Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1897, p. 1

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W .lnIIng A onrvoy. Wmrm-m, Nov. 6.-`l`. B. Tyrrell, of` tho goo! ncal ourvey dopartmonm. Ottawa, rocnrnod 5 night. from examining tho country botwoon~Lako Manitoba and Lake Winnipog, mnnin on far north no Fair- ford rivor. M r. yrroll como woot loot Auguot with Lord Kolvin`a party from tho Briziab aooociasion gathering in Toronto. and oinco thacftimo hao boon ontin the dia- trict nonti to dotonnino oxaclly tho char-actor and alno of tho ropk fonnationo undo:-lying tho diatrict. -and tho ooilo ovor- laying tho rocko. s, The French Quit. L.u:os, West Coast. of Africa. Nov. 5 -- The French forces have evacuated S-ki. on: of the poets in the Lagos Hinterland. oc zupied by their troops. in contravention. it is claimed here, of the Anglo-French agreementoi 1889. As soon as it was an- nounced that a French extpedition had oc- cupied Saki. governor McCa|lum, the British oicinl. under vhoae jurisdiction the place is situated. deepetched aloree oi Britiah troops from Lsgoe to Saki. On the arrival of the British force near Saki the French troops retired. Jenn In A Blrd. Bl`rF.u.o, Nov. 5 -Jean Benham, a pie.- zer of Howard llcnhnm, recently convicted of murder at Bntmvia. came to Bullnlo a few days ago to enter the Holy Angels academy to cake 3 two yours courle in music. Jean has a will of her own. and states that she won`: go to any school when they have to go to bed It nine o'clock. Yeoberdnv morning:-he was when by her mother to Whitby. Out., to Whitby `adios college, but the atrictdlacipliue car- niei out. in that institution was also too revere for the young lady. "and she return- td to her home in Bntavin. A Younz Ohlld Know Nor Her Mother `: u Deed. Winn.-ion, 0:19., Nov. 5.-Mrs. John'l`ay- lor died very suddenly at her home on Chatham street yesterday afternoon. Cor- oudr Bell wu called and decided that death had occurred fully four hours before his ar- rival. Heart disease is ass-igned as the cause. A pathetic incident in connection was the nding of the mother by her infant daughter. and the attempt of the little one to awaken her. Running to the street and crying. she informed u passer-by that her mother would not speak to her. She then went to the home of relatives. who accom- panied her to the house to find the diother deed. tuonuaru Iallroud Ion Probable. Sn Fun:-xsro.'Nov. 5.-C. H. Wilkin. nan -..l-o-..n .h n! AL. -`-1.. Al _.'|...J General Illles Wants the New Federnl Building Protected by Gatllngs. NI-zw Yunx. Nov. 5.-A despatch to the World, from Washington. says: Gen. Nelson A. Miles was asked last night to give his reasons for recommending the fortication of the new federal building in Chicago with Gatling guns. He said : `There are nine places in this country where the treasure chests of Uncle Sam are located. and for the past twenty years [have urged the necessity of protecting those depositeries with the most approved pattern of rearms. Whilel was in Con stsntinople the details of the attack on the Turkish bank in that city were related to me, and broifgllt back to me the necessity let some means of defense for the public institutions of the United States. " Ill` UUIIIIIUIICU Ulllfllln I The first eiecu-onucion that has taken place in this dim-ion occurred last evening in Hull. the victim being Henri Arnell, aged eighteen, who resided on Duke street. Arnell was employed by Mr.Bluis, of Benin street is a driver. When putting up his horse for the night he somehow grasped I live wire and the electrical shock killed him. He was found dead in the stable with an incandescent lamp in one hand and the other badly burned. UUIII IIIIIUU III IIKU LVIIHHI UJU ulabflub. Complaints are still being made here that Prof. D'Arcy Thompson. the Britiih expert, has been acting as Washington in such a way as to complicate matters for the Canadian government when the approach- ing conft rence abartl. 'l"L... n..... .....-.........A:.._ .L..;. L_- A-I_-._ IIIIU N155: IIU HID KU HILUF In (D6 398-30. The Ill umenb in the Onturio appeal re- garding t. a common lchool fund was nish- ed in the supreme court yesterday. Judg- ment was reserved. Than. -.-a `nnur .nnIIn..A:...._ L... .)2....-.... aululuu. A supply of the new hell'cenl5 postage stamps has been forwarded to poetmntera today, with the instruction that they are only to dispose of them after the old ones of the eemedenomination have been Ill mold. The principal changes-.in colors are with reference to the one and the five cent stamps, which in the new issue will be primed in green and deep blue respectively in accordance with the regu- lation of the universal pose union requiring uniformiby of color `in regard to certain stamps. _ T, G, R.nl.l1wnll, law r-lav-I: nf Hun inknrinr 114/212 M col auslups. T. G. Rothwoll, law clerk of the interior depaxtmenc, has returned from the Pacitin coast, where he was on business with the department. He was a commissioner for taking evidence in certan disputes about coal lands in the Nanarmo district. (`Ana-\In.'nbn ..-n ab;" L..1..... .....,l.. L--- IIIIIHUGT OI WHO WUFI. . Mr. Torte has been detorfed by difTer'enl: CMIBQI from taking his proposed trip to Europe. He has not yet nally given up the idea. He may go mar in the seuon. Tim In-anmnnr. in the Hutu-in nnnnul I-A. IIIUIIL WIIH FUBUTVUI-In There are four applications for divorce billstobedonlt with by the senate next session. .......J... 2.: AL. ....... |._u _-_-. __-.-__- 'rhe'Appo1ntmem of n onap1uun-ur. Tarto Ecanm uo Yet. OTTAWA, Nov. 5.--Rev. F. M. Finn. of Portage It Prairie, has begu appointed chayluin of the Manitoba penitentiary.` T m nnnhrnnt. for the Cnmnn mmnl chard mm mm on one nuumonn pemuenuary,` T re contracts for the Cobeau canul guard `lock has been given to Mr. Maodonuld, the contractor, for nh construction of the re- mainder of the work. _ ll. fl'V....L.. L..- In..- J..L......-.l L- .I:n`.-....L TO wnxen]-ten MZMMA. FOUR WAANT nnvorcss. Rouili on CHICAGO. =f.a`a*.:-~---W- Alnllp than Twelve Ilnueo. BIIu.I.v,_ Nov. 5.-Tho Schwu; dum- niun airship tted with u lnmim motor wuguuhd todayog tho Tcmplobof old in tbopnuonooof I numb: of punch sod thoohiof ol tho or-y ninhip depart- nont. `n uinhnprou, thouuntl loot. ' :...`...`;.'a."`..`." `'....I"`!""""" an 3 initho `strong wind which . ;supod- zlouvuanddud to In pruyucuo Our patrons are surprised at their superior quality. We are surprised to nd the de- mand so great. That is a surprise in store for you if you try them. Leave your order. we put lb.. Itols Illls no PI-nod. \\'n.xwonm, Out. Oct. 5--Whils st rsysr meeting luc night Willlsm tickle. s lsnnsr. who livss shout. two miles from this wills Isle his horss sud ban! in ths s of tho Ilsthodlsc church. Whsn tho msscinc wss our in rsturnsd to tbs sheds for his hotss snd hull. but found that they hsd mysteri- ously dissppssred. Upon inrestigsuon ho found that s mun suppossd to he tbs this! Ind lslc tho villa s and nou-sus 0! him has as yst host: (on . V ` ' more popullr mm we maunmu clauu. There will be ademonalruion tomorrow evening to welcome the Victorian: condi- dntu on their rotnrn to thin city. TIER Fiah bu Appreciated in ulna twenty cent: per qninul in the local Ihuhota and I further ndnneo in in` proopact. Thin will and to nuke the new onrnvnont will more populnr wixh the in untrinl cluou. That-n will ha ndnmnn-I l`AI.inh unrnnrrnn u OppoeltI.;n_l`nrther Itrengthened. Sr. JoHx`.~a, Nd.. Nov. 5.-All the re- turnn in the general election me now in. The district of St. Bu-b.,the lent to be heard from. hue been won b_y Mr. Bred-V ehuv. A member ol the opposition petty, bye mniority of 250 over Mr. Panone. editor of the Telegram. the government organ. This places Sir Junee Winter. the leader of the oppoeition party et the heed olnfollowing of twenty-three in the en- eembly. u e Iinet thirteen followeu of Sir William hiteIvey. the preeent pre- mier. IIIIUU IIIHI IUVUHDUUII IIIJUIUU. The Spanish government is determined. in the case of the American schooner Com- petitor. captured in Cuban wuterain April, 1896. to maintain that the Spanish otiicorl acted correctly in making the capture of the Competitor, and that the protocol 0! 1877 solely referred to American citizens residing in Cuba. IIIIIIUII (ll UIIUI". The Chesapeake & Ohio vestibule ex- preu, known as the l".F.V.. lrom Cincin- nnti to` Wuhingtnn, was wrecked nonr Old Shudwell. ve miles! out of Cherlotteaville. Thursday afternoon. Four persons were killed and neventeen injured. Thn Hnnnhah nnvnrnrnnnf. {Q Jnmrrhinn IUUD UUIUWH A young man engaged as atenographer and book-keeper for Hebron Harris. Or.- tnwn. in in jml accused of stealing 87,184 from his employer. It. is believed the young man will have 0 satisfactory expla- nation to offer. NVL- IVL-__..--I... I. l'\|..` ..._A:L..1. __ wauuw IUIIUTIIIB U! ILIIITIIKUU. The amalgamated society of engineers. Londori. lmaiasuod another manifoato su- plicabing the workmen of Great, Britain, Ireland and other countries to provide 350.- UUU weekly todofend trade unionism. Rlnnrf nninnninrr nnnnn that {hand}: nf UUT Ul IIHU CUIISUFVIUIVU UIUU unu H UIIIUII. A. 6. Fraser, London, has entered suit for 815,000 damages ngainat the street. railway company because he fall or was pushed of!` a car on Saturday and fell through A bridge to the ground. thirty feet below. A . . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..-..I -_ _A-....._..-..L-.. UUU WGGKIY D0 (IUIUIIG EFIIUB unlonlam. Blood poisoning caused the death of. John Tracey O'Brien. st. London, Tuesday. He was bitten by a dog a few days ago and blood poisoning set. in. He was a mem- ber of the conservative club and A mnon. A I` 9---..- I ....4I-.. L..- _..L__..J -..ZL Laundry Soap 7 bars for IOC, 15 ban for zoc. ' Toilet Soap 6 bars for me. Brown Windsor 1c bar. Matlame Roy's Complexion Soap IOC box, or 3 for 25. Hazel Soap IOC box. Millinery Specials. Mantle Specials. IIDOUIID T(([llll'B(l. The Progress de Velleyeld speaks in severe terms of the undiplomntic language ul urohbi.-hop Clesrv s recent. pronounce- mom. forbidding Catholics to Attend Pro- testant. lunernls or marriages. Thu nmnlonmnunri nnr-intv nf Anuinnarn IUTTUII (ETUUIDUYI. The Went. India company's list of shares closed on the London market yesterday afternoon. The applications for bonds and shaman were from two to three times the amount rtquired. Thu Prnnmn dn Vnllnvnlnl nnnnln in Illlll .IUIH4l'UIIIn Oscar Hammerstein. proprietor of the Olympia music hall and the Lyric theatre. New York, made is general assignment yeaterdey. Hie employees are made pro- ferrod creditors. TL- ``];.-L 1.4:. ................I- l:-L -1 -L.._..- IIHIKHUITIEIUII [Dr IUD Inaurgenbl. The Fnrab regiment-. Illinois National guards intends celebrating its twent. -fth anniversary next. year by an extends tour. which will embrace Toronto. Niagara Falls and Montreal. I\-...... ll_._._..--L...'.. .. .... ..:-L.... .2 LL. PFICU DGIDK IDOUD OlUU,UUU. The libustorin steamer Dnuntlesl has returned to Key ecu irom Cuba. having Iucceeded in landing in cargo of arms and ammunition for the insurgents. Tho First-. rnoimnnf. Hlinnin Nntinnnl yUlIl ll I-UU\U|`. Joseph Quenneville will apend the next the years in Kingston penitentiary pon- dering over the meaning of his recent operations in horse esh. 'I`hn Mnntrnnl Pun-in nnrnmaflv nrnnn H1: UIEHCFUB bllllb BIIU III! UIIETCU (U IUUPU HUI". More than 60,000 persons will directly or indirectly draw psy from the city in the first administration of the mayor of Grunt` New York. A .`..A.`p2._.. .'.. L-:..... ..:.._._I..L...'I .. I)...._L UPUFILIOIIH lll HOTFU 11631]. The Montreal Pabrio earnestly urges the French Canadians to seek British Columbia instead of the United Staten an n eld for settlement and conquest. Thn Hull nlnnlhrin nnrnnnnv whinh fnr EUDIJIUIIIIUIID unu uuuquuuu. The Hull electric company. which for the pass few years has leased the Aylmer branch of the C.l .R.., has bought it, bhe price being about $100,000. The lihmalnrinn ntnnmnr Hnnntlnnn hnn WISE HUHJIIIISK l DUCUHLUUII I/HQ CUIIUUIWUUIIUY. Mrs. Celia allace. a wealthy Chicago lady. has taken ~~uch a fancy t.oEv|ngelinn Cieneros that. she has offered to adopt her. More than MHKMI nm-nnnn will rlirnntlv can always. be supplied here. Men's goods 25c to $2.50. . Ladies Underwear 15c to LVUW IUTK. A pecinion is being circulated in Brunt- ford asking mayor Elliott to allow his name to stand in nominncion for a third y9I' RH ma\'0l'. Jnnnnh Llunnnnvilln will nnnntl Ll-in nevi`. A. hotel mm in l;ecerboro was yesterday ned $40 and coats for selling liquor on Sunday. Sir nnnnld A, mith kn: fnrmnllv d. Dununy. Sir Donald .A. Smith has formnlly de- cided that his new title will bo Lord Scrathcqns. AL ALA Qnutl. {\..L..-:.. I.'L-..-I ....... .4 DUThUUQlI5- Ah the South Ontario liberal comorvm tive convention Thunday Charles (`Alder ~ was nominal l boconteoh the constituency. Mrn, nnlin Wlllnnn A wnnlthv nhinnun Llttlo Intern That lnmroll lvorybody-- Noton From All our---Little of Ivan- thlng lullv Road and Remembered by The Dean Public. (loodorhnmi distillery will remain closed for on year at. least. possibly two years. The lmnlx of Nmm Rnmjn will innrmnn l0!" 5` ylll` lib IUIIUTI. p0CIl0ly CWO yfn The bank of Nova Scocia will increase its capital stock from $1,500,000 to $2,000,- 0_ -~ lcnnnsnsen PARA[iRAPllS.l TELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTW8 FOUR QUARTERS GIVEN. [NEWS Ill THE WIIRLIJ. What Comes to Us from All ,, Quarters. rt: uvmesron & anal GtNT|_[MEN S in:-znie us one puma '5 `me BEST or EVERY- THING IN uy mu nnrmony uulo qnartono. Cherry. Almond cream. ninplo hon-bon- nnd our chocolate wolnuts. Englinh coated butter-Icotch in only a sample of confoc- nonory we carry. Try them. It Frank- lin o. The choir of Queen nu-cot. Methodist church has been invited to (lnmnoquo on chunkrgiving day, And will givo 1 conoort than thus night. They will be Accompanied by tho hnrmony nub qnartotu. Cherry. Almond nrnnm ....-.|. |.....,|...... .1-nouuvuutlvl -Ill'IlQl'Ill. Bl-2!U.|N. Nov. 5.--Tho Rbeinieh mil- eioneries. N iee end Henle. have been met- dered in the Chineee province of Shea Tang. _-,.._. III; cargo or (halo. Furrr wll.l.lAM. Ont... Nov. 5.-The ebeemerAme1.on in how of eteemer Bul- garia loll. yesterday with the largest. ergo of when ever I-hipped from this port. She contained 210,000 bushel: load- ld bl? [ha Nnrthnrn nlhvntnr nnrnnnnev Depth 0! Dr. Iurplly, CHATIIAM. Ont... Nov. !i.--Dr. J. H. Murphy, one of Chat.hem'e oldoeb medical men, expired last. evening After 3 linlering illness. Dr. Murphy was born near Humil- ton, and during the American wnr held in position in -the Army as physician. He wee iifcy-ve years of ago And had bden in Chntham about thirty years. In. Bertie-y_.`-(DA! gervibnrhnm. llnrrled. Biu.\'1'mnu, Ont... Nov. 5.--Mra. Marie Harvey, Indowof the late Celeb Hartley. of how Durham. and for whole murder ehe was tried and ncquimcrl. was married recently to Matthew Rhodes. I weil-to-do farmer 0! Huxley, a widower with one daughter. wrgv n wuunu aver Iunppe ll'0 u m In ad by the Northern oleutor company. To Colleot Their own Inndl. STR/rnmw, Ont... Nov. 5.-At. 3 meet- ing of the Stratford council A resolution was passed to petition the la iuluure to make such alterations in the ac ool lows. so _ as to make the echool boards directly ro- nponsibla to the electors by having them levy nnd collect taxes` for education`! pur- panel. A copy of the reaolution is to be submitted to other municipalitiel with I request for this npprovol. _. ... -..,,. U 356. ' I Corsets 50c. 7 5c,~ $l. Nlcw Yonx. Nov. 5.~~Wit.houh vrarning. the bottom fell out of wheat; Thursday _ morning, and pricee sustained heavy breaks all along the line. attended by excited apeoulabive trading. In a space of ten minutae December here fell from 99 to 97:2. and in Chicago from 955 to 92. part. of the decline being an the rate of ball a clip. A eucceeeful bear raid by Chicago operator: designed to catch tired long: were the only reaeonabie excuse olfered for the demora- lizabion. Towards noon pricee rallied somewhat on rm cables and ooveringamong the ecalping element. Clothlenand Punblcn. flqlmm a nu uuu; l|Il'IlI1IIlU|I. Cum Si-mun.-4, N. Y.. Nov. 5.-Thereie little doubt that Felix Belte, of Montreal, who was found dead in the Hudson river on Monday. and whose body is now in a, vault in Poekukill, was a messenger on the N \'.C. train which was wrecked neur `Garrison two weeks ago. His watch had stopped at 5:50, which was precisely the time the disaster occurred. The coroner`: jury. which held an inquest lub night, found that Belts came to hie death at 0 time and place unknown to the jury. Coroner Apganwho has charge of the case. received I telegram to-night from Balm`: wife, dated Montreal. stating that she would come to Peekehill tomorrow to claim the body. The nding of Balm`: body increase: the death list of the din- aeter to twenty-one. A Race Uonne syndicate. Dic'rR.'0rr. Mioh., Nov. 5.-Acconling to the advices from Nashville 11 syndicate headed by Walter 0. Palmer. of Nash- villa, and George M. Hendrie, of this city. have secured control of the race tracks at Windsor and Fort Erie. The Palmer uyndicete is pledged to give only twofreen or twenty day meetings durin the year. The syndicate controls the Hiugland pnrk club of Detroit and also swings the tracks at Toronto, Hamilton and Mont- real. It is the intention to form a circuit of the cities. The sport is to begin at T0- ronto in May and continue through Ham- ilton, Fort Erie. Windsor, Detroit and Montreal. In the fall the some circuit will be covered again. Vnllpu nave Instructed their solicitor: to sue for Dumegea. A MON'FREAL. Nov. 5.-C. and N. Yallee. proprietors of the Queen's. have instructed their solicitor: to enter three lotion for damages ageinut the Richelieu and Ontario nevigetion com ny, an I consequence of the meatrates decision yesterday. In each case $5.000 demugzee will be asked to olleet the lone suffered by the hotel in hav- ing its representative, Mr. (lleckmej er. ejected from the company : steamer: on August 17th, 26th and llet lent. . III`, R. R Rwnn n nu-ndnnrn nfihn near. Joseph Fortior, who ten years ago stole 81,200 from the Banque l)u Peuplo here and escaped to Europe is under arrest charged by the Chicago police with steal- ing $2,000 from show, McCoy &Co., of Chicago. He will waive extradition pro- ceedings. JXHKIIIII III-D, ZODD anu JIIW I535: Dr. R. B. Ewan, a graduate of the modi- cnl faculty `of McGill and tho Wesleyan theological college. will leave the city shortly to take up missionary work in China. 'f..-.....|. I'.`..-s:.... ...I... A-.. ._-....- ...... -A..I.. Ono place wbro gentlemen can 50 sure of hnving their um gntiod with the like London nnd New York nfylu. one plus when -you can got the but Iain ; lI\|il'Ilin the city. Bottom Fall out 0T-W-hoIt. . \' ,., ._ \v, nu cur-.u . llulonnt-In lnrdorod .. IV- - mu 9.. . sausm Tl-no Body ldentlul. I......... . \Y I` \r,,, n THEY HIT BACK. FURNISHINGS. l W%U&.lIw%Io- I ouutclnhuunlvj L A AA`; *`_'r-!'!?'S'1F !'*P1"1> Don`: sleep all morning. Get n good ALARM CLOCK. It in just what you Want to gofto busi- ness on time. . ` _ Our-C`l-4:-It save made I good name for tlacmoelvcs by the Itin- hctioxg they give. .3. .- ..,...__ _.._._ -.._. Iolooud Azcnumu Nmu-rt. Mm. Nov. 5 -10 I large and onth.u:;uu'o mtobzting 0! lift ! =I0|Il'holI yon ay or pupae nolnnllupn standard hunt {or Bouth Bnndco. I`. 0. Fovlor. of Wnrunun, wu CIIOOOII on tho nnnnd Inllnt. ruvuur. or w I second ballot. unnnrnnn urn! on AUUU-lUl.lA'l' with both ulnglo god do blo roonmv Inodorn oonvnlonooo. M. II! Shoot. .._.___._j_.__.--______.... I El.P-RELIABLE HEN IN IVIIY ID- nnlltnloonl or cnvolllng; to llntodloo IDOW discovery, and loop our show and. (mind up on tron. tumors and hr! throughout. town and country mood on- ploymont. (zommluton or salary. on montn and expenses and mono: deposit- odln on bank when I`. card` For portlolllrl ndrlnu m: Wnlu) I IOAI. lucnlo 00.. London, (in! . Onnndl. . BuAaf{nnii out an AOOOIIODA D both and Noll. II oonvnlonoodu Ihut 2 7ANTItl)-1IlGH-GRADE WOMAN 0! com! nhnra-In mmdlng willing to loam our hm-tnmw. than to not an Mnnuov and r- rmmunalnn`. horn; ulnvy I900 llnolou no f- mhlronmri stumped onvolopo toA T luau. (lenorul Unnugor. box A. can Dally Wlllo. \ ANTED-Hlul4l-(IRADE IAN OI` GOOD ohumh utundlnz. willing to loun our hu-lnou. than to not on Innnlnr and 0on0.- ponda-nl. hero: nnlnry I900. nolou I! do (honed ulumped onvolopn to T. Lwa, (lenonl Innuu, box A. one Dnlly MEN AND WOIEN WHO (JAN W081! hurl mun nml wrlelnmnlx lmnn dull`, for six day: II wool. and VI 9 (wanton! wit ten dollars: weakly. Addron Nuw lnuu 00.. 3. 1;}. Connor Bay and luchmoml 8I.n.,'l`oronto. n . --u AN'l`ED-AN EXPERIENCED 0ANVA8B- or to tnvol and Appoint Agents. o Mnvn-using. I-lnlnrynnd ox nun rid. I BRADl.N\`-(IAlIll|\`.`l`I(IN ()o.. 1. mind, oronto. \VAN'rIn)--1`llRlll: LADIES T0 INTRO- dunon hm:-ohold work. Slondld ro- nu-mm competent. persona. J. ALLUWAY, Tornnto. . I ' 7 if - MEN AND WOMEN WHO In-Ml I fnr alt minus u cant --..I -.II - ......4-..A ._n -1: dul ._ mmslclmu WHERE A PABLOR MAID In not A Iy In tho ovoninj to Ills. Smurr. at Hrs. uuklutouh. m liar! Strut. I'lllC(l \.aUI5|:l.5 IUI `/39 . All popular Corsets in stock. Underwear Needs . [N THE CITY. A BLACK OOLLIE with yellow u on on bond nnul brunt An` short. tail A an tnlnlo round will In given for hor return to Hun HABKNIIBI. \ AN'l'ED--'l`HREE Bylondld 1 turn: On ntnrnn-Onnl Iunnlxuun I . n - ..- . .. Wu:-annual! nvrnmu IJETWIEN Dem Hanna and Willlnmuvlllo. In ENAM_E|a PEARL BRICAH1` PIN. Tho n or will kindly leave ut REID`! IAT Ilunnrr. T F. HARRISON COMPANY lhnlnu-r.nhmm AIM` Inmlml-n... can ....I an SAND.`l~-In `King:-ton, on Thursday. Nov. ma, I897. Ethel Gertrude. youngub d ghler of J. S. Bands, merchant hi or. Funornl private. at 3 o'clock. Suturdny nfcornoon. W-xnnwcsmv nvmmo an-rwnx Upem fl! FNAMIII. DEAD! nnu-Aum nlu 'll.. 11.. -_ _%__.._ ` ANTlH)- INIIIH-WRIOUH MIN OF GRAD- ` actor. Tm: I4lNlI1`U'l"l`CU|ll`AlY, Toronto. uuu u .. unwnnvnu, Lnmna Uunnnnn an EuuuIn- I Prinoou stunt. Corner Bydonhun that. phone communication. ' ---1-ju IIABIIIID. l)omucCI.nu( -M. Cape Vinoonb. N.Y., Nov. 2nd. Men Dodge and Mnrnrob E. Clark. both of Cape Vincent. N.Y. The famous Compton Steel Filled Corsets for 75c. A`! -.-..`n- PI\FBQ`Q `ll lffll! THOS. H. J9_[jNS.l T 3.1-..-` J. .1. . .L.L41L\.lI\.l-D\J-LV U\Jl.J.'$.I.V 1 Uuulortnltoru and mbnlmorl. I83 and IM Prmmm Street. 'Phono|:- Wuroroonn. I0. Ruuhlenoo. 91. Open day and night. -.:7_i7i lSTEAGY&STEACY. Dlroct. Importers Drou Good: and Iunu. Sb. Lnwnnco (uppor) -- Winds incrouing to among bntuu or modenbo gala. outorly. worms to southerly And uonehwuutly hit nnd milder today, than booomin nhownrv. - - [III In nhowory. They are made by the Celebrated Leigh Mills '00.. of Bradford. Eng- land. and are Guaranteed Un- changeable Dye." 1 5 v Thoroughly Shrunk." Will not change color if boiled in. hot water, soap and soda." ..m| __ ,, -n . . u - -- They will be for beauty and dur- ability the most satisfactory dress a lady cum wear. "They will not spot or cockle if rained on, or shrink when washed or wetted." Enough vm~iel.y exists in this store in Tailor Suitings to {ill a whole newspaper page. Smooth kinds and rough kinds-Camel`s Hair Clxeviols. Silver Sergea. and, by the way. this Serge is made principally of the Finest Molmir, which gives it 8 silver- liko lustre. ENAMEL Plcluil. BREAHT Thond: kin-Hy leave Inn lnluurr. 7 PRICE INDEX ...j.___.-_.:. ...._._..__ _.:. .Z..f 'JAS. REID, Tn! Lunno UImnnxn-Iu-Iu Prlnoou Itroot. Telephone uh. Open Day and Night __:._.__..__.__.__..._._.___._.. \ OIYSICIAII) WHERE A PABLOR Annly ovoninn to nu. B.'V0lVom1V\g"o3nts' for Kingston- WAKE UP! WEATHER PROBABILITIEO. QQRICS roll. I : 1- . -1 4 P. M. EDITION.` HENRY BRAME, Huninmn run A an D-- A `WANTED. 'i=Joi 'du'ee'n'E 'iI )IIlll'\\lD Q "L081-. - vvu `-vv- TILIPHONI I. Children's Ties zoc and 25c. `New Plaid Ribbons 25c, 30c. u.,:.:'" F leeced Underwear 5oc to $2. IWTHE DAILY BRITISH WIII(I. Boys Ribbed Hogse toe to 25. Ladies Cashmere Hose 15c to UCo Gir1s'_ Cashmere Hose 15c to 64TH mun. _NO. 253. PHOTOGRAPH you in- head sending to 1 'ends 3} the hqlidays. ' Best at To Saturday Needs put off skting for` nl`I\Av\no SURPRISE CARD OF THANK8. IR PIIIY LSD Int J NIWIAN chant Obopooplo 0! Kingston (or their kind acuity and goodness Io than; she that tho hind tlbplo who \-mud Ir. Nov- non Inn Ouonl llugiuhu -all In on- lulhdrobllcothluno the nuns than oblyvunod Ion Mu. 1&1 -CLAR DIE!` AND IANTLI IAI- , I . Ivculncmatunou promptly Man I- 0` log! ` us; and [hung on shortcut nonco- All ma. ol Pntu-nu hope on land tint- elau Dnuunhu wunod at om-0 French Canon ny-Ion huh {no for baluu-0 0! to ya; i 0 nylon 03 [uncut euulv 3 alight. Ifl I 00.. I IOOIIUII It. Kllflton -., ncv. I.--. W. Ark, I Id!-how: jhhii-djhting DIOR lo Ilulsh. Prion-Inning. lo. 511- and 15.3. lnlnoo. nlulu llmnblltlnll 151:. to all both 0! homo. T0 ma moves OF xmaston. Soap Bargains. I lnfrali-3 tho funny side 0! mo on the mi! 0 I-`nnnh-:1 lull: out soono over mounted. the Biggest Locomovlvo. the Grove-t Como-ly Micah. and I Company of Ilpoolaluu who wlllptuont ugurllina um! -. Might workl- Ihnund min provoking duntnonn. All of which events fun. but and furious, from nish. PIlnnn-Ivnnlnn. n. Am and 151 Inna... ll nu vv-unru I IIIIl-1: glgum Tnhclzo I Qauuotnz I I\J"I-Cub`-an-1 _l |gon9rai-3 the funny side mo the r oml broom j_._ I A. Q. SCAIl02I' (X)!-PANY In the Big ` Itoolho Comedy Production. L-T jjjjjflij I Iv IIIV I-lvvnvla VI 5-av vs`, v- Kingston. ANS.` AND GKNTIJ-IIKN :-AT THE Ill- ; quest of I lune nnmur at Cizonq I hnvo do:-mod to booolno u msnrllda-to for the posi- Mom of Inc: `or Ill 1! I Am oloctod l nlnll do my boot to till tho pmvtlon with (audit to the city and to your nniuhwtlon. I All you vote unol Inuom-o In my hvor. To the Electors 0`! the City of the city and nsuhfnvtlon. you IIIHIIIIIPO my In the new umvl null omluovor to nah I personal clnvsu of H10 city. You: truly. J. B WALKII. cordially solicits the sugport of the Electors as a candidate for the IYIAYORALTY OF 1398,] "D6_N-`T Alderman Charles _Livingston| Carnovsky F actory, - Send them to MURRAY. We guarantee to give perfect. satisfaction. New Carpets out and laid. burn `an: N.ll.`._.l-Nov; W. Now is the time to have your Car- pets cleaned. Danna) Inthoo nd Inning. low. 0. --_._ -.-----V v- u-------_-.. IIST-Olallii Dll AND IAKTIJ IAI- Inn. lvnnlnn:-nu!--an nrnmnnr nnaml. his creditors. A meetln of his Creditors will be held at `the odlco n the undermined in the Lity of Nlngnt ~u on MONDAY. the Fifteenth Day of November. l89`l.|t the hour of \h'e0 o'clock in the Afternoon. to receive A utatemeut of Affairs. to nppoint inspwctors and fix their remunerutiun. and for the ordering oi the al- fniru of the Estate generally. creditors are reuueuted to tile their v-lniml or lmloro the day of such meotimz. And notiooillnrthar alven that after the lllth. Day of lflovomber. l7<'.v?. the Ass none will proceed to diutvribulo the assets of `he debtor amongst t_ho portion entitled thereto, having regard only to the clnims of which notice uhlll than hnvovheen given. and Ihnl he will not In liable for t- 0 unota. or any port thoroohuodintril-l1le<| to an` person or per- Ionn of whose claims he uhnl had notice. A. B. (`.UNN[N()AI Assionoo`. not. than Imvo, the Estate generally. creditors requested le thelr with the Asa! nee,,wit.n the proofs anal partl- culers t.h'e|-eo requlrei bytha seH Acts. on helore the day of such meetimz. And liven Too {trons To Carry Coal. I ` under R.S 0 1887.0. 124. and Amending Ach. of all his personal estate. credits and eoutn to the un Iorslgued for the general benet. of creditors. A mnutlnu of his (`.1-nalitnrn will be held At mwam MATTER on` FREDERICK or. man. maonvxwr. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FRED- erick Ollord of the City of Kingston. in the County 0! lhonteuac. can-yin on busi- ne~a aa.Boot and shoe Merchant. a the said Cit. of Kinnton has made an assignment. run or R.S 0 1887.1). and Amending nf nu his mu-nonnl aunt... affects NOTICi3WTO clifrons. NEW BRICK RESIDENCE. 11 l`.lUU`\l'4, H0 1` water heating. bath, oI:c.. nah oors, ex- tonnloulltchen, o. 178 Barrie street. near comet Union Street. Mont modento. A stable Ind drive house will be erecoed on the vacant lot ln the war if desired. Apply to |m.1.s kcuuumumu. nan. NOV. um. __ Opening of W. .J. Wooiso & Co. n new store, 121 Princeu street. Saturday. THE STORE UN KLNU S1`E|'l`. CORNER of Brock Stroownow occupied as I Butcher nhop Pnsusslon January 1st. Apply at Will!) Ofliuo. KICK HOUSE. I81 DIVISION STREET, AT present occupled by Prof. Day. Modern Conveniences. Hot Water Furnnno. Possess- lmwlst. September. Apply next door toE. . I-zncn. HAT CUIIIUUIUUS BBIUK HOUSE. N J? 98. situated on Battle Street. opposite the Cricket Field. u lately been put. in cool reouir. Bent ronsolnblo. Apply to J. HEW- TON, Hosiery Co . City. W0 LARGE CXJIIUDIUUS NEW BIHUJL Homes. near the corner 0! Alfred and Princess streets. containing 10 rooms. but water furnace, and all modern improve- mon ts: lighted. For further pnruloulnru ubplg to Ins. . 0. Tuonwros, Cornor_Prinooss an Chathnm Streets. - llllI'I I XIIIIIU Ill 01-`! UV IIIIVI II! III In Thnlr who: have to do It. We want men for onntollun who Inn too much rand for than when Iomnkqthom bpnu of burthen. but will Ill their stout and lumaou with our (Joni Tht Bulk." noon. Remember the Ornnge social And hop,city ball." Nov. 5th. nnnninn M` W J Wain & n_ n nnw THE srunlc ON KING STREET. CORNER nlmn Pnsusslon January Annly LARGE l"L'RNHl-[ED ROOM IN CENTRAI. locLll_t.y. modern improvements, private home. ho. .1 Brick Terrace. opposite, St. Punt: Sabbath School. Iloutreal street. HAT COKIODIOUS BRICK HOUSE. nu-Ir-.h.t Find. Han lntalv boon nut. R W0 LARGE OOIKODIOUS NEW BRICK Prinnan Streets. uoncniniua rooms. `I'M may mm nooiior Wu; nokapn `to Post Thnmulvu bv. Bide Tracked matinee Saturday after- noon - Dgmnvnhnp (kn rnnnn nnninl Anrl hnn nitv I32 onmiuo smear. `Pinon: `H. Carpet Department 306. EW BRICK RESIDENCE. R0014, H01` wnter hentinl. bmh. oI:c.. oors. RICK HOUSE. 181 DIVISION STREET. AT nranont occunlod by Day. line. A. B. CUNNINGHAM Anion `, 7.) Ulnonca Street. Klnnton. gut. In I mun who in strong enough to pin! I Col day. or "hold out" a hundred pound! Ian I nonulo of Coal too huvv to me. LII unlngn Ln-A on An IO `U. xnnb Innn LOCAL MEMORANQA. Danette:-I The Govornngut. Loxnns. Nov. 5.-'l'ho Homing Post In I diupl: ododitorinl. band on tboroport the ing fun-that will he done for the piano: in the Boodno. dououueod the gov- :-unpnt for "in unlottunoh loan in may and block on the lndun frootior An in to procrutinhion and not who the II Refund The Peulleu. Wum.~u:1-ox.Nov.5 --'l'he'Uniud Staten nipreme court lun re(ueet_i_the petition of 8. J. Ritchie for: writ oenioreri to bring hie unit ngninet Jnmee B. Icllullen en.) othentrom the circuit. court of nppenle {ronthe einh circuit. to the supreme court. It. Ritchie in e citiuan oi Ohio, and his case involvetio an enenube stock ol the Scmtiou copper company. wboie stock bed been placed u eecurity In I Ritchie to the eiinnt ol about $2,400,011). Ritchie alleged that his riglpu had been denied him in circuit court ol nppeele when the decision wee ngninet. hill. SIm'FnA'.\'rm-n, Nov. -t.~-A letter wee received here today which gives an ac- count or the trouble encbuntered on the last trip of the American sealing echooner Holden Fleece. On Sept. 8th the captain with eight men in three bouts drew away from the veeeel.nnd being unable to nd it. eteered intothecoeetol Knmnchatlgnally landing on a very desolate beech. There being no food. a eucceeelul attempt was mode to reech Petropauloveli. 200 miles duetent. llerethe men were erreated for poaching on eeel preaervee end compelled to work in a etone quarry until lihereted by the Britieh cruieer..Dephn'e on Sept. `27. The captain of the Daphne persuaded the Rueaian authorities 30 try the Americene and they were acquitted on Oct. 3. vvoicou molloury commission. William Cremer. the former member of parliament for the haggeratown division of Shoredhitch, editor of the Arbitrator, and retsecretary of the international work- ingmen s association and secretary of the international arbitration league. sails for New York ,lrom Southampton on Saturday next on board the American l:ne steamer St. Paul. Mr. Cremer said he was the bearer of and would present to every senator an address to the United States senate. signed by uver 7.000 workmemeach of them being an olcer ofatrades union and representing alto- gether 2.750.000 British workingmcn, urging the conclusion of arbitration treaty between the United States and Great Britain. Mr. Cremer added : "I can say on reliable authority that some months ago a new arbitration was briey outlined. Beyond that nothing haa been done. Tho Tldlngn or three Bonn Lon st E- IIBO COIDPIBHIE 0l"lllCll ll wueu: 0| uuuruy. A parliamentary bye election was held yesterday in the Middleton division of southeast Lancashire. to fill the vacancy caused by the recent death of Thomas Fielden, conservative. who secured the seat ` at the last general election by a majority of 805 in a total poll of l`. ,6."iiI. The result of yesterday : poll is the victory of the liberal and radical candidate, Alderman Duckworth. by a majority of 300 in a poll of ll.6'. S over the unionist and conservative eandidate,William Mitch- ell. Mr. Ducltwortli s poll was 5,964 and Mr. Mitchell's 5,664. The constitutency has changed about more than once within the last few years. It gave a liberal mem- bers large majority in 1885, before the home rule split. It returned the late Mr. Fielden in the following year, but threw him out in 1892 and restored him to favor in 1895. Mr. Fielden s personal popularity was the principal element in his success, and this unionists could not carry over to Mr. Mitchell. the unionist candidate in yesterday : election. The bimetallist question played con- siderable part in the contest, and the Times, commenting editorially on the re? sult of the election, says : The unionist. defeat must be regarded as duo in part to Lancashire's disappointment at the gov- ornment s rejection of the proposals of the Wolcott monetary commission. William f`,i-simnr, than fnrinar mnmbnr nf uer. The Times to-day generally points edi- torially that "three such apeukere defend- ing the policy of the government on the same night. savers of is waste of energy and it would have been better to spread it. over a moderate period. The Morning Post. also complains of"auch a waste of energy. A nru-Ii-mnnrnrv hi alnntinn Wni held Mr. Balfour at Norwich roundly do nounced Lord Roseberry s statement Mon- day night at Manchester that an imperiul zollverein would weaken the empire in- ternally and excite the permanent hostility of the whole world. He said In is no concern of foreign nations what we do within the empire." He announced that the government had no desire of aggression on the north-weet frontier of India but sought only to maintain the present fren- tier. 'l"l.a. 7I":...... on Jan 1-Anni-nlltv nnintn an-H. EBMHED, Three Prominent Speaker: Defend the Policy on the one Night-To Urge an Arbitration Treaty With the Lnlted Staten - Wlll Breaent. to Each United Intel senator an Address. LONDON, Nov. 5. --There was a flood of political speeches last evening. Arthur Balfour, the rst lord of the treasury,apoke at Norwich; Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. the chancellor of the exchequer, spoke ah.Shel- tield; Sir Joseph Chamberlain. secretary of state for the colonies. at Glasgow. Mr. Chamberlain : speech was an elaborate de- lence of the general policy of the govern- ment. Sir Michael Hicks-Beech, who was the principal speaker at the cutlers ban- quet at Shetlield. maintained the attitude he assumed two years ago that England wanted reform in military matters rather than an increase in the army, which he called the costliest in the world. He said that if it could be shown that an increase was imperative the nation would `cheerfully pay the cost, but he was by no means convinced that a mere increase of men and expenditure was all that was needed. M- n..u...... -5 \r.u....:..I.. ........Aln do [DEFEND nuam PIJLICY. WHAT ENGLAND DOES WIT !-IIN HER OWN EMPIRE. rcunuznus nu NHllN.l Ministers Maintain the Attitde They `Previously Assumed. HAD MAN? 1- RO(UTBLE8. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. .FI,hD.A.Y, NOVEM*BER 5. 1897. DA.` lllA.'(l'l' Uo V70 0-D- . vvu|m- oon. uniaune ebb? ol -the order 0! nilroad conductors. bu u-n'vod1rom hudqnhrtcn in Chicago. Be up ha ha not come was to udjnnt. grievance: among members of tho various division: has and icons matter: in which tho urgnnintion in lntarutod. Mr. Wulkinnn boliovu within I luv months than will be A big fodontiodol all the niltud hrothothoodu ol the country. cu.tTIn|oIAllunu. Bnux. Nov. 5.-'n.. ncil bu n. _hauHb3I-agtuhuunul 8|,` beau 06' tboulin ponyw Tho oonpln van , n ::y-Mods. but an no: running In lp than tiny. Tinctu- orduolumcoon out. am y Uomoot tho I i dn......n..an.ann .|....u ad L...

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