Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Dec 1897, p. 6

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T;AY%LQK_$, DIUIIII UUHLUIIIU. ` The young people of the First Congregat- tional church held a very euccenalul "Ab Hom_o" in tho church parlors last evening. Harfy Brock delighted them with gramme- p`mne selections. llnnnrnnn lnvnl O:-Anna lndun. Nn. I001. u: more nur- nanny; n pre-mency ooncou. Mia: McCullough. Colborne street. on- tertained A few friends at her home last. evening. Light refreshments and candy were served before the guest: departed. A mmvnn nf ll mniurihv nf the mnmhnn WUTU IUYVUU UUIUTU DHU HUIUCU UCPITDBU. A canvass of a mnjurity of the members of the city council u-hows chub they are in favor of increasing the pay of the firemen who receive now only $1 and $1.15 daily. Prnnirlnnr. Qtnwnrr. wi|l nnimhnr nimr A WIIU FECUIVU IIUW Ul|l_V .1 llllll U1. |U Ullyu President Stewart: will neither sing A song nor make a 1-peech_ ab St. Andrew : concerts. no hint concluded to do his rt. in wearing the lxilta and illustrating t 0 na- tional costume- 'lV|._ ........... -.--...I- `E AL- I3:....L fV-.._..-..- IJII Wlll [Ellufll Blll` DUO UOIlLlIyU- The Queen : almn mater aloofiona were held in Ontario hall this afternoon. Little interest was manifested on account. of there not being n pre-idency content. Min Mnullnnuh. Cnlhnrnn at:-nnl*._ an- VV lllli UIHCU. I One of Kingston's heavenly twins ob- ject: to association with the other fellow even in jokes. Which of them is it do you ruppone? (7. R \Vnhnfnr `AM: Cm Nnnnnnn this U|l FUpP'JFU.' C. R. Webster left: for Nnpnneo this afternoon to nonduob an examination on the Bymea-Wakeford case to be tried on Monday next. `W . Mlirrnv nminfnr nmnlnvnrl at (Mt. llllllly "EXP. `W. Murray. painter. employed It On- tawn. during the summer. has `returned home to spend Christmas with his parents. He will return after the holidays. The Quintin : nlmn mnfnr nlminnl Illa. iad Aberdeen has consented to deliver an ad re-.9 under the auspices of the 0:.- tnwn Sn. l abrick e society on the um: March next. T.-nah A_ f\....-.. L-L...--.. `l\E...'-_._ -...I AIJIIFUII llCXlu Lost. on Queen. between Division and Clergy streets. or on Prince. 1: Damon ra mr, whine handle ; nder pleue return to Wnm ofce. ' H..- ..t l(.'.....-a.....v- L--.._..I.. A_.:_. ..L uvutvvu nun --.1--u--uuu Aoo lor inuruction in e niubion villho Id at A" battery, nnunry. February and Dooombor in web your. Courloo will oommonco on the lib day of cool: month except when the let should be oinnduy. Ivhonthoy will commence obo following day. Course will lust for A iod not to oxcood twenty-eight daya, an no soon alter the commencement. of a course any candidate is prepared to uolily. his (xlminntion will take place non! order 13. of 1890, ryllubun fur oquihtlou hr ollicern of dmmounled unluil ouicolled and lullowing is culmi- tutod bhorefor, And will be nrlded to para. [fl b 1,082. regulations and orders for 108 . Equlhtion oourro. I00 mu-In sword oxoroiao. Iwonuy-ve mutt; msblo duties, twenty-ll." mu-kn; (min; nddlory. twen- ty-In Duh. .0! total moth obtninnblo county pol` oono. will be nocouury to quill: for I oorticat.o.~ The provision: of regulation and ordorujor militia I887 for {lllluonoo and tram rb for on or- ooimo In I be lpplictblo USU IJHU Illlll Y \J. PUrPB'-HI UHlUCl`En Christmas sale of holiday books. fancy goods. toys und games. R. Uglow &Co. `X I. Luna Rnlnum in Hun Ir-mar. I"ll'nll`A- UJUUU Ull LVlUHUy Hlgll I0!` 0[RHHl7.lD|0no A. J. Mncdonnell, manager of the On- tmio bank. is on the sick Ivan. Bu cnughc cold at the elqvator re on Tuesday n|'nvhr 8U|7"l'. LU]! llllll 8II"IUUp XV. UKIUW UAUU. `X L Lung Bnlaum in the beat prepara- tion for coughs and colds. ab McLeod`: drug store. Thu Qnnnlhnnn nnrl Rb T.nun-nnnn lxnnluan Ul'I.IK llUl'Uu The Sandstone and St. Lawrence hockey teams will amgamnce this season and moot. on Monday night. for omzunnzmon. A. J. Mncdunnall. mmnnmr of the On. hlll lifflin J Governor (iria o of New Jersey. slated for attorney-genonl as successor jndno McKonnao Thnmu Ommalln. lnhnrnr. wnrlximr 1 IIITU U" I` l'lUBy ulgut. Members of the police force are thankful to Hugh 0. Nuckle for a number `of boulu upon electrical matters. Thn nldnnrnnnln hang: Inann inuitn an |lpUlI UIUUIDFIUIII 'llII.UUrU- Tho aldeumen have been invite as president Stownrlfa guest: to Sc. Audrew"i;' concert and will attend in I body. Our nmm in wall fillnn with Mm In-Ant. UUHUUTIJ unu Will 5056"`) "I I 005.1, - Our score is well filled with the latest designs in Indian and gents footwear. Come and see them at Sawyer ; Tl`; un`nnIvu n..n..l..o:.-.... Ailing... nu... Ll... VJUHIII HIIU HUU IJUUILI all 53W_VUl' In The reform association officers are the same old aix-penco. They are entitled to use the aix P 0.--porpet.ual officers. Christmas gala nf hnlirlnv hnnkm fnnnu IVUHXFUW Ill I'6l'l.'al cased of biguny. Tho rmndnnnn 01138 UK Illgllllya The residence of W. D. 5. Poison, Stonewall. Mcn., was totally deltroyed by tire on Friday night. Mnmhern nf Mm nnlinn lnrnn Am Lhnnlxful JUUHU WIUIXUHIIIO Thomas Costello, laborer. workin Renfrow sud Perth. has been M"l'0It0 . I mum!` nf hinnmv, the any on mute for Munibobn. . You can get just what you wnui`. in rub- bers, overt-hoes. etc , at Sawyerh. Christmas sale of holidn books, fancy goods. boy: and games. Uglow & Co. ll`nln`hnnf.n. leanings. nlmnnn. al.n.. to Uvlu l|.l cute. I I - w`l?you wnnt- anything in watches 02* ring: It will pay you to call on C. L. Ban, Kine throat. I! (Inna:-nnr (1:-iaa A! Man: JAI-nnv, in wmu nun oxm-nu. The Cornwall And Willismlburg cgunll o'oIo on Tuesday next. '1`. Pdmar. yvorking ab Cornwall :11 au- tumn. returned homo to-day. Jnmnn Andaman. Wnlnn. nnnad t.h|-ouch Dara. ovrlluoes. ow II mnvyar I. Felrbooba. iaggiuga. ahpporu. ol.o.. to keep you warm and oornforuble. It Saw- yor u. ' , Nino applications hnvq been fylod for commercinl master in chi oollegiuno initi- tnfn V - `WU KC . UTVVWT" -`J? 53' Indian: 01 upon. 1!. L. Warren, Piobon. is. (I guess at the City hotel. rninnrnnn 0. -mo. ...-.o|..- .m nwun:- n Iuopnono mo. mu. . Ax-nob : Arnim Anodyuo tor nll puma, in- tqmnl and external. 'I"hn n-nu:-Ii Ant` Willigmnhnsrn rung}: wznn. l'ol:llI'nu nomo to-any. James Anderson, Wnlaa. pulled through the city make for Mnnibobn. Vnn nan ant. inst. nhn. vnn wnn in rub- For non. than rtahc now-'-In this slur brink weather Ami thme knob tor place `,0 buy the `porting pum- phuns II than 1 ht hero in this mar. little I N. You mu 0 able: to get the lame nnwh on mu oluwhu-o-we don't. know `rho Vdglalut lawn ornwdod lbw II: Innnlh-an at nl-nan uty norm. Footwear for web wnther no 8uvyer I. Tolophono N o. 150. ' Annals : Amim Anndxnn for All nlinl. in- }iEnsiXL muaim-us. u2}.Tn"i'i-iI_ur'n.-nu. n. The Ilunlneu Report. /\-\|> '\-_ A I')_-J-L. IBIUHD HOW] CDC!` wen: I only kn Bruomo county then were 5 Inwyari. In umeno II. In Putnam 8. In Santa: I! and In `Flog: 14 But porhnpu the lawyer I or that pvod who uuoyod I-hnt mm: In thocodnp-I bocnllod an only onnpwhn `slur om member 0! an New York but who In- Ihlod In In-lnnnn county Ann H80 than was: Inonnnn of lawn In luv York ' and In IIM ck jd I.oIc.-Nuw York Dal. vv -.--- ---w,w.- -v-uu -rvuuvuo in tho ymr I829, under the nuthority of tho mm at New York`; an enumeration of tho lnwyorn entitled to practice at the unto 1 or lucnl court: min mnda The regulation: tor miminnlon to the but no that time woro simple and may to comply with. Never- tlmlou them were found to be only I luv- yorn on Simon lnlnml. lain Wootchmut. 00 in Albany and 45 in Onondaga Mon- roe county had not than ntuinod tho dil- tinctlon which it. has hnd Ilnco We drowth or Rochclmr into a city. and it had within its burden only 17 in-yon. whilo Colum- bia county. which has oinco given Io tho but of tho mm many icunod jnnm Md 8:! and Dtitohvou county H The pooplo of Long Island were even lea inclined to m~ igntion than than they on now. {or in tho whole `of Sutton: county then won 0 low- ycn only. in Queens county then wco but 2. uni in Kings county (II is try dif- ioront now) than were I only HI Rlhrninn nnnnrv Ojmounmu B Innvavu IIIU IIUUUl'IllIIKIy. The bookkoeper barmaid or barmaid bookkeeper smiled. and I realized that in country hotel: or inns in England every one who clussiiiod. no In everything also English. into three oinueu. So firmly in this three olnao business lmboddcd In the ` British mind that there are ovon throo diu- tinot rates for comotery nocommodntionn. llrst. second and third. In this case. how- ovor, you are not left to the judgment of tho `clerk or uuperinwndent in charge. but olussitiod according to _tho rout of your (lwolllng houso. For example. if you llvo in A house paying 50 a year rout you must (lie {Inst cinas and pay rut class Imriul mtoa for everything from the sol- tun whuullus your grave to the pumm who rvmls the burial service over your ro- umlun Umlcr U to 20 or possibly loos yuli muy how the privilcno of nooond olnsn prim-s for pNu`t.lcnll_V tho mmo nocmmnn- ' dmion and norviou. but it the rent you my is loss than thin then you on: entitled to the joyous ovnnomy of nthlni clan fu- uornl.-Philmiulph1n'Inquirer. vb oor you I that. But wodon't. know thnt. lwtter gun. You bo uhlo to get mo Q ` lgznnt butter pl`L)0I-l0I' you--cannot. be According to \VhIoh the General Public In England HIVQ to P31. "Well, you see. sir. " and A rather prob- ty girl all In blnck, save a wide whim col- mr and nutty white cus. we know our our-utmners by what thuy ask for. air Whnu 1 menu In that. If any one comes in and asks for n `number we know he Ian `o0m- ` mvrcml` and charge him two and six. On the other hand. II he asks for n `bod. we know hu Isa. business mm or a profes- slnnal man. and the chm-no In three and SIR. but. if hn usks, nu you dld. for A bad- mmn. we know no bulonns to the gentry. and we chnrgu hlm woonlingly ' "Mun-Qlv " I nnnllml "Rn vnn nhnl-um-I uuu wu cnurgu nun uuuunuugly "l\:xuctly. I replied. "So you charged me nooordlngly. 'I`hn hrmlzI:nnnnI- hnl-I-nnlri AI hat-vnnlrl "The greatest outlet for stolen dia- monds," says Mr Gardner Williams sa- tirlcally, is through the Transvaal to N atal. where they are shipped by `respect- able merchants.` who turn adeaf ear to any information from the diamond elds to the effect that they are aiding the sale of stolen property." When the natives leave. they are rigorously examined. and yet now and then Johnnie manages somehow to take away a few carats Ono of his little dodges is to hide the stone near a post. Here stands a post. " says he. and i shall know where to find it." Occasionally he discovers that the heard is gone before he quits the compound. but he never complains. The boys have their virtues They work hard, and they face emergencies like men. Some years ago a number of them were out oi! in the work- ings bya lire in the shaft. They soon realized that death by burning or suffoca- tion was certain. Calmly they mot-their fate--no panie. no howling or shrieking, no imprecations. They lighted their pipes and sat down by the walls of the tunnel and inhaled the soothing nicotine until the fumes of the irrespirable air took away eonsciousness. To be men. says the Ger- man poet. one must learn to bear the in- evitable with dignity. 'l`hese darkies were men. Curiously, the Zulu. bravest of his race in the ileltl. is the timidest in the ...In.. K]. L... 4.... -nunl. Inn\n1nIl\nO.a\I|I Inn [1100 ll] HID HUI. ll uuu unlluunu Ill lallu mine. He has too much Inmnltmtdon: ho peoples its darkness. its sllonco. no echoes with nplrlmnl belu;|.-K1u1borloy Cor. % 1 London Telegraph. Rigid Preceutions to Prevent Gem Steel- in[--stolidlty of the Workers. In this part of the world it is hardly safe to have a diamond unless you enn show that you brought it with you into the country or have purchased it of a licensed dealer. Time was when receivers of the lowest order came hero from all pnrts. and bought the stone from the workers. 1. D. B. (illicit dimuond buying) nttnined such proportions that one-hull` of all the gems produced, it was computed, were stolen. the money value being rook- oned at from 500,000 to 1,000,000 every your. Strlngent enactments have reduced the evil so fur es the white hands nre con- eerned, and yet. whatever purloining ex- ists. it must, in the main. be charged to their account. since they may reside where they choose; whereas the 8.000 colored ` people are strictly conned to theirin- closures or emnpounds." during the three or six months that they spend at the works. umi... ........s....A ....n..s. 0.. goal...` din- Pine` Silk Chit;as,' ail cbiors, extra wide, regular soc for 4oc yard. I` I,, I (\'II,, I,__,,A9f I l"F;ncy Colored Silks, beautiful designs, extra ne qualities, 60c, 70c, 75c, 80c, goc. I`-IA.__,I f`,,.,. ., ___J f\,_I!__ L White Glace Silks and Satins, suitable for Dresses, at low prices. I Coloted China Silks. suitable {or fancy work, only 25 yard. 1" Id ! "'1 2"` I Colored Surahs and Poplins-- An extremely large range to hand. l W. .A. MITCHELL. IA anal I1 Pvlnnnnl HM-nah SILKS--` Whoa Lawyers were loci-co. TH REE CLASSES. DIAMOND MINING. A Poor Silk is Dear iItAny `Price. A: ' ` Good Silks are Always Cheap at WaIdron's. VIII rorflooll _ Aknndor T:-omr.ImIlu.ln..ob0 on-Ind iunhodm shbwcnhhnlluilln tnncnlnllm tutu-.wl nun 0 IO- 14-.. M. an. I 'l'nJJ.nl thin ; mnoru nu ma nuur. wm Iunrr u day.Na duct. In. '.l'o1H.0f Ho mmlu Ir. `hub & 1 Double width Tweeda. Crepona and Serge: for 5c yard. 25c and 3oc heavy wide Sergea and Tweed: for 15 yard. 45c. soc and 6oc Tweed: and Fanc Goeda for 95 yard. 75, goc. $1 Tweed Snitingn, 54 inc . cholce lot soc yard. 81.35 Cravenette, in New and Dark Grey. for 75 yard. v Black Serge: 3oc for aoc. 4oc for 25. soc for 37tc. 1 ` 6 pieces Priestley : Black Goods 8! and 81.85, c oice for 69. _fl Lininge-Cv.mbric 4c yd., double width 7c; Canvas 6c yard. We would respectfully ask for the piymaat of all acconnu be fore closing. -. AT WALSH S ~:tcR5AI`cHEA1::$. THERE IS NO IIQIIHI`: i _ _z.-:.':":. "'"'_ :':::] -;nW';`7" in Innlto ?\NALSH S Moderate in coat, easy to manage. with the ovens ventilated and heated gvgnly all throuxglt by n patent Hue not found in other stoves. \'m.~`ll never have any kitchen trouble if you buy one of these reliable r.+nges-everyone is guaranteed: lY0u ll Have `Good Luck l$_3`Ei?XiELfiW?%& sou, so new pieces French Brocaded. Silks to hand, grand qualities, newest designs `in `stripes and fural effects, goc, $1.. $1.10, $1.15. $1.23. 8135. 31-40. #:450- BLACK BROCADE SILKS A LDY'3 JOY. R. VVALDRON. `Comet Covers 15c, zoc, 25c, 35c.nnd up. ' 4 Drawer: 20c, 25c, 35c, 45c up. .- For Ladies Furnishings go to Simmons Bros., i*'.i~1'c:? i<"13z"'1`17isi'5"c';"L'<')VIs'." SHETLAN WOOL VEILS. MITTS. double or single. all sizes. TEA \Tf`V I!RYT\'l"'l`T.`f'\ I`! I\'\7'l'B BOYS STOCKING S. EVERY MOTHER AGENTS. KINGSTON. Double Heels, Double Knees, made from Paton s famous Scotch Yarn. Prices "from 35: to 491: a pair. Cheaper makes as well. With a family to clothe `to deal with us. All we request is that you compare Quality and Price. Winter Weight Cashmcrc Hosiery 20c. 23c. 25c. 30c and up. (T Qfjtjj Uweghave just received a new complete stock of these. goodgt which we offer at special . cutg` _; es- Closing Up Bargains. uynquu with -T--L} mud uwus, unuu wluu. av ,vvu- Black Glace Silk. tie newest thing I6: Blames,` soc, 60c. 70c, 75c. Black Surah Silks, heavy cards, `will not cut, 50c , 60c, 75c. 90c, 31, 81.25. R'nnL cnO:nn bk` A-`Ant no-nah `II. vlo u Blackasatins, the neet French makes at exceedingly low prices, 6C! 75! 9C: `In `I-25: `I-50: $1-75. 82. '1I_-I_ I,'II, t\!II, ..,,,,,,_'I I _ J, ' i3'1ac1I'7:=aixIe Silk. reversible, warranted every yard, 90c, 31, $r-Io.$;-25.$I-35- Black China Qsmu-we keep the beat, extra wide. 5oc,6oc. ha:-Ir Clan-A CHI: 0'5: nnunnnb the Night Dresses in run ..,lo'n"!h', tuckcd yoke and `Lace Trlmpaed, we show for. , so CENTS. They are handsome. dur- able and economical; fitted with every up-to-date coal and labor-saving device. Oxlordsteelange Dll0ll6SSO[0X[0l`(l In the kitchen-always- if you have a OR AN 7394223. ? Food V:~1 i\IDERwEAR See.` he Night Dtesaea, full Jengt large sleeves and em- braid fy grimrped we show for ' ' l I ll lVI'll'I'l` An excellent Food, admirably 3 adapted_ to tho wants of Infants and. Young Persons, and being rich In Phosphates and Potash is } of"the greatest utility In supp|y- \ In; the bone-forming and other 1 `Indispensable elements of food." ! '91:: (`ms .\ f".4.\n-:un.\'. NH). : TOR ||lFMl'_|'8 MID INVQLIDS. 88 dnd 90 Princess Street. (olnul for Iqultnllon. -` &lu&J-J- L M and O7 Prlnonu am. j LNDIES 1. "|'=}'rEn TIME Ill..- .4 I IIIILI For wort. than rtaht k ' 6b"6ENTs. IOs||I0d an rouncuot. . Frank Goon. pouuutor at Kepler. ha- nsigul Mo position. Shanon Pnwloy. II is-ex-gated. will to nppoiitod Io tin pods II! T_ I1 Ivvuuuj `ho but New arm uootonuunylu II LII-idly`: Inll-IRE." II I vim on'l'|uIhyuigbt. : - ., Iona sun run too. Col. Enter an Jab will ban nun you touorvo no oonnnmluu ohbo xyouo glllone oh} 1? h but. balm: bcing uzind u out III III ljmt. or Ituonho An 11.1.0. vunor. Principal Maccsbv. of tho norms! school Om. bu Non uppoinud totbo board 0! vtuitonof the Boyd nilihry oollqo. Kingston. In N98. Duo or Ion-uI'l'ovor. Inspector W, G. Kidd was notied this morning of u out o! ocnrlenfovar Inn family, the children of which Attended tho pubhc ooboolu. This in the first use of contagion: diuno ropogtod In our six months. ` `'0 3-`. IEKITU TUE Ill!- Tho nrool rnilcuy company but pluood Ill on-dot with Birutt. & Snmmorvillo for I iulcient number of vutibulo door: to Gqlllp all the cloud nu can. Thin will pron I [not boon to motonnon. 1-{sang In Ilnntol. lira. llntlmnd-Roburn. contnlto. but been scoured moi no thooonvonn as "8 Queen : collage on Duo. lhh. In. bund- n.L.m. mu.-an I rlnhmnlodioul voloo. 'l NIIOQIUII Ulu. nun. -rs. uuuu l luburn pontoon: I rlgh.nu|odiouu voloo. ._,___s_.,,_._,L.. nu um i 1 9 pbokl i'.'.'.'.'.".`.'l'...... ..`{..'.'.'.m.'.:..{ um uiuupn-nut muuormt the .-no-u.u'.'... l w A Very "Worm" om. Mn. W. Nickle. Earl street. bu sent. to chief of police Horsey twelve pnlrn of hen] woollen mitu for the me of old man employed by the corporation. The gift wgguu the tboughlfuluou of the donor and in much appreciated by the men. - `rho Tory l III[" The ulggou. The conoouvatlvo papers hue been giv. ing object lonom Lint. the conlorvablvo ``plug" was much bigger Ll-an the gm. "plug. Quito true but, the bury "plug" had oightun years to [union up before the grit. "plug" came on she scone. no Got Even. lloodncu. gracious 1 how cold it in," said the wife of a prominent. merchant un her huabuud Ulla morning. "1 wish I could go to II wnrmer place." The chance of geuiiig even with llli hotter hull was too good to let. slip by. an he replied gent.- l_v : "My dear, it you do nob mend your "ways you will hnve your wish gratied ! - - --u---u- uvmluul -uvwuu. A brilliant At. Home" was given at. the residence of Mrs. W. J. Urotheul. Earl ntreet, leer. evening, from four to six o'clock. The gueetn were numerous and the event I very pleasing one. T. J. O'Connor : orcheolrn we: prevent and play- ed their music while seabed underneath a bank of owers. in-Inuit Very Good. The tanning uunmunihy wee well repre- sented in the city today, and as a result: local merchants were but-y. Bueinere wen brick on the marker` the farmers receiving fair prices for their produce. So patronage wan reciprooebed by the farmers making heavy purohuee in the store, mbe at.l.ent.ion being centred more in the dry goods and shoe trede. Whilothe schooner Queen of the Lakes wu lying At Charlotte a night or two ago. the crev/came near being aephyxiated by coal gnu econ ing from I above in the ca- bin. Cnpn. liver : son was found in an uncomoiouu condition. Member: of the crew were more or less affected. Capt. Oliver happened to have a modicine cheer. aboard, and administered roatorabivea to than Affected. - EIIIIJIJUIII un navuuu. Inst evening the members of the Syden- hevn etreet Methodist church branch of the King : Daughters held I `very eucceeeful social in the church parlors. A number of tables containing refreshments. candies, cm, `were each trimmed to represent in variety of meet, the eifect being quite pretty. Light refreehmente were carved during the evening. The circle is about 830 to the good as e mult of the social. um-in mu Serve uriern. The mayor is in receipt of I letter from the department oljustice with the notice that the governor-general cannot exercise the preogntive of clemency in the one of Thomas Clerk, now eerving a three-year term in the penitentiary. Clark, with J. Bovine and Patrick Clerk. were INDIC- in February. 1896, for stealing money mm the till of the Bowen house bar, and clubbing a woman. T. Clerk was aeu teuoed to three years in -the Kingston penitentiary by judge Price. and some time later his wile circulated a petition. praying for his release. The petition was lorwerded to the department of justice last March. non Iocieoy DBlII,DWUDlJUl' Winn (nu Inuwu : "Mien Louise Brings. of Kingeton, whole portrait in given here. has made e reputa- tion on both aidee of the Atlantic an a typical daughter of the dominion. She is tall, lithe end willowy, with rnre graoa of movement. and (the trim Canndiun girl : love 0! outdoor life. Min Briggs. who is a niece of A. S. Hardy. premier of Ontu-ir,hae spent most of tho prezent year in Europe. She went there in April to not _ no bridoemeid for her friend, Mina Violet Campbell. who was muried in St. Thomas . Edinburgh. in June. A titled author. who met Mine Briggs in London, was so much Attmcmd by the young Canadian girl. that it is understood she will appear as a promi nent oharacterin a. forthcoming novel, Thonee Allure Work Here luded-IV `twenty Yeue 0 llrennn. - ~ - Another old Ki etonien pueed from thin world yeeterdey w n Thomu Allen died nt the home of his brother-in-lew. Robert Appleton, Porumouth. Deoeeeed wee Ilxty-one yeere of ego. born in the county ol Meede. Irelend. but spent the moot of Ni life on Garden Island and in Kingston. For over twenty yeere he wee re men and euhtent englneer in the employ of the St. Lawrence ateemboet oompeny. He we: I faithful worker, end woe nlwoye et hie poet when wanted. He poeeeeeod wonderful ooureue: end no rust- ter how periloue e eltuntion he won in, hia pluck never queilod. Hie familiar face will he mineed among the loeel nilore. Al- though he hoe beonniling for runny weeks. heart dileeee brought on death l'Il.llOI' nud- denl . Hie lunernl leevee Mn. Appleton`: reel me tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. ` u-ZI'VlIl G IIIIIIL HOW HIM! "Kl ' wllc htou|uI|ol,Il). `A OIIIIIIIII llollo. Tho onmnt number 0! The Puritan non- bnina A portrait of n populu young Kin :- bon Iocieby bellomogobhor with thll skate : Min Inning Hrimn. nl Kimrnhnn. whom -......_.__. In-mun nuns In snout '00- , . . ,- in-.. c9_.L. -_.Lh..A._ nan} IITIE 4 P. M. I-illl. I FAITHFUL EMPLOYEE DEAD. Onmo Near Holng uloontod I--LL- _-I._-.___ l\,.-__ -1 AL- `l'c;I'|v-0-30;-I.-.I_i":I~(-)n. , ,- _ In , , _ _ _ _ _ _ __ |__ A Planning social Event. II!_._A IAAA lI-.___'| ._ , A Bnooeuful Invent. 2 ,-L, ,,,.,,L.,,-,. 37!] DU1v'v- Dunn. Out. Due. .-_-Ju Jlubvlynoondnglio ullhpiulydnlyg Kdw by-Inn. Ir. Cunpboll rooouy lnptovol I 50:00 at the corner of Earl mu '3 lloll. and through ovomghr. Allow- W to protndo on the buulovud. _ 1 In ollnpd indenitely. .. .... .__......... Ian Out In I am. ilg lb Int any in Bar-rioold in :.-r.'-'-......*-~......-n'.r.#.-.=..-.:-...f*-.:':'.~. The 90:01-uh : Welcome. PALIA, Island of Majorca. Doc. 4 -'l'ho military ohab yonotdny fun I luncheon in honor ofgooonl Way or. the foo-mar pain-gonna! of Cuba. Tho military covomorof lhjoeon Inn among the guns. When Gen. Woylor cunt-ed the bunqloi lull the band in abundance plnyod tho loyal hymn. and tho gononl. stopping the` manic momentarily. propoood I tong to the kind and the quota rogbnt. which was onthuoiuticdly roooind. IWISII II IIOII w IIIUUIIU pujun OI three new torpodo both which will to ouilythoiutat Inr can in the world. being capable ol the ononnou opal 0! thin -dgln hon an hour with Iihla cl inking lore luau an hour f wand. `u cunt-rel tho have has L... _|.....| an}. n lnglanl. -I_-_A- llrnlhor To Eu Eoro Piper. V'A.\"nt{\'Icn. 8.0.. l)oc.f4.-.Y (3. Milne. has received I later from his brother, Patrick, A hero piper nf Dargni ridge, abat- ing that his rugimont, had been sinned to Rnwl Pinde bocnuco of the diaulor whioh hotel the Bntinh in Tochi Valley. The re- "jimonr than wuolataonod than in off to who mm of war. and the no prnbnblv fuocod booum the cum :1 or in chief In an old Gonion. The piper. notwithvmnd) ng his aunt, Patrick. in not an Irishman. ueunv wuunu uuvn ---urn. Nnw Yunk. Dec. 4.-Twelve-year old Gertrude Turecelr. only child of a German tailor. hoe obtained from her father during the Inn. six months. (L400. the savings of their ten years `of bitter toll. The child told her father that she had met. president McKinley. who had promised to give her tether I position where he would no longer have to toil no hard. _Bhe aid the mane; was to bu Kresenca for the preeident. land to furniuh im with funds now And then. She pur- chased meny nronentn for her perenu-, any- io g uhey came from McKinley. The father followed her to the Windsor hotel, where the raid she was to mee tho proaident. and [mud he had not been ere elnco April. Then the daughter fa d. Indictment! Found Agnlnu Illlnoln town Omolnlu. ClIll`A(:0, Dec. 4.-'l`he grand jury has voted Loindicb uauouor Rlchud U. Hun- ning and clerk Benjnniu Burnett-, or the south town. Three hue bills were voted against hunnlng. Tho ohurgoa against; him upon which nhe bill! were voted, Ire: Mnlfonaance in olllce. connpiraoy and soliciting I bribo. Two indnclmenta were volt.-d against- clork BarneLbe,t.o llaten to protests of taxpayer: while sitting as a board of rewmue. Tho alleged arbitrary man- ner in which they um said to have ig- nored all 'pro:,o.-ta mid bllu refubnl to pro- duce their lmulm or in any way ucuerle lo the icaumnblu dawn-ml ut the prnummz tnxpuyeru constituted the bani: of the charge. ._.,j._-jj_-. ... ., --,.,, ..,_ -,..s___ WHICH I! ll IOIl0W* 1 "So far as Dreyfus is concerned. the case has been tried, no new facts have been brought out and no new document has been eubmicted during the course of the enquiry to justify a revision of the trial. In consequence there is no ground for pro- ceedmg ugeinat. cuunt Esterhezy so far nu regards the crvme of hngh nreunn for wmoh captain Dreyfus was concerned." To Consider Uluu-zen Brought Against Count lcnterluny. Puus. Dec. 4.-The military governor of Peril. Gen. Baueaiery-has ordered the formation of A court.-martial to examine into the charges against. counb Ferdinand Walain Eaberhezy, the retired major of the French arm . who is ucoused of writing uhoiebter w ich brought about the son; tencling of Alfred Dreyfus to imprinomnent. for iie. ms... t....-..-I -....- l.. .L 01.. .l...:.:.... .-J I01" IHB. The Journal any: that the decision of Gen. Sauuier is based on the report. at Gen. Pelleux, who was appointed by the minister of wsr to exumineinco the charge: brought against Count Enterhazy and which is as follow: : nu- I`-.. -- I\..-..t..- 3.. 4.,uu;`n.-AA sh- Anna `wA.....7.2'.'.',"iI..'Z.".'r'nZI' ..., a. tenant has noolvod inhrnnuon that out in about to biotin mound of .L... ...a- uuvnnlln hon}; Qhhu -III F. dull," ny u. .m. The emslgemxbed society of engineers has paid out over $250,000 to the men out of work. Before the lookout. the engineers in London, received twenty-eight. shillings a week. in Glasgow thirty-five and in Kighley twenty-six shillings. I - --L ' on 01 Puma: . Holt.-Col. Humor. 47th bath, declare: In II out 00 poliluol for good. He will noo Ilhhhlnloll with any puny nor an pith any matter oloouons. `rho tlmo Cadillac: 50 pnum in the hold no por- moods. Oluoqnoml ho will uh-sin and lNIIuI'k|n hiclmnc noon tho occu- llunlnqolootlou. presumptive. In is said that Oscar Wilde has arranged to publish hero and in New Y0lk mby A poem entitled Tho Ballad of Reading Juil, by C. 33. The nmnhrnmnmd unniatv of engineers neon perpetrated. The Daily Chronicle says it has reason to believe that the kbedive of Egypt. will refuse to allow his brother Mehemob Ali Pasha, to marry an Amenmm, in view of the fact that Mehemet All in still the hen- presumptive. Ir. in mid that (hour Wilda has m-ranked in England. - Another mysterious murder has been committed in which an old shoemaker. of Long Acre is the victim. Great dissatis- faction is expressed with the police, as within the past two years eight unexplain- ed murders and immense burglaries have been perpetrated. Than nailv Uh!-nninln nnvn it commerce. V A unit we: brouht by $em Lewis, the welleknown money lender, against an oili- eer of the guard: to recover 855,565 due on two promiuory notel. Loud William Neville, (int ton of the marquis at Aber- gavenny.hnd mined the notes, thinking they were documents releting to the di- vorce of counteu Cowley. his sister. The nlliiriu the tell: of society 3 attempts have been made to hush the mar up. Uley. the young gunrdemen. w e A former member of parliament and is ver wealthy. He revnilod upon his gun n, Lord Nevi Io. to endorse the note fo him. In the nbmnoe of e refutation of Cl y a story. Lord Neville must remain an exile and an outcast. All of there involved Ire inti- mntely known in society circles. u- u:....I..:.. .A:i.-... all ..mnmnr.iun Ens-in. ` mately known In society ourcwe. Mr. Sinoiuir.edii.or of Locomobive Engin- ` eering, New York, has an erticlein we Times to-day dealing with the engineer- ing strike. he says that during the week, as I consequence of the strike. fty- \eight_]_(_n-eign orders for enginee wele re- ka.-.m .r.-mnrasied States. which under \BlgllI_]_2l'E|R 011107`! IOI` engines WUIU Iv- Eeird IT"U6ibed States. nominal conditions would have been placed in England. Annmhar mvnlarihun murder Olen! Wilda will Publish a Poun- l'ho Inmnn will lol Pu-Ct no In:-nun -`l'ho lnglnu-or`: Illo mm on-- Iono of London : Ion Popnlnr chu- noun nrtlnvolvod In `tho Ptomlnory now out` ' ~ Ixnmox. Dec. 4-'l`ho kholifs in dis- Erod to conclude pact with Egpz, if he nivan hm-nrlinri nmnar over ordofon Gd conclude peeoe wnn nag pa, ll ue Jgiven hereditary power over ordofon en Derfure and hie erlherense Vperdoned. The dervieh leader will also evaounbe the whole Nile vo||ey, recognize British eu- premecy. end open hie dotnnine to British l!0l'hl!lBf(Q. lmavlm Mggn I EXiLED.[ j--j HE UNKNOWINGLY ENDORSED ung --`nun:-ntnnw ur\`rEQ ugauu. u uxwnulng uown unrtnco nun II to Ontario. (Lu-don and duty on were oxhiblud in grub vqumlitno Wlho usual prion. Poultry ul- II look I Inmom. place on those prices : `hr-Ion. do. to Cl: noon. 45. to 55; ORDERED A COURT- MARTIAL. MALFTAnce m OFFICE. I`l\I`VVII16bv 3|`: -`cu 3 U V TWO PROMIBSORY NOTES. TIOQIC II TIC Well`. Btolo From Her lfullur. Iv I\ , . llI#,I .131: munrt wma. SATURDAY. mzcmmum 74. 1397. WTIWIWI ITT ant. ol my In WCIIII nu In-In Illlodod. Bnrlwn. Duo. 4.--Gnu ouiudonc vac-null outing In uh vil- hpo! Iguana _ _ In. tgcnynnn umnuw plan! no man pncoo 5% goon. 55. Ooh: H.600. M000. I it: chichnn. ;t0l0o. l`pdr; land, 00. to 750. A n L Sn vil-` l olloouu-cl igtwulynvm louor- Ibu- pladuunlloor all-ngo.hm in no Inowjulo. Storx Cm. 13.. Doc. 4--'l"ho wont snow storm in your: hot bean raging hon lot ton.)-o6he`1Ionn. Railway mojn 302:3 hnnpoud. min. 1.- Dan 4-1. 1... 1.... IIE -0lIZ LI-g W ` -"lU IIII 19 moving ban in Ilnnty-ix hemp without oudnf. mm: in honhonoa six and mm min. I I WIII A John 0onnoIno;. Boon-us. Mum. Doc. 4.-M on im rt- ont muting of tho Boston Ooh buroou old yoooordoy. o roooluuon woo odoptod to tho olfoot bhuthl button and tho In-ooh Ind oolb oh trodo ol Boooon pomion tho proo- done ond tho congrooo to hovo o joint oom- niooion oppolnud by tho Unlud Salon :66 dominion 0! Oonodo to lnvoo to tho ohotioo ond tho. trodo l'0|oHon`s swoon tho two oounuioo. ' I-VVIIUII in Int Iuuunlv-. RHMICL Dec 4.--A doc-patch from Canon. in the pxovinco of that. mum, in Piedmont, south of the Lopontine Alpn. ray: shah wont bonus in the village of Review have ndonuoyod by re. Ono man was oauuht In a burning building Ind burned to a crimp. The onlamity Inn run- dond thirty hmilloo boneless. sad at the ground to oonrod dog with wow :9 thin nuon of tho your. clan condition in da- nu-:94 u an: nuuuuuvuu uvvyu New Ynnx, Dec. 4.-Bredatreet eeye : Frosty weather and harder roads in the dominion oiCenada hnve etimuleted die- tribution of merchandise. erticuleriv of dry goods, shoes and clot. ing. Fiehinp proopeeu, as viewed in the maritime pro- vinces. are not eon-idered good, General trade in New Brunswick hue been checked by A decrenno in lumber opurntione. There are thirty eeven bunineee iniluree through- out.t.he.Onm\di\n dominion this week, one npninei. thirty-four Int. week. {orLy~eeven in the week one your ego, end eighty-nine two yeere ego. Cllllroukflly 0llJ_VUTI `NIH UVUIIL. At. Winnipna: on Friday chief jurhice Tnylnr nontoncod Samuel (7. Humlermn and John Buculeuh to three monbhq each In jail with hard labor, fnr obtaining Innm-_v under f.x F0 pruronco-. I .-f nunninn \Iian Wm:-rin R-Jun Hiahsnn Inl"lll`_\' 'lll\lUI' LUF" l'l'YO:'|C("'. Last. evonimz Mina Carrie B.ijun.. Ridoeu an-ooh. acted the hotter-n M. a social gather- ing as her home. Iviviletione hed been diutributed goneronnly. and as gone:-el re- sponse followed. The evening was spent. very pleasantly. p'lnn0 3`IUUIIUHUu lhmeraan loyal Orange lodge. No. 1001, has passed A resolution of condolencotn the parents, hrochern and sisters of the late Wnllinm Duceb, and WI" dupe their warrant. for six months. I D nnrl ll-4 Klnllnn man` 05.: n.-nil- wurrnuu [Ur Ell llIUV|lll"o .l_. B and Mrs. Ml`KI\_V gave the pupil! nf the bu-lnosn college their annual "Al Hume" lub evaning. Their npacinua par- lora were thrown open to tho I-Ludonts, who tlmroughly enjoyed the ovom. At \Vinninmr nn Wrirl-n1 nhinf inlnmir-a . Very Luge Inlet. The vehicle! on the mnrkol. square thin lotningwu I large mixture of nleiglm and venous. The Attendence was larger than maul, the farmers llin the equnre, `encircling the Cleroncr not meet. Huh. I extending down Clarence m M Onlm-in. u-(Inn and

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