Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1897, p. 1

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n.,A.wr-:Eseap | `the nuns Tldllll 0! Inna linked from All run or the clam . Al house Dnudob. the celebrated French novo M, in dead. -30 was fty-seven year: of age. Wnrdan Mnntnihh hu [man nnminntnd 0! \7VRu;`don Montolbh ha been nolninntod for the legislature by the oonnrvahivu of South Perth. (`gut-.A Il.....nIl|....l. I.-an nl\rI\`l|.At` '9. uunuon, IIIIJ Illlu The ban dieront tempornnceflodgu of Ottawa no mnkin naive preparation: for hhn nnnrnnnhlnn n ahimilin. e'n'J?I;'r7.'oEiB"i;1eEfiu.. % LorrWrot.t,ulo,y'u mu in Ssntfordahiro has been completely guttad by tire. and many articles of hmorio vnluo no 1006. Gan. Eng (3. H. Mnnnv. the baton Inlny IITIUIX OI llII|30l'l0 VIIIIU ITO IOIU. Gen. Eyre ,0. H. Massey, the baton Ola:-inn, in dud. He served with the 95th Foot: in the Crime: and during the Indian mutiny. Th; (3. P. R. hnlanrnnhan committee aourn rerun. Oontro BruoI||1bonlI hvu nominated Mr. Malcom, Klnoudine. {or the legisla- tive uumbly. Tan-in nnnthnr has bun nrnvnilimr on mo uummy. Terric wuthor has boon prevailing on the noun:-wan oath of Irol|nd,nnd serious In-ooh no rcportod. Willinm Tn:-rln. hhn gator. Ill stabbed WIOOII II` TIPOITOC. Williun Torrlu. thu actor. Inn stabbed to death as the doofof the Adolphi thea- tre. London, 1:110 night. 'I"hn fan dihmnh tnmnnrnnnnflndaul of UUDIWI the up I` Luv- uuny. The C. P. R. holegrnphon committee bu been unable to effect: an agreement with Mn. Spencer and will now wait on Mr. Tait. n.......... ..x ,. ..... ;-..----.u .... \xI..a...._ THE NEWS Of THE WORLD. vuua Lootod ny lacuna ` ,. n rs I\-_ III .\|_- ';A pp! ow _... I\.. :- We ooan I041: 25.). oollunhr 160.: M ulnar In; 81.3 chino. fulldnoiu ulaliu Doulod he Olu-go. Jol.ll1'rI.QIQ. Doc. l7.-'l`ou Nulty. the Burden murderer. wu um nomin and phuhd "not guilty tuba charges! nude: of bin that data: and huh-other. Hovuntnndod lottriclou tholotl January out 80 did ooljnl for nmixdjuy an and by nun! non- l'-lXI_ PW` Run Dcnlbury. count! {or Nully. undo I nqnut acting the crown to undo topuytbcupcunudthowiuunnof the ddoneo. Th putiliou will to than into mmib-Alina. News or Injor Walsh. \'u'n-nu. B.C.. Doc. l7.-'l`hoCou his nrrivod tron: the north. bringing any pu- oongomnono of whom erodic the Indian ro- port at 5 thou-and non making their way to the count from Dawson. J. Kutnor nnd Georgi Molnughlin. M Helena. Mont... cums uunigho from that city overland to Dyan in thirty-n dun. and. they ea . puud but thirty pooplo. Kutnor can run the nport tn! major Walsh lost his provision: and two bout sud up the major wu twolvo miles holow the Big Salmon uniting dog train: with huh Inpplion and in hrdly likely to beyond scltirk this wintu-. The van in my nun. Orlme Whloh Beeemblee that of l.)u'eI|l'e -Vn~tlm Wee e Women. SAN Fnimmsc-n, Cel.. Doc. l7.-A hor- rible murder wee perpetreted here Wed- ueedey night. Many of the feeturee of the crime end its accompanying incidents reoelled the tregio deethe of Minnie Wil- lielns end Blenobe lnlnont. The victim in cup raced to be Mre. Mery C. Clube. e weelltby resident. of Weteonville. Uel. She bed just rented e eb from Mine Blenoberd. end the noise of carpet leyinq wee` beerd by the people in the lower llet. then ell wee quiet for e time. All eh once the Leaking oeeaed and terrible eoreelne were been]. The occupente of the lower ea beoerne elenned end -mud to inveetigetae. On going up stein the deed body wee found. Joseph Foley. the oerpet leyer. he: been en-send. In the keen of all. blnck and white. was soon tho look which indicuu thnb the men htvo had enough ol war and wanted a respite. The Dllllenltles end Ilurdshlps Encounter- edby the ueldlers. LuNlmN,Do0. l7.-l.ster details were received to-day of the march of Gen. \\'estmacott's brigade down the Bara val- ley. A despateh from the correspondent of the Router Telegram company at Ma- mani. dated Dee. Huh. says: 'l`he troops hadtomarch in a river-bed 500 yards wide, the stream being swollen with snow. (in the right were sheep ranges and bu-h~ covered spurs; reaching up to the snow level on the left were cli's.end the heights werealloccupied. Themotley gsgetrain, guant. amohegrjmmed streto er bearers and overloaded ammunition ponies. and the crowds of camp followers were all mix- ed up in inextnonble conlusion~e seeth- ing, struggling mass. wading knee and waist deep. urged onward by the know- ledge that a relentless too was in the Flf. The insurance on the building burned was about: 81,000. The deceased. Patrick Lonhy, was an employee of ma pooh otiiuo dopurumenh. He, It. is mud. in I rncmher of the C.M.B.A. J not how the tire occurred in not yet clear. elcepe was cut on. From whet oould be learned, it appear: that the husband has been showing signs of mental derangement. or so it sppeared to the neighbors. and was in the habit of wandering around the house at night with a lump. This morning. it is supposed, he dropped the lamp end the whole house was almost immediately in flames. Mrs. Leahy tried to quench the umos. but was unable to succeed, and alter exheusting her efforts in this direction had barely time to escspe with one clnld. ll`. wan ntnrnrl hhnh Hm how of the r time to man one cuuu. Jr. was stored than the key of the re alarm box wee mining when anobher neigh- bor went. to ring the alarm, but. this could not be authenticated. The bodies have been removed to Gaul.hior'e morgue. Those of the children are no terribly burned II to be unrecognizable. An iI.(|u00D will be hald tn.rlAv_ [Ire Brltade Wan Not summoned Untll Too Late-0hlel` Prevoat and Illa lea lane a Gallant Buah-'l'l:e Inn Boon Extlngnlalaen and the charred Bemnlna l'aund-An lnqueat will be Hold to day. O`l"l`AWA, Dec. l7.-0ne of the moat heart:-ending catastrophe: that ever visited Ottawa took place thia morning on Friel street. near Clarence. `Fire cauaed the death of Patrick '1`. Leahy and his live young children. Thomas, aged eight, Mamie, seven. Katie. eix, Maggie. tour and Patrick. two. Frank, aged live. was ehved. The re bell rang at 3:15 and in spite of a prompt response from the reels and hoee Waggon, it was evident that the house was doomed. It was not, however, until the arrival of chief Prevoet that it was learned that the family. or the best part of" them. were in the doomed building. The chief at once ordered the door burst open and himself made a web into the ll0l.lI0. A terrible aoene met hie gaze. The stairway was burned down and lying at the foot was the body of an ap- parently one-year-old girl burned to ii crisp. It took but a ehort time to get the lire under control but it was evident from the smoke and tire that no hopee remained of nding anything but charred remaine. Such proved to be the case. the body of the father and` the other five children being found in the bed room: from which their elcape was cut oil`. From what nnuld he learned. it anneara I-NI IIIIKIUUKII | held toydny. The innurn l TERRIBLE HIIIJIIIAIJSH [mama nun umn ESCAPE] ITHOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN cAus- ED BY AN INSANE PARENT. V .-V. A Father and Five Small Chil- dren Burned to Death. DOWN THE BARA VALLEY. A `FRISCO WOMAN. uouyu u arrested. Etg. We are showing this season for the Christmas trade the Isr- gcst line ol goods in the history of our business._ You can save money if you will call and ex- amine our stock. We have the latest in Ties, Gloves, Mulers, Silk Hsndkerchiefs, Braces. Un- derwear, Umbrellas, Dressing Gowns and Smoking jackets, la uvmcsrou mo. mltieadquarten (gr, Gentleman's Fnrnishinguf evorydescription. They no worth the original. `on, but round buuinou nuom calls t uh` down. Men : high grade ovoroonh. format! 815. now 811 50: 813.50 lino. now 810; 810 H-IA nan '73 llllnndl l.'ninn }HOLIDAY GIFTS.1 That's the way you'll feel il you ll your coal bin this month with our "Coal That Suits." Our Coal costs less because it 0423 further, and it goes fart er because it is the best. But if you go fhlit than our yard for Hard Coal you will fare unnrnn II] Boil And Dlod. Wednesday Michael Bush, Diviniou street, lay down and when hit wife wont to call him ho was dead. He leaves 3 widow And {our cons. Dooouod wu bign- l_v rupochd. And Ind many friends 0 was aovonty you-0 of up. OW `II 0| ; CIQLUU NBC. UNIV .1 line now $6.75. Grand Union. New supremo court Judge. WA.-uIIm;1*u.\'. D. 0.. Doc. I7.--Among the nominations cent by the prot-idem. to tho sonata were those or Jooo h .\loKonnn. of California, to be nnoclntn passion of the oupnmo court. nnd Charles J. Dunn. 0! Illinoia. to be comptroller of the curmncy. North-Int (lovornorohlp. CIu|u.onnrro\vx, P.I-I L. Doc. l7.-A report in current. hero that David Laird any booppointod govornor of tho north- west mrritoriu. an oico which he hold some you: ago. Anothor rumor in that be any mooood the lobe anchor Auonault. Due 0! Pnrllunent. 0'l`T.\\\ A, Dec. 17. -At I oehinet. meeting yeetaerdey the date of the meeting of put- linmenb was diecueeed.|nd.e|though no de- cieion wu ruched, the pmolnmetion will. when itaued. name either Jenuery 28th or I-`ebzuuy 3rd. The matter will be decided on Seturdnv. Out of Polltloa lorovor. W1.\'Nn~m, Mnn.. Dec.` l7.--Joseph Mu- tin arrivod from the wool: yesterday. He Mid: "I Am out of politics now and for- ever. I am oomfomably xed in Van- couver ind there I desire to remain un- molested and Intramellod by the cum than have worried mo so much during the put few yarn." Dled At 0oruwusI-l. CuuNw.u.I.. ()nt.. Dec. l7.-(?h|rlel Gravely. I highly respected citizen of Uurnwull, died on Thursday. aged lmy- eix yoere. He wen ill nine weeke with sppendioitie end In. operated upon six weeks ego. He wu employed on the Cornwnlloenal u chief of the npeiring sum for over twenty years. ruurau. UIIIUTU UBII IIU IUIIKIT UUIII UIUIIUID about Corbett : right to, his od title of ohnmpiomand he will boforood to do- fendih. tlnlllng For llo-e. M()NTREAl., Qua. Dee. l7.-A cable- grnm was received this morning from urch- bi.-hop Bruoheei ousting thst. he would sail for lmnzn no morrow. Thin wee I eur- prine. nelna grace intended to visit: the holy land before returning, and in 13,99- atrued into meaning that the petition for n nuncio has been granted. "nu." In Out. Nxw YORK. Dec. 7.- Robert Fitzsim- mona bu pent the following telegram from Milwaukee : u! '|.-..- ....-:o:..-I.. ....n...-.a 45...... LL- .....:.. lIl\VHlll S muwpuuoo "I have positively retired from the prize rin .-Bnu FlT7.~1lhlMONS " \ -.. ..L..s l.`:._-:..._.....- L... .L..L..I ....-: The J udxe would not Buetnln the charge- Onee Bottled. Mosmun, Dec. l7.-The euperior of one of the schools under the direction 0! the Christian brothers. appeared privately in the police court today to unuwer to A complaint of beating he school boy. The defendant frankly Admitted the not. and said that he hit the boy on the nrmemndlege with an eleatic etnp. The pupil exhibited eeverel bruieee which he ulle ed were indicted by the superior. J udge afontaine refueed to entertain the cherge. The case we: settled privately. the Chrietinn brother agreeing to pey damegee of 825 and a bill for medioel ut- teudanoe end oouueel ieee. A Veteran lndlnn Woman- Wumc I-l.u.1.. Mioh., Dec. l7.--Quea- moqua Sigonequa. daughter of chief Sign- nque, one of the chief: of the Ottewe ludinns were buried yesterday aged 110 yeare. She was born on Grand river near the site the present city of Grand Rspide, in 1787. When eighteen years old the wee married to Blue Eye, whore English name wee Armstrong. Seven children were born to them. three of whom eurvive. Mre. Armetrong .u ehe wu femilerly known in {otter yeermpreaerved her lecultiel till the net. fl s`DUll llT'l..'il DIMUNS on that Fitzsimmona has stated poni- tivoly over hisowu signature um. he bu rm,ir-ad. mlmrn mu: nn lnmmr he Ann doubt. IIVCIY 0V0l' ma OW!) Elglllgllf Bull? [10 Ill! retired. chore can no longer bean doubt. about Corbett); to ..r -r_..___:.... .....n L- ...:n :1. 3......) a.. A- I}, WIII IUXIVU II'lUI'IIIUl' IPWIHBEUHW There on now 2,600 can of grain, over- oging 80,000 (aoundo to I oar. on bias '1`. nilwa! between Toronto And Portion 1'.` Il..uI...-`-11! -...I.Il..I-o nnnnn n; his nmn oeuwoon Ioronuo nnu rormnu E Mncdomld publicly nnnouncx his unaltonblo dociuion to enter tbs lmyonlty content ugainnh All comers. A `I :-nvolllng Ascot win no tho Work Ior " Toronto. Tonoxm, Doc. l7.-It is undontood the Toronto allies of the lotarcoloniol rnllway _wi|| bodloood Ihortly sad the work cover- ed by a travelling freight man! with had- quortorl in Toronto. Mr. Dulourhr.` chlol ' clerk in the othoo. will robnbly burnou- lerrod to Montreal. 0 in 1100 known -hgtLA- Mu `D;-bknnntnng OLA rntgnnn IUIFOU BU UIIVl'IIlo LU II IIUU IIIUWII wnethor Mr. Woatherntuono. the present menu, will nooivo another appointment. Than no no: 2.600 mm of strain. unr- ClotlnersudFuIB_lnrs. (IIINIIGISUU. PEBFEDTLY SATISFIED. 1'0 CLOSE AN OFFICE. WHIPPED A BOY. U~-'! !1'3`."!' Em l!5o up. lull C Rlunl :06 up. Shoe Horns. Tooth 1: Rd] Bmhu. Nd] Polinhorl. Hair Tougl, `Outido Knivu, Etc" at prices that nrpl-`nu u. CM Glut Onun and Pt! , us. with am-ling silver OOVII. and m-n.. M... c... m..:.g..... 'l`nonoLn, Ont. Doe. l7.-HA Cuhr. an old and mopochd I-uidonl at 0 Iowa. died suddenly am hi! homo Int night. Hr. Cu-torwuonooltbo oompunyotaotold volunteers which. under mpuln Hugh Juan. At the than 0! tin I-`anhn nidin l866.mnrobodtot.hofIonl in dduon d Hugh: lI'Illl|I.l'C lgllllfl` their country. A ...s..u.-..J........u be .3 main; |:l(:n.c|Iup.md goodliu. :1. 3.0;; [L _dAn.nnns on an A(XX)Il nun with both single and tloublo roonmvllb modern oonvontcnou. at an Qua: aunt AR} GREATLY ADIIRBD. LABUI 8'lUNl HOUWE. (DEN!!! Alo- wlnuon Avonno and Union much. Poo- cugalga At once. Apply .1. BS1110]. Boston .. y. LARGE IUILVIQI-`IED 800)! IN OINTRAL locality. modern Imp:-ovunonta. private home. No I Brick Tattoos. 0 polite It. Paul`: Iinhhnth Rnhnnl. Mnntmnl K II IOUIIIW-I. IHOIIIIWI lll'lDl'I)VUTUIIlln Pl'lV Poul`: Sabbath School. Montreal I. (lEN1*.L~B()(IK BUSINISQ I8 I'l'I'IR than In: your: past .- also have both: and fmtorulllug boon. Agent: olnrl from 01000 t40Wook|. A low laden are `Qnoon Vlotorlu." `mo of Ir. Gludntollo." "I7 Mother`: Bible; Btorlu." Pr uulvo - or" Klondykc Gold Molds.` "Woman" '(3llmpIu o! the Unucn." "Btukfut. "Dlnnor and Rnppor." Canada : Ln Ina olupndia." Book: on time. Outt! not mnvuuun. `rm Buuuv-GAnrrsoI Oo. olupndin." Book: tlmo. Outts nu to mnvnuors. 00. Limited. Toronto. 'i.T;-`*`- Sum-r -In Nnponoo. Dec. 11th. wife of I`. 8. Scotb. of I dmghtor. JAvxsma-In Richmond, Doc. Nth, wile of ` (nrdinor J n. of B dnughton-.' Wnu>ovnn-I ohmond. Doc. llth. wifo of Theodore: lndovor. of I dsnghtor. (ilIN'I`&- "THE BB8!` LII]! 0! RIB Iujutylhavo ooon|" write: Lord horn nhont-Queen Vlntorin ' Agent: main in dollar: daily. Outt. frn Tn: Bunny- (unnrsou Go. Limit-od.'l`oronto. ILP-RILIAB1.E MIN IN EVERY ID- calitnlooal or tuvulllng; to inttod snow dluooury. sud keep on: show holed up on tron {moon and Inn thmuhone town nmf country Band on- ploymont. Oommlulon or uluy. pot menu: and uponuu and money dupes- od in nu bank whon nlu-mod. For puonlnn Iddrou I wont) Ixmcu. lnlonlo 00.. hondon, Ont. , Onnsds TONOE-A GOOD Gmll VA81`. No wnhlng or lronloc. AD 7 00 no Bun-lo Shoot. ,- Prlnoou strut. Oornu H phono communication \ T F. HARRISON COMPANY ll-u.I_-0-L--. -uni &\`\nI-\A&- I nuul Il J. .I. - LJILLXLXLLJMIJV J\lJl:I."I.&` L Underukon And Rmbnlmon. III and II! Prlnoeu Street. Phonu:- Wnuoolnn. I0. Rgnldonco. 01. Open du Mad night. MvAr:n-~In Nupsnoox Doc. lath, John Gilbert MoAfoo. aged 97 you-I. Steacv 6: Steacy. wanna Auuuu. Till LILDIIO `UIKI'l`Alll--U6-3 00!! attach. Iblophono nu. Open lbind hhl `gun -v A gr:-ogou Au. [Juana Ulmlnuxn um IIIu.Il|--lI Prinoou strut. Oon-nu Bydonhun stunt: lilo nhono I`-' i ,:'. a"n".i.n'I.`.'.`.`. . `n? cold on Saturday and Sunduy. LADIES EIDERDOWN DRESS- ;NG JACKETS. in all the load- ..... -..I....- `LII 12 Q1 RA DI HR vinvnnu LADIES` AND GENTS` LINED MITTS and GLOVES in Mooho and Kid, 600. 600. 75%;. ooo. 81 and up. T IVI\VfI'II \T[\I\I.' I\IYAI')l'.`G 11!. OR. ----- --ru GENTS NECK SQUARES 25c, 850, An` kn- Inn 6:. CI 1!" *i*`g' Ynun. N0. 293%. av-q vvw `Ir wv `an. 800 FANCY WORK AND SCRAP BASKETS l2}o up to 82. LAD.IE8` & GENTS UMBRELLAS IA- I,_._JI-- .1 A- ll __-`. aoz.'13 "A':313"s'r'hT1Ii1}E'ffR}un MOUNTS $4 to $6.75 each, with monogram or initials engraved free. EIDERDOWN BED C()VERB,ohoico 84.50 to $5.75 ouch. V FINE LANATUB BED COVERS. washable, $1.25. $1.35. 81.66 nnl\`\ WCUIIDUIU vlnllg ILUU' 'IuUIJ each . Thousands of articles to choose from in our immense stock. Call and soc them. s. s. co.nE3r'r, FUNERAL DIRECTOR.` 181 P I88 51`. Klnutenmuuooouor to W. I. nu. I A FEWSUGGBSTIONS Fur Ehristmas Presents E Toilet Go'oTs ARE THE LADIES DBUOIIT. An old Volunusr Bond. l7.- .- alal -_A .......\..l ....'4l...A .0 5 . 5.... lgil Fileund Bhttou Book: from Kant; W%W'lOh'w%Uo ' x l`Store open evenings. Inc Site! Engravln gs, Artotypcs, Etc, Lmu: smm: nouns. oonTzFIcT-ix} wlnnton Avnnnn and Union Shun. Pon- I Ottawa and St, hwnuoo vnlloyu. 3-" 10 |.m.`--Moderate wlndl. Ilmd __I or purely cloudy and ooldc. wi light local snow hill. duoldodly ghl 4.. -L..-I..- --pl Canal`: . N WEYATI-III PROIABILITIII. JLVU VQUIXLJLQQ Ill DLIVHU IZl' ing colony, at 81.15. $1,60, $1.75 each. - ____._ .-__ _...---.... ---u---. LILIIJD [Va ULJLVLIJ UIVLLJLVIJLJIJE in nice handles 81 to 88 each. A ..u\ 11III1`I\D C-\v1u .-yr cow- LVJIJ L`lJ\Jll DJVVJSI 400. 600 up to $1. I`.\A \Yt`I`.' \Ifl\I1`lI 4 P. M. EDITION. HENRY BRAME, Inn-nu;-3 Ann -|-nu _\._,,..+`;.: TO LET. 1. FEW ForVThe Rush -u-` 53, REID. I `n--.---. -an _I BOARD. DIID. OF HOLIDAY SHOPPING; ST: `nus no pan 5 u I318 can an 06. 1. (End Udu. FT! DITCIII XIII h i ,1 JUN} d` ` II . cao.53a...... Juno wm?.'. 0. But- hd and Dame! 3. Konliu. on that IX KHZ "lial" AL: In-uni Li I nrnnn uuy nun g:..':.:_."'..: .:'.,..m"..'. .'.'.::.`:'.' 1 Doc. l7.--Tho Anglo - ...., .2.-*'-.:'.~ . ' a:nnnr. vanhuhunuah L-nnnlnyn - cum no man. Dnxvn. 001.. continual gold I um: lawn and _ _._-.-..... -_-'__-_. WLUIILU I Cfmllllx. NOW YQRI Cnullcn lunch Ono: Iluutou. ` W. J. B. WI`! Oonplou Iuchu tun out on. Lamp 1: the but and non! durable In the nut. You on and us so 10 and III PIIIIIIII IIIIII. I III RUPIRIOB INOANDISCII1` (us l.l0R'l` 00 on olul a lamp nun! wnh the Apollo Iunlo. vb oh wu octunod on tho nah 0! combo: Int. nndn no. Maa! In no to auction on In An: I-Mont Wuollou Inllu. which in any noandoceont lump. (I 00. Chimney 100- 00 I &9l:O..IIlL.Il`:h.;?I An-I moat dnnhlo In To `flip Consumers ol Kingston and Bluwllcro :- THI RUPIIIOB INCANDCII'l` I CIIH tho Lluhn nail: \-In ah -nn v.n6An0-J (I ..- . .`_._. --.`_-. . ...x..v_. -- A onrlotd of special Rnonuvy In powerful cuts at uuutu. The otxlnul OPSY. lino Plrtlnnlun LYNOLITO .A W. Comma. onto 0! stunts. The orglnul TOPSY. Plltlnnlun UNOLETO . A Oolllm. "OOOIVMI can now on sale at Sawyer`; Prloon ` Intlnoo-Au|ulu. Ibo: Ohlldu-on non. to all Nut: 0! Ilwhouw. Evening prlvu I60. I 350 and an-.. lln lalhll` ' ZANIUII. Saturday Matinee and Night. Dec.18. DI W0l.!I~8 ORIGINAL Ilnngn 1 15;---g 4-g--- VIVldIn I\IlII 5 QIIIJIIVO As produced In nu at Chestnut Shut Phila- dolphln Theatre. Our own train or place Can. 1 Solo ll-In Bands and Challenge Orchatrn. UGRAND FREE STREET PARADE`: 1 The business `otW J. Disk , Son to be closed up as soon ] as possible. Prices All Reduced. As our object is to wind up the present business ALL SALES MUST BE 1-OR CAH. `W. J. IllGK& SON. lnvlnu boon lntormed that tnouadoa cont an nchh. which mmngo our pa.- tont. an bun ; offend. or oboug to be othtod. hr `at: Kingston. vowcrn tho public we shun proceed nuns: umnulandpurohuon. uwoll an an. on oluuch lights. for royalty cnd_ dun- !!!i9%6L_"!i_" fiiiE!`?S.'f'.9".3.B1 '.`.*.- I No'1`1 CEI IVOlIl0#- -Oh: by tea :1) Mn. Swift's. Saturday afternoon. lY....l- 'l`..-.l. l'\-L:.. ....A.'.... -L..-.l-_ ' I"3I'n0Uo Uncle Tom : Cabin matinee. Buturdny Afternoon. I IJ..-I.. I... I\'....-. ..:h. l!--.l \Y:.L-H. I:-s IIFITHUOIL I Book: for `X mu gifu. Road N iubevn lips I in thin iuuo. I\.._|...J- D.|....A-- -..A II--..I..-. 4..-- Ill Dull ICED- |)un|op'a Saturday and Monday over- coat btrgnina no tho talk 0! the city. 'GHAND 0_PPOB$UNITY, xmnsr BUYERS. `nu Dally loco Book for WM; Randall To Pout Thonulvu bv. Assembly in Wum hall to night. Convernziono no Quoenh university this ovonin . .l\L. 5- 6.. .6\ ll... Q-ih'. G.b.._.I-.. |Boots, Shoes. Trunks and I Vallses LOCAL M EMORAN DA. The Adar LI! 0011008). ---l \-------l \c-- A.Lunxn. Iluuoxn. _. X-AJ..-- __j lI)_|.A I ' Goods: Cnmuso. Dun. I7.--Mnr nnuiouuoo suuly 141::-ea dnu;tIry.Il: path: chap (hinge. on tap inclusion. is in but dodddtodlm ribllio ith Lu -any: Innnryu-up WRXUI IIIVICUI. '11 j` I1 j lujoint resolution nnpcoptiuing 50.0(l)| Int Ihnldlddlin Ynhm minim` II. will 'W'|I.I'ClC-IXlIIXEIK'Iu IIWIII bonoouuryhlotodthor boost.-Iawfot oougtcntoqnoonooon-ounnnnn. Rollo! Uh! YIIQII-It W.\sItmumvx. Doc, l7.-'l'b0 hone pan- od I billpppnptiuling Cl'a'5.000 for (ho to- liolollho pupa. in no Yukon coun nithnnl div!-Inn. Tin manna Ala: :'e3:'oi'i'p..p:." "'"T."'siS"\"I.i3'eo'CE:" without dividnn. Tho am. an Ainlnl Innnnlnlinn `l'E'IlIIl``I1 IQIII lill Ijlllll ITIUIII Ill FGIJKII o_o_cuuunuu.'\'.'uo-' minus. 1: willl .. L.A... .nL.. k...._.- I-_ A.. North DIIOQQ D0|l|I. Wnmuu. N.D., Doc. l3`;A-'l'ho weath- or continues cold with 9 indication of town. Tho tolling o! w 0 in about oomplotod. the `co not hninl boon oqulod for yours Shelton Homing lot! for Kingston. Ont. o low days ago. |lu.'G.lI. Bponoo bu gono honoon I whit Io Made in Cotanqui. Dirt. 0. Eur- Ioyloovoolorshoonuin our days. Dodo'o or uonpo turn in town on the ssh win: Rhnh cannons : ll-Amado- Kim: Iilll Ill`. l.VI$- "Tho route In villtnko after luvin Ottqn." Mr. Dniol aid. "will dopon on the ndvioo of Mr. Puke. We will util- iio hall-brood: and Indiana 0! than Osm- diun no:-thunk uguidu. Woinhud to carry ptovinionl to the Klondylo on um sleds. Etch dad will be drawn by four dogs. tI'ro'u|muu. We bpliovc. the the dogs will ho beam for thrurviccc than tho Eaquimuu dogu. All our Finest Trimmed Milliuery rcduced-it's early too-4 months of wearing time. but they must go. One-fourth off all, more off some. $9 and $10 Hats for $5 ; $6 and $7 Hats for $4 ; $4 and $5 Hats for $3 ; Un- trimmed Hats. 75:: and $1 kind for 50 ; English Walk- ing Hats for 49; Trimmed Sailors for 75. Wllluo through Ottawa sud tho North- wou 'l`orI-ltorlu. Nrzw YORK, Doc. l7.--'1`ha' SS. Bribioh King. which arrived hotryoataorday from Anwarp carried. no part of her cargo. rovonty dogs bound for who Klondyko. G. R. Daviol. a ball Englishman of coe- morolitan habiu, own: them. Tho ani~ man won put aboatd a spacial freight oar bound for Monhroal. Mr. Davis: will take the dog: from Montreal to Ottawa. whore ho Iml moon Warhul-um Pin. the author of Lone Land: 0! t.hoVNort.h." who know: much man about the Klondyho than Mr. Davina. II1`L.. ....AA ._- -II a-L- -35-. l....:_.. preeenoeu Ior reuempuon. Thue Lhe condence in Mr. .`w`po|Tord e honeety ha been juecied, end the pro- ceeds will partially reimburse him [or the money he paid the zreuury to settle his account: two yeere ago. Some of she cheques were lrom publishing hounee which doe Ierge copyright bueineu, end they have eleo been ceehed. In is believed that before the eeeroh ie completed the greeter part. of the lecic will be account- ed for. Iln Mr. Spotl'ord e deeh wen ueuelly covered with booke. pemphlete. megezinee. music. lettere. pepere end other documents. which were piled up on one enother until it could not hold any more. Then they would beoleered ewey in e bundle end pleced upon ehelvee to eweit time when the buey llbrerinn eould End the oppor- `tunity to oleeeily end eetelogue them. Thet time did not come until the removel of the librery. end emon theeo mie- nelleneoue oolleotione t oueende ol dollere heve been dilcovered, which shows where the mieein money hee been hidden. Some of the o equee end money orders ere twenty-ve yeene old. Many of the ohequee ere wortlileee. but the money orders end poetll notes ere etill ee good as old end ere being checked off end peid v the poet oifice department. where there ie e fund emounting to eeverel million dol- lere. which repreeente the money ordere end poetel notee thet have been ieeued from time to time, but heve novel been preeented for redemption. Thine the nnndenna in Mr. Hnn|T.)rd n U1 uueln WUY IUIIIILI. Illlllllg IHIH-El'I uuu other persmthere were between pegee of boo I. where they were evidently pluc- ed by him for the moment when the volumes were open and weue then con- cleleled end lorgotben when they were I uh. ll- G..-LI'....lD. .I-.L .....- ......II- ..p....-.:) IICQS. III In GIG UOEI WHICH 1|] I`. upuuuyu an used for one-third of I century many 0! them were found. among letter: and nhhnr nnnnnsnthnrn warn between moan I0!` RI] QHIIHOIID EHO IIIOIUI PHUIIB IUIVGIIU. During the removal of the books and documents from the room: they occupied in the capitol no the new library building reoenul the mystery has been solved. _ Be- tween 18,000 and $20,000 in cheques and money ordere have already been discover- ed bucked awe in all sorts of que r Elncee. In an ol deal: which Mr. Spotferd An haul fnr nnn.t.hird nf A nnnturv mnnv W,- IHIIIIDI I "King te nay, re uneulproroue or uuuere. he naturalcpncluaion wan. therefore. that the government had been robbed by dishonest eubordinetee in the library. and Mr. Spofford was permitted to mortgage hinhome and cell other roperty, which represented the savings olja lifetime, and make up the deoiency. The confidence of president Cleveland in this theory woe to strong that he would not remove him. but oongreee relieved the librarian of tinanoialreeponaibility. as Mr. Spofford hae repeatedly recommended. and entrusted that nnnnr-inhh mnaintn tn a bonded of- mpoueuly reeommenuea. nnu ennruaoau the copyright: receipts to I bonded of- ficer. Although he has auifered much dia- treee of mind and mortioation. the affair has in no why diminished public esteem for M1 eminenb and useful public servant. hm-inn Mm mmmml nf him hnnlun and Two Years Ago Bevernl Thousand Dollars Were Illulng-`rho Onsh Wu lode Good-B.emovlnx looks to New Library cheques `turn Up In Unhenrd of Places. Wnsuimrrou, Doc. l7.-'1`wo years `or more ago one of the auditors of the trees- ury discovered that A. R. Spofford, the librarian of congress, was several thousand dollsrs behind in his accounts. and on in- vestigotion was ordered, which developed thsiloct that receipts irom 26,000 or 27,000 copyrights had never been accounted for. This discrepancy extended over e long period of years. dud Mr. Spefford was ex- tensivsl sdvertised us defaulter. No- body w o knows Mr. Spobrd would be- lieve him guilty. It wss impossible for 3 men of his character to have spproprieted government money to his own use. al- though he could offer no explanation. Like many literary men, he is entirely without business ability, is notoriously sh- aent-minded. and, conscious of his own in- te rity, is unsuspicious of others. ha nnturnlnnncluninn was. therefore. Evefything in season. `That is, no Fall and Winter Cloaks to be in stock- when Spring selling commences. That's why we are willing to sell at a reduction now: Imported Jackets $1.50, $2.50, $3.50 that were $5 to $37; our own make Capes and Coats at clearings prices this month; Sealette Capes $17.50, full length, wide sweep, big storm collar, quilted throughout and real fur trim- med, $17.50; nothing imported to equal this at $30. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FbUNb AMONG OLD DOCUMENTS. lIHE.MYSIERYSllLVEll.! |Imm up IN jlji P|.Al3ES.] What Librarian Spofford ma` with Missing` Cheques. 0008 FOR Ti-IE KLONDYKE. Ouniblollluulvct. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. `.l!'RlDAY, _umomM.imn 17. I897. am}. so liar ! an-3. htnslvu .`=",' l III! III: undo Gliudoll. an CWICI way--Iv`. Nmmc 8\'nxn\. N'.B.. Duo. I7.--OIouu Phonn und llcliaadd Iuiud lb Ichoonor John Iltlluvhol IA Polk. Nd.. hr on gain. 0: bond was Ihlnun can llvoolmd Bqndlu ntldhlol luau. Tho veal In but loud Archihlfo that than tho Iiqiu Indcll and and soil a clot placid A-nlinn lth fj MD; Miilinetfy Clearing. `D. -"'-I ICCTWT TCCH Tlullux. Doc. l7.-'l`bo tribp along the Pcninugulfhnnforolonguuo bun importing Anna and they no now getting danguou. Tho British and Pomnn au- Ihomia. on-opontinn at Buohiu. tho ptincipulpntnpol (in tho gull. Inn uind 4.000 min and u lug. amnlily ol unn- loo. The con ptoporty in Va]- Iul at 25.0U0 sterling. born naar lloatnal. In his oath man- hood ha waa in also aarvioa ol tuba Ilndaon Bay company. but lafa Canada nova than aha]! a oantury ago. Ha livad in Tana for naarly hrty yaara. Over A canary om. Gu.\'r.~1\m. Tom. lino. l7.--I4ouin Soon], 3 Froocbcuudinn. who [or twenty yuan had lived in I tout mu tho monntain.uou' Bnnlo Us in Taylor count. . died on Mondsy. own 118 an ord and van horn Moouul. n his oulv L...I L` -. in IL. an--hug AI IL. `Inux: IUTVIVC 0' 5. Unit`, Inf CUIIIFIEIIUIIIK IIUI" ruaongort and crew. Tho vuool Inn ootod by Indians. The Clovoland Ind I cargo of cup in for lhwoon City. and in in land but on mum starvation an min} people in tho Klondylo rogionn. FOO AIOTD IO lnOI'l0I- Capt. J. 1-`. Pratt. of the United Staten coast. and geodetic eurvey, in in Ottawa conlerring with the adminietrahion relative to the lamine and euirvation in the Yukon. He will report, to his government t.l1at. Canada can meet. all emergenciee there. The feeling of the l-ezter clue of Americana in friendly to Canada. aaye Cept. Pratt. IIIZI IAIIJIUII ll: IIIIIUIII VI: mum. B.C.. Doc. l7.-J!`ho missing Iunmor Cleveland. from Sm Francisco for Same. has been wrookod in Btrclny Sound and but ought men no known to eurvivo of the thirty moo conneituuing her ngnnanngru and nli, Tho VIZAI ill summers. Alfred Hnmaworth, proprietor of the London Daily Mail. bee presented the Windward to Lieut. Peary. The gift is actuated by a desire to continue the inter- national courteoiee uooointed with the gi`te of the Resolute to England end of the Alert to America. 1`V-..n I I.` D.-oe 1.6 0.. Hniegal 85.5.. egennan we tunnel or nor perenu. After W. Leech. Siloem. and Mien Nol- lie Brooke. Mount .-\lbert., bed been mur- ried I week her father had Leech Arrested and is trying to have the marriage nullied because Nellie has seen only seventeen TQIIIIIOG molt EIDIIIBOCOTIIY. Judge Filngernld sentenced James (lorrow. a young tumor 0! Port. .-\ rthur. to twenty-four hours in jnil for oloping with and rnnrryin 5 aixt.oon~yeur-old girl againab the vi has 0! her parents. Alum K Lunch. Silnnm. And Mini Nol- Vl (0 IPBIBIIU. .~\n oxporimonb made by the Owon Sound man importing company in the growing of thoormun an ll` boot. in the county about Owen Soon thin you. In: resulted molt ubisfacborily. Jmlmn I-`inman-nlrl nnntnnmd Jnmu You can hardly think of Toys, Dolls. Genne;Fa ( cloaks, Mililnery, Furnishings or Dress nods without thinking of this store. Mantle and Millinery Clearing Prices. - 30. I0 is ennounced that lord Serethoona bu preeented hie entire herd of hulfalo. now on his term nee:-Winn! .t.otln dominion government. 00 be plea in the nebionel perk et Banff. The cmvammanh has made erremremente PIFK II Bill. The government hu made unngomenta with the Hand lino steamers. running bo- twoon HnIi!nx.Belfaao and l)ub|in.to carry the msila. This will give direct. mnil aor- vioo to Ireland. \.. gun.-2-u...-.A -an-J4. luv OLA nan nenenr. no Iumoenng cllalrluca. The Essex gnu und coal company has gone out of buainou and returned thirty r cent. of the omounb of stock. A null: d was located instead of gap. In is reportnd bhnb the population of Hayti in becoming more excited and the government is prepared to also drastic measures to prevent) an outbrenlr. A dnnnntmh frnm Anhann announces um U. I. . IV IUIIIOH III V\'00Ul|'IUOK yuluuruuy. Vladimur lhurteze`. I Ruuinn. was re- manded ab Bow street police station. Lon- don. yesterday. churned with iuuing I publiostion inciting the assassination of the f"I.Al`. cur. From Rendaburg, where he took fue- woll of Prince Henry of Pruuain, emperor Willinm roeoodod to Priodrioharupo where be ad an interview with prince liismnrk. IL. ._.....| .......IA.... t-:.. .5 n....:n.>. Ii`.|ln msmnrx. The annual poultry fair at Smith : Falls is in lull swing. I grab number of Ameri- can buyers being present. Prices for tur- keys. 80. to 10.50.; goose. 5c. bo6c ; ducks. lie. so So. IL 3. _--nu`...-Ii Oh-` Ian-J Q5--Oknnnn ha: III III! UXf0IIllDy. Richard Croker any: that) if ministers ride bicycles on Sunday and the rich play golf. the baseball players should be allowed to lay ball on Sunday. he annual meeting of the Ontario fruit: rowers association wan concluded _yesber- ay at Waterloo. II`. was decided to meet next year at St. Cotlnrinea. A hliuurd is mainly at. Calumet. Mich. IDOEMIFOS 120 PPOVOIID an OIIHJFBIK. A deepetoh from Athens announces that: the areety of peace between Turkey and Greece has been ratied by king George. lb bu been also retied by Turkey. Archibald Mcllonsld of \\'oodanook.Out-. 5 well known oanoreotor wee knocked down by a train and cut to pieces oh the (:.'l.`.R. otntion et Woodstock yeeberduy. Vlulimnr lhnr-hank`. I Rmuninn. was re- MI`. "[315. . Durranb. who was eentonoed on Wednes- day for the fourth time to be hanged, uya that he is condent help will come to him in his exaromity. Rinlnu-d Cmkar nun blnh if ministers non year an an. ulwlnnea. A blizzard in ing at Calumet. The thermometer I below zero and trains are blocked. The Inow will be of great benet to lumbering districts. Thn Emmy run nnd anal nnmnnnv bun I-1ARDY&CO

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