cA nu-u -mu" -nu, vvuv.-u u.-v avvvnln-Lavina: Tho conservative papers, and some 0! the independent: which are more conserva- tivo thnn the outrnnd-out organ: of the party, prouata thnt it will never An 5.. ..A....L 5|..- .........:.....'-I t-......I.:..- A NEW FRANCHISE. It seems to have been settled that the franchise not of the dominion must go. snd give place to something more eioient, more satisfactory, and less expeneive. A great deal of money is spent upon this pre- paration of voters lists, by routine the most round-about, and process the most objectionable. It is not surprising that a meuureto which the liberals have been opposed for years should be disposed of now that they control the government. l`L- AADIAADII-BA -mug.-4. Anal -......- ..l Iuwnlngl Ana nung unroy reet. away Into the see. The crews were proebrataed by the ooncuuione. When on the Atlnntic an effort wee made to direct the lineof re from the eix-inch gun: t the berbettae. The experiment: III In eof imprironin I sheep in the bnrbettee during the il- chargo. The nnimnl wee wrn topieeel. and had the ofeere not. been prudent enoughto trv the experiment on I dumb enimel r-0 the nevy would hnve been weakened by the loan of I few gunners. me mernmenehip of the gunner: wee ex- cellent. the eect on the veeeele wu acerb- ling. The Ihipe came out of the practice blackened end oherred with the powder oi their own guns. When the huge thlrhen-inch gum of the Indium were discharged they bent. the hetchee and nude the learn: of the deck sun. The woodenwork on the interior mu in some inehnoee completely Imuhed. One 3.000 pound Anchor wee torn from its futeninge and ung thirty feet into lee. crews were nroebrehed hv urgu nu. A row monuu uo we Iquuu-on Wu unt out for far prnctioo, nndmlnlo the marksmanship o the Oict. on tho Vanni: Inn mart,- any uuv Inuvli "Not long the giant. warship Indiana set forth-gfom Hampton Road: in A hesvy see. The heevy cuingl de- signed to keep her turret in position broke. and All night. long the turret, with in enormous cennonl Ineide, Iweyed end reeled from aide to side, while the veeeel, under the Added im ulne of this revolving weight, meted an piwhed through I Inge are. A few month: ego the Iqundron hunt nncnioe. nndnnhnle THE` DAILY WHIE UVIEB EUIND lLIJUl\ll. In mponu to Inoou at Cansdinn ship- building hbo Wuxo lnuly gave none on - denoe, like um of the wu-chip Tenn, 0! bhomonpncity of United States builders Hero are other: : u\v,. u MR. CHAPLEAU APPROVES Li... `L. ._____ -1 _ ._,, SOME MORE FAILURES. ...____- L. __ _ ;.dt<:oor{u }:ToPvl:t3:or| Honu 1,0,0,`/gr pl!` 075% l)`"' - Gnu Gluten Anion A Ihluor. Curnl, Doc. I.-At Chuhuu pushy- uty Mn. Trout`: author 0! tho burn oongroputioo, and 3'50! cl ulna-In ndnd..Iln Raw. .1 (2 u-.|{:..4'l. WWITXI lohuguqninltlholtov. 8.0.( lb mum in churn. nlh-Inga; Ihon-Ian Ioclnd 7 The n iosuon ol Nu-villno-norve n uro-w nch possum ouch mrvzll o u out all nerve pain. you y to ::vothaHs mo. Norvilino Mm tho ncrvcn. uoochu duouudrivoo pull: out. and in this In; (in; nlid. Try it And In oonvlnood. mlnltfy no mo boon Ihcionod at Hnldirnnnd, Stirling, Ttonton. Frank- lord, Norlnln. Illdoc. Stirling. Hnldimond, Eunt. Seymour, Queoluboro. Woolor and Ynrkor. Northport. Ill hi! Int. chur . Hi: wile And one non unrviu him. 0 late Mr. Mu-ah I-crud on the side at the north in tho Alnotionn Inrnnd was shot in the right. uhouldor. which is supposed to but Man an indirect ouuo ol his death. The bu _v will bo taken to Cuupbolllord lor burial. Bellevle Hun. Rev. B. W. March, e retired Methodist minister, died Wedneedny After I lingerin illness. The deceased wu fty yeareo age Ind born in Brighton. He had been I Methodilt minister {or twenty-seven year: and had only been super-ennnnhed for six months. He hnd resided here with his lemiwueince July. Darin his ministry he d been Iuscio Hnldirnnnd. lirlimv, Tmnmn l'.....|. rune : Uolory Uompound. the world : loodln medicine, always in stock; the kind t It cures. Come and moancu aavnuer may lollow. The preparation! of physicinns prescrip- tiom is our form. VVIIUII IOIII' IIQCKOH When your doctor writes I prucription for you, it should be very carefully pro- pnrod. no thnca results desired by your medical adviser follow. uromnmnm or hhvnininn- n........'n. u goou cow. Anumber from here intend taking in the trip to Kingston on the 22nd if the Hero can make her promised tri . The young people Mo to have Another anoo in the Select. Knightd hall no-marrow even inn. Mr. McGrntwn a scan in malxin A number ol trips to Kingston and ot or place: lately. \{\ wI%.|re Donn recovering slowly. A n of ,Smith. who got hurt. this week. in also getting better. Mr. and Mrs. mery have gone to spend the van or] with friend: near Stirling. Mr. and rb. )Mvaon have also one awn for A few momha. William M%Mut,er lfunn horse a low day: ago and Alannder Spears in good cow. A numhnr frnm Inn-A inognzl o.I.:.... :.. uuu. `LII dociddtogi ooaunull ngwondnkur. .:_...- I It won. The News has ststed that the expenses of recovering James Gibson's overcoat stolen from him in Kingston and recovered in apeneelest week were paid by Mr. Be which is not correct. Mr. Gibson paid all expenses himself. The ghting characters who were said to be on the Hero on her last regular trip did not belong to Stella. The writer was on board. No ghting took place between Kingston and Shells. We Arrived home some time be- fore derlc; no lantern was required. If ghting took place it wee nfter the boat left Stella. The children of No. 1 school nresorr to learn that Miss Scemmell has resign her school. She has become much endeared by the children snd pwrente. end we don't think there is one com lnint Against her during her term 0! tegchio with us. Mrs. R. Filaon, also rs. srshnll, who have been very ll lstel .sre both recovering slowly. no! Smith. . i ' winter friends Stirlina. Mr. u anaresees aellverea by Prof. Dean, of the egriculturul college, Guelph. and Capt. Shephnrd. of Queenstown, were highly interesting. more especially D Prof. Dean's address entitled "Getting on | in the World." Rev. Mr. Follick. also Rev. Mr. Cumberland congratulated Prof. Dean for his most excellent and protable ` lessons to both old and young. Ca c. Shepherd is also e pleasant and very ne speaker. The various subjects discussed were of much value to farmers. Music and singing were provided by Miss E Sevet, T. J. Polly and W. Cochrene which added much pleasure. More meetings are to be held at Emereld and Stella in Jan- uary by Mr. and others. The soviety here now numbers over fifty mem- bers and is in a prosperous condition. Bath must be only three rsons nuended one of the meetings hel there I It week. Th- Na... 1... -A--.| n.-. .|.- ...... ,- Paine Celery Compound. the world ending medicine. nlvnvn in -In:-In um Perfumes, Ataomiurn. l'I"I)VI IIVI'-DIG: STELLA, Dec. 9.-The farmers institute meetings held here lac week were Again a good euooeu. Two meetings were held on Wedneedny and two on Thursday. Each meeting WM well attended. especial- ly the one held Thursday evening. The mwn hell wee packed to the door. Quite a number of ladies were present, and the addreeeoe delivered by Prof. Dean, nnrriculturnl collaae. (hmlnh, .1. W7. i5Js;e|I. New York has slwnyu had dives A plenty, but it ha: been gluhtod with them under the o ration: of the Rains: law. The I0` call eating house: no in mnny canon resorts of the moat disreputable churne- tor. An Antlolpntod Trip Bhould the Wocthu Prawn .'AIIPnhI'Q. `If. IIIIIIU vuv IJUW UI II|l|lUI'e The New York Times. which is always outspoken on public reforms. declares ; "The Raines law feils because it is not and cannot be enforced, and a majority of the people feel that it ought not to be. If they had the power they would change it, but as it is forced upon them, they connive at its evasion. This is not to be cured by making it more strinfgent anu Mr. Roineehas been reported as threaten? ing. That would only mete the case worse. Now. the most serious evil of such a law, and one the evidences of which increese and multiply. is that it breeds disrespect for all law and public authority. It de- morelizes inagistretes and courts as well as public ssntiipent. and creates a syste- matic disregerd of perfectly well under- stood legel restraints. There could beno more pernicious end dangerous result of legislation than this, and no more conspi- cuous evidence of a lack oi wisdom in the legislative power. The general sentiment of this city on the subject of selling liquor on Sunday is not that which uds expres- sion in the exectrnent of such provisions as those of the Raines law, but it forces it- self rudely into expression through the msnner of applying and enforcing thoae provisions. If it were permitted to deter- mine the regulstions for Sunday selling in the city we are convinced that the results would be far more salutary in all respects. and especially so in fostering submission to low." monlruoru. bub it but been I fsilnn. I The act itself will have to go and give I plsoe to something which wll. in some de- gree, limit. the ow of liquor. Th: Nnu Van-L Ti-nan -think in -I-.-.- Toilet Goods in Endlou Variety. THE DAiLY BRITISH WHIG 'I'HiIBSDAY. DECEMBER '10. 1896 Soaps, Bruuhea. STELLA SOUND! NGS. Henry Wade. druggiot. Quality in Obuauuti Comba nnd Whisks. gooauuonnolnuuloraouth nu lodol about hctory. Ho Inrpund all III - ronndlng hotoriu. The pooplo hop to Ian him gain out year. On an other bond 60 dnooroly around into ourgouuino about-Inter. John nur- V"H.IilIII|.InrhhQ2Lrn-an-n grown loco our unwound unobcr. John Kano. We ononvl Inn thunk: to our part uloonnn. Purl Knlly, for the goodnlcoholnndolorouth I430 notkl i hmarv. I-`I. nnrnnnnrl all nun. A new more Itened. Sorru Luce. Dec. 8. -'l`homee Boyle Iinhea to correct. the statement of leet week about his home. He inlaendeeo here it. veneered with brick not. elepboerded. He will heve the verendeh on the end. not on the front. The he window will be on the tram. He will een have I oottegerool end ell other neoeeeery Improvement: end remodeling required. such en oeller cement.- ed, lnrneee. etc. Wilson l Mitchell, ol Uenenoqne, have men theoonu-ect. R. Smith. the , ol Teylor. hee needed A geoerel econ. He roheeed e I-nrnip eeuer lest week. A. no in ehoet to eterl at hie hemete Inde ecein. he In looking for en eppceneloe. Theend oltheyeerlefeetepprnechlug end were- grown loee eeeeeued Ieeeher.John We Allnnol Ieunw Lhnnhe en A-- nuun and comtort. ol the body. Sold dollars in medicines. Ono pill I done. HUI Cure liver complaint. bilionsneu, etc. These trouble: arise from taorpidity or in- echion of tho liver. and should be promptly treated. An active dose should at. lint. be taken, say three of Hunilton'e Pille. follow- ed the next night. by one or two pilleu the occuion may demnnd; after which an one pill once or twice A week. which will grndnnllv restore the action of the `rout blnod ler and thereby Allow It to perlorm thou lunctione no ea-entiel to the health Anvl comfort. of the body. Sold by One bl" done. Illll IIBIIIIH. As the federal and provinciel leginlnmrl are about to meet. I hope some live mem- ber, and there are many doctors there to. would bring this inutmr before their re spective hou-nee and bring it to I vow, for it in diicult to get officials out of the rut they have been running in for years. and to rouse them to a t appreciation ol their duties; but if they will not try. other: must be put in their place. The cure of the insane is one of the most holy dutiel A philnntrophistcould desire. to restore the aemblunce of humanity wiped out by thin cruel afaction, worse than bodily pain, and even more terrible than death itself, for there is peace I rest denied to the poor autferere in this age to the gr|ve.- Yours truly, H. B. Evnls, M.l). 4 Ana puunc! In supplying these we must. not calcu- late at the fancy prices given, but import- ing different parts of the bike, it can be made very cheap in the prieon. Many pe- tienta might. nd their own, and being in- acrucmd in the use of in, most like] would adopt it. during Me and retain their mind and health. A. pl... l..l-....I ....A .. ..... ..:..I I....'-l-A_.._ mac or me xew. Now suppone tho usual time to effect A cure in the old way in from two to three years, and Lhis syatam of ntlnleticu will do it in six months, who will be the gainers? The public! In nunnlvinn (Lana wn nnnnr. nnf. nnlnn, We Lead. llll|" HOJIUB on. l`4lM|D||llI DUOTO I Ilcbory. It I! all nonnenno this cry of trade union- ista about interfering with free lnbor` These people must be fed and supported. and the interest of the many in superior to that of the few. Mum -......n.. pl.. .... ml 5:..- 5.. -l'....A .. sane." Some lnlle economist: will explain : "Are we going to buy bicycles for all the crazy people in Canndn. Certainly we ll'0 if in will cure. becauue it will be the cheap- ear. in the end. In the Kingston pennan- Linry there an 600 men absolutely eating their heads off. Eabnblialn there A factory. noneenne this crv ol Lrmln union- OI LTBBDIIOUC 2 "One of the most notable instances of the efficacy of the bicycle in a remedy ior insanity is found in Michigan state asylum for the insane in Kalamazoo. The patients at this asylum talxe daily rides on the wheel. and parties of from five to eight lunatic! in oharge of two attendants are likely to be met with on any of the coun- try roads running out of the city. To the uninitiated it would seem odd, indeed, that the regulation country highway should be chosen for the wheeling parties in prefer- ence to the well-kept roads 0! the town. There a reason. however, and a very good one it is too. The rougher the road the more necessary does it become for the lunatic `cyclist todevole a great deal of attention to his machine. The result is that while riding in this way he haa no op- portunity to think of the peculiar mania which may nlllict him, and his mind takes on I! healthier tone, his thou hts are those of a mnn with an unclouded rain, and he becomes, for the time being. practically l sane." 1 lrom weir conrormauon than men. With great. Iiberality Imd foresight the cube of Michigan has adopted this system of treatment "u. at pl... nnnnl ...u..l.I- :...s.....-. A` wouiu not. know Lnem. My attention was first drawn to the use of the bicycle in a case of melnnoholy in a young women. who win 3 fair candidate for who anylummho. by using this exercise. entirely recoveredmnd if it. be I preventive of insanity why not A cure? I believe it. to be speciallyapplicnbloootho neuraebhenin of women, more subject. to norvoun disease from their conformation than With nu..- l:L.-....l:o.. .....l 6.. '.-Lb oh- more II no end. Not to keep your readers in enxiet as to the means of cure I propose. I ygi l at once say cycling. and briey state my reasons. Fiist, and best of all. it has been tried and with success, for this brooding on one melancholy subject must be prevented at all hazards ii there is any he of im- provement. There is no form oi). exercise or amusement better calculated to remove mental tension then the use of the bicycle. for it makes the rider think all the time of what he is doing. The strain on the brain is of a very dierent but salutary nature from the morbid action that pervades it. This exercise causes a selfforgetfulness of their ailliction and directs their attention to bodily danger if they no lect strict cou- tion to their riding. id you ever go into the wind of a lunatic asylum and note the pale. white feces, the listless manner. the mute pitying appeal to your sympathies and breathe the impure atmosphere in which the patients were surrounded 2 Under su'ch circumstances whet improvement could take piece either in mind or body ? Take these people out. mount them on their bikes in the fine fresh sir. warm up their languid circulation by this noble exercise end in a few weeks you would not know them. Mn nn-..o;,... ....- H.-.5 .I........ o- oh- ...- in no aone I How the poor creature : thought; harp upon one t.hin-pouibly the uh-ahion of the noul-tho loan of some dour ono-of friends And fortune gono-aomo reex nick- nona praying upon the brnin, engrouin all in margin: in a vicious circle to whic share in end. "III on In... '!l\lID .....A..... :. ...-:.o.. .. Plcrox. Deo. B.-('I`o the Editor): If there in anything that would cure that un- fortunate clue of people called Iunatioe, in the name of God and humanity let it he done. Although the treatment of to-day is immeaeureahly better than that oi former days. there in yet room for im- provement. That one or two auperin~ tendente can auperviae the `mental and bodily deieote of three or four hundred patient: in out of the queetion. yet the ex- penaea of maintaining both preaeae hard upon the energiee oi the taxpayer. and there is at a proepeot oi ite ateady in- creeae.t ereiore it iea cure only that will leeeen the mat of the maintenance oi theee aaylume ior the eoaiicted, but whilat there is an increase oiineanity. how shall it be done ! `Ham u... wanna: M-..o.....'. a-I.m...l.o. I... Dr. K. B. Inns, of Ploton, Write: on tho latter and Give: some lnuuulng l`|ou-A change 0! Thought In tho Ohio! Oonnldnrntlon In Boom-by locat- on. `CYCLING A GOOD THING FOR THE INSANE. Abernethy & Co., _ ....Costumiers. namzks T0 nus EDITOR. \ vvuxuIntwI_-pu;ulI-IlI'I'HI nndtdlpuldylhlbonnlldnoyfllh oupdthu-ancolbunnuhlhdqth uhlhlonly nnocnuvlouoophluhvnlulo. iH:m-1--lpnhn--I--n--l.--....I oonpuimuiingnuouuauuuou. dodnlncdnqthxwhoplsmobnaklg nah bx Cvnnn nghn Ihn-n-hum-.-Lg-g uutunalllula-nlu.IIIIIuIwuf|un)uj[u now but from ptlmlhouovhonovhovo '....n....|..|... u......s...|............n Kidney Pills Int proved to tho pooplo thst Ktdnoydhtuoloonnbh. Bdng tho odglml Kidney randy in pill form. tho euro: they ban undo, and the fame they have stained have oponod tho wuy for I host oi Imitation nd nhotltatu. but than who have but and o! um may ma non noon In 3 earrings bofom for over I you-. Visitor: : Mr. nod Mn. Juno: Spronlo, Wucbrook. at Hilton Cloko '3; Mr. and Mn. J. Taylor at Mn. Sprou 0'3. The roporb of 3 burglnry in the villngo Int. week In: incorrect. l-3-ig_]- Bargains IPOIIIOIIO, were held in the church here. Rev. D. Flemming preached e very impreeeive sermon, uiin for his subject the life and death 0 Stephen the martyr. Rev. J. B. Robeeon eleqtook part in the service, the choir ren- dering euiaable eelectione. Rev. G. S. White. Nepeneo. preached a very instruc- tive at-rmon here on Sabbath evening. George Light. nephew of J. Moore. in et preeent. in the general hospital with typhoid fever. Mn. Joeeph Leonard re- cently vieired Mrs. Purdy. This in quite remarkable, considering the lack that the old lady had not been in carriage before year. Mr. and Mn Hunlnglon llluory. HARTINUTON. Dec. 0.-Jnmea Gray has gurclmood Mn. Dool'a lot. excosit thirty- ve loci. on the want. aido.un men are bunny putting up I blnclnmith shop. This week our boardwalk roooived some much needed repairs. One of our boys wu iv- 1 ing in young Ind a drive on Sunday w on 1 his horse took right. and ran away. It mu quite | distance Ind finally succeeded in frooingitnoll from the rig. The ocuu- I pants eacnpod without. injury. and INA! I ; time the horse was cnpturod. Mrs. Dorby- I shire has taken room: in J. Wood`: house and is doing a good business dreumuking. Ir On Friday, uh inst... the funornl norvicu of t.liolntA_ Mr. Reid, uncle of Mn. M. Trouldnlo, held in the church Rev. D. Fllnrninun n-..nL...l IJUIWI IJOIIIKIQ DILTA, Dec. 8. -- The westher has been soft here for two dsys.-Mr. Dodd hes opened up his new store.--Alennder Ste- vens snd W. A. Deneut mode s business trip to Westport lest week.-A. '_Steve , roprietor of the Central oarris e war a ore. gave an order to 8. Foster or SL000 worth of stool: A few dsys ego. - Willism Johnston end party have returned from their hunting trip. They caught three deer. William also sold s psir of his thorough-bred Berkshire pige to A man up north. -The upper lake is frozen over. The water is solow that George Hsskins. mil- ler. cannot grind wheat, but he is grinding provender.-George Heslrins has moved into his new house.-Miss M. A. (lreen has returned homesfter sfour weeks visit to friends in Lansdowne.-A.J. Flood hss been appointed shery overseer for the upper snd lower Delta lakes and Griin |ske.-Willism Greg hss rented C. C. Wiltse s farm. Welcome back, Wi|lium.- Mr. lamout, Stowville. 0nt.. is employed as blacksmith in A. Stevens shop.-Revi- vul meetings commenced in the M. E. church Bundsy night.-Visitors : John Mur hy and sister. Elgin; James Mc- (lral. . Sudbur , at P. Murphy's; F. Mc- Donald, Lnns owne.--A very sad event occurred here within the In-t few days. Anold gentleman named Roderick Matthew- son osme here recently with a widowed daughter end her two children from Perth, and in assisting his son-in-low. N. Dodds, to srrsnge goods in his store on Saturday last he lifted ll parcel. and in doing so ug- grsvsted An attack of a disease which re- sulted in his death on Monday morning. His remains were taken to Perth yesterday for interment. D0 COHIQIDPIBDO. On Dec. 2nd It wedding wu held at the residence of Alfred Foaber. Sophiaaburg, when his youngest dnughtor, Mabel Jones, was united in mnrriugo to Frank Roblin Morden. The groom was assisted by Moreley Anderson. Roumoro. and Miss Cora Dorlnnd, Picton. assisted the bride. The groom in 3 non of Jsmoa Morden, Fish Luke. uurpuo wnreuouao. A mom named Dovine. Carleton Place. in likely to inherit. a legncy of mmy thou- sand! of dollnra from: doceuod relative in Ireland. As he is A laboring man t. change in his circumstances must. be sweet. to contemplate. On Qnd A wnddina IIAI hair! at oh. CDO 0lan6I'. Twenty different styles of rugs and mat!-, some of them regulnr works of art. to choose from at R. MoFnul's Kingston carpet. warehouse. A man nnmnd Davina 0"...-1.9;... DI..- .'. uuy. Mica Minnie Pennock, A former roaident of Carleton Place. while boarding a train on the C.P. R. in the north-wont. slipped. and thowheoll Look of? one leg and crulhed the other. Tmnntn AKA`...--..a~ -s..I..- ..t _.._- ,7: large circle or acquaintances. When children are pale. peeviah and reetleu st. night. they require I dose or two of Miller : Worm Powders. They Are pieuent to take, no hyeio required. For hie by E. C. Mibohe I. Mrs. Hod eon, Kinceton, in attending her sister, re. James Brown, Belleville. ill with diphtheria. Freddie Brown. the seven-year-old and only eon, died Wednes- duv. nor or Mrs. uaagley Usner. Mrs. John Palmer. Cnnifton. died Tua- day after an uhorh illness. The deceased was forty years of age. and esteemed by 5 large circle of acquaintances. am nnln. nuwinh and maurs mn awn carpet. warehouse. Arthur mwm Vnndervoort, late of Bellevillo. 0nt., Ins married at Houston, Texas. to Miss Mnrguorite Usher. daugh- ter of Mn. Badgley Usher. Pnlmar. Cnnifmn. diad Tun. Eat all kinds Tailoring lhw Ahm D rrunytomn. Brockville collegiate institute board bu nppointod Mr. McGee, At. present on the null of Simcoo high school, to be mathe- matical muber for 1897. An Annnl wnultl Innlrn - min. (*5.-.:.o..... muucel muuer [or 1159']. An euel would make a nice Christmas present. white and gold enamel, 5!. R. Mo- Fnul s Kin stun carpet warehouse. gtawarb Vnndarvonrla. late of Will. New Iilvor foods. R. Uglow & Go. Capital, nn cu baokod by norvo, Ind on- durnnoo, will not go fur toward: mninttim ing ovon the hnmblut novnpopor. Mile Bettie Baker. for-morlv of Tnnton. mg ovon me nnmbluh new popor. Baker. former! of Trenton. visiting her uncle, R. T. Mcun. Michi- nn, wu mnrriod to Rev. G. A. Boizinger, Presbyterian. Brockvilln nnllnainni i...r.n-...o. s......a I... ur. nu In, V.B., Unrlohon Plano. bu left for rnvull. when ho:-hon in out with I brighter bow of prolnino than where be was. ' N-- -n..-- .......I_ n n_|-_ A. A- no In one vnnyonlny running or Aunonu. Lndien travelling curling Iota. scissor 0'0.-91:`. manicure cunt. cheap. E. C. Mit- c 9 A nn-`Inn-n Al D-.-and-L I-13.` -II`L-I.- .... A number of Prescott ladies willhko up om-ling u m nmulomon during the pro- Iont winter. Th. nn-A -1 W n......L..n ..|.-......a -:n. nonu Ivmwr. Tho cue of W. Campbell, charged with perjury. urn ndjournodtao the June lea- Iiona It Nupanoo. Sofa cushion: and tan onniu mulv for uona In mupanoo. cushion: and ten ooaiu randy for oovarin M: R. McFIul'I. Th: rantnn n..o. `D-.g.. 4. 5|... um..- -0 lx.lVaI'll IF u. MCI.` I|ll'I. Tho ronwn. Ont... Prou is the mum of 3 new pa oxpootod on but-day. It will In an nriepondont woe nowapnpor. Dr. M in, V.S., Carleton Plano, bu rnvnll. whom hm-hm: in nnnt. W'!.sz!L!.'.L|?2se.!at_-. Nov: 0! the Dlltrlot Oondbnud Iron the WM; lxohnnlu. New silver oodu. R. Uglow & Co. George Wi longhby and John Drynnn Are in the rnnyonlby running of Almonbo. bnvollimz ourlimr sou. KIDNEY TD'6'E-T CURE PILLS THE DISTRICT DASHES. Delta Doings. .. 0 mL. ._.-_ -Du -A!ur lu-i how s.....'..".I':.. ":3.aui"'x' Ionkuulynhno vlhldlo-on boll:-ovnrlvu. lblgynunnal I.B.l. to m dyupptlo. In Jul Nun. A-un. Nan. __ _ _P.._:._._.__.. unaorunouu`uIulnI)oIld'IKH- my Pulls. st onto nu king out I novhollihnnownu In out-dolildnoy Irnbhhrybtn. no and : "Dun" than nun. Inlil qniu notat- I cunt! y Icing four baa ol Doddh ldooy Pills. I ban huuun luau: -h'- at has kidney divans. which i going no: bad I wont, though I Wu Under adds I using Budd : KH- !_ ul|_n._.9t onoonu pool hip. I urn nun. oornngu. no. W. 6. Frost, Carriage Painter. King street. next to Eloou-lo On Shodl. '1 Oroonllo count: In lynch Ila Ihd-V tools uko a low Inn-cunt Hy [our long of hood`: Kldnoy Plus. u(3IA:>3:Al..'Doo. 1. (Special) -; Bohr`! c u . u Armor vary vidol noun 1: this oountpuodliving mu it villngo, Inn been in 5 pints! and con- dition as tho unit 0! kidney dhuuo ul- laotila Ibo bladder. when and upon an In nun n uoznn. It It: not prohibit that thlu Pnrlulnn nanny In photograph: will In an much In domnnd non M In Europe : nnn capital. but It will non-0 tobruk who lul strand of am. vrhlnh has horotolon boon but In tho rnllnhlmy of tboeonul-n'i prodnoclnnn. Plmtognnplu will no longer be Accepted nu cvldonvo. for. like ngnru, ` It hm boon ahcwn lhll they Mn bu undo to No man onlngronnly. ..--_. _. - . "nu... .`".i`-"..".'.". mono pnouogranhs at on exposure. Althouah thin new rlovolopmonl ol photogrnphlo trickery team: novel, It lo only tho olnborulon of on ldon which I New York photogrnphor bu been nun; `for a number or noon. The Now Yorker make: what he onllu "mulllplo" photos. In which the some ponon II noon four or an clmu. He will uh your picture Imlng around a table with uvnrnl por- aom who on your not dupllont-I. Thorn In I prnouonl value in man plo- turon, fnr they about In on: photograph jnnc how you look In several pooltlono. In fact. you hnvn tolnok olouly no more plotnru In dmlnqulah that you on look- ing at only one pornon and not n group of half down. ltln -fan -....L.-L.n- u__. -n., .. . . umou. 10 nugnwu me street the womnn hon an expression of anguish on her has and seems about to fall In mortal agony. The photograph In to perfect And the Illualon an comnlola In nun damn woman In evening dreu through whom I Imdy tho bare arm of a man In uhruut, the hand grlpplng a sword rocking with blood. 'l`o hoighteu the 08900 Mu oxnrusion or nnnnlnh M. r... woman In evening dreu through A man In ah:-nu. AN EXAMPLI-1 OP FIUCAK PIIOTOGRAPHY. IIVB. Another photograph ehowe Iwo hrothere with one balanced npeide down on the head of the other. Ae they are both in evening dreee and weer eilk hate it looke like the reproduction oi II etertling soro- bntlc lent. But it ien't. Ther one only A few trained ncrohete in the world who have euccooded in ncoompllehing thle trick. but thin Perieinn photographer oen pole any two men. no metter how unwioldly. no that the picture will make them Appear in thie pneltion. Juet think how rome or our wall known men of none too eylphlike gure would look in web a photograph. But doubtleee the Parisian ertiet nude tha lergeet and most protable lleld right in hie own city, where novelties ere ep- preclnted as they are nowhere eleo In the world. That he has neglected none of hie opportunities ie proved by hie photo- graph or a prominent and well known men bolnn ridden in the etreot by hie own borne. Pnrleiunn laugh loudly at this etroke of genlue end clemor for the icture in the ehope. erhnpe the most greweome end tly of all hie production: in the - otogrnph oi en nxoeedlngly heeutitul lllI'l ODOI5. - In olhur photograph: of this sort tho tnoo of the Indy appears In tho Ihnpo of I unnll heart and In no an-urged on the mnnly brunt of the chin! gure that ll covers the npoi Iuppoud to be occupied by uh-o organ. TM: in I very pron: cou- oolt. and ovary Pu-man bun of Any on- tarpmo In having aha llkonuua of him- self and hi: nnoee combined in thin manner oven though It I: highly upon: nlve. A month... -.L.........--L -|.-_- .__ L_-.L ,_, UBOOIIIDOP. HANNAY & HAROLD, m A FARMER IN TROUBLE. ponmonl. The picture which has named the neat- eet sensation and about which the boule- vnrdiere are all talking ie the photo- graph oi. a gentleman in evening (heel with the lane oi hla ilanoee appearing on hie immaculate ahirt front. while her mum olaep him from behind. Although there in a eatleed emlle on the gentle- man e iaoo. it the beholder it to credit hia eyee he must believe that when the picture was taken the lady had thrult her pretty head completely through the man : oheet. In nab... -.Iu.a...-.-..t.- ..a- nu. ___. .L_ In Pam, wharo the unnuunl and the gt-omquo are alwnyu much In domud. n brand new tnd in Jun now boll; ox- plomd. A olenr photognphor II III originator, and ho ho: tho any II hlu toot nlmply nocann, by an ll||Oll1Dll.IlH'lII|O- mont of Inlnoru, he in able to product photographs of man. woman and nplmm In the moat lllfprlllllj And lnpoiublo poamom. Thl nlnlnl-A -hlnh ha: nnnnul lm .v.gI_ nu; ummns or Tom; PARIS I8 INTERESTED IN FREAK PHOTOGRAPHS. Photognplu of the lmpoulblo Plano the Pu-hlnn Fancy nnd Mark as Infamous: Development ol Art--lone OI-eweone lreat Bargalnn all Departments. Fl ROYAL GEM 5,235 `,`,",,' .,'.".`}`.': anzdlty than Any other Ian: on tho nun- D . iseues Policies on every plan of insurance including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. Do- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any other companv- ' ` I00 Wellington otroet. otuwa. Head omoo mu; Peop_Ie s L110 Insurance 60., Toronto. For sale by all fancy goods dealers or sent prepaid on receipt of price by V The cg1>1>_ _CLA_!_lK_CO., Ltd., PRICE $l.50 Each. Waldron s Sale. OQQGQQSOQQQUQUUO l.9..l.1..LJA; Intending Subscribers may. If desired, apply for Shares through Mr. Thomas Briggs. Kingston. THE GRAIN COFFEE ' amount, and was obliged to dispose of the property. selling It for 860,000. of I which only 85,000 was cash, the balance was lo be taken out of the mlne. The purchaser: have taken 86,000,000 I'nI(ed Verdi Mlno." of Arllonl: with] $160,000 of ore In `night. he begged. pleaded and coaxed for $10,000 to buy |t s High Time you had your Ilollhu ovum N . . . , nm`r~aNnl')' machinery for working of the same. but could not ralae the Judze Silent of Lon Amrelea wu the owner a! what Is now known so Rho With part of the proceeds from this sale. Mr. Delamnr purchased what In now known as the Great Delumar Mme In Idaho, which for the last two year! hm-I nald $170,000 per month. Last week a aolld mass of gold, welghlng 1.600 pounds and worth over $275,000, was taken out. Thll II. to be exhibited In New York City. as nothing like it has over been known before. - . -...... .-.u.u.-, uuc richvat man in Colomdo. had an option on this property. but was unable to make it good. because of requiring hil money to protect his bank. Mr. Dela.- mnrllnok a million dollars from this mine nnd then sold it to an English 1 for $2,105,000. They capital- iznd It in 8.000,000. and it hll Iince ,-.. . .-.. -,, . A -- - A paid 2 mar cent. During the panic of 1898 Mr. Dela- mar or New York City Wu able to purchase a mine with I. mllllon dollnrh ........n. .1 `worth of ore reserves in sight for $250,000 In cash. Mr. David Mamet. the I ..:,_u_ ,,. .,,,, - - Three years ago Mr. A. ll. Emory of Salt Lake City purchased one-fourth interest in the Silver King Mine for 51.000. That mine had $50,000 worth of ore reserves in sight at the time of purchase. but required about 816.000 worth of machinery to work the prop- erty at El. profit. With this expenae the mine was accordingly developed and brought to such a high Itate of perfection that Mr. Emory waa able to realize 8800.000 for part of his hold- ing. leaving a balance from which he derive: an income of 812,000 a month. ALL THIS FROM AN ORIGINAL IN- VESTMENT OF` $4,000! I TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN- VESTED IN OBTAINING GOLD FROM A MINE DIR? CAN PAY YOU MILLIONS! " ther u Itrong statement" you will I81: but 5 true one, nevertheless. Let us look at I few examples: Slx years ago Mr. Delamar was not Lmrmlarly supposed to worth enough [0 buy a rowboat: he Is now building I mllllnn dollar yacht. '-"' `'`'V'. 353 M I. .` A- 5- H3300 . ?>'.'3.. ."x`v?.a'.;'.`i.`x?.: n_._;_._ vsv__n_ _ While every Investor in more or loan nwre of the prom: N; be made In mining. very row appreciate the enor- xnoun Iuoouno that an no undo. The Enormous Profits of. What Can be Done With a Small Capital. 9 Front Street WestkToronto: The Greatest Fortune Telling Game of the Century. of tho Coinpanv Does he love me? Does he not ? Will sad or happy be my lot ? Soon I'll know for now I've got OUIJA. LIL month on the cup!- Legitimate Mining Try leaving it off ten days. Perhnpsit may solve your prob- lem after medicines fail. Madden : Cereal Food Coffee is digested by stomach. Nourinhing, fattening and delicious. All grocers. Women of Faghi}; an lnvluul 0.. -nu ..... - -.. ...._-._ J MANY DEMONS FROM THE COFFEE. Subscription book: are now onen at the oit-e of Lownabroujh & Co.. 8! King street east, Toronto, 0ni.. where Mr. J. Grant Lyman. Managing Dine- tor. will, be pleased to receive 'your subscription. Correspondence aolioited. We should be pleased to have you join us and receive your subscription for as many or "as few" share: of the above company as will be agreeable to you. Prive ten cema per share. Pu- valuo one dollar. Full paid and non- neeuahle. This opportunity In worthy of your aerloua oonnlderutlon, for never before am 1 small shareholder have on equal chnnce wlth the promoters of the com- pony, and we believe every dollar you invest will yleld you c hondnoruo prom In return. We may say in passing that we tn the only company thnt offers its Itock- holders equal chance: with its ofncera and directors. when you become I shareholder In this company you are as much of a minor in proportion to your investment on though the title Wu vested in you direct. Your proportion of the promo will he in just such ratio as the amount you have invested. and un- der our plan of buying only such proo- ortiea as have proven to bo oi` value, and by going in on the some basis. 3 thousand dollars Invested can return you I million. , ...... ....... ,.v.... vvullvu nu. TH KOOTENAY EXPLORATION COMPANY. LTD, has taken up mlnln u I. buulnou, and only purchuu such properties u show I prom on the orig- inal lnyenment. I Every ntookholder In this company stands on an equnl bull, no stock be- ing set aside for an officer, except cl It is paid for the some as by my other shareholder, and all are equal partner! as thelr Interests may IDDEII`. I You cannot make 1 fortune buying stock In 0. company which nu capital- Iled I olelm for A hundred times more then It In worth. for. even if the prop- erty proves valuable. the difference between what It In worth and wlut you really paid for it bu to be made up before your prom comes In. Thou An I tow ot the onarmoun nuc- ceueu that have been derived from purchuing properties that Iiuowod n prom on the oriclnu invuimeni. and legitimate mining 1; the ONLY way in which [rent fortunes have been real- iled. out or this property and now have 35,000,000 In mm, thus ensuring 8800 tor every 81 lnvoltod. Judm Ill- ont In an uuasblo nnunlnan ot high chu-motor and untvu-any tnpooud. but when United "vow In mumonoa to him his remu-Iu u-o more torolble thou I pome. M. w. RBBINSON. Most Decidedly Tho l_)o_o_t p_lAoo 1_nA_\ho 0101 to I r. I5AIiIRIn6, SKA_T_ES Sleigh Pashes . -v-v-. -vv---~. - v. the first to guunntoorl. tho uoond much {or men. Drop in And too for onnoll. Vuu an nlwqyu walcomo "on you only want to Admire tho goods. V--.---:, in therst Ohlng to be oonnldond when lmyln cnndy, after that woman the quan- tion o prleo. If you nth. st 11-: AIIDIII nun: IIUII OI |!YIl`-I- ll ,0 "I ll Mc|.AlJG|lUN S, u.- ll_.A :. ....-_-_A--J |.. The eloalnt exhibit of Photos In window nut to Open Honu. Instrument: for mnkhm In-(out work in Canada. All work out-utod with euro. Phone In It you want Photoznpha for Christ- mas, can and sec our work No trouble to nhow_1t,and,p.lao no,|turu to Climb. ` V7` """_[7 Manufacturer of Interior Dooorulonu. Artlutio Wood Floors. lnntlu Grilles Ifurnnuro. Upholuurlng OBI boners] um Work. Plum And dulnn Inbmlttod. Factory, 50 and no QIIOOII 3%.. Klnclton. Phone on. III\II Ills in , Cleaning and Prou- inu by the Br nu Amoric-n Dying Co . of Munuonl. Don t for at the plloo. Directly upponlto Ruuol Home Prin- vent street. All work guaranteed.` In M. 35] Princou uroet. when yov all of work done in the I.......... --`run -II II\IK\IIa About anything 1- ordlng our hutln npmuatuu. tlnunl king. 0 ., thn bu policy In to invutznto the matter thor- oughly. If you dopo in `tin A customer.` The best. ponibla vnluo or you! money in Tlnwnre. Stoves, Flu-nnou, etc. | nnvonn Au 1 Inwnre, auovu. . J. BRYSON, Between Prlnuann : rux-A-ud _.'l'.$oW.IuD~..-\.....t- III\JIl `II I IIQIIIIIII no invited to wide our store lnquucly whothor thug Will! Go bu or nag Om- trhnmlnnn can In oxqnlultoo I up tenant the oholuot Itylu. Reduced rises on In unu of nllnon lor oembor. |I|IA\I n IIAIIIII an \a --I II IIIIIIJ `our nlolshn ovcrhnnlod by roll- nblo war nun. ring than to In. you'll be snthod with tho rnulh. *0 have flentg o! ware room" for uh. oom- ortn is non 0 of bloyolu. household furniture. our uu. no. I! I'-....4 l'-_-9_ .__ DA`. -4 A A Arc ullln; Trimmod Huh :0 [not reductions. Novut dad I. rho! tit. and but worlunmh p In Adieu` m-otlc sud ovonlnn contumu. Give In no: . Pvt as . to "Em-m'5o 33;. 7733;. 5'19}. Custom Work I npoolnlty. Repairing promptly and Many dono. see our Hockey Boot. ._--j- J` In Bnlot. at-root. Prinoou and Brook Bu. vvo II\a\olIl\I.Il Th um mom on 1 1:13.: Dogs: and u:o:.x3c mm m I` nnl--51`-nan. A.. is . -- BUSINESS POINTERS. nmu um 500070110. Ollloo Ilium], Iron pm! Who OM: and Ida. Win Guard: and all kind: 0! Who Work and Win Cloth nnnuhocuvod by II A II'I'lIII\t\ I" nbunnum nu--.- lado and Booonrod. Omen Ruling, Ind lulu. wi-. ti \Il \aIlI; \I\.a\oI `I|n may nonrhonvoolod. but unt no secret in tho {sot nun our work 3: onningo intln , trimming and ro- pnlring ,1 (II. to and ornononul aiming to via; good utlnlnotlon. uthln ooconvlnolng on I pnctlool lost. ry Ill once. A. mmm. **-'..'::...:.'::.-....':'.,'.,`.'..- _PIt0n In Culled Sott and Hard Wood, at Corner of On- tario and Earl Streets. -u--\r sharpened, Repaired, Hollow (irqund, Plat- ing, etc. The Loading Photons- phu. I5 PI-(noun Itruta CRESCENT Wlnl WORKS. 315 King It. -:-:j.--::- Bydonhun at. EIPROGS sea. lnggws onus stoma] Household Economy. Rom GEM 512:; 1.-':.:-::.': 0|... ...- Au... 1.... -_ 45.- __ FROG IN YOUR THROAT. Gout Ahubu ,,..,.!3..'.5_3.'.Pl Jolly qkl Rant: Olnnn! Wo vo (of. him oggod up mhtfin our utqre. No other nor. can [at him his pack In horn too. Any Ii [I9 boy or girl can cums right In can you mm nu puck non Ila ho} or ri ht In Ind look FRI .. No axtn rhnr a {or ring in; Pa 5- d In Along. Nearly u (` nup to buy no to look. Old Salnt Nichol_as! _.._, ......v.. -nu uuuurwl IIO acuhkthuwutbcr. Itapnthon by ndi .. .-.. -\:..4In.4 The bosdlng Undertaker and fur. nlturo Manufacturer. `I11 I. 1K1 bnlurnce o-rnnn-n un.uJI! mI.n\lIIOl:\1l`O!'. 254 I 256 PRINCESS STREET. R. J. RE), Ann-nu .. ...,. lvu STEACY 6 bTEF|CY,' Klnnntnn A G:.e3!_t._<:s!:e3.% The celebrated 9 '7 Corsets are unrlvnllod for perfont r beauty of finish and style, And luvs reoeivezi the highest nwnrds at all the Important exhibitions during the last 2' may: 0h'nhmbleiu every variety 0! chum important inert yearn variety nhlpo and ntylc from |FBfEN%HA[{P%f.T. 'COBTSETSl (Uh) Eiiihxxnc You slmldsec Them. Ianulactnrers Royales De corset, P.D. HIQEIIIIII In is lIA3AZ1A: .-w---van I 3 VVIINIAIII Awarded 10 Gold Medals and Di;-lomon d'Honneur. The Albcrt`Tollet Soap Co.. Mfrs. Montreal. v This week. our own mute. Fine Dairy Butter. |7c. I. H. JOHNS, ",E.,:.`;.`gP,2..' |l_l|M|||l|._|lll] [I]: H :TTTn'T:':II:l NO DOCTOR S PRESCRIPTION SO. -H7 LL30 rKlnLI':3) bl REID. Iannger. Be sure and get the genuine - wherever you can - and you have the best soap made. Kingston. out :7 does in oonvcrud into abchl.nlIhouunhrdn|adupoII vhuohtwuuuhulyuhpnoddb Illulqtibvuooonolyonnpoundul, In-null, auudhg Iothoovidnmd onowhhovo. tbddpqc B. H. Carnovsky, l|nII'nnIIID-I Al lnlgnlnn Ihn-I nut in: it In Dial ? 30 `ll olcolyuod-noduliyooaqgiouon an comps during Tun-unynnlg, nu .. tloubolllqoor In to In gag. go lingo: nn-n -.-I. _... _;__u n. wwounu-Inututivtulllitjl-3'. Ito luv wbiohhun tbonunooltho ntbonnllvhidwupingtonquluo Iholiquorhuina onononcnltod -I-in WRBTCIID LAW INDEED. Tho Ihinol party in tho Nu York log- hlvlurothoughitwudoing [ushing- uhnnitdnndrnntnd and -..|...| n....._L _...v_ .- -.-up:--. 'ootno for yours. for luck of mom with ' which to pcy thoir running expenses. The low which came under government ngulm F lion: willbo nmply provided for. Those r oponod by archbishop hngovin will have I precarious oxinunoo. Hi: gt-loo admin ohunoc tho Inonoy their mninconnnco roqninl, and the than will not contrilmu to than unless they Inoomo mu ochooll. Tho and o! this trouble in not dillicnlt to too. Diplomacy would uuggoot an accept ` onoool tho uouuro, and sooner or later ~ public opinion. now strong, will ho our 1 wholningly In in favor. .' ...-..,. nu - yu-uuuls vu uoulllt onom. Ls Minerve. which has been exhausting , the French vocabulary in saying eharp , and mean things about the settlement. arid in calling Mr. Laurier, Mr. Tarte and all and sundry who had to do with the school question. had names, interviewed the lieuoenantrgovernor and learned that he was not eaying much nowadays, not con- sidering it prudent. but he was in favor oi conciliation. tolerance, cordial relations. and was speaking asan indivi- dual in favor oi the settlement. So are most people of sense. The French admit that it does not give them all they want. but they have under the new arrangement important ooneeesions, advantages they never had beiore, and advantages they an disposed to accept. A dnnlsuns l..a.... :- AL- . , - - -. u-u vuv uvvuvuuvu :4. Where does Mr. Chnpleeu, (Quebec's Iieutonnntgovernor), stand upon the iuuo! Thu was the question of the hour which home one, who Alleged he knew. undertook to answer, end to the eect thnt Mr. Chspleou endorsed the compromise. Then some one who profou- ed to be 3 better Authority announced that Mr. Chnploeu had s different opinion. thnt he belonged to the dissidents and had strong opinlv-us. though he was not. 0&- clnlly. In A position to deolnre them. I; M:......._ _L:..L |._- L-_,, ., as--. \4AA1I| uunu an I nu 1 no How the maze of I prominent. politician` figures in print in A time of exciw/ment! The poeition 0! pretty nearly] every French leader bu been cenvneed in re- gard to the Ichool question. end it in re- markable how eagerly it in quoted for or egeinlt. the settlement. IL... A--- :1- nL__n,,, :1\ ,| . The Write in for A change in the {run- ohire ecu. Itil not averse to the use of the municipal Ii-u u I eterting polht. theeelinte being prepared by municipal oioerl against whom partiunehip cannot beproferred. Arimple plnn oi regiutrr tion, in Addition to or in correction of the municipal liete. under direction of the county judge, or, when he in not eveilnble. some othenpublicoicinl iedeeired. Theliete made on the registry plnn by the Ontario government demonstrated two thinge, (I) thntnliet of living up-to-dew voters is secured. end (2) thet the irreguleritioe of an election are reduced to I minimum. ya-nu , rravvwwu nun: nu vnu uvvuq do to adopt the provincial franchisee. since they differ in regard to the qualica- tion: of the voters. That in the only argu- ment. honeat and well founded, there is against them. No stock is taken in the charge that they are not correctly and Iuirly prepared. The wnil from Manitoba. from the Free Rreu, that the Manitoba act in an iniquitous one, is to be taken with the usual diloount. Anything in ini- quitous which the average tory does not approve or control. The oharge` is that the revision of the lists can be shut oil` at any time by the government. The Manitoba law not being aooeuible the point of thin oonumtnon cannot beoombatad, but it in safe way that the law in not open to the wicked interpretation that in put upon i Ir. Sausages