||IlI|U.`lU.LLu'_`I'vNllll IHU]'IH|`ilS-l)uL nllllh ` lmr of Chrml. He in nnl In lm munliunwl in llw Hllllll` lay uilh lhul nulalu mun llvnry Wnnl |leuvl1<~r, prmwlwr. .~`lul~~un.-ul and plll\`l'bl. I huurrl him prwwh unn Sun- day out Aloxumlrin llny, nml as ho was walking on the plum h_v himself in tlm lll`l`!lUl1ll. l lnlru(ltu`Nl ln_)'.s`I`lf to him as n alrullm-r--:lI\ l*InprlI.~.zhnmn just urrivwl. llu spuku {m~lim.rl_\ null l'umlI_\- M` (l('l|l` (llll l-Ilurlnlul. hvr ll|ulil\llll>IH uml lmls; of how mulv.~um~n. phi|unl|1rn- pl~`l.~ llllll |lllll(I.\'l)[)lll`l`.\. llu -ml: Hl|l`l`l_\' (lml Ilux Iwrumlu~r-lli~al lln- nnliuns vunnnl prvvull uptlli ml hvr -.~\hu is ll(`I"l` fur u pur|m. llo Hpukv llnl ||U||(`l0RI_\' ul` llw rvpuhliv. the wu- ulnly uf hm` lu\\`-pivnws umlllwnll-.-m- .-`.m-Ilium` urvvxl fur gulll. llu Hilill. litur- lsmal is m-mwuus. sh might lmw rvnt llw rupuhliv in l\\uin .-nflm` (ho insults lhnl hull lre-vn pnurwl upnn lu~r-hul alu- |fm*lmr0, shuwimz hmr 'l`Q`.ll alm ix. I IN`! him In hie uuvlilulinna and hit! ` 1.\`vml-l\_\'v. I shall Imwr l'urm~t. llli Ivo- nino I`(|Hll0l{Mlll`l`, uilh il.~`. f|n\\'inu \\'hilc- lmir. lilw nn UM lmn`~4 nmnn [nu I|U|Il'II'3Hl_\ nu l luw-5 lur I-and i. n-ounnrunlu 1 (`UN UIIVI` MI'U\'l`H HI \u'lll|UI'lll UT lb)` lhu ,uulIt|in_v,` sun in ll'upivlnml:1 \\h4*rn-. 1wr|wIun| .-:mmm`r hlnumx uilh L`V(`l" I.-mlinu flm\'vr.~4 und ill<`l(`lI.\`\`-HI!`nlllllm unll lhv |1n.~4pilul:~i lmw nu vh.nrm.~: for him. but tlw levied lull of the prom l'iL!s Ilia pm`kN.~s wiih mild. (`mid In- nmlnves rm Hm run! of ull vvil Im-a nu lvrror.-c for him. No nmy .~-hunt his Ilmrnlilios um! his hunmnilim .-nhrmul, hul nnw tlwy will fall on 1'0-`ky ;rruund. Hv lms given hilI`lSc' uxmy \xithnuI lllinkiugr. in his mun-rlwss fur thv prizv. lln sniffs (hu Iuinlml uir of \\u- tun nml Hm nnmwrins uf lh.-~ n~puh|ir:m onurl in H10 plnvu uf punr nlll Mind Millmrn. His .~mrImm.-4 lmvv :al\\':uys up- punrwl lu Inn to hu mml n1.{`-:\nllll`lhillR` Iiku (ho nl` I an old In-utlwn |I|ti|n.~m `rg nlul lnUl`:lH'ils-hllL null)- II.. R. u\n\' In Lu pun-\H..n...l in Ihu uuII\n I\ I| IIIIJ \\lIIIlI('X \l xurnn.-xlnwa u|mumi--lhm HInpt_v, nml u-utru.-1 fu invnl divine unnnunm-3 Hui lw is sullimr him. duily; hiw hluhlv flown ulv llw ululw for [ill] lulnuimx ulm-mm! Hu- lr.n. ulmyimr Ihu In-Inns Must-`vi Nv-Inunuim.r -\IIu Hun .-.-..\r.... ..f I` IK|IllII'V vvnuuu ax unuuwu l`i('ton, March 1t).-('i`o the Editor): '|`nltn:um wants it pilI('(Vi Such iw the onttounoanumt. thul strikes the religious nod irroliqiotm world with uurprisn. Whttt kind oi it. place (ions he wont? Ono t.o ouut ll poor. hiind old t.ht'i.-ttiun Pl'8lLt`.ilI!l` front his position as cimpluin to the senate. Tho ;t..rticlo that. drew my attention to thin m;itlet- is from It rniittlllo paper this 'l`ot`onto t\t-us, which oxpluius the uituution hotter than lmut: "\\ nsltingtor.. .MlI.l`(`il 1ti.--Rev. 'l`. Dowitt '1`.-ilntugo is said to ho on 'lppii- mint l'or tho position of l`htl[\iH.in to tho l'nitort Sttttos sonata. '|`hnt, offit-a is now held by Rev. Dr. Milhurn. :!uutm(\n- ly known on the Blind Uhupluin. 'l`ho .~mlut'_v is 0900 per n.nnum. 'i`ho duties of tho offivo roquiro hut, five Ininulos lHCii d:i.y. in tho loiivvry of on invovn- tion ut tho opening` of tho setntto ot nton. ilr. 'l`ttlntum~ in ritvh; l)r. Mil- burn is poor; so poor, in fuvt, thnt two Mr.-a nqo his EH1) mtmniltod sttividu in llinoi~t ilmtttusm ho was out. of work, hunn'v`y. und his l':ttht-r mm unohlo to aid hint. llr. 'l`uiznn.5.w rtutnol. want the tItuIut`_V. [[0 may wont tho honor. llr. Milhurn nuods tho m:\iiit)tl. 'l'ho Hl`ll`l- torn of tilt parties iktl him. ttntt H()H1t\ of thorn lovo hint dc-urly. l)r. Tulnmgo i~t ll potmttini fuvlor in ttfittirtt, hut `ht- (?l1l\<:t possibly Hlll`t`(`tVti I11`. Miihttrn utt- ios.-t that poor old Jllind ('hopl;tin Siluulti tiit`." l.. in ..n.- .......l...- t|...I ...\..!`|`...~.. ....,| In :1 recent tune of The Wm . sent L0 me` I noticed a statement mo. e I) "W. II. that numy youn persons in! ingu- ton. of fourtmn um fifteen years of age, were encouraged to mend infidel lit- erature. nnd that. as n. result. mrmy are growing up into infidelity. This is one great reason that led me to devoteuon- siderable attention to the subject. of clxristi-In evidences. I have no doubt that if we ure to save the young from infizielily, we must do more thtm is usually done by ci.n'isliun:I lo uomimt the evil. infidel: are zealous und it is nocerssury that chrisliuna be as earn- out in they urn. Kimil ' permit me to any to Um christian roa (`rs of tho Whig thnt inri'iulity could not .~.uuml long is `.'lii lmlievors (liri their duty. Vow truly yours. REV. M. M. cmuu. \ - Inn Do 'h`hoIr Duty. L `Montreal, March l8.-('l.`o the Editor): In luma of The Whi ascent to IQ H. lhn.l. mnnv vnumr mu-Anna In Rim!!- ma s?S:?v6E"ni'e`r.cur. LETTERS TO THE Elfb. ul uw. il um wnnalvr Hm! svuffvru und .-In: ulmxnnir-llmt vhun'hv-4 un- _y, Hu-utru.-A full, whvn u. pruni- l hinm~H' for sulo. him.-u\|f In llw mo-.~c.~a `; pl`U\|ll(`ii()ll>i vir- Iu- filthy lucrv. I: luv inst ulnnmn puny` or Hm ful- In-lnrsks uf hi: |>i\'|m- -`M in llw I.-nnpruur- ulivu m`u\'l-.-I nf (':|lifuI`ni.t M` by auumlimr \lI).'|I .-nnnnwr hlmmn uilh nutr- With [the Institute of Chartered Ao- oountanta oi Ontulo. ,`......- .... ......_. Iu\|\'. xtunl own`- `ux prms ves an In: L}... ll.` lixnnv _.|.....0 LL. Tnlmngo Want: A Plnoo. ... `ll'.. __ I. !l\ l'l".\ 6 Ln ` A Ilcmor aunt. .LI\`.\h\ Hit. pm `I.'\' NINA" I mu oven mm". Hl'}.\HY H. l-I\v"AXS. 1`, HM I15 Ill am uld hun'.~4 I and his ;n`:uuI III!` I\Vb|l\ I\lI\\' mili: MIL? waif}. Mo1mAY."MA'acn 2'2, 1367. \Iu`l`o~ I up run. might wulnl am in Godwin : Insurance Emporium Rolnovod to Anchor Buildings. over Exp:-cgn Omen. comer King and Brook Straw. 'l`.\l|l| mur1u|.~a .3) nmm?) LI 1 I iv` I\ now} HI) urhvll ll lll!` |)r`N . lim --`ky |_\' uilhuu ..- 1L.` .. ding. nu ` Q pp tn {:3 \\'. _l3. If Nearly Dad afur (akin some hi My puilid up otu. with long Iaootimoninro. cum to llup Bib- ton. and harono Inn of any Kidnov or Urinary troubles. Bghrn discus. bin- Mttl or Divot Oonplaint. '.l`ho-0 diam-an cannot rd tho cuntivo povnr of Hop Blane: hotels: is In tip but lhmily undi- duln uni. ' ll? mm. "N do strwt KIN` mnduomr hnhls om his hand to um, I [my my taro. but If in owrlnukn nu` 1 am a nickel uhmd. 1 \ruuM::`t. my oamnt.erfv|t~ mnnry to pars MY un do pu Him but wlwn I ml my self s.t.uvk will 4: had hill ldnn`t. foul may In my mind llll I hm` Rn!` rid of It. .~\.< I said In 3-n`. dun`: ho mo good an dnn`t. in (nu had. Dr ten` good man mu n ` pxyidln fur do hull wurltl to out on. while` in I.m lrml man has tn put out all of his nmwy (0 dc` lmx-you to km-p mm ouufr Brl.-nu. Jest ml out do betwixt and In twwn--dc [Hut whur yo` kin make about 80 prr mm pl-um on all ya` do fur mnn~ kind am _\'It Im so I-rll thought 0! (in: yo` xv I)! be pmminom at n ommw com-onnhun an do ms-tnmslcr won`: on fur nu I-ohr moo when ya` go to ram box. Let us now brmk dc mcgtfu an no homo." ll. QUAD. uuluu I;I.\'[I)'u :|\\'.'|)`. I nlm\`t. nulvlsv yo` In hot or play poker. but if yn` win 8:25 on :1 prualqlomhxrl `lvck- Ilwn ur do smnc mnmmt. un 10` nova wt in [mu lwm-:' tn put It in du bank dam to 311) It hwk to do man who lost h`. ll my lnllklmm Rhuultl glh mo a (limo (go much In umkln rhnngo. I almuld rv-' mm do uwrplus to him. but if I should ml do vmllut of an vupllunst nn1lusldo- walk I should mnsldrr den 1 was nhmd of do gmmx "H .v.. utrnn 1-... ~.mI...\o.... L..|.l.. --.. l'l`I|lV\l.I C l|'l`5I1V\II\ C. ..Xe.is.f.aR.`x`2. !..` -=- =- cu): ll] l\l|\'\\ ID. "xiv .~`\`\`l1 m vhnroh vim-_\' .`~`nml:\_\' as n rultx hm H mm ` um any numvy 1.0 hr pivl;-vi up ammml a rlrmm or u Ilmw moo don't in`: uulhu kwp ya` :\\\'.'u'. I dun`: mlvlm cm` In L. m. I... ma... (3 IN \' lvml. u IL Il'llU. D0 hl."lIl`l` mm \\`|m wn qnh-Lrr _\'u' Mv blzno-se m|:.s'.xl I-IA ..-- ._, .,. lllllll I\l|" \\lI`l|` I ' ' Mn (i'l.~xumI` m|:..~'nln nlv hunk "lf_\'n` \\'unt1ul-\l_\'t hv mu iuml up an mm c yu` um lmnl up an xvr. unyl~'nl_v know ft. I-I: \JI JI|' `III l\v\-`~. l)uu`t- In` (M go-rd un dun`t he I l).n*'.~' u lumpy mmlium which . Itrllm If _\'u' llggvv :5 lrwllu. I \ \vurl. In |i;:_szvr. cm 1 lllillk l`\~o gat If _\'u` mun Lu trmlv Iru~\\'l-' \\".d nllns In It. so (Int hr )! mm tn_\ ln xlnt msn hu \\'un`t luv half an um fur nm\`ln.~a nn ycfr nu \\l. ' I nnl-.)u.r lumr .. Inn-nb. nus .0 Illl F[`(|\lTlN II )|) r] I nvhlwr lmtt In run. but llw poxmiu lL`l'Ull(`U('||lll2`H`llshl I~I"..'I .... I.I unuur m u |l`l\'|l(l, nvulrnvu ll uxnl fur :\ luxm uf llw. ll ltult hoHv\'ul In hls hunur, ho gm! my ' l p\`\)(- his ward. If l .~m-vptval 1: pin` [mm In xmyhur. I mun {mm wnmml to burrnw my muwl fur: mnkv own. I haul In quit bull) or ]H:nn Iwnta, A . ,, , . ., uIx..`.|.. I --I uu,u pun" mm` nu ('l'll5l- I`lHl\`U. D1` mmu up to u snrtin p`|nl. Imt. mvhhor no In-_v It. If as Imyluu` rwmls ya` u frno Hokvt In :5 vul;u\\'nlk. yu` Mn ru-lpmmt.u hy ewmlinpx lulu u pound uf (h`l\'d npplha, hub vamp rlpzhlv tlmr. If ya` should svnd mm a $10 lwx tn do thw\u`r. hull unly look upon yo` mi u snfl. pinup. In (Iv _v`.1r`-A mum Ivy 1 - wk Ilrunldvr 'llmmp.~xnn usun rxmnplv un tr ml tn [In ma gum! ma hn was. It (lh1n`t. mlqv mv hut lhrvv nmmlhsl tn (llH|(|\'(`i` In! I wan Rnllunln to II!` ]wmrI\nm~;`. If I hurruwml ;\ dnllur of u Il'icn lw tumul umuml M) ltultl :1 man I l\nHn\'m| In lulu lnnuus I... nus ..... ... ..- An dz` mldvr d:\_v hr~ \\':1.-4 Om uf Iv lust (hhm.-x hv did \\ nuyhln` hl.-1 \\'m'htul) av l`lHY(` ulu mun wnu rlk1.l!2:`Il_\' dmd h(`f( Imulml An old 11' l.... .. . "l'.`IHlIH. i\| him (lid ho: (rnm[\|:1lm'. 1 him. ll An .1.` A U'l --l'E'\.'lUl' ` __T_:31_A Bureau at `I lhhuhm IITJV U Iii H Hm` I It ullns 1 Mn. II` ullu.-4 jum hnnl: H LIIHI on" "I (`III lIIl(1K,l|lIlllIfr IH:uI:l'r gun Fur `.20 _v'urn ho lH)h(`(l mm by uuoltlolxt. ` next. lrmll to :5 woodym-1| un m-lybor ntnlo n spllntvr, un _v1b (lu wnodyurtl nuug`wouldn`t mun avnd u bunch of rum-:1 to his funoml. Ho tlggvrvd up dnt. in fo ty y`n.r_q my lost 791) um) \vnr.m-nxlllvnlm (`w nu ma nnmlnn nn SROTHER GARDNER DISCOVEHS THAT GOODNE88 DOES NOT PAY. ml` Mum uuurrn jun MIJIIUTLI (In turn}. "Brnddcr 1`hmnpmn wax (1 good man in all (Int do tc-rm lmpllen, l\| | dam`: do mason ho was glad to go when douth cnllvd him. An cxpt-rlcnvn of (10 y':u-n had proved to him dut gzoudnonn didn't p'u_v 1 pc; cent on do cunltul imvcnted. I knnwcd hlm fur ob:-.r 50 y`nm. an I known] all his pucnullu.r- ltlcn. Dunrln M-1 HfL'lJilI'll! ho It-nb to MI Irena nn nnyhurn ~I00.2ti7 umbrellas, nn ho nehlzor got; but bwu of `om lmck, am duh nmn hv nuuullloln, Fur :71) v'uv-n Im HI\|uIrI My frons,'_' mid Brother Gm-dncr as ho motioned to Samuel Shin to raise an alley window and lock the doors, In In wld mlnglucl fxvellnmf plunsuronnd sorrow doc I nnnmmcn to you (10 dvuth of do Hon. (`mnuhack 'I`hompnon, who has hln a mem- bvr of dis Lhnulzlln club fur du pnnh ten y'nra. I feel to 1`f'J0lL!n dnt he am t.hm1urh wld lI!e`n trnl)blv.-u nu has uwlne mu banter luml. rm 1 narrow dnt he didn't hm! as bet- ter mum dourln his sojourn on nlrth. Ilmuhlmu 'l`hmnvuu\n unu: n .v.m.I uunn In LIMEKILN. own MEETING] Bo Prowl Illa Aiurtlon by nooonnclng tho Experlomi at tho Late comobnolt ` Thomploll. an mtoemod Member 0! tin Club--The Happy Medium to strike. _\II M: \ (\l|\`|1n\ ' slx-\'vl,nllu.~' l~v II I" II.` ll|\I'. 0|` fur do and J-rum: 1|n`]m!-`I.` of lmrrm wvvk m- hm. 1` lh-tumor 'J`h-nnp.-: `ml In hurrnw du I` l`uk!n not. only (I vrh In-v nu In: (If . n.. ..,_c .n . .. I nus lll uv IH`H(l (11 (iv ])lll`- hvr in M1 u _\".-urn I lmnwvd nso don) gum! or unvr mo um. dv wuy (Iv world used Gill -lI\lW \J\IllI[JIllI I PIAONOAIJJ A Ouunmc Oouruu W11`! llnrrlnu nnovlm. Rom-vu uotdopmuluul annual! on menu and now amount mom mllllor. olltu-I. MI IOWOI` than Mm mnluritv nf nmn. of lm-\rc~. yo` (`lIn:";:v |`\ huumnuv Innn.u- . nr, m- _u\Ir my mnnvy nn f pun:pL:|n I`. fnuml (ml hi` my fur u wwk to l $0 mo gmxl In-run\' llIIIlI\`}' I x:II`ug0 mm [mm do `nl-.. D `H II XVIII", ' 1 u|)lN`g`l`(l In rcuu Lu svll, I , wait .vu`H. . duun .- too had. 311' kin IN; gnung mm BTIIIIIIIO WI!!! mo outcom- Iiu for uuuihtrnluntion. It in aid it it rumoal :3. vnllown mun mum noun n lam: counqybu .......".`."...fi""......*" ""..1".'.`.";.`."'.1 & {~.u.s"""'. '.2'&T S."..'3S .; ':1?..'r'."s..'?.T'i.,"_': donhun : Juan Omr.Wct\pori : Mr. and Up. 0. Kuhn lwurvvl II'I:uIpmuwu nnnulllx M: uuuuu In low I who mnlority of oloon Mn: and o oloo plum of lnnunnno omrod Il`I'l.|..Ia I. nlnnunuuu A u D000?! LII! DOIIQI. Dtslurr -Lnm. Mu-ch Ml Mrs. '1' Abrams in very ill. Mrs. H. Campboll blo rammed homo after visiting her mun". A ve quiet wedding took place ban on the lclll when Ilia: E. Pup unis. D00 were animal in `man-rings. The common`) was found I: Ru-. Mnkaynoldn. ls` Strong: little git in vary ill with pneumo- niumd t.hroL-limo hopoofherneonry Min Mary A. Watson conned to but .?2:?'.l".i.`." :'.'`.'.?.. ..... '.:.. _`2.'-. 1'." I !IIl.`l|\I_Y IGIUB III "IlI`W'\ Messrs. T. and J. I-`lood um doing good bus-inose with their sawing mnnhino. They say they cum cut from cm-only to eighty cords in ten hours. The sloigluing is about done at pnaont. up the mm! is quite but 'l`hq,rem:\ine of Mm. James Lmuun. Fau- fu. wens taken out of tho Lninsdowuc vault and buried in the St. Juana come tnry on the lftln. vmunulu Hersey cow on u'ouno!uny lllto. All.-In Knvnungh hnnbought. In"! brothofa :lnue of the farm and has ronbcd the wh-nlo {place to William Spence. his bmther-in aw. He has hired to work by the month. Ruth .-aw and print mills have been doing I abcmly trade all winter. u.._..... m .....a 1 |.~n._.._: ,_ .s._:..__ _--,; llvvl IIIU I1I\lrIlI'!I'n Tm~:\*r:I.\'.\x. .\lan)l\ l6.--Wo<\d cutting in tho order of the (luv. (lounge '1`. Lccrler hm] :n boo cutting uml drawing lnu ycnr`n fuel. Meantime the knul Indies turned out in goodly numbonj to`mnko the om-pub rags tly. Sugar making has begun in this uoaghlmrbuod. Several of the farmer: are making pnsparntiona to build silos for their corn next fall. R. Marshall will lunld a dwelling this summer of bnok. When complete it will be sooontl to none .\ruund those puts. G. R. Moder km A valuable Jersey cow on Wednesday Int. All.-in Knvnnnnlu lmn hnnnln. In": lumt hop`. "lb in true I had boon authn-ing for sonao limo with Blumler tmubln mud luarning of \ cum nxmle in at similar case, by l).uld"s KI-lncy Pulls lcommcnoud mung them." In ull I have used eighteen boxes and they have di.~s0l\'nd the stone and have our 'izol_\' curved mu of my sign of mch hi malty. I do not. hositum to speak of l)mli'.- l\'idun_v |`IlhI in tho lxighest. terms of prmw mr I know of many p.\rs0ns\\'ho have been ~-ulod by them. .`. _ x: _. _ l`aul l-Ilchtu-n I10.-a0fl)mId's lildnny I'll]: -'l`lw mono Dlupmlvml And RHun\'ed- linvw or Other: (lured SlIl;l.l`.l'I;\`lC. Mnmh `.32. (SpecmH~Julm .\le(li!l known lum\ll_vna well us Mr and near us plxy.-i<~:\l giant, and glurying in him monmh came to be In great cull`:-tor and toll of his cum as follows: - I do not hesiluto to spank of l)odd's Kn!n0_\' l'uIia or un_\thin;1 olso m:u<`.L|_v as I [ind them. If a medicine cum.-4 me and it I think it will cure others why not may -|u`.'" IIUIIIUIIIII Elluuttnu HI LIIU HUIU OI \,tlHl|Ulf|ll jmmmliun. This is truly an age) of pro- g;r(::s and tho \\'In: is abreast of t.ho,I.iInes. k\lUl|l|l| I.` HlHl' ll) DU IIFIIUIHI. W. \\ :\lker talks of going to the stator. Mr. and Mrs. J. T.I_yl0l` have mturmsd from A trip to Nowburg. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Cmwiy, H2ll`l'0\\'Fl.l1iHl. at her hmLhcr's,- Frulmiu Bull; Mrs. and Mme l`m'ks nr. Erinsvillo: Mr. Smith, New Ymlx, at. his Luther-in-|n\\~ s, VV. Hhznmnn. Mr. .md Mrs. J. Tnvlur attended the funeral of her fnblmr nt. ll.-Lrtin -Lon. l c<.-plea soc-med tn bumoro i1ntoI*o:/fnfxl in the outcome of the Curbelc and Fitz-Iiwnmonn. tight. than in the ro\'ieiv)n of Um t.m`ilI'. Mrs. \\'m`d nnd her l)r0Llwr, l'l. Roach, visiting` hora, have returned to t.!mir home in Eriuavillo. Mis.s Mary Smith in rinibing nb Mnrvnlo. Mr. and Mrs. Turner. visiting here, have re- turnod`to their homo at Wellington. Thorenm nmv nrrivnln am R. A|nnrt."n .\ lhutxut From a \'uluml ( ul`l`m=|)ulIllI'l|t -- hlnvunmmu uf lho I'ouplI'. Sn.\m*'ru\. March `."_`.- IL is mnn_v ycnrs since uomuch lumness hum [non done in Lho uoml lino. The fullowing dnl nut, imppun in this ilnnmdinta |mi;:h|)orhomi, bum wu 5;i\'Q us it. nhuuld EUl'\ (` lit-I :\ warn mg: In 41 ntublu where the (autuo were tied with uhnius one cuw, lucuunmbly whiletho ot.ho1`w:u= lying down, got. on top of the other; mmll. lmth cmvn .I|'nI1;:lnd to death. Ilemy I).-ny hum nhnut. t|Inislnc(l1\nr:Hsi|1;; the tow'n.~hip. .1. Vam- Iuvun has muvnd from the City 1.0 his furm. J. Moon is prupuring lo urect ll new burn. R. Henge Int-.4 mm! with I). PeI"1,[ll'ml). The many such wnhgrippo are better. Mr. Holmn i.~:\lo1o to bo uruund. |C' \ll..IL-.. A.lI._ .f ,, ,_ n_. A`._ -A,A-, LHIIU `JIU IUD \\'III [)0 UU|nUHF|'l`|lU(l. It`. may nut. "be known I` `I, Nnpuno is noted fur cinizems who can Loep secrete, but the Met rmnnins, novcrLlm|e.~P. Not long since we of our young people mun- nged to keepthoirnmrringo u profolxlndbieoret for the mnnthn, uud now :uml.hor cnnphy h.-u*uIn:1n igo(I [-1 play the same trick on tho unsuspucting connnun_jt_\'. Thu Limo in this (`me has been only at month. II hm: just lonked out that. A. E. l)uug|urm, the uoninl propriutox` of the l'ui.nl(u_v huuno wmt Inurricd u month nun in (lulu: Vmcont, the bricks being Mrs. C. ltnnglusa. nuu Misa- Whculer, or 'l`cnnwort.h. D. II. IVIUUIIIVIIVIIIIV. lvI.U., I: ll.` :.'.:.':'.*..,*l' :'."i*.`.;'.:::'..*..`".':..:`:*."%:':: phone us. . HOP. I Conductor loub. Riviiiircisoii. lately of the Bay of Quinta miiwuy, iinn ncnepiud a position with the Arnpriur. Parry Sound it Obtawu r.xilwn_v and left. this morning to .-u-suine his duties H1010. W. Won`. of Nnpnnoe Mills. milws Mr. RiiCi)3[`('P0ll'!l place as auiicitiniz iigeiit. for the Buy of Quinta railway. Clngtoii Muybee in open- ing out it line) of small wares. etc , in nho nun-A inknlv nnnindnri |\D H A Qhnrnv Ill UUII ll IIIIU Ul Elllllll WIIIUF. Ull.'- III uuu more lnboly occupied by ll. A. Shorey. llumlua street. Clayton is posizesaod of the nc.-cos-.ury busineen qualities tn make this venture in aunoma uml. no doubt, tlxruiigh time the luck. will be duinom-trilod. IL ".4" ....t /Ln l.......... H .1 \Y.........L.. IIUUl`UlH- Fred J . xilewibb has been confined tprthe home for the lust week sullurilng from 'rippe. The many friends of Charles Imubly will regmt to hear that ho is qulto ill with typhoid fever. On Saturday after- noo? the fire brigade had a call to F. L. Mmdeu oomp\n_v n paint. shop on Mill street and quickly re:-pended. and in A very short time had the tire uxbiuwguiallod. bubnot. before considerable drmmge hud been done to the mutants of the paint. shop. Clnnllnnlnr Hnuh l`h'nhn|-rlunn Infnlr nf Tho Prop:-Iotor of the Puma: Home In. run at Cape Tlnmmt. N.unmnn, March `.". .-- 1`ho Nnpaneo lodge. A.O.U.W.. attended divine Iervice yoauordoy morning in the Western Mothm dint church. The pastor. Rev. D. 0. Cnmley. preaolmd an eloquent: unnon to tho brethren. The music at. tho wrvico was smnothing extra and delighlnd the large audience present. 0n returning to their lodge rooms 91 \-om of thank: was tendered brother Cmssluy fur his very able nddroah. h`..n.l I` .'l.....:Lt L..- I-.--.. ......ll.....I A- OL- GRAVEl.'-l7IA*J'THE BLADDER. THEY. CAN KEEP stcnzrsl SHti7FAimF`"TON7 SAYIKNVGS. In-ceuouaupucaox.ocnuss.;'o. M DrInlsu.uMaI!ulonRouQtolPmIy .IonLIInnago..'Im-co. I-UH` [Hos 1510!. n box of Milburn`-5 Heart. and None Pulls. uml lm\`o used them with tho crvntcst. mamas. I am now very much boner. rut. and sleep well all night, my appetite is n\sl()I`0(l. I Mn \'igorona,, cheer- ml. and lmppy Lu nd myself reotorcd to health ngmn. Two home gftho pills woro all thntl used. nml I can rccmnmoml Milburns llrur; nnd Nurvo Pull: \-cry luiglnly to any. ono .-nlll:l`iu;; an I did. " UIIIIHO. I phone . |lU|l`Q|')I(l (1lIUCHu At night. I could not. I-loop my nervo- wero so torubly unatrunx. Iculfurcd vary greatly, much more I can tell you than I let nnyboaly know. So miserable WHO I that l would not have cared uhon death I-00k N0. | I .._.A _ L-.. _t ll.-|L..__.v. |I_,A. I .\lr.-=. Mary Uustollo. of Kingston. Ont. any.-, "l*`orman_v yours I luwo been A great. I-ulfumr from pu|piuu.I;:n of the lueml, sleeplcnnno-z-. nm-vousnees. etc. My heart uttered frequently and 4-conned to the up into my tvIum\t., and I was no bad mm. at. times I could not. Attend to my hon-ehold duties. .\A ..:..|.L I .... IA ..- _I_-_ ..._. ..-_ _hnn Liver I`_il . cwi; coun.~l`i \ti)I\muI .=`_ici honduche. con_tn. Alf `xes:-.41.`. IIUIVU L`ll;Ul4 yours RU. Mrs. Lydia Willhuna, (laughter of the Rev. D.-u'il Rronkonritlge,` one nf tho piunmr Mothmliet. ministers of Ontario, died in lletruih l\lnroh 7lll. In l`%.`N he was marned to Alfred Hurringtn-n. \\'ul- lington. They l|\'0\l in l rinr~u l`lkl\V.ll`(l munv _vea|r.n, rmnnx-in;,: to New York will! their f:\mi|_v in I864 Some years later rho nul;jor~.t.nf thin untlco wns mnrrio'l to laamc Williouna. also nn ohl resident of l'rinou Edward. Since the lntber'sclont.h .leconno(I has lived with her in l)otmit.. Stricken \vit,hnpoplexy on the Iich of M -u-cl, slno pJ\.~79e(l quiutly away on the following Sunday. . o:-. `Lang-L.ia" XIII! {U CUIIIU UIIUK LU .l|'U'I(:U"- Hun-uv .\.[nH'0Id tliod at his home in Cherry Ynlluy on Tnesd.'\y lust. Tho du- c*r~u.~u:(| hmi hvcul tn :1 goodnld ago and was held in tho higlu-st. esteem by u largo cirvln of rulntivos and friends. Ho lun-ns awidnwnnd throo chihlron Mri. A. U. Kvrtolluln und H. M. Sgmhrd, (Jhorry Vu.]~ 103`: und Mrs. J. U. Howe. 0t,t.uwu. Mr. nud Mn-. Joseph L. l`o!lovlx, Hul- lnnk, Mimmsutn, returned homo lm-L Suc~ nrd.-xy. ufbor 11 three nmnu \'i.~4ih with friends in (humno Pollock. who for past. ravontcon years has rounded in Minnesota, is a brother of chief constable Rynns wife nnd Mrs. (iillrurt. knob. Mus. Pnllpok is a daughter of W. H. Mam- dal`, Innrkor. clerk. Thoy were married hero eight yours ngo. Mra l.\llIi.'k \.\'Ili~nnn slnunLvm- nf u: I/IIU Illlv (3lIgl'- W. H. liarkimlmxv hm: routed the mai- deuco lnmly ocnupiml. by M r. lnmll. D. A.. 'l`oronco. owned by Mrs. George Whim. and sroposes removing more in A few weeks. his move in vuured by the fact. that B. S. Young mad \vi.'<~. now resident. in Toronto. desire to come back to Trenton. lJ.......... uh ||'.....| .I:....I ..A. I.2.. I......- :.. \'lI .[\IU!\lll.Y \l.L |\u Ul|_\:|lIU l`\I. _u|[. III ohm;:(~. nf William Muir. liollevilla, when must, of Kingston struck a flock of pigeons. On runchilv Brunkville it. wns fcnnml blmt. l||q`_h0{|(lligflb of Lhe engine wmn broken nmtln blue ruck pigeon was :1 pl`lB0lI0l` in she lmnp wage. \V. H. lnr|n'|1nh:\\v hm: rnntml Hm rnni. \}S\\Ul;U |llHLl'|UlH- Tho properl_\' belonging m John C-wmi. M. l`. l'.. in North l\l.-ir_vzIb1n1,_:li. luau bucrn Mold luJ:une.~< ). lllinaker, of the sumo Luwnship, for 436,704). U. i . Rose, the county councillm~c_lcct. for the remain] division of 1~ rinco Edward llrun lzcuu unsealed. nsho lF(`ill~(]llllllli0(l, uml rnmlunnetl to puy tho not-ts. The liberal mmHeI\'nli\'(an of Erneallown lmvn.-'ln`p ll.\\'B organized with tlmso of- ri-ten`: Joana Amey. nnaidom; Williurn limser. \-iccvpm.-ulemi: K'ulluui l*`. Snider, .~u~ru1nr_\': J. U. Frmor. llr_`.'mulm'. \\"." (1. Allan, CurLli:ngo. IIul., m`ri\'od in llununoquo Mnmlny in Iespum-to to wnr'll .nnmun<~nu: the Pl`lI)llS illncsn of his mrillmr. M. llie residence of her (luuglilor, .\Ir.~z l`;lWl\l'Ul (_3aunpl)ell. N r. Allen in pro- ...I .1 .... ..l`.l._ IV ..|.. -- In. ..- L. u. u. r. A (.7Iu_vmn girl has just been sued for n.ixt._vve dollars, the prica of en bioyule uh) puruhnswl lust mason but which she luuufb yot. pm id for. 'l`Imm in mil: nf rlinr-nnl.innincr Hm (Balm DR. BEGG. 133% To` m"l":EEo1 LHOXICU. R. S. Richardson wns presented with an address and hand:-umo pout. mn COHul' by his brethren of Twood losgo, Nu. `.!$)U. lf\f\h` JUN ITIIU IUIV. l`liem is talk of dinconldnuinv the Capo Vinuout. cu.-ctoinn district. mid dividing um i. ntury between tho Ogdonaburg and 0.'`wog;o (ii:-Lriots. i M I` I in North Marx--Ihin-uh Inn-A hnon `the Hun Pu! Into uondonua lhnpo-'l'ho lploodu Thu Onnto Talk In on Ocu- trv llld noruboun-A Oolumnot Inton- utlnl ltnnu. Thuupmunm uo council may impose A license on van era of cigarettes. A Ln...) will I... ..........i.._.I In KY`-mun- l'Bl|llf.C(l WIIB 0|: ll P31` DIIITUI. Milo Slnvan, Wnupoos. has puruhtused the {arm belonging to Mrs. Frederick Row, out of tho Burns combo. in than \'ic`nity. Mn. 8. C. \V.u'nar. Nnpunoo. who hull been uponding blue winter in |\en\'er. is improving. and is now in La: Vegas, New Mexico. D u l):..l......!...... .....- ......-....:...l ...:1I. .. smor: or `rm: ARTICLES IN THE vlcmrrv NewsPAPR. on Aband will be or united In Nnpcmoq under the mu.-pcuo the town council's property committee. J. T. Green has bou hi: the stock I C. B. Rogers, tuilor. an the Crystal [fall 00. stor-Ix. (Lumnoquo. A. U. Purka. Hny Buy, diapored of_l.000 barrels of apples luau weak. Tho price _ reu.Iir.ed was 31.70 per barrel. Miln Slnvnn_ \\'nnnnnn_ Imn lmrnhnuall [ma NEw?ofHEo1sImm.| Sufferers. rihh ` 1` itlvm an I i`fI`\I:-,4L`n`_ "`a'ui`.`.. `Cu 510 U Iirneattown I r; HI runmuns :.`v~,-a..:;-'-E-ji s.`..:..CALi`L `A....L` ix U I K\ \J`-I 0 sxniss of all kinds reduced in price for balance of sqaolh, I invite you to cull. ` ` ' " 5. s1fR AcHAN. H. Pnnn an:-A AD..--. We are sIill.allowing 1o pet, ccnt.disconnto' for ca: on :1! our goods. ' ' ` ' ClJA'l`I:-n -1` -n u .-_'n_ __ L.-- . -._......__.--o Giving Back l0c.` A On Every Dollar IA Prize.` ILBORN I(.D.. M.0.l . 8 8.. LATE Ro `Q1531! Huporlnvorrionh Klnuton (lone- rql Hap $3]. Oomnur MW and country C Jun !_gr;no_a-ly oqquplgd the late Dr. Saun- Said in I(hmnt.nn and orarywlmn In (`ml- mi lay all reupmulhlu tlrlllntn. gal I lllln G IoV\3VVlIIIICg smunu nu Tnmxt. ornol: an at ` got Stnol. $1: nd. "` "0157 UN (CHIC (II III: . In prepared in two degree: of atren th. * ' No. for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known --sold b druggisla, one Dollar per box. No. for a ecial cases-to de reel strange:--eold 3y dmggiete. One ox. Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollun. M.` u no` `NA, a menu! nn 1-anoint of Three DOUBT! ; IWO DOXCI, HIV! .U0llII'I. No. 1, or No.2, mniled on receipt of price and two 3-cont ntnmpu. Th` Eagle an-unnnu Cook's Cotton Root Compound `L. In Hun nnlu nnfn, rnnhln Dodgfs Kidney Pills ` Always Cure Rheumatism smma a LOSCOAIRE.` aamxnu nu 'Pllm`l'. nnnnnun I DODD S may PILLS B T-7 Mrs. F. Pearson. Inglewood, 0n!..mya: "My baby. fwe'montha old. had eczema very badly on his face nnd head. 1 procured two boxes of the Ointment and when they had been used all signs of the di:Icn.1ohnd_IiII\pp_eIl'6." r l` ` Pllmuy `thud mlvuncod oourru of Book I Innlu an D. 5. Donn. or Clinton. Inyl: " an. r: Omrnur will cure Salt Rhcutn whe_n I . has failed: believe what I n and Iryu. Doll! mun nuns}-inn ndrrvnrtn dld. `K ' letter coal was never on. . or shovenod up on to t Iondn. \ our wood, too. In the very hut. `like one load and give It t tout. Have It once. It will do thdrut lay to the colephono. 133. ` (`tn you got the ooul yard for no on the corner ox Ontu-lama Wont ` All that do givqour cosh: use. ' have the lonnlt. and no naobut. _--..._.._.._-_.-__-a...-...._g.-..-.....:_-.------ RHEUMATISM I have been troubled with Rheu- matism for E`(:vcr:Ll months. I could scarcely get nrcund. I lmul tried several remedies, but of no- use. I read of the won- dcrflll curds Dodd's Kidney Pills had dcnc,m`.d purchased one box. From the first box I began to get relief. I have used 4 boxes and I am cured. I remain, yours, ctc., W. H. SIMPSON, Lindsay, Ont. T._-_._.._.- D. S. Donn. of Clinton; nyn: humnor will cum Sal! Rhnum -v'-, ' `- ' i i hinldoc`-ht {Kink t J _-.... -.-_.r-. "`l"ho (Book Company, Windsor. Ontario. VVI IUII I\VUl CIIIII I(\lIIII$ Is the oul safe, telinbla monthly met icino on which M ladies can depend in the >I:our and time of and. Ya one-nvsnrni` In tum Announ- Jgxbacxu. CURIID IV OLHKHNTH L.D.|i DlN'.!`1'iT NW u \ho'.Pont Oton. Wanting- ogupt $0` 'I`B`|uI. Nltnbllnh II in llh 0.3!`. uldonooniu In; sum :w%`..%f'.f. lIrv1'L Do ._-..-.. ......-.. . AYKHOYD. D.D-13.. L.D.l. D o ( 09 our Hohnrfn Midlul Hulk: Inc. 1: Bngno HM-Mtn. Klnaumn ono `. uldonoo. 116 York trooh. ." *i.iI` I 3 show. nix! 3 03:8. $1`. . "*-.. Ea V` Vtlow pun -Ill!-I-' . nuuosw an an we-numu. umuo I1.M.oyor Ado : $Ion.l_ ' `ll ggm .w:.*::;.:.~%::.* -.5 _u:e.w4 sz2-.`_?a ll . !'D.8 .D.!I. ILD. DEN- W 39. *1-lv`I Rui- Q um I A U C. A . ll h . no.` D.l:|.."4I't\ll` :3:vonlu:.lI t`))('). P a.- 'm."`$;izrs..A"'af.-2:_2;*i,;; ni unto` mun we mu . W .`on our 53mm Blu:II$;:.I ; bf|u`PnluuI 6 Wellington` munch. ~ cum SHAHDWAHE I00 IJII llllvfllllill UOIIII l\In.III(I` ll0n9' Eg] Ho'np`%nl.l Ooronulrd n :l:tylotr;(lI;s(m\hnt.ry 0 rm-yo upon 1 on r..Mu:- 1101:. plxonoto. Ml. > ml ['IIl|IIVII" II Ho '10! IIII lIl'\`l|'o - V1100 o!mn. Home t loud &t our-_ [OM ll . . .1: dlnu. u-hot 00? in nnt tlhn. I CI`AH.' . SMITH. uuumm. I014 I In 1: no Ilunon - r M . 3:53.`... nygn an. 433:0 t`ooln:t"l. D`. or: Allildt 1;: or visa nuhod. ` lulicimshuc mum on andoh a. Lai1oaTomt{`I}-o Life An- 9 Iuranoo Company. AOIQIIALLI A n|Annu nnlnuw urn... AFFILIATED RENEOVAL. `T* Poultry 1~;emng.| All laltlg us`. an. ..I_.. ....._x -.| KILL? OUNNIN I-{Al Iolo Aunu. ntnton an District. a. nun! am; am moor yr. \ phonon. ._-`.K....._.=.. . . -no -.-......-..-. loo Mldlul I-lull. am-nu YKROYD. nomm I "ibu`oAT'ioA'i'.. _..__:.._..___.._. -.-u-..,..--...-..-...-... V A CHITECTURAL. . -..-... . -......,. . --....--_...... t- -vjuuu IUIJIIIIT IUII. p.`~I.F.l'.0 "**'%'f'f`+'s==s W IIIIIIDIIIIII PIT.` ITO` STRANGE I STRANGE. . It'll `anal-I A....o In... u-qt--.p---_.-.:-- . McCAMMON. M.D., C 11.. mid phvnlnlnnn In!` In nnnn -:4 Hg in uvmnv. Kingston Ladies` College Closeburn," KINGCTON. ONT. In UINI with `rho lnmlun 000030 on auto. marina). hall cl! 0! L`nh~nl$,y andncuu. Ilcmon In Iathouuuoa and ranch. The nnunun and cultun 0! home combined with the high. on mental tninlu. lute Dnpuununt In shun oi Bench Hammond. In. In` Ian hen Donn lbbnu-1 lost. In: hogs. nap. Ann]: 1.. i19_FAf-s%c#::j: i. `II J 09.1 '_'FINA:.vci7'.' *` nlvonty Axonuu. (illoo honn. rm. at r O! owning I to )0. . O. P. B ornnu. 111).. .. l..D.l4.. \ 1 N? IIIII pumn OI IIIIUPIIIOC ONO} now. Dlnbrln -A-._--_.....__...._.._................_...._. D ` UNITE "UB4- %.".': ..*.%"*"xs`h`?..*..-.*:.`;.:.*** '* --4 e am. an: to Mon Mon - M I V0 0- `|'g::ovpo:?u 93:0 at 311150 u----on-A-In---u f . IIUI UVUTIU NIOIOIIHIIII NHIRIH. For nuqulaun all M. tho Cnlloco olno. corner P:-lnnou and eyxlonhun M mu. Kinc- non. or wrlto M A. NORARD, J. 3. Hell Y. attend Accountant. Pun. ll OI IIOIJI IBG Km In 21001-0. Inn-moo on ll oloa. B`:l"l'I|tET (NEAR Tolophono. 01. wmii.'gon'x'cn. ' iunvou.` - [ITEM L DUI no. I ii `COIN. Inn `.IA.nI 5'. `I Shoat IJIXIV IIV: ll, our or In To 0- uh. - union: tnuulpuluit. B_mot|,yn Sualo. Hon no name aonloncm aid to con- lhl AAIII Infnr nf Ihn nlnh-Int I`-- Inn aomouooa aid to Min Ono) lath: ol the Alphabet. Can at you; friend: but us first and Ch * ck mm. an linked: . ck In box with In dozen liquor 3'!` brwn to: map. out the ;mb cxtunporixed {ivo tow J. 0. Worth. not I! clean gnu um.-9. - " " .` --..._.__...._a._...`- to In (`h|`|]Q of 0 ohnrtorod not-mmtnm. who uoldn 5 use Mr`: uorcmh from the Mutant! School. om. All an! on umhnwod in A llulnou. Ihonanml DIV I service and Inn- llul OOBIIID thorough`: Immhl. Inn -m.H.m|.... ...n .o n.. mm-.. Mn..- V\T\I`!\ Tttlnmgo allowed hlmsoll` to ho mmlo over. he exprouos tho tire and fury cut` our Saxon forefathers. Ho wastamxht that God trxbruua himself in lite; lnfu ln `t|(`l\. anal oature. in (out and lurm. It is so l`t\l`t\ nml nu~_\- and right that mm my prtneoly urlrua for 'l`uluuu:u- two for me at his leurm-vthllo I am funmtlvlt on this frumivr, hut l um um lont\\uttu\ I um mm of as nrmt hm!` who nnmtiu in tho rut; a minister not mrumisb. lilo `lktlxuums; but unm- nnhh. I~\'...._.. ....... .....t.. .5... 5.. -_, n nu-nan." "You man. make a hunk; makv tho wurl Italian that you boliovo what you believe. ~ - ----:. '`_A quiet on quia Hall: ` "`~~ .\`uu ll``\t`li ttwm tn l`N`(`l\'l` (`lirt\t. `V08. sir.` `.-\tul NIH is thv \\.ty _\-mt nu tilmlll it!` (`h:tmrimx his uuirk. m`r\:.uus. t\.~tt`twst \\':tya nl` u`l`!`t\l Win-raitiun. ht~ st might- omul II` in his hinhust. mmtiiitiuiy, hut- tunwl ti.-4 mat. lmivlimi u I hiu hair, slim I_v tItIj\l:llNi~t\ imir til` it .-mews. Imp- pml his arm: hy his nitlus utul lung.-iii .-i dotul nmrvh in Saul pzwo to tho itmuxin- airy pulpit. A fair of chalk \\()\ll(| liavo htul as IlI\l(`It 0xpr\\.~`siun as hi\.`\ ho ot\iml_v upvmul thv hook and rum! in {I porfituotury \\`i\\' mum svripturt-. Ho nlninul his tninistori.-il voice and turn- ing to ma. mid. `Mr. 'l`aItm\go, lid [do it just 0!` `Ya. too trust in life.` I! mun hark tn my side. unhuttnnod his mat .put on an alert look. strmla In his pulpit. opened the Ixmktswith N\l!`\`l`I|0s3. and with flushing eye and for-viii Vui\`t\ rend avripturo. mukina my hlnod tingle. His e\'or_\' hnir avmniotl In l>~liz-vs nml apmik. his (loan to rum in if pent with is wait llI\\\`{|n`. He lalkmt mi thuuah Ii 0 and death depended upon his \\`t'|l`da\ T&.iIlxlIQ -|I.u..4.I |.L..,...!f A._ L. __ I- Inuru Know Us ll`ullIsY' '\c`:i. Slr. l(lu.' `Tlml if llwy wnuld hu snvwl llwy must l`M`!`i\'l` them? That tho vhnive ut lit 01` death is hm'vY` `Von. sir.` "I'll.-ll \lmu:a- mum \\ ill an (Inn :1 In la-.-uh unsm-ml. nn "`~"~ lI\:u`h llwm in iwwvivo (`lu`i\\. ~\'..x .i.~' ~.\...| gm- :_. um .. I_\. llIl`l|l\V l` yuu. nu 1`0l|llnuNl: `lull ~ spunk from n liulo lm.\' pulpit his1hup!' ` `Yus, sir.` `\\'iII mu ngrou m ulmmlun that and have as TM-mu platform likn n slmw fur you to walk nrnuml on N talk in mun from?` `Yrs. sir.` with smuu Imsilmiuu. as tho ghouls ul` Inimswriul prupIiM_v Mnrod M nm from thu un- vhnuuing pmll. 'llmwve\r. .\lr. `|`.xI- nlnyte. the an-:nh~sl diffivult_\' lo rvnmvu I will find in \'mlrm\lf mHwr llmn in the vlmrvh huilclimr. l`lu\r0 is nut .-u thing` you have hcwn Irving to do hut ii urumr.` Nu \m.. prr-mhux inloroating. `Mr. 'l`u|Inmn`, you lfuli:-us in this hunk.` pivkimr up u emmll hihhn `than men mus! know its truths?` `\us. Mr. l(lu.' I`hun H` nI....- .......m l... .......\.a .1... .. ... 1'I `I\V\l I\\llII luv plllpll. lllll I III (In us you toll mu uml I \\ill luko Hm risk of oxpulninn.` ` "lint lo.-A mo give _\'uu Hm .\`lm`y n! In: uwn words. Tho lruinm` wvnl ml in any: `Ynu \\'vrn mllumml nll \\'l`ulhl' no- vurdimr lu um` stnmlml uf .~'p\nkim.r. All miniatm-.1 area` I nnswr-rml prump(- I_\'. `I Invlimro you.` ll mmimu-I: `You hiszh up!` '\`...- .;..' -\\':n .. n... 1 |uI\\!`I` n lIIlI`\\'|Il| us or our louom-r.~a. Chrial Imd tho mulliludu, \\'h_v not in`! 'I`n|mnuo had hm-n long thinking on Iiioso IIIWH. and with him In think me to am. llo ilnmudi.-iluI_v wrote In u_ friwid in Nov. York city for tho ll(iliY`I`N3II of amino one who would hu n mmd [min- or I'or IIu- stngo, und in duo Iiuu-. I-_v ougu onwnt. mm urumml at him door. I was iis nnnunl auuiinu-r \'n(`IlIiUll. 'I`In~ man Iookod aurprisod when he Ieurnud l)u\\'itt'a orrnnd. seouuul to Iwuilnlo for It monimu. and thtn mild: `Mr. 'I`uI- Ilmgu. I u\l.'lpN.`i you Inn in o|e=r;.r_\-mnu. and I iwver lrniu v!vru,\uwmsoi-ununi with you us in pupil.` |)o\\'iH hridlod in tho Ihouizht. \\'h_v. sir. \\'ii_\'I' `Sim- ply ill|||l|RSIil`. You would noI. do us toll you, nnd if you did Iiwy uould oxpol you from llio pulpil.` `But I will l|llH\\ I`l' \'\'l|H, hn luukwl il. .1 2-nmy Hwy um 51 lhon-.' \|| ri| u Inrmu .|um'.` IIIHI Ilnvn nu nn Print: M keeping ,6 an "Anal this \t'.'1.-i his .-tlnry: H0 Imtivml that shuw people uml tho tlmutro [muplu htul tho willing l`l`t)\\`tl:4 und Ihn t-lum`lu\.~n Hm unwilling: fvw. \\'hut \\u.'t thu .\:t`t't'c-I! \\'hu hurl tho .~'vt'rvt`l |`}\'i ulonlly 11- nvtnra. \\'u\ huvu hnul tlm DWI! u truinimr. hut tho dr.-mitux pmwr ii nut`\\-ith tmu'ht~r.~a. lim\.~a. and with him In think nu uu vumeu-um-nla, ny '19`. u. '-- Va were xnlulonarleo together In a {mullet town of than great nonhweut; ho was a luff-bunk. straight.-lnuad |.`rm!- la terluu who had Iwarvod from the o d Dutch Reformat! church 9: the Mo- hnwk `valley. to fill a. more moglern` nloho. I of the morn llheral faith. He was an nld mun. I young. In one of our many long` conversations. for we warn aronlun and Illked to hear his rtmnlnlsconnea. he toid me of his school fallow, Tulmuga. Whnl: T. l)\\r'l?" ""nu un-Hu `Tough! to Punch 3: An Acton-Ilnilnl People llollovg In Illa Fnlth In BI: own` lIo||bl- An lnlublllng Explana- '.C`I - The following ex Iarmllon or the ori- gin of the Rev. . |)o\vN.t Tulmngbk nrntorlunl utvle ls prlntad In the (.,hl-v (men l'lmeu-l'huru.ld. by `'19 . H."--- Van IIIIIII Inl.n-lnnnu-Inn lnmnlhnr In In pct stopper or ms PpV_(R ms. ` ' ` oLosio.~ "IO Allflllpllitt .- E- _|- ul, mu nu)`. nuw want. `l*`ir.-u ru.lc~.a `d int.` I w.` ' lli lu .~ul right.` .-mid alum: ` `\'nn an. tlllll IIIUII Hill: `Mr. IPH` umpoot nro M-r Junzht. nuihlu. I. I umlnium ` KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE . mm- wil In ' His and K |u~_v An`.-.. lI`\l IIQV` H!'I`K-`( ll.` IiI\`\`u S\\N\l -\i\\l`(`l 3'` .\ll llm birds are singing; S\wot-a~wo'n~I!. llw blossom Iwlls nth rinainzl Kissunjrom the rvd ruse- lwtxs from tho while-~ Klein; you [mad murnin[r_ ~ And kissing you good-mght! Slay a little. coldcn curls. hnzlnrnlng eyes of blue; ' Tho violets am listening for the love- ly slope of you: ` The white man: hide you welcome. the rod mm calls you sweet. And the dnlslu aprud I cups! for the lalll of your hot.-'1 _ V X no u'ul:w `am! an at; swat-sweat! M0 lull: an ringing; Klan the rod nu- xlthnn tho w|_lln- .l as-'.'hl_r-!-c nu 'f1 .-. . A I` ulwor ul\I|'. l~`r:mk 1.. Stnnlun. llu)` A lth`, gnltlvn l`l|l`L\`-l\\il\kHn[.: ` moi: ul` hlm-: And thus it truly huppenod. \\'hilq- hmh gmo honvy hits; Thu llrilon haul the Yankee. And knocked him into ms. .\m\ Holw" ill take his l):lh_\- ; Anal wifo upon hh kmw. And hrtm` n(` how ho did it. Tu ull Merniy. . ! Hut INLI his faith might mn'vr, 'l'lu~ \'m\km~':\ :.-\|wur! h!n\\':<. |.i|u\ Ihumlorholls from heaven. l"e~ll cm the llrirmi`a nuse. 'l`hvn Pin. :1 strnn lvfblmndvr .|`ut in with nw ul Vim. Than mused 21 pum; M an `uish l`u seine tho In-an uf 5un." \\'h-n .\lrs. p 'I`h.-1| lnn.`~c_\' lh-`` HI` ht-pm! thu lmrtl V i AIM |mM|_\` \\udc`(| nuw vmnuvqumu hnil`, liku nlmul hiw In-vk. thrills through Itunportflnlly l)ml|1`ntml ll_\` :1 (`nnuvk. 'l`h:|l I`-nr-Hf!" .~at.-Mn. \'v\'.-win. |!_\- ln\\' has lumlu it ri,.[hI(. ) Fm` Iuvn mmlo in (iml'.~A inn.-um Liko fullvn |`i\`lItL~I In fight. to Uncle Sam- Londogu. Liverpool and Globe Fire IIIIIIPIIIOO Company. lim om:u, In lumen so um. no N. 1.5.3:` .11'.%':'.'..'.'. ,'.:.'.;.`.`.'.`.`;'."" ``"""` PA I V lN 011 ? P` NRTY I :*2".:.'. .. `..:1:.*.`..'... ..:: ::......"""'m 3" ITRANGI L HTRANGB, Angus.