Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1897, p. 1

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all the best new colors, all pure silk, 25 per yard Tues. `day, To-vmorrow. MUCH TO GAIN KINGSTON. ONTARIO. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 1551397. A Patient In St. Louie Allcted With` Peculiar Ilnlndy. ST. Loms, Mo.. Nov. 15 --Dr. Felix Ger- : oil: in euendnng a moat. extnordinery pa.- ' Liens. The men. whose name in Samuel` Coulter, ie elowly oz-eifying. Coulter is forty-eight yeauu old and wee unmarried, | and was born near Santa Fe, N M. He! is now a private watchman. Hie febher, V he says. was a German miner and ranch- ` men, and his mother was a hn|f- breedi Cherokee. He was left an orphan at four- E teen. ' wnnn rlnniln nun nanny-Alnn In Okn nfnu-I1` I90. ' Four years ago. according to the story l prospectors to Chihuahua. .`'During the time we (Were out. says Coulter, "our wutoraupply ran out. [was almost dy- ing with thirst when we suddenly crime upon a spring. Everybody rushed for it, ' but our Mexican guide warned us not to ` touch the water. He -aid none of the ln- diunacould be induced to drink from it, as . everybody who did was turned to atone. .' My companions listened to the guide, but I only laughed and drunk from the spring. . About a year ago I became troubled with ` pains in my left arm. It would get still` at the elbow, and ometimen I couldn't move it. The pains kept coming hack and getting worse. I tried several doctors in New Orleans, but none of them could I tell what. uileil me " ' I\.. 11.. A.....,.. o told Dr. Garcia. he went with a party elk ....;.. o..l.- ........t. .m.l. :.. l GIVEN. ttlo Hutton That Interest lvorybod1-- Notes from All our--LII.tIo of V0!)- thlng lzullv Read and Remembered In The Don: Puhllo. People in Winnipeg are enjoying sleigh rides. It is rumored that Fort Yu_kou has been deetroyed by tire. The new Untomo normal college in Hum- iltou cost $l:lll.8!l7. l.ieut.~(,`ol. Bum Hughes, of north Vic- torin, hue left for Australia via Yniicouver. Twenty-ti\'e per cent. of the Manitoba wheat crop has peesed out of the hands of the farinern. An npinion hnndeil down in the United States court of appenln holds that the boy- :-nrl. in run. A lnnvnl wennnn. Bnrnum & Ruling`: (Ill-vun Lean-I For I!1umpn-MAy not (much Two YMIPI. Nnw Yuxk. Nov. l5-- The I-teaunship Mam-nclnu-ems, which has been specially chartered to cnrr_\ Beunmn & B\ile_y acircus und menu erne to England. loft porn but night. for union with all the animals and perfnrmera on board.. The nirmm unnn nver Ln Rurnna nubnt.nn- lU|| Wlllllc llllull HID ! l)r Garcia due-~n't. take much stock in the e-tor}. but. unvn Cuulter i~ 1-lowly turn- ing to e-cone. The arteries me becoming hard like a rock. and ulau brihtlo. Au un- I usual effort. might. break them. n-ays.Lhe physician. and cause the pm.ient'a death. He says the cases as u very cunous one. and the mun u recovery is dou Jtful. permrmera on noun. The circuit guee over to Europe substan- tially us it. uppeared nu the Madison Squire garden lush spring. It will remain abiond lnr one or twu years. It. will show at. the Olympia in London all winter and will travel over Europe after the London on- gagement. ieended In addition to the circus proper a spectacle entitled The Mndhi" will be given in London. This will require the I ('I\'lC(\S of IAIN) persona. Of these. 300 will be lIl\lvl\'8'i of the Soudnn and 500 will be reserves of the English army. Mr Rnilnr Hm nnnnrintnr nf Hm him 3. Mr. Bailey. the proprietor of the big show, sailed for Europe last. month. His iron in-law, Joseph T. M.ncf`.~addon. auyod behind to see to the circus shipped. Mr. Maccadclon will follow the show next. week on the Lnhn. n..-;.a.. .1... ....:...-I- -...a ..........I........n`la. On EHO I;lll'I|'|. Beside the animals and peraphorndlin E-hipped there were thoumnda of tons cl food fm ahem. Of buy alone there were 120 tons Of beef them were 4,500 pounds, with 1,500 pounds of sh. Then there were twenty sons 0! straw. ten tons of bran. 3,500 tons of oats, beside enormous quantities of turkeys, geese. chickens. enr- roto. potatoes. lpploc, onions, boots. cab- bagee, bananas. oruugee. eggs, pears and grapes, to My nothing of thousands of loevoa of bread. Cool Nights Lord Cnrrlngtnn urlnnn An Action Against Finn-nre Blnnnlleld. | l.4)\`lN|\'. Nov. I5 At. the Westminstcr police court. a woman who gave her name lag Florence Sbnmald and um Iddmaa In the St Jollmmxxl district, of London, wan arminged on A charge of blackmniliug lord Varrington. joint. hereditary lord great chnmborlnin oi England. She in n tine looking woman of distinguished manners. Thu urn.-oadinna rhumlnnmi this `AM . thnt. IUOKIIIK \\'0IllIn OI UlFUllRlllI'Il9lI IIIIIIIIIIJT-V. The proceedings developed the fact. that she had sent. letters to lord Carringeon do- manding money. But. in court. her`coun- ml npolog-/ed on her hnlf to loud Car- nngton uni explnin [hut his client. had written the letters under I mistake as to'hia idenlitypu lord Carrringbon was not the mum who had represented himself to her as being that nobleman. Inn! (`an-nnvlnn ulunmd Aver has-inn ngn Er 3|! Kill lllllr IIUUIUUIIIL Lord Curmgton denied ova having noon her until .10 day. The Scotland ynni of- ticor who nrnutod her deposed that she had mid him she had known I man for mnny years who went. under the name of Lloyd and whom she had all along boliovod was earl Carrington. Tho rnanuflnfn rlnnlinnd In nllnw Hm 3|| I \4IffIl\l0l'|. The magistrate declined to nllow the l cue to be vmhdruwn Imd committed the pnuonor for trial at Old Banilvy. ii I Qaadruplcte And`-ten Pnlra or `lwlua loop 3 In ure ..l~`lll\`i;TH\', Nuv. l.'i ~-l`ostmiL-tor E. ` T Page, of Rtdlalol . Texas, will he re- ' tained by lhl! adininii-tratiori. and all be- ` caiire of the birth of qiiadniplete dud urine in line family. : Eleven years ago he was given the pact I ctliiie, bait recently cream have been re- ' placed by a republican. hue appealed tor I reteutioti. citing the! his wife had ju~t pro- aciitod him with quiidruplete, and that . teice beture l.e'in.- had been how to them. ' That` settled the (.'t\PCa ' Mr ltherlea` were on Yale: `trade. I \\'|VSll`It., .\ nr. l-'~ --Sir Charles Tup- per arrived [ruin the aeet on Saturday, and in now an mine to England to attend ~ a meeting of a Klond) he company. in ` which ha ha- lame intareat.-. He eill rail troin New York by the atcaini-hip St Paul. ~ Concerning the Yukon he eaye the Cnna- ` dian government ehoeld at once . to huild a sled road tron Wrangal to 1`ae- ` liu leke. and that thin nhoukl he made into a eiiggnn road in the oprinp.and,ae I-oeti as possible into a railroad. If this is done it II" are the Yiihon treda for Canada: other:-ice the Chilean! Pa-e will he improv- ed.and that route otabliahed. diverting all the trade through the United States. i which their excellcncice. the` verriiin of church prcperty to goveriimental _:,aoe. is dead. The reai-on lor the ahecnce of Cecil Rhoda! from tho festivities attending the; recent opening of the railroad tn Buluvuyo in said not to be diie to ill-health. but to be a part of ya eell orgenixtd plan to do feel Kin-yer in the eleclmii lnr the premi- dency of the Traneraiil two months hence. Dr. Nam-en. the Arctic explorer. lec- tured in Mas-ey hall. Toronto. on Satur- day to a large audience. At the conclusion (it the lecture a reception wee tendered to Dr. Nan.-en at the Canadian institute. at vcrnnr and Lady Aberdeen. were present. Dr. Nansen was afterwards entertained at aiqpper at government houge. A Out-eeaefel Rohhery. hliniiin. Nov. 15 -A great etir has heen earned in police circles over the rub- hery 0! a jewelry alio which occurred at Seville lint night. he jeeeler'e attend- ente. eho were sleeping on -the premises. aeohe thia morning to nd :.hat the r had hceii practically en 0! its at during the night. jcielvy valued at owl Oltlltlhl heiing been talen:y the thieves while they Ilept. They he a large hole cut in the. oor. leading (me: whhh tee a tunnel oouuienirating aith a house in an. other etreet h_erglava_hed heen work: -aa__, ` lay` aw Deon Drowned s0l'TW In.-n. Onk. Nov. I5 -Jo!m .\lc- Knmuu, who vs blunt! to bun hon drowned (mm a area-our while one his way lruu Cholr-"an. Much no unit In hotter bag. can Shy-no gun ol on ad had a vnhund no ch-Hun. n by sad I girl, who live at IR Bush cunt. Ihuoit. Mich. Druid P.. the htothr ol ch -500- Irg Inn. II! can upon.-of Ion patien- luiy. Hi In in tho baht cs! vioiuup is: an unnrnb. in acne putrid Inn Unluc- luusd Ilovueonu-.IloIuI1l|' loot: nch `bl: ' Io Inc in II` 3: .1... main 311: GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. CHARGED wuiWeLAcxMAu.. TURNING TO STONE. LUCKY viii: EHAWFllHll'S {NEWS [IF THE WllRL[l.l I 91 ELEGRAM8 FROM THE EARTI-|'8 E I roun ouamans I Lion. The bishop of the dioceto of Injori, Ba!enrio I-les, who lut September cucum- mumcaled senor J - Nnvnrro Row (met. mini-tar of nance in the cnbmot. 0! Hon. .\I.urce|o do Azmrrngn, for an nllepvd con- property govommemnl : ,||o. 1 `FL- .......n `In: Hun nhnnnnn nf (`Jail EVIJIINIJENSEII PARAl`.RAPHS.| has eughtyduurtlm year, I.-I uoaa. Charles l';dIor, an eighteen your old Hamilton youth.hnnged lmuaulf Sunday on acmuut-of n dispute with IIH hither. Hoar hnnrimr Inn nut. basin as nuccesnfu` OOPIOJCI M I nwgw ll UIUWIIII a units but but life. Clupkll we curling in what in Inavu so Oudorkivfc now ml! _`vhouho|ov-cbatnhncu nndhllon ncir In ot hon av. Tho an I0 running V.uu.;5m.u- u.dhhnhinhI- lot-vcrinncu nun: lb not-lusty ,_.3.:{.'c':.'..*.i`. ".1: .':.`.'2.i:` {What Comes to Us from All : A Quarters. } the hmneru. com is nm. a legal weapon. II hn- Iinnn ri....llu nulrndd that. Lh EB- ICt 0lll|['Ol UIFPIILO \\'lYl1 Ill ! HIUICF. Deer hunting has not. been as successful as unml this year owing to the fm-C chm. Lho uhscnco of snow allows the deer to escape. In is said that Hon. C. II. .\laokint,oz-la`: resignation as lieutenant,-governor uf the north-wont. berncorioa will take eoct on Jan. ISL. ,\ n n l) L... M... ..--:.mA .0 Nnmilrnn Jan. Ian. AC.l`.R. hox cur arrived at Hamilton from Toronto with a lot. of blood-stunned clothing in it. and the pohco are investi- gating the mysmry. Evarv nnllmrv iuthe Schuvlkill region. gating the myscery. Every collwry Schuylkill region, Pennsylvania. shut down Sumrdgy. The length of time they will remain cloeed hus_ not. been denitely stated. I :.. ....:A when I! W Allnn nv.NI l`,. in r I u_-{carat _ in the . occurred at night. ho jeweler`: nothing End shut the had unpuod o! dunng our the in Iluot. which 1 that The burglvohd work- ing on thin tunnel for with. Tho earth taken Iron the underground laud VII fend Ibiddui in 1 third but cum I! um. legal weapon. - I ll. mu been nally naroed that the se- cond Lrul of Luetgern. I.he`Chicago sausage maker, will begun on `.."_`ud met. I Hunru-n \'nr-di `(ulna wufn Of the C810` maker, will begin '.:'_'ua man. Siuuoru Verdi. Roma. wlfa of the cele- bmted composer. (luu-eppe Verdi. now in I his eighty-four! h in dead. (`.)|nr|nu Pmllnr, an niulneen vonr not. been uennueny auueu. IL is said than ll. W. Allan. ox-M.1`., is to be appoinmd collector of out-tom`! at Windsor. The present. collector. Mr. Mar- tin. hmrbecn in bad health for a number of yours. England offered to act. as mediator in the dispute botweon Hnyti and Germany, but the latter refused to accept. the ntfer. The only mediation required is that a'ord- ed by German cunnon. l`hn rnnnrr. nf inntirn Wm-tale. who DH)- ed by Uorman The report. of iuetice Wurtelo, pro- sided at tho Hrouior trial. has been rocoiv ed by the department of justice. 1:. is un- dorscood to bo favorable to the petition or Mr. Gmnior`a early release from pri- nnn non. Ex mayor Stewart. of Otuiwn, who left. Liverpool on Sncurdny for New York. an- nounces that his business in connection with the completion of the Ottawa and (oorginn Bay canal ha been nished suc~ can-atully. A|llI'An!l' Allison. Lhd father 0 Al~ some money. In is reported that Nowfmindlnnd will claim the tight. to be represented at any reciprocity cun`m-enco between Cnnnda and the United Status, on the ground of the treaty of I890, which was"disnl1owed At. Cm-ind|'n request. The London Satunhy Review, which has much inside information regarding South African nairr. believes them in: fair working chance of .\Ir. Rhodes dO'0I|C- ;.... k'n.nm- nmvl nlnnhnw .. Rnm-_ whn will Foot 0! I13 be nmme to me mining Inu-re:-cs. Accoxding to oicinl despotchoc from Simh I foraging party. under major Dor- rieo. had on engagement. with 1 largo body of tnboemon on Sunday. The latter were repulsed. but. captmn ~B.m`mnn, major Money and tour prwotea were wounded. Th. Iuharnl mmdidnm. Mr. l.nvernne. I"_ IU H 1 Zillt ~ B&.uInRIvn.X.\'. Nov I3. -Onooltho non borublo uesdcnu not nr-and in this vicinity and have Friday non- iug. Am a null Junta Can I. who in onployd M I nwyu in id`: nillu. In In mg Qnnhell nation in cesatuuy. Alexander Allison. the` father of Jim lison, who is in Berlin jail awaiting his trial as the suspected nnmierer of Mm. Orr. is taking up subscriptions to form 3 defence fund for [us son. He lms already collected ........4. unnum- Lur morning cmnoo 0! Mr. nnouan unions.- H2: Kruger and electing A Boer. who will u be hmtile to the mining Interests. A.........l:.... on ninnl rlnannnuhnn fr-nrn Monoy and [our private! Ircru wuunueu. The hbeul candidate. Mr. Lu-ergno. was aucconnful in the election in Drummond and ArLhnb.\-kn for the dominion parlir ment. his majnrity ovnr Mr. Noel, the conservative Mndidnte. being l.333. about one hundred more thnn at the last. elec- Lion. -m_- L:_|.-- -0 n.- .|:....... 4;` \l.:.-..-: :,ne. In new. 1 I I0 } hr N.mnn_ tho Amtio axnlnnr. lac. Dull In A hi Illl. no no no no Rev. Ir. Hen-Idge Discourses on Athletics -A Young Ion suleldes. 0'l'I`A\\'.\, 0nt., Nov. l5.--Rev. Mr. Her- ridge. of St. Andrew's church. preached s sermon last night to young men. During his remarks he referred to athletics and said: "Of course the young ynen should guard themselves against excess in this as well as all other things. They should guard themselves against undue roughness) and evil designs imany game. Of course rouarhness in itself could not be prohibited. for after all what was anyjeld game if not rough. But meanness should be awarded on the eld of sport just the some as in the home or -in matters of busi- ......- 13...... at... "And only` trunu nf I-nnhv III we nome 0!` -ln mnueru DI nucl- nesa. Even the good old gems of rugby fo0t.bn'l| was not. mtendod to revive the days of the ghaditorinl arena. and it would not ifyoung men honored and respected each other as they should. Of course one, two. or three men might Ioore their temper while playing. hm. the game could not be hlameu for that, nor perhaps for any one of the other men with whom and ngmuet. whom they were battling for v1ct.ory." A dmmmtinn nf wnmnn. renrcaentimr \'lU|IUl'y. A deputation of women, reprcsenting the local council of women and the various humane SOCI8l.iB! ulliliabed therewith, is to wait upon the pnlice coinmiuioneru vihon convenient. for the latter. for the purpone of urging the appointment of n matron for the police station. Rnnnnn Mnnm. r.vmnt.v.tufn wears nf nae. I`y-`uU&\'v-- 210 Ptlncus psmn. KIIU POUCH FLIILIUII. V ' Benson Moore. twenty-two years of age. who worked in Mn~gzrove'a drug store. Bank street, \\'.1s found dead in the hurtli- mom or his b~)&Id|lIg' ll- )Ul'8 this morning. He left. a note to his oommde. who bomd- ed with him. stating Lhur. ho was tired of life, nnd intended ending his existence. This ha did by II done of prosaic acid. He ` was n steady young man, and no reason is given for his taking his life. /1 -, JV Want A lteelproolty Rgpreeentetlvo. ST. .loii.\":I. Nllil..Nov. ll').-Tho cabinet of Sir James Winter will lormolly assume L-liico to-moi-`row at noon.` Sll` William Wliitoway and hi- colleagues in the re- Liring ministry will resign their portfolios two hours earlier. The new premier will. probably, iinmediately on attaining power. claim a ropreaentation for the cblonv of Newfounnland at the reciprocity conferc. nce between the United States and Cannda.nuw sitting at. Wax-iliington. Ilia juatilicebion for this step is the fuel. than the late James (3 Blnino. when secretary of state, signed nreciprocity cn\`elll.iOn with Newfound- land dated in 1590. The British govern- ment. disallowed this because Canado was not included in its preferential Arrange- menta. Newfoundland will claim that Canada in not entitled to negotiate for reci- procity unloae Newfoundland ie included in the benefit of the 1-bhomo. Buuln llk-tutu To Turkey. CON\TA.\`Tl.\`0l`l.E,Nl)V. l5.-ln connection with the announcement just made by the llueaiauembagay to the Turkish govern- ment. that Russia will demand the unpaid nrrennl of the Russo Turkish war indem- niby if the porte applies any part. of the `meek wu indemnity to the incmue of Turkieh armaments, it in now pointed out. than when, some time ago. `wen. Brinlinont nubmibted to the parts plane for arming the forts at the entrance of the Boaphorun, Russia intimetej thnl, she would consider this a hostile action. In deference to the information then given. the porte abandon- ed the Boaphorus scheme. Running`: nmirlndn with rnannnt tn Hm Cu WHO DDFPIIUTIIF PCIIUWIB. Russian`: attitude with respect to the present. plans for ro-orgnn`1.ing the Turkish navy is considered here a lngucnl roaulb of tborcccnt. policy to keep Turkey wank. Dawson 0Ity'Ne;AI-n - VI-'rmu.\, B. C . Nov. l5.~-On Soturday ve miners who on) here coming out no Sliclnn nlurt. (hot. just before they left lhwr-on on October 4th I rich strike wan made on 1 side hill near Dawaon, gold being found under the moon. A number of nuggets were brought. In. They say the Homlooln river in navigable for bonus drawing three feet. as lower voter. which means that a-Loumera can run from Teohn Lake to Doweon by merely dnechnrging cargo at. Fnve Fingers and making h ahorv. stoppage. Work hu been commenced on thonlouhle Waggon mad which Broohett. and other .\linnenp.)ha cnpiuliau orehui|d- mg over White pus-. A cull Tb A'l..ndon Charge. LuxIm.\'. Nov. l.`n.~-Rov. John Watson. (Inn .\lnrl.~nren) pg.-tor of the: Salton Peuk church. lmorpool, hnn received a cnll from n I'm-h_vu.I-inn church in Remington. the fun-hvnnnble district m London. He in con- sidering the offer and will probably no- cept. it. far ho hum long felt the mod of I humor susgo tho that provincial city can give him. nun--u-nu`: nun. unit In: . us. 'I'\\ run. Out. . .\'n`. IT: --A pmIuh- up orvuned hon only thin: morning on tho 1 Canadian Pumtic ruilwny. Whole Ap- ; proachung the nation Ibo tnin stopped mddeniy. and the tune at can which were an the middle between hon-ily loudtd box can won; taoullv destroyed. The wreck- ngo in being cleared away by train hands. Fall in lino and 5:0 to Gn'|upber`n and secure a Roman om;-o tie. Pouiuvcly tho latest. novelty. " the `Part y orthe Dinner wherever full dress is good form. our DRESS SHIRTS have those lit- tle touches .0! "tailor made about them that add so much to your saustaction and corn. (on C. LIVIIISSIUI & BBO FOR TIIF A SERMON ON GAMES. Clothlun and Funhlcn. lmnnlunp (In The (LP. R. (X . \ ... I`, A 15 and 17 mica St- OPERA go a long way .towarda the appearance of a gentleman. We have received on` new stock and have a remark ably new aaaortment. ' W0 LABOR (X)lI0|Jlf\Us NEW BRICK Noun. mu the torn of Mhd and Prlnnu Mutts. oounininn I0 noun. hot want fnrnuro. and all modern lII.fOVO' non tr unite-I. For 'IIr9IIOl n1I"|0IIll`IID min 3.1`. Tnoumuu. Ounce Prlnoou Chuhnn sunk. M Jmsm am 3 uaau. --...u, `rm Lnmlo Uunn1-u.n-lu-no Prln nu-cot. Telephone nu. Open Day and NI; 9 and Mornings |*r 1-". HARRISON COMPANY l'...I..-o..L..-.. and Iuhmhnlrnnpn W1! nnul IE BURN. 1\I.\m.vm'--At. Deaorontu, Nov. Mb, wife of Thomas Mnlonoy. of I daughter. `Am-m\\m.uv|.'r~ -rm. Deaorontao. Nov. 9t.h. ` wile of Jnmoa Archnmbnulb, or: daugh- tor. D0\'l.l-`.~-At. Dooeronto, `Nov. 10th, vrifo ol_ A W. H. Doyle. of 1 daughter. ' HA u--At. Nnpnnoo. Oct. 3lat,I'v1fo M John Hum. of I non. _ \V.u.vum--Ab Camden Esau. Nov. 5th. tho ...;a.. ll` I`.....-I \|'-II...- nl . .l...n.|nmp no ram hnth room and valor clonal. not bid .~.. .1 water Inn dint mom nd lite-hon. Ron! :9 per month. ne-mun: Inna pud water Apply nut door or to 45 William 80. Manl|es&lackels livery Garment we show is thoroughly UP-TO-DATF`. xx S'1`\ 1.1:, Fru. T.\ll_nR M.-\m~`. /\s to Prices an inspec- tion will tell you at a glance they are right. _ * 1 | @I`Z\'1-1m GAmncx'r nu- l`()l\"l`l7.l) direct from the makers in Berlin. !STEAGY&STEAGY. Dh-out Xmporton Dress (ioonln and NBIIHOI. 7 IIIAAV IV n nllinnnvnna. human uunu-run um nunl.ln--lI| Prtnoou shoot. Oomor Sydonhun Ihuot. Talc phone communication. .293 .05} S|\mo.~:s-In Kingston. Nov. Nth, Elim- both Kinsley. relics of the lste Jscob Simmons, aged 88 years. The funeral private. from her son ! (Capt. Simmons) residence. 00 Bsy street. Ru N0l.lb~`~-In Kingston. on November I.'Lh. Wnllism. second eon of William Reynolds, god twenty-four yesrs. Funeral will save his Iste residence. 8 Fmntensc n-trout north. Tnesdsy ulter- nuon. M. 2:30 o'clock. Friendu snd IC- qusintsnces sre respectfully invitedto astound. lh:\: King-eon. November Nth. Mm Sarah Bennett. The lunersl will lesve her lste residence. .12`: lhvipion street. Tusndsy sfternoon. no 2 o'clock. ` Friends end ecqusintenoee sre rospeotlnlly invited to suend. Rl`TT|tIll`l)|(l|-In Kmgston. on November I In. Jennie. eldost. dsuxhter oi Thoma and Mary Jsne Rutherford, aged eighteen yosrs nnd usn months. Funeral will less-e her father's reoidenoe. Vuctorin streot. north, '1`uesdsy elbernoon st. 2 o clock. F: lends and noqusinlusoee are re-pectluliv invited to attend. .\l.\nm1.:-At. Tyendinsgn Reserve. on Nov. 9th. Sophus. relics of the lame John C. Mencle. sged 76 yeers. IA? l0IlIOHlOl'.'l BIIIOK HOV-*3. N 3. NI, niuuuod on Barrio Mn-00, upnonllo tho Crick-t. Find `u lately Mon pm. In no! Noni! Noni rnaoublo. Applyto J. IV- 1011. Hoslny `o . Olly. BRICK H ('83. N0. In IDLDORNI I'l'.. In-two-n Dhrvioucl Dlvi-Inn Mnohxl .5 huh and clonal. has had . 3-`I wuor Iarlo dlnlnz I) with both single um doublo nongvli nodal-n nonunion:-co. at 3 Que: Blunt -I. .|. . LJ.J'L.L\L\J.L)\l.LV \J\l.lll.L 15` J. Fmlertaiu-ru and Emhulmon. 838 sud I85 Ppnuous Street. `Phonon:- Wnrorooun. O0. lluuhlouoo. M. Open lay and nlghm. nnmnouuunurn ".\\\'l.I\' l\l~F.n1.n'n-0n Nov. l00h. no Sulby. William H. Huvloy. Alnoliunbur , Prince Edward county. to Mint Annie . McFarland, iohmond. LARGE P`l'RNl"H|-ID NOON IN CENTRAL Im-slimy. moulu-n lmnr-Wolnontn. private home. No I Brick Tornoo. opposite 0%. Pull`: Rnlnhnth School. Inncnol Shoot. Iucx HUl`.\'I\}, l!Ilhl\'l~l0N zmuurr. A1` pruont orvupkdhy Prof. Day. Iodgn. Gun venlnuvon Mu Water Ifumnoo. Toucan- Inn In Soptunbot. Am-ly out door lol- ll. Wnutn. . IA? HIHHODIOI`.-l BIHOK HOl'-`X. N V. (`.pl.-L1 [ind `Hm: lnhlv O-can Inn. in lnnl Are one of our Specialties. sitting for :15 you in- triends . at `6AIunxn.E\" mi i_i5lT-"I'ln both slack and hail. nnugil nodal-n aonnnhnacn. O1. 11. s. s. coiis-ETT. Fl'NlCR.\I. |l[RE(`.'l`0ll. 281 PRINCESS 8T.. Kllm.-at.-|u_sl1m\na.~.nr I0 W. I. Dronnnn. FWO LAM} Mann-_ non: [ha rumor n! Klh and `V AI.luIc--nu ulinuull nluu. nuv. uou. wile of Fred. Walker. 01 I daughter. lAD|E}S7`AN%DfH`|l[lHEN'S Wjlhhil. W-E AT HER PROBABILITI EB., PNICRAI. llIREC'l`0ll. 281 PRINCESS 8'] Kingut-nu.auooaa.~.nr [Enid Shin Studs 4 P. M. mDI'rxo1~i. sunvmse 1,000 Yards of Evening Silks St. Lntvu-onoo (upper):-Incrou- ing easterly to ooutherly wlndo. unsettled with ulcer. and ruin.` higher bempenburo. HENRY BRAME. I I--nn--ng --u A uh -I--A `ans. REID, . nnn..--..--n 1 TEE? TIM Dally Rob Book l`oI".Whl[ lemon To Pool Thomnolvoo bv. Fourth annunl excursion to Boston Tuesday. . 'Pnmr.ina Bows noemblv in Wum hull `Prentice Boys ugembly in to-night. V Hon:-.Hnrmony mule quntetto and J.B. McKay in Congregational hall to night. Lu-.t.urn Chalmers church to-night. "Ire- McKny in congregational mu co nugux. Lecture Chalmers to-night, lnnd And the Irish. Rev. William Pat- A000!) HICNEBAI. `FIN \Nl'. (INN Wnu umlerntnnds cooking who on umlrr nurse (Io-`nl r.-forence-a rulmrml. Apply to Mus ENHLIHH. Ra-yul Miliunry Uullegu. ___: .- h EN AND WOMEN Wm) (MN WHKK hurrl talking and writ:m`alxhours1lnily, for six days A week. and wnl m mutant with tun dnllaru we-okly. A.l.lro=ss Nhw Imus `n.. R 11: Corner BA: and Richmuml Sca..Torunm. (Int. TANTKl)-~ Hl(il>l.HRAlIE WOMAN Ulf go--dc-hm-r-h numdlng willing to learn our huninous. than to not an Mnmuxer and (`ur- raunonrleu`. hora: ulnry .-!ll| KIWIO.-0 no-lt- ncidrvuw-1 utnnnrnecl envelope to A 1` Fhmm. (lone:-ml Mun-mar. box A. mun |'nlly Wmu. Inn Inc-n. Hum On an! 1: Hum: or and (Torres- uuuloom In-re; minty 91-nn m-lune :u-|f-:\d- c-on-ml -mnmpul nuvnlnpo in '|` A. I-`.I.nI:u, Uommtl Ioumu-r. has A van Dally Wum. _ Knowing well that 3 pleased customer is the best advertisement, we tornon. Tl. GO TO UANAVOQUE. A GOOD (WINE- ml S-rwm-. Hunt ha a goo-l Lnnndre-4|. Apply to law. |lowA'I'. I~0_Jo-wanton she,-n. lMDY& 001 \ NTRD THREE LADII?-.\` T1) INTRO. ulnnea bun ohnld work. Splendid ro- tnrm to competent. paraonu. J. Uu.l.uw.n, Toronto. -:_ APARTNER. T0 lN'I`R()l)l'(}E A l'.:~`It `- Mue.~x patented uruoiu in Camus. also to um a Canadian patent. Addmas PA- ncxr." Wum 0rh_u_o_. ___._________.._?______. "IL? Illthl Ilhlt MEN IN EVERY UL nilnmloup or travelling: to Introduce {D V c -noun. um um out show mu-dn II` at Inn on Iran. folvmu and hridgm tlmmallnut town and ouuntry Hrndy am- ploymom (Jommlumn m salary. W5 per uunun and upnnnu and mono: do-pout! Odin on bank when uhnod For pau-tloulnn 6 you mu Wullm Ixuutu. liucmuc 00.. London. Ont . Gamma Give special attention to the selection of choice, soft.well dressed skins from which to at Closest Prices everything desirable in mnmufnctured Furs, from a dollar Mall` to n South Sea Seal Jacket. a fur-lined Wrap or n Gentleman's Fur Coat. In purclmsiug I= none it is well to remelnhcr--&lmt tho moto natural as well as the safest. place make a selection is in n Fur Store. 'H|rdwood Floors nu permanent and will Int. nllfotime. They no becoming popular bocnuso of their beauty. durability uud rlocnlinonn. \lVL.. ....> 5...... an; in u-nun all (II "Ar. E W'AhThI|- KN I1`.XPr* l(ll1`.N(7El) G \NVA.\`S- or to trowol and nnpninl up-nts. No 1-anvn-using Wulury and expeuees mid. THK DuAI>|.n\'-(Mirarrnmn Cu . mmm-d. ummn. TH9_s:1u911.N5.| __: \"ANTlCl|-~NlUH-(lRA|'lt MAN 0! GOOD l`hlll`1`l\ uh-Iniluun, willlnu to learn mu- inn-W uni nulnlulll, In-n-: nnlury Fur Garments in the various fashion- able shapes. n j A IeEuH&EMILL_s ml Ior T See samples and dssigna at the pncticd maker!- Ihe Carnovsky Company, I 32 UN TAHIU STREET. 1`PI\nnn `I I Iocur `Thoma 14 [ (|1Igo)joI>I_gg; -- VVAN'1 lcD- lNl)L'H'l`RlUl'S MEN OF CHAR- Inter. Tn: l.ms'n'r1' (`um-AN\'. Toronto. ` DAROUETRY FLOORING | cnnpers Am: BUT nsmpommv. .We will make it pay you tn give us an ordet for Wall Pa;er. Fumes or Att Pictures. Photo- graphs taken in a1I the latest styles by th: new process. PHOTOGRAM! teiid sending to the holidays. I The Best at <`*.*.`~.\-':,';.*_"* TUESDA'Y," X30 II: ' `$111 -" In I. I. llDl`RR`8 Pmvorful karmic End had A War spcvuclo. an 0-: D0 .1 IO! UIIIIIIIIVII VI lII\o away a A Thdlltna Nor: nf0ho0 3 Rnhoiunn o! I85-. A scenic display 0! mural Install-, of those 1 lloholunn M A scenic display naval mogul!- mro \. iho Itlo n! ma mu-h-wi-Al, arr. unu- .pono.-I VIII l~n|.:I- and intotulmc unabl- hox For no (Inn! manor: -9: 0 Thu nlnn vullmnn hnndsn ll I(.`t.ln. M tip` 30! no Qnnnn `we Thu pill vnllnuou Inudm` -u ICI. Ill. Saint`.-. Pm-on Li-. 5 1- and `f. --. A (hand opportunity In obtain an Men M Bnclnndk Tnrrihlo BA-I In-hun Wan: The Talomnl Young Amer. -_ jg`.-n--n-1 J V` If \`|WKI(`I.\ Shan:on of the Sixth ! | n 'I'L-l|u..- _.A._ ..o.L- 5--.... n..)..|n`.\n Al nn-uh ma. -cut. w, J. n. warren: ._ #1-- - _.. |-.._ l.._O-.A- In lingo..- WWCII IFC |-In Q non.-udnnk-all DON T` NEW sTORE.} TIKXI Vll XIII. W C. -u wniluou in doing n In: lap In-hon lnlbntou the-coup IN nu won-Ital and noudiut __.-.._A_nAA.-II D.A.WEESE gco The Guardian" `GU00 HENEBAI. `FRY \N'l`. ONE WHO mule-r.tnml: cnukimx ma c-Ionnnnons. Why not but one in your lhll or rat" oxmfniou GENERAL uounnwonx Apply M 193- En! M-rsu. `Bl FER`-I WANTIW TO DO COPYING AT 5 hum--. l.A\v()nl.l.I~:uL`. l.ium.0h|n. WQ" i3i"."'"u=$"c"$'\K}":-ii R. . -.. -tr`:-I n ,, ,_p._n n-._|;-.x- I`- HE*525'3sk~ s.I I70 ;N:IlIngton Street. FIRE AND LIFE COIDAIY. in rnurifiess s1naTar.i LOCAL MEMORAN DA. UMake Up `-Beautiful And M?-.i{n Our patrons are surprised at their superior quality. We are snrptised to nd the de- mendeo great. There is a eurptiee in note tot you if you try them. Leave your ouler. xocper lb. {, NOV. E. insmuncu s1mesmnN| Sir Wilfrid Demands Concession For Concession. The Meotlng II sum to linvo nun Arnngul In London During the Jublleo-8u' Luulu Um-Ion states It In only a Desire to Pro- judlco `tho Pnsnout. Vnn of the Dunn- dh|nu- Export: on Heal Llfo Hold Boo.-rut Ileetlngu WAsnI.~u:'ru>z, Nov. 15 ~'l`ho abatement wua mude nn SM.urdn'y that the present. visit. of Sir Wilfrid Lnurior. the Crllldillll premlenand SI!` Lnum lhvnea was arrnnggd as London` during the queen :-jubilee, when comeroncea wuro he'd bobween lord Salis- bury, Mr. Chamberlum. u-ecremry of auto for the colonies. and the Canadian oicmla. General Foeber. the American seal com- ...;-........... ..,.... in I......a.m at the nuns and the NIIICBIOII ot the Lnnuon annnnnueu. The statement was called om. by the min apprehension as to the olcial character of the present visit. The Uanadian visitors have been annoyed nu. reports telegraphed to Canada to the ellect that the visit was arranged by a private gentlemunof To Ionto, who was in Washington recently. When thus report wan czsllexl to the at- tention of Sir Louie DAVIOB, he laugh ingly etuted that it doubtless was Ill- :-pued by a desire to pn.-judlce and belittle the preesent visit III the eyes of the Canadian people. Without I0 llecting on Llnn gentleman personally. it was stated that he had no part. in bringing about the want. and that the arrangement had been made In London um..- .1. nI...u. nl Ihn (T xnnrn.-\l`| nnnl.in- In men [lFFl|gL S VIEWS] REGARDING Mn. LAURIER AND THE cnmxomu MISSION. " seal missioner. was in London at the Lima was appxinod of the proposed Vislb and of of the Landon authnritieu. 'l`s... _...p....m..o. u-....n..|l.+dum1. bv the had been made houuun While ihu plunu of tho C.madiiin contin- gent. now in Washington in connectioii with the seal conference are not nally xed, in II! the present expectation that Sir Wilfrid Laurier. with Sir Louis Davies and hinperronal following, will leave Wash- ington on their reuirn liome Monday or Tuesday. The experts on soul lilo for England and Cimndii, Messrs. Thompo-on and Mucoiin. however. will iemain here for 1 time, pursuing the conferences in which they are on aged with the United States experts. `lmy will resume the session to-day. , Run-mthino of the view taken of this ewm nun. N0. aims. ho-day. Something of the Canadian miaaion by our government. per hapa maybe gathered by the following ut- torancoa ola high administration oilicia| who has had dealing with the Canadian .....u~u..- . premier: Sir Wilfrid Luurier has not only been received by the government with great consideration, but lute made an excellent impression upon all the gentlemen with whom he has come in contact. A.-. a staunch Cenndien etnteamen he neturally demands concession for oonceeaion. At the some time he hurt shown I liberal spirit toward the present plan of increas- ing the commerciulintercounue of the two _countrie.-. and it he meets the views of the United States hall way there is A very fair chence of removing from the present eld of view the mostimportnntqueetione which have produced so mych irrmmon between the two countries during the preceding period of cont.-erutive Administration in Canada." -In... u-|..:.... .4. mnnfinn u-an mallmed n uv nu. promier : "Sir w Cunada." The Behring pea meeting was resumed I at the nut department. at. elc-\'on rfclock I on Ssturdny. It was soon determined that. the comparison of nalustical unfonnsstmn an to the seals could be cnrnctl on inform- ally by the experts on theur quarters at the Shorehnm hotel. on well on at the cube de- partment. The experts. therefore. tem- pnrunly Adjourned to their prwnte rooms. where the conference pmceedod. By Counmen-lal And Pnlltlrnl Relation- ahlpu Between Countries. Ln.\|m\', Nov. l5.-Tho lhnly Chronicle in a special article on the meaning of Cana- tlnm negotiations at. Waahtngton reviews the pant. commercial relations between Canada. Great Britain and the United States and says. Important. communIca~ nun: have passed during tho last. few (lays between Downing sweet. and Ottawa. and the cordial mcepuon which the Canadian mmuoteu an mo.-etunz at. the hands of the \\'nahangton ollicuala and the -American preee makes it quite |!0!!lbl that we are on the eve of A moat happy change of au.i~ tude Iowan! one another of three coun- tries. TL- __:a_- .u....\l...I. La Annnipann- "ll . "IQ " The writer concludes by onquinng: "Is I C-umdiux rv.-cvpmcnty mun us to Lake the Inca of exclusive preference for Grant. mun? 1!. would duuppomt. muny in this country. but the quantum must. be noted in the bmnd light of .-\v_nglo~:\muicnn ro- latione. No on: will deny that Canada. the l'uitod States and the mother country have each In mom to gndu from closet in- tueoun-c thnn by the pm-cm. policy 0! colnnorcinl and polmcal exclm-ix-omen." `tho Oceanus An lirvntly Agllntul. I4-st:--.\ ..\'ov. l5.-Tho Buhn conce- pondonl ol thc0hIIen-or syn umllbo arri- val than 0! Hon Ludunt. whom neon! Im- lurhlimpnnonvnunnn Hugh hm euund the lncuou Intvroon I50 German and Hay- uen govotunnnu and tho recoipt 0! Ha)`- mn hownpupuu Inn nally incn.-and the excitement ol the German pusplc. The Cbnviuu past. that Punt corriipmdonl adds. to completely hands all and do use-do that romoshmg he done. no the honor and ptuugo of Germany no .. unto " n-rm. L._.. -1 .L- 13...... .-u..'.. " oh. unto T "Tho {poor of the Gonna empire." the Bus: up. "nut to uhnoniod uguntt I can-mp: npubhc 0! black; II no enlist iuvndynn mm out go." . Loxmx. .Nov. I.\-Tho Rona cowa- pu-dem oflho Duly Haul -ago: A mph lime mlutu- no thus the neon! null ol Fol. Schtuntqluoo. Iilntary attache 0! lb UQIQIII oulluoy II Paris. has nu! pig- nulicanco. It who in to the dvncc tutor rouhun ol Ibo oupwm Wuhan. In odd to hunt. an mtnnnmgly duvgotou was lion. mhml Sehatunhppua hung the pawn tho nogouuorl no purchnohho non: duunum vb-ch Id In the ends.- unt-on cl Ihpt I)luh&' Cell for just n little re in your grate. You waste Cual at this time unless you uaeour Straits- ville Conl-prinonpully because 3 smaller volume ofit. will hold the re. There ere other re - none; aome Ooula. ere call " Slnituvillo" by courtesy. What we offer you we have handled. exclusively, for years. Call Ind hear all ebout it.

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