,V. . `4oo rds pf Fine All-Wool Dlpls oods worth 75c per yard. This lot to be cleared out for 37E per yard for these two days El DAILY BRITISH. that innna T-2: EXTIQIAORDINARY CONDITION OF __...._.. AA: AnAn?Ll Illll If!` To the rqll or conemuenclee an wmcn electoral frauds prevtiled must. now be nddedNort-h Bruce. The tech connected with the nooum. in that constituency no ..;..... .. mum" in the Che-Iev `Fm thoroooum. in the constituency Even :5 follow: in Chglloy '`I. :Judge Bnrrobhdecidod at the out.- set thnb tho-ballot: should be counted whqther the mom was in the dilc Q; not. no MnNnil| had In) outaida the disc: .:_.. Ion "Ilulou lonnd In tho Dunc `Elna Than Wore Vocal Pollol-'lho Olmnloy n... p...... nnmn mum of an} amen: Bonnar hnd I04. 3. In four polling booths them were more ballots in the boxes than votes cut. my in Nn, I. Eldenlie. one ballot mark- [ANOTHER swag sum, whether the In me one Q; nos. 2. McNeil| had H9 disc: Ind 104. ---z 1.. fnur mllina IF YOU WANTJ ballots in the boxes tnan vows out. "4: In No. I. Elderslie. ed for Bonner was numbered. This w thrown out by the judge. The next num- bered ballot was for MoNeil|, and this was alooothrown out. Other bsllott numbered in about equal proportions for the two can- didates were also thrown out, until Whar- ton ballot boxes were reached when in these were found sixteen numbered ballots for McNeill and seven for Bonner. These were counted. , . --5 Am: lmm ballots found in the ballot counted. "5. Any loose ballots boxes outside the envelopes were not counted, except. at polling sub-divieio ,_}_{p. 35(Dyer s Bay: where several were oun loose in the llot box. These were all counted, twenty-nix of them bein for McNeil and ve for Bonner. In this poll there was no eidavitz from the deputy returning officers: to the correctness of the ballots, nor had the deputy returning oioer taken the oath of office. This was one of the polls where there weremore ballots in the box then votes cast. ll`... Hm]... minrl than will hn nnmn dum- ballots in the box than votes out." To the lay mind there will be some diffi- culty in reooncilin the apparent contra- dietiona of Judge rett's decisions, but there may be ciroumetenoee not wholly disclosed by a bold statement of the (note. Of the irregularities in the work of the re- turning officer or his de utien. however, there can be no doubt. ne of the most important duties of adeputy returning officer is that he should put all ballots in their proper envelopes, securely sealed and to remain sealed, unless a recount is demanded. In `more than one of the subdivisions, however. bal- lots were found loose in the boxes. while at Dyer s Bay there were no less than thirt one than found loose in the box. The plain to Judge Barrett and to the lawyers imd agentn on both sides that the riding was deliberately stolen from Dr. Bonnar, the reform candidate. That one man had marked half of the ballote east at Dyer : Bay for Mr. McNeill seemed beyond die- pute. The Free Press. therefore, an e that if these ballots were not marked y the party who noted an deputy-retuming officer, without bein properly sworn in, or the state of the l duly atteeted after the close of the pol , then they were mark- ed by somebody else." nnrll AB -I-LII: uculc roe Preee says that it-wan 0 Spice of the llornlng Pnpon Ad tho very latest Douuatobol. Gold to the amount of 82,000,000 has been engaged in New York for export. tn- l'n0l'l"OW. morrow. The liberal: of West. Northumberlund, Ont... will protons the eleccionol George uuietc. Anumber of femnle employees 0! the Canadian colored cotton company, at Hamilton. are on strike. Charles Haetz, n Weatministaer farmer, was probnbl fatally injured by being thrown - Ill. 0 his waggon. At. St. Catharinen the familv of H. thrown -It. or Inn At. St. Catharinen family Mighmn had avery narrow eoca`po from the re which destroyed their dwe ling. The member: at the ancient. and honor- morrow. The puliat. national committee un~ nnimoua y selected senator Butler, of North Carolina for bomponry chairman of they convolution. l-l...om- \Ir-I.-n lnrmm-Iv nl Erin. Ont... convention. Hector Mchoan, formerly of Erin, Ont... wu found dead near the railwny track Cleveland. Ohio. yoataerdny. The body was I much mutilated. ml... "mm-r nun. Rnhnrt. Ooharni. {armor- last. week, ll omonauy (lemon. Notices are poetecl chat the Amookug mills Manchester. N. H.. will close August. Btlu indenitely. This will throw out of employment 6.000 opeutiveo. George A. White, on ine driver of a gravel Lmin on the T. H. . railwn . war. yestonlay lulled near Wellandby is en- gine lnlling over and crushing him. Wm. Caatlewn. an old pioneer of Huron. much mnulawa. Tho report that Robert O hemi, former- ly city treasurer of Bull]: 0, N.\'., had died at Car|sbcd.u was reported at Bnnlo, last. week, is oioially denied. Nnl.inAn am nnntad that the Amoakeur `Bad F itting. Mlaorably Tri med. Out of date s yle of Quit or Pants'~ . glne lnllmg and crushing mm. Caatlewn, p'onoer aged ninety years, was Mr ck on the mil- wny truck near Hoemesvillo. Ont... b the four o'clock train and instantly kill . Jnlm .'nnInv I-In-nnr who was until two Your o'clock mun nnu maoanuy nueu. John Wesley I-hrper who was until two years ago :1 member of the publishing rm of Harper and brothers, Franklin square. New York, died yesterday from heart, fail- urn. ure. The monument. which was erected near the grave of John Brown, the noted nbo|iA Lionist, was unveiled at Slrlnnc Luke, N. Y., yesterday, in the presence of L500 monle. ol lormor moumo money. golu nnu nnvct. The Cunud Iteamship compungv has or- dered the construction of three .000 ton Iwumnhipa. Thq vessels no who built at Half! and hdnpood for the carrying of (night mm! the chug?!` pnoengor enic. A cloudbufot. on madly moming. on cmlunn. The western championship tannin tour- nuncnc. Uhicngo, cloud yacht-day. The Ilnnl aingloa for the chunpionlhip won cyst! by Our 3. Neol and usage L. `ronn, jr. V Noel won cuily. the noun be- ing 0-I, 6-2, 6-4. At. the trinl of Dr. Jameson and hi: lol- ing 0-], 0-2, 0-4. low nidors. Ihin morning. nun] wit- pandas". mm mhmg common van in nuninuion at dozondnnu in tin `Bow snot polio: court. A ll from Bnlunyo mun Glut. Sir I oh (hr:-ington. who Id: Bula- vu . on l`ridny,bopIng to bonblotontrilo I n blow nnlnn tho Install. the tire which destroyed HIGH` owemng. The members of the nble arcillory cmn ny. of Boston. will leave for home on t g steamer Servia Lo- mnr rnw lo. he bill for the retention of temporary increase of the dining on petroleum Ind sugar and for on imposition of I duty on meat. has been rejected by the Norwegim nwrthin . Mk- nun \'nu-I: Mnrnuurv saw: - Thu 'I|n. gtrr ntorthin The ew York Mercury says: The `In Lrict. leaders of Tammany hull have decid- ed to proceed without. delay with the ll`~ rnngemonm for A great. Brynn and Sewnll ramication: meeting. Than mnulint. nreaa uulociation. at its rnu ll(3l:l0|I menu ng. The populint press ullocintion. meeting coalition with either 0! the old in St. Louis, denounced fusion or parties, whereupon twenty Knnau member: of the "i`. niution walked out 0! the meeting. In nmhnble thnt the Dhtfonn ol bbt ] o muuon Wlllou out ol bno meeting. 0. no probable that platform silver convention At. St. Louis, Mo., to be adopted to-dnf will consist of n declara- tion 0! princip on donhnding I restoration ol former moullio money. gold and nilvot. Tim (`.unu-d nunmahiu trmnmnv lrongm. Ind me one: I` pl-anger name. cloudbufat, needs] morning. Damon : CI-ooh. four Inna Iron Frankfort. K_y.. remind in the drowning of June: Hndloy, n farmer. his wile md ve chil- drvm and Mn. Bryant, a widow, nod small children. `II... ....A..-. nlr..-uni-unhin mnnin mar. I decisive blow Igunn un -nuwlu. osunup with Lhchouiluin tho luqapo lnilbonlondn. Ho cngnpd none: mmm Ilgh ngoontinnod until night- Thoprincipnl onnl oliodny, Ihoopu inghy olho Uvorpul, In`. July mult- ing. in Ibo new it tho It doles ol2.5m Iovudlnl. lotth undue A I nrlviuwu-`rs-. . ' AFFAIRS IN NORTH BVliU7OE. Volvo: Po||oa-rug unr.-nu lino PI-on Glvol Dotnlll tho D._.n-nt. D'00IU. rqll of constitumciu in which ....I :.....I. nu-nailed must ounces & PINEAPPl.ES| PI|'H OF THE NEWS. wme, WEDNESDAY. JiILY David 13.0010. 0! Brnltlord. [Aft ll Homo In Doeunpor For Punks nhown. uvvnu), N._Y., Jul 22.-David D. Cole in mining. Bdtiud hot. ol Colo : dia- nnmnnnoo in him story of an olopomont, miumg. mun mo l:cn OI vow n ma- Ippeu-moo_il_ story 0 `an olopement, which wuunibed yuhordsy bofon judge Titus in the supreme court ehuphera. Colo. who in but twent. -{our year: of age. came to Buls_l9 from rnntford, 0nt., lut Doeomher, `with I womsn whom he intto- ' duood u viii. Bngrulhggfcyole porohr, quio yohi om ymut. :ndu1.hddownntNo. 44;4RhodoIshn|d man whom_ he tpponud to live happily until 1. In of weeks ngo. when another Mrs. Dnvi D Colo put In nn types:-nnoo. Then tho oxoi nt. begun, which culmi- ...t.l in him iucllcial obnmhors. Then the excitement. began, wn nsbcd in the judicial chambers. In nnnmrn that Cole was nsted in the )uulclaJ oolmnors. It a that married in Brant! to Mini Martha Campbell a year agolut ay. List December he elopedo nnd run stay from Brantford with Miss Ngllio Sanford; this was the iivomsn with whom he Il'I'iV0d in Bualo and introduced .3: his wife. For A long time his wile did not know whore he wu, but nally looawd him in Bufhlb and she arrived in this city two weeks ago. Has in when the intpreatinz Dart of the weeks Here is interesting part case comes in. Mrs. Martha Cole is u strong-limbed youn woman, good looking and an expert bloyce rider. As soon as the roads were in good condition aha set out to hunt up her hueliend on her bike, V which ia a machine that was made by her husband. She rode from Bruntford to Galt; thence to London: then. .tu|-ning east again, she rode to Hamilton and then to'.l`or-onto. _As she went along she can- vuned every bicycle factory tor her hue- band. knowing that was his trade, and that ho would undoubtedly go to a bike factor to look for employment as soon as h I: determined upon a place to settle From Toronto no rule mm: to tumu- tnn, and thence to St. Cncherinee. At. 3 bicycle Ihop in that city she heard of her husband from an employee of I machine shop there. who said thnt. Cole was work- ing some yluee in Buffalo. Then she wheeled on_ to Buffalo. and arrived here two weeks Ago. She eeerched through the bicycle shape of the city and located her huebend at the shops on Massachusetts nbroet. Than aha ratninad Attnrnav Hnnran street. Then she retained Attorney George Riley. and in 3 most business-like manner began an action Against her husband for a bill of divorce. The motion was return- able before Judge Titus. in chambers. when the young woman appeared in a neat `cycling costume. with two witnesses, who swore that David 1). Cole lived in Buffalo with Nellie Sanford as his wife. Colo did not appear and his place at the bike factory was vacant Mon- day morning. He had taken Nellie Sen- lord and had returned to Canada. Judge Titus granted Mrs. Martha Cole 3 bill of absolute divorce. Mrs. Cole hne permis- sion to resume her maiden name and will ride back to Brnntford, Ont., as Mi~ Mar- thn Crimpboll. Don't go to ` PnI.~ Ont.. July `2`.2.-A big re threatened the dentruction of the large brewery known as the Grenville brewer , three miles west of here. The eetablis ~ ment is owned by J. McCarthy 8: Son. and in very extensive, employing ll lot of peo- pie. The tire broke out at l'.'l0 p.m.. and when the alarm was given two engines were sent to the spot from here. Thaw ntnnralml In nrnin nnntrnl over the A llnrd Fight to (lot the lflnlnol Under l".nn!.rnI WU!` *7"! U0 DUO SD03 [[0111 "CPU. They etm led to gain control over the ame: but t e task was a bi one and not until three o'clock was the re under con- trol. A deepetoh was sent to Ogdenaburg asking assistance from the re departmeuc there and this aid was on the way across the St. Lawrence when the tire was not under control. The fire broke ontin the office and burned the part of the building adjacent thereto, badly injuring one man. wire James r. glewn. wmcn won place awsix o'cloc yesterday afternoon at h residence, corner of Rednn and Picdl-rl streets. after an illness of over it week's duration. Deceased was a native ol Kin- sale, county Cork. Ireland, and came to this city about thirty-ve years ago and has resided here ever since nlong with her devoted husband. Mrs. Eggleton was n devout member of St. Mary : cathedrul, and. of the women : branch of the arch- confraternity and the league of the Sacred Heart since their organization. She Wan widely known and highly respected in the city, a kind and ever obliging neighbor. Sheleevee besides her husband one son, Charles, a resident of Syracuse, N. \'., and one dau hter, at home. to mourn her do mise. er lunoral occurs tomorrow at 0 a.m. to St. Mary's cathedral where a solemn uiem mean will be song {or the repose of or soul. vu unusual-ovru mu-autumn uncu- yu-unoduiongthuhhu n um in orontoundnnnln Bulglo. _.4..___. VZIUII Z I2!/It], I . land. 0! tin Ilicb Oath! BK. : J. Neil. c`."|:'. chtogcnl It London: D. Bovon, (.`. ll. |cM(|l4Illon.nnd W. ... nuuuw.-u. um... Knmsrou, July 2`2.--(To the Editor): Somebod has kindly sent: men. copy of the Walt: wi ha msrlr Against 1: column of nutter respecting christian (.) science. As to the letter accompanying il.I can only say that it is unfortunate initsphraseology. The enclosure is not an article ;it. is a re rt. of a meeting. It is not porti- cu rly isvorable to the science": it merely contains some bold and unsupported assertions. As to the object. in seeking its publication I can only infer that it. Is meant. to cover up the ro'ect.ion of Mrs. Edd s book by the so ool board. Thst. b y is. thank (lod. nhpntinn . and an Inn` infnu-maul n mu-inn `Tho `l`alIot.I0ra Iiouo Ilocl _.4L--A---A__- __ -uru- sows-u-vuu -avuwuu-. Over three yeern ego Mine Meggie L. Benton, Begot street. sent a beautiful hand worked linen bed npreed to the world : Columbien exhibition`, Chicago. After being kept there for shout e you it wee teturned. Nothing further we: been! ol the metler until ntlny or two ego. when there errived edi lome and large bronze medal, ee ewe:-de or the meritof the work. The model in encased in an aluminum abi- net, which diepleye both sides. The obvene been e repreeentetion ol Colnlnbne lending in America. returning thenke foe e nele [the nvaee aide oonteine tee my ogy epptopriete ly grow . Besides the text telling ol the exhibition. the date of holdin. etc., thielidebeerethe nemeol the pereonto when ewltded. The diplome II a fine piece ol work, about two leet, b two feet `ht inchu in nine. It been ml; legend : ii. I L. Beetomotochet bed spend." Awerded or then-tietlo teete end utility ol the dllloult wort. -lIj HT jlll Pnxnv-am, July H.--ld\urd 'Lum|o . Totonto. vu I-In ova nnd Hllod Dy Chimp llnihd up-on Inin jut holow Rhimclil. vntuthv naming. Tho bodv Ulnongonmuu upnun Inm jut uuow Bhihoclil. yutudny morning. body vunnnglod About boyond ition. Pups: band in his ghow t. ho I nolnlnt '0! Oh imcnodonnl brick- |.....- ......a.un... dun L. L.. . uu. ;. sonool Douro. Inlt. may in. unanx uoa. christian :and as, [am informed. in series of questions once more olicitedthe {not that the Chl'iB$illl scientists do not believe that. Jesus Christ. is God, they declined to have anything to do with their writings. I hope others will bean wiae.-Rmrr. W. RA\'~m.\'. Ina aauuw -urn. an-Iurll nggnumuu. In another column we announce to-day the death of a respected lady in the person of Johanna Harrington, beloved wife fJamee Eigleton. which took place a nix vaaterdav at IOW ', Frnm Toronto the rbdo buck to Hamil- nn uni` thnnnn On R}. nhhnrinnn, At A SHE HUNTED HIM LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. R. H. jjgva, The Late llra. Jams-n Eggloton. .. ......al..... ...J....... ..... ........ ...... 5.. A BREWERY ON F]RE. An Acknowlodgmont. ..... 1..:.. on HI. .1... Vldtu-ulnfloulty. ml. 4Il-_I.L..nl AL. `then In Great lxeltomonl In Halifa- Body of the Inn Buriod-A llorrlhlo nnd Slchonlng Sight lotptho Eyes of tho I ):-and . Itl'UWn HAI.nrAx, N.S.. July 22.-Tho intense excitement of yesterday over the tragic now: brou ht. into port by the bu-que Herbert. Fu lor. the arrival of the bodies M lIV- r. U. lllollhll, Ci nnlunnm AVI- Ino. Iuton, Ian. I can I ndono Ibo olovrlol hyny lrhndtho v. I. `s`."".....' "-'.5. ....' .'.:2`""' '`:`.a.....`'} 53% haul. Di 0. In shun : " D . . VII ! -~'---. . .5: ""' .......... 33'-."i~ Jx. u'3:l""`a.. .1... La ' % -:3: -~ 3.-.::.:.':c.'.-r 22; _ 1 395 [MURDER on THE man EAS.| THE STORY OF THE TRAGEDY man no mm port. ny me no Herbert. lot, the arrival of the bodn?;lnf three vicliml and the arrest. of I on Board the vessel. continues, tp-duy, and the streets Around the police station when those in cuatod are bold are filled wibh poo Io nearly a I the time. is nearly an we Mme. ebody of the second mute, Anillut. Blnnburg, will bointerrod at Unmp ill thmamrv to-dnv: The romninao[Cnnt..Nnh mennurg, win no inserted as uunp um metary to-day; The remninaoiCnpt.Nnh (1 his wife hnve been sealed up wait the arrival of.his brother. who will be are to night. The magistrate : investigation of the horror, ordered by medical examiner Finn, will begin to-day, and the handing over oi those involved to the United Bum authorities will probnbly occur immediate- ly after. The story -that Leslie Monck, the passenger on the Herbert Fuller, will ball on the stand, will be substantially as follows : nunn Mm Nnnhln -nrnnm groin Mnnni I met er. new 1 on two yeere ego. A elifex men who met him than ea the time recognised him et the police ehtion I0- day. The recognition wee mutual. Brein wee e lreqnenter of the Phoenix reeteerent et. 333 South street, oppoeite the Ilprgen line doch, end we tded b Me an- eaciete ee eeart. ol y-o'~t.he- die." fellow. The mete epokeel this piece to- deyeabeingtheeeeneonhe Inc meeting at iimeell and` Me Helifex eoqneintenoe. Bruin Ieeone of the boye end liberel in ependit:E`l::one;. Since hie etlelvtbe bee beuelnemb ate Inenmio tollows When Mrs. Nasb s scream awoke Monck he realized that something was wrong and .put his clothes on. Then be located his revolver and went out in the companion way. He did not see an person ashe eme irom his room. hen he took a look in the chart room and saw the cap- tainl in on the float". and he also obser- ved He thought that some mishap had befallen the captain and went forward tocall the captain's wile to render assis- tance toher husband. On reaching the rooma horrible and sickening sight met his game as he observed the body of the captain's wile horribly mutilated. It then dawned on him what had hap ned to the captain and hastily ed to the second mate's room on y to nd that he, too, had been murdered. Monck now trembled with fear. as he did not know what to do or how many of the crew were implicated in the tragedy. At first he started aft and was about to 0 on deck, but a second thought struck im that the murderers might be waiting for him to come up and kill him. so he retraeed his footsteps and went up the forward companion way. No sooner had he placed his head above the deck, than a billet of wood was hurled at him by the mate. Monck levelled his re- volver at him and the mate begged of him not. to shoot but save his life. Monck was suspicious of the mate but he did not any anything to him. The crew were aroused and were horrified at what had taken place. After A consultation had been held, the wheelman Brown was placed in irons. The mate ordered that such should be done, as he said suspicion rested very strongly upon him. Monck save that he and Charles Spencer. ......."""'::.':".:.r'.z-. ::.'.".f%'.:.".:.":"........"' "1: lodge in New Yeti. ' unu-nu 1. nun. who, mm nu rm, wu murdered at us. wunnotivod ms PROMPT RELIEVER 9;,-5 . ` IIV. P, C. IIIDLIY. E ll-nun-nu. I1 strongly nun. 'Monck says that Spencer. the colored steward, ' talked the matter over afterward and they proceeded to look for the ca tain e revolver which up to this time coul not be found. They searched the chart room but it was not there. then they looked in the captain's room in which Monck hud been sleeping andlit was found underneath the mattress. It was loaded when they found it and Spencer took it td protect himeelf against any further out- neek as Monck had his own. Both Monet: and Spencer seemed tognin in each othe1 e condence and they worked ' together. Spencer, who is evidently a very shrewd man, took in the situation minutely and kept a close watch on all that was going DI). gain mm iounu Luau me Ilenresu port. was Bermuda, but an the wind Wu not. favor able for Hailing in that direction, the porn: of St. John`: or Halifax would have to be made hr and it was decided to head for Halifax. Ru-gin uyhnn nnnrnluul nnr hnina nut in 3' Merchant Tailor, Princess-st. Hnnlax. Brain when searched, after being put. in irons, had am old rusty revolver in his pos- session and it, was ukon lrom him and thrown ovorboard. The male is the onl one out of his crew who keeps his mouth cloned. and when questioned regarding the affair plead: that he know: nothing con- cerning the tragedy` Lmat. night. all the urisonern nlout well M. vveelu uram on nnem. The bodies: of the victims were in e very bed condition when cloeed up in the cen- keux. When the clothing wee removed from the woman A gaping wound on the loftohreeet met. the game of the onlookers. the Axe having been buried deepl in her side. The blow she received in t e face make: her countenance almost unrecogni- zable an it out the aide of her face open end je-nmed her upper row of teeth e}! to gether. The second male`: heed in split. open end screen the oephin'e {me there Are three gaping wounds. AHI o'clock the hour on which the me- three gnpmg wounds. gict.r|te'aI invoaci tion I'll to commence, It was unnoun thnt modicnl examiner Finn`! report on the post. mortem was not. needy and the inquiry would not proceed to-dnl. `Plum Ru-gin OLA u-at mat; nf [din "Ar. to-du. Thou Bruin, the link. mu of the Hot- bert Fuller, who is regarded by the police utho wiplo munioror wu osphin ol 0 1 Mat is New York two years A difn nun who than the and he lrequently bola Monck 01 I0. MOIICK anye the mute was very cool all through the whole ahir. Mate Bruin suggested that the bodies be thrown overboard and the cabin and rooms cleaned up. but this Spencer and Monck declined to allow be- ing done. Alter the bodies had been re- moved from the rooms Monck locked the door: and took the keys and kept. them himee|f. The mebe, Monck says. never touched the bodies. but the others helped tn x them up and put. them in the boat. Durimz she mornimz after che murder w them um put them In one ooet. During morning Spencer and mate Bruin had A conversa- tion and Brain asked him if (lold duet washing powder" well good to wash clothes with and Spencer said it was as his wlle used it at home. Later on Spencer watch? ed Braingnd he saw him get a nhirt which he were on the night 0! the murder and put it in A bucket of water nnd throw a large ( unntity of this weahin powder on top of it. Then he (Spencer) me more suspicious. No steps were taken at the time, however, but the name close watch was kept on him. The mate hud hill vharge of the ship imd was nevigatin her himself, but Monck and Spencer dig not think he was steering her for the near- eut rt. Monck consulted ll chart and foun that the mute was taking the vessel oil` her course and wen heading in another direction altogether. Monck and Spencer then came to the conclusion that they would have to plane the mate in irons, anal Spencer first seized hold of Brain. while Muncklntood over him with the loaded re volver. The mate did not resist. All Lnnrln nun-n nmlnu-nzl nn (haul: and Mt- volver. '1'ne maw mu nor. ream. All hands were ordered on deck and ro- mninod there all the Lime. as it. Wu feared that some of them where in league with mate Bruin. Mouck consulted the chart. ugain and found that the nearest port was Rm-mndn but an Hm wind wu um. favor. cermng nne L . Lmat. night. the prisoners lope the station, particularly Monck and Spon- cer. who were greatly exhausted by the week`: strain them. 'I"l.- luullgn nl H`; uintima warn in I van: Spencer was very nus ioioun of the mate and he frequently bold onck of it. Mouck nnvn the mute verv throuizh KllV(IVO(llDl:lYiV _ um.` . . . U! nuuum An- 1 ' :='vI-I000! by -1 !rb::.Ihhv. (hour `FIX ZIITIUC Zm -CC If WIIU. Cnxnnvnnn, I... July 21 - Onphin hula L Nnb. who, with NI K, In: Inn:-duminti. wunnnvnnl fho n-nun cum. and In wm. bus-av-1-o 0. `lg 1.-I_ X l\__A- TOLD BY LESLIE MONCK. Hsrrington. lld.. and was tony your: on. E0 van 3 non` of Alonso Ruth. A wol|~ knoin Ihipbuildof. who wnmkillod I {:1 your: ago while on ' tondmg the con- Itrucbion 0!: Vans. being struck hi a. falling timber. Cups. Nuh In I r of Henry Nashr who was prominent in athletics durin hi: course `at I`ult u nnllmug 'I`hn "Ar wnn`hnh Af. "Al'- or llluuon pay; R. W. Brock, I tutor at Queen's. will accompany Dr. George Bell, of Ottawa, on his vmlmriml nurvav exnadition. Dr. Bell athletics dunn bin AI: 'nm.'I college. The lor vubulln at Bar- rizfaon six yetrfago, and Cnpc. Nu): )1 been oontinuoqigly in command. Mrs. Nut; was I native of Har- rington. and Ira ndnughur of Judson Ray. now decouod. and sister 1)! Irvin` Ray. recently a bnubnll pllycr. and 1 one time: membor o! the Boston buohull inn III DR. BELL 8 EXPLORATION8. I To complete El: Survey 0! I lloon South of Hudson Buy. ' Dr. George Inn, on ucmwn, on his goal `col survey expedition. was ukwhen he was my And he aid: To the aoutheub o JLIDOI bow and stock ranging. "The cattle and other domestic animals produced from imported stock at Moose factory. Rupert house and Eutmnin river. to the north of the moat northern part of the country I have been speaking about. cannot be excelled in any other part of Canada. ` H'I`|.n fm-nan: nf Hm uvhnln rnuinn. nxnant. '37-: -_-v 88 as 90 Princess St;-oiot. . ukodwvbere he mg Ana no mo: To the southeast ofoJAmee boy those portions of the basin of the Nod- duwai which I did not explore last. year. Iram going west to Mnttawn. and thence by the Temieoamin ue Coloniution nil- Iwnv no Keenewn ake. {mm which I |by mo Temnsoamxn uolomunon nu- wny Kee wa aka, will 0 non. -outward by canoe: to Gm Lake on the U per Ottawa-. From this I shall-crona the eight of hnd into the region to be explored. This in IA rnther circuitous route, compared with that by the Hatineau river. which I followed lut. year. but owin to the facility of ranching Kannnwn .n|m bv the new milwnu. it be- reaching Keepnwa also by the new railway, comes the easiest route. the other being very difficult. Whnt party do you take T "Only one assistant. R. W. Brock, who has been with me for seven or eight years, and enou h Indians and white men for two good-ei canoes." ' . Sueakimr of the countrv about James good-sized canoes." Speaking country Bay he said : There is an immense trim. of loamy and clayey soil, well adapted for agriculture, and the climate appears suitable for ripening grain of all kinds. in- cluding wheat; and it will also prove a splendid country for dairy farming and stock raising. I-'l`|m nnnln nnl` nbluu zlnnnnntin nnivnnln width of the habitable part. 0! mo nomin- ion. which everyone knows. has length enough, but was supposed to lack breadth." uunaun. The forests of the whole region, except. in some small sections. are still unburnt, and will beoi great value. The white and red pine are found only in the oouthem part of it, but therein an abundnnce'ol' ne spruce, lamnmck and other timber. This new region will support I lar 0 white population some day when opene up by railways. It will add so much to the width of the habitable part of the domin- inn. which mmrvnne known. length llnlnnou. Tho-y dial not. sit. for hours connuming olgnrn nmi arming l-lmvlily In the open nky. l`in-y wugkul; they bent every en- ergy m um` grim purpose; all their lives were devoted to the cousmnmetion of the one einpreme wish of their lives. They gave their work. their hope. their life. From the dim reeeuees of the hlmen mind, ordinarily no incomprehemihle. they evolved the hrightmrt thoughts. and fol- lowed the birth of man idea with the emred pollnitude of e lovng mother over her ret-born child. ' Arthur O'Rourke bu severed hie connec- tion. ea conductor, with the street reilwey company. Petrone oi the road will be eorryio leem thie.ee hewu oneol the mhtzetmiagliging end popular oonductore on t. . Prints. Wash Dress` Goods. Ducks and Muslins reduced. .1.VVA~LSH Mohairs. Serges, Black` Thin Goods. Cravenettes. Dresden Silks and light col- ored Summer Goods all at reduced prices. | ' _ \AIAL.SH S !suMMEn : 5/ r-~-~ 7 minor wonIdn`t ha summer without in. (loll Croquet. and may:-ling. O In coin to [Ive you ll chnna-e 90 get on I 0 up. hone are all H11) Whaalu ol the 0. undo. It is n peculiar belh-I among the ynuugntera nf numy fumllien that the new huhy sister or hruthur In the uranium gift. of the tumlly physician. null Nlll be- lief Iu generally bmipd upon the solemn mmnmuna of nnnn nnd mnvumn. who He! Is generally Dmip upon me IOIBIIHI mmumuoe of papa Innvunu, have to tell some fairy story In order to tide over those events that oocur , occl- sionnlly In the belt I-ogulawd fnmlllm. Now and than n bov makes the law Into me last meeting or me mouwu Ioonuy. It seems that the young son of 1 well- known tailor and the young son oi a well-known doctor were very ohummy. and the i'oI-mar nooonnpnnled the latter one nftnrnoon on an zulvertising expedi- tion. The ndvorbslng was done by means oi a paint brush being tmood over any smooth piece of wood or stone encount- ered, and culled upon the male popula- tion to purchase their trousers from Brown. Well, in the evening the doctor : hopeful roturnod,nnd his paternal deriva- tive naked him what he had been doing during the day. Adverllning. " quoth the boy Alivortiaing whom?" enquired the lntlmr " Yon. ' How Md you ndverso me?" Oh, we u-I up n ulgn thnl: uld: `Buy your truunern from Brown and your habias from Dr. J()|ll!l.' " Bald the boy, nulmly. Thu dnnbor munad fnr bronth. th|nk- slonnlly in who Deli rogulawu ummnn. Now and than a boy M: own hands and makes a mess of It. An inlunoo of this kind was rolatod at the Ian meeting of the medical oocmy. It. mom: lhnt the vnuml "AIIV (Ithor - - Vnn calmly. The doctor amped fnr branch, ing thnc the boy was having umlun fun with him. hm. ho noun found out. that his hugw nml juy wns talllnu tho truth. and It. cost. Mm money we next day to go over thu |my'~' rt-nu` and rub out All the udvertlsenlnenmx.-Knnsma Clay Journal. Home n! the Iyrigintu-ui. minds have boon, dreuim-re-imc Hwy ire-iunmi ummiiy. They nduuamd tin-um-i\'-4 uiung the lim- chn.-wn mi their iiru work. Uurwin dreuluad ovvr hiu "Origin of Spa-nies" twenty yvur LN`[Ul`I` `ti uuw light. Miitoui dreulnnci over hi-4 "i nrmllsc Loss" from boyhood. Cuiumhu-4 was condemned M is soothsayer, u visionary quack, yet atwr m-on ya-nr.-I of the cruelistnnungonism he proved tim truth oi` his dreams and M- mumia-d the wurid. Ferdinand do Leu- ucpu inmIm~d for twr-ive yours of bring- ing London nt-nriy 4,000 miles nenrer lndiu by-the rt~cou.~xtr1u-tion of the Suez Canal lnefnre the Iwcassury permission was grium-(I by the Khndivo of Egypt. But. l.i|L`~'A* men uirezuuu-d with _a purpose. Tin-y runri, urgumi. sinniied and fought for choir iwiio.-in in-v.'1m-z(- thu-y knew they were right. 'l'|n-_\' knew from positive demonstration, from pruwixaul knowi- miga. The-_v hud wcigimi and analyzed and sift;-(i and rniined until all new and data were made to cnnu-rge to one com- mon c-enwr, and end tin-rv in one grim. unwavering puint. When they laid their iiugn on A plan they nnw tho result an it would nppour tn the ignorant world whon ninhod. 'I'i....1 AM um air. lmn hnnn nnnnnmlm: ADVERTISING BOTH HOUSES. mar You nnd Mr. Brown" n\;,_9n $3 and $3.50. I 3 Doctor`: Ron Try to Help - Fail-r`: lhnlnnnl. ' (the mun}-). oa."a8`2.?.s.3`;"z'$f;."'n`i'i`..:`i`..i "c'57o"'u}' gnu, gm to 06. - unpornno, 02.6: to . strong non. 08.85 to sun; Ontario 01 40 to .111). WInA'r-No. I laud Manitoba. 821-. to an 00Il-3 M`: 430. PlLI-mn. to 62. IONTBIAL PIODUOI IABKITI IOITIIAL, July n.- Flour aoolpu. (.000 bb|n.; nuxkot quiet. and nnohsnpd. Potont Spring. 08.90 cg 3.15; p,_e_onIAvlgul Yesterday`: (lemon. Eastern I ue--At. Springeld, reb game. 5: Bun o, 0. Second game. Spring- eld, 5; Bulfalo. 7. At Willceeberre, r wine, 4; Syracuse, 1. Second eme, 'i|keabnrre, 3; Syracuse, 4. At. oran- ton. N; Rochesuar. 2. At. Providence, 4: Albany. 6. National league--At. Cincinnati, first Seine, 4: New York. 0. Second Lme. incinnnti. -8: New York,2. At .levo- lnnd,rat. game, `.2: Waehin ton, 0. Be- oond game, Cleveland. 7: nnhington. 0. At Pitosburg, first game, 0: Baltimore. 6. Second game. lctsburg. 4: Baltimore. 0. LIVERPOOL IAEIIT8. Lwnroon. N'oon.July n..-whont.N. Sm` , lud; ud wlnurin Id; No.1 Col.` bad ; com in I d; pus. 75d-pork. 4541 OJ; Ind. 19: 34`; ul ow.Am.. ma 93!: [moon-long cut: honvy.!3u rid; Hh_t..Ne rd; n_ho3z>cnts_ _gov(. ad; ullow.Am.. ski: buoon~-Iong cuu uv hoav .13: I ht.N1 and; short cuts . 93 as . 0hooso~ hit: MI ad: 0o|0r0d.8. na . Oonon nhudy--Amor|oon IIddl|nn-.1 I3-lad CHEAP STATIC NERY. .---- Oleo In City Bnlldlhg. Kingston. Bv..l. R. Burk. Agent. In nttnndnnoo from II n m. (till! noon on Tnudnyu, 'l1mndn_yn and sunr- `.7 : till no dun. Info: We have just received a hall glozen crates of Fancy Mes- Iinas of the rs! quality and `x_hrge stock of solid ripe PIneo--from me up. phone No. ml. Will thou who vluln a lion kindly communicate) The Corner Bookstore. Corner of Prim-an um Wellington Street: CRUHLEY BROS. F!!!<!!5!!? 11 Sway d . ' " `l:|.fnnnM.lnn rondontlully tnuorl. Talo- nhono No. 1-hll-I for adop- For the balance of tne month we intend making :1 big cut in the price of seasonable Dry Goods. Qnnrinl rnrhlrnne in nrc [ICC UI BCUDUIIJUIC Lily \1uUua. Special reductions In Dress Goods, Prints, Ladies and Boys` Blouses, Parasols and LaceLCur- tains. A t___. -..A.__ C..- ......lZA.. .. ..._.I lillllbu A few extra ne quality 2 and 3-piece Boys Navy and Tweed Suits to be cleared at almost half price. Come and secure a genu- ine bargain at NEW STORE. _ Cor. Prlncau 6: Bngot Streets |WEUN|A 3PlN_5 unit. yvuu v-u-..- a Can give a very serviceable pair of PANTS for A- __A For the Rescue and Cure 0! Neglected And Ill-trotted Children. IA BIG CUT 1 The benetaim parted to Rheumatics and Dyapeptica by the DoAcFtoArA!_ 1 IHIIIIJIIIK ull wua l\'\luu\.\A ~ THE 31.000 MAKER." u 1-Annnull A. rn 103.` IF. NISBET S Buuv- to lo. 3009-: to 100. oountnu-mo. to 01.00. 1 t I ll- .IownIhlpI. II to Mm: Wuurn 1| 0 . , 03133-6 to `lo. OA'nnu.-0!.l6 to 31.40. Pon-u 00 to cum. ~ LuI>-o to `lo bb ., wring. 03.00 to man: when 38.80 to 3. ; ht Bollor 08.60 to 8.50 gnu. N30 Is. : -nnomno. .l) Inm;I7ololO|blo.... 0o Iohtl-col '1` roam 'r.1..`f' Bloholhn Haw. Ioncucl sent up]: 00 Montreal (in 00 "lIwu.._.' .......... We should be pleased to have your order. r`-_ _: ............. .:..-..m.. ionu-ul strut Ba 00-. Bull 'l`o|nnhono.. . .- lorvllhdoony Monti-ul Oocton Oo .. Don. Oolotod 0ot.eon.. Dominion Cotton. . . . Union Bank ........ . . . . Bulrlxol Oo roo.. Ho VIII Oon (Ian. Ooteon Five quires Note Papef, HA Five quires 15c. Envelopes, 30. for 25. Envelopes, 5c. for 25, Ink, 2c. per bottles. ` Twelve dozen Pens, 20c. Etc., Etc. Said an old lady to n gndunle of Mctiill practising in 0nawa-Dodor, all lhul stuff you've been givin me is no mu-.. I've tried one bottle 0 The Blood Maker." since you saw me last, and I'm already in good deal boner. The old lndv was suffering from I'm already good ueal l)(`llCf. The old lady sulk-ring nmrmia, und one result of the Ibove wan the )urch|ue h him of several IKMIIH M O BIooJMnkor" which be his ...-u.-..H...! -unr sin for ram-A where ` The ulooa manor` ' wnlcn ue nun mrcscrihcd ever since for cases where wuilding up was mquired. `I-IE} DI nnn II AI(I'1D `V Edncsdayyand iursday A no.1-659;}-9060-n Waters and Baths are unparalleled. rnavvno nu. -.-....-p K. CAMPBELL I 00.. Agents. ... -n uv un-x-r uuIn.z.|-L1-4 .. . SALE E':.':'a;m;.`.'.' I'D I Uually at this time of year it is hard to get WALSH. -_-_,. `Come in and see the Bargains shown at TAYLOB S 4-`-ron-- do. CLEVELAND reduced to MEN'S KENSINGTON, re- |ao.oo_ '3 U0. W3 COMET, reduced to |WEl)DED IN _c_11_g1_>EL 1uTvHf| mg Pnmca or-'_v`m.s' YOUNG- zav nan IAQLIYEB THE BRIDE. Il`Il'r rnlivvu we run _ - ' . . . , ,, ~+s% akueo-win ruasanna. _ A lllllllnlt Iuneclou In the 011530] Attach- Id to Buckingham P||neo-I'Iu Young Oomph Gleeted on They Puqed `through 3% Itreetl In Route to Appleton Ball. balloon, July 22.-31Px:inoeus Maud of Wnleu, youngest danghter of the Prince 0! Wales and gmnddnn Mar of Queen Vic- torh, was married to-gt ollbnunrk, none! the crown nooand grandson of King Chriltinn 1 ,0! Don- mark. The ceremony took place in _ghe y to Prince Charles,- of King Chriltien us,or ven- ceremony place the Chapel Boyd, Bnckin bun pelme. The E`: and was prolueoyb decanted with , owere. et.o.. endb , icons `- ououe blending oi the Bzem Deng}: flap. The Life Guard: end the Coldetreem Guards lined the route from Mnrlbgrough houee to Buckin ham palms, and crowds of people. most y ladies, were gathered in the vicnnity of t.he=paIaoe waiting the uni- nl ol the promeaion. A cAv:lmde`6f herelde end equeniee ee- plesssnb. Prlnoes Christian and Herold su ported Prince Chsrles, and the brideemsi a were Prinoess Victoria of Wales, sister of the bride. and Princesses Ingeborg end Thym of the bridegroom, Prinoees Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, Prinoeeaes Patricia and Margaret. ofconneught, Princess Alice of Albany and Lady Alexsndre Duff, daughter of the Duke of Fife, and Princess Louise of Wales. The Most Rev. Edward White Benson. bishop of Canterbury and Ex-imste of all Enlsnd, oicisted. assisted LL. Linlmnn of nndnn and Winchester. rimote of all rm lend, omcuteo. assisted the bishops of ndon and Winchester. he Prince of Wales geve the bride away. After the ceremony the bridal party and guests pertook of luncheon in Buckingham palace. at the oonclueion of which the royal bridal party, headed by the bride and bridegroom left the pelaoe in carriages for Marlborough house. The party left the lace at 2:45 p.m. and took the route via icoadilly and St. James streets. both of which were beautifully decorated. All of the houses were draped with flags. bunt- ings. eto.. and there was a profusion of flowers. The streets were lined with sight-seekers and the windows of the clubs and other buildin along the mute were lled with neonl . moetlv ladies. Low Prjqe Sifofe brothers Chriuhinn and Harold. The Prinoeend Princes. of Wales and all of the queen : children. with their families. were in can-iagee. except Prin- oeu Butrloe of Bettenberg and her child- dren, who were absent on account of their mourning for the death of Prince Henry of Bnbtenrg. The queen paused quietly into the chapel from Buckingham palace. The ceremony took place at 12:30 o'clock. Th. wmthar wn sunnv and in every way ` THO DOOR place ID 12200 u UIUUI. The weather was sunny every way nlunnnt. expenses. Au election time grows nearer, election tall: grows hotter. Many prophesy that MoKinIe will not gain the preeidental race in ovember. [Alli night : search- exoureiou did not arrive till ve o'clock thil morning. How the fellow with his beetgirlmuat have enjoyed it! The Al- gerian, which called here Tuesday morn- mg on her way to Montreal, carried Ii large number of passengers. The islands preeentod a very beautiful appearance on Sunday evening. Large croaees of bright colored lights were to be noon on nearly every aide. nu-..-sup... C-nan ls: Aaa1I|- val 0! use promqnon. A cu-ulcade`o`f equeniee aortaod the bridegroom. who was accom- niod by his parenta. the clown Prince of nmark and Princess Louise, and his brohors Christian And Hm-old. 11.. p..a..M.mi P.-inmu. of UINIXIN, July 2`.Z.--'l'he house of com- mons to-dsy proceeded with consideration ol the Irish land bill. Clause twenty-lour o! the measure provides that sdvmces un- der the umhsse scte shall consist of money en not of gusrsnteed lend stock. When this clause wss reached Sir Thomas I-Zsmonde, anti-Pernellite, member for the west. dlvlslon of Kelry. _moved that ul- vmoes should oonslsa of jznsrsnteod lsnd stock snd not ol money. The Irish lsnd- lords Joined the nstionslisu in su port ol Blr Thomss I-`.sInonde's motion, smrit wee oerrled by s vote 0! ninety-nine to eighty- slx. This vote s einst. the government was received with rnnic cheers from the Irish members, and Bellour, first lord of the treasury. withdrew the clause Allo- anther. and other Dullaln along mo mu lled with pl , mostly _ The prifin cou;_)lo arf_t_ervz`nrda le tilled WIN] pie, moeuy names. bride couple afterwards left Marl- borough house for St. Pnncrna station. when the took a special train for Wol- ferton, orfolk, to take poeeeuion of Appleton hall, which will henoeforch be their home. - ' 13TH Ill IIIU BIZIIIUII llnil llvvvlu nnw Not linking ltxpenlu. Al.ltXANl)H.IA BAY, N.Y.. July 2l.-'l`he heavy riiinol Sundn ni ht and Monday was much epprecietetii e Island Belle carried a number of passengers on her trip to Broclrville and 0 ensbur this moru~ ing. Excursions wil be run rom ell river points to Thousand Island Park to give people gn opportunity to hear Will Carle- ton, he famous American orator and poet, in h. great lecture on Tuesdny evenin . Form. `her week George Summer's 00l.'l19(y players are billed to entertain the people at the Grand opera house. Everything is quiet; scarcely any people have Arrived. nor is there much prospects of any ar- riving. The boate are not heving s very successful season, some of them not paying expenses. crows nearer. In-Iluul-Ill `I nllluyn box no.1. July `.3I.- Hnyhurnt, Cumpbell. Crows. Sorgt. Mitchell Ind Neil]. of Can- ndn, were nmong the 3D muhmon who shot. in the uoond stage for the quoon'i prjlo. Invert, Mnnmo. and vo others. whooo` Iggngntn scone warp eighty-two. will shoot. o their tie tomorrow for fty-one can in the .100. In the mu- um. lot t o Dnilv (lnnhic mm M. `.200 no. nun mo lop Icon iann.vi:...ninoK-thno. The h In- utpo-iblonoonintinlhgoin 33588 GOODS nN0nC c$ in (D0 -Ill. I" [HO 7'0"` "out Dnily (Jnphic nup ynnla Mnodomld ocomd thirty-lour: Rom. I.hirty~t.wo. Ogg. Lint. Mitchell. Longt- troth und Slurp ouch thirty-om. and Sergt. Mitchell, Munroe. Hnyhnrlt and Crowo nah thirty. Hnvhunh. hat. vat`: winnor ol tho nu, II roman In I nnooung Anny. Tnckernhot Eduidon. unbullot taking ulna: in tho kiln : In. Ho had tho doc- Tnclorlhol nmmuon. unounu mung oloctintho latter`: lq. Hobdthodoc; tors cmtho bullotout uudnnd it.do4 cluing that one day he would Into Tum: it. Roeantlytbononnocunl Ed gottlo d onhil has-nil nt. Thu. tanking! throw hiohnda In tliouir Edniotcntoohtho hllotnnd put Btu `lucid : nonthnnd Indohin Ivnlluwit. ldnictoajunpulonhhbntlo ullrotloholto hhvuounhln hoIno.np- ZIZIIVQH. nconauuguol uaolnucnunnnolnol upma-ww.|ndt.ho ml `KGIIIUO . wmuwop. n. u., and nut: Iona-son. who live I low mile! moron the Virginia lino. had broublonotnotinnngouul. uno- ul, it ruulud in I a-booting nhy. Tucker shot. Idnidon. an bulk! (Alina Aizs & DODGE. reduced to $95. ' one are map: which you should take ml- Mlhn of. J OHN HENDERSON 81 Q wuulum-mu, Joly u.-Jm Tuna. ol Wimp Top. N. C., and Trunk Idmhton. who Virdnh Jrowo can mnruy. Hayhunb. Int. yufl I-in. mad: the too you lonodoohcnlloo. WAIIIKIHOK, July %!.-Jin `Klein. 00 Whih Tun. N. C.. and II-Ink Idnhum. VERY DULL INDEED. Iuuehnun Iqool-u of mummy nim. Knntllll. . - Mouwun. ,Jn|y 22.--'l'hon Inn ,3 great religion: domautnt-ion in St. James mhoanl, to-day`, in minor of Archbishop Fgbro, to commemorate the ordinnbioo b FIDl'O,BoI.'nIn1nuuuunuu cu. ....._.._.._. , his gnoe of the one thounndbi giant. since his occupancy of the 800 of ontronl. Nenrly 200 priests ordninod by him warn nmnant. including some fl'0[n tho T; .LAM!3ER_Tl lab smoo nlu uuuupuuu, .. .... ...- _. him were present, including from Unitad Shut. Pouticnl min was chant.- ed by Bishop Emnd,~o! Vdle d. Ind the nchbiahop was noted on a throne. All the roll ' us orders, men and women, to the num r of nearly 3 thousand were an um nnthndl-nl. even sect of which number nearly thousand were in the cathedral, every was occupied. ~Thp music and singing were beautiful. After mus eongmtnhbofy addresses were read in French hy vicar- .......-..I n.nmi.-an, nf Vallevold. and Eng- read in French gy vicar- neral Santoire. of Valleyfield, Eng- , ieh by Rev. James Ccyle, perish prieet of Newport. Vt. In his re ly the archbishop stated at the summer so ool at Plattsburg. N.Y.. he had lately heard Montreal styled the Rome of America becauee of its large number of churches and religious institu- tions. It was certainly a great Roman Catholic centre which wss doing great work for the church. Some of the graduates of its eeminury were to be found in every diocese in America, and others in all ports of the world, and the work was increasing. A dinner was served at the palace. snd"to-morrow e requiem service isto be chanted for the departed` ....;..+. n.-.1.anuI hv the archbishop. The into be chanted lot we uepuu-wu priest: ordained by the archbishop. archbishop wu presontod with no less than 100 voebmonu. suitable for all aer- vioes, and for the purchase 0! those priests in :11 parts of the world contributed. n In nought nqum Doivn on the Truck and Eulelded. A 81* . Tnmus, Ont`... July 22.-Net.haniel Ferguson. an inmate ol blie house of in. dustry, was killed by an M. C. R. train about one mile west. of St. Thomas. some time last night or early this morning. This morning the engineer on No. I9 M. C. R. express noticed 3 man lying besideelog a few rods from the track. Coroner Gustin was made aware of the circuipstenoes. and accompanied by crown attorney O Donaghue end constable Fnirbrother, visited the scene nnd viewed the body. after which it. was re- moved to the house of industry. The body was badly mangled, the head was com- pletely severed from the bodv and the right,` hand cut. oil`. It is probable that l`m-mmnn but down nn the track with the badly Inangleu, um nuau wan cunn- body probable Ferguson lay down on the intention of commit._i.in suicide, as he hhd often expressed the wii: that he was dead. Fergiupon was about seventy-seven years of age and hails from Rodney. ,_ _._ _-__ ... .-_ _-un lllohlgan Funny Women Btlll Ava. Though Much Emneinted. LAl'()R'I'E, Ind., July `2`2.-Mrs. Henry lnghnm,!.he Michigan fasting woman, Mon dn emerged from another trance, this being the third throu h which she has Ruaedsinoe she began mating, 157 days aving elapsed since she pertoqk of nour- iahmeut. in any form. ` Mr-. Imrhnm declare: that in her brance. mhmem. In lorm. Mn. Inghnm which lasted nince the morning of July l6t.h, it was revealed to her that she was to be spared And that her life work was to be the discharge of a christian duty, the consecration of her efforts to religious movements. She clings to a belief that she will live. The Woman Olul-god With Paula] Conn- torfelt Coln Admits liar Identity. Nzw Ymuc, July 22. -Mru. Mary Knapp. who has been "Jane Doe since her arrest in Hoboken on July I, for ing counter- 'feit. silver dollnrt, In the udaon county, N. J., jnilacknowledgeshor identity. She nnmibbod chub the WM the wife of A. 1). Knnpp of Boston. with whom she parted last. October. She said she had iven the wrong name to save her family rom di n-me. The Brown Holntlng Work: Intel n Con- eoulon to the Striking llnployu. Cl.F.\ |tl.A\`l), 0.. July `.22.--0n good au- thority it in understood that Mr. Brown, of the Brown hoisting works has informed the state board of arbitntion that if the men will return to work. as individunla they will begrontod the tight 0! represent- ation by committees of craftsmen. This would be u conceuion on the part of Brown to the locked out men. 'I`l.n nnlrluaru nn unnrd nhnllf. the wnrlm Pilddle Your Own Canoe Push Your Own Bicycle. In! H. An.` Mrs Knapp oomaa lrom n Blnly respect.- able lnmily in Canada. One 0 her sintnra in Mrs. W. H. I An of Buffalo. the other Mrs. Joaeph Fat. era of South Cayuga, Ont. to me locked our. .The soldiers on guard about the works lam. night. were compelled to use their bay- oneu to an press some unruly atrikera, who tried t/.q_Ir_morfero with non-union men. withdrawn Irom the Imgnw or moor, uu(~ ing upwards of 6,000 members from organization Isa fruitful in ic of discus- sion in labor circles. '1` is nneembly, composed of glnesworkers. has for years. numerically and financially, been the strongest tredee union connected with the knights of labor. Their withdrawal Ivill, it in belieyed. prove a death blow to the old orgenhation. A check for over 82,000, the amount of the delinquent per cnpite tux, together with charter. insignia and paraphernalia has been eunendered. the lather ol nor noon. and mum nor pun I ol not nllty." when charged with da- nruon. ho unnnj M0 the ohi|d with him unul the thou null for It. The baby in as honlthv mu. lmmlh o! humanity. sud tn thriving 3% the Mnlutonh homo. Au nu`: -lhuiiurn Inhuo. Inuuw. July 90. Tho town of Rocha- lorh tl uoihnl our the Iulcldo 0! lady ny Hanna Blight. Ionnh dughtotoltho lulu! lbmloy. ol Cob huiholi. mu lookout. who dnwnod hccollinl lulu on hot father : can. lgdy Blight in trout`-eight yarn ol rm: ' The Mo:-lunch [Ir wu orounod in V0. _ -- - _ .. ,- -_,_.__ 1'0 EIVO A IE! rtuunn 01-nvu. July 9!. - Proctor hurier rescind tho city M. noun Iran Quoboc. Sir Richard (hnwrlghl. arrived Int night. It. in ptobnblo an in 9 ooion d the mhind will In to-not-row. Thu nov- Hatollluumntintcriot potdoliowilho` did.-Inod. Bonner lolnnu and Jose`? Unrtin, (Io snout-n sppcum an ll /--- secede from Knlghu of Lnbor. P11-r`~usrm:, July E. 2.-The announce- ment, Lhnt. local uaemblf, No. 300, had withdrawn from the lnig ms of labor, t.ak~ ina nnwnrdn 0.01! ` 'l'Il'II III ! IIIIIHI lII l'UIIo SIrrnvu.1.r.. Ont... July `)2. - Mn. Colin Mclntooh had Alice MAr'oI-um arrested for luoning her infant. T 0 young mother bu now bu] Colin .\Iclnt.oah nnd R. H. Tindnlo nrnnud for uuamptin an mogul o nation. The lrl nlolllll nlnlmh in 0. tuber of hot in. and mum her plan .1 "nun, uulllv " than nhnrudl Illh (ll-I lnrl Yacht fhnuonod Will AI-nu. Lmlnos, July 21-15: Nan up that Eupunr William`: y s, labor. hnn-rind nbnblintohlopn. inthu r:...m-up-nu; Thnnnnculdulhn hnundstlhblinloukopnnnnsuu Kinntownrquu. Tho -ddnhn tlnlotooriolhnnlund tlinnoltowix Iolnrcnpuinrduingtopnyhuy - ngguh-undnrllnatulwnukhnoo If lt s Only a Pairof Pants lobar ' nnnnglopnyunvy nu- nhglwllililllln nndpudto ulwd-ylylu Ion Moxrugn. 22.-- l`hon ma-4. -nlimnnn dnmmnu-`ihiou {I-we. Mrs Knapp from hi my respect.- xbla lnmilv , ORDAINED ONE THOUSAND? . HAD NO FOOD IN `I57 DAYS. "JANE DOE" IS MRS. KNAPP. THE C_LEVELAND srmxa. AN momam IUCLED. Off Season