'. I. HARRISON. nu nun Dunnin- `'ra'AYao. IIITAIII IAlaI-- '.. Slut. '1 n 1(g:n2::.8ydonhII| n FOU N D. -::*-- ` Lusiz" MTH YEAR. NO. 110. 1.3 P - . Inc: > Olloo. u-yv --' * " nnessuanuef Dj HA". IX - Yawn Like It. (Bannock) ST. Q. inf uunnrasnax. m in turnout at nu": .. -sagggg 11: hD._..;4___ Q_A P3wderI BKQIOI` I'll! JIIIII will law mt unn- noquound way `thou Wodnud and Thursday: at 8: pm. lblophono I0. Ala... W. Robinson aunt in from w- `Til $rWC:hC.II ) Thoma P W 3'8"` Err 3. nmguunniu. and I10. TIOIILQ mg m nu! .u.. -.*3:-;'::.."::'.*'i';`.`:..:"u'..7`.:.:.:.f.f :.."::'.; ,-_T_.r;. ...... _. __...._..._.. .......-- INOIDINTS OF THE DAY. mug Plngnplo Plalod Up In 1-nu-nu on their Ioudo. IIIIVIIIIIIQ run I Ilnlnlnvo OFFER POI FILLING IN TIII l.0\\' POR- Hou at Kingston Auslonr Akhloun Aun- within tho \ owls tnwk. will uw. J. I). Pun-u, hvmlont. oltllnu (inmlul ' M noohul by` 1 -1 man uumnrr." whloh for an. I {our turn hu run t|nUnion Purl nu!` III-oolvilh. Both bots! and mute an ac woll known to Inquire an ducrlptlou. , In in the moat populu um hon paying- Ipcztu on the Iuvu uul \hollnunu" Inn Manual n run It \I\ln anon. Tho aunts: van ptobchly unumo so n~ In n. mun tn: a mu of yum Fm tur- thot In motion. mluhou tho Owners. 8:- u\' C InrrA1nPu\h. Ont l\.r \InVu-\- -vs v-`-- DEBS WILL BE RECEIVED A1` THE ohm at the nn-iornlyuod (when plum :-':`l`....'{"i3.``n`?`?,`&"`r" u'{`n`z sB2w.?.".' L `if! 3?. $5.? .| UIIIIIII In DIIV u--av---.--.. ,~~_.-.- ,_,_,, sud npoetonuona may be non) unto Six o`o|ooI | .I. on THURSDAY. 1:: Int. tor tho uvoml undo: work: required In the croo- tlon and oomrlaion of a Brick lluhlonoo on the norm: 0 mo and 0'11! strata. in gun. nlki mp lbml. nnnnun. uon AIM: uoln uuuu In a Drlun u...u...... .... or Burn in ohy. tor Prof. Otppou. won or my tumor not moouully no- mnlnd. N ___ `I'M Dull) low Boot lot mu; lloodtn `In Pool Thonulvol IN. Ox I. ,. A- 1--.. ll!-A|.I._ llkllg Av- `ID full llliuwnvvu uy. Don's {or 6 to but Wntkln-Mills to- night, City all. UHOI IS HIIBIRYHIVIN TH A1` A UUU WI` of lhvlnlou nf tho Amnwllnonl. Rull M then lhwnnlnlp of Kin um wl ho hold ln thu l`ownuhlp Hull. Mnmqul un Hominy. the `III thy uhluue. 1001. M. in n`ulook ls m. All persons lnleraswl will guvorn thun- IIIIUIIVU -ruin v: `on; n -vr-. `J H! UNDJIRSIONID WILL SELL A1` HIS Auction Roam: Brook Nu-ta at 1! o'clock noon. on 'l`HUlHbAY. lath lay. bus at. rthur Plano, In the Oity of ltlnnmou, home up on Amh Shun CI teohunl lmvlnl us depth of mu I005. ' In hm In chunk onnonuo Qunn'n Oollcqo depth In Lot alum opponlto Qunnh Ooll around; uni olooo to tho may Park. mm s unhmhlo for I tivato uaidonu. The vendor us-wvou on I d. Condition: and pu-tlouhsn mum known M an Man of nlo. ,__ 7 _ Sunght Bakhuy -.._...- _ .+.... ...-.._._._......_.....-...-..-... 4r wm. n3'FA'u:on 1.1 rm: omoxmc. J IM! lone In oloollcnt onlu. To be Inn as Wino onloo. ohllne. I001`. M. In u`oIook All pornonn nolvun noonnllnu y. JOHN all PVON. 'l`n\vn. Uhrk. nun Md. Common: and man: known a JOHN H` IDPA'1'H's HI8`I'OBY 01-` run wmum. four volumes woll bound and rofuuly Illmlnlod. Inf! can no Wmoo co. _ Tl-I5 HAVNIJIDIII NEW RESIDENCE ON Mon 8 near Dlvlulon um. lntoly man U hind m'f>'u3m J. Whluhud. A ompll an---I-u--nj Ill ATHLITIO Asuocxxrl N P Pm'1`Y north at who fonood noun u. 1` anon- I on of En! OTQ will run dlnouy hronuh thou loan w to no olouhyc nu un- Mn of 350 any. Agply to . . Blllnll. oSoor..0lanm.o 8 not. _ , H 0!` `I'll! FLAT OVIB THE BIBBY '0 Oloshlna Icon Ring nu. Ml oin- {) Ila : Priming Ohio . Apply n ma (IQ . 00313 TO-LII`. Wllhh IURNISHEI). Inltoblo for ladle: or ontlcmon; mm lmwovonnngn. olouuln lihbu. nu of bolu- plmno. hwmak sum. lonhono ti. ._.._..___..___...._._.__.._____. HI 8 NE nmsnn-zuon. 76 UNION SKI`. non Inc. now omupiod by Mn. llluoy. ontod by hno wnwr. gnu. om. Imwn. garden and ntuhlu. mm. I15 onnouth and tuna. Also Io rank the brink nummco next I|(l0l'. czraaysux` M; ONTARIO T. QT `BIO GL3 Tunas. THE amnnnun NEW lmumnnum on 0 . occupied by vld null noondlturo will comply it. _Lo nqjolgg Finest of Wood Working,` Bar and Otiioo Fittings. Mnntels. Wardrobes. Tables. Etc. Custom sawing. Pinning. Turning. Etc. Bush and Door Work. Everything in Wood Work. mxmituro Ronovntod and Upholstered. [Grand Hotels and Baths,| Re-open WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th. I New railway service direct to the Springs. See new guide. occupied Dunc: whmuud. A omnu xpondltun oomploh 10. Lou I olm Egon`: Oollo 0 (rounds. Apply to . V. III, Bank or. 2-H-2--j '1 Outuuqul. law nth. I867. hjn mutton. In 11!. ll I VII IVJIIIF VI Illnvu I van NUIIOI IS RRRISRNTBIVIN TH A1` A OOUWI` hmumhln nf Klnnmn in Carpet Stretchers; -vzyauw rowlismp OF xnmfsron. mnnunn r.1unn|an\.~nIvlu mu HI` A nnnu , RIDI A'1' S HI8`I'()BY 01-` THE WORLD. mm vnlnmamwoll profusely Auction sale of City Property .-.- ...uu\ nnnnnnnn nu `III! I ulil I Am B l'\J CREE` HAT POPU AB AND WELL KNOWN III. NNIII llAllnAl\`|". which tor the .n Inn: nun -- TENDERS FOR FILLING. nnbn Inn I-|I_I.nIn nl -rill l.n\\' Pl 2-. "[0 QQNTRACTORS. r ..- nu.`-uvvnvx n CALEDONIA SPRINGS. ' KIIIIIIQII ru-nun up In] Itoonon _ 7-IN._k-n nu; Lglaunglkg - LOCAL MIMORANDA. ` 'n nlochlnn Icon. Run and. admin- 'l`he kind that will stretch a scam, ppeln the carpet up into the corn- er or. to the wall and hold it there while on put in the tucks. Ac ild can a rate it. Only 75c, but is wort four time: the price. My Hat I like well.` It is stylish _and delnt . All my friends think so too, I the wey an out-of-town suetomer wtltee about her new FOR SALE- mnn Au A\lI\ II '70 an LIT. W. NIWLLNIE, Ammhut. no lo. H. HILLS. ' Anouonur. LN RlHI"'UN, 7 Township Ulork. UII Inning ululno cmvn pnuuu mu 0 and tab ghiof of mu . Oul. Suixndm .|lIdNl IMO-db Opt. i - I-cg hnnnnnmnnd lllwrlgil" Pm. -A great movement in Dress Goods here. Stock very large. They ere entirely new, to be sure. Normal pricegheve never been so low as now. To`-day : prices in many cases show material reduc- 6::-nu `CI. 3 IICVICDK. IIIII VICKI, II?! IOU Btbuih Munich. king it to under unu- ouut ol in motion. 01: Inning thumbs crown ptinoo had uoinud club! ml. 8: ads- _J K}: nhlggngn mush `Anna. Ill. can I|I IMO-urn-p ulpu. umnconuud olunusilltry thgovonnuthu nulls! ` bhhuondordond Ihonhumrn __.Jk_ s.|_ non uuo nu nun nuuvvu wma any Iionb&:InpuNio. Tho I nioorpno not (ova-uncut Hunt y for u i touropo. butuoul ofthopnpun not this no inoviablo. sud viohntly net 1 Ebhnibn Lgtnh-In, nlina it In ran:-Ior Am navy runs HIOKO pnvvnr. ung. Arntm May ll.-Tho mall 0! forms from Omaha boon nooivod with Insign- ninnhu nlnnnhlia Th. l)s|vnnniAnrnnnnAL. to-marrow. that the (corunn bu received nal instructions. understood that Uncut. in her n- E . will nun! an all of those conditions. . Rslli. tho pnmior. and M. Skoulom Rh Hun Ininillnr nf (onion nkin. hl\'I 1 0 now pmuuuly win on I. ruin. the plilmor. Illll M. blowou- digtho miniotor of tonign n!I'uiI-0. have nu! `L-mu inmu-via: tn.nIn.- -ith Mr. Rm umuq manner 0! lolugn Illmrl, nlvl Md dong inw-viur man)` with Mr. Br Oou. Bnbinh atnuouhuvo. which bu cunood comido Io comment. [tin bo- liovcd to ho eonnoctod with tho expected inurvontion of tho powou. Adupntch from Domokoo aye Glut but nine than prawn: ti . `Dglihf, Ar II.---Th fomn clmetencee In ulo clan usury. Arnnxs, Mey ll. - he conditions in- eieted upon by Germany. the chief of which is that L-reece will give her formel ooneentto the principle of eutonomy for Cute will he eocepted h the (lrcek gov- ernment. The note of 0 power: hes not yet been preeentod. `mt it hee been drevn end in to the follow..._ olfect: Upon e forrnel deoleretion by Greece thet she will recall her troops end egree to such en Autonomous regime for Crete as ' the powers in their wiedomahell deem Met. end eccept unreeervedly the council of the 5 they will intervene in the interests am-' The not; nmlmblv will ha I!` Iznoy VIII Intorvvno In we Intoruaan l of " The note probably will be tn_mnnnr_ nftnr uh; (mrnnn IDIO to the omen. In our view. but) mum int in to arrest. on far as pouiblo the or union of blood. And we are not very parti- cular about the form. I rognt. exceeding- ly aim the unok government is more particular about the formn than the cir- cnnnawncon in the cue `ust.ify." A-Mnwm Mn: II -- ha nnnnlihinnn in. `Now Millinery t`o-duy. Seunablo Dru: Goods-

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