' ofxnms` '"XiwnE :2. .2: .,.'.`.?.`1`.f`a"...'.".` Ill-`talus run and in; non ml: to Apr till null April 31th,`, OINIRAL PUBIJ 00|UI'_Y. 00. I0 IUC. I IJIIIICU. ' Fiah-Salt. herring, 10c. to 200. a dozen; trout. ma Whitesh. . to 10. . 1b.;` mackerel, 15. a lb.: antic salmon, 20. I lb.; British Columbia salmon. 1.31:. I 1b.: cod and haddock, 5c. no 7c. 3 lb; kip- Eerod herring. 30. a dozen; nnan \ nddie. ten cents :5 lb.; bloctera. 20c.| I dozen; pike, 50. I lb.;ciscoes. 10. a lb.:l perch, 15. ndozon; bnllheoda, Sc. 8 lb.; V bluosh. l:".`c.~alb.: halibut, 150. I lb.;.' OVBIAIB. atmndnrd. 35c.; select.,t')c.; shell. I `I-`in mo. Ponlt.ry--Chickens, 50c. 00 850. I pair; fowl, 500. to 700. a pair; ducks. 600. to; R011 A nninn manna n, tn RIM. annhrl DUO-I put; geese. (N0. w 000. uncu; turkeys, 60. to 81.25 each. or from 70. to we. I pound. Very little poultry in be- ing mutated. The demand in Iairly brink. ' Grnin-0at.a. 200. a bushel; pen, 430.; rye, 35c.1 bu-ley. 23. to 2:; buckwheat, I `35c.: Manltob: wheat, No. l, bud, 920.; No. 2, head. 90c.; northern, 89c.; white` winlor. 80. I 'Pl..n- .-ul 3...! ,I`lnno Iuglpg- 56-nun . vaguul-uea-r0I-Iwoa. w 500- I my \ wnmn no oloaou out some umo unoe. no 3790?: POBIWOB. 300- 30 400-. A peck: 0Ib- 1 owned and occupied (in the summer) a cot.- btge. 450. to 308- I 110380: Il`l`08. 500- rage on Garden avenue near the cont. 30 000- 3 hug: Plnips. 001% I bag: beets, ~ The twice tried suit. between the Thousand 600- 0 big: I-|I|'i[>S. 250- $0 400- ll bags. Island Park association and Mrs. H. M. h0 110030 '0-000 0"i0nB. |`I3di5h08. at Gridloy, of Syracuse, concerning a dock pmgus. beets. rpinach.carms. 5c. to 10c. 1 which was built: outside of the Iimiugmnz. a bunch; oanliowers, 5c. to 15c. each ed bygb ngggcigon 3, main beg do. celery. 50. 10 100- II bunch j cidod in favor of the association. Jud e Il`;.|.a.Ip. I-yarn-inn In tn0nn nrlnvnrn 1' \f l(.........I.. A6 QII-nlinnn mu-at 0 4: Dy UCIIUTU III"! C ` Butter and egzs-New laid eggs anal worth from 9c. to we.` a dozen. There are I not many packod eggs in ehermurket. but i what. there in soil at from 70. to 9c. Fresh butter in print: brings from 150. to Ho. 1 r lb. In rolls or pnckod the commodity [ is worth from 131:. to 152. per lb. I`:-nit-PinnAnnInn, `ln. tn 30a. nah- I5 WUITII "VH1 IJC. I0 I00. POI` ID. Frnit.-Pineopplen. 200. to 30. each. Cnliiormn ornngoe. 300. to 50. ll donon;ValonciAornngea,l2c. to Eo. a dot; ; lemone, 101:. to 200. a 1102.; bananas, 200. w to 300. a dozen: coconnuta, 5c. to `lo. each; 1 mnplo su , 10c. to Mac. n lb.:Malagaj grapes, I pouni; apples, $1.50 tof 82.00: bbl; honey, 10c. to 15. a pound; 1 cranberries. 10c. I quart; tiga, 150. |{ pound; hickory nuts. 5c. to 100. I quart; lboru, pecans, walnuts. 150. 3 pound. 5 V'naah.In!An._Pnt.ntnA:. 35:9. in 45m A Inn: Y no Standard Rntu Governing nu Local ! 1 . . Iarkotl. , Kmawrox, April :Z'.'.-Quietudo reigns in the locnl market. Prices have not changed ` I to any extent since laelz quoted. It was expected bhe war scare in Europe would l send groin and flour prices bounding up- wards, but beyond a Jew oenua advance ` last week no change is noticeable. Hide 1 prices remain high, and buyers say there 3 will be a drop before long which will re- ; null: in somebody losing money. Meat. prices have settled down to their old basis I 1 and are not. likely to vary to any extent for : u some time to come. The prices furnished I 1 I I by dealers are : Rntlnr nmi ncmn-N'nw laid nmn am I I I I . ~ . `V 3`. . `E `x the ltinlsnr of a country so cnlttogmernuthilia. e __l .p the rennet Dniheiy. ` The dicuity with the party at plen- ent. wide from these old sales. is "that it is led by~smun of 76 who is acting as warming pan tor an unpopular son. 1: ie no secret that 811' Oiinrleh Topper is but waiting the hour when be en: inetal .-.~Slr Bilibert Tapper. But lea: `mute:-o. though not withoutablllty of _ a eerhin lslnd. is no more ill for the leadership than Boweli was. He has not the same . inllmltles exactly. . He is young where Bowel] was old. But he is tremendonsly ."h-ssh and bumptlous and utterly look- ing in judgment because without knowl- edge of human nature . If he wereshoved on the party it would go to pieces in no time. Sir John Maodonald's son would make. a better list of it ii` the hereditary principle is to prevail in the selection oi` a leader.` Sir Hibbert as leader in petto went down to carry Nova Seotlm. Nova Seotla has repudiated him and his father aiong with him. ' If Tnpperism is dead `there, how shall it be made alive in On- tarloi When Sir Charles steps down, Mr. Fos- ter 18 more likely to succeed him. His judgment is not always l nor is be popular, but he is the':(tx er on that side of the House and perhaps the best all-round man they have. Mr. Hag- gart will, I suppose, be his first iieuten- | ant. Haggart has been in some `bad scrapes, but without doubt `is a man of very considerable ability. I have reason to believe that when he got into the scrapes he oouid have cleared his reputa- tion had he felt disposed to lay the blame where it really belonged. but he is a Highlander with a good deal of Highland pride and preferred to suer in his own ` person rather than let others be involved. ` Dr. Montague's position is a painful one," and it is hard to see how he can resusci- tate himself so long as the Tuppers rule. Yet some of the best mu: in the Tory party believe he is more sinned against than slnnlng, that he has been made the I principal scapegoat `for the disaster of June, whereas his conduct throughout, under oircmnstames of exceptional dim- cuity, has been loyul and straightfor- ward. The Tuppers are trying to dis- credit everyone who dues not recognize their own divine right. to lend the party, and to be the prlnclp.-ll beneci.-ies of its success if it ever does sur:cu-~ud again. 4: A l`l\` Ia A n .'.`..`: nuns Inc: No: alt: o.25ic.;No. 3. ingh milk. dniinn, Ila. A `human. p-"21;--wun. vhih. inI_'I1 qsuI|nnLlnII_nnJ J` '3 -`..'$$&n:!z'u:-:3 smion I . P. OILIIIIIIAIIV LOCI! . an aunt at: llnorl-U, pecans, Wuuluw. 100. I pounu. V'agot.ab!ea-Pomt.ooo,35c. to 450.. 3 bag; 1 won}. nnf.nI.nan. to 400.. A nook: nab. 4 PRODUCE mo Prices. we -- = s~xuyr-ym;4-7:=;r >r1- -u' :2 `V .,\_3. ' n 1IIG,` 'WEi5N']$DAY. 1.`!!!-IIIDB . nun 5 2-illUC|"l!ll gllll GATIN EA U. - 5 WDIOH WIB DDIIC 0ll|'oSlGOh0I K400 |llnlbB:gl'I:III.- :1 by Lb association on n e` : t 1:. N. Kennedy, of Syracuse. want t e : park last. week making aome alterations in his cottage. The famous Pintech buoys were Elacod in position Inst. week on the river y Capo. (L R. I-linckley. of Cape I E Vincent. They will burn colrzinually un- - til the close of navigation. rgo quanti- : I ties of freight arrive daily by the Islands: ; `V for the park store. : Qatnlu\ll'a nnllunrn nn nut Lnnk avnnna ` 3R8|8- - _ Cottngera are unusually euly coming to the park thin year. The following were the Arrivals last week. Elder M`. D. Kinno nnd family. St. Lawrence avenue; M. . Jacobo. Headland avenue; juice 0. N. Kennedy. Gout avenue; Hrs. hlconber, Garden Avenue; Mrs. M. Gnvee Ind friend, Paradise 8%.; Mrs. Hopkins end friendp, `Prospect Point;John 1`. Pine and wife. . non: nu-nnnn: Walla: Brown | .d wife. rrocpocr. ronnnwonn 1. ruse Inn wuc. |Cout avenue: Walter Brown .d wih, Uniac avenue: Frank A. Smith and fam- ily, United States uonuo; I. Arnold and wine, Gndon avenue. `nan Gdodstudems to study shorthand at the i tor `D0 PETK IBOTB. . Satchell`s cottage on Out Look nvonuo ' was sold last week to Mrs. L. Sockner, of Lowville. J. R. Robinson is building A new piazza on H. Child : cottage on Island Suvenue. Ibis reported that n uyndicnto has purchuod Grand View park. It. is situated about three miles from here in the Cmadim channel. At. the law conference Rev. H. Graves was appoinurl to cake the gllnoo of Rev. F. J. Fulton at this place. I] _InnAn nf Minoan-on-rn mud: Mun nnri . D. Jones, of Watertown, made the park l abuaineas viaitlaat. week. The annula- Lion has men engaged in rating and I cleaning up the grounds, and the roada will bograded nicely aa soon as it is dry ionough. W. F. Newton will be freight agent in this year at the steam boat dock. o will also see to the delivery 0! hnaanna N I Wu '7: J. llllholl .5 50' pl-in i The Thouueml Island. Park Improvements` E ` -`l`Ine Late Rev. Ir. Dayan. : Tnm`\.\.\':) ISLAND PARK. April `.l.- The I } pnstmcek has been a bad one and an u.n- I , usual cold spell the fore part of the week I l fretting hard on Monday and Tuesday I ` nights but the damage has been alight in these parts. .-\ heavy ram storm on Fri- day night visited these parts and did a lot j. of good. The Murray Hill hotel will be } repainted this spring and bathing houses and other improvements added. Judge Porter s residence on Porter's Island is be- ing ut in readiness for occupancy soon. ' At t a late meeting of the Thousand Is- I land park association it was decided to purchase a new Dean steam pump with a icupacit of over 600 gallonsa minute. It is also ecided to immediately erect the several buildings needed for the school of - public instruction for teachers, which will be an annual event at the park. i The data J E` Ihl-an urn: nnn nf the f 00 annual OVBDW RI: 5116 p&l'K. ; .Tho `late J. F. Dayan was one of the founders of Thousand Island Perk. and an one time owned ale:-go nmountof shock, which he closed out some time since. He __._-.I -_.l .._...._:..-l 1:. A|....................\ - not V` per lb., and the store hogs at from $3 to ` hogs offered for sale at the out end abut.- boir to~day. The butchers were p one t. in lar e numbers. and trade was bri k with slig !.l_v higher prices paid for t. better kinds of cattle, but. milkmeifs rippers were very numerous, and could n be sold as well as on last weeks market! Prime butchers` cattle sold at about. 4 r 1b.; in one cue at 43c. per lb. was `ergo fat. cows sold at. from 3.`_xc. to near 4o. per lb.; pretty good stock sold at from 31. to Jigs.` par lb.. and the common boasts at from `.!}c. to 3.3. per lb. Milkmen a strip- ` per: sold as from `. ,{c. to 30. per lb. Calves sold at from $1.25 to $6 each. Mixed lots 3 of sheep sold at. from to. to 45. per lb. Spring lambs brought from $2.25 to 85 _ each. Fat hogs sell at. from 50. to .")}o..j 1 557 each, but some of them were rather} small in size and lean in euh. . I4: I5 I10 III The us. or with um luuunnnl. F;1`ho point: of con: an ex 5U` AC to {ha 123'] Th 9): i all tirbnm. 8885': loud M all times, glv DISTRIBUTION on t Tho oil in rotainoc CANNOT ESCAPE. The 0 ninl botw made P BFEOTLY {alt wnhox. Th t I .1... .30 33".? "w?.`:`.3?`' In Iain. no-uy--nus: --up Boclnn q Plllnfot Inuhnd Ii-uni; t h id I ll 1 0 I rt! 3/ III , A.A...&.'A "wA'i`A`.?A?`3f..?.T2a'.'2..A1a.`A3. A3. o`i`.e" oi . 935?. .uA'1"' l:l`lE?n.rr@ Buglllnz a perfectly EQUAL STRAIN on we molt nu Ill UNNATU8 6 SA on _o ` 3. n - AAANUA=AA1`UAA=.AA BY CANADIAN TYPOGRAPHUCO.. w1NnsoA,.0AT., The pahwn`is ground porfot-N true and the ball: ear An equal no Ion of tin giving a gorhotly EVEN the Ivor . -.-_-.- - on--.------ oontmesoa the boating` . 0 LIST stfw 1:31. KIngton Business Cpllcgc SQ retained in the pathway and _ - hotweon Rib on-oi Axle I: D,,US'l` PROOF by the wnher. \ IU|I4 W-lL|UI`o The mt: of support are on each ride of the no at on which the loud is carried, in- STRAIN The balm and hub u so all tlmu ' . ,,, .;, ;A._,n,__ __. READY FOR THE SEASON. E. 6: D. BEARING. I\.\ .A..r.4.........n...4......u GEORGE M_1..Ls & co...AcE-: NTS. .'K1I_[1\'l TON`. ONTARIO. -.------_--.----_j,f-_--_:_, . . :4-;-.-:-:-..%1\=-;-1-:-3:: ___ \mK:l$E Imu . Ill. 25 Years before the ' uixuua with "The tmusnu or nmma Aoooluhntu of Ontario." _ ... . . .., ,,,.-A Cures all Diseases of the u Stomach, Blood, Liver, Kidney, Nervousneu, _ b Sleeplessneu. General Debllity, aggqgpgneu. Dyspepsia. Sole Kingston Agents, HAINs it and `of Tstlmggals. naoohue % . V but ESOAPES llouh the 6 D0 - twoon hub and uh. which to ho lowpl x 1. DH`. mvsr ems IN whom the on out. Ind further olon tho xnonmua MAI: the but. .- . ~12 . tbs. `i?.ie"o3.' :3 ch -`til: ll Watt 3?. u. nnxurunni. :4? u on E3 orpou I BROAD IIUEFA to Old _ when nu cqnu an mug? (ht! ho made absolutely true and 01:0 in lunar no one point ` In this point outta the l0ll."P -.':;.r:.*m twgug In low, . The . of th Sun 1- 'nW CHANG! 9 V; the but to onggr SM: nrooo Ln nnbm 8Unl`4'?to L . wh,P,`.'!` 9`. -.','.`.'.E" ` 9.; - A..._ ._ __-A '-'c...:.:..:.;:..-'-:"` _ KINGSTON. onrr. II It-Ion _wID no lands: oonqo at " ` lhlllldl. evil-Tree of El uradng LdieS 0lleg8 An Inn on` ..... Ilfl Ilnul Anru ' tn 0'. AL U I 0 ' out A I to mm inch- um. nunm'3Jn A3 nnlmwn. ' `ll --Alnnlgnn `I ' H 9, Ah` (1 . '. UIUUUQ Vuvuuv -uuvvu IT` r._f` A1 3. w. Iongd nip mm. will be {mud on follows: nun. naimh `Ann nmnntmv-n.rnn mp. KLLAN LINE } Royal rhIIl ;so;gsIIp; ` In "AI, hf I.'I:. all IIIFUIIIII ruunun, unu- ." {Oils 950. Pullman uoomnndatlon. , , v, 3. P. lIANL'Ys`I'OllI. . Station. cor. Johnson irifiniii China: 921%? Railway. { JEAsI:ThATEs- A o_.:nclMl?1pn'`I`In"ls.s.::):Ib..Oo horn show. go . an, April am. or umm, my . ` _ `:0 ghmv ug {roman 0 or _ IU- L_ or In on` 0 Ilpon on man mt autrolamd y thous- `:7 > R0 Vton. = - Hfl` CII1. ` In! .00 . muons 3" ' an to b1ood.d us. - wxm. `$10.3 :|I"Det?|o. `oonngwon, K , djnaun. mu I, art mm. Mud and mom out. fool I? -at M! run down debilitated conntltlon o u Inhill. Prion 01, all dmulntu. I-7-Illllnlhllh--------- Qnnual Canadian Horse Show. __ -'-\.|_.;..`- '_ ..I_'.:. ...__ _-v-1 Aqlypt onoo. - Q- .-..._..'-- m\m.av's cemuy . Nnvaj =~ an II nnlllu ` - VWANTET Ell!` VI lvuvuuvunuwuu 01!! o! -,"I,k not an I: J] on non all .'.*..`.:;. ;.w::..*:::..: UHZUI -V'llF- """"` """' "oom'~ 10.. unamums , N ' ~ n.u.IusmI1;n loldlnlwtonlll -- `-v V-Uvvu A-Iunonnn. J . 3. Ian. ~ Guhnd Aooovuihni. Pun. T x'io;b_I"iy rrinfnaicoy. Fr ofnundnd !orm~~oI nohool uoauon vu certicate ulcnod byrdnolpal) llama an on. him. Good 0- April Nth, lnohuivo. no [until lth. 107. ' nun A1`, nnn1',tr!__II--In Ilnnnnlnnn `nu vuy uluuuc nu. no um.-- _- .__- ..-. Pcylk IND 8'l`UDIN"1'S-(On n or o nundud form-~of nohool nut on in: anoinnlc nlnud by urlnolnal) Ilaglo EDUCATIONAL. Ci` ljijli I ' ` II C in II dohhhlolullutvocn Ra]: Ind Vondlnda. "I! iogs wildondsu of ions! and, E._:_iIIl.uhon. onl TBAVIL|.lG f IIIIII ADHI WWI. Ilfl. la\1luI||R.IP.Ind0.!.I I.0n|ulo shoot. TI$H[I`C IIllllIY- ot Brlhln out other counties. An Ir. Ihowodn oshcrnhht. the Impact! Governmentheldin 1804, when tbnuhu-nu L Jlpllthotllh Pirlknnthuttho tuhtrutluwitn Grnnynnd Bulxiumnuventuhom Jlniaodnghlglnc links on choir poa- we Impose on British. Thou we-an ndlgou-unngumeutwi lnnoo Input he on a tunnel-union footing .nIL IIIIRJI ulltho hvu!ll-nIuon A-` Ou-nu Inhn -nun-int . Irniud cnrtvu-Icusruotthp. 3` :"' Bor nos undo with Cnndawas 19.. 000.000. 8 could notnordtaonmtho risk of Injnring her commence with them {It lo uh of nooopting pufomnthl tluunonttromus. lamoold hymn- Ilnidar that the Go oI~Genanl has Instruction not to In-Ill um Inv- ._n.._ I:..|o.|-. ..-- nab... gun.-.9-I`. A. Inlaunuui w nrluun uy uuuug no pun` cent. 08 the duitee when her good: come in, and to grant the same treatment to other countries that admit our products at a reasonable rate. has taken the wind out of Tupper e nails. He cannot any longer claim to have a monopoly of all the loyalty in the country. At the same time it in eomewhat doubtful at present writing It the scheme can be carried out. The Imperial Government has not been heard from up to this time, but is sure to have something to any on the matter and may perhape decline to accept pr:-Ier~ ential treatment on the ground: rst,k that it would involve her and us in complications with Germany, Bolguim and other countries over the i'avorod-nation underetanulln; eocondly, that it would look ae it Canada were discriminating against the United Statee with her con~ nivanoo. Her noes trade (imports and export) with those conntrieein 1896 was as follows in pounds elm-iing:- With the United States. . . . .l80,000,000 ll Gormany.. ...... .. 00,000,000 " B0l(\llln.......... mvmvm un `I73 '01 VIII IIFIIIIII IIIIIIUIBIIXVI. Il not-I menu! of heroic reform. No on expected such 8 mouuro under the circumstances now exlntlng-tho dnpraulon of trade, the critical condmon of many industries, the one with which Mmv nnnld hnvn hnnn nlmmd hv Amnrl- I may tnrw ovum, or ou par ovum, uu lulu old protection. A large reduction la mode ln the woollen dutleu. In It great many cases the former upeolo dutlec have been abolished and ad valorem duclea aub- Itltuoed. Thll of itself In an lmportant gain. oepeolnlly no the oonnumer of cheap on which epeclno dutlu full heavl~ eat. The cry that name of the ooston duties have been increased in true and you not true. Where lnoreuee have been ma. ltlemerelytoplovldentalr mar gin of revenue duty after 0 reduction of 85 cent ofthoduty bu beenmade tn veto! the British munuhotum-. II In -uni - nun-inn. AC hnunnln unfnucn or mun: Inuunsnec, me one man wnluu ' they could have been closed by Amul- con |lnuhterlng" had the tlutla been reduced to I purely revenue heals. Now. the Tories or: You have stolen our clothes. Then. they would have declared wlth A show of reason that the country : olotlloflmd been stolen and is left naked to its onomlee. ' -nu. -____._n4u.,, A, u_, __,..,,--._. UV III: vuvlulvun The proposition to give preferential treatment to Britain by taking 86 per nan!-. n than nltnn when Imr nnndn nnmn an-vi CDC vn-; u-p cu--u ovu-an--u-. n-.' -_ mom-inn free I implement: would be to begin by Inching iron and steel free; that in to say. by abandoning the ot- tcmpt to create an iron industry in Can- cdu. A good many person: one ponuadod that the experiment which has been (0- ing on since 1887 is not likely, do what we may, to succeed. Cool and iron are found together only at the extremities of the Dominion, 1,800 to 3,000 miles dis- tant from the chief manufacturing prov- incc, and it stands to common sonco that, no long an we protect the industry, A [eon-nphicnl distribution so nrrangod nuut always be a imezncndous handicap on the Ontario monutaourer. But this is, not nu opportune time for dropping the umoltina industry. n\L_ n,_.__. _|_. ._A, AL- u.__-AL -1 A..- wnvo-on --- uu-4 u The farmer also get: the benet of tree bub wire and tree binding twine. The duty on coal oil In reduced from six to veeonu, which. with the changes as regards tank oil, really Amounts to out- tlng three oenu, or 50 per cent, oi! the nld nrnhntlnn A lnnm nduntlnn in made . otav'm,Apr1is-:.-'ruoauw arm n 9I,iiN_,V.lI6lol_;IQHol01'] to Ling-us. "1'huh1pinu u1-ainny mo pointing M-ilioright direction. 'l`hotum'u-,toboln with. gun diaper implements. Theduty on runner: and binder: nmnlm no 90 par . lju.g.bu.M|lnI on the Iinnlhtimplounntl been reduced {tom 85 to 35 per cent. The 90 on hindou in prnoticnliy 3 run- nuo duty. The us on `pig iron has been put ham M to 09.50 per short ton. The ~ lolt ol. 9, of implmngnt pig iron -is Ohldngo or Pittlburg 1. 111, no that ihooreduond duty in oquivnlonb to over lope:-cents. advpl; in other words, the Onmdinn.in':nlnmont nah: iojtiii pay- ing n higher duty on that parent hi: row manila! than the-duty on the iininhed mnchin. To put\it diluent. there in atiil, do in: u pig iron is concerned, luginlnlion in two! ol hinmnu-loan oom- petiuor. This in true also of the new dntiaton his use: and lathe: articles. That being the one. then: in no juntioo in thqrntron resolution, to be moved in nngndlhent to the tnrl reslutions. that implements should be placed on the tree _.__-...l_..A._._ .A_._1...._.._L_ ._....`I.I I... in list. The only fair and reuonablo way of. rw%aanem~Immm Jr`: A war) Ofcli. `L spa in: faanin. -o- all cu-cw:-138% : Paulo:-`Ito `tor! Gun-on--the Tuppu Dynasty. j `1 880.000,000 1 oolhnguaoruumootghemwonkl lnvonulgnulthonandthnn hadltnot banter bin that to nootnmandtho Gavu-uot~Gounloundfor_llr.Inur- in-. liowancbu-ulnodiornlootmin. IIIIIKDIIIIFIIIIIOIIEI ID XIIIIIIT. Du Ftunkwuconuulsadnoou-dlnglynnd pt hhmganltion, but without the know- hdgool-oonnamof the other members otIheCAhlnet.S!rHnokanxiewuouod thoPnmia-nhlpwhloh he nooepcad. or, to Ipuk more accurately, jumped at. Home the lights: who wu taolnve bocnndtulhamunhin usumlneu was gooobocunothoheudotthocovu-muons byunnothlng like q trick onhhool- Innnnnq maionng nu . runner um um party I50 oloe since on their own showing they are against any reduction at all. The Tory Quart-ela. It is obvious, to change the subject. that the Tories are not making progrem in healing their internal diseensions. Sir Mackenzie Bowell and his friends are carrying on with unabated energy the eilort to have Dr. Montague read out. They are equally hostile `~ Mr. Eoeuer. but he is indispensable as it debaiaer and fox-that reason is not classed amongst those who must 30." Mr. Bowen : ver- sion of the bolt" has been given In one of these letters. The version of the bolt- era in briey as follows:-- When Sir John Thompson left for England he had made up [his mind to shelve Mr. Bowel], to give him some- thing on the outside but to put him out 0! the Cabinet. The reason for this -was that Mr. Bowen : incapacity coupled with his bumptlonsneae had be- come intolerable. When Sir John died at Windsor, the Governor-General sent for Mr. Bowell as senior member of the Cabinet to have a talk about reoonetruek Qlnia ll. `nn1gII Illlblnn-Ont` AL-Q QC- Illllln CILZIWUII HIQFWQ `DB3 hnnksmlthnhould be consulted. $| I5.-.5 -.. ....-..nlo..I -......n.._I- ....a .4 UIIITIUIII llllll I IIIUIIIII slllll IIUIAIIIIIK Dy `restoring Mr. Foster and his pm-tyto ` nmnn nlnnn nn thnlr nun: nhnwinn that Alllll, Ill` Ellllllllls IIIU VIII!` IS Wllllla Sir Richard says to his party friends and to the growing army of independents, especially among the farming class, who regard him as their friend and leader in tari matters and in other matters as well. No man in public life exerts a wider inuence or is more looked up to, and his speech to-day ls eagerly awaited. The Troubles of the Opposition. The Opposition does not know what to do beyond taunting the Liberals with epostacy. That kind of arraignment does not make much impression on business men. The question they put to them- selves is, Is this a good tarl all things considered? `and most of them answer yes. hir. Foster's speech was a capital one for a Tory meeting; it was bitter. full of personal retorts and severe tu quoques. But the manufacturer who has not been mined by the Grits. but, on the contrary, has ample protection with cheaper raw materials. is not concerned that Mr. This or Mr. That on the Liberal side promised, at a time when the con- ditions in the nancial and commercial world were different from what they are at this moment. to act diilerently in re- forming the tari. The farmer is equally indiilerent to Mr. Foster's indict- ment. It may be true, he says. that the Liberals have moved with extreme caution, but they have at least made a start in the direction of reducing my burdens andi should gain nothing by nutnrinsr Mr To`nnf.ar- and his nnl-t1rf.n l 1Ul'X1.lUl' Iallll. (4) The necessity, owing to the Tory policy of pilin up the expenditure and committing tge country to grandiose proJeote_ of raising a revenue of no less than 040,000,000 3 year without resorting to (meet taxation. YT-uh. Human ni Iuuluvunnfn nnnn lun (Inn- ` DU IIIIVOIA lalIIlIl.lUIl. 1 Under those circumstances, the Gov- ~ ernmont has gone as far as prudence would allow and contented itself with making a beginning of the work before it rather than of esanying to carry the work to completion all at once. But be- cause conditions over which you have no control prevent you for the time being from doing all you would like to do, it does not i'oliow_ surely, that you have deserted your principles. Above all, it does not follow that you should abandon your post and let hack the party that does not believe in reformation at all. This, or something like this. is what Rlr Rlnhnnl nnvn in his nlubtv fl-Innn and `The above utoty of adventure in buying: Iondnrfnl run inlnglnnd. \ Tho iii K _ ` iuuwuk. Mhhd Q: .338`: 1- S.-._g.J2.L.I_ want, nlgnru unsung man no but: inuu uuuv coal, iron and other raw material is cheaper in the States than in Ontario and that in consequence of their immense a home market American nnanufaeturers have been able to carry the process of specializing labor and machinery toex- treordlnary lengths, 0 that their one- sided competition with our industries would betar more merciless now than in former times. lA\ 'I`Ln -u.sn4nnlL-in ..-plum `Ii OLA ma... Inc max puyuu :11 um Inry uuuun on Mr. Blaine and Sir Julinn Pnuncetoto in 1801 And of their dealing with American fishing vessel: in the North Atlantic on thin ntrnnnth nf Izimir hm-ah intnrnnahntion Elli! IBKUIIIFII DI inll` IIIIPIII IIIIMIPIVBIVIUH olnn old parchment, which interpreta- tion England repudiated an inhumane and oontrnry to the spirit of modern \ civilization as long ago an 1871. It will ` tnkn thnn fmb than Llhnl-Al nvdrnmnnt tn l UIVIIIIIUIUII II IUD` B3 Ill 1061. III Will his time for the Liberal Government to at] y chin feeling. I! That nnmu-nnf. n`nfnh-nmm And that Dill VII ll lllll. (8) The apparent unfairness and the 3 certain death to some of them of expos- ing Canadian manutaotumrs to compo-` tition from the surplus products of Amer- ican manufacturing industries while the A1nericnn_ma;-ket was closed to Canadian wares, regard being bad to the fact that anal, Iran and nthnr raw material in IIUIII II 013$?`- (1) A ddplulioniof the yarn nbndills 0191.0 wotvM1n- WIIIUII III III III 5 In UIIU PITTIJQI Ill` `dust:-ion in o m.u praoaiiouu Ithte. 8) The imponibllity, for the preoont at t, of obtaining: liberal twenty of ty in `manuxnctuheu and namnl acts from the United Batu. the Be~ m1hl|nnn_ whn him: tnnh norm: in, hnina III] IXI`.lIIIIllllIUIIlI.IK Bull IIIIIIUFII $3 thonltod publicans. who hove jnavoonn in. being pledged to protect} the tumors along the frontier and Inn-Ina nn nan] nnnhnnl nl pusujuu w pxuwuu one xlrnlcri mung onu frontier and having no zeal control of the Sonata, which is virtually the treaty- making power. Over and above this. , jharail an unfriendly lino: at Wash- ? Inltnll in-lrmnd (hand; ha nnmmnn of } JIIUIE II III! unxrlamuy Illlw [ID nuan- ) Ington toward Canada, e outcome of itho mokpuyoabythe Tory huh:-n on `Mr. Blnhm And Rh Julhn Pnnnnafnm in -..vv-...-..._ 7. -_7.._--. II not can. oll all tuition (lulu; tho month: olvlyljl sud In. ` A,.n_ 4`. _,_, I-IIIIIIIU VUj|U III IJIIU KVUKIII Jlllllllvlu U the strength of their hm-sh Interpretation nf An old nnrnhmnnt. which int.arnrotn- `. nbzjnlnllongvhbtnver an-` am- 91.`;,!`D |'!'l1J ` -"41'." he _ `what Gkdntpno and t oiraumnori lngpower anaem- porary or conditions. " There is 1 timoeloteimakipi drama changes lathe scal system And there Is a time for par- hur II: with A knifn rnthnr thnn Imwintr 'IIWIIUl'UII|IlIUIUl'[Kl" nluul Irwin: , A In_It with n knib nthor than hewlng It with an am. No one would have been new njpjaod__ than he had ~I:hox-onglr golngwratorm been pnotlcablo just now. But mu face to face with such con- nldnonlnvnn -n than. -,. l1uW1WIIljWlIIlE } uduratlonn u theuo:- i II\ A plan-n-mlnn AI R: Innwr. due. I Flour and fand--Flour. hnkoru . on-ong. I 34.55 to $4.75: I bbl.; bakers patent, _85 to 85.15; family our 84.45 to 85.l0; bran, 811 no SM n wn;shm'to. 813 to 814 3 ton; oatmeal. and rolled Mb. 33.25 I bbl.;oornmen.|, 81.10 I cut: chops. $14 to 815 I ton. Hay, Icon. 810 to Ill 1 too; proud. $1130 812. lnr-Boof, fonqunrha-3, 31):}. he 50. 3 lbs; hindquttorl, 50. toyc. 1 lb.;"cnb, 50. tol2e.s|b.; pork. qurun, 6c.to 74. albqcnh. 7c.tol2c. 1 Ib.;hogt, 590. to 6c.:1-pring Iunh, quanta. 81 to 81.50, . or from so. to me. I lb.: mutton, qnu-I hu.6c. to7c.alb.:cuh,6c. $0100. nlb.;' 001.30. 00.00. |b.;hoaf 200. :.....g...... ' `W'- hidolnu-lot J wn' d|ll..w}, ;-ion uIu:;' enintbolinitodlnun thisvvokandu u ohnnqunoo nun lute were ahead. `II:-nvnrninn nnnn nrnnnlnm: No. F`Fu(-IUICJ- . - uuuuumnuuusn-u tun- Iulnnutluudlhnoh. `Dominance |IlU|ltvoolhohoooINI_IlV_l|IOhoNch- all gonna ennui. ~ ,~Iul'|Uli|Inn}hcMIIolI_hoh .IInnIAl.q..Iu.Doc. hhivlor-gquulpn lltl. human`. otnntwluo s HRH. IDIIDCKLIIL 1 A