[mm BY_[l_|_li_l;REl(S. IIIIIK UIII LIITII WIIU Il'U I`lolUlI|lll' I MIC` ordor. Houv lighting in in prog no Urmovuli. b has bean going on since noon. The Grain are trying to recapture the place. The crown prince Constantino hu gone to Tyrnnvo. The Greeks hare oocupiod seven] an in positions around Dnrnuia. including Vig s. Threo thouumd an-mod ponunu we joined the troops. In is nllogod t-hub 29,000 Turks aback- od Ronni. In is found that I ma!- non has taken place as Provou during the bombs \ 6. nvnurnn n ICNI , A Tnnrhink In-narln KINGSTON. ` ON'1`.ARIO. TU]! S_D.A.Y EVENING lmzcurv srnmuc mums. llll UFXII IIIVB IICIOIFBCI NIB _1lll'lI Ila Rahal nnd two Greek brigsdcrhnve on- torod Turkinh territory in different dimo- tiom nnd ponotruud to Dammit, north-quiz of Znrkos. Anobher division in trying flunk uho Turks who no ntreatingri-mdnn nrllnn Anni! Rnlunn in In nrnu Ah Tho GPOOII Wind to can lighting lm. modI|toly-Oon. Inolpnln. a root. In Fund ldlum Puhn `Iowan-do DunIlo-PntrIocIc llnkon mm Grown largo Loans - `rho Power: lay In- `--n- .. UUIIUIV. Lounon. April 20.--A dupntch from Luring, dated yutordny at 6 p.m.. up : The Grain have dolutdd the Turk: at D`I.-_I -...l A..- l1...-|. I...hu..:Ix-'\nnu- An. A aneax sramen sumc IN auur or SALONIOA. Powon lay lacunae. uh A_..2\ (II I- ...XL. 4` I ll-II Hull VI-ICI6V Ivuwvuuvuv tee. _v We would like you to call and (dc some exact duplicates of Paris end London mid: Millinery, and less than half the imported prices. Blick & Whlte Blouse waists gpfuged this morning. Ple.4se keep 19 mind our Blouse Waist open- ind- ivhich will he nnnnunced in n Quintin: In-uncu-. Oooommonk. A I).-Ohio! of tho :2. -n..~ '....,...- W--.. .:.-an Gill tot; bunt! but about O-n-nnnnngng ` Z$'f $0 WIIUIII1 WT Ill BIAAI. . N09 ` '~'..s2."2 "."'s "` "' . II with |r:.-..~* '..-:.-':::.-.-.*-.J=-.'?.-"a.`*""-.'*.:':I-`.4 i':l'h':v:' vi} uJo.'i"ood'i:;'Z."t'c'ioc:i"otv.'t:; latter. 1!. at onoo nouod Ir. Oonlon. uhn Inn: an-no.1` In olnhln "A in nub Lnln IIFKUT. E. I5 Ill? WRIT -I'o TNT. who Inn proved his chin. HQ in hole heir to his: brother's nu. thognct. unonns of 1-Link In man not hnnvn, wunorwmrsuumw lwuchsanospunown. BIIU VII" 0| IDIZ. Ill (DU CUUIT 0` `HON HUI" father did in service. and two oldor brother: were neuvoly engugod. Mn. Hunileon was twice man-iod. her first hun- bnncl boin Dr. Phelps. After hie docouu. About I . 1-ho was married to Andrew Gordon Hamilton. who died in I848. She loam bar Iona and that (ha ghtor l; ct)n is a very busy place. New trivglt for this week: Black urges. Black B oadcloth and gmmiges. Losnox. Or-n't'.','Apri| 20.-Pbt.or Oonlon. of 001 Richmond strut. bu bun left a fortune b the datum! his brother Nu-tin. in Inln . The brother: had not com-, nmniuhd for yearn. and did not know each other : whcmbouu. An adv Dig.-`-5 In _ '3'.-Dom -pg-.4- --Ll--C4. Cl! HIIITI |l`IC90UCI~ ticunoot i ingoton pupa- inhnnotioc? Pm: Oonlon, whongnoo lived than was noticed by as friend of tho I_tL-_ II`- -t noun; nah Ila I\a._I._ v u /y/ M A Illpo um Ago. Sun-n`s Fun. April 20.-'l`horo died Monday at the homo of her son, D. P. Hamilton. Mrs. Eleanor Hamilton. wboeo memory run back to the only history of tho province. She was born in Adolphu- town on Oct. 9th. I802. Hot fothor was Capt. Joshua Booth. I prominent. U. E. loyalist. Sho remembered the only days of the aottiomont, and to the and nuinod a lively `recollection of the war of I812. in tho couno of which her hm}... Hind in nun-win. and I.-n Alrlnp I1IllI|"' HXIIIDIP WHICH UCHIUI WHI IOTWBITI. II. Chuuvin, Montobollo, was nominated yeourclny b Oman qpnnty conaorvnivel for the Que legislntum. Mr. Ohnuvin mfuned to accept. The convention urged him to accept. In in rnnnrtod that {ha Han. Rulmnnrl H. n to accept. It in reported that the Hon. Edmund G. Burke. R.M.S . is to accompany the Hud- son Bay expod' ion. UIIIUBT I UUIT-IIIICIK-C [Ur VIII monuls. Sir Donald A. Smith. who Arrived in the capital yoaterdn . in tekin a deep interest in the exhibit w lch Cane A_ in to make in the imperial institution thin year. Sir Donnld will have an interview to-day with the Hon. Mr. Davies es the marine end sheries do rtment in connection with the shery exhibit which Canada will forward. fl. (`.Iunvin_ Monmbnllm in nnminntad liplrnl. Du who: from she {routlor I-oooivod hon at evening any that the Turh in oonoidonblo forgo hnv boon uhhoklng Raven]. not far from Tyrnnvo. northwub of Lsrlun, which would indicate that the Gran have not advanced fbr into the Damni plum. In la added can the Turks won ropulced an Ronni. A will Inter doe tohfrom Grilzovali admit: that the Tur I have roonptured bhnls place. IFOIB. Mr. Daboll has returned from England and decline: to on anything, for the pmenc. About the ant. Atlnntio contract. He says an announcement. will be made shortly. Rnninmin Rntnnn. mllmtnr of mnhnmn Inoruy. Benjamin Baboon. collector of cueoom bore. (lied ruddenly this morning. He caught cold on Sunday. which developed into mute pneumonia and proved fetal after u few day: illneee. Mr. Benson wee eixey-ve yeareof ege.end bed been col- lector of cuetome only ebouo two yeere and a hell. He won forngerly A member at theluunber rm ol Button & Carrier. and woe e prominent conservative. The celery attached to she collecborebip is 81.800. Mr. Beacon wee a very popular men. He leaves only I married dnughtor. ~ Tho mininter of mating md ehariaa IXVF Ullly I IIIIITIUU ulugnwr. The minister of marine mu sheries be: given judgment in the cure of the en- qnir of the wreck of the 88. Warwick otf tho y of Fundy. cancelling Cnpt. Kemp`: certicate for six months, and the eeoond oicor e certicate for three months. n. n.....l.I A u....:n. -1... -....:....I :. um H. Bmdouon. the mom uoorotury of tho foroin.o3oo. in ma: uidunnho powon had not yet decided to lnborforo in the war bogmon Gmoo nd `run-toy. which in added Ihonld be sharp and do- cjlivo, an tho Greeks have little ohtnoe of ultirnnoly winning. A-rnmm.Anri| S20.---In Hm nnnnd an. unumuouy wmmng. A-nmm. April 20.--In the noond on- gugomonh no Grllxovali. tho Greek brfpdo commanded byen. Mun-opu was Able to rolorm after givln way boforo tho- Tutkilh Muult. Anon l'U|`OO|( brlpdo. under bhd command or Gan. Minepoulon. Sq hurrying to reinforce Goa. Mutrgpnl. A dnnnmh from Arm. dngd run:-dnv Bill: for the Torrltorloa Ixhlbltlon to bo let-lucllnn ollco cloud Up. Orruu. April 20.-Hon. Clifford Smell` hnalofb for Winni pg. He will be may fnr A (wfunla nf war. 1:. And will mlm A lmml III! lUl5.KUl' VVIIIIII UK. EU \\'III III WI, for to couple of war. 5. \nd will mks A hnnd in the elections, if there be any 0 position to the government. candidate in nnitobn. Th: mluuilnr nf tho intnrinr Imn llnnirlnrl I10 `H0 KOVUITIIIIBIID Ullllll Ill MIIIIIUUI. The minister of the interior has decided to abolish the Regina Indian olllno. and to retire most. of the olclnls. In future the hand Indian olco will be at. Winnipeg. ` u:.. nI:..-- ll......o`.. ......-..l........ .. IIGIIII lllulllll UIIIUU Wlll UH II": Wlfllw - Sir Oliver Mowatfa aocoptnnco 9 the lieutenant-governorahi of Onurio in conti- denhly looked forwa toin many quar- tors. DBL- .l.\...i..:A-. .-nu`...-...-...A L... .l-..l.l:..! I011. The dominion government has decided to pay the outstanding accounts in con- nection with the northwest industrial ex- hibition. They Amount 60 about 814,000. Mr. Finhnr. mininmr nf nminnli.nm_ dnnn IIIIDIBIUTL llly IIIIUUIID WU IDOIIF 'l`I,UUU. Mr. Fisher. minister of ngaionlture, dou not believe that the present. cold dip will do serious damage to crop: which are nob so fur advanced .u to be injured by I light front. It. I\-L-Il L-- ...A..-..-.l l....... 'l3_...I-u.J rep! in; fubly. The creating of the rivbr Anzphoo b the Greek um under 001. Manon mam ring about. .mon. was Auto dad by severe ghting. during which the rock artillery batteries distinguished tlmnulvu. This Groek force in .now in Epirnn. Dnnnmhu from sh. fmuthr nmivnd lg nurrymg I0 nmuuruu uon. llusrqpnl. A doaputaohfrom A1-tn. dmd um-day momin . announced the tho g tin oc- curred won the Turks and (iron I :5 IL- gut`;-nun A. Oh` nnll A` L56` -gal AI.-_ Wvlteselling are bound to. be attractive, because we carry only theyery latest styles, use the best uu'u'nIgo-'e`aIn and nhnn.-A rnnnnnnhln Ollrlll DOUWIIII lill 5|ll'II DIN] UIXII ID the onbnnoo of the gull of Ants nnd alpa- vrhoro in thnt. vicinity. Tho Turkinh but. borion no Ihmidioh and Pantoontoron an roplzing on-oning ol An nhnn hv hha Greek u-mv undnr Gal. WILL PAY Ti: FAIR'8 nears. A Pinata: tor 0300-5.` 1: 0.... Ii\...... .....:.1 Lott A format. A n___n an I- :1. 0-r' ww- pnoidont at . no-`cad. tho I.u`II`V_c.1y IIIUII. gtgnals and tn. III- ___- ._I_I I91 [Inn lulu. Ilcncliuloandtbcna lilllo and in tbovqtlnofonndndon for have vulth iooonnomul. Younvononob in - ingtgyn Hunt: 8 Lockets 800 lad 'A Vioi lid mop nlippt for I]; in nhrnnln. Greet none; In New leelnl. Wnumxumx, New Zeelend. April I).- The Napier dietrioe of ewiee . on the eeee canto! North lelandu an M from severe lloode. Ne er me" in elmoee in- undeued. It in en: meted that the damage will reach Ol00.000. Twelve penone have been drowned while 6 ing to eeot the reecueofosherehen inbythewelaere. IIVU IIIDIIEIIB. DIIU III IIYUII III DIIIUVIIIU for many are. Ind lava two dun Mon. Mn. E. omloy, of Kalndar Mrs. Joseph Wumn, of Toronto, an own com. major lhlnbly. of this city and William Hambly. of Kingston. Duel: 0! In. Ilsuhly. Bm.|.Imr.m;, On%.. April 19.-Mn. Phil- lip Hnmbly died on Sunday at but home in Thurlow, mod ninety-four you: and ve months. She had livod in Bollovillo R... ...-.... ...... _...l I...... A..- .l.....LA-.. II`, Ullslilfrl WIIIUII WWI D: (U. IITIDIIUII, Q.C., MR, 1: for evening: ngo.;nd ro- queuod him to uupporb in parliament: bill now pending before the houso of com- monu and woich closely oonoorm the in- terest of the nuocintion. Mr. Bi-Mon`: .......... _.. ....:s. .-o&.t.-s..-.. 5.. AL- ..-.... an Icnglnoorf Dopuutlon. A deputation: from the loctl bnnch,1No. 10) of the Canadian nuncintinn of nation- nry engineers wnitod upon B. M. Bricbon, U1`... M.P__ n for nvnnimn Ann. nnd ra- LUIUBID Ul DIJU .".'I-U|0"u El . DTIILUII I answer was quite utiofactor so the mom- ben of the dc! Asian, and 0} withdnw well placed V: th the rocoption nooordod them by Kingston`: genial nprononhtivo. mi:;:uWhiehoyis preparing to go on a tour through western Ontario u soon In tho upriug work in tho community in om. and in continue on map until hnving begins Kllnnnnnlin In Ln harm a nut mnnltul !rAnAcnAr1fs WIiInLnlJr.i um. lath:-0 nu [nu-on Iva-ybodr - louc Iron All our--Little of Int)- tuu luurlud and llononboudby The Dual Public. The Nov: Sootia gone:-Al olootion uh: place to da . Lnuin mmnnv. linamnn lnnnnnhnr. The Hats IIIIH [H0 "IQ". Ah the Wabortown. N. Y.. Methodist conference the proposition to admit. women to the general conference wan Accepted by 1 large majority. Thu mnn unlm nnmmitnvl nninirla AI . ull DUHVUII UUIITIIII. A professional hypuogint. lb Simcoe hur- ied one of hi: nubjocna six feet deep. Tho "alive:-if!` and otoen are taking action to shop the dnngoroun exhibition. Nan-In l,lI'I wnman or ninhlnnn In IOIIIU DTIUB 0|" 6lIlpIlJylllIlI9o HV :0 St. John. N. B., Rev. D. Corboth. I Roman Catholic priest. attached to cache- drul pariah. fell from the third Itnry win- dow of the bishop`: nnidonoo and wu Lillml, HOW Ul killed. Fl... IIIIBQ. The wifo of J. F. Kenny. I romlnont citizen of Halifax. diod Bundny a torn long illneu. She was 5 Miss Mary Helen Fur- nou, of Toronto, and leave: oomidonblo wulhh. VFLA Inn--3 AC bnnnbggn Al ILA Tnnnn WUIIIIII. The board of trustee: of the London Y. M. C. A. has unanimously -decided to invite tho thirtmthird {International con- ivontion of the Y. M. C. A. to much more n l899. II- m|\lsQ-h nu-nn-I-nu in can an Q tan: will give unonp PIIIIOK At Bergen-ville. Quebec. In Mn. An- pneto hnmonhguo wu going homo aomu the field she uttompkod to own over a fence. buthor drou caught and she fell over on hot hood. Her neck wu broken nnd dentin mu inatnnunooua. In :. .o-s..a .5... H.` h.'.u.l... t..:` km nfl "XVII Wl llIUHIl'IlI00ll!. It in mad that the Dingl tariff bill he been so hnckod to pieces y the tub- oommmae of the senate and the duties to reduced that it is doubtful if the Renate will pass the hill. [t is understood the rebronctivo clnuso ha been eliminated. ,NEWS [ll-' HIE Wlll. `what Comes to Us from All Quarters. `I-IKRDVS. `I ELEORAM8 FROM THE EARTH'S FOUR QUARTIR8 GIVEN. pawn to an Louis ounooy. lioonn Innpoobor. Mudoo. died on Saturday. Min Mu-v Mnvnnvd wan Inn-nod nun-Iv DIEGO, IIIUQ on DIIIIIHI Mina Mu-y Maynard um`: burned mu-ly to death as Whitby by her clothing octah- ing tire from 3 lump. Th: Ann nf thn nmnn nf Phllinninn In. -w \-v-vII u- w- Innis! nu uwn Iolvvluul. v-v\aIr The non of tho group of Phllipptno II- lnndl in uhoub the nine 0! California. The total population in nboun 7.000.000. Hnrnnftnr Rnnnidn nrinrmnn nnvulnnnmd wuu popuuuon ll III9\l|1 I.Uw.uuU. Hereafter Russian prisomri condemned to exile in Siberia will be trunuportod there by rail inntud of bolng oompollod to march. _ T.u`nLI.` II_II.. AL- _Il-..-.l _...-2-..... mflrtfonph E. Kolly. the nlloaod murdolzer of oashnor Slziolmoy. of thp Summonworbh. N. 11.. bank. was srrelhd in Montreal lab night. . . II: in nntnd that than umnnn nf thn mvnl IIIU l"`n`u . It. in noted Shut the wqmen of the roynl families of Europe are. on an ovonm. much atmngog mentally and physionlly than the men. AA uh- \l7-s....s.....- M \' l.l-s|....I:.s I large Inuonuy. The man who committed suicide at Ningnrn Falls Bum-dn is believed to hnvo been Emuu F. Mnrk am. an utbgoho of the Boston Journal. A .......|'...-I....-I |.........A:-a -5 B:....m. L...- U50`) EIIB UIUIKOTOIII BXIIIDIUIOII. Nonrly 4.000.000 women. or oinhtoon per cent. of All women in the Unitndsubu were in I800 engaged in naming their own living in some tnde or employment. At St. John. N. B.. Rev. D. CnrbM.h. n nnvlng Inglnu. Minnupolia lctohavo a 0 mnliul festival next month at t. otponmon building. The dates are May 170}: nnd l8t.h, and itia stated tint the railroad: will give cheap MICK A0. llm-um-villa. (.)unhuL nu Mn. An. mxen woon same A -.:z:., --".::::";.m:-.:':,.*~ Dldllndlotvkq Aisuonua..m..ouan.u. Pom- nnnlh an Radar llgn, Uh: J-nlh LL8- APRIL 90. 1897. ruunupam sum on wen. u... ll-.. A_.&I on ML- Ill la uvmcsron &sao.| ISATISFACTION. Organ rooihl. Dr. Bench-Hammond. lnhr Eddn Oooko, boy nopnho. I [Occur Wonbomo. huihm. Mn. Harlin. contnllo. 8t\ Andrew`: church choir. This evening. Bk Androvfn church. |sTYLE. __ _._.,- V- .. ..__j'- Tho gonulnonem at An Enpthn nun- my buying been questioned, In Brltlnh owner cuhjn-In-.d one of the hand: to the X rays, when the purse: qutllln at tho It Innbonuwunhowl. _ H A my uiv um]. "Oh! I dldn`e know but thus you in!!! not some nor: 0! copying ploooo."- n dhupolll Joulnnl. \ ST. mm IDV0l`ll'al! lllllllclllllu The crown and acute robes of the king of Slnm are splendid relics of berbulein. But he null ween them when at home. When no trnvele, however, he eeeumu Eu- ropean drone and lemon hie heavy and olmney sum nmm hung up In the royel clones. He elweye travel: with e- lune cult. which Inoludee many of hle neeren relntlvee, hle omclul wife and numet-one ` oooresu-lee, chunhorlnlne and mllllery omcm... , um enunner-he visited Irena In ltllroyel yecht. and heluuelenilieu eho trips in the orient. But tile will he lulu eet vim to the new world. Mainline of his family. however. have traveled In America. and he bee mot many American: In Slam. So ho is not wholly uninformed `About us. though there will be plenty for him to wonder no and admire. V -, `_ _ _--...._ vvv. "How do you wrlea all then funny things?" said the mono young thing. "With 5 tgpowrlhr." aid the humorist by than dun. "WIIHIW hythodny. "Oh! I I Ilhnlnleluken. may or [up monies to Visit nu. * Wevuo to have a vial! noun tori!) Iome time this coming summer. 0 nle- ` longhorn. the king of aim. in mgm run over other ho ho: attained the and 4 Jubilee of Queen Vioton-iq in lumen. and , nine ietoomeethe United Sioieeon hie; in: book to Siam. many o! no will [ave 9 ~ chance to not him. ` } Hie Siomeeo moieoty in one of tho moot enlightened ind enterprising oi` all tins on-ienini rules. in in as non (old, very much worried, and ha been I-nli einou ; 1800. so it ie no wonder that be live to leave his throne once in awhile. Tho king in I (not traveler. and ho ho: both time and mum: toindnlge in niche ti-booing. Ho ho: on income of 010,000,000 a you`. Wk...` 0-)... lvhun n9 Shun mm: nhII-d. `II x IJIIUIAAI-VlI\ll\uI\a. nun III Iluuh moat famous axmvngnnoo won the build- lna of a submarine lane of glue. Tho palace is sunk in I he wltshlu the loyal park, and when a hot wow Itrlkea Bong- kok. whlch is not Intnqnently. hln royal hlgbnon nth-on wish a tow fl-hull to tho bottom of the lake. um! them they nmoko and no entertained by his dnnolnc girl: and favorite mmlclann. fl... -.nnuon -my` ab-In nah`: nf QI\n Eln- an an income or IlU.UUU.V\N I yur. a When the kin of sum you nbmnul. he ` usually bk 3 h a prlub yacht. I beauti- ful omit w Ich holuul mun few you-I ` ugo no Lem). It In an armored oruloer. \ with uumptuouoly turnluhod quarters. l Clmlnlongkorn known how to tho oom- } to:-ably, and he stops at no expense. HI! A-nu n-to-quu wuwuu George (`nlnum told u ahory Illustrating the invlnulblu tranquillity of the Scottish tempt-rmnent. A workman. an the lug- nnd. tell on the root of as home In Auld Rookie. It mu 16 atorlca high. and when mldwmv In M: night he arrival at n lodg- er loolslng out of thewlndow of tho plghth oor, tu whom-~ua he was an old acquaint- anon--ho-nvnnn-ko(1lnpunin3."Ih. Sandy. V mun, do as tn` as I alxnll hno."--Imhunge. : nrwuuuu suvuuuuwu - Mother-'-I am glad to am thntoundnngh- her In developing an attribute of the mod- ern woman. She aspires to be :01! lup- porting. Ii`nt.hnI~_l Am nflnhlx tlmr. khnt old Inuk- porung. FuthcI~-I am nfml1l.tlmr.thMolll nuk- lng ohnlr In the parlor could all A allot- em nory.-Boston Com-ler. AN EASTERN POTINTATI. T :t|Il]f"F'3 1`? Are all comblnd In the SHIRT told cnuunoxoxonx. moo or inn. A n__._. __._ _..;--.._......_. ..._.. AL- I... FIT. has Tranquil soot. -s 1 , ... II,. .;,.._.n J0;u Bvopntt . COM FORT. IA. 0. Jonnston wzo_.[-A To show your the Univsenity you` . i5 Q, . have one of that , - HORSES WANTED. cums ooLLsaF7% CREST PlN35;;.f lhllnclor lands In Oolontl mm as worn by New Yul! W 9_,GII|I3IIf |. Kill` 031$!- w J] `u.....a"""" ":'u.'.'."i"""u... as w v bnuivo. 0!: count of Ill 0]! I. dun lonlontl with and VII glvu liberty um ag noolvctl I nnrlnund and 3 running `an In l'.'p'~'e`.!..."".'.a'-"v-ra'T' W33 u`. nah. " vlu an-V cut vv--I"n " Onlyonoeuownhcuihhnthopolld mgmnu why. Tho elude was an old Inn. who Inblbod no hr`! CQIIIIIQ .1 of "Kin-nut. and w In ., mind a dlourbmol In I: n Armand nn nnmnlnlnl nl Mnhhhp 1 nlnu I ullulrlnnln In nll noun. II arnohd on complaint 0! Mo * _ nhnmod with having hon alt u Iohooln For (`colt t 0 on u ' _ "mt :.'..'.. ..'.'::.':.'.. duty? The ohninntn oi tlioiautltqyl Ch! Mr. Bot, ot the ladiu` Home Jmtmu oonnd In M: union on tho question. T _ shut the non mow. In tho donlopnul II" ` marmnl training. may ho tovmda E H ' L oooungoaum. A gnndu|.M up.-` % o upon how the mum in ` gytion. and vim the odnoulonmi at mm may do about It lion. III. Ron boon Imklng u and of the IIIIIIIII hm nation. but bu nobllli ' oloia doelu-anon on the abject. Bok think! can alum n uncut nppuln no woman at. and tho china 0: the bond qua with him. . V, . ._-_....__ ..._..... __.... ,_..._- `NEW'nRBssMAxmo PARLoIls. ` 1);::;:a:.":m~ M:-. `.'r.L:::,"&.;' _ t p I. . S I cum an NI 3`hl|<.l:n?o |!li:f..|:II Wu uncut If , Kun Plsno Wnu-noun. , In lrookl 5 Addrou for out! I H` (`om-nu . that Bull ml. (1 nwrunnu cm a A `3 I wm. nlmlo or (inn 0 Noll. 1 oonvonlonou. an Olugy um. nu! I V DUI! 'w-l.II'I`. Wlhh UINII uuitslrlo for lndlaz or ht emu: Improvements. elm o I in. un plume. aublronk emu. lophouo nth. . A`: u-uuuuvvug (mun: us In . I! t. P oun- uuoonu. gl 0]. won prion. . 3a:.+:.~:.:;.-:'r'o:.`;=.:-.:.=';.':'.':='.-aisif one communion on. `Spring Capes FOR LA|51Es. am New and Styles. They are well worthy` \ inspection. " % mam mm. I.` . .f`.2t``l`?.".'3.f`i`.R:'.` o`i. 'lu.`uT3.'.`3`'` \ OOIB T0-l.I'|`. WILL India lmnrovomonto. ohm u n. In. um no 5l`I|l\l VIII IJIUIIEV IV Ilii vyyu . which will be npnounced in a wuunumn.-I-hrwotln. cu, my-uugg_ga uou..I-A 3 THEIR OOAT MARIE`! AT ulunn`53'I' 8010 Agent: ntrrmmox M'x1`l:imI;" dun-r1.n APPRINTIOI. nun?!`-I Tiiitii u-Tibia si.a?iu`* snooma !nnI%'rIoN;$ [ BOARD AND ROOMS. ` U an :.........T ` win 0. ns V0|$hOI`.`IN` IQ pol-scum. _ .. . an n oirolo ha :0 onjln dong .l:`l:o.v|\I ur pom rm out. o w ulna In mum. nu "I56"5ni?6TE'iT' r. 1. Human . in Ann `IIIAIIDD umw mun. Imlurln min In: H Um)!!! hone um. WANTED. um. um. Hunt:-nn|n._1 INDEX. TICK In Ioonnlulnto plans you. use now tutu ag-' T %uao.oi'-3' .0! MIA loan. We will mica In nrlgggog: lannnhinln nlcnn LItylIg UIU Luci uuav. charge reasonable -LT - `lhn u u, "um)-u % F and 5. % p-,_m-5;.'. Q` Ill IQ `$9 :.3 X! I. u:-2:-2-m =-3:-'-=:. j win:-xv. vwvu Ilmlcbn-.ou [E-'2'a -5%.`. m..a." {.".."s1`.3':3.:'." uu u.u."" .. no .... bin Ikltuoospn. -W -hnhnnnHnn|nh.innnL"(hnnn Ill non at N: Buldonnn. F0. 11 oonunnn .on tuna-y.unn April lnunli. All 0 his linwokl lnrnilnro. contain or Qnu llndroon 1- II. Bnnonln gr, Oil Ololh. Silk ntollo Parlor Io. rtlah bono lloolonsn and 3: .0:-nun ununen1-mu. kzxwon Dining `hug. Oonblot nd 1" "1. . s. 25" "` 'a'.:..."""c`u..":"` &: 0 '.:.`-T.-'.':~*.......- 3*`-.-"*3...-'`-'.'.~:~ er . on n or `o r Pnilllnui. Silk tionoll. Olunbor Sch. I0 I09 I JAWIII - :..~__:=-.,.__iTe-"3 .-v J"- --- n-4 -'3 tilt!` lulu-nus, not Io:-.Lnwn low-' g (huh: Hon. Inn Jon! noun. Ochoa UIIII-liquid nun! oil uncles. this at 10:!) mm. `loin: each. .7033 ll. IILLR Iownnn lmclxoy, eifaraqnll B-2)-- iT>T\T BUILDING and non Lnggny. Iactlur smut on` chain. iimm o'.i E3131 Clock funny. nod and other Loun mookcuo 8:1! Boonlai. Wnsh`:'k Pofusnl: to. KW]. untl or room . 9 lot of am`. nfuu. Tdnwndrobc '53 9000. Pill wo urn Woo lint. Bmn-of: stair :.r'a::,..'.9'*.;*.':~s;.:'."':.'.:::`.`.'::~.s ..`." PU I'D. R O? . auooollntmvo. Hon`. Lawn Hour. [1:- ohon Bnndrlh. Refrigerator. ow. Shh at low. 'I\rIn| nnnh. - oy_ me lloualold nmzm, ctrpata, am] In R. 0'10!!!) HA! UCTID [ITO o. .on I'Iauhr.I`nh Ann Inn:-I. .11 I have nonlvcd instructions from HR`. PHILLIPS. 101 Union that to all all of hu- hon old oocta on wtmmsnn. arm Axri .ooInprlaln&Pnrlr|-Suite in Silk Brooc- ? lo. lltnuuu rpou. Funny Ch-urn nnd 'l\blu Bocken. Moo Etching: sud Oil him- hm: Hnndnomu Chenille ind Lace Curtains. Port ononnd Fancy Screen: ILW. Stdobond. Locum 0.: Chain. `summon -mm. funny. Inunlemooknnn "ou`." i'.'.`r`.'.' `ai on3ix3u`{.``. `r -3 1cn&"ri`.`.'.-_ donnlet Park (wan lsouuutnlly situated on Ink: shore. near in Park (north). Bath I. Union Ssrnm. nu) Dlvlnion amen. lately occupied by David J. Whlmhud. A Illllu oxnlndlturo will comnloto it. hot udloinn um1.1:'rm A530()IA'l`l0N msugpmv 1 log of tha {enood around. `the neon- ulon oflulu-at will run directly throuuh thuolou which no ulon to an-owing aeo- Mgn of tin city. Apply to J. 8.SKllNIIll, Bollonor. Oluon-.9 Strut. dounld Yuk (w0Ih`_lsoull|HI1ll! nimnod Into shore, :0. Pnk( oreh). Bath room water worn an: furnace ncood on! r. goufhriuk stable: And ooumh home. (sat :- to dvnllln in Toronto might. be tnkon g;;:vlaE$I::1). ppl: to Ens. s1'Iunn'. um- _ w_-._v __-._____ .-- umtyonsdnmg-rig mayor`? ` . C In `TI o OI madman: . rnb1:o'l'tg:"3.r"m{:-':$` to W0. we nnaomuaod. mpootrully request yontoenll Dublin looting of Cithem dloonu the -union of cxnm-I in on nnln nwcnll rnblln lacuna of Cltllelus hum 0 gallon of or :0 my pnl `V021! in metal on on '1' VEDAY. the M [II .I II II` l)lI.l-..I_...- h I II n...-- VERY AIIRAIIIIVE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. mchlnas. on Paintings. Enndaome Par- lor Butte In Silk Broootolle. Bmesols Olrpeta. Fine Curtains am! Portiorea. B. W. Bookcase nnd Books. China. and silverware. mcuah Gus Cooking Ebang HE HANDSOII NEW RESIDENCE ON Union :-Inna. Dlvlnion amen. lately ocnlnhd by David J. Whlmhnd. A nnnll MES. 8`l'BA'l'Y'S RREIUENOE. KING` Itoa. Largo Stone Homo. I -oimr Mao-` dnmdet Park (won). lmnulnllv -imnnmd on lnvlunu cllinom to stand. P. J. hmxghl-In, general labor orunhar. will address tho M . m` "' .I.s.s1mmnn. I r'IO|oo.CH.v HAIL] luor. ml] min. 18:11. I ._..`_.--.. `ll: nnnyuounoounuwugnuaogu In-_Int 10::-nnlvnn lav. Anunrl onumn an-mgno. Auction Isle of hounhold tnrnituro. &o.. as IOI Union smut. tomorrow, at 10:30. by J. E. Huholmon. Klnmmn nnd Bath mm! tall autos will $4 WILL BUY ANNE Ll rrnn OHLUKEK ING Phno In oxoollonc ordor. To In men 56 Wine oloo. r'IOfl|oo. CH7 HAIL] 1 `III unuy llvuuuwvu -ox -nu. `Boron `PIIOIIOIVOI M. Nth Mttullcn pu-ado lac-nl lab. Publlc muting. council c nbcr, this cvcnlng at oldlnt o'clock. Orpn nclul Dr. Bloch-Kummond, St. Andrew : church to-night. Am-Hon uh n! Imulnhuld lnrniturn. &n.. XIII WPIIIIITIIIW [Ill IIWII UUNRXI I0 3 I Fnllonmwilliamnvillo, by William Mun-my. Just B 4 the car!!! on Gilbcrt gon- orounly offers the pub in one more chums 2 no sugar ohclp. Rodpnln bright yellow 85; granulated, e. I |b.. in 5. I0 and 20 lb. lou. Wodnudny only. \VHl GONTINIH. `"1733 o-um}u Y.M.C.A. Gathering: Country Evenu. WP 6--'I`ho Lptub From City and DI` . Q ytla Ii. IIIIWIIEIN Kin and Bath toll gatoo In tomorrow at two o'clock, at Jnnlx R 4 tin hrl anon nn ilhnrh ann- wmo 0)N'l'l'! l'l!l. P120 l-Turoo-Groolln War; Telegra- phic Tidin _ Pno2-- allow: 0! tho City in Racy Form. I Uflllo Pup 8 - .l.'ho Sh in I bit Iathn Minoolny. - Pun 4-Edifnrinln I `Y-W` rm" ichui; " "W?! h I-oh ..x'1`.z ~'.'.`n`. u`a`.`Pn.'..`:I. .2 53 $2.18 u.."om : V`i` 8`7&.`.'.`m"...':"l:..`.":.-..`. .!.`;". .K Paving! chlnoun `tuna. I . J . l.m\`n-In, ornnlxor. RIO `hum culn. g. H. (illdel-alnv . W. F I . john I&'3:oy. mm: sum, In amunnllgnnn cclpbd by David J. Wlllhhold. A Ilnlll nlnlllhdu comploto adjoins '3 one 0 grounds. Apply to R. V. iIs.Bln-in er. AUCTION SALE 'I5m' Th .s. `:22; Maonli LHIIKTI E law . Page +-u:amm|.; Local and consul lawn. - nlcpvcha `rinse. I. H. Gilda-slave, Folmr. lilt loggh QIIIVII Will 6 H300`! 3 nBIs.BAn-is PUBLIC HI?!-_'_l`_lNG. '. ~~~rOn SALE. Ionoluy. J. loun mmon` I And It othou. 1 1. us I "1 >".'1'. 1l1`.?..s':T.: at 53 5333'}: 1 WL'.O7O-A-l:illMORANDA. J. I. HUTOIIISON. Annlinnb Iflncliona are exclusive styles, b__eq_t_ t. and nish. Choice of ncwut and best muterials. Prices Anal...` A- an c at. Join In. |m.I.s, Alollonlor. \lNB`I'&aV`I`I.`UI'I. QFII 38*`? luI' Otunnn bank In olhud lingu- t\ouhbliu|uB.Iununundnn$n- hnntih onoxpououhonpilnltorzho uonou3huou$'h duumdbyiu D.` luvs notshvudund '- "`:.."....:s` UNISON: ` Anotionuh wins: plan Pun. Inlll Iondiklho R4 \ stint "noting Inoni it in doddul not FIR nonltvcudcn In hjnkn-In-Jg-A..I IJT II'I IIII CI IIIIIITTUDII WK I13-WT of the that a Grant font had wound that An! 0oNa'rAx11xon.n. April 20.-`l`ho Im- the gov- t to uhblhh cblluum and min- town at Shanon Ia duuud byiu D. V has nonhvud and hgphn 11.: sh. Anhn..- `Ann urux ouuunlp apoull nu! noon tnkinggn in the bombudnont of Pro- nn. `ring recomrnoncod at 5:80 mm. yntotduy. A body of 700 Greek innar- gcnta has landed 16 S tutu`. Epiruo. and in now mnohir on PL lliphdn. Numomuu other bands Oral lnuirgcnu but on- mnd Eninn. \ ` `i.`ic`f."&mf L"e"2 '9 <:w-- % Tliwss Goods iuiu anplnls ' ` Prinoo Ncholu cl Grace. tho third son olking Goorgmhubobn otdond who from in command of a hairy ofailhry. but in the day intonation urn nooind ol I.I|n|-nnnlhnl. A luv. rnnhrnnnlnrl uunr Inna: oz and Epirns. Prinm Night ABBBIIS Ill DOIIIEIIIBIIIOPID. It is reported at the foreign oico that the communications received here yeator-, day from the Marquis of Salisbury. after` hie interview with Queen Victoria at Nice. support the theory that the British govern- ment ia using its utmost energy to penmade both the oombatunte to make a cessation of the conflict at the stage which it has now reached. ~ Loxnou. April .`!).--The Times corres- pondent at Salonica says that Orumk aaha eterted for the frontier yesterday. Arnnns. April 20.-l`iring reoommenced {peterday morning between thoGreeke and urh at eeveral `rite along the frontier. Col. Manon. at e head of 25,000 Greek troo , hae croeeed the river Arehphoe. on the rontier oi Epirue, and is now entering that part of South Albania. after having driven beck the Turkueh advance poets. The bombardment of Pu-wen nan `rs. UTIVIII IEI \tllU IUTIIIII IUVIKIX [KICK ;_ The bonbordnont of Provost ml `nu- oumod at daybnak. The landing force has not you ntuokod the place. A dee- tuh from tho (Brook hadqnutpn :5 ring up that than important position: `ed II b .'.r."...:.:.;.....":" " "W I WIVUKIIZIIPIGI nil QUIIXI Dy thoonok troops. Thoruk muuhip spam: I... been taking-rnnrl in the hnmlnrdmnnt nf Pm. |'Turks Have Been Rctreatinx ln| me nomna 0. 8At.oNIo.\, p I20.-A Turkish torpedo boat has nunk the Greek ahoemer Athens in the Gulf of Snlonioa. On bourd were in- eungenu and members of the vnrioun secret societies. A genonl panic prevail: hem. All veuela are pmhibibed from Ienvint the gulf. The Turks hnve coined the Greek tmcmer Kaphaleioni. Lnuxu. Am-ll l0.--\Vhan the crown IWWIUT IXIPIII IEIOIII. LARISSA. April, 20.-When the crown prince Oonatnncino received new of the captnro of the Turkish positions between Nueros nnd Rapuni be wired to the Greek mmmaudors there to stop ghting imme- diataly. I.muum. Anril `Z0.--A dannatnll tn the manly. Luxuox, April `.20.--A deepabcln to the Deily Chronicle from Athens debed mid- night euye than Gen. Smolenitl in command of the Greek: :1; Reveni he pushed Edhem Peehe toward Demnai. The euepeuee here is extreme. Everybody ie waiting for the lieu of the killed and wounded. Patriot benkere and others have offered the gov- ernment over .l00.000. Kvwvlu in; I-00! lulu . LONDON. April 20.--In epite of theoct thet the hoetilitiee on the Greek frontier have oeueed but little excitement here. oommunlontione weroin progreee ell yea- terdny between the foreign ollloe end Rome, Frenee end Athene. It we: report- ed lnet night the Among the mettere con- eidered ie the expediency of ordering -the internetionel lleete to leeve Creten wetere end to go in the direction of Selonice end the Derdenellee to watch the ghtlngmith A view of localizing it it neceeeery by novel intervention. Should this euggeetion, which in underetood to emenete from the Italian loneigu ollloe. be noted upon. it in probable that only hell the eet of foreign worship! would be withdrawn for such e purpose, the other hell remnin- ing to continue the Creten blockade. There in eeizl to be e eherp lill'erence of opinion between the militery powers, Rue- eie. Austrie and Gormeny. end the meri- time powere. Greet Britain, Frenco ~=end Italy. ee to the most expeditious and leeet violent methods of compelling eeeeetion of hoetilitiee ehould thie result not be reached by the exercise of diplometlc preelure et Athens end Constantinople. In in ranm-nu! nr. hhn fnraian nlm tlmt. l M)IntIo Rodm