Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1888, p. 7

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J0"Wif "530-5 lCI|I. Ill cllllpuu. One: Uluuwooo. FAIIIIR. SING '-.'..'....l nbnnu. fruit knlvm-.n. In '<`|!\[l'.lIl prlcvi. Fnnrry up and Mucus.-_lv cndlcou vulcir. bunt In ~_ -Jun k-r mi to ntlotnpl mducrnbo lbs in- n onhlo ruioly of uoudn In can ): man I no for yonrnaltlt Iull you bjrmm-av ootmllcutnseo the cleanup (. mu pods we Inn displayed tn om counter: I ud `Hod unequalled in Ibo Dominion. of I - N50 Idbco l I I ll !!! Vhlr and 1::-`Erato. } r`neou.'nnd W01- 1 Ilnuton Ilru-' a. l{.m;slon. Oat. mnuorlnu m M vlmr mrxy n l|m- nuumrunr give you n imvmul -II rehall rluo OI. nur h ulna lnlotl Il.`Dk`., nhuh'|- 3 full` CW1` T\' furl OI. usually vmld Al N to 32.50. over um v cu rnnlm-d nu I'1~pru.-umlcll or mum-y ru nnllo-1 . lh-nu-nnlmr Ihln your we lmvu n hamla (`Inna grrnhbukolu M 51- nor uh. I -clnlly fur lhu :'hHdrN|.0'~Ing-rl-II` dnl 1-,;-nlnl xn.dmwIn ulna, plvlnru Inn. .11-w-~lry.rh-us. um: um hm-drodu at ulh:-r AIIIICICH; 1-wry draw is wnrlh doul-lu lhu mu`m-y gnu any fur I1. Ha mu dzguvn lmru .1 and 0 arch-lo-n In an-m. Whun morn nullnln um y!` Plnrtnnnnn lhtlll hanks! In uu-Ms we not Judy mny the moat uxu-Julvo M 1-lnldra-n`n my lmuk-1, but we ul-0 nnuurlllnfl-L of unu-r Iumlul, and . nu hwml vlw In vnvoro-I hunk mun! nur -rh-u .'-I90. HUM! llbrurv n-.. Imrl mch. your clmivv ,1 (or Tw uundrud dam-n mom of `n....... ..|...a.-a. hrnnlnu uuu from H: - h--at yr:-en uvory nook and corner of our wore will he found pockod Wllh buullful holiday lot!-. Uurllnon of urootln will be flu more vnrlnu nod oxlonnlvo thin nwumn Ihnn If an nlluvr pru- VIOIII llme. Just think In dull: alone no Hm In) on Musorlnu-nl J ill dim-rent klmu-_ -uxhl dlrcrl from Uurmnn nuum'nrlun-rm lllw host makers omm r got-gmtta-In um. world) ml the lovn-at Huh pr om uh-on Io Ilm lama-uh jolnblnu mule. no we will he Able to null them In on as low an other mornhnntnvnn buy Ilu-In. I nvlnu vlosml out I nncrlul 1-holuo at nurlutl lul. of over 81!!) (`lurlnlnuu rnnln. ull very bmmllfull nllk fringed, M nlmul one lonlh Ilu-lr run wine. we nlmll vulnnn-lwe the Inlo of Ilmm llnln u on-It. your rlmlrc {qr Ion (`cull ;.dm '1 wall. but coma in once and nuvure Ilse bent on wllnnn. A c-Arlond of rloluhn wurln rocltlnr boruu, oxpn-as I~ng'gon:| for the Ilulo orenn rend ' ro (`l,'l\'l*1l. Those sleigh: and wax- mmn were uum from one of tho lnruml and moan nolool mnkora of lhwlc mood: In tho IIo- mlnlon of (`anndm an-I Ilm orm-r Wu vlt\('oIl {or Lhnm In the curl)` summer. when Hm mnml ware ldlo. nnd urmu rum t-nulonu W42) 1- undo on M'(`0|lnl of It so that we nro now ready and walling for you I III: unnw H-rrlhlu 1-heap hur- unlnl: I Inna: nlronu. hnmlumnr pl;-lulu for N cents, I llno rod car! No. llnu) juul opunnd thln wank nflnrua mnnlunnm-nt of Jnpnnmoo wood hrnckaln. nary lmnd.-mm cl:-ohms. And no Hill "00! l_llIl' u l`Un!I|unn:l'uI I'| anpnuvnu wood Imutkela. Her` cheap. Allo In one Inc of putfboxou !v r lwma lul K use. Whips. um r n hu-.dru-I dmlm-nl My an In nu-IN-x (rum: :1 um-cl n.! whip fur To . and lhv \'I-r` l)u~| ruw mdn whip much-. fur-4 ml (`Ito 32.50. um mmrnntm-rl mu rnnru-mu-cl thin work nflnruo ('hnllI_ Alnnh Hm: I Bill Books. - Etc., etc.. etc.. Is now complete. (XIII AND III Till. Brillisnt Out! Beveled. Silver-ed, I3-..` bI-L.. I..- Jahn Hendersoudz 00., in FASHIONS for J anuary, Young Ladies J ournal, New York Fashion Bum`. Our Chrlntmnu mull are now In: from this out we Itull unto [rut palm lo have them well dluplnyud on our 00 nun. lwvor wu_uur nuorlmenl one half no lento. or no well And carofull uleclod M II the recent Ilmv and well an don-rvlnu will our I on he called lhln full `the (real (`hrlnnnn Toy Knlpnulnn, for and of our more` wlll in) bucked hnlldu gum!-. vow --wv._ we Day Bookn. Jourhnn. Ledgoro. Ouh 'Book. Invoice Booko, `I Dolixieator. Suhoorlptlolu reached for All English and American Ilngulnm and Nowlpnnorl GENERAL - NEWS - iowmcr -l`nr Ocnulno lupin In- --vu \-v-I u-- ..-. ....._... noun, rum ma kmxnnnr. FRASER & HAMILTON. Prop: KJIII!-.ODIIuInrIot.KlIQaI. ltrnryono should road the` l'Tl(`A "GlDlC" :. h`:.l4eadln| llluouuul Journu 0! New York U v77i5FFEi 1&3 % F. D1vg;g0.,I0RoNI0 .~-._..___.... ..__.. EA NY MEBGHANE N1*spm~ s 00R IRBOO MORE. Great Clorlnhuaa Preparatlonn. v'rn.I.u1'nIu|xmnoorrni'uun niacin; an snot Blank Bnoks. nooT nun) nuaunt - Ladies. GUI 0&0!` mnnmnn.n-nt uf Jnpnn:-no ' Inn of nulfhoxeu lwih I ..-;uu--- ` BREAKFAST- O0.00A.\ 3M0KEFRE$%HT`L9"W?? II I EAL! VI VIUOAII, n as-ovv-u- -u--j-v All man at t-|cund.d And ahhod. I put. up ud no lot -lo _ Jon Puuuo unn. \m-unto-I tobo t_lq_b_ugl_g_t1_ag_:_qa_r_k_g!- lynx ;-ggd [CHIC J \y'fs.`.1"I32L?. $ .'. .`..n"'iv.';`' Pm uusl nyuv. All lll M Ill IllIUI|UIu %"'. y"; ' v - wvuv vvyvvvvvvvvv (Sienna: lhu loath rloolly M1! uoluubus Ihe cmimol wllhout In urr. .\u:vor,MrrltMu lhc gum: (`nu be now with hot our mid Vvnlvf Iuul Ivmmul any loot van or noadcr. uom brrnlund hundlu no llupurb-Dub u. _n mu: nu-r_ WIVIWIIII III Illll WOIVI I-`I IIINIIUF: JDUIII brrnh and -5 [cl Ll3T- gleyjl "|lhwl"':I:I'h`!lll Tosh Iirmh. . J! 3 1-.) I n 1 0 run .... .. . ` ' Halley`: u aunt! Brush (size Id 3-! I) . . . . . . . . . .. 0 lwiinrlliubbor 153nm man. No. I . .. co B-silo)`: u Tomb Brush No. 2 .. .. no It unable to farm '1' than in mu locality, It In ulnlhynmo prepaid nnnn receipt 0! price. joruiu in all inlet: in wig, mods. no n'nd"woh|l furvmrd any _ i.'g';.}}_I.' "a}3"l" 53.1113 treal, W Q?-n1ors>_Aor.In for Quad`: _ `.__._.___._......,_?..__--_..._._._; ` DYEING WORKSJRINE STREEI`. A n I.l-A- .4 _..J- -I..-.1 A-ad an` .nIn|\.iI I THEM ASEIAN LEY Agent Grand Trunk lhdlwny. mrnor John-Ion And Unlurio Hl_l`00I.l. sf-rmE:s{ cuxss. M fare and nno lhlrd on pr:-onnlnllon uf my-I llvalm {rum Prlnuluulu. mu-d gnu-u from k w-. lblln lu am and relunfnmg um M Jan. 2511:. law. Ilnuunu out n! llulroll Rh/or. ll follows ; Al In in rvl rlnlm fare on Dec. 90th um! 311:. mm: In mvurn unlll th. Inclnnlvu. Alan on In-c-. am and Jun. In. good to relurn umll Jnn. 2nd. I889. A1 rnl-r-Inna Inn and am; third from I).-r. AY um-r-luau fare nml one third from how. u-l In lhv Mlh. AIM: on lieu`. Ellh to January ht. uood to rev urn until Jan. Sid. IL-9. 3 I ,l_`-,_,I 3-II_____ Christmas and -W;-Yosr's Holidays. NETIYRN TI(`KIt'l`s will In luuod In sla- n! Dun-all River. follows Al ulmzlc nrol Iwvvv vvvv :73!!! CV-' CAI:-LINOATCXQIIAIIH-3 u haul. ouuund nodnnpnn alnglnllouvau.-lunlnurhuiaputnyur ' udliuandnlhhuudpuqaooonuvd. cdliuitli ` rm txntuait acme: BIIIVIA .DcI...I:Ctu. ....~..=-"*.:m.....~- ,-.1:-.: :3: - I I `I ou.uA.....auuup.Ju I Iutu. IKIVIL. ..luudsy.Ju. I 3:. lZ'l'lIURlA..... .Io' `iatn. AUllAUIL..... ,M`3I0. UMIRIl..&tuI|v. Jan. IO. 5 LI n.m.; Q Tho on! Wat um unboc. 21.1! I p.m. : Tomato. 7:! mm. Ihrnu h lrnln ucrvkw In tho` Norm- Imm Columbn. with only ,ono N UFAIJ I Llllnll Ill 3. ONBAERNDORFFER. upounnnugunv f: v nan: max no UVERPOUL. A'I'j Alff Iljl PALMER HOUSE __g_., -,_-_ _ I". IIIIIIQIVK UIIIJ. uauugllnqutoa. ohn ofmn. ' No In-tom: 'l`rouhleI. ` J.H.1'n'Im. F.(`m'wAv. n.\'t'.l*om:u|, Au! Hun AHLH1-n.l'nm.AKl. Huul. c?R}\N_n;"TtiU`N-k[ J RAILWAY; l'ronl'onud I . NIilAN . . an`. S. W: HA A`I`AN.....)oc.`3. PARISH Doc. 11. U|IXlIIlOWlq KENT. XIII. I EIIOI I1 VIII` now at In a run: u v Ill lace pun Info:-waded to not fro`:0lnnow and none! by]-all without an `I'M luunh to male connection with tho uuuohugo. ileum: hnvlu Portland lava llwvon every Wednesday ll I:D p.II.. ud to lb tn: ova? Tim-udu at mo sun. Al_ |nIo|;mnI_|9o_ rcnrdlng tho selection 0! cu. 3.`."6'.?..i'?.".2`.* """` "" "` """` "` `TI! l`l'0l0I AIDYOVWILI-TAXI OTNII. Nowudnqutcnnuurulon lxu-In No. I Inna loan: at 18:40 my vu rorontn I1!) In.: lawn. 0:46 III. onu-cal. 8:15 p.In. ' choc. Oz I.II.: (row. 0:!!! p.m. : I'om\n-oko. 1:! pm. No. I Mind lava Klnpun 1:05.111. Mrrlvo at hnrhoc [Ah 101!) um. Md lumbar M6 M133. 5 Mn`!!! leaves Kingston At 4.15 m.; dnzlvu at uhnrhot Ida 11. `L10 p.m.. urn -_ _. .. o.7lxpI-eulona Kl ton at mu m.. oonnocuna with ('.l'.lL N ht Run: a AI-hu-bot Inn for all poln I an and vat. Arrives (mnwn. 6:26 I.m.: Montrml. I:l5 ll `Shut-hot polnu and Ounwn. n.m.; Montreal. Quaboc. !:.1Ip.m. Turnmo. 7:8 only Ihrnuuh mu nu Lu; .1 -u uxv uu nun ya!` (u 'i5'f"i3fiRELANo 8. son, 2'7 CHURCH ST" TORONTO. PARISH . . . . ... Doc. I1. l BAIIDIN AN. luvn uckolo from LIv:.l]r\ol MPO!-tlnlll or In nun cm 0'13 IlI.uoa'duu to poumon amen-oom. lnlaruudhu Q. stoog- 1133. nu-onnu are booked mud noun .1. . f and ud0lu- 9$'u:".'-"."."'. nu'.?u1'.n'$"`upooz' ' nauennnnroforvrudod -___ _:...__._::.. I61/NA R0 LINE or Thu:-tau mo AI information; re In; borthnoun he obuln from QIIIILII AL! I A III 1" IKTIIIUXII IX VILIIIIWI ITIZI THOMAS IIANLEY. Wcldb mm Am Donn` Jonson una- ..____ ...i_ ._.__v. _,__.. -._.._._._... -_ uric . mum -rnuxx 0:1-$'r'uh'a'":1urn-Ion K.&P. arid c.P.. "=-.`:'.-`a-s'~..-i.:-'=-:e`g_.4;.r.;**a:'~.-:;-`H-=" `Ill BI31` AND CIIIAPHY IOUTI Between K lngnton. Pour romato. BI. Tho- nu. London. Owen Bound. Bu. lam. unnwn. Inntnnl. uunhn. and All ulna In I`. "(Nil [0 IT" "I'll lllllll J-II. J71-I. ID`.- Schools and Colleges. IATII 0|` OCVAN PAZLCI Cabin-- and C15. Aoooulhu to unwin- modnuuu. In nndhlo Q. Buuuol. TORONTO ENGRAVING CO. Iwrm ouuol : thhht ll-` Ilul uuunllngh no- VERNON I. BROWN 8 (X1. Onol. P.(Il1dnn|o0VI. AJOII. IIChr- nmBuuLKlnnn:n. A.LI.A_J:\_T_LIN'E.` WINTEREAILINGS. K. W` N`: `mu "--"'`'5 .... ' Than pruervo tho-xi. by nun; HAN UI`A(."l'Ul{lCD BY u-u-naInAnI\r\l'|F'? ' In Anutn Ion . LEVI Rllll - T001791 BRIJIH. i -:-uu--.-. KINGSTON. ONT. High Class. Fimsurt. Lin Stock. Mechanic l'o`3'ai.....u'i"` `5 mum a'u`3.5. USE IRELAND'S .QESj|9ATTED WHEAT I -MYRTLEJ u--1-2---v j-- -w --- 001-. King and York Bu. Toronto. `NY I! nor thy znlno "Knrby." hrlntlnrd. o OUT AND PLUG SMOKING :-: TOBACCO FINERTHAN EVER. I W000 EA/"0'/}z.`v//V00 In Bronze on Each Plug and Package. 6 CENTS. Creme de la Creme CIGARS. TEN GENTS. _..s_._.?.._..____..____ SMOK-E-% T BILL NYE CIGARS. plrluull III curt-pun-an. "A ' Ilrlupuilln ' both! C- M: 3:: `Hun an other modlclulo I hunulle."- Oeo.\V.Whllmau. Drlluht. Alluny. Indians. Ayor s Sarsanarilla, p.......-A II Dr.J.O. Am I 00.. hcwoll. Inn. --1-- - ....---.`._,_,, , Pro I Dr.J.O.A I00..l4'O0||.I$. no byw mIoOl;dIb06IloI.. uwntrou. wriungw Ill under recent note, In 1: ~ ` Put over thirty years I have been drinking `hnoolngo And Iowa. and have at wu-imnu iimu nus-1 all the p u-mlom of cocoa In the n-Ariel. but I have _I. win nothing oqunl Lo mur pro;-amnion. Your ' Gnu.-...--..4L8_ tI_..._ ..-:I "Anal: Tho Brant snccass """"mrrs %%nqn_a_:ommc KING 8'1'EIl'1`t TORONTO. 68 mac It. wont. Toronto. ;__j ELECTROTYPERS. THIS YEAR'S ""7 PPI!||HrN( N) [In I 0llI' Homeopathic Prepvqzedcgooo. "lvocinlly. In an aw by Invaudl. `pm-lat to my I have I-in for FOR I15! BY ALL LIADIIII OROCERI. -.41; A AA SMOKE 14 xmo err. 313? __....._ -.- . _--_._......_.._._.._-.. oom Inna-. um. 1:73. --SEZE3- jnesovmom.` _ -.-,-.v u_u.m\x. N. 3. _.:_..._-._.....__...... Ooooa hon which the arena of onn...m...ma. lthuwqon luck than than (M acronym I Can: mind with Snatch Amw- IIOI I00`! NQU R0 Ulth cl Coca mixed with Saul! moc or Sun. and in Ihnlorq In-I noncconounial. kn than oucnoul 9 cup. It in delicious. non-hnin. ninl. euilv di- alwoau 9 cup. It in delicious. novthlic. lying. eully udod. and Idnninblyidxpted In in- vlhnlnik P519 in health; 7` Wlllud IIIOIIIOUU pure (I kn Lon In-urinal I! ha: nan v. nnx` Nit, Bike" into}, In ill I! luau everywhere. isatlvocated a higher and more systemauc ucatlon for young actors. the oartl and com reltensive training which Mr. rgent and lsncorpa oi professors aim to give in the academy. It struck me aiterwnr-ls. while visiting the academy. and having. the plan and courses oi sturl explained to me. that the only fair snul eaaible way oi sot- tlinq this foreign conrpetition business is for the American artists to be better grouurical in art. more thorouuhly and intelligently trained. A; the risk of appearing ttltpatrinr tic I must. sa 1 think "En lish act us are hotter traine than ours. hay lllltll`l 8lto'tIl "discipline." They have learnml that in whatever lines they are cast to be content : with them acting is emphatically husinon from the cradle to the grave. American dramatic gen ins, or that which often pnaaos iur genius, iltoo touchy, as [estive uncle-r iisciplineasa wild horse of the plainn in harness, or a lironclto under the aatitilu. it is too ambitious to originate some line In sotnethin for itself. too apt to kick awav the l der by which it roam. The American actor is arsatlyaivcn to tak- ing liberties with his part. s_ does not seek to lit himself to tha character : it must t. him. He takes it in here and lets! it_uut there, emhroiders It with iiunilrv {mt-ius, and patches it with tea tactics and tianhs it "my creation." I`l.r...o'3.-m plays, and more espocially` in inic opera. they are using the "gag" ad useum. I remember last summer atawsteringplace being ltl ut~it hy the sinfng and playing of an English artist. Mr . :ur0lmi. now, I believe. It the Casino, as in: sinrtlarly digniiiml and utterly free from loos hits and gags. He really seamed to had Sullivan`: music and Gilbert ; in enough {or him. yet he sanf an: sow excellent well. I can- not be isve that air actors when stuulinur. clillgaat and leading sober lives, aiming high but putting a innderato estimate upon their own dese .and nancial value. need ienr -English ` "airy: If an actor with pa'i'tial pteiqnctqvy trninin shot out of society on to the stage, boom for beauty and prince- ly iavor. cornea In us .and_yl_ays at playing with marvellous cuniaryaltcttess, antI-goes harm as ptoinsey louwleri./with Mai and items though she had dauhsd herseii with itch and rollogi through 'I'i'auy's c sea, we ave not to blame a decient qontrac labor A duy or t.wo,_ngo~1-Jud .the plenum uf linuning to uumoat. intereotin lecture un "Method in Acting." delivered n I delight lul oonnervnt.ionsl~u.y|o In the Lyceum then- trs by Mr. Franklin L{..Snrgent. pnglnclpul ul tho "Academy 0! the Dnmnic Arts." ulvocnad higher And systematic m.t.lm. far vnmm Anton. tha unralnl they walla eeme "actuary auo none. some very respectable actors uu-(ito come a quarter ofa century ago, unleae a natural antagonistic Astor Place sentiment is creatul againet them also. Anyhow. ii the amemi ment become: a law let not American actors take a mean advantage of_ English 'free trade. to go over there with full supporting Yankee oompaniee. Let us be fair and let us he thoron h. in elmpie justice let the amendment amended so as to apply to singers as well as actors. Many. if not the majority of our lyric artists, at least of ne- oondary rank. suer from foreign compell- tlun. and at no remedy in proposed for them. A orelgn clergyman can he iiuxl fur coming over here to serve out a labor contract with prayer and preaching. but the lunny man of comic opera may labor junt as hard as his topical songs and horse play and do no more good. and yet get of! soot free. lreepectlully suggest that American stare coming home to lay, aftera long loreign residence, should patriotic enough to en- iage. when lble, American support. `ven fair Ga atea mi ht have trusted In America for a Pygma on. The Iuhstitute might not have had henomenal or pro` nomical beauty, lput " uandsome is as hand- some doee." . . hhudlo baton an no nwvu um :- thosoollu hon ollvoronl. the burn on an lnlodnho nrnhliulaut cool Indor tho down 0! Illa`: ml! is ad Ihrlnl lnq ad in chill. but. no. hot Fan`: bollon. More likely that bean to 310.24: mm lnunoolv than out with In lovu and onthnduuu. III oxpud no u 5.. L. In hath inn-Id; II II IIIO hi old. the day lubed upon 3 nurma ooluuuluuy b tho Acton` Otdor ol Fcloadlhlp In than 0 the pmducllon of America Acton by um amendment ol tho contract labor lpw In prevent the Impolhdon at all prohntnnol ulnvorl. noon! sun. In regard I on I the llnponnuon 0| ul prouuumu plnyon. uocpc rd am I {too trulor. W0 Ihond opon our doorltolorolgn genius. I! we on nun honor uncut: And plctnun. and roclum hotter Acton. Iotrnou. nlngon on mu:-L clnnn than the {oral nrtlolu. we can than! the competition. moricln nulm Ihouhl nlm at supremo ucollonco. and nhonld `)0 con tent. to mnh oomo ncrlen {or future hun- or And prom. Still, then turns to be own to the question. on many 0! the mnnngm-, to when tau. llbornlll nnd oncorprlu w- .....- .......1. ... an hv mnnv of our owe much, are oppoooa to may 0| our lbsdln llll nrtluu. \\ ho Ilnll deem- whon ocean Jlngroo?" Tho Amorlcnndumu iulck, but ll not the uutmont mpoood, at "rlng"lorvln melon out o! t 0 countu. llko so many (oral n mlnlnun, 3 little too drutlo and lung. Whllo the sdvocun ol the monmont any Ihst foreign comp:-n~ tlou la rulnlng tho chance: of native tllunt In the theatrical nut and tile in op nem- doclnro that gun foreign IIIPI V II um thin for III unlou they can come with thx u- own nebulae ol forolgn Ill port. Ono man... got Iv: "anal: III amen men: would It-up out V llnon Barrett and won Paul." Tau! It ouron Dnvonll-I. Anna: the choice Break- fuc (luroull mnnufnctumi at "1 bur National Fond" Mills. 'l`oI-"mo. which no honing an et- en I n -1 ".'`n'$v'n?i?..'1'1 3'.'..'.'L'...1i""'.."a"" '. T" over mvonlod. 0 an at luau win 0 mu. monlnlu rocnlvod: " ha dnpe \ (or 20 van. ! uupd all u_)_ru_o( ro_.Igg1I up [My Loan Min I OWII IIIDIIIIS ul uuu`u -u . V..- ...-.._ In I tn .n..u.'n"{Lnz out llnon miru, u hr :1 tin: goon. We hnn mu` own boner Barrett. Ind ol Pm! we hm :- hui enough. Put! In the "Sho" of NW I rio drum. renewing at IOIIO myuuriuu. am! of life Mr beauty. her lmpuuionui tom. And he: who for ondluu oxonicmn nod uuotlom. It would be Inconvenient I-.r frat urthu to uubumuu American Iuppnrl r u: they have been toounomod to. but I wnlduunolltsn sad that." an uv-w uuuuuuo -. -_-_.-._._ ,_,. for that ncouiibinod to`. `but they would own "Ioliury mum vnrv runectnblo llld unhnnluuo. an cxpuuulno u to can In both worlds. II II no uld. md poou II Inc with hull: and hurt. but we hope to hop him all homily want: u. um. um land and cherished II he I: that I009 um nu Ionsuy run: to go. And loud time it trust In gocirl :uy6I. . Dooomhor I0. Tho burning question 0! day lubed ntsrtlod community he: an Auun-n` Order Friendship I0 HIE Iilluiu-cu. nu uluu u . . . . . _ ._ onhrpa much, op by may rndlnn -nr nrtluu. uvvyy-ywv--u -un-z `lb-dug. on ma. at nioouru. an em Hulda: .4 mp. John 0. mi Her. Ioduhnd nanny. but any has In lcossw or THE nnssf] oIcucuuolIhoIN\uu[ono-Poll . up on an luau: an III]-Ir chcnou Luau Ibo Auon-A Ion- usn. -.-anlAAuI-lonn A Val-than Inches: #5 Illuhou I Va-glob monlnlu received: I Ilnddillw for E I unod nlluoru otrmnoiltu um I me can 3 I um! your Dale and WhuIt..latn|omi 5 pa an n m uu-no mouths and ha to ban wul.` to: nearly nvo ours. but I use Iho f-rod wavy cixny mu. ' riunv vo oonlu to my p wngo on sun pie 1-: F` f\ Iff'I AIlP\ G (\I'\lI -`VUVTTT vv IVINVI OF THE DAY- it 1awrbbuI.I.) --AL _nvn', ...s_.. 1-an Immsn wmo. symnnn-. nncm. A luv"-ru llnurl. "I ndver Mrbetlor In m life than I have Ilqc taking Hurdock loml Bitters. I hid 3 u-vora biliuun sunk ; I cv-ulcl nut ,uf. for uvoul dnyn. us] you unable to work. One bottle cored me." John M1 Rlchnrdl. |r.. Tun, ()In..' For All bifioul trouble: uIevB.B.B. . - '-K" 4 Avuhl `the small Annoyowcumf Info if yuu would be hnsppv. A very Ilium heuhwha will Vilnius un miner- ohlo uml give I lean of din.-olufort. lo ull with whom we come in oonuct. .\'nture'u intimation: urn uldom Iennnt, hulythey Ihould he vulued u ponlin out 1 came and ulemnuding I remedy. 'cver has a remedy given equal ntlnluctioq in all din eye: of tha liver. ltomnch, and bowel: u have Hamilton`: Pill: n! Mnudrnlp and Nut- wruut. Thry at mwo'Itriko at the root of tho trouble. gixg nld In tho torpid ilumuio liver. mum-e tqno to the digudvo or um, And promqto I Iupplly 0! not healthy bnuII. Though diuppuintm hitherto do not {nil to me the wonderful eicwy 0' Hamilu-n : Pilln. Sold by I" dulcrl In In lis.-inf. `,1 "Courting" lfbnd Iynhrh Clllougof They go-,to court." . V ` n " In-your ullpuw. . ` Then in no better. info: or more lo-nun! noon h. remady mule {Kin Hngynr '1 Pac- Ion Bclum. It uni hoanenon. .Smo 'n....... n`...h. Ca n. Bronchitis. nnd'|ll Wherg baby wu nick, we mwo her (`mum In. Wnn nho win: child. she cried for (`M-mrla. When Ihobeonimu MIDI. the clung to Crulurlu. wI`m she hm1,ch|ldrun.Iho gave them (.`nn'm m Sunday in plain! nreeiung tnel communa- ment. Im a ittle int.er_elted end lumw that thou brick kilns could not be propx-rl burned in nix clays. and when I lee ruin? non: member: of churches engeged n this bueineu I came to the conclueinn the: it in not far utrny After all. I don't know that anybody return: the mono hude in thin wny for church pur men. hhve hoard of pernonl who Mid tn-y wouhl not receive money mule by church entertainment: for their ministerial iupport, but I have yet In learn that the ever refused it. The use on! tobacco nml unuugu in highly comlenuuul, and weuln Apparel come: In for its Ihnro. Now I would rether indulge in any of llwln things then come uuy {mm church nu-l elmmt villliy I miniuter. I Wilh zhn Ilr. l`elmege'r course In-ru lmltetaed more by tuuchlng on everything`! I rmcl n ncelhing erticle hy him on umonymoul letters, win:-II he thought cleepicehly mean end nnc-hm~ tlen. Ilr. 'l`ulmego`n mum in coulilumt, and cuneintnncy in e greet virtue. Yuum, _ Cn.~'u.urr..\(-V. Ill ILJIBLIU VII. I-ICVUIVIII KIIIVVI VIA. Bent. P1ste.&o. 1\dI O.A'U'SIa.A..'N'I), olunuuunuuupu inlaid IIIHU. I mp!-lnndouqht tech mun ulunlqnwyoon ngouhna O50`: - lnl nnlllnn In 1 nlnnursnollnn ndl nu. HI Iuuuu Iuumu wuuumu unthodoouboulnvolndo I. has; hsvoaonoeony ht! oouoonni tuba poor luminous. vb . It divulged. mail an and and 5 Christian. par. Inpusll V. and N1 3 Ilonnon oomnnhy. llnbhhl vs their Bu-g|\.ond Imlo Db Dollar: Inn their Gerry. but the poorohonulapnhvonot vrluuto lay a complaint, have no nhp. I0 cluuplou. (luv: Unuxwooo. worthy coll 0. It In we be oped the Indian will favour no with their preeenoe. on ly in the oven- ing. In It is expected I. o uddrouu will he intaerepened with vocal sud instrumental Inuio. reuiudoue, etc. Fnunt. Ixmzsmx 1ow\'.~:nu-, uoo. m.-uo ma Editor): On 3 recent occuiou.in public. the fourth commandment nu forcibly dwell upon to show that I" work must be done in the six days, and that burning brick on Sunday in pininl breaking that communa- mnnt. Inm A inmrelted -us-u vvuuu -u--.- : '-"OChIO thmugooll M null to n no-cooking mill in d Iona who 0! the _.AI..4I. ..l IL. .|--n Q1]; -nnxll uun.n Futon` lunltnto bloolluc. Pin-nrnu, Doe. M. -(I`o the Editor): A: the coal and mating ol the Frontenac lumen` launch will In halo! In tho court bout. Klngnou. no Jon. uh. I all nun- lloo to tho adnrtlounul, In usotlur oohmm. 0! sound the mud Ipoulen. subject: to be dloou-od. time 0! making. no. At the Inc muting. held In Juno. them ill cool: 5 noun ultaduoo. II vs: mun: dboounllng to tho pmmoun o! lnnluu. uch new no loam: o! ability. `in can {mm 3 dluunon to hint: such small audience. I -... -n-_ ntnnn ml n Lav. Oh; annual! that dlutanon to amu-an anon unau aucuanona. I am Inn nona at in but the conceit that we oonld not be bcnaiittnd b intorchan -9 al idaaa with each othar. mm: more ahou i In be by men oi ability who have made a lifelong ntudy oi upon.-ial subjects, and who huo had a wider tphora for observation and ruoaivh than it in possible for In to have. The Iulnjoctl chnaon for that day will in vary intunating. and any nation ankod oi` information requind wil ha ohoarfuily Ivan. The govatnmant has done a great cal tho laat luv yearn to Idvanco tho agri- culturatintoreatu oi the province ; it may not have boon dona In accord with many oi our viowa. or you an in in that direction at we think the nhould have done. but atill Ira nhouid j n heartily with what ha: bun dnna and uh for man. D...-.a- nnDlLnI|nI`\l -hnuhl nvulnnvnr On ` done and an nor more. Parents, panicularl should endeavor to have tlxoir Ian: at all ouch mootiugl. ; it would infuao a uplrii ol inquiry. vshow tlnom they have much to lsarn. anal cu. iu much more than Iuuaoular our on re- nitod to main farming a pleating and pro- ublo ocuupatlon. Sir. in conclulionl might lay. an it in `tho laudable endeavor oi norm contlomon in and about Ki 1: to establish a school of agri- cultural ac not in oonnoction with Queen : university. lnumnt in than moollnuo will {move to them wo hobo a thin! that run uowloclgo than we have and will take ml vantage oi every opportunity to advance our worthy coll It in In ha and the ladlu `nu ud-uuqcaIu._ . WCXVC m DI! UWI WXI-- O wouuuu `ammun- lonophulb hint to tnhnnnh`nnnnh$`?nnhu$"n STEREOTYPERS : [BIL W; `no pl ur;v:;;0;#;V ..; znh-mnlnnll KI.Vus1V).'l 'Iuw\'.-lull`, D00. 96.--(To the .`Alo....\ . (Mu . an-at nnnnnlnn In nnhli:-, Hm oz.- LITTER! TO THE EDITOR. [O my lllluu IIIIII nu,-.\.- . Balsam. It-1furci .> , (kgbp, Co (In. Btonchilla, and Ant` hum llbl. - V . -K` Iuwold Ulnpnlr. I .. _ _-I-.. -.. _.. ._.._..._.._.._-... 1 Devon Ansel. . ,. !,. . . THO4. NICHOL. M.D.. 141.11.. 11.0.]... M Monmuu. wrmnxto undo: recent. date, '4:

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