' Of the Month IIECD. ' Gdncluding. the Alleged murderer anya : `There will be no ulea for mmv. nn nuns- -mung uu ' nume service." got (frank and mused trouble that led to his being court- nartinlled, and was reduced to the ranks He deserted and went to New York, where so enlisted in :1 Yankee cavalry corps and was almost im nediatoly promoted acting mrpoml, at Jefferson barracks, St. Louis. Vin. He was transferred to the engineers vmttulion at New York. and soon deserted. Speaking of his career after this, Butler (ar Newman) says: I crossed Lake Erie to \ingston, Canada, and nfter working for u ime on the C RR I joined the north-nos. mounted police at Regina, N. W.T. The nnerican authorities heard of this and do- nanded my extradition. My offence, how- ver, was not of an extraditnble character. I was, notwithstendiuig. paraded before l1ieut.Col. Irvine and diehonorubly dia- -harged. The Riel rebellion breaking out bout this time, Ijoined Gen. Mitldletona 'po.ase` as a volunteer. and was detailed as c scout in the second division. I saw none .1 the lighting of the campaign. My sole luty was to prevent the interruption of railwoycommunicution. AfterRiel sc\npture nd execution, Major Short. commandant I .f battery B, R..C. A , olfered me ll posi- uon in his command. I accepted, joining uis command fora period of three years. No were stationed at Kingston, but short yr after my arrival I wns promoted to the msition of district gunner. In the mean time I had been presented with H rebellion nodal and n grunt of 160 acres of land by he Canadian government. I hold this scrip yet, never Inn-lug applied for the lnnd. ml , Inna I - ugypuun meunl xor Lms campaign." Upon the outbreak of the war in the ioudnn Newman enlisted in the {nth dm goon guards, Lieub.-Col Gee commanding. was bmnsferrcd no the Gordon Highland -mu, rose to the rank of corpora (1 while -Lubioned at Edinburg, grew lof sol- hering on home servica.got `nk and [hub `mi in Inn lmina nnnrt, of the Egyptian war, Lieut.-Col. Stewart. V.C., C.B., commanding. Being trans- ferred to the let battalion, we sailed for Egypt.orriving at Alexandria two days after the bombardment. We landed and joined the brigade of G_uards under Han Graham. At the end of August, 183 2, our regiment, was incorporated in the Highland Brigade. which h ijust been formed un- der command of Gen. Alison. I was then holding the rank of pioneer sergeant, and I held this rank throughout the entire campaign. I took part with my regiment In the battle of Tel-el-Kebir. one of the nost glorious of the modern victories of the British army. In an action forty niles from L'i.iro l was wounded in the -Hlld by a splinter of a shell. I was in ualuled and discharged. I received the Egvptiun medal for this campaign." Upon outbmnlr nf l.hA wnr in H... uu um nuym navy as mo ago of seventeen. M the Commencement. of the Zulu war in 1878, I volunteered from her majest.y s guurdehip Flora, of the West. African em nion, for service in Zululand, and was de- tailed for duty with the signalling staff. subsequently joining the column sent to relieve Col. Pierson, then besieged at fort; Ekowa. I was afterwards transferred to the lilbh regiment. At. the close of the war I received the Zulu medal. On return ing to England I served in the Warwick- shire county consbabulury. and joined t. I 920d. Gordon Hiilhlanrlnrn, nn than nnrhrnnlz ` uuuu uuuuuy cunscuoulnry. unu Joined 92nd, Highlanders, on the outbreak of the Egyptian V.(`...(`. H . n.1mm....A:..,. n..:.... s......_ nuu uuvuubures: . My name I! John Newmnn, and I was born at Great. Brid e, Sbaffordahire, Eng- land, on June 20: . 1858. My parents were proprietors of the `Boat/a Inn, a well-known tavern in that localioy. I join- ed the Royal navy at the of commennmnant. at thn 7nI.. m... vi, vvuu unzwllaly ieu we entipodeam de- tectives a chase that took them almost the entire distance re nd the world", is e tra-` veiler of no lira e experience. He he: visited each of the ve continents, and has been a miner, a diver, a sailor, It soldier, or whatever the necessities of his case. for the time being, demanded. The limestone city is not unknown to him, he having served in B" buttery, R U.A., when it -was stationed here. Regarding his earlier career as a enidier and his service in the Canadian militia, the murderer (who claims he will be able to prove his innocence of the crimes imputed} speaks thus in the book he is writing on his life and adventures: Mu I..m.. .. 1 _'L_ xv, I `I vv -nu uuv villllllll Illlll CPI. `Butler, the alle d Aum-alian m`I.\r`8or-1 or, who receamly ed the ahbipbdeaan do- mctivas a chant; Hunt. I>nnL 4,... .u_...:. -L- ems HE WAS A somnerim KING- sToN `nu was-so. vun uuu by H. l"Ol`V.7U.l16, DY UBOT88 Mu!- wuhlern. 750. Londzi Pride, by u. 2:. Brandon; 75o. The Money Spinner, by H. S. Merrlman. 760. .-,____-._ wma madman riarougn my North-wont` obaulon of l8lI5-h| the Tionchuu At'_ `hi-cl-ltoblr-an -llnppl an Dun > spent With the Canadian mum ` Run... pk- ..n_.._.: . -- ` .- .---j:...___..-. out Your While- L__.`...L _. .,, Ill low `to Inn Monty - _.. 3, A. BUMRITHE [%MURDE1{ER. xnyommon or now. ` `Provost, at the New York, Clothing mg, Brook street. In recoivugtll lib ' tat` no. Bcoioh ndd*In|gul,i5:rtwe|&QI :: film a f abolish *ofwm`lt.odIforanit.in mdupx-in; voqeosu._ In panting we are 0 ingextrb vain} ,- A.v....._A KNE. 4' A nun vlllcixu IIIIIHI vnmlng T. 1 . J. Power, Belleville, was in the city on Saturday booking ndatefor the appearance hero. on April Hthof the fninoua Chicago marine band. The Man- treal Star has booked the band for three dn aw give nix concerts, pa in 83.000 fury the three day:-. The Stag opects'to make at least 84,000 out of the concert; for the IndiA {amino relief fund. vv uu null` Invn 3 uuvcun./. ' The attendance ut the worlcingmcn a Iiloeting in tke Winn: hall yestordai after- noon wae the largest. in some wee a. T. A. Wright. presided. Dr. Aykroyd read a cleverly prepared paper on the subject "Single tax and the best mode ofintro- ducing the same. The subject. was fully dipouued by Messrs. A. I-loppins. J. Bbormt, J.-Gordon. J. George and onherg, Dr. Aykroyd Answered meny quoetion pub to him by the dilferont speakers; Senator Sanford`; 8on-Dend. W. W. Robinson. of Hamilton. in the city over Sunday. repeived a telegram yes- terday aftarncmn announcing the death at El Pnso. Texas, of Edward Jackaon San- ford. son of Senator Sanford. of Hamilton, on Saturday. His death was due to mn- aumpbion. He was an only son. Some years ago he was married to a daughter of Col. Sandford. of Tennessee. Deceased was about. twenty-nino years of age. The remains will be interred at Hamilton. Dlj, Robinson, son of W. W. Rnbinson/ {to with dozensud during his last. illnoji, The \ ll'gln|u Bench Trip, In connection with the nnnunl R. \V. It 0. mp to Wmahingron on Tue/sday, March `. 3rd, the rsty excur-ion to Virginia. Beach will he run from Kin-gcxton The mule is \-in the R. W. & O.,\V0(-t Shore and Penn uvlvnnia railroads to Wnwhingtnn, the Norfolk & Washington stemnbowt omn- [nny to Norfolk, Lhenvu by milrowllu Vir- rviniu Ran.-in 'l"l.n uomnnmu-a nrn Hm Guano UUDLIU DH!) l.lIT|UllUD. In regard to clause 37 of the acts, I am of npinion that the county council is not obliged to (ix 1) rnte for payment: by mmnty pupils. lb,is merely permissive, and ifLhe county council xes a rate, than the oount,_\' pupils shnll My such mtie, and this will be cro.lit.ed no alie county council on the urriingcnient, which it, may m'ike with the trustees. If the county cnuncil doe" not fix a rate, under section 37. or dam nut. fix an adeqiiate rune, then that will have so be consirlererl in the prepimtioii of the uccoiint. for which the cuunby is liable under section 3}! " ALue*a Mistake, by Mrs. Lovltt Cam- eron. 250. ` From` Youth Up. by Marion Harland 250. Cursed By a. Fortune. by George Mur- w10h3'ern.75n. IMIKU LHU lUH.LLUl' IHLU H15 UUll75NH5X'[H/IUII. In regard to Che unmunt for I896 yo`: should prepare Lhe account as afoneuud and havoit. served on the county clerk, with a request: that he be good enough to h.n'e emne attended to, and in case of ne- glect within a reasonable time. any a month. then apply to the county judge to settle the nmounb. ML. ....._.._A L- ..l.\..-.. 0*. -1` Al... ....L T -._. UIIUI/J I . In reply Mr. Mclntyre has submitted this answer : As to the first I am 6! opinion, in ac- cordance with section Ill, subsection (5 of the high school not. that in case the trus- tees hnve notied the county clerk that the high school in open to county pupils, as therein provided, then the (`)Ulll iy CU|lllCll shallpay the cost of the nmintenunce of county pupils at such high school. lam inlormeil that such notication has been conveyed to the countyclerk in the terms: of su"rl section. That being so, the llk{l)ll~ icy ofthe county council is complete. As to the secondqueetion. The amount of smell muintennnce is to be settled by mutual ngreement between the county C0llll('ll nncl the trustees, `as provided in section thirty-one, un(rin case the Council und trustees are unable to nagree on the umount, then such nmount must be settled by n. reference to the county judge To nc complish what you desire it would be proper and necessary that nn SICCOUIIL, carefully compiled, within the meaning of section thirt_v-ohe_ setting out the number of county pupils in attendance and the coat of their imintenence duly certified, be served on the county clerk. with :1 re- quest that the maintenance be provided. as mentioned in mid section. In case of neglect or refusal by the county council to provide the same, the mutter will then hum to be referred to the coun- ty judge to settle the amount. I wouldguggcat that this account be pre pared by the board and served at the end of each _yoar, no thnt the county council at its rst meeting in the year may be able to take the mutter into its consideration. Ill- ....,.._._.J .. .|._ ..__. .....A A'__ tuna _._._ l|'Ul LLIU VV Ull IUHLHU IUWHBIIIP UUUIICIL Upon the formation of the board of edu- cation it was decided that as the county council was liable for the fees of pupils in attendance at the collegiate institute, action would be taken towards collect- ing them. Consequently to ascertain the course of procedure the nanco com- mittee of the board of education submitted these questions to city solicitor Mclntyre: (l.) What liability is the county council of the county of Frontenncunder to the board of education for the education of county pupils, and (2) what procedure is to be adopted by the board to enforce such lio- bility '3 In rnnlv l\-fr Mr-Tnlhvrn hm: niil\mil.f.nal I The VI In Wehloh the County Council Can ' `Be Rescued. For two years I misunderstanding ex- board and the county council as to the .lishility of the last named body for fees of Wolle Island pupils ettendin the col- leginteinsfbute. Wolfe-lelnn townshi ; outlteelf I from the Sydonhemlhigli school district, and pupils from Wolfe Islqmd were sent to the onllegieteinstitute. Tjhe township council collected the high school taxes from residents the some as usual but did not pay them ovg to the county treasurer. The collegiate institute board looked to the county council for payment of fees of Wolfe Island pupils county council not having received the bi h school taxes from Wolfe Island township it refused to recognize the claim of the collegiate institute board. How- ever, at the last session of the county coun- cil a resolution was adopted instructing the county treasurer to proceed at once In the matter of collecting the high school rate from the Wolfe Island township council. Unnn the fnrmatinn nf the hnnrd nf nrln. ieted between the ` collegiate onetltutei in attendance at the institute, but the - The Chicago Band Comlng I J n......-.. l')-n-..:n- _.__ Worklngmeug leetl . /Q TH; SOL|GlTOR OPINION. I '1` G3 the shgat aura menin at no: :0` "A" . _ _, .` n0:%_'.'ip'_/hivy glans. _ ` tnmuonnd qhoclq. ` hil fhotnin w LIHIIIIUKCT. In laying the pipe Donnelly Bros 09 tnbliahedn record. With only an a trench out in the ice two and u. all feet. wide_ and 570 feel: long, work was begun at eight o'clock in the mornin . eight. men being employed on the job. y jlvo o'clock in the after- noon tho had boon laid on the banana of the she god 3]! the length: was connected. The ricer n the outer and of up ia.forty-tvott deep. A dalny of an Boar and xhllf ooonrnd in tho afternoon. `hi on ,o!rbbe kt|.Jb - l>`3`..'...lF,.`;...{a.:.c"..a.Ea`;'n2. 33...... A A_ Dovout Lover. by Mrs; Lov1ttCam- eron_ 25. Aiiitiexivriint-ni|(`u .,.... On Saturday Donnelly Bros.` succeeded in laying a new main intake pipe for the water supply at tho penitentiary. The new pipo-in 570 feet. long. 1:. is of steel - and contains nineteen Iengbha. ouch .l.hirt.y feet. long. with openings ten inchea in diameter. 1.. l....:..... IL- _:_- 1\__..,_n4 hwy uuruu rt uux ox uoua 3 money VINE." . At the end of the forth day [was en- tirely relieved but desiring A permanent cure I continued to use that and another lgox and am now perfectly cured and as well as ever in my life. A brother of mine living at Pine Orchard has been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. runun,-punueno mm (Ola ms awry bllus:- "In April 1896 I suffered from A severe attack of sciatica nflocting my left; hip and tho log to the tip of the tags. I suspected it came from some form of kidney trouble and us they had been recommended I pro- cured rs box of Dodd`s Kidney Pills. H3 of the forth (lav [wan nn. Left Illp An`octod-Suspectol Kidney Trou- hlo-RelIeved And Perfectly cured By Dada`: Kidney Pllla. l`mu.v'm Jr.\'<'no`, March 15. (Special) -H. Playber, is not. :1 dilcnlt. man to nd as everybody here knows that he is fore- man at No. 1 re hnll. He was the picture of health when called upo'n by your ('orrm,~pnndent and told his story bl1us:- Ill ADPil I auffamd frrnn1 A anunra FCUUVII I K` second. MID uumugcu nyer sauerl IlIl}0m1CI|Ol'I.g0. In the international ice yacht race sailed on Saturday thgcorrected time by laps in : Fxrat, sixteen minutes. eight seconds: second, sixteen minuten, forty-nine se~ comls; nnl. sixteen minute-I, forty four seconds; total. forty-nine minutes and one R-".f`.'\(l. }Hu_yu|r< Ul uuw [)lblC0. Yea-Itonluy nfcornnnn the ice yacht Fly- ing Sc-ml took a trip out. from the club house to try the cons-isbom-_v of the wow covering: the ice. She struck a drift. and hr:`k0 hor boom. The jib was rigged and tho dmnugcd Hyer sailed inbomlchomge. int.m`n:\t,innnl inn vat-hr l`u!'l nilml uuuu uvcmruu OH, uwlllblll [IOOU ICC. On Friday night :1 temn from the local Y. M.( `.A. will journey to Belleville to play in basket ball nmcch with a team of Y.M (LA. players of that place. ' \'n_ntnri]nv nfrnrnnnn Han inn unnkr DI" Sporting Notes. The inmrlmtinnal ice yacht races have been declared off, uwnicing good ice. On Frirlnv nirrhf. n tmun frnm Hm I.-mnl pmy uu uns WOBK. In all probabilipv Dr. Watson will re- tain the presizlentfs prize, as his score of eighty-three has not. been battered nut! is not likely to be. In his three rounds Dr. \\'ust:)n made twenty, thirty'one and thirty-two points. NEW BOOKS! \_;LH'l'|1 UIIETS IUBUHI. M S. Sutherland and Col. Drury are in the nals for the Stewart cup. They will play off this week. In an nu-nhmlxilitvv h.. `vnlnnn ---3" -- wuu u imru xuugnn connesn, sklllully played. This is the fourth time alderman Walkom has had the honor of retaining the Currubhers medul. \l 1;` :I..;l.,._I....,.I __.,I rxv n Won By Alderman Walkem. On Saturday afternoon for the Curra- bhoru gold medal. championship curling trophy, the last round was played off at the curling rink between aldermu.n Wulkem mid M. S. Snr,herl:m(l. The ice was in splendid -ondibion for the contest, which proved quite exciuing. The points tallied evenly until the Inst round, when alder- man Wulkem placed a stone fairly on the Lee and guarded in so well that. his op ponent. could not dislodge in, winning the medal by one point. thirteen to twelve. It was in hard fought. contei.-L, skilfully played. fourth time nldnrmran I-pm.'bI\'bI_y. LHUT8 are DWO more races to be auiled. Tho yacht. winning two first pmibiolns will be at-yled the championship yacht for 1596-97. n . Drigstocke. The rules governing competition for the cup prescribe that each yacht competing must be nailed by its respective owner. The Witch was the only olfender in this respect, she being handled by Capt. James Dix. From the outset Breeze took the lead and maintained it throughout. Typhoon holding down second place. The first lap was made in this order: Bree /.3, Typhoon, Pawtime, Whistlewing. North Star, VVitch. Flying Scud. Jur:k Frost, Deance, Blizzard, Tom Celt, Troubler, Esquimaux and Chinook The yere got around well together on this hip, but after rounding the home buoy they began to scatter and tailed out in n long possession. There was little clmngo in the order of crossing on the second round. except. that Pastune dropperl out and Whit-itlewim: took third position, with Witch fourth. The home buoy was round- ed in this order: Breeze, Typhoon. \Vhistlewing, Witch, Jack Frost, Tom Ont. Deliince. North Star. Blizzard, Trou blcr, Flving Scud, Esquimaux, Chi- nook. The hut lmlf-dozen yachts were lute in crossing and were unable to make the third lap within the time limit. Blr/.7m'd droppad out and did not attempt to get a position. The lmlf-dozen llyeru linieliing in time crossed the line as here given: Breeze. Typhoon. Witch, Tom (Jot, Juck Frost, Whis.-tlewing. The wiunin-,5 yacht covered the course in 51)}. minute.-4. The first three named yachts got ve, three and one points re- -poctively. There are two to he nnilml `Tim IV4.rIitO ........;..._ `-]'f\ 1:--. vur , cumouore W. U. Rent; Pasbitne. F. Macnee; North St.nr.H. Hora; Flying Send, John McKay, jr.; Deance. John Fisher; Blizzard,vice-oornmodore Sandford 0. Calvin; Troubler, N. C. Hluckley; Euyuimaux, Capt. J. Allen; Chinook, R W. Brigsbocke. The ruins n-1\nnrn:nn- ............;z;:._ r... LL 7 IUI I uulllx. Ah the hour of starting these yers took up position: Breeze, H. S. Folgor: Typhoon. B. W. Folger, jr.;' Witch. John Gs.akin.`jr.; Tom Cab. John MoC|rt.hy; Jack Frost. J. B. Garruthera; Whiat;lo~ wis-E, commodore W. 0. Kent; Pastime. F . Macnee: North St.nr.H, "nrn- l1`ln|'nn Another d'r_i(tlng event took piece on Baturdey afternoon when the craft in the local ice yacht eet sailed the first heat for the Lee championship cup. A splendid array of yers lined up for the event. but the wind being so li ht many of them fail- ed to `get around t e course within the prescribed time, seventy-ve mimrlee. `eo ` did not get 3 position in the oiciul report. The ovent attracted a large number of upectntors, who were disappointed at the drii't.ing which miulrd the race. If :1 half gnlo had swept. the course A more exciting event would have been ut up for the on- lookers as the ice waeg ary and at its best for racing. At; Mm Ilnur nf .+_....H.... n..... n..._. ;..I. The BI-cote Took It In line l orm-'I'hro Wu a BI; fluid or Bonti and lunch Ono Wu uted by In owner-Plenty of Fun. `H, .---1-, FIRST HEAT FOR cmrr. LEE'S co-mmpnonsnup cup. V_ SUTHERLANW CURED C;F SCIATICA. mus CHAMPl0N_SHlP RACE] an aura ewrm um rrnibg the motto "A"'_a'l ?1 ..`.'L"`1"f",`?":'if'?'{*1!- .`.:`.'r`_'! ..--.._ .- uuuuguyuvnaru WU uru IIIIIVIIII over" a d'1!n-ont'nylo|. We an in gnopitidu Codnblidhoount ou- pue ndord, has an 60 qnli ongl mm. In sum 1- mg .nu.._vnuau-uga.u.guu-_;s. _- . .1111.` moh\. 1:. mpomu manna; utkitgout. gm What we ltd nov} ready to do with WISE WIVES Call and see the New` Ideas in Footwear. I 14- 3;;;;?.;:.1::.:~ CUHHW3 HAHUWAHE Robinison Bros., or the Assiznee. No. 109 Riuoan Street. On- mwa. on l`H U RSLIAY. the lath Day of March. at. vhe hour uffi p.m , for the Appointment. of in.-.m-1-ror.~s uml the giving 0! directions fol- tho disposal of the estate. Hrudimru RN requested to file their clmm-. duly proved. with ma on or luefom the 2. tIh lay of March. mm, after Whlch data I will, IFOOBGII to nistri me the Itsaebs of the astute. uVic.R rowoml totlumn claim only of which I then shall have rweived notice. and that I will not [us llrshle for the assets. or any part. thereof, so diurlhutedfo any person ur wr- ns-ms of whose claim I almll not than have ad nntlct-. (Mfnwn, Mn:-nh RM`, 1%)`! \ tutu min l'u`.chnplor lit. and nmundlua nuts. A nleotinq of the m-ed|t.m'-1 of the said Wu. Ii-un Robert. Htrnul will be held atthe oloo of the Assiznee. No. Riuouu RSLIAY. mzh Dav of Mnrnh. OTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE nhovo named Insolvent, William Robert; Shroud. has this day made an assignment to me fur the benet of hire creditors under the provisions of the Reviuad Hcat.I1t1~s of Ontario, 18-I7.chnptor lit. and nmundlua nleetinn said Wll. In the Matter of William gobert Stroud otthe Cltv or Otmwa.,ln_y the County of Carleton. Merchant. carrying on business under the name. style and um: or `-Btroud Bron," at the City of Ott..wa.. and havma branch stores at the Cities of Kingston. Peterborough and Toronto. Insolvent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I`. GU00. Ottawa, March 8th. 1807. R0 .'\lullyull's l'll- Ointment Lmslllvely cures ull forms of piles. Price 2.10. I\1un_von'n Blood (Yum vrndlvutes all Im- [mI'lllvN of the blood. Prlcu 25!-_ .'\1nIu'nn`n Vltulizvr rostorvs lost power: to wt-Mk nwn. l'rl('(~ $1. A sopurnto (`nrv for each disease. At all lrm:;.:lsl.-a, 2.'w ll lmttk-. Peraonnl letters to l'rofr~ssur Mnnyon. 11 um] 13 Albert street. .l`m-onto. rnmwpred with free medlval advice for unv allsmma PRINO STYLES IN SHOES nvo mys_ Prlv-e 500 much. MulIy0n'H I~lHulu(|.m (..`urn stops hondache In three nlhmtvs, rI-(- 250. MulIyulI`g [ H(- Ointment |)Ill`[H. Munyolvu Antlnnu Cure and Herbs re- llvvo unlhma In tllrvv minutes and cure in live duys_ l'rlv-e 500 MllH_VOI|'H Plomlnmlm (`urn utnnu hnmlnnlm l'l`ll'(` `JD:-. Munyowu l'mIg|1 ("urn stops vmuxlm. "hzhf uxwutu. nllnyn xurvllvss and s|v0L'<|l|y llcl tlw lungs. l rlr<- 251'. l\Inn_von'n Kl (`urn spnwllly vurvn ulns In llw lmvlc. lulu.-a or groin.-c and ull urnm of kldm-_v lFP1|l~`(`. l'r|r'0 `.'(`. .\lun,voII'rs N1-r\'v (`urn atom Ilcrmusnc-ss and builds up tun nynu-In. l rI(-v 231-. MlI||_v0II`x-I Pnlurrh I nu-dim; m-wr fall. J`h- Fnturrh (Jure--prlo 25v--eradlcatos the ANN`!!!-'(` from the S_\'Hl('lIl. and the Cntnrrh 'I`ublota-prlce 2504-lenuse and hen! the purtu. Muuvnlru Auflnnn (`.nwn mm nm-nu ...._ Il`mml(`8. l'l1c;o 25. MlII1y0ll's Fold Cure rt-\'(`hta pncumo. nln nml breaks up a col In a few hours. I'r|vv 251-. KIIHIunlI'u l'unnIu (`urn ntnnu 1-nuurhu lllvrhr MR. HUGH `PATTON. Dimctm of Public Works, 153 Blacker strut. Toron- to. Can.. says : I suffered very covertly with rhtnmatism in the logs and back. and for hours at. the time most. oxcrucighlng pains passed through those portion of the body. If I sat. down for half an hour my leg was so core I could scarcely urilo. This wus in July last. and I procured a bottle of Mnnyon'a Rheumatism Cure. After using it; three day: l was completely cur- ed [ have not. taken nny medicine since, and have not had a pain or ache since blmlz time. I have told a number of others of the wonderful results of my own expe- rience with Munyon n Rho1unat.ir-zn Cure." \a'......._.._ In ..... .-4|-._ r\..... n------- --"~ .u uulv. Munyon'n Rm`-nmntlnm Cure never falls to H-llovu In 1 to 3 hours, and cures In 11 {ow lays. I l'l('e 250. Mun_von's Dyswpsln Cure poaltlvr-.l_v r-urvn all forms 0 Indlgestlou and sluumcll ll`nuhl(`8. l'rh;o 25. .'\Innvnn'u I`nld (`urn vu-nvnnfn nnnumn. WALL PAPER Hinton. Dooonton. Glulon. Get Munyo:-2'5 Gulde to Hench :1: Your ' Nearest Drug Score. Select a 25 Centgemedy and ALL DRUGGISTS ENDORSB THEM. All Sleigh Bells, Horse Blank- ets and Rugs will be sold at costprice. From All Parts outho Country Tall 01 Marvellous Cures by htuny/on : Xm- provad Homo: apathlo Remedies. . Day by Day he is Relieving Sufiorlng L Humanity with Hls,WondcrfuI' r`-ll~'tnA- MuNmN'sL`LT GREAT WORK DOCTOR YOURSELF. ruousnunsomwnmoulnns The prlou won't bother you ll you npproclnto pratty wallrln your home. Make their husband: hI.pyby` msklng homo mo pleutmt. Lino the "home nut" with prot] and cheerful paper. . (Eur new designs are bright and pleasing. '_2"7 `-3'3.-xuacxr 31., ' u'or.1'sr.AnnmvAN ....wn I!RAN l`F()RD. mm mm.. M vwroa . .. 1-EI.mM.. Orlulnators of Low Prices. .-.-__.Z._._:--_..-.__j.._ '9 buy BlOY(`lJCS hy their actual quality and not. by thennme plate. IT'S JUST THIS WAY. High price: are -not in our line. This Hut. proves It: , -v -5-: IIlC`V nedlclnea. 7. ROBERT HAIR, A nulannn Anslznee. 4MANUFACTUHEHS' THE ARRIVING DAILY. us any ycl ll). Fresh, tooth- some, pute,.and the following avors to select from:Pineapple. Lemon,0tange, Vanilla, Straw- berry, Wllngnt Ind. ~R_npberry. For the next ten days we will sell H. Webb's 40c Chocolates GUARANTEE AND" Accmenr INSUR- ANCB conmm * lI lAl'Il0u:.lllOlil1ll|n vrcolilnooni question: " to ooogon willng to mortgngo it propczhfor 8150.000." pm of the ' bin duri tin` day :35` b_o'o_6n_n_or:un at ` `Imam.-f doctors sq 1nu_1_ 1 tgxmough to vote in this can mo: in uk- wuu uucuqra no mum 5 hnonnh ban great no me; He (the 9 I`)I'IIIH`CIOd3I`Ocbt'I. who any ylronotclnidtoluirothio mun to I ."" "E.`....`2: ..:."..'-.... ` - we cut- Aldermnn hit said he was hhorovto rm lb!-no alderman ,R.o.binaon'a question: tic Q llllll ICVC It In. R. J. Wnhomagont onelraerea on as. Mayor Borneo. of Smitifa Falls. said the people of Kingston M9 quitd _ _bl'e of manoging their own a'air,.and Q 6h_or- foro did not propose to (lie nor` in discussion. The pegplle of Stihltly Fully. ...:.l.-..L 4 |.vn-I.:-, .,. VINO. Alderman W. Robinson said the state- ment. mudo by Mr. (lildoraleevo that King aton wants to dictate to the other muni cipnlitics is not true. All that. is naked is than the question of extension be left be the people. But. if the bill that is now be- fore the legi-lature should pass, the power to submit the question to the electors will be when from the council. Are the pro- pert_v-holders ready to mortgage their groperty for $150,000 or are they not. here are six members of the city council who are not. pro rly qualied to vote at the polling on c e question of extension. But bhey have the right. to vote on the queetion in _council. The people should vote on this question, and as long on he has breath he will do all in his power, in council and out of council. to prevent. the mumr being settled until theolectora have been given an opportunity or expressing theirdesires it. .\n..-. n......-- -: u_:.n - u.-. .. ... ..i uum um nncx country Lhat. we have not now. `If the lino were constructed we would have the trade of the people of Manotirk. North (lower. Merrickville and Burriwa Rapids, which we will never get if the mad he not built. Wu will get: also the trade of Wuatport, Elgin, Newbnro and other places that now goes to Brock- ville. A!.l-.....-_ 111 n :- I uu u . If in were well to vote a bonus nine years ago in us much more to to day. We. in Kingston, used to have certain trade from the back country than have nnu: `H plan 1:..- .......- VICUIUTF. C. F. Gildersleeve was the next speaker. The directors, he said. do not consent to submit the question to the electors,bet:ause King:-ton is the only municip-Llity that so far. has expressed a desire for euchgaction. All the others have sent in their consent. But the directors thought it unfair that Kingston should take such a stand to the detriment of other municipalities concern- ed. The council has the power to submii the que.-tion to the electors, if it is desired But if this be done the delay caused there- by would be it great obstacle to the imme- diate carrying out of the construction of the line. The directors think it unfair that Kingston should thus dictate to the other municipalities. The directors are not nnkiiig the legislature nor this city to egtend the time but merely that power to extend be granted. There is reason to be- lieve that the minister of riiilwnye will give an iiicrensed grant to the line at the coming session. If he does not, the direc- tors will not be in position to continue the a mud. tr :. .. . . - mu) lne manner. The mayor read It letter from alderman J. B. Walkem expressing regret that he was unable to attend the meeting and stating that he is in favor of aubminting the question of extension of time to the electors. (1 I71 n-I,I_.__|., .. . - IIIU CHI MUM BIUBTITIOII E0 V6l`_V RIIXIOUE 50 F9 Lain the power to extend the time? He could not. understand it`, and neither can any other inteigent. man who looks close!) Into the matter. 'T`|m ..... . . . _ .....I .. 1-`.-- r ,. -- LULU so the ,.|.....l1 unu UDHOPK`. The speakers, on motion of alderman Tait. were limited to ten minute spoachos. Alderman Elliott was the first nmu... yenrs ago would now be withdrawn. Mayor Skinner presided. and with him on the platform were: C. F. Gildersleeve, A. T. Dmmmond. Montreal; 0. M. Mac- donnoll; ma or Barnes. of Smith s Falls, tmd R. M. C ark, president board of trade. Smith's Falls. in support. ol the project; nldermen Tait, W. Robinson, Elliott, Mc- Kolvoy. R. Gowun, CAJJL. Gnskin, J. D Thompson), -D. Gibson, Principal Grant. and obhoru. 'Pl... -....-L,.__ _,, . .- , Inn`. .n , we no we comic action 0 all and ex- press their opinions freely and em- phatically that the bonus of $150,000 vote] by the city to the company nine years ago should be withdrawn. Mnvvur Hbinnnn n....;.:,J..,I .....1 ...uL L-_, f1-a:.:':..`: ll COMO INN!-n-) ` I . i Klnfltop lntcrforu Wlth no other Ilunl- : dlpollty In I, ll`. 0 0- Railway Iat- i MM! lifdthltl concorultl-. Quootlon of Extending Time for con- otruetlol `lust ho to the llotot|-'l`h5 ` Du-nature Qondnt. The inn meeting of citizen: held in the` `city hall on Saturday night to `discus: the question of granting three years extehgion `oi limoato thepromoteru of the Kihgnton. Sn`ith t Falls and Ottawa railwn in which tooomplete the construction 0 the li'ne,, Wu I: hu 0 qne in so far as attendhnoe was concornet , as the hall was crowded to the doors ;andfrom the standpoint of those who contend thst the question of the ex- tonaion of time should he submitted to the pa-npez`|y unlied electors for their appro- 'val or inprevnl, it was quite as successful. for the directors of the IOOIDOINV ncrnmrl tn inonv-nn.-on. in 0|.-:.. ;.ELECToRs' mss AMEETINQI VTTHECITY HAE._:5'vvon wrm IMTEPAYERQ LA_8T NIGHT. ....... 13 you I {h [ave you fogail any octi ion: Rut: do! v yids aha ; glen. - V. "_ -,- ' E! UlC Till. j [I you think of bnyinkn bicyle this you vo your main with Maine: '& bockot. ill send you cal:nlog.3ea and do- ` 3 u noon as meow Thoyim `&Ju::{|II'Iilh bula an that rln ::::IIonI at as ncowod. Thoyim doing an: boas on they do all 3 goo_d_vrhol It a low` no-marrow unoo: Am: the interests of tho ci_ty when the bill to give the opnngil vstor oomrcny comes before the privnet; than him comm of Ibo bginlamra on Friday next. M an an any one. Within I few dna fe crown of the utumon Hero and orth King will_be plaood at iroik on them boats. propu-mg than {or the. ning of navigation; B th uonmenjhwa thoroughly overhauod during the wnur. . Hockey Sticks And Skates : ~MI_m be cleared out to make - room for spring gbods; Price ,no object. I.A._liT6HELL S nannms, Q5 grgd 87 Prlncocs Street. .'l:o `ab `curt nee-om. - City noiloibhr Mclncyre goes to Toronto no-xinorrow to1ook mar the interests div urban zhg ml in min. an .....--.-- VOTI. n .J5, a Id. Workman will be at. an garly dito. Within A fair dam cbopnor Grantham. owned by Don- 1133.. will be kept at um summer And used its A port thin lighter when want- gin inking ,6plil`8 a 9):} nu-an-n nf bk- nun: III`! Ill:-UIIIIUIHYI). Capt. l_.un-govin will sail the schooner J. 1. Case during the cpxing season. Capt. Oliver. of the schooner Quoen of the Lakes, is putting a new topmut. on hin- vernal. lI|L--..L-....-_rv___u__..- -..,_..I I n uy rwv. .5. xx. iVlCL\l0l'ln6 and Ur. Walkem. Rev. W. Lipton. pastor of Trinity and Christ churches. Wolfe Island. has been tenderedand has accepted a call to 9 Chan e in Newark, New Jersey. A sti pen of $1,000 is attached to the charge. Committees from the presbyteries o- Peterboro. Whitby and Kingston will mecl shortly toiuitiutea movement towards secur ing a division of the presbyteries, and the formation 0! a now presbytory on the ink. shore. \7--A.....l-._ _n_._._-,,. ~ n- -- M1070. Yocterdav (bemoan in St. Mary`. cuthedml (.50 mission conducted through out. the week for woman was closed. Ser- vice lm night was for men only, about L500 boing nrasann Thu minnlnn lnr m... vluu mm. ulgm: was I0!` men only, about L500 boing pyasenc. The mission for men will be continued throughout. this week. ma nrobner. lucnarn apmmn, 0! Lindsay. Rev. C. E. Cnrtwright. preached in St Paul : church in the morning. and in th. evening Inissionury addresses were given- by Rev. J. K. Mchlorine and Dr. Walkem. Au 7 Linfnn noufnr A` 'I`.n:..:p.. ....,| i,u`urcn or nngmnu temperance society. Rov. Father Spmtb. Wolfe Island. auffor ing from lung trouble, has left. Kingston tn. 1:0 to Bermuda. He was accompanied by his brocher. Richard Spmt.t., 0! Lindsay. Cartwright nrnnrluzrl in R: muuany Lo l'8Lll!'I1 [0 one monner church. Sunday, May 9t.h. has been set. up-nrt. b. the bishop of London (Lhe greater) fm ~'per~.ia.l servicas In the interest. of ch- (Jhprch of England temperance society. Father Snrstb. \VnIfn Lzlnnrl nnffnr `IUD UFHHHIZOU VICE. Tho Reformed Episcopal church, of De train, having one of the finest churn buildings: in America, has voted unnn moualy to return to the mother church. Ruhr`-nr Rfuu (ll-In Ima Loan ..u ....,...s L The Corner Bookstore. CQIIIOI of Prlnooupno Woulngton st:-sou T.__...____..._..______. UVUIIIIIKS Ill l:~)lL Midnight: services are being held in tha Piccadilly district, London, by Ies(lin;_- Anglican clorgymen and laymen to counten- ucr. organized vice. Tim ltafn.-mm] l4`..:.~.n......l ..L....,.\. .3 n. unuque, mus Dean an oscrlueu. Lenten services are held in St. Jam -xohool house VVednesdny and Thursidul afternoons at four o'clock, and on Fri(lu_\ nunninuvu nf '7.'m To Form a New Prosbvtery-A Call Ac- cnpted--Church Paragraph Nearly $200 of the 3326 required for t ereccion of a gallery in (Irace church, Ga moque, has been an bscribed. Lt-\nf.An unruinna nrA knhl in Qt 1...... veer. long. The bicycle girl has been forced to con. `ess that the wheel is an injury to her. (`his has been brought about by the Winter ixmcing Reason. The younr oman wh< during the summer and f I as hag! a rlnily spin finds that; the dance has: t "in: fascination and that it is almost im hle for hor to make her limbuperfnrm graceful movements required by the w uuuu w-uay. "VI A plnleglaas window in the store at tho corner of rincoes and Sydonhnm streets in the Oddfellows block, was blown ou md smashed to atoms by the wind bo- tweon twelve and one o'clock yesterday The glass was about ve feet. wide by an feet long. `N... s..'n...1.. ..:..I L... L--- p,.......z .. --,, UUSIIIUIIZ`. 8.. T. Autin was arrested on Satnrdm sfternoon by R05. McCullazh and Ken `nedy in on. state of stupidity. caused by in ruxicntion. He was given time to sober up in a cell an police headquarters and yester lay. upon depositing 55, was allwd out until today. A nlnlnmrlnnn winrlnuy in Hm non.-A nf LL. -1 ln()."lD original cnarncter mm his seriul. "Soldiers of Fortune, in April Scribner :- lnis Captain Burke. professional pro mole!` of revolutions. who ``can t; nffurd no he sentimental, he aaysA~"nol: in, m3 hu=,inea.=. I) 7" l..A.`,, ,,,,, , . I no . I -um.-mun nunun In mree wlums 0! mble mddinz at R. McFn.ul s Kingston carpet warehouse. u.,... .1 l J.._..I:_.. r\,,,:, I - - I VVIIIUIIUI-USU- mom rd Harding Davis has introduced -\ most. original character into his seriui. "gllidinr of Fnrfunn in An.-il .Clm..'L....-... .. umgswu carpen warenouse. Glbl|0Il, the artist, in hianrticle on Lon rlon Parks" in April Scribner s, picture- nhe famous Church }`9.rade. (iibenu up -ul anchor, is converting those who believe nhnb a gpod artist is usually 11 poor writer NGW Luble linnnn from nnn Mn!` nun hall "1 1I'ao1ng"n:e mag. by Jules Verne. 50c. mm a gpuu nruac IS usually wnter Luble linens from one and one half ro two and olxehalf yards wide, also lawn Ilifferenlz kinds in three widbhs of table mrlrlina utf-I M.-W....l a l(:.....,-.s,... ..--..-. venuures In me 1_vmI last, summer. No cable is complete without the cloth I! laid over padding. Threewidbhs of the very best muterial shown at R. McFaul s Kingston carpet warehouse. Ilhnnn. thn nrtint .'.. ha.....-o;,.I.. ,... ul .... Pt lllUUlllll6l' 8 niece. Special, Wednesday only, 2 Lina preaerv. ed blomcers or kippered herrings for 25c. Gilbertfs grocery. The Anril (`.oInf.IIrn will nnnhuin Hun G--. uuuuru I! grocery. The April Century will contain the rsn of sevaml articles by Colonel George E Waring, the street. cleaning commissioner of New York. (leacribin l l|3 wheeling nd_- vennures in the Tyml Ia ' Mn tnl-`In in nA......|.\L.. .... ;L....L LL_ -1, .1 yuu up. Robert. W. Chambers 4: pours with an- other remarkable short story in the April Scribner'a. It is a tale of the mountains in a southern state, and has for its heroine Pl moom-hiner s niece. Slnaninl H7...-l._....I-_ -..I.. n ;:_- _,.., VV. LA. (1. The air of spring may not be very nobica-' able on the street. but. the coring styles in ne shoes at Johnston & Co a would warm you up. Rnhm-P. W (`.5-um}-n-n nnvm--- -'*" -'- gucun auuuugo Journal, as also an arrangn menu of the Ontario high school syswm by W. L. G. ull uur cennr amps. Ours top all. We hove this week placed in shock a large and varied assortment. of fine shoes for ladies wear at Johnston & Co's. A -I.-.'l_:.__ _._A,'_!__,, 1 n I I Ire -- `WA-Inbriking criticism of Rudyard Kipling as a. poet, by T. G. M., appears in the Queon aColIege Journal, as also arraign HIGHS Of the! l)nf.nrin hilrh unhnnl nwnrnnn kn uuuerog only. . The nursery rm which addresses this venerable journal as "Tm: BRITISH Wm_r: cannot plant ower: in our garden or slide on our cellar oops. Ours tan 3". WA haw: u`: wank nlnn-A Don Bulaaoo of Key West. by Gunter, boo. F ROM THE SANCTUARIES. llllll D011 IICV} evening. Special, Wednoedny only; toilet soap, new stock; 12 "coke: in box 12c. a box. Gilbert's only. The urnerv Him whinh Hiring... 6.5;. l wrung 1!. U0 Law-obsel-ving itizenu Got. out their snow-shovels and" cleaned "ohe beautiful all` lhoir sidewalks as soon as the storm ubutod hub evening_. Special. \vVednaa(lnv onlv: toilet. man mun on snow to: uus mprnmg's 051310. Coal. in sizes. delivered promptiy to any part of the city at` 05 pet "ton `,by W. G. Craig & Co. v I.nur.nh.n-m'nn Ah. .... ...-.1. ....A. AL_:_ [Ur U: be olectrlc ht:-ooh sweeps:-I were sent over the trucks mar. night Ind cleared she nil: of snow for this rqoa-niug s tm(_c. Coal. sinus. delivered nromnhiv tn llniv fawn: Potncnphn Plbkod pp 31; our Bnnortin on Their Bouudl. .. 3a':J:::;.:;'*.s'.:;`1:z..;:a'.;. .'* .Will ER. nlann nbbn wrif.ir!1.r tn Hm I OIIB 10!` "III! I Wmmny at Gi}buP$ la:-nah. ` -nu cum zoo. uunerntl granary. ` pinup stop writing $9 th Wum qr props) full pdohsgpr U9-po-dam shoot---Ym_: can rely upon lnldi chem uJoIInntn I` U65. M nag nnf. `nu than` -Iunnigl L`.-"-1-- -..-.... Illl HIOIII Ii ollllw ` U0... . Loo out for three upocinl`bnrgAi_no every; Wedyloaciiny G{lba':t'I fropy. Don's HIM-Inc lnnulxonco. _____, k` .-h .. 2: Au A Maityr To Love, by Josrma. Wo od 5015. 'iNOiDENT$ +1!-IE DI\:.' THE DAILY WH1Ga;MONDAY. MAB(;H V15. 1997.} VIUUDI `lUII' IIIIQ It may be font your while to look over our ticguin table. We have laid out a lot. of India` ne vici kid button boon, rogu- la.r..pn'coI $3nnd33 50. Bargain prioo. 10 : like giving gpm 59.}. Hsiuol & Lockm. ~ . - " . now III -llI_ Monty. The way to nuke money is to pay spot cash. Nowfu want cub Ind to induce. you to trade. with us we gnu-nnteo to givb vou Anything in lootwou-It lowest. prices. _ md no us; 4. Abonothy, A127 rinccsa atmet. uvucluulng. we Alleged murderer There will plea for mercy. n9 cym- pachy naked. Desulvl have faced before- In the `tmnchoa of Tel-ol-Kebir. and in` the varied occupations of a wandererla life. If in coma: to the worst, 1 shall meet it; with- out. ' n quclm of fgnr. An outcast pnd wamderor ull my life. it will be but the closing icons of A wanted existence. IIIIHI "In I886 an exchange of station: was or- dered, buttery "B" going to Quebec, and uttery A, under Major Wilson, repluc mg it at l{in[,:<.ton. Soon nfter our nrriml u Quebec I was appointed lifi.-Illihlllli mew u()."()lOglC|l 0b'lOl\ 0r in the Quebec ow!- ervntory, being: directly under Prof Vnlker, of Mel-`ill college. I held this position until it vms necoizmry to remove the observatory from the -ucadel to more commodious quarters nutside the city. My duties brought me unto contact with the American signal -orps at Washington and I was olloretl a position in that corps providing Icould pass the medicnlexmnination. Ofcourse they were not aware at thnyitirne that I me a dneerter from another branch of the United States service. I was then holding m honorable position in the Canadian irtillery, but was discharged by purchase. paying at the rate of $2 for each unexpired -nonth of my three yesirs engagement. I have regretted ever since during the vnried experiences that lmve been my lot. that I was so unwise as to take this step, for if where ls anything on which I can look back vivh plennurn it is the many happy dnys I spent among the Canadian gunners. I went to Washington. but hearing, from nn unexpected quarter, that the military authorities were undecided about the iden- city 0: the Quebec observatory reporter and a certain man who had deserted from the engineers corps of New York I thought it cdviaable to leave. If I not be conslchred facotious, I may any that I had important business elsewhere just about that time. [again crossed the border and grmlually working my way to the Plncilic co.1sb,"via Vancouver. Seattle and Tncomu. I linally landed at Portland, Oregon. `Here! again entered the United States army under the name of Anderson. I was sent to join the 2nd regiment of caynlry at Walla Walla, but after serving a few months.I again denermd and made my way to San Fran- cieco." If! m A cl I CVIl"y; F. NISBET Sl