ct. :.:;:';:F.'*E'.'.-.*..l-... -' : c-lune shop. nlourthunnc II punter \ *.:::.r.'- ....::.:.';-,g':;:`;.g '1 A that , tan:-Ih.o-ad .f.;.;..":.*:'.a.:.-.. -'aam. ` - WI AI! IIURRAYJ a--I Inaom-:54 F'OR`MAYOR. ALI. wnn Alum IIAI.rnnvnAnuuu ._ .L,.: luulur nll. "A" battery bud will plny on Tuenduy R sfoomoon and owning. Admlulon, lnolud- : In ghteu, ladies, l0o.; pnu. Ibo. , I _.,,7--. .-'....-. -cf -cw. -yp-v-g -pynwm Spy applet, Greanlnf. Rnnotl, Bsldwlnu, Phippenu by the hurt or pdck 3 raspberry and Itnwborr jun l9o., red can-ant jsm mo. James rurford. | n-on noon: It-ulluu um Uormnuy but at III! dis in thc event of war an Anny o! 8,618.4 6. Complohly drilled mun. nut counting the ruorvu and tho Lmdnturn wlgloh no not drilled in than of puoo. Ania. Anna. Applll. Appm. Applosj Q__ ,_,I, :1 I uuvnjul Ill IlIl'lIII"l Alli]. Bums. Jko. 3!. - Richter calculates from recent Itotinthu that Germany bu dilbolll tin aunt of war III nrmv nl nu vuu nun nnwrlo. i Cncwo. Duo. 8|.--.\lutor-In-Chnnocry Hindu. to when run rofurrod the un- Imbht position for an Injunction restraining pollen lroln inurforrlng with their nyootlnn, nndorod Illa doolnion In day. Ho rcfunu to rooornlnond the grunting ol an Injunction nndnnyn he cannot discover that my pro- porty right: nro Involved. -vvrjury II -IIlIIl'IIl- Mom-nun. Doc. 3l.-l'riday a note _llgr 0700 was due as thin Bfonk ol Iontrai. he lmupr. nulpoct ug orgory oommun - and with thl Uwadn dye uni obomluul works. Molntolh. clerk. runhod tovtho bank and took up tho note. Wu-nnu wore than Imud qslnu him and Alex. Allcn. Moln- toah lo mnnndod to jull And the police are uorohhg for All. . can IIIOII I1 I: """=a"r.'1'. 31: Whenolto don no.0 II: be h and ill-trostthor. Ho wu convict- ed at vugnauy. and sentence was uupomlod with the warning that I! In ooutlnnod to but his ilk in would In am: In I-nl `nu ma warning Ian I! In ooutlnnot but his wife he would be sent to pol. IN HIS POWER, cruel `launch: 0! II Bolton. More-nun, Doc. 31.-A broker named W. A. LI (1 two year: no me: tho hund-' some (ls Into! 5 French-Cundlnn mar . chat married her. She Inna lulrcu ol 043.0%. and in 5 short time he wont III II hi!` IIIOIO]. i IIOII II It hh IUI. 'ho:I:n:Innn an`. In: Pill Paced Wool Back. MANTLI CLOTHS. Regular price 37 ; an CL ~1'n'~ I .mo 760. on no u1..-nnnl ':9.o "" 'nu. ,l.lHor on. 8. uln- NA 1 vim-un e mi .;..:1!.. 5'. ..u:- an. Booolu-ll]l`.AVY M LTON RI 0 US. aynrdn for CI. Baton: FANCY B1` -PID DRESS GOODS lac. now lac` tloo our FA NIIY TWIID Dmcsa 000118. Iilc now 10. Boo our HEAVY WOOL DRESS GOODS. 25. new 150. ,,. SOME 3PE9'A!_.B?LiGfA?N3 THISWT Saturday, Jan. 5. rBoucAy%sInIPE GLUAKINGSI ._j.j_..._..____._- Strength 0! 0Ol l|lI1'l Anny. III in IL- OI Dl__Lg_.. ..-l-. ALI. WOOL AND nousu-2 row, FINAL CLEARING OUT SALE ' SPENCE 8; CRUMLEY, The Leading Milllnory Store, 132 and 134 Princess Street. __ lo wm lot luurloro. 1; I\.- OI IA.-. ,1 1 MANTLE8 `MADE TO ORDER. .'.`9T"?E.-. Io:-gory In Kansas]. -Al D4- QI B_!j..__ llollor Blpl. I Lgntl Inlll` nln n. = ' M w. n. cuuucunn. 114': seat at THE encore. B UPPOITED BY AT SPENCE & CRUMLEY'S. OPEN S ON -0-: -rr-""' nhoulll tiilllllmi all!-. UT gin IMXT" oAm/251 - :_i,_gl_jION8 for January, Ladid llournal, Now*York Fupln Bazar. }.f0iWn`Henderson& 00.. vuu-uvv-`wvu v suuabuonn reached for .11 snxlioh 5" Anulqulansupu and Nennnpm -.__ __.-colt I COM; AND BIB THEM. E. A. MoDOWE|.l. S C0. vvuu --vs.` \/I Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Cash Books, Invoice Books,7 Bill Books. Etc., etc., etc-. Is now complete. ----_l ._ ___ __ "WILL AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEA]: RIQUIRI A NEW SE1` 0!` WHEAT MANYWERJHANTS an Hg _ -- - n-_ ,',;_`,,,..... nu-no. lIn|I'~ .. A,_. .._ n-rm; "010! Blank Books. 'noo_ 1:: T6 88 F5rincess St. OUR STOCK 0|" IIEW8 - AGENCY L dun. lag}, T-i'i+i.}.}i T"uI.IL. Oonpuv at Wmllot `l'nntro, In York, to Ovorlowing and unam- ...__. . . ,` Anufllri 7; to be cleurodnl tsyd 7:3 -T'3t53 'Y5';"' ` W`' _. _ oox um -4 snnig, :- may Imam of the Olumotcr Actor, 1 t V_ "rrnn.,sum_uL oN.. ns. Ioungu. 4a.. 0 ummu 2-.30; mm in -NEW YEAR'S DAY. IN I I8?!` A Ill`! R0 gt a: undvm lnduntu and ~'~==`-.==r:'~;"`.`a`~:.as . M on D ID A? 0 ulddoek. Amll guanine: blo- .L. , \ nr.0nlIr.ucq-umom ._'!9II9.E7 MARTIN'S I`/I/NT/N0, `-7 VII ny Iuwuu. xunrnynu MAI to light in do{u'ood nrmnu-Ignu nod nruuh llborty. vud__lII|ulmlhvluorhu. Theyou-`clean wI:hu.auu.go:..o:a1..;a hlowlntho uuoolfl-Iudom.ndAnb and unu fnllbovkddolhtl. 'l`hoqtluthubnvod nthouudyarnhulnnlo udwln bnou lathe Iymhnlolrlghhal n|o,!|ud.}wbn.. luv` nun, -uu an an uuinuuuuuluni ox dvlqstlon. _ Th ya: in hoongsthndod` `wlhwnu. Tlnarlllluhud Jghtin .I.:...'_. .1 n_:n.|. 4.5.. __; n~.-.,l m nun -gov: jvvuuvwu wit II llj IIIIIIIIZIII QVIIII. Glut Btlhin rouulnl the tantra of n;m.ndI1bon3.shoooauout-gponuoa pbw- cr in oonnonhlluopnya sum of mill Isryntnngtlthctll felt the world ever. `With [shrub divorce and In-nnovhlng It In Iohurpddngtlntluor nuntnhonldubo no lroqncntly and In the onhhlhhmont of .l..lIl_.A.l... `I1- ...... L_- L--- .. In-nu yuluusuunxy III III ll!!! 0| I l'l'l'lI_ onugol Canadian county and condom. nu Onudhn Indrduo-on to Yum. 1.... . lonoo. Tho roood of tho political porlod which It now it I olooo lnonloulntod to make Cnnldinno non dlvohd to their country. non dowuhod to uulnt In the working out of lb Insnllut destiny. 1 `In I-aspect ol tho inothor country I888 will hsvo anoohlod who It any .a'.m.m' nvnnu ank Rpltgln no-ml-. ck- ...-n... -1 I _v. --w--_- -unv -nu-cu. 1|! II I Inllf Ill` oolgntnlotloo that tho polnto upon which I tho government: hovo in puldlnogrood no we; qndoolly dhphnod of. By-and-bye tho` fuuotioooof ouch sod tho powers 9L mu` will hon hooogo oloorly doood that than on ho lo`di'orooooo in round to them. Coudnu I notion oootiuuoo todoulop In population. In nohrlol wealth, in loyalty to tho crown and ya: lo notloonl Indopondonoo. Tboyatlpsswiu holoolodhookcoutho also In which tho tglr mold (on the domin- lo`o`ls onoo roprhooood to town not ban loloooood hythovoohao orblootorol on gum, uaghbou}; no may of the sh- otyillopuo, at tho litolllon polo]. of tho olooutloo novouon lo the history of Com din ponlmncy In tho pursuit of n r_ight_ K111. 1|, rfnnntnnn gal n._.I-..- I III IIIUIIT ll IIlV-'Il'lOlIII though sometimes qqutknlng the window 0! lion. `Ila Motion hotvun tho local and ideal pawn but cam hon -qio very Inuvkod. but not mom to thn In oomo-pro- vlouynn Ibo llhudtyol pnrcynplrlt u mpoubnatuwuuiouuun dhgno-` may Inn at-loin. And It In I meter for -_.....n..1-Al... .I. .A AL- __n_._ _,, '7.-v-wu vi UUUII Ill` TUCI TI` nvhlboldunh. Ahwlonlllulouuhn dhppuid-Q low cl than what day: nn nnuigd bypuronn kindly um, ivhollvodlorthonowlolovodobinnadtho pad that they could do-hnvo dhsppouod. .1`lny.luvo bun nnond from the ole) ol u uvlngoo Ihocltyol ma-.1, ndtho non_othI'thoy luvonu col ash: in- gruood the new-blon own. Of Cusdowhnt bu boon her ponltlon dur- ing thyur! Onoot puoosndpruporlty. The poop}: In All thdouhion inn but .-I...I..l..-g.....-.n......| ._.n.__n.._ ; , ,, , _-v 'w--'- ---u uwuuvuunuvu IIVU $I Iuluulnlutooolmitntd IIIh0I'|O`],|IIVO hon olndhn to the Monte at nova-nuum aL.....I. ..._-u.... -....u-_n__. u., _. . u--rs-u-we-our xvi: villvr ullill II lllllllln Ihovnhd 550 you move until] he- lonu hpualullolorn. Thoylonnsn lnporlohblo lutptalal. Thu mono:-la oulunrhoobllhnlod, nndlnwho would notlhdownndooboul Mo ugnhlul the oldycnrdhluutllnlnoolull-up:-ouch. 0! onroltydurluglassvohunuondng rooollocdou. Thoyurlnnlnoulolln uohbloou. Thonotlvltvbtllnbololu In catty Ind conned throughout II. The uplrllol our pooplo lnondnodouwltl all tlnltpublio nutnnn huhuudlnlnollroly pmgruuln. Tho uohonu lnngnrnood by on Me pm-nmcn:.ud having for their object the onlupnutol our nuldpl bonodsrhooulthclnonunof ou.popnls- tlou,hvcbu|ou'r|Id|lonv|tluubohd v|pIr.11nwcrhdclpodIooddbIh- Ila : inpothna and bduuptupudcy udnomh ndiultlnluh lnulwl Ibo hunyndouuuutdthonupnyoni. On any bad in no oviduct d uivnu uuqudllwlbounonhoudu the yculnwlllohtlnolcyi uvunwuuoot nlllhutlydovolopl. Innpubllounugll hubocnlllonndsnimstloondshrlltlnu prlvcunnuthorc Inn bunthouul nor- ..._l...I l_.1.I_._L A a_._n. n __ ._ -__-.-.-- ----.u---.v-.wu nu-vuvuu W The hllnp nlhrnh as ch Illoqhholnuuollothotthroulnhomind. `Kg An.-I. .1 AL- _.._ _-..- _...A_ n._ L. clan:-qih. Won-ndltholltuthut ham Olltltoqll no qtltlllly. to tumble oullvuno turnout Innings to good account. to mptolho world aoumvht honor tlnn n foudlt. Wopuuovor Ihocuu-In olpnnbohmku.loaportnnmanolnot- ml at ..IJl-.u.....-.I|..n......| .1 _.._|_.. I WIU X 7'-' phnnnllynlplotln. Tlochrunhlu ololvivonutiodjo-Ikbl. ndhdon tho but huh! and add and plum! Any sun` In : unluulllo record: In hrloutlhhuundunnltnoqhnh. Whtluloadauthyglvorln to! What Ilghulhyonkolwhallououllwvhuhz Aihounlduunorklanuwohud to on- Al._.. .I_|A.L. ,_ I _n In In ULIIlIlU~ wuh Ihoduucl Ihhdoylbocld nu Ila. luolhnuuhnllvquluthoyon nl-`.1--`-lIAL._-lII_I.4.._AI..--__ T IlCIIITZIIV`*iwf'W ulgpdotdovIl|tqwlll&nlyornn- nlnnnnnu `Q... AL. Lug TL. -I..._l.I.. AUOTION BALE. Valuable); Property. is 'm32+3ax]YYsm- I'll OLD run Dl. W00 OIHQD-has-." ANNOUNCEMENT. ...__... c--a.-nn.L.n.._.. -i'aHao'.T.`.4'.".'.L nyvuuuvu ght in r . IlL`.A.. ___..._---_._ {fj_f`jf'-"..T~`.?.2-*T='*`+=..`E- xmriuom P onniaonomms. `ml BRITISH Film. MONDAY. DEC. `31. ```` . uuuquu aux. IUIIIIIIII IN. l'IV- M I . -I. . : 7-1 7dq'3'-7I7-::%'f3"w'3- b-33% puck. Jana Crow . M ` ;unc `om _ It-nwborry Jun 1!}; stand orngu mc..'Iomo|u Wei agav- bu-ry um bony I ~ maul. c':a.am k:'u:'n.. 3. ...p.H. n-or ilul -olll 0111.. We will [In 10 per apt. of all {may mdn. Our mock oomptluo alum an um. not nu. chnubor ugh. luau` cup" and :.".'i""....n."""'"`:.?.. ""w"'2.'.`f `-"'.....u.a""` "2." ` nr 0 u - .51. noour 0160!`: has xtlny on not `cq and In Jhodtyfor nu-and we will I MI I lldlalion (I, I2! Anni Jnplna Okla Ilquullu In no any to: I-ulna-and will tank I 10 L d I It! = no.3: L '.3 `ix. .v`T.'zI..;'f's7o" ".,...2 (hunt. ` worm mo ; navy argon. 12, worth 200 : ju-my ologlu. 15. noun 25. Ladle, don t buy our dnagoodu hforo on how oqon the some and cheap I-an good: At Bum: & Bhonono'I. urvuuooai. IIIIIIDOOGO ...';'..::.' ..,....` '*"`?::":...`.'...`:E"'..`**'.;*..."' noodn. Bo. rm-u Inn - nun um nlnhhn Q- u gonna, u wnomuo cu. Una :ood:'l'So, wortl: loo guumllxzg cloths. 8c. wank I50 hesvy 12, worth 200 la-my cloth. mm Ia-Ih us.` run. nn t. nouuyn. 1: II no no hoped (hot Mend: till I: thl lonoltho In I) .......' .f;:...1::.::.* .:~.".'f'.:`.. ' nun nllluoljlnol llillllll. Illee Bowermen. of Bemllton. bee con- eented to teach e Kindergarten clue In thle city. She eomee with good noommendm done. On Wed ey evenlng e epeolel meellngol the eel: ' boerd will he held to conrm her eppolntmeeund nuke enwee menu for the openlnl at the clue utter t e holideye. It in to be hoped (bet Mende will ehow their enmolnionnl the clue but PUBLIC NOTICE , -.` ..:..*.: .:n liar. OIIII. pity at IIIIAI. in. Int An. Al 1...}... can: [I use throne above an atlas _whu% no `nu-any 'l'ho:mnr,to:u';:nnw don Jho nor crown I . , coum":?;du:'p':`.":u;my Ink. .u h. Humn uplovol;.ohon. . q n y 0 Doc" `goal A. Slnlnlxul. every mllnldo blnom. "V " `And now mom mu. Alloo. in an cold and aunt tomb. _ . But not alone door Alloo. thou art with thy mount d In the throno:rh'ovo __ onnyogfoar; uuw `nu ma 5-nu-cu uy run 1 .ml'wnvounI-cued - {"'E".":.`:,'.:*.`:..I:::*br:...`..!' "' And zhou rt. IyInn.'Alloo. n-u uni] nwundvl - y-nu nowoltyou Iutohcd with .plou true. for r calls on Huron`: trout. at How on on metal up on nulls. which its wurounrcuotl- flow tyou nmkal um in-am; ululnh .. _ __..-.v- u. -----. a loufulwllo. . Pu thhklngotthogubqnyouwnrndnrod WI`-'73:? lovely Ilnlllu two. ind your an with u now. A Iouutoou modut. mainland: cuholdmod you lot MI ~~'a?.:.I"'".E`,'2:..;';'.m..':."' W -M unglry Ina llrl. Ianglq Ml IoV non Waco:-town. Thoyuo not favorably Im- pressed with cool: Author. Mn. Ln try thought 5 Wotan-tow: ondloneo ~uoopaon- Illy cold and nnopprcohtlvo. and the Audi- onoo rum to know what In thunder than in to wsrm up over. in ICU nun Mu. Luagtry and Mn. laugh-,y has Walortown. Tlnvu-o not hum-nhlv Im. Uldllhoywnl in nobody will lrilnorfonolhnbut thodoonuoawlnp In; men and mom open. wbenovor the Canadians shall at heal-tlly. and with sp- brooch I'D unnnhnltr fm man 1: mar nntlmml A -unq or WOIGO I. Wstortown `mun Woll, Wok:-town Lnnntrv and Mr; [Austin I... n..- `rim nonhu hat on. nuance Put-lnl. Dr. Ta! says: "A nun : food, 1:3 80.30:. Ivuluuba, unmet eve -uvwuv wt -IIIIIU Ilia IIIU UVIIKIIVII are not." it aeya. "each weak. Inleerahle lnltllngl that they need aexlooe coaching In agreat idea. Theyoaly act for the heerty eylnpathy and practical oo-operation of the lotherlaed In their etrngglee to man- heod.an||tillheoo.neenetogiventteraace to gloomy releotione npoe their loyalty. and upon the pouibillty or their leevinv the empire In the lnroh when the great teak of the Brithh race in only hali aooompliehed. T-ether, let the dlritlng tael be given ep, and all our energiea he applied to the preo- tioal treatment oi, Inch qneetione ae lie to oerhand, believing thatla eo doing we ahall heat maintain all that la worthy oi maln- teoanoe In the grandeur and Integrity oi the euplre." Who in on oontenaporary enehhhgl Incaeada Sir John Ileodonald. Dalton IoCerthy,`or who? In motherland, Lordlloeeberry, the llarqnle of Lorne. or who! Whatietheldeaoiaaeklngto choke oltheiederettonqitatloaatthiepartionlar jeoetere? Bee the tery party ohaeged frantlnregardtolt! Hae the boon: in he iavoarapeot ite force? And whet la the Geeaue ee eanoy ahont anyway I n-0:25--------j WHO I! 11' 010011110! The ob-udiu Gama, uh uhddlud upnd tho Qundlon gum-uncut In Lon- don II. In dhudu lnporhl todcndon. vary nun on some one. "nu ooloulm _.. ._..n H In .._- u___L _-_|_ _n_,-_L|, W"' " paused trot "$'o:wEe:tI :l.hor'I`?rld_o. ._ -1. -- Iva-Ci Uviwvk 1' VI -III I1 III FIT hnhvlood vary plenum; Wohpb Ihqvlllloqooutluuunhtbouh on vlllrluhnnyrotm.-nolthouuon. --- uvvu-vrvtiw n-U ruuruv vvvI" whuhugnnbhnovhlgsb mutil- Ianpovor. Thyurhlllinl Inno- uusilyuunachhvoouh. In the oaumuucyurnlby tho Wm: chap- hnoourrcdnuuhudoyohouoouonpd \hdnyIIanpu,ud|0hu-Holt ddIyv|n|t,udbughIhtslllnuoud|n- tuutudlnlornniontolunulul. `no __._u___ L ____ -- Al lIv____ ,,, 1 1-, _.-, uw'1':C Iuvvjuvutvujuwwuiv pol-coo-Iuusu-aqua no dquuuluvrluy shurill uh; Ibo pollllnlhhvuhdlhotnnuuhn lob vhlouuullo. lnlonrlduhrpuplmdpuunnll oullgiuunculou work. Inn in dark phnndunl canyon Ind have no. hvopuuIII0d.nddnrhg I3 I gnu dodlmlnudtlohthng 0! sub, AD` Innglnnnq-h TH. non-uln g-.1. XjIlj- KlZ'IjIwuuvvUI1-U-v-U hvthlchoyucoupohdly Iubgonul. ulluyunudllynodvukul alu- Iltiunnu. TovudIOu&& an .4 -.1-l._4II_ I...` n-Ilhlngl I.-`Al.- uuklhthpupm tullutoouguddvllululltnllucy. I.-Ihgmln u-mun. u duct dnnhoptdlulldlduu. `hopooplo .-L-h -...JlI- AL. -gab-In-gl nL._L- 0nooHl|o8u'ongcst 8uuuao!Lon- uuuu man an uncanny. and mu: $ to unanimity for Ian at our unload _OOMMENT8 OF THE PRESS- _nM-.:_|_. `l'II Kinda-gonna lnlun. Eu-A-nngn `.3 II-_lIA._ L. `no 000;: .I-wlng -nlnl. nocuougd to Anna. E nun A Kathie; Wanda 1| `Nina: , Dun Gouda. -__ ._n_._I_ Ll nbowmouqlltupunul .u.- -I-_-A ID. I...- fowqnuf which on (81941. no III In; at Juan. nu. - ` ` - At ndchck an. A! non Iv wl OI I: or I Loo u.n':r1a`o.W It 1?. uu.::nd d'hII||".'|IQQIlI oiullntthc A It. . , ...'.;'..... vim... -;z.*'.'.'.5LE.'.....-`=*;.* -.. 'L'llUI.IECI|TxC ` mnggwu It nu "'.2"."...:._,` :.'.-`-.'* .,f:'."::1r""'..'*.`;""": """ fkockwood Training School. re; Asylum. urlfdnitg ` ' Al rt-sou Ind 00 cm H roan ed to mak |:ymnItr:o In : lnotdortnavo com. ' , wv I I&1I LLB Axl CL AXIS walnut. mama Ga omen - oa'w-eaaaaemoam? :ol:h"o'%'o':`o noulthooloootco. lCo..0n- --jjjuv l'$II IVIP1 I &IIg ALL WHO ARE FAVIIIRABLE tn the` nun of Jamod Bddon an nu or for I880. who, can out 1 We pol I - V: !o:'.h|m. and El any wn? :|'l;?llc.lIl`l 071,1`! `wad 1v ..'1'm :b_`_~ll|:{l.|4.':Il1olI|. l:Iotma:tlnv--~).: \r locum. lo'moei T113 . tn the stow ..1 on Prlncou ul.n .-t. . 31:: 0; "5333 01.: FF I 'l`hoGcnu-nlluljhnunt. Inknfnlnuldtr H hknnd Quin. wriuanbymnnoulngnanma, MR. MARK QUIN TON,`