Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 20 Feb 2002, Community Update, C4

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( ' ( I M M U N I T Y U P D A T E Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com WKDNKSDAY FEB R U A R Y 2 0 . 2 (X)2 · IV lgc C 4 Please forw ard announcem ents fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, OakviUe Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, OnL L6K 3S4; email blokhuLs@haltonsearch.com, fa x 905337-5567, or call 905-845-3824 E x t 250, B E F O R E NO O N M onday to be included Notices are listed free o f charge. Crocus Sale at Treasure Island Books fo r C NIB. 250 Kerr St. A bout 100 pots avail able. $4 each or three for $10. Call 905-8458009. St. Jude's Celebration o f the Arts pres ents the John I Ming Singers' Twentieth Anniversary Celebration Concert, M arch 2, 8 p.m., at St. Jude's. W illiam and King. E vening o f choral - gospel and contem porary music. Tickets $20, $18 for students and sen iors, call 905-844-3972. M usic Scholarship Concert in m em ory o f John M acdonald, form er m usic teacher at T. A. B lakelock High School, M arch 3, 2 p.m .. N elson High School Auditorium , New Street. Burlington. Tickets, $15. available at Blakelock o r call Lynda Eady, 905-827-1158. Tickets also available at the door. at 12 noon for lunch at the Quality Hotel, 754 Bronte Rd. Speaker: Andre Levesque, m an ager, Industrial State Chem ical Co.. Toronto. Cost: $15 per person. For reservations or any questions, call Barry Beach at 905-815-1600 or by e-mail: beach@ im l.com Musicianship, to be conducted by the em i nent m usician and teacher Jam es Anagnoson, at Studio T heatre o f the O akville Centre for the Perform ing Arts, 130 Navy, 2 - 5 p.m. Cost: $10, payable at the door. The workshop is presented by the O akville-M ississauga C hapter o f Canadian M usic Com petitions. Call D agm ar Rydlo, 905-844-0822 or Katie Chen. 905-849-7223. S e lf Esteem : Feeling Good A bout Yourself, four-week program begins, to help identify inner critic, change negative beliefs and adopt accepting attitudes, W ednesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m., in Burlington. Call CM H A Halton. 905-693-4270. M O ND AY F E B R U A R Y 25 Optimist Club o f Oakville. 7:15 p.m., H alton R egional P olice Safety V illage. Speaker: Dan Crabb, New Haven Learning C entre for Children. Oakville Z onta C lub presents Songs fo r the Soul. 7 p.m ., with O akville jazz singers C aroline D avidson. K aren M anion, and Keith T hom spon, Oakville C entre for the Perform ing Arts. Tickets, $26, call 905-8152021. D inner T heatre packages for Paradiso Restaurant available through the box office. Dinner-theatre packages $56. All donations and proceeds to W ellspring. Purim Celebration: February is outreach m onth at Shaarei-Beth El Synagogue. Purim Celebration, 6 p.m .. evening o f fun, crafts, entertainm ent, and refreshm ents for all ages, ending with the reading o f the M egillah. Prizes will be aw arded for the best costum es so com e dressed up. All w elcom e. Cost: $5. Call Bobbie Hill at 905 849-6000. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 21 Fred H ayw ard o f U nited Em pire L oyalists A ssociation speaks about O ur Loyalist Pioneers at B ronte H istorical Society, 7:30 p.m.. Sovereign House, 7 W est River. Call 905-825-5552. Free adm ission, refreshm ents. Oriah M ountain Dreamer speaks about her book The Dance, 7 to 9:30 p.m., John Guest Hall, Appleby C ollege, sponsored by W om en's Centre and Bookers. Tickets $10, available at B ookers, 905-844-5501, or W om en's Centre, 905-847-9104. W om en's C entre closed tonight only. WEDNESPA Y FEBRUARY 20 As part o f Kinsmen and Kinettes Day. Feb. 20. and Kinsmen and Kinettes Week, Feb. 16 to 22, Oakville Kinsm en C lub holds open m eeting at C rusader Rugby Club. Ninth Line north o f U pper M iddle. 7:15 p.m. Call Justin Caiger, 905-845-0757. Kinsmen and Kinettes mark 82nd anniversary today. OakvilleG reen presents A n Evening with Glen De Baeremaeker. president o f Save the Rouge Valley, w ho led the fight to save 500,000 acres o f green space on the Oak Ridges M oraine and who was instrumental in creating the Rouge Park, North Am erica's largest urban park. Holiday Inn, 590 Argus Rd, 7:30 p.m. Seating is limited. Call 905847-9990 or visit www.oakvillegreen.com C aring for Kids Com m unity Partnership presentation on Children and Sexuality: A Children and Divorce: Avoid the Pitfalls, six-w eek program designed to support par ents in helping children cope with separation and divorce. Call Canadian M ental Health A ssociation, 905-693-4270. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., 1 to 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointm ent only, call 905-815-5966. H alton Peel A F A F - F ranocphone Women's B usiness Association dinner. M ichael's Back Door, 1715 Lakeshore W,, M ississauga (9 0 5 -822-5751), 6 p.m. Speaker: L aurie M orrison, president, Oakville C ham ber o f Com m erce. Cost: $25 ($33 non-m em bers), call Rita Holm es. 905822-3677. Inform o f food allergies. T he M ay C o u rt C lub of O akville's Festival of Trees C om m ittee recently p re sented A nne K ing of the H alton VON with a cheque for $12,550, bringing the total raised over the past 14 years to $160,050. Show n at front, from left, are Sue Baillie, A nne K ing from the VON, Jill M ark and Lesley Invidiata, and, at back, from left, Ju d ith P angm an, S haron T im m erm an, Patti H natiw , and B renda C undill. The club, one of nine M ay C o u rt groups in O n tario with 189 m em bers, operates the N early New Shop a t 200 K e rr St., provides an ed u cation puppet show at schools fo r children fo u r to eight, ru n s a lunch box p rogram providing nutritio u s snacks fo r children, and su p p o rts W ellspring. New m em bers are welcome, call M a rg a re t at 905-849-5594. Street. T hursday evening from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Fee $10. Call 905-842-0940. Next ses sion Feb. 21 to M arch 21. Historical Society, Canadian G olf Hall o f Fam e, Halton-Peel Branch o f the O ntario Genealogical Society, the Heritage Trails Project o f the Com m unity Foundation o f O akville, O akville H eritage (L A C A C ), Oakville M useum , Oakville Public Library, Oakville Historical Society and the United Empire Loyalists. In celebration o f the work o f fam ed west coast photoconceptualist R oy A rden, Oakville Galleries holds a free Photographic Workshop. 2 - 5 p.m. at Centennial Square. Artist Shannon Crossm an will lead partici pants through the photographic process by helping them to build a cam era obscura, take a picture and develop it. Following in the footsteps o f Arden, participants will discover, through the use o f the cam era, how to expose beauty in the overlooked. Call 905.844.4402 o r visit ww w .oakvillegalleries.com . Oakville Christian Women A fter Five Club holds S w eets for the Sw eet - A Valentine Treat dinner, 7 p.m., O akville G olf C lub, featuring Sim ply Chocolate o f dow n tow n Oakville, m usic by flutist Bev Ducak and speaker Anne M cD ow ell. Reservations, $24. call Susan, 905-849-1435. Ijegal Workshop, Child and Spousal Support, 7 - 9 p.m .. W o m en 's C entre, Hopedale M all, Rebecca and T hird Line, Ste. 210. Call 905-847-9104 Become part o f a new m en's group that will provide an opportunity to discuss your issues and concerns. C onfidentiality assured. N o cost. M eetings last M onday o f each month, Hopedale M all, Ste. 210. second floor o f mall. 1515 Rebecca at T hird Line. For inform ation call 905-847-5466 or 905524-0171 and leave nam e and phone number. Tots and Us, for caregivers and children playtim e, m usic, stories and snack, 10 a.m ., St. Paul's U nited church, 454 Rebecca. Call 905-845-3427. Guide fo r Parents and Caregivers o f Young Children, with public health nurses, 7 to 9 p.m ., O akville Central Library, 120 Navy. Dessert Bridge fo r Seniors, 1:30 p.m.. T he K ensington. 25 L akeshore W. Free adm ission, bring partner. R eservations required, call Linda. 905-844-4000. Oakville Harbours A dvisory Com m ittee and Halton Regional Police host 2nd annual Boating Symposium at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar. O akville and Trafalgar Room s, 7 p.m. Presentations by Canadian Coast Guard. RCMP, Halton Regional Police Marine Unit. Canada Custom s and Excise, Oakville Fire Departm ent, and TOWARF. Boaters interest ed in obtaining Pleasure Craft O perator Card m ay vyrite test afterw ards for $20. Call Wallace Nisbet. 905-844-6670. Halton A n d Peel Professional Executive Network (H APPEN ) netw orking support group for unem ployed business profession als, 8:00a.m, in M ississauga. Speaker: Greg Laughton, o f PRO T raining Ltd., W riting a W inning Resum e. Cost: $5, non-m em bers $10. Call 905-339-0268 o r w w w.happen.ca. Mississauga Camera Club, 8 p.m.. Port C redit L ibrary, 20 L akeshore E,, M ississauga. Paul Fitzsim ons, Photography T hrough the Seasons. Call 905-569-9755. F R ID A Y F E B R U A R Y 22 Halton Pro-U fe A nnual D inner & Silent A uction, B urlington C onference C entre, 5420 North Service Rd., Burlington. 6 p.m. Speaker: Wesley J. Sm ith. Tickets $29. Call Halton Pro-Life. 905-632-3232. SATU RD AY F EB R U A R Y 23 lea rn er's Shah bat Service. Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky will lead a sim plified, slow-paced Shabbat service, while giving explanations throughout. 10:30 a.m . O f special interest to interfaith couples and their fam ilies as well as those fam ilies without synagogue affiliation. Call Bobbie Hill at 905 849-6000. As part o f the Heritage Week celebra tions, the Oakville Heritage Fair will m ake its second appearance in the C entre C ourt o f O akville Place, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., initiated by the Ham ilton Branch o f the United Empire L oyalists' A ssociation o f C anada. Bronte International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) dinner, 5:30 to 9 p.m .. U pper Franco's at Burlington H oliday Inn, Q E W and G uelph Line. Speaker: Sharon L aF rance o f Avery Dennison. Tickets $20. Call Helene TrotierTate, 905-632-6378. H alton-Peel C hartered A ccountants Association, 6 .30 p.m . (din n er 7 p.m .), M ississauga G o lf Club. 1725 M ississauga Road at the QEW , M ississauga. S p e a k er C harles Freedm an. Deputy G overnor with the Bank o f C anada w ho assists in form ulat ing and setting m onetary policy in Canada. Cost: $40 for m em bers, $50 for non-m em bers and guests. Advance registration only. Call Gul N awaz, 905-273-5888 Oakville Team o f C BM C Canada Meditation Classes - Introduction to Buddhist Psychology a n d Meditation at Victoria Hall, St. Jude's Church. Thom as (Christian Business M inistries C anada) meet SU ND AY F E B R U A R Y 24 Canadian M usic Competitions (CMC) is planning a w orkshop. The Development o f CARP holds Intergenerational Essay Contest for high school students The third annual Intergenerational Essay Contest sponsored by the Halton Chapter of Canada's Association For The Fifty Plus -- CARP has been announced to the schools. The contest is open to all stu dents attending a secondary school within Halton. Students are requested to write an essay relating an experience, or conversation she/he had with a grandparent or other mature person. Each school may submit what the staff has determined to be the best essay to represent their school. Entries are to be submitted by March 31. The judges will choose the first, second and third best entries and prizes of $300, $200, and $100 respectively, will be awarded to the top three students. The judges are Joyce Savoline. Regional Municipality of Halton; Rev. M. Nancekivell, rector, St. Aidan's Anglican Church. Oakville; Rev. L. Tadman. rector, St. Phillip the Apostle Anglican Church. Burlington; and Mema Dack and Ken Laramie of CARP. The three students will be invit ed to the monthly meeting of the Chapter on May 22, when prizes will be awarded and the students invited to read their essay to the members and guests. The students' families, representatives o f the staff of their three schools and rep resentatives o f the respective boards will also be invited to the meeting. The objective of the contest is to promote communication and rela tionship between high school stu dents or teens and their grandpar ents or other mature people. "We encourage all to promote the contest through discussions among family members, friends and neighbours," said Harry Bowers, chair of CARP's Halton Chapter. For information, call Harry Bowers at 905-335-5717. Heritage Week events Custom Designs, Custom Finishes. Top Quality Cabinetry. Competitively Priced, Free In-Home Service, Ufetime Warranty 4150 South Service Rd. Burlington 632-0029 w vrw .E m rm ko4yom .eom /m niaye abinet oncepts Fred Hayward of the United Empire Loyalists Association will speak about Our loyalist Pioneers at the Bronte Historical Society, on Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m., at the Sovereign House, 7 West River St. Call 905-8255552. Admission is free, and there will be refreshments. As part of Heritage Week celebrations, the Oakville Heritage Fair will will be held at the Centre Court of Oakville Place, on Feb. 23 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., initiated by the Hamilton Branch of the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada. Bronte Historical Society. Canadian Golf Hall of Fame. Halton-Peel Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, the Heritage Trails Project of the Community Foundation of Oakville, Oakville Heritage (LACAC), Oakville Museum. Oakville Public Library, Oakville Historical Society and the United Empire Loyalists. Help Fight Juvenile Diabetes in Halton! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4TH ANNUAL 05 r id a l S fto z v c a s e Monday April 8, 2002 6:30 p.m. 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall 475 North Service Road (east of Trafalgar) Parhj I iante Saturday, March 16 Knights of Columbus Hall 1494 Wallace Road., Oakville featuring the... Billy Harper Band and the iqin Irish fita n te n promptly at 8:00 p.m. $25.00 per person Oakville's finest Corned Beef & Cabbage will be available from 8 p.m. in a non-smoking environment. Cash Bar with popular prices! Plenty of Door Prizes! Special Draws! The Hostess is Julie @ 9 0 5 -8 4 5 7 6 7 5 F R E E A D M IS S IO N Door Prizes * * Fashion Show * * Special Displays * * Gift Bag for Every Bride Brought to you by X A / i * V W l c o rv i a c o n S i n c e LTD. For tickets call 905-827-1854 or, John Crilly at 905-845-6277( 1 9 3 0 W W W . W E L C O M E W A G O N . C A

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