Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 May 1897, p. 4

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SutherIand s{ ua . may zoru. Br. 8. A. Aykroyd will address the gos- pel temperance meeting Sunday afternoon ab four o'clock. in the Sons of Temperance hall. Subject, "Prohibition." T J Hlnvnr, mmnintml tn tnlxn nhm-an pronamou wwna purge or 3-zoo. Riv. T. Fenwick. of Woodbridge, Ont. has challenged "Inn Mwlnron s" theology in the New York Scottiah-American. TL- kinluun ls. IA...-I..- L..- ....-ngpl Hun. In FUD LVUW I UI'I DC`-0I'4KoIIn'5lnl'I0l|lI. Thabiaho of London has named Sun- day, May 95 , for anniversary service: of the Church of England tom perance society. The bishop of Ottawa will land his aer- .._v..... uuuuu --. vyuueu nu as-y-uuv Inn. 53?. Ms . The my of Quinta conference of the Methodiet ohnmh will meet at Bowman- ville in June. D... D 1 D4... I.-- _-;:__.| t....... Ll... VIIIU Ill Illllln Rev. E. J. Potty has retired from the cumoy of the chad:-Al, Quebec. He was presented with a purge of 0250. Riv. T. Fanwink nf Wmsdhridao. Ont. nwwu -Kit all: IIUHUII-.-.IIll' ' of the rupm; ' '- Tho meeting of the Napsnoo dim-lot. Mothodin church. ogcun in N.pJoo on. 25th nv. WH|G'S WIND WAFTS. CHURCH PARAGRg; l-(Is: 7 any going Arounu I0!` nuun. xunguon is not. attacking Bellovle. It. in simply uking for the retention of the service here hold formerly by Kingston and Bollqvillo nlike. The finest in the land. We guarantee satisfaction. Tbo comunnder of the British Os me! I Went. Africa ooc. roar admiral E. . Raw- son, bu nceivod permission tron the Pot- tuguese authorities to land 5 number oI_ gum from the ships of the Britiah -uqvud- Inn in Dahnnn Bay. In the um-non of Al'- nun-v nu -nun n vw . In tho golf ohompiomhi ns! at Muir ,0|d,Eog., Allan. of Ednbn II unive- nity. dofahd Rdab, of St. An rev : upl- vutty. ` COHCBUQU I55 IUFCO IIIU CHIHIKCU LII! policy. The talk about "big ears and "hog- town may suit Belleville`e tpate, but it in very silly in I grown man on a daily newe~ pnper. Independent of this. Kingston has not eeked for Mr. Jol1net.on a removal hither; that was entirely the controller`: suggeetion. Kingston naked for retention ofite rank and anew appointment; end the liberal: here were not jubilnnt when they were informed of the proposed eccen- aion of BellcvIl|e a "model oicer." Th it of Iuperior eiliciency of the Bellevil e divi- sion may be very soothing to tho impec- tor. but his oice is not one whit more elcient then was Kingston : under ine otor Meodonnld. There is too much to ygoing around for health. Kingston in nnr. nnnnkinu Rallmrlllp. It in eimnlv gun! lroln Inc lnlpl 0| mo nrluun `!qllI- mn in Deluge: 131*, for the put-pooo of or tillory practice. be landing of shgfunn will be made to marrow. toll olnmpiomhl at nltl Inn- Allan- of Illlnhnrnl nnlva-. uuuuuuun-n .u:-vr. Cl'h`HENDALL, May l.-This in the farmers busy season. locally, apparently, at any rate. Considerable quantity of seed has been transferred to mother earth and all are busy tilling, cultivating, etc. from early till late lnying the foundation for a bountiful harvest. Our cheese factory is now in full swing, working satisfactorily under the new management. Our school closed for a week at limiter, that being the period now allotted under latest regulations. Next Friday will be arbor day. when some preparations will be made for that new fence which is soon to follow. Monthly re- ports for April were distiibuttl to the pupils on Fridny lust. Zinn nlmrnh mnvnr mnnfim-7: nrn nnf. no Pllpll U I nutty IIIGII. '/.ion church prayer meetings are not. as well attended as they ought to be. The last one occurred at. R. TroLter s. Rev. A. B. Johnston and wife uttendoil a con- cert. an Woodburn on Fiiday last. The Woodburniles must. be particularly partial to this line of enterhaiiimonb to entertain so late in the season. We have a hustler in the lino of fence building" in William Clark. A slight epidemic, in mild form of measles, is prevalent. now. but has assumed no serious nspect in any case as yet. \Iiuq(1nr-trmln Hwumnmll nfrnr ninhina 1 U FUIWUUH M![)UClI III Hlly UIIUU LIB JUD- .\liss Gertrude Scammell, ufter nishing her session at (,)ueen`a college, left. Friday to teach at Arden. After various repairs, Mr. Woods. jr., and family have moved into.their new property. R Tr0tt.er IB- concly spent. a week in Kingston and Camrnqui. Lnnr. Hnnrlntv Raw .I Klillnr nvnhnnami uaulruqlu. Last. Sunday Rev. J. Miller exchanged pulpita with Rev. Mr. l lev.t.n, of Buttersee. l`ho correspondent. of the latter breezy village reports the discourse of our popular young minister as highly edifying and in- wreaking. Mr. l`let.t.s was heard with pleusuro in various parts of the circuit. Alexander O'Connor is occuionelly heard from. He is doing well in Wntertown, N.\'., but reports business somewhat. shag- nnnl. nvsnwwnuu In lhncliuinu (I.-Iu- Belleville has got `em again. The Daily Ontario and the whole reform executive are hurling epithets at Kingston {or kick- ing against the withdrawal of weights and measures inspeotorste from Kingston. Surely we in this city have a right to ob- ject to lowering of the rank of we oice. when the full rank is retained in a city half the size and with one~third of the business. Then there was the incon- venience of the inspector being at Belle- ville and the larger work in Kingston. The case for this city was so strong that the controller of inland revenue at once conceded its force and changed his policy. Tlm null: Ahnut. "hio mun and "lino- l`UF[)Ol|5IUlL` UHIUU UH hlllb p| UEUIIII UUPILEIUII. In the fond hope that God will further and favorably liatemto our earnest. and heartfelt. pra_yere,=a"nd conrm your im- pruvcment. of health, that, thus your grnce may be spared to us for many years to en- lighten us by your able counsel, to guide us by your undoubted wisdom and ripe ex- perience. and to strengthen unto maturity the noble works undertaken during your magnificent. and fruibful episcopataeuwe ask your episcopal blessing. whilst. again we tender your grace a cordial welcome to your home, to your priests and to your people. (Signatures of the priests.) At. the conclupion of the reading of the address his grace made a brief and feeling reply. Nowhere else can you find a better assortment of Ul yOUI' CXUIICLI (JUIUU. Once more the priests of the archdiocese of Kingston have the pleasing duty of re- cording: the debt of gl`aLlLll(l8`\VlllCll they owe to vicar-gzenerul Uautliier. the zoulous pastor of llrockvillo, who has been the companiommd solace ofyourgracm 'I ojouru in the south. \Vetmmk him for lll alloc- tionnte sympathy with your grace, and the as:-iiduity with which he has fullled his responsible otllce on this present. occasion. ln tlm fnnri hnnn that Gm] will further IIOCIL We would, however, respectfully urgu upon your grace the prudence ofoxercining in the future modorution in your 1.eul so as not no overcax your strength and thus to neutralize tho benecial olfccb of your brief relaxation from the grievous burden of your exalted oico. umn Innrn Hm n.~innl.n nf the nrnhdinnem [RUDD ITUIFICHU. Our pleasure is shared in by the luityy of the archdiocese. and we beg your grace to accept. the assurance of the universal eeLis- faction experienced in your return to Kingston with bealth and strength euth- ciemly reetored to pursue your onerous duties for the religious betterment. of your Hock. ll - .......l.l I.,........-.. .....nnnll`..I|-u nu...` CBHIUII CIILI UIU llllll I llflly WUIUUIIIU llunln We have a painful memory of your grnce s leaving Kingston about twomonths ago, and we have passed through weary days of expectation and anxiety; for, not only were the warnings of physicians nulli- ciently alarming. but, further, your own well-known elasticity of spirit und cour- ageous hopefulness began to failwwhat wonder, then. if our hearts. too. were weighed with distressing solicitude? Our hopes were sustained only by the prayers daily otlered throughout the length and breadth of the archdiocese in your gruce s behalf---our prayers at the holy altar of sacrice, the prayers of the devoted nuns. the prayers of the faithful laity. and. especially. those holy prayers which fellfrom the innocent lips of the sinless lambs of the fold--all these earnest sullrages, our faith assured us, would cer- tsinly meet with a response according to our hearts desires. The happy issue proves that our hope was not misplaced: nor our faith fruitless. ` n..- ..I............ 1.. -\........l :.. L... H... l...'c.. -5 I The Print: lvlnood Their Plquun on ghg Annbunom Iuumu. ~ , Upon the II`!'lVll of archbishop Clary 35 V Qho pulses on Thundny afternoon, an id- dreu of welcome was presented to him by the uumbled priuu. It was an follows : Add:-cu of volcanic to his grace the Mont Rev. James Vincent. Cloary. S.T.D., lord archbishop of Kinguton. on his return fn om the south, April 27th, lS97. May is please your grace : It. is not A common sontimenbf duty which impel: us, the prints of cliearchdiooooeof Kingston. so green our illustrious archbiobop on this 00- caaion and bid him a haarty welcome home. \Vn hnvn A nninfnl mnmnrv nf \-nnr MAY (51, 1397 Bollovlllo In icxenon Again. ~n, I . vnL AN ADDRE88 READ. `t.hoh-iahvnoqon the unmplion the ' 5 A Joke On Ir. Quinn. | _ Oioofihotth` Illlotla . Ofuwa. Nay l.-Tho joke of tho mu VAl.LlYnIl.n. Qua. Kay l.-K Wil- nion in no the exponvo of Mr. Quinn. tho Ion. one o! the victim at member of 8:. Ann`: division. of Montreal, gody hon. Inn has talking who ohoulpiobod the oil!!! of the widow `-moo tins wl I DI`! Inch. 33 no! to Iohlnnnn on Wcdnudny in tho name of Manual to to II ' ': Molluml. hull; wane! tho IIII . Mu: tho debate It. Quinn Ill`)! Now Brunswick nuulnt. `Aha AIL, 'WALDREN & MADER, English Breakfast Bacon, flild Cured Hams, SRECIAL. SALE For Saturday N ighg-. No matter how ine.\'pensivo tho stu'--snd your use for tho`gm'1nont should decide the stuff you'll choose---tlio Shirt Waist can be pretty if prettily nmde. Because we count the Shirt Waist business worth doing best. we Ire doing most of the Shirt. Waist business. Here are Waldren 6: Mader, All over town. No wonder. It is n. revolution to the Ladies of Kiixgston to see the styles; of Regent's Park and llois du Bologna grouped and massed for their advantage. while those styles are still novel in London and Paris. We mean to keep our l\Iilline1`y so timely. and so timely that you will accept it for wlmt it is---an epitome of the Newest and Briglatest in llemlwoar from all Clll`lHlvCl](:l0l11. Shirt Waists with yoke back, laundried ar and cuffs. made of American Percale Prints, at and 50 each. Shirt Waists, with detachable rs and all t tle extras that finish toa garm at 75c, $1 25, $1.50 and . 0. some are in, some Organdies, some Linen. All are dainty perfect fitting. Starr & Sutclie, Our Flillinery Store V is Being Talked of: --..-.-', ........ ......n...- After a lifetime of failures with modi- cines and doctors, a friend who had mod I aino`a Uelory Compound with great. suc- oea induced Mr. Rose to give is I trial. Tho medicine was used. and now Mr. Rose joyfully bouts of health and a new lease of life. ` ll. 1).... .-.!AL _ ,,r,,, ,:-n, n.- In llIUo Mr. Rose, with a- view of beneting all dyapepmic sufferers,-writes an follows : New Ideas in Shirt Waists. -nu nu--.5 Irv uuv usuuluu VI vymyulo Mr. Rose : experience with suffering was I long one. From his youth indigestion and stomach troubles subjected him to daily tortures, and continued up to his sixty-fourth your, always inoretuiug in in- tensity and danger. Aft-.. .. I:L'..;.'...- _t 4- s|,,,,_- ._,,-`L _._.I.` Teas. Comes and High Grade Groceries. The story of William V. Rose. of Mon- trul, is the axpenonco of thousands of men and women who are living a. miserable life owing to the agonioa of dyspepsia. M- `D.....v. .........z_..... ...:u. -._a-....|_... ....- By cramps," Glddtncss Pand Weakness mung From Dyspepsia. V ` Paine's Celery Compound Delivers Mr. Bozo From Every Trouble. _` FORMBRLY RICHMOND & CO. I18 and I20 Princess Street. Hgsiery. Gin ues, Undervvear Successors to J. M. RICHMOND & CO. I 14 Princgss street; and Millinery. HlSCOCK S.( PTIIIIO IIIIIIO WIN! I II'U DEX: 3. WC W :'..`'``' `: .3`......." '`"..'` ';'>'.'.'` ; o ' :ion Mia} tnoud fnphno. ` .-_ \ 1 i .._.....-v... --um n Avvl Ivvllo H`-`-`Hftar having had dyape in for Alumni: a lifetime, 1 chink the euro`: 3 wonderful nnn " I-IIUMKIIII I wuulu IIDVBI` ROI ; DUDWT. "Iuaod many kinds of modioinmbuh My did me var limo good. At Ian I was re- command to use Paine : Celery Inm- pound. I tried as bottle. and it did me more good than anything 1 had taken bo- foro. I hnveuaod four botblu and have completely banished tho diatreuing pain: in my stomach. nnd I feel well. u Al'L__ l......'._._ L __l _|____-___.r_ 1-_ _I..__-L "\ IIUHE LUIII WUTH Dl'0ll "5 0" DJ IIIIII UUITIIJIU disease. I had Iitt. a strength. coull up sloop much, and wu so run down than) thought I would never got bother. ' " ut..--.| ....._.. |_:_.:- -: _..-.I:_2-- L..L n.'.`.'.` For A long time I {us a great mlforor from dyspeptic. and was often compelled to stop on who Imrcoh until 1 could recover from crnmpo. pains and attacks 0! 'giddi- nous than were brou ht. on by the terrible dining. I haul Iim. n Am-nun-r.||_ noull Inn! Evqrlody lilo I up` all | H'.".A'.".~'.'.'.*'.'.'. "' L '. -and `Annuity Aoctdont Policy. which lnlulol, ubonl weekly hdomnlly for ` puthlly dlnbllnu lnjurlol; and I ma union for zoenl dlubtuty. lo: mum lnlorinnolon drop bond to load Ooo, Toronto. Oonodn, 5 V I > > hm oh`. Double mbuuy Bohodnlo ' nnnnooao nd sum for npoolod s. aoucnrou,` Agent. MANIJFAETUHEHS There Are TELEPHONE 399. or 8. ll. nnmv. siaodu Aunt. xlncnon. 'In&oInhI\rI 19 non vv-u lutiooloklkiclbr Busy Shoe House. Some Shoes for men and good o Shoes for some men, but the Best Shoes for alllmen are the Shoes we sell. or on honovando 1.: uo|tol.rpnn.Olho. lot! Guummaa Ann ACCIDENT INSUR- men conmm A p p o in t us your bakers and let us supply you with Broad, Cakes sud Pas- try thut will do- light every mem- ber of your {3- nn"w Bansnu And Oranges from 100 per dozen up At Try The Easy '-I`OYE'S_ uuruv sllvllv-_y vvs Inau ~- ... arrogant msnner. This has led on their part to.ths intimation that. much as they may rsgrt it, thqre is no course left open to them but to do as they are dons by." And tho Tuppers, and those under their dominstion, are ready to show their sym- pathy with the Americans by pro- testing sgsinst the pro-British po- licy of the Lnurier government. I t s I spectscls for gods and men, in view of past profossions, of the declaration of the greatest leader the party has ever had, "A British subject I was born, and B Bri~ tish subject I_wi|l dis." -..._ ._......-.-,. ...-nu '\rw NOT SEEKING TITLES. The Hamilton Spectator neconishee the natives by ice unwarranted attack on Mr. Laurier, who. it. ineinuutea, is seeking a tin-pot title from the queen. This in rank dialoynlty. In the opinion of the Telegram in is guilty of treason. Y. I]. I ....-.h... .. Help Lunlnn 9 Tkgpn in Iv su sensual vs Isalae-wvsss Is Mr. Laurier a title hunter? There is no reason to doubt that he regards them, as the late Hon. (leorge Brown ani Hon. Alexander. Mackenzie did, as one way of marking public service, but as" not oonveying,in all cases, an adequate expression of the worth of the individual. Looking over the list of those in Canada, and now living, who have had various decorations` bestowed upon them it does not appear as if there has been the neet discrimination shown; and so Mr. Laurier, sianding high in the public esteem, pure in life and character, and holding an olee that, in the gift of the people, gives him more dignity than any title. can be very easily credited with no ambition such as the Spectator accuses him of. But granted that he is to be knighted, that as the most popular premier Canada has ever had, the most devoted and loyal of her mujesty s subjects, he cannot resist the distinction the queen desires to give to him, why in- sult her by referring to her tln- pot decora- tions? The Spectator is simply angry with the fates that gives Mr. Laurier his pre- eminence. Its party would not be govern- ed by common-sense. and suffered a dreadful wreck. and thereupon it becomes disgruntled and offensive towards all and sundry, from the queen down to the hum- bloat peasant, who smiles upon a grit. "The Speotator,seys the Toronto Tele- gram, dleouseing the same subject, ex- hibits a bruise in every sneer, but the con- servative party is somewhat greater, and, is :- a- L- L......J ._I... at... sL-u.....a..a-._ wuu -.u--. v. --v -.-.v-.--.-- vvr Iago. Ocolpll. speaking in Toronto, urged haohcnloinstruot tho young mm-Ally no wall to inltlkobntlly. and in that grnoomd poilbn. which in lalnonubly mining in Delhi! ohildnn. Well said. - Ir. Iclloill, l.P., undo a show of hiuiulf in acting Ibo Itonblor at the open- lngoltbo bowl in Thurldty. It was A brilliant pa-bu-nlunoo for tho boooll of Mr. levy dd Val. who ran pram Ir. Ihvin. when oloobiortrisl ll -vnv-u-v runny; -u -v-uvw-u-u .-v-xv-. Innuu. it in to be hoped. wleer than t. e Spectator. end in N |lO pollcy jueo now is to give time A chenoe to heel its hard instead of plung- ing into en at present ueeleee warfare quince e policy which the country eeeme willing to fsirly try. This lather _remuk deele with the plot heeded opposition of the eoneervetivee to the new uuill` meenre nu bid clause. 1 _ .. Iguana. Io|I`|jnnI_ln'I;a;' CENSURING THEMSELVES. And now it is the Boston Herlld which csllsite people down for their unfriendly attitude. for notion which has brought about the discrimination against American goods and products embodied in the Field- ing ts:-in`. The American goods consum- ed in Canada, it remarks. "have a value `each year of from $40,000,000 to $45,000,- 000. Eeglish goods consumed in the same country have a value of from $30,000,000 to 835.000.000. England and our country are the two great competitors for Canadian trade. In iron and steel and its manufactures, in cotton manufactures and in other lines of trade, each ` country sends annuslly into the Do- minion zoodsto the value of millions of dollars. If England is to have s preferen- tial duty accorded to her amounting try only three-quarters of the duty imposed upon similar American wares. it is needless to say that American trade will undergo a tremendous contraction. We shall in this .wsy su'er in the house of our friends, but these sufferings will be drawn upon as by our own faults. We have propoeed treat- ing our neighbors who wish to be upon the most friendly terms with us in is harsh and mL:- |.-_ I..l .. sL-:.. THE DAILY _wH1G. ..._. -.. r--._V---- 2 Pnddout lillqzogl the agricultural col- --- l\._.I_I. _--I_.l...- :.. 'l..._L_ .-.._.l No m|`Nu whit happen. when you ~ ride " Dunlop Tires `There s no Tronble "Opi/or 1 9 I ~ ` vu:- r?uw.- , J. GLEESON. Brock St. . gananhlbnnhn The fun will begin at. Ottawa when Sir Charlon Tapper undertakes. a In his opposi- tion to the preferential tariff, to hold up Britain. He has undertakona pretty large contractz. nun utu-I gun-nun Iv-Ila] _ In how to unto money. W0 can help you if you and anything in boots. shoot. trunk: or valiant. A. Ahotnothy. 127 Princess euro. 9 %*::'::::." "-"'='*":."*.'.7 ".257 - ynoon. un am. Now not: in at. ml pnndna. Gnntloniushlwhidgnnnund M chain; hobo: or -_`ovlug. In View of the fact that Britain's re- venues lent year were inereaaed by '. .,500.- 000, the national debt decreased by 7.- 582,000. and the bank reserve increased 1.'49,000,000, Sir Chen. H. Tupper is naked for evidence of what he asserted in the house of common, that England had been driven from the civilized markets of the world. The deferring of the date on which binder twin is to become (roe is alleged to be due to Mr. Hobbs, who has purchaa- | ed the penitentiary stock, and must; be glvetlachunco to sell it. But the new tnrihibs Hobbs wire and nail factory hard. How's t,hat.? Consulted about one thing and not. anothr? .. v..-.u.nu - .v.pwu- Yesterday not a little amusement was provided by a telegram from Ottawa stat- ing that the government would appoint Alexander (lunn to be collector of inland revenue in succession to Fleming Rowland. The government had not the slightest in- tention in that direction or oven the least thought on the subject, and it is time that untrnthful reports of this character were exposed. The suggestion comes solely from friends of the Kingston postmaster, and the telegram was sent out in the hope of aidetracking Mr. (lunn e appointment made two weeks since. Against this no one can complnjn so long as it is publicly understood that the government is not en- deavoring torecall its action. The con- coctor of the telegram will jud e of its absurdity when he learns that t o collec- torahip ol inland revenue can only. under the law, be given to specially qualied de- partmental olcere, and that Mr. Gunn could not hold the position. Lnumuu uvuu. Meanwhile instructions have been given to the collector.of customs to receive entries on the minimum basis for goods of British origin only. The legal eentlemen of con- servative Ieaning have been offering their opinions gratuitously and to the effect that the favored nations having treaties w-ith `Brent Britain will get all the benets of the mother country, but. like their leader, they have switched about and adopted dif- ferent tactics to what they observed when . the N.P. was adopted. The doctrine has always been preached that the colonies. in their scal policies, were free to act as they desired, and with such an under- standing Canada has hitherto acted. The attitude of the opposition towards the combines is not surprising. The tories have ever been their friends. and in all the legislation they assayed to check trusts and their evils has been in the nature of a farce. They are fearful now that the conferring of power upon the government to crush out the combines whenever evidence of their existence is ad vanoed will lead to bad results. The only way to make law effective is to provide for the enforcement of it. The proposal of the Laurier government is in the nature of re- lief which has long been demanded. and. under conservative rule. without hope of its attainment. Bound To nve Protection. It will be remembered that some years ago during A visit to this city of Willinm O Brien, a member of parliament from as constituency in lrelend. eolne little "fuea weecreeted by A number of young men. The ee-equel to thie disturbance has just ledked out. In the winter fcowing the dieturbence Above mentioned. members of the Kingeton curling club went to Ottawa to compete for tho governor-genenl s prize. Before the club went down e privete con- mnnicetion wee sent up here from Ottevu. eating for the names. addresses. occupa- tions end general clierecter of members of ' the mike. No one think: oi taking; hendfpl of old feehioned pille now A deyo, when people go} eich they nee Wede a Mend:-eke Pull; [which oune.pll liver end etomech troubles. one pill e doaea'1`wenty-ve done for twenty-ve cents. only no Wade : drug emu. HDPOTIII IIIKIDOHEIOI In K610197108 I40 hue tsri pro sls, the, opinion is steadily growing t at the finance minister had im~ perial sanction for the action. The colonial secretary would not, of course, consider for a moment whether the new tarilf would af- fect Canadian ndustries. His business is to look after im rial interests, and his an- swer to Col. Howard Vincent on Tuesday night is taken herein government circles as an endorsation of the Canadian tsriif pro- posals. The point is taken by leading liber- als that inasmuch as the treaties with Bel gium and the German zolverein were ne 0- tiated before the passage of the Brit sh North American act they cannot be bind- ing upon Canada. Again, it is urged that unless those treaties were conrmed by act of the immrial parliament they cannot bind any British colony. `inasmuch as the crown itself is unable to so impede the action of the self- verning colonies without legis- lation. E eonrse, if the Belgian treaty. was confirmed by legislation-it is known the German treaty was not--Canada would then be aected. but it is claimed that such was not the case. and that conse- quently tire dominion government in clear. Iy within its righte. in making an oller of reciprocal treatment to any country which will admit Canadian goods free as Great Britain does. BA9.9_N$._ A. 3.... `I IIIIU UIUIIUIUIII LIVCI Ill UI`uvu\.uuvg vnuu. "Although it. cannot. be denitely learned vhebher there he been any correspondence between the dominion government and the imperial authorities in reference to the mm proposals. opinion steadily my uelvv uvuu uupvvuuu u---_~, ..._-y `though seven! members of the petty More feheent, ouneto emoonolueion. They de- cided to let the budget ieheb clone. but to ght. the tn-ill` in oolnlnibbee. and to offer emendmenhe against the minimum teri and Anti-combine ,olnu|ee. On the reb point. the Ottewe eorrelpondenoe 0! the Montreal Star is eignicenc. thus: :1 A nL_.__|_ :. ..__.n I... _|-n_:...I.. I-........l e . Olnllollnl m-.:.'.*-'*.z. -..-.'.*~*-N" -9* EESULT 05 A CAUCUS. ilhoeonnrntivo IKOIIKII of the colu- L.I..I ___LI_ . , . _ _ _ . __ ....) `rho than Qlnulon 1'0-day .A_ A4 _.-L- __-_-_ `ll- .. A Ohlldluh Propolnl. `tho that In! `ha. That`: Do. vrnm amt .wI'I_IG. SATURDAY. HA.". d`2. [Or 'i`o umicunud and deception. the India B| nJI8l0 no that the nuns Dinmon it on ovorypnclct. tho buy. in mind thnlinforior you ruin mt I Bou- goodo ztlnnlpn any as I lactate! tnnhln and Allnnvnnnq a-_- At the present time; whon than in so much substituting and deception practiced by come denier: whose lifo-objoot. is large ptotl, it is absolutely necessary to any to the India. Get what. you uh for." Unncrnnnlnnn (I-`Inn Am unind` oven: UIIU ICUIII. "UIF WIIII ,0 III l0l'o _ Unocrupuloun duloru no using ovary oort to toll inferior nhd ndultontad dyol whonovor the Diamond Dyes an nhd for. Fl`. -...l..I I..-) -.._n .a---..u.... AL- Inn.- `OWE lI1U0l'OlIO IHNIXOX IX, trouble und nnuoynnoo. . Diunond Dnnrul um-nnt.od,an more than twin 850 th of tho oollllnon mnuown. l"ot.t.ijohn s Breakfast Food, Ireland} Rolled Wheat. Furinoen. are all good breakfast dishes for warm weather. Jun. Rodden at Co.. Agents for the Am ` n Cereal Co.. Chicago. \ Mu,-1, A, J, Rlnnt hunrlnn. n 2 "I HUI HT chell. GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR menu IS sure no please. Pure coffee, whole and ground. 25. :1 lb . at. Sharp`: grocery. , The may-rincrn nf (`.hm-has ][nll"\'%V C0 hihl W. J. neeley H. jowolor. umcx rtreot. Charley Clarke. of Rockwnnd bicycle club, is out. on his Wollnml.Valo Perfect racer. Charley will likely allow the boys Ilia heels this sen.-non. I\-..Jo. L..- .. I-.:...mln millxnnt. nmxinn n mu neola nms eon.-non. Don't. buy a bicvcle without seeing a WellandVa|e-r-Perfect. Garden City or Dominion ~-- boat. wheel made for least money. Strachanku hardware. VFL... .....-A-.-.. ......:I s....(n nn Oh: (I T R -::- BOAT BUILDING 0 . A _` non uvanv. N U0. Joseph Loses, of Collins Bny. has had A tiny`: outing on Louiluboro lake and made I record. With a trolllm; spoon he caught six ulmon. one of which. weighing nmrly eight pounds, he presented to John llett. Kinubton. T3.rM'in\\n n Rrnnhfn-b Wnnrl Irnlnnrrn UQTQII \.iO.. UIIIOABD. I Must. A. J. Suns, Dundan, aa_ : "I must. say Miller`: Compound Iron Pills are first.-cla-Is medicine. I have had great. ro- litf {tom them." For sale by E. C. Mit- n A] ` worthy or an praise. Queen street Methodist. chu|ch-Anni- vereary day, Rev. R. 1 . Bowlon, M.A., B.D.. Sherbourne street Methodist church, Toronto, preacher at. ll n.m. and 7 p m. In the morning, among other numbers, the choir will render Mozart's Qui Tollia," with violin nccolnpauimenb by Miss Arm- strong. Evening: Mrs. Collins will sing The Shepherd of the FOH," by Bur- nard. Violin accompaniment. Collec- UOIIB on behalf of trust. fund. ru_._..-L ..._-.a..... ;.. H....ul.m nnrlah. RI. Read Hnrdy`a advortiaonmnt. Indian and (fuylon ten, `.!5c. n 11)., at. Sharp's grocery. Fond of a good cup of cotl'eo'. Rodden's blend is no please. D...-.. nn`.-n u-hnln nnrl ornnnd. `250. n , The marriage of Charles Hurvy l McCracken. Mattawn. is announced. l\_.l...... R..- ..:....n .....l nuunn Inn-nun lnfhnf acrncnans nnrnwuru. The western mail train on the G. T. R. was not. on time today. The report: reach- ed here blunt. the engine had broken down near Nnpnnee and two hours` delay was ex- peobod. 'l"hn "Ran" brand (`.m:lnn ten atnnda un- peeved. The "Bee" brnnd Ceylon tea .q-`ivnlled amongst. package man. It. in put up`ilu~Ihe place of growth and comes to us direct. Never sold in bulk. JM. Redden LIV- 1 Iy name." | St. l`ater s church congregation. Brock- ' ville, under the zealous miniatmtions of the venerable archdencon B6df0l'd`1I0II0U, is do- ing its duty to the diocese with generous hand. The givinga for diocesan missions this year have reached 8334 (about $40 bet- ' ter than last year), and those for the widows and orphans fund reached $112. As there are three large Anglican congre- gntiona in Brockville tbeno offerings ale worthy of all praise. n.mm an-ant. Methodist. morlllllg ill; 0'B\'U|I UUIUUI. DMUJUIJU : Barnabas and l'aul sent by the Spin: to preach the Word of God." Weekly meet.- ing Friday, 8 p.m. Strangers welcome. Note change of hall. Eyro n communion service will he re- peebed in Sb. George's cathedral to-morn row at eleven o`cluck. Mr. March singing the solo in the )redo" and Charles Harvey the Agnus l)ei." At evensong J. B. Wnlkemnnd Mr. March will sing the beautiful duet, Vil.alSpark of Heaven- ly Flame." Qt. Pamr n nhumh mmrremxtion. What mo Buoy Reporters Caught on the Iflu `_|o_u|nil moloy. Cataraqul Z_I.I_ A Mcuracken. mauawn. I8 nnuounco-u. Orders for piano nnd mgnn tuning left, qt J. Rayner : residence, 12%| Union atroeb. or W. J. Kee|ey':=. jowolor. Brock street. rmrlnu ("hm-lm nl Rm-kwnml hicvnle Iemews. 6Z),UUU; urnco. o0'.:,Uuu. Biock stroet. Methodist churuh--~Rov. J. | Grenfell. pastor. Service It ll; the enc- rament of the Lord s Supper. Evening service, 7 p.m. Subject. Tho Missing; Link. Special music, oontrulto solo by Miss Mitche. There is 21 Fold"([)raper). l`i...p (`kurnk nf (`.}u-Sal-. .`~`.ninnf.iat. -HnnA I<`irac Church of Christ ScIent.i.ab-Sona 1 of Temperance hall. corner of Princess I and Montreal streets. Service tomorrow morning at olevun o'clock. Subject; : I "Rm-nnhnn and Paul sent bv Snirltn I Miss mmcnen. "ulero In 21 run: \urupu: ;. X M my 19th. Though no special nppoala were made the Easter offerings in New York Anglican churches were noble in amount. Calvary congregation gave $`.. \),00U; St. Bartho- lemew`s. 825,0()(l; Grace. $52,000. D`. ,...I. an-`no Mno|..\:li;r.nhnn-h,,-Rnv .1 lonury). The preebytery of Kingston will meet, by leave of synod, at Linds.xy,on May l`2t.h. and for hcensing of students and obhey business in Chalmers` church, Kingston. on M .... um. innaness no one arcnmsuop or mngswn. This Saturday. May 1st, in the festival of St. Philip and St. James. Canon Owen was consecrated in the morning at West- minscer Abbey as bishop of St. David s. Sydenhnm street. Methodist church ser- vices--ll a.m., Rev. Dr. Mowab; 7 p.m.. Rev. Douglas Laing: 9:45 a.m., praise and prayer; L ;-I5 p.m.. Sunday school (mis- sionary). I`hn mmahvfnrv nf Kinanlnn will meet. UIIUIIIUBH |I` fI`|. .... ..L DIX IIIUIIUHH, DUKIIIS L00 DBTVIOUH Duuuny. The bishop of Ottawa has held two con- rmntiona ob Belleville churches. two at Deseronto churches, and one ab Tweed, as kindness to the archbishop of Kingston. Thin Srshnrdnv, Mnv let in the festival nan. DUUJOOD, "ITDUIDIIIOHIV T. J. Glov r, appointed to take charge of the West. nd and Tyendinaga Reserve l'reabyberinn missions during the coming six months. begins the services Sunday. The: hinhnn nf no._.m.. lmn halrl lawn non. I /H6 LIINITUII OI IJAIIKIIIHU wmperlnce IUClUl1y. , The bishop Ottawa will lend vices to Ontario diocese {or an ordimmon at Brockville. in St. Pater : church. Sun- day. May 23rd. )|-, H. A, Avlnrnvrl will nrhh-nun ts am. SPE`.lIL--EASTER cmnnasx

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