me jomupo are. A dos och rom St. Petnrabur says that the ovoo romyn nnnounooa L at it in nrobnbla Mm within I law dnvn Lhn powers 0 uonatanmnople to be pro- rlyinnt. cued. There is reason to bo- Ieve thet leu the sultan, Inthin the next ten de , show: a deference of which at preeont he "I lime suspected, very de- cienve amps w I be underuken in the name of the joint. po deambch rom St. pafnrnhuro nun The Sultan Wlll Here to Work or He'll be Attended to. Loxoux, Dec. 23.-Itis up rent here that the powers have finally game con- vinced that the sultan : promises amount to nothing snd they are determined to be- gin a policy of coercion. The Mn uil of elisbury last Monday summoned t e sm- buudors representing the Euro n gov- ernment; here, to the foreign o co. and communicated to them the views of the ritish governmonqon thedenite propouls Russis for joint intervention in order th each nmbusador might communicate the to his own government and thus on- e ropresentntivee of the great t Constantinople to be nerlv inst Therein rumn Ln ha- grocer Iwru nave noon Iunpu-anoa. Fred`: Jackson, of Toronto. Admitted Lhnb he had canvauod the London voters reaiding in Toronto. He had forwarded all papers And lists to J. H. Beauty in this city. Nothing further is known ubout them. name one win oopxea upon. \VitnoIaoI were called to trace the wan- dering: of the keg: of beer alleged to have been bought by the liberal-conservative club and used in the Attic of their build- ing. Nothing :5 yet has Iuulted from the exnminntion. and the porters in several grocer ware: have been Iubpu-anod. Fred`: Jackson. Toronto. Admitted uunuun, Ullin, U00. za.-wnen one London protested election court opened this morning a long diaouaaion took place in regard to the riod of ed'ournmento. A meeting wan na ly an-an , to be held at Oagoode hall, January 4th, at. which a de- nite date will bexed called to In-ace the wan- Tho laolidon Election Oontoli. LONDON, 0nt.., Doc. 23.-When ope "this pl regard the neriod of ndionrnmnnm DESI?` J notice Roee then Itetaed than no evidence had been produced to prove any corrupt recticee Against the respondent personal- Ey. But Is corrupt. recuioee hed been carried on by ente, e declared the elec- tion voided. eoh aide in to pay its own costs. J uuice McMahon concurred in this. awn. UI nuualuu, call!!! on nun. Ind Ull- in out a wad of billa. took Iolneout o the 1'0 and threw thorn throu h the doorway to him Ioying, "Now I thfnk you can no your wny olou to value for Bennett. Justice Rose then nid the charge was proven. . _ Bureey, on Indmn, of Victoria Harbor. swore that: on the tiny of the election he and ochero were atunding near the polling booth and nhorbly jnfterwerdu he won eur- prieed at nding a two dollar bill in bi: pzokeb. He did not know who put in t: CH. Junbing Dan. 6!... -L-n-..l LL-L _- -..|.I-_-- _Ionu would be avoided. W. Arthur. of Victoria Knrbor. II that on June 22nd, at 10 um. Mr. I roll. 0! Midland, callod on him. and f Ind throw than hhrnnnh Mm dnnpw -..- -auuuv uuunvvu uouucrvuilvi BIIIIIOI Illl Been Uneeetod. Buuuu, 0nt., Dec. 23.--Eut Biuieoe ` contented election triel wu discontinued i this morning by Mr. Ayleeworth, eteting ` t owing to certain fecte that had mech- him since edjournrnent he hed. in con- veroetlon with Mr. McCnrthy, concluded thnt the court should not be unneceenerily prolou . In n lengthy controverey which ollowed conceruin certain perte of the election ect, Mr. M by eteted thet election oendidnue should wern their friend: no to the meaning of the election not end the many ouee of bribery through _Iente would be avoided. W. Arthur nl Vinlnri; `ltqnhmu .-n- -1....- Tho Eu! lluooo Oonunutln lnnhot In DJ nun.-QAA. larder Donut 0! Ila lava. ma... III... I\_. on A.`-.1 DROWNED IN `]'_HE SEA. find I!) Ilurllnj Pup. IIAI On. I \... 0'] l.`:_. MUST GET A MOVE ON. THE ELECTION VOIDED. James Whitcomb Riley Says: mm: lh..I& Ilu. 'B.. J. Gav: Inca:-.nIu-Alum-In II nutonhdnulnguu. WE. III UIIICI T OIIHIX 1'1 MIN-Hui-3-rt-I-0'1:-vcuiv-In ovwya-odltnblnlnnnu. Atthooloud ntkllnjllnlhrlln In-junta! thal- lovtycouluobunnnc. Althoolnud thoauclnouhpu pnuuatudthdr Ocular. Ill: Alba-In Illa. withstand- jmldlinpnnn Ilfllil *5!) I tho primny thnd public school. that an endu- tlan. In which tho childnn shard Ll.4l.-_-A- nu... _... .1... n_ Ila-dcnlnlnndlohoolllnnhg. . CARDIN lsunn. Doc. .--YuGadAy nhnruooo I plouunt Hnovih I In urinary G ol a.u.'$';.. -..-... --v -v-uv any IIII I1 _I NOTICI [8 III Y GITII 1' V!- dmd ha been was you cl N [or goqg. pot slam: on OOIIQOI stool. Gown-I-un.\'on.:. Doc. 23.-'l ho unbu- udoru noon-odilod to tho pot-to have motiv- od Instruction [mm that roopootivo gov- ornmonu to not in oooouu in submitting frail: propoulo fol-nionm in tho Ouonnn spin. and all of tho diplonnu, including .I. Nolldo. the Bosnian unhnnndor, have ngnudtonuornooootcivonouullltho ulna should hodilntory in onlotdng tho nlol-ma. In mm mm nu Inplry and other: thgontoning mmin of `hi: pt-open . There in no doubt. slut an in one ol 0. rponlu ol notion of criminal libel brought by cu-I Ruuoll. 'nat|hin noun:--in-law, my Scott. whic is now under adjourn - tbocuuo ol the donth of Fndock Kat. one o! the dofondnnu, And the Ill- Inn of Lsdy Scott. IIII nun ! IOIIIOIIOO IIIl'lIO. Imrzomr, Doc. 23.-Tho residence of Earl Russell At. Mnidonhesd. on the Thames. was bumod to the (round this morning. thomwu undou budlyol incondinrv origin an ear! Russell bu recently rocoivoti savor- nl momcing Iowan some ol them threaten- ing him wiI.hE.o|-Ionnl injury And other: threatening burnin pro Them no doubt. that In i. M. ..I n. m none more nu: been l.7lM cues ofdir ouo reportod. Tho dioouo was defying I" atumptn to stop it. In Tokio the dia- oue wu alarmingly on the increuo. gamer. The officers of the steamer Bel ic,which arrived :0 San Francisco Mommy from Yokohnmu. report: that I smallpox epidemic is n n in Kobe and in Tokio. In Kobe choroufboon L784 of dis- nnnn rarmruul Th. din.-an -... .l-l..;.... Ina Bll unarles Tu per. The American rowing, malting and elevator company. the George A. Weiu malting and elevator company and George A. Woiae, individually, aanigned lest even- ing. The assignment. of the two compan- iee, which are intimately connected, and chat 0! Weiss, were brought. into court to- gather. Thu ninnnn nf tha atnauimu R.l..:.. -|.:..l.. mo rooenr. olocmon. An uchm has been made by which Wilfrid Wil ism Campbell, of the militia department, Ottawa, and Jnmoa Lnmbort Payne, of the Priv council department, change pluou. r. Pnyno wu formerl privnta secretary to Sir Mackenzie Bowe and Sir Charles Tu nlnxvntnr nl\vnI\-nu uh- 11.....- A u1_.--_ inwnuon wee to nu mam nll. Archbinhop Lnngevin, replying to an address presented to him in Montreal re- viewlngtheldnnlbobe school question. aid that the settlement wueuchu no Catholic bishop could Accept and shut. instead of the ght being ended it won only just. befinnin . ohn Rose. berrietaer of Halifax. N. 8.. has beeneppointed a commissioner to inveutigete the charge ofolfenaive pertiun~ ahip mode against employee: or oicinle of the Interooloninl railway in the province of Non Bcotie who book an active part. in the recent election. In Qil\|\nu1un\ Lg- L4-.. _.-,I- L_ __L3-l year since I310. Hugo Wagnor, I Buffalo carpenter. bo- camo crawd with drink last night. and, going to his sister-in-law : house. shot her in the arm, his brother in the wrist And fired two shots at the two children. His intention to kill them till. Arnhlsinhnn Inn:-nuin ......l...'..... A. ._ For a hrlstmas Present for vnur win or puma... A. -a.a-- ,.-. uosmmnu bunks nnve been called to the aid of numerous country banking oun- Lomoro. by the failure of LhoNut.ionn| bank of Illinois. Iowa bank: will in no one be injured beyond tempotary ombamnament of this kind. l TL- nnnn .-I -Inb:.-_;._L -1 .__:I_-__| __, ' OI unis Klntl. The snnusl statement` of rsilroed con- struction to be published by the Reilwsy Age this week will show that during 1896 only 1,802 miles of lines were builh in the United Sum-. the smallest. mileage in any since I875. I100 Uurnnr A Rnhln no-ngnbgu I-.4 tner nan: nuuree Are antic: ted. Judgment has been ren ered at Three Rivers diamiuing the petition against Sir A. P. Caron : election. Judgment we: also rendered dismiaaing the election peti- tion ogeimt J. H. I.egm,M.P. for Mutin- on . Rehdoinen bunks have been called Lbs aid of nnmnrmn nnunn-v k.nI..'m. n... now tn uonaon olterany. Comptroller cklea, Wubington, receiv- ed I hologram this morning from Chicago nyin that everything concerning nancial troub as there was quiet and tlnt. no fur- ther bank fniluret nnticirawd. A All _t TL..- Jnrlomnnr. In. hnnn mu unuocne and ms clergy. The conrmation of the Right Hon. and Most Rev. Frederick Temple naarchbiehon of Canterbury and primntao of all Eng! ml took place in the church of St. Mary Lo- bow in London olterdny. Comptroller cklea. Wuhinamn. rnnniv. menu. In the Chemplaineloction petition the bill of particulars chergee etrong clerical in- uence and intindaeion exercised on be- halioi the conatvrvative candidabeby bishop Iaeche and his clergy. of the Right. Han, ma wining an mwrnnmonal war. The Australian government Itutiatioinn esbimubea that the wheat. yield for New South Wales is 7,435,000 bushels, or 1.- 250.000 bushels below the home require- manta. manner uves m Toronto. The Madrid Epoca, a semi-oicinl organ declares that together `with the reserve: the Spanish army is fully capable of main- taining international The Australian trnvnrnmnnf. -nH.Hn:... "Ann 01 rorm moo. Capt. A. G. Gihnour, formerly of To- ronto. died yesterday, at bhenge ofbwenty- six, at. Guaya uil. Ecuador. His aged mother lives in oronbo. Than Mndri Inna... . ......: ..m,.:..I .._.-_._ puonc- acnoola. Now it I! the other via . A French liberal daily paper will shortly started in Quebec. Mr. Deohone. M. L. A.. for L'Ialot. county, in the pro- mover. Queen Regent. Christians of Spain will, on Christmas day, aign adocree ordering the operation of certain reforms in the ia~ land of Porto Rico. (am. A 11 n:I.......... :..-.....-u.. _: m- -uameron ruoiumonn In tnvor or Uubn. A plan for unifying the interest of the Commercial cable company and the Postal telegrnpb-cable company was ndoptnd. . A few veare no in Ottawn. the nnnnmm 1 wlogrnpn-came ndoptnd. years ago Ottawn, the nepanco schools land 1 larr nttondnnoo than the public- schools. ow it in the other A Flnnh lihnrnl rlnilu nnnnr -u'Il nunon; ogpnal undmur Inn, 8100.000. `. Speaker Rood in of t 1: opinion that the house at P0 reoentahiven will not pun Cameron reoo utionl in fnvor of Cuba. A nlnn fnr unuinn u: lno.n..o. 4! oh. roa man we came umo Int your. The bank of West Sn ior. Wiu.. did not open this morning. t in namnll inabi- hution; ogpitcl undmurlnn, 8100.000. Sneaker Road in of t a anininn tint. sh. mg no owurou up. Among the on-liut reform of the French government in Mndngucnr in I docroo abolishing nhvory. . The Hon. George Edwin King bu been lllmthd British commiuionar for him Ina non. uoorgo Isawln lung in been uottad commiuionor for the bring an arbitration. ` Controller Pater-on Inn in Montreal Int [night ropreoontln the vornmcnt at the commercial trove on nnor. Hopaokin at Chi from Nov. 1. to due a on n ooreueo 495,000, as com- nnl-ad ii: ll: nnmn tum; Inn}. ug-nu aura nnowl aooz-one ox 190.000, ll pared with the sums tune luv Sunerior. Win nor, :1. 1.. ma mgnv um ll arming some this fonnoon. The widomoounbeu Iaworhnupb. daugh- ter 0! U. 8. Ambnndor Boynrd, is to wed I Paris Architect. Ahmat. In... in}... no ........ can I..0 '..:..1. ran: ucnneor. About four inches of mow fell lut'night at New York. At ten o clook chi; morn- i ng in cleared up. Among I-dorm: of the Fmnah Robinson B l 0S-g woulu nave no oppoomon an we csmpm, The Bauer line 88. Lake Ontario. in Liverpool, |l l'iVOd at St. John. 11.3., 1 mormmr. ' morning. About eight inches of wow fella Roche- Ibor, N.Y.. Int night and in drifting uugnor umpn anugnwr Ina elopod mu: one of her norvanta. Horace Harvey, Calgary. has been up- pointed registrar of South Alberta. it looks A: If Mnyor Tuokeet. Hamilton, would have opposition in the campaign. Ontario. from FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. um. Hutton nu lnunu lvaryboar - Nqiol l'ro|nAll our---Little of Ivor)- thhg lbunv load ud Bunonhocnd by The Door PublIo.. ` Signor Criapi u dnughtor he elopod with TELEGRAM8 FROM THE EARTWS THE AFFAIRS or run 1101111.] THE DAILY snrrxsn wme wEoNEsI'>'AY,f DECEMBER 23, 1896. l$:1Illur"|.@.` |.":*........m::.-:-.. nu nap Lndhownnuto ho money. Wuhan toooordovun all I no. wo will 51 than 01.3.` lad In our window; It's full good nice me almost ungooanlustnlnoutvioo tbonanf u want a me n ' '..aa'.'3..a"7'."`p.'I....'.'.`.'..`1` 2` .:.___..j_j- Innlu Iutnlhon-Ifolhyou TIE rth wlu may `IQ nan. Kicua, oomlulundnnt ofdtho ollniihryoo ogo,wi Iponduu 1 in ulihx. N.8.. before running hiagoulrf my to Ki . Bin man-nrunt. . G. Eaton. vod at tho British Ancienn this morning. and will at man not to work to have tho new ooumudnnrn lurnitnn Inpuiod and Arranged in his King stunt urtul. , ,,,___,.__ _-. _..._..,_..r... . An launching Intorlnlmnt. The annunl entoruinmonb of Brock Itnoot. Mothodm -Sunday uohool was held Int evening. At JOVOII o'clock can in nervod to over two hundred children. This vu foilowod by I vor long and interest- ing p mo furnin ed by the ochohn And they ndonvor choir. During thoovon- ing oavonl pnoentulonn wot-o made. W. H. Godwin. auporlnhondent. In; with a nilvor mouhhd cane b tho oloorn and tuohoru. Rm. J. GI-nnfnl .-.'...z...a - All sales for cash. No goods sent on approval. -_.. .. , ....r. ...u..u.u--v. was _.. ... - V "W ooorn J. Onndl n tdrhv while Mr. Pound. Ill:-n. I"..- -- ma uuonorn. Rev. J. Unnfoll rind tdrh while Mr. found, Hinton 1109:: and mu was rilnnrnhnnnrl L- n. An lee Boot with A l u.rpoeo. An ice boot, with I new urpoee has been constructed by A local e ermen and now lieu neer the government dry~dock ewniting the formation of ice on the hu- bor to be in operations. A: soon In the ice in eufhciently strong to beer the weight of the bout. her proprietor will hoist. nil: end weer for the winter ahin grounde, where he will rennin from Monny morn- ing until Saturday evening of each week. The boec hu I covered deck end in equip- od with I ntove end all neceeeery epplionoee for housekeeping. 4.. u_._.__..__ -_-._- . aruatie Lenaenenee of those named. By their action on the Stomach. Liver and Bowela, Miller : Worm Powder : cor- rect all auoh troublee as lack of Appetite, Biliouaneee. droweineea.aallowoom lexion, etc;nioetotake.--ForealebyE.C. itchell. The de rtment of marine in calling for tender: or the removal of the hull of the _ United Staten veeeel Grand Traverse. wrecked toward: the oloee of na- vigation near Colcheeter reef, in Lalre Erie. The wreck lies directly in the chan- nel. The department coneidere it import- ant that the route ahould be cleared before the opening of navigation next apring. Cataraqul Lodge Ollleera. Catarnqui lodge No. l0, I.0.0.F., met laet evening to corn lete nominations for oicen for M397. nly one candidate was noininated lor each ition, and al though the regular electlona do not take place until the next meeting, thoee no- minated are ractically elected and will hold office uring the in-comin year. Their names and oioee are aa ollowe: N.(}., R. M. Douglu; V.O., F. Raney; recording-eeoretary, D. A. Shaw: per manent secretary. 0!-car Bartel|e;treM- I urer. W. A NA-lnndr nhu-ini.-. `h- u mnnonc mercury. Uncut Butollo;t.roM- urer, W. A. Nowlandn: physician Dr. Mundell. IOWI no me devoted tor. James Lon . Bart. pburn,Junos Lewis, George Mum And nnd W. Flnnagun did the table dooorntion for the medical stu- dents dinner lab night. The work wu excellently dononnd indicated urongly tho artistic Londonoiu of those named. RV hlnnir Antinn nn Hm Din-..-..l. Y :..-.. lung screen. Thorn was humor in the remark of I ltd. at a certain Sabbath school entarulnmont, who entered. Ioprolontir thnlugiving day with an ample turkuy in hit nrmn. saying. "On thin dlyibia ro r to re- mernber God`: poor." And 9 nndod the fowl to the devoted tor. Jnmnn Inna R. ...|....... l-.....-r-..:- yournewea man In It! lnnouy up-no-date. A nuiuble preuent for I gentleman is I nice pair of mocho min: or gloves. We hnvo them in ull prion at Gnllaghorh, 342 King street. Than; Iran hurnnr in thn v-nun-L nl - lul wrung a U0 I. Gallagher, 342 King street, can show you the very latat novelties in genu` {ur- niahingn suitable for Christmas prooenta. Call and enmino our stock and convince yourselves that it is strictly up-to-date. mount uontlemnn in I uoera wm no onecwa um evenm; Lots of nice things. See tugm at J. Craig & Co's. Gallncrhm-_ K4`) Rina -kn-not nun -lunu Payment of account requested at. Dlll ' Illino- Book-keeper: and buoinou men remem- ber ho meeting th nvening in the Kin -0 ` buaineu college to orpniu I moors and accountants nlanninhinn m. uv nuameu college to orglmu book- :epeu' ucoountanta utooinbion. Of- ` tioera will be elected this evenin . Inta nf ninn thin. Hg. 0 A... .5 I once, university avenue. A meeting of the shareholders of the Midland Central {air association was held this morning in connection with the pro- posed purchase by the city of the fair site. We make a specialty of perfumes in cut lass bottles and our prices are right. ore all true to name at Wade's. Alderman Behan and R. H. Toye have taken stock in the Kingston gold mining company, whose "mine is situated in the Seine River-district. near the great Saw- bill" mine. n..-i. I ..... __.J I....:_._. --~------ monany noxn. Mina Cunnin ham, teacher of St. Patrick`: school ore. left this morning for Cobourg, where she will spend her Chriatw mu holidays. Mill ELM Arlnmn Alfnnrlinu fhn nhhnwn nonaays. Min Etta Adams, attending tho Obcawa norinal school, arrived home last evening to spend Chriatmu holidays with her par- ents, University Ineetimr of the uhnrahnlrlnru nf Hm Inc Mun band will be in abundance. Buy your candy at Camovskyh new candy store, nnd your cole And oyabon On the Corner. W. H. arnovuky. Roan Murphy, attending the Otta- wn college, arrived home to-day to agent! Christmu tide with his parent! at dgo Hill. John O'Brien And wife will leave for Belloville to-dny to Ipend the Christmas holidays with friends. They will return on Monday next. Cunninrhnm, tnuvhnr nf Rt. ouo In front`. of Hon`dorIon I gallery. . , `st-un `K Wonbhbr pas-miting; him My Roynl tin will be h. to-Inim'ow'nighI ~ Tho 14th band will in abundance. Ruv Imnr n-min .0. l",.p..n...I...7. -- oomo. uur mu sun an the loan. Suloy & Janna orcholtn will oonduot mother one of their popular ulomblien in the W Hm hull to-marrow ovonl. I 'Y'nilm. nalm 9... I\|iAAAn an ..-...... any vl Iuvu yvyuuun --uunauuu In W310 ovenlg. Toilet. Iota. ton pieces, 81. , regular priol.2.50. J. Cni & Co. A Dholaolrnnh of I. A Rmml milirnrv ml- p|'lOII`.DU. J. Um G ()0. phobognph of t. e Royal military col- lege` hockey club is on View in the allow one in front of Hen`dor:on gallery. A, Shting`!,'h|Io4bfk Low Price Store, It in nognoooulary to urohno At Galla- gher : to receive 3 onion At. All are wol- oomo. Our ties still take the lad. RIAIAI A` Jnvnnn nnnlunntl-A -iII an-ulnnln, )Il 0l`I. T. J. Rignoy, I student it Oogoodo hall,Tqront.o, in homo for tho Chriutmu holidays. ` ` If on want to make your friend: happy pure no your present; at Gallagher's, u ovorythin in our noon in the Infant. Lanlia Ilhml in Amlnvnd nu nnm-ntnr Mrs. William Thom n, of Kin man, in vililing her mother, ra. Thoma urns, Brookvfllo. It. in um-. .........-.... 4.. .........I..-.. -1. n-n- uon, are vlumng friends in Brockvillo. The formal oponl of the new Frontenac. nchool has been Iobvwn for January 1261). Msyor Elliott in at iudn Prion : cham- lcnool nu noon ooouown 10!` January wen. Msyor judge Prion chum-_ hon to-day uuinting in t 0 balloting for jurors. ' T. J. >RinnnI I Atnnnr It (honnn ovoryunln In woro II one much. Dollie _ n has in em Ioyod u opentor in the GP. . tolegnp oolnpnny | ofoo hero. Ill I'l-I- or-lumen in out glue bottle: from 25c. up at Wu:lo n drug store." E. J. Edwarduml the Dom-onto Tribune staff, in in the city to-day. Christie : {rub Iodu. J. Cmig & Co. Ma. and Mrs. '1'. J. Morenoy. of King- Iton, viuibing friends in Brockvillo. onanimr of the naw Fmntannn nu var nun rm-o Orowdod use in hl -In-An, '1 7" ICTI ECWC IIIUWK I-l I-nllutot Inna. Turkey: free at Kin ton Fnir. Full) pinonpalu. . Craig & Co. A Colophon: u been nlnood in than Chrisimas Goods marked down. ---anal: uwv av nun Iruuu Inn. pine: I Cnig tolophonopfunboeu placed in the curl- 1 ng rink. ' N QENERAL PARAGRAPH8. New Lot Ends of Em- broidery at Sale Prices. CCQ}OG .soopioeesof Newspring Ptintnnd wrung; Goods-uhl W` ........ 3"-..,':.m::...'.""-c....*" '::'H....., 6...... ... ........4 E7yI'.Ovueonuu|dSoitnnlln:Inmd. I'll tho n h kluduutb Milk I 041. II) Welling- don, nah rt-UII I)! `run F0000. Chic! Ha-any has onningnudto tho anunblod monIIu'Iol'tl:o|oonl olieoforoo aloud:-hohndnodndlI'onom .C.8nn|l. "Phil." is vhitlnn In n.n..a.n..a.;. .... a mu: no no roeuivod from ox-P. 0. Bull. "Phil." visiting in Philadelphia and nob Christan grouting: to his old coin- ndunnd Mood:-. Honyo hondo. day hydy.gnnurnuouforhinoov'nion Lin "why. man. did you noogoto their barracks undnpply hr shelter and unit- taooo inatud ol coming to the police nation 9" in the polioouufu nut, and very natural qnoition. "Oh." replied tho trun with A shrug 0! his Ihonldonz I di me want to hover don." ox ma anon don." u-an-s wan: to Bother `them. One lone trump wn sheltered at the lice nation Ins night. B0 was a much Gunndiun and mid he was trying to make his way to Quoboc. To the police he -ut.o he, at one time, wu n Roman Catholic. but had joined the Suin- tion army in Chiougo. "The Army nu I `g|n'iIou' in King- ston" new-Ind l policonnu. "Ya. I know du" uuwarod the train 2 "Why. than. did t. r uodnpply Ihcltor nnd g-5.. Closing- Out a no nIIllI'l UIIIIOIOI. R. K. Kernighan, better known as "The Khan," haa been dubbed the James Whitoolb Riley of Canada. In a well- printed, well-bound volume are many tioaleuaiona t taorank with Riley : t. No Canadian poet has written in n more strikingly original manner, or got nearer to the people in the portrayal of scenes and incidents to their every-day life than "The Khan." Many ofhis verses are rich in rollicking humor; not a few are strongly sympathetic, while others breath a patriotism quite soul-atirring. Indeed theivereitality and the im ry of this poetic geniul are marked. T e book sold for 8I.50iaacredit toita publiaheru. the Hamilton Spectator company. It in a dut to Canada to support its literary nor are, and poet and puhliahere alike `merit encoura ment, eapeoially since the Khan : canticee are in themselves in a literary aenae worthy of generous patron- age. I long cream or roll!-I. I hove known I most devoted huubnnd and wife who, After the various dome-uln oomplloellonl caused by the clvll wnr, looked the matter of _ houeekeeplng Iqunrely lo the hoe. The wlfo no longer young. fell that she could not, wlchouc greet per-onol exertion end untold worry. take up homekeoplng on I: totally different basis from that wlth Ivhloh she had been fnmlller, and her husband was wlse and or-nuldorate enough to oooopt her vlew o! the sliuntlon. And to sh: end of thel/r llvee they boarded. 50 la goes. Work that to one woman In plenlont. to Another one In lrhome; but there In no use ln frattlng over olroum- sconce:---It In for boner to nooepl the Inovltohle with good grace. or meenunum. My wife and I are much fonder oi eeoh olher elm-e we em down every day with I dozen people than when we dined Ilnne," and e jolly hueband, who went through life very renpeotebiy and happily. though he never land I home. It in end. but nevertholeee true, that the disposi- tion of eome eouplee ohenge entirely for the better u man an they are freed from the eheoklee or housekeeping. Fault.- ndlng oeneee. nnxinm lines smooth away. end both huebend end wife draw e long breath of relief. I hnvn Inna-n - rnnn .I.....o..I |...-|..-...a poor nouseseeplng. Many a woman. in every respect ed- mlrabie and intelligent beyond the aver`- age. cannot entirely grasp the mysteries uf housekeeping. And that it is not a matter of intelligence is shown by the fact that some of the best and most skii- ful housewives have been those who turned their attention to little else than the ordering of their dinners and the scrupulous neatness of their homes. And who shall say that these did not make 11 success of housekeeping! So many, many things enter into the housekeeping for the good or ill of the household. The wife or housekeeping sister may he orderly, the husband or brothers the reverse, or the wife totelly regardless of system, while the husband counts a misplaced article or a late hreahfset an unpardonsbie sin. for which no future punctuality or nestness may condone. and these things occurring day after day, year in and year out, aconsequent strug- gle ensues, which renders life a martyr- dom. The more trivial the occasional the more bitter the sense of defeat. now 1'r urn-:c'rs THEM. 0h,"seid A woman whose house- keeping was to her as the grinding of the pilgrlm's pebbles in his shoes, ``I know! am a miserable failure as a housekeeper! I can do half a dosen things well, but I cannot keep house." Now there is no more reason in the world why that woman should wear herself into nervous prostration trying to doe thing that in all her life she will never compass than there is that any man should become a lawyer when his tastes and aptitude: are for medicine or mechanism. M: wife and I --- .......L l.._.a_- _s Sensational 'l`estIl|ony-Jm'lgee Bold How- ever. That It cannot Be Introduced In The Herbert lunar 'l'rIal. Booms. Dec. 23.-The surprises sprung by the prosecution in the trial of Bram for the murders on the Herbert Fuller, near Halifax, just before adjournment of the court Monday night, attracted wide in- terest end the re-openin of the trial yes- terdaywas awaited wit considerable im- patience. as the decision of the judges in regard to the admission of evidence to show that Bram ind previously been im- plicated in attempts to pirate ' vessels on which he had sailed, the alleged attempts having devolved even murder. was to be made known. ` The court room was crowded at 9:30 when the court came in. An adverse de~ cisicn on the attorney's petition was im- mediately announced. Jud Webb, who gave the decision, said : e believe such evidence to bein violation of the funda- mental rule that the proposal to commit and the actual commission of another such crime unconnected with that laid in the indictment. cannotbe given in evidence against the accused. This is considered a serious blow to the ugunsn mo aocuuoa." Ierioul blow to the prolooution. pnruou OI unnlpplneu. man every man or woman, however wall-Inmntlonod. two and oonaclentiom. can make the home what it ouzl.t to be. And one of tho moat fruitful causes of unhappiness, next on bad temper, In to be found In poor houaokeaplng. Mun n wnmnn. In nvnrv n-nun. mi. A (root out II and and vu-men now- Iduyl About the art of homo-making, _ whllo voiy lmla thought in expended upon the {not that In the homo ooruuln mull miner-Ion ulna and ourish whloh no us onn better or Iubduo. Tn Innnk 'IlIlII.I thnnn nu. nnnn an--.-lull. no us can better or Iunuuo. In moat homo: thorn are great capabil- lllu for happiness. and no In direct pro- pnrllonof unhspplneu. Not woman. however wall-inmntlnnnd He. __ . -~--. --. -v ....-u u wu- Peraonnl loiterl to Prof. Huuyon. 13 Albert ureet. Toronto. nnunrod with tree medlcnl miles for my dlnllo. - SHIPPED ON VESSELS TO KILL AND ROB. _j___j? DIdI'I Want To Bother an Inn. 6...... ...- -L_n-_-_n ,. A great deal In aid and written sdnn nhnnl tha an of hnmn-mnkln-, SEAMY SIDE OF HOME. Tho Khan`: cnntlolu. l(--..:..|.-- L-u, I v: u vnl Iaullas Pllillll your wife or mothor or ulster or nono- hody clue : 5 our ha would In nlaor Hun u dainty uni. out, one of than we are selling for . for instance. Tho: on neat. handy. I 07 onounnco Inorhodlonl habits, inndfvxillcfrnuauit In] zoom. The`! uromueo n In I I nynn Birch, n nun. 3316' sn:'ua1 Undorcohr and Fnnnnn nnhoturor. 35-nos Prlnoou 5%.. II. J. Bold. Haunt. prices [or Man. 11:. U. Mitchell. An npprocnood prooont would be I pair of Stacy : kid gloves. eye: wuou tree at In`. (J. Mitchell : A nice pair gmd kid gloves in a suitable Xmu present. We have them. Crumloy Bros. D.....A--|-_ __J --- I Sp.oct.acloa and eye gluten at rodnood prices for .\'mu. E. C. Mitchell. An Annrmunmd nlonnnl -....I.I L. - ....-_ Mother or father would like I it of rolled gold And solid gold apeobocu for Xmas. B inl price: for this week nnd eyes tea free at E. C. Mitchell A nina nnir an MI Lid nlnnnn :. - ...:s-l.I_ nuc. unooolnw Uroolnl. 100. This week we offorchocohto cream: only 10. lb. J. Crawford. ronse. Class I contains the names of thooo who have gained more tlnn sixty per cent. of the marks: clan II, thooo who have gunned less than sixty per cent. but more thou forty-ve r cont; class III contain: the names of t one who hove gained less than {ortyvo per cent. The names of those who have coined leu thnn thirty-three per cent. do not Appear. uuvunnuv; IJIDIU ILL, mnrgery FBHIO. Reading And I. Chriltine Cochrano. Mn ory Ponle, Elsie Ponce. General prohcioncy-Clau I. Christine Cochrano. Murgory Ponle, equal; Ellie Ponse. Pl-.. I ..4...A..:... pl... ..-_.-_ -3 .L_- I 3.: Ionnux. I-looool IAIIIII. Ion-nun. an... nun, n._.p......,-....-. msie rense, unnsmne Uochnne. English grammar ~-Clses I. Margery Pense. Christine Cochune, Elsie Pense. Geogruphy--L`lua I, Elsie Penna, Chris- tine Cochrsne, Margery Pense. Spelling and dictation -Clus I, Chris- tine Cochrene, Mar ry Pense. Elsie Penee. I)ivinit.y--Class EeElsie Pense. Christine Cochrsne; class III, Margery Pense. prohoiency-Cless I. u, mums renae. General prociency - Clan I, Jessie Smith: class II, Emmn Ponne. lIuIIunA'rnn\.' Hlluu vruvnn I\lI'InIn|v annnn ;CIII! ll, Ismmn YOIIIO. Frenoh-Clua I. Janie Smith; ulna: II. Emma Ponso. nim'nio.u_nI....l 1...:- u....:u. . -1--- I'Hl!l ARATOR\' vus.-4 Jrruon DIVISION. Arithmetic-- Clue I, Margery Penna. Elsie Pense, Christine Cochnno. Rnalinh urgmmnr._J`l.-- I M....-....\ nmma F0080. History and Geogmph -01:55 I. Jame Smith ;c|ue II, Emmn onao. W:-nnnh_(`.I--n I jnnnin I-`HI. . `I-.. u. nmma ronso. Divinit.y-ClasI 1, Jamie Smith: clul II, Emma Pense. ll.-.4.-.l ......4X..:-..n- fVl--- I '---'A lhnhololou Dunn... ........... Du arm. ....... .. oa-:"mmmo.u.......... Postal ... n I lll?3a':l.l:n Iontnolstnotlhtlw !qpt_n_u . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. umyune mquu). uewe tcooeruon. General Procioncy--Clue I. Alice Hague. Beanie Robot-taon ; class II, Emily Smythe. PRICPA RATORV l'l.Au-nIcN Inn luvluvnu I lUSl ARATOKY ('LASS-BKNl0R DIVISION. `Arithmetic--CIua Ill, Jouio Smith. Emma Ponae. Eng|ieh-Clua I. Joanie Smith ; alum II, Emma Pense. I-llntn-n n-`A l1...........|._ (VI--- I 1- ,_ nooorwon ; clue 111. rzmuy umyuno. I)ivinity-ClAu II, Alice Hague. Emily Smybho (uqunl), Beanie Robertson. General Prnnianr-v-I!lnu I. Alim- - . ~ 11 nu tvll m-rvouaneu or 'Inabl7lty to sleep. alto].-mtg Munyonw Nerve Cure with the Dinp |n Cure. 1! the blood In oor In ual ty I ter- nnte Muuyonw Blood on an Dnpgpgu Cure. By thlu plan of treatment on an erndlcnte the worn form: of stomach trouble: and their compllcuuona. And man the euro permanent. _ A nepnrute apeclo for each din... mu ......,.. Vuuuu ., `nu-.u |u"uU, uvoclu Robertson, Emil Smybbe. Laein--Clau] , Alice Hague, Bouio Robertson class III. Emily Smythe. I)ivinit.v-Cluu II. Alina Hurum Emilv IVUOBFISOII, numy DlI'IyIrIl.. Histo and eognphy-Clau 1. Alice Ha ue, eaaio beruon, Emily Smybho. rencb-Clua I, Alice Hague, Beanie Latin--C|aaaI . Alice Hume. Ru-in nrenare. beaunco Mcum, equal. l)ivinity-Claas I. Edith Pense. Elsie Won-roll, Mabel Browneld. Jessie Field, May Smytbe. Belle Cnig, Nellie Letendre; class II, Ethel Wilkinson, Once Bnrneb, Madalon Carter; clue III. Irene Hender- son. Beebrice MoGill. llnngnnl r\vv\n:n-unit ('1--- Y Il-|...I son, neabrlce moum. Genorai rociency - Class I, Mabel Browneld, uy Sm the. Edir.hPonse;clul II. Jeanie Field, E aie Worrell, Madnlon Carter, Ethel Wilkinson. .Il'UI'l l`l.AlH Jvsxon cum-x. Arithmetic and ulgobrn-Clus 1. Alice Hague; class II, Boonie Robertson; class III. Emily Suythe. Emzliah-Clnaa I. Alice Hmrua. Rania Ill. mnuy ullyme. Engliah-Clnaa I, Alice Hague, Bouio Robertson, Emily Smytho. "gang on-.'-I,.|u...o..... I'4`...:I... u.....n.- warn uoernaomer. Hintor -01:33 I, Mabel Browneld. Jessie ield, equal; Madalon Carter; class II, Edith Penso. May Bmytho. Elsie Worrell. MnOhnmn0n-,_{`l.-- I '|l-L...I D-....,.._ VVOITBII. I, Mabel Brown- eld; clus II, Joanie Field; clun Ill, Edith Pense, Elsie Worrell, Nellie Le- brendre. Beatrice McGill, equal. l)ivinitv-Cluas I. Penna. Elsie Iona. French--Clau I, Nellie Letondro. May Smythe, Ethel Wilkinson, Mabel Brown- eld; class II. Jeuie Field; clue III, Edith Penna, Elsie Worrell, Beatrice Mc- Gill. nnnvnnn (VI--- I I`.l:al. 1)-..-` ll-L-l um. German--CII.u I, Edith Penna, Mabel Browneld, Agnes Richudaon; clue II, Clara Oberndorbr. "infnrv __ (WI.-n I |l.l..I D-n_-R-IA ~the bowel: open once I any by bitter taste In the mouth 6iii';ilo: akin 2.2: 3.2" ,";;.'*`:?'.;.: .'g".:..:,"":-u:.- When there is o tlutt camp: on gas llll Inn. yon : Constipation Ours until the regular under the effect of the Kupgp Cure. when there are tronbluomo bout symptom: Alternate Munyoxn Hun can with the Dyapo an (fun. It then In nut norvouageu nabl It: :0 am;-mg. .`.:'.':>'"..- .`.`5":...`Z.'_.'_'_'*.,th- r.>.v-mm 190000. Gononl rocionoy - Class I. Ethel Herchmor. u-ion Roddon.Beuio Smytho, Kathleen Kirkptbrick: eluu II,Mu-guerite Carr-Harris, nu Richardson; class III, Mary Cotton, uiee Bnrneb. RINIHR. PLARH. ` smuon. cuss. EngliIh-Cluu I, Mnbol Browneld, Edith Pence. Nollie Leandra. Madnlon Cu-tar. equal; Eluia Worroll. May Smytho, Jouio Field. Ethel Wilkinson; oluu II, Beatrice McGill, Belle Craig, Clan Oborn- dortfer; cluu III, Grace Bunch. Irene Henderson. I.nHn_J'VI--- Y |l.A.I.-. (Mun-.. lI`l-x.. RIOHUGTEH. Lstin-CIua I. Mndalon Carter, Elsie Worrell. Mnv Bmytho, (I:-we Bu-not; clan II, Ethel Wilkinson, Belle Craig. Jessie Field. COMM EROIAL. IOITIIAI. noon IAIIIII. monnrason; can 11]., mum nu-non. Mut.homat.icI-Clnn I, Marion Roddon. Ethel Hex-chmor; class II. Boonie Bmythe, Agnes Richardson; clul III, Marguerite Carr-Hnrriu. . mIininJ`|n-Q I 'U.I>LIg... I!:-I....L..:..I. nmo -- was 1. rslnol ueronmot. Bessie mytbo. Eio Fonwick. Marion Reddon. Knbhloon Kir ta-ick,Mu'gnorita Carr-Hurting clun II. ry Cotton. Agnel Richardson; clue III, Louise Bunch. MnI.hamnt.inI-Clnnn T, Mu-inn nnrlnn Ulrr-nlrnl. Divinit.y-Cl|u I,KAthloon Kirkpatrick, Bessie Symtho, Ethel Eu-ohmer; Mnry Cotton, Msrquarite Cll`I"Hll"l`il,- equal: Louidue Bu-non, Agnes Richardson, Murion Rod en. nnnnnn` rs-nA:AnnlI HI--- I `DA|.-I nurnxcuu-non cuss. EngIiub--Clue 1. Euro) Horchmor. Mar | ion Reddon, Kathleen Kirk trick. Agile: Riolm-dnon. Basic SIIIYWE, I write g:rr-Harris. Louino Bunot; olnu fflnry Mon. Honor Englluh4}lua I, Kathleen Kirk- natriok. Muv Cotton. puncl. nun uouon. IAtin-CIun I, Ethel Horchmor. Kath- leen Kirk trick, Bonnie Smytho. Marion Roddon. it Fenwiok. Mu-guorito Carr- Hnrria; class II, Louino Bnrnot. I`:-annI|_l;-ml Ifgtlnlnnn WI-Inubph-I. um um: . preuim: u`d 'rdIfn3iu"I'i"g'i',` stomach, on-mun ot~ breath I :::.':. `:;.':*:'..,:::::;-s..-:a..*::.,"'.*?.`I.? ~13?`-v'~ :I`tuu&u;:.l:. : djuineq, , when t ego symptom`: no lnlonlnhol -us nnrnu; clul u, Loullo nlrnot. P`ronoh-OluI I, Knhloon Kirkpatrick, Ethel Horohmer. Bmytho; clua II. Marion Roddon, Marguerite Curr- Hsrrlm. ~ n'oTr7.An-cIu. 1. new I-Iomlunor. Em; Fonwiok. Marion Roddon. Benin Bmycho; olun II. Marv Cotton. ronvnox. nunon uoauon, ISOUIO umyono; II. mm --'c1ua I. Ethel He:-ohmor. Benin mvtha. Ein Fanwiclz. -Marian lien In tlio Report of tho Ohrlunu lx- I nmlnpllou. ....-nun... ._....a nu .... | Il0l|k0|'hI'|gll:}:-<.ilII pnzrio . tton. I4I* n I. Ehha 11. HI] Hurts. . xnnsiiu LADIES` oou.'_az. `_' Ioc. Cnooolnto Orounl. loo. I. -....|. ..... -tI`._-|.---I_., ,,,, '-Bti"c'i;{Ey:E:"IZLZmiI - m r ('I.ASs-sl`.Nl0R Class .'.'nu ' " "'*rI .un-I auavlllont nergyf ' en 9 I t ' umouaneu. " e{l:)nve~?ol::o:l"I::::::i "M K1 and Ilhowuu'k 1'n' ` "9__'!_}`_`."_'..I-P!!! lmaltoruuon ...Au. u._ us an [XMAS PRESENTS Richmond Co. [MCKELVEY & BIRCH UIIVBI. Tu ;::fGoutnm 0' Flnhhinp. Ih.]tuIllFncy I Goodcglntndoallwpri. IpIIIu_I auni, IIDII woven and U11 _ .- Outcast: and Suit; all Induced. Spacul tale of Kid Gloves. Sing:-kl `Ah nlI`_n-ln' D-.-I.L2_... Handy Xmas Presentsnw At Holiday Prices. wif INDIGESTION and sauna In all toppl " ` ,tlo 1. u, I` Dyspepzila L to w I1 ptlghou: there an we mm :1 or how` new In the stonuclylndiutl I: gm;-g.._ utter utln pressure I rungll In mg breaIh_,_hQoor `pp. tlln 1-nntntl human; unn- no notes are sewn uxe no; A Dunn. Gena fur Inn mocha glovu. were 02.25, now 8l.85. Stacy : ale. Buv mantles at Snenoe &Co'a to-marrow V4.20, (Lao. saucy ulo. Buy Spence &Co'a tomorrow and save 25 per oent. Car ticket. case: with solid silver corner: 25., Is`. (3 Man-|..II w vouonu. Dr. Burrows hu an nnulunl command. of rhythmic form. It in remnrhblo that in four-score pioou there are nearly one- hall at man variation of tuna, in unit! instances 0 rate oonncruobion and singular beauty. Hi: friend: in uriodidbote (ho hnving formerly lnborodn `l`mnwor&h) will be interested in the new work. Nothing in nppreohtod moro.u 1 Xmu gm than I bottle ol porfuuu. We In calling lots of it And prices are right. E. C. Mitchell. lllllg I05! 0 ,0. I Uh! nlnuu IIU. MIDCDOII. Kid gloves. kid gloves. Nothing like them for I Xmas gm. Beat. and chotpoob. Stacy : free trade ula. Hana : narfumnn. nnlhu-_ nu And mm]:- meacy1 tree or-sue nun. Hug : perfumes, oolhr. out? And nook- teio boxes eellhs like hot X buns. an... 1.... I... monk. olnunn -u--.- |Tl1c Grif Twins] --unnm renwn", an moment or we | Johnuown ood. in poetioellg told I) the Rev. Joshua Lew Bun-ore. h.D.,o Alh- tebulu, Ohio. nnd given biale to 1 models volume of his poems, privntely p bliehed. The eub- itle, "other gatherings mm the drilbw ol lilo hours on the poetic eon. repnree one to nd I volume of miscel- mee. Thenere nnmtivee. legends re- told, religion: vernal. uronelabione, oo- ceeionel pieces and eqniba. which while not clueied.l?o0en en underlying unit. ofthought. vheeeoood in eel e eunnonchnncoernhe ird I heeutl l lyric entitled Lebor and Ream" sheet- and reveal other are distinct eon- tributione we I: loeophgol ll _icie ehele And upifling p il . ll of wise imizhte. Eerthlv Dinnnumtanenn" name And upumng pnu run or wieoineighte. Eel-only Dieep memento" inexquieute. The Easter en Chriecmu cerole end hymn: are notable {or chair verve and spontaneity. end the oommumon hymn and Onwerd" ere newly and de- votionel. nu Ilnn-I-A-n Han nn nnnm--I aA._._-...I I Dyspepsia. HOW T0 cvounszu New Lace Handkerchiefs. New Purses and Umbrellas. New Blouse Silks. and the latest Velllncl just received for Xmas trade. VVirWhisks, Sink Brushes, 17c. Nickel-Plated Copper Kettles, 90c.` Carpet Sweepers, $1.75. Meat Choppers, $1.25. Enterprise Raisin Seeders, 75c. `Daniel Poriton", incident of tho hnlmwn ood. in nnminnllv tnld In th. For the Sale or `Christmas Presents ..... .. 1- union GAOOI In: E. C. Mitchell. >-+ OPEN A vow: or pacify. ' UV`! 3"` l BIIIII Sold by I. C. Iltoholl. : V115)! II'II I I\IIV- : nnplu. toatlmoninls Ind (unr- sntoo. These Prices are for Cash Only. permanent. ' ' "`"*' '""' """" W`.-r.`.;'.':::.:r:::.'::.::*; :::"2:'.'::.7-. 9.*:,'.". G . * Personal lottnrn tn vmo u....--- .- _ lAL8H'8 hon John Laidlaw & Son. ' 56'sTIpAT|oN. tn-tlnunnlnla .-..I -..- ., 69&71 BROCKSTREET. The (mu. Twin Uh, K. D.. PILLS ow Oh Iv. NAI- * 12'! Shh ..Boaton. um.L..n_ Bellow and Gun CCCCOCCOG THURSDAY EVENING. law uporhtwlhltia ou'|dn,doO nooptu-go on-hue Indnu-that Sold by but dohn ovcyvhp. GURO& 00.. Bonita. Iouinll. AND Ieu'u Cuff Links. 350 ind 506. Mon : Neck Wonr.I_1ow aoodn. lbchnndllo. Mon'n Open Front rhir . u, O1 and Cl.` hon` And Men's Clothing. nlog good; at right prices. Open To-Night. The H. 0. Bibby Co., ALI? IIAII Iriun n-I-nu-no The nor that o uomothlng for noth- - Ina" no manly rank n: uhndovn. that`: I A shmlow from A single point. of light In I] w: slur I than the null; but Mun the nu ton oth Iidu-0-hollht of lnlolllgvnoo . sud tho {nu-go l_>_omin_nlgu ow dluppourl an . slur than the null; t on nldu--hol M. largo looming uh: and you no the reality u it 1:. huge shad Gents Furnishings. Christmas Clothin.`.. nun. I 1..-. um nn..-..._ We Are Not Making . Shadows. That's Boys Play- W. J. nlgcsz son. lion : Lined Kid Gloves. we nnd Mo. Man`: Ioohl Gloves 01.36 and 01.6`. Men's mm: mm. do. no mo and `Ma. Ileu'u Cu um doe. Wear. now loodn. In-..Mn;nd V Polnun. Dooon0on.8lAIIon. 27!-7 IIAOOT IT. jj.-: on am; mt` uae}. TAYLOR S caay IU lC]UlCC. A gloomy home is no ex- excuse. We make it pos- sible for everyone to have cheerful-looking rooms. It is just as cheap and easy to rejoice." A alnnv-nu Iupun- in an .. 88 A 90 Prlncou strut. TALKS on Sale] Itoliholuhniddonvcys. 3 Oh -\ '-I an! lug. p-yum in illegal. vu-sou aohclaootod work in connection than .__.;__-_:__..._. Vb. ol Loci N.Y., in tho nit. - I and othon ngninu hookport to avoid the paymont I on Sun onnoo boonnno tho u uuny. an n1&'I."oT =.v|'.::n pmmind to Mr. V- -uvv vuvu $00? ornll by maron urmnnion but noodi ratication. A0 a council of ministers, at the request. of Ir. Terrell, the U.8. miniamr. Hnwum Ardourinn. who wu ilnnrinmnol .o -I-...s.:, ox -r. `nrroll, the US. Hnfnum Ardourim. was imprisoned At Tubi- good, ha been I-cloned. Nin.amIa..aa...n. 1|; clononry or the lultnn Wul (Mn Ile- Ilor to `lhouunndl. Nu` Yuan, Doc. 22.-A speck) to the Herald ftom Comuntinoplo Iiyl .` The large measure of clemency on the part. ol the sultan towards Armenians will proba- bly bring about the rolouo of 4,001) pri- aonora Ind the remittance: o! I" sentence: olden-h. This has been promised tops Grhroh Ormnnian but noodn of mininru at 9).- ........n 1 H40 0.. nome. Pnrties Ire evident] very swell in this loeelity at recent nncfnre being held ll- most night y. We understand an All-night sntertunment was held At a neighboring hamlet last week in honor of the return of the son, who urns spending his holidays at home. It use exceedingly elebornte. there being about fifteen couples in attandnnoe. Relrelhments were served, after which they tripped the light lnntutic until the wee sun hours. A few of the dancing clue of our village attended and speak highly oi the reception tendered them. / numnya. A meeting of the directors of the butter` hotory Wu held on Snpqrday evening {or the annunl tnnuction of business. The result. of t.heBabcock use: of the richness of thomilk supplied by therospoctivo patronuof Mnllortown crumery proved satisfactory. Min tho! Gibcon Arrived on Monday ovaning to enjoy the Chriutmu holidays at. home. D.-64.. -.... -..:.:-_.|_ , , nanas again. The tea given by the ladies of St. John : church of this place on Thursday evening last. roved tn be a sucoeas and the large crowd) which had assembled at the hall alter doing ample justice to the tempting array of delicacies retired to the hall where they listened to a treat equally as great in the form of a lecture on 'fModern Un belief," delivered by Rev. W. Warren Giles. Fancy Frank : "comfortable pain," but there were others. W. Chaesels, our laehionable merchant tailonpaid Broch- ville a business visit last week. Mrs. Buell. Sawdust Bay, and Mia: Caagie Pur- vie, Yonge Mills, were visitin in the vil- lagelut week. Mrs. Alexaner Hewson, ' teferry, has been visiting Irlenda in the W. Purvis, Queen e university. arrived in town on Saturda last. We are pleuee to have Mr. Richer son, Manitoba. In our midst again. Miss J. Dawson left for North Williamsbury last woelr for the holidays. A mentimr nl Hm,..-. -0 cl... |.....-_- uoonun, wulon was Iwlon lrom Ill! driving Int. week. has not. been recovered us think our authorities are on the qui vivo" as much u might be imagined and, on most people say. it in another case of no money, no dancer." L. C. Hickey. our popular Grand Trunk Agent, was out. of town on Sunday lost. It is rumored that D. Hodge : property has changed hands again. Tho ban nivnn lw Hm lnzlingno` no l..|...v. nu an raw we are sale In saying they can some of the feathered tribe to bite the duct. Some of our villagers attended the concert given at Lenadowne on Friday evening Inc. The bu gy belongin to R. Noonan. which was no on from his riving recovered as A Budget of News From I Thriving Town- Bportlng IlllIIlI[0d In. M.u.wm'1'u\\'N, Dec. `Z3.--Mise Libbie Thompeon returned from Ottawa on Fri- day last. We understand Mine Thompson intends remaining at. home and her many friends in this lace are pleued to hear 0! her arrival. me of our local sports Armed themselves last week and proceeded in march of game, but we have not as yet heard of what success they met with. At an rate we safe in saying they bite cumnuon. Hugh John Macdonald e election is also being pushed and the lawyers say there stacks of evidence and no doubt of the roan One of the oonservutive papers says the tihionl a. minor. the liberal members in iagnr And lkirk will be pushed. money. The petition against, Roche. in Mur- uette, in being pushed, and Ashdown. if t. e lost. is declared ucanmwill contest the riding. The hbenla expect. it. to go by ac- clumntion. u....|. 1-... u.....a.....uv. -n.....:.... :- -u-- XVOTGI Uplliy l'DI'allI'nll'lK OHICOTI WGPQ `tructed in and manipulated a system on election day, by which ballots marked by the deputy returning oicer for the re- dent, were to be substituted for the lion marked and tendered by voters. oerl id curry out the system and daign. receiving therefor A considerable sum of EOIIQV. Aler number of deputy returning oi- . pamoulern men in me uecclonela one. A um le clause chuges elm. one Walter was Bel I large sum of money by Boyd : rother, with the oonnenta of the sitting member, the money to be used in buying whiskey and bri hing voters. It. also charge: t. several deputy returning oicera i tnmmd in and mnninulntad A nvnbnm nu World. I! a tenth of tho election crimes all in the particular: can be provod, snob or election will short] be held Ind Rutherford will spin be the I beral oandidnbe. Than no ltv-six chutes in tho bill of vnll cgun no one noon: oanmanw. Thom lt. -nix the bill of particulars l in the Macdomld A nmnln nlnuna churns that. nna Walmr Imn nomuoe, nu reguruea u Iouuou. Almoet every known form of com: I; I election notice in charged egeinet Boy `I apparent y unenrnpuloue Agents end mmee . are given in each Inetenoe. The Undon- eld election wee generally looked u n as the moat crooked one between Port rthur and the Pecio ocean, and Rutherlord. the deleeted oandidnbe. hen, all along, been determined .to glve the particular: to the world. It . lnnth nf Hm Alumina nrimnn n"AnA:' .II'l)lOII - --uluruu K Igninab Nat. Boyd, in the ' Mon potibion, it will come A: I thuniferclnp from 3 clear Iky, which is not cry clear at pruent. u the leaders in oh out hnvo been perplexing than on the I0 001 noo- tion. which. evnn by the people 0 Se. _ Bonitgoo, in ugudod a: named. Almnlb avofv comma FRAUD rHA_r1_s APPALg1Nc.[ NEARLY EVERY KNOWN ELEC- Tl_ON cam: COMMITTED.` '/-5; _ __ _A / 'nL:XsINo pnI6;4iis. MALLORYTOWN MESSAES. lROI'l'lIl0 UM Ill) IIVNIIIITI IYIYFIFI In III.-iv nrw-n---.- . _ II unpnoonod It 'l`r0bi- uod. Ninoindividunln, the govornmont. u re- nno. hlvn Alnn Loan _o lounan. who Indus `I. Ihjh. T H.- lbo. 8.- Hana pdngovorlhhnu. 1nn-._.._ n. The Duncan Water of CALEDONIA SPRINGS -II'IUr IIUDIQ III III IAVO. lunu1o,Ilinn.. Doc. 28.-A& lndolio. wont miles Inna! hon, Monday night. John oulo shot and killed Donal: J. Joblinnki, tho latter : non. aged ninohouu. and I dnngbur aged dxtacn. A fourth pa-con was badly wounded. The shyn- ulna Inlnllot than In Me own haul. I wu ink with Jobliutfn dughlot and the fuhortobjoctod. Tho _ mndotw In twontrnn nun old. august and In fuhorobjoctad twenty-In ycu-I aid. poi nlaooon noun Ina an attempt Inn Em; undo to thaw than out by burning tape: around them. The top list. 7:: urmd so In also the top oor: in the ad- jonlng limnu ol Frank May and Judge Dongbort . An Immune amount oldunnowu omhv mm. 11.. I... .r nag: An in: uionoo amount. by In. Tho I aw-......': ..r-....,. '- - rule I!) Hurling PI !!- Morrnnn. Quo.. Doc. 23.--l-`iro broke out thin morning in the home of W. H. Byownnt 280 Stanley on-cot. The water E900 hdboon lroun Ind mg bybofrning n..... -...._A AL-.. nu, ., A lIll|Il'I III TOPOIIIO. Tonosm, Doc. 28.--MacPhoroon, (lrilla & Co.. wbolaaale hath:-I,Front. strut wont. have auignod to E. R. Clarluon. They had boon in buuineu hora foracouplo of years, but were burned out ahorely after starting up in the Oagoodby re, and sub` noquontly suffered by the failure hem of Cronn & Hutinga. Ontario straw I com y. and by the collapsa of `a on- t firm. No utawnont haa yet boon prepared. but it. in undorutood tho rm car- rioa a nook of about 820,000 and that most, of the creditors no in Montreal. It in likely an arranzomant will be made for continuing the buuinaaa. I DOV BCVQC. SAN DIEM), CaI., Dec. 23.-The bark Jamaica was wrecked in the norther olf Doe Rona. Tabasco, on the 12th mat., and all on board. aave three men anda boy. were drowned. The Jamaica was on her way from Cnmpeche to Vera Cruz and car- ried aixteen paaeengere. The number of the crew in not. known. The paaeengere book to the boot: which were repeatedly swamped. Moat of the crew put. on life preeervere and jumped into the aea. The captain waa one of thoee. He atrapped one hundied Mexican silver dollar: upon him and climbingtoe barrel tried to reach ahore. The survivors aaw him pink owing to the weight of coin. One pauenger after another aank. the boat; proving un- man eable. Every member of the crew was rowned and only three men anda boy eecaped of all the puaengers. uuraeneuee. Coxs'rAs'rIN0rL:, Dec. 23.-A|l the em- hueedore have not! received inetructione toconcerb lreeh proponle. with the view of improvin the eituetion in the Ottoman empire. T e proponls before being aub- micted wthe sultan will bereferred to their respective overnmente. All the powers, including uaeie, u repeatedly announced during the put few months, have reed, in principle, to the expediency of emp oying coercion should the eulten become recalcitrant. but the form of co ercion to be em loyed will not be deter- mined upon unti en emergency arises. A Van! Wrookod and Oniy Throo llon und 5 Bov Saved. 0. t\._.... n_| I\,. An II-u . . Inn me novoo announce: that It probable aha within a few days the Russian Black oat will appear in the Boaphorun, whore! ill be 'oinod by the squadron: of the at l from the Durdnnellou. (`nun-u-.u-u-uvm..- n... no All ..L. __ rum:-,3: tone will to no bl. so an 3* : ..~ --= -~- -- _. TIOILI IIIGOI. Ignacio.