Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Mar 1897, p. 4

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The Caledonia Watersi THE DAILY wma. MONDAY. MARCH 29, 1397 uir. Mr. Laurier thanked the honorable gen- tleman for tbeexpliumtioii. "lf tl ecomluct of the honorable gzentlenmn last. winter, when he sent. comuiissiuners to Maiiitobu vms not. a sham, his present. language is nothing else than a sham The \`0(`(l|Cl. of the people taken on the `Jiird of June. has put. a now face upon this question. When we came into power we approached that question in the only way in which it should hm-c been approached, and if it had been npprouclied in that way r.~`t.thc country would have been spared the years of agitation wliicb have brought. it. almost to the verge of civil war. We went. to the goveriiincnt of Manitoba and` said : The legislation of mini has inflicted a grievance upon the minorityof Manitoba. You have the llItlI0l`ll_\' of the judicial committee of the privy council that such in the cue. Repriirtbo grievance your-_solvoi=. They undertook themselves to repair that grievarico. I am ready at any time to Lake the mnlict of the country that the smallest. measure of conciliation was far preferable to any messnre of coercion. The hon. gentleman enyn be insisted that we had obtained no reAt.oru- tion ol uny rights which had been enjoyed by the uiinarity. but in the nut breath he says we have obtained now right: for the minority. l can not whether we obtained I restoration of old rights or a concession of new rights : the only thing I` are for is that. whereas under the act of 1890. they had notitbo privilege of touch- ing their own rel` ' in the schools. by the Ir ` lino lnarggunda they will have ' I here: hacking` their own ' nin Nani The lion. _...n,_... .. sL.n ml. uunnnklidnn 1:30.` PHIL` HIHI UH\VilIIlllLL"l lllE(|I|.llI Ul UIIl' cicnt civil acriuuir,-', of Lhoir degradation nnii the uctioii of g-n'o:`iniioi1l. spin-I in seeking cause of coinphunt ng-tin.-`L them. when the .-peakor left, the chair. After roccss Sirl,`lmrles taxed the government. with rcpuilizmng their nromise-I. lle ro- fcrrod totho letting of public` contruittia without. tender. ilisinissnl of legal repro- S6nl'1Li\8HlIl liiiglaiicl, ll rm which had nctoil for Caiiail.-\ for forty years, and piv- ing the business to .1 young .\lr. Rue`-se'|. who. us the l`0])l`B80llLll[l\`6 to the vatimii. might perhaps better suit, the purposes of tho dominion gox-uriiinciitblmii thoold firm. Ho poinbcdouc the contradiction between Mr. Fielding nnil .\Yr. Lnurier in Lhcir re- cent.dec|:ir:iv.ions roj,rardin_; the duty on coal. While Mr. l"ieldin talked protoc- Lionto the con! 'l1('ll.\`lI`_V, Mr. l.iuri0r'n viowsof lroc coal imvl free Iron would iin~ doubteilly prcwnl, .-\ml the coal Interests of .Vn\`:\ Si-oua woul-I be .~I:\criliv*ed. Tho gm-ornincnt, would not. rincl f.i(.iou.a oppu sition to monsums which were calculated to bonotit. the dominion. He resumed his seat at `J:`_ ll, after i-peaking two hours imd 3 hnlf. \l_ I ....-;.\_ u.....I....l OLA |......-..-old. nan, ...,...... H ht\I .-..,. ...--.u.--5 mu IrIl\J uuuu, Sir (Jharlozr l`0f?llll`0d hiin~u-ll :1 llun mp porter of tho l\'.l'. lbnevor occupied n pruucler position than it does (,0 day, Mid he. Of the eighteen yours of such policy I396 llll been the greut.oe and that. was it, cliiefest. claim to moiit. The wheat trade and lumber inalusLr_v were booming, tho \vostm'u mineral country wn.-I being opoueil up: there was no reason why the commcrmul oonnitinn of the country shon'd not. be the bear, in the llil-lL0l'_V of (Ianurln. lloubt us to t will" Iegislnlioii under the new government had been the one woaknemx. The fnuiclii.~0 proposal SirL`lnatlex4 vigor- uusly condemned. In would plum |)q'll'lli| vnenb in u intm. humiliating po.-xitmn the mo-it humiliutiuz of any p.u-lminont. in tho mrili/.c-l \\Ull(l. |:_v this proposal legislatures l`l)lll(l Inunul';u'ture law In the iiitemsts of their party illlll beloio llio pr0\`im,`ml ulocuon-,1 make .~u(:h cli:m;:es as would suit. them- selves. The i-lea of one in:mm t.lmdo- Ininion purlizunent. sitting" on one frnncln.-e uml another on (me on-:u.c4l n tliuu.-mull miloi uwuy \m.~I nirlu-ulouely ubsunl to him. Sir L'h.n'lcs` wan (l(mnuuv`In|_' the whole- ) .. .. ......x .1. ...I ..t 1.4:; C'lIl IUUll`I`:|IU LHUFU IIILUIUPLU noLhiug to any." Alluding to . pusiuon 1 ha (H thn ninrlnnn vnnru nf` A Vlgoroul Attack by the Old Baronet- The I I'QlllOl"l Courteous lIeply--'l`euuu the opponltlon Wltli nu Absence of Policy and Wlth slanderous lnslmur I.lonI--An Eloquenl reroratlon. Sir Charles Tupper in opening the at- tack on the address. made in wicked thrust at Mr. Russell. Thut gentleman, if he understood aright, hiid been an ideal free trader. and to prepare the house for a pro- tective measure was ll task of no little consequence. For himself, should the meemre be in the best ` crests of the country. he would assist carry it out. A congratulatory word Sir Charles gave Mr. Laurier us to his invitation 'to take part in the diamond jubilee. He only regretted that Uannda would not have ii larger to presentation. And then straiglitwey Sir tlhurles proceeded to cull doivn the liberal government for its errors in the matter of Manitoba schools. The settlement ho ap-_ proved was constitutional. By what right did the governments of Canada and Muni- toba agree to dispose oi the question thus `: By the confederation not the powers of parliuinent. were declared so fur as they pretended to affect the educational system ofa province. The highest tribiiuul in the empire ll'1Ll l'on.nl a grievance. and authorized an uppcnl to the doiiiiiiioii parliunient. A reinediiil 0I`ll8K` failing to secure the restorzitioii of the mixi- ority':s rights, purliiiiiient was culled up. on to restore those privileges. And then for this government to persuine that itis in ll position to make a settlement. There was nothing to sustain the govern inonL s position. As 11 matter of fact, (le- spite all (`f)lll.l`l1dlCLl0ll8. there were not two peoples on the face of the globe who lived so poiiceiibly us lid the French and English of Unniiilit. Hero Sir Uharlei re- buked Wilfrid lxiurior for his statoiiicnt iii the conetitucncy of Wright, tliiit this settlement'would give the Manitoba minority gre1tcrprivile,:e~i than the re- mediul bill. Anil long Sir Clmrles dwelt on the respective ll'l6l'l[S of tho (.`l.l.lcnll|h nntl the bill. "lint tlmngli this eottle~ iiiciit. suid Sir (Ill-ui'les, "gives iiothiiig of which the Illlll0i`ll_\' \V\:l`tl (lvJp:'l\ 0(l Ill Wlll('lI they lll{8tl, if gives privileges no risked for. .\Ylllt`.\'ClI us the lniiinrity .ot the hill nl l.\".l4l Ptlllllfhlll-.tl FD min 7:! iinnn 1------ THE OPENING SPEECHES OF THE PREMIER AND SIR C. TUPPER. THE DUMIMONPARLIAMENTH nu, \~:Iu ut giuncu of II` on In IIIIIIOIII. LII nun. ntlannn ' tlhutho luionofQno- cvnnnolnsidodwi shuttlnunut. Iheeuardmu (lUlIU|l|l"|||`_' LIIU VVIIIUIC` rantcti l:emi.~ of oili- nm, r~nmnI.nnl* nuvnin-`I. thmn not. lee! It. 9 Rev. Mr. llillington, of Novnrk. N.J..! who came how a month ago with the swift 1 of I member of |siaoongwgat.ion, has been ! hero spin. He stated to Min Jones. at.` when home he boarded. thpt he and Mrs. ? Diclineon thought of coming to Montreal,` to live permanently. . ` L This morning :8. Philndolphia the battle- slp [ova lelt. Cramp : ship-yud for the Brooklyn The olicinl trip will tuba phooaptil 73!: It I [unused spud ol cixuon hob. A dent, Mfiutrenl was again rudely shaken up by , earthquake. At. midnight. the tromor lut- od ubout. nigh n -ocond.-. while the ` rumbling sound an audible (or some` Io- . (contla longer. Reports indimbe that this` wave moved aoutlurly, unwed St. Esprit, ` Maskinonge county_bon the .northoaal.. St. Andrews and Cnrrillon Ilill (but. not Car- rillon) to the northwest, Napiereville town ; to south. but strange to say Hommingford I and other places in tho same county did 5 not feel it. 1 u-.. u- u;n;....o.... ll No-grin M1,: EH8 j\llIlI(`u yczlr ulueuu. um. uua uu an of uld, In your of remission. Let. the past. be lnrgomon: lot. nlxl scores be pm. into obln-inn: let. strife and contention be burml and fonsver. and instead let. lruwt, condence and good-will spring forth from the ground and rise towards heaven. This :3 the noblest monument, in my estima- Linn. which the tjmmdnnn people coulcl oller as their contribution to the glory of the jubilee year. 1l.oud npplause). laulrul uluuu-I--n uwu -. .\lu\'riu:\I., March 27.~\\'. V. Powell, ` grand chief ranger of railroad telegi-npliern, and \\'. .\l. Dolphin, first assistant chief. are in the city interviewing the C. I`. R. ~ aut.hori:.ios rogarding two diviiomil euper- - iutendems who. they claim. do not trout the men with consideration. TI . . . a . ....|.n.._. nf tho ninnn nnrl nnrnn the wun (`um=IuenIuun. The member:I,of the piano and organ trade of the province lune formed an or- ganization. A. M. I-`onthcretono is presi- Han? ITNISOH M) [cur LIIEILII BllL`lI.'4|.dLL'lIIUIIu- iu-i LIIU hnn. guntlenian liiia lnI|(l0. if the school [xili(`__V oi the hon. qcntleinuii were to [)l'8- i Will we would not lrwo peica iuid harmony but civil wiir ziirioiignt ii.-I. Lleinuii spoke feelingly and null in regard to the _]llbll80 of her nix iosty. Th0X'IJ ii not peilmpmiiy portion of Llio ompire where so much can beiicliioveil 011'. of the jubilee yo.-ii: 'rl|l`Ollgll0llii Llio bruiiil empire all the Lribuia, all the niitiniiex which iicknowlcdge her siiprcmo aulliority. will vie wiI.h cnuli other `,0 do her liunor; all l.l)0 tribes. all the racoxn, nll the nations, divided thongli they may be. in color, in religion, in education, in blood, still will he llllIllllI10llFl in their eiitlomora in their ellurt.-1, in their eniulzr Lion among lll0ll'l.ClV6S to testify to Llieir devotion L0 liur person. Muniiineiit.-1 will be Cl`C(`lCll in ')0X]l'HGn]I)I'll.l()n of the event. The arts will be vall- ed on to give exprossioii to this feeling in Imuble iind in bronm to the loyal devo- tions ol so inmiy millions to uno who in so I199 rind wlioso ruigii ms boen tiuiciit. But then: are inonuinents which alpeiil; more eloquently even than lll0F6 of aciilptiired limii/.9, or ('l\l'V0d iimrble. There are monuments which will be more lilting for tliis occasion than sculptured broii/.23 and carved marble. Let. this be the jiiliilco year indeed. bet. this be an nf ..!l n mmr nf rr~nii:4sinn_ Let. [last The limi. gen 1 so bcno- ' `ICHCO I'll ulllly RlnUIlg LHU LIIIIUIUIIIJ TNCUU ` nml creed of this t)()lll|ll')`. Thank (lotl, there is, but if it, is so there is boo much reason to fear Llmtif suchsLatoInout,a= an the L..... _......I-... I... ......l.. H H... cnlururxl W. G..ui:"n'l<$;`.t:-V(-Ii.I'u.'riage Painter. Klnn nnnnn. nut. to Eleotriu Cu Sheds. I(ll`llll Hour, uiu lluh uiul: Lu U|||llll.`lill.l} u p<.Iir~_y. On the rontrary, he L01 the home L in: {Ar ll.`-1 his Ennguugo will go that. he wmiheil his hands 0! the whole m'1Ltci'.i that ho lml no more to do with it.` Last nonunion he was ready to die, to shed his blood, for he expected there would be votes for him in the province of (Juubec. I But, like inany another. who, when there iintliing more to be gained by leroisini Lliorois no more heroism with him. But ` thohonornble gentleman uttoroil u word a mnniont. ago which he does not. suppose l lwill allow to pass by without. having, something to any in regard t.oil'.. Thoi hnnomhie gentlennn speaking of Mr Russell, referrovl to him M the emissary of V tlio(`unadiun governinonl. to the court: of ; llumo. lf he will nuke n vlmrge i plnin nml eiibstuntinl I will meet him, bull will have no COW8l`lll_)` insinuations. The hon. gcntleinxm smxterl that there mu peace mul unity among the different races nml nrnnnl-4 nf Llnsa mun\h'\` Tllnk (lml ;(l'Ul|L (M1115, ll Ulilll MU UNI IIUL IIU-`ilAlI.U LU .~m_y: "lam a (I;.Lholir_`,uml I shall notspure an alfort to s-ccuro fur my follow-cuunLry~ mon in Mmiicnbu more riglite Lhnn they nnw lno-.~xenv." And who is it. b`.unie(lLho honnruhle member for duing no? It in open for e\.3r_y man in Manitoba (.0 seek for un mnomhnent, to the law; Now, the only thing upon which I Luke issue with my f: on loppos K.) is that, while iais open to Mr. Unite. to pelsuutle the people of Manitoba. it is not open to the honorable Lzcmlomon to r',0(.`I`(`.o that sumo people. Hut, sir, the hmiomble ;_vuut.lomun after lmving spoken for an hour, did not (hire to onun(:mtc u .., I:.... n.. II... I. i,.I.I o I... '\r\n:|n .m..o........ Whether an the oor of parliament or in the rovince of Quebec I addressed myself neit er to Protestants nor to Catholics, but to Canadians. The position I maintained everywhere was this, that though the eon- stitution of this country gave to this par- liament and to this government the power to interfere with the school legislation of Manitoba. it was an extreme right. a re- served power to beexercised only when all other means had been exhausted. The moment I found that the people of Manitoba were ready to malre concessicns which practically restored to the Catholics the right of teaching the French lan- guage and of teaching their own religion in the schools, I submitted to my fellow-countryineii in the province of Que.- bec that it was larbetter to obtain those concessions by negotiation than to endea- vor to obtain any concession by means of co.=rcion. That question has been subnrit- , ted in Wright and you have the result by an increased majority. It was submitted in Bormveriture and you have the result by an increased majority. It was submitted in Cornwnlland Stormont and you have the result there also of an increased ma- jority. That question willbe submitted to the people in other constituencies. and I venture to say tint there is not a man in , Quebec. there is not aman in this coun try, who. looking at the settlement un- ` biased and unprojudiced, will not come to , the conclusion that it was ahappy solu- tion ofa very dillicult situation. [ know ' very well that the settlement is not ac- j ceptnble to certain high dignitaries of the ` church to which I belong, but I have every ! ' reason to believe, nay, as day after day I passes, it becomes more evident that as facts are better understood the convi(:tinn ' will take possession of every breast in this j country that if we are ever to have a nation in Canada, if we are ever to solve j ` su(-ce.~sl'ully any of these ditliculties that j may arise, we can only solve them in the 1 way exprr.s'sed in the speech from the `l thronewby mutual concession and recipro- cal good-will. lam quite prepared to wl say more. This settlement is not as ad- ( vantogeous as I desired myself. but after six long years of agitation, when the pas i sions of men had been amused to the high ( est pitch, it was not possible to obtain M ( l more nor Olllll the govcrinncnt of Maui- inba concede mo (3. My llOllL)l`.lbl0 friend .` his the andcit_ to mention the name of the new member for llon.41\ enturc, Mr. lhntc, with some opprobimn. if there is .1 man to day who, in my estimation, oc cupiesupruui position in this c0untr_\',. it is the new man or for llonaventnre. a man who maiutei I?! his civil riglirs ngainst -vreat odds a man who (llll not hesitate to .. . ....i u-- "I nn\ u I`-Jlinlirv null l alinll nnf.Hr\nrn ui.appear.=. Hero is the result. : The penis eown mi` 4 tlor the new moon I gruw very fast and will blossom most. beautifully. but will not beairfxmt; Llm.-no of the second part. will blmsnrn zunl will bear very little: those of tlic Lhirzl will not. only blossmn beaut.ifull_\'. but. will also hour fruit. 1n uluundanco. and t.ho.ao of Llic lnurtli will mxrcoly rise from I the ggmuml. The same rule as tin time will up;-Sy to all kinds of grain and also to l l l I l trocs, for C.'l(`.ll operation, from Llio lH|rSOT_V ` ' to the priiiiiiigz of fruit. trees. \\ n.l. all llIlH ilnfarmico In tho lonrned ol ! Plan of The Sky In April, .\l.\-Tm:.u., Maren tar): The principal celestial ltn he 0l>n'er\'ed (luring April I ' . ;llll(l(llG oi curl: evening um In the jnorih, |lI0 (lreut and Little Hear, the I brillumt star Vega of Lyra. under the head 1 objects in the of the Dragon, followed by Alplm of Cyg- nus. (Raplius B7033 bonoutli the double l u|ur star, and (.'a.~`siopei:\ is still lower. In tho euat is that yellow b_lJ.L`ullIg sun Arcturus of Roots. The Northern lboreull l (`ruwn lms just riacn. The Sorpentnml Herculun are rising. In the south is Leo. ` with his immense quadrilateral. Spica of i Virgo marks the south-oust. Under Leo llyzlrn reigns in the southern sky. followed by Corvus. (lemini mid the Little hog `, are sinking about south-wc.~4t. Sirius of Itlio lirenl. l)0g, Tuurus nnd the I` l'lei:idc~4. are setting. ln the west we still see the giant Orion, the Hymles and Per- -'eua. The primary planets, still in view, easily seen by all. ure Venue in Arias, `. 7.~ (To the Eu'i- ` Mars in llemini and Jupiter in Lao, a little i to the east oi` Regulus. `. i Aafrnnnlnv in than-innnn Of {7I'lCUll4llr0 Look me. I 1 got A box of Milburn`s Heart. and : .\'er\'e Pills. and have used them wxth the greatest. success. lam now verv much better. rest. and sleep well all night, my appetite is restored. I am vigorous, cheer- ful. and happy to nd myself Icswrod to health again. "I`..n hnvna nf Hun nilll warn A" Lhll I Lnn Liver Pills cure constipation und sick huduche. 25cont.a. All drugginu. the [n'umn;: or Xrun. U605. With all lue lefercnco tlni~' planet, gardener and farmer Ashram)- n.er.= are rxglnt, against. the immortal uoniun , of Laplace. Francois Arugo and our grout P.-t frnend of heaven, the mast. Illustrious of astronomers of ancient. and modern times. Cmnille l-`lmnmnrion. WII.r'|uI l\l.u-.~`A\. - IIUIIEUKIUIU UIILIUB. Anuight. I could not. ~loep my nerves were so ternbly unstrung. Ieuered very grodlly. much more I can tell you than I let anybody know. So miserable was I that I would not have cared when death health ngmn. Two boxe- of the pills were I" that I used. and I can recommend Milburu o Hear: uml Nerve Pxlln very highly to Any- ono sutfering an I did." McLAU6HL|N HAS THEM. W? 1 Hrs. Mary Costello, of Kingston, Ont... ; says. I-'urmnu_v years I have been 3% great. sutfurer from palpibation of the haunt, 2-lccplossneis, nervousness, etc. .`~|_v heart lluttercrl frculuontly and seemed to ri-c up into my throat, and I win: so bad thatun times I could nrv attend to my household duties. \n ..:..|.s I .-..\..I.l nnl .|nAV\ mv nnrvnn '0' i1."oh` '.x`h...._ PI'|apauupnrIu.ot6IurOa~|o. At . ---aw.---------2--- W.':=:.:.;;':.'%'.':'-. T.I.IIQO0..'l'IIII0O- .,_ nauhhn.-Ikvdnh L I AA part. lnonru. 0| !-'L'(.'unu un_y Ul mm lluvv moon, tho semml p-urn near` the sumo spot the first or the sea-und (lay of the mound 1 quarter, the third the sccuml or thin! Lay ` before the full moon. nnd the fourth Lhn second or Lhu Lhiral (lay bcfuro Lho moon disappeara llnrn ia Hm rmzulf. - The new: Lhguid to the man 01 Iiegulun. Astronomy is theevience of agriculture and production; the soul of trade and com- dom n quantity of ordinary common mod- ; in-_`rpe:n.-, and let. us divide it. into tour equal parts, keeping with care each part scpurutely. Then when the season approaches. let us select, nnyspot of gruuml suitable for vegetation, and let. us sow the pom! of the [our pnrba as fv)l|ow.=: Tho rsb part. the Iirat. or sccoml uuy of the new I 1 meme. For example let- us Lako nt. mm` Hm uanmul Inn. aunt ` Innnn ':g;n1s`, 2- i7() Wellington Streets. @ @< Spem_'y, Sure, mm Cm!/e." I/ruler emincm` .m'entzc' cvntrol. g < APENTA A NEW [URN-OUT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. MAN UFACTURED BY THE CANADIAN moemn 00.. Ltd, Windsor, om. GE0RG5_{V_U!.1 `.5590-v E. & D. GER: ROADSTER. There is Only One Bicycle Bearing;-- Lhat is mechanically (correct in construction. It is tha- Sufferersi T he Best Nafural Laxative Wafer. EVANS & DODGE. Illlllll IIJIIIIII DVIII, UV-u I For Sale or Exchngc. ` hot between Johnston and In] on Ootdo I-knot, Mxll). . 4!! Alfred BL, homo and lot. DI homo and lot and ban. near Prlneus, 3 honnu. King and born 38 . 8 home: nndhnd l&1l7. King so. mu um. 39.. none lot. dun: I Inna onus stnpt. !loI;=.n6x:d 1ot. cor. Goolto And own! 9%.. Karl 8%.. nos ! Gordon 86.. don}-lo Brick Iain. nuJoh 1158,1017 hounolndloilxl. cu -- hum. holuo. A. author nnmrlidll db and cant: uuJon IIDI , low nvunu-uunv-suns-u. Knd:otIof "'5'-no- 'n'.am um mm ado. to lot o'::xohuuo- 1 OAIIDINBIPS ltd Edda Antsy. III wolllnclu It. Shaun. ` DO YOU LIKE RE1|!!IE.1L0.V"; WI Our business increasing. Olll store rrowded. It tnkumnch thinking and planning to give such money's worth. but. wenloit. One price. square deal- ing, money bnel for the taking. Wh! not try the rising Clothing House of the city '3 THE H. I). ABIBBY C0.) OAK HALL, KINQ STREET. }Crum|ey Bros. eliik -ll! ENS #3!!! SPRING 1;; ii! suns. X a) years. Mr. [laid will best. the house on the ques- ; tion of aid to farmers and will move for the granting ofa bonus of one cent. per pound I on crenmery butter for export. I That. um "nu-nninul crime of boimr A vreamery DIIDICOT l0I' UXPUTB. That, the "atrocious crime of being youn man is not considered A bar` by the Lanadinn electors is ationgly in ovi- dauce in the pruent. house. . Tim mm nnnnnrvntiva member who took nor. ncrunny engzageo. That. was A brief but important. clause in the speech which referred to the cold stor- age. Itmoans a great. deal for the farm- ers. The benefits to them can scarcely be estimated, and the rural community will be under a debt. to the government. hi I` l`.Im|-Hnn nrnnnnfnd tum old l".lnd- D0 Ulld0l' GGDI; [0 me 0V8l'lllIl0lr. Mr. Charlton presented two old sund- bya in the Sabbath observance act. which he wants to make more effective. and the bill to amend the criminal code by in- creasing the age of consent no eighteen Vll TI, | names In one present. nouao. The one conservative member who took his seat. in the commons Thursday ruroly occupied a position of "splendid isola- Linn EOYS WANIEH M. W. h0BlNSON. - Sydenham St. E Echoes From the House 01' Common: Lobblu. Messrs. Casey and Maclonn are to the fore again with bills for the protection of railway emplnyeen, both much on the some lines. Mr. Maclean has another impor- tant. bill l.0llll18l|d the railway act by im- posing as maximum two-cent per mile raw for pusnengers and compel the railway romp.-mica or other companies owning sleeping cars to put upper bertlna up when not. actually engaged. Thnl. um: n hrinf hut. imnnrtnnt. clause THO .'I':- Ilmno l1g'II`l\l.I`O` The {ac- I( an I n 'I" ~ -- New Pluda ma over Pludmchocka and Neat Effects. 3 or 4-But-' toned Sack Suite, 310 Vnnd $12.00. CASTORIA THE POLITICAL CENTRE. ON THE CORNER. For Infants and Children. To inspect our new stock of 2 and 3~piece Ready- Made Clothing. Good, serviceable, well made and sure tting Suits from $2 to $6 each. Come in am Whlto Flyor. A large assortment of Boys and . Men's Cloth Caps from me each in stock at w. Jiiivson. Botwoon Prinuou 4 JAM"[Ximtf. Inn Dunn-.. nmrnnf. Thu II Efcvcusrs 1 L333 iii} '.'~i'6ii.2' ii~i'i i{{.{.i'o'. iiiio.-i tting Ind in the latest styles. You will be all right if you an to [heodore I'.win 361 Princess street. ; llyeina. Ulennlnu Ind Pi-cosine. \ l_|Ie Ninth Wonder of the world on exhibition In No-1| Mnntrenl iitreet. strlutl It't\Ull(`.~4.~4 nrmentn can be out lxy I ie I-`renvh 'erfootion In-aw-nttlnc System Whivll is lining given away at the : Ah:-ve address. lites.-winking dune at half regular price: until Feb. lst. BYRNFS 8: C0-. `i'~3f:::;'e?:.;.?::`.s. Would You like A nice (`rnynn of ,vnnr-elf nr friend? (`WIND to Pmnell`~i stir-llo and see the finest Crayons ever ared in Kingston. No trmihhv to r4ll0W the vmrk. Allstyles nndirredesnr work in Pliotngrnplia in 'llO lhtust styles. Ni) slllhi tovllmli. 1'1. I n l'lt . w-J- POWB-p ;.i.3i.i'.x`-l'i>i':1....'.".".'?. Beer In Mind That we have the tlneet stock of wines. liquors. clue and pot . 1 in the city at OUR NEW BTO UPTOWN. IIIOMPSON BOWLING $0., 292 Princess Street. cmr wooo AND com. wine * $4.50 A TON. 1 BEST QUALITY NO. QNCT. i BABGII.-OLD DRY KINDING any 75c. , Omen Yard. 374 Princess Street. : 8. ll. Cernovsky, Innufuetuer of Interior Decoration, le Wood Moore. lnntles, Grilles hues) Uphouterinc end uenunl Work. lhnu and design submitted. ml and 50050:: 58.. ltnnton. Ilousellold Economy.i now em :::=.. :-.-:-.:-.3 .4. n._ -n-_ __- _AL.. A--- A- AL. _-- I:U\'l-}lINOR'S l.\'Tl<}llFl-ll{lIN(`E. The Hamilton Times and Herald are dis- cuseing the right of the governor-general to interfere with the action of the govern- ment in its morgnni/.ition of the civil ser- vice. The governor interfered with the Tupper government in its distributional ollices. Why should he not interrupt the proceedings of the L-iurier administration? Simply because the circuiustniices are not parallel. The Tll|i[)0ri had lost or for- laited the conlidonco of the people, and they were inlluencod by the desire to con- fer mnny favours upon their friends be- fore packing up and vacating the positions they had nbused. The governor had to pass upon their work. had to endoise it, and he halted when he li.-id gone hr enough and gave excellent reasons for his nction. The new government has been nctunted by n desire to improve the vivil service by adding to its elliciency without adding to the cost of it. and Lord Aber- deen, who is I most observmt per son. sees all this nnd cannot do other- wise. reisoiinbly, thin consent thereto. Moreover he has been given the most posi- tive evidence th-it the government enjoy the fullest condence of the people. The latest testimony on this piint he been fur - nished in the bye-elections,which hue been adding lurgel_\` to the etrezigtli of the gov. ernment. Thecivilserviceiieeded a shaking up. Anyone who hue visited Ottawa. at `any time. and noticed the large amount ofleisune the ollicinls seemed tohave on h.\nd will not be surprised that their hours have been lengthened and their labors increased. This is not unexpected. And now thnt the head oiou hue in name measure been regulat- ed, let us hope that some eort will be made to reform the outside institutions nndeiqoiernment control. beginning with the Kingston poet oice. -~ VIII. All I0!!! 0300!! lot worn. on." _.._ _-...4-.-A -A-.nnAnQ 151; | V05!` I0 [0 A."I!.9Iinon's. ACCIDENTS !~"~5*775W5ii- '0 '?.'5.C*`.'.`P ! 9.9T5,.V uj: faking Down Stoves. '757s'saY u-u uuv --vn--..-..... __, ..., ,, (lomoln and Inspect, the New Barnes, Hm Whlta Iflvur. V I V0 I I Val. \JIlI I I\l3\l u IIIIII-\.II King street. next. to _.:___._._:._.______ (`rays-Kn Crnynlxsowr uoroal ` All styles anal undo: of latest Illu |IIlIloI| vvvuuuun IN-ens:-ut.t.ln luuo Isl. I . ! to uhouuln I nine (um-o. Those who 1 *`~ intonal orootiuur one tho unmimx spring should son nnnnplun at Dre:-uoup Wire \Vurks- Glumtp. nu-mm, durublo fonucu. dllforent pnuarnu. Also ovary doxurlp- Hull 0! wire work and wire cloth manu- l wt,Ine I-)'. I'll I\`I'I'Ill\l`I' l`nla\`(`.li!N'l` \\. lRlE i : '_l`.hc stomach. the sauna: ...-_.. :II....... .4 ? That is what people any of our Carbon \ one nh-Ind photon. Call up 315 And mwnko your engagement. for sitting IVILO lJ'|l UIIIII. I 9 no Prinoon nncc. Tho wuotoomn with the wheel windows. ausmass hbnurzns. I We wlil also tho curtain on our dinvluy 0! rich and fuhlonnblo spring llllllnory. Tho world: will be in In advance M put oonmannkmnny of the nylon no to be In hon only. A full Mtanclquco oi the Milan In roupoctfully nsqnuted. -A----A _ _..-n1n Q1 Ilf\IlVII& J` I89 Bnaot nu-ooh. Botwpon and Brook Sta. h-lmnn.~al uni repainted. Our prioau any uonui.-cunt with hiuh [rude wurk We've coo-1 storage room for Sleiulm ` ` BY DRINKING Household Economygi now W :.":'.: . ..-gllhnhgnnnnolhnnlou-on though i Is not. 9I`I'1:iI|l'y this spring. Send. your old vohiule to us and have it re- trlmnwal nur nriunu I Now is than time On have our wheel overhauled and <-leaned. )0 nut put. `IN. You want alltho llne days to ride 9. Ily sonulnpx HM uu. . 'l`inunlthlmt In "all its brsnnhezmy Quirk. nusmctory work, reasonable Dl'h:0:~o - ___.A;;.. I 'l`hon- In no manor Job on earth i! you d0n'& know how. \'.... ..-.. ....... .l1 Hm dirt nrnl urn:-rv don't. [now now. You nun save all the dirt. lml worry luy st-ncllnsx fur lll. \ 'l`ln-unllhlnu In `-1! its hrnnnlmn, 1 I Will lngpan nml vehlclel become worn an tarnished in nplto of the but. of cure. Brim: them here and wdllmukon. oovljolvonhem. Wo vo uconuolou paint for mlnnfaoturlng convoynnc-on or every duo:-lpuon. ` otvtnos. aloea.ndpor.1v In the T'lIIIZ 2%: -: That could be mondod in simple ox- trnvuunoo. Our pntnhon don't. show; our sole: And heals are loltnosn Itself; our prluu are low. 1:... .....o.I.|nu In Fina Ordered Foot.- pnuu are low. For anything In Fine Ordered to .zx.nL.._ ._.4. A n..:_..-__ q.___. H is nloilnhlo to be well dI QSI)d. to have yuur clothes well made. perfect will you r. I3'Xiiziiic. 'iSnider s Photo Parlors glut`-V: nu - ----V - _.._v. _ Three doors Above Open Home. BR.EADt.hat (3 mm. ROLLS um. are light. CAKE out of night. PIES Just right. Has the Largest I Paid-up Capital 0! any Company in the World transacting :1 FIRE Buslness. '5 800 Princess Runes. 9 Opp. `LI 0.A. Dl'd. CRESCENT WEE . W/ORKS. 11. : Kim! 3%. 1 Princess Street. ~ ()nn. Y.I 0.A. ..., --`..--V _ Ml PBINOl MERIT. i ` his pet production oil` the stage. NEWSl Al El{ (`l{ITl(.`lHl\l. A furore has been created in New York l by the municipal criticism to which the comic opera ot Oscar llainmerstein was submitted by the daily press, ()n the whole it was without a redeeming feature. and the critics hit it so hard that the author withdrew it with an apology . which was unique in its character. Writing to the papers he says: Your criticism. or rather whirling con- demnation. of `Mrs. Hadley Barton's Ball` 1 nukes it appear that I simply assumed its , authorship. 1 never make false pretences. I wrote book and music. and was not in a trance, either. 1 am trying to carry the : blame as lightly as possible. and expect to become an honorary member in the assem- blage of the great hereafter. 1 postponed the production for a week, as I discovered my error at the limb dress rehearsal. Against my own conviction l nevertheless risked its production, and in my memory ever green will be the ' dose of criticism I received for it." That is a philosophical method of accepting: results, but it is not the way followed by most people under similar cir- cumstances. Mr. Hammerstein was not influenced by his own convictions. After his rehearsal, when he saw how faulty the opera was, he decided to produce it. and , did.and provoked the fusilado of ery news- ipspors billets which drove him and Some- of not I times the press is accused doing its duty. but, as a rule. it is on the side in! right and respectability. and when ` it hits it usually hurts. To be sure the ; criticism of a play in the interest of public i morality does not always have the mine elect. The worse a dmnn or opera is the 1 batter it is occasionally patronized. as if Ipervcrso nature was bmmd to sh ow how l wicked it can be. .A`f)TrnamieI_1t Wislout Ibo pu-ago of we relnoalial bill isms pnllhud by the Tnpptl (yummy thubanuitutiun was in duzgur. Now. aauudlq to Sir Charles. the older. the collntiuianll right vichounho rumo- dill. Whtu change has couonvqr Ilooldnufu dunno: AodIIowt|oGnunwaygovcrnnonI Inn dcehnllilnlf loIninhvouto!pnBibi~ Lin llillupdunooislobotlntohho (bill! it Iluouhndthn wuu|Iu`q-igo` ldnrliq anh-and 5 mono In: I notice. we. Contracts for It upouletl space are made for I011? term: for mercantile nnnmmcemontu. but not on of hol wanted, for mole, to-let. par?- neruhlpn. ten am! or anything he ond nctunl I Announcement. 0! oodu or man neutron for ! Elle uresxoludol. nrclupnsc-onlm-prnfesmiorml. I Insurance or agency announcements no sub- . 160* no similar rontrlotxon. .('.mbruot Advertisers allowed two clmnll PM week; more fro uent changes must. he laid (or. The mhllu or will not be rare mn- olblo for mhmn onutandin of verbal ur ern. Written direction: shoul be plwmi on all no for lnsortlon. All Idvertlsomnnu no ; nu font to the approval of tho publisher. *1 A lohou-gs: for arlvorylsomonhp and aubscrlp I 01.50 utherwiao. Attached to ;ho paper is one of the Lost, Job Oicon in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap work; nine improved printing presaes. EDW.J. ll. PENSE. I JOHN ()ll`F`(H'H). Prnsrlator. HIK III '1 it YGIII, ll pld In R1-IVIEIICO ; ODHBIVV III 01-) or 'our. THE S MI-WEIEKLY in published an Mun- dn 9 and 'l`lnu-uduyu at. $1 I year in udvuuco; I 01.. vutherwiao. . Attached to Lhn mumr THE DAILY WHIG. [ THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG ll pagan. 64 columns, is published every Thurs .uy morn- ing an 01 a. if paid in advance ocherwluo I1-'0 `om'uur. run any uvuunuru 1: ;_ _..LIX..L..J ..... |l...., uon are due and paynbloin ndvM'w0- Oflgcen of uni cor nrnhod nssoolntlonnibclrr societies will he 0| personally N990!" for on-don they civo. nubient publlnhor. lohnr as advertisement tlona M and payable in advance. Officers unlnooruornbod as-molntlonn or mum oh: 0'. 860. Road] otiou. Ibo. per line; fd|-10 ""` when I lsplny udvertmomenl: IccomDN'_9|u 0-: on contract: for ovor 600 lines. Illnlmnm mono In: 1 unnamed some made, 0! from Any Point of View 90 *4 e lnoh. Bubs. Ihuyiugon nt Deuthl. one lnsortmn. 60,.- two Inuttlons `Ibo. anti. bout and found. Pars nnln. Articles for uh, no , lo` pot word in (11.1 1 home; min!- ` oh: 0. Reading otlou. lbmpor roduood rpm . Ill YIAI. Tu Inna rmu Wnm in published every Ivonlra at. King strooz, K1 ton. 0nt.. at six nun nu vuu. pun la in Idvunoo ; ogllorwlu 11..-vs will in charged. . v~ Anvlulnxusnn. Rut llonion ve linen and ovor.10q.por lino. lv 56. Bach oomomnt 0 insertion, Once 5 week an llnonand ovor, loo. " TWIOOI WOO , H y _ at Three: `imam 5 wank. 66 " Mu mnmnnu hr 1 mild Icnlo. twelve lino! Three: 6c. '- mumonu by 5 solid ncnlomwolvolinoa 90 V) lnoh. Bjthn. lhnndnnnn nu Denthl. lnsortxon. l:UW..I. H. t'l`iiVbl'., JOHN OFFORD. Pr:-prlator. Assistant. Bllsluens Manager. 'l`ELPIl0 IE5. :.-_l__... 151-- nnAQ Business olloe - Ellllorlll Boom: "Opt"/er per Orbem Diror. gouNcEmEN1=. E48. - $380. Sir Churles'l'upper has abandoned the school qumton. \\'hilo." said he in lna speech on Friday, my personal Oplnluus will always be ,In.\mt.aine(l 1 shall not. feel it in the future. as in the past. incum- bentupon Inc to make those assertions in defence ul rights protected by the (musli- Q -|_.._ ._.. I ..._.-_Z_A..I.ALI_ ...., Mr. Strattouls bill to runoud the munu-i- pal nub empowers cities. towns and incor- porated villages lu sol. n.-{do bicyvlo paths on publix: higlnmys. \\`hot.hor Lho council of Kingston can act upon such A bull if it. becomes law is a question. but certain it. is Llmt. something should be done to keep the bicycles oil" the sidewalks. t'u"ii3'sT6u"'niius ea; .\l r. Fix-It.er`s tongue seems to have been rhnrponed in opposition. und in his open- ing speech he was exceedingly bitter. Mr. Laurior appeals for cnlmnessin debate. but if the opposition wmit. war they can have it. The men on the government benches have been in training, and they are bud hitters. 'ro~:'u G1-min or -thought. Life) is I partnonihip with one another. in which she prots are in proportion lu what. is put. In. There is no invcstincnt in this bueinex that. pziys better than I.-inrlnnng ununo.-.3. Indecent ulna long for the world to discover that a fellow has changed his rooidonco irom hard-luck alley Lu proa- perity avenue. or vice vol-an. If nmenaritv in A last bit. timid it. mnv About Hlolinl. of next month J. W. Oiln will hnvooncxhibitioo at hi: plumb- iquhblithmcnt ushed add most im- pund 3:: cooking dove. all sin: and tution." render. I11-WI: Ill pub III. Juulv busiuc kindnoss. I. .l,.....'o u-|... L... I IW`V IVUIIIIU. Ur VIC VUIK. If pron-parity timid. may he {tightened o by Q0 uiuch loud talking. Brethren. lot`: hold our tongues and push for awhile. Urn- .....-.. -1... an... mu at (.08.. -. I3 IWIIIIQ Tho man who goes out of otco as plcnnntly 00 he goes in, is 3 very rue in- dividml. flse opeulng (It hnrlhnenl. Among the drone descriptions in reports 0! tho oponin day in parliament. were :- \Iin: Knio S, link Qnlin ritll Phrin OI BIII Dwain uI_v III purlluluclu. wun3:-< .\|iu Knic 5. pink satin with lhria ngt. u-innings, gold ornunouta and ot- nrnv Fail Ilnchar. fawn silk. pink cllion. Inn. am` gold ormmopta. Min lonim Fowler. drum of cream snub silk. with nsllaco trimming: and natural u-on, ms In Art. . ...-_h..--... From ullof which it may be gntherod that the loaders are in tine form and blunt. they are in A disposition: to make this scan sion of Lho house an momomblu one. Su- Rix-.hanl Uurt.w,right. has the Moor to-(lay, and nxtho critic is Mr. lo:4l,er he will glvc prob:\bl_\' {\ ltolnnd for an Oliver. Mr. ('urno`s bill to amend the art res- pecting regi:-lr:n.i. n of births, nmrringes and deaths. provulmg that. no burial should take plu('8 withoubu certilicate hav- Im; been first obtained was lll`()p[)O(l in the legislature. It is not. a bad idea. how- ever. It prevails in the legislation of scvemlstates across the border, and hm been xleclarotl most helpful in the handling of con mgious ('3.-`e3. IIITCI llll. Wllll natural IJIKJII 'U UV|.'l"V lllllll Ill AVIIIHILUUII have the law amended. The only issue I take with my honorublo frienl is hit: endeavor to coerce the people of Manitoba. It. is open to Mr. Huibo Ln persudo Manitoba. but it i.-innt, ogen to Sir Cimricre Tapper to coerce her. (Che-ore. But. after all Sir Charles wound up by washing his hands of chi whole Mlliir. Lhough last session he was ready to die. (Great laughter and cheers from minis- I.erinlist,s.) He was ready to shed his blood because he expected to make volm inleueboc, but like many other heroes when nothing more was to be gained by heroism there was no Innrc heroisin. ILuughter.\ l_V,_., rl'r ...|:.I_ :. ._.... L- ._-nI-..__l "Tliis sot.t,loineiit." he said, is not us much as l would have desired myself, but. I ha vs no heiiilat-imi lllylnglll1lLillL0l`l.ll0F0 years of agitation it. was not, possible to obtain more, or for the Mlillltb govern- ment. to concede more underprcseiitcircuiir stances. Sir(Jhmles Tuppor has had the audiicity to mention the iiama of Mr. Hiiito with some upprohriiim. If there is ll man t.o~ who occupies :1 proud position itia the new member for Buiiziventiiro. who mainbaiiied his civil rights iignini-it areal. odds. ILoud iilioeml While inimi- Liiiiiiiig these he did not. liositnlo to any `I shall not. spare tiny cllbrt, co obmiii nmi`e,' and \\lio would blame him? It is open to every mini in Miiiiitobu to nnrnndn Klnnitnhn hill . it in nnf nu nn In The school question, of course. occupied a great deal of time, and Mr. Lnurier dealt with Sir Charles Tuppcfe perfonnanco in these words : -.`.......`. __- J--. The opposition is in very bad humour. Of this fact. there can be no doubt in the mind of anyone who has read what Sir Charles Topper and Mr. Foster had no say. 'I`hey were both inclined to be oensive. Sir Charles said a great. deal that was not of much account, but. he said one thing for which he was sharply called to account. by Mr. Lsmrier.-nmnely, that. the government had employed Mr. Russell. of London. as its emissary to Rome. Challenged by Mr. Laurior as to his authority for this statement, he said he had read itin the press, and Mr. Laurier suid Sir Charles was too old a man and too much ex~ perienced to base serious vharges upon newspaper reports. Make a charge," said he, or raise a. question and I will be prepnrerl to answer it, but meanwhile I must. protest. against. the unwarranted throwing of inuemloo .< into Lhc discussion." 'I"L.. ...,|..._I .,._..,.a.,\.. .1 . . . . . _ N- ........_.'..J vuv yvvynv. Mr. Russell and Mr. Ethier, of Halifax and Two Mountains. respectively, made capital speeches in moving and`soeonding the reply to the address. The signicant feature of Mr. Russell s remarks was the allusion to the prohibition question. He seems to have been a much more ardent temperance man at one time than at the preuent, and lie is favourable to the plebiscite now,\!though from his r d ing of late evidence on the subject d principally evidence submitted by Elliott. president of Harvard universi . and given in the Atlantic Monthly, he is not satised that prohibition is quite prac~ ticab|e-aa yet. FBI..- _.._.-_:L2-._ .'- .`.. ...._.. L..J L.._.-..._ Luv vvvu-vw vu any Uuvuvln v-aw, cu -.. -.. _ day, will likely be continued during the week. In this debate it in the privilege of the members to wander as they please, and to take in for 1-pecial or specious treatment any political issue which has been before the people. ll- l )........II .....I ll. `I.`bL.'.... A` Dalila DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. The debate on the address, begun on Fri- |,_ ,_,u| I2|_-I__ L- ___.n.:_._-.l .l.._:..... 4|... JI Aclcnr and umnistaknble sur- FIRE AND LIFE any AINIPIHCO C0-o transacting """"" LONDON. mo. W.~J. B. WHITE, - Agent. Kingston

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