Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Mar 1897, p. 2

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% Robinson Bros., mm s awennnwnn. Aid. W. Robinson would not ngrce to e\n_vthing short of n olunae making It com- pulsory on the council to subnnt. the ques- tion to the: people. Al.-I I`Ilinn.mn|: n nimilnr stand. Ho Mon to one people. Ald. Elliottwook n aimilnr stand. He said there was no practical (lill'ronna bo- Lween Ald. \\ nllmm`n nmumlnlont and tho bill. Any alderman who would vote for thntnmemlmenb would vote to leave it an tirely with the council to my whether or not the time should be extended. HA I..L..- 5-..`. A\\-Annllnn on ALI to draw A ten Herring ucru:-:4 um Lrncn. - The president. of . the cmnpnny, Mr. `uildomiluove, expm.-and his \v1llmgn0s.-a on behalf of the c0mp;m_\' to accept. Akl. Wal- komia kn'endment.. AIA II Dnkincnn urnnlll hnf. nxvrnn On nlu. l\H`.l|.`uI|B\|ll uuunu II`n: m.u unnu- right. AM. l~]||in'L hml to bar the enlmnvo of the l{.S.F. A . 0. railway to this city. The speaker counted nineteen vumnt, natures in the buvinosa part. of {he <-my tn. day. The city is not going forward. but backward, and the Limes in which the bonus tn this rnnrl anal to the K. & l . were granted wore the best Kingston had ever seen. Had this road been built some years ngolngston would l|.'1\'6h.HlLlI8;.{l`(\ln(\l0\ n- tor thpt. l're=a-nth hue. The speaker was told by on\qf the promoters of that. scheme chm. if he could get. nsaurnnro that the railway would he built, he would go ahead and erect the elevator in King.-ton. ALI 'l"_.:s ol.n....kr A Ll Hinhnnlann in and erect mo elevator ll] I\lH|(.'H.()ll. Al Tait. tholxpht AM. Richardson. in bringing in t,hoelov.1tm* quoeLinn.was txying to draw red herring across the truck. ""1... n.-.-nlclnnb nf (kn r-nvv\nnn\' `Ir V uInt.!lnl0(l Uy [He l|(HIlLlUll In mu: wnnu: pmvidutl (hut. it shall be within I.ho_ power uf any rn\nn'ui1)r1lit._\', before p:I.~'.-Itng any bonus or by~lnw to the cuunpnny, shull limo power to submit. the xluoauon of (`X- tension to the people." Aid. Ri(`.h:\rds0n couhl nnt. son what. I .| ` I. on 1.1 v. {x .... .... on n1.:.. mo. will have to De pulu. Ha explained that his remark that Ald. .\`IvKe|\`ey wns nfmid of Mr. Folgar was made because Ald. M-:Ke|ve_v hnd '0 stated. or words to this effect, from 1115 sent; at the board. ` Aid McKelvey said he had never said he was afraid of Mr. Folgcr. He \vns "not_ Afraid of nn_Vone~ man. woman or devil. Ald. \Vnlkou1movod, seconded by Ald. Johns, that clause four of the bill be mnemiud by the mltlition of tho wnnls: H...-m.i.l...l yhnr it. shall he within lhn Lina city. Ald. Walkem thought it would be very unfair to interfere with the bill now below the house. And it would be dangerous to pass the nrbitrury nmendmcnt. introduced by Alrl. l*Illiot.t.. He would not commit himself as to how ll0 would vote when the finnl question comes up, should ho be in Council at Llmt time. He would, before voting, take care to canvass his C0nHlJltl..l0ntI3 us to how they would wish him to vote. Ile siigqosmd blunt. Alil. Plllioufa mnenilment. bo unienrle"l by the addition of the words: --nu-nmrl.ml r.lm m\nnr\ll have the newer m tors. ' Ald. Elliott. anirl it. (loos not. follow blmb if the bill which Llze company is nsking the legislature to pass r;hL)uld become law the (`My will have the power to roduoe the amount of the bonus. The full amount. will have to be puid. Na nvnlninml Lhnt his rnmrn-l: that Alll D0 umenmn Dy (H6 auuluun uu um wulun: provided the council have the power to submit. Lho q:1ost.ion to the qualied elec- tors." .u,a 1rn:..n- -n:,l : Ann. nnl` Cnllnm Hmr. F. NISBET S{ ally they would be even on that score. F.x-mayor J. l). Thom sun. on receiving permission to speak at I. I6 request. of Ald Elliott, said the question wn.-i whemher or not a nmrtgago almuld be plncerl on the property uf the people wimout the consent of the people. No doubt. the failure of Baring Bros. helped to delay the ohtuining of u lu.in to complete the road. But, clmt. rm in solvent uud doing business now, au thought. Lho original ex tension. whicy expires on December 3l.at. of Lliia yeur.`|rliuu|ll be aullicicnt. Thu council of liingsbon should not, guide ma ac-cion by sympithy for other muuimp:1li- ties, but. by Lhe best; int.oreal'.s of the city. The question of `exten.~'lon should be 10 ferrod to the people, who give bho council power to legislate for the city. If the road were built to Smith's Fullu in would bonut. this city; if it were built; to Ottawa it would injure the business inberosbs of Lliis city. .|l..I u/..n-....... oLn....Lt M ..:.-mlrl kn um-u Folger.) /_,..., Mr. Folger said lm: if any man. or any company in Kingston should oppose the K., S. F. & O. railway. it. should be the K. & P. railway company. The new road would hurt that company, as it. would be 1: short. out Lo Obtown. But the good of the city should he considered lirsm. nnd in tho city`: interest the K. &. P. company would welcome the new line, and in tho end the K. & 1 . would benefit, by tho good the new rousl would do for the city. am that eventu ally they would be that l<`.y.m.u-nr .l I), Thmmmm. rm rnanivimr nu n-wuua Avu n.-uu. Ald. McKalveylaskocl leave for B. W. Fol ver to speak. , A cl. Elliott, said he had no objs tion to Mr. Folger speaking. but. he did objech to his doing so on the solicitation of as man who has said that he is afraid of him ( lr. Mr Wnlanr nnirl Hui}. if nnv mnn nr nnv IQIDUGU to UUU UIUULUIT. Mr. Gnlderaleove stated emphatically that h0 lud no motive of personal ngra . disemenb in promoting the construction of the road. He had done all he could, and had spent money he could ill afford to spend, in~puahim: the road to completion. Mr. Mamlonnall suolra in similar ahrmn. fine In tn. lat.*"l'ho nolt shoes in Indian` wear. >...| vm.- -..|.|.:... cg... ...-..- 4-..- ...._u- -9 W0 Ill IIUVUF I IllyI|lUll\0OIll'IOI SIIII. l Aid. Byenwnlleved the nilway; when ..o`o1'npleted. will greatly benet, the city. Therpuuqing 0,! the..Mnendment would in- Juenoeother municipqlitiea "to M. .`j,/.,'... ler` ectlon, md this would mean the blocking of the entire echemepd. the lee: of the work that hes been done and the money spent by the Ncompeny. The bill doe: not bind the council to anything. and`thero can be no harm in allowingit to pan. lf. when the nal question comes up in council. the itcheme of the directors does not meet his views he will vote In dinst it. Still.'he thought it unfnir to b ook the bill before the director: had their scheme matured. . Aid. Livingston would oppose the `re rt of the` finance oomvnfttee although he od signed it. But when he did eo he did not know what the eolicitoi-'3 opinion was. He believed the road to Ottawa would divert trade to -that city from Kingston. He believed the question should be enh- mltted to the electors. Mr llulrlnrnlmwa ntntn nmnlmtinnllv Pvonld ndvor xdotounyanohcourooaa the. Alt]. Rvnn mind thn I-`nilmuw Q-hnn pent), Iu'l)uUHHIH IAIIU (`Gnu DU U()IllPIUUIUII. Mr. Macdounell spoke in similar atrmn. _.-__._ Bo Fears No Foo. ru `nu. T: 2;,/For wmI'" n. c . A IJIVUUD Jd\JVUl. My lllln I-l\JVAhh unsu- eron. 25. AL|!o'a Mistake, by Mrs. Lovltt Cam- nv-nn ORA I'll "N7, IHB TF6 II! IOHIO WQQIF. ember: of the Y. M. C. A. Are consid- ering the ad\'ieabilit.y of organizing a bi-` cycle club. ' 1. ..L....:_.. _n............ :9... ha n..... l`_..{..:,' The cht Typhoon. the property of B. W-. Fol r. jr., was no; in the race yester- day ow g to t.ho!! :nco from `gho city of her out r. She lips bpon dialnuntlod 101' I the we will see what we vnu 390.". J H Svottlnu lIoms._ Tho Frontouncs hut! a hard practice last night, the first in some weeks. |....L...... .: n... \' M l`. .\ .m mn.;.L cycle cum. . _ `- Yesterday afternoon the ice yor Erqui- mnux, owned by Capt. J. Allen. was phomtgi-uphod in (light. The ;Bel|o\villo lntomgqmcor says if the Frontenac: will sond`I:`o Bolloville the sum Loam that defeated the Quinton hero than will what will sgo."'. IFL- ..-..|.s '!`....|....\.. H`. nrnnnrtv nf R I'1\l`0. Tho Slippery Jack belied her name. She wank not move with the slight. breezu. The race gives the Wlnstlowing the eoconuiclnss pennurit. with ten points. the second bout. Broozo. having two aecondn und third position, seven points. In the tirsb class Chinook and Slippery Jack are tied. hnving ve points `each. The Pro- digal Son has ve points in the third class. CUIIIIHIIIHI Ul lll llyl'l'. Col. Kit;-on. Col. Drury and a number of oicers taking a short. course in .~\" eld buttery ware interested spectators of the event. VBL- _....- .....- l..II -4` -....-\-:...- In ...-.. The race was full of.nurpri.-es. 1!. w an o` day for :1 number of the fnat ones. ` rm... uv..-n,.,. \v...\.m.., .l:A .....o ..... an UH (I`R\' [Ur ll IIIHIIUUT Ul I.IlU luau UIIQYF. `The Woollen Nuoolloo did not. get, :1 "u0\'o on" until near the tail end of the W lth Tim isrueu-. The Prodigal Son dropped out of the race after tho second round. James Mooney lmnallori the Tom ( `at. Capt. Hoorge Walkem sailed the Whistle- wing. commodore Kent. being tumble to get away from his oice in time ggbako cmnlnand of the vor. n..u I.'.'o..... m..|' n........ ....A .. ........|.... -3 .-.u.lu.-nu.-.x . ` . . .. .. `. ~. .. The three Jrwt ynchba nmintained their positions and ruundud the course an nbme (iu.iCl`Ib(ul. Thu :4OC\)ll(] lnp was voverctl by lilizxnrcl in sixteen and nuehnh' Ininulc.-I, beating hm` record mndn on the (int, round. ()n the nal round me \\ !tCh (-ollidod with the buoy oil" the poniLenLinr_'.', nvnrunhing h er arms plank, nruh nntl aims bunrzl. The last heat ended Lhus : eron.25o. Fro: Youth Up; by Marion Harland, 41 uuuu Juluuanu, uy uunu. uuvum vnuu` ;(\4x|I|I\ - . `. ` ` y .v- ..u The 1'ern-Jimler of the eet did not. liuish within tho Limo limit. nnd c0nr`0queut,!y did not. got, :1 place. The B11247. ml 1-1m~ plotcly mowed under her COIn[)(`LlIm`.`l, mukm-,r Lhe u-nurse wolronnlen, but novoxu _.,_ 1., .II ,.|_...L All` -.... ._.:I... .. . _..._. n'lHI\ll|`,' LIIU l'U|lI`-"U W'UI\'U HIHCI`, Ullb UUVUK ing in all about lif eon miles, in li{r._v min~ utcs und u lulf. llllll \ :n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . .. n .1; u.- The loading yacht, mnde the lup. four fnilei. in ':=o\`enLeen vninuLDs_ <-om-aidertxl fnirgoim: for the light breeze. By this Limo the wind cnlmml down notice-ihly, and did not. pick up ngriiu until two loga of the L-ours-3 hm] boon Lntvorsetl. ivuistim: the lemlereinslippin.: hmnewnrrl. 'l.`0rpcdn did not nbtoinpt, in second round. and tho Iarggr cmft.'s vnme in very loosely and far npuxtr. Flyilu: Semi requiring: Lwonby five minutes in Innking the lap: Eiquimuux. L ientiy-seven minutes; (,`iinm)k, th`1t_i,' ulna - \'iviil H|irt,v.nnn u\innh~n- Hnl K1 C'lr`y'EUVl.'lI HHIIIILUH; \nlnIIHUF\' LII Il_Y mgnuloa; Vivid. thirtr_v'-one inuton: Dol phm. thirty-one and one-half m:mt.uH_ mu! l n) Son, u Lhirdrnter, t.hn~ty-tlIree minutes. The Myer.-a "m Lho ruc-u <-mno down on the hump and made the scvuzul cmssing thus: l;l'(llgY;1`n'(l'llll)llU.\, uuub. -J. nnull. At. 4:10! o`clock the ynchbs slipped cables mm] bore away on :1 eburboxml tack. The light. |)mem pr'u\'ni-'In;_r vnm from east. nnuh east. lb Look the llyer.-4 u liLLl0 .~uuLh~woar.oftl10lir:eLl)u0v, and A short. t,.u:k was ner`cssnry in Innkinp; the buoy before .~qmn'iu;: uwn_y on the wind fur Llle esecuml buoy srtrmbotl ml` the pram tontiary wharf. Thence tho nu-era hurl to bent; humew.1r(l. Tho l`u_1ime, llreozs nml Witch got, oil` well, the first. two keepim: well down towards the Fruit buoy. 1`ho\VrLr:l)|ocica by beurimz mo much uwn_\'. Breeze Imdc mud rounded first buoy in tho iond, Blr/.7.'u' following; Jack Frost. I'll.-Itinno, Witch, \Vhiat.lowin;;, nnd Tom U.-rt, rounding in the order numcd. On the wiml the Breeze fairly valked away from llliuurrl, making 1-ecnml buoy in good style. On home stretch, beuung 1; hand Wllld. l3li7.7.u'rl wnn too strong for Breeze nml ounpomted tho cxcormnvuloru'a craft. The liven oight Ilvers made the first round of the Cour.~u3 in t,hi.-v style : \ u uv II II 5` AUIIIHIU, 1'. ll. JIHUIIUIJ; commodore W. 0. Kent; (iuakm, jr.; Tuui Cut, Arthur: Arrow. W. H Suud, John McKu_v, Mex..-un. Birknt.l.m|d H0 nnrvi n An... n-.|.....\n. I.-l;.. The Weather Light. 15:1: the !'I.ther- weight oats Slipped Around In Guotl style-The Heavy Omit Not In the Race -A Fun: tlrenkn Down. Io yachtsmen wanted the wind to blow itiel ycetonluy af ernoon. but it was, ap- paremly.ln a sul y mood and scattered only a handful of zephyr across the club course. It wan barely anioient fortho light weather boats. but by the exercise of good judgment on the part of the skippers the lighter creftcovered twelve mile course within the sevent -llve minutetime limit. Theevent was t e last of the series of three `pennant races and else a trial race to pick defenders for the Walker challenge cup races, the ret Qiwhieh will take lace on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, weather permitting. In_yesteI`day n event the heavy weather boars were discounted and the smaller craft had met- ters pretty much their own way. It was a good test of the ability of these yachts and showed by the outcome just what they could do in light weather. The henyier craft have already been pretty we I teeted and their sailing qualities de- ter. ined, and no matter what kind of wind that prevails tomorrow, as lung no the ice romaine keen. there can be put in the race yachts that have been tested fully and can be relied on to give a good ehmv- inn t MTHE vT:cE.coMHooQnE's CRAFT ` wma` EASILY. ` - L *mr.`f%BL1zzAu0 * A on; THE VICE-COM ODQRE S CRAFT 57?` ' rmfi`.;?*:c;:"ac:.. . .u ll 1'! 0| lCureV RlllUH.\Vl'A'l`l.SM. Sold rby ,best dealersi everyfsihre. % I. It his long been estab- lished beyond all ques- tion that the Us` ' III I'lrI'3IK III!` `I III. RIN`!ll'f`~".`F.IK. N.Y., March H. -- The late millioimiro. \\'IlIinm Lnn1p~'nn, of Leroy, who dim} in few \\'cek.~mgo.Yna\`i1i{; the bulk of his vast eenuto Lo Yule college. was mp- po-`(WI to ho Limo miiy lll0lVlb&LqQ_f_!,_il(3 Lump; cum fninily in this state, mul uh the tiiineuf his death iv. wn.-\ under-xL`ourl that tho only rolnlivcs who could (:?nim kinship were one .\.- t...,. .l.;r.n.b nnnuhm in {`nunrI.x run` run: EH. ICILN n (1028!) WHO Clulm ul uu u:uIglu.cIrH um! nuns of rsb C(miIin1\L0 V/Villinnn Lump- mu's f_:1Lhor. living in ((\ne/see and Monroe cuunt'u:s. , The mrioa blotlrnenhonlig of I oxnployoos of the Grand Trunk Hamilton and dovided to ft-(loruto. K`0lnU\'H WHO COl1I(l (IIIIIIH KIn.\nIp wuu: mm or two rlxmuxt. cousins in C.`ll\d:l and one in limxlnnd. But. so many have recently boend1=cn\'erml in this vicinity that it. is nmiv (~un>ido:o px-nhuble thnt. an attempt. will be made to break the will. There nro nt. lczmt dozen who claim to be daughters ..~ on ll'iHinun In-nu Fronu=nn- ( On Saturday t Live nu-nciat.ionI ml were olcers f` uirleut`, Hugh Wm sulcut`, IL Spout, lxnx.-urn!` II R I'|bl.rUlH)_{. U. |\|ClAL"l!I uuuu Asuuv--. . l'u,\; (Lmlun l.-nlnntl, ll. A. Calvin; l'-)rl.~4- mouth, .\lr. .\l~mn0_v. .l. l`. \\'hit.na_v. lender of tho oppn.-aitirm in the ()nt.uriu lmu.-`0. is plc support and tho m(ml)era will use every lvgili` umto manna tn plnm him at, the head of t.l1elou:nl :ulminist.mt.ior'.. L : ....n, .\- ..........~. Alhlfn clover can be mown nn nmny ns four Limos in 11 S0:l8()|). yielding M. u single hunting from one to two tons per acre. 'l'ho ueuul mel/hotl is to mow twice and puts- luro or grow seecls tho other two (`mp-1. Of the Hunt clnp. which is u.-`uall_\' cut. the lust . of May 1)!` lint of.Jun0. eighty-nine pm1n(l.~I of ulfulfn is cquul to one hundred pounds or timothy. as food for horses or cattle. It requires Lwont._v pounds to tho ucre (seed). to be sown the some as other clover souds. Alfulfn will grow on higher soil and stand the (I rnulh much bomor than other clovers. nml be.-tides in is not rm mmuul. but Will grow for _\e.-u`snn(l )iehl jun, tho sumo. It. can be mgtinguishod at. once by plowing under in Ihe I-prin;,;'. unrl by an doing: makes at No. l fartili7.er.--U.\l: \A n.. I: \'..\\`u . A Dovout Lover. by Mrs. Lovltt Cam-l arnn OR:-s uy N] Wm uvgu cu uuu -an civil`: n -unm run uuuum - qua k l`revm~L. at (lie New York clothing store. Brock street. has received n cure of boys I tweed and serge panba (all sizes) will he offered during the month of February at 35. a pair. They are great, value. I,` A trim! or l:r.ot.ben. Yesterday A. II. Skirvinu, chief of police of Ingerroil, accompanied by constables H. S. Sprout. and J. Thompson, arrived with the Humplney brtfthern. who will serve` three and two years respectively in the Kxngston penitentiary for larceny. Alwuyn Adding. We nre always adding to our stock of house furnishings. This year we are show- ing Line very latest. things in silk drapery and curtain malminls with fringes, cord:-. tueseleund ginips to match. New styles of lace curtains. new sL_\'iui of Ameiicnn Derby ourbuiin-, new styles of poles and` trimming.-, now sL{'leuuf window shades. Every body invibet to inspect; them. R. L`-lci*`uul, Kingston Carpet, Warehouse. ._,_,, ,__._.. K` V. A UH ! To MIR: Sllllflllll 1.1Lsbnighmnfter the nal rehearsal of Mrs. Cnllfm.` class in the \ \'m:: hull, friends wmuieretl in to uitm-us a pleasing event. the presentation of an gold wutch to Miss Singleton, Lhe clever um] cnpnblo ac- coInp:un'al:, whose services: have been so much appreciated. (I-Jpt`. Crnwfurd mndo thenddross of presentation. The _y0u_nu lady was anmplo(,cl_y m)n uml when the demnmenmnt cume wad quite ()\'cr(:0mo. .1. (5. lilhott m-lmowledgcad Lhe gift. on bohnlf uf Lho Mlrprised re- cipient. The wnwh wusuliulu treasure. :-mltubly inscribed and WI be H choice. ruu\'cmr nf mun) huppy hours speul. with Mn-a (`uHfn.~a mu] hm- mntorlnininur c-lnsn`. 'lI0 rt}-|llU' HI \ll|l]iIH'|(|H(T. KHHJ. 'l'h`rl_v ur Lhirt_\' livo ymra ago Mrs. Isabella ('hurt~hil| \u;nn.r) Wulcrm\\'n hum (hnmnoclue. put her I-\0l) in nu orphcmnpzo and he hm: never honrd of her since. If any one has any knowledge or iufonnutdon nf Hm lni~I.-Aim) wnmnn. Mr. (.`hm'(`.hiIl Hy KFHU HHH UH] .I\lIU\\'lU|lEU Ul III of the Iniqsiug womnn, Mr. would gladly r('eiw- in. It. is that MI`. Churchill's father wni the civil wm. Bncp Shot. . Sixty pairs of woman : dongola buthonod booux--nines 2;. 3. 3;. -. Eornnpr prices: I $2. $2.50 per pair. Ssbqxj ggynur choice, 8l.50 an Johm-ton &. Co. - v` " I Wlll Bo Consltlcrml. Jabez Stonou hug, received word that ` his tition re the amendment. of county` ma 5 act. will receive coIxsider2\tion~an this session of the legislature. * n J. I". (fhurt-hill, of \\'uf0rto\\'u, N. Y.. n nmn M" manna, is-\:\u.\inu-' (oluurn ul1ut.|wI' his Inothcr is alive or loud. He has heunl m)lhm,r,{ofhcr in thirt_s'~vo years. His lnnthufn numu in Mrs. lsnbelln ()hnrchi`ll. Her muideu nnme was I:-nba>Hu Putter:-on. Sllehm-In sister. .\lr.~`. Willuun \\'he9Jo1, who resides in (innunnquc, Out. 'I'|n'|-Iv tn` I1.i-`tr Hvn \'l-IIl`il nrrn MPH W. L Alum! -non tweet! Or Serge Punt: For 350. A Pair. Ii-.. .._ 4 -. .L~_ \v,,,. I',.l_ .I-.L:__.. _;-..- PUlI\'L'H'l ll] IIHIIII H Mn.-4. (Udlfns mu] The gun was frum I Suulgiuu soup Vlrudppu-u Are worth half 43 cent guoh if brought to . Wmu oice. V _, | 0! (`u'nm'nA (n'.nH!1enl).Il'|0 gram sun mm. (`17-r1cvn.\7RIsan:nu:3 ;~.n`nrd Instant relief. and point waapuady cure of tor:unn3z.diI- gurin::.hun`:llming. I:ch1ng,lmnim:.blemi- Ina. crusted. acnly kin and Jlcnlp lmmors, with 105: of kin, w men an Moo mils. Iohl Ihmuugnnltmvmla. Pot-ru Duo nocnu. Cnnr . salt 0? Mom. 3 Llovr to Inc an Tortured BAND.` (ho. .-..... nnnfin n.'|. n....m|..| lam T C! C j ! 1 1- Anal rmt for (irstl mothers in n.w1lrm bath u: :h (`rrzrrm S031`.amlnalmzlcapplication (ntmxnont) . tho gram akin (--m-. (`Iva-nu-n uxlu-xn-mu.-q nn`nr4l mumm mlinf. vllTuIU- ms .`.1 . nhnrn in A warm hath %s:1.:."a"ex*i`r SKlN='[5TURED. "Or. I-. .3. I-rnmun, ntgluuu nip prC.~1id0IIt`=--- King:-ton, J. Sprm Am, J. htovnu-b; Storrin_qt.m1. `; Inmghburo, H. Tru.-cult; \\V ,I .. Mosim; Budf<)rd_ J. `mg: .._ n \l..I...... H....... l..I....,l -~ __T_._..:.j_ NEW BOOKS} Vol `Y AND vnc1NITv`.` To I-Irvak The VVNI. `V 1. nl I .. A` . I; I). .\IcLm` ..._ I . ..I I I \./Irllrr . - um 11 a All!!! -. ' tho Fmntonnc rsonser\'a'- :1 met in the ciby mud Relent- . for 1 ensuing your: 1 rc-` [on-ela ul, Snnbury; vice [wr- I, Wnlfo l-sluudz secretary S. (.11-hmn, Eigluburg ; |n||f.u._. K iumalnn J Snrnuh-. ' FOR KL` ECALEDONIA warms . . IHIIJII-V IIllU|B Nl|L1l|l/ W|lII 1 her entertaining cluss. ) M1`.-. Cnllfus. nu -um-. .--..-. ..-_. `7Ini '%:m{~.u" ":::;*..'*' ' 1"ll-"L"lLL; \\ IJIIU lagers; mm` Howe Island. J. , IIIUI Illl-lllll Churchill mlppmod killed in I. duo FRAUD of the day. Cartu-`s, tor Carter's, _ apd demand mil way men at {ulfo SA,t-y-Its/Af yoiiii ` \riddle- agcd men_-and` 0 d I `highest quality, correct 'hapcs, " Irct from Ne'w .\*|; and Lo don". Don't believe wbill .(h1'~ve .a iQ of' .trou`b`1e plea_it_1g)r_>u.. "_ ` LJFBTEEI J1/ALQIQHE. me H:.~ by 8:615 _(_:o., ._l|AD IIAII -Dina CQUMLEY7 BROS. \,. /Wexliaxvc just received one c`ase by, Fatncx German Dress x\.Iaterials","every dnsign a pccct beauty, and fnanyjano two alike. Also a nice range in Blue and lack Scrges at very moderate quotations. ` Inspection invited by IIIOTILS I _ Dellcacy of Flavor.` Superiority in Quality: Grateful a Comforting to the Ncrvo s-or Dyspcpuc NUTBI FIVE IALITIES I NIIIVALLID I.` I x...... .... IJ.\..... 'Nn.. `uh. LE<"ANT lI|Jl'I1IIlvl1. ulhlllnu Innlvnuumu In QlilI';}`8l`-l"I)llhd Tlnmly. Prapnrtvl by . AMER EPP8 30., l.td.. Hunm-npnthio (llmmiut/n,,.~Lahd(1n. Englgml Hiicited to do so. . Beware oi imitations `oi Same Color Wrapper. 'I`l\m vulnhrnmd F C` (,`or:ms are 1\I1r1\'Iill9l f('n- perfect m, lummty of 1inish_H.ml uLy1e,mul have rm-oivonl tho lniuzhosc nwuruls M. all the hnportnnt. exhibitions during the lust. WI year. ()Int:\innb1u`in ow.`-y~c.u\riety of shape and .4(ylo from F PPLS7$?i3T_f!T3UK %' ' EN(3LI'sF| ' BREAQFAST COC0_A_ IFRENUH P ncimms srencxy kbTEAcv. -~oAx I4!A_l7.(l.,f`ll;il_(_5vj' ..__..__.._.-_. .___ _..__.__ . ._......_... . Manutacturcrs R ales DB':.COI'S6l, P.D. Awarded 10 (MM Medals and Diplomas := d`Houueur. B.ut Not Expensive. POil!esS0`$h9 following Istinotlvo Merits : 4 _ an Ehl /~ `#110 V Only pertgct if-'bIf the'B`a~|`ance ,Oi~theMo,nth on. The conen.` c`mEn's mm. substitution Sun AIM \ ho Mcuey Sx`>1nner.by H. S. Merrtman. 75. ,_j_.___ ....._____v_-` A 00! Princess and Wellington Bu-oats. j-2Z- II II ! I-u1_v9IUU lI|lII`U HIIIIIO; as and _87.jPrI ; on Strqotf maon Pride, by M. E. Braddon. 750. {-13 Co musk} your home uttmctlvo. THE ` "M E` lenxd\.oup to make . Price `XV ` '_<`A"'P1 The Cornsr Bookstore. hn\un.DooMotuou.G1suu-u. `:15,-1 moor 81'. . `I_a td have you try our service. iyr To Love. by Joanna. Wood. In to convince Ion of the Inuit: of our work. -... . -_ During March we will do Panor- _1a and Po.lntln' M Reduced ' Prlcou. i} h Bells; Horse Blink- will be sold at Hardware. `AWHEEL I This vc ar. Have you v boson yc ur mount? It rot consult us; we have live re`!- nble makes to select (mm. 0lJR DESIRE `ALL THE ll WORLD BUIUUL UUUI. See our win. dow. Liver Pills. V` ILL BE IITRIIKUHIUHC II um "I lUl'CB- - ' Two years ago he ngnin wont. to ling- lnnd to try and llnnco the road. but. conti- donco had not been restored. great llna\n~ cinl crushes took place in tho Umted States and helped to shake public con- donco still more. and he was told that. nothing short of n overn- ment. gun-Antoo would enable `m to llngnqo the road. A.I-oqnost. was mn'l_o to the government for aid.` and an arrange- ment. something in l.lno,nAturo of an guaran- toe. in: obuinod. But. this was not albin- lucmrv to the capitalist: in Britain. and I ' oppql was mode to govormnont. r. Foot-or. Ilnon minister of rnilwnyo. mat; the company lloll w_n_v.when. unlorgunntoly, the govdrhmcnb wohthrown one of power. 'Ifhla throw the Arrangements hack a whole yinr. lb was ndt till Dooombir low that. the attention of the protons minister of nllvnyc won ohtsinod. I promloo aoounsd o bidnnonnnanhnnimihr to ma. -duh-h l'IlIWl|)'I VII ODIIIIIIU. I PHJIIIIX QUIT to ` [Iunutolimihr to that which Mr. Footir purpond giving. and so give a subsidy for tho l'9IIl._|9 Ottawa from 8n_l_IIi`o 13:11:. About om:osu\_ hu Ionmboorthod and nonjhah n pa- 4_._. -3 ALI. i;.fK;:-.. -ml] -ab. pg... .0 ml.- 413d 1 phaE' aunt: thh"iinJ`Foo`n pg-&`up. noun 2! fl? ahdtoo hivingbqou pmd in full. , 'l`Im null `Ilm Inn Iii` adrmuulz And. intros nlvlnguquu pnlu Ill mu. > -r---- -_ ------- I-vvr-v vv--v -~----- --.---Y- ---v - 'l`lsoontltIllno|u.hn'g`n. _ ma. sum `up wen un lm "no quoatioln, 1 between Kipgtmu Portland, 59 ban` The 0 mon "of the alt. solicitor shown, mpu-u1_fog_ _ gopt ip cm|t[-`cu; 3. vlmt company`: lll monns---c.hnt the 0! never heard a-word opokcn in o:,uy,; council mun some the matter without ro- tlnt would lead lalm %h._?ulic\'o um thy. t1urdt.ol.ho wlghoa of the people. and be I " ` ~ . . x I l, A nxlngamn. A. T. llrummoml explained why delay has taken place in conne:-.t,ion with the construction of tho road. When he first became connected with L a company, .md found that it. was pro sod tn build the road onlyw Smith's alle, although the charter gave the right opon it. through to Obmwn. he at. once and tlmt. auch a short. line could not be llnnnco . On his advice. it was decided to bui ugh to Ottawa. and n lonso was nterui `Mo with the U. T. R. Then he went to England and almost. immediately after his arrival them he had an offer for A loan. Bul; just then the grout banking rm of Baring Brno. failed, and all hope of obtaining I loan mnishod. The (1. '1`. R. leuo went. by the board also. but later a trntliuarrangemem. was onlnrod into with the (:.'I`.B... and that. arrangement in still in force.` ' 'l`um wauu-I nan lm nmnin want. In I'.na. Conn of Prlnoou mm wonunnun anoou ~-:--.. : WU \Il4l(ll\. It. had been said that the Nupnnoe & Tamworth ruml takes tmtle nwny from Kingston. That, is b0Cll\l0 the Rathbun company owns the road, uml buys wood products as near as possible to its manu- fsictory. But. the pro.luct.- of the forest. are only the first crops of the land. and must, sooner or later, be exlnmstod. Then the Nupuneo st 'I`amwou.li load will be in means of bringing: trade to this rity. On the number of railway: running into a city depends. tn a grout. oxtemt, che aim and prnspexity of time city. The lines we have, give us openings to tho nort.h_nn<*l north- west, but nor. to the Iioitlreasb. The tmde of the K 8.1". it 0. rniiwny will be from tln north of Rnleau, where the junction will be. The construction 0`! H8 road will be In most, profitable investment. for Kingston. A T Hnnnmmul nrnlninnd wln` dnlnv DUB CU|7lplly. C. F. Gildoreleevo, on behalf of the coni- pany, explained that the bill asks authori- ty for municipalities to grant three years extension of time. ' The road cannot be completed in one year, and if it is to he completed at all there must be an extension of more than a years He_went minupoly into the history of the compan durinlf the nine years of its existence, showing that the original bonuses for the line from Kingston to Smith`! Falls amounted to $7,000 a mile. but when it was found that 0 short line could not protably be built and this amount was stretched over the longer distance, the sum r mile was re- duced to $4.01)!) a mi e. The active minister of railways in the late cabinet, promised to roe-Jmmend his colleagues to grant a bonus for that portion of the road between Smith's Falls and Ottawa, but the promise was never carried out. It is con- tidontly exported, however, that the pre- vent government will grant a bonua,which, with what has already been granted. will raise the amount of $15,000 a mile over the whole length of the line. He had good, atronv.`-,` reasons to believe tlut the city of Ottawa will grant a bonus additional to that of 3."itl,0(l(l already granted. The company has not had sufficient money so far to enable it to construct the line. The speaker denied that the road when_ constructed as far as Ottawa, \vnuld"t{alre away part of the trade of this city. It would, on the contrary, open Ways and means of bringinu new trade from undeveloped districts, to Kingston. He had never understood that Ottawa was as cheap a place for the purl-hase of goods at retail, as Kingston. nor that its wholesale trade in in successful as that of Toronto or l\lontreal. Instead of having anything to lose, Kingston has everything to gain from the construction of the line to ()tta\\'a. In L...l L....._ --:,I AL..L AL. \V.........;. I. unu IJIVHI EM). - _ Ald. Rio inrdi-on, in submitting the re- port. said that unfavorable action by coun- cil regnrding the bill now before` the local house, would retard the construction of thnroad. and would cause prejudice in other Inuuicipnlitios through which it would pass. The bill before tho legisla- ture nsks that authority bo given to any niunicipnlitv through which it is proposed that tho K. RS. 6L 0. milwny shall pass. to grunt hirther oxtension ot three years time to the company for the construction of the road. If it should pass it can do no harm, and he could sec n ) harm that could bu done by the council raising no ohjoction to the bill. Should it become lmv tho council igoulcl not bo bound to grant an extension bllime, but, so far as he could we. would romnin in exactly the ammo position us it now occupies Lownrdu the company. f`. F` Hildnrnlnnvn nn hnhnlf nf Hun r\nn|_ WUU CIUCSDIUH 5| : IUDUU. YUBU ll` XU||U\V5i On the communication of the city I-ollcitor re Kingston. Smith's Falls and Ottawa railway company : bill, your oom- mioteo recommends that. the bill of the KI.S.F & O. railway company, now before the legislative assembly be not, objected to by this council. In was signed by the mayor, Alde. VVrigl)c, McKelvey, Ryan and Livin awn. ALI Di.` ..._.I_.-... In nnkuuuitliuun OLA -us WTI [II- `A 0.8!`. Gildersloeve. A. T. Drummond. G. M. Mncdonnell. James Swift. and several nuherdbizens were preoent. on behalf of the K.G.F. &0. railway company, and every ION`: outside o( the "horseshoe" was occu- paed. whi|e,eit.iz.on&who could find no rot m In the council chamber were fuin to be gon- benb with sounding-room in thexegtrance the nmrtment. TM; u-nvuumb A` I-Jun nnnnn nnrnv-nirhan nu [HIE III YGITIIIUII It. The report`. of the finance committee, on `the question at issue. road as follows: "(in Lhn nnmmnnlnntinn nf thn nilzv Hot Dolntu Over the K. I. I`. l 0. Inllvny tmn -- gunman or Brannon in tune mm be Decided by the People--0oum ul|'I Amendment A council by the com. ,, Jill)". ` A special muting oi the citycouno Mini held luvovoning co ruoafvo and an action upon the npog-0 of the nnuoo committee 1-dfn the action ruoommended regard- ing the ingoton. 1-lmitah`a Falls an Ottawa rnilmy company : bill now before the local` loglaktun. L-.. .--.... ........o .....-...... cI|.a....... Ah]- .laIVIII BUJII. AVIUILUIVUVV, Ulllllllg lVIUIIlIKU' non, . Ilohmlon. G. Robinson. Ryan. Stewart, '1`ait._'l`aylor, Toye, Walkom and Wrighf. " " (I, I`. Gil:-lnnlnnvn_ A. "I". Ur-ummnnrl. (`._ ram uro. cqlhoro were present. mayor Skinner, Aids. Allen. Boll. Cation. Elliott. Johus.Mooorn. Livin ston. MuKolvoy, Minnoa. Rit'3hard- nan. . Hahmunn. G. Rnhimmn. Rvnn. |THE':`PEOPLE$ARE_fT0 SPEAK: conserrs ALD. M'KELVEY MAKEQA spmrr-' " zo'o:cLAn'A'rIoN. uncouotllor. , If Kingston oppose: this bill other municipalities will do the sumo. sud the company will lose the work it. has al- roady done And the money it has already 3 `dc. '. ` ne. Rnhinnon said he wns onnond to spam. Md. obinoon said he was oppoaod to ' gun to 1-0 of tho numoo oomnumo hr ehnoo posod to put a mot; on Jan` mnnlgsrmmmtv without. nll:`t.bdr | email Posodlopnlnmolftgsgo on I: `$911353: y without Allin`; their man: I this rpportworo carried ho nu.-All Ind-.. :- - mg-AI.-tin-. nah In uncut, I W0 PQPIOI y I'l(lIOIli Inning suur ' Vqtld bringina resolution not to gun: imyonuo gogho wad. `rho `hfntimont. of t.hopooplus docidedly again dong: m. Andi iuho people who nhould randgr the docui on in tam 'l`|.- nnim'nn ml min H}. nnlinnr nhnni 0` OXCCHUIOVI I ("Q IIHIIUB U` UUU UIUUUUK'U- Altl. McKelvey and if anyone even know 0. F. Uildersloevo to do nnything that wuu dotrtmonul to tho city : incorenta. The company hu none A great deal for the city. He (the speaker) had sat in council as good many you-a. but had never heard a mayor abused as mayor Skinner had been durih this sitting. Al. Rllintr. mm In A nnint nf nnlnrz nml mo mayor. The ms or said ho was swam that Ald. Y Elliott di hohintend to abuse him and ~ that he did not do so. Still. Aid. McKol- 3 v_v had a right. to his opinla. Ahl `MnKnlvav mninhninnrl mhn Aid. 1 VQ_v llI(l I nuns to ma ('|[|Il'|ll1ll. Ald. _McKe|voy maintained um Ald. Elliott : remarks to the mayor wom totally nbctllod. for. u m.......... ........... n.:. |.:n '..n.... uunn tma swung. Al . Elliott rose to a point of order. nnd uid he did not. wish nor intend Luabuao tha mayor. I`hn nuumr mid ho was nwnrn thnt. Ald. runway 00 (`Xl5ll(l8(I. Aid. Wright. said that nlchungh he WM opposed to any extension of time. he thought) it only fuif to lobk at both sides of the question. and? to avoid taking action that would kill the scheme. He had the greatest. confidence in the intelligence of the electors. and without. disrespect to them he thought. the matter iniqlit. be sole~ ly left. in the cnuncil`n hands. W hen bonus questions are submitted to the popular vote. those who are interested always make N point of voting you. while the luke- warm electors do not come out. to vote. ADJ 'l`-:A ......L ..........\.l 5.. ..II.\....\.. AL- oun BUSINESS WEN QIOCIOFB C10 D05 OOHIO Out: (0 V010. Aid. Tait. was opposed to allowing the bill to pass without. protest`. from this conn- cil. And this position he book on the opin~ ion of tho city colicitor. He would vote for the amendment. to leave the quootion of extension in the hands of the electors. Alp! Klnunln-an nnl-nrl if nnunnn nu-an UUCUEHUTH. V Ald. Elliott moved, seconded by Alil. Carson, in amendment. "to tho llmmce oom- miN.ee'u report: Thub section four of bill Lwonty-nine. no\v pending before the local legislature. bo amended so. as to make ' (`0mpulaory on the city council to submit. to the oleosora the question of whether or not the time: to complete the K..`3. F. & 0. niilwny be extended." Alrl \Vriuhf. maid int nlthunah he was HIIUUIU UU UK!/UHUUU. Ald. Elliott said that in nance com mittee on Snturdey last he moved That the K.S.F. & 0. railway (-ompnny be asked to amend the bill now before the legisla turo, so us to make it compulsory on the city council to submit the question of ex ten:-sion to the qualied electors. He stood on that ground still. we could not and would u t. nrrogate to himself the right to any: " shall not allow the people to say whether this extemion of time ehull or slmll not be made." If the electors sav they wish the time to be extended, he would willingly vote for s-urh extension. The electors who voted the bonus to the raid. and those who later on voted to ex- tend the time for construction. are not all here to vote on the new question. and those who would vote on it now may not be of the same opinion as were their pre- decessors. AIJ I.`||Z.\tL ...nn..zI .~au.n.\.IAJ I... ALI UH DUI`! HI-'lLlL'l' .ll()UlU UU. The city solicitor W351!-`il{0']i-OI` his opin- ion on the iiiabler, and he said he bzilieved thin. if the bill now boforo the local house should become law, the onus of saying wlictlier or not. tho tinie for construction of the road should be extended, would re- main with the council. Council would have power to submit. the qucstiop to the electors, the electoral illlb vote "imy." nnd the council could then vote yen. In other words the vote of the Cltl/.-llli would not be binding: upon the council. The proposition made by the company. lhrough the bill. is virLu:ill_v that the council shall Die its own hands. There is no provision in the low by which the council may flp`. point. scrutineers and returning oilicers for Lakinga vote us to whether or not. the time, should be extended. " AI.-I DIl:..os ....:.I 6|...` 4... ......,... r\I\IwI IUII U1 LIIU l.'lL_y UUIICIIUF. Ald. Wright. asked AM. Elliott. whether or not be, on nmninabion day, offered tho citizens any udvice as to what, their course on chi-3 mnmc VFL- -21.. ..._ DH HIIUHCU UUKIIIIIIDLCUE K'U}3Ul'lI. HI IAHU IHCU of his nomination-day speech. He gnvu tho Inayor rrrexlit. for lmuwiug nhut if Llllal bill should parts is would umke in the duty of the council to sziy whet.ln:r or not the time shall be extended. rmvl council will have no power to submit. the quuestioxl to tlnepeople. _ The mayor did not. ngree with Alli Luepeopie. mayor agree jlllioht on this noinb. What. he said on ominnt.icm (in we ro~n.~xeert,o(l now. Ald. Elliott sun] ll: w such was the opin- ion of the City solicitor. ALI \.\/riu-hf nulznrl ALI p|HnH. uIhnl".|ar UUIIIIIIILICU. AM. Elliott. said it did not concern the council what action oLher municipulibiea may take with regard to the bull. Thu members of the council are mcrodly bauud to protect. the best interests of l{Ing and not those of other u1unic1p:LliLie.-1. He was aux-prieod that the mayor hm] signed the nunce comxnit.teu`s report, in the face Hun mnvnr rmmlil fur lrmnvinnr that if thin TLIII. Mr. Gildersleove said that no municipali- ties have ubolishej their bonu~=e<. The petition was referred Lo the finance nnmmil Inn Bring gl'?lI.L_UHBIlU DU IJHU Ulbyu Ald. Carson here presented a petition from David (Zibaon nnd other Princess street. bminess men. asking the council to Lake stops to proonc the passing of the bill before t.he'-local house. and (,0 do away with Lhe bonus to the ruilway, as has been done by the munici mlibies east. of Kingston, through which he milwuy is no rnn Don Bulasco ot Key West. by Gunter,` Ann IIIUII. Jnmoa Swift said he was heartily in favor ofbhe project, and believed in would bring gn-en.t_banut. to the city. Alrl (Tnrsnn lmrn nmnnnmrl fl nnt.iI.inn 'UnFl'II'|lCl'IlIg DUO TUJU. Mayor Skinner au.id he wah strongly of the opinion that no further extension of time should be granted unless the people have given their robes in favor of such ne- tion. 1-.-`- ...2h ....l L.` .-n.- Lnnubiln in uK'."l0I'. OI] (QUIT BDITGIH _ . G. M. Maodonnoll said no objection has been made to the granting of further - time to the company by am of the muni- cipalities concerned. The Smith's Falls couneilvhes agreed tothe bill now before the legislature. An extension of one year is not suliicient to build the read. An extension of three years is absolutely necessery. not because it will take three years to complete the road. but .10 give `contractors in free hand. etc. The speaker believed tit impossible that this railway could benet the business men of King- ston without giving equal benet to ever worliingmun and groperty owner reel ing hero. The bill before the legis- lature will not, should it become law, bind the council to extend the time for onstrunring the road. Mnvnr Sllaimmr mxial ha w nhrnnnlv nf Ul1U.nlvl'UIl- .LHUy VOID UIUUIEI I) l.l.|U utudkholders. who,hn.ve paid pan per cent. or.m'oro on their sharem, n u -u.....:......-n ..:.1 ..;. ..x.:....:.... x... Qti on thopnrl I)! that city to I omunvny (rpm Kiupson. `Otmw. ivantn donhhchfon` with the "Gran?! Trunk . In ordu-"to boonnblbd torlace. bar pro- due in tho wutorn rho tho. country- .. A (I. Ellintt. uknd m- an nuns: nl hha ` (RIC Ill LDC WCIIONI I'D 0| U|I~%l|DIl'yr A d. Elliott and or the name : of the director: of tho road and who olootod them. Mr. no-nn\mnn_ mid -luhn rlhuntnn am auroozorn or me roaq stun gun uoaun mam. Mr. Drummondpuid -the director: are 61 M.~Macdonnoll,- of Kingston; 0. vi`. (Mldoraleeve. F. Rodpath, Mn. Belubion. H. R, uf.K't.nnIln Hnmlt.. J. L. Mm-rim. (iildoraloeve. Rodpath, MR. H. 8. sum,` lie uuulb, J. L. Morris, Q.C., '1`. nylon `and A.*-Dzummond. ...l M..;o..A.I rm.-- ..'.'.. -l_..o..A I...` 0|... n. U. BSOJU, no uuum, 0. I4. Luurnn, Itylor ol Homral. They we're elected by` the n.am'|zhn|rhu-I. Ivhn hm.-n nnid tan ner nnnt. O and By a. Fortune. by George Mair. with Fern. 750. I MAKE: namnaon. U. I\ODllI!()Il. 1i'|r'.'U. Ald. Elliowa motion was then put to n vote, and was lost, the members voting thin: ` . Nnya-Tlso Imyor. Aldn, Allen. Be. Johns. Livingston. Minna. McK6lve_v. Richnrdlon. Ryan, Ste\vnrb..'I'ay|or. Toyo. |Wulkom. wrighe. 14. VA.\n_AIdn u-nnn Ellinth llnnnra I Rally 3 Rally 3 PR: _ Anni?-night It Cigy I em : amendment. Aid. Walkem'a amendment to the amendment. was adopted on the following division : A x... mm... ........... Al.-I. An... 12." I WIIIOUI. VVl`l`lN:. Ii. V You-`Aldo. Cgrnon. Elliott, Blooere, W. l Robinson. 0. Robinson, Tait. 6. '2nd_. The .nobb`oot foot wear for gentle mun} 3rd. Tl b loves: p icon at. Johnston 1833"] IIO lllI$i QllO$fIlI |El$' In I Illr (em: to we )00pl8. - Ald. ichur son and Ald. Allenwit.h- drow their motion to adopt the nnnm committee's repom. in favor of AM. Walk- nmencfmene. Ala` \I7n|Ionnn`: mutant`:-nnnf kn Olin mvmon v \ oaa-Tho mayor. Alda. Allen. Boll. Johm, Livincston. Minna McKelvey. Richardson. Ryan, Stewart. oylor, Toys, Wnlkom. Wright. N. Y\Tmn._.Aldn, (".11-Inn, Elliott. Rlnnmm, F W alum. wngnm. H. Nays---Aida. Cnruan, Elliott. Mooere, W. Robinson. 0. `Robinson. Tnmvli. Alt! 'Ia`IIhuOl'- vnnlinn Il'nI thn nub. n n the tame anouln Do cxwuuau. Ald. Johns_took exception to Ald. Elliuta nl statement. Ho favored Ald. Walkenfs amendment. because it. wnn R modicgtionmf the bill. He, for` one, w'ouTd vote to submit the question of ex- tenni to the xsople. Alnl inlnr Inn and Aid. Allan with- moms The mg. by Jules Verne. 50.

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