Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Dec 1897, p. 5

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U\'|:l` \vl.,\'UU,UU\l DU IILIU UIIIIIIC OI 6U|lCdHOI'). Hezekiah Bickford, sr.. Whoatloy, Onb.. took two tonpoonluln of aalupetro In mis- take for soda, and is in 3 critical condi- tion. lnl... 'l.)L..:- AL- ...-II I__..__ |._.._. L__:_ mfltclzllnn Pheir, the well-known borne-tnim er, died in~New York on Friday of pneu- monia. He wee well known in Western nun.-n lllUlIIIu Ontario. fV...._L- HIIVU VIII UIIUIIUUIU IITOIUUL The oicon of the London. Eng., hot- pitale. after I long inveatigntion, have discovered tbab tboincreaee of cancers is due to the noon in eating meat. Joaanh (fink. A Tilhurv Ennh In-mar. sunny uuruugu ullu IIEB 0! nuts mcyclo. At Lake Shore. Bouanquoo, the farmers were engugod in ploughnng on Doc. 22nd. This is a very unusual occu nce there. Th Iintnru nf that "oral I Inn Mnntrnnl Lulu II II Vary unusual occu D00 more. The sistaoru of the Howl iou, Montreal. presented 815.000 to the Victoria medical achool in connection with Laval university. John Davidson. (Tradit. Fm-lu. whiln din. Iuuuury IILIII yUIro Mr. Hepburn. a G. T. R. employee, had `his both Arms broken by 5 handout an Lon- don. 0nb.. on Thursday. Chin: has the rinhnnn rlnnnnih nf nrlinlr. ICIIUUI Ill UUIHICUWUH WNID IJBVII unIV3I'8IUy. John Davidson, Credit. Forks, while dig- ging a well was tquried at a depth of may feet. He was dead when taken out. nurincr hhn nnnr. lhwn mu:-n thn mnmhmn UUII. Ulla. UH lIlIll'I(lIya China has the richest: deposit: of quick- nilver in the world sud it worked would be worth millions of dollars. Five carloada of live turkeys were ship- Eed on Wednesday by`Wi|Iiam McNeil. ondon. 0nr.. to Knnnu (lit;-. mg an operation xor nppenulcltla. A Knnau city shoe morchnnb any: that women : feet. nre"b_ecoming wider and un- gainly through the Inc 0! the bicycle. At Lake Shore. Bnlnllunnm thn fnrmnrn C (IV. HIIXIIIFUWII. XIII. ll! I0 '30 `L whip uloolu. ououlo Uchtu. Ipsolou nrononndo (looks- .I. P. llanloy. J. P. dlldorslcovo. Agent . 911'). auuon. u clugunoo st. -\ -a-an-ngnuu-n an n ,, LUWII II llilllllllllgu , Ondhundred and fty-ve tons of cheese were munnfaotured in the Spriugeld,0nb., factory this year. Mr. Hnubnrn. A G. '1`, RA nmnlnunn hm! qn vvuuueauay ny vvunam mcneu. mdon. Onr., to Kansas City. Fred Barnngtou, of the U.T.R. oico, Woodstock. died on Wednesday undergo- ing an operation for appendicitis. ' A Klnlu ninv nhnn mar:-hunt. uvn thnh LIIUUIIIIIITK, Ulluo Third-class fares on Indian railroads are less than half scent is mile. George Witner. Zurich, had his hsnd bitten oil` while killing a pig. A. J. `Smith, Toronto, has purchased the Royal opera house. Guelph. Waterloo collected $l9.000 in taxes this year. Its rate was 13 1-10 mills. An oil well has been struck on the farm of A. Beettie. in Plympton, Ont. Jimmv Minimal. Nan Vm-Ir plans-Ari B|l|.'lSUBIll.l'l 3!!!!)ll- Acurling club has been organized at Tilaonburq, Ono. 'I`hin`I.nIAnn fnrna An lnnlinn ..--II.m..l. ...... UI ll. DUIIaUlUu Ill nylnpnon, UH`- Jimmy Michael, New York, cleared $20,000 bbil year out of the bicycle track. ' Porn Elvin. Ont... will an-em. fnr-t.v.fi\-n wzU,UvU IILIJI year (Juli OI U10 nlcycle mack. Port Elgiu, Ont... will erect forty-ve building: immodiutely. Real estate in that town is booming. Ondhundmd and .v.vn tnnn nf nhmn Ill! 1` rluay Point Pleo, Ont.., shermen had a most successful aoason. A ......l:-... n|-L L-- L--- ----A~---' 41 The Bploo of The Morning Pnpon and tho Latent Dolpawhol. . Great Britain paid 4,000,000 in pensions this year. Mn. 0'(`.nnnnr_ Finanl gnarl ninnl-.11 rlinrl rrnuagn. um um. vv nouns pom- nn , t"ttab -l*` ., in to "nd 3 Eh;-l'.tm'u.. izr` ism tor 5%- .cil of the tow` A, of Hnllowel tp prime hem to-shy. _J. N. ._Brenscomho and wife, Cor-byville, are 'spen_di_n_ig Christmas here. The friends of Wit- liam Sluven will beg:-ieved to hear ill`1i, he is now conned to his bed:a.t Su Francisco, with consumption. ' {" rufoimmnmeiuuw. - Folger Station", Dec. 24.--The recent snow storms have made good,roa.ds and people are already beginning to avail themselves of getting the various pro- . ducts of the toreat into the market. The concert and Christmas tree at school .\o. 4, South Canonto, on the eveninggaf the 2'.'nd inst, was :1 great success. Rev. Mr. "Rowland filled the chair in a very {Lille manner. Much credit is due Miss Coulter, the teacher, for the excellent : programme prepared, in which she took several important parts. some of the dialogues kept the audience in uproar- ` ious laughter. Music was furnished by Mr. Hepburn, Levant, at the orga.n,a.s- sisted by tl1e'Burnham band. Mr. Hep- burn also sang some very choice songs ' which were heartily encored. Supper was served after which Santa Claus pro- ceetled` to unload the tree of its [weight ' of good things. The chairman asked ' for three cheers for Miss Coulter which were heartily givemalso a. vote of thanks for Mr. Hepburn. The na~ lionnl anthem was sung and the crowd dispersed feeling well pleased with the entertainment. Miss Coulter leaves to- morrow for her home at Mountain Grove, and we believe carries with her the best wishes of all. S. B. Jacob has engaged with T. Lee, Lnvant, as black- smith. \\'. Allan has gone to Flower Station. A new subscriber to the 'Whig," an American friend of your correspondent, and resident of Syracuse, writes: "We have been reading your `British Whig" this afternoon, and en- joy it very much." The "\Vhig is nll right and we wish it .1. long life and the stuff at merry Cliri.-stinus and hmpy New Year. .._.._..._.._.mA ` bill! your. Mrs. O'Connor. Fingal, aged ninety,died on Friday. Pninh Palne. Ont. , nhnrmnn hurl n rnnnf. HIIII. $1.5. muuon. II W BI. D. W03 E 00.. Gonpul Aunts. lon- .-`i 4.2. `oz :.....::. ;oo.ea% "5 gm am. Praleig . of tin Home pom- puny. Bittaburg l'n., ome spund Christmas. Non nations for the emin. ._____.__.____; PITH OF THE NEWS. uau IT ulflmul. II]: III . summons. 1 could hol the Min! then. and by the site I land used four I in eonplohly outed. Since last Ipri%'l have ban on- tinly gun fdt:ln_p|jn.Th_ . Bull : Binn- -nie E us. 1: propuuiau in "Q A-`In n-IA-A`ls_._...A. II $IDIIllIg TV- ICIIIIT IIIII -inc of sanction; onnd onfor tho put two you-I. In oxporlonood inhuo pain downlhoouincicotvmloocvoro vuitnt Gina that ||o.vn nnnlbloo lnndlo tho tumult o! tho engine. and would lie obligod why oil` fordnyn. "Bofbro the lint bottle of Dr. Hull : Rheumatic Cute Ind hon dninod. say: Mr." 8innonc.I mold Inn] an. hnnnnigl nnnh ....| In an. "'`"..u.. ` E3 a;`T'25.'u"I?'?:3'`.,...." 0 Iuglluu W udtugnus vvuui nu! l IIl `I'll TIPOIIIO. When I rolinblo gentleman lilo Tholnu Simmons. Chang : Loch, onginot of tho shunt. Juno: Swiit. coma forward of hi: on Account. and Add! him antimony to tho ulna of I medical onto. tho public bu unnneo that that in nonuhing dour- -inc Motion: olhnd onfm-tlumn vv ||u ayvcc auljul-so we luull (31136 93% To awgke in the gnu-den of Paradise. n no._:eavIng our stgnt with :1 last good- nigh}. Have drifted away to the gates of light. Some day. looking out on the silent tide `AS dO\|`ll hf ill hr-ink Ira u'nn:Inr aome nay. looking out the silent. tide 'As down hy its hrink we wander. We `peg, catch a glimpse of our loti- ] . As they beckon us over yonder: With sweet surprise we shall clone u CV1 . FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. Loved ones many have crossed the flood Whose surges the tondest sever; Compqnions who faithful through life have stood And whom solace we miss forever; Who, leaving our sight with last good- night. So narrow this stream, we must step across: v rbenoms Inn necimnlng nlms that. loss On the shore of those ields elysimn, Whose emerald green nndgolden sheen Are hid hy this river which rolls be- tween. The Silent lllvor Alhert Judson Tisher, in Chicago Bap- tist Standard. There is a. river which men call Death. By the dwellings of mortals flowing; So nenr we can almost {eel the brain h~ - 0! the. breezes from summer-lund blowing, ` That ruffle the tide of this river wide \\'hose waters the spirit of men divide. across: V Yet so wide that no human vision Reholds the beckoning nlms that. toss shore_0f ie_-.lds_e_lysi'\_n, u|\| , , HIISBIOH. lll Inmr plill ('lUlH('H |[l`_V were more manly; were none tho less loyzll to the queen, who had shown om-`n more the great tact. she possvsse-,5, and they wort`, no doubt, much more at their ense. Some may think that Joseph Allen Baker m.-ule much of a small matter. But it is not :L snnll lll:I.ll(`!` totmuintnin plaitinessatld sim- plicity of life especially when to do so is to ostuhlisli .1 precetlent which many others will gladly follow. 'l`o rnwhc many to dispense with .1 foolish and top- pish'pr:u-tive. is something gained. It is never wrong to maintain ,a right principle. It is of especial interest to Ctlmuliznns that the man. who thus stood out against. what, he believed to I :1 wrong pr.'1('ti(`e, is .1 {nrmc-r`s son, horn and lll"(`(l on an Ontario farm. Oi. tne tumous 1.000011 county council. Last spring it was arrangedthat one of the features of the great jubilee cele- bration at Londoh should be the presen- tation of `an address from the county council, and it was further arranged that all the members of `the council should attend and be presented to her majesty. The members were informed by the court offigals that they would be required to appear in court dress, and that each member would have to wear a sword dangling by his side. A court dress is not easily described, bu it is something that few Canadians ex- cept. those who attend arnivals and fancy dress balls have ever seen, and it does not become a plain citizen. Now, Joseph Allen Baker is not only a Cana- dian antfas such a believer in 'democra- * tic simplicity, but he is a member of the society of Friends. and the_plain liv- ing, plain dress 'and plain speech of his ancestors have not been forgotten by him`. When, `therefore, Mn Baker was informed that he would have to wear a court dress and a sword, he respectful- ly, but firmly declined 40 do so. llis ohjtxwtion was made known at court; messages flashed backward and forward between London and Windsor. and Mr. Baker was at length informed that John Bright had been permitted t - ap- pear at court wit.hout a sword nd that he also might appear 'without wearing that weapon. The court offi- cials, nowevcr. further informed Mr. Baker that John llriight had worn a court dress, and that. he also would be required to. But times have changed, even since John Bright's time-perhaps Mr. Baker's Canadian blood made him more rcsolute-howcver that may have hccn, he did not abate one jot in the stand he had taken, but. informed the officin.Ls that his ct`)n'science would not permit him to dress in the style pre- scribed, and that if he were not permit- ted to appear in plain civilian`s dress, he mustremain away. The time before the day fixed for the presentation was now growing short, and messages pass- cd between London and Windsor more rapidly than ever. It seemed as if the existence of the British constitution was at stake. At. last a. message came stating that the date for the presenta- tion was so near that there would not be time for Mr. Baker to have a court dress made, and, therefore, he would not. be required to wear one. It is need- less to say that this did not satisfy Mr. Baker. llc. did not wish to go to court and be admitted, on the false pretence, as it Mere, that he had not the necessary time to procure a court dress, when the officials and everyone else know that he had received ample notice. So the deadlock still continued. It is not known whether a cabinet council was called to discuss the situation and de- cide whether the British constitution could bear the wrench it would receive if Mr. Baker were allowed to attend in plain clothes. The London papers, however, took up the subject "and dc- huted it with great earnestness, and the Chronicle, .1 leading liberal paper, strongly supported Mr. Bnkcr in the stund he had taken. The labor mem- bers of the county coucil were with him to a man. As the day for the presenta- tion drew near the interest increased. At length, just before the great day arrived, came a message from Windsor that the queen had granted permission that not only Mr. Baker, but all the members of`the county council who so desired might appear in civilian's clothes. \\'hen the day came it was seen that nearly half the members had availed themselves of the out-en's per- mission. In thcir plain clothes they I . . . . ..l 1.. ll... Iulunnrn uukn 11. ! Laura ....._-h A canmhn lunatic: won` b ` torn and glgogdgilo ` , John Bright \yI`I Allovcd ' Anya: II colt! ilclwn L lword Al `thon- loro Ila High. The Farmers Sun`. `I Some time ago reference was _ the `Sn 0 Joseph Allen Baker-,'the son of n ntnrio tanner, near 'I.`.renton. who went over to London, l-Jng., to push his fortune. Mr. Baker not, only suc- ceeded so weT1l in buainess that be me- pume the head of :1 large manufactur- ing cstuhli.sl1ment., employing several hundred men, but. he is now: u. memher of the famous London county council. Lnal nnrinic it was nrranmnl llmr um: [in men: ENT_ or T4 IIUIII UIlIOI| UIIUIIID W`: . WAY B. W. ll! " Gon.l [WAS 160% In cans Opnld No! full `Ila `I'D:-ottlo. r... - ..I:-LI_ --_AI-____ 12;, an " mss. E JUBILEE "3`3'......-.".:.`.:..";.'r.'.'::."r'-' oywanuaauucooouyuanigcanyd-o. . II III the world Go-dny-In all tho 0! no I vot)d--no doctor nor institution in it And restored Ionnn monuhu thnhlnodllll MEDICAL C0. 0 Bulhlo, N. Y. This in dnuotho tutlhuuhooomglnyooutroll some invention can dboovortu w an Inn no oqnllnnnvholonnlnotmndlnuouuot. -4: Dominionnesieamships} HEALTH AND ENERGY ASSURBD. mppv muuuaae. coon _ rampen. LONG um. Bridget reads the small ad page," honking for A In-Mar pluceg Agnes roads the murders and the l`ul-as of men in deep lisgnwe. Ethel Nntls the list of guests A! the hip: Vnn Astor hull- Snvo the man who rmntls llw pruofs, No one living reads it all. Forty pngos every week, Eight. long (`ulumns in the page, To perul Pvrythin'g would add A full twelve month tn your age: So each rmds his special part, Then he lets the p:I.p(=I` full- Pity fur him who rt-mls the proofs, For he has to read it all! The New upupor And In lrrlondl. Some-rville Jouufn.-Ll. . Mildred reads the mnrria4;es"- Her interest in them never f11ils- Father roads the "politics." And mother ren.ds- the bargai sales." ` Arthur rezuls the "sporting news"- is greatest hobby is tmsehu.ll- Save the man who reads the proofs, NO one living I`(`.'l(lS it all. rho Foremost Medical Company In flan `Ila!-Itl In Ola; (`noun 1;! TriMoAMny Honest Hm} I IHIVG 0l ueen :'ll)l(- [0 get one COSLIIIQK in dollar and :1 hull . I'll pay you for that hrandy,'but. you can t.urn it, into the gutter. Idon`t want it. I`m done. I wi,ll see if my wife tLnd,|)ahie.-1 cn.n't have, too. ll decent, carriage to "ride in. (Land morning. How many there are who have not thr- courage or'strength of will to turn away from drink so resolutely, and wlmem.fa1nilies. therv9l'ore, must go on suffering. I hope, Jmwover, this mny fnll into the lmmls of some one who will follow the example given above. UHUUKH. "Tom, I'm done. I ve turned into this estnhlisllment a good many hun- dreds of dollars to help you buy a. 82,000 rel out for your wife zuul lmbie.-4; mine have not been able to get one coating 1) dnllnr and n Imlf I'll nav unn fnr ll SICK? I \'0, Tom, l`m not sick. I don't care for the lirandy, and I'll tqll you why. I have the best wife that any mor- - mt man ever had, and our little baby, ~ thnee months old, is the prettiest and loveliest baby ever born into any fami- |y-ar: sweet, I think. as any an-gel let louse in hortven. A half huur- ago, when I ('.'lm9 out of my house, I found tmut my wI*fe had got an Old paste- honrd hnx, and had tied it with sonu: ` eztrinttze to the front wlwols of an ulal \\`N`(`ke(l lmliy muzgon. In this pauper 4lcg cnrt' she was wheeling our sweet little. lmluy urouml tn giw it :1 little`. fresh air. She Sllltl tu__me-. `llill, Mrs. Jones lm.h_v .'t('msst the slrwt is land. She hm: :1 baby carriage for Whtt"h she paid fivd dollars; she says she does not need it now, and that if I willgive her ll. dollar and a half for it I ihny liuve it. Can you let me have that much, Bill. that I may get it ." Tom. do you know that I cursed my wife for an ex- travagant woman, wanting .1 dollar and it. half to buy n.-cnrritrge for the l)u.li_v, when wlmt she had would do well enough. "Tum, Fm dnm-_ [Hm turned into LIVERPOOL SEBVICE DIRECT. nL,_, p._, _ IIIII "W'h, Bill, that's, mine. Do you know ill, that get up `(`0Sl.I11(`. nearly 82,000. [My girls gave me no peace un- til I got them something they wouldn't, be ashamed to drive around the city with. I tell you, Bill, tliereis no get- ting along with girls nmv-`:1-(1.-iys with- out giving them what. they want. I think that. .rig ought to do` them. 1 count it the best. in the city." - Hill was um-.inu un .-tml down the CUUHI I1 1110 U9SI. In 1118 (`.Il)'. Hill was pacing up and down the room. apparently [ox-gi-rful of what: he cume for, till Tom said, Bill, why don t you drink yuur brandy Z" O Toni," said he. I don't cure for it some way this morning. Why, Bill, wl1ut`s {ha matter. flre you sick 3" V0. Tom. I'm nnf sink. I don't cum. Hamilton parks are aeaessed at $l3`)00. $1 puruuun. - Coming down one beautiful May morning he saw Tom. the saloon-keep-. ei`. in the street in front of his snlunn talking to :1 couple of bright young girls, in a. splendid two-horse carriage. 'l`nm lllrnml his hamrl, nml sowing his girls, Ill 1!. apienmu IVVO-IIUFHU carriage. Tom turned, his head, and seeing his punctual customer, said, "I'll be there in a minute, Bill." ' Bill walked inside and waited. When Tom came in he immediately went behind the bar to prepare the usual drink for his familiar friend and patron. Rill n.In=rl- '\\'h|hA mu-ring-A in fhnf, Bill Asked: "wnuse carriage is that, Tum?" --WI... nm mm. ...:.... nn uni! evening cum playing and anntmg. - So much of his salary` was consumed n this way thathe was obliged to take a cheaper house further out from the centm; in fact, a little outside the cor- pumtnon. (Tnnxintr dn\\'n nnn Imnul ifnl Nfn I. uw.-mg scary: A yuung married man hi Philadelphia luul a salary of 02,000 a year in um`: big city. There was near his otfioe one of the__ most gorglous of gin palaces, when he used to get his morning draught just before going to his work. and where he usbd to spend all his evening card playing` and drinking. So much nf his mlnrv was nnmiumeil utlo ouooc Luna of comm um cum that `runod I Inn to `hnponuou. Rev. D. V. Lucas, l).l.l.. tells the ml- luwing story: ' A vuumz Iniu-I-{ml man in Plnilzullnhin '--JIIUUIIDIIQ IIIIIKIIIDII `III-I 3. lull nonunion at I. t 1'. flats! oloo. Ontario strut. n nnwwnn n w [How I-us EYES wens oPN'b. IIU I IlIBIIlII3` IVI`w Wm", In the World In the Caro of Wank Men Makes thin Otter. ' 38;` hargn.in~ Nature : undicino for ooomipuion. Olivc I 6. int honduhqliounot. - gitnnllow onnnlnxhn In ullnpllluv. xx I%lIIIIII,IllWQZ. jIIII- dioonndullov oouphxiou It Lou-lint Pilln. They nun pa-foeolustin, now: en ti pain. Ono pill nah w this-:y4n5nyu still can oo_utlpo- IJA E8 REID. `*i":-a`.'.':'..'.`.-&:A`.`..::.":.'.;". ..."'!" .J.I.IXD. KAIAOIB. A [JAMES news FURNITURE nous:-:_j. '!`onic hu oauud I most remnrkuh e ohanu In In oondltl n. for (NO II I mfforod from lndlnuzion and wuknus, and not ndlu re 10! from r cine until your agent mm: bore one dam and advised Inc to try Noun`: t on I did no And hnvo med four hottin. t. n Tub A grant chug: In Ii; ll 3 531.1 an now rut sud slot!) with can and co fore. bolven Sloan : dish on 0 30 but ugdlolno in the world. I remain, yonn truly. St. Will: Co 9 N I It 19 . Don Sirs.-It. given no gnu lonun to tou:ill';.io tl`::f:cot'h:c 5% : III. 0.73101. to: sale by an dealers or address the company at Summon. O1 pot homo; 6 lot 01 TIE"-7'a:7d'.'ia'9'." " '"'"' ' """""""" " Botwocn all Iucionsln Oanadn Wlnduor, sum nu: mm, rm wumm am! am. TIM`! TA ELI !McKELVEY & BIRCH Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. Cough The most suitable and acceptable beverage to oer to your visitors and friends during the festive aeaaot; is :<._.___. ._____:.______>_ .._.1,,._a.4 .-.__...-.. %sPEc1AL Low T5E L'LV\JAl|. n uunaannvu uhsnghnnnn uncxsvvunvausuusvn luplo Ci`.-.{ Cooperngo. . E. T. P]: lllpl. Proprietor. ChnthIln.|Oot. lb. 1!?` Dun 8Inp,-Som time ago I was treated by one of our but any doolon for oon- tlnuod I-loodmg st be none. And the treatment. I was unhloctod to WOOIIII my ubomnch no chm. nothlnr I could out would urn with no Ind I could nhln no in: but brood and milk. wh oh was my chin! diet. _ I mad I bottle of your Sloan : Indian Tonic and at onoo began to mpron and lo has mode a permanent. euro in my case. I Mn now pnrttko of my foodpo lnotpor how wrong, And Olpeflalme no dlstrcu nftor utlng, * * I an recommendod it to renal people and in every one it has (Ive grgnd ro- Iultl And I bottlool it nhould be In every household. among, Ind dlslrou after e|un[._ uveral mltu I every Yonn van truly. (The By-{aw is sure to pm for the extension of Sydenhern Street 7 We must clear our entire stock for improvements. Now is your time for Bargrins. I HI F `Fl 3 n YA-Jinn I`!-nnobnb-Q A-A D-zluung IlA-nI-A--1 n GENERAL PUBLIC -- Single l|'lr'|r-uleu Inn, ood going on Doo- 84th and 20th; good return ng until Deo. nth. Good going on` Deo.8lut end Jen. lat; good returning until Jen. and. laws. single tint-Olen Fete end 0no'l`hIrd. good og on Doc. hard to 26th; nod to return until 0 min. Good going Den. lloth to Jan. 1et' ood returninf nnt i Jen ml. nos. '1 AOHIIIH LN H5 l`UDlN'l`:l (upon surren- der of move! oertiiioeto slgneci by Priaoi el) In le rlrel.-olbu tere end 0ne-`l`I: rd. :0 lug a. 10th to slut ; good returning Ill! I III; we 109$. COMMERCIAL 'l`BAVELLEE (upon pro- I ntetlon of Oommerciel Travellers tseiiwev rtioeto) ulnglo Irlret-Olen Faro. good oing Dec. lath to ma; good to return until en srrl, 1898. Batwnen All itntinns in lknnde. Winduu-_ -`-m-~r//1.:-o/rzr AT % 217- 41.1; - RdtI?.)` Impufe bakihg powders are responsible for much had coo_h- ~ ery-bad cookery is ms1So3fs:'ble for much in heilth-shuni tlie one-an?! prevent the` og7er-.nof.- a harmful luiredint In Pure Gold -a perfectly pur oftartar powder. ' BOVRI L. lntatro ladldu _-.Iv,I,,D, , A .- BOURIL. FROM A LEADING CHATHAM MANUFACTURER. (V ...... -- very truly. 3,1`. rnuupu. INDIGISTION P Y (30830. Williams, County Notfolkiqst. mt at maul; to chi Inch the loan a x mmt mm`:-huh n nhnnnn In my nnndnlnn. For 1.0: Ian I h: out Inollld be In household. \ ` 1 We handle a large variety of different priced Papers and Fixtures. lil" ' "I:v'3""'%"""T ""5.-.2:-..*:3-3.-`I ... hnrool Iollltllc `nnghk Inluullt . lms- ?-'- TO THE l..ADl$ OF KINGSTON. L".%& Have you seen the Jumbo Perforated Roll-an exira large roll of paper at a low price. Try a sample. | FURNITURE % bu. BRAME S 69 6: 71 Brock Street, KINGSTON. 12...... Canadzi Pacic Ranwayu! CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR DATES \ xIi6IoN &_ Pamnktify Eii}Tuomnn on an... mw. .1 0. an! `Fooltrglzooko eA.'3nmon. III WU -II yUIIIUI III VII. ` UNITED BTHTEBo Wanna PIIIM Sluplng CIII between CAP` "VINCENT AND NEW YORK. In lowut ntu, time tublu and ulhhlo mlormstlon Ipply to ___..\ . .-Ayn...-. .... _. . . . .... __ .n.I.n. J. - Tl TABLE: Steamer for CAPE VINCENT Will leeve KIN TON daily (Sunday excepted) nuabp m.,en an extra trip every loads ` It 5e.m.. noun 1: et Oepe Vincent 1:! tnlnutoellp nu nthe Il&ll`I"`& EFI`lllI`E` ` LKvII'V|ll'.o No. llxpnu u:aon.m. No. 8 Local 5:00 nan. No. X llxpnu l1:l|0|.m. No. Ilxpnu 4:1!` 5?. 5:00 pan. No lboonl 8:15 0. 5 Iliad 8:00 mm. `No. 6 Mixed 1:40 3 ondnn. Wednesdays and Fridays. -.Tnudayn. Thunruyn and Sstnrdnyn. lull nnrtlnullnpn A`. I In I `and n I 3 GIG I ' It l'IIHl'_ - V usIi'l'l%`.3'.&1'`z h ..... Doe. ml: to Slit. good to return until Jan. lath. ~ WIKIROIAL TBAVELLIES. on up tqtlon of Auoolntlon Certicate; wil be 1 Round Trip mums mum: 19.51-- C Lad PLBl.good coin Doc. min t 86th, and uood to nturn until an 8rd, 1898. v - rugs:--cn .;_v_- 1. . G11 B o%'"0_1<;fl1z'_`_1'_F>1N G I I148 AND TRADE! hook `I0 PUP $9! Be 5 Col ~ ,, qf Itslldnr I run `..'::."E*n""E:2.*" L`.E'!:='a*x'a*a ::."I; ;r mu: Slat. zood lath. v---u----cu-- .-.v- nuns. - ----- nun. -nu-9` lldnnu Tietoh will he tunnel an bolow: I GENERAL PUBLIC -~ Single "II II-UIIII Inn. lood zoimx mu: Rood "ime`!?tI'2!r18e92.d.eh"'"vl nd Tr! Tlokou will be sold at SINGLE -0LA& FAB! D!-combo: MG]: and .'`::d to nturn until boo. rm: ; and on J _ . `:61! Juan: 1nt.|ood to return uni} r so at HM?!`-CLAS8 FAB! AND ONE- uD1)oo 281-d. nth and th. good to re- Mh: nnfll Doc. am: ; and Doc. Goth. am Ind Jgpun In. good t - return until Jnn..h. an pmann ntn Illlnnuln-1.0 n.I.....|. ?nAvsa.L.mo-av BOAT. HRIs'rmAs % -A1lD- . NEWA YEAR S '.i9_`.*."?`_""Y9:;__ IUII; 'UUlI II KUVKIKII IIUII Jlllo IV- |.5) PUPILS AND ruuoanqut Schools 0ohcIu.pn.- sunning at standard (on: a an. In an` .2" AC `'3'. an o T Dopartnro. I lvllnnnn I`I!I o1~1r3.' -" -xsa. ':u.' `?*&`:.;1:?ExJ:;nP&:* :If\'I'Tl'I'IT%' BER/vguoA._ PIANO FOR SA uj------ -_--uj- -v NOW FAB-FLUID IIRIUDA8. Ah cable oonnunlonuon um nnnnhh ax... .31:-L5 quoomsown. nouns. moo to III: 60. 3:100:35. 0 r `x " 0 l.Y.c. an an. n_. nun. W>i}iaErm6? me -10-- N lagara Pane. OI o 3 mouse. Boohutor. B11 A10. lovclnnd'.O1noin- Jo II -AILII. W vnndl `I-uh II IAUIIBUIII, VV nuuunjvuu I SOUTH. u-Ighl Hnln-A wand Onndhul Shun. .n--ni.--'- A .... ms. Portinnd. (II. l.'|lI'D '7 ullllll Till TABLE. I. P II_lII, EU: IHIUII I WEST. . Alhnlnv. Nnv Vm 3\J El -I-.3. lold, Hartford. Worcutol. Pro- onco. Boston and tho 15'! A %l'l'l unuv. you uuu uuu rt uw X1;U.;-din * L. ([8 001! bank. I nrudwu. l mo`; I o lovolnnd',Olnoin- mu, ht. Loni: and tho I'T1l'Il:l F" loom Iron uoonon 0-Inooo o: h 60 Ions from Now York. The lnlodulnclndlnc 3:. Thou t-gnu Ion. Ioniuqu. St buck and .....~.:.`-....;"'..':: *.:,'::*.':.:.:.':." '~::':-..': $.'a"u"""o.u..." ..B`#.'. .o".3`m'."a"" un- uty. III and Inn totnnti. and till 0 tut lbrduorl dn guguu, mu 2" 5's"'>uu`:':.' l'lI'I'IV.lu No. ilxpnu p in mm `Na. 0! Ixnd um um IKIICIIIII ...En.nrdny. Jun. 151. Msulurdu. Jun. Ith ..8M.udy. Jan I'M: ..8uudu.Jsn -.d ...8n\udn. Jun. mu Ihoonl n. I(lxod1:40p.m nrl Fridnn. Arrival. I---_.- 1.1 IIIFIIIHOIII. LDC. ll.-'LIII'IIlmI.I 0.1] was the some of many pleasant gathering! and with exoollent aleighing (hp da put pleasantly. T stu- dnta ton-the different colt.-gen are no for their holid 3: Etholrown. Villinm Coqnr and . Osborne. Albert cmlqe; Mo:-Icy Bunacombe. Queen ; university; Bert Fnloigh. Trinity col- NCO2 Hunk Fnloich and Bertha Mul- lory Hamilton normal school; Hand Olin on. Huloc model nrhool; Clayton Burr. Ontario bnsinea coll In J. Clark is improving in heal: Vatter un- dergoing I meant opt-ration Hrs. and Mn. owerlmn still remain in 1 IIIIIO cl-it ml Into. A skating at! ha been e`n5:otl on tIoT:l|(|:hpond Xvihl in an inlaid. hunt :3:-.-.2-.-.:-.-.~'.:'.-.:..l-:l.-"..--.. n singing tno national nmnem. miss hf. J. Fowler has been e to teach our achool another year. r. and Mrs. E. Foster have moved into W. Green's house. C. Slack, accompanied by his dwghter. spent Christmas under the parenlnl roof, Long Point. Miss Johnston has returned from I visit to {ends in Delta. Visitors: Mrs. Laf- Inn and children and Mrs. Wade and on. Cardinal: Miss Fowler, Athens; fisa Julia Foster has returned from an exit-ndod visit to friends In Cardinal.` Israel Slack has improved his residence by u now kitchen and woodshed. A great many In nick with the cold in thin Iaction. I'll NOW FAB -FLUID IIBIUDAS. with cubic oomnunlonuon nu oqnnblo wlnhr unpontnn of county docnu. boon- nooury Am nun ol good long. W Illoldtlnh Amy and non. In ihlttnounnou no-dhod by loom hon buhooo h ll burn from How York. Thu Ohnrleeton mute. Charleston, Dec. 27.-Our annual Christmas tree entertainment took plnce on Thursday night. A well laden tree nml a lengthy programme entertained in large audience till about eleven o'clock. Each pupil received :1 hand- some book. The pupils presented their teacher with a plush album. A prize, ofneilver mounted ink well was given to the beat speller, high was won by Eva Johnston. Florence lleffrnn re~ ceived a silver mounted ink well for good conduct. `Bertha Slacknnd Dora Webster received `handsome boxes of atntionery. The entertainment closed is singing the national anthem. Miss . J, I-`awler has hum nnmm-ed In tom-h l`.(llln null, Wilt) lt:t.~4 liccn quilt` tll, Li gradually improving. Mrs. \\'e`-hater, Salton. is very ill and few hopes are entertained (or her recovery. Tile con- cert under the .'lu.~ipice.~4 of the` b'und:iy and public schools of \\'ilstmd, on the '.Z3rd inst, proved to be It great success. The weather was ideal, consequt-.ntl_v ll. large crowd gathered to listen to lh(' excellent. prvgrantine prepared hy the pupils, assisted by some tiutsitle tulent. Misses Bertha Cook anti Grace Darling, (innanoque, are spending their ltt)|itl.'I_\'8 with Miss Alice \\'a.lluce, of \\'till:tt~e's Island. Mr. Mallory, llrockville, is do- ing ll good business in this vicinity. He has just placed an organ in the home of James Keiker. Mi.-Lu Edith \\'el).~tter has returned from her prolonged visit in Toronto. The concert given by the lndies' guild of St. John's church, Lans- downe, was very successful. Everyone seemed planned with the splendid pro. gramme. Sleighing is poor in this vic- init , owing to thq roughness of the P0({1 previous to the snow. The usual strife of municipal elections is begun. `V-lI4Ill`I. ' 7 wuuulcy " . \\ ensley, Dec. 2l.-\\mter has fturly set in. The snow is about eight inches lldeep, and merry sleigh hells are ring- ing again. The sequel of the seizure .und sale last June of James Levin-gs- ton`s horse, by the bailiff, Jaunes Sweet- ` mum, \ ennnclmr. is that Jumes Le-.vings~ I ion has recovered the value of said horse . together with damages, from lmiliff. by :1 course of law held at the county court ut Nnpnnee. Mrs. Frank Wood and family have moved to Boissevain. Man. Mrs. lsniuh Stalker and muster Emmus . 'l`wit.chell, Kingston. spent ll few days lust week at the residence of \\'.1lltu-9 Mallory. There is considerable lumber- ing carried on about here this winter. The chief timber taken out is cedar and hemlock. Edwin \\'<-nsley left, home yeslertluyj morning for Kingston. Messrs. Wnrrick nnd Archie Wensley r~e t.urned Home last week from Napa- nee. nfter taking a course there in the col..iIy model school. Mrs. A. W. \\'ood and daughter are visiting at. the home of Mrs. A. J. Vxnnlov. Rnv, Rnlnnrl lrontof Idnodowno Notes. Front of l'..1nsdowne, Dec. 27.-Fred. Lnlimer has been spending a'fc\v days visiting friends in Iirockville. (lo.-A; Edith Hull, who lnm hm-n quit ill, is Irrnd|mI|v imnrnvimr MN \\'s`zhaInr \:Ul:.Il"' llllluel SCIIUUI. HITS. ll. VV. \\ 00!] of Mrs, A. J. 'ensley. Rev. Roland, Ompah, and Miss Wood-, Plevna, made in flying visit through here last week. Miss Gertie Yeomuns, Denhigh, spent :1 few days last week at Wallace Mal- |nry`s. prlslnt cueesemnxer, .5`. Knapp. nasput in IL grain crusher. \\'. At-klamt and uife, Ronfrew, agent Christmas ill J. H. Ackh1nd's . J.Smith hns bought tha- farm of R2 Smith, near Elgin. I-`red- orick Morris has secured a good situa- tion .15 principal at In school near 'l`n- ronln. M. E. Alford, our former tem-h- -r. is engaged at Freeland.s for 1898. J. Myers nus moved into his handsome- new hriok residence. It. does mu:-h wredit to the C`nlI`&1Cl0[`S, Johnston and \Vhu.Iey, Delta. A number from hon- uttended the Christmas tree at Port- h-.ml and report. it :1 decided su('c=ss, hoth [immciully and otherwise. D hi maa-Cum. Bloomfield. Do. 27.-Cln-intmu day was the mum of Innnr olaunnt lorlur lnnclol Forfur, Dec. 2u.-Our thriving little ivilluge has now a general store. vwo groceries. a. central telephone and post office, and we hope to have 11 telegraph office in the near future. Our enter- prisinlq cheesemnker, S. Knapp. hasput in amin crusher. \\'. A4-lrlnml nn.-I ..--.__ Tnvolynn 'l'_nl I. Treveiyan. `Dec. are havinga cold snap. with but little snow. William Kenr has mnd vast improvements to his property. Robert Dixie sent a. large consignment of [owl to the Unit-. ed States Saturday last. The Messrs. Flood have laid up their steam thtesher for this year. They had a very success- ful season as they had steady work `nil fall. `Mr. Benjamin has bought out his brother : star and has moved the goods to the large More lately rhn by i`. E. O'Brien, McIntosh's Mills. Jumes\ Mc- Intosh hn.s"renbed` his farm to Mr.'Gih- son, Gneenbush. James Boitger, Or- `t-hiujd xilln, has treated hinnself to .1 new cutter. M. Anglin brought the fimt. load of hay for this season to town on sleighs. He says he hud no trouble in selling it. HICBGICHETU ugzun In [[118 nengnnornuou. A new arrival at G. Eldqrbeck`s; it is a boy. Mrs. Ilawter, Adams, 3\'.\'., de- parted for her home yesterdu . She has i n vpiting her parents its-re. Miss nnfe dmond has returned home, hnvinkr nnanf n nllnln nf rnhnohn an MA- KiIL_AN LINE] IILIIIIO ll.C(l!l1Dll(I IRIS !'0IllI'Ile(l 1101110, having spent a. couple of months 21!: her uncIe s, J. Donnel. fl`. 3. Gauge, te`ICh-v or at Glendower, is visiting at James Walker's. t runangunomvamu Polntlln Inc`- on .(Inurlo=`.- In People An Dohj nag gpt They Are lulu;--'rlo luau Ililltltlollllo Holleford, Dec. 23.--The entertain- ment, given by the Good Templar-s on `Saturday evening, was decided! a suc- cess. School closed on Wednes any. The pupils regret very much the depurtlxre of their-teacher, Miss Gibson, whohas I"e.turne'd to her home in Kingston. The I menalesarl! ugain in this neighborhuod. A new arrival mt G. Eldarhm-It's: it in HEWS noyum mcnsons WHAT OUR OORIIAESPONDENTSM I wuuloy Wnnlngl. Iv nan 3` \\' I -\ O41-u HAVE To TELL US. llffifllljiilwnlif. . 11:0 onion nnlhnritia of Windnot,0nt., no in lnublopvu the dlugod blunder at the custom: Motor :0 the plus. The in ol Burton & Held. at Dot:-cit, igipotl a consignment ol DIIIHC to Windsor. And some nicundonhnding has occurred in ngud to thoir valuation. Till lI1l.I.Ir Anni:-anon A. 05. [CL ITTVI IT Um I. "9.- l.72. 'lioIInd,96Iwupniduiu~ dxityehlu duq 4 1 1-Iutv. ntvlwlluvp nrucnul VIII omclau. The fu-non In tho vicinity ol Glan- ~-- .:~-M our tho I nil. gun; ofthiovou in am noighborhoodyttartlso put In dsyu. Hundndn 0! dolhrfvorlh of proparty ha have him. and no clu to la-Io tho olundu-n Inn boon found. Ha A-gin: -nlLn-lt:4- -I $1-3... A.` UITI Ill IIIII IIIUIIIIIHU All tin Roman Catholic bioho 0! Can- ndn havo boon inviud to unto the anni- vurnr funonl union to SI. James on- tbodn . llontrnl, on Jan. 4th, for the re- ponool the soul of the Info nrchhlobop I-`aha. Archbishop Bruchcui will oiciah. `I'M lunnnln sh. vlninitv .1 m.-- '1 louollnn . . A-Inlnn unugurullu unu. Doing clolo no we Drum. The Bennett. fnmiehing company. Lon- don. Ont... mode A hendeome preeent to each of their ernployeee on~ Chriecmee eve. This he: heen the eompenfe practice for many yeere put. Each workmen received no end I turkey. H. H. Pnllilnn, A:-inn: Ont ow Inc I sunny. 1!. ll. CIIIOIIIIIB, Arkom. 0nh., receiv- od lotions injuries b in bonus rnnnlrg any on Thursday. no pitched out 01' thonl h.m-fling: t mph pou.cu'- ting it hood 0 in two plllxu and braking hi: than or. All I- Rnnnnn nnbknlin H-Lama at (V... uu:IrrUu III l"II'lil III III! VIIIOIIOII. Tho lwcnty-Int saliva-nry ol the Wagon Oniuio tnvolkn anemia: in dnhntnd In u..am_ nu nn I`-L OI DD! Wlnlwg purlev. The will of cholera Richard Stephenson. Zme. 0no., he been probeted. Hie 200 acre farm end 840,000 in money ii di- vided between Henry end Bently Bu- , chenen. eons of I neighbring farmer. Mr. Gay, employed in the White Bronze worki, Sb. Thomu. wn bndly injured by en urn. which tell of!` e mom: mout, strik- ing him on the heed.or l`he wound in I deogeronl one. being close to the brain. TLC Bannntt. furnishing nnmnnnv Inn. UIIU IU IIIIU UXLUII III clung $0.5: Joseph Clark, a Tilbury East: hrmer. while working ground a corn-bucking ma- chine. had ono of his hands so badly mangled mat in bad to be amputated. The Victorin. Anntinlins in(~.nmn- hut luluglau ulna ID nlu I0 no unpuonbeu. The Victoria. Australia,` jncome- tax commission hu cnusodnn upronr among horse owner: by collecting income tax on race winnings. The taxes are taken oub of who Winnipeg pnnea. Thl will of hhalnm Richard Stnnhnnnnn, UlIlIII'IUu Counterfeit 310 United States silver oer- ticntoc no in circulation in western On- tario. The govornment. has taken Imps to have the offenders an-outed. Th- `Olin--- -1 0|.` l-...l..... t.`.._ L-- nuuy Icuv. nu WI! uulu wnen DIIBD our. ` During the past two years the memboua of the seminary, Montreal, have donated over $1,000,000 to the cause of education. nninhinh Rinhfnrd Ir Whnntlnu nk _-_.vv._ .v...'.-..... ..,--..-v-- ltom mnrpool. sauna. From Portland Doc. Och ...... "Labrador Dec. lulu. lo.|n Doc. 1a:h.........Vnncouvor... Jun. 6th 1 p.In Jan In ...... ..-\ootnm:n....Jnn.19th.l pm Jun. lM.h.........Luhrnnor ....Feb. and. 1 p.m holn Llvorpool. `Stumo:-. From Boston Doe. I9th........0ansdA......Jnn. mu. 8 p.m IIIIO COM!-C` to I10 Illllln; 01009001!) mun. Iooond oabu-cIuo uuo ninth: Isuzu to "ca." """?'oumpo 1.1 aonau no a I'D`! 0 II D 0!! mm. Quoomtown. scum. 0:36 to no not I! In uloolu. Ualtmlnsolou

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