li.~c`,;j.;danj " Given Aay. A % "-"_... :':..r'r.?.."":. .. ';;':""r.' JIIIIHE . 11EDAILY BRITISH WHIG. --T._...-T. I'II'I`I l`I'Il '4) ID. 85.2.-5. The K. I I . HIS. nuo oompnuu two one Bier: on the north branch 01 the III- davu I river, and In I than Elmo Inland replacing the pnoonl. voodoo bridge by an iron ono. 85.24 ). Saturday ufmrnoon dbpnty Ibori` Smart. removed to the poniuntinry William J. Sunllmnn. ncnhneod to three VCPI. bl` In A nlargyunn in his umounonucnu wr- gotvlutdn Chriuunuhllon udlndto at. A; bar! bubbli om Lift tho out In` to pupa: " u [not if he hun't,go n niacin!` lining-I nu-iannln dl nil In (idi- A I. name an our noyr our-unu Ioo.g \;'o huvo than In low a sun. unlop. Kin mod. " Dunlap wil ho open awry night GUI not to most plo who cannot 0 op dur- ing tho day uring our gnu coal ash. Man`: nnnu It 023.. 880.. 900-. Ilwnyl ing the any durum gnu con nu. Mon`: nu 0%.. 880.. 000.. nlwnys DOM It I. 3135. `IN. 9InlI|hina, IILIIL Ell and H WI Q`- IOM Cl. 81.25. Ill). Plumbing. sun. and hot nu: ung, jobbingin all I. bnnolnl. promptly attondodw. J.W. Oldn, 37 Brook urns. Market. Iqlnll. A nlanumn in M: umounounonu lor- |Iuu't,[o calendar 1" Rained ' In dun (tub for Cltlat Inn at B. oFul`|. EIIIC K. IOFIIYI. A -had on John stud. I'0.Xl-f. DII'I.Illl'.ZIjI-IUuuI- .0 iugthntwnounodthuo. Inlnaunokoonuicunn? This hnnnnlnnjxln III REX]. 4 air auwny rug:-y-u K-v-w- ., _. -- lope!-ton in Their. Ionian. Ohaloo mm, anmnuous, Inyhx. no. lnhnnnn, Olin hl. Maompt. to burn an uroonmo nu. The K. I P. RB. hue inn: ninnn nn u north launch H HI! I- Ilurkot A nlcgynnn in him yac-hndnvchriotmulollon INOIDENTB OF THE DAY. _.__.__...__._.V_ MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21. 1896. ` I stored and sermons preacneu m e mosques to incite the Turks. In one of the towns adjoining his home the people woke u one morning to find the place eurroun ed with Turkish soldiers. The entered the town and the Moslem big "eat with them went to the market place men. "You christian dogs," he said, you must die or give us your money. They gave him money and then he went with the soldiers to the Protestant church at which a great many people had gathered. The preacher there was ordered to say, "I believe in Allah. He raised his arm and said, I believe in God," when his hand was cut off at a blow irorna sword. He raised his other arm and that also was out off. Then. as he reised the bleeding stum in prayer, the soldiers began to fire, an all in the church were shot down and the town plundered and set on re. At another village, when I the people learned the Kurds were coming, they ed to the banks of the river Eu- phrates. and seeing themselves pursued, men. women and children, joined hands and flung themselves into the river; `where they were drowned. Similar scenes went on at other places. Notably at the city of Parlu, where a number of women who were being driven over the bridge, jumped into the river to escape a late worse t an death. At last his own city, Kharpoot, was threatened. From his house- top he could see the other places burning and the Kurds approaching and he and his wife and two daughters ex- pected nothing less than death. Their ome was very sad--his Wlieseljlng dead in his arms. But God interp The wife of the Turlish governor of that province was so.much affected by the terrible scene ` that she prevailed pn her husband to wire the sultan and soon there came a telegram from him to spare that town. Thither there came refuizees from all the outlying places and crowded the market square, and he never saw a more terrible or heart-rend mg scene. Men and women and children hacked and cut and robbed ere he set up a green standard and sum- moned before him seventy-ve of the chief of friends and property. bleeding. groan- I . lng. praying. starving, dying. At the cloeelof the addresses Rev. Mr. ly preceding the recent massacres. 1ne father. I. men about sixty years of age, spoke in his native tongue, his son inter- preting. After thunkin so many people or coming to hear him. e uid he would only talk to them about what he knew and lied noon. The mueacree were pre-arranged by the Turkish government, arms and coel oil having been secret.- I{ ntored and preached in t nvnnnnnnl fninnita the Turks. J lng. prnying. opnrvlng, dying. close of Starr aid that if the congregation deuired to help the old relugee try and get. a little home about him {or himself and wife he would Unit. while the plates were seed. There we: given 043, 1 liberal col ection. Miuioner nnnivoraery aervioee were held yeute my in Brock street Methodist. church. Rev. J. E. Starr preached in Lhe morning and gave a very forcible minion- nry sermon and made the people feel that it was their duty ll well In their privilege to give to miuionu. . A nlntform meeting was held in the, _.._:. _ A The Arnenlnp Horton. In the B denhnm street. church "lest eyning the urge Audience listened to the Atmeninn refugee, Gregory Baghda- `en, tell the story of his ones from rkieh lnueecre. His son, eerob J hduerinn. who for the put {our years Ills been A euideat eta Mchlester Hall, To- tento, equipping` himself as e miuiomry, geve I brief deecripcion ol his nntive land, its resources, ulimnh. people and religious history. He spoke in English, giving his audience a very good idea oi the situation immediate- ly preceding the recent The tuber. sixty years age, give to miuiom. platform meeting held the evening. Mr. Williemn Wu chnirmen. He 1: he of the two sides to minions. The ivine idea in Christ for the world and the humen. the world for Christ. He Jpoke oi the encceu of mission work in Chine and on the Pecio coast. Rev. Mr. Jmnieeon, oi Bydenhem, geve the eddreu of the evening. He was well receiv~ ed end we: lietened to with great interest. He treoed the mieeionari cnuee from the time of Christ : birt to the preeent time and ehowed how through it all there were two great egenolee at work, God`: providence in prepering the wey and fled`: epirit in pre- paring the men when the way we: opened. The choir did excellent service all day. went down into me cnurcn mu uvu_ Ilia bleuinq to him hbhor. mohhor Ln nin- tgr. Aft:-ward: h bleuod bho whole con- gregation. Father Mughor in n grsdunto of Otuwa oongo. poring the when we vlly I'M opnnou. The dny. The singing in the evonin was ump- tlomlly good. Min R000 iwholl mug. "Ir. CnmoU n the Midnight Clout, by Bnlliun. lu |hvoty'| solo was "Not Anlumnrl nl Chriu." md Mn. Huzhol AN INTERESTING OEREl9NY IN` A in-r nnAn\nn nA1 HF L_ Bnlliun. lliu Iuvuyu IOIO was "now Ashamed ol Christ," Hughe- ung "Say Not 1 Journey Alone." clnnh Pang:-Iphn. I030: Elliott Ind o of the Sunday ooh n 83.. Pnl n_oburc yesterday. Rov. Dam Ccny. 0! 8:. P|nl'I. ta ra- covwing from bio rooom. indie mm. ' `Ibo choir ol 8%. John`: a uroh, Portu- goanmuan y1_gR1.I=.s,m0un. } lot Uhrmuu urvnoo. Rev. W. laviu punched at morning union and Rev. Uonon Sponour at owning nrvioo In St. Paul`: y. -n.... --n in In thoir nlnou nrvioo In 8%. run : Thou Va! 809 In choir in Qnun stun Iubodht Sunday school yulocda . Then an 625 on the roll. Th king," by Pnl Rodney. In the min 0 3 solo undead by major Galloway during the clutter; st OVOIIHT union in 30. Juan` church yuutdny. R. wn lnoly hut-proud. In St. lug : ouhodnl yanked: the llov.I`u|nIBcudou,priooipsIol lie college, punched. Tho di-com-In was 1 anlloou clots and VII pally opposi- by th oongngauou. Rev. Dr. I! DOIUVII in his pulphin 0000: that Iothotlht church yoolotdny and pvo wooblo nu-noun upon " l'M`Un-. H|"nnd"l'|o Iovcihlnouol " Tudngidgvujnu Thonnsbouu vongivonviilvl-{lb Ondnulto nlovuwull nndond. lncollla and in is chair duct In 3IU!`.t- 0Il~'~ltsu um %."o,`.`.."."!"...`L" ' j 1 II.- XIII` touring from me noun. mule cum. - The Iuouth. II pnpnring oono bountiful Inuio loc0hrMuu urvtoo. I2... W Iniin nnu-Jud at non-nine l uhoovcoillm uruonu utnoovu nu- dcrd tboidrol .Iovuu ehnh punchy. hnnpnnubdta alniuhod must. The Iulollh won: Ill-I. was." man as and Ichcrlno. and .1. ...| sr.':..:'..}?'3f| ll-ad-n. Iain (hlhvnv Brook an-on Iat.:odIn Ohnrch. :ur'uovcui1:nrvIeo vn no- |....L..a. J Jun.-9 aha-uh r Cid IIIIEI I ordninod F .goI man: in 1'0 III] I'00I' I)IIlIllI'UIIn On Saturday aiternoon the Mieeee E. and D. Cotton, A. Cam bell, L. Kent, H. Campbell. M. Smythe. . McFarland. '1'. Taylor, M.I4ow, and masters F. and J. Smythe and Alan Campbell, ave or en- tertainment at the reeidenoe o P. Stearne, King street. There was a la: e attend- ance. and all reeent enjoyed t e clever- neee exhibi by the youthful entertain- ere. The programme oonaiated of tebleaux, recitatione. and the Tale of Cinderella drametiwd. Min A. Campbell aleo eon- tributede characteristic dance. The lit- tle entertainers reheereed themaelvee and brought the entertainment to a euooeuful issue entirely without aid. The sum realized amounted to ten dollars, which _will be expended on poor children nnleu something more urgent demand: the money to be directed into other channell. A D01 ! LVIl'l'uIv Imxyu. This morning while Mrs. T. Connor, York street, wu urchin Prelpnrimz to bo- gin her day : wor , her me non, Aged ve ours, on down on the fender of the kite on stove. Hi! cosh oaughl; fire and in a moment. the little fellow was enveldp~ ed by the ames. His mother noticing the odor of burning cloth. ran down thin to ndhorlittlo eon in deadly peril. For- t.unat.ol_v_he lied had the pretence of mind to olooe all who doors. The ame: were quickly unooioned by Mn. Connor and N30 little fellovfuinjnrleo were comparatively alight. Hui his mother been outside ho woulg undoubtedly have been burned't.o -deal, . Ill! IIIII II uln- Bnuun. Dee. 2|.--A greuc deal of ex- cibcmenb has been aroused over the East. Simcoe election trinl, which opened here bowlay before jueticu Mohhhon and Rose. Among thoaein sttendnnoe are T. P. Shep- )herd and 0. B. Sheppherd, of Toronto, . P. Jupx; of Orillin. and W. J. Shep- pherd. of oubuhene. beside: many other witnesses from Penetanguiuheno And other paruo! Eur. Simooe riding. It. in the general opinion that. the charge will be bribery throuzh Agents. The trinl will be one of greetintereab and any lut some days . n n n---.. n|...A ' oortnin up in I diegreoeful manner. Suspicion ha been (iinohd spins: a . but. nomove will be made taowu-da punishing him until euloient. evi- denoeie gathered. A mma of 8100 in offered by the camper: for evidence tint will oonvice the culprit. City Jurynel Iulnoned for `lo-light by P Ooronor Kllborn. P. C. Downoy is summoning jurors to serve at the coroner's inqusst tonight. to inquire into the circumstances oonnootad with the socidenl: sh Collins Buy crossing on Saturday evenin , which resulted in the death of Samuel` ease. of Ernsatlown. The jurors will all be summoned from the city and ooronsr Kilborn thinks it. will be unnecessary for them to go to Collins Bey to view the some of the nooidsnli. m...).... w.... lather at u-mud. end the of the accident. Stephen Weeee, father of deceeeed, and other relntivee Arrived at the hoepiul thin morning too late to he the sufferer in life. Mrs. Weoee we! greatly unnerved by the shock of her hI.Iebend e death and in now in 11 very critical condition, but Dre. Third and Wood think theta with the best of medical aid and the cure and attention she will receive. the chance! are fnvomble be her recover . Her relatives are with her today. he six little children. so suddenly bereaved. no being cared for by neighbors. nu- ;n.a on..- l\I.II4I-an n.U.lI- vluuvti nlvuuwua Yeaterday Afternoon the local council. Ancient. Order of Hiborninnl. eloctod these officers {or thoonaningyonr : Pruident..M.J. Lynch; vice-preoidont..R. James; rooordin aocmtary. E. Lyons; Ilnnnoinl secretary, R. Keatin nreuurer. M. Nolan; sergeant.- nc-nrma. . Jnmu: guard, M. hwleuz runrnhull, J. Devlin. The thin of the council are in 1 pg-oupuoun condition. The mambon decided to inu-odnoo an Ieverel oibiuno who one summer oot et Rook Point. thou three Inilee from city on tho Pitnburg show. that their place: had been beaten into by thieves. Yule:-day seven! 0! the intended rtioe drove down to the comp ground found me nearly 0 cottage nod been more or le-3 wrecked. V ego to eomo of them we: found to ban on he:-egiven: J. W. Powell :--l'ront door end window nnuhod in end oidewindowcom out. W. Weldreo'e -Weeh tide of build! wneoked. W. H. Miller's--vBnok soot broken in end house otherwise duneged. T. C. Wileon |--FI-out windows torn out. Set of dishes and othor eruoloe mining. J. V Abe:-y'a' -Bido door broken open. R. Reid :-Window loroed open. J. Reid :- Beck end front door: torn on`. windows unuhed. From unit of the oothgeo articles were Itolen and the pleoee Inuued Inn in g Jinn:-unfnl mnnner. EU U linnu my--2:: Chonlit and Graduate 0 tlclan. Pl-In Shrub. I` no 0 No. I No. Yor Hnndny or Night nlh. uncles were Iwlen Ila one in disgraceful Buanicion (lino I council in pg-oepu-out oonamon. The membere insurance echemeiu connection with the order, which, it. is hoped, will greatly in- crease membership. .., ,__-.__ an- In--- n-_-__n -_n_ V... . . . _ -__ ..... hr, Iloooptlon To Vloahonolnl Kelly. The pupils of the oonvont. of the Con re- gation do Notro Dunc, than of so in- cont : Audomy nnd of St. John'I oohool tendered I reception to Rev. vioangonernl Kelly in Be. Vmoomfn madam yuurdny. shut. boin hi: "tout. day." he orohoatn of the no ooln mndolod oovorsl very fine muuicnl seloot.iona,And Futhor K0"],lldOI'- mun Bohun and P. J. Howlnnd addressed the pupil; Hon. W. Hnrty wu present, but. owing to the preoorionl condition 0! his health did not undertake the oort. of addressing the childron. -_:.. 1|aLA_ - V..- ..._ .... .1, , _ _ `[1100 Within A Inf. For thenooondtimo within 5 you the presidency of Lanna society. of Quinn : univenizy. bu become vacant. through the incumbent mi in; to onnr the mu 0! matrimony. pnlidont. who hold of- tioo up :4: within I low day: , will wad n minister Ilntioood at I vlllo. 'l`|.:. an-uhl Oahu an InIn41-|I On a Neatly All the compo naming: and cage- Ilolol. IIIIDIILOI IIIIIGIX IV -C'l'fVlI|$ This ought to ho An induouuout to I number of other Kingston young India to can u course At Quota : god to aspire to the presidency ol the bum today. The noun O0-plalod. _ .::.:*-..:=:.:- .:..~*:::'- *-~ ~- p I I. in new pnnongot Mug. ordond la 0. Ilohlo. ox-mayor ol Gruvonhnrn. boat will be tiny loot long. an looqboun And will how I Indian cabin undunoklng room. Her ball: will boolthouulnholltypgund n will In providod with I unpaid cngluo. The vouol willbonndyto lunch bytho Int ol Int null. And Ii" 1. nonnhto. .- '%ICIn, nus E. mum. Pm-burg. in- formed nova-AI oibiunl who Inn aulnlnt nnnnnnn AI. Rlllh Point. Il` vounlwulnonnayuo Iunonoyuu urn ol lay nut. and villas. oonploto, 06,- (ll). Nolllollovuun. Ionian nuns, qua twolnynmvuthontnt 0! tho I-- hnlhohndnn nrln to tho nun: BIXTYTTEIRD Ymm.-V-No. "296. Ivolnynmvulllnnlur cl we I-- bnllaodu-ulna prim puns: gnuulnsfuunslclnonnbc ol tics nld curing B.0clln[hcr'| "Ho cu-ninl" Tho nunhu hold In 1.81], and lb Boinrdnutruok Iholueky unit: at be nnnnndtj. `H II H II` (KP THE INQUEST THIS EVENING. - T- VIII: Nollio Bounds. Icahn! duct, aged `nnlnn war; in: IE than H 50 ID- BROKE INTO THE CAMPS. A Boy`: Nnnow lunpo. __......:.... _|.:|- M... 'r are selling rapidly, and we have had to re-order, which goes to prove that our selec- tion of goods and the prices are in reach of the peoples" purse. --_I-4.-A Tau nnlnan A long Lon Drill. Five years W. D. Derry.Pine street, had e drill,u in di lug drain: in rocky ground. Iholen from im. No truce ol the implement nor of the chief was dieoovered until Beturdny lane, when Mr. Don hap- pened to notice thet one of the In I-ere employed on the dmin in couree of con- etruotion ah the Ten du Pont. bunch wu using I drill chat. very clueel reeembled the one stolen in I891. A c oeer impec- tion ntieed him that the implement. In: the one he hnd loot. end he at once notified the police, who took poueeeion of the drill. bered by Queen'e loothellere. George W. Kennedy wee presented with a gold watch by the etudente of Queen'I at the Alma Meter eoeiety on Saturday night. Some time ego et e meeting of the loothell club it we: decided to recognize the eervicee of George" in this way. but the absence for eome time from college of the chief membere of the committee. rt! vented the presentation from taking p ace Pollee Oonetehle George Kennedy llelnenr I leet session. In making the reeentationi H. R. Grent eeid :-0n behe lo! Qoeen'e etudehte. I preeent you with thie watch ee atoken of the eeteem in which you no held. We have alweye felt a kind regerd for you beceuee you alwaye played a reel and true (eme. and there in no doubt but thet the auooeee of Queen e teem hae been largely due to your eervicee. We hope that this token will alwoye keep you in memory of ue." Mr. Kennedy made a euiteble reply. thanking the etudente let their generoue gilt. He felt that hie eer- vicen did not deeerve Iuoh ap ietion. He had, however. olwaye tri to do hia beat for Queen'e teem. from vvhoee hand: he had received the greeteat kindueee. Anm-eciative ennlauee Irreeted the etel- he had received the groomer. Ilnaueu. Appreciative Ipplllllb rooted wert oentre ncrimmager u o seconded the platform, and also at the clone of his short speech. George" is one of the moat popular men on the team, and uput from his connection therewith in well liked {or hia unobtruuive, genial neture. After having received the utilul gilt. he told he would rather hoe ll gong of bold burglen. or Iolve Iome dioult pro- ] blem in blowpipe nnnlylis" than go through the lune ordeal in. Onthaauuide ofthewatc oueiIMr.Ken- the inner Ildo II we lonowlng Inuunpmon : Presented to W. (I. Kennedy. centre scrimm 0. Queen : champions. by I few of hi: fol ow Itudenbn. Xmu, 1896." tor uzo. Ladies and (}ont.n' But Kid Glove: won $l_.35 and $1.50, now $1.20. ` L:dia:' Mum: All reduced about half and me talk 0! Inc lowu. Lucu U15 mun: nus uucu umyt to the utmost in holdin the thousands _of shopper! who evince their appreciation 0 their lar ly reduced prices chasing freely. Beiow we make a. ew suggestions for ChnItt_ni' shoppers. Lediee' and Genta Sterling Silver llonnt Blouse Sillu. many ol them At one-third I od Umbrella. am an. 84 to CH0. rec-II-r prioo- J Genu Stool Rod Umbrella. very -90- mm: Irish Poplim now 01 with "V "z`.'.2l;-'.`~'..".`?';.s'.?;..""u.....,. am... am _}E',er __-599131-1 9.".',9.9.-$99!! 3;`.-9! cm, u, 31.00. 32. 31. - Gent.o Fur-Lined Mocha Glovel. 39.25 for 81.80. K Gents El no Emtmidond Handbr- oh|of|.O1 for 50. 1,1,, , Extra Fine Hand -ombroiqga L|diu' Handkerchiefs, worth 600 go , now three for $1.25. has... and anks . But Kid Glove: 31,35 and $1.50, ILW. Ludiou Muff! All reduced price 76c. 01. 31.50, 02.60. 3 through the ordul In. Ontheouuido nody a monogram nel{ engnvod, and on lo the inner side is the fa wing imonpeion : --D...-mrul In W. (I. Kannodv. contra! |Ul|C| GIIII VI IIIIIICIV V lo. s7:rr..:;1nd|y Nla|I'n1l:;'E;?;'. 5|-|l`L To Eat- IIII ulu Ul-Uilllulrvue The late Patrick Gormen In | naive of Newfoundland. He vue educated in this cit. heving for his oluemetee the Inn Sir John A. Msodoneld and Sir R. J. Certwriaht. During the immigrant lever epidemic here he wee active in nun- ing the nick. He wee nleo employed on the fortications in and about Kingnbon belore entering the employ of the Grand Trunk reilwey. n__.__ n... -nu. a.....Ien| ........ .........,. Deremo Sent To lloepllnl Deremo. the Belleville tramp found ly- in on Princes: street, helplou and ill, one (:0 d night. eboute week , we: to have Ip In police oourt in morning. Dr. Oliver. jail II) n. etnuq, however, thet the men in too II to make his up in the dock, and be bu bad the unfortun- ete trump removed from the county jail to the gonerel hoepitel, for medioel treetr mnnt. Their FREE TRADE SALE" isthe success or thd aodub and the talk of the town. Their big store has been dailyhtg ;. cl... no...-.'...o In In-slrlina {Inn Ihnnannrla nf nhnnnnrn ...v..... Engineer Kannodra Anovor. Cluirmm Bolun. of the Inter work: committee, but roooivod I letter from on- ginoor Konnod{, ol Honuronl. nlntlvo to the city oounci `I request that he should nukennooond but of the new pumping engine. Mr. Konod in willing to do an roquutod. wibh aorta n conditions, and MI I will be ditouuod at. I posting of the wntar work: EEWITLSO durnoon. nL..A.L--- .--n, Ulffil "III- Whnt. man nitobh for I Oliricunu (in than some article ol (or, nah u I pair 0! guontlou. I mnor cups, A Marl: collar or 3 mini or cable ml! [or the neck I We think you will and the I anortmont and Iowans price: I turn I" kind: at tho than of 000111 II t 00.. IS) Welling- ton II-root. next. door to Wnldrolfl. Dressing Gowns Smoking Jackets- `.0 l-IYE6.SI9.N 3.380.! caumuanmmoutour I E mi the unlit unlin- xu In L 1 ish. Nothing qpgconu Ijgvi Iunuavu 2' 'lv$DCOl|0o'|look :'(`;I""J `I.- 'Xmu Pnunt. And WAS WELL TIMED. wag?-can PROh;~AllLITlEs.-8. % hwntwo (upp.`r)--l".'sr}` `- orn||u~|aloIntuupun|In. I. JIIII` II} lil TI Ii 4 .: .:".""~ " OPEN EVERY EVENING. XMAS PRESEIl_IS% Steacy & Steacy s. '.'u"' And Even Necessary Articln f` nu? GOODS is = U . ..... ~..' The Be/st Place to Buy Your. ~Would make a nice Xmas present "for a girl. We have a very neat one at the low price of $1.25 %*fHam-eg,& LocI 4 LI. lEWlhLEHAN"`lI'I DI00'nnCIu' on I-10 10th. 1896. O. O. Terwillogsr. ' DULMAGl-Il'I South Marylbmh. Duo mu, Philip Dulmngo, ma uyu years. - Rvnom- In South Muynbu II. Du '- llth. Mrs. Ann Hudgin. hunt] yours. DIMIu.-In Sophiuburgh. Dec. 1605. Anthony Doill. Aged olghhy-lava! Wm. H. hno. ngod Ilxty-ltnn yuan. S1-Iv:xu-Ac Millodgovillo, Illinola. Duo. 9r.h, Mn. Wm. W. Bwvona. lonnclyol Duoronbo. Aged (my-nix yarn. Jone-As Nupunee. Doo. l7t.|:. Adcllll" Jones. aged fby-four you! and Ive` ` montha. . Cvsnnm--At Denver. Col., on son: |nQ.. ; Percy I-L, oldest, non of J. B. GIIMIII. Montreal, in his twenty-lth you. you-L LANl---In South Mnryuburgh.Doo. Nth, uuproo. - '"~`""'- -HILL-FREDIRICK -- At. Pioton. D00. 1 Reuben A. Hill, Hnllowoll, to Frederick, Pioton. Com:-Bwuunv--At Pioton. Doc. IIII. Peter '1`. Cole to Home Loulu SVCIIIO}. all of Piown. Gomux-In Kingston.('1n Dec. 19th, 1000. Patrick Go:-mun, ngod eight 1!: yous. Funeral will take plnop from in Into r-. dance. 576 Montreal oLroot.t.o-marrow II 9u.m. sharp. to St. May`: outlndnl. where I solemn rogtem Inulwlll U0 sung, nnd thence to 0. Mary : oouohry. Friends and ncqulintonoo are rupouthlo ly invited to attend. TlB\VlLLEAR--In Bloomeld, on DIG. l0t.h. 1896. O. 0. Tm-Iillmnr. 01010 to I0 I15 per week. No out I. child can do the work. Bond Id: day. W9 send work at once. TM V 00. Donn. Vnll. Pa. young and old,to work for In In own homos, In 1 re tlnu,du or owning ytloto II wook. No osnvnnlug. my Idanll CO- Vol! Ar. | AA WANTED MEN AND WW`. I . "-_T6':ii 'M.u.x.n-At Dosoronto. Doc. nah. wllo at W. J. Malley. of a non. ZXIIKIIIII "~41: Bmnu.-1)u|-nn-At Richmond, on II Doc.. Wm. Alex. Birnll tolh Kg] Dunroo. . .4. -.u-~., I03 BOAT VERY OHIAP. APPLY `I0 1.!-I. Flo`-`I. Onpu Vlnoont. GKNTLIIEN CAN BE AC-IDIIODL with mingle or doublo rooln. 1] E: eonvonlouoon. 38 Clergy uh. non II It T. 1". HARRISON. Unnnnnn um EIIALIIDL Street. I'honu-Wuoroonn. 00; I | 91. Lowut prion. _ lnVIl' IFDIOIO III OCH` IIIIO IN! 03 Ind 00 orod Drona Good: At bcl-[:3 Xhnhinn -run. Anni-ugh]. QIIII \I\lI\lIW|-I Illj \III\RI- CV NF Nothing more douinblo or than the present of I handsome Jul We have all the new nylon [or lndlq oor them about half price. ` I :.o-... n.:.........: ..I.n... _...'. .J vuvn -nun: --rvuv up-u V--yv. Lister : Rninproof Salome. was! "I lorguannbeod. an bargain prioel. lb... guul Inn]. ||....\....L 4...- :5`.-unuvuvu, an unusual yuuv-a ` U Como Ind look hrough our It I whothor you want to purclnn or not. ' ` F JAB. REID. . Tn Lnmua Danna-run--lu- name. Telephone nu. Opon Dayan _ ` THREE OR FOUR )A.IDI CAI n nooomodntod with room: All 50014 0| X Oucan strut. THREE FOUR RMIDI In Queen IUENIBHED HOUSE. Tll A tbs ownu-(four) whl hon u ` y ohroulh Ihhvlm. .` h can vonlnnv. A pp VIIIIW -I--I.-It-J :- -5::-W1 Ah:;I::.wo hundndd|kaa|.hq"I`|ocI dun use ow-inc Smarday Afternoon toon I glut: rfloo. The H V 4 -o'...'.'.'u.-- 2.... ..'i';.'a"u.. `A. :`....3".:m"h";;rm.' % tho Gioiu window to ol yd an "K_ih" Flanagan ou- Ergho inuido door at in tho DI`. Th rink n..m." mm ground as ` "[330" Ifllnlflll UT j acchoinuido doors: in thopld. `ho:-Id would not ho like itself In 053 On `Loan! I14-uul n: can nnnwmll i would not. In like men Inn on: IUD shunt. Good ioo was 5' & muting md All who auondod ciahyul |H_ II. ` `,'9| RICK HOU E R0. QUII Apply .B'.OnItrrnu. |Prcscnts for A.G.J0lllST(l_,& % 21.1 I INTLIIEN CAN 1!! MXDKIODA: I nlnnlo All 123 mm 8L. noun sm - nngiton| T 001:! TO LET WITH IXMBD. UK. Ynls, :0 Brock Strut- AL 0!` PHI. I-`mu Ut \.u` t" " l. 00': Dry Good: Store Ty Inlng nuun Punting ` _ no Ooo. _ .1 uuwn u-cu n vyn-no uuw '3 wutwn '5-3",, Ever nrtiolo in our ne wool 03 B xud nous: as QUIII f Apply to J. B . CAIIUTIIII. . 3 L FURNISHED HOUSE. ownoruonr) um I PRICE 'r'wo ypuocnt. vgr hi! I III`: *-....2'-..&*-.i`:z.:"*'..'.:.?-....1 ` unuuolllc byuuolhuu until Xmas. Come and look around, see what we sell. The looking may help you to decide what youflshould buy. rv"' T5FET.'T" FOR SALE. W. I. DEINNAN. nnloon Axnlhnuxl WANTED. ()U?I.bT . ' - a II on VIII ,2: IMO J. GLEESON. Brock st.| Ngwt. W-do : Dru: Sta IROITEMG [MI AND INVESFIENT SOC Y. NOTICI I8 HIBIBY GIVEN TRAT A DIVI- dend has been deoluod At the run of ve our com. nor Innnm on the olpiul ngock. for I` ooln. per on ital nook. In half your ondlng the 313% ember me. the some will be payable :0 the 941031011`: Olooan and Afar loud. the Cu: dsy ol .lnnnan.Iu. ___A _ __ . Ladies U]! JlJIL3p Iilogu Iv `ga- oys' Reefers and Overcoats $2 to $5. Kid Gloves, 5oc to $1.50. Shawls, 50c to $6. Psckats, $310 $20. _ f H`ndletchiefs,;.zc to 31:50. Pu-lumns,5c to 25 Silk Waist Patterns, $1.25 to O7-5o- . . . Dress,Pstterns, 81.25 to 8:0. Cushions, 45 to $1. Coseys, 25c, 50c, 60c. Fancy Goods. Albums, Dolls, rc to $1. Games, 5c to $1.50. I Purses, 5c to $1.50. Quadruple plated Silverware in setts and separate pieces. Novelties, 10c, 15c, 25c. Cbilds' Setts, Pin Cushions, Pin Trays, Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, etc., 25c. Books, 3c to `$1.25 ; specially attractive Child- 'ren's Books, IOC, 13c, 15c, 19c. !Store Open Each Evening sad I January. my. '1`! `I'M Aqorlcan Co:utltut|on. the Anuicaugjot. the American splrlt. `nun tli"I!. lIst. and {all the time. forever. , Iinnxbiintn. . - suyeu. Dally all Stidai. by mall, 38 a year. Holiday Merchandise old: sway. Buying for gifts occupies almost every mind. One ofthe best gift: to our public is ` V tiie Hardy system of plain gures, one price business. We can only ' name goods and let you select : r:-..o. Ti... alum. lnr gm` : 2:C Alone. W_ltI Innlo landing Bird Gaul ` Ina-A n his last. eeoe n Big Ben. Lr'I'I'u Cvnnlrr, Ont, Dec. 2l.-'l`wo oung none oi Peter Johneon. e eeuler at eliord Station, one aged eight and the other ten yeere, while out hunting nn ecrou e I: been Both boye were armed with mono loading ebot-gene. The. yeungerled obtained A bit ehot. ex the enimelu he I-oeeon hie hind lege, end broke hie fore pet: with the eherge of bird- ebot. Vicious with pein, bruin ohe upon the boye. The elder boy reeerved ie Ire untilcheenumel wu oloee upon him. when I well-eimed eboi. brought him down lnebortorder. The beep-weighed400 '. 50c KUCVII auu ICC "Uu BI-II-vo - Gents Tues, three for soc ; 2 5c, l im-A Gloves and Mi`tl S. to u. ... .., $2.50. `W -um Mufers, 25c to $1.50. Handkerchiefs, toe to $1. Boys Suits, $1.50 to Q6. Rnun' Rnn-re and OVETC rvw-- Ruling Inn Wnfgcul. Driven 01 delivery lotgrooor Ihdrriglortboywi Ioonoror Inc dia- oonr same ol um oonhnu mining dur- ing I dolivory trip. On two ooouionu Int not good: nrouolon from the deliver nggon ol 5 King ulna turclnnt. rolboouwhlch nmotolnnthnd boon ving `rod wave can tho ant Limo. On Sunday evening Int Jouph Io- Inulmd Om: township. um. ha-uudrig In from cl Ilsa 'Ihe?7SLI-r-15.:-1y Sun 1. us.` _.-A-.A 1..-A--1 _i. _ > TIIOIAS BRIGGS, Hunger. Kingston. Duo. nn. 1&- - uuuu HARDY S, [gh't 10. self evident that the boat. 1: none 9.00 good. Our homo-Inudo hlllod ton ma, Fnnktort mango. has-lclmou. h ood unuun. fruh tripe, pork snunge, noo_|uod has-lclmou. blood an a, tripo,pork snnngo cooked piru col. lord, -ounce moat um` lnlnoo men an III from the but. nook procur- nhle. We save you money without: doubt on Inythlnc in Oh: moat lino. oc. \ Lined Gloves and Mitts, 5oc TWO PLUCKY BOYS. aunts, 1u.5u tu q_u. -L)\II 19 III vvuu _: Nut Wadi: Drug Store. run nun ` Experience Teaches Wisdom in the Fancy Goods trade, and our experience teaches us the public task and what goods sell best. Come in and ' prove that we have the cheap- est novel! In the best selected etolf 6l`Fancy Goods. Purses, Novelties, etc., in town. Frc'ch~-New York Chocolates, 40 per pound. and his wife approached the uomns nay crossing. where death like a hideous phantom lurked among the shadows. A west-bound freight train, driver Taylor, of Montreal. being in charge of the engine, was rapidly nearing the orossin . and as the horses crossed the track t e engine swung round`the ourve and crashed into them. Weese and his wife were thrown a diuanoe of nearly fty lest. Both horses were killed instantl , one bein hurled into the "cattle-guar " or culvert tween the crossing and the main line, the other being thrown into the s aoe between the two lines ol track. ` he wuggon was hurled a ainst the fence separating the highway mm the railway property, break- ing down theJ.)osts, crashing through the wires and Ian ing beside the rails, nearly fifty feet From the point of collision. The box was smashed to splinters, its oontents -csttered in every direction, the reach- pole" was broken and the tongue smuhed into kindling wood." The train was brouizht to n standstill as into kindling wood." The brain brought soon In poeeible, and a boy, who was the only person living in the neighborhood, who was an eye-wibneee of the accident. was sent. {or eeeieumce. Mrs. Weese we: found lving under the remain: ol the wAg- qon. She was stunned. but, soon recover- ed ooneciouuneel. Her husband was conncioue also. and both were conveyed with ell possible dispatch to McKn_v'e hotel. Dr. Wood,of this city. was sent. for in the meantime. end all bhnt circum- stances would permit wee done no relieve the eueringe of the injured man end wo- man. pending the nrrivnl of the medical mun. past ve. Darkness was descending, and. but for the absence of snow, twas an ideal winter evening. The clear blue sky, studded with myriads of brilliant stars, the frosty bracing atmosphere. the stillness that, un- broken. save by the distant hum of tratiic in the city they had just left. and by the nearer bark of the wayside farmers watch dog. pervaded the countryside, the dim mysteriousness broodin intangible, but none the lees real, over t a landscape. and, above all, the b'essed spirit of the joyous Ghrintmastide, all had their inuence on the farmer and his wife. Their aix little children, the eldest but ten years old, eagerly awaited the home- coming of their parents. The waggon was laden with Christmas daintiee. and with Christmas presents that were intended to ladden the hearts of the little ones but a ew days hence. and the couple rejoiced in anticipation of the happy day to come and of giving pleasure to their children. But their antiolpations were not to be realized. Awful in its sudden horror was to be the ending thereof. A dark cloud of sorrow was hovering above their home, waiting for the dread moment when it would de- scend and sink deep into the souls of the bright-eyed children. who perhaps were peering from the windows into the night, past the twinklin lights in the scattered arm houses. watc inc impatient! for the coming of the father and mother a ter their day's absence. All unconscious of danger the (armor dny'I uboeneo. dam r and hi: wife approached b 0 Collins Bay m-onnlmr. when jsnu ANOWLRSACRIFICE. I Inn: W Wounded to Denll en E- lvenln-llIe Wile Iey I-eeover rand Trunk freight `lrnln. `I/Lgnln he the Grand Trunk nil crooning at Collin: Bey demanded, and n in vein, in ucrloeol hnmen blood. Agein hen the Collins Bey denth tnp clelnsed ite periodical toll of hnnnn life. end Again he: the eheenoe of judicious cere been demon- etreted et the coat to the unfortunate vic- time oi henvy nancial loee end untold nor- row end enlering. Twice within three dnyl hue eecidentl occurred et the "Beth road death-trap, an the Collins Bey crou- inz ie popularly and rightly named. end the elteedy lon lint of fetelitiee, written in the life bl of the victime end in hit- ter teere wrung from the heerte oi orphene end widows. will continue increeelng in len th unleee something he done, and ener- get oelly, to protect the line of thoee who, in pursuit of the everydey oooopetione of life. mutt pun the Ipot that has been the Kart from which no men! eonle hove been unched, hnmmed, nto Ilse ehoreleea ocunol eternitz, - Anon: the ondrede of former: who. xmod. Wnccon I-nehed Ir tion of the an I-rounding oountr to attend the Kingston market on Sam: y lest. nob one was mom eheedygoing. sober and in- dustrlous than Snmnel Weeee. of the se- oond oonoeeeion of Ernesctown. In the prime of hole And vigorous msnhood-be wee but thirty-six ears o|cl-honest, re- liable and reepeowetzhe nu ne specimen of the Canadian farmer of the best. type. His comely wile end heipmete, I woman of twenty nine. bed sooompenied him to the city to assist. in the disposal 0! the fruits of their labor nnd to purchase such goods as are always in demmd no Christmutide. Their business in the city transact-8d, the couple started for their home Mzsboub hell- Du-kneu descending. msn. Upon reechin the village Dr. Wood msdeesthoroug an exsminetion of the injuries sustained by the uniortunste cou- ple as In prsctiosble st the moment. end on nscertsining the nsture of the wounds, he st once ordered thst the suerers should beremoved to the gener-sl hospital in this city. Drcnnsn s embulanoo was telephoned for, and Weeso and his wife were brought to the city, notwithstanding the proteste- tions of Mrs. Weeee. who begged to be token home to her children. and not to the has itsl. They errived At the hos~ pitel st 3 ut helpest eleven. five hours after the socident occurred. They were lsoed in sepsrste. private svsrds. in the Atkins wing. end I more thoro h ex- amination then Ins possible st llins Bey, Ill mode. It wee found thet Weese use fetellyinjulwl, tberight eideof his chest bein crushed in and serverel ribs broken. s end of one of the lrsetured ribs penetrsted the lung. There were other injuriesoi A less severe ohsrsoter. but the one ducrihed wss sullicienl. to esuse dessh, ss even though the suorer were able to nlly from the immediete elfects of the wound, his physician ststaes. inilemmstion could not be prevented. and would have to fetal termination in A low hours. " Mrs. Weess vss found to hem susteined - ....- ..oh-.. uuln nnnml And a nature THE COLLINS BAY DEATH TRQP OL__A|_M8 ANOTHER VIOTIH. l. ,. . In. Wanna lotma no nun nuuunoo A vary notion: scalp ound_snd.nno_v|re s2"g'a.'. .`3.I'..'s'."! .'.'...`..a...' Z.;1"f.:I.'2'."`.i'.". ovary. Bar mount. In. `Minor, o! 8.3:. ndhabu-other Iununl oconsnu y rilght. and won viv$ Int not-nl . Btophot 000. o In anagram. ond.wLo Mn: About Llano nib! from Nnpango Mills, v_u summoned morning. but at man o'clock Int night to H1! not _ Dr. Wood vldlod NI pnuonn Only yo- ""!..':.`;."`.`. "'.`.`..':`, .;'2'...'2'..`l`.. `X . on be into:-Ind hi'n ol nnunnahlnn and and ndviud him The mat merican News- papers. CHARLES A. DANA, Enllinc gutly pcublo Io mlorlnou Inn 01 Eh approaching '|o put his cu-lily nsininoniu. :- unalilvu-xaulblc. Dr.B. ll. lnytluo. B'.'.'iZ 'fa."s"2.`,'w' ll. menu-dnm won an I all wrung ly so - and Imu- WP` upudi KINGSTON. ONTABIC 9. Zj scores. New purses just tohnnd with sterling oilven oovorn, four patterns, 76. each. E. C. Mitchell. IIIL- --_._-n__ I...u..... Id- .-..I lmigho `J: W IIRHIUIM The oumpelzn button. bl end bright. With many staunch do enders. In now completely out of night, It futon lzln nuspenden. "Jewel" Asbestos back gee heating etovee, All sizes, at J. W. OIdIn'I|, 37 Brock street. J, The Pembroke Obeerver WI" soon be oelebrecffagiba jubilee-it.e ftieth year of publication. Iain now about to entcerlu forty-second yeer. Rant; Clnuu can buv the uent chocolate: forty-second Sunk Clnul can buy in Kin anon at E. C. Mitcholh: huh lrom New ork last. Friday, 350. pound. W, P, Anhin will onen 3 barber shon in leunon ether January let. F. Jackson. meuenger for the local branch of the Bell telephone company will be advanced to the position of nuieunt linemen after January lab. How's this! Fresh New York choco- lates till Xmne only, 35c. pound. E. C. Mifnhnll, Ippolnwd to ml the vncency. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Feirmnn. Pitta- burg. were present At. the opening eervicee of the three Methodist. churchee in Ganno- que--in I836. I873 and 1806. All the eeeaoneble goods in stock uh Abernethyh salons then cout price. 127 Princes: street. u..w....,l Rh-I. n-h-inlz u-rivnd Immn Natur- rink on Friday night. We sell Iota of currnnu boonuso thy are said to be the linear. in the city. . Craig at C0. IAdV'l iackot. would make I duh-nblo um: no me nmncn an vvmunor. Kid gloves for presence; largest unort- menb nnd lowest. prices. Saucy A fun bride sale. Mun 'l`...-.-.v.M>. in at Rnhnnnnnnn nnnerin. mu 5!. K. Mcrauu. Young men of Bellevillo have mooived invitationacontwnd the ball of the ser- geants menu of A" bathery. Mina L. Kunnn. Johnston street. has re- mg ner urounor, ur. u. nu. nnnpp. Sterling silver mounted umbrellas for ladiea an gents. cheap, uh Stacey : free trade sale. 'T`mnnoa,0,uvn rnnmh-rn nf Aw I J Ran : trade sale. Twenty-two members of Rev. J. J. Rae : bible clue. Poterboro. presented him with l moot. handsome pair of other gsunbletu. J. McKarn.l. I student. at the science apena unnumu nouanyu mun lrwnuu. Fancy gloods ab wholesale prices It E. I : C. Mitcho A oonuignmont of shovel: and other store: arrived at. the 0.1`. R. freight. shod: no-day, from Ottawa, for the local military 350705. N... nuruu inn}. in hnml with -tarlinll New York last. rrmay, sac. pounu. W. P. Aubin will open 3 sho part. of the building now used an I bill nrd room at the City hotel. He will take poa- Iouion nftaer January 15%. Ii` Jnnkmn. mmuamrar for the Mltcnell. I Stoker Feeney has resigned his pot.-Itiou" at the penitentiary and Capt. Irwin, form- erly proprietor of the Grove Inn, bu been nppoinwd to ll the on Batfirdny evening. : Fancy work and cnnd boron, bugain prices. Stacy`: frQg,t_ e ulc- All kind: of lhom It lnublun 000353 Craig at C0. IAdy a jacket Xmu gift. You cm buy them at Stacey : for neorlv half price. E. 0. Hanna has been transferred from Ie.:__<:;.--m,%I.r_.s:A+1_I.=-..I.:.L-I Io. Mr.-Turcott is at Boboaygoon nu rin- tending the work on A new steamer uild- ` imam for M. M. Boyd l Co. need nrinan in clmkimnjor Chri|t- ` in more for M. M. noya 1 U0. _ need rice: in cloakinpjor R. cFaul's. VA..-" -`An ..l nnnur"`A hnvn var-lvnd moon nnnaaome pail` ox ozwr guunueu. J. MoKerru, I department. of Moill coege, in home to spend Chriltmu holidays with friends. Fnncv goods orioee IIHBIIIIH RI < . Mitchell. Honk. ' Princeee street. Stafford Kirlpetrick arrived home Sutur- dey to spend the Chrietmu holiday: with friends. He is A student. at the science da- partment. of McGill university. When in doubt-bu_y perfume, it is al- Johnna, tho lotion Porhuu in out bath: at Me. all 260. A! E. C. I I'I. wn... nu. IIm- now madam the Ohiouo News in Ohlongo. All homo lurniuhin no mined plot! for Ghtimnu at R. oFn.ul'o. . The prion of hide: took soother dropnd it II oxpeoud will be down to live cont: next week. Dunlap. King meet. for n Chrlnunu in In clothing. . Hogon. of Detroit, in home to spend the Ohrlnlnu holidnyu with his niacin: in thin zity. ` For Chriotmu thou call on Abernathy. Our photo frame: In boing picked Illlp npidly. Prices and designs are right. . C. Mitchell. ` George Sun. n-.. Toronto. on-ind to- dny to visit his brother. Robont Bout, Buthold. Direct importation oi fancy noon. buckets, otc., received lut Sntnrdayr J. Cnig a 00. ` Bay 1 But: Giana, don't forget OI!` 30' York ohoooluosnt loo. Ib., all hub for Xmas. E.'C. Hi I. r . A boy : had in deli: fun tho comet; of -Wjinh "and Wolllngmn undo SAt3'1`3iy evening. Fancy` work cnndy bu-gain prices. money : 1rQg,u:uuo me. All kinds of shoot lpubhnnooatst 0'ord | old stand, Princes: moot. A. Abemeth . rm..- .. 1 n R...-A-'. nhllalmn ware Abomotzh Two 0 J. G. Hardy : children "F0 severely bibmn by ndog At the covered rink Friday nighz. We sell Iota of they for neat-Iv hall pnoo. E. 0. Strange has been the Chathnm brunch of the Merchants bnnk to the branch at Windsor. Ind nlnunn hr nm.nnl;- In-cunt. snort.- in (bi 6:03.!-:3; ;.u:4I-Ly NVOWVIZ 7 `paper in the World. Price 5: 1 copy. By mu, :2 1 year. Menu we sure. now Yor' geanta of "A" batuery. Miqp Km: p. street, ` turned from C icugo, when she was viait.- N ing her brother, Dr. D. M. Knnpp. 1 Rtarlimr silver mounmd partment. of Mculll |llllVOI'lIl5_y. doubt,--buy perfume, ways acceptable as I Xmas gift. E. C. Mitchell is showing an endless variety nt very low prices. ll`. Fallon. son of D. Fallon. Kingston, lov prices. F. Fnllon, o( Fallon, has jun! left. the Ottawa boupiul, where he was nnlfering from the` effect. of injuries ` sustained in nboppin on I may nnil. All sizes of imitation hard and soft coal sustained in shopping runny nul. fire: at J. W. 0ldn"I, 37 Brook nt.root.Mu'- kot oqunre. Clmimr axaminna were oonductod at St. cloning exercise: at 51.. Mary : IODOOI. Dunlop`s great. cost price Christmu solo 1-tarts aw-day. Men : units 82 85, I3 65, L115. Mon : ovorooun 02.25, 83.25. `or. removed the ponlununry WIIIIOIII .1. Spollman. nuanced you-I. Attempt burn tho Brookvillo jail. Th. K. A P. oonmlohd we UIIQX I IROEWI. Wong Chin loo` now oondug 019 i N i OM83!!- ohAnll-l:on:u' F1009 hot Closing oxorcinot Vincent. academy this nfternoon. To-mor- row nlwrnoon the ho a will have their cloning exercises at 8%. try`: school. n....1..n'. m-am. ma: nu-im Christm Skatihg