Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1877, p. 3

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II. II now can! 41' `run mm- ` fro! rommn. _._. X0-`V-`*- PuIol.- TI [IIO ol ariohl between L` l\._.... ._4I DI-A}... ..I..L. -....lA.J 1- - .1. .._ Mcbotmuux - Mu um/4:.- Duucun Mackenzie to diiy culled upnn us to give in his union of the late dirhculty which onded in Mclmiigliiii being hurt. Mr. Mnckonzie nyn he returned homo and found Mclmughin frightening u niece 0! hit with I Ipurioun Iurrnm. of di|trou-- or no wuuut M. I". Mackenzie demand` ad to an the document and Mcboughlin could not produce it,but talked A good dell. `l'hn iinvuirrnntnblo proceeding: stirred up Mnckenzie, who hit. him just I for nlnpn with his hind, and than being threutuneal with I IU-`iilIg, hu used hi: boulu. Mclmughiu has taken out A unr- nnt fol Iusuult, and both nude: will nuon be heard. , , .`.7.,___ (hum Annuu. -- The uvonnoll un- .:_,__._._ x. A- L. ,,___| 1 .1 u IIIIIWIUI-IKU In anon LICK). --Tho Government having determined to keep Icareful record uf all criminal proceedings, nru procuring tnbieo from ewh municipality, giving the full de- ncription of every criminal, hi: utfanoo. &c., intended fur the Deparuuant of Agriculture ll Uttawa. 1 V -( -~Tho City Clerk in making out n lint who have failed to rsgiulor thou: family evonu Which increu.-so or diminish the circles. Nu excuse; they have full knowlodgo of awh cue. 1-1.. 11 ..... ...-... I... u-nu nun" nu. -vu nun |\I| m... ....u. IF` --A lugs number of Kingnoni plenuro tnveliou are roginterecl at/I routo And Montrenl Luteln, Time: I not. In bud, indeed. rm .`. .- .- . 1 5: -curu. --Joy!ul timhngn . A fast. tnin from Cape Vincent Lu Wntertnwu hu cou- mencod running. Tho "u-.cunuuodation" hnvo born hr Loo Iluw for thin fut Ago. I 1 ur- . unuun In nu-nu uni uruu. --Mr. Wm. Lightfont, 'l`hel n'ntor, to-day vinitod his old Kingston friend: nftorn long nbnenco, and In heartily groeted. ' I....l..| Al.L..n. A I..0 0-`in fun-n - 'v|uuu u-A -w-n. --Wo hopo lhul. the fellow who said this moon in: 1 dry one had to spend an hour in the ruin tn-day without. ann um- bralln or Itraev. car mmr. n. ..u . .. . m. n - . --nun III -uuuuvu av Illvuavvluunll. ---An American paper romnrlu that In nilroui company tint first offer: militia man half lure rats: to Cmuda, will ramp I golden hnuelt. _w. i....... .1... Oh`: 6.1:... .1. ...;a enANn'Yoi'nsIon Clark, 0! Kingulnn, qttendod the Dental Auocintiun meeting at Toronto, And the Inter vru admitted to membership. A- .1 ...--.'..-.. ..-....- .......I.. aim; 1.. --'I'ho schooner Mary Jule, Mouloslm, And Anglo Saxon, puud through the Wolhnd Canal yontordty bound 101- King- -Inn -.Tho Kingston paper: don'tlgot hull I chnuoo. Tho nding of Master 0heru- duor spoiled u very nice Chnrlea Ron nan; -'l`ho 0 o'clock clzning movomnntia working adtinlnctotily It Brockvillo. It. bu dono no born for quite I long limo ,..,...,.....,. -Connm-loit 25. pioool, and nln $10 bill: on tho bunk of B.N.A., nu circulation, the Inner lbuul Otuwn, 1 tholonnor in nu wont I||__ u u,|,_|, J 2,, - nun uwyv gt, nu nnu-5-Iuu Qua-v. `run and had nothing more. -Whon tho pooplo of I city learn to Indo st homo, they also 1 ntvp toward: .....u...h .. --an uvuuvnuu yuvuuu wvnv uvu vvla-. taunt: at Brookvillo, though some ol then won down that river. -In Toronto 84. in Cobourg 94.60, in Port Bopo IS, in Kinpton 6.50. Only An.| uul .u.uu'.... ....._. :l l'\X I-UV . W I 5. non Honda) night. . -7130 Ink: in the In in grldually mung: An- n-n--:n- ..--u- _-.. ..... ....., -nun. Maura. L. Clement: ld J. u _a :1,-: . , ,.A :_;.L. Ix- .____. -._ -, _v-_ -.-up--, I0!` I50 novel-cl trndoo rvtquirrd in that ornrlion cl o`l 0Wl|t sml ADDITION lu ('||ll.~l`l` cnuncu. Cnlonqui. 1 Iain: Tnndnr -ma m..-.....iaI. ......-.....| ----0 . -`!'lu Bollovillo yuhtn were not con- nntnnln Al Ruminillg Ilusnnh All!-I nll Wtllia -511: Hon. 1:. J. oumtgkc n .c Xian; Kingatoninn .-..i.o.......l no 'I`.., oltho Mun: Williamson, Rev. Mr. W`Ib`{m,"lI.ov.7 Mr. Qoultlu-t, of Guuoqu, and gun! olden. I Rn. Ir. Ooulthul dcllvaod no ul~ than In the ninhlur. on anolarbdo lot Au Had . lulhgud Al Ho odd Io notnnlhhv. 1-. Tho oannnony how our. the Ru. Prol. Mount ulcnd Ru. Mr. Io Cumin tho In hand ol fellowship, had each of the uonbou ol tbs Pushy- tory did likoviu, Snolndln Rev. Mr. Smith, R". Hr. Young, 0 Nnpanoo; Rn. Mr. Oh:-hon, ol Buubury; Ru. Hr. (hlllchor. ol Pinhburgg Rev. Fml. Williamson, Wilma, lhv. Oonltlnl. ofnnnnnnn --4| ---I I ulna of _.. The .11 Poolm having boon nun , tho Moderotor douiloul tho otopo Ihi had boon aim to all tho name in tho Church. Thin dono ho put I o uuol question: roopoctinu his prohuiono ond bolio! to lhl mininwr oloct, oil 0! vhnoh Ioro onovorod by Raw. Mr. Ouoiq, nond- ing and In viow ol tho Iholo church. Tho momhoro ol tho church Ion than roquonod toh uond. `out! they. on lhoir pommodot o pmmooooo nooouoryto o oloor undoruhnding bouvoon putor 1 And pooplo. to GONT_l_lAGTOBS. nun nu: ma word. In this Church ' ho prnyod that it might be plninly And hithlully and nuamivol and dovoutly hard, on `slly mull, 0 uinmntionn of him w o In shout to human tho v ton! churgc; that many would be inm- od to jam tho visible communion, nod to uhnpo their eouru no In in onion I not!- ing in the gonad nunbly M the Ohnrvh I of tho Fin!-born in Huugu. aacnno nu Incnaly Id. 1! In M A-*-"' ' , nofi :51;--g:_3_`2" !-- '-:::.... u.. roch ...unun on thu journey of Mo; I gul it they rojootod tho nvlonr they re joctod tho only pilot who could ably user their hark to Ibo douirod lnvon. :4. concluded by hoping ull would accept u nllu hour the Word. In this Church In nrnnd clan it minln 1.. ..I.a..I.. ....n are not on non`: nae, hitter, indeed, mun be the reectioue. Without God And without hope there in nuthing to eun- mn them in the hour oi It'll], nothing on which they can net at the hour of death. How and the condition ! With the Word o!(}o-I then In our hand: you eennoi ` decline iu friend , dd. It le A-*-_'.',"| unread out balm-e val` in--"' . ` . pf I uuuva uuc-u unuuuuuuuaw, wuulu Kindle is light in the soul whoae improaa would he left on the face when receiving in laat form by the hand of death. They should prize, then, thia Word 0! God, the proclanmtion of which they were permitted to hear on every returning Sahbeth, beaido which they had it in their hand: for examination by them- aelvea. lle apolie of what Jeaua pro- mised when eddreaaing Hie diaciplea- ` that the word nhould not return to Him mid -aml thr-Ii he dwelt at aome length upon the pleaaure which Church And preaching ahould alfurd be` He then addreeeed the oongre- gation more closely`, and aaied, Do you keep thia precioua ori of God 7 If you do not you are out of the way 0! salva- tion. You any be theoretially in the way of life, but you cannot be experi- mentally and ractionlly in that way if you keep not {la Word. ll you love me,"aayu Chrial, keep my command- manla.' Ubedienoe in the teat 0! love. Where there in no love there can be no piety. Other way: may promise hoppi- neun, but for every rou there in a doubt. portion of gull and wormwood. There in no rent for the wicked, no aubetantial and permanent peace. For than who not U0d'I Iide, bitter, indeed, reectiona. Whhnm (Ina. (loepul liovera. J53?` `i7.'.7Z";'2 ...'I.'..".'S nun-u uvul IIUW H10 to the lieeveu-born tendencies in the human nature; it developed e new re- ligion, tnught man lhet he has eprung from God end in heir to immortality. Ho enumerated nieny other lieppy el- fecte of Goipel preecliing eutl reception by the people, melting special mention of it: coueoletione It the deathbed, when it: precioue egency relieved the weary eoul ul many enxietiel, `..ud iuepired men to go forwenl in his peeeexe to the nu- kunwn land, there to meet the unveiled lunjanty uf his ledeeiuor. Uue ehurt sentence, nno uxpreueiuu of Scripture, under these circnmueneoe, would kindle 5| . n . A ..I ..LA__ ; ____ ,, -- vuv --run, null `IV! \dI [luv u.I\IvI nslsusl III! UIIIIIIII IIIVPIIIUX l or misery depends. And God's mercy, punluu sud rocnncllistiou. Qfhe Word of God showed the condition of the world at large; it modied cslsmities. brought enlightenment to the bsrberisn, snd hsd s tendency to nugmont the gonersl supply of earthly hsppinoee. ll. stfected the judgment ind principles of action and love itself; it removed these prejudices which seemed to here do- mlninn over the soul, and gun new life AL. In 1|... `IQQIIAI)_LlkD| s_..A-..-:.._ ;._ -uu nvvy nu . The preecher proceeded to ulnu-k that the pnuge referred to two thingn. the honing of the word end the keeping 0! it. He chiey directed" attention to the former put, not only u `to I simple feet of teetimony to it. but to the higher hep- pineu of npprecietinu it, There wen u bleuing in the simple hearing olit-n bleuing to have the opportunity of lin- tening to the proclunetiou of the Truth and of beooiningnequninted with God'- will en revealed by His meeeengere. This privilege we: of incaleulnble nine, and mutt he no ooneidered wherever the Ward ll known. He oontruted Chrils tim with heathen countries, end pointed out that wherever the gospel wu preach ed it win the event courier of civilization, elevnted the mind, and relieved it of that mynticinrn by which it would al- wnyn be otherwise surrounded. He nlluiled to the important conlideretion that the privilege of listening to the Word of (lad led to 3 higher oonoeption of Scripture, made man to nnderetend of his Creator llld llin luv, and purify the euul. lt enabled us to comprehend the Divine revolution, the heater : etete of life upon which hi: eternnl heppineu or niinnrv ilnnnntln and 11nd`. .......... ". Bleued no they tlut hon thojword, and keep it." 'l`|.- n-.-..I.-- ._.....A-.I 1.. _.____|. AL_| TIIDIIJ Illl bo-nT-aivod by thn I Ilgnod till 4 p.m. of Ancient`. up ...... _--..._ uoondnd the pulpit. and dolinnd V 1!: cum. ` At7:30 o'clock the Ru. Hr. Chl- bon, of Bunbury, hula tho and AI- nounoouponu rogudinqtluall, indust- ing that the Pnohyury III then in un- Iion. |n.l lhnt i! any objections uiuod n to the inductiomlhoy should it undo. No objection: being undo, Row. Prol. Mount, the Modontor on tho ooeuion, an union. Thin In procodod, honour, by tho singing ol the Luun Puhi, that which he and I Timothy, Ill chuplor. Anabel` Palm III sung And thou `tho rovonnd gontlumn selected for hi: can Luh u, an . About: to I'll uunn. uuu IIII WEEK CD8]! 0! VIIIIECI Church. Than In: I good uuadnoo, And tho union pound a vuyhbtut IIBII_ m nnrmn ma. tvatou, mm :7. tag Lent evening Rev. Finlay Uccuig, who heebea laboring ietheweet let Inlay yeen, end who vs teoeny Inns bled {tom the Preebyieq of Bunion to the Plmbytery of Kingston, In inducted "into the putonlchu-ye ol Chained Ohnreln `Plug. -en . maul -n...I-.... 30W 439 VIY UM-Lln. J`. induction 0! uv'._r'Inh: Iconic. ` [Id Ellhl Olllllu allhnoluulkith. T-T2-- -Binbop Gilnour (Boon Ouholic), ol0Icnlnnd,haI_i;IOoIIpuu'dpro- liming pubhn nlopl. lor puhlu: obu-Ihuziho, mu lacing and main dancing [or public indel or church porpmu, the Idling at who of bur. and uoocliuht nonunion, or picnic allbiol Il& Ikhthll. -um worn not at All unanimous. Una ol than I bolion to ho pnonll nnoophd and pa;-nluly nooivod. mg I rooolntiou uuutuiug it would but pound without diuont; but an- other qnoution ol npprobntion wu not Put, banana it might have onotulu unvidnou distinction spin-I mother hunt which EL:-mid not ban buuulotoluvotothouunonbkd. Y-an nnpoouully, I On Pnnnn -u--u-r - uaIrlIL1 0 L l.AI`[I Block on hum! of Heat hnml Inn-Io lld Mn-Mae work. .. Irw uumn v] _ lm. 8l|,-Yony npool the cooling ol tho Uuholio Rolonun is liable to emu I tron; impression. I ho` to any thnt tho neouunondutiom for the nan! Appoint- ments not at All unanimous. All than I hnlinn In L. ....-..n.. The Surpnu of Trontun won, Sloop, Cundlm of Brooknllo, uound; the third priln lion botwoon the Vlctorilo ol Alonndnn Bay and the Troublor ofng. dombnrg. Tho winnon Are nil wall known book, and hue froquoutly boon quoauolul and!-rudooo, it not uwido. oompotltion. The Zltolll nl Kinpton, In uoond on the IIII mum! nnd third on tho Ioound, thin! and lourth raumln, the Surpnu ru throughout. nndlho Viotorino ueond on tho three hut lurm, Tho Zitolln Ion, huuuvor, on lnnuqo. nnd the Bloopy Cundinn (rum fourth boouno wound; and the Trouhlu [rum Huh I lie with Viatorim {or thin}. j.-.-._,4. Tu Ml ldslor of ` Ww. 8ll,-Y0|ll' N90 ol nonun- nun nu`: II "HI"-`W U3 Nb!-n Oroinn, '1; Htnrtl-, '1; Rob Roy, 2; Robot! 0, 2g;1`roum.r, `H; Fannie Surlu. 3; Minnio, 3; M_:-,2}i., Darling. 3; Amalia. 3|; ()0 Soltly, JP; Sleepy Canadian. 4; RA\muy,4;Fionn, 1; Gray Hound, 6; BO) 0 link. 5; Faith, 6; Two Br-`churn, 6; Nettie 0., (H; Pori, 64; Lnun. B; .~iur;-rm-, 9; Zltolln, 10; Vwm. rine. ll. - , ._..._ Thia n[Ta_nir u! yulordny Ill very wo- ' ocuful, and 9 credit to Brucivillo. A ` lnnxor number u! boll: thnu we ever re number to have noon in one race pur- liripalod, And the cur! mutt have been I splendid sight for the xuuucnlly m~ clinod. Tho record of bout: And thou tonnnge in IIll-M:- II. II. A cu I'll L. Thu avomng I public welcome Wlll bu extended lull]-9 rev. gentleman. ooo- ~A xuv. rrnl. mount. The Raw. Mr. McCunig wn introduced to the uongrogltion, and Ihuok each um oordully by tho fund at he nud Ihu pul- ad nut. alvu-Isna IU `rl PEUVLI. Rev Mr. Wilson eomnienced his address to the people by aiiiniadverting upon the many changes brought about by the ru- tation of time. Since he had been con- nected with Kingston Presbytery he had known some churches which have had some two three, and four paiitors. They had psased through such changes them- selves. He who held the istara in his right hand can place them where he plteasea, _aud lie can Mk; thei: away w eu eia so ispoeed. i wit man. What changes had been etfected aiiice Chalmers` Church had its tirst pastor. How niai.y of them could remember that solemn occasion when Dr. Burns was iii- ducted as their piutor. Ho apprehended but few of them, iind he who had been elected their pnstur that evening, he the spfiealpgr was pltlertluldldtwlll be ti. ullhli 0 cm t e ua iin ers epior in this l-te. Bleassod be U0-l there is no change in the Great Shepherd. They had heard the solemn | 8il[)I|ll1il)lllllBB which devolved upon their pastor. What were their diitiasl He requested that they ahould look u n him as e niiin of feelings aimilar t.) t our own, whnse body was subject. to the same latigiies, and whose mental strength and brightness R were liable to wane in consequence. He was a social being, too, like theinselvca, and he should he treated accordingly. Not that is iniiiister can spend a great 0' deal of his time in society, a large share ' of his time being occupied in study, in making nick calla, rte , hut he should be occupied a vrtinn of his time in social Ul'I|)lll. e believed it would be far tter for many A minihter if he apent more of his time in that direction, be- cause it brought a man in contact with his ock, and greater friendship was en- gendered. The congregation should pro- vide suitably for his temporal wants and this and should be I000lplllll0d Vllll] pnnctiilaltity. hllsb:l|uded tolthe c3-rela- tive re a ions ip tween as or an peo- ple iii another way. The former was supposed to moat regular and punc tual in his miniatratinns, and the letter should be likewise in their attendance at Church and the means of grace. lle din- ppprured of wthetyhe `pinned the trut, ing oongrega ion - mt is, a (``l`lt'|ll| class in any coniinunity who tire given to visiting other churches as much, it not more, than their own: and he diamuii- tenauced any meeting on the Sabbath which may have a tendency to ilnitrnct the mind and to intrude upon the more important matter uf family warship. Above all things he asked their pl Ay(`l'ti for the new Minister. All else would fail were this iiegleotod. He prayed that the preacher might be bleuod, that God would aid him in his studies and III his viaitatioiis; help him to espuuiil the Word aright ii iii eiiforrn it, and tliiii hiii people may he htted and prepurcil fur the `pper and Better Saiictuiiry. I `A hymn being sung, the inoetnig ulumd with the Benediction pronounced by Rev. Prat. Mowat. The New Mr |l..l`...:.. .-_.. :...._ i . I IID4 Ul Klngllon, July sun. j-- ya out. v-.-r--- vv vlnll I Iooolna Iris! attention nml quit-I nlnnpatvh N0 ' HCLPKR TAILUR THAN .- u--u-v-a - -IIll:" Illlllllll IICUIIII lull) ._ hie worle ac ae be fruitful of good ruult. He aho bring hie o-n mul with direct contact with the divine in- uence. He conneelled him to live eon- etantly Ind walk circume ly before God, to co control himaelf t at hie exam- hle be worthy of imitation, tobe free as poeeihle of the faulte, to which the na- ture of men la addicted ee much. A ininleter hae many dilenrltiee but he hae 1 every encouragement at the eeme time. He wae not aent into the tield to war alone. The Maeter could lend hie all powerful agency, to aee the campaign carried through. They had the whole armour of God with which to fit them- l eelvee for the battle. He directed atten- , tiontothe glorioue nature of the work that wae to be done. ll, waa a work more edited for angele than for men. He pray- ed _that under Mr. MoCuniu'a Ininintry,` many eoule might be converted and turned from darkneea into light, made to strive to get nearer and nearer to God, that at the laet day paetor and peo- ple may hear the blaeeed welcome well done. good and faithful aervantal enter into the joye of thy God." annn-an mm van. ...,.a... }~- o0o~ ..__. The (`itlollc I14-formers. Ipnyu the Monday of pononnl piety Ihlohn ninilutuhonld breath into I I30. bring DID lnul so overcome. In puud on to non none ol tho dioujticn which I clorgnnq Ind Iocncuuluu paint of 1 church. dlalltiu which II ! not alumni, but usher eon-on to :11. Pint hadron IWII Ih I1'!v nl nnvunnnl Inon at pupal in no an Icon pluun -on for Jun, Chg-in. 1?: pnnut, In-our. ho Ioohd upon an u not on in lhiuarinl duty. Ea lIllIt|'k- odthotnodoubc hooouo with shall no llnian cl iha uupondbilidu which rut- od upon him; In cone with mingled bupb and bar, with I unto o! unworthinou and ability lot ouch I high and ha! 1 oao. Bulhouldodthntmulvuv 1 Zdhinadl; thug A minister Inn 5 mu: 0! lury pautuu Ind inn; me he 1 had tho nun 'foollnpfpv:) nuhduo um . other -0: had. tho um hnptacionn to endure and the some point 0! duknnu to outcome. Ho mud on to mm! ` Tlfo llroc-I v Hie liolia. a nopoamul , P|u nn. "#331535 open n I0 1.m., ml win. JAAW I 7 }com-ncrronnul WILLIAI POI I. l)()|lAN... II. I. lIIl'l'l`0 JAII4 IMBTIIUI IIIIIIIIIIIII 'I` JnhnMayI3_'_s.BrockSt. |VIJ um, Hmuhh fur tho 5-man! uuon. IN HEAD! MAUI-23 um lo:-h iunou u- tonnlvmnt-clua II atylo and qIIAlIly.|nd uvor modunlo do--o (III T14 FUR IMIING GOODS of Illici- nrhmonmnnd in n-rut vuhlv nnnnluulv .- (lIN'll| FUINIBHING GOODS nr|mIunl.|ud gr-rut urbi]. ooluluatly 00 III . $30,000 f0 usmi ~ 2.arA0.'49r'" {me outnaiid 'sun.nmc I THE ORDER IDHPAIITIINT mnulnl II Ilnmuu uuurunaul ul Good: of tho ;m;;i.?.m..g` em. . PIUNCE83 STREET, (N4-arly (Ppponlc Mr (`uy Halal, Kl-n'uo.a_) Edest I`:-amenable Nylon, Il...n-|.|. I`... ch. ..........n .... ... -.rHos._sim.E, Merchant Tailor, Clothier J. :a._i::I>'s . 030103 CAUDIII Amnuonn, I I|I|ItoI,Jn|y l'J. I877 9' ALL num l`Iu-. Ianrut-st. Mont 7!-Jtyllsih Best Stock for all Pur- chasers In the City. [L I-lnnd. In 3` llJ(\O. Apply to 0I`l`lCI-VloIlln 3 Mn. oypoollo lit ".!.','|J',- 1! vo- ,,'emln-m H in linuu l"nod,mus-lo grower and bonn ,.4-oducnr all in one. PM-pnn-d in than Luhurutnrv of EVANS. IERCER CL U0 , Ion- trul and for nle lay nll druxgutl, )PHosI-'o_;ouEx H] ` |LL HE RHLI) (.'HE\P AT I)()I(AN'.'4 \\'llARl"` nu - uunlllic-n In suit purclm urn, sevnrnl Inumln-ditturda ul good lmnl wood Apply In WM. LHYCK l.|-ill EVERYTHING CHEAP MD 0000.] Cheap Fuel I Oheap Fuel! 11 KUl.l.H. ('AKl'3.S, PASTE) . FRUITS nut! evarv uimwrl man of PLAIN and FANCY CONN-;(.'1`mN `RY a CV` Nu ixmrmun m nu-hum h.u..... n | L- cum momma: L`()N|"l'2(7'l'lUNER\' iuormue m prioaa In-uuu It loch like want in the blunt. but PRINCESS STREET. Opp. Tandy Bros Marble Works. ` '1`. B. FOO'.I"S REFRESHMENT ROOMS. Wholesale Ill IOGIM. Mu` II I 17 OPENED our A-NEW; ___._. HE Suhsrrnlmr nmnufnctureo and he on nun-I for ulmwhulmnle Ind roull.A ful In I; ufhlaoolahrnlod II`! RE PROOII` ROOFIN . hook put on M the shortcut not|oo.|nd war- runto-AI against the weather, olthnr in an:-emu of haul or mold ANNE nml I-`RES! SUPPLY OF` BUNK, J RULl.H. l AlIiTI(\'. nut!c~yaryulo=m`rI|nti1)n FANCY I \nll I , LARGE l ll.!-ZTUN. with drlvnri Moi L I-hum. good vondmun and nppou 3;. Apply FIRE`: T` ' FIRE-"_I_ vnunvn, uuonqun. IAIN! Tfldcr not IIOFGIAGHI] wee;-lul. Plan And Ipeolllonuoun mu: be new 1! m BIG luau! Indrod Ton: cl No. I} hinnorloo Pk Iron. lnlohluultpunluunn. I All! UKAIJI ll (}EN'1`I;EMEN S AN l.\lP()RTAN'l' BUSINESS lEE'l`INO ` of tha Young Man uC|u-inlizn Aumohtlnn Inll he held In tho Iovture Room, ON ION- DAY l'I\'ENlN() NEXT.nt8o'rlock pncluly The llwlnlu-rl are parlh-umrl_v mqueated to nun-nd. SAVINGS HOCIITY. .,.- _. .- ......- .. VGIIUI Wino. nun; w WM. DAVID, Owner, Thn (`lump Broker Prllous Str Kiuuwn,Mnruh ll 7. THIS GREAT NEHVINE TONIC` nwnmontulnlng 50 Aorva of food 'oumub'3 Land. the-roon.Are two Dvoll ng Ronni. (oo- oupio-`; tour Wall: or `nu-r,um 4 Acres 015: ()1-ohnrd. lI.I noduunrlmonmilh fruit. Then 1: one unit 15am, lntely bum. also 4014!. the but in than ownuhi`: Thin ulunbla Property in uhtnulvd cur tho 1-uh Road. the nnlcn from Kingnmu. 'lfhe property can he pumhu-ad In paying one third down. Ito: further portion .11 u to terms cv otherwise. Apply to n um omunwnu quu-mt 01 not all. In at U 5th Cone-union of :5. Tovuhlp or In 7 ood oumu Land. Ronni. onpIoI`p wltc-r.Ann 4 Ann. of .. >M(_7`l:l-L:2'.A-;:J.(V;l.-I N July Jnl. I577. ... _-_-.. urn-I.llYl'IIl-. -".=:.'rx':::;'ss':T12-:'r'::'.1'o.a.,:.'" LIIN UIEA I! [New and second Ilnml Goods ' An lnlpoouou rrqrectfully invited. lulu for out. strictly om price. .. [Id 7 wt worn noun uuuon. or Iuflln wall which Iulgln Inc sold tlouol. with ~00 right oruu-uyou-not uludhooloaul Apply Io Ihovut. [WILLIAM invm, _.--w- 111* iiilw Pusan llnu. HIIQUX. uoguo-I Huh Pu-lucid: new Fr:-0 Dialling ready to now I: (or think he 08!! o pay for work dons tluuon. hnlflho wall throat. gt IL... _.._. J .L, . . A chance for 83: Per- son with 1 81110.11 Family. Wm. Dam: Broker, FOR SALE} (GE Pll.+2'I`(JN, with dnvu )1! the Southwut qnumr of Lot 54. In the nn._c\c_v_MuInlng Am-gs good -I uv J IIRUWN 4| (.`0_ (`u-rugs uuudm. Bnrrto Street. C7 ur I-nu JOHN BROKENSHIRE. Jun Jnlv -M 1:177 `#08 SALE. R. & J.GARI)J N ER THUS. EIALI. Prlncnn Hulk DEALER IN LI`--- .n In _ _ WM` MUCKLI-SB. Kfnpwu I-`oumhy. 3. UIALI. Prlnouu Imam '_"`Zl-ZRLEI I (I B. MEADOWFI, Y.I.C.A. Viol do ..uouonon. ...luuon street. IVIIY DIIOIIPHOII OFWOODI ll `XXIII BTLILHIIIIT """ "E 'nu"" "nE5uonn"' 'xi'r'i'on'.'-'u llany Lines Much Below Wholesale Prices. v w. --w av-r1 I --5' IIOCI l`l'.. OI! door nlovo Iluclholna. July W. 1477. WILL COIIIICI A Brand clearing 88.19 or thoir Bntim Stock Dry (lands. on Saturday, July 7th. IHICKEY 8: ILETT ol Wound Dlnconalo. Ind cum, Ioouh, Iul nndunllon Tvlob in N locuol In u cry. I Wu 6080 lo I`It. ul advert touypnnnhvonnu In with their Inch. DUI I AD! IAD DIP Tl I1` ulll bohunl Io oocbho hobo annual whloo will he clued A1 IXTBIIILY LOW PIIOII, ' lino Olsu and All other low Itylu 0! Hat: And Ospn In hock. OENTII PUIIISIIINGI OI IVIIY DIQCIIPTION Ill] be told II III Iowan pa... possible. an! no-pouun dulol. Z. --Qlf 11-11 --Q. -nA: L`; n&. $-_L.4 -___- um nxnm mun nuncnuu u wlrvr `run nun uucrln 0-rm.-3 olwu-ad dams, lulu n... Cry. 1 Wannabe Itylo Gum: and work to an nuns: hvonnu W Pl lulu Uunmm 00. 600. 100, 7oc.u0c. woo, u. no onupc our oond. _ zoo pl rm Oolor mm 60; Gimp Sheath p, smrunn. wuu Oottou um um com. R. VV%L U RON l..I- 1'7 I977 ll AA\'l II-rn ni- { no You Wanta Stylishlmat. Pants or Suit Inrmy Littlo Iona} as nouow, v-vuup. 90 PI 31103 Ohmm 50. 600. 700, 76c.80c. 900. 01. the Ohuput our JIU|Ib.|In, A large stock at SILK UIIBIH-;I.l.As at I prim. All hncy Drm Goods Roduood. All White Dress Good: Reduced. All Linen Duu Goods Reduced. 100 gull`: 3130. 3681. Brown. Iyrtlo Grun. Plumb And Osrdlnnl ta. hun. All Summer Dry Goods Selling a.t_(}rsatIy Reduced Prices. summzn sAL or m coons AT WALDRONS. Hm-In; land the pnmhu of loan. C. I. BuhoouI&.Co.. oi 3:-oekvlllo. and intending to romovo their bunluou to claw town. the now olnr the any and urrolndlng Counlyounto mu-In I-an chnnoo for CHEAP CLOTH 710. We have now nnrhd down our Stool `)5 per cent. lou than non. All Good: marked in plnln gure; Ono prion and nnd no loan taken than hnml bill: for nrhmg Juuo, 1877. [CHEAP CMiJ0THIN(} July 17, I877. ll` 80 YOU WILL CONSULT YOUR OWI IITICIKST BY II`lI.81' CALLILO PIIIMIIII hvorhg than wnlnodl Plutlhlotpu-Inunnlrduunuuh hr -Luvronoe Buehnn. a dud with the Govornmaut n Otlawn for noou-My o! Cuudlul Policy Holdorn. OI00.000. Th I Compnny lnnuu Pollom of lmurumo Tunas Inc: or dunno by In or lightning on uuumgnula. nmnufnotuvlnp. rm and houuhol risk: at current. nus. Follriu nu luuad from sud loan settled directly Inc! the Toronto Ooo, without. slolny All Prounuuu taken in thin country Am invulod in An-lhn Soourluu. -- 1-1 A. . -\-_ . IICI Zn? lllll Ind BOILER. &Anly I-`ll Ilrml Wino Onwu. luau:-.Ju., M. an. pvt volt. It ullu IIJII. All See lund bills for prloet BOARD OF` DlIECTOR8-John L. Blnlkio, .C||IrInan. Prolidont Canal: landed Credit. Con : p|n ; John 8. Plnyfnlr, 13],, (or Brfoo. iolurrlohut Cm); Wnlllnn Alonndor, Enq , Vnoo- rec dent I-`odonl Bank of and: uIpoctor--lotort luau. Butdont loon- l.u'y-LuvronoaV Buehnn. Juno 2|, 1871'. IMPORTANT AN N OUNOIHIN '1'. CAPITAL - - - - . - - - - - 2,ooo,ooo. AHQIPTI GI Kllllllllll I INIVIIZD CI tulnnnn T` iii'E:s;;cfIffIFSi1:%['%{iiiiintlhi ` /FIRE INS__UMNEE_UMPANY. GOING TO July 17, 1577. WILL OITIB 'l`lll8 WIIK: I500 Yalds Black Ems Grain Silk at $1 per Yatd. X. COUSINEAU & CO. Colored Luna and Alpnm-nu in the new I IHOIIMO nhodu. Which be Irhl tell me A DOLLAR PEI PAIR. an! in ullu u thou M on 01.23; nd nlou with than hno come to hand sumo NE PI] . sun vido sud tho V11 Seat in tho market. Cull an! use than lf you run a Iloo nylloh wrapper. GRAND CHANCE T` PLEAHE CALL AND SEE IT. Has Reduced His Summer Dress Goods Very Low July 26, I877. And vlll aonllox to all then II that Igino DURING JULY AUGUST. HIE KAI IICIIVID A HEW LO'l`,0i' The Junuw Dunnnm of the Wnuu in under the management u! I tim- 3l:uD:oI-'kI.nnn. whoa sbity for turning out good work in second to none in a 1mmon_ ' Prlntlngin Colors :2 Spoclnlty. rm: nlunsh _w_'_na Jo1_3_ goons u -v- .- FINEST cums cann Id has unetst rosm IXIY U9 Ill I'M! IAYIIT ITVI II (II Till Al? Aloofn vary largo swat of Colored sun Wu-p Alpacas. PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. ------ vv-v,wvv.v ASSETS, 31,500,000 4 moon. u.ooo.ooo. pnovmoe or ouumo anmcn. I'nn1ll)l:-p- _ - - - ""'nnnln 95...: In......_... NEW YUHK .CLTH|NG STIIHE. TIWQV II` \ llaad Olre : - xm anom nc ALL rn urzsr manna: MONAUGHTON & G0. -j - :v-- --j-- wj twiu |IIPE7EITlI|LI:`1 NEuTS1SIYl.3IFTVP. ALL KINDS or JOB PRINTING -Inn onl- _A_- BOSS IIOCJ ll'II-. In: loan has the lulu lqun. WELL WORTII 3| .50. llul Iron Ground Gronulinan Also mripcn and Hum Oourllndi And Grout`: (ielabrm-d nmkes nl llluk Cropou. DEONAUGETON & CO1. Coma King md Fhncau St. Y3'iXIi"iE Agent. VI` I I-Inlhl 9rIr|l`\Jl"lo 7 Toronto Street, Toronto. .1... -- 7-... -...-V _ --.-u "T mom a {irrra DIJIIVI1 UPI Call and See Spoclmom. 11 L4 L2 n.uJ.V Wxuorn Bmwulou. REMOVE ! lnvmln, Bu! Brown. Sqe (hm-u And 0 lonabla Shula: of um: Grain Snlku at]. Snlku. link link (Iron Gnln Silk: In New rnim Card. ' D!" IIIIQII . In P Kunzztnt. .;.I:.I:I|l:"l.:0:II` = Q the pt-Intrusion cl ntunl mil. Ii llqnl nul Colon. at very low priu-ea. Ilnol Iantleu. Persian Mad lloull Cords. lnprond Into! Black Luuraa and Alpnccu. PIKE 3383 STREET. Jun II. 107. New French Cashmeres rilllltl to Inuit-In I" our Drona uwl. `run. to. COLUIN LION GBDCIIII. W. I. Hell!-& 00. Jul) 0. IE7, ' sTr'b'i':$2E."'2a:u ms'r., AL. ..-.-.I n.-.I-- ........;_..n z- .L .---.-__,_.._.-v '1'lI:.D.`Vl|tf 01' the New Yorl IDIKIII Illi luau; of Cabe, In-nude, Soda Water and (Ma r Alt. Andulupvuh I IEAN sud UP8 in . 6. 11: bug. -- .._-- _,-.-A In Gland H I. `R 1):: Deal in Tim Golden Lion Grocery J. 1 aunt. in. n.n.s.. um. SIICIX `JIM up" can loo! a Ian: (J: I]Iho0II|on at Bank. nnl I'ID_ I July tun-Avv-uv pugs: 1 L... a.., you nu: A1` MLBEI LIUN HBUBEBY PIIIITIHDIIT all IAT0l far i; has-lingual until on August IIAAC BIIPION. ll. lnoTn-an. , .A.. Ihh Juli. IE7. blond Luau I H. & J. GAHUIWT `lxtnlnghtlnur. ~ M . Ynllow hand In: luooudo nnr. km. '0! [ALI A1` T0 IIl4I4lVII.l4I} 2 FOR SALE, lulu IIO Lupin: of Kingston lodge. lo. 00. Independent order or on Iru.I.owu SUGARJ Iivlanruiu -uv-u unvvtann SUGAR CIIIIII HEATS. nan. I`--J I-4! -_.- ORDER WORK I ' myuollrrm I.*|u.,ll.lI77. IIMIDY MAIDES 2 JOHN MAVEZLL: I'l'.. one ulnar ah. n|...u WVTIZQEJ. % liflnllf A M; "DAVIDKJI. DOIAI I O0. mm om ninu. hum. PI-In hululor mt-nuon mun. TH` 1010!! Dunner HA I'D hn hum Ihu-Inollorthooouluu sud wall luv- lit:-0 lu|oy'o Whuf. foot! in rel lroot II I 33.. urchin` In llollonlle nt noou. huh; Idhvll M p In.. making thin one of |b Id of tho anon. 1571.11`-CLAIU UADII LE HAND I-9:-4-an 9 " P0wl~;R .t- NON. Amhitnh, Golden Lmn llluvl '-`or Sale. I10: - puny... ,_ . ARE SHOWING i"n.u'::'.Z."' " Inga Can: Hun. Corn 8 OOLDII MOI GROCERY ` Cnvur.-A hutch will be plgyod on the K. 0.0. pound to-narrow nlurnoon holnen nu am. OIOIOI hon Porb moothalullho Bulb min olcnn 0! [cm K. Club. wuuu will be puma `st `2 p.n. All Incubus duitouol phy- an: AI` nulnmin In LA An ALA an.--1 -1 .. . ...-. nu nun-UUII III-IIVZUI I'll,` mg no roqultod #9 H 00 I9 [P900483 that hunt. TIM 00009 S5303!` P15!` I .3 l'm_on yu|nlq,_nllm|'Q to hm who! wish .; b.hm-n. mm. an to pin} u Nopnu to-can-ow. Thy ovi- Ideally did not nut to and nylon ul they would have urrupd 3 Idol born when my Ind on day will up with Nnpau. - o ><&o-~- Tnlunr CuI.I.nr.I S<'n0oL, Pun Horn. --'I'he umunn 0! the Rev. y. Wileon, ll. 1)., ul Kingston, dehvered It the nor- yio. of the recent onnvnoetinn wen laund- ed upon the tut . --""`hen Joeul behold- ing him lured him. " The discourse in de- gcribod In, the IwM'uiau (.'lmraIonu|u u very run! And ginpreeeive, end an lb- toned to with en interest and ettention nrely witneueed. `l`iefpreeoher," uye theuonhmun, evidently he: A deep Iymputhy with his ndienee; end on this oooumn, it In very evident that hie owl been And the hum of the boy: beet en- ectly in unison." I .... .... ...--........... mu. . Iv!-on wu unyivv ed to make I can to-day tho rain begun to full with In urnentnoll oxlnm-I; duo-vur-sins to thou s'..um,.|.un; nu tint "nIl|!rsl runblo." But still I gnu crowd Moemblocl, growing an the cloud: lifted fur I while, uld tho "M|ud at length Mt lith full dock luqdg. The buy an cnluq, md dupm the occasional Ihowon tho trip must have been an In- provoumn. on the clan air of the any. {-0- -i Tm: Ex.-Luann: (lsunn --Just as ch. ucuniun of Mr. Crcighton totho Lgko on tho Muuntnn and I 1ctun wu upon- ..I 0.. ....l.. . .0.-0 o....I... nI._ --:_ L-___ Thumday. the 2nd of August. Or-rnu l.n~IIm'Cm.I.:oI ~-To-Ill] the annual pmspoctun reached us. It is an unusually full calendar 0! all that in nur- thy ol emnmumoatinn Ill cuunocqun with this school, tho but of its clau or grado ln Canada. The Kingawn pupil} and graduate: raturnad {rum it have ahown a nplendid advancoment. The calendar than that nu batter facilities {or a thor- ough inntruotion and training in all the brancln-I of oducahon and daportmant are not presented auywhara than in tho U. '4. College. however, sent over the tug Ul1do" an d huge: to local, The Company will be m- tmmted to learn thu the coal honor: struck at 3 5-.m. yutordny; all barges and vessel: moved away from oosl docks: Nu nermua trouble nnticipntod. Ohltul) S1'muIu.-Tho Kiuglton for- warder: have been unsettled n to their dealing: with Uuvogo on woount of tho Lhnmtunocl strikes. The M.'l`. Cn.. I, _,,,, . .. n --o;>o-A.` K. 8 1 . Hll. -The ghullng lue been coin;-letml on the K. I I . RR. city brem-ln--belnre the time- Aml the cou- tnrtorj ere now engaged in having the trncli laid And the crouingn built. The progreu at the other end of the line in Aluu ulnnfncuaryl The Company end in energetic cumrectun, Menu. Flower end Cleveland, are tu be congrntuleted. ...., Sr. .lnur.x' P|rxu'.-vTho nttondlnoo yosterdny was very large for the sin of the parish, bnth 01 children And gunrdiana. The strut can carriod tho childruu nut, and Murtonwood made them n pleunnt recrention ground. The spurts, had by Mr. Edward Taylor, were kept up till near dark with great Ipiril.., Bu; l'nu.~mc:'1.- It is wanted that ac- cepting the gauntlet thrown down by tho True H'.(m~.v.v, the Urungamon of Hnmil. ton and l`urom, have Idupted reuulutiom pledging thetnsolwl to Attend A general pamvle nf the Brotherhood In Muntrnl on the l`..'th o{July, 1878, when 20,000 men will be in line. ... ..... v.u......_ .... unngmgutiun uf (`hulmer|' Church will fulluw up the lutoroating ueromony of induuliou and Live the luv. Mr. Me` (Yum; 3 public reception. The low pastor enters upon his miniltorinl hbour undo! the must favourable Aulpiou. l`0l.ln`F. CMIRT, Fridny.- Wm. Guy, drunk. and making man I `my ol himul! than ever, 3`: or l0 days. Uhmlu Smith, drunk. felt very penitont, Ind will bu lot. ofhprovidod he in ponitaut Onough to leave town. Edward Cuylo, unulting n policeuuu. $2. : and colts. -- - 009 -4--- Tut Ex-`Unsmx.--Tho ruin unfortu- nu.-ly intorioxed with the uounion on the steamer Mnud" to Picton and tho` Lake of the Mountsin to~dny, 1.9., nin, lika Tune. in the renpector of no person, apt] waits lho pleasure of no man. Connz Present," the correspondent who wrote of tho Catholic Reformorfmooting, III minprountod by nu omission `which occurred in his ourraapomionoe. By request In ro. publish it in corrected form. -- 9&0`---% O ichlhlrcl Indnr|Ovoqn'J.'-ax, bu HI 5 has I III Lad &IUIh[ :I-b I8:unhu on . !WmI:n:1l". J. U`. DlLl.A)N. III; N, IE7. :-lornury .....,. ., ......... ... .... ...., ..... - .. 1; sun cruud. A uoond lot (of 5, hn been received from Scotland to the depleted oofforu of tho company. --- Nnw Conunl.--'l'ho shoot on coin: hue been on-riot! DEMO rapidly at curio- nitien by viaiton to the city that I warpi- l- -.- A-.45..` A nAAAl\t` lnl Inl K (HUI. Au. Rwm.~By onquiry of wool!- oon, we I-um Hut then in no inmodw-0 nppnhonufbn o! I uriko or bloehlo by the onginoon and remen ol the K. E P. Railwny. I-`Inn Una.--Ilr. u-voy Buck, cl Storringtou, landed into nuke! youn- day the [int out: of tho uuou-thnoh- ed, ripe, plump and hen} weight, at 40 bushel; to the sen. Puunm.mu [or the nut 24 boon: Foftholovor Mo region, nodal-no to (rial: noudnrly winds; (Alt, hot VQIIC, `with rain non. _.._.__. To 8.4 VI.` HONEY buy your Clo- tlmug at A. A. LEVEPS (X01543: Emporium, Wdllugton All. Just received another uowlot of am noted chbap Tweed Pants. 4._.___.., _ ,-__. I-rm - ~21-!9r!:.--'-*- *3 I FRIDAY lV,lN'G, JULY 2?, ! 'l 011'? AND VIOIUITY 7` uys.m.n` n Rxvnu-rum. "This evening the . I A`|... ....._I r1|.......L _.:lI | u,v\,u to fill Zjbr ~ """""""Y"'1E uno Ill not Manit- otl for publhuioa, but an I gnsrutu ol lyonrpotl IIIIIII V0 and knovfon when authority '0 nuke eonnluinh. 0} I in -un.-- luv [nut vi ulwuuo UUDIIUUIQ Ila Onvqo and Hdon duh noulud in Mint. Duwnuu Boon CAII.--Th0 drawing room And uluplng cu-I nunod 0nun'o" on} "City ol Wahrtown," hn hogan running on alternate lay: hunon Byugupo ad 04; Vluoont __..._.-.A- coo Dun Bruin.--Lut avouiug I young oitiun did a little lighting on Muntrnl Mutt, Ind Polioo Sol-gum. Nugenl in- urforod. Tho ghter nu not nwod by noon! Polioo Court onmplu. And struck tho Borgunt in llnly fuhlol. Ho nu quickly collared, lnndod in the crib," sud thin morning land to pl] 828 for his ` npor-tho damn, if not tho non olo- ` nud, Hod going now-3-dcyl. 00 _ .-,,, Bvluu Goons.-- l`ho dry good: nun on losing condence in the old policy 0! hoping our unsold summer goods till the return of the uuun Again. They not all oil` at or noor cant, even under that gun, thus loving interest And other oxponun. Mr. A. Ron, lollowing this ooonomioul principle, in D0! offering aummor good: very low. And M then in a good led ul tho nounn lefttn {rot through, he must meet with incnnud nivorury in to in marked thin year by an Alunbly in the (my Hall, tn be con- ducted by the Kingston Branch of the I.C.B. Union, A nucioty which hm done incl! crodit. by all ol its enterhunmeuu in the put, whothorm '3', M of m__] "`" 1"`; nicl or built. Tho strangu- month for the coming numbly will be on Iloalo botling u celabrnlinn And the- Iooiotfu good mmo. --~ ~ O0- -- - 0u'r|uu1'mNu.-Th9 (`ily Corporation And bulldiuu ocutrncturn Are nut nervous at all about Accidents ur claims fur du- nugu. A large ruck, four feet oquuro, hulniu III the contra of the market for six nmuthl. Iinco the uhibnlur nf I pn- tontlAfu.~r-I-ho placed It therr Abun- dnnodil. Building unntormln, openings Ind nhlrp Jagged nl--um have stood be- fore tavern] new urn-tum: for weeks without, 3 propur guard ugnuut wci- : A-.. 5. I Tuuuu IT (`uoL.- The Wgtertown l Time; lay: that when Mrs. Uberndorlfnr i wont to that city in lurch of her lit.t.lo son, Ivhu hnd ntrayod any from home, the found the little one swinging under 1 big tree (at tlrpluuu Home) uunooncornod u though ho Wu on the Queen : dnmlin, uliuuliing peanuts un- dor his parental roof. At tlm night uf tholoot child Mn. Ubarmlortfar fairly wept for joy. The uieeling nu ll plen- nut night. The little fellow wu Imo- thorod in lime: Mid tears. The emotion of bin umtlier umnla him glml LOIOO her. I ----- 900 In my, um.

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