Lot -'1 --5 Geints hem- atjitched Handkerchiefs, ith fancy border or all white, th 20c. 1",; n auou nnuw. In the police court this mornil .Wilbur Boyd was charged by Scott ls with having on Feb. 20th last need blaaphemous and uroeely insulting language to the com- plninant. Both men are realdente on Wolfe Island. and the dilliculby originated in a dispute on the haymarltet over an al- leged debt. on the part, of Ellis to Boyd. J. Mclntyre. Q C.. defended Boyd, and R. ` Shaw looked after the interests of Ellie. Several witnesses were examined for each side, and the case was laid over until Saturday by which time WI have prefer- red a charge against Ellin. A nhnran mrninat. Jnnnh Rnml fntlmo nf KUVUFIIIIIEIID LU pursue `Hal presenu policy. In an interview Col. Smolentz asserted that the strength and numbers 00 Greek: and Turkish troops on the frontier were about equal. He had resigned, he said. because his advice to send further rein- forcements to ()1-one had not prevailed, and for no other reason. Dispute Between Fun-men Llndl Thom l..o.. I ._ READY F011! ANOTWER LIQUOR base. They'd Like To Own H. l_,'I, I n De_n-th In The Subway. \l-.__I . A 5 mjureu was rrol. mack, B. His injury is of u very Five bodies haw been re- underbaking rooms. One . conductor on the street r-two person: are at. the nihnl, HIILUIEU. injured was Prof. Slack, His iniurv in nf n Ilfv -._....-._._:_.___..._____ . ? BWBARGAIN THE STONE HOUSE. ON 00R.NlHL`({l' Prinoeu and Dlvlplon Mr Om, ocean 1 mo ' Abernathy loco. Apply at W . Oihoo. I ALF OF THE FLAT OVER THE BID 0o'n0lothlu Non Kine It t. In uamn Pnnuugohm. App (3 C | Invmnwm H11: HTUNE HOUSE. ON OORNIHL T Bra :-1., (ucN'r1.1cM"c1N BE Ao0MMoDA'cT I with single or double roomn. All modern conveniences. 88 Clergy st... neur Karl mt. V KICK HOUS N0. 95 UEEN 3131! .' B Apply t.oJ. '.OuntJ'ru3u. m ILmm'--On March 4th. Churldl the 77th year of his age. Funeral from his late raid Union street, on Fnday st: Friends and acquaintance! fully invited to attend. Mt'(ilNNlHAiIn Kingston on I897. Owen Mcinnin. 1u,l'\IIIVN I?! ~- Ln nlnguon I897. McGinnia. Funeral notice Inter. 'Street.. Phonon-- Wu Uwxnwumn A 191. Lowest. prices. [IFPS &ANION_ Prhmou street, Corner phono communication. HARE TOMLlNSONCl.AN(.`Y--B don. on the 2nd in: sonage, Nnpnnne, Ge eleotmicinn, Kinglbo Climcy, of North Fr JAB Tm: Lnnnm Um) strut. Telophonol W . -a l'umuut. Dlucmn out It:-act. block Ibo Pattern Sheet Fre Sole Agency in 1 ISTEAU "ESSA See it at V Aru lAbr3 CC COGO O } N`_`3_Ver' n on uxcuxnnxoxf ut wnu maa rpruvomonta; I cum`. RYE? HENRYI 3 specials: Coulelle Cor- sets 450, American Corset 69c. all :51 Corsets 80c, all $1.25 Corsets $1. Corsets. I Our last wael_c s Silk sale was so highly appreciated we have been requested to repeat it. and will on these days offer in 4 lots as fol- lows: 19c, 25c, 43c, 59c. Kid Gloves. [Silk Offering. All $1 Kid Gloves 80c. All $1.25 $1.05 All 75c 62c. K200 FULL BOXES We have secured two rare ba`rgains' in Handker- chiefs. ' Heart and Nerve Bill: will be EE._ Any peraon suffering` orvo trouble can get a. box nddrezs until the sup- 'rtt come, first served, __- -12-..- J I ! uuueu plquancy to one proceedings. For eighty years, ever since 1817, when James Munroe, the eighth president of the United States. initiated the practice. it has been the almost unbroken custom of the chief justice of the United States to ad- minister the oath of office to the president- elect in the open air, the high participat- ing oicials standing on a platform erected in front of the eastern portion of the capi- tol. This rule has occasionally been de- via ted frotn.when a president was re-eleted to succeed himself, or when a. vice-presi- dent has succeeded to tho otce through the death of the president. There was one other notable exception in the case of president Hayes. His inauguration day falling u on Sunday, and there being still unsettle questions as to the validity of his title. be, out of abundant precaution. took the oath of oiiioe in the White house on the day before he delivered his inaugur- al address. " 'l"I.... .l..........L:..__ _L- .L , _.-. - II uuureas. The decoration: of the city were exceed- ingly ellective with but one noticeable ex- ception. That was the treanury depart- ent-, the majestic outlines of which were d in violation of all rules of taste. 0 else, however, the scenic elfect even the bad taste displayed drapinga was lg ? part oblit- nimated concourse of em families and guests who rary seats, which, piled ' half way up the an Lirnl v nnvnrnrl Ullllo Mr. (Jlevelnndand Mr. McKinley rode side by side to and from thempitol. They had dined together at the White house the day before and they lunched in each other s compan `on the day on which they transferre the government of this great nation, the one to the other. An additional air of cordiality._vas given to the proceedings by the similajty between theviews entertained by the rering presi dent on nancinl questions anil'__those up- on which the successful candidqte of the republican party was elected. N; '. Cleve- land in truth felt more qraticnti n pro- bably in installing ut the capitol as his successor the leader of an opposinp poli- tical party than he would have llld 5 es- corting under like circumstances the It `d- er chosen by his own political nssociati. n as their candidate for the presidency. This innovation on the usually closely drawn partisan lines of American politics lime added piqnancy to the proceedings. Fm` ainlitv vanra, mmr nlnnn Ix`/I`. wlmn UIUUU DUB P|'UUUUUlHgH- The graceful interchange of courteeies between the outgoing and incoming oth- cials. which has only twice been interrupt- ed once when bluff John Adams packed his gripsack and slipped out of the White house at daylight on the 4th March to avoid ahakinghunds with his hated federa- list successor. the illustrious Jefferson. and once within living memory when (ten. Grant, because of his strained personal relations with Andrew Johnson. drove in his buggy from the old war department to the capitol. accompanied only by Gen. John A. Rawlins. his chief of staff. were, on this occasion, exercised to the full ex- tent. lJ-. l`l-..-I,..__I.,, J I! II 17- I u IIUIU PTUOIUIIIK UHIUQT (H CH6 genbe. The proceedings of the day were char- acterized by all the imposing spectacular etlecta and demonstrations of popular in- terest which have become a growing fea- ture of inaugural ceremonies. as the nation hm advanced in population and wealth. Between forty and fty thousand men formed in procession. partly military, part- ly civic, and escorted the ietiring presi- dent Jnd the president-elect to and from the capitol At least twenty thousand people witnessed the administration of the oath of oliice on the eastern portico of the capital and listened or attempted to listen to the delivering of the new president`e brief inaugural address, amlat nighta gorgeous state ball. at which the people and the president will be present, will close the proceedings. 'I`hn arnnnflil inrnrnhnnan nf nnnrfnninn HIIVU JOIHUU DIIB EIIBUU majority. Incidental to the actual assuming of of ce by the` president. and slightly preced- ing it in point of time, Garrett A. Hobart, of New Jersoy,(a gentleman not heretofore prominent in national politic:-) took the oath of oice as vice-president of the United States and was installed as ex-of- cio presiding officer of the senate. Thn nrnnmulinuu nf Hm H.511 more nluu-_ Only Two Ex-Presidents AlIve-Impo|Ing Spectncular Eectl-Graceful Exchange of CouI'tel|ee-AdmInl|terIng the Oath of Olllcu--1'! ..eremony' Before the Onpltnl. ' WASIIING'P()N, March 4.--William Mc- Kinley,` of Ohio, was to dnv installed an prguident of the United States for the term of four years, continuing until` the 4th of March, I901. and Grover Cleyeland for the second time passed from the exercise of the high orlice of president and reenter- ed private life. In his capacity as. ex- president he has but one living contempor- ary, his immediate predecessor, Benjamin Harrison. All the others who within the last thirty yexre, by election or succession. have presidf I over the destinies of the great Arnericn republic- Lincoln, John- son. Grant. Hayes, Gareld and Arthur,- have joined the silent majority. Incidental tn the antn-1| ruliulmintr nf nf. AS THE GRAND PAGEANT SWEPT ALONG THE ROUTE. BI" 11 Boys Suits on these| da scan be bought at .25 pe ent off regular prices. jnmusnuns WAIIIHEII n.| _._..,...... -.-.-v ------- ---- ------ -----~ -_.--..--_ -_..--. --I-_L--- ` __.._.. ._._.._.._....-._...-- KfN'Gs'roi~I. Onrmnxgi. THUBSDQQY, EVENI`.NG.`1s\IAI:`lCH 4. 1897, was Inaugurated at Wash- ington T o-day. npulu Illl Wu] up DUB an entirely (`overod outh end. looking down ue. The pavilion in ite house. from which y reviewed the l'8lL n- as a thing of beguty -an ation ol white and gold. to from the White house Licspsctatorq. At least -iced a continuous wel e time the procession started pitol was reached and the werestill more enthusiastically the return trip. merehel entruuted with the tn"-`day : pegeant was Gen. formerly of the staff of (Ion. ninl for controlling the [age bodiee of men was way. Each division ppointed time without 9 banked with hoarsely` Kinlny was driven to ' ted by the senate lorvthat pm-pong, mu npsmnonu. and In nu-ad. IIIIIII IP! and ..L:__ u npnrunanu, A Very ck clergyman. ` Tonoxwo, Ont. March 4.---Rov. John Match, pus_or of Chalmers Praabyterinn ohuroh,ic very oer ously ill of appendicitis. ' will 7 _9!y for ich 'I'_Io Innlgratlon Blli Puud our the Provident`; Veto. I WAslmia'roN, March 3.-"Tho house of r noabixgpu has passed the imlkigmtion /bi tour the president : veto by uvooe of I 193 to 37. r t/wenty-seven of their crewe drowned. At. the rand Orange lodge meeting at Woodeeoc yesterday Clarke Wallace made charge;/`of an attempt to pack the Calling- wood meeting last year when the Meni- tobe lnhool controversy was raging: he promised to bring the metter up letter. .|'|and'kerchief Sale. IUFVICC. A despgxtch to the Central News, from Mndrid,anys that violent. storms have raged the north cones of Spain, causing great emnge to property. Two vessels have on wrecked of`! Puerto De Buajee and wenty-seven of their At Lh arnnd nrnnnn Incl:-no Ivnglnl:-11 -L uuuer L'I)lIIl'nllnCl OI admiral rlnmann. Mr. Torrance. the Canadian agent of th Dominion steamship iino.haa been instruct. ed from English headquarters to withdraw any offers made.to the Canadian govern- ment in connection with the fast steamer service. ; J__._,A_l . .- .~. . .-. neuron or rest. and restored health. It is reported that the French gover A ment is making preparations to order Lb mobilization of the Mediterranean reeerv squadron which will be sent to the Lava? under command of admiral Hnmann. Mr, Tnrrnnnn H-in f`.......-L`...-. .....--L -1 LL ua guvexumonb cnnmance. It. is nuthorabively announced ~.1.ul9 Mr. Cleveland Will, in all probability, not. go to Princeton for some time, but. will leave Washington this afternoon for the south search of rest. and restored health. If. it: nanny-Ind flan} 0|... Ii`-..-.-L -------- mu uute as may um. J. H. Brock is mentioned as the conser- vative candidate for Winnipeg in the event of Hugh John Macdonald heing unseated. ~ Ex-mayor Jameson is almost certain to run ah government. candidate. It in nllanroti-pal ........\....-....l ,L It VIBIUII Ul one Larlll. Premier Flynn, speaking at Sherbrooke, announced that the provincial general elec- tions would take place the beginning of May, and a rlcnpntch from Quebec gives the date as May llth. .1. H Rrnnlz in rnnnfinnnr-I no cl... .... .... UUIIIWIHI, vnu. It is understood that the United Sbates congress will be conuoked for the lch inst., and than president McKinley will send down a. message urging a speedy re- vision of the tariff. D.........'.... ml--- __, I - - I ' uwuuu we amnion and cheered tor anarchy. Advices received ut, Hamna show that the rebels have been displaying great acti- vity, and in su\'rnl em-)unt,crs, auamined wi the Spanish troops. have obtained Big victories. Pre lent, Cleveland yesterday signed the bil authorizing the construction of :1 rnilwny Bridge over the St. Lawr ca river, can-qocbing Hognnsporb, N.Y.. - and Cornwall, Ont. It ha n..,l.v....4.....J LL..L 41... n.-..4 n. um wunuug upemuons. Serious noting took plane at Neuwied, Rheniah Prussia, on Saturday last. A mob drove the police ingo their station, stoned the station and cheered for anarchy. Havmm shnw mmr. UPMIII. G. S. Everinghnm, a Ierliug member of the Chicago board of trade, has been ex- pelled for making false reports of purchases and sales. ML. 11...": VIV n Lot 2 --`-MIadiee' hem- titched Handkerchiefs at $c, value 15c to 25c. unu BEIGE. The Grand Trunk railway returns for the month of January show a net Wncrense of $`.ZS.E38(), due to the saving e"er,`ted in the working ope?*at.ions. Hnrinnn rmtimr fnnlr ..1.m. no \Y.\....`;..,l uuu, lranlc assocmmon. _ Venezuela has appointed minister to England llr. Juan Pietra, now in Europe as Venezuelan minister to (lernmny and Spain. (1 R Fnrlnnknn. n lnI..l.'..._ .........L.._ -1 IILH lll LOIOHIO. Chauncey M. Dopow has accepted the chairmanship of the board of control of the joint traic association. \'nnn-/nnla L..- ........:..A...) ._.:_z_._,.' .- (ll!) lull yum`. A pro'.4}nninl" ce=1fcr;.1ccc fr" .' vutnrio tem- perance workers has bcen called {or March llch in Toronto. f`|l............. u n_,,,. I, - I -I - Splco Of The Morning Papers And The Very Latest Delpatches. Greenwich, Conn., reports Andrew Cur- neuie s condition is much improved. Manitoba's estimates (`AH fnr A xrrnnt nf mane .-s conuluon Is mucn improved. estimates call for A rant of 8,183,000 for schools, compared wit 3169.9.- 000 last year. .I........ ,._A.., ,_.-v.,... punt: In xronc OI Lno eannce. William McKinley than formally enter- ozl upon his duties at chief executive of a nation of seventy millions of pea la, and (lrovex`.Cleve|and retired to his ome at Princeton, N.J., to resume the practice of luw. uusunu IIULIIUEF. Immediately after the close of his ad- dress president McKinley and ex-president Cleveland re-entered their carriage and were driven to the White house amid tumultuous cheers all along the route, president McKinley this time oevupying the seat of honor to the right. The pro- cession, re enforced by the numerous civic organizations which had been assembled on the capitol hill since early morning. re- formed and marched down the avenue and past the White house, where they were re- viewed by the president and his friends from in special stand erected for that pur- pose in front of tho edice. Vvllllnm M1-Ki:\lnv flu.-an Fnrmnllu nan... awuur In ducu as were present. This ceremony completed both houses of congress and many of the more privileged spectators ndjou rned to the eastern pnrtico. There in the presence of an immense throng, chief justice Fuller administered to pre- sident McKinley the brief obligation pre- scribed to maintain the constitution and enforce the laws of the United States. President McKinley delivered his in- uugural address. r .......-..1.`..A..!.. ..h..... L.. _|_._ .1 I,-, 2 uu`. nuuaru. DU wnom lne onm OI omce was administered, after which h`b made a brief address, and proceeded in his turn to swear in such as were pmeent. This car-amnn`v nnmnlntnd hnth hnnann nf Opend to-day 4 case Ladies Wrappers $1. $1.25, $.50. Ladies` Suits, waist and skirt, a splendid, use~ L11 line for $1.75. ' k|ARDY S, At the senate chamber at nooh Cleve- land and McKinley meet a brilliant com- pany. Vice-president Stevenson made a speech, closing by saying: "Far the able and distinguished gentleman who succeeds me us your presiding oicer. I earnesnly invoke the same co-operation and courtesy you have so generously accorded me." The extra nnnninn nf tho uannm nf Hm _yuu Have no gunurouely accomea me. ' Tbevextre. session of the senate of the fty-fth congress, called by president. Cleveland to meet. at twelve o'clock. March 4th. then commenced. The lube vice-president; made way for his successor. Mr. Hobart. to whom the oath of office wnn nr`rnln|'nfAv-on-I nftnr IIr|\ln|\ IL ......I.. .. the clatter oi naval , the deep` hoarse mmbletrfmtillery, to a measured tramp of many columns of infantry and the More of innumerable bands. the march to the on ital began. lunnotlier four horae carriage fa owing the president rode vice-preai- dent-elect. Hobart and the aenataorsdepubed to escort him to the scene of his future duties. Th in a long stream oicarriagee came the diamuguiahed guests. The presi- dent : personal escort was oroop A, of Cleveland. Ohio. eighty cavalrymen mount- ed on coal-black chat-gore, and. still more interesting, a detachment of grizzled vete- ran: from the Twenty-third Ohio v.olunLeere.' major McKinley : old regiment. Gen. Miles. commanding the United __S;.aLee army. and rear-admiral George Brown. ranking officer of the navy, in full uni- form, rode immediaboly after the presiden- tial party. AI`. than nnnnln nlunnl-anr of nn.-5-; 00...... ALIENS STAY OUTI PITH or THE r5EVvs. `at --?'%-""\""*`*" Bu Baclneh Port. Hnnnux, N.., M steamer Numudi , wi 2 unilg for Ca ` 53:- ow Cyclist` button In. Bxunroab. Ont., nch 4. -Johnoton l condition this mom` is 3 littlg improve- ment on ~yeserdty. emporunn, ninety- eight: nlse. gave y-four; reopingion, twenty our. wguw Ila` twenty-fgnr. any songs: VIIIIIIIIIIE` Ill ITIJIIDII. [L El`O0l., ` March 4. - The. Belgian stea r Belgent, Capt. Doxend, from Phil- ndelp Februz ' 21st, has arrived here. She rte Lhatlon February 28th in lah. 49. "OI" long. 29, went, the spoke to the British amer Lake Winni . Capt. Taylor. m St. John, N.B., ebruary water in her engine room. t her docklond of chbtld. that the Lake Winnipeg, wed. .` She hnd also Capt. Taylor an. would need to iverpool. with her machinery ` adies"i?,|Irappers and Suits lld PTBFICIOYH. B BPPTOVHL The general deciency bill failed to pass congreaa. President. Cle`3lnnd sign- ed the fortications appropriation bill after midnight. \-_ plmanirlnnf. N',\1(in`nI-7 -1:" In -nun:--p\-I I \ Bllll Pulled In Becoxlnx Law. WAsHlN:T()N, March 4-The work of the Cleveland administration ended at 10:46 am.. and the cabinet room was de- serted. The president did not sign the sundry, civil, Indian, agricultural appro- priation bills. They all failed for lack of the president : approval. The manor-nl rlnninnnv hill l..:lul 0.. No one Can Be Made A Member Under An Assumed Name. Cn`u`.u:o, March 4.---In reference to a despatcli from New York published in a morning paper, stating that J. 8. Bourne- quet. formerly cashier of the bank Du Peuple. Montreal. and who was charged with wrecking that institution, had been located in Chicago, where he had become a member of the stock exchange. Joseph R. Wilkins. secretary of the Chicago stock exchange. declared yesterday that no one of the name of Bousequet or any other similar name was a member. It is also." said Mr. Wilkins, impossible that any one could become a member of the Chicago -stock exchange under an assumed name. because each applicant for membership must be vouched for by two members. I "never heard of Bousequet. _.______._,_._. llllulglllu V. President MbKinley will to-marrow '5rue his proclamatiornv for an extra ses- ion. It will be callel to meet March 15th, lnich falls on Monday. IIEEUCIMLIUII IIIIII/CHCH. It is aaid that Mr. Mulock has a svheme for the exwrision of the money order ser- vice mhroughout; the dominion. There has long been a demand for additional of- fices at points of growing business im- portance. and it is understood that Mr. M ulock has devised a scheme to meet the requiremerita. It will mean the institu- Lion of some new 800 offices from the let. of Jul ne\x t.`t.he beginning of the new fiscal y r There are at present only about ,`200 money order offices in the dominion. [HUT UULWGETI DUELOII LHIU .l;lVCrP00l- Those who are qualified for position in the Hialey team have been notified to send in their acceptances to the secretary of the dominion rie association. The Lee-Met ford rie is to be used in the national rie association matches. l;:......:.l :1... \l.. \l._I--I_ L--- _,L_.,,_ VBIIIUXIII. The new steamship Canada, of the Do- minion line, has been wibhdrawn from the St. Lawrence route and will run next sum- mer between Boston and Liverpool. Thnnn whn am unnhnrl fnr nnaitirm in Report Wired to This Effort Wu 1: Fake- Mulc Accept. It (mm. O'I"l`A\\ A. March 4. -~-~l osiLive denial is given here to tho report. wired from Mon- treal yesterday that solicitor-general Fitz- pncr-lck would return to Romain View of the departure of archbishop Begin to the Vatican. rm... ....... -s.........l.:.. l".......1.. -r LL- n- Ullll LIPUII IAIU IHU UI l\-ULY 5 IIIBU WIIUI ullu UKIU insurance ran to the two children. The wife died and tho insurance was held for the children. One of these children was given away and the other Roy kept him- self. He soon married again. After a short time Roy began to consider how he could get the insurance money left by his first wife to the children. Then commenced the brutal scheme concocted by the two. The little child was put up in a garter. where it was hoped the winter (old would (les- troy the young life. And even this was not enough to satisfy the cruel nature of the man who was attempting to take the life of his own child. Somewhere be or his wife had read or heard that if peas were placed in a child's nose they would in time grow and cause the child`s death, and no pehs were forced into the nostrils of the little one. and its ears were lled with wool and it was left in the cold to die. Suspicion was aroused, however. and the poor child was rescued. but not until its handsnnd feet were frozen. When the officers went to arrest Roy And his wife the former declared that the child was his and he could do as heliked with it. They were examined at Windsor before be- fore being brought to Sherbroolse. They will be taken before district magistrate Mulvenn in a few days. Roy has several children by his second wife, and one, an infantof about six months, is in jail with them. `)1:--1-:---------- i l3l|Bl'Ul'UUIU Jll. The womun is Ro_v`s second wife. Some years ago an insurance policy was taken out upon the life of R-oy s first wife. and the innnrunmva run In Hm t.uvn nhih-lrnn Tim OFF UIIO Ul DUB WUTEL crimes POHUIDIO LOIKDHKIHG. A man. by the name of Roy. and his wife are charged with having attempted by the most inhuman methods to destroy the life of a little child of eight. or nine years of age that. by its death they might. gain alfew paltry dollars of insurance. `The man `and woman failed in their attem pi; and are now both safely lodged behind the bare n the Sherbrooke jail. Thu wnmnn in Rnvhl nnnnnll wifn .Qnmn Wlll U0 IUTWIIUUU IOU DIIU l'.'Ul.I[.IUI'o `FROM SHERBROOKE, QUE. A'r1u::\'s, Much 4.-Ib ie unnou the advice of Col. Smolentz. in the Iuhumnn Persons Fnlled In Thelr Pur- WM. to and minforcemoma 0` G". -me ~ 2:: g;.d,*:.S::;i;:;?i;:,:`::i.E .::;..:.:'.:. The Child uoacuoa In on rug. we 5 . . -- ,5:-s never laid before the cabinet. N Enough to u, 0" N1`? 8: believed that Col. Smolentz, wh S"EWE- Q- M`'h 4~`R'F)`3 signntion has been announced. offere from Sc. George de_ Windsor bring to light mm-Kn at long ago as Fen z0,_h_ The one of the worst crimes possible toiiiiagune. sigmmon of um. minietern Wm have ' f nd hi inuence upon the ultimate decision of t `' h_"d h"i"9 "`P`d '5,h government . to pursue its present policy. "]5'5__'"!`)_", m_t'h9d3 3 d3" Y interview Cal. Smnlantz mum-md lnhuman Parents Plannd the Death of a Child `tho Pur- And Are Now Lodged I ` `b "'w . rr..~)'|~7e" '3 7d N... It-......_|. 4- l:..a.|-n_ n__._u `vi? :9 1.. -S pun LlFE_,__|NRAlE.| pm cam PALTRY muLAas.l A DREADFUL STORY COMES '~>------------ FITZPATRICK WILL NOT GO. The Lake Winnipeg In Tronblo. v......n... `ll-_..L 1 0191.. n_I THE;;'ORY DENIED. hfnumv, SATURDAY AND MOF?DAY. `We have receive SPRING Callfand have a lo. L1vn1a_sm ' the opinion that president To Irlt out More Warships LONDON, March 4.-A despatch fr: Madrid to the Central News says that cabinet council, presided over by pr Uanovas, held last evening, it Wu , to aid: for an extra credit for the of fittin out six additional marsh` de:-patch also says that the min" not sanction the fitting out .uc_y u uuus nu ulvn II- The Mail and Empire yesterday Itntod that the Wampum gold mine. in the Seine River district, is making I remarkably good showing, and as a good thing nn possibly be owned anywhere exec - route. the statement wan made t molt of the stock is owned by`}. l!oront.onlnnI. While the first statement in quite can-999. the second is abeolmtnly incorrect, ll ovary dollar : worth of `Wampum stock is owned in Kingston. a The Defendant Wen, BHO(`K\'ll.l.E, 0nt.. March 4 --The case of Little vs. Barton, in which W.~J. Little, an aged farmer from the township of Ox- ford, asked $2,000 damages from Delbert. Barton, of Augusta, who is accused of se- ducimz the former : daughwr, Lizzie Little. gave a verdict for defendant. Evi- dence was put in think the Little girl nnd (ieorge Clubs. who had been in prison for various crimes. kept. company. and on one occasion two witnesses aware they were seen in compromising positions. ylulull WUIU SHEDEOFI Among those inju of Tuftis college. Hi serious nature. moved to Jonea unde of the dead is a cond railway. Forty-two Emergency hospital. DWUIILY ur IDOIU. The explosion wrecked three electric care that was passing at the Mine. one of them being burned up. Several buildings in the vicinity were damage . The ex- ploeion was caused by e ` One of the wrecked car car from Cambrid e. Among the build- ing: damaged were the hotel Phelan. the Knickerbocker and Head buildings and the masonic temple. Window glass in build- ing: within `:00 feet of the scene of ex- plosions wcro shattered. Arnnnn thnan inu'.n~n.l um- I)...-J` Ql....I. uu-nu Ill Inc BIIIDWIY. BOSTON, March 4.~--An explosion occur- red in the Subway excavation. corner of Tremonb and Boylston streets, about twelve rfclock to-dny, which caused the denth of atleasb twelve persons and the injury of twenty or more. Thu cnrnlnninn my-nnl..A 51...-.. ..I....n.-:- UIUIUII lllll Dvuruay. J. Fralick plendud guilty to a. violation of the liquor license law in having sold liquor during prohibited hours. Defendant pieaded guilty and was ned SW and costs with the option of spending ten days in jail. ruu u. cuurgu nguman nllhi. A charge against, Jacob Boyd, father of Wilbur Boyd, accusing him of having used foul and abusive language was then called. Ellis was the complaint. in this case also, and the magistrate reserved de- cision tiil Snturday. J. Frnlinlr nlnnriuri nnniitn in n uinl-Han Ahxmy-nounm Ymn.+NO. 53.