Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1897, p. 2

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Wjlllvf q|lBl'I.UI'I. The SS. Rosemounb arrived at mid- night. last: night from Fort. William with wheat for the M '1`. Co. The continued blowing of her whigtle In more annoying to down-town residents than the heavy wind that arose abortly after. Dalhitn the nmmrinv of the ntnrm thin Ipllll IIIIIIIII WWII IIITIX, Hull]?- Tbo unmet Glengnn-y unied f Prescott this morni linhh. Loin ng with six barges, -u'-11-.-3': \_.`_ nun. no-`amine Up Along no but from. , ""- no mg: Brouoon dud Glide u-ring this morn nu with bargu, light. `i v The manner Glemnu-rv nniind h~m'n FROM QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY. $3. achooncr Mel:-bu of tho.M. '1`. ohm- nI1'- Ant. urn. H-all-ad nnn I-.n_:Inn Cal `"'ii"A`ii"iiii"`ili"TEELltI!ll`3E"` Tm DAILY wane. HONDA}. Nov1m snn' 29. 1391- on. In. Iccan. Eniltoo. cont:-alto huge. was pcolubly the guns attraction. Thillnnono nlginwho n cndiudwith tho but conlnluogoioo in itho dominion. ionom-sugar to inguonnno, oopcoially SK AIIdlII'l church pocplo. In nnnl ulicuou who nvunlpd In 3 mg: QIHIIH Illlllllll vv-H. lIVIlV' Putsnleotaxclnge. > Intidvtulohuhn Ill 5:1 on some. orgunuus. , Hunt Ulloy, with his clear resonant voiou. oxoollcd his singing of `Pharmacy. By nquut. ho (spend the pong, When I'm Bog I'll B0 c Boldior." with oplondad cilia. A bit now pieeu wu`l`bo Holy City." and in thus his powerful voice oodclut ntculnuoa were run brought. Int. I u DKVUIIU Ina XNDIIW IIVIICIII UIIBY In 8t..And:,|w'| church grow I Mr audience on atu ny night. he progruhme wu varied Item that given on Thursday, Although some of the name selection; were bond. `Mr. Shunt, with his shilful touch. played his own unnzomom. of "Adam Fidelu." in which covers! pleasing urin- tionlwuuhurd. His wonderful control ` out Oh onpn was 3130 Inll shown in An Andante in G," n hvorito pieco of many Oflzlniau. . Ilnnlnr lbw -ill: hi: I-Inur an-nn-nle A Grant lulonl Tun Allordod In M. An- drew : chuck. The second recital given by orgu-mt W. H. Steven: and aolom. I-`reddio Ulley in SI. An(Irau'n nhnroh uh-an 5 {Air Anrlinnnn runw. Stanley Brock. Clergy street. left for Sn-nin yeaterdny to visit. relatives. In the spring he goes to Fort. McLeod. N.W.T.. to follow lifo on a cattle ranch for his |...lo|. EU IUIII health. IIIIB ILIUI I||llb' nuur ll WUUI\ E \'LIlJlIalUIla George Spotswo returned homo on Sa- turday from Rat Iortago, whom he spent the summer rcproeentinga minihg a_\ndi- cnto. . oz- l'-.._...- !.':_I-__-A..:..\. -...l I ...I_ L':..I. CIlUo Sir George Kirkpatrick and Lady Kirk- patrick have left the parliament: buildings for their new home on Simcoo street. To- QA-..I--. D.._L (VI--_.. -I..-L I_lL I ..- Wm. Allen & Son, Brock Street. m.:,:.,M NTUBIK. IZIIH TBIUKHBG DOING. Motdrmsn 1'. Ryan, of"t.he electric street. railway system, returned to work this morning after a woek a \-ucation. Hadron Snntnwnnrl rntnrnnd hnmn nn Rn- vuslung I?!` l.`.')llElH, UIIIOII EIFGOK. Harms: McCrea of Merrick-ille, is visit- ing his d ughter, Mrs. (l)r.) Kilborn. Police ustnble Snider IS on rye sick list. H0 is suffering from a severe cold. Klimt Anna, Runway: Milli, A anoint. nf week. has returned home. HUI. IIU I5 BUHOTIHK ITUIH ll EBVBFO COIO. Miss Danna. Brewer : Mills. in guest. of Mrs. Cooper, Ridcnu street, for the past. : \l..A.......-.. ll 1)--.. .\I- I... ..I....L-:.. IUW By I EHO CH3) . Miss Iinnie Hamilton, Enterprise, is visiting r cousin, Union street-. "Armin M.-r`..m. nf Kinrv-3nI.ruin ha vial) Ilovomontn of the People--Whnt They Are _ Hnylng and Doing. Dr. Vroomnn, Napanee, was in the city to-dny. `II I\`D:;-II.. 'I"..__...L.. 2.. ..I..IAZ..,_ I_Z__.I- Ill IoI.lU CHI . Ilugh McDonald, Ottmva, is spending a few day the city. Minn innin Hnmilfnlx, F`.nlnrnr-inn in 50'uI'V- W. O'Rielly, Toronto, is visiting friends in the city. `Inch Mnnnnnl nitnwn in nnnnrlinn n nuuulul urtlllnun IE not roruncomlng. The maritime province rugby football union wants to atliato with the Canadian rugby union. The desire of the ensternera will likely beaccepted. If 1.-o,iI: will re- eult in two nal championship matches foq the dominion trophy. It. will next be in order for Manitoba to seek admission to the Canadian rugby union. uulrnylng me onmro expense; On Saturday J. E. Jones had two photo- graphs taken of his patent: fender doing service on street car N 0. 9. Copies of tile photographs will be sent, to every electric unreal: rnilway company in America. Two fenders, as samples. will be placed on care at Buffalo, N. Y. Rnllnnfn .-.3 H... ..:..:..u.. .: Iv..:,... .....a an DIIIIIIO, LV. 1 . Residents of the vicinity of Union and Alfred streets will petition the city council for the erection of an electric light at thnt point. They have called the attention oi the ward `representatives to the necessity of A light at the point indicated, but th needful brillinnt is not forthcoming. The maritime nrnvinm nmlm fnnthnll `taut-wv- nu. nvvyvu uu Monday. November I 5 Ivonlnc Olouu on TUESDAY, Nov. mth. Proapoutun :2 the Booms, comer of Prinoua and Montreal rm. (IRAS ILWEBNSHAIAL. Principal. ---p UNIS lllla The practice room of the 14th P.W.0 R. band is being remodeled and re-decorated. Robinson Bros. are doing the painting and papering. A new grate with me surround- ings will be added. The bandsmun nro defraying the entire On Snmrdav J. E. Jnnnn had tum hhnhn. hue uuglnmng OI H16 NOW lenr. We regret that we had to disappoint so many on Saturday for our tailor-made blue beaver overcoats. Hope to have them to morrow. $10 and $12 WI" be the price. Sameas before. Perhaps you Want; one. Oak Hall. rm... ____.x.. H, ,. .. . ... ~., Irv .-. .. KIHIU Xll. The Royal Arcanum concert company is the name given the Iecently organized company 0! young men at. Portsmouth. The rec enuzrtainmenlzwill be given about the beginning of the New Year. We rnarnf. oh.-.4. m. 1...: in .i:....m..:..s .. I IV Flo A large number of citizens visitedhthe dry dock and wberves yesterday expecting "to see the American ship Xantic, but. were disappointed. Rlgnk and In-mum 6.-inn nlgn... an an PUBUIUIU. AI: eight o clock this morning the Lind was driving waves over Swift ! and other wharveanlong the harbor front. It was by far the heaviest: atorm experienced here this fall. rm... n_..-u n_--,,,, W -7 V -- |Jl'|.IU It is somewhat peculiar that the Satur- days and Sundays of the last two months have been bright: and clear, and the days immediately following as disagreeable as possible. AI . ninht. n nInnL Hnia mnr..n.- OLA ...:...J uewuteu and melt` mbenuon truscrnbed. Considerable dried and evaporated fruit. is arriving daily for local merchants. Half the Grand Trunk freight shed is blocked with the stuff, intended for the Christmas trade: IL .. --.___,1 . p .. . .- n. . Lucy are mean W nu. Uk Hall. During last week,on account of so many men boinghbaent from duty. police con- stable Tuutle was obliged to remain in harness for forty-eigha hours. Yeaterdav afternoon tum M-nmnn nHAmnr- unrneal [Or tony-elguu noure. Yesterday afternoon two tramps attempt.- ed to steal a coahfrom the yard in rear of the residence of J. J. Behan. They were detected and their intention frustrated. nnnninrnhln nlplnpl and n............L...l A'...:L nun, we u, vi. UII nan. * A local company will be formed to pro- duco here this winter one of-Gilbert and Sullivnn a4operae, possibly The Genda- liera. - A l-....... ....._.I .-_ .1 -3.-,.,, '7--V I 1| Wcar ulauppumoeu. Black and brown frieze uletora $6.50. They are made so t. Oak Hall. ' Du:-inn Int. umal. nu .u...m...o at .. ......... phnnunarfa mango up av duh I BUSY IIEPORTERG he lung or Ivory my l.m-vnn| mo P001310 gm Tnllllpx AhouI-lathh II nun nuduon at than `none `nun loan. Jiibileo garden pa;-ty Dec. Ssh nnd 9th. ` . Four mm? wexronholcerod in the police L t oella luh nig . Rlin nrnnf m-uh I5 "7 50- Arfrn Inn-an no ogrnpnlng on mean. 800 the bargain: n Abernathy : milli- nory parlors. over A. Abornethfs shoe" store. . - VF}... L:..|. ......u. __s_..I _____ -A-_I -I, - - - - IIIUTB. The high south wind gtzrevented the" use of hhobpile driver at the M. T. company : elevuhbr foundation l:o.dny. Several vnnmr mun nf H"m'nil.u Imnun uwvnwr wunuauon 50.05]. .So_veral young men of tl'1e'cit_v have ugmed their intention of going west on `came ranches next. aprin . Brush re: Hume! on vmnnn inland van. uuwle l'lK]C'I'.BI next; npnn re: raged on unooe island yea- tqrdny afternoon. Heavy volumes of smoke were carried across the river. Hmlu-nil... '71:. on . ....a.-.. |--...- an ms. worn uurrwu BCFOII NIB l`l}'6l'. ' Ulnbr .1750 8!; extra large, $1.25; silk. 32 $84. Oak Hm. A Innnl nnnunnhn _.HI I... l..-.......l L- ...-.., can: an ulgnv. Rain proof ooutc. $5. $7.50: extra. largo ca . 7.50. Oak Hall. CI 01-00. UIK lllll. any Brock has discovered a method of photographing on metal. Sascha bnroninn gt. Alum-naIna n mu'llL SECOND` ORGAN RECITAL.` ALL! PERSONAL MENTION. The Llvlng Age For mos, In another column will be found A pectua n! this etenderd periodiml. Fgrnded by Eliekim Line]! in 1844. it hes eteedily mlinteintd I repntntion ol being the most" comp eta repreeentetive of loreign thought. 1: is . mum: naocclon of elmoet All that in enbetensiel end truly velnnbloin the puoeing literethre ol the world, embracing in ice monthly supple- ment. American ea well ea lonign liters- cure. While in 5-Ages ehqw the tune wiee cliecrininetimn. scope tlne c......--'-:...'-:..-..:.v'.,.'.:;~'.::::*.-. L`: :2- ereeeing yeere eeen only t.o'edd so via I'..:?.2?J5a'?'7.1:..'3u`.f .2..`ln'3.' .a." vine be obteined except by e Igrge ousley. Ietelllgut teederauwlhe went to have 4 : end money will is invelue le. e Living Age iegubliehd weekly. eodthe pine ienowbt Ileyeer. _ To':l.nev enhnrihen I ere elferell t eigh) eenb'en .` `I897. eeeteieiagwich: _ opening chemerel Iheeeweerlel," 1 A Timely Anal Needed Buggeotlun. I think ministers could do u lot of good if they. uniteully, would begin a crusade again:-t the habit young men have of stand- ing before church doore alter rervrce every Sunday evening," remnrked B vrolnlueut. church worlrer last evening. "I such wee done I think it would reeulr. in the young men attending church. 0! ccurae. to e greet extent, the remedy liee with the yuung women. Educate them to A sense of their duty. end they will i uiclsly put. e reform into generel um. I rnimetere would ehow theee young ladies the wrong they are doing in encouraging young men to hang Around church doors instead of nt~ tending service I think in would have the deeirecl effect. No eel!-reepecting young women will permit A young men to escort her home who hes not the eeme of honor to cell at her home and go with her to eer- vir-A, Long Wall: on A Ilogunmlennnge. On Friday night A few students called at the boarding house of a fellow-student on Brock street, and left a message for him to be at the general hospital at eleven o`clock. The message was delivered, and giving himself ample time the student loft in the great down-pour of rain for the institution. On his arrival there he found that his pre- sence was unlooked-for, and that he had been made the subject of I joke. He did not allow his temper to get the best of him until on his return home he wne taunted by the exprcssionof "Ugh! Ugh I from the lips of the originators 0! the joke. ` Fourteen Children Taken. On Ssturday last. fourteen of the sons and daughters of the late William Burton, Horton. had their photographs taken at. Hmdford s. Renfrow. They were: John 'Burt.on. Cobdon; Mrs. Munro, Rose; Will lizuu, Renfrew; Tholnns. Cobdon; Mn. Albert. Pa|mor.Nort.hcuI:a; Francis. Hor- ton: M rs. George Roberta, Foreetaera Falls; Jumet. Cobdeu; Stephen, Horton; Freder- ick. llonfrew:Mro. John Donn, Holeyha; Albert. E.. HorLon;(leorge, Horton; and Tinawood, Renfrew. There was one absent. one. Robert, in Oklahoma. Christmas Festivities. We wish to call your attention to our line Belgian linen, hom-stitched. table cloths at $10, $8.50 and 86; table napkins to match. These are the finest: goods pro- cumble, and just. what you w-mt. for the holiday lestivitics. Pune white Belfast. table linens 50c.. 60c.. 75c., $1, 281.25 and SL50 per yard. Half blanched table linen `.Z5c.,.`l0c,.-l0c.. 500. and 60c. pe? yard. Table napkins from 40. to $5 per do/.en. R. McFnul, headquarters for house furnishings. AI? Explanation Needed Last week a young Kingstoninn, whose christian name is similar to tluit pfton given to one of the gentler sex. contem- plated taking a trip to Montreal. and took the trouble to arrange by post card for quarters with`: friend there. His friend's boarding-house keeper Secured and read the card. and. yfferring from the name signed to the message. raised a Imall-sized now with her star boarder in consequence. An explanation straightened out matters. nm_g_sw'n 00. now Q A A9 wnlnnng u euw on uu a zoo uounwra will interest all hollidny shoppers. Come early and look over the novelties. Thousands of suitable _,now Christmas gifts at a quarter each. R. Uglow St 00. Retur d From luencbllnz. On Saturd `Profs. Miller and Nicol re- turned to Lb city after having oxgmined some mineral unda up north of Peterboro and in a dis icl; north of Belleville. They will report. 0 the Ontario government: the result. of ti eir research. -......., ........,.. ...,........ Deputy warden O`Leaxy, Kingston peni- tentiary. returned to the city Saturday after completing a month`a temporary ser- vice in St. Vincent de Paul, Montreal. He brought with him a female prisoner from the lower province, and Church Lovecque, an insane convict. transferred from St. Vincent de Paul to this penitentiary. Le- vecque is serving ve years for burglary. Change ;f_Dute. The first week in the month is a crowded one and again a request has been made to change the date of the annual meeting of the reform association because of conflict,- ing entertainments and meetings. The evening now tixod is Friday. The mem- bers all desire to be present, hence the de- sire bouccommodate them. uvu n uyguun alum At about half price at. AbernoLh_v s `milg linery sale, over Abernet.by s shoe store. uuuu-u u-nu nu nruuy nululi UIOIIIIIII. - Prevent is selling boys and youths ever- oeeta for 53; boys will for $l.50: men : overcoat for 35; moms tweed nuic $5; heavy men : pants for $l.25; boys blanket overooats, extra value 84. - vgnvw a nun IJl.luI.lbIl'. Tlne new holxday goods displayed on R. U low & Co a 25c counters will interest all ho idny ahoppgrs. and` loo_k .u..... at... .... ..|...... , A very Ulll 110]) : J. Nicol. Cabaraqul. exhibits among his poueasiona a Scotch catechism hearing the date 1728. This relic of olden days was purchased by Mr. N icol s father as an auction sale some years ago. ` .olldoy Grand opening display of new holiday Fine Jootholf goods, buss goods. 'miirors. photo frames, writing coach and novelties. Goods now fotwud. R. Uglow & Ca.` * ZVU I IITIJITI $II`l Kecp your fool: dry. Abernathy has all king: of rubber: good and cheap. "Bountiful minmon-y; nun moo` At Abernothfl, om A. Abe:-nouhy o nhoo nton Tho but Educational udvuntogon. with ovary homo contort and oonvenlonoo. lbnnio Ooqrta. Oroqnoc and Shtlnc. IULL STAFF of Unlvonlt Bndunhn. Groin attention given to in vldul nood- o p lo-Tho nlinotnont and oultun of home comb nod with tho hichono xnontol tnlnlng. TUITION. l'lll9--From J to no not noun For Boo:d:n. tr`>tod:Il):`:r snfnuhn A (boom 0 on In no 0 - gun. For full information sun]: to Great sale or 1:}-Ely mime olouung. 'D....m.o :. ..m.... 3...... .....1 ......u_.s __ Deputy Warden Returns. 1.. ...___.I___ n~r _-,__ 1.`-,, ,4 $70 A Doctor": Bill. n,_._ .1 n Uxlow'u 250 Oountor. _. L_I _I___ ,- ,I ll I A `very on copy. mi (`..L..-..._..l _-L 733: A scum: Hat I..._I: -...:-_ _. A |.___,, , I, 3 1nrnh [nvnrnnn paired as not to be able to get the good they should out of their ordinary food. In nearly every cage with these, Scott's Emulsion 6f Codg. .liverOilbringsbuckp - 'r " nirnulatel , '9 v fan 03:: 60: Anything ton Walt `In'rnbbor ovonhoeu or felt good: so AbeEnot.hy n ehoo non. (booms ol ono-third to dnnxlicon of ol -"-m.- vm'.:':.*.':': :-;`:.:.':,':.." *' ' ` _..j: 0" quietly; H} THING] Gnu BIIUWCU III Uly- E. lloruing has finished J. Rankino hoguno. and bus the contract. of two morn. One of the oldest. settlers of this noihbob hood.Mrn. Bowie. put sway on Nov. 18th. Sho and her daughter lived with her son Thomas Little. She was munioci cwico. W. H. Clark bu the job of putting twenty-vo cord! of stone on the road for the sum of 825. 1-} Hornin hns urchued I new pump. "Our taboo.` tucor. Mica Loggo. hn bun engaged for the coming you}. The hrmon are [ohm to And fro ovary dny to the new croamory in Gmnnpquo. 'i_..,_-___...`_..._ You think of Scott's \ Emulsion as only for those `who` have consumption or who have inherited at ten- dccy to it. Ahnost its greatest use is for those whose condition is so im- Honth Leeds Natal. Sm Tll lasmrs, Nov. `_ 7.---The past. week has boen so cold and stormy that the farmers hnvo not. boon able to do much ploughing. John Rankin has moved mo his now house at. l'itl.aforry. E. W. Jack- aon gave tho boy: 3 nine on Wodnuday night. last. Albert. Jackson has moved from (lananoque to George Cowarfo farm for the winter. Mrs. I). Groonizon is im- proving Ilowly. Tlmnkrgiving day ponod oll' quietly; it. mined and snowed all dly. F`. Hnrnimv has finished J. Rnnllinl |alIUIl' UIIUIIIIUII IIIIIIIIU IIIIU UIIULL VIIIUH nun- ed to 3 cup of too is to Imme- dintely blacken the infusion. And this stuflis allowed to be used by children and delicate woman, year in mid year out, withoun ex-or exciting a word of protest from our well-paid busybodlos of mustard and oloomurgerino mum and sticklers for exactitude in the red tape of tobacco regu- lations. It. may he maier to hunt the hard pushed corner gruwr than to tackle such large game as sugar barons, but this is a matter of the public health, and the minister of inlrmd revenue should let no time pass `without insisting on n clmnge of tactics and let poor folks know what the renitlium of fteen or twonty per cent. of their sugar food is enm- poscd of and come to annoy wclllmeaning merchzmtn. whom, imitoed of buin;z'sub- jectod to lines and penalties. should be the recipients of the department's apologies for the xneddloinmeneus of its ill informed ollicials.--1:nm-rm. Ul HUUILUFIILUKI Isugnra. (~`-mudinn granulated sugars are as I rule good honost goods and in the better varieties ouch barrel contains a oopy of analysis showing almost. one hundred per cent. purity, but as is very well known the brown or yellow grades contain only about eighty to eighty- tivo percent. of sugar. What compose: the fteen to twenty percenta e of ad- mitted ndnlterntion has not, to t. 0 know- ledge of the trade. ever given our well paid laboratory otlicials even a passing thought. Sugars have been foisted on the public so lull of acids and other impurities. the result of cheap rening processes, that their chemical nature and elfect when add- .4 AA .. ...... AA` 5.... .- on inhuman. wnat. way pruoo nuolw mi pure muamru. This mustard and tobacco racket with some variation of the farce by a hunt, for oleomargcrine has been going on, to the great. nunoynnco of merchants and no known good to either the consumer or the public revonueu, each nummer for a dozen years or more. allording ollicials pleaeanb little outing: at the public expense and all this time. day after day, train loads of im- pure food has been frotghtod down unsuc- pectinsz throats, big and little. in the shape of adultorated sugars. I`-nnnlnn arnnuuulnfn nnnnrl nrll III A lUl||" Ullilllxll LU DU Ill! l|l'L!Cl0 OI DTIIUU. Yet these fussy und expomiivo olliciala, in the bulletin under consideration, coolly rc- commond that prosecutions should be in. stituted," and urge the government to adopt a scientific minimum pungom-v for mustard for Canadian palates ranging from twenty-two per cent. of xed oil for "mix- turea up to thirty per cent. of fixed oil of what they prato about ma pure mustard. This rnnntnl-rl and tnhyu-nn rnnlznl`. with suuwn more zeai man KIIOWIOORO. At the expense of at least thousands of I dollars a report of the duplicate analysis of "sixty-six samples of connnercial mustard, collected from one end of the dominion to the other, was lately paraded, showing the summer : work of several hi hly salaried scientic ollicials. and probab y scores of urerstruppers, wherein a great wonder- intent is made that no pure mustard was found to be on sale. Now any grocer- s clerk or observant housewife could have informed these sapient otficials what they ought to have known themselves, that an absolutely pure ground mustard is not an article of commerce. Such a grade from in oily and heating nature has so great is tendency to ferment and turn rancid that the very best English makers in their very beet brunds mark- every package as an admixture, as any purchaser of l{een`s1 or 0olman s' "double superfine grade can see by refer- ring to the label. And as this grade is found to be too strong and pungent for many palates milder g__;r.\des are provided by adding still more corn starch. llour 01 other useful mixture, In in their super- fine and,"f`1ne Durliam grades. An eb- solutely pure mustard could not be sold and would not keep without fermentation long enough to be on article of trnde. \'nr. Lhnnn fnmav nrul nvunnuivn nllininln in Ul UUIIIIIIGIIV ]|IlC HOW In UTIUO 0ll'0l0l. It hell the reports he no": ell reliable in rqn-e atlmtion is given to seizures end lines for failure tocomply with the exeob manner prescribed in which a tobacco package in to be opened by retailers. than is expanded n promoting the country : tobacco revenues by endeevoring to check the increase of border emugglin of Yankee mugs. while in other lines 0' oiele`, have shown more zeal than knowledge. All that mrnnnua nf at Inner. hhninnndl nf ~|-i=u3ifi`c%%.-w%s1;nv.ms:wAeA1s;-V{ ART Tbe Iubjeoe ot Ilulnrd Under `Review- lnuy and lxpenhlve 0ehlI-`l`hey Ihonld `run: their Attention to lulle- . Beneutpould Be Wrought by In Pul- eetlon. Kmasron. Nov. 20.-(`l`o the Editor): The ill-directed efforts of eome public eer- vanu in the employ of the inland reve_nuo department in hurrying merohenbe with nes And pennltioe imposed under che edulbention of foods not and tobacco ex- oiee regulations, me oauein A good deal of comment just now in t. e circles. If hell that rannrtn ha nr A`I mlinhln fu- -.--v-.ju v I-CARRYING or DEALERS unnzn EXCISE REGULATIONS. ---~-vv- -v--uy din " pm: . uid ml 0! Clnj ndaon |3! 5WU1f3-=-` LAUlIl AND GINTLIIIW :-AT `III BI- and o! I Inn nnntu M Oman Inn dot on! Moon: 5 osnvlld-no too 1:!- clon ol yo: for IQ. If I an 0100! n all do In!` host to ill the poamor with audit to -I . the n and to your ncthfual Yuk NI: Von null Allin. In In lnvor. the any use! your n|Il|!'usIloI. you vote and mono II In rnvot. In the new time I an Iluloovor I -no 5 pol-zonal oanvuu 0&0 ally. our JMILI II. Unt the lnronuo of an (iron the Alolhlnlnop and the Von lav. nu Dean of Ontario. `iulrlnwn. Late Residence 01 Alunndex (Dunn. Johnston Bu-oat. Christmas Term Betlns Nov. l5th. u`i.-'5.`77"u|AI'ri'Am_T II'durcluclI.ngugo. To the Elocton 0`! the clty of UI_ `gig- -v our -nuvvsvuu In uuv VI. vs llnnton. was no onmuunn =-.u- 1n n. c t I r on :.|.Ioobo.oo.-2.1 '.'.'.'i':'a".n 117$. :31`. cordially solicits the sugport of the Electors as a candidate tor the MAVORALTY OF 1898. Aldqrman [mules -LivingsLm_1 old Pictures cleaned and Romuttod IP. OHLKE, Don't Throw Aw: Don't Forget to Patron|z_p_ A.l) l8I'7,nnmol .on` 201'" DAY 01" DEUEIL Ball. A 1). um or mtulnllnhlng. (ironing up. making Incl providing with at talks, as public, street to n nnoot Hm north part of By-lnnlmln ntreot with tho nouth part of Mid utreot In tho City of Klnuton. and rot expro- prlvinu tho I ommmry lands for the mid pur- oso : the said Htreot to be 46 met with Iron rlnneun '-tract to the mar ol Lon 'l`ou on the u m h Ildo of Prlnnou Htraot. and an foot wide from the ton of uh! hot Ten to Johnston Htreet, und In all ronpooh ma uhown ha `allow line: on who plan now on fyao in tho I y In- ninoerhu Umoo, in tho Ohyof Kingston, n_nd dated Nth Novomhar. A 1). nm : And which mm plan may be soon ut mid oloa durum omoo hours Iv) any person interontqnl All mmmnu whone land: are moludiunlly Kingston Ladies College, interontqnl All pnlonll projudiunlly nm-M-l uncl who pmltlou to he hurt! will ho heard hy the mid Count-H either in person or by manual or Iollultor. before panning tho um By-law. (Signed) W. M. DBENNAN. Khan:-1mn,MI| Nov.. 1811?. (`My Clerk. Picture framing -_.l I)- |)UBl.l(`;NO'1`1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Oounull of the Onrpontlon of tho (my of Kimuton Int-an-I panning u B;-law Mu-r the axvirumi m of one month from and Afbor tho- duy or the date of tho tlrntublluutlnn 0! Univ. noticmhohnr the Euthth 01 of Nov mhon. A_I) nm7.nnmnlv.on DAY O!` D UEIL HoE Sutherlandts Omen proves om unnurmountnbla O ubumu-lo. Horn`: one "IF" you mm dllplk-.|tel,)l1nlify and Prim don't ' bouur to come ovor to ut. But you can't. ISHOE %~ HOE has boon "TH CLASSES OI!` MEN" ex- plains all. sent free or charge. sealed. upon request. Write for sagno or con- iqlt me personally. ' DR. BANDEN. 158 8'1`. JAKE! B'l`.. MONTREAL. QUEBEC. I `dare Varicocelo with the clip at- tac at on: my tnmouu Electric Belt and importing Suspenuory; I put a soothing current of Electricity through. the uyollen vein: nut! cords. causing- n free circulation of pure. rich blood. and rolnovlng the clots, thus permnn nentiy curing vnrlcocele. It take two months. You wear the belt while, asleep. It gives power to the organs. stops the drain and odds nerve torcu to the lxllituted system. om Broken Nam... P. onmm mm repair. (NH. Hilver or Enamel them equll to now. uwlnz you money. `nu uuuuutuuuu uuu ouununnu sun- jeots taught. Courses short, sharp und direct. (J-_.J I-.. innit nn - I M, _tho Lowest Pmao. 0:11 at once at 109 Block strut. opponlto Golden Lion (Ironorv Kingston and prompt. anon- tlon wll`l bu nlvon Ivy Loo BBIIOIITBIIT. when you nun ohoouo from over fifty litigant st. 1:: of Mouldln nnlfrnme to n O. tho `In- turn at rig t prioon. Leading Shoo I-louse. n0E I I-IIIIUII3 Hand Repairing. So % Come % Over. Plf , A seur TREATMENT WITHOUT opanmou $1-l0E_5_~ J. B. MCIMY. A. BLANCIMRD. Pruldlnt. Chutored Accountant Du!-AI..- I noE f ugvi Ixjv CI.I Ill Iullhlhnlqlllltu. -Ivodblun ulovntvoto. 1 nonh oltho fenced (rounds. Tho exten- sion of Ed Street will run dlnotly through than 1060 which no olou to A growing sou- Ilou of Ifu city. App! 1. 8.8lmm:n. Iiouoltor. Ohnnu St . RW BUSINESS V COLLEGE. HE HANIJSOIE NEW RESLDKNOE ON Union Street. Inn Diviuion Street. lately occupied by David J. Whicohond. A small oxponditnro will complete it. Lot adjoin: 3`.3.".'i'i'.n`3.:'3s'.`:..." ` " 3' V` HE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PEOPE RTY north of the fonood dlnotly thronzlz AT A BARGAIN-THAT BEAUTIFULLY \ nituntud doanhod Bunk House. cornu- `Union sud Albert throat, with {our full lots. Apply to A. Snumun. THE HANDSOME NEW RESLDENOE nnnnnlnd hi Avid J `WMIOJHQAJ A nvnnll com. this is com. at HAT LARGE RESIDENCE ON NORTH side of Johmton Street um house wort of Barrie Sheet. with furnace and other lnodom oonvenlonoel. Also the Stone Dwel- ling. I! Barrie Street, with modern improve- Inente Apply to Joint Mums. o CLO! BURN FOBHEBLY THE RESI- donoo of lion. G. A. Kirkpatrick. begun- I Iltnuf-od. opposite Ilncdonnld Park. Ap- ply o Kmxnnlcx 5: Boans. Ontnrlo Ht. VAII commercial and Shorthand sub- .un6.. l.n...I.L IV............ _L-._L A - V- THA'1"LABGlI RESIDENCE ON NORTH nf Harri: tmnt. with (nu-nun. ;m nth.- ' I on g?" '1 Clot - I 1 _|I[ BEST IS "IE CIIEAPESI. _-u,.gvu-u In mvv-A yuu-van ulna uuuuu yuan . H h . n..,........:'.'.~':`....'....". ."' ..:..'.t..::."*' IILI ll UUU9 Band for 1897-98 circular. hutlllkindsofwood istobe `iudillowesl, ' prions.` A cnuncn SCHOOL/. ' [W I) \,u((' JIIHIIII IIIII LI-CIK1. 'I|'1'Is V R-ET) ROUGH rims .'.'.'.-'..7."..',`.1":::.".%`." _-.-:-jjtjj ' '3"! 0IlI'l'IIA1'lI!*r{or0onIrlng.dlIg- Iriur. tchlnu bu-ulng any may skin and mum amuse with ice: om. .- Warm but mm Cu- `I-noun loA?g:onn upnculbnu of Czrncmu WIIIHIO. In -1 unmpuim or blood puunm um lmmorcum raj`. - _. " mu down of Cuucum n:~nx.- . f DJ TEE D3313 RESI- > .11 ohnuton otroot. locality. Irloot drum :3, all modun convonlonoon. pplytonn. ADDILL. , Best. ..EN'S SHOES. . You'll know It by tho I. Olluel will to-opon on L gf $15 {gar l>`v:n:-um. BIB?Y . 0 V T. m 0 mm maa; odnoo. my n5"v`1'r'L3a `I up 3 hi pnalh M his-mm-o:':I3 jlhrzauut. on T131481. . n EDUCATIONAL TjTjj Pb;-M (him 9 the world. Pot-tn Iv` nu III.. N-Ikn. I to Ctm `Itch u Illa Dlncun-n.l`ru. 1'0 ails? FOR SALE. The Milan 4! (mod Prlnoipql. TKKUXI IT} his wuyn. Ionian the duintl nhoeouonichtl sarong `round than it in 1'i- Dn Hug incur an uo' `my I d having ` at. .In. witldub nnuintoo. uadinonnnncn viohntdqlvolhnniolnrhuhnd. She Qtdilyhvopnnlo jun :-G-in IX IIIID honlinu - IIUIII III IIU UIIII IIVUY. Tim and In. Tim" in tho title of I littlo book jut bliohod bytho Tomato Non compony. iultod. It il oootino on club tour. and dotnilo tho wooo of o wonoo whooo hoohond belongs to an Inn cluho and ooeiotioo that ho booouoo - moot o otnngor to bio on family; Flood- ing undo.-oozing no mod to ' him but to bio old tine dovutioo. Hut thou: ovoil. "Pro homo poblieo is Tim`: motto oomondlonolifolnonochoruulor him. Hoolly hinvilo totolvoo opoo giving kit for tot. and joins vunon`o ololoood ooeit log tonokborlboohod ="n.:.n. him-.ovo..Inh-A I II II III Cf to mks. and tho hula punnon upon me love ox uoa I0! um It is en meuureleee en the mind of men. It in too olten likened to the love of A parent for e child. but this ie A pelt:-y eocnpu-ienn. He nlno touched upon the many menne employed byood to mete ilie wilhee known ; elnye in unenner to dust hie chneen to him: never in n my to terrify ot turn them ewey. WOIIIFI lllllf EVOIDIY Ullflllg I8 WVIICF. Lu: evening in St. Juma` church Rev. J. K. Mnemorino delivered I thonghuul ponnon upon the love of God for His poo- oh. I: in an mnunmhn :1 Lb: mind at nnrnry to-open: next nunun . Rev. 1-Ibor Cmmmy in inc r of Shar- bot Lsko Methodist. Iniuiou. o bu ro- qnoated city ministers to line bundle: of clothing made up for deserving poor on the mission, whomithont warm garments. would sulfur oovomly during the winter. [Ant ovnnino in Rt. Jun:-' nhnv-oh Rm: UUIIFU. DIIU HIS l| l)BI|l|'ulI|lI IOPHSHO VOICO. The thank olfariug in Queen 'et.reet. Methodist. Sunday aclroolon Snndny ruch- ed 320. The money will be devoted to purchase of school supplies. The atten- dance yesterday reached over 360. The library re-opens next Sumln Raw. Phnr nrnmmu in in n nu-an nf Q}..-- T137118". . Mine Mabel Bailey : singing of "The Golden Threshold. in Queen street Metho- dist. church, wee equal to my rendition board. She has n beautilul soprano voice. Thu thank narimv in (Jnnnn Inn-ant. CU|lI'Cl.l yeauaruay morning. Rev. Mr. Falconer, tho guest of his sin- ter, Mrs. W. Mann, Brock euoet. preached in Uooke a church yesterday morning. Raw. 3. Hmntnn nrannhnd in llm mnrn- The llahth Anniversary. Cooke's church christian endeavor society marked its eighth anniversary by holding a rousing meeting last nighh in the lecture hall of the church. 11. W. Newman president of the society in lSS9- 90, the year of its organization, conducted the meeting. and with him on the platform were the several succeeding presidents. Eech gave a short address. During the evening Miss Potter sang a solo, and LTJohe s male quartette.-Me rs J. Orr,W. H. Montgomery, H. W.`Ne an and \V. Burton, gave a selection. The endeevorers meet this evening for a social hour. BMH & C0 S YARD, Ill DIKJIC U OHIIITJKI yU55l'UIy morning. Rev. 8. Houston preached in the morn- ing and Rev. Prof. Mownh in the evening in Sydonhnm utoet. Methodist. church you- borday. Min Klnhnl Rnilnifn ninxrinn nf Tim uuuluu Lvullyn. Rov. T. Wardropo preached in Chalmers church yesterday morning. Raw. Mr, I-`nlt~nnnr_ Um nnnnt. nf hi: nin. VIII: Dlll`IllUIl I luv: I.su5~ Not many were present yesterday after- noon to discuss current topics in the Wine hall. The majority of those present: were foung men. and most of them. rather than isten to the-dull monotony of an unenliv- eued discussion, left in the early part of the proceedings. As was the case last Sunday so it was yesterday-the speaker of the day was absent. The meeting resolved itself intoa discussion on public libraries. Dr. Ayliroyd was elected chairman. Mr. Gowaii said the greater quantity at the literature read in our libraries was of the yellow-covered style and that he thought the- public library should be on the ground floor. Mr. George said the condition of the mechanics` insti- tute to-day was not as good as it was fty-ve years ago. when he joined it. At that time it was self-sustaining. He appealed to theworkingmen to set their faces against the abominable system of canvassing, so prevalent among the candi- dates for city honors. Mr. Hoppins thought we should give those books to our children to read that would learn them to live. J. Donaldson and M. S. Burnette spoke along the same line. W. F. Nickle gave It stirring liveminutee address on the mo- thod of taxation and the reading supplied by libiariee. HOW CIDER` EHO. HIIHHEHU IOTBVIT. Christ is the light. You do not live is christian life by going to meetings or by having family prayer. Deceit is practised in religion as well as in other things. Christ is the christian life. We all know people whom to see is to be better and to have a better opinion of the race. Those kind of people are in the light. Our thoughts should be Christ-like and He should be our refuge in every despair. A christian man can do as he likes because he would not do anything displeesing in God's sight. Be in the way, the truth and the light. III UHTIIKI ,0 If III DUB Wllyu ' "Christ je the truth. `What is truth? said jesting Pilate, and would not wait for an answer. Christ is _the truth. Can we look into the fsee of Jesus with a lie in our hands. with a conscience sordid? Can we be living Christ the light if we are not living Christ the truth? All truth is life- giving. When Christ came it was proof that there was 3 God. and that truth is now clear and manifest forever. ul`t...:.o :. oi... l:...l.o- \-1,... A- ....o I:.... .. one 1-ruluoum Delivered Aeansus-`s:ov. J. I ,laemotlne Delivered a leap: .leeeee--Prof. Glover I the first new - tlst olsereh . _ Prof. Glover. of Queen's. preached an able and practical sermon lust evening in the First Baptist church. taking as the 'bssis of his discourse St. John XIV, 6. Josue said unto him. `I am the way. the truth and the light. His delivery is not superuous, "zrendiloquent or eeneetionul, but rether, it is concise. clear and to the int. He takes a text and preaches from it. instead, us is the cone of many, roaming at large among the elds of philosophy, theology and sociology: He read: short extrsct on The Two Ways" and said in put: "We may take Christ, the way, Christ. the truth, and Christ. the light. if we like. Of the two ways, one lesas up. the other down. You shall not attain tothe perfect way by keeping the commandments alone or by observing the rules of the church; you must take Christ as the way. Christ did not come.to the world to give commandments; He came to leud us in the way. Christ in the wsy end there is no other way to obtain the kingdom of God. It you have Josue within you, you won t want the ten commandments. If you are in Christ you are in the way. Christ: in the ninth. `What in truth `f AN Em:Avo`n ANNIVERSARY IN cooxrs cnuncn. A luck on `tho can lower. an. n . .. Worklngmenm lee ting. _ _I -"It-.`:::?I;-`o.nndI:C".`:?.x.In. 3:? gnwufluhubuunuh OAIHNBIPJ Ital emu Anon. ll! Cnllhnlnnh _ Rhona.- lnntrnl unnth. . , Tho IIIIIIII hosting of the Rays! military college club will In hold on lab. Inch. H93. in Quito. The uumnl dinoor will In hold in Ibtlnohocgzarriuon club. Tlnooloc- lion oloian will be eohduoud-by ruled ballot. in noeotdanoo with chops in con- stitution nthorind at Iut hosting. for ` l., not hold Lion. Kirhpokicl, 0..8_ni6h'u lhlb. H. than no four occlusion: lot shooudvleo-pnddouc Ihuouunvon: lot the hanging eon- nmco. Iranian no-luntioou; no noni- nulou Inc its Geo at honorary nlleilot. `hauls batons nonlnnico In hunry savoury-Innnunr. Wu-talc : Jur- :_-Et:-tr:-*-" '* snyautothinkdoppudng, In. Want the not Amended. The retail aaeociation 0! Ottawa has for- wardedapetition to thin city to receive the approval of the city council. It ia in. tended for presentation to the attorne - general. aehing for the amendment of I conaolidated mnnicipa1act,providingfor the liceneingolhawkere. pedlarn. etc. It is claimed eeetion 495 of this act doae not al- ford protection to the retail dealer: in the chase: of merchandise not therein opaci- eally mentioned. It in aehed that section 495 heamendd by striking out, in enh- aeetiou three, the words "tea. dry goods. plated-ware. eilrerware, furniture, etc.." and inserting in liee thereof the words "goods. Iraree and rnerchandire." Inntnll (luno. Thnnnnnnl Qna DIJU UIAIJIUII guoua. The police suspect that he was made A cat a,puv by the guilty pertiea. He was remanded lor one week. Meanwhile chief Iloreey will communicate with I Prince Ed- wenl county farmer with whom Kenrne or Cullen lived for some time. While in the police cells it Genenoque the led frighteni- ed the ollicinle more by apparently heiu attacked with I severe hemorrhage o the hinge. A physician wee celled and every care given the led. Suspecting trickery, chiel Ryan wetched Cullen, and caught him in the act of "faking" illness. A'_shrowd Led who at will can successfully lute lllneu. On `Saturday night chief Ryan, Guano- que. returned to the city with the led Wil- liam Kenrns or Cullen. it is not known just which of these names he isentitled to. The led is only sixteen years old. and was arrested for having in his possession three boxes of cigars that were stolen from the store ol J. A. C. Thompson. Gammo- que. He wee taken to Henanoque but it could not be proved that he had any- thing to do with the robbery. Conse- quently he was returned here. and charged with havio stolen goods in his posseesion. knowing tie same to be stolen. At the police. court this morning he pleaded guilty. saying he found the cigars in a hay loft in, rear of the Globe hotel. He thought some person had stolen and hid them there. He is rather a shrewd Ind and will not say anything about himself or the stolen goods. ` 'l`l|n unlit-n nunnnnf. flan}. In: in-nu murln n uuu college. A mass meeting of the students will be held in convocnnion hall to-morrow after- noon as four o'clock, when candidates for nlmn mater oiccs will speak. CULLEN REMANDED ONE WEEK. Forget it Not. BUUIUI-vy |l.|I\|a "HOPE D6 U6lUK'l'C(X." Guy Curtis resigned the position of cap- min of the hockey team, and G. F. Wen- cberhead has been appointed to captain the team. "Forrie hue played with Queen's for live years, and with the excep- mon of Curtis, ie the oldest: player now at the college. A Inna: nannnn nf Ilsa nfnJAnDn uni" LA Daluruay. _ The request that the students arrange a date for the appearance of Anthony Hope. the novelist, in the city was not complied with. In was decided by the nlma meter society that "Hope be deferred. (luv Cnrtin mnionnd Hm nngitinn nf nan. vvuuu uuu U. D. Dulllly; C0lnlIlIli- tee, "98, J.- W . Merrill; 99, F. Mohr; 0U, J. Sparks; 0l, N. E. Brann- combe; divinity, H. Fair and D. L. Gor- don; science. U. H. Dickson And E. L. Fralick: medicine, C. P. Johns. B.A . H H. Elliott, E. 8. Elliott and H. Paul, 0! the committee nominees, two are elec- ted from arts. one from science, one from divinity, and one from medicine. The elections take place in the city hall next Saturday. Thu rsuiilnnt that Hun ntiulantn nrrnnnn n The Olllcore Nomlueced For the Aim: Mater Society. Nominations for the aims meter society election took place on Saturday evening. Prof. A. B. Nicholson, honorary president by ecclnmntion. Oicen to pe conteete are: For resident, James 8. Shorts, M.A., and oberb F. Hunter, M.A.; vice- president), W. C. Dowsley, J. S. MM'.`d0ll- noll, Guy Curtis. J. H. Turnbull, MA; critic, W. F. Mnrahalland J. Ferguson; eecrenary, T. Kennedy and W. 0. Hunter: treasurer, T. C. Brown and W. H. Gould; assistant secretary, F. W. Aylea- wortb and G. S. Shibley; commit.- 9S, nnmkn- divinnihv It Fair and T`. Y, (1.-u-. P3 00 WIDUUDHHU {U0 trip up 5110 IIK95o While trying to make the harbor about eight o'clock this morning the steamer Glengarry, having in tow sig light barges, nearly got into ' diiculty. The barges became unmanageable and sever I of them were driven against Bwift s wharf. A few broken planks was the result. Final- ly they were gathered in and tied up at the mutual dock for shelter. DUI IDHUU DUI! PHISEIKU IH E37615 . On Sturday a tug from Detroit. passed down the river, bound for Ogdonaburg to meet the United States training ship Yan tic. This tug will take the frigate direct. to Detroit, afcer she has been fully equip- ped to withstand the trip up the lakes. While trvino tn mnlm the harbor nhnut. wma been shortly ether. Delpite, the. severity of the storm this rgcrning mo staunch steamer Pierreponb made accustomed trips to the islands, starting out at eight: o clock. On her first trip she had a severe battle with the waves but made the passage in salary. On Szimrdnv a tug from Detroit. nnanad no we Lqnumg. The Inc of the M. '1`. company : huge: so come up the river tohis Ml lofts Lnchine yesterday morning in tow of the tug Thomp- son. The bug Wnlker left Prescott to go and assist her. "Flu. ...I.;.......- I`. I-.2p.I- (`I ._....-A .-....I Lll IBIIUUIIIY MOUTH DI IIIU In 1. 00ll|- pnuy'a eehvu "eultod down today for the winter. The tug Junie Hall loft DiokonIon g Landing II tab o clock last night with four bII`%0I on her way up. She left one bu-go an t. o Landing. Thu Inn}. nf than M, T, nnnu-mun : hnrann Illll Ill!!! 0 INS!`- The schooner Fnbiolg. Omega. coal laden, arrived no Swifb & Co : wharf last. night, having bad a fair run ncroea the lake. After discharging she _will go into winter quarters. The HR. Rnnnmnnnh Ar-rivad at mid-

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